#faron the water dragon
baileys-writing-desk · 3 months
The Afternoon Sun
Four was gravely injured in a monster attack, and it took everything Hyrule had to save him. Two days on, the smithy finally learns of the strange place he’s ended up in: Faron’s basin.
(This is concurrent with The Morning Sun, but it can be read on its own)
In Four’s brief moments of wakefulness, a strange blue creature towers over him…and there’s water all around…he’s in water. Why?
“Don’t worry, Link. You’re safe…”
He has no choice anyway, the smithy remembers as he floats in and out. He can’t leave…he doesn’t know what’s going on. Briefly he is met with the blurry face of the veteran standing in front of him, but even that doesn’t last long as his eyes slowly slip closed again.
“No- don’t fall asleep…yet…”
The next time he stirs, his body is still overcome with weakness, but he has gained just enough awareness to truly think, of what in Hylia’s name could have happened for him to end up here. He whines as his mind draws a blank.
Then a voice sounds from above.
“Ah! Back again, little Link. You with me, boy?”
Four slowly peels his eyes open. The familiar-looking giant blue creature from earlier- or at least a blurry distortion of it- peers down at him from above. He’s still partially submerged in water, with dark walls curving up over him in a circular shape.
Where…exactly am I?
What is that thing??
He grunts, trying and failing to blink the blurriness out of his vision. His body is still incredibly drained…although he must have been asleep for quite a while. The water drips and ripples slightly around him, as the creature extends her arm forward and dips what looks to be two fingers in. Testing the waters, he presumes. But why? Why is he in water?
Must not be regular water.
“Still warm enough…” it mutters, raising its arm back up. “Boy, please speak if you can hear me, will you? It does no good talking to myself.”
…But what kind of water is this?
Four hesitates. The creature wants him to speak; he must not leave it waiting.
“Wh- who are you…?” he croaks, voice incredibly dry. He tries to clear his throat but simply coughs instead. Damn…All this water around yet his mouth still feels like a desert.
“Ah, I suppose I have yet to introduce myself. Now that you seem coherent enough, I shall.” The creature’s blurry face begins to focus a little, showing dark eyes and purplish lips against the pale blue. Two long string-like antennae wave around the sides of her head. “I am Lady Faron, the Water Dragon and warden of the woods. You, young boy, are in my hall within the lake. Now don’t worry, you’re safe here with me.”
Faron…He’s heard that name before. But where…?
The smithy frowns, raising a hand out of the water to touch his forehead. “…And why am I-“
“In my basin, you ask?” Faron chuckles. “That one’s easy. It’s to heal you. In case you don’t remember, you were gravely injured.”
A faint memory drifts in, of his inability to parry a monster’s sharp blade. I was stabbed.
“I…I do.” Four groans, eyebrow furrowing as he starts to make out more of Faron’s features. “You…saved me?”
“Now, boy, don’t give me all the credit here. Another of your companions used all his magic to close your wounds. That is what saved you. But you were still far too weak….” She pauses. “The water you are lying in is my sacred water, which acts as a healing bath.”
Another of your companions…
Hyrule. It had to be Hyrule.
He drops his hand back into the water, noticing the tingling effects of the dragon’s magical substance.
“So tell me, little Link…how do you feel?”
“I’m…” The questions swim through his head. Where’s Rulie? Why does Faron sound so familiar? “…I’ve been better, just so tired…”
Is Rulie okay?
“Are you in any pain?”
Slowly and gently, he shakes his head, being mindful of the dull ache. “Where’s…Hyrule?”
“Oh, him? He’s resting with the Thunder Dragon in his domain. Don’t worry, he’s in very good hands. Lanayru’s grown quite attached to that boy.”
This must be Sky’s era, he realizes.
And something comes to mind about three guardian dragons…Lanayru, Eldin?…and Faron. Of course. Water Dragon. He blames his muddled brain for not putting the pieces together earlier.
“Is…anyone else here?” he manages. “…Legend?” Yes. The vet was here, right?
“I’m sorry, I don’t follow.” Faron frowns, glancing around the rest of the hall which Four cannot see from the basin. “It’s only you and me. Well…and my Kikwis.”
Your- what??
A small splash comes from his right. Slowly the confused smithy turns his head, as far as he can without dipping his face in the water. Something is there next to him. Something like…a very weird-looking- what?? It stares at him with cute eyes and chuckles, opening its bird-like beak slightly.
“Wh-“ Four startles. “-what the hell is that thing??”
Faron only laughs. “Ah, little Link, I assume it’s your first Kikwi encounter. Now don’t worry, he won’t harm you. If he does, boy, tell me and he’s dinner!”
He coughs from the effort of raising his voice, gazing at the little Kikwi playing in the shallow water. What even are those??
And what was that about dinner?
“No…I won’t eat that…whatever it is.” Four mutters, turning his head back to face Faron.
“Oh, you wouldn’t be eating him!” The Water Dragon grins mischievously. “I will.”
Suddenly it all clicks.
It’s her. Faron. That bitchy dragon who eats things smaller than her. And Four is quite a bit smaller—
Oh no.
This can’t be good.
Too weak to sit up fully, he flails his hands and attempts to scamper back, startling the poor Kikwi. “Nonono…” he squeaks out. “Donteatmedonteatmedonteatmedont-“
“Hey, relax!” Faron’s eyes widen. “Did I say I was going to eat you?”
“No, but…I’ve heard things-“
“Of course you have. My Link must have put that idea into your little head.” She scoffs. “Four, I won’t eat you. Take my word.”
The smithy takes a deep breath, laying back down into the water, exhausted from the energy he had just used. Beside him the Kikwi chortles.
“You promise?” he asks, almost in a whisper.
“On my life.”
Wow. She’s serious about this. He still doesn’t quite know if he can trust her…but it’s not like he has much of a choice. The walls of the basin are far too high for him to climb out, and she most likely wouldn’t let him leave in his condition.
He lets out a long sigh. “…Okay.”
I guess I’ll trust you.
“Well! I’m glad we got that sorted out.” The Water Dragon laughs, then pauses to think. “You’ve been in my hands for over a day, it would be a shame if we didn’t get along, now, wouldn’t it?”
Four slowly nods his head, feeling the sacred water continue to gradually lessen the ache. The Kikwi steps closer to him and taps his cheek.
“And me too! I’ve been by your side, kwee!”
Wait. Did that Kikwi just talk?!
He gasps in surprise, wide eyes staring at the small creature. “You…you can talk too??”
“Ah yes, they can.” Faron answers first. “I suppose that’s a detail I should have mentioned before.”
The Kikwi giggles. “Sorry to startle you, little Link. I’m Machi, kwee!”
Machi. What an interesting name.
“H-hi…Machi. It’s nice to meet you, um…” The smithy hesitates. “You can call me Four.”
“Like the number, I know! How peculiar. Where did that name come from, kwee?”
Oh Hylia…Four groans in displeasure. Now is not the best time to explain the whole story of the Four Sword and how he can split into four people, it's…Too much. Far too exhausting.
“Now Machi, don’t overwhelm him.” Faron’s voice, for once, relieves him. “He’s too weak for explaining, that can come later.”
Thank goodness.
“Oh…my apologies, kwee.” Machi’s eyes droop slightly, and Four briefly reaches out to pat its belly.
“It’s okay,” he mutters. The small Kikwi smiles before stepping back to glance up at Faron. Why do they say ‘kwee’ all the time?, he wonders. These little creatures are quite peculiar.
Four takes a deep breath, resting his eyes and letting his body relax once more. Normally he would be able to deal with all these new discoveries; he would be fascinated at Faron and the Kikwis and their ways of life. He would ask Faron why this basin is clearly made for her, and if she’s ever had to use it. He would leave the hall and take a swim for a while, studying the marine life in this unfamiliar region and telling Hyrule excitedly about his findings.
But he is far from strong enough…nowhere near his full self. That will all have to wait, too.
“Little Link, you still look quite drained.” Faron comments. Yep, sounds about right. “Perhaps I shall leave you some space. The more you rest, the quicker you will be healed, boy.”
He blinks his eyes back open, giving the Water Dragon a slight smile. “...Fair enough.”
“I’m sure Lanayru will come by soon. When you’re better, he can pick you up and take you back to your little friend…Hyrule.”
His heart flutters at her mention of the Traveler. Magic exhaustion, he remembers. Rulie has never been out for more than a couple days…he should be waking up soon, right? I hope he’s okay.
“How- how long will this take?” he mumbles. “...To heal, I mean.”
“I’ll be straight with you, Four, the wounds you sustained were severe. Your friend’s healing saved your life, but I estimate several more days before you can be up and around.”
Well, that’s just great. Looks like he won’t be leaving this basin anytime soon.
At least Faron and Machi are decent company. He’s heard scary stories about Faron and her threats to eat almost anything, but at this point she clearly won’t do it to him. The Kikwis, weird as they are, seem quite nice. And he can still hope for visits, from one of his brothers or Lanayru.
“...Okay,” he answers, nodding slowly. He can hear Machi playing in the water, still by his side, while Faron grins.
“You’re a strong hero, little Link,” she assures him. “I have faith in you. Now…I’ll be right back, boy. Please let yourself rest, and don’t go anywhere.”
Four chuckles at her comment. “I won’t, thanks.”
Unless someone comes to take him from the basin, he is most definitely not going anywhere.
He waits for her to disappear out of sight, listening to the sound of her diving underwater, before letting out a long sigh. The lingering tiredness is beginning to win over once again…
You’re safe now. You’re okay.
As he slowly drifts off, he pictures the day when he can finally reunite with Hyrule and the others.
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link-is-a-dork · 8 months
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baileyboo2016 · 2 months
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Doodles I made in class a while ago!!
(click the readmore for close ups)
also if youre reading this l.b. i put that cause it stands for lanayru boo im not referring to you lmao 😂
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Heehee 👹🫵
(you remember what day it is, don’t you?)
Make the reblogs normal to get your friends :)
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doodlesbf · 1 month
My au doodle of Faron the water dragon of my sky hyrule.
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lithi · 11 months
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“Weirdo” “pompous creature” “self-proclaimed Demon Lord” 😭
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frie-ice · 2 years
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Here are the parts of Lake Floria. You are told how to get there by a Kikwi named, Yerbal. Then you open the door, dive into the water and there you will meet a Parella named, Jellyf, who is the leader of the Parella and the servant of Faron, the Water Dragon. Follow her that she will take you through under the lake and take you to Faron.
You can take the long way to get to Faron or to just go through the cave entrance next to the waterfall, AKA the entrance to the Ancient Cistern. These images can give you an idea of what the lake and the entrances look like.
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Skyward Sword Zonai AU!
The Dragon Spirits! It was very fun seeing how I’d combine the look of the dragons from Skyward Sword and Tears of The Kingdom, they are so different.
They’d be a little confusing in this au, since their elements don’t line up perfectly in between games. Ignore the notes of the first slide, I was trying to figure out how Lanayru and Faron would work with their regions basically being opposite!
Lanayru would be the spirit of Wisdom with the element of water. She is a strict teacher and does not tolerate ignorance or laziness, so it’s a bit of bad luck for Link to come across her first in his journey at the Lanayru Great Spring.
Eldin would be the spirit of Power with the element of fire. They’d seem laid back at first until it becomes clear that they are simply uncaring for mortal lives that mean so little to them, only respecting those that stand out among the crowd.
Faron would be the spirit of Courage with the element of lightning. Once guardian of a vast jungle, his domain was the first to be destroyed in the initial war against Demise, as his love of mortals led them to congregate there in the lush land and invent amazing technology with electricity. He is deeply kind and grandfatherly, carrying with him a sadness for all that has been lost.
Levias would be the last spirit, that of Hylia and the element of wind. He is calm and jovial, content to let the bustle or mortals pass him by. While not a dragon himself, Levias would still be powerful enough to produce a Secret Stone like the dragons, granting Link the power to confront Demise.
{Zonai Designs} {Shenanigans} {The Beginning} {Fi Design} {Finding Zelda} {Meeting Dragons}
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ezlo-x · 4 months
Is there any au specific info about the golden goddess’s or hylia and demise (I really like your btw)
I got stuff the golden goddesses’ dragon counterparts hope that’s ok
With Dinnral, the gorons and rito view her very highly.
The Gorons refer to her as Mother Earth, as their legends spoke of her creating the land of Hyrule. Before she finished her job, she shed tears on the ground of Death Mountain, and the first Gorons emerged from the ground.
With the Rito, she is the spirit of wind who granted the Rito the ability to fly. The legend goes that a courageous young Rito must climb her and extract a scale off her body, granting Rito the ability to fly.
Farosh is viewed very differently by Gerudo, Southern Hylians, and Minish
The Gerudo see her as a symbol of strength; in many of their illustrations, her appearance takes the form of lightning. This is because Farosh is a speedy dragon, and none of the Gerudo have ever seen her up close. The legends go that Farosh blesses future leaders with her ability to cast lightning like Farosh. Her horn is also a symbol of power.
South Hylians perceive Farosh as a terrifying creature, far more terrifying than any monster. In their legends, it is said that Farosh stalks the jungle in the dead of night, causing fright for anyone who dares to dwell deep into the jungle. Only her piercing red eyes are seen. South Hylians don’t like swimming in deep water lakes as Farosh could be taking a swim, making the water unsafe. These stories are told to children to stay away from Faron's dense jungle and rivers.
Finally, the Minish has a strong connection to Farosh; the legends speak of her as she once took the form of a Minish before transforming into a dragon. It is said she is the root of all forest magic of Hyrule, along with the creation of the Monsters that live across Hyrule. The Minish see her as the source of life and magic.
Now Nayrda is viewed only by Zoras (maybe Hylians also).
Naydra is a symbol of elegance and royalty to the Zora. Legend says that Zoras viewed her as a monarch and followed her wherever she went (Like on rivers or the ocean). Eventually, the Zoras created their monarchy and viewed Naydra as a divine being. Even encountering her, the Zora considers it a fortune coming your way.
Hylians, aside from the Hylians in the south, don't really view these dragons as nothing but mythical beings. However, they listen to the legends the other races have of the dragons and go and explore to see them for themselves. Many omit the Hylians to do so, especially when the dragons inhabit places that are either hard to reach or an increase of monsters in that area.
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writingnocturne · 11 months
On Forbidden Ground
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This is my contribution to @zelinkcommunity's Zelink Week 2023! Day Two: Forbidden
Look below the break to read! Be sure to check out everyone else's work, as well! They did great!
{ For this week, I will be posting a little peek at art/writing for memories in Call of the Forgotten, a TotK rewrite I am working on (there will obviously be direct and indirect spoilers for TotK). These memories will be posted out of order and are subject to change. They follow the Ancient Hero and Princess during the time of the First Great Calamity. }
Memory ?? – On Forbidden Ground
( Word Count – 1,625 )
A young woman approaches the edge of a forest of ruin. She travels along the Dracozu River, even the ripples of the water carrying her reflection with trepidation. Higher cliffs hang not far above her head, looming over the thin slits of land she has to travel upon. It occurs to her that she would have benefited from bringing along a boat, but it's far too late to turn back now. She braved this accursed wood on a whim; chasing a hope for her people.
You are chosen, Impa had told her, As a child of Light and Time– one born from the bloodline of Hylia herself– you are perhaps the only one worthy of bearing the complete Triforce upon her hand. Awaken it, and perhaps this Calamity you foresee shall fall before it even begins.
This land– the land of Faron– has been one forbidden to set foot in since she was young. However, legend properly written down by the late Queen Sonia states that a magical spring within it is hidden beyond the walls of a temple; one built to resemble a spring of the earth in ancient myth. Although later taken over by an outcast clan of barbarians, the lands holding the site were once the home of King Rauru's own ancestors; and hers. It was a place of ceremony, dedicated to the guardian dragons they worshiped. She hopes, if anywhere, she will have the best luck starting from here. Passing through this place, seeing the old statues overturned and overwhelmed by overgrowth, carries a sort of bitterness; yet this bitterness is nothing she is not already familiar with. This shell of a place is the same as the life she once knew: an empty realm of memories one simply cannot grasp. The emptiness remains, but the resentment it brings alongside it is unmatched. Creatures that once lurked in the night followed the order of the demon responsible for this hollow state. She once hid from them, in fear that The Demon King would discover the heir of his mortal enemy and try to bring her to the same fate as her mother. At that time, she was young… She never could have accounted for the people that had no option to run.
The princess becomes distant from the world she travels amidst; something that has become the norm when her thoughts dwell in a time now lost. It leaves her unaware. This moment of staring off soon twists into folly as, by the time she snaps back into reality, her attention is caught by the sound of swift movement through the tall grass. The young woman is quick to turn her head back towards the source. In unison, a golden aura emits from her body and stops a weapon mid-air. It was mere inches from striking the back of her head… it surely would have knocked her unconscious. She squints, perplexed by the weapon's structure. Suspended before her is a bat with blades fastened into the wood. Resembling a weapon of which a monster would have carried during the Imprisoning War, the club has a peculiar green substance securing the individual parts. As if she has forgotten the obvious threat of whatever threw the weapon, she slowly brings a hand towards it to inspect what has been done to upgrade such a primitive weapon this way. It is almost… familiar. The instant she attempts to investigate where she recognizes the substance from, however, she feels a heavy force drive into her back.
Zelda is sent down to the earth, managing to catch herself just before she can collide with it at full-force. Instinct kicking in, she immediately turns herself to be sure her attacker cannot catch her off guard again whilst she tries to stand. This reveals their now-visible silhouette to be close; they are close enough to easily kick the princess's stomach and pin her down with their weight. She grunts as she finally is forced down. Zelda lifts her right hand to focus a surge of light energy towards the figure, but finds herself pausing at the sight of a paralleled action from her attacker. A green energy comes from their own aimed arm, streams of its power leaking out into the air around them. It now illuminates their form in the shade of the canopy. Although their flowing red hair strikes her as odd, it is their face that particularly stands out. Unlike any Hylian, they have an almost animalistic appearance. And upon their forehead: a tear-shaped stone emits the faintest light of its own.
Almost breathless, she mutters the baffling realization aloud, "You're…– You're a Zonai."
The Zonai's blue eyes widen slightly as they gaze upon her, their right hand leaving the surface of their left arm as the glow slowly dims. She keeps an eye on every movement they make, but they do not seem intent on attacking again. The figure brings their hand to their face, their fingers spread out across it, before… removing this face entirely. In a short flash of light, she finds the Zonai has disappeared. It has been reduced to a carved face in the hands of a new person: a shorter Hylian with a mass of long red hair falling to his sides. He shares the same blue eyes, which continue to stare at the princess for a moment or two in thought. Still alarmed, regardless, Zelda hurriedly scoots back from the figure before returning the gesture with locked eyes.
"You're… like me." His eyes trail to her left arm as he mumbles his words. Zelda looks down to it as well, recalling the clash both lines of her ancestors have over her appearance. It shows even in her ears, which are large and aligned with her hair. With this shared understanding out of the way, the young man suddenly offers a hand to her to help her up. This is certainly an unexpected shift, but the princess would rather accept it over the fight that was seconds away from breaking out. Although hesitant, she slowly places her hand in his own. Less than a second follows before he pulls her up into a stand, then finding he has to now look up to the girl instead. "...you aren't a monster, then."
"Did you… think I was?" Zelda tilts her head, her long ears angling downward slightly. The boy simply shrugs. Perhaps he did, but perhaps he just didn't take the time to properly look at her. It has been years since he's really seen a monster. "...The Imprisoning War has been over for… for over a decade. There haven't been monsters since. How long have you…–?" The boy simply turns around, suddenly beginning to lead her off. "Hey–! What are you doing?"
He glances back for a second, blankly staring again. The young man subtly points ahead of him, but realizes this is not a sufficient answer for the princess. It takes him a while before he eventually decides to give a verbal answer, "...You're going to the head of the river."
Zelda seems slightly surprised that he knows this, but she supposes he must have noticed her following the river. She nods. For him to have attacked her like that initially… Did he aim to protect it? If he is the only one left in these woods, he must have. Such a thought leaves the returning bitterness in her chest. She pities this boy, understanding quickly that both have been barred away– forbidden by fate to have the peaceful lives that they were owed as youth. Deciding they have this common ground, she speaks, "My name is Princess Zelda of Hyrule, daughter of King Rauru and Queen Sonia."
"..." The boy peers back, looking incredibly disturbed by the length of that title. It's clear he tries to brush it off, although he knows his own name is rather bland in comparison, "...Link."
"Link… That does sound familiar…" The princess thinks aloud, finding her gaze wandering back down to his arm. Within the mysterious Zonai form he took, his arms glistened with an eerily recognisable power. It looked similar to her own, but far more decorated. It… reminds her of someone.
As Link leads Zelda over ruin– unintentionally nearly tripping her a time or two– he pulls her along until they reach a split in the river. The Dracozu ends in a pond that jaggedly takes two routes, presenting itself like a set of open jaws. The girl's initial thought is that this is what Link meant by the "head," yet her mind easily changes upon seeing the Great Dragon Head statue casting a shadow upon them both.
"This must be it. The Spring of Courage." Taking a step towards it, the princess focuses on the statue visible within the dragon's mouth. It sits, overlooking the spring, as countless durians oddly float around it upon the water's surface. The statue of Hylia wears a mask of its own: one that imitates the dragon-like face of the figures outside. She decides not to question this fact, for now, simply entering the forsaken yet sacred ground. Link's footsteps are more than audible following behind, which is rather expected. "Link–" The girl turns her head back to the peculiar stranger, "Thank you." Zelda is about to say more, but her words come to a sudden halt. Although their encounter was certainly strange enough, she could have sworn that the eyes of his mask… moved. This is the final detail it takes for her to redirect the course of her words. The princess takes a deep breath, then makes her decision: "There is something I must do here, but… Link, once I am done, may I speak to you for a while longer?"
Thank you for reading! Check out the first concept doodles of them here! Obviously, this is all very incomplete; but most is planned out thoroughly! If you have questions, just ask!
Art Info: (Check my art blog @nocturnalfandomartist!)
Program: Ibis Paint X
Time Elapsed: 7 hours, 27 minutes
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ashleygraves1 · 6 months
After a while of playing Tears of the Kingdom, I have some complaints. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved Tears of the Kingdom, but there are some things that I don't really enjoy. Some of these are things other people have stated they don't like, and some of these are actually something that are controversial.
Let's start with the ones people can agree with:
There are too few sky islands and there's almost nothing on them. There are a few exceptions like the Great Sky Islands, the entire way up and including the wind temple, the diving islands, etc. But the majority are copy and paste empty islands and all of them were Zonai related. I wish they added Monk Maz Koshia's sky island directly above the Great Plateau like in BotW's DLC, the islands from Skyward Sword, and the City in the Sky from Twilight Princess for some examples.
A real explanation of where Sheikah tech went. Like, we all know what the developers said: "they all vanished suddenly after the Calamity was over" we know that's bullshit because Purah and Robbie still use the ancient Sheikah technology for their towers, the Purah Pad, Purah's telescope, Robbie's mini Cherry, and the lone guardian on the roof of the Hateno Ancient Tech lab. Also it didn't just vanish after the Calamity as the true ending cutscene in BotW shows at the most a month after the Calamity and Vah Ruta broke down, not vanished.
The empty depths. I love the ruins and lightroots of the depths, but on the scale of the entire kingdom of Hyrule? It's empty. Up above you would find Koroks, small structures, different surfaces (sand, grass, rock, snow, etc), enemies and even citizens. I know that you can find mine ruins, the construct factory, Yiga outposts, and enemy mines; but the depths were so vastly empty with the exact same scenery no matter where you were. I would've preferred far smaller areas than the surface counterparts or even just have the Faron, Eldin, and Central Hyrule depths since that's all you actually need to go.
The Lightning Temple. Listen, I love the Lightning Temple. I just wish that they had used the Arbiters Grounds instead of a completely new dungeon. No, I don't mean I wanted Twilight Princess's Arbiters Grounds instead, I mean that there would've been some really cool, subtle lore that the Arbiters Grounds had been destroyed after TP and was rebuilt as the TotK Lightning Temple. Like, could you imagine seeing "The Lightning Temple: Arbiters Grounds rebuilt"
Sage abilities. How they implemented this was the absolute worst. If I were to redesign the sage abilities, I'd have it work more like BotW's champion abilities but with the same reload time as the sages. I'm going to say how I would've implemented each one. For Tulin's ability, I would've pressed the sneak button while in the air to gust forward. For Sidon's ability, I would've held down the block button like Daruk's Protection but swung the weapon while blocking to have the "water slice." For Riju's ability, when you use the bow, you hold block and instead of it Z-targeting the enemy, it would turn the arrow into a lightning arrow (a different type of arrow than electric arrows because it's used as Riju's ability to call down a lightning strike.) As for Yunobo and Mineru's abilities, they would've been the same as before. So, Yunobo basically is the only one with an Avatar and Mineru just follows you as is.
Dragon Tears. No, it's not because it's too similar to finding Link's memories in BotW, it's because you can find them out of order and before finding Impa. Yes, I am frustrated that the first dragon tear I actually investigated was the death of Sonia and I had no clue what was happening. I wish that it forced you to find the tears in order. Like, the geoglyphs would appear one at a time. Or maybe give the same cutscene as when the final tear appears. The light dragon has a tear drop and we need to go find it.
This one is the most controversial thought I feel like... Ultahand. Yup, I don't like ultahand. I don't like building my own vehicles. I don't like building robots. I just don't like engineering games. I love the Zelda puzzles, but when I had to build the solutions in shrines? I hated it. I prefer the BotW shrines where you find a solution by thinking outside the box. In TotK, there is no box to think outside of because whatever you try, it's possible with what we gave you. Make a bridge out of car wheels? Go ahead we love that! I would've personally felt more satisfied with finding a solution that wasn't intended, but in this game every solution was in fact, intended.
That concludes the things I didn't like about the game, everything else, though was absolutely fantastic.
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itsmoonpeaches · 6 months
Title: The Silent Prince
Chapter 3 of 3: Kingdom (COMPLETE) Chapter 2 Chapter 1
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses/The Legend of Zelda
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A late entry for Dimileth Goggles on Twitter.
Rating: T
Word count: 6,738
Summary: Time is running out, and Dimitri and Byleth desperately try to work together to fulfill their destinies.
They were running out of time. Not only had the castle started rumbling, but the Yiga Clan was on the move. Their mission had changed at a rapid pace. It became two parts: train Byleth and call upon the Champions.
The king sent emissaries to both the Goron and Zora peoples as they were the most out of the way from Dimitri, Byleth, and their group.
Their trip north to the frigid region of Hebra was a quicker one than expected. The Rito, who were a bird-like people, were already aware of the incoming threat far quicker than the rest of them were because their scouts could see the castle tremble from high above while they flew. Their leader had expected them and accepted their plan almost as soon as Dimitri proposed it. The Rito Champion made his way to their Divine Beast.
From there, the best they could do was continue to train Byleth in the ways that they could, and Dimitri knew what needed to be done.
They cut across Hyrule in days, making their way to the Spring of Courage located in the rainy Faron region. The sound of water pelting against wide palm tree leaves echoed around them. Encased in ancient ruins and hidden from view by gigantic statues of dragon heads, Dimitri guided Byleth in praying to the goddess statue there while Felix and Dedue kept watch.
He sank into the spring beside her, the lukewarm water reaching his knees and sloshing against his breeches.
“Go,” he said. “Until you are submerged up to your waist.”
He watched as Byleth closed her eyes and clasped her hands together. He could feel the energy radiating off her when she mouthed the prayers.
The thunderstorm fell around them, and lightning rolled above the clouds. Their only shelter from the rain was the very ruin they stood under.
He watched as the droplets sluiced off mossy stones and how the water soaked into the fabric of her gown. Her hair cascaded along her back, and her shoulders turned inward as if she were trying to protect herself from something invisible. The leather belt that she normally wore around her middle was gone, tossed to the side as she tried to call upon powers she had once not known she had at will.
Dimitri thought she looked out of place without it.
He closed his eyes too and breathed as she breathed, a silent guide by her.
Continue reading on ao3.
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baileys-writing-desk · 6 months
Lanayru’s tears [Post-LU]
The first couple weeks after the Chain’s adventure is over, Lanayru struggles to deal with the loss of his good friend, bringing concern to the others around him. Link (Sky) finds himself in the mix between missing his family and worrying for his dragon parent.
(I am once again just putting an ao3 link because it’s long enough to make tumblr formatting even more of a hassle)
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link-is-a-dork · 7 months
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baileyboo2016 · 3 months
You think i went too overboard on the flowers (i probably did) (but who cares lmao)
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Lady Faron 💧💙🌧️🩵
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doodlesbf · 1 month
All three dragons from my sky hyrule
Lanayru, Faron, and Eldin art project complete
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom: Final Trailer Analysis (Part 2)
Part 1 is here!
In our next scene, we have our new horned bokoblins mining, while Lizalfos keep guard.
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THIS scene gave me chills. The atmosphere is terrifying.
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Blue flames dance along the ground.
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Pools of malice are spattered everywhere.
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Trees are dead, or dying, as spores rain down.
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Curly fern and mushroom trees grow, seemingly with no end.
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There's this big glowing root in the center, giving off light, surrounding something—an egg? A crystal?
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The grass is purple, and stalks reach toward the sky like hands.
Where is this? Underground? A parallel dimension? A corrupted Hyrule? It has no features I can place.
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The monsters here are all coated in malice. They look possessed.
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The mining operation looks like standard rare ore chunks from Breath of the Wild, but the stone it's set in has weird, circular shapes cut into it.
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There are old ruins in the back that look to be just a set of shelves. What was their purpose?
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At a slightly different angle as the camera pans around, we can see stalactites, so this seems to be at least partially underground.
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There's also another far-off egg tree, so we can rule out the glowing light being a trapped Zelda, at least.
Fittingly, in this eerie area, Ganondorf starts to speak.
This clip is very important, because of some context we got as Tears of the Kingdom was developing. It took a long, long time for the title to drop, because the Zeldevs claimed it "had major plot spoilers."
We all laughed about that at the time, but this clip puts that into perspective.
"Sweep over Hyrule. Eliminate this kingdom and her allies."
Ganondorf calls Hyrule "her." Hyrule is a she.
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If "Tears of the Kingdom" is a plot spoiler, then maybe it's a call to the kingdom being able to cry in the first place.
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Next, we see Lake Hylia. The water level is the same as it was in BotW, so that's been untouched.
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Oh, hello dragon.
It's unclear yet whether this is a one-off boss, like the kind we'd have in previous generations, or if this is something we'll find around the world like Hinoxes and Lynels. But it's still really cool, and a big threat.
However, by advancing it a few frames...
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We can see three distinct heads.
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Breath of the Wild brought Lynels in, which were most prevalent in the original Legend of Zelda. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was BotW's Gleeok.
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In the distance, we can see Hyrule Castle, raised off of the ground. The malice here looks much less like smoke and FAR more like writhing tentacles.
The splotch of green, I believe, is the spiral that surrounds the locked down Sheikah shrines.
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Next we have Hateno. Fairly standard at first glance, with the exception of the spiral surrounding Myahm Agna Shrine. However, it's worth noting that Purah's blue flames have been put out, and the torches along the path to it are completely missing.
And then you look closer.
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Those weren't there before, and there's a splotch of malice nearby them. The start of the egg trees?
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There's more malice on the side of the Dueling Peaks.
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And then, off in the distance, either a blue Sheikah tower—confirming that they're still around—or a blue version of the new towers, which makes them Sheikah tech unto themselves. It's also in the same position, given the angle we're viewing Hateno, as Faron Tower; if it IS one of the new structures, that means they replace the old towers 1:1.
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The Blood Moon rises once again over Link's head-
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-with an island visible in the distance.
We can see the ocean line from here, so this is somewhere near the southern coast.
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A shot of the Blood Moon over Hyrule Castle. Moon Big.
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The castle's cliff is absolutely COVERED in malice.
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The Blood Moon shoots out even more of it.
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A point of impact that looks vaguely like someone reaching for the sky; there's definitely SOMETHING in there that's being transformed.
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Lava-streaked rocks fall to the ground.
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Parts of the palace crumble to bits.
And this'll be continued in Part 3. Image limit strikes again.
Edit: Part 3 here!
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