#park jaehyung scenario
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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s.o has a piercing/tattoo
crush is a cancer
crush is a pisces
child’s first word is “appa”
crush is a leo
crush is an aries
s.o is in a band
s.o has a big family
s.o writes poetry
gf is sensitive around her time of the month
gf is a solo artist
gf is a capricorn
buying a ring too small
it wasn’t bad at all
the best news
giggles and candy canes
you’re an angel
young k
cotton candy kisses
i’m not sure
didn’t expect this
not as planned
you never knew
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wronqness99 · 4 years
Alone Together
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 2.5K+
Warnings: Emotional abuse, mentions of alcoholism, unhealthy relationships
Characters: Park JaeHyung / Jae Park (Day6) X Female Reader
> About my writing
*The image doesn’t belong to me, credits to the owner.*
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Y/N held her knees close to her chest as she rocked her body back and forth in an attempt to calm herself as tears streamed down her face uncontrollably.
She felt broken and saddened by everything that had happened in the last few hours. Ever since her parents' divorce, the girl had felt like she barely knew her own mother who was once a dedicated housewife and someone who she could always rely on, who was there to protect her, to help her and encourage her way through life.
She felt some much needed peace when her mother finally decided to leave the unhealthy marriage in their past, even though her father sometimes liked to scare them by trying to intrude in their lives and know more than he should with his unhealthy addiction to alcohol, which made them fear for their lives sometimes. It enraged Y/N how the man couldn't seem to understand what he had done wrong for them to leave, the irreparable damage he had done to his own flesh and blood. She knew things were not going to be easy, but she never expected such a sudden dramatic change.
Y/N couldn't help it, her mother's new behaviour messed with her head more than she would like to admit and it became the reason for the loud screaming and fighting between the women quite often which would then lead to heartbreak and tears. It was like a cycle. Her mother liked to turn things on her and make her feel guilty by saying Y/N didn't want her happiness whenever the girl tried to reason and calmly explain why it bothered her so much seeing the older woman contact multiple men through the internet, but everything became worse when Y/N discovered her mom lied to her in order to go out with those men without her knowledge. This strained their relationship in an incredibly irreparable way. The one she had always trusted with everything was now failing her in avail of other people. She had been there to support her mother through the difficulties with the marriage and never left her side all the way through the divorce process, while most of their family just pitied the alcoholic man who had been unemployed for years and would never make anything of himself. Yet, despite all of that, she seemed to have just become something replaceable for her mother, like a rag who had become too old and could no longer serve its purpose. The woman always rubbed the sacrifices she made for the younger on her face in order to guilt trap her, but failed to see how many times her daughter had stopped living her life and doing things people her age were supposed to just to be by her side and somehow protect her. She didn't like to go to parties or stay out late with friends, she never went to sleepovers and whenever her family members invited her to go on holiday with them, Y/N would always refuse. She didn't want her mother to feel alone, she didn't want anything to happen to her best friend.
This time around, however, their fight had been on another level and it blew completely out of hand. Y/N had begged her mother not to go meet that guy. She was tired of seeing her mom jumping from man to man, the older having had her know of two different relationships within the span of less than a year, but she knew there were more. It pained her extremely and she couldn't understand how her relationship with the older woman had always been enough for them both until the moment of divorce when it just wasn't anymore. She felt like she had lost her mother.
Even though Y/N was used to her mother not listening to her, she was not expecting the woman to tell her such hurtful, poisonous words. And they fought. Yet again. But this time it was louder, uglier and made her cry more than ever before. It made her never want to see the woman ever again, she felt like her heart was ripped out of her chest.
That was the first time her mother had ever put a relationship with any man she had barely even known before the special, loving one she once had with her daughter.
"Do you think you'll stop me from seeing him just because you can't get used to it? You're worthless. If your behaviour doesn't change you will end up alone. Jae won't be willing to keep up with your nasty personality for much longer." Her mother had said. And Y/N went quiet, the words resonating again and again inside her head. She didn't even notice when her mom left the house.
Jae had been her support through the whole mess that was her parents' relationship, her shitty relationship with her father who was drunk most of the time, her parents' subsequent divorce and her mother's whole change in behaviour. He had been there through everything. Jae had been the warm hug in her heart whenever the situation with her father got out of hand at home before the divorce and after, when the man would call her mother questioning when they were coming back home and what he had done wrong for them to leave, like it wasn't obvious enough, which caused the woman to end up screaming on the phone and Y/N's world to fall apart all over again. Whenever this happened, anxiety episodes were sure to ensue. And Jae had always been there to pick up her pieces. He had always been there for her, reminding her of the strength she had but unfortunately only he seemed to be aware of. He was always there to give her the love she had lacked all throughout her growth like she had been there to remind him how good he was at his art, being a musician. When everyone else opposed his dream, she was there to pull through the hard times with him. Jae wasn't scared of her insecurities or her being broken. Instead, he focused on helping her become better mentally and allowing her to be the real version on herself whenever they were together, no judgement or questions asked. He loved her for her.
They were like each other's anchor, tying each other to reality, tying each other to life.
So many times the girl had asked herself what she would have done without Jae by her side, she honestly wondered if she would still be alive. Whenever things got hard at home when her parents got married, even though she still had her mother, she felt alone. Now, not even being able to count on the woman anymore, she felt even lonelier.
Even though she had a strong and loving relationship with her boyfriend, the woman she called mother had been able to shake her structures and make her doubt herself like never before. Was she really toxic? Did she not deserve Jae? Was he holding such a kind soul from something much better than what she could give him in life?
Well, the probability of answer to that she knew was a strong definitely yes.
She loved Jae and knew he didn't deserve what she put him through. He could do so much better and have someone who was more confident and happy with their own self. Someone who wasn't broken. Y/N was insecure about most things in life, her indecisiveness never really helped with anything either and it just so happened that they had never had really bad days at the same time because the girl was quite sure that if it were to happen, they would probably enter self-destruction mode and ruin one another.
Maybe she really was toxic and maybe she was dragging Jae right down with her. Maybe it truly was the best for him to leave and maybe, just maybe, she was being utterly and completely selfish by not wanting to let go of him.
Hearing the key turn on the lock, Y/N jumped up from the couch, blanket hanging from her shoulders as she ran to her boyfriend, who immediately embraced her in his warmth.
"Lovey..." Jae's voice made itself clear, worry laced in every vibration. "What happened?" He questioned, holding her body tighter and closer to his own, lips pressed to her forehead.
"Please... Please don't get tired of me? I know I'm hard to deal with, I'm not easy to love, but Jae, I love you with all my heart and I promise you I will always do my best for you! Please don't leave me..." The girl hiccuped, holding his white t-shirt tightly inside her fists as if that would keep the man she loved from ever leaving her side.
"Baby, look at me," Jae asked, holding her by the shoulders and pushing her back a little so he could look into her eyes. His heart broke seeing her tear stained cheeks and watery eyes that didn't seem to be going to stop crying anytime soon. He pouted, and carefully cleaned her tears with his thumb. The man allowed them a short period of silence, wanting his girlfriend to calm down so they could finally talk and he could get a better understanding of what was going on, even though he was pretty sure of the reason that left Y/N in such a state. "Did you fight with your mom again?" He questioned lowly. She nodded before looking down. Jae pulled her closer again and tucked his chin on top of her head, hands running freely through her hair, something he knew was going to help soothe her. "Y/N I'm not going to leave you. Not now and not ever. That is not something you need to worry about. It's truly annoying and saddening how your mother is trying to get to you just because you are opening, or at least trying to open your heart to her by telling her how you truly feel. I understand that she wants to move on and live her life but I won't allow her to make you doubt my feelings for you just because she wants to be selfish and have everything her way." Jae stated firmly. "She shouldn't be treating her own daughter like this, making her doubt her own capacities not only in love but life in general. She's destroying your self-esteem. I won't allow her to take away from you something that was so hard to build." By the tone of his voice and the fast pace of his heart, the girl could tell her boyfriend was mad. Jae knew how much she had struggled with her mental health and loving herself. Even if Y/N did the most amazing things in the world, she couldn't seem to notice that and that was always where Jae came in and helped her see herself a little bit through his loving eyes instead of her dark, unconfident ones, which helped his girlfriend to slowly begin trusting herself and having a little more confidence.
"I feel like I'm losing myself in this wave of emotions that hit me all at once and left me adrift." She chuckled emotionlessly, tears still in her eyes. "I cried so much today my chest went numb. I don't feel myself anymore." Y/N allowed herself to close her eyes for a moment and take in all of Jae. The wooden scent of his perfume, the warmth of his embrace, his caring and loving nature towards her. It was perfect. And she was afraid to lose it. Taking a step back, she looked into his eyes, the man holding both of her hands on his own. "I feel like I'm holding you back from the wonderful life you could have..." She confided barely above a whisper, eyes never leaving his.
"Y/N, please don't hide yourself. Show me you. Show me the real you. Don't hide your heart because of her hurtful words. I don't have any intentions to leave you. I'm here with you like I have always been and plan to always be. You can talk to me, ok? The words you've postponed in fear, the feelings you're holding in, they only do ill to you. The last thing I want is for you to doubt your strength or the strength of our love." He placed her hand on top of his heart. "This belongs to you and you only. But you cannot be afraid of me, especially of my feelings for you. Please believe me when I say that I love you and that I will always be by your side. I will always be here to lull you to sleep and to wake up to your love in the morning. You have no idea how much strength it gives me to just look at you and know you're mine, to know I have a reason. We are family Y/N, we were long before we started dating, when we were only best friends. Our bond was always something out of the ordinary. You mean the world to me, so, please don't be afraid. I will always be beside you."
"I'm sorry..." She said in a whisper and bit her lip in embarrassment. "You've never given me a reason to doubt anything in our relationship, yet here I am, being ridiculous and toxic. Sometimes I feel like I really don't deserve you." She stated, causing the man to shake his head in negation.
"You're not being toxic, you just believed the words of someone who's becoming toxic to you. You are dealing with the situation as best as you can. You never went through this before, you are learning and there is nothing wrong with that, you just need a little time. It's fine, ok? I am here and we'll get through this together like we always do." He stated and smiled, placing a chaste kiss to her lips before pulling her into his warm embrace once again, allowing them both to feel the love that bound them.
"Thank you for everything Jae, I love you. I truly do and there is nothing in this world I want more than to spend eternity with you."
Y/N knew she wasn't alone even if she felt that way. She knew Jae was right there and she could always count on him. He was there to give her strength and tell her how amazing she was over and over again until she would believe it herself.
Jae always made her a priority because, according to his own words, that's where she belonged.
In times like this, she was even more sure he was the one. The one true love that she had waited for her whole life. The one who simply adored her and always brought out the best in her, the one who dropped everything at a ring of the phone so he could be there for her no matter the circumstances, and the one who always made her laugh.
Deep in her heart, she knew they would always be each other's person.
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intimateday6snaps · 5 years
Jaaaeeee I need you now these plushy thighs need more love bites and I’ll return the favor ;)
"Do you really only want love bites? Or do you just wanna sit on my face again?"
-Park Jaehyung
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Don’t you dare!
Post Date: 6th June 2022 Content: Angst/Smut - Day6 Jae x Reader  WC: 2.3K TW?: DDLG/ Hair Pulling/ Cussing/ Edging/ Masterbating/ Fingering/ Hickeys/ Degration  Request?: Yes 
Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Prompts: 6 - “Try me” 11 - “You’ve pissed me off now” 35 - “Say please”
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“What do you have there?” Jae curiously asks, staring down the extremely delicious looking homemade milkshake that you have in your grasp, slowly sipping from as you smle at up at him, wiggling your shoulders happily, “A milkshake,” you reply, all soft. He couldn’t help but scoff at how cute you were trying to act cool, moving closer to you, to try and get a sip of the milkshake but you pull it away from him all defensive, “If you want some, go make your own!” you whine at him, pushing yourself up against the edge of the other side of the couch. His eyes roll to the back of his head, already fed up of your shit as he just wanted to try it, “Fine, be like that then,” he mutters under his breath and you’re content again with your little creation, whilst he just sits there, pouting at you but tries to not make it obvious. 
Without warning, he walks out of the room, bored out of his skull, to try and find something to do himself hoping you’d notice at some point to make effort to bother him, since he’s too stubborn to ask you to do something himself. It’s been a while since he last streamed, so that was his first idea, setting himself ready to go live, grabbing a few snacks and a drink ready for a game binge whilst talking to friends. It only took a matter of 10 minutes before you realised Jae wasn’t sitting next to you, as you look around briefly, wondering where he may have gone, would he have gone to make his own milkshake? Or would he be pouting to himself at his desk? Suddenly getting all curious, you shuffle to your feet, pulling down your hoodie as you get ready to go on a boyfriend hunt. As you slowly get closer to his little studio, you could hear his little laugh, muffled by the walls and doors in the way. You tip-toe towards the door, taking hold of the door handle before slowly and attentively being quiet to turn it, exposing your boyfriend’s silhouette in front of his monitors, playing a 1st person shooting game, laughing at his friends in chat. 
For minutes, you peep around the door, in hopes he’d realise you’re there, but with no luck, you creep inside the room, silently closing the door behind you as you go to sit in the spare chair, spending minutes there twiddling your thumbs from anticipation that he’s going to notice you at some point, though you just found yourself getting impatient and even more bored as he continued to glue his eyes to the game on the screen. It was time to start pulling some antics out of your sleeve as you creep behind him, putting your hands on his shoulders, making him jump, and receiving a little shout from him as you scare him. You could hear his friends laughing through the headset as you start laughing yourself, clutching your chest, his reaction tickling you as you fall back onto the chair. “You guys didn’t hear anything!” he cries to his friends on the mic before muting himself, slowly turning around in his chair to face you, tears of laughter streaming down your face, “Since when did you come in?!” he cries, pouting, hand still checking for a heartbeat in his chest, “Like 20 minutes ago!” you splutter through laughter, watching his face fall, just adding to your hysterical state. You swear you would be rich with the number of times this guy rolls his eyes, as he quickly unmutes himself to answer his friends who called for him. He took this as a chance to ignore you, purposely this time as he tries to focus on his game once again.
After catching your breath, and attempting to calm down, you weren’t going to put up with him purposely ignoring the fact you were in the room, so it was time to turn it up a notch. How would he react to you teasing him whilst he tries to pay attention to his game? You were so ready to find out the answer as you move your chair closer to him, practically hip-to-hip, receiving a brief evil glare off him as you sit there, playing all innocent, as though you were just interested in what he was playing. Your fingertips trace their way up the arm of his chair, down to his knees, tickling up towards the top of his thigh, as you gently place your hand down, extremely close to his crotch. With disappointment from a lack of reaction, you inch your hand closer, resting it on his crotch this time, as you rest your head on his shoulder. Still, no reaction, so you put your antics on full, piss off Jae mode, as you move your head, adjusting it to be able to comfortably kiss his cheek, trailing it down his neck, licking and sucking on where you knew he liked it the most usually, receiving a hiss from him, muting himself again on the mic before biting at you, “Get off, what are you doing?” you play innocent, looking up at him with puppy eyes as you shuffle closer, but get pushed back on your chair, “You’ve pissed me off now, let me play my game”. A pout forms on your lips as he shrugs, putting his attention back to the screen.
That’s it, you’ve touched a nerve, mission accomplished. However, the reaction you’ve had seemed to have triggered something in you, that craved for him to bite, to get angry, to make you regret pissing him off, tempted to see how much you could do to get him to fuck you, giving in to your antics. Getting up on your feet, you slowly walk to behind him, running your fingers through his hair before pulling it slightly, kissing all up his neck again. Within seconds, you could feel his long and slender fingers reach around to back of your neck, up into your hair to pull your head down next to him, so he could bite your lip before leaving go, pushing you back again a little. Noticing the grin on your face, he adjusts in his seat, a bulge growing in his tracksuit bottoms before he clicks his tongue, “Lads, I have to end the stream early, something came up... Yeah... I’ll speak to you soon, goodnight”. 
For moments, you stood there, shaking a little from being highly turned on by his reactions, but also at the fact you didn’t know what he was thinking or going to do, as he lets out a loud sigh, before turning in his chair to stand up, hovering over and looking down at you, with angry lust in his eyes. You swallow hard, gulping at the sudden feeling of being scared rush through you as you back off a little but he follows you, keeping eye contact. “What the fuck, do you think you’re doing? Playing up like that?” he growls as you nervously giggle, shrugging your shoulders before stiffening up, realising you wanted this as you walk up to him, braving to react like a brat, “I just felt like it~” you sung, as your hands clasp together, falling in front of you as you swayed yourself, innocently, puppy eyes returning to wind him up even more.
“Oh really, that’s how you wanna be? You’re going ot act like a brat huh?” he says softly before turning cold, hand caressing your cheek before moving down to your throat, grabbing it tightly, “Try me”. If you weren’t wet from the events leading up to this, you definitely were as you try to suppress a moan, keeping a smirk plastered on your lips before biting your bottom lip, making him growl at the sight, leaning in, face so close to yours, you could feel his breath gently blowing against your lips. You’re now falling into his trap, his lips millimetres away from yours, giving you the impression as though he was finally going to kiss you, but he pulls away, making you whine. Now the smirk was on his face as he lets go of you, attempting to walk away before you know that all you had to do now was get all bratty on him, “Little bitch” you mutter under your breath, making him turn on his heels, tongue in cheek, “What did you say?” he voices, you knew you were done for now, as he runs his hand up to the back of your head, pulling at your hair once again, pulling your head to the side. “I asked you a question, you better answer it, baby girl,” he voices, as you whimper, trying to keep up the brat facade, but the way he has you is inevitably too much for you to even risk it even more, though you still don’t answer, keeping your lips glued together.
From receiving no answer from you, he picks you up and places you on the table next to him, grip still on your hair as he pulls your head to the side, giving him access to trail kisses down your neck, starting from just behind the ear down, lacking forgiveness as he nips at your skin, sucking harshly, leaving dark purple marks, at least 4 on your neck. These made you whimper, and almost moan but you fight strongly against it, for now. “Fuck, Daddy,” you whimper as your body twitches under the pain from his biting, but it was so pleasurable as you try to put your hand down your shorts, your fingers rubbing circles on your clit, creating more pleasure, sending shivers down your spine. Though that didn’t last long as he notices what you were doing, gripping onto your wrist as he pulls your hand out, licking your fingers before smirking and letting go of his grip on your hair. Instead, he grabs tight onto your hips, bruising them from the tightness of it, as you use both of yours to hold yourself up, welcoming the kisses that he’s trailed up to your lips, tongue fighting for dominance as you finally let out a moan, making him chuckle into the kiss.
With a swift movement, your shorts and panties were removed from around your body, onto the floor. His fingers trail up your legs, tickling your thighs before a hand hovers over your core, as you prepare yourself for the pleasure you thought you were going to receive, his fingers slide up your folds before stopping and his hand is pulled away. You cry in disappointment, “Jae please don’t tease!” but all he could do was laugh at your reaction, tongue in cheek before he whispers in your ear, “Oh now I’m teasing you, it’s a problem huh?” followed by a nibble of your ear lobe. Your hand flies up to pull his head closer to yours, to kiss him, but he resists it, pulling back from the force of your pulling, “If you really want me that bad baby, you’re going to beg for it,” he orders, lips barely brushing against yours as you try to beg for your life to get him to touch you, “Daddy, fuck me!”. He shakes his head in disappointment, “Where did your manners go? Say please!”, you could barely even put words together, you craved him to touch you so bad, it took a lot for you to even concentrate properly, “Daddy, please, please fuck me!”.
The wish you asked for was granted to you as his hand trails back down to your core, as you open your legs wide enough for he had to comfortably fit in between your thighs, and for a finger to tease your clit, gliding through your soaking wet folds as he scoffs to himself, “I’ve barely even touched you, and look at you, so wet, dirty little whore,” you couldn’t even contain yourself, the sensation of his finger rubbing your clit in circles was driving you insane as you buck your hips for something more. It didn’t take long for him to enter a finger, then a second, pushing a third as you cry his name, his fingers curling upwards as he finger fucks you, causing the room to be filled with little whines and moans from you, Jae being very happy with himself for making you into a mess as you cry his name.
It didn’t take long either for the pressure to build up in your stomach as your orgasm comes close, you bite onto Jae’s lip, making out heavily, and sloppily, to get some control as your legs and body start to shake, and his fingers doing all the magic in your cunt as he keeps a steady pace, hitting your g-spot repetitively. With the way it was going, you were going to create a huge mess, and Jae knew this, welcoming it as he encourages you to cum all over his hand, “Come on baby girl, cum for me,” and within seconds, you’re cumming all over his hand, removing his fingers to rub your clit, making you squirm and scream, releasing your juices all over him and the floor before he makes you lick his fingers. The smug look on his face was a sight that you knew well, his cockiness shows through as he teases how you crumble under him, but you wanted more, “No, no more, this is all you’re getting for teasing me so much earlier. Behave like a good girl, and you may get fucked again later”, he says, caressing your cheek as you pout at him, which doesn’t work in your favour this time, as you try to gather yourself together after the experience you’ve just had. Now you know not to test his patience, and to not dare see how far you could push him.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Above all else Sunghoon was incredibly affectionate around you, he loved having you as close to each other whenever he could have you, refusing to ever let you and your bump out of his hold unless he really had to.
Being around your bump always makes Sunghoon smile, which is all that he ever wants. At night he loves to curl around your bump and talk to your baby, letting them know all about how his day has gone and telling them all about the fun things that he has lined up for them ready for when they make their arrival too.
Sunghoon would always be more than happy to get you whatever snack you were craving, usually getting one for himself whilst he was there too. He never wanted to leave you eating alone, and if he was honest, he just loved the fact that he had an excuse to snack a little bit more too rather than sticking strictly to his diet.
Although throughout the majority of your pregnancy your due date didn’t worry Sunghoon too much, when it came down to the last couple of weeks, he certainly began to worry a little bit more. He couldn’t help but open up to you about his worries, hoping that you would be a little bit worried too so that the two of you could both support each other and try and keep the other calm too rather than panicked.
Becoming a dad was always something that Sunghoon imagined for himself one day, but he didn’t imagine it happening quite so soon. The one thing he always made sure that you knew was that he would stick by your side, he was faithful and loyal at all times, and even though you certainly fretted as his career continued to grow, Sunghoon was absolutely certain that he wasn’t going to go anywhere and leave you alone.
With his career on the rise, Sunghoon’s family were absolutely incredible in supporting the two of you. They had always been Sunghoon’s biggest fans in encouraging him to follow his dreams, and so when they saw how important your baby was to Sunghoon they were more than willing to be there for the two of you when you needed them, filing the gaps in your life that Sunghoon sometimes left when he was working.
It was a surprisingly long conversation for the two of you to decide whether you would find out the gender of your baby or not. The two of you were very thorough about the push and pull factors of finding out the gender or not, eventually settling on finding out the gender as it seemed the more logical to you both.
Showing emotion was far from one of Sunghoon’s biggest strengths, but when he heard the beat of your baby’s heart, he struggled to hold himself back. His heart always got incredibly excited when he heard it, he couldn’t not tear up when he felt his heart quicken too from the adrenaline that came with the moment.
Sunghoon made an extra effort to tell you that he loved you whilst you were pregnant in the hope that it would prove to you just how appreciative he was of you. He didn’t tend to proclaim his love audibly often too much before your pregnancy, but when you needed him the most, he made absolutely sure that you knew.
He would never kick off over anyone trying to make him jealous, Sunghoon was reserved when it came to conflict or disagreeing with someone and tended to try and just brush comments to one side. He would bottle all of his frustration up and refuse to open up to you, the last thing that he wanted to happen was for you to see that he wasn’t impressed, preparing to keep you under the impression that he was fine.
Alongside the beat of your baby’s heart, their kicks were the other thing that Sunghoon held out for a lot too in your pregnancy. He absolutely adored whenever your baby kicked, it didn’t matter whether they were kicking strongly or lightly, just any hint of motion from them always put a smile on Sunghoon’s face.
He paid close attention to little details about you whilst you were in labour, trying his best to pick up on what you needed before you even asked had to ask Sunghoon for it. He had been very thorough in researching out all of the things that he could do for you whilst you were in labour in advance, making sure that he knew the right things to say and do in order to best possible help he could be for you.
Sunghoon always made sure to be careful in the mornings with you and make sure that he always had everything organised the night before to be able to help you the following morning. He would have everything that you needed by the sink so that when you were finished throwing up, he could help sort you out immediately.
Your baby’s nursery was prepared well in advance by Sunghoon, he wanted to be as organised as possible in creating the room so that it was something that the two of you could sort quickly and not worry about.
Sunghoon was obsessed with your eyes, he could tell a lot about how you were feeling from the way that he looked at you, especially during labour, it was one of the biggest details that he paid attention to about you.
He was very clear that he was taking on the responsibilities around the house after you gave birth, refusing to let you do just about anything other than look after your baby. It didn’t matter how many times you tried to protest, Sunghoon would enforce everything and organise everything before you had the chance.
Sunghoon was very honest with you and so when he began to worry about certain things he would ask if you had a moment so that he could offload on you and listen to what helpful advice you had to pass onto him.
He really wanted to be able to teach your baby how to ice skating and show them one of his favourite things to do. Before your baby was even born, they had their own pair of skates hung up safely in their nursery for whenever they could fit into them so that Sunghoon could take them ice skating straight away.
Your scan photos were one of the things that Sunghoon decided would be a good idea to add to your nursery. The two of you ended up creating a bit of a timeline across one of the walls of your nursery, so that you could look at how your baby had grown, and eventually look down to see them in their cot as well.
Neither of you ever expected that your illness would be as a result of pregnancy, it was a huge shock for you both, with the two of you needed a few days to really let the news settle in and realise how big of a change was coming.
He’s very dependable, there’s never a shadow of doubt in your mind when it comes to your appointment to know Sunghoon will be there with you.
The two of you were very excited to invite your family round, although Sunghoon was a little apprehensive, you were sure that you were alright and so Sunghoon trusted in you and invited them round to visit.
Sunghoon is pretty patient when it comes to your baby arriving, he enjoys the buzz of pregnancy too and watching your bump grow.
Whenever Sunghoon kisses you, it’s always done with a lot of intent, he’s not the best at showing you his emotions by using words, and so his actions and his affection show you the majority of the time how he feels.
You were his number one, you were his priority from start to end.
At night, Sunghoon loves to cuddle up to you and feel your bump. The closer that he can have you to his chest the better, it’s always comforting for him to have you there and feel your baby as he falls asleep beside you.
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gdangitjae · 2 years
Inked (🔞) {1/3}
❝I don't want nobody but you kissing on my tattoos.❞ August Alsina
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Theme: So… the Kia x Jae saga continues. This time, they're work vacationing in a hotel for a gig Jae has coming up as eJay eaJ. All Kia needed to do was take a shower, as well as relieve some stress. All Jae wanted to do was chill on the king bed. However, the free time they finally had to themselves seemed to have needed to been spent in other ways…
Also, in this particular situation, Jae has a new tattoo! 🤩
Disclaimer: I thought this up with a Black female (someone that looks and acts a lot like yours truly) in mind. So there will be heavy AAVE (African American Vernacular English) usage.
Kinks / Warnings: masturbation, profanity & dirty talk (some derogatory language will be used), a bit of switch behavior, oral sex (cunnilingus and fellatio), fingering, nipple play, mild-ish choking, some orgasm denial
Additional author notes: This is my first time {in a long time} doing this in first person POV instead of the second person POV I'd been using previously. Due to… recent events, I've been conjuring up quite the scenario for this one… Thank you, and you're welcome.
Once again: If you finish reading my lil fanfic or whatever, I would LOVE for you to click/tap the 'reply' icon at the bottom and let me know what your favorite parts were! Not to mention, if you have any critiques (constructive and productive, of course) or questions, feel more than free!
Riding in the back of the Uber from the airport to the hotel, I legit could not stop staring at Jae's vine-like neck tattoo. It was annoying to say the least, considering he's had that (along with his numerous other tats) for months now. I suppose it was the fact that he told me this morning before boarding the damn plane that I have to somehow search for his latest inscribed addition.
"Where… is it, Jae?" I begrudgingly ask him as we stand in line, blankly staring ahead at the boarding entrance, arms crossed, knowing full well he wasn't gonna answer as bluntly.
"You have to find it… later," he confidentially teases, the latter of that statement quietly chirped in my ear. I roll my eyes with a sly smirk, sensing that it likely meant this was permanently stamped somewhere the sun didn't shine.
So it wasn't until we reach the hotel that I was finally able to stop staring at him like a stalker of sorts. As a matter of fact, I manage to avoid eye contact with him as he held my hand, retrieving the hotel room keys with his free hand.
🌸🎀🏩 🐙 🎟 👛 👚 👅 💓
When we reach the room, I see the king-sized bed with a card on top (likely from the promoter that booked Jae for this engagement). He heads that direction as I pull my suitcase over to the couch.
"I'm gonna take a shower," I tell Jae as I unzip my bag and grab a change of clothes, as well as my shower wrap to protect my hair.
"I'm gonna chill here," Jae replies as he plops down on the bed. "I'm lagged."
"Same," I agree with him, walking by him toward the bathroom. "See you in a bit."
"Okay, don't take too long," I hear Jae request behind me. I can feel him smile as he continues. "I've been missing you."
His subtle confession followed me into the bathroom before the home improvement enthusiast in me jumped out. "Oh shit!
"This my type of shower right here!" I excitably exclaim as I hear Jae laugh from the bed. I notice the built-in seat almost immediately, while I sneak a peak at the other quality features before I discard my clothes.
I leave the bathroom door open for the most part, while closing the shower door almost completely because I never know where water lands when I turn showers on. Sure enough, it immediately lands on the door before I attempt to adjust the shower head, accidentally disengaging the head from its compartment.
Oh!.. Noted, I think to myself as I place it right back. My showers be therapeutic, and I planned on this one not being any different. Especially in light of what Jae's been hinting at today. In addition to the whole tattoo ordeal and him saying he's been missing me, there has been tension building the past few weeks.
Unfortunately, Jae's been too busy preparing for this gig with his team to spend a lot of quality time with me. I understand that completely, but my body does not. It rarely does; I just keep it composed for moral purposes. So, to compensate (because patience is not really my thing), I've been spending some quality alone time with myself, by myself. Though, of course, it's not the same.
As I put my shower cap on over my hair and step into the shower, I definitely wanna respect Jae's privacy and desire to relax in the other room. So I go about my business as usual, which goes well until I begin to really take notice of the water pressure coming from this shower head. Without even thinking about it, I let out a almost inaudible moan as I lean back against the wall. "Fuck, that feels good," I mutter to myself as I resume lathering my body with soap.
Giving extra time to my breasts, I let out a low moan again as I go for my crotch next. As soon as the wet, soapy towel touches my lower lips, I gradually begin to lose my mind. That coupled with the water from the shower head inspired me to try something.
I set the towel down and disengage the shower head once again, this time very much on purpose. I aim it extremely close to my pussy, allowing there to be a lot more pressure from the water. As it rinses the soap off, it also quickly turns me on. "Oh my fucking god," I exhale as I roll my hips upward.
After a few moments of that, I feel myself wince as I take two of my fingers and spread my lips open, mentally shunning the freak in me for even doing this. I knew it obviously wasn't the same as, say, someone else's tongue doing similar work, but it still felt alarmingly good. My moans increase in volume and pitch as those same two fingers make their way inside.
I pretty much forwent the whole quiet thing at this point, but I didn't give a fuck. Maybe someone deserved to hear this and become inspired his damn self. I can't say I'm forcing anyone to do anything, but I also can't say I wasn't giving an option for invitation.
"Oh fuck… Fuck, this feels too fucking good," I moan out, pumping my fingers at a moderate pace, still rolling my hips up to meet its friction. "God, I just wish I had… more to… fuckin' work with.
"I – oh, God – just need your fingers… your tongue… your - fuck! - your dick inside me… Please, baby…" With my head hung, and my eyes struggling to stay open, I could feel myself losing more and more of the composure I barely had to begin with. Half of my remaining brain cells were on mission, the other half unaware of anything else but this moment, yet both halves were working toward the same goals.
At this point, my conscience was speaking for me, somehow delivering a late reply to my boyfriend as I inch my fingers deeper and deeper. "Fuck… I… miss… you too, baby. I wanna be… the only b-bitch… kissing… licking… on you… and all your fucking tattoos. I need my hole filled by you—"
"Which one?" a voice echoes in the vicinity of the bathroom, but I'm already too out of it to register who… else… it might be.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
"Huh?" was all I could get out, half-confused and mostly undone.
"Which hole?" the same voice asks, with the same amount of gentle tenacity.
I begin to slowly open my eyes as I drunkenly reply, "Uhh… all of them?"
I hear laughter on the other side of the shower door as this somehow mysterious voice states, "I only have a mouth, a dick, and two hands… One of which is holding said dick. I'm gonna need you to be a little bit more specific."
"Oh s-shit!" I cautiously shout as I drop the shower head in a slightly startled state of shock, thus completely bringing me back to Earth. "Jae?"
"Nope, it's a janitor," Jae jokes before laughing. I couldn't help but laugh as well, but not before telling him to 'shut the fuck up.'
I pick up the shower head and place it back where it belonged. In the time it took to do that, I recalled what I believe I heard Jae say a minute ago. "Still holding your dick?" I casually ask him.
He answers just as nonchalantly, "Stroking it, even… Just thinking about what you were saying…"
"I swear I don't even remember half of what I fuckin' said…" I meant that. I may have been speaking from my heart or whatever, but I just know for a fact that if I had put any thought into it, half of it wouldn't have ever left my lips.
"That's interesting," Jae states. "You don't remember just saying how you want to be the only one kissing on my tattoos? Or how you want your holes filled by everything?"
"Now I know I didn't say it like that," I retort through the palm that I placed on my face. Shortly after we both chuckle at that, I hear a light thud on his end, causing me to finally open the shower door. What I end up seeing drops me on the shower seat.
Jae takes off his t-shirt and throws it with his pants and boxers I see outside the bathroom door. As he turns to make his way to me, I spy with my little eye… it. The newest addition to his tattoo collection.
"No fucking way," I spit out as I notice this elaborate shooting star opposite his vine-like tattoo, but right above his waist line. It was so nice, but I also caught a glimpse of his soft, yet alluring eyes staring down at me, to which all I could satisfactorily reply to it all was "Mmm."
I scoot over closer to the door on the seat as Jae hovers over me, his hand resuming its position around his cock. "May I come in?"
❝I want my hands tattooed on your body, baby.❞
♪ ♫ Sex Never Felt Better | TGT
I wanted badly to reply, "Not yet, but you can cum real quick," but next thing you know, Jae saunters into the shower, closing the door behind him. To my slight surprise, I almost immediately feel his thumbs circle my nipples while his lips trail kisses all around my neck.
It takes roughly zero seconds for me to moan at the water, my legs attempting to gird themselves around Jae’s torso in agreement. “Jae, fuck…” It seemed like he waited for actual words to leave my mouth before moving on up to my gaping lips.
Taking a seat next to me, he gently wraps his fingers around my neck, leisurely gliding his tongue around my lips one good time before it eases his way in between them with a smirk. I couldn’t help but smile while kissing him back because one, that was hot as fuck considering, two, he’s terribly good at maintaining some sort of composure… no matter how bad he may seem to want me.
I feel a hand sail along my wet skin, down to what probably is consistently the wettest part of me. I end up biting Jae’s bottom lip, obnoxiously moaning through my teeth when I feel just the tips of two of his fingers press against my entrance.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," I repeat breathlessly as Jae simultaneously pulls his lip back and pushes his fingers further inside me. “Shit, baby…”
“God, I miss hearing that,” Jae utters out in my ear, “you sound so good… Damn, you haven’t been this tight in a fucking minute.”
I sluggishly moan low in Jae’s ear, actually feeling how I’m readjusting back to the now full length of these same two fingers, along with a thumb circling the clit. As heavenly as it feels, I couldn’t resist attempting to shoot a tiny verbal dagger his direction… because why not? “Then keep doing something about it.”
Instantly, I feel Jae’s lips on my neck, paving their own trail down my body. After resting on the islands of my breasts a couple moments, his mouth continues to journey downward to meet my fingers. I soon begin to feel his warm breath blowing between my thighs as I feel a twisting of the fingers before they are pulled out of me.
“J-Jae…” I breathe out, my eyes opening to Jae sucking two fingers while seemingly surveying every inch of my being. I’m able to hear him hum just over the sound of the water hitting his back, both hands placed firmly around the inside of my thighs as he plunges himself head-first into my pussy. Hums were accompanied with licking beneath me, while names were replaced with panting above him.
“Fuck,” Jae exhales when I see his face again. “You always taste so fuckin’ good,” he compliments, three fingers stretching me out as his tongue rejoins in alternation.
“Oh, fuck!” I shakily moan out, threading my fingers through Jae’s slick hair, holding his head steady as I grind my pulsating pussy up to his hungry mouth. Still feeling Jae’s long fingers dig their way directly to my clit, I do my best to encourage him. “Please don’t stop… until I cum… Keep going… Go deeper, babe…”
Jae hums approvingly before following those orders in a way that makes my damn head spin, and my eyes roll back. I grip the seat as I have my legs rested on Jae’s upper back. I notice a moment of withdrawal as he disengages his tongue from my dripping pussy, only for him to spit on it before submerging his face back in between my legs.
Between the vibrations from his sporadic humming and his tongue and fingers feeling like they’re doing backflips damn near in my stomach, I cry out in stimulating pleasure… especially when his free hand makes its way up to fondle my tits.
“Mmhmm,” is all I hear Jae utter out without letting up for a second. If nothing else, his fingers pump themselves even faster, and my legs begin to shake.
This is usually the portion of the program where he stops completely, with his teasing ass. I struggle to open my eyes, glaring down at Jae, whose almost playful gaze is staring at me. After one more solid suck, he forces his head back in laughter, both hands still where they were before.
He knows that I know how he operates, so as he begins to lift himself from the tiled shower floor, he assures, “I wouldn’t do that to you this time, babe.”
“Mm,” is my snarky little reply before Jae’s tongue flicks ever-so-slightly on the nipple that isn’t already having a thumb grazed across or being pinched. “Please…”
Jae’s fingers had slowed down, yet dug themselves even deeper, as he latches his mouth around that same nipple. As he switches between each perky nub, he pumps his fingers inside me faster… and faster.
“Oh God, Jae…” I exhale, getting weaker in the knees with just about every motion, yet strengthening Jae with each moan that eases or forces itself out of my lips.
Now Jae takes it into his own hands to encourage me. “Yeah, Ki… Let me know just how much you missed this shit, baby.”
“So fucking much, babe,” I reply, still breathless, my back arching when I feel a large hand against the moisture of it. “So… damn… f-fuck, Jae!”
I couldn’t even finish reiterating my feelings due to how distracted I became, with Jae’s fingers repeatedly hitting my clit directly. Once his lips were back on my neck, it was a wrap. Without so much as a loud gasp in Jae’s ear, an inebriating orgasm transpires. I let out a moan so loud and lusty that I’m sure one could hear it from the hotel hallway.
When Jae’s fingers finally ease their way out of me, a jet stream of cum leaks out, and tears literally start to build. “Fuck, Jae…” I chuckle, as he takes one of those fingers and gestures for me to suck on it. Which I do, of course, before he pulls it out and momentarily sucks another one.
Throwing my head back, I blindly, yet tenderly feel along Jae’s creamy wet skin. While still recovering and calming my body down, I begin to slither to the floor. I start to regain some strength… because this is far from over.
❝…I love them tattoos, I still gotta learn 'em all… Tell me when you're gonna make them the writings on my wall…❞ ♪ ♫ Touch Me | Victoria Monet
Once I look up to face a now standing Jae (in more ways than one), I look up and down his body, admiring the artwork painted throughout it. Not quite fully back on Earth mentally, I finally decide to express a thought or two on the star on his stomach. "I really like this astral situation you got going on, baby," I tell him with a mellow grin.
After Jae thanks me for the compliment, I place a few pampering kisses along said 'situation,' adjusting myself so that I'm already sitting back on the seat. Meanwhile, Jae asks, "What do you like about it?"
My brief, honest answer? "How close it is to what I want," I reply as I hunch over, my lips and tongue coating the tip of his dick.
"Oh fuck," Jae breathes out, immediately satisfying my ears, as well as other places along my body. I see his hand grip the shaft before continuing to stroke.
I suck the tip while gently running my thumb along the tattoo before looking up at him. For one, I could tell it had been at least a couple weeks since he'd gotten it, due to him not flinching when I began to touch it. For another thing, I catch him rolling his neck before looking down at me looking at him.
I soften my gaze as I lap at the tip with my tongue. My hand goes from Jae's waist back to my aching pussy as the other hand trails up his more decorated arm. I moan before my fingers are quickly replaced with his again, allowing his cock to go further down my throat as his fingers plunge deeper in between my very open legs.
"I really fucking missed this," Jae exhales as I hum around his length in agreement. "I really fucking missed you."
He pulls out of my mouth, much to both of our disappointment, but then he slips his tongue inside. We both moan almost harmoniously as we intensely suck each others' tongues.
"Fuck," Jae breathes out after a moment, probably also feeling my hand wrapped around his cock.
"It really has been a minute," I let out between kisses, some on his lips, but a lot on his neck. In a maneuver Jae's used to, I lick along that vine-like tattoo like it came with an instruction manual.
"It has, and you're not missing a goddamn beat," Jae replies in between moans and faster pumping from his fingers, nearing my g-spot.
"Neither are you… Shit… Don't stop." I pant into his ear before we exchange several deep kisses, moaning at how good we're finally making each other feel after this past month. I notice how my moans become more drawn out in contrast to the rapid pace I feel Jae's fingers push in and out of me. "Fuck, Jae…"
"Yeah, Ki…" I feel Jae's breath near my ear as he continues, "You like that?"
"Of course, always," I reply with my hand recirculating the tip, "but you know I want more."
"You deserve more," Jae concurs as he pulls away from me completely, inadvertently stepping into the direct path of water from the shower head. "Oh shit. That feels good."
I half-laugh, seeing him feel a fraction of what I felt with the water pressure I mentioned before, but also… He looks hot as fuck with that water running down his body. I must've been obvious with my ogling because I see Jae smirk at me before stepping forward an inch for the water to drench his hair.
I take that as an opportunity to get back down on my knees and pick up where I was left off. Feeling like I had did just enough prep prior, I went ahead and took him to the hilt. With most of his dick halfway down my throat in record time, I want to see his reaction, but I wasn't about to be blinded by the water. It almost didn't matter, though, because I sure as hell heard it.
"Fuck, Kia!" Jae spits out as I feel a hand grip my shower cap, pushing my head further down his shaft. An almost purr-like moan soon follows from the both of us. After a few seconds, he lets go of my head, allowing me to suck him off.
I could hear Jae pant expressively above me, and I just had to see what that was like, so I pull away momentarily, and it was worth it – for me at least. I was able to catch his facial features release from the probably distorted way his eyes close like it usually is when I'm on his dick like that… and the animal in me almost got unleashed again.
I held it together as much as I could though. "You look so fucking hot, Jae," I spill while one of my hands wrap around his cock, and the other caresses the star tattoo (finally, a tattoo I can fucking reach from this position!).
"So do you, baby," Jae replies, a bit sluggishly, reminding me of just how much more 'laggy' I'm making him… Although, I know neither one of us care enough to stop. We always finish what we start… even if we take our time to get there.
After Jae asks me to retrieve a dry towel for his face, I'm back on the blessed shower seat, repositioning myself to take his cock back into my mouth. Jae assists by placing a foot on the seat, but I should've remembered that there's always gonna be something in most leg ups for him as well.
As he guides his dick back into my mouth, he wraps a hand around my neck. He knows how much I'm annoyingly turned on by such an action, and he knows how to switch it up when necessary. Needless to say, he had enough of a grip for me to choke on his length (something he's annoyingly turned on by).
Moaning at the shower tile, Jae begins to fuck my mouth slowly. I begin to moan in place of words I wouldn't have been able to find whether his dick was down my throat or not. Jae, on the other hand… "You're taking it so good, babe.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me cum so hard in that pretty mouth of yours…” Jae chokes out. “And you're gonna take all that like a good girl, right?"
"Mmhmm," was all I could obviously reply with, and while I could be bratty as fuck, I decided to forgo it… for now. I missed this Jae too damn much.
While never letting go of my neck, he pulls out of my mouth, inadvertently giving me enough time to croak, "I want your cum down my throat, baby," before shoving himself back inside.
Finding myself choking more often than usual, I feel a tiny trail of drool (and probably a hint of precum) run down my chin. Fucking my throat at a faster pace, Jae hunches over ever-so-slightly, but it's more than enough for me to finally reach his chest. I'm not trying to cut off my blood flow, so I close my eyes and feel my way around.
I purposely run my palms along his nipples, pinching them until they're as hard as his dick has been. I stick my tongue out underneath to fucking breathe, but I know how much that subtle change fucks him up. It sounds to me like this combo is doing its job because Jae is reduced to panting again, especially when I shift my tongue from left to right.
"Keep doing that, Ki," I hear Jae exhale as he proceeds to fuck my mouth. Shortly after, Jae's fingers press against my neck before letting go of it completely. I’m able to go a step further with it and open my mouth and throat some more, dragging my tongue underneath from the sack to the tip, over and over… and over, until– "I'm gonna fucking cum!"
The brat in me instantly jumps out again as my mouth lets go, and my hands remain on his chest, moving to his arms. Looking up at a ravished Jae, I go, "Oh really?" with a smirk.
"Don't fucking play," Jae growls.
"I'm not!" I playfully retaliate, "I'm just asking a simple ass question."
I see Jae roll his eyes before my mouth resumes guiding him to his finish. "There you go," Jae blows out, "Good girl…"
"Mm," I respond, still acting bratty with my fingers pinching his nipples again. Since I have a lot more control than before, I retreat and advance on his cock repeatedly until I hear a shaky, high-pitched moan signaling my place to stop.
Resting my tongue underneath his tip, I fondle Jae's balls while he wraps his fingers back around his warm shaft. "Oh yeah, baby… F-fuck… Fuck!"
With just a bit a tip sucking, Jae's streams of cum find their way down my throat, resting in the back of it. Once he sits back down on the seat next to me, I kiss him deeply, the both of us moaning when he receives a fraction of his own cum in his mouth.
"I fuckin' love it when you do that," Jae states after swallowing his portion.
"I know," I breathe out in a bit of a cocky manner before giving him a couple more kisses on his lips. I finally take a moment to kiss around his chest, sucking on his nipples while staring into his glazed eyes smiling down at me.
I instinctively begin to climb onto Jae’s lap, with his hands firmly on my waistline helping me – wait – guiding me right back where I was seated. Only for a moment, though, because then he lifts me off the seat, carrying me to the other end of the shower.
< Stay tuned for Part 2! >
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etherealyoungk · 3 years
a rainy day with jae
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hot chocolate and marshmallows
it was late at night. the clouds gathered and formed a huge gray mass above overhead. there was a big breeze and trees swayed against it. the smell of the rain clung to the air. there was going to be a big rain tonight. soon, it was raining, a lot. the rain poured heavily, with occasional flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder. i sat on the bed, typing out an email, while jae was lying down next to me, scrolling through his phone.
suddenly, the power went, and the only light illuminating the room was from our screens. i could now hear the steady torrent of rain and the flashes of lighting through the window. i saved my email, closed my laptop screen, and turned to jae. he had put his phone down too since the wi-fi was now down.
"jae?", i asked, reaching out for him in the dark, smacking his face by accident.
"oww", he let out and i stifled my giggle.
"sorry", I told and interlocked my hand in his after locating his hand. after a few minutes of silence, i spoke again.
"i have a sudden craving for some hot chocolate", i told softly.
"then let's go make some", he replied. "wouldn't mind some myself".
we both headed downstairs, the flashlights from our phones guiding us. in the kitchen i found two candles and lit them. jae had opened the back door and was looking out, watching the rain. he was about to step out when i stopped him.
"don't go out, it's dangerous", i told firmly.
"what do you mean? i wanna get a better look", he told.
"you could get struck by lightning, it's crazy out there", i explained and he gave me a 'are you serious' kind of look.
"come on, you gotta live life on the edge babe", he told coolly.
"and how would i get struck by lightning, you're such a drama queen", he added.
i gasped softly at his words.
"i am not a drama queen", i defended and he gave me another look.
"but really, get your ass back in here, it's cold and the candles might go out", i added and sighed coming in, but not before peeking his head out for 3 seconds.
i headed up the milk while jae looked for the marshmallows. i spooned some hot chocolate powder in each cup and poured in the hot milk, stirring it. the smell of chocolate made its way into the air.
"found em", jae told and put in four marshmallows in each cup. i took two extra, adding one to my cup and plopping one in my mouth. it was soft, fluffy, and melted into my mouth. i jumped and sat on the counter, while jae leaned against the fridge with his cup in his hands. the candlelight illuminated his features and he looked cute, even in his messy hair.
"i have an idea", he told, coming forward.
"lemme try roasting it on the fire", he told enthusiastically.
he proceeded to stab a marshmallow with a fork and slowly turned it over the stove flame. it bubbled with the heat and also melted slightly. he took it off and blew on it vigorously before putting it in his mouth.
"is it good?", I asked and he nodded. Hh made one for me too and it tasted pretty good.
i sipped on my hot chocolate, feeling the warmth from the mug on my palms. i was only wearing a long sleeve shirt and it wasn't keeping me much warmer. i heard the beep of the generator, indicating the power was back on. jae turned on the light, taking a big sip of his hot chocolate. i took the pack of marshmallows and put one more in my mug.
"roasting them was a good idea, i should try making s'mores next time", he told.
"guess what, these marshmallows are actually expired", i told and his face fell.
"we're gonna die", he told and i rolled my eyes.
"now who's being the drama queen", I asked.
"it just expired yesterday, so we should be fine", i assured.
"okay, now come and give me a hug. i've been freezing ever since you opened the back door and let in all the cold air", I complained with a fake frown, spreading my arms. he smiled and engulfed me in a warm, tight hug.
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aixy-hpsa · 3 years
day6 as oddly specific scenarios
read at your own risk
This is it. The moment of truth. Your online girlfriend of two (2) months is finally about to reveal her real name and location. The butterflies fluttering in your stomach threaten to fly out of your belly button as you wait with bated breath for your lover to "spill the deets". You feel the ground beneath you shake when (s)he tells you the exact name and address of your snobby neighbor who vaguely smells like burnt coffee and always moans "valoRANt" at (precisely) 3:12 in the morning. At least it's not a bald, greasy italian gangster texting you from jail, right? Maybe this would be much easier if it was. You block him for good measure when you receive a "we should prolly exchange pics after you tell me abt urself too jsjsjsjs" because, no.
"It's not love if you don't accept me for who I am!" You don't wait for your dad to respond as you slam the door shut with enough force to rouse the angsty teenagers imprisoned in your closet. The next morning, when you make your way to the dining table with dried tear tracks on your face and crusty snot in your hair, you find a pair of matching condoms with a note that says: "Love, dad. Sorry for the bad initial reaction, I was overwhelmed. I love you and I hope I get to meet her soon." Warmth fills your cold, dead heart. A tear threatens to escape your right eye but you look at the condoms and slowly realise that neither you nor your girlfriend own a magnum-sized penis.
Young K:
It's raining buckets when you rush into the nearest thing willing to provide you a roof. You're pleasantly surprised when every table in the mom-and-pop style diner is packed to the brim except for the seat next to the cute busker you saw on the street earlier. He smiles at you as you sit down and make yourself comfortable. After exchanging pleasantries, you reach forward to shake hands, and that's when it happens. Flashes of colour blind your eyes as it slowly hits you that this "cute" guy was the maid who poisoned you, the crown prince, approximately three lifetimes ago. That bitch. Where was your sword when you needed it the most?
It's an eerily warm night. You're trying your best to scroll through your instagram feed but the four year-old you're babysitting (for easy money obviously, you're a monster) finally manages to crawl onto your lap after dropkicking the poor phone into a nearly empty popcorn bowl beside you. "I really hope Rebecca doesn't wake up tomorrow", he solemnly declares before planting a slightly wet kiss on your cheek.
It took three hours to get everyone out of the bank safely. Your firefighter uniform is covered in soot, and you're about to exit the building when you spot a puppy trapped behind a large chunk of debris. You immediately run over to set it free. When you finally exit the building, you're taken aback when peta promises to make you CEO for valuing the dog's life over yours. The happiness doesn't last long though. As soon as the both of you are alone, the dog bites your hand and growls out a "fuck the rich" before running away.
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thepixelelf · 4 years
First to Fall - Day6 (Completed)
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What happens when two friends who are 'bad at love' want to prove each other wrong?
Genres: romance, comedy, idiots-to-lovers, university au
Pairing: Reader & Jae (Day6)
Warnings: language
Behind the scenes
1. Taemin from SHINee
2. Scout's Honour
3. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
4. Boom
5. First Date Types
6. As if
7. Wait What Happened
8. Awkward Silence
9. You Have No Idea
10. Emergency
11. No, Maybe
12. I Need To Tell You Something
13. Should've Gone First
14. I Don't Know
15. Priorities
16. Missed
17. Standby for Backup
18. Starstruck
19. I'm Gonna Do Something
20. Because
21. A to B
22. Let's Talk
23. Remedies
24. Warmth
25. Fuck It
26. Deja Vu
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getdownkyh · 4 years
Pillow Talk Series | Suggestive / smut / fluff 
. Jaehyung . Sungjin .  Younghyun . Wonpil . Dowoon .
Jam & Butterfly (m) | Jae | 1k words
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Jae had you trapped against the wall, your legs wrapped around his waist like you were holding on for your life as your body flailed with every thrust of his hips. Your hands were on his shoulders, sweat on both your skin making your hands slip every time he pounded into you, making you claw at his pale skin.
He stilled for a moment, taking your wrists in his hands, pressing kisses on both your knuckles, eyes gazing deep into yours before he pinned your wrists next to your head, gripping tight to keep you in place before resuming his previous unrelenting pace. You threw your head back, shaking your head left and right as you whined, your hands twisting in his grasp. Jae leaned forward, his lips meeting your neck as he let out a dragged out moan, holding you in place for a moment as you both panted against each other, engulfed in pleasure. 
You tucked your head into the crook of his neck, arms loosely thrown across his torso as he carried you to his bed, carefully placing you down before propping himself up next to your side, observing you with uneven breaths.
There was something addicting about you, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he wanted to stare at you forever. Even in your current state, he thought to himself, probably not your most presentable image? Loose strands of hair sticking to your sweaty skin, lips reddened and moist, angry red marks on your neck and- Oh shit, he mentally shook his head, this was definitely a sight he wanted to keep forever etched in his mind. 
You exhaled, opening your eyes, turning your body to face him. “Jae?”
“Do the thing.”
He smiled softly at you, “What thing?” 
“You know what thing.” 
Jae let out a breathy laugh. Of course he knew what thing. It had become some sort of a tradition between you two. Every time you guys made love to each other, right before you fall asleep he would shower you with praises and sweet nothings. 
You shifted closer to him, finger tracing his lips, giggling when he sent an air kiss towards you. He took your wrist, noticing the red ring that formed after you wrestled in his grasp. He rubbed his thumb over it, kissing the pair softly, “Mine.” 
You nodded, cheek brushing against the soft sheets, “Yes, yours.” 
“You’re so pretty.” he slurred.
“I’m pretty sure I look like a mess right now.” you said, stifling a laugh.
“But you’re my mess. And that’s beautiful to me.” 
You blinked slowly, focusing your gaze on him as he continued speaking.
“Every time you look at me with those eyes of yours, I get so nervous. Like I wanna be as careful as I can when I’m with you, I don’t want to even do one thing wrong.” 
You opened your mouth to say something, but got cut off by him.
“I know, I know. You always tell me it’s okay to make mistakes. To just, live. But when you laugh around me and you hold my hand, you make me feel like I am alive, you make wanna experience everything with you.”
He kissed your wrists again, eyes on the red marks, “And whenever we’re together, when I hear your soft moans, God I feel so undeserving, I just wanna protect you.” 
You feel yourself blushing, drinking in all his affirmations. 
He entwined your fingers together, “I like just being with you.” 
“Why?” you quipped, voice laced with fatigue, yet your smile never really left your lips.
“You make me feel...new.” he let go of your hand, tracing your shoulder, down to your arm, “Every time I touch you, I feel more alive. Every time your skin meets mine, I feel butterflies in my stomach, dancing all over my skin, they make me feel dizzy, but strangely, more awake.”
You softened, your insides melting. Jae had always been a real, honest person. The way he expressed his thoughts, his words always so raw, so genuine. But especially in these intimate moments, his words were more personal, saved for you only.
it made you realise it was indeed possible to fall in love with someone’s mind. He had such a way with words that you lost count of how many variations of sentences he had used to describe his feelings towards you, each time tugging on your heartstring just as strong as the previous ones. 
“I think I’m falling for you.”  he let out. 
“I’ve fallen for you a long time ago.” you sighed.
“I know, me too. But I think I get why they call it falling in love now. I can’t see the end to it, I’m just descending down into an endless pit, in the best way possible.” 
Your surrounding felt airy, sweet. Like you were floating. You inched closer to him, allowing him to cuddle you, his words replaying like broken records  in your head. You were high on love. 
“How do you do it?” you kissed him.
“Do what?” he kissed you back. 
“Your words.. You’re so good at making me feel loved..” 
His lips felt soft and sweet against your own.
“Have you seen yourself? You’re a goddamn angel.” he chuckled against the kiss, bringing his hand to your hair to stroke your head. You shuffled in his hold, making yourself comfortable against him as you closed you eyes, exhaustion taking over your system. 
Jae softened. He liked seeing your pupils enlarging as your lids slowly descended, until your eyes fluttered close, your lashes making you look innocent in your sleep. He loved how your lips formed a small pout every time your body was consumed bit by bit by sleep as you listen to his soothing voice.
“Goodnight Jae.” you mumbled.
"Goodnight.” he hummed. Holding you close he continued stroking your hair until he heard your breathing slowing down, falling asleep in his arms. He kissed your forehead as he closed his own eyes, your even breaths lulling him to sleep. 
My muse. The jam to my butterfly.
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silentmoriii · 4 years
My favorite combo is Sungjin and plaid shirts..
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it’s the second picture for me 
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
giggles and candy canes | Jae
admin: Jade
genre: fluffy fluff
pairing: Male idol x fem! reader
warnings; None :D
word count: 1.079K
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You beamed as you relaxed on the couch with Jae.  His lips just leaving yours. He giggled at the grin on your face. 
"You know what we need to do?" he looked at you, you thought for a moment then shook your head. 
"Not really, what is it?" You looked at him, the same dorky grin cemented on your face.
"Decorate, and get candy!" He looked at you like an eager child. You nodded quickly then kissed his cheek. 
"We should get ready then," You smiled up at him. He nodded and picked you up, walking to the bedroom. 
You held onto him as he put you down gently, both of you changing at the same time. You walked out as he smiled. "Ready babydoll?" You nodded quickly and smiled to yourself as he grabbed his keys and you looked up at him.
"The last one to the car is a bad candy cane," You giggled and ran down as he whined and ran, beating you at the last second. You pouted up at him. "How did you do that?" You whined.
He chuckled and winked.  "leggg," 
you giggled at the one word. "It's not my fair that your legs are twelve feet long,"
He kissed you quickly then opened the car door for you and bowed with a giggle. "M'lady,"
You grinned "Thank you, kind sir,"
You got in the car and smiled as he drove to a nearby Christmas store. When he parked you got out and took a cart.  He followed you and smiled as he picked up goofy ornaments, placing them gently in the cart. 
He grinned as you walked to the candy aisle then looked at you. "No promises about me controlling myself," 
You giggled and stuck your tongue out. "Don't make me broke,"
"No promises," He smiled as he started to walk around. He picked up two boxes of candy canes, a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups; the biggest bag of them you've ever seen. He put them in the cart and you smiled.
"Is that it?" You sounded a bit too hopeful as he shook his head.
"Nope, my arms were full," He stuck his tongue out then looked around.
By the time he was done the cart was halfway full of just candy. 
"I feel like I'm gonna be your mom," You looked at him as he cocked his head. "I'll be the one to control your sugar intake, then take care of you when you get a stomach ache." 
Jae just giggled as you walked down an aisle. He picked up two Santa hats and put them in the cart. He walked further down the aisle and grinned as he saw a hair tie with jingle bells and ribbon hanging off of it. "You're gonna wear this," He stuck his tongue out and you couldn't help but giggle. 
He smiled as you went down almost all the aisles, finding at least one thing in each aisle. You walked up to the register and watched the total go up, and up, and up. It looked like it was going to never end, you looked at Jae and sighed.
 "This is from all the candy," He smiled at you, at least you thought it was a smile, it could've been a cringe too. 
"I'll pay," He smiled weakly as you nodded. "Good,"
You strolled out to the car with him, putting at least fifty bags into the trunk of a small Toyota Corolla.
It took three trips to finally have all the bag upstairs. When you finished bringing the bags up, Jae already started setting your tree up. You sat on the couch and watched him. As he separated the branches you saw his tongue out of the side of his mouth as he focused. You smiled softly to yourself as you watched. 
"I'm doneee," he laid down on the ground as you shook your head. "No ornaments?" 
He looked over at you. "Noooope, I'm too tired, so that's all you," You giggled as you walked over to the tree with boxes of ornaments, most were brand new but quite a few were from your childhood. You started to hang the ornaments up and smiled as he stood up and started to help. 
"I thought you were too tired," You stuck your tongue out at him as he kissed your cheek. "I just needed to rest for a little bit,"
You watched as he walked over to the bags and took the Santa hats and one of the boxes of candy canes out. 
"Ooh, we should put candy canes on the tree," You grinned as he looked at the box. "Yeah, that's what I was gonna do," He nodded as he put his hat then walked over to you and put your hat on. You smiled up at him. "I'm not saying you can't have one," You opened the box and handed him one, putting the rest on the tree.  He grinned as he ate the candy cane and you shook your head. 
"You're such a child," 
He whined at you, "I am not,"
You shook your head. "and there's my evidence to back it up."
You backed away from the tree and smiled to yourself. "Done," 
Jae looked at the tree and grinned. "You did a good job," 
"Thank you," You grinned as he back hugged you. 
He looked down at you and grinned back. "I love you,"
You looked up at him and smiled. "I love you more,"
He kissed you briefly as he smiled. "are you hungry?" he looked at you as you nodded. "Now that leads to my big question," He grinned, "What would you like to eat?" 
You thought then smiled up at him. "Pizza, bacon and pepperoni," He nodded and let go of you to order it.
When he finished you smiled over at him. "I have a bigger question for you," You smiled up at him as you walked over to the sofa and sat down. He sat next to you. "And what is your question?" 
You looked at all the bags. "What is your plan for all this candy?"
He looked at it after. "Eat it all then get sick,"
You scrunched your nose, giving him a face of disgust as he giggled. "I'm kidding."
You smiled at him "Good, but what are you actually going to do with it,"
"I have absolutely no idea," 
You giggled at him. "You'll figure it out."
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lunnanunna · 3 years
I’m the Best
DAY6 Extra Member AU
Summary: [Requested] It’s Parker’s first stream, and Jae’s on it so it’s bound to get loud.
Warning: swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung @galacticstxrdust @kimonmars @mythicalamphitrite​ @poutypoutybin​ @sunflower-0180​
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from a taglist.
A/N: Was taken place before Jae decided to stop streaming. This was requested, which is why I wrote it. Parker, Sam, Lexi, and Bao are written by request, and seeing as I have time this week, send in any requests you have for them. 
Requests are open! Please like, leave a comment, or send an ask. Doing any of these things is one more reason for me to keep writing.
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“Okay guys, I’d like to introduce the newest member of Day6 that will now be on Twitch,” Jae spoke into his mic, looking at the camera.
“Hiya,” Parker greeted as she turned her camera on. She waved and grinned at all the comments flooding in. Parker was honestly surprised to see so many people joining her first stream.
Ollie, Yoori, and Jae finally convinced Parker to open up her own Twitch account, and here she was, being introduced in one of Jae’s streams.
“It took so much convincing, but I got the child on here,” Jae nodded proudly.
“Ollie and Yoori were the ones who did more of the convincing. Jae just offered to buy me food,” Parker pointed out, smirking.
“It worked, though. Didn’t it?” Jae shrugged, looking into the camera.
“This is true, but you better actually follow through,” Parker glared at the screen. She then looked at her second screen where all the comments were coming in. Chuckling she read one of them out loud.
“Jae get her something delicious!”
“Alright, alright. What do you want?” Jae rolled his eyes as he pulled out his phone.
“Can you order that vegan kimbap from that restaurant that Brian found?” Parker asked, reaching for her strawberry smoothie.
“Sure. I think I have it saved here,” Jae spoke as he looked through his phone. “Want anything else?”
Parker shrugged, but then answered out loud when she saw that he wasn’t looking. “Surprise me.”
“You’re actually pretty easy to please as long as it’s vegan, so I gotchu,” Jae snorted.
“Okay then while we wait for the food to get here, how about we start up a game?” Parker suggested, already pulling up Mario Kart. They had decided to start off with this game, then see where it’d take them.
“Sounds good,” Jae said as he put his phone back down, “The food should be by your place in about half an hour.”
“Perfect! Dowoonie will probably bring it in for me,” Parker smiled, setting up the code and sending it to Jae.
“Must be nice to have your very own servant,” Jae sighed, shaking his head.
“Hey! He’s my best friend, not my servant. He’s just a sweetheart!” Parker defended, wishing Jae was next to her so she could punch him in the arm.
“Sure,” Jae quriked a brow at her.
“Whatever,” Parker rolled her eyes, then muted herself as the game loaded. “Such an annoying human,” she spoke into the mic for her viewers to hear. The Aussie chuckled as they laughed with her.
“You better not be talking crap about me! I’ll know,” Jae warned Parker.
“I always talk crap about you,” Parker snarked once she was unmuted then stuck her tongue out.
“Real mature,” Jae rolled his eyes.
“Thank you,” Parker said, smugly.
The two silently went through their character lists and then chose what karts and modifications they wanted, then after a game of rock, paper, scissors, Parker got to choose which track.
“What’s the point of you picking, if you always end up picking at random?” Jae threw his head back in annoyance.
“It’s so I can get that exact reaction from you, my friend,” Parker cackled.
As the first race began, Jae and Parker focused on their tasks, but soon the oldest started talking again.
“So, Parker, what’s your streaming gonna look like? Schedule, games, etc.?” the guitarist asked.
“Well, seeing as we’re still prepping for some things, it might not be too often, but after all that is set, it’ll probably once a week? How’s that sound guys?” Parker directed the last question towards the viewers.
Taking a quick peek at their comments, Parker saw that they liked that idea. She smiled, holding a quick thumbs up then focusing back on the controllers
“As for games, I play anything and everything. So you guys can suggest. I’ll probably even make a roulette type thing with different games on them and let fate chose,” Parker nodded at her own idea.
“I seriously hate playing with you! Like why are you so good?!” Jae yelled as he fell off the track and had to wait to be placed back on it.
“Simple. I’m just the best. Always have been. Isn’t that right, guys?” Parker winked at the camera, resting her chin on her palm.
Jae snorted, then screamed when Parker launched a squid. “The ink!”
The maknae cackled as she advanced to the finish line. “Hell yeah!” she cheered, doing a little dance.
“Don’t get too cocky. I’m getting hyped now. I’m not letting you win. I’m not letting her win,” Jae repeated the last bit to his viewers.
“As if he could ever win,” Parker smirked at her own viewers.
A knock came from her door, and Dowoon popped his head in. “Soo, your food,” he said, scurrying in. He smiled quickly at the camera, and Parker snorted as his hood was completely covering his head, zipped and tied.
“Very nice, Oppa,” Parker smiled.
Dowoon saluted, then shouted, “Hey, Hyung!” then ran out.
“I didn’t even get to say hi,” Jae pouted.
“Oops,” Parker shrugged as she opened her food. She smiled at the kimbap and veggie rolls, along with another one of her favorite smoothies, this one being mango.
“Did I do good?” Jae asked, arms folded over his chest, smirking.
Parker, who was mid bite of her veggie roll, sent a thumbs up, cheeks filled to the brim. “Mm-ood-mf,” she tried answering.
Jae rolled his eyes. “Finish chewing,” he waved her off.
Parker nodded, but instead of talking after she was done chewing, she took another bite, this time of the kimbap.
Jae chuckled then after sending a sneer towards Parker, started the next round.
“Yah!” Parker protested, obviously not ready. She choked a bit on her food, and Jae just snickered. “You’re going down, Park Jaehyung!” Parker dropped her food to pick up her controllers again.
“Where’s the respect?” Jae asked, laughing.
“There’s never respect in Mario Kart, you made that abundantly clear,” Parker as she hollered, zipping past him.
Parker then started singing I’m The Best by 2NE1. She could definitely get used to streaming.
Parker’s Masterlist
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noona-clock · 4 years
False Hope
Genre: AU, Friends to Lovers
Pairing: Jae x You
Warnings: Anxiety
Words: 3,835
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You let out what could only be described as a combination of a sigh and a whine as you, yet again, opened your eyes to glare at your bedroom ceiling.
Your mind was racing, as it was wont to do -- this was nothing new whatsoever, and thinking about all the work you needed to get done for your job tomorrow and the day after was preventing you from getting any sort of rest.
With the arm closest to your side table, you reached over and felt around the surface for your phone. The last time you had checked the clock, it had been about half past one in the morning; what time was it now? You’d been lying here trying -- and failing, obviously -- to go to sleep for what seemed like quite a while now... maybe it was two? Quarter past?
When you brought your phone up to your face and saw what time it actually was, another sigh-whine escaped from your lips.
2:45 AM.
So, you’d been attempting sleep for over an hour since the last time you’d looked at your phone. And for quite a few hours before that, too. Since 10 PM, to be exact.
...Yeah, you weren’t getting any sleep tonight.
As you turned over onto your side, you unplugged your phone and typed in your passcode to bring up your text messages. There was only one thing you could do at a time like this: text Jae.
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You weren’t sure why you were surprised when you saw him read your message almost instantly.
More often than not, when you couldn’t sleep, Jae was also experiencing the same trouble. You imagined that if the two of you shared a room, you would have many -- many -- late night/early morning conversations because neither of you could sleep.
But... you weren’t sure why you would share a room with Jae because he was your friend. One of your very good, very close friends, but not the type to share a room with.
When you saw his typing bubble pop up, you shook your head a little, dismissing the thoughts of being in the same bedroom as Jae.
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...What did he mean ‘what’s up’? It was almost three in the morning. Did he think you would be texting him about something important?
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Since both of you currently lived alone, you had no qualms about talking on the phone in the middle of the night; nobody else was around for you to disturb, and usually talking to Jae helped ease your mind -- at least enough for you to be able to actually go to sleep.
As soon as you saw his call come through, you accepted it and put him on speakerphone.
“Yo,” he said, his voice groggy and quieter than normal.
“Hey,” you sighed.
“Why can’t you sleep?”
With a groan, you replied, “I just have so much to get done in the next couple of days for work, and I can’t stop thinking about how I’m going to do it all. Trying to schedule out each task and what I need to do if I don’t finish something because then I would have to work on it next week but I have meetings and a big presentation next week so I really can’t afford to add something else to my workload and my dad called me earlier and said my mom is starting to get headaches again but they can’t afford any more treatments especially if she has to stop working so what if I have to move back in with my parents again to help them out and what would I do with all of my furniture and stuff I mean I can’t just sell everything because I’ll need it eventually but I can’t take it with me because there’s no room and I guess I could find a storage place but I don’t know how long I would have to live with them and --”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Jae interrupted gently.
You were honestly glad he did, though. You hadn’t any idea you were going to ramble like that when you’d started talking. Apparently, you were more anxious about things than you even realized.
“Sor -- sorry,” you breathed, your chest heaving slightly from having said so much in so little amount of time.
“No, you don’t need to be sorry,” he told you. “I just wanted to stop you before you hyperventilated.”
A soft, self-deprecating chuckle escaped your lips, and you murmured, “Thanks.”
You heard Jae take a breath and then there was a pause during which you could clearly imagine him pressing his lips together in thought. And then he said, “I’m sorry all this is happening to you right now. If there’s anything I can do, you know you can come to me, right?”
“Yeah, of course,” you replied. Jae was just that kind of friend. He may not always remember your birthday or remember to text you back (really, the only time he was good about that was when he was lying in bed having trouble sleeping), but he was reliable as hell when you needed a listening ear or some advice about something. You could trust him -- and you did, with every fiber of your being.
“You’ll get everything done you need to get done,” he assured you. “I know you, and I know how hard you work. It may seem daunting, but you got it. And if you don’t finish, call me over and I’ll help.”
“Okay,” you chuckled, a soft grin tugging at the corners of your lips. “I will.”
“And... about your family. I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to think about all the things that could happen. Doing that never sends you down a pleasant road. If you focus too much on the future, you’ll forget about the present.”
“Ah, yes, you are an expert at focusing on the present, aren’t you?” you replied teasingly -- because he really, really wasn’t. He was just as bad, if not worse, than you when it came to worrying about tomorrow or the next day or the day after that.
“Dude, shut up,” he scoffed. “I’m trying to help you.”
“I know, I know,” you grinned. “Thank you, really. And I know when the sun rises, everything will seem a lot better.”
“Except for the fact you have to go work on barely any sleep.”
“Very true.”
You let out yet another sigh and rolled onto your back before remembering that it was almost three in the morning, and Jae was up for a reason, too.
“What about you?” you asked. “Why can’t you sleep?”
Unexpectedly, there was a slightly awkward pause after you asked that.
You furrowed your brow gently and opened your mouth to ask Jae if he was all right, but he answered before you got the chance.
“Nothing -- just general -- y’know, same old same old.”
You immediately narrowed your eyes in suspicion.
“Jae,” you chided. “Come on. You can tell me.”
Never in your several years of friendship had Jae ever not told you why he couldn’t sleep. The two of you had crossed that threshold so long ago; you were comfortable telling each other anything.
At least... you thought you were comfortable telling each other anything.
“I... I don’t think I can,” he murmured.
“Of course you can! You know I’ll never judge you, and if it’s something you don’t want anyone else to know --”
“No, it’s not -- it’s not that, Y/N --”
“Then what? Please -- Jae, I just want to help --”
“I can’t sleep because I can’t stop thinking about you,” he blurted out.
You immediately froze, your mouth hanging open mid-sentence but emitting no sound whatsoever. Every single part of you just froze, including your heart.
In your mind, you said ‘Excuse me, what? What do you mean you can’t stop thinking about me? Do you mean in a romantic way?’ But, for some reason, you could find absolutely no way to say that out loud.
As if Jae could actually hear your inner thoughts, though, he said, “I can’t stop thinking about you. I... think I’m falling for you.”
All right, that answered your question, then.
...Jae had feelings for you? For you? Feelings? Jae? You?
“You --” you began, but the next words got lodged in your throat and you couldn’t continue.
Jae let out a very disappointed sigh, and to be honest, it kind of broke your heart. “It’s okay,” he muttered. “I didn’t expect... Things won’t get weird between us, I promise. You can still text me when you can’t sleep.”
You nodded, forcing yourself to choke out an “Okay.”
“Is... there... anything else you want to talk about?” he asked. It was very obvious he was trying his best to be normal, trying his best to push away all the awkwardness his confession had created.
And if he was trying his best, then so should you.
“If you could clone anyone -- person or animal -- who would it be?” you asked.
Jae didn’t answer right away, and you knew -- hoped -- that meant his lips were curving into one of his adorable little grins.
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“My --”
“Don’t say ‘myself,’” you interrupted with a laugh.
“Why not?! I could make my clone do all the boring stuff so I can just game and eat and maybe actually get some sleep!”
“You can’t say yourself, that’s just the rule of the game!”
“It’s not a game! You just asked me a question!”
“Well, I’m making it a rule,” you retorted.
“Questions don’t have rules!” Jae argued.
“Mine do.”
“Who would you clone?” he asked.
A grin immediately appeared on your lips, and you said, “I would clone you.”
“Wha -- me? Why me?”
“So I could make you do all my boring stuff so I could just eat and watch TV and sleep.”
Jae burst out laughing, and the sound of it made your heart feel so warm and fluffy. “What? No, no, no, dude,” he protested. “You can’t clone me so I can be your servant, that’s messed up!”
“I can! And I would!” you giggled.
“Okay, so then, I would clone you and do the exact same thing.”
“That’s fair!” you assured him. “But if the clone was actually a carbon copy of me, you know I would never do all the work and let you just sit on your ass, right?”
“Wait, but I thought the clones were more like robots,” he pointed out.
“Who said they were like robots?”
“I don’t know, I just assumed!”
“So, you would make robot me do all your chores while you just sit around and watch?” you asked, hoping the playful smile on your lips wasn’t showing through in your voice.
“You would, too! You brought it up first!” Jae accused, but you could hear the laughter behind his words, and it made your smile grow wider.
“Wow, what a great friend you are,” you replied with teasing sarcasm.
“What the hell, man,” Jae chuckled. “Be quiet.”
This was exactly what you loved about having Jae as a friend. The two of you could go from talking about serious issues one minute to laughing and teasing each other about robot clones the next. He could comfort you and distract you. Help you and amuse you. You truly valued your friendship with him -- more than anything, really.
...Were his romantic feelings going to put a wrench in that? Even though he promised it wouldn’t?
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Surprisingly, after you hung up with Jae, you did manage to get some sleep. Only a few hours, but it was enough to have a dream.
And... what a dream it had been.
While some parts had been kinda weird -- as dreams usually were -- the main plot had been that...
Jae had been your boyfriend.
Holding hands, cuddling, hugging, kissing... the whole deal.
You knew you’d had a dream like this because Jae had admitted he was starting to develop feelings for you, so the idea of being in a romantic relationship with him had been introduced into your brain.
But... did that explain the fact that you woke up feeling... really... nice? That you didn’t want the dream to end? That you wanted to go back to sleep and continue on living that scenario of Jae being your boyfriend?
And did it explain the fact that you spent basically the entire workday thinking about it? And basically the entire rest of the week? And most likely the upcoming weekend?
Well, at least you hadn’t been overthinking and worrying about all the work you needed to get done (which you did get done, by the way). And your dad had called you on Friday afternoon after your mom’s doctor’s appointment, saying she was just fine, so there was that, too.
But as you left work on Friday evening, you found that finishing your workload and receiving good news about your mom’s health only freed up your mind to think even more about your Jae Boyfriend dream.
This was not good.
And it was not good mainly because Fridays were your “Hang out with Jae in the evening” days. It had become tradition sometime last year, and since then, you’d hardly ever missed a week. If you told him you couldn’t make it tonight -- just a few days after he’d confessed his developing feelings for you -- wouldn’t that be just a bit too obvious? Even though your reason for skipping would actually be... not that?
No, you had to hang out with him tonight as you usually did. You had to pretend like everything was as it usually was.
So, when your phone started vibrating as you headed toward the bus stop, a small smile tugged at your lips and you answered without hesitating.
“What are we ordering tonight?” you asked in lieu of a greeting.
“I was thinking chicken,” Jae answered. “Sound good?”
“Absolutely. Just make sure I get my potato wedges this time,” you warned, only half-teasing. The restaurant had forgotten them last time, and while you thoroughly enjoyed the chicken itself, your meal would have been that much better with potato wedges.
Jae chuckled softly, and the sound made your heart do this weird little flippy thing. And the thought of his smile made it flip even more.
“Don’t worry, I will make sure they include your potato wedges -- on penalty of death.”
“Much appreciated. I’m almost to the bus stop, and the bus is pulling up, so I gotta go. See you soon?”
“Yeh,” he murmured. “Safe travels.”
“Bye!” you chirped before quickly hanging up and picking up the pace so you could make it to the stop on time.
As soon as you sat down on the bus after scanning your card, you got out your phone again and pulled up your favorite game. If you simply sat on the bus all the way to Jae’s place with nothing to distract you, you would start thinking about your dream again. And you had to do everything you possibly could to not think about your dream right before you saw him. If you, in any way, held the image of Jae being your boyfriend in your mind when you arrived for your weekly hangout, you felt like you would be giving him false hope.
Jae was too precious to you to do that.
But... even though you focused all of your energy on your phone game the entire bus ride... as soon as Jae opened the door and grinned at you, the imagery from your dream -- your warm, glorious, wonderful dream -- came rushing back to you.
You remembered what it had felt like to hug him. To hold his hand. To kiss him.
“Y/N, you okay?” Jae asked with a slightly furrowed brow.
You jumped a little, not realizing you had been standing there staring as everything about your dream had filled your mind.
“Y--yeah,” you breathed. “Yeah, sorry. Just... long week.”
Jae opened the door wider, and you stepped through, hanging your bag and jacket up on the hooks by his door.
“Have you heard from your parents yet?” he asked as he gently closed the door behind you.
“Oh! Yes, my -- my dad called me just before I left work,” you told him. “All her tests came back fine, so the doctor said there’s nothing to worry about.”
Jae left out a soft sigh of relief, and your heart clenched at the sound of it -- in a good way. He was just such a sweet person to care so much about your mom. How had you never realized how sweet he was?
“The chicken will be here soon,” he told you, once again interrupting your thoughts. “Wanna game while we wait?”
You raised your eyebrows slightly and nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, sure.”
Jae headed over to his couch then, and you followed suit, perching on the cushion next to him and reaching for your favorite game controller on the coffee table.
He barely even got to the start menu of your collectively favorite game before he stopped and turned toward you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
You jerked a little with surprise and glanced over at him.
“...What do you mean?”
“Something’s wrong, I can tell. It’s not your mom... is it work?”
“No -- no, everything’s fine,” you assured him.
Jae let out another sigh -- this one not of relief but of minor annoyance -- and set down his controller, leaving the start menu playing over and over again on the television screen.
“Come on,” he urged. “I know something’s bothering you. And we tell each other everything. I told you something I would’ve rather not told you... You can trust me, and I want to help.”
You furrowed your brow down at the controller in your hands, your fingers gently running over the buttons without actually pressing them.
He had a point. A pretty good one.
So, just like he had a few days ago, you blurted out your answer. “I had a dream the other night where we were dating and it felt really nice and I’m sure it was just because of what you told me but it still felt really nice and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it and now I just kind of want to kiss you to see what it actually feels like but I don’t want to give you false hope or anything because I really don’t know --”
“It’s okay,” Jae interjected, though his tone was far more casual than you would’ve expected.
You paused, furrowing your brow even more and turning your head to look over at him. “...What’s okay?”
“You can totally kiss me,” he replied with a shrug. “I don’t mind, and I won’t automatically think we’re together. I’m an adult! I know how these things work!”
“...Are you sure?” you asked warily.
“Sometimes a kiss is just a kiss, nothing more.”
Well, this was something you never knew about Jae -- though it wasn’t surprising considering the two of you had never discussed kissing before.
You stared at him for a few moments more, and then... before you lost your nerve... you went for it.
You leaned in and swiftly captured his lips, moving your hands to cradle his face.
At first, you thought you didn’t really feel anything. Your lips were on his, gently pulling and sucking on them, but... that was it. But then you felt his arms slide around your waist. He pulled you just a little bit closer. He clutched at the back of your shirt. He delicately caressed the small of your back with his thumb.
And your heart and stomach and lungs and basically everything in your body went wild. There was fluttering and somersaulting and leaping. You couldn’t tell if your heart was up in your throat or down in your stomach. You couldn’t tell if there were a billion small butterflies flying around in there or if it was just one giant dragon. You couldn’t tell if you wanted him to stop immediately or keep kissing you forever.
...Okay, that was a total lie. You definitely wanted him to keep kissing you forever.
And that thought, ironically enough, made you pull away. You searched his face as you continued to cradle it in your palms, trying to both catch your breath and think of something to say.
Luckily, Jae beat you to it.
“...Did it feel as nice as in your dream?” he murmured.
You nodded.
“So... what do you wanna do?”
That was a very good question.
What did you want to do?
Slowly, you let your hands fall from his face, but your eyes never left his for even a millisecond. It was like you were hoping the answer to that question was somewhere in his eyes, and if you just kept looking, eventually you would find it.
But, of course, you didn’t. So, you simply responded with a question of your own.
“You really do... have feelings for me?”
A very attractive smirk tugged at one corner of Jae’s lips before he said, “Yeah. I do.”
“Like -- really and truly? Because the last thing I want is to eventually ruin our friendship --”
Jae interrupted you by ducking in and briefly pressing his lips to yours.
“Really and truly,” he whispered. “Trust me.”
And... for some reason, that was all you needed to hear. Trust me. Because you did trust him. You knew you could because he had always been there for you. He had always been by your side whether or not you needed him to be.
So, you nodded. You tipped your chin in a very tiny nod, and when the loveliest smile spread across Jae’s mouth, you couldn’t stop yourself from indulging in yet another kiss.
Except a knock on his front door cut through the air before you had the chance to actually kiss him, and Jae sprung off the couch to go answer it.
You knew it had to be the chicken delivery, so you called out after him. “Make sure they brought my potato wedges!”
“On penalty of death!” he replied just before he opened the door.
You bit your lip to keep from smiling, and a thought rushed into your mind -- the thought that your late night, can’t sleep phone conversations would probably be pretty different from now on.
I mean... you would probably still talk about robot clones and dinosaurs and the Mandela Effect and soulmates and all that. You would still tell each other everything. You would still listen to each other and be there for each other.
So... never mind. Your conversations wouldn’t be all that different. Just everything else would.
And you knew now it wasn’t false hope. It was very real, and... it was perfect.
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Reaction to you trying to reach the top shelf (Day6)
Post Date: 19th July 2022 Content: Fluff  TW?: N/A Request?: Yes Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Jae: The thought of helping you could come last in his mind as he’d clutch his chest laughing, streaming tears as he’s just a clown. What does he need long legs for if he isn’t going to help you? He’d definitely enjoy watching you struggle to reach it a bit too much.
Sungjin: Though he’d have a little giggle, he’d instantly come over to give you a hand with trying to reach the top sheld, and/or would even to offer to grab that item you needed for you. Though he would respect that you’d still want your independancy and would offer help so he could honour that.
Young K: A smile would appear on his face as he’d let out a small amused smile, and would attempt to hold in his laughter as he’d give you a hand if you let him to. If you don’t he’d laugh at your attempt but either way he’d carefully watch so you didn’t hurt yourself whilst trying.
Wonpil: As much as he can be a sweetie, the amount of time you’d have to try and reach the top shelf would make him get a “Not this, again” attitude, finding it annoyingly amusing watching you trying to do it yourself but he’d just interupt to help you. 
Dowoon: Panic would instantly set in the minute he’d catch you climbing to try and reach it, running over to you to offer help and mainly having his arms out to catch you if you fell and/or hurt yourself. However you wouldn’t have to worry about reaching the top shelf, he’d probably do it for you to stop you climbing. 
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blu-joons · 3 years
We Got Married ~ Jaehyung Park
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His heart was pounding as he bounced around at the top of the alter, watching on as the rows of the church continued to fill up with various people close to the two of you.
“Are the nerves starting to kick in?” Younghyun questioned as he came up alongside Jae, resting a supportive hand against his shoulder, “you know that everything is going to be perfect.”
“The two of you went over the details so many times last night, it’s impossible for anything to go wrong,” Wonpil added with a smile, “you and Y/N are meant to be, you always have been, right?”
Jae’s head nodded as he though back to the moment where the two of you first met, the very first day in the classroom. There was a spare seat next to you, and Jae creeped over, finding no other chair that was free for him to sit himself down on to pay attention.
“Can I sit?” He anxiously asked, resting his hand against the top of your chair, “I don’t usually sit with girls, but today I’ve got to make an exception.”
Your shoulders shrugged back at him, “the floor is available if you want it.”
“At least the two of you learnt to get on with each other,” Sungjin joked as Jae reminded them of the day that you first met, “she’s always had that snap to her that you’ve enjoyed messing with.”
Jae’s head nodded in agreement with him, “the two of us just bounce off each other, that’s one of the things that has always worked so well between the two of us, it’s why we’ve found ourselves here today ultimately.”
“The two of you have been made for each other since you were four,” Dowoon smiled, “no couple spends that long with each other without their relationship being forever.
“I like you,” Jae nervously whispered as he walked you home from the end of your day at college, anxiously placing his hands in front of you, “we’re old enough to think about dating, don’t you think? And there’s no one else that I want to date but you Y/N?”
“Why tell me this now?” You laughed, “you’ve had fourteen years to tell me how you feel Jae, I’ve waited for years for you to say that to me.
A chuckle came from him as he remembered the scolding that he got from you for bottling up his feelings for so long, making sure that he didn’t do the same with your wedding too.
“I’ve spent so many years with her, and yet the thought of seeing her still makes me so excited,” Jae told the four of them, letting go of a quiet sigh, “the excitement never disappears, I still feel like I’m meeting her for the very first time, just a little less anxious.”
There was something about you that always made Jae’s heart race, the feelings never seemed to go away, no matter how many times he thought they might. It was the magic that Jae adored, because it simply never seemed to disappear in your relationship.
“I wonder if Y/N’s as nervous about today as I am.”
“I bet she knows that the two of you were always meant to be too,” Wonpil spoke up, “she adores you too, you should see the way her eyes light up every time you walk into the room, the relationship that you have is perfect.”
“And today will be perfect too, you don’t want Y/N to see you worried,” Sungjin reminded him.
Before Jae could begin to doubt things once again, a wave from a woman at the top of the alter let everyone know that you had arrived. Younghyun quickly helped Jae to straighten out his suit as everyone found their positions.
His heart pounded as everyone took their seats, leaving Jae a lonely man at the front of the alter. His eyes continued to look across at the boys for security, making sure that they didn’t leave his side as he waited for you to stand beside it.
“Don’t panic,” Dowoon whispered across to him with a fist bump.
Jae nodded as the door creaked open, with the pianist to his left beginning to play. He watched on closely as those before you walked down the aisle, taking a sharp intake of breath as he spotted his first sight of white walking down the aisle.
His eyes slowly trailed up from the bottom of your dress, meeting your eyes. Jae bit down on his bottom lip as he tried to keep his composure, feeling memories of decades together suddenly hit him as you walked to stand by his side.
As soon as you were in reaching distance, Jae offered his hand out for you to take, helping you up the step, positioning you in front of him. “You look beautiful,” he smiled across at you.
With your eyes meeting Jae’s, you couldn’t believe where you found yourselves after so many years together. The child in you never imagined that Jae would be your forever, but now you could never imagine that there would be anyone else in the world for you.
“How did we end up here?” Jae laughed, standing in the doorway to your home as he waited to bid you goodbye as you went off to spend your last night unmarried with your best friend.
“I can’t believe I used to hate you,” you chuckled in response to him.
Jae’s eyes rolled at your honesty, “it’s funny, because when I saw you in that classroom, I just knew that you would be the woman that I’d marry.”
“Don’t lie,” you scolded, “I bet you hated me just as much back then too.”
“I liked it when you played hard to get,” he challenged, “even if you were only four, you had me weak at the knees for you Y/N.”
Your wedding hadn’t just been months, or even a year in the making, it had been several years in the making, both through school, work and everything in between. With plenty of ups and plenty of downs, neither of you ever imagined yourself anywhere else in the world.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Park,” the registrar announced before you even gave yourself a moment to blink, feeling your mind fill up with memories of your time together.
“We’re married,” you whispered across to Jae, making sure that you weren’t just dreaming, too nervous to even remember saying your vows to the man that you loved before you.
Jae’s head nodded back at you as he took a hold of both of your hands, taking a step towards you too as he closed the distance between you both and pressed a kiss against your lips.
“You’ve got me for life now,” Jae teased as he pulled away, “I hope you know what you’ve signed yourself up for agreeing to spend the rest of your life with me…..”
“I think after several decades I know what I’ve gotten myself into,” you laughed in reply.
Another chuckle came from Jae as he listened to you, still unable to believe that so much of his life had been spent with you, unable to imagine a time when you hadn’t been around.
“Who would have thought that we’d be here all those years ago,” he whispered, “the two kids at school who never spoke to each other.”
“If only you had stayed quiet and never said hello,” you joked in reply, “I could have been marrying that cute boy that sat in the row in front of us.”
“And now you’re stuck with me,” Jae sniggered.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” you smiled, “there is no one else in this world that I would have wanted to marry today.”
“You have to say that with a ring on your finger,” he smirked.
“My mind was made up years ago, right on day one.”
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