#park jimin snaps
dirtykpopsnaps · 2 months
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Here’s the request for Jimin!
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jayteacups · 2 years
omg hybe finally let jimin say fuck!!
11 notes · View notes
(seven) days a week, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: It only takes seven days (a week) for Jeon Jungkook to get you in his bed to fuck you right. And showing up in weird places. And kissing in the rain. He's crazy. Okay, it's kinda complicated.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language (reader swears a lot); strangers-to-lovers; vague allusions to a loveless childhood and bad parenting (no specifics); JK might be insane and you do tell him that he is; slight crack; fluff; smut (fem reader, fucking with clothes on and off, m and f-receiving oral, light hair pulling, fingering, nipple play, choking, penetrative sex, handjob); non-idol!BTS – persistent!Jungkook x noona, def tsundere!reader lol ft instigator-cupid!Park Jimin setting them up
this directly follows Jung Kook's 'Seven' MV, so make sure to watch it (although I'm sure you've seen it if you wanna read this lmao)
“What? Something on my face?”
You stared at him and he stared back. Wide eyes, slightly parted lips, the look of caught prey and all. You had your hands in front of you, long fingers laced together, elbows on the table. You probably shouldn’t have scowled like that. That was a bit rude, especially to someone you didn’t know well, but this guy had been staring at you all night and barely speaking to you, even when prompted, so you were getting both impatient and annoyed at accepting this invitation.
“You wear… a lot of jewelry,” Jeon Jungkook said out loud, with awe.
You looked down at your hands. Well. The rings, the bracelets, even the earrings on both your ears, all sterling silver or white gold. You had even swapped out the lower lobe piercing for a pair of dangling dice earrings with grey freshwater pearls. You liked the cooler tone to bring some death to your warm-toned skin.
“Yeah. Is that a problem?” Your low voice had an edge of guarded to it.
A quick, nervous head shake. “No. No, it’s cool. I’ve never seen a girl wear so many chunky rings like that. I didn’t think I’d like it either, but then I saw you.”
You opened your mouth to snap out a comeback and then his words hit you.
There was no doubt that Jeon Jungkook was cute. Black-brown hair with a lustrous quality. Bright, expressive dark brown eyes. Slightly rounded cheeks with a distinct jawline. He said he had, and you could see, tattoos and piercings, something you quite liked but not a requirement. Built body, in the way that people where when they were committed to taking care of their physical appearance. Not so much in vanity, but in the way that matched how they felt that they should look in their head. Respect for that. But, in this chance that was what you had expected to be his, Jungkook didn’t taken it.
He looked the part.
Didn’t act it, though.
Black blazer, matching trousers. White t-shirt. Dressy but not too much. To be honest, the outer appearance didn’t matter much to you. It actually mattered the least. You wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Really. You were often told that you had too little patience for people, but, come on!
This conversation was awkward.
You turned as you sensed a lively presence re-entering your icy atmosphere. Hmph. The actor playing Cupid in the instance. He looked the part too. Baby blue dress shirt with the top buttons undone. Ivory slacks, neatly pressed. Black hair perfectly curled over his forehead, framing an angelic face. Full lips forming an infectious smile that made his eyes disappear as small hands folded away the receipt and tucked his card back into his wallet.
“Ah, the waitress and I had a cute little chat,” flirty Park Jimin chuckled, giving you a little eyebrow wiggle. You rolled your eyes at him. “Did you guys have a nice talk while I was gone?”
“Um…?” Jungkook started, nearly afraid to glance at you for some support.
You gave Jimin a deadpan stare. “You trying to get her number?”
“Me? No, no!” he waved his hands, sitting back down to lean in. “She gave it to me anyway though.”
Figures Park Jimin would introduce you to a guy and also get the number of someone else in the restaurant. You deliberately hadn’t answered Jimin’s question, but he hadn’t noticed.
Jungkook, however, did.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed him deflate a little and you winced in unease, not sure if you should have avoided it, but at this point the waitress had returned, lashes aflutter and gushing about how they just had to try to fried ice cream and it was on the house, as long as Jimin promised to come back, right? Right?
Jimin promised of course, of course, with a big smile.
You completely ignored him and picked up one of the pieces of fried ice cream – mango, it seemed, by the color – and placed it on one of the small plates before setting it right in front of Jungkook.
He perked up and gave you these big, hopeful eyes.
You didn’t say anything but felt your cheeks flush and your gaze shift, putting on an expression of reluctant apology. After a half second, you bowed your head just a bit, shaking off the moment and serving yourself before serving Jimin.
Damn flirt didn’t even notice.
“You didn’t like him?”
“I mean, there’s nothing to like or dislike. He barely said anything. Also, Jimin, I told you, I’m not really a relationship person,” you sighed into your phone, walking quickly to the train station. “I don’t want to give this guy the wrong idea about me. He didn’t really strike me as a fuck-around-and-find-out kinda guy.”
“You said you would change your mind for the right person though.”
Sometimes you thought Jimin argued with you just to argue.
“Yeah, and I don’t even know what kind of person he is because he didn’t say shit,” you barked back to that snippy tone on the other side of the line. Some idiot honked at you and you resisted the urge to flip him the bird. Maybe he wasn’t honking at you. The hanging out the window and catcalling could be to the couple walking next to you.
You highly doubted it.
Also, maybe you just wanted to give someone the middle finger because you couldn’t show Jimin right now how much you deeply appreciated him.
“Jungkookie’s just super shy, but wait a minute and he’ll make you his.”
You rolled your eyes. Damn bad habit that you were forming ever since you became friendly with this mildly infuriating angel. “He’s not making me do anything.”
“I’m telling you; he suits you perfectly. You’re being stubborn and not giving him a chance. Anyway, I gave him your number, so don’t worry!”
“Wait, you did wha–”
The roar of the subway train below cut you off.
“Oop, you’re at the station. You’re breaking up! Can’t hear you, byeeeeeee!”
You twitched as Park Jimin hung up on you.
You pulled your phone away from your ear and pulled up the app to pay for your ticket. Paused for a second. New message, unknown number. Then it was your turn, so you hovered your phone screen, heard the beep, and hurried to the correct train line, finding the one to take you home. It was hectic even now, still within the dregs of rush hour, so you didn’t even think to check for the content of the text until you sat down with a big sigh, somewhat of a fwump with your distressed bomber jacket and baggy cargo pants, both made of thick black fabric. The side of your jacket slid off, exposing your bare shoulder and tight white tank top.
The guy standing about a meter away from you snuck a glance in your direction.
You tucked your tongue in your cheek and yanked your jacket back in place with the hand that was holding your phone. Noticed the screen flash, reminding you of the notification.
Fuck it.
Pressed your thumb and your phone unlocked.
Hey, it’s me. Jeon Jungkook… I wanted to say that I’m sorry about not talking that much last night. I was really nervous because you were so pretty and self-assured. I was so impressed that nothing I could think of seemed like a good thing to say, so I blanked out. I’m very sorry. I hope it is okay for me to text you like this.
An essay.
You paused for so long that you felt your cheeks heat.
The fuck?
You frowned at yourself. For some reason, even though he hadn’t talked much, you could hear the text in your head as if Jungkook was speaking to you directly. Sense the anxiousness in the typed words. See those big eyes gazing right at you with a mixture of curiosity and wonder and what-ifs. You sighed, feeling defeated. It would simply be rude to not reply.
I apologize for being too intimidating.
You sent it before thinking. Aw, shit. That was a bit short, wasn’t it? Damnnit. You saw the sending quadlet of dots spinning slowly, struggling due to you being underground. Fuck. If you sent another message now, it might be out of order and that would just get confusing. And what else could you add? Oh, geez, you didn’t even confirm it was you. The conversation with Park Jimin must have scrambled your egg brains.
The train roared out of the tunnel.
All of a sudden, the message sent and a reply instantly popped up. Actually, a serious of bubbles, rapid-fire like bullets. The confirmation must have lagged.
You’re not intimidating at all! Well… not in a bad way. In a sexy way. I mean, in a good way! In a cool way, like you’re not afraid to say what you wanna say. I really admire that in a person, so I really admire that in you. Sorry, that was weird, wasn’t it? I made things weird… ㅠ.ㅠ
You blinked slowly at the messages. It was pretty clear Jungkook had sat there and pondered over the first message for quite a while and these subsequent ones were stream of consciousness spewing. Honestly, kind of funny. Heh. You could sort of imagine it. Maybe he hadn’t expected you to respond right away. Hm, you wondered if he had hoped you would. He really was trying hard, huh. For what? What was the reason?
You tucked your tongue in your cheek and responded anyway.
Oh, you’re definitely weird, but you never know. I might like that. What’s the outfit of the day, Jeon Jungkook?
Were you fishing for a photo? Of course. He would probably scramble to put on a good outfit to impress you. To your surprise, the downloading image icon popped up instantaneously, spinning, spinning. You tilted your head, surprised at the prompt obedience. He must have snapped a pic right away when you asked. It was taking time to load though. You saw some people getting off the train and looked up, checking the stop. Oh, yours was next.
You took care not to look directly at anyone around you, keeping your sling bag in your lap.
Then you looked down to the inquisitive dark brown eyes of Jeon Jungkook with messy black hair and a black leather jacket. White t-shirt. It was a selfie, so you couldn’t see the pants. It was something borderline vain about the angle, but also a seek of approval in that parted mouth, silver ring and stud dotting the edge of the right side, flash of white teeth and slight bite of the left side revealing a small mole at the center underneath his lower lip.
You twitched.
Bold, wasn’t he?
You weren’t sure if you liked it – well, you didn’t mind it, you just weren’t sure if you like-liked it, what was he trying to play at here, trying to get your heart to beat fast or something, hmph – and you clutched your phone pointedly, your rings clacking as you prepped your fingers to type back… something, be honest here… and your fingers wavered.
Shaking a little.
You let out a breath you hadn’t known you had been holding.
Oh, the pants are blue jeans, but I’m out right now so there’s no mirror to show you.
You heard your stop being called and stood up automatically, filing behind other people getting ready to step off, the train slowing down, everything slowing down, finding yourself staring at Jungkook’s expression in the photo, why were you staring, shifting your eyes quickly, then back, it wasn’t like Jeon Jungkook could see you, ugh, this was so annoying.
Do you want to see? I can take another photo when I get home.
You let out a frustrated exhale that no one else around you could understand. Maybe not even those closest to you would get it. But you knew what it meant, and knowing also frustrated you.
Being self-aware was a bitch.
You finally sent your answer.
I much prefer this look on you than the blazer. Is this your normal fashion style?
You had worn a flowing white blouse and floaty black skirt the night before at dinner, but it was not your typical style. Well, it was, but it was one of your work outfits since you had come straight from the office. Something you wore to not get in trouble with the dress code and knowing you would have to meet up with people later. Sometimes you were a little riskier if you were feeling frisky, but Jimin had told you to look nice for the friend he was introducing you to.
But maybe it would have been better to look more you.
Then again, the restaurant was pretty high end. They might not have let you in.
Oh. Yeah. Hahaha, I wore the blazer because Jimin-ssi told me to look nice for you. I guess this is street-style? I don’t know… I’m not fashionable, I only wear what I think is cool or comfy. What about you?
You strode out of the train and briskly walked to the elevator, muscle memory already knowing where to go, typing back. Pausing when you saw the vending machine. A green tea would be nice right now.
You veered off course and headed to stand in line.
I think my friends would describe my style as dark and strong. They’re always telling me I should dress more feminine or at least in less black, but one of my core traits is not listening to shit people say. And swearing.
You tapped your card and made your selection. Waited out the whirr and clunk. Didn’t pay much attention to the world around you. It was a typical day, people passing by, no warning feelings. And, besides, your phone was much more interesting right now.
You did not just think that.
You scowled at your reflection in the glass of the vending machine before picking up your drink.
I hope I get to see you sometime soon so I can appreciate it. :)
You raised an eyebrow at your phone as you ticked open the can and started walking again, taking a crisp sip. It was slightly irritating that he was better at flirting over text than in person. Or maybe it had just been the circumstance. Come to think of it, it would have been weird if he did with Jimin right there, although you were sure Jimin wanted to be there to witness whatever unfolded. The awkwardness was probably just as entertaining to him as it would be if Jungkook had been more forward.
What was more irritating was that you weren’t instantly annoyed by it.
Are you saying you aren’t intimidated by me, Jeon Jungkook?
You hurried home, following the streetlights, breathless, not because you were running, but because you wanted to be home so you could be alone with…
I’m saying I like feeling your effect on me in person.
The next time you saw Jeon Jungkook, you were groaning and setting your forehead on the edge of washing machine, screaming internally. Would have banged it against the metal if you weren’t going to lose a substantial number of brain cells. You were going to pay cash because you wouldn’t get that card surcharge if you did but, of course, of course you had accidentally shorted yourself and pocketed the wrong amount.
Now you were already at the laundromat. Walk back home and lug your shit to and back to get the right amount? Or just forget it and pay the extra charge? You had already put the detergent in. Fuckity fuck fuck. Technically you could go home, it wasn’t that far, but, ugh, it was extra annoying today because you had slept late and now you were grumpily doing your life responsibilities. Come back a different day? No, you had specifically told yourself to get off your ass and get that pile washed. Damnnit, if you hadn’t slept late and scrambled your egg brains, this wouldn’t have happened!
But you had been talking to Jeon Jungkook.
Ending the conversation had been more difficult than you expected. You gritted your teeth, feeling stupid for pulling such a teenage move. Still young, huh? Young and stupid.
You heard the metal slide of the money drawer being closed and then an approval ping!
You jumped back, freaked out at the thing you hadn’t done, and then snapped your head to the sudden presence next to you. Dark blue jeans with giant holes at the knees. Gray hoodie sliding off a built right shoulder. White ribbed tank top. Messy black hair. A piercing, no, two on the right side of open lips.
Big, round, dark brown eyes.
You noticed he was wearing a few silver rings himself.
“Um… hi? I noticed you were short a little so I just…” Jeon Jungkook trailed off, giving you a hopeful look.
You gawked at him.
“What are you doing here?”
Ouch. A little too snappy. Jungkook faltered, those peepers shifting. “Ah… well…”
You bit your tongue and reeled it back. “Sorry. I didn’t expect to see you, is all. Obviously, you came here to wash your clothes like everyone else.”
He reached up and scratched the back of his head nervously. Wait. Why was he looking at you like that?
“W-Well, actually… Jimin-ssi told me you normally come here on Wednesdays to do laundry and I was nearby so I figured., maybe, I’d just check if you were here…”
You stared at him.
“You’re stalking me?”
“N-No!” Jungkook sputtered, waving his hands frantically even though you hadn’t raised your voice.
There was a bristle to your tone though. Indignation and frigidity you couldn’t hide. You frowned, narrowing your eyes, cornering him with your gaze. There were only a few people on this slow day, which was why you picked Wednesday to do laundry, but all the patrons had AirPods or other earbuds in, busying themselves with their shoving of clothing in and out of the washers and dryers. No one was going to interrupt anyway.
Not their business.
“I… I…”
“And how did you recognize me anyway? My head was down,” you remembered, advancing on him, and Jungkook took a step back, swallowing hard. Your outfit was baggy too, dark denim jacket and jeans, the tight black tank hidden by the bulk.
“I couldn’t forget how beautiful your hair is,” he mumbled out quickly, looking a little too mesmerized by your fierceness. Forget that. “And your hands were on the edge of the washer. Your rings. The star chain bracelet you wear. I…”
He was fixated on your collarbones and the thin black choker around your neck.
Or lower.
“Oi! My face is up here,” you hissed, snaping your fingers and making him jerk his head. He had stopped backing up though. You pointed at him, somewhat rudely. Actually, very rudely, but whatever. “What do you mean, check if I was here? And who told you? That idiot. I’ll kill him.”
And why was Jungkook looking at you like that?
Like he thought you were hot when angry.
He better stop that shit because you were losing your irate demeanor for some fuckin’ reason.
“I texted you almost all night. That wasn’t enough?” you half-growled, half whispered.
A tiny head shake.
Ah, shit.
You deliberately did not think that was cute.
“I liked it so much that I…” Oh no, oh no, not that honest tremble and deep gaze into your eyes. “I was hoping I could talk to you again, in person, more bravely this time.”
You opened your mouth to sink in that verbal bite and nothing came out.
The entire laundromat could flood right now and you wouldn’t even notice because you were staring at Jeon Jungkook and wondering if this audacity was freaking annoying or freaking impressive. Not this damn guy within two days leaving you speechless. Well… actually, no, never mind the technicalities.
“Are you even thinking before you do things?” you grumbled, not yet backing down.
Jungkook stuck his hands in his hoodie pockets suddenly. Hm? Nervous and shaking? You couldn’t tell, but you watched him closely, observing his body language, your eyes following those lines.
“Mmmm…” He bit the left side of his lower lip. “No?”
You strongly resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
Shy smile greeting you, accompanying the lip bite.
“I’m just listening to my heart.”
Now you visibly cringed. “Don’t say stuff like that.” Looking away slightly, somehow unable to meet those honest eyes.
“Why? You don’t like it?” Genuinely curious.
“You don’t mean it.” He did mean it and you could see that he meant it but you did not want to admit that you knew that he meant it. Yeah. “You barely know me. We only talked over text.”
“But you gave me thoughtful, frank answers. I don’t believe that you were being dishonest,” Jungkook protested, following you over to the tables a few steps away from the washing machines. You dragged your laundry bag with you and kept your voice down.
“I told you, I’m a straightforward an honest person. I won’t lie to you. And I won’t hesitate to cut you off if you lie to me,” you reminded him.
He nodded. You wanted to shake him and yell at him to stop giving you those eyes. “So I just decided to do what I wanted to.”
You cocked your head at him in disbelief. “You didn’t think you went too far?”
What was with that mischievous smile? “I’m the all-in type.”
You let out a puff of air.
“Also, you haven’t told me directly that you don’t like it,” Jungkook pointed out, leaning toward you, smiling.
You gave him a deadpan stare. “You don’t get me,” you said back flatly.
Those dark brown orbs sparkled. “That’s okay. I don’t have to get you to think you’re cool, clever, and stunning.”
Your eyebrow twitched.
“And why do you say that? Because you see how people look at me? Because you enjoyed my useless facts and tangents last night? Because you think with your dick?” You added the last question with bite, leaning forward too, having enough of this, not really him but…
The fact that you didn’t want to tell him to fuck right off.
Jungkook was staring into your eyes.
“The shape of your eyes is so… perfect.”
You felt your ears heat.
He raised a finger and traced the air right in front of your left eye, the scent of his clean cologne drifting in your direction. “The way they sharpen in the inner corner, like a bird of prey… And your irises are so dark and striking…”
You grabbed his finger out of the air.
“Don’t be… weird.”
Why did you pause? Hello? No way you’re being like this over this guy right now.
You pointedly pulled his hand down, pinning it to the table. “Pay attention.”
Jungkook was giving you this dreamy, hazy expression. “Huh? What were you saying?”
You narrowed your eyes. “You can’t even listen.”
He leaned in closer and you caught a whiff of that delicious cologne again. “Sorry. I will. Say it again, please. I’ll listen carefully.”
The fuck were you saying again? The lights of the old laundromat flickered but you barely noticed. A common occurrence in these ol’ mom-and-pop places. And, besides, you were staring at this determined, patient smile and mentally shoving down those butterflies that you definitely weren’t feeling, nope, violently compacting those distracting internalizations into a tiny, windowless box.
“You don’t seem very good at listening,” you finally said, tight and even.
“I am,” he insisted softly. “I promise.”
“I’m too much for you.”
Or was Jungkook too much for you?
“I’m offering all of me,” he whispered to the shared air between you and him. “It might not be enough so I’ll be to work hard and do my best.”
What was he so earnest for? You hesitated, the edges to your hard demeanor softening. You didn’t want to trust stuff like this. It was so easy to get burned and you wanted to be the one to do the burning. And how could you trust people? Even you didn’t say everything out loud. Some things you could say and some you couldn’t say. It was too much trouble to believe in someone.
You had never received unburdened kindness when you were younger.
“We’re not on the same page.”
Jungkook tilted his head. “Aren’t we? But you’re reading me easily and I’m doing my best to learn about you too.”
Your shoulders released the tension. “Don’t pretend with me. It’s clear you’re a relationship kind of guy. And, while I’m not against them, I can’t deliver the same kind of devotion you are willing to give. Can’t you see that?” You removed your hand from his, not realizing it was still there.
His fingertip traced a line on the back of your hand.
Sparks raced along the base of your head.
You remained stern, feeling heavy and hot in your clothes.
“Why do you say that? You don’t think you’re loyal?” he asked very sincerely.
Your eyes narrowed. “Of course, I am. If I like you in that way and you asked me to bury a body, I’d already be digging the grave. But I’m not a flowers-and-chocolate kind of girl. That’s not how I show affection.”
You had no idea how far your clothes were in the cycle. The whole world could crash down and you would still be staring at Jungkook and his body language. His shoulders slouched a little more so he could look up at you with those pleading eyes.
Inhale still in your throat.
“Then, do you not like me?”
Say something.
But you didn’t say anything at all, gazing down at Jeon Jungkook and wondering why you couldn’t get through his thick skull that you were a bad decision. Honestly? Honestly, fine, it was because you grew up with parents that never liked each other nor their kids. Honestly, it was because you grew up too fast and with too much independence to not see the filthiness of the world. Honestly, it was because you saw the finicky innate nature of humanity of never devoting themselves to anything, much less anyone, and why would they?
People were crazy.
Call it personal experience.
You sighed.
“Jungkook, I’m not gonna lie to you. I fuck before I care about anybody. I’m only living to get my pleasure and not take care of anyone, okay? I’m barely keeping my own head together. I’m blunt. I don’t need or want romantic gestures. I just want dick. There. I’m not a good person.”
He was smiling.
Aw, shit.
“I must be favored to know you.”
You twitched, tucking your tongue in your cheek to avoid scowling, which was pretty much scowling anyway, so you failed spectacularly.
“Also, you haven’t said you don’t like me,” Jungkook pointed out. Infuriatingly. “Because it’s not true and you don’t lie. Right?” He said your name with a little too much sweetness and knowing.
You yanked your hand out of his and shoved his hard, muscular chest. He bounced back, grinning a little too happily. You told yourself to hate it and you didn’t. Fuck. “What are you even still doing here? Gonna fold my clothes for me or something?”
The energy at being offered a household chore was disturbing. “Oh! I can! I’m very good at doing laundry. And washing dishes. And cleaning. I like doing that stuff.”
“Sure, you do,” you puffed sarcastically,
“I do,” Jungkook insisted, coming around the table. “And I’m good at it.”
You scrutinized him up a down. “Yeah? Because you don’t know where else to put all that energy of yours?”
His lips parted but all he did was gawk at you. Oop. Right on the money. You were liking this expression a little too much. Maybe it was time to lower these walls a bit. After all, it didn’t seem like Jungkook was going to go away any time soon. He was pretty harmless anyway.
“I could drain you in a night,” you chuckled, smirking.
The tips of his ears were getting red at your lowered tone.
“You think you could keep up?”
Ugh, it was one of those days that fuckin’ suuuucked.
Woke up late and had to rush to get dressed and bounce, then got to work and some shit was going down about missing documents and people moving papers they shouldn’t have, forcing you to play manager because everyone else had no goddamn spine to fix anything. This department would be a disaster without you. To top it all off, you had people stalling, keeping an irrelevant conversation going, leading you on a wild goose chase with no funny honking – turns out the documents were in some random copier right behind you, for fuck’s sake – and you had a very strong inkling it was because of what you looked like.
Which was fine.
Unless you were actually trying to do your job.
Then, one of your side dishes you had brought for lunch had gone off, so you ended up slightly less full than you wanted to be, and you forgot your jacket at work, leaving it hanging on the back of your chair in your rush to leave, and the train halted several stations before your stop because there was some emergency maintenance or some shit.
Fuckity fuck.
It wouldn’t be so annoying it if wasn’t so windy, but it was and you were wearing a sheer sweater with splashes of jewel-toned colors and a longline black sports bra under it – you had worn your jacket half-zipped until your boss had left in the middle of the day and your co-workers didn’t care how you looked, the dress code was stupid anyway – and black jeans, mid-rise. The rules were more about being covered up rather than being professionally dressed.
The job was primarily sitting at a desk and sorting documents, did it matter how you looked?
Or maybe you just broke the rules a little because you were a rebel.
Your stomach growled angrily and you told it to shut the fuck up.
You stood on the corner halfway between work and home, debating on whether or not to do some damage. The problem was you didn’t have any of the usual bad habits most people had. You didn’t drink, so getting stupid drunk and getting thrown out of the noraebang was out of the question. Also, you couldn’t sing. But, anyway, you barely took medicine, let alone know where or how to procure the illegal fun stuff, so that was also out. You didn’t have a sweet tooth either so you couldn’t down a whole cake with gusto, although that sounded like a great way to go.
You sulked.
You had an addiction, but you just stared at the names in your phone and felt guilty. Guilty! For what? For some guy you met literally less than four days ago? Ugh, no, this couldn’t be you right now. Seriously? Seriously? You crossed and stalked up the block, not yet deciding what to do so you kept walking until you figured it out during this internal battle. You had to keep this guy at a distance. Okay, yes, you could admit you liked him.
And that was the problem.
If you didn’t really like him, you could just fuck him and establish those hard boundaries. No issue. You had been in love before but that was a long time ago and ultimately you ended it because it wasn’t right and you weren’t good enough to be devoted to.
You breathed out hard, the unease spilling out of your insides.
It was definitely easier to not expect anything from anyone. You had spent a lot of life not having and, ultimately, not needing to rely on others, both out of necessity and simply having too much to work on by yourself. Years of fighting off bitterness that you had always tasted, years of letting go of important moments realizing that supposedly important people in your life would never be there for them, years of lashing out and becoming the shadow of the abuse you endured. Eye for an eye and all that. Keep the cycle going, until you had that moment in the eye of the storm to get hit by lightning and realize that this wasn’t right.
It wasn’t any particular thing.
Just finally accepting the creeping self-awareness that you had been miserable and were making other people miserable on purpose because you tore them open and took their hearts to find yours.
Metaphorically, duh.
So now you sort of did this martyr shit of being there for people when you could and not asking for anything back. Especially not a relationship. Intimate to heal a heart and then give it away, which totally worked if they weren’t into you, just into what you could do.
You didn’t really feel it yourself but you did get sex out of it.
Bad addiction, yeah.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket.
You ignored it.
Stepped into a chicken place and stood in line, feeling the weight of your world on your shoulders. You brain tried to reason with you that it was Jeon Jungkook’s own fault if he got hurt. He was the one who chose to spend all that time sitting at the laundromat with you talking about random shit. Your favorite video game – Persona 5, excelling in your top three most important things about a video game: music score, gameplay, and art style. Your favorite American rapper – Ludacris and the way he could rhyme the weirdest words. Your favorite movie genre – surrealist psychedelic drug movies, which earned you a confused head tilt. You had asked Jungkook what he liked. Mood lamps. Singing. Watching cooking videos on YouTube.
Had asked him if he believed in soulmates.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket as you ordered at the kiosk and paid.
You don’t think I could have met you in another life?
You stood with the other waiting patrons, ignoring everybody and your phone thrumming against your hip, thinking about last night.
I probably broke your heart.
Thinking about that smile with two piercings and a lip mole. That smile didn’t trust your answer at all.
Maybe the universe is giving me another chance to make up for my past mistakes. I can’t give up.
You made a face at past Jungkook’s answer, too taken aback all those hours ago to scowl properly. Maybe you had been too tired. Too worn down by his earnest nonsense to fight it properly at that moment. Your hand hovered over you hip, wondering if you should check it. Then dropped.
What, did you need to see him every day or something?
Your name was called and you stepped up to receive your order.
Oh, fuck, you miss him.
You yanked your phone out of your pocket and stared at it as you walked out of the restaurant, only to get plopped by a fat raindrop on the lit-up screen. You looked up to the gray sky and let out a hiss.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
You turned around and sat down, grumbling as rain poured down and you replied to Jungkook’s texts.
Not him. Just you.
“What are you trying so hard for?” you snapped.
“Why aren’t you trying hard enough?” Jeon Jungkook shot back.
It was going really well.
You let out a hiss and flicked your hands as if you were trying to physically get rid of his reply. Argh, this… man! The thundering rain was pouring down, down, and you were both standing under a bus stop with no intention of taking the bus. You bit back the volume of your sudden anger. There was no need to yell anyway. No one was coming out in the thick of this monsoon.
Only you and crazy-ass Jeon Jungkook.
Switched tactics. "And what makes you think your virgin ass–"
"I'm not a virgin!"
"You are here!"
And you jammed two fingers into that very muscular chest, right next to the left side of his sternum. Too fast to be stopped. The shove actually made him stumble. Or maybe it was the utter shock of the verbal and physical double jab combined with the deep growl that your voice had suddenly become. His racer jacket and black hair were slick with rain. Half of his white t-shirt soaked. Even the front of his blue jeans drenched.
You panted hard after your outburst, the anger draining away all in a flash of lightning.
Jungkook stared at you with stricken eyes.
The rain pelted down, down, beating into the silence.
“How did you know?” he breathed out.
You didn’t but somehow you did, feeling something inside of you break. Not afraid of the world. Never, never again. No, afraid of what you could do, afraid of breaking something this pure, because you broke your first love too and that past guilt still lingered. Not that you thought Jungkook loved you. He couldn’t This was only the fifth day of him knowing you.
The fuck is going on?
“I see your type all the time,” you sighed, your damp hair all over your face. “Looking for light in black holes instead of stars.” The rain had slipped off your black leather jacket. Your cropped band shirt wasn’t wet, but your black cargo pants were sodden knees down.
This coldness, however, didn’t come from the rain.
“You really should stop. For your own good.”
You looked away from him, feeling as if your own words had pierced bullet holes into your walls. Dark sky, never-ending rain, cars struggling to drive, people running with umbrellas and ponchos, arms huddled close to their bodies, and here you were just standing here in the rain, the world acting out your mind. How nice. You thought you had come to terms with everything, but obviously not. Somehow once you saw Jungkook again, once you felt his presence again, the pull was even stronger and the storm was even more intense and the worst part was that you didn’t want to leave.
You heard Jungkook’s soft, silvery voice through the gray rain.
“Why are you blaming yourself for shit that hasn’t even happened yet?”
You turned your head to look into those pleading brown eyes.
Lightning shot across the sky.
Thunder followed seconds after, eating up the night.
“W… What?”
He shook his head, dripping water.
“You haven’t hurt me. You don’t mean to, either.”
That smile, his hand extended, the inked snake on his wrist showing.
You stared at Jeon Jungkook with droplets beading on your skin but those goosebumps weren’t from the weather. Jerked your head away. What is with this gentleness? How could he know anything? He couldn’t know anything. He was just an airhead who watched too many dramas and made others believe that they could be real.
You whipped your head to Jungkook, shocked at his use of the honorific. He only used it when Jimin was at the meal. Afterwards, the conversations had been clearly directed at you. Not completely informal speech, but sometimes you slipped and he did too. You never corrected him because, well.
You slapped his hand away.
Nothing was going to happen.
You closed the distance and grabbed his head, pressing your lips to his shaking ones.
It was going to be terrible. Cold. Wet. Acidic from the lingering feelings. There was no way that this kiss could be anything else with this setting.
This was real life.
Not a story.
Your hands cupped his cheeks and you sunk into his kiss. The hard edge of his jewelry and the softness of his breath, caught by your mouth, your eyes already screwed shut, nothing to do but feel, feel the way he instantly pressed back and set his hands on your elbows, pulling you closer, shuddering as your forearms pressed to his chest. A weird feeling, like two fires melting together, prickling racing across your skin, no, deeper, past your ribs and into your heart.
The storm raged on.
You snapped out of the kiss, nose to nose, water trickling in places it shouldn’t, over your eyelashes and down your neck, feeling fingers graze across your elbows. Slipping under the leather. Droplets soaking into your shirt and then warm hands lingering at the curve of your exposed waist.
Tracing your lines.
“Fuck,” you muttered.
And you kissed Jeon Jungkook again.
No, you didn’t take him home. You’re reckless, yeah.
But you knew how that would go.
Not that Jungkook didn’t try. Maybe you would have done it, if you weren’t the equivalent of wet cat and equally torrenting emotions. His hands around your waist, pulling you closer, heat blossoming between layers of rain-drenched clothing, kiss after kiss, your hands in his hair, tangling those dark waves into wilderness, getting more and more breathless, heady with a feeling you knew but didn’t want to believe in.
For someone who hated lying, you sure enjoyed lying to yourself.
You had reasons.
How could this time be different if it was just following the same trajectory that you always followed?
You had to pry yourself from him, lips tingling, tongue curling, feeling your blood course through your veins and your heartbeat as loud as thunder, opening your eyes to his blissed-out expression, his own eyes still closed, pressing his lips together to savor your taste.
You had wanted to tell him to stop it, stop it with all this falling, you were being dragged down by his vibe, clothes feeling heavy, desperate to be stripped away, but you kept your hands along the sides of his head, your exhale escaping but giving you away like a bad con artist.
Those shimmering dark eyes had opened, following Jungkook’s smile.
“You’re a great kisser, noona.”
His hands stayed on your waist, drumming his fingertips on your skin, tangible kisses creating invisible but no less real electricity.
You scoffed, corner of your lips rising.
“Shut up.”
Tendrils of his black-brown hair clung to his forehead. The rain drummed but it had lessened a bit. You had looked back to his eyes, defeated.
“Shut up so I don’t miss you more.”
One last, drawn-out kiss, tongue to tongue and you had broken from him, warning him sternly.
“Don’t follow me.”
Ran all the way home, face burning, not even feeling the rain even though it was still falling.
Now, present time, you sat at this boring farewell party in some fancy hotel with the sun blaring outside. Figures the nice weather would come out when you would have to stuff yourself in a fitted blazer dress and pretend to care about your boss’s boss retiring. Black, of course. For the formal occasion. Sadly, no one was dying except this old coot’s career.
Maybe you were a little salty that you couldn’t retire yet.
You looked down at your phone, which was on silent, noticing you had a new message.
O… Okay. Whatever that face was supposed to mean. You didn’t even bother to answer. Couldn’t, anyway, forced to plaster on a mildly interested expression as your boss gave a speech that you zoned out of. There were multiple large circular tables in the hotel ballroom. Outside the ballroom was an outdoor area with the buffet. Everyone had served themselves before sitting down, but, first, a few words.
A few was turning out to be too many and your salmon was getting cold.
Employees had been allowed to bring plus ones. Wives and husbands. There were a few empty seats, and a few significant others popped in mid-speech, trying to be quiet and politely bowing in apology. Of course, they weren’t required to be on time, having other obligations and such.
You twitched.
Was that why this was dragging on? So everyone could eat at once? For fuck’s sake, who cared if they were late. Then you noticed your boss’s wife stepping in, looking pretty and put-together in a forest green high-necked dress, holding the small hand of a kid in a lopsided children’s tuxedo with an equally confused expression.
Come on.
You suddenly felt a disturbance in the Force.
“Excuse me. Sorry, sorry.”
You whipped your head around to see Jeon Jungkook in a black pinstripe suit cha-cha sliding in the empty chair next to you, picking up your black velvet purse and holding it out to you with a grin that made his large, dark brown eyes light up.
You gawked at him.
“Hey. Sorry I’m late.” He added your name politely and with affection, smooth as butter, criminal undercover. Even the honorific, oh, shit.
The blood drained out of your face and you tried not to think about how your co-workers sitting at the table were staring at you and him like you both had three heads. Of course, no one was supposed to be talking, so no one asked questions yet, but that was definitely going to start the second your boss was finished with his sentence.
You took your purse without another word and glared at Jungkook with such fire that you hoped he burned alive at the spot. Oh, this could turn into a murder and a funeral real fucking fast. All he did was give you those shining big peepers that made you want to strangle him. In an unsexy way.
For now.
You leaned over as the clapping started. He caught on and delicately leaned over, offering his ear to your lips.
“The fuck are you doing?”
Jungkook turned his head so only you could hear his whisper.
“I was nearby, so I figured…?”
You stared at him, plumb slack-jawed at this audacity.
He closed the distance and gently kissed your cheek. You ticked your head almost robotically, piercing eyes following his playful ones, and now you wondered if Jeon Jungkook was truly not right in the head or perfect for you.
You weren’t right in the head either.
You did text him earlier this morning that you needed to come to this party at this hotel to send off this important retiree. If you missed this, then it would have reflected poorly on you, especially when you wanted to keep your job, so, yes, it was part of the reason why you had not attempted to convince Jungkook to sleep over – not that he needed any convincing whatsoever – and the other reason was to get enough sleep so you could tolerate socializing. Did you think Jungkook was gonna finesse his way into the seat next to you? Hell no. Did you think he was gonna dress smartly and with his black hair parted neatly in the center, fuckin’ black tie pressed and collar pinned? Fuck, no.
Did you think you would like it?
“How did you get them to let you in?” you hissed under your breath.
Jungkook was clapping like a seal because everyone else was. A champagne bottle was being popped. He looked systematically impressed and awed. Amazing acting. “I just said I was with you.” Glanced at you and grinned, the silver piercings on his lip gleaming. A hoop and a stud. “Aren’t I, noona?”
The urge to growl at him to shut the fuck up was silenced by your brain reminding you to be safe-for-work.
You felt a poke at your sleeve. Your co-worker sitting at your left, bleach-blond and with the curiosity of a child. Full of sudden comments and questions too, just like a kid.
“Oh, oh! You never mentioned anything about a boyfriend!” Because you didn’t have one until right now, apparently. “So handsome!” Yes, he was. You had taste. “How did you meet?” Circumstances beyond your control.
“Through a… friend.”
That was a very generous word for instigator Park Jimin.
Jungkook poked his head past you and waved. “Hi! Nice to meet you.” He was using you as a shield to avoid directly interacting with these people he didn’t know. Just chiming in with polite nods as you introduced him to the table and sitting back to let you have this uninvited spotlight that was burning you like the sun did to vampires.
Pretty close, in all honesty.
“Aw, what a sweet guy. It’s nice to meet you too. I didn’t think your type was so young and cute.”
You almost made a face of distaste. “You thought my type was old and ugly?” Oop, there goes your sharp tongue.
“Nooo.” You tried not to flinch at the playful slap of your arm. “More mature, maybe? But this is better. You don’t have to be so serious. Look at his smile! I bet that’s what drew you in.”
You glanced at Jungkook and he appropriately smiled big at the right time. Somehow, he had obtained a plate of steak. How, you didn’t care. You narrowed your eyes just a sliver. Jungkook did not stop smiling but there was at least an iota of fear in those big brown eyes. Speaking of vampire, maybe you should suck the life out of him because he was being too fuckin’ much.
“Well, he was persistent to put it lightly. Might as well give him the chance to win me over.”
Jungkook beamed like a billion-kilowatt lightbulb. Or a crystal chandelier. It depended if you wanted to say the light came from his white teeth or sparkling eyeballs.
Fuckity fuck.
You wanted to rub your temples but refrained.
You would never recover from this.
“Are you mad at me?” Jungkook asked you later.
Oh, now he wondered if you’re mad. You didn’t even look at him, dragging him away from the crowd by the elbow. Hopefully you had stayed long enough but there had been so many of the same questions that you were either getting dizzy or murderous. Hm. Why not both?
“I’m not mad at you,” you muttered.
“You kinda sound mad.”
“I’m not mad but I’m gonna get mad if you keep saying I am,” you warned. “Don’t start a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
“A what?”
“Where did you park?”
His voice became small even though he was right next to you. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
The sun was blaring down on the open parking lot, it was annoyingly humid, you were socially drained, and this, not this. You spun abruptly, too much crashing down too fast, flinging Jungkook’s arm from you.
“No,” you hissed out. “No. Don’t you dare take it back. You wanna be crazy and drive me crazy, fine, do it, keep doing it, don’t stop, but own up. I’ve got enough push-and-pull jammed into my head and I don’t need you adding to it.”
It was so easy to simply give in to the rising anger, but you found yourself locked into Jungkook’s wide, taken-back eyes, drowning in them, deeper than the ocean, seeing how rueful he was.
“Don’t do that to me,” you sighed.
At least your voice didn’t crack. You didn’t want to be angry anyway.
You raised your hand to cup his cheek but paused, not knowing anymore what was what. Always been so sure until the world started getting flipped upside down by Jeon Jungkook. You always knew all of the things to do to make someone interested, all the things to say to make them swoon, and now you didn’t know anything at all because this guy showed up and jumped right in, not even caring about the damages, the fine print, or the past that lingered.
Why are you blaming yourself for shit that hasn’t even happened yet?
Jungkook leaned forward and completed the curve of his cheek into your hollow palm, now looking at you eye-to-eye with a curious expression.
The corner of your lips curved upwards.
You leaned forward, saying your next words very seriously.
“You. Are. Crazy.”
You sat against the window, waiting for the document to print out.
No one was in the office. You had rolled over here out of sheer boredom, looking up at the gray-blue sky and watching shafts of sunlight phase in and out. Overtime to prepare documents for Monday. You hadn’t bothered to follow dress code, but there was a breeze today, so you wore brown plaid trousers and an old vintage t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. The faded album cover of Papa Roach’s Infest. Your oversized black leather jacket was on the back of your office chair once again.
You spun in your chair, the print job long done.
Thought back on the week.
Day one, awkward dinner and the start of a rollercoaster.
Day two, clutching your phone and waiting for replies due to the spotty service of the subway.
Day three, washing machines and dryers and long conversations.
Day four, shitty day with a nice ending to more texts. Better service too.
Day five, cold rain and warm lips.
Day six, surprise! You have a boyfriend and everybody knows!
You got up and wandered to the copier. Stacked everything up and clipped the right parts together, setting it on your boss’s desk. Glanced at the time at your computer. The blank screensaver abruptly appeared, showing you your blurred reflection.
Your fingertips lingered on your chest, the soft, worn fabric of the shirt reminding you of night after tumultuous night of the past. Time that made you, you. Scars you made by holding on too tightly to pain others gave you. The thought of scars in others that you started and they held on to. Repenting, in a way, healing the hearts that came in your path with intimacy and the passion you were afraid to show Jeon Jungkook because what if, what if…
What if it actually matched well?
“You,” Park Jimin had said to you months ago, “You need someone who thinks of you as their whole world.”
“I don’t want that.”
“You don’t want it. But you need it.”
You didn’t have Park-Jimin-being-right on this year’s bingo card, fuck.
You clocked out and collected your stuff, turning off the lights as you left the office, black boots the only solid sound around you, pulling out your phone to check the address one more time.
“Why are you wearing clothes?” you asked accusingly.
You gripped the sides of the denim jacket and yanked it off his shoulders, pinning Jeon Jungkook’s arms to his sides. He immediately yelped but you silenced him by stepping through the door and pulling him to you by the button placket, tracing the edge of his open lips with your tongue.
“W-Wait, noona, the d-door…”
“I don’t care.”
Kissed him, deeply.
That now familiar scent, closer, slipping your tongue between his lips, succumbing to the flutters. In, out, feeling him collapse under you and moan in his throat, hard body stumbling into yours, hand haphazardly smacking the edge of the door.
It closed behind you.
You rolled your body into his, closer than close with too many layers in between, tangling his arms in his own jacket, swallowing his gasp and feeling him wiggle determinedly to free his hands and then they were on your face, strong fingers fanning out over your jaw, his jacket falling to the floor, hungrily following your tongue and lips with his own.
Something addicting about the addition of metal to those soft mouth.
This was your forte, the ability to make fantasies come true, and you took it seriously, throwing your bag onto the table by the door and shedding the protective layer of leather. Pressed chest to chest, holding his head and tracing his lips, slow fucking them, running your fingertips over the curve of his ears and making him shiver, noting the three hoops along his left ear.
Pressed your hands down his chest, over the smooth ribbed white tank molding to his muscular torso, down, down, kissing past his lips, to that mole underneath, down his chin, his head tipping back, your name drifting above your head as you kissed down his neck, the sharp clean scent of his cologne getting stronger.
“I thought… we were… o-oh, g-going out…”
“I’m gonna fuck you,” you breathed into his collarbones, hot and low, nicking his skin with your teeth and making him shiver. “Right now. Tonight. Maybe tomorrow too.” Undid the button of his jeans with some effort, yanking him towards you again and molding your hips to his, thighs to hard thighs, and that stiffness wasn’t only a sturdy zipper. “Tuesday as well. Fuck it.”
“The whole week,” Jungkook gasped as you unzipped his charcoal jeans.
“Yeah, good, you’re keeping up,” you murmured and grabbed his head again, catching a fistful of his black hair, kissing him hard with your other palm pressed to his hardness. Your tongue tracing the edge of his lips, breathing into his mouth and swallowing Jungkook’s wanton moan, intoxicated by the moment.
You pulled back just to yank your shirt over your head, tossing it to the floor.
It took longer for it to float down than for you to get on your knees.
Hooked your fingers on the elastic waistband of his Calvin Kleins and tugged them down, exhaling over that thick length that popped out. He smelled clean, like he had just showered, and you half-smiled, approving, closing the distance to curl your tongue around hard taut skin.
“Ooooh… fuuuuuuuck…”
Tightly taking control, using only your tongue to scoop around his girth and flick against his balls. Kisses, licks, flutters of breath, all of it, sensation after sensation, layering on the heat, adding sweetness to the obscene, his twitching cock hitting your cheek as you pressed kisses to his balls.
“Let me show you something,” you hummed and swallowed his pride.
Jungkook gasped so loud that his hands shot up to his mouth, fingers laced over his moan, one inked arm and one tan one, tilting his head back as your lips closed around him, softly, your tongue cupping the head, caressing the underside, the slit, letting him throb against wet muscle. Pushed him up to the roof of your mouth and slowly, in and out, rubbing the base of the head against your lips every time you ascended, fanning your fingers over his crotch to hold the base and cup his balls in between your index and thumb. Steady and consistent, sucking him off with deliberate precision.
You had a lot of fancy skills to show off but, for this first time, might as well give him the stripped-down version.
So you blew Jungkook at his front door in your bra and pants with his clothes half-on and struggling to breathe.
“A-Ah, so s-soft… and so tight… h-how…”
You didn’t speed up. Didn’t put in more force. Used your whole torso, not just your head and neck, to avoid strain, holding his hips to take him deeper but at the same pace, letting the orgasm build with his heart rate, running your thumbs over his balls, a gentle caress, closing your eyes to savor it. Hard and twitching, but you didn’t let him disturb what you had going on, extending out the minutes, saturating every second with flowing, unavoidable bliss.
You could match his vibe with your kind of romance.
You heard Jungkook’s pitch hike and the muscles under your fingers all tensed up. You spared a look upwards, but he wasn’t looking at you, shoving his hands into his messy black hair, displaying his prominent triceps, and moaning to the ceiling, dragging his bangs over his eyes.
“Oh my God, I’m cumming, fuuuuck…!”
You pillowed your tongue around the head and his salty orgasm flooded your mouth, spilling out and down your throat, but you cupped what you could and coated the sensitive head, pleased to hear Jungkook’s shudder and whimper of ecstasy, gripping his hair and pulling. The close-fitted nature of his tank top left nothing to the imagination, the aftershock rippling up his chest, even his hardened nipples poking against the fabric.
You swallowed.
Jungkook moaned and his head fell back again, his eyes probably rolled back.
Gotta finish him off right.
You licked around him carefully, cleaning him off and keeping him hard.
Cocked an eyebrow as you shifted your eyes up, his cock buried in your throat, pulsing your muscles around his length. His chin was on his chest, wayward dark curls hanging down, shaking wide eyes watching you with fascination, his shaking voice full of awe.
“You know… how porn calls it a mouth-pussy? I really thought that shit was fake and sounded stupid, but… you have a mouth-pussy.”
You blinked at him and tried not to snort out in laughter.
You just raised both eyebrows and flicked his balls with your tongue. A few seconds later, you pulled back and countered with, “Really? Mouth-pussy? That’s how you show gratitude for the best suck of your life?”
“B-But it’s true!”
You shook you head and waved a hand at him.
“Clothes. Off.”
Every hour, every minute, every second.
Full of sex.
Jungkook wasn’t lying. He wasn’t a virgin. He was a little too good at fingering to be a virgin. Well, you hadn’t had his dick yet but it was pretty obvious with the slow circles on your clit and the kissing of your collarbones. Clothes didn’t even make it to the bedroom. Most of them were left by the door. Your shoulder blades and ass touching the bed, his other hand along your back and tracing your spine as he kissed across your breasts, shyly shifting his gaze back to your face to constantly check if you were enjoying it, not quite confident that he was making your heart flutter. You smirked back at him, taking his hand and pressing his fingers to your wet slit, pushing them in yourself.
He breathed out with you, watching your face as the pleasure snaked out from your core.
Two of them, taking it slow, but you shook your head and pressed his down, your hard nipple against his lips, and he followed your lead, faster, harder, your inner walls clenching around him, sighing deeply as the pleasure flowed, soft licks and tracing tongue. You let him have it, the slower, more romantic pace, spreading your fingers over his sheets and thrusting into his hand, adding to the pleasure, and Jungkook’s eyes glittered, kissing from one nipple to another with a smile.
“And faster,” you agreed, licking the air between you and him.
Hey, you weren’t a virgin either and you liked it rough.
He kissed you first, entranced by your tongue, harder, faster, your hips following his hand, entangled in this beat, and then it was back to your nipples, kissing sucking, sparks of sensuality over your skin, your hands diving into his hair. Heat. Roughness. Passion, catching your breath and your head falling back, inhaling his scent and the clean sheets, the orgasm flooding through you, delicately forming his name with your lips.
“Ah, Jungkook…”
You didn’t let it stop there though.
His hand moved to pull out and you clutched his wrist and pushed him back in, your nail catching his ring finger, collecting it too, gasping at the added fullness, and you pulled his left hand out from under your back.
Jungkook watched you curiously as your rode his right hand and turned his left, thumb down.
You fitted it around your neck and positioned it correctly, grinning devilishly at him.
He got the hint.
Slightly unsure at first but you built his confidence, comfortably laying back on his bed and spreading out your fingers, moaning softly for him, rocking your hips into his hand, climbing to the high again, stronger his time. His fingers pressed inwards and you breathed out, savoring the choking, the way time slowed down, the way the sensations heightened, your spine arching, low gasp like heavy smoke, immortalizing the moment in his memory, black pupils blown out in those beautiful dark eyes, leaning forward to run his tongue over your nipples.
Your fingers curled into the sheets, thrusting into his fingers harder.
Lids heavy, drowning in the pleasure, his tongue, his hands, the way he looked at you like you were his whole world, the tension between you and him, sweet and intense and overwhelming, just perfect, your exhale only a thin wisp now, closing your eyes and moaning to the ceiling as you came.
It was a hard, thundering pulse, much more powerful than before, your shivering pussy gripping his fingers and your hips bucking. Thighs snapping closed, whining as you felt the hardness of his tattooed forearm, your head snapping to the side the second he released you, the rushing blood knocking you down and making your nerves sing, strong flinches across your arms and torso. Gasping to catch your breath.
Wasn’t his first time choking, but maybe the first time he got really turned on by it, because Jungkook was ogling you like a three-star Michelin meal.
It was like that all night.
From the first time he entered you, one condom wrapper the start of many, biting the left side of his lip and shuddering – “H-How are you so tight…? I just f-fingered you – oooh!” – and you wrapped around him tightly, smirking a little too smugly, one arm around his neck and one leg on his shoulder. Your fingers petaled around the base of his head, cupping him in the flower of your touch. Your thigh against his hard chest still trembling from your kisses. You angled your hips and he slipped in deeper, groaning in disbelief, his brows furrowing at you.
Your tongue pocketed in the side of your smirk and you fucked him right.
Jungkook, too, fucked you right.
You lead the pace so he could bring the force of his hips. Ah, fuck, right there, like that, and you let him know, the cries tumbling out and mixing with his, rushing wave after wave pressing into you, filling you with his girth and his power. You brought the intensity, the flint to his flame, the break in his pride and Jungkook was looking down at you, shoulders flexed, jaw tight and eyes hazy, clear emotion swirling within them and you saw your own gaze fixated on him, wanting him more than you wanted the sex.
You gasped and dug your nails into his scalp, grasping the pillow and throwing your head back, not expecting the suddenness of your high, injected into your heartbeat and pushing all the air out of your lungs, veins ablaze with heat as your core clenched, inner walls throbbing all around him. Jungkook groaned, biting his lower lip and thrusting hard, the small mole underneath shaking just as hard as his shoulders, but he couldn’t hold back any longer, squeezing his eyes shut, muffled scream as he came, his head falling back, two tones the start of an ongoing, wanton melody.
“Holy… fuck…”
Well, more like unholy fuck but you didn’t correct him.
You kind of expected him to pull out and leave, but instead his head snapped back and he dived down, catching your lips and dripping sweat on you, making you both laugh. Kiss after kiss, all over your face, and you could barely sputter out – “Oi, you’re sweaty!” – but he didn’t care, kissing all over your cheeks and down your neck, your chest, slurping at your nipples, you narrowed your eyes at that but those playful eyes just sparkled with deviousness, trailing down, down.
Jungkook pressed his lips to your waist, looking up at you.
Your heart thundered against your chest and sparks danced over your skin.
Somehow at ease.
You smiled down at him.
“I don’t ever want to leave your side.”
Your lips parted to give him a snappy comeback, yeah, well, I gotta go to work, but nothing came out.
Jungkook grinned, his whole face lighting up and dove between your legs, biting and kissing the inside of your thighs, attacking them with his menacing mouth.
“Hey! Oi! I’m sensitive, f-fuck!”
Even planting a fat wet kiss on your clit for good measure.
Shoving his tongue in your pussy.
You gawked at his audacity, twisting away from him. Infuriatingly, he followed, scrambling for your ass.
“There was just a condom in there!”
“Ah, who cares,” said the one that clearly didn’t. “Kiss me.”
“Hell no!”
After cleaning up and pinning him down on his own bed and thoroughly scolding him, somehow you ended up making out with Jungkook and his fingers were in your pussy again. It sounded very wet and squishy down there, probably because you showed Jungkook just now much you liked kisses under your earlobe. His tongue against your skin, teeth nicking, sucking hard and making you moan and grind on his hand, pressing against his chest.
“Sit on my face,” he whispered in your ear.
Which was know you ended up grasping his headboard and his tongue between your legs, the piercing pressed against the left side of the outer lips. You kept your weight on your knees, but Jungkook grabbed your ass and tipped your hips at a different angle, your clit right on his tongue, his nose against your crotch.
“Fuuuuck, you smell so good…”
You could barely hear him but you felt him speak, gasping at the strange sensation of hot breath and swiping tongue, his lips wrapping around your most sensitive nerves. He had a much softer tongue, but there was consistency there and plenty of gusto. It helped, actually, to have his hands gripping your thighs, adding the amplifying pleasure of restraint. You rode his face, matching the movement of his tongue. One of your hands left the headboard. Trapped your nipples between your fingers and pulled at them, making Jungkook’s eyes go wide and watch eagerly, licking and sucking harder.
Layered and intricate, full of sensation and emotion, gazing down at him and smirking as the sparks turned into lightning and you soaked his face, shivering, tipping forward at the flinches of climax, swearing under your thin breath, panting, snapped tension draining you and wetly sticking to his lips, his tongue, his cheeks.
He shoved his tongue into your quivering pussy and you sucked in a breath, feeling your inner walls pulsate around his curling muscle, his low, gravelly moan filling what little air there was between his mouth and you, his satisfaction vibrating through your body and mixing with your afterglow.
You slid down his chest and kissed him again, tasting your subtle sweet-sour on his slick lips.
He wanted you to jack him off hard and fast, the fingers of your other hand splayed out over his chest, forgetting about anything else, time only a construct, your phones discarded by the door, and here, in this bed, there was only Jungkook and you, his cock pulsing in your grip, your foxy expression to his desperate one, his eyes rolling back in the intensity, biting down hard on the left side of his lip, the small mole underneath shaking in anticipation, the tendons of his neck popping out.
You raised your free hand and gently stroked his cheek with your knuckle as you punished his cock.
His lower lip popped out of his mouth and he groaned, rough and breathless.
“A-Ah, fuck!”
A hot stream of liquid dripping down the back of your hand, drenching you and him in the strong scent of sex. Thick and potent, and you leaned forward and kissed him deeply, tightly holding his jerking cock and squeezing it all out of him.
“You’re amazing,” Jungkook panted, even after getting up – once again – to attempt to clean up your collective mess.
“Mhm,” you hummed, sitting beside him. He was radiating heat. “I was never worried about that.”
“Hah… You’re… You’re crazy…”
You had obtained your phone and just now sent a message to your boss that you would be taking a sick day on Monday. You have plenty of those. “Speak for yourself.”
“I mean, you’re like… um… uh, oh! A semen demon…”
You almost threw your phone in laughter. Actually, you couldn’t even hear Jungkook’s explanation for what the hell he meant by semen demon because you were laughing too hard, barely able to breathe. There wasn’t a normal explanation anyway – how could there be? – and you kept inelegantly snorting afterward at inappropriate times. Jungkook, for his part, seemed proud for making you laugh so much.
“You look so beautiful laughing.”
Your response was quick, immediate, and lighthearted.
“Shut up.”
He snuggled his still too warm head into the crook of your shoulder.
“Will you stay?”
You gave him a look and then showed him the sent text message on your phone. There was something special and perfect about the smile that lit up his face, clearly showing his devotion and clearly seeing yours.
“Yeah, I’ll stay.”
Jungkook skipped work too. Both of you ended up sleeping in.
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jlheon · 5 months
୨୧ — birthday twins (psh)
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pairing. frenemy! park sunghoon x fem! reader genre. fe2l + fluff wc. 4444 notes. ft. 02z + jimin & yizhou of aespa library.
synopsis. you & sunghoon don't exactly get along but spend your shared birthday alone this year due to jake's scheming
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park sunghoon and you share the same two best friends, jake and jay.
park sunghoon and you have shared the same neighborhood since you were six.
park sunghoon and you even share a birthday.
park sunghoon has been the bane of your existence since and you’ve been his.
in first grade when you sat down at the desk your name tag was placed on, the boy next to made one snarky comment about your drawings you have disliked him ever since.
“a flower isn’t just pink. the stem and the leaves are green.” the boy beside you said during morning break, peering over your shoulder at your drawing.
your six-year-old self was already moody from earlier in the day when your mom gave your younger brother jungwon the last chocolate chip pancake. you got stuck with a plain pancake for your bites. without any hesitation, you read his name tag to yourself and snapped back.
“my drawing is pretty,” referring to his messily drawn bird. “park sunghoon.”
“and mine isn’t?” sunghoon quirked an eyebrow at you, picking up his paper to display his ‘masterpiece’.
“i don’t know what that is,” you fired back, making a face of disgust. 
“it’s a penguin,” sunghoon adjusted the glasses on his nose bridge. “yang ____.”
at least you knew he could read.
annoyed with your desk buddy you decided to spread your wings and move over to the table of two girls. grabbing your special pink crayon and paper as you approached your two giggling classmates.
“hi, i’m ____!” you carefully placed your drawing on the empty spot on the table.
“hi! i’m jimin!” the taller girl with the long black hair smiled. “this is my best friend yizhou!”
“wow i like your names!” you sat in front of them, reaching for your crayon to make another flower. 
you sat with the two girls until you were sent back to your seat for math. they quickly accepted you with open arms and even invited you to sit with them at lunch.
though you had to decline as you promised jake that you would find each other during lunch.
jake was your best friend. you met him in pre-k and were in the same class even in kindergarten. unfortunately, this year he had been placed in the opposite class. with no time to hang out during class but you knew you had lunch to spend together.
little did you know jay and sunghoon had the same plan. in the other kindergarten classroom across the hall, jake had quickly befriended jay because they both played the guitar. 
when your teacher announced lunch, you quickly ran up to the front of the line, pushing sunghoon out of your way, but not enough to have your teacher say anything. sunghoon tried to push you back but the line had already started on its route to the cafeteria. 
“jaeyun!” you called out once spotting a familiar head of brown hair, next to him was another boy you had never seen before, probably a new friend from his class. 
“____! i saved you a seat,” jake grinned, patting the chair next to him. 
you skipped over to their table, setting your lunchbox on the table. once you touched the seat he leaned down to whisper that at school he was now jake, to which you replied that he should make an exception just for you. 
due to the lack of attention you were paying as you were caught up in jake, you hadn’t noticed sunghoon following close behind you, sitting next to jake’s friend.
“ew why is she here,” sunghoon grumbled to the unnamed black-haired boy. 
“hoon be nice,” the other boy kicked his foot under the table, causing sunghoon to wince. the boy raised his hand out to greet you, waving it slowly. “i’m jay.”
“i’m ____,”
“i know,” jay answered, offering a half smile. “jake told me his best friend would eat with us so i invited my best friend hoon! he’s cranky though,”
“i know,” you side-eyed sunghoon as you took a bite of whatever your mom packed you for lunch that day. 
at recess, there were only four swings at the playground. someone had been sitting alone at the one on the end, making it three. you and sunghoon fought over the last swing, which he ultimately gave up. jay and jake took the swings on the further end while you and sunghoon reached the third empty seat at the same time. tugging on the chain back and forth until sunghoon reluctantly gave up and let you on the swing. giving you a rather aggressive push when you asked him to push your swing. 
near the end of recess, you felt bad so you got off and told sunghoon to take his turn. pushing his swing a little too hard to the point he almost fell, but thankfully he didn’t.
that continued for every day up until now. your group of you, jake, sunghoon, and jay continued through all grades. jake acted like nothing was wrong, you and sunghoon constantly bickered and acted passive-aggressively towards each other. then jay was the mediator between you two when needed. 
the type of relationship you had with sunghoon was solidified when on your seventh birthday. when his mother dropped him off, also carrying cupcakes to share with the class.
you shared a birthday.
from then, every year you just knew you had to go bigger than sunghoon and make everyone remember your birthday not his. from candy-filled goodie bags to funfetti cupcakes, to even begging your mom to bring your little brother jungwon to your birthday one year because toddlers are cute and you knew your classmates would agree. you always made it your mission to upstage sunghoon. 
as your eighteenth birthday approached, you still had the same goal: have a more memorable birthday than sunghoon. 
sure, it sounds childish and petty but as the both of you grew up you became closer to sunghoon. you still had your disputes and held a slight grudge against each other but the fact your friend group was the same forced you two to tolerate each other. though being left completely alone with each other ends in chaos than friendship nine times out of ten.
sunghoon was, for lack of better word, your frenemy. 
this year however was not going to be the year you stop this ‘tradition’ of going all out on your birthday. going all out to you meant getting jake, jay, and sunghoon into your car on your birthday and driving wherever you desire. that’s your ideal birthday, and having sunghoon there allows you to semi-celebrate his birthday (and so jay wouldn’t get mad at you for not inviting him). 
“so what are we doing for your guys’ birthday this year?” jay asked, setting down his tray of cafeteria food on the table and taking a seat. “should i take a day off or?”
“clear your schedules! we three are going on a road trip!” sunghoon shared excitedly. 
“hoon there are four of us,” you rolled your eyes, stealing a grape from jake’s tray. 
“you’re spending our birthday with jimin and yizhou this year,” he said with a mockingly sweet tone, booping you on the nose as the cherry on top. “i already told them to take my least favorite girl out.”
“why would you do that?” you harshly pushed his arm away from your face before he could retract it. “we always spend our birthdays together!”
“wow ____, just say you’re so in love with me that you felt the need to leave the womb the same day i did,” 
“i don’t mean you! i mean jake and jay always spend my birthday with me, you just happen to have nothing better to do on your birthday!” 
“okay, so what i’m hearing is i should call out of work?” jay interrupted your bickering, pulling his phone out to text his boss. 
“yes!” sunghoon and you said in unison. 
“hoon you can’t just make ____’s birthday plans for her,” jake spoke up, handing you the juice box he didn’t want to drink. he opened the carton before handing it to you, turning to ask you a question. “what did you have in mind for this year?”
“my parents are letting us go up to their cabin,” you told the table. “but if sunghoon is so set on spending this year without me then i can always bring my other friend group-” 
it was jake and jay’s turn to talk in sync, they shouted at you a no. 
your other friend group was, like sunghoon said earlier, jimin and yizhou. they have been your separate friend group since the day you met in first grade, which was the brighter moment of the start of your first-grade career. you went to them for every thing and vise versa, you can’t possibly have all your friend needs met by two-and-a-half teenage boys.
“i think i win again this year!” you grinned at sunghoon, snatching a french fry from his tray. “as i do every year.”
“shut up,” sunghoon rolled his eyes and shoved your shoulder. 
two weeks later you found yourself in the passenger's seat of your own car while sunghoon was at the wheel. finally reaching your birthday weekend meant your two-and-a-half best friends would accompany you up to the mountains to the cabin you’ve owned since childhood. the only thing missing now was jake and jay in the back seat. 
“why isn’t jake coming down?” sunghoon frustratedly sighed, tapping a bunch of places on his screen. 
that morning sunghoon had walked over to your house, greeted your parents, took your bag to the car, and even offered to drive today. your parents had no trouble allowing you to bring the three boys along as they had known them for over a decade. they truly thought sunghoon was the sweetest but you could beg to differ. 
you drove to jake’s house and waited outside just at the time the four of you had discussed last night. though jake failed to be there on his doorstep in his usual punctual ways. 
“guys i think jay is stuck at work,” jake started when he finally answered one of sunghoon’s millions of calls. “i think i’ll wait for him to be done and drive up together, i don’t want him to do the three hours alone.”
you both let out exasperated sighs before agreeing to the sudden change of plans knowing it was the best option. 
sunghoon hung up on jake and started the route his gps had shown when searching for the address of your place in the woods. the longest three hours of your life began.
the first hour was dead silent. nobody on aux, just the gps lady's voice filling the car every couple of feet, and the sound of breathing. 
the second hour sunghoon had broken the tension by asking if you were hungry, which you wanted to lie about but your stomach said otherwise, grumbling every couple minutes. he drove off the nearest exit and stopped at a small diner. 
once the car was parked sunghoon got out and waited for you to follow behind him inside. the waitress seated you in a booth in the corner then handed you two menus and explained she would be back shortly.
you decided on breakfast for lunch, and it seems sunghoon thought the same.
he ordered chicken and waffles while you ordered chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. it’s your birthday after all.
it didn’t take long for your food to come out.
the waitress seemed to be around your age, maybe a year or two older. she placed your pancakes in front of you before sending sunghoon a wink while biting her lip and walking away. for some reason that made you angry.
you spaced out for a couple of seconds rethinking that interaction, when you came back into consciousness you saw sunghoon was already almost done cutting your pancakes for you.
even if you were eighteen now, growing up with jake as your best friend made you subject to immense princess treatment. sunghoon doing something you liked for you without any request made heat rush up your neck. quietly thanking him as you took your first bite.
“i know jake always cuts your food,” he broke the silence. “so i wanted to do it for you since it’s our birthday after all.” 
“thanks, hoon,” you said with flushed cheeks. picking up a piece of your pancake to shove into your mouth after your next sentence. “happy birthday to you too.” 
throughout your rather silent meal, your waitress kept coming up to the table. she only ever looked and talked to sunghoon. constantly flirting with him and eventually asking if he was single to which he responded that he wanted more butter. 
by the time she came back with the butter you and sunghoon were ready to pay. going back and forth until sunghoon snatched your card to hide it so he could pay with his. 
“i know this is weird but can i have your number?” the waitress fluttered her eyelashes at sunghoon as she handed back his card, hand grazing his for a couple of extra seconds.
“oh um,” sunghoon quickly retracted his hand and pulled you towards him. “i have a girlfriend.” he let an arm fall around your waist and held you close. feeling you freeze under his touch, he rubbed soft circles on your hip.
“oh my god i’m so sorry!” she apologized, quickly picking up your plates and booking it towards the kitchen. “i assumed you were just friends.”
you and sunghoon didn’t speak at all but he kept his arm around you, guiding you toward the car. the remaining two hours were as silent as ever, maybe even more than before. just the adjustment of sunghoon giving you aux.
it was still early in the afternoon when you arrived at the cabin. knowing jay’s work schedule you knew he never stayed past 2 pm so you checked to see if he and jake were on their way. they were not. they weren’t even with each other. both of their locations were still at their homes, and the app had told you jay had been home all day. 
“hoon,” you poked his shoulder, facing your phone screen towards him.
“what ____ i’m driving,” he reminded you, eyes never leaving the road. 
“jay didn’t go to work and the both of them are still home,” 
you quickly opened your contacts to facetime the two liars and get them to start driving to meet you before dinner. eating dinner for your birthday alone with sunghoon did not seem that pleasing, the car ride was the most awkward it’s ever been between you two, and more hours of that in a cabin in the middle of the forest would be even worse.
jay picked up first. his camera was off and his voice was evident of sleep.
“yes?” he managed to grumble. 
“why aren’t you and jake on your way?” sunghoon spoke for the both of you 
“um work,” jay painfully obviously lied. “we should be leaving as soon as jake is ready.”
right when jay said that, jake’s cheery face appeared on the screen with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. “we can’t make it today,” jake continued smiling as if he didn’t just tell you the one thing you didn’t want to hear today. 
“seriously guys, on my birthday?” you frowned. 
“our birthday,” sunghoon corrected you. 
“we will be there as soon as possible tomorrow morning!” jake tried to lighten the mood. “on the bright side we still have the rest of the weekend to hangout.”
“fine, but why can’t you make it?”
“well you see my car is currently in the shop-” jake started to explain.
“use jay’s,” sunghoon cut him off. 
“my mom is using my car right now, her car is in the shop,” jay mumbled, sounding like he had been sleeping throughout this whole conversation, which he was. 
“okay but if you guys aren’t here when i wake up you owe me free drinks every time i visit you at work,”
“sure whatever i’m tired,” jay groaned, leaving the call shortly after. jake left next, still suspiciously smiling at the camera. he wasn’t off the hook, once he got there you would kill him. 
finally arriving at the cabin you and sunghoon unloaded the stuff from the trunk. thankfully you two were in charge of the food. so you wouldn’t starve without your two best friends.
after everything was brought inside you let sunghoon pick his room for the three nights. you already knew which one was your room, since you claimed the same room every time you came here with your family.
unloading and decompressing took around two hours. you decided to shower while sunghoon had fell asleep on his bed. the moment you walked out of your room sunghoon had emerged from his, standing across from you in the doorway parallel.
“hi,” you stared at his messy bed hair. 
“hey,” he replied. “hungry?”
“i could eat,”
you followed him to the kitchen where all the food you had bought in preparation for this trip sat. though without jay here neither of you wanted to cook so you got out two ramen packets. sunghoon silently nodded at you to signal he was okay with it and you started boiling water.
soon enough you sat next to each other at the dining table silently eating your food.
it was weird being so quiet around sunghoon. normally you would be yelling at each other by now to the point you would have ran off to your room and slammed the door in his face. that was your normal. even if you didn’t like it that’s just how you and sunghoon are and you have grown to accept it.
he was annoying and flamboyant to you but you saw how fun he was to be around through other people. no, you don’t hate park sunghoon, you just don’t know how to do anything other than pester him. 
but you had a pact to not piss each other off on this one day of the year.
sunghoon and you finished up your makeshift meals and moved to the living room to turn on a movie to pass the time. he silently put on your favorite movie when you were kids and you both sat next to each other with around a foot of space between you.
as the movie came to a close tiredness crept on you. bidding a short good night to sunghoon and sleepily stumbling towards your room. after crashing on the bed and wrapping yourself in the sheets you finally let your eyelids droop.
but all the tiredness left your body as soon as the videos of people's paranormal stories flooded your thoughts. even worse as you were in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with park sunghoon alone. he could not fight a ghost. 
tossing and turning after what felt like forever you swore heard a creak from the balcony attached to your room. scared out of your mind you quickly got up and ran to sunghoon’s room. 
thankfully you did not interrupt his slumber since when you opened the door his lamp was still on and he had a book in his hands. 
“hoon can i stay in here i’m hearing things,” you begged, shutting and locking the door behind you. 
“what do you mean?” sunghoon set his book down on the side table, giving you his full attention. “hearing what?”
“i know this probably sounds like i’m just paranoid- which i am! but i keep hearing creaking noises from the balcony in my room.” you explained, approaching the bed. “i spent the whole car ride going down a rabbit hole on creepy stories and now i’m… scared.” you whispered the last part, trying to preserve the little pride you had left.
“um sure, come here,” sunghoon motioned for the space on his bed. the bed was big enough for the two of you so you didn’t think it would be a problem. you let out a sigh of relief.
as you climbed under the duvet he reached over to the side table again, opening the drawer to reveal a neatly wrapped box.
“i wanted to wait for the guys, but it’s not going to be our birthday much longer,” referring to the eleven thirty-eight on the digital clock. “open it,” 
you carefully unwrapped the box he handed you to find the necklace you had been eyeing the last time the four of you went shopping. you hadn’t explicitly told anyone you wanted it but stared at it the whole time. 
your eyes started to burn because sunghoon’s gift had been the first and only gift you received today. your parents already giving you the cabin, your brother jungwon being a broke fifteen-year-old, yizhou and jimin’s gift was stuck in transit, then lastly jay and jake not showing up. 
sunghoon’s gift was undeniably thoughtful, even more so because he would have only known if he had been paying close attention to you that day. 
suddenly you felt like a horrible friend for not thinking of getting him anything, you never got each other gifts in previous years. 
“hoon…” you sniffled, taking the necklace out of the box to admire it. 
“are you crying?” sunghoon asked, disregarding everything you had just said. “here, let me put it on for you.” he took the necklace from your hands and unclasped it to wrap it around your neck.
“can i hug you,” you asked through sniffles, to which he shyly nodded.
moving the covers off both of your legs you practically jumped on him. letting your knees fall onto the slides of his thighs and wrapping your arms around his neck, of course, while still crying. 
sunghoon awkwardly hugged you back, hand coming up to lightly pat you on the back as if you were some crying newborn. 
“shh,” he whispered into your hair trying to calm you down. 
“i didn’t get you anything,” you pouted, staring at him with glassy eyes, he swore he could cry as well. “i feel bad taking this.” and now sunghoon started crying. 
“no, please keep it,” sunghoon said with tears in his eyes as he brought his hand up to stop yours trying to remove the jewelry. he didn’t expect himself to cry but seeing you cry over something he got for you flipped something in him and tears started streaming down his face. “look you don’t have to repay me or anything this gift comes with something more important.”
you tilted your head at him confused, patting under his eyes to dry his face. how could he still have something to give you?
“____,” he raised his hands to cup your face. “i like you.” 
“oh,” was all you said, causing sunghoon to panic. 
“like i don’t hate you or anything!” 
“i know… didn’t we establish this at the start of high school?” you questioned, confused about why he felt the need to tell you again, that you were technically one of his best friends by how much time you spent together. “i don’t know what you are trying to get at right now hoon.”
“i mean like in that type of way,” he trailed off. “like-”
“is this a pity gift?” you quickly dried your face in embarrassment. of course. he didn’t actually care. jake probably told him to get you something this year and then gave him the gift idea when he came to him for help. the tears he shed were probably just from the heat of the moment. “did jake put you up to this?”
“no wait! that’s not what i mean at all,” sunghoon grabbed your hands to keep you from removing the necklace around your neck for a second time. 
“okay so what is it?” you pried your hands out of his grip, crossing your arms.
“i like you in a ‘i want to be your boyfriend’ type of way,” he nervously explained, you could feel the bed shaking from his leg bouncing. 
“oh,” you said once again, trying to process what he said. “um,” you wanted to give him an answer but couldn’t find the words, you swore there was something with the air since you started tearing up again. 
“are you crying tears of joy or because you hate me even more now?” 
“both,” you finally spoke, trying to stop the tears from falling down your sleeve. 
“is that a good thing though?”
“i mean,” you cleared your throat. “i think a boyfriend is the best present you’ve ever gotten me, and the only one you’ve ever gotten me actually.”
“great!” sunghoon scratched the back of his neck, you furrowed your eyebrows at his response. 
“that’s all you’re going to say?” 
“i didn’t think this far…” sunghoon apologized, pulling you into his arms. “i was only prepared to be rejected.”
in the morning jake and jay finally arrived. the cabin was dead silent and all the bedroom doors closed except for the last room on the left. jake whispered to jay and they tiptoed towards the door. as quietly as possible until jay stubbed his toe on the corner of the couch and let out a shriek.
fortunately for them, sunghoon and you were heavy sleepers and didn’t look at all disturbed when jake turned the doorknob.
you were sleeping cuddled up into sunghoon’s side while he had an arm around your waist and the other under your head.
their plan had been successful!
the two boys tried to exit the door and leave you two be but as they walked further down the hall to find their rooms jake tripped over nothing. falling on the floor with a thump, but he didn’t make any noise to try and prevent waking you guys up.
as he slowly got up sunghoon’s door burst open. revealing sunghoon clutching a book and you clinging to his arm behind him. 
“oh it’s just you guys…” sunghoon slowly brought the book down. 
“i thought the ghost came back!” you moved forward so sunghoon wasn’t covering you anymore.
“ghosts aren’t real ____,” sunghoon turned around to you, pushing you back into the room towards the bed. “me and my GIRLFRIEND are going back to sleep!”
“congrats,” jay muttered, closing his door to catch up on the sleep he missed since jake wouldn’t shut up in the car about how you both failed to remember jay already called out for your birthdays.
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kingofbodyrolls · 2 months
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Stuck in a Cabin (m) | pjm
Cute and innocent looking Park Jimin is your lifetime nemesis that you’ve already fallen into bed with not once, but twice. Will a snowy weekend trip with your friends to a cabin in the woods make it the third time you get with your enemy? 
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→ Pairing: Jimin x female reader → AU + genres: smut, pwp, forced proximity → Trope: enemies to lovers → Rating: Mature/explicit/R18 - this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact. → Word count: 5.5k → Warnings (explicit): unprotected sex (don’t be stupid), hair pulling, multiple orgasms, usage of toy (a dildo), very brief oral (female), multiple orgasms, double penetration (with a toy lol), anal (please go slow and don’t be like these fools), an obscene amount of lube, creampie, cockwarming, dirty talk and endearing degrading names (he still calls her brat 😜), unintentional exhibitionism (or is it, Jimin?? 👀). → Read on AO3 [link]
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[s.masterlist] → this is part of a mini series ‘The Winter Collection’, but it can be read as a stand alone (as can all the installments in the series).
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“I pick the music,” you snap, your hand darting toward the audio console to change the station. Before you can touch it, Jimin’s hand intercepts yours with a sharp slap.
“The driver always picks the music,” he declares with a smirk, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. You rub your hand, still stinging from his slap. 
You sulk in the passenger seat, seething with frustration. Why are you stuck here again, especially when it’s your car that your nemesis, Park Jimin, is currently driving?
Snow piles up thick along the roadside, but the pavement itself remains clear of the sparkling white blanket. However, patches of ice glisten treacherously, making it difficult for the tires to grip the asphalt.
“Remind me why you’re driving again?” you huff, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms in a pitiful fit of anger. Jimin always manages to provoke this reaction from you. Your blood boils, and despite your best efforts, you can’t help it.
“Have you forgotten who got us out of the snowstorm last time?” he smirks, glancing at you briefly—his eyes lingering on your chest, pushed up by your crossed arms. Then, his gaze snaps back to the road, his fingers gripping the wheel tightly, just as they did during the storm.
Thankfully, the snowstorm has passed as you head toward the cabin where you’ll be spending the weekend with your friends.
You huff and sink deeper into your seat, clearly displeased with the situation.
“I really don’t know how I ended up in a car with you again,” you grunt, turning your gaze to the passing landscape. Snow blankets the trees, which grow thicker and denser as you approach the cabin in the forest.
It’s better to stare out the window, you figure, than to acknowledge the feelings stirring in your chest—how your heart races just in his presence. No way will you give Jimin the satisfaction of knowing he affects you—whether through his touch, his words, or his cock. Admitting any of it would only stroke his ego further, and you refuse to give in to the man you despise with every fiber of your being.
“Because you love me,” he declares, and your eyes widen so much they might pop out of their sockets. You gape at him, speechless and flustered like a fish out of water, your heart pounding in your chest. Despite the rush of emotions, you manage to spit out a denial as if it’s second nature to you.
“I don’t love you. I don’t even like you,” you retort sharply.
Jimin bursts out in an endearing chuckle. Damn, why does that sound always get to you? It’s so genuine, filling the car with his infectious laughter. “Listen here, brat,” he says, his voice teasing yet earnest, “you can deny it all you want, but we both know you’re head over heels for me.”
You gape again, his audacity leaving you seething. Can he hear the frantic beat of your heart?
You attempt to deny it once more, your arms remaining firmly crossed over your chest.
He chuckles again, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. “You’re cute when you lie.”
His comment makes you blush fiercely; your cheeks burn bright red and your ears feel like they’re on fire. The urge to leap out of the moving car to escape him intensifies—this is pure torture. It was bad enough when you reluctantly admitted to yourself that you might have feelings for your enemy, but you’ll go to any lengths to ensure he never finds out.
The rest of the ride drags on, the car enveloped in slow, sensual music that Jimin seems to adore. Each song carries a suggestive undertone that feels torturous, causing your thoughts to inevitably drift back to Jimin himself.
Suddenly, a warm hand slaps your thigh, trailing up your leg and dangerously close to your crotch, causing you to catch your breath and shiver. What the fuck is he doing?
You turn to face him, silent, your lips pressed tightly together. Words feel dangerous now, so you let your angry eyes convey your message. He chuckles softly, squeezing your thigh briefly before withdrawing his hand.
His hand, warm and lingering, leaves a chill in its wake on your thigh. Memories of his touch—exploring your body, igniting every nerve ending—flood your mind. Damn it. Why does your mind betray you like this?
Your body betrays you, squirming involuntarily in your seat, and you’re certain Jimin notices as you hear him chuckle once more.
“We’re here,” he announces, a playful lilt to his voice, and you snap your gaze to the two-story cabin, several cars parked out front. Looks like you’re the last one to arrive.
You’re relieved to have finally arrived, though you’ve dreaded this trip. Being stuck in close quarters with Jimin is a recipe for disaster. Your heart might just end up with the wrong idea.
As you both step out of the car, you grab your luggage—a small bag you’ve packed specifically for this weekend trip.
Despite its small size, your bag is surprisingly heavy. When Jimin notices your struggle, he moves to take it from you. However, you stubbornly refuse, grappling for control over your belongings.
He offers, “I can take your bag.”
“No, thank you,” you reply firmly, meeting his gaze head-on. You refuse his help, resisting his attempt at chivalry. You can’t afford to let your heart entertain false hope.
He suddenly smirks, his gaze trailing up and down your figure. “Do you have something naughty in there?”
You lose your grip on the bag, and it tumbles into the snow with a soft thud. Shock overtakes your expression as you gape at him, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
“No,” you assert, shaking your head, your heart racing and palms growing clammy.
“Maybe I should take a peek then?” He chuckles, settling into a seat, his fingers inching towards the zipper of your bag.
“Fuck no!” you shout, snatching up your bag and storming towards the door, seething with a mix of anger and embarrassment. Damn it. You do have something in your bag, and there’s no way you want him to see—or find out—what it is.
Behind you, his laughter fills the air like warm honey as you swing the door open, letting the welcoming warmth wash over your already flushed face.
You greet your friends, who are already lounging on the couches around the warm fire pit. As their eyes rake over you, you silently pray that they can’t see the blush staining your cheeks.
“Hey,” Namjoon greets you with a warm smile from the couch. “Took you long enough to get here.”
You groan and roll your eyes at his comment. You’re not sure if he’s insinuating what you think he is, but even the thought makes your cheeks flush deeper. Nothing happened between you and Jimin this time, but the implication alone is enough to set your face on fire.
“Joon, just let them come in,” Seokjin scolds, throwing you a playful wink that makes your stomach churn. He knows, and you can only hope the others don’t. The memory of what you and Jimin did in Seokjin’s bedroom at his Christmas party floods your mind, and you curse inwardly. It’s bad enough that you’re so easily manipulated by Jimin’s touch—you despise the fact that you might be falling for him. No, you’re not falling for your enemy. You can’t be.
“When did you get here?” you ask Yoongi, who is sprawled out on a couch, nearly asleep. He shoots you a half-awake glare in response to your interruption.
“About an hour ago,” he groans, his voice heavy with fatigue as he stretches his arms lazily.
“We're heading into town to do some shopping in a bit. Want to join us?” Hoseok asks with a bright smile, and you can’t help but smile back.
“Yeah, is everyone going?” Jimin asks, casually settling his perfectly round ass onto one of the couches. Damn Park Jimin’s ass—why the hell are you staring at it in, and in  those black sweatpants? Ugh.
The guys nod, chatting excitedly about what to pick up at the store—booze, snacks, and dinner. They turn to you, and Namjoon asks with a curious gaze, “You’ve been awfully quiet. Don’t you wanna tag along?”
“I think I’ll just stay here and relax. But could you grab some red wine for me? I’d love a glass later. And just pick up whatever snacks you guys want,” you say with a smile, tossing your bag to the floor, safely out of Jimin’s prying eyes.
“Sure, go ahead and head upstairs to your room to unpack while we’re out shopping. We’ll be leaving in just a minute,” Seokjin offers kindly.
Yoongi groans again, questioning why he has to come along, but Namjoon playfully scolds him, insisting they need his expert opinion on selecting the finest whiskey in the store. You don’t linger to hear more of their banter, swiftly grabbing your bag and ascending the stairs to your room. It’s a shared room with some of the other guys, but as long as there are single beds, you’re fine.
Upstairs, the hallway stretches out with rooms on either side. You check each one, searching for an empty space to claim, until you reach the end of the hall, your hand hovering over the final doorknob.
You turn the knob, pushing the door open to reveal a small, cozy, and warmly lit room. Your eyes immediately catch the queen-size bed, the sole furnishing in the room. Perhaps the guys had been considerate, giving you your own room? With no bags in sight, you step inside, feeling grateful for the quiet retreat.
You plop down on the bed, tossing your bag to the floor and letting out a sigh. The mattress feels comfortable as you stretch out, listening intently for any movement downstairs. The murmur of your friends’ voices filters up, mingling with the sounds of Yoongi being reluctantly dragged along. The front door opens, accompanied by a few of Yoongi’s colorful curses, and then silence settles in as the door closes behind them.
You sigh again, savoring the rare moment of solitude. Finally, you can gather your thoughts—though they frustratingly drift to Jimin. No, that’s not what you want to focus on right now!
But the persistent ache between your legs, lingering since the car ride with Jimin, demands attention. Maybe it's time to do something about it. Almost instinctively, you reach for your bag on the floor.
You unzip the bag and stick your hand inside, rummaging for what you know will help you focus on anything other than your infuriating enemy, Park Jimin.
Your fingers finally locate the plastic bag you’ve carefully packed, and you pull it out, your hand wrapping around the familiar soft silicone. It’s purple, glitter sparkling as you turn it in your hand, its length and satisfying thickness promising a welcome distraction.
It’s beautiful, resembling a pretty dick, and your thoughts swirl to Jimin’s cock. Your pussy throbs at the comparison. Jimin is a bit girthier than your dildo and about the same length. The mere memory of him sends a shiver down your spine.
You sit at the edge of the bed, quickly pulling down your jeans and panties. With no idea how much time you have before your friends return, you know you need to be fast. The last thing you want is to be caught in the act.
You lean back against the headboard, spreading your legs, already slick with arousal. 
Damn, you really are a mess.
You begin to rub your clit, teasing yourself, and your mind betrays you by wandering to Jimin—his fingers, his mouth. Damn it, you started this to avoid thinking about Jimin, so why does he invade your thoughts even now?
Heat floods through you as you keep steady pressure on your clit, rubbing slow circles. Flustered and aroused, you can’t help but think about the risk of getting caught if you’re not quick enough. The illicit thrill excites you more than it should, and you’re surprised at how your walls clench at the thought.
You slide a finger inside your folds, feeling the tight, wet heat, though it doesn’t quite satisfy as much as you’d hoped.
Your breath quickens, matching the accelerating pace of your heart. With a sense of urgency, you increase the speed of your movements, thrusting your finger inside yourself faster, all the while anxiously aware of the time passing. How long has it been now, anyway?
God, you’re so wet and you just crave to be filled. You glance at your sparkly purple dildo beside you, convinced you’re slick enough to take it. Grabbing it eagerly, you run your slick hands over its smooth surface, ensuring it’s coated with your own arousal.
You open your legs wider, positioning the dildo in front of your eager pussy. Slowly, you ease it inside, relishing the stretch that sends shudders of pleasure through you. Not wanting to rush, you take it slow, savoring the delicious fullness as it gradually fills you up.
Throwing your head back, you revel in the sensation as soon as the dildo is fully inserted. Taking a deep breath, you start to withdraw it slowly, only to eagerly thrust it back inside moments later.
You continue to thrust the dildo into your pussy, establishing a deliberate rhythm of self-pleasure. It’s a satisfying feeling, one you’ve been yearning for. Since your last encounter with Jimin, and with no one else since, this release feels necessary—like finally letting go of pent-up frustration.
You lose yourself in the sensation of fullness, thoughts of Jimin consuming your mind. You find yourself wishing it was his cock thrusting into you instead of your pathetic dildo. The toy pales in comparison to Jimin, but that’s a truth you’ll never admit to him.
You pant and moan, lost in your pleasure.
Then, the door creaks open, and your eyes snap open in alarm, breaking the euphoric trance. There stands your enemy, Park Jimin, his eyes widening and pupils dilating as he instantly realizes what you’re doing.
Your mind races—he shouldn’t be here, no one should! What is he doing in your room? Damn it, why does your pussy clench around the dildo now, of all times?
Jimin looks shocked, but his expression quickly shifts to a smirk as he confidently strides into the room with his bag in hand. His smile is mischievous, to say the least—this encounter promises trouble. The question lingers: will this end well for you, or not?
“What are you doing back? No one’s supposed to be here,” you spit out, your voice both heavy and breathless. You instinctively close your legs, as if you could shield yourself from his prying eyes, though he’s already seen it all.
He chuckles, the sound filling the room with a menacing undertone that sends a shiver down your spine—and yet, strangely, it also sends a thrill of excitement through you. 
Damn it.
“I never left. Just came to claim my room,” he says casually, running a hand through his hair in a move that sends a dangerous thrill through you. Your stomach flutters with a mix of apprehension and something else you don’t want to admit—but damn it, you can’t deny the effect it has on you.
“Your room?” you choke out, breathless, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks while the dildo remains snug inside you. Conversing with him in this state feels surreal—both embarrassed and intensely aroused, caught in a tantalizing mix of emotions.
He just nods, closing the door behind him, his mischievous smile widening with every step he takes towards you.
Fuck. Looks like the guys didn’t get you a room all to yourself. There’s only one bed in here—which means you’re supposed to share it with Jimin unless you want to sleep on the floor or freeze on the couch in the living room. Damn it.
“What are you doing with that dildo stuffed inside your pussy?” he asks with a teasing smile, eyes glinting with mischief. Now standing right in front of the bed, he makes your pussy flutter around the dildo. Fucking hell. Jimin will be the death of you.
You hiss as his warm hand touches your foot, sending shivers up your spine. “What does it look like I’m doing?” you snap back, embarrassment and anger bubbling up inside you. The heat of the situation, mixed with being caught, leaves you feeling both hot and bothered.
“Does that thing really satisfy you?” he asks, his gaze shifting from the glistening toy between your legs to your flustered face, a smirk playing on his lips.
You grimace, biting back a response. The truth is, your dildo never truly satisfies you, but it’s the best you can manage when desperation strikes.
Jimin notices your eyes darting away in shame and bursts into laughter, his voice dripping with smugness. “Admit it,” he taunts, “you totally miss my cock, don’t you?”
Your eyes widen in shock—how does he read you so well? It’s as if he can see straight into your mind. But there’s no way you’re admitting it, so you stay silent, your defiance the only shield against his penetrating gaze.
He moves closer, his fingers trailing a tantalizing path along your calves. Leaning in, his voice drops to a provocative whisper, “Tell me, brat. Is that toy really better than my cock?”
You remain silent, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response. But your body betrays you—craving his touch, yearning for his cock instead of the lifeless dildo.
“Look. I already know the answer, but you have to tell me if you want me to touch you,” he says, as if discussing the weather, not the way he’ll wreck you if you let him. He removes his hand from your legs, “You’re such a brat, but suit yourself. Enjoy your dildo,” he taunts, moving away and off the bed. Panic grips you as your mind races—now that he’s here, you don’t want him to leave!
“Wait!” you blurt out, and he freezes mid-step. His back is turned to you, but you can already picture the smirk playing on his lips as he slowly turns around, one eyebrow raised in that infuriatingly confident way.
“It’s not better than your dick,” you gasp, the words slipping out amidst a stifled moan, the silicone still filling you.
“Aw. Can’t find anything to match up to my cock, huh?” he taunts, his tone dripping with patronizing amusement. You roll your eyes, exasperated. Damn him. He’s insufferable. So fucking utterly full of himself.
"I’m perfectly capable of finding good dick. This is just an emergency…” you groan, feeling the dildo slowly slip out of your folds. Jimin shifts closer, his gaze lingering on you with a knowing smirk.
“Emergency? Let me help you then,” he says, his voice dripping with sweet poison. Damn it, you crave his touch more than anything right now. Fuck. you really want his help, you want him so bad.
You bite your lip, parting your legs to reveal everything to him. He holds you under his spell like no one else, leaving you powerless against the desire coursing through you. Despite your disdain, you ache for him like nothing else.
“Let me watch you fuck yourself with  it,” he smirks, catching you off guard. It’s not what you anticipated, but you’re intrigued, not unwilling.
“What?” you snap at him, feeling your body react to the idea. You really want his dick and not like this pathetic excuse of a dildo.
“You heard me. Get to work, brat. If you can make yourself come, then I’ll fuck you after,” he smirks, his tongue flicking over his lips suggestively.
Is this a challenge? Damn, a surge of heat washes over you, and your hand plunges the dildo back into your pussy, a guttural moan escaping your lips.
“That’s it,” he murmurs in praise, sending a rush of heat through you, your stomach twisting with a mixture of nerves and desire.
You throw your head back, heart racing, and close your eyes as your body shivers. You can feel his intense gaze on you, imagining his eyes fixed on your every move, tracing the contours of your pussy.
Jimin reclines, his gaze intense as he watches you thrust the dildo in and out of your pussy. Every movement leaves you feeling desperate, panting softly, lips caught between your teeth in a futile attempt to stifle accidentally uttering his name.
Jimin watches in silence, his presence so palpable you have to open your eyes to confirm he’s real, not some bizarre figment of your imagination. His gaze is sinful, observing you in this intimate act — it knots your stomach with a heady mix of desire and nervous anticipation.
His smirk widens, eyes dark and intense as you catch the unmistakable outline of his arousal straining against his sweatpants. A shiver runs through you at the thought. All you want now is to reach your climax, to feel him inside you. His presence alone is enough to drive you wild with desire.
You’re panting hard, chasing after your climax, but it eludes you, adding to your frustration. Jimin senses your struggle. “Let me help,” he murmurs, his voice laced with promise.
You grunt in frustration, resisting his offer. “No. If you help, you won’t fuck me, right?” 
You desperately want him to fuck you, so you’ll handle this on your own, thank you very much. Jimin chuckles softly, “Listen, brat, I’m so hard for you right now. Whether I help or not, I’m going to fuck you. Just let me.” His sincerity breaks through your resolve, and you find yourself giving in to him.
His hand finds yours, and you relinquish control, allowing Jimin to take your place at the end of the dildo, guiding it inside you while your fingers find your clit, eagerly seeking the pleasure he promises.
You stroke your clit, the dual sensation tightening the knot in your stomach even faster. Your breath quickens, Jimin’s gaze locked on you with awe. “Damn, Jimin, I’m—” you gasp, savoring the exquisite rush of being filled while pleasuring yourself. It’s intense.
“Just come already so I can fuck you, that’s what you want, right?” he taunts, maintaining a steady rhythm with the dildo.
“Yes! I need your cock,” you gasp, biting your lip and throwing your head back in desperate anticipation.
It doesn’t take long for you to fall apart, your pussy fluttering around the dildo, your clit pulsating as you moan his name. God, you feel shivers all the way down to your toes, your body convulsing with the release of built-up tension.
“Such a good girl. As a reward, I’ll fuck you silly,” he promises, his words sending a thrill through you, your pussy fluttering around the dildo in anticipation. Shit, you can’t wait for that.
He withdraws the dildo, setting it aside as he gazes at your pussy with evident captivation. Slowly, he moves closer, then looks up, locking eyes with you. “Let me taste you?” His voice is a husky plea, tinged with desire.
His eyes hold both innocence and sin, and you bite your lip before nodding. “Yes,” escapes your lips in a breathless whisper.
He dives down, his tongue extending eagerly to meet your still-pulsating pussy. With each lick, he gathers your juices, his sucking intensifying the sensation. Your stomach tightens, hands finding purchase in his hair, pulling slightly as his touch overwhelms your senses.
Park Jimin might look cute, you’ll admit, but his tongue is sin personified, a devilish tool he wields with expert precision. It’s why you often find yourself beneath him, craving the unique pleasure only he can provide.
His tongue swirls around your clit with an intensity that makes your breath hitch, fingers tugging harder on his hair. Just for a moment, he pulls back. “You taste so sweet and delicious,” he murmurs, licking his lips glistening with your sheen, sending tingles down your spine and a needy moan escaping your lips.
Then he dives back in, licking a stripe from your folds to your clit. “I think you deserve to get fucked now, brat,” he says, his eyes gleaming with mischief, stealing your breath away. You partly hate how you’re falling for him, despite his devilish charm and the way he pleases you.
He pulls back, studying you for a moment before quickly undressing, his clothes tossed to the floor. He crawls back onto the bed, grabbing his dick and stroking it—though he hardly needs to, already hard for you. He opens your legs, and your pussy clenches in anticipation. You want him so bad, your heart pounding in your chest.
He grunts, smirking as he moves closer. The head of his dick caresses your folds, turning you to butter. Slowly, he pushes himself inside, and you moan his name in pure pleasure.
“You’re still so tight, fuck,” he pants, stilling inside you as he bottoms out. The sensation of fullness sends a shudder through you, eyes rolling back as you arch your back, nipples hardening against the teasing fabric of your shirt. He begins to thrust, fast and relentless, and you moan, feeling like you’re ascending to the heavens with each powerful stroke.
His hips slam against your thighs, his balls hitting your ass with each thrust. He grabs your legs, hoisting them over his shoulders, driving deeper and making you see stars. Suddenly, he pulls out, and you look at him in confusion.
“Ass up,” he commands, and you turn over on all fours, presenting yourself to him. His hands glide over your ass, setting your skin on fire and making you shiver. “Such a pretty ass,” he murmurs, then spanks you, eliciting a moan and a clench around nothing. He soothes the stinging spot with a gentle caress, the contrast sending waves of sensation through you.
You feel him position himself behind you, and his cock enters you again. You groan, high and airy, like he’s just fucked the breath out of you. He thrusts deeper, hands gripping your thighs and pulling you into him with every powerful movement.
Frustration mounts as you drag the shirt over your body, finally tossing it aside before collapsing onto the bed. Your head rests against the mattress, and you relish the way Jimin’s thrusts hit deep, effortlessly finding your g-spot. “Jimin—” you moan, a symphony of fullness and bliss escaping your lips.
He grunts, ramming harder into you, “Isn’t this better than that silly little dildo?” His voice is laced with condescension, but it only makes you wetter, and you moan out a breathless yes.
“Speaking of that sparkly thing… have you ever had it in your ass?” His hands possessively grope your cheeks, making your pussy clench around him as you struggle to form coherent thoughts.
“Well, brat?” He slaps one of your ass cheeks, the sting blending with pleasure.
“I’ve never had the dildo in my ass before, fuck,” you moan, lost in a delightful haze. “I’ve only been fingered before.”
He hums thoughtfully, and you already know what’s coming next. “Do you want to try? Being filled in two holes, hm?”
Your pussy clenches again. Fuck. The very thought makes you drip even more. “Fuck. Yes.”
You feel his cock twitch inside you. “Fuck. Do you have lube in your bag?”
You nod, biting your lip as he pulls out of you and strides over to your bag. Returning with the lube, he takes his place behind you once more. “Just gonna prep you, okay? Let me know if it hurts.”
You nod, biting your lip hard enough to taste a hint of blood, but the sting is a distant concern. The click of the lube opening and the sound of the liquid being squeezed onto Jimin’s finger send shivers down your spine. You feel his finger teasing your rim, the cool liquid running down your ass as he carefully applies it. The sensation makes you shiver. Slowly, his finger starts pushing in, moving in and out with a careful rhythm, stretching you gently and gradually.
He’s taking his time to make sure he doesn’t push you too far, stretching you slowly and gradually.
“Fuck, Jimin. You can go in a bit more, it’s fine,” you grunt, feeling both of your holes clench as he presses his finger in deeper. You’d forgotten how it felt to be filled like this, the heightened sensitivity of your ass adding to the intensity.
“You’re taking my finger so well,” he pants, clearly affected by the scene unfolding before him.
“Do you think you can take a second finger?” he asks, pulling his finger out momentarily.
“Yes,” you pant, eager for more.
He pushes two fingers inside, stretching you further, and you moan, the mix of pain and pleasure sending waves of sensation through you. Despite the generous amount of lube, there’s a slight burning sensation, but the pleasure quickly overrides any discomfort.
Then he enters you again with his cock, and you cry out in pleasure, tears welling in your eyes as you choke on your own breath. The sensation is overwhelming, filling you completely. He begins to thrust, his dick plunging into your pussy while his fingers work your ass. The double penetration makes you clench, and you know you could come just from this.
Suddenly, he withdraws his fingers. “I think you’re ready. Let’s try. I won’t push it all the way in, just a bit, okay?”
“Okay,” you manage to say, biting your lip as he grabs the purple dildo, applying an obscene amount of lube to it and your ass. His thrusts slow as he focuses on inserting the dildo into your hole. You hold your breath as you feel the silicone prod at your ass while his cock fills your pussy. The sensation is intense, a mix of sting and pleasure. 
“You’re doing so good,” he murmurs, caressing your ass with his free hand. He successfully pushes the head of the dildo inside, and you gasp for air.
“Shit. It feels weird, but good,” you pant, bliss washing over you. You need him to move. “Please move, fuck me, Jimin.”
He keeps the dildo still as he resumes his quick thrusts, his balls slapping against your pussy. The pleasure is incredible. Slowly, he starts moving the dildo in and out in rhythm with his thrusts, and you’re gone, so far gone. The coil in your stomach tightens, and you feel like you could snap at any moment.
“Jimin, Jimin!” you pant and cry out, the urgency in your voice driving him wild.
“Fuck! You’re gonna come, aren’t you? Come on my cock, you filthy brat,” he growls, his voice dropping an octave, sending shivers down your spine.
And then it happens; the coil inside you snaps, and your vision turns white with sparkles dusting your retinas. You scream his name, and both your pussy and hole pulsate, gripping his cock and the dildo for dear life. Your mind turns blank, then bursts with colors, your body heating up and floating as Jimin slows down, fucking you gently through your orgasm.
“Fucking hell. You’re beautiful when you come,” he murmurs, his voice deep and strained, like he’s close too. You feel him twitch inside you repeatedly.
“Shit. I’m gonna come,” he stutters, then releases his white-hot seed into your pussy, filling you up, and fuck, you love it. He groans your name, thrusting a few more times before the dildo falls to the bed. Both of his hands grab your hips, squeezing hard, and you moan at his possessive hold.
“Turn around,” he commands, his voice exhausted as he pulls out, his seed and your juices trailing out. You comply, laying back on your back, opening your legs for him. He enters you again, slowly fucking his seed back into you. You spot a slight flinch on his face, a sign of overstimulation, but he pushes into you regardless. You don’t mind; it feels nice and hot.
He stays inside you for a moment, both of you catching your breath, and then you burst out laughing together. But the sound of rustling and rumbling from downstairs snaps you back to reality. The guys are back. Instinctively, you clench around him, your heart rate spiking with fear of being caught.
“Jimin, the guys are back!” you whisper urgently, your blissful haze crashing down.
He just chuckles, “Yeah, they’ve been back for a while. Didn’t you hear the door open?”
You stare at him, wide-eyed and in utter disbelief. That means they heard everything. You weren’t exactly focused on being quiet. Your face heats up, wanting the bed to swallow you whole. Jimin just laughs at your misery.
“You’re cute when you’re embarrassed,” he teases, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
You fume but can’t help the way your heart softens at his cheeky smile. Despite being your enemy, the chemistry between you is undeniable. You want him, again and again. It’s time to stop lying to yourself.
“Kiss me, you piece of shit,” you demand, grabbing his cheeks and pulling him down for a kiss, not caring anymore. Your heart wants what it wants, even if it’s your mortal enemy, Park Jimin.
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→ Taglist: @yopjm @chimmy-licious @aubrey0moore @jeonsbabygirlsworld @haru-jiminn
→ Author’s note: so… what do you think? I’ve actually been writing this one for almost a month and it’s damn laughable because the wordcount is so small! Normally I would have finished this in a few days… but I’ve been struggling with it and not feeling it. But I did it! I finished it, and just in time for Muse. Let me know if you liked it, and, are you excited for Muse?! 
Also— I feel like this ‘series’ is concluded, I really don’t know what more I could add to it, and I honestly feel like it would be really boring, because it’s all the same 😂
322 notes · View notes
jmdbjk · 1 month
I'm telling you, their life flashed before their eyes...
The staffs' I mean...
WARNING: CONTINUED POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT! I may or may not mention "Are You Sure?" scenes in detail and their outcomes during these long rambling messy posts beginning with the next sentence.
While on the kayaks, JK flipped over almost immediately. this sequence will be legendary in my mind:
All is well so far. Let's go kayaking! After being assisted by the Black Hall Outfitter staff, including Mr. Gino, they take off.
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At this point, staff is walking away, ready to get on a boat to follow. Everything is cool. But something's not right. Why is the horizon at a 45 degree angle?
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Staff has not noticed yet...
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Jungkook's $1700 Balenciaga fancy pants are about to get soaked.
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Jimin does not see what's going on behind him. Yet.
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I can read his mind: "WTF?"
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Staff finally notices and thoughts of living on the street start to flash through their heads...
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Jimin can't believe what he's seeing...staff is sprinting into action...
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He was first worried about his phone but one of the staff had it.
Staff thinking "I'm too old for this shit."
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Drowned Rat Jungkook was not on my bingo card. I need a new bingo card.
Meanwhile, Jimin fearlessly paddles out to the middle of the river wearing his $70,000 Patek Philippe watch on his wrist... gasp.
Please take a moment to appreciate that gorgeous sunset in the background.
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Seems some of Jimin's Slytherin has rubbed off on our little Ravenclaw (I know that's debatable but that's for another post).
Jimin was probably clenching so tight that flipping over would have been disaster for him.
Jungkook gets back in the kayak and is on his way... staff breathes a sigh of relief that they won't be jobless tomorrow.
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Remember when he said this?
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And this is how we know Jungkook is able to move past his own missteps.
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But still desires some sort of collateral retribution from those more fortunate than he:
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And this is the true and lasting take away from this little incident:
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A moment that can be a beautiful memory.
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And this is about the time this moment happened:
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Now we know.
Jungkook was about to put on his royal blue Salty to the Core t-shirt. He wasn't taking off a shirt, he had already taken off his wet shirt and he was about to put on a dry one. That shirt in his hands is not black. And now we know Jimin was about to put on his turquoise one. And now we know what kind of fun they'd had up to that point. And now we know Jimin was struggling with a stomach bug when this pic was snapped. And now we know that Jeep parked next to them was theirs. And now we know they were about to head to the campsite. And now we know why this photo was special enough to Jimin that he posted it on his Instagram for Jungkook's birthday. They'd just had so much fun doing something they never get to do. Definitely a cherished memory for them. It was so endearing to me. I feel privileged knowing so much about this particular day. I hope they are doing all right today...
Things I cannot relate to and will never happen to me:
• Driving over a bridge not realizing Jimin and Jungkook are the ones on those kayaks down there on the river.
• Shopping at Dick's Sporting Goods and running into Jimin and Jungkook while they shop for mens size small shorts and Nike slides.
• Sitting at a bar at my neighborhood craft brewery while global stars next to me sample several pale ales and hard sodas.
Again, I will end it here as I've used up the posts image limit. I will be back with part three of Episode 1.
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bangtangalicious · 2 months
nexus (m) part 6
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pairing: jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader ft. hobi x reader, namjoon x reader, yoongi x reader
smut: taehyung x reader, jungkook x reader, some hobi x reader
premise: a notorious casino conglomerate took you in when you were young. you grew up alongside their sons; inseparable from the oldest, infatuated with the middle, and engaged to the youngest. after a shocking murder, a detective with a vendetta drags you into unraveling a web of dangerous lies that cause you to question who you trust, and who you love
genre: 18+ slow burn romance mafia elite arranged marriage murder mystery thriller
characters: detective jungkook, heir taehyung, ceo namjoon, arms dealer hoseok, bartender yoongi, doctor jimin, best friend/heir seokjin
wordcount: 6.2k
warnings: 18+ multiple smut scenes, oral (f and m), fingering, sexual tension, like a lot of sexual tension, a lot of subtle touching, grinding, kisses, possessive behavior, tsundere!taehyung, implied bipolar disorder, angstttt, betrayal, light yandere undertones, taehyung gets his first kiss...and some other things too ;) breast play, hella teasing, did i mention sexual tension idk taehyung is hot ok but hes also scary do with that what you will, declarations of love, jungkook tryna be sweet we been knew ig, as you might imagine this sets the foreplay for loads of smut in the next part LOL, its a lot of slow burn build up and evident thirsting over this taehyung okay im not sorry
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“I can’t lose you”
Taehyung’s words haunted you as you stared aimlessly at the tiled ceiling. The hospital room chilly, the smell of alcohol—the sanitizing kind, unfortunately—overwhelming your senses. There were other things you could be thinking about. Namjoon in jail. Jimin dead. Hobi betraying your trust.
But no. It had been Taehyung’s eyes that were on your mind—was it concern? Worry? Taehyung with emotions was a rare sighting. You were practically cherishing the moment.   
“It’s late”
The devil in question sat by the windowsill of your private hospital room, minding his own. Reading. Fingers bending the corners of a paperback novel as his eyes trailed over the pages with interest.
Even in the dark hue of the night, the faded moon seemed to hit his face just right.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
“Go to sleep” His answer was frank, “None of that matters until you get better”
“How can I not think about it?” You snapped. “Namjoon went to jail for me. Because I was an idiot and trusted Hobi. Bet my ass he killed Dr. Park too. I’m probably next. And if he murders me—you won’t get to, Tae”
The corners of Taehyung’s lips curled ever so slightly.
His uninterested eyes steady on the pages of his novel. Not bothering to glance your way.
“Have you ever considered just keeping yourself out of dangerous situations? Whatever it is you’re trying to prove…that you’re powerful, like your mother…that my family wronged you—all it does is show that you’re still their puppet.”
He exhaled sharply, a dismissive scoff that tore your confidence thread by thread, finally meeting your eyes.
“It’s pathetic”
You’d had just about enough of him. Fingernails digging into your palms.
“You’re an asshole Taehyung” You informed him. He shrugged.
“I’m honest” He countered. “And you’re not used to that. You’re used to being babied.” Finally setting his book aside, he walked up to your bedside, kneeling down until he was at your eye level.
“Now will you please sleep?”
The look in his eyes perplexed you. You couldn’t quite tell if he was annoyed, or if he genuinely cared about your health.
Deep down, you knew he was right. Everything you’d done had been to prove a point.
Taehyung rested his head on the armrest. Watching you intently, his eyes tired, dropping unconsciously.
“You’re the one who needs sleep, idiot” You muttered under your breath, letting your fingers run through his soft, wispy black hair. “Taehyung” You nudged him. He barely opened his eyes. 
“Get in here” You shifted over, giving him space. He didn’t question it in the moment, he was probably too tired. He didn’t face you. Kept a decent distance between you both.
You were paralyzed. Aware of his every breath. Aware of the way he shifted himself to get comfortable—you could sense the intention in his avoidance of touching your skin even slightly. His scent was more prominent.
“Do you miss your mother?”
His question was so quiet, you weren’t even sure it was real.
And it occurred to you then, that you’d never thought about it. That you’d never even been asked. In the chaos of your mother’s death, your move to the Kim’s and Taehyung being sent away—you barely even processed anything. All you remembered was Jin being so patronizingly worried about you—convincing you that he was all you needed. That you moving in with him would fix everything.
You blinked wildly. Trying to piece together a coherent answer.
“I liked her” A smile creeped onto his face. Or so you thought, as you turned to see the side of his face—his eyes steady on the ceiling fan. “She’d always get me hotteok”
You watched him. Inspected the mole on his neck. The curve of his cheek. The way his long lashes merged when he’d blink. The way the night sparkled in his eyes. The same eyes that would bend your will so easily.
Young Taehyung would give you one look and you’d give him the world. And he’d known it too.
It was so quiet. But your chest was beating loud in your ears.
You must have fallen asleep despite yourself. Dreaming of Jungkook had become a standard practice. This time, he was drowning. You were him, and he couldn’t breathe. You reached out to him as he screamed for you. He was terrified. Falling. Dying.
You tried to tell him. Swim to the surface. Breathe. Something chained him down.
Your eyes shot open.
It was dark.
You. You couldn’t breathe.
Suffocating you, the cotton tasted bitter on your toungue. You squirmed. Thrashing, trying to grab for someone—anyone. You screamed out, for what it was worth. Scratching at the strong hands that held the pillow down over your face.
Adrenaline surged. It occurred to you to kick your legs. You did.
Suddenly the grip loosened.
Taehyung was on the floor.
The pillow inches from his palm.
He was quivering. Eyes shot—looking down as if he himself couldn’t believe what he was doing.
You stared at him. Trying to comprehend. Trying to rationalize.
“Taehyung” His name left your mouth in a more accusatory manner than you meant it to. Was it a question or a plea—you were unsure. He met your eyes, and you saw fear. As if he’d been pulled out of a trance.
“I—” He couldn’t form the words. He receded into himself, moving back until he was as far from your hospital bed as he could be. Back pressed against the wall as he hugged his knees to his chest. His voice was shaking, “I don’t—”
“Were you trying to kill me?” You yelped, looking around suddenly for your phone. Grabbing it you held it to your chest, ready to call for help if he tried anything. You almost wanted to laugh—thinking for a moment that you were safe around Kim fucking Taehyung.
You should’ve known better.
Taehyung’s eyes were overcome with horror. Disgust, at himself. He looked at his hands as if they weren’t a part of his own body. Then back at you.
“Princess” He was breathless, “—I swear, I didn’t mean to. I was d-dreaming, I didn’t know”
You gulped. Your fingers curling around your phone as you tried to think.
Maybe he was telling you the truth. Taehyung didn’t know to lie to you. He was honest if nothing else.
“Come back” You let your voice soften, but your body remained tense. “Go back to sleep Tae”
Taehyung gave you an uncertain look.
You rose from the bed, the hospital gown falling loosely around your curves. Kneeling down, you met his eyes at his level. Taking the pillow from the ground, you reached your other hand out to him.
“Maybe,” You sighed, “Maybe being in a hospital is triggering for you” It was a stretch, but you needed to believe there was something. Something that wasn’t that Taehyung hated your guts. Resented you, and would go as far as to kill you in your sleep because of it.
“It is”
He confessed quietly, still not meeting your gaze.
The pout on his lips, evident.
“You didn’t have to stay”
He looked at you.
He said nothing.
“Why don’t I call Yoongi, hm?” You reasoned, “He can take you home” And then you can call Jungkook and get the fuck away from him.
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The phone rang.
Jungkook groaned, shoving his face into his pillow.
It kept fucking ringing.
Knowing deep down it might be the precinct, reluctantly, he put the phone to his ear.
Your voice was an aphrodisiac.
He felt it straight in his chest. Awake, now. Worried, seconds later.
He rubbed his eyes, checking his phone to see how late it was.
“Y/n? Baby, is everything okay? Are you still at the hospital?”
“I’m fine.” You weren’t. He could hear the tremble in your voice, “I just sent Taehyung home. Can I come to your place?”
Jungkook sighed. “Sure. I’ll be there soon”
Perks of having a police vehicle. Traffic was never an issue for him.
Entering the hospital, he noticed Yoongi and Taehyung in the lobby, heading towards the back exit. Yoongi had his hand on Taehyung’s shoulder. Seemed to be reassuring him.
Jungkook wondered what happened. You called Yoongi to the hospital so late to take Taehyung home.
He got in the elevator. He knew what room you were in. He’d been the one to bring you to the hospital, before the staff kindly reminded him he was not family—or rather, he wasn’t a Kim, and therefore couldn’t go into your room.
Then Jimin’s body was found. Duty called.
Three gunshots. He didn’t see him, but the autopsy report was eerily similar to that of his own fathers.
You were waiting at the front desk of the inpatient ward. Signing what he assumed were your discharge papers. You noticed him, eyes lighting up immediately.
Jungkook placed his calloused palm against your cheek. Your eyes were so fucking beautiful it stung him just to look at you.
“You’re okay” He breathed, reassuring himself more than anything. His voice trembled softly into a chuckle as you nodded, covering his palm with your own.
“Yeah, I’m okay” His lips neared yours, not touching, but enough for you to feel his breath scrape against your nerves.
He took your hand in his, and led you out of the hospital to his car. It was a short drive to his apartment. It occurred to him that you’d likely never stepped foot on this side of the city. The streets were narrow. Crippling houses dotted his peripheral—a faint scent of smoke through his windows.
He parked on the edge of the street, in front of an average-sized apartment complex.
“The Jeon Manor” He joked lightly.
You pouted, grabbing his hand. Fingers lacing with his.
“You know I don’t care that you’re not rich”
Jungkook wanted to scoff. But he held it back. If only you knew. If only you realized what could have been his, if it hadn’t been for—
“I don’t care where we are, I just want to be with you”
You brought his hand to your lips.
“Stop” He exhaled.
“Stop saying shit like that when you won’t fucking commit”
You gulped. His stare was intense as he pulled his hand away from you, running in through his dark curls.
“Jungkook” You reached for his shirt, tugging the fabric towards you but Jungkook’s jaw hardened. He turned away. “Jungkook I’m serious”
“You won’t leave Nexus for me, you told me that. You won’t fight for me”
You tugged harder. He grabbed your wrist, harsher than he meant to. Glaring at you.
You didn’t understand. Jungkook should have known. Why would you? This was personal for you. Running Nexus was a point you had to prove, he understood that. But it was the very thing he needed you to give up. If not, then you’d never forgive him for what was coming.
“I love you”
Jungkook’s eyes clenched shut, almost out of regret. He felt tears but pushed them down.
“No.” He shook his head. Shit. He had let this go too far.
For as much as he’d wanted to hear it, it was a wake up call. The two of you couldn’t be together.
“You can’t”
Then he kissed you. His heart was erratic, breathing too. A desperate kiss, fierce with need. Your body fell limp, melting into his touch. Falling into him because he was everything and all you needed.
Somehow, he brought you to his apartment. Kicking the door closed.
He lifted you onto the counter, not letting you breathe—not letting you think, but fighting a sweet war with your lips. You were spinning. Losing yourself every passing second—seconds which passed so slowly as the moment consumed you.
His hands which rested on the sides of your hips, crawled beneath the hem of your shirt. Delicately they explored your skin, rising to the curves of your chest. Caressing your breast, he deepened the kiss, tongue pushing past yours, tangling together.
“Jungkook” You whimpered. His mouth slanting down your jaw, to your neck. Where he tasted your sweet skin and you arched into him. His fingers drawing across your nipples with intention, causing fire to pulse through you.
You could feel him pressed against you, hips locked. Rocking ever so slightly.
Your phone began to vibrate. Jungkook hissed in irritation, backing away as you answered the call.
Your blood ran cold.
That voice.
You could see Jungkook’s eyes narrow at you. The line went dead. You were too stunned to speak.
“Who was it?” Jungkook inquired, looking at your phone. Gulping, you shook your head.
“I-um—just remembered that I need to take care of something”
His fingers hovered over your waist. “Okay, I can drive you” You stiffened as he kissed your neck again. “Or we could go after 20 minutes” His voice was husky.
Jungkook’s lips dipped to your chest, pushing the hem of your t-shirt up. Leaving pronounced kisses on every inch of skin he could find.
Run. Run. Run. Run.
You squinted behind him. There was an old family photograph hanging on the wall.
Two young boys. A father.
Their suits. Well-tailored. Designer.
Your breath hitched, Jungkook’s fingers slid across your slit.
“I love you baby” He mumbled as his lips returned to yours. “So fucking much, I almost hate you for it”
Two boys. A father.
“You’re an only child, right?”
Jungkook’s actions halted.
“Yeah,” He wiped his lips, “My mom died when I was young.”
“Any, other relatives…?” You slid off the counter carefully, pieces in your mind beginning to fit together.
Jungkook’s face hardened. Jaw stiff.
“Did Jimin say some bullshit to you?”
Oh God. Jimin had been hinting at some connection between Jin and Jungkook all along. You thought it had been a joke. A way to toy with Jungkook’s head.
That day. After you fucked Jungkook for the first time. Jin saw him. Jin knew him.
What if Jimin had been right? What if he had been the only one who was truly looking out for you all along?
“Did you kill Jimin?” The question had no sound. The air was still. The two of you, frozen in time.
“Come on, Y/n.” Jungkook sighed, “Jimin got what he deserved, but no I did not. He hurt you. He’s insane”
You flinched when he reached for your wrist.
He knew you figured it out.
You stepped outside the apartment. Running down the steps until you were back on the street. Outside Yoongi stood, leaning against the stone wall across the street as though he were expecting you.
“You knew” Was all you said.
Yoongi sighed, “I knew about Jungkook, but I needed to make sure if my hunch about Jin was true.”
You laughed bitterly. “That’s why my mother hated Jin. Because,” You couldn’t even say it. It made you want to vomit.
“Jin is a Jeon”
You blinked back tears. “But, why would he kill his own father?”
“Unless, he didn’t”
“Oh my God. You think…” You exhaled, feeling weak again. Yoongi held you upright. “Taehyung?”
He shrugged lightly, “It’s possible. More believable that a mother sends away the son who killed her lover than a son who simply witnessed something”
You were silent.
“You need to be careful” He made his voice as soft and kind as he possibly could. “I know about Hobi, but I’m honestly more suspicious of Jungkook.”
You nodded. The sun seemed to peak out from the horizon. A new day. A new betrayal.
Then the sound of the voice on the phone hit you. Run. So familiar. Like a ghost.
“Yeah love?”
“Did you call my phone earlier?”
He shook his head. “No…why?”
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“You’re back early” Taehyung answered the door, “Figured you’d spend the whole night with the Detective” His bland tone seemed to have been revived. You were too bewildered to care. You pushed past him, Yoongi following behind. Taehyung greeted him nicely. “Hyung”
You slumped into the couch immediately. Hand on your forehead as if it would ease the pounding.
Yoongi watched you, concerned. Taehyung looked to him for an explanation.
“So listen,” Yoongi cleared his throat. “I know this isn’t what you want to hear right now, but we still need to stay focused on pushing Hoseok out. The shareholders will be at the casino this evening for the anniversary gala”
“Yoongi” You laughed bitterly, “I don’t want to—”
“Y/n,” He responded, adamant, “This is what it’s like. You can’t hide just because shit’s hard. You’re not Jin’s princess anymore, you have responsibilities if you want back what’s yours. Taehyung isn’t ready to handle society on his own. He needs you”
A tear rolled down your cheek.
“Get some sleep” Yoongi rested his hand on your shoulder, caressing it gently. “It’s 7 AM, you’ve got plenty of time to get yourself together” His gaze diverted to Taehyung. “Black tie formal. I’ll send a suit for you. Make sure this one starts getting dressed at least 3 hours before we leave—she takes forever”
You let out a sad laugh, knowing Yoongi was trying to cheer you up but failing epically when all you had was a broken heart and impending doom.
Yoongi left, but Taehyung remained standing in front of you. A safe distance away, he simply observed you.
“You can sit you know” You grumbled.
He didn’t react. Didn’t move an inch.
“What’s wrong?” He inquired after a moment.
“Nothing,” You chuckled, “Just another missed opportunity for you to be the cause of my misery.”
“Was it,” Taehyung took a deep breath. Pausing, considering his next words carefully, “Was it him? Did the Detective hurt you?”
His eyes seemed to flash with something you couldn’t quite read.
“No” You stood up finally, “No the Detective is just another lying, manipulative asshole like the rest of you”
You walked past him, heading towards the foyer.
“I thought you loved him”
You whirled around. How he had managed to pick that up, you had no idea.
“I’ve decided I’m done with love” You stated confidently, “I end up falling for liars anyway”
You proceeded to storm up the stairs.
You were woken up by the sound of soft footsteps. Squinting, the evening sun blaring into your room, you noticed Taehyung pacing nervously outside of your room.
He was dressed.
Yoongi must have come by with the suit. It fit him perfectly. His dark hair was styled, tousled but neater than usual. His shoulders were prominent. The tailoring was perfect for his lean figure, and long legs. A gold watch on his wrist. It looked natural. He wore it so well.
Just like his brother.
“You’re awake” Finally, Taehyung stepped inside your room.
“Get dressed” He motioned towards a dry-cleaning bag that lay on your desk.
“Taehyung,” You sat upright, wiping the drool from your lips, “You look very handsome”
He blinked at you. Then walked away.
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If you had any lingering doubt in your mind that the man by your side was in fact, Kim Taehyung—they were utterly dismissed. His Kim colors were shining. Despite his typical cold nature to you, Taehyung was the embodiment of charm.
Stepping into the casino, he had been initially overwhelmed by the stimulus: the lights, the slot machining whirring with bright colors, the crowd. You could feel him visibly tense even though he remained an appropriate distance away from you at all times. Close enough that folks knew you’d come together. Far enough to show you that he hadn’t forgotten about what happened.
The first few people who’d approached you had been friends of his mothers. You knew everyone well, everyone knew you. Taehyung would be quiet, shy at first, but it was that very aspect of his personality that made him alluring. He knew exactly what to say. His observant nature allowed him to navigate the different dynamics, pick up on cues expertly.
The elders respected his aura. The young were entranced by his mystery.
Every person he talked to was ready to trust him with their life. And if that wasn’t a Kim trait, you weren’t sure what was.
The only hiccups would arise when folks would bring up the past.
“Aren’t you two getting engaged?” Mr. Lee, one of Kim Enterprises’ stakeholders, asked politely, “So tragic what happened to dear Seokjin. But have you rescheduled?”
With speedy hesitation, Taehyung slid a hand onto the small of your back, looking into your eyes. There was a genuine passing of emotion, ever so subtle. He spoke, to Mr. Lee, but really—to you.
“In time” He smiled slightly. Looking back to Mr. Lee, “We are still mourning, in our own way”
“I’m sure Jin would be so proud of you”
You felt Taehyung tense at the implication. He maintained his composure, nevertheless, but you could see the turmoil stirring within him. Mr. Lee excused himself, and you turned to Taehyung, searching his eyes.
The mere mention of Jin had been pushing him closer and closer to the edge all night.
“Tae” You sighed, caressing his arm. “Want to take a break?”
“Please” His response was curt, but you could see his other hand balled up in a fist. Jin’s name had such a radial effect on him—one that reminded you that despite his ability to play the social field, he was dangerous.
Taehyung followed you to the backrooms where a younger crowd was immersed in pool, poker, and other debauchery.
“They loved you”
Taehyung merely shrugged. “Play the man, not the game” His eyes ghosted over you, “You taught me that”
You snorted lightly, as you found a quieter spot away from the buzz, Taehyung leaned against a wall, looking at ease.
“Taehyung, do remember how to play pool?” You asked suddenly as the billiard table came into your vision.
Taehyung thought for a moment. “Not really. But I’ll learn”
“Winner makes a wish, loser fulfills it” You challenged him. You really couldn’t help yourself. Being in the casino made you crave risk. But Taehyung wasn’t ready for high stakes, you knew that.
You start off expertly. Taehyung handed you the pool cue, the smooth wood cool against your fingertips.
"Alright, let me show you the basics," you said, positioning yourself near the table with a practiced ease.
He watched intently, his eyes following the calculated movements of your hands as you lined up a shot.
You demonstrated the proper stance, the controlled grip, and the delicate finesse required to send a ball into the pocket. With each shot, you explained the strategy, the physics of the angles, and the importance of precision.
You hit the shot expertly. With a smirk, you put down the pool cue and motioned for Taehyung to take your place.
"Your turn, Tae."
He eyed you skeptically but took the cue, positioning himself for the shot. You stepped behind him, your hand gently guiding his.
You’d never been so close to him. Not since the day you reunited, and he hugged you. And asked: are you scared of me, Princess?
Ever since then, there were oceans between you that you could only dream of crossing. He smelled good, you couldn’t help breathing in his fresh aura. The dimly lit room seemed to fade away just for a moment, and you wondered if he was effected like you were.
"Now, focus," you whispered, your lips brushing against his ear, though you maintained a level of indifference in your tone.
Taehyung's breath hitched imperceptibly, but he composed himself, focusing on the game. With your guidance, he took the shot, sinking the ball into the pocket expertly.
"Perfect," you praised, the ghost of a smile on your lips. "See, you’re a natural yet again. A true Kim”
Taehyung turned to face you, his gaze intense. "Anything I am is because of you”
You stiffened. His words were both a compliment and an accusation. God, seeing this side of him made him even more terrifying, because you didn’t trust yourself not to buy into the fact that he was some pure, innocent version of his older brother. He wasn’t. Kim Taehyung was unhinged. Any second he could snap, and you were on eggshells.
“Your turn” He handed back the cue. A few shots later, the two of you were neck and neck. The ocean between you two drying up slowly with every exchange of banter.
“Done with love, huh?”
You circled him as he lined up his next shot.
“What exactly did the Detective do to make you say something like that?”
You pursed your lips. “Why, gonna go beat him up?”
With a flick of his shoulder, the ball went in. Taehyung stood straight. “Maybe. What’d he do?”
He leaned against the table, handing you the cue as you positioned yourself. “He lied. He betrayed me. And I’m tired of loving liars”
“Didn’t you also lie to him?” He challenged. You shot him a glare. “Why haven’t you told him everything?”
You hit your mark. You missed. Taehyung’s blatant honesty was always unnerving. He wasn’t one to play games. “It’s complicated. I didn’t trust him. I still don’t trust him”
“And you expected him to trust you” Taehyung shrugged blandly. He stole the cue from your hand and before you could blink, he snapped the final shot. “Seems fair”
Taehyung’s last ball went in.
He beat you.
“Well” Taehyung huffed, trying to hide his gleaming pleasure. You almost wanted to roll your eyes. “I suppose that’s that” He looked at you expectantly.
“Okay Kim Taehyung, what wish can I grant you?” Cue in hand, you pretended to curtsy. Taehyung grabbed the end of the stick, using it to tug you towards him.
The space between you vanished. Only the cue between you, until Taehyung pulled it from your grip and set it aside.
There was something unrecognizable in his eyes. He licked his lips unconsciously.
“Well?” You looked up at him, suddenly aware of his height.
His fingers held your chin, tilting your face upward. Except his touch wasn’t harsh. Wasn’t painful.
Taehyung inhaled.
Your eyes widened as he closed his mouth over yours. His eyes shut—kissing you with a depraved delicateness. As if he was drinking your soul like he was the devil himself.
A touch so tender, and yet it seemed to steal away every last bit of purity within you, leaving behind a raging storm. Activating something so sinful—so wicked. All due to the decadent taste of his delicate lips.
He pushed your mouth open, deepening the kiss. And you—you were lost. Still utterly shocked that—Kim Taehyung was kissing you. The Kim Taehyung that wanted you dead. The Kim Taehyung who blamed you for everything—was actually kissing you.
It wasn’t like you’d never thought about it. The two of you no longer had to get engaged, but you lived with the man. And he was gorgeous. His quiet, mesmerizing charm. Enigmatic, smoldering and yet so calm. Who knew beneath that cold demeanor there was a tsunami waiting to be unleashed? 
He didn’t give you an opportunity to question him. His lips felt too good on yours for you to care. The casino around you seemed to vortex—everything spinning: the colorful lights—until you were airborne.
Floating. Dizzy. Afraid to fall but so fucking glad you were in the sky.
His mouth coaxed out your fierceness until you began to feel impatient. You placed your hand on his pounding chest, a light push until he sat down on the bench. You slid into his lap, no longer thinking—no longer caring that you were in public. That there was a room full of people in the casino who could be staring. Taking pictures. Gossiping.
They were all dead for all you cared.
You gasped audibly, a soft moan as he pulled you impossibly closer. You were losing your breath. On the verge of fainting—overwhelmed with sensations. Everything was heightened—everything felt alive.
His hand was behind your neck, the other one on the small of your back. Both yours in his wavy black—cloud like hair.
He pulled away, finally—barely. Catching his breath. His chest rising as fast as yours, offset by his erratic heartbeat. He was nervous.
Was that his first kiss?
He swallowed, uncomfortably on edge. His eyes were dark with desire. An angry kind of lust.
You searched your mind for words. Something to tell him that he did so good. That you loved it—and you wanted more. He was searching your gaze for something, but you were speechless.
So you kissed him again. Because how the hell else are you supposed to communicate.
“Taehyung” Your hands moved to cup his cheeks. You shifted, letting your body roll against his. Grinding against him slow and sensual, letting your movements mimic those of your lips. He was hard—painstakingly so. And he felt so good tucked between your legs. Throbbing for you. Both his hands lowered to your hips, then back up your back as if he couldn’t decide where he wanted to touch you—or maybe he couldn’t believe you were real.
His hold was strong—not rough. Touch intentional but not desperate. He took his time with you as if he had all the time in the world, but was still somehow starved. Drinking from you was his only salvation. You—you were his salvation. And he was your ruin.
He pushed you away, suddenly. You blinked, dizzy from the loss of touch. Sensitive and damp, heart throbbing fast. He didn’t meet your gaze.
You could see the judgmental stares all around. Rolling your jaw you smirked at the crowd.
“We own this place. I’d mind your business”
The chatter dissipated. You redirected your attention back onto Taehyung.
“Taehyung?” Your voice was soft. “You okay?”
You noticed how tightly he was gripping the table. His head down, looking anywhere but up at you. Eyes wide, spiraling in thought.
“I—” He exhaled, closing his eyes again.
Was he--?
You couldn’t help yourself. You knew he’d despise you for it—but Kim Taehyung already despised you. You weren’t going to pass up a chance to feel him cum.
You shifted his chair so he was facing away from prying eyes. Carefully you snuck under the pool table, clawing at his pants.
His fingers pulled your hand away. A warning glare.
You yanked your hand away, unzipping his pants and letting his pretty cock spring free.
You clicked your tongue. Poor thing was ready to burst.
Licking your lips, you let your tongue glide from his base all the way up his length where you left a soft, sweet kiss on his tip. You slid his tip into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you sucked.
Flattening your tongue, you let his cock rest there. Like a dog, you waited for him to cum all over you.
Then you looked up at him.
His eyes locked onto yours—and they were wild.
He hissed, shooting into your mouth. You drank up everything he had to give—and it was quite a bit. He bucked over, knuckles turning white. The bite into his lip released blood with how hard he was trying to stay quiet. You let him push his cock into the hollow of your cheek and spurts continued to flow out of him. You rested your hand on his knee, and his hand covered yours. Holding it tenderly—as if he were thanking you.
You cleaned him up quickly, before returning to your seat, adjusting your dress inconspicuously.
You grinned at him, but he was not amused at all. Still panting.
“Was that your wish?” You beamed at him. He chuckled softly.
“I just wanted to know what it felt like”
It was an innocent intention. Almost heartwarming.
“And, what do you think?” You leaned into him, “Did I rock your world, Kim Taehyung?”
“You are my world. There was never a doubt”
His eyes glossed over. You wanted to melt in his gaze. Unravel. Instead, you were plunged into cold water.
“Fancy seeing you two here”
The hairs on your body straightened. Chills seeping over you at the familiar voice, laced with betrayal.
“Jung Hoseok” He extended a hand to Taehyung, “Pleasure’s all mine baby boy” Taehyung skeptically shook it.
Hobi was extremely amused at what he had walked in on. Of course, a whore like you would take a matter of days to wrap the young Kim boy around your finger.
“Nice job leashing the puppy” He muttered, cigarette at the edge of his lips. The smoke wisping past your unamused expression.
“I should kill you” Hobi grinned at your response.
“No need,” He tapped the cigarette ash on the edge of the ash tray. He had brough you to his private booth. Leaving Taehyung for the wolves.
“What do you want, Hobi? I don’t want to leave Taehyung alone too long”
“Why?” He leaned closer to you. His hand resting on your bare thigh. Your dress was so fucking slutty, he loved it. He always loved the way you’d dress to gamble. As if your body gave you an edge—it did. He knew you crumbled rich playboy’s resolve with one bat of your pretty eyes. “Are you so desperate for dick you’d take your lover’s little brother’s virginity?”
You rolled your eyes. “I asked you a fucking question,”
“A birdy told me that you found out about Jin’s daddy”
You squinted at him. “What about it?”
“Don’t you want to know the whole story?” Hobi’s fingers hooked under the straps of your dress, playing with them. “Of the infamous Jeon family? And your mother—the woman who tore down a legacy”
His hand slid between your legs.
“Long long ago, the entire arms distribution business lay in the hands of one famous Korean gangster. Jeon Junghyun.”
He brushed against your clit. Gentle circles while he gazed into your eyes. A wicked grin. Like he could kiss you or stab you in the back.
You latched onto his arm as he lured you towards an orgasm. His face burying against your neck, breathing you in as he continued to touch you. Nothing except your soft whimpers in the air.
The heat from his body infected your every nerve. His breath scalding over your cheek.
“Then there was this clever little bitch” You inhaled sharply, edging forward towards your high. He could tell—because he pressed a little harder.
“Who manipulated her way to the top. Gained favor of everyone under him and took him out with a stab to the back” His hands roamed your body, sliding up your dress. He pushed the fabric up until it bunched up above your breasts which he grabbed at eagerly.
Thumbs rolling over your nipples, he continued “She took everything from him, leaving him and his two sons to rot. But she wasn’t cruel. She let him stay as her right-hand”
Hobi left a soft kiss against your left breast. Then another. And another. His thumb back onto your clit, he licked and suckled you. You gasped—looking at him with big, pleading eyes. Curving into his touch.
“She grew the business. An arms distribution pipeline can be used for a lot of things. She went legit. Bought out other companies with the blood money. Began distributing just about everything.”
He licked your lips. The sensation like that of slowly sinking into absolute, soft bliss. Licking down your jaw, fluttering desperate hisses across your neck.
Then, he slipped one finger in—your face heating at the sound. You clenched around the protrusion and he reached deep inside. Working you slowly, carefully—before adding in another.
His kisses trailed back up to your mouth. His breaths were heavy, swallowing your moans. It was hauntingly intimate.
“Hobi” You pleaded, gripping onto him as you shook. Orgasm sweeping over you like an earthquake. Tremors from your heart to every finger and toe in your body. He was so wildly aroused that he couldn’t look away. His fingers were steady nevertheless, pumping you through it. “Fuck, Hobi please”
“Jeon Jungkook wants you dead sweetheart” The pain from his words pushed you over the edge. You soaked over his fingers, twitching wildly. “And so did his hyung. Kim Seokjin.”
The brisk night air bit at your skin as you seized Taehyung's wrist, pulling him outside. People were chattering, smoking cigars, the lights from the casinos madness still polluting the air. Limousines, sleek and imposing, formed a line ready to usher the remaining guests to their destinations.
Waving down a driver, you led Taehyung inside one. The plush leather seats cool against your exposed legs. The interior lit so you could see him in front of you, clear as day.
The light shut. Instead there were light sparkles on the ceiling of the limo as it began to move. The champagne swirled in your mind as you leaned back, looking out the window. The city lights blurred past the tinted windows. Like a rush, you wanted to lose yourself.
Your eyes shut for a moment. Remembering the way the light danced on your fac when you were with Jungkook that night at the club. Yearning for his touch, the look in his eyes when he told you how he felt.
You swallowed thickly, heart in too much pain to go down that road. You looked at Taehyung next to you, instinctively reaching out to touch his face. Gently, you took hold of his chin, coaxing his gaze to meet yours.
Your thumb traced over his cheek. Fingers dancing over his soft, delicate skin. His eyes fluttered close as you did. Teasing the edge of his lips ever so lightly. He really was a beautiful man. His lips looked soft. Devastating, with the way his shaken breath made them tremble.
He leaned into your touch, your fingers sliding up over his ear, pushing his hair out of his face. It felt like you were getting kicked in the chest repeatedly. Every part of you feeling numb but simultaneously sensitive to even the slightest movement of air.
He exhaled. The flow of his breath wavering. Or was it a moan, you weren’t sure.
You were about to pull your hand away, until Taehyung’s over fingers gripped your wrist. He stared at you, pupils wide. It was these moments where you felt like you could see him. His soft, vulnerable side, behind those concrete walls.
To your surprise, he brought your hand up to his face, kissing the inside of your wrist.
His lips softly melted into the sensitive area. Your breath hitched.
It was furiously intimate.
Holding your hand still, his eyes blinked back up at you. Almost as though he were asking permission.
Your throat was dry. The alcohol loosening the knots on your sense of logic.  
His eyes traced over you, dipping down your entire body. The way he sat, leaning so his knees almost touched yours. The leather suddenly felt so hot against your skin. Under his flaming stare.
He inhaled, steady, before leaning into you. Tracing his nose behind your ear. You shivered. His touch making you dizzy. Needy. Quivering.
“You looked beautiful tonight”
They were plain words.
When he said them, they meant the world. Something bloomed inside you. You were spinning and breathless, mouth parting in shock. His lips barely grazing under your jaw.
He backed away, putting distance between you yet again.
Namjoon stood in the foyer, waiting for you to come home. The moment the door swung open, you darted into his embrace. It felt like a familiar haven, and he effortlessly hoisted you up, cradling you in a desperate hug, afraid you might vanish if he let go.
"I missed you," Namjoon murmured, pressing a kiss to your cheek before reluctantly releasing you. His gaze then shifted to Taehyung, pride in his voice. "You too. You look great, Taehyung. I heard you went to the casino."
Taehyung's response was measured. "Are you out on bail?"
"No," Namjoon replied with a hint of bitterness, "Yoongi blackmailed Jungkook into letting me go."
Your heart tightened at his name.
"Where is he? I want to see him”
“Absolutely not” Namjoon was firm. “We don’t know how dangerous he is. I have some of my guys looking into it with Yoongi. He sure as hell had been in contact with Jin in the weeks leading up to his murder”
Namjoon cupped your face. “But other than that, it’s over. He won’t contact you. You’re free. I don’t want you worrying about this anymore”
You wanted to laugh at the term. Free. Especially since Namjoon was already back to telling you what you could and couldn’t do.
“What about Nexus?”
Namjoon smiled, taking your hand in his. “Come with me,”
You followed him. Taehyung a few paces behind. Namjoon brought you into the garden. There were a million fireflies. Out of the corner of your eye, you glanced at Taehyung, wondering if he remembered your tender moment in this same spot.
Namjoon lowered onto one knee.
Fuck. It was one of those moments where everything was so still. So quiet yet extremely loud in your chest. He smiled. Eyes meeting yours. Brimming.
“Marry me”
Your mouth was dry. The moisture building in your eyes instead. It hurt, deep inside because your mind took you to a certain tattooed, mean and yet tender man who you had left behind.
“Let me give you everything, Y/n” Namjoon continued, “The papers. The stocks. The business. You deserve it all and I will give it to you. I’ve done you wrong, and I know you aren’t where I am. I know you loved someone else”
His proposal hung in the luminous space. His words echoed in your ears. His gaze held both sincerity and vulnerability. He waited for your response, standing up so his fingers could brush against the side of your face. The fireflies flickered like stars behind him.
“I hope someday, it can be more than an arrangement. Someday you might love me the way I love you. But for now, I wanted you to have the option. I will give you everything, I promise”
Tears blurred your vision, and you took a steadying breath. "Namjoon," you whispered, your voice fragile yet resolute. Suddenly, with the prize standing in front of you, waiting for your claim, you realized how serious your answer was. If you married Namjoon, you were signing a deal with the devil. There would be no going back.
"I need time."
His eyes reflected understanding, and he stood, pulling you into a tender embrace. "Take all the time you need," he murmured against your hair.
You could still feel Taehyung watching the scene unfold. His expression unreadable, he retreated into the shadows.
Namjoon walked you to your bedroom, and you kissed him goodnight. He urged you not to stress. To take all the time and he’d be there, waiting when you were ready. No rush. This is what you’d wanted.
So why was it so hard to say yes?
Jungkook’s face engraved into your mind. Your gut flipping. You needed to find him. Needed to talk to him without Namjoon finding out. Your phone began to buzz. Hope coursed through you. Maybe it was him.
You answered quickly, excited.
“Don’t marry him”
There was no way.
“You’re mine”
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a/n: its been a fucking MINUTE. idek how to do thia anymore, please enjoy and let me know what you think !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAEHYUNG omfg come scream with me pls thanks
and thank you for reading you hawtie <3
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jexnkookie · 2 months
The Law of Attraction (Lawyer! Jung Kook x Reader) [Part 7]
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Story Synopsis: Throughout his life, Jung Kook has only ever loved one girl. Despite her being out of his league and of an elite class that he wasn't born into, he fell hard, keeping his feelings a closely guarded secret. When they parted ways, and Jung Kook pursued his law career, he did so with the intent of moving on. But when she unexpectedly arrives back into his life, Jung Kook finds himself once again face to face with his own insecurities, and the girl of his dreams.
Story Rating: M (18+) [Language, sex, depression, alcoholism]
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Characters/Pairings: Lawyer! Jung Kook x Reader (feat. Jimin x Reader)
Chapter Word Count: 3k
Author's Note: I know I always say this, but I am very excited for this part! lol I hope y'all like it! Also, if I forgot to tag you in the taglist, or if you'd like to be added, please let me know! I try to add people as they ask, but I'm afraid I'll miss someone. So just let me know! Thanks!
Taglist: @cassies-cookies @crisle19 @jk-190811 @khadeeeeej @kooklovee @lalataegi @lallataegi @parkinglot-nights @rispwr @taetaecatboy @whoa-jo @11thenightwemet11
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“How are you feeling about today?” Namjoon asked his client. 
Jimin was standing with you in the lobby of the courthouse, dressed in his best Ralph Lauren suit, keeping your hand in his. You sported a long-sleeve baby blue pencil dress from Versace that belted around the waist, with a pair of beige Louboutin heels. You chose your outfit knowing that the press would be there that day, and you wanted to appear put together and presentable for your fiancé’s case. Standing by him, with your engagement ring proudly shining on your finger, you could see the cameras outside through the lobby windows, snapping photos that will undoubtedly be front page news tomorrow. You understood fully that the direction the day goes would determine so much; the Park family name, the perception of Jimin as incoming CEO of the company, and most importantly, your future together. 
“I’m ok.” Jimin replied, gripping your hand, before turning to look at your face. “How are you feeling, my love?” 
“I’m ok, too.” You offered a sweet smile. Composed. 
“We’ll get through this.” Namjoon said. “I can’t imagine Judge Harmon being more difficult than he has to be.” 
“How is he? As a judge?” Jimin asks. 
“No bullshit, but fair.” Namjoon replied. “He’s worked in the city a long time, and he’s seen it all. But as long as he can see that you’re trying, he’s fair.” 
Namjoon glanced at his phone, checking the time. 
“We need to go in there, it’s our time.” Namjoon said. “Ms. Y/L/N, thank you for having your statement ready for me this morning.” 
“Of course.” You responded, squeezing Jimin’s hand. “Anything to make this easier.” 
Jimin smiled sadly at your words. He wished it were easier; he wished the situation weren’t so difficult on you. He felt like a liar to your families, and to himself. He knew he’s already failed so many times in taking care of you, loving you, and giving you the life he knows you deserve. Yet here you were, dignified as always, standing by him in front of the world’s attention. He didn’t deserve you, and for the first time, he truly understood that deeply. But he was thankful that you were there nonetheless, holding his hand. 
The four of you walked down the hallway together, and you gave Jimin a quick kiss for luck before slipping away with Jung Kook into the public, gallery seats in the court room, behind Namjoon and Jimin’s council table. The court was empty otherwise, except for the other legal team at their table, as the judge ordered prior to that no cameras were to be inside for this brief decision. 
“All rise for the honorable Judge Joseph Harmon.” The bailiff announced, leading everyone in the room to stand while the judge entered, taking his seat at the bench. “You may be seated.” 
“Mr. Park,” Judge Harmon began, looking up from his glasses to the young heir. “It seems your council is asking for a deferral on your case today. Is that correct?” 
“Yes, your honor.” Jimin answered. 
“Your honor, my client is asking for a minimum ninety day deferral, in order to seek rehabilitation treatment.” Namjoon began. “We request to submit a treatment plan to the court, as well as a personal character statement written by the defendant’s fiancé.” 
“Very well.” Judge Harmon nodded, allowing the bailiff to take the paper work from Namjoon and bring it to him. The court was silent as he looked through the documents quickly. “And, why must the defendant miss his upcoming court dates for this? Could he not be escorted to and from the court during those dates, and return once the day is over?” 
“Your honor, it would be against the suggestion of his therapy team to remove Mr. Park from his in-person support for long hours at a time.” Namjoon reasoned. “His team, as well as Ms. Y/L/N, have requested in writing that Mr. Park focus solely on his health before his dates, as any distraction may disturb his treatment plan.” 
“Your honor,” The opposing lawyer spoke up, her tone annoyed. “Calling this case a ‘distraction’ is insulting to those who Mr. Park misled and defrauded out of their investments. I would argue that Mr. Park is attempting to delay this case in order to lower his chances of facing any consequences for his actions.” 
“If I may, your honor,” Namjoon responded, “I can assure the court that Mr. Park is not delaying consequences, as we feel that we have a strong case against these allegations. My client is simply doing the responsible thing; doing right by his family, his business, and his wife-to-be, by seeking immediate help for his addiction and behavior.” 
“And what behavior would that be, Mr. Kim?” The judge asked. Jimin shot Namjoon a wide-eyed panicked look, not wanting to reveal his private fight with you. 
You became nervous, as well. Jung Kook knowingly reached for your hand, and was surprised when you took it, locking your fingers with his for support. I’m right here, Y/N, he said to himself, as if you could hear his thoughts. 
“Emotional management courses, your honor.” Namjoon replied. “It’s standard practice for someone on this treatment path, as outlined by his recovery team.” 
“I see.” Judge Harmon said, looking at the blonde heir. Jimin was sitting upright, in perfect posture, trying to keep his composure under the weight of the judge’s look. “Mr. Park, I believe it may be best for you to seek treatment before we continue with the case. The court is granting you the request for a ninety-day deferral to focus on your health.” 
“Thank you, your honor.” Namjoon smiled, looking over at a very relieved Jimin. The prosecution lawyer rolled her eyes and tsked in disbelief, but Namjoon paid it no mind. 
Jimin turned around to give you a smile, and Jung Kook mentally thanked his luck that your fiancé didn’t see his hand in yours from where he was sitting, because Jung Kook wasn’t at all ready to let you go; to let you leave his hold, and run back to him. But Jung Kook knew he had to, as much as it hurt him. He knew, despite his heart begging at him to keep you close, that you weren’t his to hold on to. 
Namjoon brought you and Jimin back to your hotel room to help Jimin pack for his treatment, while Jung Kook retreated back to his office for the rest of the day. When you arrived at the suite, bottles were still scattered among the tables, floors and counters, reminding you of all of the terrible nights, not just the most recent incident, where Jimin had crossed the line. All of the times he messed up, not keeping his promise that he whispered to you that night in front of your families.
“Mr. Kim,” Jimin called out to Namjoon from the bedroom, who was gathering Jimin’s clothes from the closet nearby. “Would you be alright with leaving Y/N and I for the afternoon? My driver will make sure I’m on time for my check-in, I just… I’d like to have some private time with her.” 
“Of course, Mr. Park.” Namjoon said, bowing respectfully. “If either of you need anything, please don't hesitate to call.” 
“Thank you.” Jimin said, waving to him on his way out, before turning to you. 
You were picking up empty bottles with a sadness in your eyes that Jimin never, in his life, wanted to see again. 
“Hi, my love.” Jimin said as gently as he could, approaching you. He could see that sadness so clearly the closer he came, and saw just how deep in truly ran. “Honey, come here. I wanna talk to you.” 
You nodded, and reached out for his hand. Jimin led you to the bedroom, and sat you on the bed before bending down on the floor by your legs to look up at you, making you giggle. 
“Jiminie, what are you doing?” You laughed, earning a smile from your fiancé. 
“Jiminie? Honey, you haven’t called me that in so long.” He replied. “I just wanted to look at you, my love, and I wanted to ask what my pretty girl is thinking about.” 
“I… I don’t wanna fight anymore.” You replied, your voice so quickly turning soft in exhaustion and sadness. 
“There won’t be any fighting today.” He said, rubbing his hands up your legs in comfort. “Tell me what’s on your mind.” 
“I’m just tired.” You responded truthfully. “I’m so tired, baby. I can’t… I don’t know what to do…” 
“Shhhh, I know.” Jimin said gently, looking at your face as you spoke. He could see it from the dark circles under your eyes, and the dullness of your skin. “I know I haven’t made things easy on you, and I’m sorry honey. You must be so worried all the time, right? Not sleeping or eating much?” 
You nodded to confirm. “Jung Kook made japchae, and that was the first full dish I’ve eaten in a while.” 
Jimin smiled unconvincingly, hating to know that another man took care of you in the way he should’ve. 
“I’m glad you ate well, my love.” He said diplomatically. “When I’m in treatment, I want you to you sleep and eat well every day, ok? And I want you to tell me if you need anything at all. ” 
“Baby, I’ll be ok.” You smiled, delicately keeping your composure. “It’s only for a short time, right? You need to focus on getting better, not on my needs. Besides, Jung Kook is there, just in case. I won’t be alone.” 
“Yeah.” Jimin nodded, trying to keep his protectiveness and jealousy under control. “But listen, honey, I mean it. If you need or want anything, you can come to me, ok? I want you to come to me.” 
“Ok.” You nodded. 
Jimin gazed up at you for a moment longer, unsure if you really meant it, because knowing you, you’ll do things yourself or ask someone else before him, just to make sure he focuses on himself. You knew that giving you things was Jimin’s way of feeling adequate. A manicure, a new bag or dress, a nice meal at a nice place, a beautiful vacation, amazing sex. Jimin felt needed and secure as a man when he gave you these things. But what Jimin didn’t realize, was that you needed something that was somehow both more, and so simple. You only needed him to be ok, and to prove that he can be a stable partner for you.   
After a few moments of committing your features to memory, etching them into his mind, Jimin wrapped a hand around each of your ankles, and began kissing up your exposed legs, distracting you from your thoughts. Softly, slowly moving up your skin with his plush pink lips, making you giggle in surprise.
“Jimin!” You laughed sweetly. 
“Let me make you feel good, honey.” He said, his voice deepening as he moves up your legs, lifting your dress. “Gonna use my tongue just how you like it.” 
He continued to pull your dress up as he moved, keeping himself on his knees, nibbling and kissing your thighs until he reached your lace panties. He kissed you over the fabric, teasing you with just enough pressure and tongue to make you whimper in anticipation.
“Jimin, please…” You begged, running your fingers through his blonde locks. 
“Angel, this sweet little pussy’s so wet for me already.” He murmured, moving your lace to the side with one finger. “Such a needy girl, so easy to get your pretty pussy excited.” 
He gave you wet, soft kisses along your opening, nibbling delicately on the skin, making your throw your head back and pick up your breathing. Then, his tongue, pressing quick kitten licks at your clit, which had already peeked out to seek attention. 
“J-Jimin…” You whined, gripping his hair as he continued to alternate between speed and pressure, licking and sucking, burying himself between your thighs. He slid a finger, then two, moving them in and out, and curling them to caress your sensitive spot. “Baby… Baby… Please… Baby…” 
You had no idea what exactly you were begging him for, with your mind emptying alongside each movement. You knew it was a distraction; a moment of pleasure in a sea of pain that you’ve tasted many times before. But for now, you’d let his familiar touch melt your worries away once again. A few more moments of careful attention had your toes curling and your hands pulling his hair as you came with a cry. .
You let him move you up further onto the bed, so that he could undo his pants and drop them to his knees, to let his hard, sensitive length spring out. He slid fully into you with a possessive growl, and began to fuck you hard, making the hotel bed, and yourself, squeak just as you did the first night you stayed here. 
Each movement was a strong cocktail of loving passion, pleasureful distraction, and begging apology, mixed with a lingering sense of his sense of possession. Jimin locked his lips to your neck, and engraved you with shallow marks as he whispered in your ear, “My pretty girl… Fuck, my sweet angel… My girl, taking my cock so well… F-Fuck…. All mine… ” 
It was a clear reminder, whispered to you through your whines as you let pleasure consume you once more, feeling his thumb massage your clit; Parks got what they wanted, and Jimin intended on keeping it that way. His mistakes could always be fixed with the swipe of a card, some sweet words, or a good, loving touch between your thighs. But as his thrusts became more sloppy and shallow, so too did his promises, when he pulled out and spilled onto you, ignoring his vow to finish inside and be closer to you. 
It was a moment of realization, as you lay there looking at his beautiful face, that no matter how seemingly hard he would try, he would always be Jimin. Flaws and all. The way he showed love, the increasingly obvious emptiness of his commitments, the circles he takes your heart in. He will always be that version of himself, because it is the only version of himself.
As he kissed your neck and whispered “I love you”, you wondered, for the first time, if those words, and that love, would ever truly be enough. 
You went with Jimin to the rehabilitation center, and after a teary goodbye, you had the driver take you to Jung Kook’s apartment. He was waiting for you in the living room, only able to imagine the emotional day you had. He had rehearsed over and over again what to say, to give you the comfort and love he knew that you needed. But when you walked in with tears, his mind blanked, and the only thing he could think to ask was, “What do you need?” 
“I… I don’t know.” You said softly, unsure of so many things. 
Jung Kook looked at you with sad brown eyes, walked towards you, and replied, “I think what you need, is a hug. C’mere.” 
As he wrapped his arms around you, he realized he couldn’t have offered anything better. You clung to him like a float in a crashing ocean, desperate for a moment of calm. He wanted to provide that for you, so he held you close, hoping it could somehow meld the leftover pieces back together. Or, at the very least, remind you that you never had to pick them back up alone. 
He hoped you understood that later that night, when he heard you speaking to your father on a video call in the guest room. Jung Kook wanted to give you privacy, but when he heard the angry tone of your father, he couldn’t help but overhear through the thin wall between the bedrooms. 
“So Jimin is in treatment right now?” 
“Yes, Appa.” You responded, nervously picking at your nails. “I think he’ll be better afterwards. He just needs some time.” 
“Y/N,” Your father sighed. “I don’t like that you’re dealing with this again. How many more times are you going to have to go through this with him?” 
“He’s really trying.” You said sadly. “He’s not a bad person.” 
“I know he’s not a bad person, sweetie.” You father said, trying to reason with you. “But I think he may be ‘bad’ for you. I don’t know, I’m just worried about you. Are you by yourself now, in a new city?” 
“No, Appa. I’m staying with Jung Kook.” You said. “He works with Mr. Kim, and I used to go to university with him. He’s been very sweet to me, you would like him if you met him.” 
Jung Kook couldn’t help but smile at your words, but still held on to what your father said. Jimin’s not a bad person, but he’s bad for you. Your own father having doubts about your engagement was not something he expected to hear, but he shouldn’t say he was all that surprised. You deserved more. 
When he heard you say your goodbyes, his thoughts were interrupted, and he began to scroll through his phone as he laid on his bed, pretending as though he hadn’t heard your conversation. 
“Hi.” You said after a few moments, with a knock on his bedroom door. “I think I’m going to bed.” 
“I’m sure you’re tired. It’s been a hard day.” Jung Kook responded, watching you turn around. “Hey, Y/N.” 
“Yeah?” You asked, turning around towards him once more. 
“I’m off tomorrow.” He smiled. “Let me show you some cool places in the city.” 
“Jung Kook, you don’t have to do that-”
“I want to.” He replied. “Please? I think I�� um, it can make you feel better.” 
You smiled at his sentiment, ignoring the charming slip of his words. 
“Ok.” You agreed, giving in to the brown, puppy eyes of the man who looked so soft in his bed. “It’ll be fun.” 
“Yeah.” He smiled. "I think so, too."
“Goodnight.” You waved, turning away from him. 
Jung Kook’s eyes widened, watching your hand wave him good night. Something was different, missing, that was clearly there before your conversation with your father. It made his heart drop to his stomach, and his mind buzz for the rest of the night.
Your engagement ring was gone. 
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hamsterclaw · 11 months
Drift Kings
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You and your brother Seokjin live completely separate lives, until one day when your worlds collide.
Pairing: Jimin x f! reader, Yoongi x f! reader
Genre: Drifting, street racing AU, smut
Word count: 9.5k
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Explicit sex, swearing, mentions of drugs, cigarette smoking, illegal street racing
You know from the first time you lay eyes on Park Jimin that he doesn’t belong in your world.
He’s physically blessed, that much is obvious to anyone with eyes, but he’s all wrong.
His suit is beautifully tailored, but the material’s wrong. His shoes are expensive but in that modern, stylish way that screams new money.
You doubt any of the jewelry he has on is inherited.
He catches you staring, assumes it’s because of his good looks rather than that you’re finding him lacking.
He has the audacity to give you a once over of his own, like he has the right to judge you like you judged him.
You stay perfectly still, let him look.
You’re a Kim, and you’re used to people staring at you.
His lips curl in a smile that looks closer to a sneer.
‘You should wipe that sour look off your face, princess, before the wind changes.’
You’re too surprised to snap back at him, and a moment later, he turns away, like he’s the one dismissing you. 
You’re still staring at his back when Seokjin, your brother, arrives with Yoongi.
‘Were you waiting long?’ Seokjin asks politely, gesturing for you to go ahead of him into the private room he’s reserved for dinner.
‘Not long,’ you say, still thinking about the very beautiful man who’s just cut you down.
Seokjin, is as unmarked as he ever was, at least from what you can see whilst he’s dressed in a three-piece suit.
You’re glad.
Your brother’s always loved cars. When you were growing up, he spent every spare moment in Yoongi’s family’s auto workshop, similar to how you spent every moment in your father’s office, learning the ropes of your family business.
There was a Kim needed to take over the company, and thankfully, your family didn’t have any qualms about which Kim sibling it was.
A life in business would have killed your brother, totally unlike a life spent drag racing on Mount Samo, you think, uncomfortable with the irony.
If your parents were still alive, they’d probably have things to say about Seokjin’s lifestyle.
At least he’s always with Yoongi.
Min Yoongi.
You sneak a glance at him over your plate as you eat.
Around you and Seokjin, his normally serious face relaxes into a smile, perfect teeth flashing often, eyes crinkled at the corners.
Your brother’s closest friend, you spent most of your teenage years swinging between a desperate crush on him and a desperate need not to be perceived by his intense, penetrating gaze.
Now that you’re older, the heat of your crush has settled into a burning ember he occasionally stokes by turning up when you meet Seokjin, all dark eyes and deep voice and the odd flattering comment that has the power to set your heart aflutter.
Apart from all that though, you know enough about Min Yoongi to know he’s got the heart of a hustler, and fierce loyalty to your brother. If your brother ever went down, Yoongi would be right there with him fighting to the bitter end. 
‘You look tired, sis,’ Seokjin says, dropping a dumpling onto your plate.
‘I’m just closing on a three year contract with the Moiwa group,’ you say, not denying it. You’ve been working on a lucrative partnership with the tech company for months, and you’re finally on the home stretch.
You’re not sure how much Seokjin knows about the family business, he rarely attends board meetings, like you’ve never seen him race.
Seokjin loosens his tie, wincing slightly as he does so.
‘How’s your collarbone?’ you ask.
Four weeks ago Seokjin had broken his collarbone and three ribs on Mount Samo. He hadn’t told you about it, but as you are each other’s next of kin, you’d found out anyway.
‘Healing,’ Seokjin says, making up for his brevity with a brilliant smile.
You know what they call your brother on the circuit. 
Chaebol. Often said with a sneer, despite the fact that he can put together an Evolution IX blindfolded and drive it in a way that credits all the tuneups he can afford to pay for.
‘I hurt my shoulder,’ Yoongi tells you, teeth flashing in the half-smile-half-snarl that makes you feel lightheaded when it’s directed at you.
‘I’m sure you have plenty of people to take care of it for you,’ you say, straightfaced.
Yoongi blinks, and his lip curls again. ‘Don’t you want to?’
You laugh. ‘Are you trying to be cute? It doesn’t suit you, Yoongi.’
‘Stop flirting with my sister, Yoongi,’ Seokjin interjects, distracting you from Yoongi’s pout.
He turns back to you. ‘Are you free this weekend? I was planning to visit Daejeon.’
‘I’m free,’ you agree.
Your parents’ graves are in Daejeon. You and Seokjin go a couple of times a year.
Your phone rings. It’s your PA, Daeun.
‘I should go,’ you say, apologetic. ‘It’s hectic right now at work.’
‘At least finish your food,’ Seokjin urges.
‘I’ll pick up something before I get home,’ you reply.
Seokjin frowns. ‘I’ll drop food off at your place.’
You smile. ‘I’ll see you this weekend, ok? Keep my brother out of trouble, Yoongi.’
‘And you stay out of trouble too,’ you add.
Yoongi throws you another grin. ‘For you,’ he promises.
‘This weekend,’ Seokjin says. 
Both men rise as you leave the room.
Seokjin wanted to drop by Yoongi’s workshop on your way to Daejeon, and you have to admit, it’s been a while since you’ve seen his crew.
Jung Hoseok, the angel-faced mechanic turned racer who has a smile and personality that can light up a room and drives like he’s halfway to heaven.
Jeon Jungkook, the youngest, a baby brother to all who of recent years seems to be trying his hardest to hide the facts of his pretty face and endearingly cute little shit personality, by getting tatted and pierced and wearing exclusively black.
There’s an unfamiliar person though, and as he turns to greet Seokjin upon your arrival, you realise it’s the beautiful man who sneered at you in the restaurant.
‘Y/N, this is Park Jimin,’ says Seokjin.
Park Jimin gives you a smile that makes you long to slap him.
‘We’ve met. Turns out, I wasn’t far off when I called you a princess.’
His comment makes your hackles rise.
‘I wish I could say it’s a pleasure,’ you say coolly. 
‘How did you meet?’ Seokjin asks.
‘It was at the restaurant that night,’ you tell Seokjin, trying to shut down the line of questioning.
You turn to Yoongi, who’s leaning against a workbench, watching the whole exchange with a bemused look on his face.
‘I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like Y/N,’ Hoseok remarks, kindly. ‘It must be your fault, Jimin.’
You laugh. ‘I’m sure I have a lot of enemies, Hobi.’
If Seokjin’s the chaebol racer, and Yoongi’s the drifting king, you’re the ice princess of Cheongdam-dong. 
You’re well aware that your family’s laissez-faire attitude to succession isn’t necessarily shared by all. You’ve grown so weary of the misogyny in your society that it barely even registers to you, now. You learned long ago to apologise for daring to carry on your family business lineage. 
You completely miss the look that passes between Seokjin and Yoongi.
‘I’ll be back by nine,’ Seokjin says to Yoongi.
That gets your attention. ‘A race?’
‘We’ll look after him,’ Jungkook assures you sweetly.
You roll your eyes in mock exasperation. ‘Who’s going to look after the rest of you?’
Seokjin parks the car, cuts the engine. 
You unbuckle your belt, and you both walk around to the trunk to get the flowers you brought.
Seokjin asks, casually, as you walk down the path to your parents’ graves, ‘How’s work going?’
‘Still busy,’ you say, shading your eyes against the brightness of the afternoon sun.
‘The deal came through,’ you tell him. ‘I spent most of last night celebrating with my team.’
‘Congratulations,’ says Seokjin. He’s had the foresight to put on sunglasses, you can’t see most of his face.
‘Thanks,’ you reply. ‘How’s the Supra coming along?’
Seokjin and Yoongi are working on tuning up a fourth generation Supra for a client from Hong Kong.
‘It’s coming along,’ Seokjin says. He smiles wryly. ‘Jungkook keeps asking if he can ‘road-test’ it.’
You laugh along with him. 
‘Yoongi says he’ll let him if he can rebuild it after,’ Seokjin continues.
You know Jungkook’s talented, but he’s not as skilled as either your brother or Yoongi.
‘You can come watch the race tonight, if you want,’ Seokjin offers. 
He’s never invited you before.
‘Sure,’ you say.
‘We’ll head off when we get back,’ Seokjin says. 
You’ve reached the graves.
Seokjin kneels down to lay the flowers on the ground. 
You wonder if it’ll ever get easier.
You’re sitting in a corner of Yoongi’s workshop, watching as Seokjin and his crew get ready.
The atmosphere’s crackling with anticipation, a wild energy that has adrenaline thrumming through your veins. 
Seokjin and Yoongi are hunched over the popped engine hood of Yoongi’s Nissan GT-R, talking quietly. 
Jungkook and Hoseok are roughhousing by the workbench. Jungkook’s dressed in black leather and motorcycle boots, a chain round his neck, and you wonder, again, when the maknae started to become such a menace.
Jimin’s sitting on the raised walkway over Yoongi’s workshop, arms on the railing, feet dangling off the edge.
He catches you looking at him, and the slow smirk that spreads over his face is, to your chagrin, equal parts infuriating and attractive.
You can’t deny it, he’s not your usual type but he’s so fucking attractive you almost can’t stand to look at him.
His blond hair is styled back, a stray lock falls across his brow as he stares at you, almost in his eyes. His full lips are curved, smile lines crinkling the corners of his eyes.
The way his jacket’s lifted, with his arms braced on the railing, shows off his flat stomach, the plain t-shirt he’s got on doing nothing to hide how cut his torso is.
Beside you, Seokjin clears his throat. 
‘You can ride with me,’ he says. He glances up at Jimin as he speaks, and you wonder how long Seokjin was watching before you noticed.
You’ve been in Seokjin’s Honda before, but never on a race day.
The interiors are black leather, he’s modified the sound system, of course, but most striking to you is the way the engine vibrates with power, even when he’s driving the speed limit en route to Mount Samo.
Up ahead, Yoongi’s leading the convoy. You’d glimpsed the flash of his grin as he’d cut Seokjin off at an intersection a couple miles back, and the barely leashed ferality of it had made you fantasise, for the umpteenth time, about sleeping with him.
Bringing up the rear are Jungkook, Hobi and Jimin, keeping tight on Seokjin’s tail.
You look around with interest at the cars idling at the summit when Seokjin slides smoothly into a spot next to Yoongi.
Seokjin cuts the engine, and you get out.
You’d expected Seokjin to get a reaction, your brother is striking even when he’s not driving a midnight black Honda, crimson racing stripes cutting the car in half lengthways, but to your surprise, there are an equal number of eyes on you.
Yoongi’s lit a cigarette, the glow of the lit end reflected in his dark eyes as he moves over to make a space for you next to where he’s leaning.
Smoke curls around your face as he asks, polite as ever, ‘Do you mind if I smoke around you?’
‘I don’t,’ you reassure him. 
Yoongi nods. ‘I usually just have the one.’ 
His lips curl. ‘Then another when I win.’
Seokjin says. ‘Jimin will drive you back down when he’s scouting. We’ll see you at the bottom.’
‘For police,’ Seokjin explains. 
You look at him sharply.
‘If you want, Jimin can drive you home right now,’ Seokjin offers.
It occurs to you then, just how separate yours and Seokjin’s lives are.
Yours is a world of meetings, boardrooms, euphemisms for what one really means.
And Seokjin’s is this, nighttimes and headlamps so bright they light up the city, and a physical rawness you never see.
Your brother looks chaebol but inside? He’s this.
‘I’ll stay,’ you say. ‘Good luck.’
Seokjin’s gaze lingers on you, but he doesn’t say anything else.
When Jimin arrives Seokjin takes him aside. They have a conversation you can’t hear, they’re several feet away and Hobi’s trying to show you pictures of his new puppy.
There’s a shift in the atmosphere, the deafening roar of engines, blinding lights as three new cars arrive.
One looks like it’s heading straight for your brother’s Honda. 
You tense as it approaches at full speed, screeching to a halt barely a foot from the front bumper.
Seokjin raises an eyebrow, and beside him Yoongi straightens up, grinds the remnants of his cigarette to ash under his boot.
‘Who’s that, Hobi?’ you ask, as the driver gets out.
He’s tall, like your brother, good looking in a flashy way, and the way he stares at your brother as he approaches makes your skin crawl.
There’s a tattoo running up the side of his neck, next to a jagged scar.
You slip past Hoseok and go to stand next to Seokjin.
‘Hyunjin,’ Seokjin says, neutral.
Yoongi just stares back, lip curled in a sneer.
‘Seokjin,’ the man replies. ‘Ready to be driven off a mountain?’
You tense, and Hyunjin’s gaze shifts to you.
‘I’ll be waiting for you at the bottom,’ Seokjin replies, but Hyunjin barely reacts. 
He’s still staring at you.
‘Who’s this?’ he asks.
‘The person who’ll make you pay if you do anything to my brother,’ you snap.
He raises an eyebrow, gaze shifting between you and Seokjin thoughtfully.
‘You must be the ice princess. I didn’t think you’d be quite this pretty. I guess Seokjin keeps you hidden away for a reason.’
‘Shut up,’ Yoongi growls, as Seokjin shifts so he’s in front of you.
You realise Jungkook and Hoseok are behind you.
Hyunjin just laughs.
‘I’ll see you at the bottom, princess. If I beat your brother can I have a kiss?’
Seokjin says, voice low and even, ‘What about winner gets the loser’s ride?’
Your eyes widen. You know how many hours Seokjin put in on his car in Yoongi’s workshop.
Hyunjin scoffs. ‘I’m going to enjoy driving your car.’
He gives you another long look, and then he’s turning on his heel.
‘Go with Jimin,’ Seokjin says, glancing at you. ‘I’ll see you down there.’
You’re hesitant. ‘Seokjin —- that guy —-‘
‘Don’t worry,’ Seokjin says. ‘I’ll beat him.’
His expression softens.
‘It’s not my first race,’ he reminds you gently.
You realise Jimin’s got his car pulled up next to you, door open, waiting.
‘Good luck,’ you say, still uncertain.
Seokjin nods, waits until you get in the car, closes the door after you.
Jimin drives in silence, navigating the hairpin bends that make Mount Samo a drifter’s dream with a competence that makes you wonder why he’s not racing himself.
‘Is my brother going to be all right?’ you ask, plaintive in the quiet of the car.
Jimin doesn’t answer immediately, and you’re wondering if he heard you when you catch him looking at you in the rearview mirror.
‘Your brother will be fine,’ he says finally. ‘We’ll wait for him at the finish.’
You’re thinking about the way Hyunjin sneered at Seokjin.
‘Is it always like that?’ you ask.
Jimin takes his time answering this question too.
‘Seokjin and Hyunjin have a history,’ he tells you. He turns to you briefly.
‘You should ask Seokjin about it.’
‘Have you known Seokjin long?’ you ask.
Jimin glances at you again.
‘Not long. We started working together a few months ago.’
‘Do you race?’
‘Are you any good?’ you ask. 
Jimin changes gears, slows to a stop. 
‘Never good enough for you, princess,’ he says, flicking his gaze at you. 
You feel chastened. It’s fair enough, you know that you can be a snob. It’s a learned behaviour, from your years trying to prove yourself as leader of the Kim conglomerate, but Jimin wouldn’t know that, and you doubt he’d care. 
‘I’m sorry,’ you say. 
Jimin parks the car, turns up the music. He glances at the clock on the dash. 
‘Your brother’ll be down in twenty minutes. We’ll have an extra car to drive back - which is why Hobi and Jungkook rode together on the way here.’ 
‘The wager,’ you say, a question. 
‘The wager,’ Jimin confirms. 
‘It was all planned then?’ 
Jimin laughs, short. ‘Hyunjin’s predictable.’ 
He glances in the rearview. ‘I’ve never seen anyone drift like your brother.’
You’re processing this when he says, referring to your apology, ‘It’s fine. I’ve been nothing but a dick to you since we met.’ 
‘Are you any good at your job?’ Jimin asks.
There’s the faintest hint of taunting in his voice. You can’t blame him in all honesty.
You decide to tell the truth.
‘I’m inexperienced but I have a good team.’
You look out the window.
‘I don’t have a problem carrying responsibility. Out of the both of us, I was the better choice. Corporate life would have killed Seokjin.’
You press a thumb to your temple, massaging the tension headache that’s threatening to come away.
The silence in the car is deafening. 
You glance at Jimin.
He’s staring at you, unreadable.
‘I’ll wait outside,’ you say. 
You push your door open and step out into the cool darkness of the night.
A light rain starts to fall.
Behind you, Jimin gets out of the car. A moment later he drapes his jacket over your shoulders, the fabric warm from his body heat.
All he says is, ‘They should be here soon.’
Your heart accelerates when the gleam of headlights cuts through the dark.
The rain’s stopped but the tarmac of the road still glistens with wet.
You can’t see who it is, blinded as you are.
The car comes to a smooth stop not six feet from where you and Jimin, and a handful of others, are waiting.
The door opens as your vision begins to adjust, and your brother steps out. 
He looks around, spots you and Jimin, lifts his hand in a wave like butter wouldn’t melt.
There’s a wave of cheering, drowned out by the roar of Yoongi’s Nissan as he cruises past, stops a little way past your brother’s car.
You don’t even notice when Hyunjin and the rest of the racers arrive, caught up as you are in the overwhelming wave of relief that your brother and Yoongi are all right.
You lose Jimin in the crowd that surges forward, eyes only on your brother as Hyunjin tosses keys on the ground at his feet, disgusted.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket. You check it distractedly as you head for Seokjin. 
It’s an unknown number. 
You’re swiping to answer when you collide with what feels like a brick wall.
You’d be off your feet if an arm hadn’t curled around you to steady you.
You look up into Hyunjin’s face.
‘Where’s my kiss, princess?’ he asks. His grip around your waist feels like steel.
You lean back. 
‘I don’t remember promising you one,’ you tell him, bringing your arms up against his chest, trying to put more distance between you.
He laughs, holds tighter, starts walking you backwards.
‘Get off me,’ you warn. 
‘Or what?’ he asks. ‘You gonna call your brother to come save you?’
‘She’s got more than one friend here, actually,’ comes a voice from behind you.
You turn to see Jimin, hands loose by his sides, expression hard.
‘She asked you to get off her,’ Jimin points out.
Hyunjin’s hand tightens painfully around your wrist for a heart stopping moment before he scoffs and drops it.
‘Maybe next time, princess,’ he says.
He leers at you as he steps away.
‘Are you ok?’ Jimin asks, nodding to your wrist.
‘I’m fine,’ you say automatically, despite the throbbing in your wrist. You’re used to showing no weakness. 
Seokjin and Yoongi have reached you. 
‘What happened?’ Seokjin asks, an edge to his voice.
‘We saw that fucker head straight for you,’ Yoongi says. The feral spark’s back in his eyes, he looks like he’s spoiling for a fight.
You tug the cuffs of Jimin’s jacket down over your wrists.
‘Nothing happened,’ you say.
Seokjin doesn’t believe you, you can tell, but you don’t want to talk about it.
Finally, he says, ‘I’ll drive you—‘
‘I can drive you home,’ Jimin says. ‘It’s on my way.’
You sit in the passenger seat of Jimin’s car, waiting as he grabs something from the trunk.
He gets in, tosses a heat pack into your lap.
‘He grabbed you pretty hard,’ he says. ‘You can use that if you feel sore.’
You look at it for a moment.
‘I’m sorry I lost you for a moment there in the crowd,’ Jimin says, shifting the car into gear as he pulls out onto the road.
‘I’m not a kid,’ you say.
The heat pack feels nice. 
‘You’re definitely not a kid,’ Jimin agrees.
His gaze flicks over you, so quick you wonder if you imagined it.
‘You don’t even know where I live,’ you say, with a flicker of amusement. 
‘I’ll drive you anywhere you want,’ Jimin replies. 
For the first time, he smiles at you, lips curving, eyes crinkling at the corners. ‘Where do you want to go, princess?’ 
Your back’s against the front door of your apartment, your head thrown back as Jimin presses heated kisses to your neck. 
He’s beautiful, dark eyes and gleaming skin, you keep wanting to watch him but he’s kissing you so well it’s hard to keep your eyes open. 
He’s got one hand under your top, smoothing circles over your skin, the other curled over your ass, squeezing your flesh. 
‘Jimin,’ you breathe, your hand braced on his shoulder, fingers curling into the hair on the nape of his neck.
‘Yeah,’ he murmurs, silvery voice making you tingle. ‘Touch me, if you want.’
You slide a hand over the hardness of his torso, feeling the ridges of his abs, the tautness of him. 
Skin over muscle over bone.
He’s hard all the places you’re soft.
You can’t stifle a moan as he rolls his hips against yours. 
‘Where’s your room,’ he grunts, pulling a whine from your lips as he lifts his own lips from your skin.
You point, and he knits his fingers with yours, tugging you with him as he heads for your bedroom.
The door closes behind you, and in front of you, Jimin shucks his t-shirt, pulling it over his head.
His beauty stops you in your tracks.
Jimin grins. He tilts his chin at you, all golden skin and bright eyes.
‘Stop staring,’ he says, bold, ‘and take your clothes off.’
You can feel your skin heat as Jimin fixes his gaze on you, watching as you fumble with the buttons on your blouse, undo the fastening on your jeans.
You can’t meet his gaze when you’re in your bra and panties.
Jimin takes two steps forward, dropping his own jeans.
You’re still looking down, so the bottom half of him comes into view first.
The waistband of his boxer briefs, stretched over taut skin, the very obvious bulge just beneath. Thighs so muscled your own thighs tighten against each other.
He lifts your chin gently so you’ll look at him.
‘Why so shy, princess? Look how hard I am.’
He doesn’t wait for a reply, lips meeting yours in a kiss that’s surprisingly gentle.
He walks you backward onto the bed, takes a moment to look at you laid on your sheets. His hand strokes over his rigid cock once, then he’s lowering himself on top of you.
He’s gentle, but you can feel the coiled power in his muscles as he grinds himself into the softness between your legs.
‘You really are a princess,’ he murmurs into the dip between your breasts, so lightly you know he’s just teasing.
He kisses the round of your breast, tongue flicking around your areola tantalisingly until you’re soaked, your hips seeking friction against his hardness.
‘Jimin,’ you plead, maddened with arousal.
‘Don’t worry,’ he soothes. ‘I’ve got you. Panties off.’
You lift your hips to pull your panties down.
There’s a rip of foil, a barely suppressed groan from Jimin as he unrolls the condom onto himself. 
He positions himself above you, slides into you like he’s been doing it his whole life, and you moan, eyes squeezing shut at the stretch of him.
‘You like that?’ he asks, silvery voice deep now, breath hot against your skin.
‘Yeah,’ you cry.
He props himself on one arm, rolls his hips against yours.
‘Fuck,’ he groans.
He picks up the pace, eyes on you, flicking between your face and how he’s making your tits bounce with the force of his thrusts. 
He’s glistening with a sheen of sweat now, hair flopped over his face, damp. 
‘Look at you, princess,’ he murmurs, voice dropped low, breathless. ‘Look how well you take me.’
He flattens a hand over the curve of your lower belly, thumb flicking over your clit, purposeful, firm, making the pleasure build. 
Slows, lifts your hips so he can fuck you deeper. 
The curve of his cock hits so good you’re crying out with each rock of his hips against yours. 
You come with a gasp of his name, and Jimin drops down on you, grinding, hips working. 
‘Fuck,’ he groans, deep in his chest. ‘Take it, baby.’ 
You wind a hand around his neck, and his lips meet yours again, tongue licking into your mouth as he fills the condom. 
‘Shit,’ he groans, pulling out, knotting off the condom, tossing it carelessly. 
You’re breathless still, heart hammering in your chest, but you sit up, admire how he looks sprawled out on the covers of your bed, flushed and glowing. 
‘You were right, you know,’ Jimin says. 
He’d been looking up at the ceiling, but now he flicks his gaze at you. 
‘You’re too good for me.’ 
You scoff. ‘Shut up. I never said that.’ 
Jimin laughs. ‘I didn’t say it was going to stop me from pursuing you.’ 
You raise an eyebrow. ‘Pursuing me?’ 
‘I said what I said,’ Jimin says. 
He sits up, muscles flexing, hair pushed back. He drops a kiss on your exposed shoulder, teeth flashing as he follows it up with a playful nip. 
As you’re getting up, picking up your clothes, you notice a flash of gold half-out of the pocket of his jeans. 
You lift it out, curious. 
Jimin says nothing as you rub your thumb over the gold badge, turn it over to see his ID. 
‘You’re a cop,’ you say. It’s not a question, you have the proof in your hand, but it comes out querulous anyway. 
‘I’m a cop,’ Jimin replies. 
You’re trying to process. ‘Does my brother know?’ 
‘Seokjin knows,’ Jimin says. 
He gets up, starts getting dressed too. 
‘It’s illegal to race on Mount Samo,’ you say. 
‘I’m undercover,’ Jimin tells you. He reaches for his badge, and you let him take it out of your loose grip. 
‘What are you investigating?’ you ask. 
‘Currently, your ass,’ Jimin says. 
You crack a reluctant smile. ‘Could have told me you were a cop before we slept together.’ 
‘I usually wait for a second date before I get the handcuffs out,’ Jimin shoots back. 
You laugh, but your mind’s still racing, wondering why Jimin’s hanging around with your brother and Yoongi.
You’re so preoccupied with your thoughts it takes you a moment to realise Jimin’s watching you.
‘I should get to bed,’ you say, feigning a yawn. ‘I’ve got a busy day tomorrow.’
Jimin asks, quietly, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?’
You’re troubled, but you force a smile. 
‘I’ll save my questions for when I’m less tired,’ you say.
Jimin’s got his jacket on, you’ve both moved out of the bedroom.
He says, ‘I’d like to see you again.’
Your smile becomes a little less forced. 
‘Yeah,’ you agree.
Jimin looks like he wants to say more, but all he does is nod, flash you a smile before he leaves.
The click of the latch falling into place as he pulls the door to sounds oddly final. 
You’re tired.
You’ve been in and out of meetings all day. On top of that there’s been a problem with the city planning committee over the new property you’ve just acquired.
It was a hard fought battle but you’d managed to pip your competitor, Jungcorp, to the post. You’re not sure why Jungcorp had fought so hard for it, it’s an abandoned tower block in an unglamorous part of the city, but the land’s invaluable to you for development.
As far as you know Jungcorp’s got no vested interests in property development. 
You look up, exasperated, as there’s yet another knock on your door. 
It’s past 8pm, your feet are sore and all you want to do is go home and take your bra off, if you could only just finish reading and sign off on the city planning committee’s requirements.
Plus you thought you’d sent everyone from your executive team home. 
Your frown softens when you realise it’s Jimin.
You’ve been texting back and forth since you hooked up, he’s called you a few times, but you’ve been too busy to meet.
‘How’d you get in here?’ you ask, getting up to greet him.
‘I’m a cop, remember?’ Jimin says. He looks as pretty as ever, dressed all in black, silverware in his ears.
‘I have security,’ you point out.
‘Jaebeom?’ Jimin asks, feigning innocence. ‘We used to work together.
You roll your eyes.
‘I thought you wouldn’t mind me dropping by unannounced like this,’ Jimin says, ‘because I brought food.’
He brings his arms round from behind his back to reveal a bag of food that makes your stomach growl, loudly and ungracefully.
‘When did you last eat?’ Jimin asks.
‘I had a protein shake for lunch,’ you say, eyeing him as he sets out boxes of noodles. ‘They’re apparently a complete meal.’
It’s Jimin’s turn to roll his eyes.
‘Prawns or chicken?’ he asks, holding out chopsticks to you.
You reach out and grasp his hand instead.
‘I’ve missed you a little,’ you say, tugging.
Jimin lets you pull him closer. ‘Yeah? I’ve missed you a lot.’
He’s close now, head tilted to yours, face barely inches away.
‘A lot?’ you ask, staring at his lips.
‘Yeah.’ His voice is husky now, and he dips his head to yours.
You meet him more than halfway, lips already parted.
Jimin’s hand curls around the back of your head as he slants his own to kiss you deeper.
‘I lied,’ he murmurs, crowding you against the edge of your desk.
‘I didn’t just come to bring you food. I came because I knew you’d look fucking sexy in your work clothes.’
He kisses you again, hips pressed against yours, hand slipping down to cup your ass.
You slip your arm around him, sighing a little as he kisses you, lips warm and sweet.
‘Eat, before we get distracted,’ Jimin says, pulling away.
You whine, disgruntled, but he’s insistent.
The noodles are hot, tasty, satiating the hunger you’ve been suppressing all day.
‘Thanks,’ you say, as Jimin gets up to clear away the food.
You’d help, but it’s the longest break from work you’ve had all day, and now that you’ve sat down on the comfortable sofa you’re not sure you can muster the willpower to get up.
Jimin looks at you knowingly.
‘Want a ride home?’
‘I should probably get back to work,’ you say, regretfully.
Jimin says, ‘You look exhausted. Here, I’ll take you home.’
You find yourself picking up your things, letting Jimin help you on with your coat, following him to the lifts.
Jimin curls an arm around you, and you lean into him as you wait for the lift.
He smells good, but more than that, he feels good, solid, his shoulder corded with muscle under your cheek. 
‘You can lean on me,’ Jimin says. There’s a teasing lilt to his voice, but he holds you tighter when you try to pull away.
In the car, Jimin leans over to help you fasten your belt.
‘I can do it,’ you say, but he just smiles. 
‘I said you can lean on me,’ he tells you. He starts the engine, puts on soft music, a lo-fi beat. 
‘Sit back, princess. I’ve got you.’
You want to tell him to stop calling you princess but you’re so comfortable and warm the words won’t leave your lips.
You blink awake to find that Jimin’s parked outside your apartment building. 
‘Sorry,’ you mumble, trying to orientate yourself. ‘Did I sleep the whole way?’
‘You talk in your sleep,’ Jimin tells you. 
Now you’re fully awake. 
‘What did I say?’
‘I didn’t know you liked my ass that much,’ Jimin says, thoughtfully. 
He laughs. ‘Go to bed, princess. Want me to walk you up?’
‘I’ll be all right,’ you tell him. You hesitate, hand on the door handle. 
‘Thanks, Jimin.’
‘Anytime, princess.’
He waits until you’re inside the doors before he drives away.
Yoongi rolls himself out from under the body of the Subaru he’s working on just as Seokjin approaches. 
He stares at the pictures Seokjin hands him, jaw tightening, anger sparking, hot and bright, within him.
‘Does she know?’
‘Jimin says she doesn’t seem to know,’ Seokjin says, voice low, furious.
Yoongi hands him back the pictures, lip curled in disgust. 
‘I think you’d better fucking tell her,’ he says. 
‘It’s not just that,’ Seokjin says. ‘I got this, too.’
Yoongi listens to the recording on Seokjin’s phone, swears.
‘Shit, that asshole’s asking to be fucked up.’
‘Call the guys,’ Seokjin says, voice hard. ‘We get her and then we show him what happens to people who fuck with us.’
You’re hurrying, running late. You’re meeting a client from Norway in the busiest part of the city at 7pm sharp.
You glance at your watch just as the light goes green at a multiway intersection, watch the numbers indicating how long you have to cross tick down as you walk briskly across the white stripes on the road.
There’s a thunderous roar, a wave of screams, and the throng of people crossing with you disperses rapidly as you look around to see where the noise is coming from.
The crowd’s clearing, but you stay where you are in the middle of the intersection because you recognise the midnight black Honda with the red racing stripes heading straight for you, the sleek silver Nissan keeping pace alongside it.
Your brother drives slightly past you and executes a 90 degree turn so his car’s across your path, lengthways, tyres screeching.
The acrid smell of burning rubber fills your nostrils, but you almost don’t notice it, because three other cars surround you in quick succession, boxing you in.
To your left, Yoongi, dark eyes scanning you as if to assure himself you’re unharmed.
To your right, Hobi, his face more serious than you’ve ever seen him.
Behind you, Jimin, a shadow behind his blinding headlights.
Seokjin leans across the passenger seat, pushes the door open.
‘Get in,’ he says.
You have questions, but Seokjin waits until you’re out of the busiest part of town, when the streets get a little wider, the lights less bright, before he starts talking.
You realise he’s taking you to his apartment.
‘What’s going on?’ you ask.
‘Hyunjin threatened you,’ Seokjin says, terse, jaw tense as he navigates the expensive neighbourhood his apartment’s in. 
‘He threatened me?’ you ask, sure you’ve heard wrong.
Seokjin glances at you. ‘The land you just purchased.’
You frown. ‘The square footage we fought Jungcorp over?’
‘Jungcorp is Hyunjin’s grandfather’s company,’ Seokjin says.
The puzzle pieces click into place.
You let out a low whistle. ‘Shit. And he calls you chaebol.’
‘The company’s in trouble,’ Seokjin says, ‘and they’re being investigated for running drugs out of Jamsil.’
He slides into a space in the underground car park, cuts the engine.
‘You know Jimin’s part of the narcotics squad.’
‘He didn’t say what he was investigating,’ you reply, sliding out the door, walking with Seokjin to the private lift.
Seokjin punches in the code, activates the lift, and a moment later you’re walking into his apartment.
There are pictures scattered across the coffee table in the lounge, and for once you don’t stop to admire the view of the city.
They’re all pictures of you. Full colour, high resolution.
Pictures of you in your office, walking into your apartment, at a client dinner. Even, to your horror, one of you in your bed, asleep.
‘Who took these?’ you ask. Your voice comes out tremulous, you barely recognise it.
‘Hyunjin had them sent to me,’ Seokjin replies.
You have to sit down. 
‘They want you to give up the Jamsil property and land,’ Seokjin tells you.
You’re struggling to take all this in.
‘Or what?’
Seokjin doesn’t want to give you the details of what Hyunjin threatened to do to you.
‘You should stay at mine until this settles down,’ is what he settles for.
You look up at him.
‘I can’t give up the Jamsil land, Seokjin. It’s the biggest victory I’ve had since I took over the company.’
‘No victory is worth your life,’ Seokjin points out.
Logically, you know your brother is right, but you don’t know if he knows how hard you’ve fought since you took control of the reins of the Kim conglomerate.
The times you were challenged over decisions the board would have praised you for, if you were a man.
The tears you cried in secret when your spirit was battered and bruised from pretending you were immune to the snide comments, the demeaning remarks.
You know you’re stronger than the adversity you faced but it’s never been easy.
Seokjin studies your face, a look in his eyes that makes you wonder how much your older brother really knows.
‘Yoongi’ll take you home to get your things. I’ll fix us dinner for when you get back.’
Yoongi never really seems to expect anything from you when you’re together.
It’s a trait that you’ve come to appreciate more and more as the years go by.
He listened to your naive prattling about your friends on the odd occasion when he picked you up after school, never commenting except to ask if you wanted ice cream.
He picked you up sometimes when you were back from college, letting you choose the music you wanted to play, handing you snacks silently, sometimes smoking out the open window.
He drives quietly now, changing gears so seamlessly you barely notice even though you’re staring at his hands.
You remember once, a couple years ago, when you’d met by chance when you were walking to the metro after a disastrous blind date.
You’d been so stung by the experience the indignation had tumbled out of you, words jumbled, as he’d pulled up alongside you and offered you a lift.
Yoongi had listened all the way to your apartment, murmuring support in the lower range of his vocal register, a reassuring rumble if not any actual words.
As soon as he’d stopped the car you’d unbuckled your belt, intending to turn to him and thank him, and instead, you’d looked at him looking at you, his hair pulled back from his forehead in a tiny ponytail, eyes dark and unreadable, and you’d leaned forward and kissed him instead.
Yoongi had grunted a little, and you would have pulled away, if he hadn’t cupped the back of your head and sought your lips with a hunger that thrilled you all the way to your bones. 
Heat had pooled in your belly, down low, as he licked boldly into your mouth, slid his big hands around your hips to steady you.
You’d pulled away, breathless, more than a little aroused, and he’d quirked a brow at you.
A question.
You think that if you’d showed any uncertainty, Yoongi would have stopped, and so you didn’t.
You’d taken his hardness in your mouth with a confidence fueled by the reverent, affectionate way he said your name, had learned what he liked by the way his breathing quickened until it was laboured gasps, then a single uttered, emphatic ‘fuck’ as he spilled down your throat, hand clenched on the steering wheel.
He’d given you a feral smile, thumbed away a smear of his cum from the corner of your mouth and put his hand up your skirt like it belonged there.
You’d come crying his name, once with his tongue buried deep in your cunt and another time on his cock as he drilled you into your bed.
He’d left in the morning, a kiss on your forehead and a goodbye so sweet it’s never mattered to you that you’ve never talked about that night since.
You sometimes wonder if he still thinks of it. You’ve never asked.
You look out the window as Yoongi drives.
He reaches into the centre console, tosses a packet of chocolate fish into your lap.
‘I’m not a kid, you don’t have to bribe me with snacks,’ you grouse, but you open it anyway.
The chocolate reminds you that you haven’t eaten all day.
‘Stop being cute and I won’t buy you snacks,’ Yoongi says, reasonably.
‘I’m not cute.’
He just snorts.
‘Want one?’ you offer.
‘You look like you need them more than me,’ Yoongi says, but he accepts the fish you place in his palm. 
He walks you up to your building once he’s parked, waits in the living room as you pack a bag.
Once you’re back in his car you turn to him.
‘Did you see those pictures?’
Yoongi’s jaw tightens. ‘Yes.’
‘Seokjin’s worried,’ you say.
‘He’s your big brother,’ Yoongi says, neutral. ‘He worries about you like you worry about him.’
‘I’m fine,’ you tell him.
‘I’m not,’ Yoongi says. He glances in the rearview, signals to turn. ‘I’m angry.’
You put your hand on his arm. ‘You’re always angry,’ you point out, gently.
Yoongi huffs out a breath. ‘No one comes for you, especially not some half assed wannabe racer like Hyunjin.’
You’re touched at his anger on your behalf.
Yoongi looks at you. ‘Seokjin and I will take care of it.’
‘I can’t give up the Jamsil land, Yoongi. I’ve finally clawed myself some credibility.’
‘Fuck that,’ Yoongi agrees. ‘You’re not giving up jack shit for that asshole.’
His lip curls in a half snarl. ‘We’re not giving in even if I have to chain you to me to keep you safe.’
You raise an eyebrow at him.
Yoongi raises an eyebrow back. 
He stops in front of the private lift to Seokjin’s apartment. 
‘I think you’d like being chained to me,’ you say, unable to resist.
The smile he gives you is a mix of rueful and cocky. 
‘Of course I fucking would. I’d make you like it too.’
He unlocks the doors so you can get out, rolls down the window as you get into the lift. 
‘I think about that night all the fucking time,’ he tells you, voice low.
You look up at him in surprise, but don’t have time to reply before the lift doors shut between you.
Seokjin sets a plate in front of you.
‘Eat,’ he urges.
You pick up your chopsticks and dig in.
‘The responsible thing to do would be to tell you to give up the land,’ he says. ‘That’s what our parents would tell you to do.’
His words set off a pang of sadness that resonates in your chest.
‘If our parents were still here I wouldn’t be running the company,’ you reply.
‘I don’t want you to give up the land. I know how hard you fought for that victory.’
Seokjin takes another bite. 
‘I know how hard you’ve been fighting.’
‘Running the company was always what I wanted,’ you tell him. ‘It’s just that it was supposed to be with dad at the helm whilst I found my feet.’
It’s the first time you’ve ever come close to hinting that it hasn’t been easy.
There’s sadness in Seokjin’s eyes.
‘I can put in some time at the company. I’m a Kim, too.’
‘The company is what I want,’ you say, very gently, ‘but it’s not what you want.’
Seokjin sighs. ‘What I want is for you to be happy. I am.’
You snort. ‘You have three broken ribs and a fractured collarbone.’
Seokjin smiles. ‘And you have no injuries. Let’s keep it that way.’
You clink your glasses in a toast.
‘So, Jimin, huh?’ Seokjin asks, sly.
You blink at him but don’t say anything.
Your brother manages to smirk at you anyway.
You’re in the gym in your brother’s building, running through your PT routine when there’s a flicker of reflection in the floor to ceiling window you’re facing.
‘Seokjin said you’d be down here,’ he says.
You look up at his reflection in the glass.
‘I’ve got a meeting with my board tomorrow,’ you say. ‘They’re going to want to congratulate me on the Jamsil acquisition.’
You get up from the mat, turn around, and realise he’s as sweaty as you are.
Jimin tilts his head, blond hair falling over one eye. He’s wearing a grey hoodie, unzipped, a white t-shirt underneath that’s moulded to his torso, sweatpants, hands shoved in his pockets. 
The gold pendant he wears glimmers in the low light of the gym. 
There’s a faint bruise on his jaw. 
Unthinking, you step forward and brush a thumb over it lightly. 
‘What happened?’ you ask. 
Jimin stays perfectly still as you touch him. 
‘Just some bangers down by the river,’ he says, vague. 
‘Hurt anywhere else?’ you ask. 
‘Check me over and see,’ he says, an invitation. 
He’s ready for the kiss you press on him, sliding his arms around you, hands warm on the gap between your top and leggings. 
You lose yourself in his kisses, only realising he’s walked you backward when your back hits the glass. 
The cool press of the window against your shoulder blades is a startling contrast to the warmth of him. 
Shit, why’s he so warm? 
Jimin’s more insistent than usual, you can feel his erection, already rock solid, nudging at your core even between your layers of clothing. 
He grunts, fingers tugging at the zipper down the front of your top, working your breasts free, hands cupping you possessively, pinching your nipples. 
You’re aware anyone could walk in but you’re struggling to care, at least whilst Jimin’s hot mouth is pressed against your skin and he’s murmuring filth to you as he touches you. 
You’re the one who ends up tugging your leggings down. They’re barely at mid thigh before Jimin’s surged forward, entering you to the hilt in one stroke. 
‘Shit, Jimin,’ you gasp. It’s tight like this, your legs pinned together. 
‘Turn,’ Jimin commands. 
He pulls out, turns you, one hand cupping your cheek so your face doesn’t hit the glass, the other pressed into the small of your back so your hips are angled perfectly for him to enter you again. 
He fucks you hard, drilling you into the glass, cock gliding in and out of you at a pace that makes stars form behind your eyelids. 
You’re not wet enough but the friction adds to the thrill. 
Your nipples tighten harder against the cold of the window. 
‘Look at you,’ Jimin groans. ‘Fuck, I’m gonna come so hard.’ 
His hand kneads the flesh of your ass, squeezing so hard you know he’s going to leave handprints. 
He groans again, long, drawn out, into the back of your neck as he spills. 
You’re stil recovering when he turns you around again, drops to his knees, pushes his head between your thighs. 
He looks up at you, flushed, breathless still from fucking you, eyes dark as he licks up into your cunt. 
He hooks his hands over your bared thighs, parts you with his thumbs, and laps at your clit. 
‘Jimin,’ you gasp. 
‘Yeah, fuck,’ he moans. He’s flicking at your clit with the tip of his tongue, slow circles, fingers sliding into you, curving, pressing. 
You can see his come leaking out of you, dripping down his hand as your cunt spasms around his fingers. 
He keeps up the pace, fingers moving in and out of you, lips suctioning at your clit, and your fingers tighten in his hair as you come. 
He moans like he loves the taste of you, licking at your arousal until your knees weaken. 
You get re-dressed in a hurry, Jimin helping you with most of it, shucking off his hoodie and pulling it tight around you.
‘Come on. I’ll put you to bed.’ 
You’re boneless from your orgasm, weary from the stress of the last few days. 
You lean on him as you head back up to Seokjin’s apartment. 
Jimin waits, seated on the edge of your bed as you take a shower, pulls back the covers so you can get in. 
You grasp his wrist as he gets up. 
‘Where are you going?’ you ask, sleepy. 
‘I’ve got more to do, princess.’ 
Jimin presses a kiss to your forehead. 
‘It’ll be over tomorrow, ok?’ 
You’re so tired you can barely keep your eyes open. 
‘Yeah. Promise.’ 
You want to ask more but you’re asleep before he leaves your room. 
You love the view from your office, in the nighttime but also on days like today, when the sun blazes bright, laying out the city before you.
In the distance, the silhouette of Mount Samo. 
It always reminds you of Seokjin.
Seokjin had asked you to back down from the deal on the Jamsil land, just until he could ‘take care of things’, but your board meeting’s been planned for months.
The success of the acquisition was meant to be the cherry on the top of the cake, the final step in proving your worth to the company.
You’d tried, at dinner last night, to articulate to Seokjin how much you needed this, but had found yourself too close to tears for comfort.
You think maybe at the end he’d understood.
You breathe in, slow, trying to get your head in the game before you face your board.
Your PA buzzes with a reminder.
You take one last look at Mount Samo in the distance and turn.
Time to go.
The walk to the meeting room’s never felt so short.
Everyone rises when you enter. 
You scan the sea of faces around the U-shaped table and are about to sit when the glass door swings open.
The murmur through the room makes you turn sharply.
Your brother, tall and broad and exquisitely coiffed, walks up to stand beside you at the head of the room.
All eyes are on you, but Seokjin doesn’t seem affected in the slightest.
He leans over, and says, simply, ‘I was wrong.’
You search his gaze, and realise how wrong you were to think Seokjin has no idea what you’re going through.
The realisation makes warmth course through you.
You compose yourself enough to say, ‘That’s why our parents left the company to me, brother.’
The laugh you share makes the tension ease in a way it hasn’t in days.
You turn back to your board. 
‘Let’s begin.’
The meeting is a success.
Maybe you’re just flying high off the reaction to your report, but you think you’ve made a significant step towards proving your abilities.
Seokjin, beside you, loosens his tie as he starts the car.
‘Where are we going?’ you ask.
‘You’ve done your bit,’ Seokjin says, glancing in the rearview as he pulls out of the space he’s parked in.
His jaw tightens. ‘It’s time to do mine.’
You’ve never really been on Mount Samo in the day before, and the hairpin bends that Seokjin’s manoeuvring with ease are making you a little queasy.
Seokjin glances at you in the rearview mirror, amusement on his face.
‘I could drive this blindfolded,’ he tells you.
‘That’s not as reassuring as you think it is,’ you mutter, trying to keep your eyes straight ahead instead of gaping over the sheer drop you’re inches away from.
‘What have you got planned?’ you ask.
‘We’ve actually already carried out the plan,’ Seokjin tells you. ‘I thought you’d like to be there for the final part.’
You’re curious, thinking back to the night before, when Jimin met you in the gym and then left because he had things to take care of. You’d never heard Seokjin come back, you’d assumed that you’d been asleep and that he’d been quiet.
For the first time, you notice the dark circles under Seokjin’s eyes, marring his normally perfect complexion.
It strikes you that although you’ve been bemoaning your brother’s lack of involvement in your work life, you know very little about what he gets up to.
‘What did you do, Seokjin?’ you ask.
‘Nothing Hyunjin didn’t have coming to him,’ Seokjin replies.
He shrugs.
‘I set him up to meet again today so he could have a chance to win back the car I won from him the other day. I gave Jimin all the pictures Hyunjin sent me, the threats he sent against you.’
Seokjin’s lips thin into a hard line. 
‘Hyunjin’s car’s been captured on CCTV in a notorious spot in Jamsil that the narcotics squad have been monitoring.’
You’re staring at your brother.
‘There are traces of narcotics in the trunk.’
Seokjin blinks. ‘Jimin knows I won the car, but he left with you that night so he hasn’t seen it driven by anyone other than Hyunjin.’
You see what your brother’s done.
You turn to him, realising only now, how carefully he’s been watching you this whole time.
Seokjin’s voice is carefully neutral. ‘This is the kind of thing your big brother gets up to.’
Seokjin doesn’t know about everything in your life, and you don’t know everything about his.
All you know is, he’s your brother, and you can stand up for him like he stood up for you.
You put your hand on his, where it’s loosely curled over the gear shaft.
‘Guess you’re a good big brother after all.’
Seokjin fixes his gaze on your joined hands, throat bobbing as he swallows.
‘I’m the best,’ he agrees, giving you a crooked smile.
When you make it to the summit, Yoongi’s already there, peering through binoculars.
‘Hey princess,’ he says, shifting over on the hood of his car to make room for you.
He hands you the binoculars, casual. ‘Check this out.’
You hold the binoculars up, and Yoongi gently pushes you in the right direction, fingers warm under your chin.
The scene’s a few hundred feet down from the summit, and for once you’re not distracted by the vertiginous drop.
There’s Hyunjin’s distinctive car flanked by a tactical team, all clad in distinctive blue and yellow jackets over bulletproof vests. 
Hyunjin, hands above his head.
A flash of blonde hair you’d know anywhere.
Jimin cuffing him and guiding him to an armoured van.
Beside you, there’s the clink of a lighter as Yoongi lights a cigarette.
You lower the binoculars. 
‘I guess that’s that.’
Seokjin lowers his own binoculars.
‘Guess so.’
‘Your boyfriend’s a good cop,’ Yoongi remarks.
‘He’s not my boyfriend,’ you reply.
Yoongi’s dark eyes fix on you with interest, but all he does is hum, noncommittal.
It’s barely a quarter of an hour before a car pulls up to the summit, parks beside Seokjin’s.
Jimin steps out, still in his regs, a sight for sore eyes.
He looks tired, but he smiles when he sees you.
‘We’ve got him,’ he tells you.
‘We saw,’ you say.
‘I’ve got to go down to the precinct, then they’re sending me down to Gwangju.’
He hesitates. ‘I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. It could be months.’
You reach out and give him a hug.
He smells faintly of sweat and gunmetal, and you think you like it.
‘I guess you should call me when you’re next in town then,’ you tell him, close so only he can hear.
Jimin turns his head, lets his lips brush your cheek.
‘Is that an invitation, princess?’
‘Take it however you want it,’ you reply.
Jimin laughs. ‘I will.’
He gives you a look so heated your skin warms. He nods at Seokjin and Yoongi, gets back in the car.
You all watch him drive off.
Yoongi finishes his cigarette, grinds it into the dirt at his feet.
‘Dinner?’ Seokjin suggests.
‘Yeah,’ you agree.
Yoongi curls his lip at you, that familiar slow smirk that makes your heart skip a beat.
‘Wanna ride, princess?’
Seokjin rolls his eyes. ‘See you guys at the restaurant.’
You guess he really is the best brother ever.
©hamsterclaw 2023
576 notes · View notes
badbtssmut · 6 months
Request 2:
Ceo!Jimin x Ceo!reader where they're rivals who secretly fuck
You and Jimin couldn’t stand each other.
He snatched a high paying client right from underneath you whereas you snatched an office building he had his eyes on to expand his business.
It was like the two of you always got into each other’s way on purpose, playing some cat and mouse game. The tension between the two of you and your demanding jobs got so bad… that it surprisingly brought you closer.
Too close.
Jimin held you tightly in his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist as his hips snapped upward. You felt him go deeper and deeper with each thrust, your own body meeting his with the same desperation.
Jimin’s hands groped onto your chest, squeezing and kneading them as his tongue danced with yours. His thumb pressed against your left nipple as he captured your right nipple between his two fingers. You cried out into his mouth at the feeling of his fingers, your hands sliding up his neck until you were pulling at his hair.
The sound of skin slapping against skin and the wet sounds of his cock slipping in and out of your pussy only served to encourage you both to go faster, harder, deeper. You pulled back, gasping for air.
His eyes were filled with lust and the intensity of his gaze made your heart pound faster.
He was… kinda hot, you had to admit it.
Why else would you be fucking him like this?
The two of you had been at it for a while, moving positions, having him in between your legs this time, his tip stroking up and down your folds as he teased your entrance.
“You don’t hate me as much as you claim.”
“Shut up, Park. Just fuck me already. I don’t need your commentary on how I feel about you right now, it doesn’t matter. You want my pussy, and I want your cock, that's all that matters, right?" You snapped back, at which he chuckled.
"So cute when you're mad."
Before you could fire back another retort, his hips thrusted forward and he pushed his entire length inside of you.
"Ah!” You whined.
He began to thrust his hips at a fast pace, his tip continuously hitting that sensitive spot deep inside of you. Your hands reached for the sheets, gripping onto it as he started to drill into you, your body bouncing up and down on the bed with each of his hard thrusts.
“Fuck!” You shook your head left to right, squeezing your eyes tight.
“Mhm,” Jimin hummed, gripping onto your waist as he fucked into you mercilessly, his cock filling you to the brim each time.
You gasped and whined, arching your back as you felt him stretch you, the pressure building up in the pit of your stomach. Your walls clamped around him, and the feeling made him groan.
You opened your eyes slightly, glancing up at him through hooded lids.
He had his eyes closed, his brows knitted together, lips slightly parted, a thin sheen of sweat covering his entire body.
He was… really hot.
And you were so close.
Your body trembled and shook, the heat pooling in the pit of your stomach growing and spreading throughout every inch of your body. You knew that he was just as close, his thrusts becoming sloppier and more desperate.
Jimin’s grip tightened around your waist and he leaned forward, pushing your legs back and lifting your ass off the bed.
“Oh shit, shit…” His cock stroked your sweet spot with every thrust, and finally, you couldn’t handle it anymore.
You came hard, your pussy contracting around his length. He came with a deep groan, releasing inside of you. Jimin rode out both of your highs, his hips slowing down to a halt as the two of you caught your breaths.
He slipped out, and rolled onto the empty side of the bed.
You turned your head to look at him, and his eyes were already on you.
"Tomorrow same time?”
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dirtykpopsnaps · 1 year
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Here’s the reqs for tonight!! Sorry for no tags rn, but I’ll add them later. I’m literally going to sleep as soon as I post this - Admin
Edit: tags were added🥰🥰
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blueberryarchive · 5 months
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The One Were Jungkook;
more slasher!jk
𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙨; slasher, 80s, psychological horror
𝙩𝙬; heavy non-con, somnophilia, horror, violence, blood
(thank you to @hoseokshobagi for helping me with this big mess, I love u, shut up)
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NY, 1985
The little ol' Brew House wasn't like the bar you went to with Jimin. It was so small that you could feel the sweat running down your back, the ghost of a hand or a glance behind you with every step. There was a sour smell of old, dried beer on the rustic green furniture and freshly disinfected vomit in the corner where Jungkook motioned for you to sit.
"Sit down, don't move."
You climbed onto the cracked brown leather stool, your bare thighs sticking to it like Velcro. A band was playing Iron Man on the other side and it was so uncoordinated that it matched the people sitting there: middle-aged men in blue-collar jobs, women in black leather skirts and foreign students with little money, underworld poets and their upper class girlfriends living the fantasy of muses sitting one their boyfriend's thighs while they discussed Bob Dylan and Williams Burroughs. A green and brown amalgam of sweaty skin drinking warm beer and watered down whiskey.
You couldn't help but compare both places.
Sweaty Joe's was a bar just two corners from the university, it was bathed in colored lights and posters as old as the owners of the place themselves. Red leather sofas were distributed in the corners and those, for years, have belonged to the Maroon Knights players.
This is where you met Jimin, it was your first week and you and Bobby Joe decided to have a beer, you two were new, smiled candidly at each gentleman who offered you another drink. You had never done that in the small town where you came from.
Jimin was celebrating his first winter tournament, his crimson cheekbones and his elegant smile conquered your heart, he let you sleep in his room in the trailer where he lived with his four brothers. His hands never took yours without first asking you, never looked away. You fell asleep so quickly in that bed while the little snores of the quaterback kept you stable, safe.
At dawn, you couldn't even see his face, you spent a week avoiding the hallways where he frequented until you did what your mother did to apologize to people: you baked some cookies. Unfortunately, he was on a diet but he still accepted them, his younger brother would eat them all with pleasure, you offered him a kiss and he let himself go.
That afternoon you lost your virginity behind his secong-hand orange Pontiac, white cotton panties crumpled and drooled between your teeth as Jimin held your calves. You cried so much that he forgot to moan, but your boyfriend wiped away each tear with his wet tongue and his thumbs until his cum fell thickly onto your skirt and his uniform.
The second time was different. What you don't know is that you cooking for him lit a spark, a simple breeze in a dry forest and you were the summer sun. You were going to be his wife, he promised you, with drooping eyelids and your pelvis on top of a pillow, his hands guiding your ass until they collided with his waist.
“I'm going to make you mine, I'm going to buy you a house and a huge ring. Fuck—you’re going to have to stop me at some point because I’m going to get you pregnant every time you smile at me, love. Doesn't Ms. Park have a ring to it?" He growled grabbing your hair to pull you closer to his sweaty chest.
“What is that pretty head of yours thinking about, huh?” Jungkook snapped his fingers at you, placing a long mug of beer in front of you. The second cigarette of the afternoon dangled between his fingers as he waited for you to take a drink, his eyes darting from your chest to your hair. “I saw you look at the ring on your finger.”
“My boyfriend gave it to me a month ago.” You said fixing the thin silver ring, a promise desperate to be fulfilled.
“How very” The boy laughed, choking on the smoke, you held the beer and took a long drink.
You realized that men when they exist in a cloud of promises and anonymity are more fuckable, because now seeing the metalhead in front of you, you just wanted to hit him.
“I don't understand why you keep yapping when you're not here to hear me speak.”
“I didn't want us to move on to fucking so quickly, but if you can't wait, then we'll make a little something in the alley.” Seeing your face blush he laughed again. “I'm kidding, doll. Don’t be so rigid.”
With a whistle, Jeon effortlessly caught the eye of a man nearby. His muscles were noticeably defined, and he sported a pair of square glasses that added a touch of charm. Dressed in a casual plaid shirt, his hair styled like a military man. Spotting Jeon, his face lit up with recognition, and he quickly closed the distance between you.
“Kim, I thought you weren't coming to the meeting.” Out of the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of the man's slight tensing as his friend spoke, but without skipping a beat, his hand gently landed on his friend's shoulder.
"What do you mean?"
"You literally said-"
"No, I didn't. Gosh, give me a break."
Hoseok looked in your direction with a hint of distrust, the creases on his face sharpening with each step you took. You walked closer, his eyes traced your body from head to toe, his initial skepticism fading away the moment he reached your side. Your little shorts and Wham! t-shirt hugged your curves tightly, clinging to your tits like a sculpture of marble.
"What's this?" Hoseok pointed at you and moved his fingers up and down.
"Come, I want to introduce you to my friend. We met in…" Jungkook's smile widened as he tilted his hand. “Well, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you have to make a place for her in the club, wouldn't you gladly have one of the sweetest pieces of meat of the whole faculty on the team, eh?”
Jungkook looked in your direction again, he knew that the way he spoke caused tremendous disgust in you and he enjoyed it. “This is Hoseok, the president of the archery club. Greet him before he hates you for some reason.”
"Shut up." Hoseok's voice cut through the air as he extended his arm to shake yours, his calloused hand brushing against your skin. His sharp eyes studied your hands intently, examining every detail. "You got weird fingers."
"Is that how you give compliments to pretty girls?"
Hoseok let out a sigh, nonchalantly plucking the cigarette from Jungkook's mouth. With a subtle gesture, he motioned for his friend to approach while bringing the cigarette to his own lips.
“If you want to fuck one of the cheerleaders, find another way, I'm not going to put her in the club, dude.” His failed attempt at whispering, which was clearly intentional, didn't escape your ears.
“Do you think I have to fuck one of you to be part of your Disney Heroe theatre team?”
Hoseok's eyebrow arched, while leaning back against the bar stool. With a confident yet subtle sway, he adjusted his posture, his pelvis shifting ever so slightly, but still managing to catch your eye. A mischievous grin formed on one side of his lips, knowing full well of the effect he had on you. “And why the hell are you looking for me if you don't need me, Barbie?"
"I'm here to let you know that I'll be waiting for you in the green area on Monday at 3, expecting you to hand me a bow and arrow," You declared, a sweet smile playing on your lips like a precious jewel shimmering beneath a cloak of innocence as you deftly snatched the cigarette from between his parted lips. "And I hope you show up with a smile that could outshine the sun and a more decent cologne."
Hoseok scoffed with raised eyebrows, clearly unimpressed by your little rebel talk as you took a drag from his stolen cigarette.
"You do realize you'll be the only woman in the group, right? The guys ain't going to like you, they tend to be very…"
"Terrified of women," Jeon chimed in, leaning against your shoulder.
"Exclusive," Hoseok added.
"They'll probably do a jerk-off circle if they see me in a skirt." You quipped, a sly smile playing on your lips.
The three of you looked at the cubicle where the a few memebers sat, all upper class kids who couldn't get into anything in their lives without Mommy opening the door for them first.
“Whatever, you're not even that hot, they'll live.”
You smiled, turning around on your stool to continue drinking your beer. “See you on Monday, four eyes.”
“Bye, Hobi-Bobby.” Jungkook rested his arm on the bar, his eyes positioned on your profile.
“Do you want to fuck now? I love women who know how to silence men, i'm already hard.”
"Why are you so fucking disgusting?"
"You're the one sitting next to me, you can go now." And he waited. You stayed there, speechless and waiting, too.
“The dickhead called you Kim.”
“I don't know who that is, sweetheart.”
“Mm.” You nodded. You weren't too sure now. “Are you sure you're the one I talked to that night?”
"I promise you." Jungkook dragged his stool closer to your ear, the smell of nicotine and shaving cream was pleasant, manly. "Are those sugar tits as sweet as that voice of yours?"
“What time did I call you?” You ignored his nutty breath.
“Are you questioning me now?”
His jaw tensed, biting the inside of his cheeks.
“I'm going to give you some advice, doll. If you want things to go well today, don't question me.”
You felt a rush cover your back, the beer felt colder on your fingers and you were more aware of his proximity. You were in his territory, you didn't know anyone there, you were screwed.
“Can you answer me just one thing and that's it?”
Jungkook moved closer and nodded, his pupils stabbing at your lips waiting for you to say something out of line so he would have an excuse to destroy you with.
“Why do people think you are weird?”
His sigh collided with your neck, a smile woven little by little; you could see stars in his eyes when he moved back. The raw desire to show you why.
He leaned close to your ear and whispered slowly, the urge to laugh drowned out by his words. Both his hands hiding his lips like a child. You swallowed as you finished listening, a long drink to finish the remaining beer.
He pulled out a new cigarette before your eyes met his again.
“So, in your room or mine?” He mumbled before lightning the tip.
“I'm- I think I'm going home.”
"Isn't your home in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania, you silly little bun'?"
The man in front of you pouted, nodding with a dejected face when he saw you stand up, the large mug of beer hitting your trembling anatomy. You wanted to vomit, to shed your own skin to pieces, to vanish, to crawl along the road back home like a mass of nerves and to sleep in your bed until you forgot what this psychopath had just hummed in your ear in the middle of the crowd.
But what did you expect? Wasn't this what you were looking for?
That's why curiosity ends up being the cruelest animal feeling. It takes you to the cheese on top of the trap, it makes you look at the sun and go blind, it makes you run through the grass until you fall at the bottom of nowhere. Voices like Jungkook's end up taking you to a seedy bar, at the mercy of God if he is even allowed in these parts.
“Come on, I'll take the bike down for you, then.”
You grabbed your backpack and walked in front of Jeon, stares like needles digging into your shorts.
Outside, his arms stretched out to take the bicycle, as light as a feather.
“I would've take you to college but-”
“I think this is where our journey ends, Jungkook.” Your voice was firm, elegant. You knew when to say goodbye.
He remained silent, one last smile as a gift. "If you say so." His hands opened dramatically to show you the road.
You raised your leg until you sat down and accelerated down the street, the sun hiding on the horizon. You didn't know if it was the wind hitting your cheeks and eyes, but you felt the cold stream go down to your neck. You wanted the road to get shorter in front of you and suddenly you were crying like a lost child, the sharp exhale stinging your lungs, you took all the alleys you recognized and the ones you didn't and you looked around at the desolate sides of New York.
Hiding from the sun your skin grew cold and the sobs turned to murmurs praying that you would return alive to the arms of Steph or Bobby Joe.
But oh, how angelic you looked with the halo of Jungkook's car headlights on your back. A honk chilled your blood until you couldn't do anything but grip the handlebars until your knuckles turned white.
“I changed my mind, I'll take you.” His breathing was jagged, he was sweating deeply, swallowing hard to hide the psychosis.
“It won't be long now and my boyfriend is waiting for me.”
“Don't worry, just load the bike and I'll drop you off at his house.”
'No' was not an answer and you knew that, no one ever said no to him. And if they did no woman managed to keep her tongue to say it.
"Roger that. Thank you, Jungkook, you are a gentleman.”
“Of course, get off the bike now.” He muttered as he snatched the iron from your hands and threw it behind his vehicle.
The trip was lethargic, the music faltered in the car with each curve until you reached a neighborhood of white houses and yellowish lights, the crickets chirped in the safe silence of a suburb. You thought about getting out when the car stopped and screaming until your lungs vomited.
But of course, when you arrived the garage door was open, the car slid across the smooth concrete without a sound.
“Do you mind if I look for a few things before I take you home?” His voice sounded so carefree that you almost believed you were going back to your dorm room. You shook your head as he went down to close the garage door, the darkness consuming your hope.
Your heart began to beat blood so fast that your hands began to try to open your door, Jungkook tilted his head at the noise until he saw your reflection in the side mirror.
"Why you do that? God, you’re so stupid.” Jungkook took your hair in his hands and without much effort dragged you out of the vehicle and onto the garage floor. His hand covered your mouth, his calloused and sweaty fingers undoing the button on your Levi's until they stuck to your ankles.
“It's only once, you have to reward me for the beer you had, you know?” His voice burned in your ear along with the beating of your heart, a light hum of your soul trying to get away from your dirty body.
“Mm-” You groaned as you felt the fabric of his jeans mold between your ass. Moving was in vain, fighting a mere fantasy.
“Just a quickie and then I'll drop you off, don't be so rigid.”
Your body was puppeteered to the living room with dim lights, curved and modern furniture that someone paid great attention to match with the upholstery and the carpet that decorated the floor.
And your body was thrown to the edge of the pink couch, the metal underneath the cloth digging into your stomach, your ass in the air as you felt cold hands remove your underwear. Why weren't you moving? Why did you let this happen to you? What was your mom doing right now? You thought of her chubby body moving around her room while organizing her dresses, folding the flowery pieces and tucking in it away in her closet. Peacefully humming gospel songs.
Warm spit fell onto your pussy and you closed your eyes, the last tear creating a shadow on the corrugated carpet as Jungkook slid his cock around the entrance to wet the entire area. The phone rang five, six, ten times next to you. Beep.
Hello, you are calling the sweet home of Bee, Dr. Kim and Taehyung. We are on vacation in Florida, but when we arrive we will take your message. Bye bye!
Who were the animated voices humming on the phone and why was Jungkook's voice there? You looked at the stranger loosening his grip on the sudden crackling laughter coming from the small speaker on the phone.
"Fuck." The now stranger mumbled, holding your neck with his forearm.
"You got the wrong kid, callgirl." And your eyes opened like a full moon, you looked at the closed windows of the room. “Taehyung, you have ten to hide.”
"Shit." Taehyung whimpered behind you pushing your body to the ground, instinctively you grabbed his leg causing his body to fall to the ground next to yours.
If you were going to die today, you wouldn't do it alone.
"Five, six…"
“What the fuck are you doing, you fucking whore?! I will die if he finds me.” His reddened face dragged trying to take your sudden weight and strength off of him. It was useless. Black Sabbath began to play above the house, reverberating, like thousands of wasps between the walls. “I'm sorry, I won't do it again, please. Let me go."
Taehyung's head reached the kitchen when a worn military boot stopped his movements. The muddy sole of the boot collided with Taehyung's head, making it bounce again and again and again against the wood of the kitchen. It was a hollow, wet sound, more forceful with each blow.
You leaned your body back until you collided with the sofa, your nails anchored in the carpet.
"Sorry. I'm sorry, ple-” Taehyung tried to speak until the boot took the last hit and his jaw hung from his mouth like a toy. His eyes looked back with mercy. Run, he shouted to you with his bleeding eyes, run until you die but run. A broomstick passed through his mouth until his body bounced once more. And then...
So still.
Drool was falling from the corners from having your mouth open for so long. Why didn't you run? Is it that the boot you were looking for so long? Was the cruelty of being curious true?
An excessively tall figure passed through the kitchen frame, avoiding Taehyung's lifeless body. Black was the first thing you saw: the dirty jeans, the leather jacket tied around his waist, the Motley Crue tank top pressing against his chest and shoulders. Sweat dripped from his mullet to his tattoos.
His face, soft and covered in red. His oval nose and thin lips, eyes like a dead deer. Metal surrounding the room like the choir of fallen angels.
It was him, it was Jungkook.
“Poor little thing.” He licked his lips as he held your chin so you were looking at him. “Look at you, so afraid of that fucking-” he growled under his breath, getting down to your level.
"Please don't kill me." You cried, the air was thick, like sulfur around him.
“I didn't promise you that in the call, baby. Did you forget already?"
His hands were delicate under your armpits until he lifted you up and took your body to the furniture sitting you on top of his wide thighs. Your body looking at the turned off television, the curved reflection showed the difference in size. You were a doll on top of that beast.
“Put your foot up.” He ordered as he grabbed your knee to help you put on your Levi's with the softness of a creature in feather hands. "Stop crying."
“I can't, I'm too scared, I want to go home.”
"Pity." Jungkook sighed, taking your underwear from his jeans, wet with some chemical. His tattooed fingers took the flimsy cotton to your nose. Bitter at first and then it burned in your lungs. “Don't try to fight it, it'll be worse for you, baby. Atta girl, just let go, inhale.” His voice was serious, unharmed, like an anesthetic just like the clorophorm. There was no harm in closing your eyes if you were in the great hands of a beast, a mammoth.
"I like you girls manageable, stupid." Was the last thing you heard, a smile grazing your neck.
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Your body rose without permission, abrupt. The pain was immeasurable.
“Jimin, she's up!” You heard a small voice in the corner of a familiar room, the sheets rough and thick.
The silhouette of Jimin's younger brother ran to the kitchen. The other two brothers approached the door, their blond heads peeking out. Jimin pushed them until he reached you.
“Shut the door, JP. I’m sick of you, just eat your fucking breakfast and get out of the house.” Jimin shouted, looking at his brothers out of the corner of his eye.
The slow footsteps receded and Jimin turned his attention to you.
“Love, no, don't cry. I'm here.”
His name fell from your lips desperately as you squeezed his face, consuming every detail so your body knew it was real and wouldn't squirm like a worm.
“Breathe with me, come on.”
You closed your eyes hugging your boyfriend's neck.
“Come on, I've prepared a hot bath for you in the twins' room.” You shook your head frantically without breaking away. “It's just to get the mud off your body, then we'll go back to bed.”
“Minjun found you outside this morning, do you know where you were last night, who did this to you?”
You grabbed the sheets and uncovered your body, bruises covering your legs and stomach. The dried mud covering the sheets of Jimin's bed. A scream choked in your throat.
“Its okay, I can change the sheets. Don’t worry about that. Let's go champ, up.” Jimin patted your injured thigh so you would chain your legs around his abdomen. With a grunt, Jimin lifted you up and carried you to a makeshift tub of hot water.
The little beds were together on one side of the small room, a metal tub emanating sweet steam covering the walls of the room in a thin web of drops.
“Raise your arms.” Jimin kissed your neck gently, the nausea returning little by little but you just let your body melt in the arms of the only person who mattered. His eyes shone with the concern of a father, he undressed you as quickly as possible so that the bruises didn't have time to hurt. Reaching your shorts, he knelt in front of you and stared at your tired face.
“I shouldn't have gone to the bar last night.” He wavered his speech for a second as he slowly lowered the zipper.
“Shh.” Your hand fell into his messy hair, he was still wearing his pajamas, what time did Jungkook throw you in front of Jimin's trailer?
The silence became strange, different. You didn't understand Jimin's sudden furrowed eyebrows when he took off your Levi's.
“Motherf-” Jimin stood up and hit the wall hard. His body turned around until he was looking at the jeans on the floor again. “That's it, I'm calling Yoongi.”
"What? Yoongi, what for? Minnie, don't leave, please."
"Don't move!"
Your boyfriend disappeared from the room before you asked him what was happening. You sighed with a heavy heart as you walked in pain to the mirror on the wall: a wide, slimy stain extended from front to back of your panties, hickies covered your stomach. The pants fell to the floor and you went to the mirror on the wall.
Your trembling finger curved until you felt the hole between your legs, the whitish and salty cum thread stretched from your entrance to your shocked face.
You don't remember Taehyung penetrating you. Was Jungkook such an animal that he came inside while you were passed out? How could he?
Tears gathered in your eyes as you laughed silently, the pain was unbearable around your waist and legs, pussy still numb and you could only remember the patterns on the carpet.
Cruel curiosity.
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jiniretracha · 1 month
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐲 - Jeon Jungkook (2)
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader / Park Jimin x fem!reader (but not quite, you'll see)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Future smut
Summary: You were supposed to spend your happily ever after with Jeon Jungkook... until a family issue causes him to leave and a sudden break up leaves you bereft in the arms of your best friend, Park Jimin.
Word count: 4.7k
PS: this is heavily entirely inspired in the last two episode of True Beauty (so consider this a huge spoiler if you haven't seen it) cause i've been a fan of it since it came out and I just had to do something about it lol
CHAPTER 2: 𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐃𝐨 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
The door of the limo opened wide and Nari stepped out of it with a bounce in her step. Her assistant, who was your boss, held her robe up and she placed her hands inside and tied it up over her waist. 
“Face mist” she snapped her fingers.
“Y-yeah, hold on” you nodded, grabbing the mist from your pocket and spraying it over her face. 
She gave you a fake smile and looked down to her feet. “Slippers” Nari demanded, pointing at her feet with her perfectly manicured hands. 
You looked down at her feet and nodded, going to the back of the limo and grabbing her hot pink slippers. 
Don’t curse out loud, don’t curse out loud, you repeated yourself over, and over. 
Nari took off one of her shoes and dropped it far away from them. 
“Oops” she shrugged and blinked a couple of times, feigning innocence. “Go fetch it, please”
You frowned and looked at the other assistant. “Um, Nari, that’s a little-” she cut herself off when Nari gave her a look.
The assistant gave you a nod and you turned around, walking towards the heel Nari had thrown. If you were a cartoon character, steam would be pouring out of your ears at that point.  
When you were about to pick it up with a grumble, somebody had picked it up for you already. 
“Oh, thanks- Chim!” you excitedly said when you saw his face in front of yours. You looked at his hands and saw him with a flower bouquet in his hands, making you open your mouth in surprise. “What are you-”
“Jimin, hi!” Nari said, pushing you a little to get him to look at her. “How did you know that I have a photoshoot here?” she asked, giving him doe-eyes. She then eyed the flowers and gasped. “You even brought me flowers? That is so sweet of you” she squealed, going to grab them but Jimin pulled the bouquet away from her.
“They’re not for you” Jimin said, trying not to sound rude, true to his nature. 
The model’s eyebrows shot up to the crease of her forehead almost. “Oh…” Nari muttered, disappointed.
Jimin turned his whole body to face you. “They’re for you, Y/N” Jimin smiled, handing them to you.
“Oh, me?” you asked, grabbing the beautiful bouquet of tulips. “Thank you, Chim” you chuckled. 
Jimin turned to look at Nari, who was glaring at you. All the kindness he had in his body had left. “Hey” he called her. Nari turned and smiled at him. “Don’t you have hands?”
“Yeah, here” Nari smiled, showing her hands to him.
Jimin brought the heel that was in his hand up to his face, and when Nari went to grab it, Jimin threw it behind him. 
Nari gasped and brought her hands to cover her mouth.
“Go fetch it, please” Jimin smiled, mimicking her words from earlier. 
Nari huffed and went to grab her shoe. 
Jimin sent you a wink and then called the other assistant, who was your boss. “Hey, Miss. It’s okay if Y/N has the night off, right?” he asked her, giving her a charming smile and placing his hand on your lower back, making your cheeks flush at the unexpected touch. 
“Y-yeah, Jimin, of course” your boss stammered with a nod of her head. “I’m really excited for your debut”
“Thank you, Miss” Jimin kindly bowed her head. 
“I can help you take all these inside-” you offered but Jimin grabbed your arm.
“It’s okay, we’re leaving. Bye” Jimin smiled at your boss and dragged you along with him. “Come on”
“See you tomorrow!” you yelled while watching your boss walk away in the distance.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Jimin led you to a restaurant and you gasped. 
“Sushi?” you smiled. 
“Yeah” Jimin nodded. “I know you’ve always wanted to come here, so I thought why not?” 
You curled your arm around him and let him lead you inside the restaurant. 
“Hello, I have a reservation for Park Jimin” he said and the waitress nodded with a smile.
“Follow me, please”
The waitress led you to a table next to the window and Jimin instantly went to move the chair for you to sit on but you were so busy looking around that you sat on the other seat, the one in front of the one he was holding. 
Jimin disguised his confusion and blinked, quickly sitting down on the chair he was holding.
You put the flowers down on the seat next to you with your bag and smiled as you looked at him. You didn’t know why you were so nervous. It was just Jimin. Your friend. 
Your friend who was perfectly dressed, like he had come out of an advertisement for a Dior campaign or something. 
You then realised how you were dressed up, taking in your appearance. You were wearing a sherpa jacket with jeans and worn out boots. Nothing about your outfit screamed stylish and you obviously looked like you didn’t belong there. At all. 
“Can I be in here looking like this? I probably look like a total freak” you whispered to him.
Jimin chuckled and shook his head. “You look pretty” he nodded. 
“Oh” you said, the words suddenly dying in your throat. “Thanks”
You grabbed the menu and pretended to be reading, instead trying to control the shyness growing inside of you.
“Yeah?” you answered.
“The menu’s upside down” he giggled.
You focused your vision on the menu and realised that he was right. You chuckled and put it down on the table. 
“What do you feel like ordering?” Jimin asked you.
You blinked at him. “Um… I don’t know, the same as always?” you shrugged. 
“I was feeling like trying new rolls, what do you say? You know, you once said you wanted to come here and try everything. Why don’t we just do that?” Jimin offered.
“I uh… I think that’d be very expensive, don’t you think?” you asked him.
Jimin waved a hand to the waitress. “You’re forgetting I’m getting well paid now, Jagiya” he said.
Not that nickname.
You swallowed your own spit and looked down to the table, uncomfortably. “Okay… let’s do that” you said, feigning a nonchalant feeling.
A while later, you had the food served on the table while you tried the rolls. 
“This one has mango in it, it’s good” Jimin said, his mouth full of sushi. 
You chewed on said roll and nodded. “It’s good” you muttered. “Really good”
Jimin moved his head to his shoulder. “Are you nervous?” he asked.
You looked up at him and frowned with a shake f your head. “No, no, why would I be nervous?” you asked in a high pitched voice. 
Jimin smiled. “Because I am nervous” he confessed. You looked at him and quickly grabbed your water glass, downing it. “You know, after telling you that I liked you… well, I technically didn’t but it was obvious, wasn’t it?” he asked and you slowly nodded. “I’ve been thinking hard about romantic ways to tell you how I feel. I didn’t want to make a fuss like rom-coms or K-Dramas do. I’ll just be honest with you, because you deserve it” he nodded. 
You gulped down.
“I like you… Y/N” he said, pressing his lips into a tight smile. 
You felt like time had stopped. “I-”
“I’ve liked you for a long time, Y/N. Back then, I didn’t tell you because I felt I’d be selfish to do so” he shrugged. “That would’ve been a bad friend move. But, to be honest, I can’t contain myself anymore from telling you how I feel”
You chewed on your lip nervously while your fingers played with the chopsticks in your hand.
Jimin let out a chuckle. “I actually blurted out my feelings yesterday by accident. I didn’t— I hadn’t planned for it to go like that. I didn’t want it to go like that, but well. I can’t hide them anymore, that’s what I’m trying to say” he told you with heaviness in his eyes. 
His words held such sincerity that made your heart burn. But for different reasons.
“I am begging you… to give me a chance to prove to you… that I’m right for you, Y/N” he said slowly. 
You frowned, feeling the air getting thicker. 
“I don’t need an answer right now. I told you: no pressure” he smiled toothily, waving his hands in front of him. “But I’d like to take you out again. To prove to you that I can be the one you deserve” 
You looked at him and saw the sparkle in his eyes. He meant every word. You swallowed and nodded. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Jimin parked his car in front of your building and turned off the car. He saw you clutching your stomach tightly and he frowned.
“Are you all right?” he asked you. 
You held onto your flowers tightly and nodded. “It’s nothing, really…” you reassured him but then groaned when a sharp pain hit your chest. “Ah shit” you cried. 
“Hey, hey, let’s go to the market down the block” Jimin said, starting the car again. “Let’s get you medicine”
“Fine” you sighed, feeling like you couldn’t mask it anymore.
Jimin helped you out of the car once you reached the mini market and inside, he immediately went to buy you something to eat with the medicine. 
You waited by the tables and sat down on a stool with a huff. How embarrassing it was that he had to be taking care of you like that. As if you were a little kid. 
He came back with the medicine and sighed, handing you the pills, as he watched you down them like it was something so normal for you.
“I saw you eating very little these days, Y/N” he noticed. 
You nodded, putting down the bottle of water Jimin had given you. “I haven’t had much time to do so, to be honest” you explained, not looking at him.
“Why?” he asked you with a serious tone, so unlikely of him. “You need to eat” 
“I know, I’m not a baby, Jimin” you said, rolling your eyes. “I just had a lot of work on my back and yeah, I have been eating, just not full on meals. Don’t have the time” 
Jimin looked at you and sighed.
“Did I… did I make you uncomfortable?” he asked you. You looked at him wide-eyed. “I just saw you grabbing at your chest like you do when you’re anxious”
You opened your mouth to speak but closed it, probably looking like a fish. “N-no, you didn’t” you chuckled nervously. 
Jimin didn’t want to press on the matter. “Okay… I really hope you feel comfortable around me” he said and then frowned. “Scratch that, I do want you uncomfortable. I want you to be nervous and notice me when I’m with you. You know, just like I do” he smiled. “Feel the butterflies in your stomach. Not anxiety”
You forced a smile.
He chuckled and patted your hair, like he always did. “Just don’t be sick, you know?”
You bit your lip and nodded. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
You got to your apartment and turned on the lights. 
Your cat, the one that Karina had brought to you a couple of months ago to cheer you up after a hard week at work, purred in between your legs and you cooed at him, bending down to hoist him up in your arms.
“Hey, Crookshanks” you said, scratching his ears. “I missed you”
You walked towards your room and sat on your bed with a sigh, Crookshanks slipping away from your arms.
Your chin quivered, feeling the need to cry bigger than everything. You closed your eyes, inhaling deep and exhaling out. 
With a bit of your lip, you retained your sobs in your throat.
「 ✦ 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡
𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 ✦ 」
You blinked your eyes, trying to wash the tears away. 
You dug your hand inside your pocket and took your phone out. Once you clicked on the gallery app, you saw a couple of photos with Jimin there. 
There was one from your graduation where he was holding your hair too tightly and your face was pinched in discomfort. You let out a breathy chuckle at that one. He had always been an I’m annoying but you love me kind of friend.  
Then, you came across another one. A picture you had taken of him a week ago, after going to the cinema. He was holding the bucket of popcorn on his head with a stupid smile on his face.
It hurt to admit, but Jimin was incredibly handsome, and you would’ve probably pursued something with him, if it wasn’t for Jungkook. 
You hadn’t thought about him in two days, and now your stupid brain reminds you of him. Why was it so hard to-
No, you weren’t going to do this. 
“Okay… out of sight, out of mind, right?” you said as you stood up and headed to the shower. 
Once you’ve had a moment to soak up in the warm water, trying to think the least possible about your ex boyfriend, something you failed miserably to do, you got out in your towel, shaking your wet hair with another one. 
You walked towards your drawer to find some comfortable pajamas to wear, pulling out a simple tank top and a pair of shorts. When you grabbed your comfortable pair of socks that you loved to wear to bed, something slipped up. 
You crouched down to grab it and gasped once you came to the reality of what it was. 
It was a necklace that Jungkook had gifted you on your birthday, long before you two were even together.
“Happy birthday, Y/N” he had said with a toothy grin.
You gasped at the little box in his hands. “This for me?” you asked with a big smile.
He blushed and nodded. “Yeah, I hope you like it”
You opened the box carefully and your heart doubled its size when you found a Cartier necklace inside. You frowned. “Oh God, Jungkook, this must’ve cost a fortune, I can’t- I can’t accept this”
Jungkook chuckled and grabbed the necklace from the box. He turned you around by the shoulders, pulled your hair to the side and clasped it around your neck. “Of course you can accept this and you will” he giggled. 
“I love it, thank you” you said, turning around to face him. “Thank you, Jungkook” you said, again.
He smiled and booped your nose. “You’re welcome, Jagi”
You pressed your eyes together to avoid crying and threw the necklace far away across the room. 
「 ✦ 𝐈 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬
𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 ✦ 」
You quickly sorbed your nose and stood up, wiping the tears that managed to escape. 
“I can do this” you whispered to yourself. “I can do this” you repeated, “Just a couple of dates with Jimin. Someone who genuinely wants you, yeah” 
You tried convincing yourself that this was what you wanted. To go on dates with Jimin to eventually start dating him. You could trick your brain into thinking that that was what you wanted, sure. 
But you couldn’t trick your heart. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The next day, Karina picked you up from work and went to a bar to have something to drink to decompress from stress.
“So… how are you with Jimin?” she asked you, as soon as your beers arrived. 
You pressed your eyes together and snorted. “Karina…” you trailed off. 
“What?” she smirked, “I just want to know” she shrugged. 
You took a sip from your beer and sighed. “It’s cool, I guess” you shrugged, feeling like there was nothing else to add.
“You don’t like him?” Karina asked you. 
You frowned. “N-no, it’s not that I don’t like him. I mean, he’s great. He’s super attentive, he knows me really well, which is terrifying, he’s handsome, he’s cool, he’s funny…” you trailed off.
“But you don’t like him” Karina didn’t ask this time. She stated. 
You looked at Karina who gave you a sympathetic smile. “No.” you sighed. “How can I make me like him, though? I really want to like him. Because he’s great, he’s good to me”
Karina shrugged. “Maybe with time, bubs. But don’t pressure yourself into something you’re not ready” she gently said. “Or something you don’t feel” 
You smiled at your friend, really thankful to have someone like her next to you. “Thank you, Kari” 
She smiled. “No worries, girl. I’ve got your back”
“Yeah, a little bit too much, it makes me feel bad” you scoffed with a laugh.
“I love having your back, Y/N. Plus, it’s what friends are supposed to do” she shrugged.
“Yeah. Okay, enough about me. I feel like every time we hang out we talk about my miserable life, and it’s starting to get boring, honestly. How are you and Tae?” you asked her.
She smiled instantly at the mention of her boyfriend. “We’re really good, Y/N” she said, genuinely happy. “I… don’t tell anyone but I think he’s really close to proposing”
You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands. “What? Really?!” you squealed and she nodded. “Oh my God, Karina, that’s amazing!” 
“I know, I know” she said, pressing her hands to her cheek to soothe down the blush she felt creeping on her cheeks. 
“I am definitely the maid of honor, right?” 
“Are you kidding me?” she scoffed, offended by the question. “Of course you are gonna be the maid of honor, Y/N”
“God! Taehyung you better propose to her, otherwise, I’m killing you” you said out loud, making Karina laugh. “How do you know, though?”
Karina looked up, thinking. “Well, he’s been dropping hints, being very secretive about something but making me aware that he’s being secretive about something” she smirked. “I’m having this urge to snoop in his closet, you know, under his underwear to see if he has that box hidden somewhere”
“No!” you almost yelled. “No, girl, let him surprise you!”
Karina sighed, defeatedly. “You’re right” she nodded. 
“Okay, let’s make a toast. For upcoming engagements”
She held her beer up and clinked it with yours. “And to finding happiness”
You felt a sharp sting on your nose, like you were about to cry. 
“Yeah, and that too” you smiled.
You made the toast and downed your beers. 
「 ✦ 𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐤𝐢𝐝
𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝: "𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 '𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭
"𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐝✦ 」
You faked a smile and continued with the conversation that Karina had started about wedding gowns or some sort.
You were going to be okay.
You can do it with a broken heart. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
By the end of the night, Karina dropped you at your house and waved to you from the car before speeding off.
Even if the beers were what you needed, you felt the need to drink more alcohol along with something sweet to soothe down the uneasiness you were feeling in your stomach.
You walked towards the mini market down the block and purchased a carton of soju and some sweets. 
As you were paying, two customers behind you were talking and you couldn’t help but perk up your ears. 
“It’s the first snow?” she asked her friend.
“Yeah, it is” the friend replied.
“Gosh, I hate it when it snows” she shook her head. 
The cashier told you the price and you paid, without even paying attention to how much it was. You were focusing on one thing.
It was the first snow. 
You got out of the mini market with your stuff inside your pockets with one thing in your mind:
Getting to Namsan as quickly as you could.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
You got out of the taxi cab you had called and walked the steps of the building. 
What am I even doing here?, you asked yourself. 
You shook your head, not even wanting to go further into it. 
You rode the cable car, downing the packet of sweets you had bought with a smile on your face. Nothing better than a snowy weather with something sweet to down it. 
After a week of a shit ton of work, you felt the need to cool down. 
You walked out of the cable car and handed the security guard your ticket, granting your access to the outer observatory. 
As you walked the steps, deep in your thoughts, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach.
“Fuck… not now, not now” you whispered to yourself. With heavy legs, you carried yourself up the steps to the observatory when you saw someone with dark hair, a long coat and pierced ears. 
No… it couldn’t be.
He walked just like him, with that lazy swagger and full of confidence in himself. It had to be… but it couldn't be. 
You ran towards him, not knowing what really came over you and grabbed his arm. “Jungkook!” you called loudly. 
The man turned around and you gasped.
It wasn’t him.
The man looked at you with a frown and pulled his face back, clearly confused at why a stranger was calling him another name and grabbing at him.
Your eyes widened and your cheeks blushed. “Oh, God, I’m so, so sorry. I thought- I thought you were someone else” you stammered. “Sorry, again”
“No, it’s okay” the man smiled slightly and walked away.
You pressed your hand on your forehead and let out an embarrassed sigh. “Good job, Y/N. Good job” you scolded yourself as you plopped down on a bench with a tired sigh. 
You dug your hand inside your pocket and took your carton of soju out. You plucked the straw and started drinking. 
“Gosh that feels good” you sighed. The embarrassment washed away the moment you took a sip of apple soju, your favourite kind. 
You felt your pocket buzzing with a call and you took your phone out, without realising that your wallet fell out of your pocket. 
“Hey, Chim” you said, sipping on the soju carton.
He smiled at the nickname. “Hi, Y/N” he replied. “How are you? I haven’t seen you today, I missed you”
You licked your lips and took a huge gulp of your alcoholic drink. “Yeah, I’ve- I’ve been really busy and Karina took me out for a drink today, so…”
“Oh, you had fun” 
“Yeah, Karina’s the best” you sighed. “Also, don’t tell anybody…”
“Okay, okay” Jimin lowered his voice.
“Karina thinks that Tae’s gonna propose to her soon” you told him and you heard his gasp.
“No way, really?”
“Yeah!” you nodded. “How exciting is that? They’ve been in love with each other for a long ass time, it was just a matter of time for them to get engaged” 
“Well, it’s just a suspicion, right?” Jimin asked.
“Yeah, yeah. Karina thinks that he’ll propose and she just told me today. We don’t know for certain. But I wouldn’t be surprised” you told him while you sipped on the carton. 
“No, I honestly got surprised at first when you told me but now that I think about it… it was really in their destiny for those two to get married. Their kids would be gorgeous” Jimin chuckled. 
You gasped. “I mean, right?” you nodded. “Absolutely, they’d be the most beautiful kids ever”
Jimin frowned. “What are you doing?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” you asked, sipping the last drop of alcohol from the carton.
“I hear wind, are you outside? It’s almost eleven, Y/N” Jimin said, sounding worried. 
“Oh…” you said as you looked at the city below. “I’m at Namsan” you shrugged. 
“Huh? At Namsan?” Jimin echoed. “It’s late and freezing ass, Y/N. The hell are you doing at Namsan?” he asked you. 
You chuckled at his worried state. “I’m okay, Chim. I visit Namsan really often, you’d be surprised”
You heard Jimin let out a nervous huff and you instantly smiled.
“Nothing, it’s just that you can be so careless of yourself” he said.
You frowned. “The hell is that supposed to mean?” you asked, getting annoyed. 
“Because you’ll catch a cold or something with this weather, at this time of the night. And also? The conversation we had yesterday about food? Come on, don’t tell me you have been taking good care of yourself because you and I both know that is not true” he said.
You squeezed the carton in your hand making it shrink in your hand. “Jimin, I don't need you to care for me. I’m not saying I don’t appreciate you being there for me, because I do, and you know how thankful I am. But at some point, you gotta realise I’m an adult and I can take care of myself, alright?” you scold him.
He sighs. “I know you’re an adult, Y/N. And I know you can take care of yourself, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m just saying how I think you haven’t… taken proper care of yourself lately and it’s worrying me” Jimin told you, and you could tell he was genuinely worried about you. 
“I just have a lot in my mind and work’s been hard on me” you said in a small voice. 
“I know, sweetie” Jimin cooed. “And it’s going to be okay. You don’t need to punish yourself like this” 
“I know” You sighed. You then got a shiver when a sudden cold breeze hit your back. “Oof, okay, I’m gonna get going. I’m freezing right now” you chuckled.
“See? At least tell me you brought your car with you” he said.
You didn’t answer.
“Y/N!” Jimin’s voice boomed through your phone’s speakers.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, okay?” you whined. “I just… I went to the mini market and heard it was the first snow, so I thought why not go to Namsan. And I didn’t have my car keys with me. I guess I was just too lazy to go and grab them, so I called a cab” you lied. You had been in such a hurry to get there that you didn’t even think about taking your car so you just took a taxi. 
“Okay… can you text me when you get home, though?” Jimin asked you. “I’m not gonna go to sleep til you do so, young lady. I have no problem staying up all night til I get that text” he said, in a scolding manner.
You let out a little laugh. “I will, I will. Don’t worry. And if I don’t, feel free to give me a call” you nodded. “Good night, Jimin” 
“Good night, sweetie” he said with a honeyed voice and hung up. 
You put your phone inside your pocket and closed your eyes, feeling the cool breeze and light snow hit your face. 
After a few minutes of soaking up in the breeze, you got up and headed down to the cable cars. The security guard smiled at you and spoke, “Can I see your ticket, miss?” he asked you.
“Yeah, hold on” you sighed, patting your pockets. Your eyes widened when you didn’t feel your wallet with you. “No, no, no, shit” you muttered.
“Everything okay?” the security guard asked.
“No, I think I dropped my wallet somewhere. Let me go get it” you said and ran back to the observatory. 
You eyed every single spot on the floor for it but didn’t find it. 
“Maybe it’s at the bench” you whispered, running towards it. 
Once you reached the bench, you smiled victoriously. 
“Yes” you hissed to yourself, grabbing the wallet and shoving it in your pocket. 
You looked up and saw only one person left in the observatory, which was weird due to the hour. It was a man with black hair and broad shoulders, who seemed to notice you, so he turned around.
What you didn’t expect at all, was that the person left at the observatory was Jungkook. 
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yoon-kooks · 2 years
p&p | jjk masterlist
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⛓️paired & pierced⛓️reader's pov✨smut✨
⛓️pairing: hotnerd!jungkook x popular!reader(f)
⛓️genre: smut, fluff, college!au
⛓️summary: When your professor assigns a collaborative midterm project, you’re paired up with Jeon Jungkook, the quiet grumpy smartass who keeps to himself and doesn’t fuck with popular kids like you. If you can win him over, he might give you a taste of the tatted and pierced body he’s carefully tucked away beneath those oversized hoodies.
⛓️word count: 5.3k
⛓️warnings: dom!jungkook, sub!reader, unprotected rough sex, daddy kink, good girl kink, she’s tight, he’s big, fingering, mutual masturbation, begging, edging, orgasm denial, cumshot, dick tattoo, not the soft jjk i usually write
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⛓️paired & puppy-eyed⛓️jjk's pov
⛓️summary: When Jeon Jungkook agrees to be your partner for a class project, he doesn’t realize what that might escalate to until you show up at his door in a teeny-tiny crop top and cling to his tattooed arm like his naughty little kitten.
⛓️word count: 4.6k
⛓️warnings: dom!jk, sub!reader, daddy/kitten undertones, dirty talk, reader calls herself a sl*t one time, dick tattoo, many rounds of sex off screen😔
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⛓️pastries & promises⛓️reader's pov
⛓️summary: After hooking up with the hot nerdy boy in your coding class over the weekend, you’ll use any excuse to keep his hands on your body all week long.
⛓️word count: 3k
⛓️warnings: catdilf!jk, dom!jk, sub!reader, daddy/kitten undertones, praise kink, dirty talk, oc is a horny lil brat, mention of getting wasted at parties, one instance of slut-shaming, oc makes an ignorant comment about earl grey tea lol, no explicit smut in this drabble
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⛓️playboys & pancakes⛓️jjk's pov
⛓️summary: When your fuckboy model friend Park Jimin returns from Paris, Jungkook can't help but feel a little jealous and protective over you even though the two of you aren't technically dating yet.
⛓️word count: 2.6k
⛓️warnings: catdilf!jk, dom!jk, sub!reader, daddy/kitten undertones, dirty talk, oc is a lil brat, boy gets jealous🤭, soft cuddling, jimin is a tattooed fuckboy, no explicit smut in this drabble
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⛓️paw prints & presents⛓️jjk's pov✨smut✨
⛓️summary: You and Jungkook never discussed Valentine’s Day plans, but that doesn’t mean the night won’t include corny Valentine’s cards and you getting down on your hands and knees in pretty pink lingerie for him.
⛓️word count: 2.1k
⛓️warnings: catdilf!jk, dom!jk, sub!reader, daddy/kitten undertones, praise kink, dirty talk, oc is a horny lil brat, dry humping, sex on the couch, handjob, blowjob, face fucking, cumshot, she swallows, oc makes another ignorant comment about earl grey tea lol
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⛓️playtime & punishment⛓️reader's pov✨smut✨
⛓️summary: You decide to push Jeon Jungkook's buttons until he snaps and puts you in your place like the little slut you are.
⛓️word count: 2.5k
⛓️warnings: catdilf!jungkook, dom!jungkook, sub!reader, daddy kink, good girl kink, nudes, hickeys, oc is a lil horny brat, jk puts her in her place, degradation, "slut" is used a lot, boobie squeezes, begging, she wants his cock so bad🥵, masturbation, oral nerd fantasy, fingering, edging, orgasm denial
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if you guys have any specific things you want to see from the p&p couple, feel free to lmk and i might write a drabble for it if i have time!✨ here's a list of ideas for future drabbles✏️ also adding the teaser link here bc the amount of notes is memeable✨
2K notes · View notes
wildestdreamsblog · 2 years
When you found out they cheated on you
Pairing: Maknae line x Reader
Warnings: Soft Yandere, Cheating, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: see, no one asked for this. I did this out of my own volition 😂 but this had been living in my mind rent free. I hope you enjoy!
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You angrily wiped your tears, shoving your things in your bag thoughtlessly. You didn’t care about the things you were leaving, didn’t care about the way you probably looked like an insane person, you didn’t care about anything but getting out of here as soon as possible.
Your movements were quick, going from one room to another in your haste to collect most of your things. You were about to go to the bathroom when the front door opened with a slam.
“Y/N! Baby!” Jimin’s voice was frantic as he called out for you, his legs carrying him to your shared room. The one you thought was filled with love and honesty, only for the memories to be sullied by him cheating on you.
You thought you were being irrational when you started suspecting that something was wrong, but you should have known that a woman’s intuition was almost never wrong. And God did you wish it was wrong because when you followed him from two cars behind and saw with your own eyes that he went to a exclusive hotel, only for him to come out hours later with a woman beside him, it broke you.
And when he kissed her, it destroyed you.
But nothing could have hurt more than the look in his eyes when he saw you from your car, his face telling you all you needed to know. And so you drove as fast as you could away from him and his lies.
But you guessed you could only run for so long before he caught up.
You didn’t look at him, didn’t even spare him a glance when he was desperately looking at you, his hand gripping your bag, attempting to stop you from packing your things.
“Baby, please. Please. Please talk to me, please,” he pleaded, tears falling from his eyes. He was out of his mind from the time he saw you looking at him from the parking lot as though you were disgusted by him. No. Not as though. You were disgusted.
You wrenched your bag away from his hold to no avail. And to your anger, you shoved your bag at him. If he wanted it so much, then you were going to leave it to him.
Fuck all your things.
Fuck him for breaking your heart.
He paled from your actions. You were always calm, always so gentle when it came to him that your sudden forceful actions displaced him. You were almost to the front door when he snapped out of his stupor, catching up to you. He caged you in his arms, pulling you so tight to him. Jimin was afraid that if he let you go, you’d leave and never come back.
“Let. Go.”
“No,” he mumbled, his voice muffled by him shoving his face on your hair, inhaling your scent in an attempt to calm the raging demons in him. “No. I’m sorry. I know I was wrong,” he said in a small voice that you almost jumped from how he screamed his confession next. “Something’s wrong with me! But please don’t leave me! I’ll fix it! I’ll fix us just please! Don’t leave.”
You didn’t know how, but you were able to wretched yourself away from him. You pushed him away, and in his emotional state, he fell to the floor.
Jimin looked pitiful. But you felt nothing but disgust when he touched you when before, you craved his touch.
Now you just felt dirty because of his touch.
“No. You disgust me,” you sobbed before leaving his house, and in turn, his life.
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“Tae Tae! I’m home!” You sang as you entered your shared house. You came home early because you wanted to surprise him. You knew how much he hated being away from you, and he barely let you leave the house last week even though this was for your work. Your Taehyung pouted all the way to the airport, and even demanded cutely that you kissed him for five minutes before he even let you out of the car.
You frowned when you saw two, opened food container when you passed the kitchen. You thought innocently that he must have been hungry. And with a smile, you entered your bedroom, only to see your boyfriend sleeping. He looked peaceful and hot as he slumbered off, his shirt nowhere to be found and his hair tousled. He must not have shaved since you left, and you’d admit you loved seeing him like this.
With light steps, you sat on the bed beside him, brushing his midnight hair away from his handsome and princely face, before planting a kiss on his cheek.
He opened his eyes, anger swirling on them before he smiled at you. He looked like a child on a Christmas eve when he saw you. He sat up immediately and embraced you, smiling from ear to ear as he finally had you again in his arms.
“Taehyung! You’re squeezing me,” you complained in his ear, and yet despite that you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend. He was warm, so pleasant to touch that you couldn’t help but rub his bareback, loving the way his muscles rippled.
“I miss you, princess,” his voice deeper from his sleep. “You’re not allowed to leave me again. I forbid it.”
You chuckled at your boyfriend’s silliness. You knew Taehyung was a bit clingy and possessive, but it never bothered you because at the end of the day, you knew his love for you was unparalleled.
“Don’t laugh, I’m serious.”
“Fine, my prince. I’m not going to leave you that long again,” you said to appease him. You planted a kiss on his shoulder when you caught a reddish mark on his otherwise perfect skin. Did he scratch it? Was his allergy acting up?
“Promise me,” he demanded in a hard voice.
“I promi-“
The sound of something inside the bedroom’s bathroom suddenly made you look at that direction, your brows furrowed as you pushed him away gently. If you were confused that he gripped your wrist, you didn’t comment. But still, you smiled at him and walked closer to the bathroom. You wished you didn’t open it because what was inside destroyed how you looked at him, how you looked at the one you loved the most.
The woman in front of you looked down, shame creeping on her face. Her hair was wet, undeniable that she showered in your shower. Her arms were wrapped around her as though to protect herself. But you wouldn’t hurt her.
She wasn’t the one who made a commitment to you.
The man behind you did.
Slowly, you looked at Taehyung, his lips quivering in panic.
“So…” you started in a cold voice, one that could be mistaken for calm if not for the storm that was in your eyes. “You missed me that much that you fucked another girl?”
He flinched, your words bullet to his heart. “This was a mistake, princess-“
You scoffed when you heard him called you that.
“It was a mistake! One that should have never seen the light of the day if only you left!” He screamed at the woman behind you, vein popping out of his neck from anger. He stalked to her, shouting at the now terrified woman. “I told you to leave! Why did you stay!! Why are you here?!”
You couldn’t recognize the man beside you. He never once shouted at you, and now seeing him angry at someone he fucked was unbelievable. How could he blame her when it took two to tango?
You pushed him away from the cowering woman. If you were not a kind person, you wouldn’t do this. But you couldn’t just stand there and let him verbally attack someone when he was an accomplice too.
“Why are you still here?! I told you to leave! Leave!”
You looked behind you. And despite the hurt and hatred in your heart, this was something between the two of you. You quietly told the girl to leave because if she wouldn’t, Taehyung wouldn’t stop screaming.
And when she left, you felt his hand touch your cheek sweetly. “She’s gone now, my princess,” he whispered, hope in his eyes as he gazed at you. “She’s never coming back.”
You slapped his hand away from your face. “How many times did you cheat on me?”
Taehyung ran his hand through his hair, his breathing shallow and rapid. “I-It was only once. It didn’t mean anything. You weren’t supposed to find out-“
“I don’t mean anything to you,” you whispered in realization. You flinched when he reached for you.
“You do! You mean the world to me!” He swore, visibly panicking when you wouldn’t let him touch you, when you kept on backing away from him as if he was dirty. “I-I was gonna propose. See?!” He hastily opened the drawer and retrieved a velvet box, in it was a ring he commissioned for you, something that was one of a kind. “We’re going to get married and all this will just be history.”
You were shaking your head before he could even finished. How did he think that you were still going to marry him after this?
Taehyung was certifiably insane.
“I’m never going to marry a cheater, Taehyung.”
And you ran to your car parked in his massive garage, eager to escape the man you thought loved you with all his heart. From the rearview mirror, you saw him running after your quickening car, never stopping until you passed the gate to his house.
You heard him screaming for your name.
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“No! No no no no no! Fuck, love please!” He begged as he attempted to catch up to you.
You didn’t think that your innocent surprise to your boyfriend of four years would end in this: you running from him. You finished your work early that day, and he had been begging you to let him see you tonight that you finally decided to surprise him in his work this time.
But you were the one surprised.
You should have taken noticed of the way the staff looked at you when you asked them where he was. They all looked at you with pity and fright. They were terrified of what would happen to you and how the golden maknae would react. You were so naive that you were smiling as you opened the door to the studio, only to find him sitting, his legs spread wide as a girl you recognized was one of the dancers bobbed her head up and down on his length. His eyes were closed, his hands on her head as he used her. You didn’t know how long you stood there, why you were frozen, why you couldn’t react. Was it because you thought he loved you with all his heart? That you thought he was the person you could trust the most in this world? That he would never do this to you? That your four-year relationship meant something?
Was that why your heart felt like it was going to break into tiny, million pieces?
“Y/N! You’re here,” You suddenly heard a deep voice from behind you which awoken Jungkook from his lust. The one who called you was Namjoon who was smiling at you, until he saw what you were seeing.
“L-love,” he stuttered, his eyes widening. He pushed the woman away from him, tucking his length inside him but before he could even do that, you were running away from him. Your tears were falling freely from embarrassment and pain. Did anyone know this? Were you made a fool?
“Y/N! My love! Wait please!” He yelled at the top of his lungs as you ran to the elevator, pushing the buttons repeatedly, willing for it to go faster because if it didn’t, you’d end up facing something you couldn’t even begin to process. Jin and Suga walked out of Suga’s studio with confused look on their faces when they heard the clamor of their golden maknae screaming his lungs out. Jin looked at Namjoon for explanation, and when the leader quietly explained it to his hyung, Suga’s eyes went cold.
Heavens must have taken pity on you that the door opened just when he was about to reach you. But you should know, Jungkook was fast. He shoved his hand on the elevator, effectively stopping it from closing. His doe eyes looked lost and afraid when you slapped his hand away from you.
“How could you do this to me,” you said with venom in your voice. Even in your sadness, you were conscious of the eyes on you, specifically Namjoon, Jin, and Suga. “How could you do this to us?”
He shook his head, his lips quivering as you pushed him out of the elevator. “I-I’ll fix this for us. I’ll be better. I’m sorry-“
“No. You’re sorry because I caught you, Jungkook.”
And when he didn’t say anything, only looking at you with tears falling in his eyes, you knew what to do. With resolution in your heart, you slipped off the ring he gave you just last week when he asked you to be his wife.
Last week, he loved you.
And now, he cheated on you.
“I’m so glad we’re not married yet. Thank you for cheating on me this early,” you mumbled as you walked near him, holding his hand so you could drop the ring he gave you. You could almost laugh in pain when you remembered him being so shy and scared as he knelt down and asked for your hand. And now you saw him with a girl kneeling for him.
The irony, you thought.
Jungkook shook his head when you tried to give him the ring, and when he didn’t accept it back, you dropped it to his feet.
“Goodbye, Jungkook,” you said in a cold voice. You were going to enter the elevator again when you felt his tight grip on your arm.
“You’re hurting me!”
“No! You promised me you’re going to be mine. You said you loved me! Do you not love me despite of my mistake! You can’t leave-“
A sudden hand shoved him away from you. You gasped as you looked up at your unlikely savior, Yoongi.
“You okay?” He whispered as he looked at your tear-filled eyes. Your hesitance to nod was clear to him. He offered you a small, reassuring smile. “Go inside. I’ll take care of him.”
Jungkook attempted to step closer to you but Yoongi’s hand was steady on the maknae’s chest. “Yoongi hyung! What are you doing! I need her-“
“Stop it, Jungkook.”
“No! I’ll die if she leaves me!” You could hear his screams, terror in your eyes as he trashed against Yoongi that Namjoon and Jin had to help the rapper contain the strong man. The elevator door seemed to take forever to close. The way he looked at you with desperation in his eyes, the way he trashed and struggled against his hyungs who could barely restrain the distressed man was etched in your mind forever.
And even as the door closed, you could hear him scream for you.
“I’ll find you, love. And we’re going to get pass this. You’re going to love me again!”
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cinnaminsvga · 6 months
Harana Preview | Jungkook
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harana (n.): the act of wooing someone by serenading them
→ summary:
Unwilling to settle down with you after five years of dating, Jeon Jungkook decides to break up to chase after his dreams. In the aftermath, you leave your hometown, desperate to forget your past and relearn what it means to be on your own. Two years later while on your way to work, you pass by a familiar voice singing songs about a girl he had left behind.
{or alternatively: Jungkook still sings the love songs that he wrote for you. He still means them, too.}
→ genre: busker!au, exes to lovers, fluff, angst → warnings: jimin is insane and kinda crude (he has some issues going on), jungkook is a pathetic wet bunny but he's trying his best, so much yearning, ambiguous ending??? but my god there is hope!! the humanity of it all!! → words: anticipated 10-15K → a/n: what da hell who is she... HEY SO its been a while since ive written anything longer than 2k words and i really wanted to get back into writing, if only for practice... plus this is part of my heart full of hugot series that i teased literally eons ago and i want to finish it before the year ends... pray for my sanity ( ; ω ; )
part of the “heart full of hugot” series
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As you struggle to pull yourself together, a familiarly loud voice rings outside the edge of your consciousness. “Hey, Y/N! Fancy seeing you here…” Jimin greets you, his usual jovial demeanor halting midway when he sees your panicked expression. He clears his throat, perplexed. “Umm… Are you alright there, girl? You’re looking a little pale.”
You do not even have the mental capacity to wonder why Park Jimin was miraculously early to his shift, nor why he seems genuinely worried for you. Rather, all you can do is wave him off and use what little time you have before the restaurant opens to steel yourself for hours of melodious torture. 
“I’m fine, Park. You should get to work,” you grit out, wiping your sweaty palms on your uniform. Normally, Jimin would have teased you about the obvious wrinkles on your skirt. 
“You’re not the boss of me,” Jimin huffs, always the contrarian. He thinks better of it, however, and softens his tone. “Are you feeling sick or something? You look like you just saw a ghost.”
You freeze, perhaps giving yourself away a little. “I’m fine,” you repeat. 
“You know, if you refuse to elaborate, I’m going to have to retract your shower privileges,” Jimin taunts with a smirk. 
You feel a migraine growing by your temple, making you wince. God, why must men be the source of all your problems?
“I’m just… a little annoyed by the busker outside the restaurant,” you eventually admit, trying to be vague. Unfortunately for you, Jimin hates beating around the bush and would never take your crap if he knows something is up.
Unable to withstand the weight of his unimpressed stare, you continue, “He was someone I used to know, that’s all.” You aren’t going to be any more specific than that, though you imagine Jimin gets the picture. You zip your lips, hoping to whoever is causing you pain that Jimin would somehow let the matter drop and leave you to your misery.
You brace yourself for his onslaught of questioning to come, and… it doesn’t happen. Instead, when you glance at Jimin, he is mysteriously stone faced. You wait for him to speak for what feels like a few minutes, but he doesn’t show any signs of wanting to tease or ridicule you. He simply watches you with a pensive expression. You can barely stop yourself from staring back at him, slack-jawed at his silence. 
Of course, you aren’t just going to question your luck, or what little you have at least. So, you stay silent back and purse your lips uncomfortably.
Finally, Jimin seems to snap out of his strange reverie. He fixes you with a bizarrely sympathetic grin, patting you affectionately on the back. “I see… Well, if you ever need a drink tonight, head over to the bar for a little sip. I got you covered,” is all he says in response before sashaying away. 
That was so fucking weird. You want to chase after him, perhaps beat the truth out of him. Jimin is nothing but a scheming dick, and you aren’t about to let him roam free with such sensitive information about yourself. Just as you’re about to stomp his ass (perhaps to relieve some of the building tension from your weary soul), your manager pops his head from his office door. 
“Y/N! Make sure you’re logged into the booking system. There’s going to be a party of 20 coming in about an hour,” he reminds you, shooting you an apologetic look. You nod back with a sigh, swiping the booking tablet from the hostess desk and scrolling through the logs. Sure enough, it is going to be a busy night despite being a Monday evening. Perhaps a little busier than usual, in fact.
Whatever. You will use whatever distraction you can get, and perhaps the approaching noise from the restaurant patrons will be enough to drown out the sound of his voice. 
You aren’t religious by any means, but you pray to whatever higher power exists that Jeon Jungkook doesn’t somehow decide to enter the restaurant. Stay outside, you plead. Outside the restaurant and your life, if possible.
Throughout the evening, you do your best to push aside the memories that threaten to resurface. You greet customers with a smile, lead them to their tables, and ensure their dining experience is pleasant despite the anxiety poisoning your insides. It's a routine you've perfected over time, a shield against the chaos of your emotions.
As the night wears on, you can feel Jimin's eyes on you from across the restaurant. You sneak glances back at him, and you blanch at his pitying gaze. If the restaurant had been slightly less crowded, you would have flipped him off. 
He’s probably enjoying my suffering, you think darkly. Unwilling to give him the satisfaction, you straighten up and do your best to appear more unaffected. Just as you do so, you can hear Jungkook perfectly hitting a soulful high note. 
“I’m so sorry for thinking I was strong,” you whisper to the universe. “Forgive me for my insolence.” You clench your fist in anguish, ignoring the confused looks from the customers in front of you. 
By the time your shift comes to a close, you are completely and utterly drained. You feel like a snail that has been continuously salted over the past eight hours, and you cannot help but cheer in relief when the clock finally strikes two in the morning. You have to wait for the last few diners to make their leave, but otherwise you are ready to let your bed swallow you whole. 
You stand by your hostess desk, leaning your head against it with a defeated sigh. Jungkook’s voice had died down only a few minutes ago, and you hope that by this point he has mercifully left the premises. You want to take a peek to make sure, but just as you’re about to make your way to the door, you feel a hand on your shoulder stop you in your tracks.
“‘Sup, bitch.” Jimin still has that weird, pitying gaze pointed at you, though his words don’t match it. “Are you okay to go home alone tonight? I can bring your dumb ass home if you want.”
You shove his hand away, ready to bite his head off when you think better of it. If Jimin drives you home, then that lowers the chances of seeing Jungkook down to pretty much zero. 
“You know what? Thanks,” you grouse. Jimin smiles at you winningly, and the image of it brings a shiver down your spine. You hit him, creeped out. “Hey. Stop that, will you? You’re being really weird?”
Jimin scoffs, crossing his arms. “Me? Weird? At least I don’t look like a damn firework ready to explode just because my cringelord ex-boyfriend is singing sappy love songs outside—”
“Shut the fuck up,” you seethe, stomping on his foot. He yelps in pain and slaps your shoulder in retaliation. 
“Ouch! Watch your ogre feet! My shoes are worth twice your monthly rent I’ll have you know,” he bristles. He breathes deeply, likely finding his inner calm (which you doubt exists). “But because I’m so nice, I’ll ignore your earlier transgression and blame it on your underdeveloped amygdala.”
You don’t know what’s more surprising: the fact that Jimin knew what an amygdala was or that he was forgiving you in the first place. “Whatever. Let’s finish closing up and then head out. I’m exhausted.”
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