#parquet industrial
jaydalexingram · 10 months
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Contemporary Deck in Barcelona Inspiration for a remodel of a mid-sized modern rooftop deck with metal railings, a fireplace, and a pergola.
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foodfalls · 1 year
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Rooftop - Deck Deck - mid-sized contemporary rooftop rooftop metal railing deck idea with a fireplace and a pergola
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oleg-rybak · 1 year
Rooftop - Deck
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Deck - mid-sized contemporary rooftop rooftop metal railing deck idea with a fireplace and a pergola
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samconcepcion · 1 year
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Contemporary Deck Deck - mid-sized contemporary rooftop rooftop metal railing deck idea with a fireplace and a pergola
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Deck Rooftop Barcelona An illustration of a medium-sized modern rooftop deck with metal railings that has a fireplace and a pergola
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hollywoodumc · 1 year
Contemporary Deck in Barcelona
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Inspiration for a remodel of a mid-sized modern rooftop deck with metal railings, a fireplace, and a pergola.
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flancrossing · 1 year
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Contemporary Deck Barcelona Image of a modern, mid-sized rooftop deck with metal railings, a fireplace, and a pergola
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xcaetus · 2 years
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Rooftop - Deck
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makeupasmydrug · 1 year
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Living Room Home Bar Example of a mid-sized urban open concept medium tone wood floor and brown floor living room design with a bar and gray walls
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sstudiously · 1 year
Living Room Bologna
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Living room - mid-sized industrial loft-style light wood floor living room idea with gray walls and no tv
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asrulrshanks · 1 year
6 Fakta menarik tentang lantai kayu jati
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Lantai kayu jati adalah jenis lantai yang terbuat dari kayu jati asli. Kayu jati dikenal sebagai salah satu jenis kayu yang kuat, tahan lama, dan memiliki keindahan estetika yang menarik.
Lantai kayu jati telah menjadi pilihan populer untuk menghiasi rumah, kantor, dan berbagai jenis bangunan lainnya karena kelebihan-kelebihannya.
Fakta menarik lantai kayu jati yang perlu kalian ketahui!
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1. Bahan berkualitas tinggi
Kayu jati adalah salah satu jenis kayu keras terbaik yang tersedia. Kayu ini tumbuh secara alami di Asia Tenggara dan memiliki serat yang kuat dan padat. Kekuatan dan ketahanannya membuatnya cocok untuk digunakan sebagai bahan lantai yang dapat menahan lalu lintas dan beban yang tinggi.
2. Keindahan alami
Lantai kayu jati memiliki keindahan alami yang menarik. Kayu jati memiliki warna yang kaya, mulai dari cokelat keemasan hingga cokelat tua dengan pola serat yang unik. Setiap papan lantai kayu jati memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, sehingga setiap lantai terlihat unik dan alami.
3. Tahan lama
Salah satu kelebihan utama lantai kayu jati adalah ketahanannya terhadap keausan dan kerusakan. Kayu jati memiliki tingkat kekerasan yang tinggi dan tahan terhadap goresan, noda, dan penandaan sehari-hari. Dengan perawatan yang baik, lantai kayu jati dapat bertahan selama bertahun-tahun bahkan puluhan tahun.
4. Perawatan yang relatif mudah
Lantai kayu jati tidak memerlukan perawatan yang rumit. Cukup dengan membersihkannya secara teratur dengan sapu lembut atau penyedot debu dan menjaga kelembaban yang tepat di ruangan. Anda juga dapat menggunakan pembersih kayu yang direkomendasikan untuk menjaga kilap dan keindahan lantai.
5. Kualitas udara yang baik
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Lantai kayu jati alami dan tidak mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya seperti karpet atau lantai vinil. Ini membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang baik untuk kualitas udara dalam ruangan. Lantai kayu jati tidak menangkap debu, alergen, atau bahan kimia berbahaya, sehingga cocok untuk orang-orang yang menderita alergi atau masalah pernapasan.
5. Keberlanjutan
Penggunaan lantai kayu jati juga dapat menjadi pilihan yang ramah lingkungan. Kayu jati dapat diperoleh secara berkelanjutan melalui kehutanan yang dikelola dengan baik, dan karena sifat tahan lama lantai kayu jati, penggunaannya dapat mengurangi kebutuhan untuk mengganti lantai secara teratur.
6. Harga terjangkau
Harga Lantai Kayu Jati Indonesia biasanya di perjual belikan dengan itungan per meter, harganya cukup bervariasi mulai dari Rp. 250.000 - 470.000 per meter persegi. Tergantung ukuran, grade A, B atau C.
Meskipun lantai kayu jati memiliki banyak kelebihan, perlu diingat bahwa harga lantai kayu jati biasanya lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan jenis lantai lainnya. Namun, seiring dengan keindahan, kekuatan, dan ketahanannya, investasi dalam lantai kayu jati dapat memberikan nilai jangka panjang dan meningkatkan tampilan serta nilai properti Anda.
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kyomi-shi · 2 years
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Rome Loft-Style Living Room
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atlasmagazine · 2 years
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Loft-Style Bedroom
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catherinetcjd · 1 year
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Windmill Parquet Floors
~ in 25 Metals & Industrial Varieties, and 3 size options ~
These floors were created for TS2 by CatherineTCJD of Sims Virtual Realty and MTS.
Most of these are metal, all of them are Industrial in nature... And, for lack of a better suggestion, I categorized them in with stone floors. Where they can be found for $7 each.
There are 25 different "Windmill" parquet floors, in 3 size options each. So... 75 floors, total.
I really like the largest 'slab' sized version - but, if you don't, you can easily delete them. (Those files are named with an XL.) Many of these would make terrific ceiling tiles too!
See more »
...a color swatch is included and the files are all properly named.
Enjoy! 🦚
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paintworksny · 9 months
Unveiling the Beauty: A Deep Dive into Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan by Paintworks NY
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Manhattan, the heartbeat of New York City, is home to a myriad of historic buildings and contemporary spaces, each with its unique charm. Amidst the diverse architectural tapestry, wood floors stand as timeless elements of elegance. In this detailed exploration, we'll delve into the intricate world of wood floor repair in Manhattan, spotlighting the expertise of Paintworks NY and their commitment to preserving the beauty of these iconic surfaces.
I. The Allure of Wood Floors in Manhattan:
From classic brownstones to modern penthouses, Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan have been a staple of Manhattan's interior design for decades. The warmth, character, and versatility of wood make it a preferred choice for homeowners and businesses alike. However, with the passage of time, these floors may succumb to wear and tear, prompting the need for expert repair services.
II. Challenges in Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan:
Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan's dynamic climate, foot traffic, and the inevitable impacts of daily life pose unique challenges to wood floors. Scratches, dents, water damage, and structural issues can mar the surface, requiring specialized attention for restoration. Paintworks NY, a trusted name in the industry, excels in identifying and addressing these challenges, employing advanced techniques to breathe new life into worn wood floors.
III. The Paintworks NY Approach:
1. Comprehensive Assessment:
   Before initiating any repair project, Paintworks NY conducts a thorough assessment of the wood floor's condition. This includes identifying the type of wood, assessing damage, and understanding the underlying causes to formulate a tailored repair plan.
2. Precision Craftsmanship:
   The team at Paintworks NY consists of skilled craftsmen with a wealth of experience in wood floor repair. Their expertise spans everything from repairing minor surface scratches to addressing more complex structural issues, ensuring a meticulous restoration process.
3. State-of-the-Art Equipment:
   Utilizing cutting-edge equipment and technology, Paintworks NY enhances the efficiency and precision of wood floor repairs. This includes dustless sanding techniques, minimizing disruption and maintaining a clean environment during the repair process.
4. Customized Finishes of Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan:
Recognizing the importance of aesthetic cohesion, Paintworks NY Wood Floor Repair in Manhattan offers a range of finishes to match the client's preferences. From glossy finishes that exude modern sophistication to matte finishes for a more rustic appeal, the team ensures that the repaired wood floor seamlessly integrates with the overall design.
IV. Case Studies: Exemplifying Paintworks NY's Expertise:
1. Reviving Historic Parquet Flooring:
   Explore the restoration of a historic brownstone's parquet flooring, where Paintworks NY skillfully repaired intricate patterns and revived the original beauty of the space.
2. Contemporary Loft Floor Transformation:
Journey through the transformation of a modern loft's distressed wood floor, showcasing Paintworks NY's ability to blend contemporary design with meticulous repair techniques.
V. Tips for Wood Floor Maintenance:
To prolong the life of wood floors, Paintworks NY provides practical maintenance tips, including regular cleaning, protective measures against furniture, and the importance of addressing issues promptly.
VI. The Future of Wood Floor Restoration:
As sustainability becomes integral to design practices, the blog explores Paintworks NY's perspective on eco-friendly wood floor restoration methods, shedding light on the evolving landscape of the industry.
In the heart of Manhattan, where history meets innovation, Paintworks NY emerges as a guardian of wood floor elegance. This blog serves as a comprehensive guide, offering readers a glimpse into the artistry, precision, and dedication involved in wood floor repair. Through a commitment to craftsmanship and a fusion of tradition and technology, Paintworks NY ensures that the timeless allure of wood floors continues to grace the interiors of Manhattan's architectural gems for years to come.
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
In 1971, the Angling Times sent reporter Dave Nash to document a disaster in Ockendon, Essex. The resulting article described the extinction of a local beauty spot, hundreds of hectares of open space where former gravel pits had become popular fishing lakes. “In less than a decade, what was one of the best fisheries in Essex has been savagely raped and despoiled. Seven hundred tons of household garbage is deposited into the pits every day, along with a similar undisclosed amount of industrial refuse.” The article was accompanied by a striking picture, taken by Nash, showing two men attempting to catch a pike between the scrap cars that lined the bank of Arisdale lake. “If it’s not the water level dropping,” said Jerry Hulbert, the vice-president of the Moor Hall and Belhus Angling Society, “then it’s the rubbish encroaching a few feet every day.”
I came across this story via my father-in-law, Cliff Hatton, who had sent me the newspaper cutting in the post. He would often tell me how the gravel pits, clay pits and sand pits of South Ockendon – initially dug out by the Ham River Grit company to feed the post-second world war hunger for concrete in south-east England – became, in his own excited words, “a nirvana” once they had naturally filled with water. “You dig a hole in Thurrock, leave it a few years and there are fish in it.”
The faintly absurd happenstance of the pits felt to me like a classic Essex story. My birth county had long made the best out of whatever the modern world threw at it, from industrial growth along the Thames to postwar new towns, becoming a shorthand for a loutish brand of greed-is-good Conservatism in the 1980s, and spray-tanned reality stars in the 2010s.
Like many former Londoners looking for green space, Cliff’s family had moved to South Ockendon from a housing estate near Romford in 1964, when Cliff was 11. He and his older brother Barry were keen fishers, and had enrolled in the local angling society. They rejoiced at the abundance of water they could dip their lines into. Cliff was a big fan of local heroes the Small Faces and the music of the burgeoning 1960s mod scene, which was filling Mecca ballrooms with R&B and soul from Forest Gate on the edge of London to Clacton on the coast. But it wasn’t music that kept him up all night. While his peers might have been trying their luck with a potential squeeze in the dark corner of a parquet-floored hall, he was sitting under the moonlight with a rod, eager to catch a handsome carp, perch or bream.
Cliff said one of the pits, known as Hamble Lane, had, like an increasing number of places in south Essex, become an established rubbish tip by the time they started fishing there. But, while fishing at night, he noticed something odd. “There was more activity at the site during the hours of darkness than there was during the hours of light, even though everybody should by law have been gone,” Cliff said. Lorries would come through the gates “nose-to-tail” with sometimes up to 14 in a convoy, all through the night until sunrise. It was only later he realised the extent of the industrial chemicals that were being dumped there under cover of darkness.
One day in 1967, an elderly neighbour had asked Cliff to bring back some sticks from the Hamble Lane dump that he could use in his rose garden. Cliff remembered his errand when he was on the way back from fishing, after the sun had gone down. He climbed on top of a pile of wood to search for sticks, and then jumped off. “I just leapt into the darkness thinking I was going to land on solid ground,” said Cliff. Instead, he found himself up to his waist in slime. After a few moments, his skin began to burn. He had jumped into a caustic slurry, dumped there by a pharmaceutical company based in Dagenham. “That led to me spending a week or so in hospital and many, many weeks after that invalided indoors with great burns to my legs and on my face,” said Cliff.
Cliff’s parents, knowing their place, never sought compensation. Once recovered enough to return to the pits, Cliff found two half-empty drums of granulated cyanide floating in one of them. Another time, he and his brother came across a mountain of glass vials, and suspected that barbiturates had been dumped a few yards from a school fence. “We took some samples to the local police station, and showed them these dangerous drugs and mentioned they were within yards of the school playing field, and the only question we were asked was: ‘What were you doing over there?’ They were more worried about the fact that we were trespassing.”
Thurrock council took no action over the scandalous pollution that burned him and destroyed the habitat he so cherished, leaving Cliff with “a lifelong grudge against authority”. Decades later, he still winced at the thought of the fish floundering about in a couple of feet of muddy, poisoned water as the pits were drained and the whole reserve became a landfill site; those that hadn’t already perished were buried alive under tonnes of industrial waste.
“And of course with them went all the voles and the birdlife, including kingfishers and bitterns.” Each time Cliff told me of his favourite fishing spot, the Ripples, it was as if he could see it before him anew. “It was dubbed the Ripples because when the wind blew on it and the sun shone on it, it was such a beautiful looking place. It sparkled. It was a paradise and it just went under a sea of filth.”
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