#partial info dump bc ive hyperfixated on series with these two before but not this one in particular
omegawolverine · 3 years
bro i agree sm with ur last post like i love falcon and the winter soldier but making walker sympathetic was probably the worst decision they ever made, along with the other choices, but that’s the one that irritated me the most
u summed up a lot of the problems with the show fantastically (i say a lot instead of all because i’m sure there’s more but u covered most of them so well)
ahh thank you!! yeah there's definetly more but i just wanted to make an offhanded post about me being pissy since i just finished the series lmao
anyways yeah when they started trying to make him sympathetic i was just like. hold. pause. did he not just kill someone when he definetly did not need to? did he not just spend the first half of the series preaching to the two best friends of captain america, a black man and a man who had literally known steve for basically his entire life, about how he would be a "good captain america" only to murder a man in broad daylight in a situation that was 100% preventable had he not interfered with what sam and bucky were doing? did he not, quite literally, talk down to sam and bucky as if they were weaker than him the entire series when both of them are literally stronger than him by at least 10 times in some aspect? like. how do you make that sympathetic? how???
like. it got to the point where i was just kinda like. is this my adhd? is this me spacing out and missing stuff? am i forgetting shit bc im just not invested enough??? but it's like. even if i am, it still doesnt add up, that bitch shouldn't be sympathetic in any way and if you're gonna make a three dimensional character who i sympathize with, you should probably think of doing that before making me think he's basically a cocky, entitled military brat who doesnt think he's racist bc his best friend is black or some shit like. you cant make me sympathize with that!! as a black person with family who has been in the military, i am not gonna sympathize with that at all!! like. idc that you're best friend (who died to give you character development, dear god do the writers not see how many racist tropes they played into writing this series?) died dude like yall wouldnt have been in that situation had you not being a cocky little shit!!
ajsksk like i know i said i was gonna get into it, i know i said i wasnt gonna discourse over this show bc im not invested enough and ive only watched it one time anyways so it's hard to pick apart but it's like. right off the bat, this show rubbed me the wrong way bc why is disney of all companies trying to give me a "racism bad!11!1!!" plot line? why is disney trying to give me a "and here's the struggles of a black man in america" (which also are like. the struggles of a privileged black man, specifically. had sam not been the falcon in that cop scene, he probably wouldve been dead or in jail at the very least) story as if they havent literally made multiple racist scenes in their movies before? like. sorry disney but you quite literally make white savior characters in every goddamn movie, why would i want this from you. especially when you're then gonna fuck it up by killing multiple poc characters, sympathizing with wonder bread walker, and literally writing racist tropes into your story about how racism affects black people.
(also the way they wrote bucky into this story pissed me off bc it's like. if you're trying to convince me he isnt racist, why would you make him have the lamest excuse ever for hiding a black super soldier. why would you have him be literally the least helpful mfer in that confrontation with the cops. "just give them your ID" okay cracker)
anyways. sorry for the long rant, i didnt realize how long i was going on for til I had this but hopefully you dont mind (and I'm so sorry if you do ajsksk) but that show was just. Not It for me and i think disney should go back to writing stories without racism as a plot point until they can learn how to not sympathize with every white man under the goddamn sun, no matter what his crime.
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