#partly so he can have a full body ref finally and so he can look good in a better style
bucketinyourwalls · 1 year
Updated SD Ref <3
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liketheinferno2 · 4 months
These aren't full ref sheets but I was trying to take some clear pictures of Hephaistos for later art reasons and then got side tracked doing all of the Pandaemonium bosses so here they are in order. Also for anyone following who doesn't play FFXIV and knows it as the catgirl game, enjoy this instead? VISUAL SPOILERS obviously.
Warder of the Condemned: Erichthonios
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Mythic Creation: The Hippokampos
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Mythic Creation: The Phoinix
(+ familiars)
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Hemitheos: Hesperos
(+ sexy fanfic redesign by Nemjiji)
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To be brutally honest I never really liked either of these designs compared to every other Hemitheos we get, I think the really brutal black and red of the Phoinix is weakened by gold accents, but I still am always down for gay vampire surf rock. The Savage version kind of looks like Ultimalius as well if you've played XVI.
Mythic Creation: Proto-Carbuncle
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Hemitheos: Hegemone
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^ My favourite detail on this is you can see the parasite's outlines in her robes and in her legs, then right through the eye holes on the mask to wrap around the torso. I'm convinced this version of Hegemone is functionally an ant being piloted by a cordyceps infection.
Hemitheos: Agdistis
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She's very big
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Perfect Imperfection: Hephaistos
I'm probably biased by Abyssos being the first raid I was there for day of release but these really are all fantastic. It's also when the story abandons all pretense of not being (at least partly) about family abuse and is loudly using the body horror and shackle motifs to talk about that. It's great. Hephaistos specifically is constantly bulging and twisting in and out of different forms like a highly unstable chimera and the more I look at these the more I notice parts that just should not be there. He's giving everything.
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As for the Savage design It's a hard thing to rate as such but my favourite part is the veins that grow down from the eyeholes in his mask like bloody tears.
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Thanks Abyssos I love you
Mythic Creation: Kokytos
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Dæmoniac Dungeon: Pandæmonium
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It's really hard to communicate how huge this nasty tumor crab I zoomed out as far as physically possible in the game engine and subsequently ended up at a goofy angle staring up his nose.
Ephemeral Justice: Themis
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Best boy. The double ended lance and second pair of arms are fantastic for this character.
Theos: Athena
In.. almost every final fantasy adventure you're fighting the real villain not at the very end but a little beforehand, the big iconic end boss is often more a metaphorical figure representing everything wrong with that first person's ideals. Athena cut out the middle man and became her own JENOVA.
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I do like the moth angel, especially the hollow body full of dubious orbs, but with her eyes closed all the time it gives off the impression of this not even being the true body but some kind of anglerfish lure in the shape of a fairy... which might be true because this exists:
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I really really love her twitchy anemone feelers and how the moth body ends up grafted to the rest of it waist down.
Anyway there's the gang I did not specifically intend for this to be design reviews I just wanted to have clear photos because when you actually see them in game there's other things to focus on. In hindsight I can appreciate more the theming of each tier and then the series as a whole, but my only (extremely obvious) observation for now is that every character Athena had a personal hold over is decorated in chains somehow and so I should have seen the Hegemone thing coming lmao. Heph and Aggy are still my favourites I don't think that's changing any time soon. I'm also noticing that Anabaseios is now just old enough for random DF parties to fuck up severely and I find that fun so I'm going to go fight the crab mansion now.
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tloujm · 3 years
Part XXVI: Giving Grief
Author’s Notes: This is the first chapter I’ve posted in months (literally since April). I don’t know if this is a full comeback. I have a few chapters in the drafts that need to be edited and formatted for posting but after that, I still plan on continuing the series bc my plan was always have a long fic. With no new content after part II of the game was released, my interest in the fandom waned but was always there. Now with HBO creating a show based off the game, as well as me being apart of the Pedro Pascal fandom, I think I will soon become more consistent in posting as new content gets released. I will say that at least half of what appeals to me for Joel is Troy Baker’s voice and while I love Pedro’s voice too, I know it won’t be the same. I still think Pedro will do the voice justice bc he can do a damn fine country accent as seen in the movie Prospect on Netflix. If you’re a fan of his and have Netflix, please go watch it!
Genre: Angst and Fluff
Summary: You and Joel reconcile and bond over Ellie and Sarah. 
Ship: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Joel waited for you to come home. He paced back and forth in the kitchen switching from holding the card and setting it down on the counter. He was eager to talk to you about this new revelation partly because he was nervous to have the other conversation with you. After a while of calming his nerves down, you still hadn’t come home. The sun had set an hour ago and Joel was ready to throw on his boots and go looking for you. 
Just as he laced them up, the front door opened. You walked in and immediately stopped because his body blocked you from walking in the house further. 
“Going somewhere?” You asked as you slid past him. He was a grown man and could do what he wanted, but the thought of him leaving to go do other things before the issue between you was resolved upset you. 
He reached back down to unlace his boots. “Not anymore. I was ‘bout to head out and find you.”
“Why?” You asked dryly.
“I’d been waiting on you to come home for a couple of hours. We gotta talk.”
“You’re right, we do. I was helping Wendy walk the kids home from the daycare; that’s what held me up. I’m here now, though.” You leaned against the back of the couch and crossed your arms. The stance you took reminded you of what Joel would do.
He walked into the kitchen and came back. “Kiddo made this for us.”
You took it in your hands. “When did she have time to make this?” He shrugged. Your fingers brushed across the drawing of the hat before finally opening it. “Oh my God.” She looked at you for a split second before looking back down at her signature. “Her name has been ‘Ellie’ the whole time.”
“I know.” He commented. 
“She never said anything. All of us have asked her.”
“Technically, she still hasn’t spoken her name, but I guess she wasn’t ready for that.”
“She wasn’t ready to let anybody in.” You said. He nodded in agreement.
“Until now.” He walked up to you and pointed to her name on the card. “She’s doing so good, this Ellie. I can only try to imagine the horrors that she’s seen out in the world before she came to Jackson, but whatever happened out there, it led her to us. I’m...It’s just nice to see her opening up to this place.”
You understood what he was trying to say. “Yeah, I’m proud of her too.” You walked past him and into the kitchen to hang the card on the refrigerator. Joel followed. This time, his arms were crossed.
“(Y/N), I meant it when I said I was sorry back there. I shouldn’t have said what I did.”
“If you didn’t mean it, you wouldn’t have said it.” You rebutted.
“I was upset with you because I expected you to react the same as me when Ellie climbed up that T-Rex, but I don’t want a carbon copy of myself. I love you and want to have a family with you because you are wise beyond your years, confident even if you don’t always think so, responsible even for things that aren’t your responsibility and most importantly, you’re level headedness. Where I have a tendency to lose my cool in certain situations, you are guided by this calm...patient sense of will that I envy.” He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, giving you the opportunity to say something. Seeing that you were still soaking in his words, he continued. “You’ll be a great mother. I saw it in the gentle way you juggled all those kids at the daycare. I saw it in the way you took care of Ellie the first day she came here. You’ll see though, if it’s meant for us to have a baby, how difficult it is to stop worrying. It didn’t stop when Sarah....even when I tried to push those feelings away. It doesn’t stop. I know she’s not her, but it’s hard for me to just stand by and watch her do something that could hurt her.”
“I wasn’t standing by, or at least that wasn’t my intention. I wanted to give her space. She’s so delicate, or maybe that’s my problem. I shouldn’t treat her like she’s some glass figurine. I just wanted her to grow comfortable with us by trusting her. Believe me, it wasn’t easy for me to do when there was nothing personally for me to go off of, but then I thought, she’s lived out there for God knows how long by herself. She’s not only seen things but has been able to survive things. It’s hard to see how clever someone is when they won’t let you in, but I knew she had to be to have made it this far. I get it though. I’ve never been a parent. I can only sympathize with your worries. I can not empathize with you until I’ve been where you have. I’m sorry too. I could have found a way to give her space without allowing her to be in such a dangerous spot. You must be disappointed in me.”
He moved up to you and placed his hands on your shoulder. “I’m not. Look at me. I’m not disappointed in you. She was both of our responsibilities earlier.” He brought you into a tight hug. “You’re right, she is smart. She felt comfortable enough to show a side of herself that no one else has seen. You know why? ‘Cause she felt safe around us. Despite the grief she put me through, it was nice to see her so happy.”
“I know it was, wasn’t it? I can’t believe she jumped though! I didn’t think she’d go that far.”
“At the end of the day, kids will be kids. It’s not an excuse to slack off on raising ‘em, but there's just a certain wild and carefree nature that every kid has. It’s instilled in their DNA or somethin’ and then it fades away as they get older, about the time their back starts to ache.” Joel chuckled as he explained. He kissed the top of your head before pulling away to get a good look at you. He made a face as if to ask if you were ok. You nodded. He took your hand and pulled you into the living room. You sat down next to him. “She reminds me of Sarah sometimes. Ellie’s about the same age as her. She ran me through the ringer, raising that one.” He chuckled at the memories. “I wouldn’t trade it in for the world, being her dad, but you shoulda seen the amount of grief she put me through. Especially being a single parent.” He wiped his hand across his face, letting it linger along the length of his neck. “One time, she snuck off to some skate park when I told her no. She was in this skateboarding phase. I bought her a customized skateboard for her birthday and she would practice using it up and down the driveway. She had barely learned that little flippy trick when she asked me to take her to the skate park. I told her no because it looked like it was for experienced skaters. I wanted her to practice more first. To say the least, she was mad at me. She told me she was staying after school for the science club, but she really went to the skate park with some friends. By the time I figured out where she was, I found her lying in the grass, holding her arm in pain. Turned out she had a hairline fracture in her...radius?” He pointed to the bone on his arm. You nodded that it was in fact called radius. “I grounded her for lying to me, but sometimes I wonder if I should have taken her to the park. I mean I’m no expert on skateboarding, but at least I could have been there to supervise; make sure she wasn’t on one of those tough looking ramps.”
“Did you ever take her skateboarding after she healed up?”
“After the cast came off, she switched interests to soccer. I installed a shelf on one of her walls to hang the skateboard on. Better that than being stuffed under her bed. Soccer was her life though. She made new friends from the team, won titles, learned tricks with the ball. Me and Tommy were regulars at her games. I was...am proud of her.”
You smiled as you envisioned his memories. “Did she give you grief with that as well?”
He nodded in an exaggerated way. “Oh yeah, but I’m sure I used to give her grief too.” You lifted your eyebrows with desire for him to elaborate. “I may or may not have argued with the coach and ref on a few occasions regarding plays.”
“You never dated any of the soccer moms?” You teased.
He scoffed. “Most of them were married and the ones who weren’t, I sent Tommy’s way instead. He wasn’t mad at it.” The two of you chuckled. “I did flirt with a few, married or not, so I could get my hands on some of their homemade baked goods.”
“I was under the assumption that soccer moms made food for everyone.”
“They did, but I still wanted a few more cupcakes for the ride home.” He admitted as you laughed. “Listen, I had a busy life. I didn’t have much time to hone my baking skills, so it was nice to be able to have homemade cakes and cookies for a change.
“Well, if you wanted cookies, that’s all you had to say! I can show you how to bake right now.”
“It’s late.” He reasoned.
“It’s never too late to feed your sweet tooth.” You rebutted as you pulled him back into the kitchen.
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thoughtsaboutshows · 3 years
21. Touch Football
this took forever but here we are! Set in a post part 4 world where no one dies. Sabrina was in Heaven in the halls of Baxter High.  Or at least the version of it that was actually good.  Nick’s arm was draped around her shoulder and holding her hand in his, brushing her knuckles as she enthusiastically explained how the week was going to go.  Her own hand was tucked into his back pocket and she was replaying the growl he’d let out in her head when she slipped it into his jeans.  He was wearing his letterman jacket and she was in her cheerleading uniform and without even trying the two walked as if they owned the school.  All eyes were on them, a couple that looked that good were going to draw the attention, but Nick’s entire self was captured by Sabrina.  And well, she was paying no mind to the rest of the school.  She was full to the brim with joy, and this Heaven was nothing like the Sweet Hereafter she’d spent a week in after she’d died draining the void.
Nick was over the moon as well, with his girl tucked close to him as her lavender lotion invaded his senses.  This is what he had envisioned when he showed up at Sabrina’s co- president meet and greet, the two of them together walking close.  It was only out matched by the moment Sabrina had shown up in the Academy’s library, hand in hand with Hecate, cheeks flushed and alive.  He’d almost tripped over the table leg running to her.  He didn’t care if she was a ghost or a dream, he just wanted to be near her, look at her, see the golden specks in her brown eyes.  But when he touched her face it was warm and the fingertips that she rubbed up and down his chest sent real goosebumps rushing across his skin.  He felt those same goosebumps now, with her hand in his back pocket and a laugh that was more like sweet honey than anything else.
“And Wednesday is jocks and nerds day.  And you’re both so that shouldn’t be too hard.”  She giggled as she nuzzled her nose into his jaw.
“Hey now!”  He mocked hurt and kissed her nose, drawing an even bigger smile from her lips.
“And then Thursday is the powder puff game.”  Sabrina nodded proudly.  She was excited for this.  It was Juniors versus Seniors and had been looking forward to it ever since she started Baxter High.  She’d missed it last year, too busy with eldritch terrors and dying to attend homecoming festivities.   But now as a senior, she was going to make it count.
“I’m sorry, the what now?”  Nick raised his eyebrows as he turned to her.  She giggled again and stopped, leaning against a wall and pulling him against her.  His hands settled on her hips as hers trailed up his chest and onto his shoulders.
“Powder Puff.  It’s a touch football game the junior and senior girls play during homecoming week.”  Sabrina smacked her lips and smiled as she smoothed her thumbs over the sinews underneath his shirt.  “What there’s nothing like that at the Academy?”
“Prudence and her sisters liked to play some crazy games.”  He joked as she rolled her eyes at him and poked him in the side.  They both chuckled as he leaned in to kiss her softly.  Sabrina and Nick had long since grown out of any insecurity about the sisters or any other aspects of their past.  Harvey and Nick even had become something like friends.  Nick and Sabrina were just grateful that they were here and alive, choosing to channel their energy into spells or the perfect way to make their bodies tick.  Rather than rehashing ghosts of choices past.  His lips were still pressed against hers as he spoke again, tasting her smile.  “I like our games much better, Spellman.  Trust me.”
She bit his lip once but then pushed him away with her gentle fingers, knowing that getting caught engaging in too much PDA could earn her detention and a one way ticket off the powder puff team.  The two could hardly be trusted once they got a taste of each other and Sabrina didn’t want to test their self-control today.  She and Nick could have their fun later.
“So you’re gonna come and cheer me on, right?”  Sabrina asked him as she grabbed his hand and returned it to its spot over her shoulder.  The look she gave him was inviting, an unspoken promise of what he’d be rewarded with if he went.  But she didn’t need to dangle the carrot in front of him, he was down and supportive of anything she wanted to do.  He’d show up regardless and well, they’d end up naked and in their bed later regardless too.
“I’ll be there, Spellman.”  He turned to kiss her forehead and she nudged his chin with her nose once before they walked into their first class.
Later that week when Sabrina was donned in her short black shorts and red t-shirt, headband firmly in place, Nick wondered why Powderpuff wasn’t a year round thing.  Somehow a masterpiece of adorable and sexy all at once, Sabrina Spellman took the field by storm.  The black shorts were a contrast to her milky skin and so different from what he normally caught her in.   He didn’t care much what she wore, she amazed him either way.   But around Nick Sabrina was wearing her classic sweatered style or nothing at all, saving the headband for last for Nick to pluck off of her.
She knew what she was doing, purposely rolling her shorts up higher and charming her t-shirt to sit just tight enough.  She winked at Nick from below on the field as Roz applied two thick, black lines on her cheeks, and bit her red lip before waving and skipping off.  Nick swallowed thickly, already thinking of all the games they could play or the football innuendos he could squeeze in later.
But to him, even sexier than she looked, was the way she was playing.  She was the strongest person he knew, and that certainly came through.  A menace on the field that Sabrina Spellman, she managed to pay both offense and defense, scoring the seniors enough points where the refs didn’t even have to rig the game for the seniors to win.  Nick knew well that Sabrina was energetic, dedicated, and can definitely hold her own when it came to being physical.  But she took it to a whole new level and made that game her bitch.  And frankly, while Nick still didn’t fully understand football, he understood one thing: Sabrina Spellman drove him absolutely wild.  He was turned on, and he wanted her.
Despite playing all game, she was all energy and smiles when she saw Nick waiting for her by the football field gate.  He was donned in his letterman jacket and when he opened it a bit it revealed a dark shirt with her face on it, making some ridiculous face from over the summer that Nick had snapped a picture of and fell in love with.  She rolled her eyes and took off running towards him, his own smile widening at her excitement.
His arms opened on instinct and she threw themselves in them, partly to cover up his shirt and partly because she could feel his desire for her all game.  It radiated off him all night, his magic mingling with hers and desperately seeking release.  She’d been feeding off of the energy, channeling it into her blocks or feet while she ran.  But now it was itching at her skin, seeking out what it has wanted all along.  Who she’d wanted all along.
He sunk into her kiss immediately when she finally did kiss him, and one hand trailed into her hair while the other pulled her around the waist to keep her to him.  They could both feel it now, that crackle underneath every party of them, humming in anticipation at being reunited.
“Good game, babe.”  Nick groaned when she pulled away and slowly slid down his body to her own feet, purposely taking her time when ber hips brushed against his.
“Did you like it?”  She asked him with a head cocked to the side as she reached out and brushed a curl out of his face.  Her hand trailed down his chest as she picked at the shirt and shook her head.  With a smirk he brushed her chin up to look at him.
“I loved it.  As for this shirt, well I did say I would cheer for you.  And I thoroughly watched you score over and over.”  He brushed her hair back now and she shivered at how dark his eyes had gotten.  “Think you’ll score again?”  He wasn’t talking about the game.
“I don’t know, you might though.”  She narrowed her eyes suggestively and he tugged her closer.  “If you play the game right.”
“I always take you all the way.”  He kissed her so gently it tingled.   Neither of them cared that there were people around them still.  “What do they call it, babe?”  He asked her with his mouth a breath away from her ear.  “A touch down?  I know you love a good touch, especially down.”
Sabrina swallowed thickly, nearly choking on the desire for him and the magic rushing through her seeking out the connection it only found with Nick.  She grabbed his hand and pulled him behind a shed, kissing him wildly and hungerly grabbing at his hands and placing them where she wanted them on her body.
“Take me home, Nick.”  She nearly demanded and he gave a biting chuckle against her lips before teleporting them back to what had quickly become their room at the Mortuary.
They both got their chances to tear off the other’s t-shirt, not wasting anymore time or energy on anything else.
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kdreamscenario · 6 years
The Boss’ Girl Ch. 10
Lee Minwoo (Shinhwa) X Reader X Jeon Jungkook (BTS)
(Feat. Yoon Dujun (Highlight), Kim Dongwan (Shinhwa))
Rated: M sub!Jungkook, switch!reader, dom!Minwoo, stepping, degradation, foot job, temp play, cum marking, face fucking, deep throating... you see where this is going.
Word Count: 7582
Ch. 9 | Ch. 11
Mina and Jungkook have been officially dating for two weeks.  Like any gossip, the whole company knows about it the day after.  Mina wasn’t shy to tell all of the secretaries as soon as Jungkook gave her the okay.  They teased you a bit for the boy finally dropping his effort with you.  You thank Mina for taking him.  
By now the flutter around the new couple has settled.  As a couple they aren’t super lovey dovey at work.  Being in different departments means they don’t see each other often.  The only painful part is Mina twittering about their dates every time the girls get together.  They’ve been on three dates so far, all of them completely planned by Jungkook.  
Mina always drones on dreamily about how much of an old romantic Jungkook is.  They’ve barely gone passed first base in a month.  You’re the only one who doesn’t gush over her stories.  You can’t even remember the last time a guy took you out on some sappy rom-com date and that’s more than fine.  
The best part of their dating is how much your office life goes back to normal.  Jungkook still comes nearly every day to drop off papers but there are no more little notes to you.  He’s turned confident and casual with you, not cold or unfriendly just professionally amicable.  Your elevator rides out of the office are once again solo trips.  
Upon hearing the news, Minwoo simply said he was glad your little problem was resolved.  He rewarded you well for the accomplishment that next weekend.
Saturday is the first company versus company soccer game of spring.  Minwoo and Dongwan have been organizing their teams for the last 8 years.  The companies meet once a month from March to September.  They say it’s great team building but it’s more another way for the two to compete.  
Minwoo has been so excited to show off Jungkook.  He’s the best player for the team in a long time.  Dongwan has an employee, Dujun, that lives, breaths, and sleeps soccer.  Dongwan’s company has been winning the year end award for 3 years in a row.  Minwoo is hoping Jungkook can be his key to victory this year.  
These soccer games are so important to Minwoo that he matches game weekends with your menstrual cycle.  He doesn’t go out the Friday night before a game and doesn’t have you over to play.  
Early Saturday morning he warms up with a short jog.  He comes home to you sitting at the kitchen island sipping a cup of coffee.  There’s some egg scramble and his favorite smoothie waiting for him beside you.  He doesn’t even have coffee in case it upsets his stomach or gives him a caffeine crash during the game.  
The soccer turf is still slightly damp with melting frost when you arrive.  The morning air has a chill even though it’s nearly eleven.  Minwoo meets Dongwan and a few others out stretching on the field.  You go to the small bleachers on the side.  Most of the interns, a few of the secretaries, and a couple other employees are already huddled in groups on the cold benches.  There’s usually a good turn out of spectators.  Partly because lunch is provided and partly for the female employees to watch the hottest guys in the office run around and sweat.
The secretaries wave you over.  They have a few big blankets draped over their laps and offer you one end.  Proving your point of why they’re here,  Yoona is pouting that there won’t be much sweating in this weather.
Ten minutes after eleven the stands are fairly full and almost all the players are ready.  Mina and Jungkook arrive soon after.  Jungkook walks Mina over to the seats.  They bow and say good morning to everyone.  Jungkook looks you up and down, his gaze lingering a bit too obviously.  You raise a brow in question and he snaps out of it.          
“I've never seen you all not dressed in office attire.”  He grins sheepishly and you all giggle.  Of course it must be a big change to see everyone dressed so casually.  “Surprise we're actually normal humans on the weekends.”  Sooji teases.  “You're still pretty of course.”  He adds rubbing his neck and looking to Mina if that was okay to say.  She laughs right along.  
Minwoo calls Jungkook to stop flirting and come get ready.  He asks Mina to watch his duffle bag and pulls his sweatshirt off over his head. Jungkook mentally scolds himself for thinking you looked so cute and feminine in a big puffy sweater dress and thermal leggings.  Your makeup is much lighter, just mascara and tinted lip balm.  Your hair always perfectly coiffed in neat corporate fashion is down in a loose braid.  Maybe this is what you might have looked like in college.  It shakes him up more than he's comfortable admitting.
Without the baggy sweatshirt you all get an eyeful of Jungkook outside of work attire.  He’s wearing a form fitting long sleeve athletic top paired with skin-tight leggings and soccer shorts.  Even with the shorts you can tell the boy is hard lean muscle from head to toe.  
“Quit drooling you hyenas.”  Mina scolds you all.  Jungkook looks cutely confused, making his baby face clash with his body.  Mina pats his shoulder and pushes him toward the field.  “Have fun and good luck.  We’ll be cheering for you!”  He jogs off with a wave.  Minwoo introduces him to Dongwan, Dujun, and some of the others.  
Standing next to each other you can’t help but compare Minwoo and Jungkook.  Minwoo is wearing a very similar outfit.  The biggest difference is his slightly thicker shirt is neon green as opposed to Jungkook’s all black attire.  Minwoo is also a good bit shorter but looks much more manly and commanding.  He’s just as muscled and fit, his strong jaw and slight stubble give him a much more mature look.  You think to yourself that you’ve got the better of the two.  
It’s a close game from the start.  Jungkook is a huge help to slow down Dujun.  The two are always on each other.  Dujun only beating him with experience.  He knows better where to run, when to pass, and how to fake out.  Jungkook keeps up by sheer stamina and athleticism.  Dongwan and Minwoo cover each other in equal fever.  
At the half point break the game is 1-0, Dongwan’s team winning.  Jungkook comes over for his water bottle.  The poor boy is panting and slumps on the bleacher in front of you.  “They really play seriously.”  He huffs. “You’re doing great though.”  Mina grabs the towel out of his bag and dabs at the sweat around his face and neck.  He smiles and lavishes in her doting.  A group of girls behind you from the other company are thoroughly upset at the scene.  The cute newbie already has a girlfriend.  
The ref blows the whistle to end the break.  With a groan Jungkook gets back up and goes back to the field.  It’s obvious Jungkook and Dujun are tiring each other out.  Jungkook blocks Dujun’s pass and your team makes a goal.  It’s nearing 1 when the lunch delivery shows up.  As always you get up and take charge of where they set up the table of food and signing the receipt.  
A cacophony of shouts and cheers are coming from the stands.  You turn back to watch the end of the match.  Kim Yongmin of your accounting office passes the ball to Minwoo.  Dongwan intercepts the pass and runs it to their side.  Minwoo is on his heels trying to reclaim the ball.  Dongwan struggles but makes a pass to Dujun.  Jungkook is right there to stop him.  There’s a long struggle.  Dujun fakes left and kicks a back pass to their shooter.  
In the last second they make their goal.  The ref blows with whistle to end the game.  Dongwan’s team runs together cheering.  Your office team stops to catch their breath.  Both teams shake hands for a good game.            
The food delivery offers different beautiful lunch boxes and hot barley tea.  There's plenty of food for the hungry players to get as many boxes as they want.  It's all delicious but having to watch Mina coo over Jungkook scarfing down 3 whole boxes diminishes your appetite.  The boy beams and blushes at nearly every doting praise.  You're sitting with Minwoo and Dongwan only a few feet away trying to ignore the sickening scene.  
Kim Sangmin the head of financing approaches the three of you, thankfully giving you something else to focus on.  “Sir.  The Beyond company president is on the phone.  They're not happy with the budgeting proposal.”  Minwoo sighs deeply at this but takes the cell phone from him.  He stands and walks out onto the field to finish the call.  From here you can see how irritated he is and with good reason.  The CEO for Beyond cosmetics is an intolerable old miser.  If he weren't such a big customer Minwoo would've dropped their contracts years ago.
Minwoo ends the call and comes back to where you're waiting.  “He's unhappy with the project meant to launch on Monday we're having an emergency meeting at 3. That gives you about an hour to collect everything you need, get detailed spreadsheets reprinted, and be in the main conference room ready to stick your pitch to them.  Did you have anyone else working with you on this?”  Minwoo gives these instructions all while handing back the phone, cleaning up his lunch, and pulling on his jacket.
“Yes, sir.  Jeon Jungkook worked with me on this.”  Sangmin replies.  Minwoo gives the faintest smirk then calls over to the intern.  “Jungkook!”  He jumps to attention right away.  “Yes?”  “We're having an emergency meeting with Beyond.  Come along and help Sangmin.”  The boy looks shocked but grabs his things right away.  He says a quick goodbye to Mina while Minwoo says goodbye to Dongwan and the company in general.  
Sangmin had his car there so he would drive himself and Jungkook to the office.  Driver Park pulls up minutes after Minwoo calls for him.  It's a less than ten minute drive even with Saturday traffic.  
At the building, you and Minwoo go straight up to his office.  To clean up a bit Minwoo washes his face, straightens up his hair with a wet comb, changes into an extra shirt and slacks, and sprays on a bit of cologne.  That's as much as he can do with the time given.  You switch your sneakers to the spare pair of black pumps you keep in the office closet.  These last minute meetings are common enough for you both.  
While Minwoo was cleaning up you made a pot of coffee, hot water, and a pitcher of ice water with all the accoutrements for the conference room. You had the insight to also grab a few boxes of pastries from the lunch delivery to offer on a tray.  That's about as much as you can help with.  
It's 2:50 when the four of you are in the conference room with everything set.  Minwoo comes in last, giving last minute orders without a pause.  “Sangmin you wait here, I'll go down to the lobby and bring the CEO here.  Jungkook you're not dressed for a meeting you wait in my office with secretary Y/N if we need you for anything.  I hope we can get this done fast.”  Jungkook looks sheepish and apologizes.  He can't really be blamed.  He hadn't really brought a change of clothes besides a spare t-shirt and there's no real way for him to get cleaned up.  Sangmin luckily hadn't been playing soccer and was dressed nice enough.  
Minwoo ducks out the door after these last instructions.  You and Jungkook leave as well after wishing Sangmin the best of luck.  The intern follows behind you quietly all the way up to the office.  You sit at your desk and check your cell and the desk phone.  It takes you a few minutes to realize Jungkook is standing awkwardly by your desk looking at the painting on the wall but not really seeing it.  
“You can sit down you know.  They'll probably be a while.”  He jumps a bit at your speaking.  You give him a skeptical look then turn back to your desk phone.  He rubs the back of his neck gives an awkward laugh and finally sits in the seat across from you at the desk.  He feels so stupid that being alone with you is putting him so on edge.  His stupid brain goes right back to the last time the two of you were alone here like this.  
He'd done so well not thinking about you clutching onto him right here every work day.  Now it's the only image in his brain.  You quivering against him through an orgasm.  What could you be doing with Minwoo today?  You're busy listening to voicemails and not looking.  He tries to see if anything is out of the ordinary but you look fine.  No flushed cheeks or panting breath.  You do look especially pretty today though.  This relaxed casual look is really captivating.  Jungkook is crushing on you all over again seeing you this way and it's so wrong.  He's so stupid to think that when he's got Mina but he can't help it.
You can feel Jungkook staring at you so you turn.  Before he looks away you think he looked afflicted by something.  “Is there something wrong Jungkook?”  “No.”  He mumbles.  “Good, then would you please find something else to do while we wait besides staring at me?”  He looks up to defend himself but you’ve turned back to the phone.  He huffs and pulls out his cell phone.  Social media does keep his attention for a full 20 minutes.    
All of your voicemails are heard through and taken note of for Monday.  Sitting on that cold bench for hours and even sitting in your desk chair has your back pretty knotted up.  You stand to stretch but an abdominal cramp makes you double over to clutch to the desk.  Seeing you like that gives Jungkook immediate flashbacks.  It makes him more angry than anything.
“Really?  Are you really doing this again?”  He snaps.  You look up to throw daggers, surprised to see he’s giving you his own.  “What exactly do you mean?”  You snap back.  Jungkook can’t believe you’re playing dumb right now.  “You’re playing one of your little games with CEO Lee right in front of me again.  I guess you really don’t care.”  
It takes you a moment to realize your current position might look differently given past experiences.  That doesn’t excuse Jungkook for being this snippy.  “I’m having a menstrual cramp for your information.”  All of the anger drops from Jungkook’s face then flushes with embarrassment.  
“Oh.  I’m so sorry.  I just thought that you were.  You know… doing other things in front of me again.  Can I get you anything?”  You roll your eyes at his dumb ramblings.  “A cup of tea would be nice since you’re asking.”  Jungkook scrambles out of his chair.  “Of course!”  He’s hurried over to the elevator without asking what kind of tea you even wanted.  He’s just glad to get out of the room.
While he’s gone you try to stretch out your back without cramping up your stomach again.  A few yoga poses would be great right now but the last thing you need is for Jungkook to walk in with you doing a cat-cow pose on the floor.  
He’s back quickly with a cup of coffee, a cup of mint tea, and a few pastries.  “I brought you mint tea.  I hope that’s okay.  My mom drinks it when she’s not feeling well.”  He places the steaming mug and the pastries on your desk.  Mint tea is for upset stomachs not really cramps but at least he tried.  The two of you sit in silence again, sipping tea and nibbling on the snack.  
“Are you feeling better?”  Jungkook asks not sure what else he should say.  “A little tea isn’t going to really help you know.”  Jungkook frowns.  “Is there something else I can do?  Maybe massage your back for you?  Not in a weird way of course just like a normal massage.”  That came out way worse than he meant it.  You weigh your options a moment.  The last thing this awkward tension needs is him touching you but a massage sounds too good right now.  
“If you really wouldn’t mind that would help.”  Jungkook stares wide eyed for a moment.  He didn’t expect you to say yes.  It was a stupid thing to suggest in the first place.  “Sure.  It’s your back that hurts right?  Maybe you could um… lay over the desk?  Is that weird?”  You hadn’t really thought about how you’d go about this.  Laying over the desk is really the only option.  
The two of you clear enough space for you to bend with your torso on the desk and Jungkook standing beside you facing perpendicular.  Once you’ve settled Jungkook presses his thumbs along the tight muscles along your spine right where it’s knotted.  You can’t help the moan at just how good it feels.  Of course the golden intern is also great at giving a massage.  He continues to work out all the tightness along your back.  Even at the awkward angle and posture, you’ve never had someone’s hands feel this good.  
Each new spot pulls more sounds out of you.  No amount of biting your lip can hold them all back.  So much for the massage not being weird.  Jungkook is dying with all this stimuli.  He’s trying to think of anything else to not get aroused.  Maybe if you’re talking you can’t make these noises.  
“This is a weird time to ask, but why do you hate me?”  The question catches you off guard.  “Jungkook.  I don’t hate you.  You’ve just given me reason to keep my distance.  If you weren’t so persistent about dating me I might be nicer.”  He frowns at this and thinks a minute.  “Then would you tell me besides money and age what you like more about CEO Lee?”
It’s mean to laugh but you can’t help it.  “The most important thing between me and CEO Lee that you’re missing is sexual experience.”  That sounds like a stupid reason to Jungkook. He stops massaging but rests his hands on your back. “Is that really all?  I can easily make up for that.  That’s not a great reason to pick a man.”  
You keep laughing at just how naive the boy is.  “Jungkook you’re forgetting that our relationship is not a romantic one.  It’s purely sexual.  Experience and ability are the most important factor here.”  Jungkook is silent for a long pause.  He’s struggling to grasp the concept.    
“Think of the filthiest porn you’ve ever watched and assume that’s the sort of thing we do together.  You can’t compare that with some virgin boy’s experience.”  Jungkook takes a step back.  “I’m not a virgin!”  He exclaims.  You sit up to look at him.  “Fine barely not a virgin then.  Have you had sex more than once in your life?”  
He can’t argue against that.  The red cheeked angry pout gives him away.  “Let me guess.  You dated an older girl in college and she took control of everything.  She took your first time, showed you the basics, then tossed you away when she was done?”  Jungkook stays quiet.  Your words hurt with accuracy.  No one has ever figured him out so easily.  You’re reading him like an open book and he’s mortified.  
“You see now why I continue to deny your advances?  I don’t have time for to train a kid with a noona fetish.”  You straighten your posture and stand back on your feet.  Jungkook crowds you back against the desk, arms trapping you in.  You’ve pushed him too far.  “Why not try?  I’m a fast learner.  It could be something new and interesting”
You give him the coldest glare you can.  “Minwoo keeps me well interested.  Besides you’re already dating Mina.  I’m not going to start useless office drama for you.” Jungkook doesn’t hesitate.  “I’ll dump her.”  “No.  It’s still not worth it.  She’ll be heartbroken and I’ll have to hear about it for months.”  Jungkook knows he sounds desperate but he can’t seem to care.  “Please just tell me what I can do.  I’ll do whatever you say.  I just want to please you.”
You should push him away.  He’s at the point of groveling that should really disgust you.  Instead his words spark the smallest bit of interest.  You hate how solid his body feels against yours.  He could easily overpower you.  His height and build towering over you but you’ve got him like putty in your hand.  Being the one in control for once is a thrilling experience.
“All I want is for you to back up.”  Hurt flashes in his pretty eyes.  He was really hoping that your pause in answering meant you were considering it.  Still he’s not going to give up.  He drops his head and takes a big step back.  You know what he’s playing at.  
“If you’re waiting for me to tell you to kneel down and kiss my feet you can forget it.”  You joke.  Jungkook knows he’s pushing it but he drops to his knees anyway.  He reaches for your foot but you step it back.  With the toe of your shoe you push his head back up.  He’s really testing your patience.  
“That wasn’t a command.”  You snap.  You’re in a bit of shock knowing he would really do anything you ask to please you.  Guys who will drop their pride to be dominated by a woman are very rare to come by.  There’s no way he could be faking this just to sleep with you.  Any normal person should be outraged by someone pushing their face with a shoe.  Jungkook looks like he’s almost enjoying it.
You tap his chin with the toe of your shoe to close his hanging jaw.  “Look at you.  Absolutely pathetic.”  You snear, crossing your arms.  Jungkook doesn’t move.  “Do you like me treating you this way?  I that why you keep bothering me?  You enjoy being degraded?  I didn’t take you as a masochist.  Are you turned on by me bossing you around?   I bet you were getting hard just from giving me that massage.”  
You watch the boys reactions.  You keep pushing to see how far he’ll let you go.  The only answer you’re getting are unfocused sparkling eyes.  You tap his cheek to get his attention.  “Answer me.  Did you get hard from touching me?”  “Yes.”  His voice cracks on the single syllable.
He’s close to tears.  Not tears of pain but tears of being overwhelmed.  He had never thought about wanting this until now.  Having a kink pressured out of him breaks him up.  He’s not telling you to stop so you keep pushing.
“Can’t control yourself touching me like a little boy.  You need training don’t you?”  “Yes.”  Jungkook waits just long enough to be sure you’re done talking before answering.  “Yes what?”  You demand.  “Yes, noona.”  That’s not the answer you were looking for but it sounds so good you go with it. “Good boy.”  His cheeks flush from the praise.  He’s really in deep but he doesn’t care.  
“I’ll give you one training and nothing more because you obviously need it.”  He looks at you in disbelief.  What could you mean by training?  “If you blow your load two minutes after Mina touches you, the whole office will know how much of an inexperienced little boy you are.  You should be careful dating girls like Mina.”  
He’s thought of this once before.  It’s one of the reasons why he hasn’t slept with Mina yet.  Mina is much more a girl who expects to be taken care of.  She would absolutely destroy him if she knew he was a useless quick shot.  Training is exactly what he needs.  “Please help me noona.”  
He looks sinfully innocent.  You’d be a monster not to help this poor little lamb.  “Of course.  First, put those hands behind your back since they cause you trouble.”  He obeys instantly.  The toe of your shoe comes to his chest and moves him to lean back and straighten his back.  You keep traveling down, drawing a line down his torso to his knee.  From his knee you toe right up to his groin, resting his balls on your shoe.  
The breath stutters out of his lungs.  He almost whimpers when you drop your foot back down.  With underwear, sports leggings, and soccer shorts there are too many layers for your idea to work.  “Without getting up, I want you to take these shorts off and your sweatshirt.”  He strips off the articles you asked for and get back into position.  
This was an excellent decision.  He’s left in the skin tight athletic top and leggings.  You can see the outline of every toned muscle and best of all the length of his dick hard along the inside of his left thigh.  You take your time soaking in every inch of this young Adonis.  
The suspense frays Jungkook’s nerves.  He’s afraid you’ll stop and send him away.  He sits poised like a show dog waiting for the judges approval.  He doesn’t notice you slipping off your heel.  Your bare foot touching his thigh knocks the air out of him again.  
The top of your foot runs up the inside of his thigh on the opposite side of his hard on.  Just before the apex you drop your foot back to his other knee, travelling up over the trembling muscles.  He’s shaking, not from holding himself in position but from excitement.  
To his agony, you continue just brushing over his legs two more times, never once touching where he needs it.  The fourth pass up the right side you turn and firmly stroke down and up his throbbing member.  Even in the tight confines of his leggings, it jumps out at your touch.  Jungkook moans loudly, not holding it in.  Touching him through his pants with your foot shouldn’t feel this good.  He’s had lubed hand jobs give him less of a reaction.  
You rub him through three slow strokes and he’s already feeling the tightening in his balls.  You drop your foot and he groans.  He’s panting and out of breath.  “Look at you.  You can barely handle a little touching like this and you think you can compete with CEO Lee?  You need to learn control.”  You scoff.  He hates to hear his boss’ name from you but he wants so much to please you.  “Yes, noona.”  
You tilt his head up to look you in the eye again.  “I’m going to keep playing with you but you’re not allowed to cum until I say.  Understand?”  “Yes, noona.”  It comes out like a plea for you to keep going.  
There’s no teasing this time.  You go right back to slowly stroking him.  Every four or five times you stop to let him compose himself.  Gradually you pick up speed and add more strokes.  Jungkook tries so hard to think of something else to get his mind off the need for release.  He doesn’t realize how much he’s trembling, mouth hanging, flushed and panting for breath.  There’s no focus in his eyes.  You’re spurred on by how hot and fucked out he looks.  
He’s so entranced in the pattern you’ve set.  When he next expects you to pull away you instead roll the head of his cock between the pad of your foot and your toes.  He doubles over moaning out loudly.  “Noona!”  “Don’t you dare cum.”  You scold, not letting up.  He cries out trying to hold it in.  “Please… I can’t!”  His eyes fill with tears.  His dick twitches uncontrollably.  You pull back your foot and give his length a firm slap then drop back to the floor.  
You let Jungkook have a long break to collect himself.  He takes a full 5 minutes to slow his breathing and lean back into place.  “Are you okay to continue?”  You ask when you think he’s ready.  “Yes, noona.”  His voice is gravely and cracks again.  He’s not ready to move on but he wants to be a good boy for you.  
Starting again from the beginning he can tell he’s so much more sensitive.  He only gets up to seven strokes before there are tears running down his cheeks.  You can see he’s trying so hard to be good.  “You’re doing so good.  Do you want to cum?”  Jungkook jerks his head up to look at you, his watery doe eyes pleading.  “Please noona.”  “Are you sure?  You want this to be over?”  Oh no, he hadn’t thought of it that way.  If he cums you’ll be done with him.  By what you said, done for good.  He panics.  There’s no way he can hold back anymore but will you be disappointed that he wants to cum?  You can see the wheels turning in his head.  “You’ve been so good.  I won’t be mad if you want to finish.”  With your permission he caves.  “Please noona.  I need to cum.”  You smile a little.  “Okay you can cum baby.”  You go right in to rolling the head of his cock again to help him out.  He moans, cumming right away.  His hips thrusts up on their own with each wave of his orgasm.  The warm sticky liquid soaks through his leggings and you use it to keep stroking over him.  The pleasure fades all too fast into over stimulation.  He tries to tilt his hips away from your touch.  You’d love to work him right into another orgasm but there’s no time.  It’s getting dangerously late now as it is.  
Jungkook slumps forward with a sigh.  You grab a tissue from the desk and wipe the dampness from your foot.  “You did well.  Better than I expected.  Try edging yourself to help build your stamina it should help a lot.”  You slip back on your shoe and take one last good look at the quiver boy in front of you.  “You free to do what you’d like now.  We’re done”  
Jungkook lets his arms fall forward to help hold him up.  His whole body relaxes, all the tension slipping away.  He takes a deep breath and stands.  The blood rushes to his numb legs and feet.  Every step shoots pins and needles up his legs but he needs to get out of there.  Embarrassment and disappointment come welling up like the blood rush.  “I’m going to get cleaned up.”  He mumbles and stiffly walks over to the bathroom.  
This floor has two single room bathrooms by the elevator and a private bathroom in Minwoo’s office.  Jungkook locks himself in one of the front bathrooms.  He’s leans back against the door, tempted to slip down to the floor.  Some time to alone to reflect would be great but he needs to get cleaned up.  He strips out of his underwear and leggings and does his best to clean the cold drying jizz out of the fabric.  It’s a good thing he grabbed his shorts to put on.
The sweat and tears are washed away.  The cold water helps to cool him down and compose himself a little.  He can’t wait to get home and have a nice hot shower, a stiff drink, and curl into bed.
Still so many thoughts are buzzing in his head.  It’s been a long time since he’s felt this pathetic.  How could he stoop so low for your approval.  Why does it even matter that much to him?  He has a girlfriend who would be more than happy to have regular sex with him and love him.  Being humiliated, controlled, and used like this shouldn’t turn him on this much.  It’s not right.  You didn’t even look affected by anything that just happened.  Hearing you call him a good boy had been so fulfilling but it was probably empty words to you.  At the end you were just as cold and distant as ever.  It hurts knowing you don’t need him at all.  
Jungkook has no idea how long he stands there staring blankly into his reflection.  The sounds of the elevator ding and two male voices outside snap him out of it.  He slips on his shorts and sweatshirt and braves going back out to the office.  Minwoo, Sangmin, and you are standing at the coffee table in Minwoo’s office.  
Jungkook tosses his bundle up wet bottoms into his duffle bag.  He enters the office where the three are going over the last notes from the meeting.  Minwoo looks at him when they’re done.  “Jungkook, help Sangmin put away the files then we can all go home.”  “Yes, sir.”  He answers quietly and happily leaves with Sangmin.  
You follow Minwoo over to his desk with your tablet in hand.  He goes over what changes are to be made for Monday’s schedule and any other notes.  The papers get filed away.  You switch back to your sneakers then the two of you go down to the lobby where the others are waiting.  
“Thank you gentlemen for spending your Saturday working.  I owe you a dinner but I think we can all agree on having it another time.”  Minwoo says.  “Yes I’m sure we’re all looking forward to hot showers and some rest at home by now.”  Sangmin thankfully speaks for you all.  
Minwoo notices Jungkook’s legs on their way out the door.  “What happened to you pants aren’t you cold?”  Jungkook doesn’t stop walking or even turn back to answer.  “No sir,  I was uncomfortable from the dried sweat.  I don’t live far.  I’ll be fine.”  Minwoo doesn’t press.  “Well have a goodnight everyone”  Jungkook does turn then to give a quick bow then makes a beeline for his apartment.
Sangmin calls over a cab.  You and Minwoo get into the car waiting for you.  The ride home is silent.  Minwoo thanks driver Park when you arrive at the apartment building.  In the elevator, you hit the buttons for your floor and his.  Minwoo unclicks your floor.  
“I have something I’d like to talk to you about.”  Minwoo isn’t giving you an option.  You’re definitely confused.  He never asks you to come up on soccer weekends.  Of course you go with him anyway without question.  
You both take off your shoes once you’re inside.  “Have a seat.”  Minwoo gestures to the couch and goes over to his mini bar.  You sit where he pointed and wait while he mixes himself a manhattan.  He takes a long sip then turns to face you.  “Y/N, you like your job right?”  
Of all the things you were considering that was not at all what you expected him to say.  “Yes, I love my job sir.”  You answer right away.  He sips his drink and hums.  “You like the relationship we have right?  You aren’t tired of me?”  He sounds too casual for such a heavy question.  “No of course I’m not tired of you.  How could I be?”  All these questions put you on edge.  Not once since you started this relationship has he asked you things like this.
Minwoo steps closer to where you’re sitting, stirring the ice around his glass.  “I’m just getting the feeling that maybe you’re forgetting some of our company policies on coworker relations in the work place.”  Realization hits you right away.  Minwoo must know all about what you did with Jungkook.  He must’ve watched the security footage at some point.  Perhaps even watching it during the meeting.
“Sir, I’m so sorry.  I don’t know what came over me.  I swear it’s the last time it will happen.”  “It better be.  It shouldn’t have happened at all.  That video footage could get you into a lot of trouble.  If Jungkook ever wanted to take that issue up to HR I’d have to fire you.”  That’s a really harsh blow for you.  You know it’s nothing personal, the company comes first for Minwoo.  You can’t blame him, it would be completely your fault.  
“You know there are good reasons why those sorts of activities are not allowed in the workplace.  I’m disappointed in you for slipping up.  Our hot young intern must attract you quite a lot.”  You hang your head low in shame.  It hurts to hear Minwoo be disappointed in you.  
“No, sir.  I apologize for my actions.  You’re right.  I’ve made a mistake.  Jungkook thinks he could take your place in this relationship.  He wouldn’t drop it so I decided to teach him a lesson.  I should have been the bigger person and left it alone.”  
Minwoo finishes his drink and sets the glass down on his crystal top coffee table.  “I’m still concerned that you have some lustful attraction for the boy.  I just want to know if I should be worried about you looking for a new relationship.”  
You look back up to make eye contact.  “No, sir.  I was clear with him that we were done after today.  I swear I only need you.”  You’re as sincere as can be.  There will be nothing more between you and Jungkook.  There’s no way he would want more of the treatment you gave him.
Minwoo steps in front of you and takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger.  “I want to believe you my dear, but you seem to cave everytime you’re left alone with him.  Of course our relationship has always been open and you’re free to have any other fun you want to just not at the company.”  He smiles tightly.  
Your relationship is open but there has been an unspoken agreement that the two of you were exclusive.  “I’ve been weak, but I promise I’m only yours.”  Minwoo is happy to hear that.  He really hopes this is the end of the problem.  His smiles turns to something a bit more mischievous.  
“Still you made a big mistake that I think deserves some punishment.”  He narrows his gaze and drags his thumb over your bottom lip.  His hand drops and he takes a few steps back.  With a crook of his finger he beckons you forward.  “Why don’t you start by getting on your knees.”  
You slink down to the floor to kneel in front of him.  “And put your hands behind your back.  You don’t deserve to touch today.”  Again you obey.  You recognize what he’s doing, putting you in the same position you had Jungkook.  “I couldn’t help but notice you took control over the intern.  You said he needs to learn his place.  I think you need a reminder of your own place.”  
Minwoo’s voice is deep and commanding.  It was fun to have the control with Jungkook but Minwoo makes you realize how much you love being submissive.  You’re anticipating the punishment which soft of defeats the purpose.  
Minwoo takes an ice cube out of his drink glass.  “Open your mouth and hold out your tongue.”  As soon as you do he puts the ice cube on the end of your tongue.  With two finger he rubs it in little circles all over the surface.  Little by little your tongue gets colder.  Temperature play isn’t unfamiliar to your sessions but this is something new.  You’re curious where he could be going with this.          
When the ice cube is nearly all melted there’s spit and water running all over your mouth.  Without taking away his fingers, Minwoo tells you to suck.  You close your lips around the digits and swallow down the liquid pooled in your mouth.  He appreciates the extra effort you take licking and sucking his fingers clean.
“Open again for me.”  You open your mouth right away.  Minwoo grabs another ice cube and repeats rubbing it across your tongue.  Your tongue gets even colder and wetter than before.  It’s starting to get a little numb.  
The ice cube melts away.  You expect him to tell you to suck again but he places another ice cube on your tongue.  “Stay just like that for me.”  He commands, wiping his wet fingers on the front of his slacks.  The ice cube doesn’t melt very fast on your cool tongue.  
Minwoo unbuckles his belt and undoes his pants.  He pulls them down just far enough to pull out his length.  The sight of it has your throat reflexively swallowing.  You’d been drooling if you hadn’t already been dribbling all over yourself.  You’re a good girl and keep your mouth open and waiting.  
Minwoo takes his dick in his hand and uses the head to rub the ice cube around.  He shudders at the first cold shock.  It doesn’t take long to feel good.  With the heat of his skin the ice cube melts much quicker.  Once it’s completely gone he tells you to suck again.  
Your warm lips wrapped tight around him give a contrast to your frigid tongue.  It feels amazing for him.  It’s a strange sensation to you that you can barely feel him with your tongue cold and numb.  This doesn’t hold you back from working him properly.  You know just what he likes.  Keeping tight suction, rolling your tongue in his sensitive spots, and bobbing your head.      
He lets you work him for a good while simply enjoying the service.  All the extra liquid makes for an amazing slickness.  You’re so beautiful to him like this.  You know this is where you’re meant to be.  
Gradually your mouth comes back to a consistent temperature.  That’s Minwoo’s cue for a time to change.  He runs a finger over your cheek to get your attention.  “I’m glad you’re enjoying this, but it’s supposed to be a punishment.”  He threads his fingers into your hair at the back of your head.  “Loosen your jaw and keep those hands behind you.”  
That’s the only warning you get before Minwoo gives a few shallow thrusts of his hips.  You relax your jaw muscles and let him take over.  He starts with slow strokes gradually getting deeper.  Then with his hands firmly pressed to your head he sinks in all the way to the base.  
Your throat stretches around his girth.  With little warning your the muscles spasm.  Your hands want to reflexively come to Minwoo’s legs but you keep them behind your back.  He sees them twitch then still.  You settle enough to swallow around him once then he pull out of your mouth completely.  He barely let’s you catch your breath before pushing back in.  
The pattern is repeated twice more.  Your jaw, throat, knees, and scalp are sore but you sit still and let Minwoo use you.  His thrusts this time are quicker and sloppy signaling how close he is to losing it.  When he pushes into your throat again you barely flinch.  This really pleases him.  “You’re such a good girl for me aren’t you?  Always a good girl.  Shame you have to get punished like this.”  His voices is so low and gravely it gives you chills.  
Minwoo moans when you swallow around him.  He’s way too close now.  He pulls you off his length completely and takes it in one hands.  The other hand holds your head back.  “Keep that mouth open and don’t take your eyes off me.”  He strokes himself quickly to the finish.  Thick streams of cum land all over your face and tongue.  
He puts the tip back between your lips and has you suck the last few drops from him.  Once he’s sure that all of it has come out he uses the tip to smear the globs on your face into your skin.  He spends extra time painting it over your lips like lip gloss.  “I hope this helps you remember in the future just who you belong to.”  
Minwoo takes a step back to admire his work.  “I ought to take a picture of this and send it to Jungkook.  He’d get the point pretty fast I think.”  Just the idea gives you a thrill.  Jungkook would no doubt use that as spank bank material for weeks.  It would probably urge him on more than deter him.  
“Too bad I’m definitely keeping this pretty image all to myself.”  Minwoo must have had the same thought.  He grabs the tissues from the coffee table, first cleaning himself up then helping you.  You try to stand but your legs are asleep from the knee down.  Minwoo picks you up by the waist to sit you on the couch.  He leans down and kisses the top of your head.  “Thank you sweetheart.  I do hope you learned your lesson.”  He smirks and walks away.
While he’s gone you try to get some feeling back into your legs.  Minwoo comes back with a warm washcloth and a cup of honey lemon tea.  You let him wipe your face completely clean then take a sip of tea.  It does soothe your sore throat.  “Have some cough drops later.  I wouldn’t want you to have a sore throat for work Monday.”  He teases.  At this point you wish Monday were much more than a day away.
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junker-town · 6 years
The Los Angeles Kings’ impossible comeback against Gretzky’s Edmonton Oilers deserves a deep rewind
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Down 5-0 coming into the 3rd period, the underdog Kings pulled off the “Miracle on Manchester”
We’re in Los Angeles, California. It’s April 10th, 1982. Game three of the Smythe divisional semifinals between the Kings and the Oilers. The teams are tied at 5, and we’re in overtime with a face off in the Oilers’ zone. They’ve battled for over three periods, and just 20 minutes earlier wouldn’t have believed they’d need overtime to decide this. For everything that got us to this moment, and made tonight a once in a lifetime game, let’s rewind.
Tonight marked the 11th time in 83 games this season that the Oilers and Kings faced one another. That’s over an eighth of their games against the same opponent, and prior to the ‘81-82 season, they had only met eight times total. This was partly due to Edmonton joining the NHL just three years earlier, but it was also thanks to some big changes implemented by the league for this season.
Looking to promote rivalries within divisions, the NHL made the bulk of each team’s schedule interdivisional games. In an effort to save money on travel expenses, the NHL also shook up the divisions so they were more geographically defined. Instead of being grouped with Detroit, Pittsburgh, Hartford, and Montreal, the Kings shifted to the Smythe, with Calgary, Vancouver, Colorado, and Edmonton. For L.A., having to face the Oilers with more regularity could’ve come at a better time.
Edmonton began their life in the NHL with 28- and 29-win seasons before becoming a force in Year 3. In the ‘81-82 season, they finished second in the league standings behind the two-time defending champion Islanders. Edmonton won the Smythe by 34 points, and the biggest reason for their success was this guy.
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Wayne Gretzky celebrates one of his 92 goals from the ‘81-82 NHL season.
Wayne Gretzky had a season that those following the sport had never seen before.
He became the fastest player ever to score 50 goals in a season, breaking Rocket Richard and Mike Bossy’s record by 11 games. He went on to score a new NHL record 92 goals and also broke his own records for assists and total points. Gretzky wasn’t the only one breaking records, though. The Oilers became the first team ever to score 400 goals in a season, finishing with 417, which was 71 more than the next highest scorer in the conference. They were built on speed, and had the youth to keep it up for an entire year. Gretzky, Mark Messier, Paul Coffey, Glenn Anderson, Jari Kurri — all of these guys were still under 21 by the end of the season.
And back in the first period of Game 3, everything had gone right for the Oilers. The game opened up as a race between the teams, which played perfectly into the hand of Edmonton. The Oilers scored first on a quick counter, when Glenn Anderson found Messier cross ice, and the centre put it in from 40-feet out. This is what they had done all season using their speed and the open ice to let passing dictate the offense. Most defenses at the time mainly paid attention to just the guy with the puck — you stop him, and you stop the offense.
The Oilers, though, played with an emphasis on passing and off-puck skating, a style that was more common in Europe than North America. And while their speed and stretch passes also led to turnovers, when the offense averaged more than five goals per game, they could deal with some slip-ups.
Later in the first period, Gretzky added to the lead by doing, well, what he does. His shorthanded goal put the Oilers up 2-0 at the first intermission, and then 43 seconds into the second, Edmonton netted another goal during that same penalty kill.
From there, tempers started to flare. Nineteen penalties were called in the second period, which included six coincidental minors — another area that the Oilers had been capitalizing on all season. With players sitting from both sides, their style of offense put them at an advantage since fewer bodies on the ice meant more space to go to work.
This was on display just over five minutes into the second when Gretzky stole the puck behind the Kings’ net during a 3-on-3. The defense turned his way, giving Risto Siltanen room to bury a one-timer that actually went through the net, causing play to continue until refs signaled goal: Edmonton’s fourth. A few minutes later, Gretzky nabbed his second of the night, and the teams headed into the third separated by 5 goals.
Not a great start for L.A., but honestly, this is what people expected from the series.
That season L.A. won one of eight games against Edmonton, and forced two ties while being outscored 51-to-27.
A year after a 43-win season when they made the playoffs as the 4-seed, the Kings disappointed in ‘81-82. They won just 24 games, and only reached the postseason thanks to the NHL’s new penchant for divisional match ups, which the league also built the playoffs around. With a roster nearly identical to the year before, the big change for the Kings came in the coaching department.
Bob Berry, who had coached L.A. since ‘78, left for Montreal and the club promoted assistant coach Parker MacDonald to take his spot. MacDonald had a checkered coaching past. He won AHL coach of the year with L.A.’s affiliated team in New Haven, but was yet to coach a full season in the pros. That wouldn’t change this year, as he led the Kings to a record of 13-24-5.
After that, the organization changed his title to assistant GM, and brought in Don Perry as his successor, another coach from the New Haven Nighthawks. In Perry’s first month on the job, he’d receive a six-game suspension for ordering Paul Mulvey to leave the bench to join a brawl. Despite the turmoil surrounding the team, the Kings would slightly improve their winning percentage under Perry. But if their regular season series with the Oilers was any indication, their time in the playoffs would be short.
That season, L.A. won one of eight games against Edmonton, and forced two ties while being outscored 51-to-27. This included back-to-back losses to the Oilers at the end of the season, which added to a five-game skid going into the postseason for the Kings while Edmonton was unbeaten in their last nine.
But streaks can come to an end, and the Kings quickly proved they weren’t going to bend over to Gretzky and company through the first two games. After being down 4-1 just nine minutes into the series, the Kings rallied back to win 10-8, breaking the record for most goals in an NHL playoff game. L.A. pulled off the upset in Edmonton after winning just five games on the road all season.
The Kings’ unexpected Game 1 points leader, rookie Daryl Evans, scored twice in the second and added a pair of assists.
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Daryl Evans, a name you didn’t know before tonight.
Playing in just his 14th professional game, Evans’ two second period goals matched his season total and he carried the momentum into Game 2 when he netted his third of the playoffs. The Kings took the Oilers to overtime, and despite Gretzky giving Edmonton a 3-2 win, L.A. had already done more than was expected of them. They headed to the Forum for Games 3 and 4 where no one would’ve guessed they’d have a chance to take the best-of-5 series in front of their home crowd.
But that would require winning tonight, and winning tonight would require a miraculous effort by L.A.
Back to the start of the third period and the Kings still faced that 5-nothing hole. A hard check by Dave Lumley in the corner got everyone fired up, and following a minor scrum, each team was again down to four skaters. This time though, L.A. would be the team to capitalize on the extra ice, with Jay Wells sending in the Kings’ first goal of the night. Less than four minutes later, L.A. found themselves with their ninth power play of the game, and they finally ended one early thanks to Doug Smith putting in a rebound just under the crossbar.
With their lead trimmed to three, the Oilers offense tried to heat back up, but when their chances weren’t snuffed out by the Kings, the goalpost made stops. Gretzky would take a stick to the face, skaters paired up, and it looked like momentum was done swinging in L.A.’s favor as the Kings gifted the Oilers a 5-on-3 advantage. But the Oilers offense was stymied just long enough, and with under five-and-a-half minutes remaining, the Kings made their final push.
It started with a steal in the Oilers’ end, which led to Charlie Simmer sneaking one in from behind the net. Less than a minute later, the Kings broke out off a Gretzky turnover and Steve Bozek hit a wrister for L.A.’s second 4-on-4 goal of the game. With under a minute to play — now down one — an Oilers penalty plus an empty net gave the Kings a 2-man advantage. The final 15 seconds had both teams scrambling in the Oilers’ end, before the puck reached Mark Hardy at the point who fired it on goal, and with five seconds left Bozek put in the rebound. After one last regulation face off, the teams headed to overtime.
In extra time though, it once again looked like the Kings’ magic had run out. Twenty seconds in, and Mario Lessard’s attempt to corral a shot sent him sprawling. The puck found Messier who got a chance at an untended net, but he sailed the puck wide. After some back-and-forth play, the Kings were able to establish possession, and Doug Smith threw in a shot that Grant Fuhr grabbed and hung onto.
Which brings us to a faceoff in the Oilers’ zone. Despite all the scoring that’s happened tonight, one of the Kings on the ice was still looking to make his mark.
In the 1980 NHL entry draft, the Kings took Evans in the second-to-last round at 178 overall. Evans spent most of ‘81-82 with the Kings’ AHL affiliate in New Haven before getting called up for the final month of the regular season, and his first games in the majors. He made just over a dozen appearances, but went mostly unnoticed before this series began. And despite having five points in the first two games, he was yet to show up in the score summary tonight.
As the Forum waits for the faceoff, no one knows what’ll come next in this already miraculous comeback. The Kings have battled back just to get here, while the Oilers had to scramble to regain their composure and now hope to put an end to this improbable night.
All the names you’d expect have been involved, and have given brilliant performances while an unheralded rookie waits in the wings, looking to cement his spot in the pros. Unknown to them, it would all come down to this final drop of the puck.
Welcome to a moment in history.
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