#pascal wehrlein drabble
yootaesowlwrites · 3 years
You’ve Done Enough - Pascal Wehrlein
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A24— “You’ve done enough.”
Warnings: Fluff.
W/C: 823
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You stood in tears in front of Pascal, your heart blossoming at the gesture he had done, you weren’t sure what you had done in your previous life to have deserved him, you weren’t even expecting him to remember your one-year anniversary, but here you were being surprised by him, he had arranged for a table to be set up on a rooftop that had a beautiful view over the city lights, candles were lit, and flower petals were scattered over the floor, the wind luckily wasn’t blowing, otherwise it might have ruined some parts of his surprise, he held a single rose in his hand and wore a smile on his lips, you step forward, carefully and slowly, not wanting to fall on your face in from of him, you stop in front of him, bringing your hand to cover your mouth.
“I wish I could do more for our anniversary.” He says, he outstretches his arm, holding the rose out for you, you gently take it in your other hand as you lower your hand covering your mouth.
“Pascal…” You softly say, you throw yourself against him, your arms wrapping around his neck. “You’ve done enough.” tears roll down your cheeks. “More than enough.” One of his hands moves to the back of your head, while his other hand moved to the small of your back, holding you tightly against him.
“Then why are you crying?” He asks.
“You’re a gotdamn fool, Pascal.” You say, slowly pulling back from the hug but remaining in his arms. “These are happy tears.” He lowly chuckles.
“Oh.” He says.
“Gosh… thank gosh you’re my fool.” You say, you move one of your hands to the back of his head, gently pushing on it, he quickly gets the message and lays his head against yours. “I don’t know what I’d do if you were someone else’s and I was stuck with an asshole.”
“You’d have been so sad.” He says, you softly giggle, your eyes crinkling as you do.
“You’re right… I’d be very sad.” You say. “But thankfully the universe was kind to me and brought you to me.”
“This is our anniversary, I’m supposed to give the speech, baby.” He says.
“Well, too bad.” You say, you brush your lips against his, you had waited long to taste him, almost all day, he had missing for most of the day, which had you thinking that he had forgotten all about your anniversary, but no, he surprised you.
“Baby…” He whispers once you pull away from the kiss. “Did you think I forgot?” You kept your eyes closed, but you could feel his gaze burning into you.
“I… yes.” You say, you feel him unwrap his arms from around you, your eyes instantly open. “Wait.”
“Oh, no, no, I can’t let that go.” He says. “Now I need to make sure you remember today, remember that I’ll always remember our day.” He takes your hand and leads you to the table that had been set up, he picks up a glass and an open bottle of appletiser, knowing that you weren’t big on drinking alcohol, but also wanting to give the feeling of celebration since it looked like champagne, he pours some into your glass before handing it to you, he picks up a glass for himself and fills it, he puts the bottle down and steps closer to you. “Like this, let’s be cheesy.” He hooks his arm with yours.
“Isn’t this something they do at weddings?” You ask.
“I don’t know… do they?” He asks. “But who cares, no one can tell us no, now come one, don’t make me do this alone while you watch.” You smile wide and move the glass closer to your lips, both of you stumbling and struggling a bit, but eventually, you manage to take a sip, your faces were close to each other causing the glasses to clink against each other’s every time you slightly moved, you move the glass away and wait for him to finish drinking.
“This is actually good, I thought it would taste bad.” You say, you unhook your arms and place the glass down on the table.
“I went in search for the best.” He says. “Google helped a lot.” You smile and move towards the edge of the building, looking down at the twinkling city lights, Pascal walks up behind you, and wraps his arms around you from behind. “Happy anniversary, Y/n.” You softly smile, feeling his chin resting on your shoulder and his hands covering your middle. “Thank you for staying with me an entire year.” You place your hands on top of his, his scent and warmth enveloping you. “Thank you for agreeing to go on a date with me a year ago.” You turn your head slightly, your lips touching his cheek, he turns his head, moving it so that his lips were touching yours.
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theianitor · 5 years
Drabble time! Inspo word was “belonging”. Under a squiggly line it goes!
“You’re knocking on the wrong door, Wehrlein.” Pascal looked confused. Jenson tried to explain. “You’re Manor.”
“So you have to go to your own first.” Jenson grinned. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to, but... that’s trouble I don’t need.”
Pascal couldn’t figure out what he meant. Jenson was just looking at him darkly and smiling.
“I have better results than Rio.” If scores mattered, he was above his teammate. Jenson chuckled.
“If anyone wanted you they wouldn’t go to Rio for permission, would they? They’d go higher up the food chain...” He pointed upward. Pascal’s eyes widened.
0 notes
yootaesowlwrites · 3 years
Dinner First - Pascal Wehrlein
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Prompt A88— “I-I think we should go for dinner first.”
Warnings: Fluff.
W/C: 927.
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You place the piece of paper down on the table next to your laptop before leaning lightly forward to open a file on your laptop, you click a few things before starting to type Pascal’s schedule for the weekend, you worked for Porsche’s Formula E team and helped schedule everyone’s schedules and tried to make sure nothing overlapped with the schedules, you looked at the paper you had placed on the table and saw someone standing next to your table, you lift your head and saw Pascal standing there with a smile stretching across his face.
“Pascal.” You say. “You’re a little too early to pick up your schedule.” He pulls one of the other chairs closer and sits down on it next to you.
“It’s all right, I can wait.” He says, you look back at your laptop before continuing to type in his schedule. “Is there a lot to do this weekend?” He leans slightly closer to get a look at his schedule.
“You have a few extra things to do.” You softly say as you look between the papers on the desk and your laptop, you had gone to the cafeteria in the building and decided to work there instead of at your desk. “You have a photoshoot actually, so it will take up most of your time.”
“Is that this weekend?” He asks as he watches you, your tongue darts out and slides over your lips to wet them.
“It is.” You say. “It’s at the track, so you don’t have to go anywhere.” He nods his head and places his hands on his knees.
“Are you going to be there?” He asks, you type in one final word before turning slightly towards him.
“I don’t need to be there.” You state. “But I do need to make sure that you’re there, with means I’ll be there for just a few seconds before I’m running to the next person.” He nods his head as he leans back in the chair, you flip the pages on the papers before moving your hands back to the keyboard.
“Oh…” His tone was barely audible, but you had heard, you glance at him and saw his face had fallen. “Okay, but, what if I ask if you could stay?”
“Then André will be late for his interview.” You say, you could see his brows furrowing as he begins to frown.
“But… please, Y/n, I really want you there.” He says. “How else am I going to convince you to spend time with me and get to know you more to be sure about my feelings?” Your eyes widen, and your heart rate quickly picks up, your hands freeze on the keyboard. “I said that out loud, didn’t I?” You slowly nod your head, confirming that he did. “Shit.” You heard him whisper. “Listen, Y/n…” You slowly twist your body towards him.
“I-I think we should go to dinner first.” You say. “And we can… then we can talk about this.” You weren’t sure how to respond, your thoughts seemed to be stuck on his confession. “Talk about it, and… if-if things go well, I’ll be open for another dinner.” He nods his head as he tries to avoid eye contact, but he didn’t want to come off as rude, so instead, he just looked past you at the plant behind you. “Do-Do you like me, Pascal?”
“I… well, yes.” He says. “ I kind of like you.”
“Kind of?” You ask. “Yes or no?” You slightly move your head to have him look into your eyes instead of at the plant.
“Yes.” He finally says after a few minutes of silence and looking into your eyes. “I like you and I want to get to know you more.” His warm brown eyes filled with worry, worrying that you could reject him now before you had even got to the dinner, you turn towards your laptop and type something onto his schedule.
“Look here.” You say as you look at him, he leans closer while biting the insides of his cheeks. “Do you see this date and time?” His eyes quickly scan over the schedule before falling to the one on the bottom, six o’clock at night. “Don’t miss it, or you won’t get another chance.” You could see a wide smile quickly forming on his lips as he begins to nod his head.
“I’ll pick you up on time.” He says. “Is there anything that you dislike or that you can’t eat?” You type something else onto his schedule.
“Firstly, you can come and pick me up at my hotel room.” You say, he nods his head as a sheepish smile forms on his lips. “Secondly, I’m okay with most things, if there is something I don’t like or can’t eat, I’ll let you know, so relax, and pick a place you want to take me to or show me.”
“Okay.” He says as he begins to think, you softly smile as you finish typing up his schedule.
“And check your emails for this schedule.” You remind him as you attach the file to an email before typing his email address in. “I won’t be there to remind you of everything, especially not Friday’s night events.”
“I will, I’ll go now and save it.” He says as he stood from the chair. “I’ll see you later, Y/n.” He quickly moves the chair back to where it was before walking away, you shake your head as your smile widens.
“Cute…” You mutter and click the send email button.
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