#pasio trio
ginhaku125 · 7 months
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relationship goals ngl
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kafka54 · 3 months
PokeMas - Photo Editor Feature
Look, look! A new feature, Photo Editor dropped today, if you updated the app!
We can use the sync pairs that we obtained up to three in the photos! I present you... Nimbasa Trio in a photo! 😬
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That cave reminds me of Chargestone Cave in Unova. ✌🏻
Btw, if you do this quick photo editor and a co-op battle, you can get around 1.1k free gems from the missions.
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Oh booyah they're rerunning the Lear event in Masters so I can finally work to get the Pasio trio...
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astral-multiverse · 4 months
2B A Pokemon Master on Pasio
Stories have been going around about an artificial island called Pasio, built by a man named Lear. And soon after its completion, many famous trainers and even the likes of Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and Champions were given invitations to the island to see what the island was like and to see what surprise was mentioned in said invitations. And some of those invitations were even handed out to the likes of our old friends Ri and Brandon, who decided to travel alongside their sweethearts Bea and Nessa respectively and even the former Rocket trio, who were now a part of the new Anti-Rocket organization lead by Brandon alongside his Pokemon Professor duties, Team Rainbow Rocket
"This looks like the place guys" Brandon said as he looked at the sights ahead
"Pasio... an artificial island... I am surprised at how lively and beautiful it is" Bea said
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asavt · 21 days
Sawyer for mermay?
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Shrimp guy, lobster, smth
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fiannalover · 4 months
Love the beginning of the Team Galactic Villain Arc because Cyrus is just having a nightmare and obviously Darkrai is right there, completely unprompted, no foreshadowing given, and of course, this Is Pasio, Hoopa probably whisked Darkrai up 20 minutes ago, but the fact remains Darkrai's entire MO is "stay away from people", and he was pretty blatantly standing 2 meters away from Cyrus, so I can only theorize that Darkrai was having his monthly lunch with the lake trio and after getting the Platinum Recap he went "hey want me to kill that guy for you"
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destinywillowleaf · 3 months
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will and lucian will forever be brothers to me and i'm still not entirely sure how/where it started but it's not gonna stop any time soon. it's not something a lot of folks around pasio realize when dealing with them separately, but it's... more obvious when they're antagonizing each other.
i think it'd be funny if there were like. hotel-dorms in the pokemon center where a lot of the sync pairs stayed and people had to deal with roommates. because they're two of my favorites (and a very specific extra headcanon) roark and ryuki wind up as roommates. somehow it works out. they both wind up knowing a lot more about the other's interests than they ever thought they would.
also tate, liza, and allister deserve to be A Trio. they're kids with weird powers and it would be fun. bea can join in too cause allister-bea siblings are also fun. there will come a day when someone calls allister their triplet (even though i get the feeling he's a bit older than the twins).
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leggerefiore · 3 months
Imagine Cyrus's S/O gets a Sygna Suit with a member of the lake trio. If it's Azelf, he congratulates them, it says a lot about his partner for the Being of Willpower to choose them. And if it's Uxie, he's endlessly proud -perhaps a bit smug, of course his chosen life partner is intelligent (at least in their own field and/or with common knowledge).
But if it's Mesprit, he's fucking dying inside and it shows. Cyrus can't say he's surprised by this, his partner has a strong and kind spirit (it's one of the few he cherishes), but he finds it awkward for that to be on public display when he openly denounces spirit. Most onlookers deem it a case of opposites attract, but the more perceptive ones pick up on Cyrus's hypocrisy. How can a man who hates spirit be so close to such a spirited person? Let alone love them enough to chose to spend his life with them?
Alternate Take 1: The whole family gets a lake guardian. Cyrus with Azelf or Uxie, S/O with Uxie or Mesprit, and Lenie with Azelf or Mesprit depending on what her parents get.
Alternate Take 2: Instead of S/O getting one, Captain Cyllene gets eebie deebied to Pasio and gets Azelf, Cyrus gets Uxie and Lenie gets Mesprit.
Lenie being Mesprit would destroy him more. I think daughter, a being he views so complete and perfect, having a direct relation with the embodiment of emotion and being favoured by it would drive him mad. Everything he thought was either wrong and emotions do truly make a complete person, or Cyllene's truly must have some fully completed spirit beyond his comprehension.
Though, with how he goes between hatred and obsession towards the lake trio... Who knows. He seems like he should accept Uxie at the very least, but he hates them due to their relationship to spirit. Being chosen to be a partner by any of them probably would distress him greatly. His lover being chosen is more maddening. This world is spiting him... Though, he supposes it is most logical despite how much he hates it.
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complete-idiot-inc · 2 years
A list of Pokeparents
This is a list of the people I’ve chosen for my Pokeparents series of one-shots.
Edit: updated the roster, and fic can be found here
Drake - Drake attempts to get his Dragonite used to his son, and he succeeds wildly.
Diamondshipping - An average day in the life of Giovanni Ketchum, a husband, a father, and a mafia boss.
Koga - Ash & Janine train in their ninja skills, the problem is they use it to mess with their neighbors and their dad has to do something about it.
Valerie - ash and his mom are moving away from their home.
Morty - a young couple struggles to make some ends meet, luckily Agatha can be nice.
Silver (Anime) - Silver takes his son to the sevii islands for the first time, Montress says hi.
Archie - team Aqua + Ash and Delia go to the beach, and Ash learns why not to swim out too far.
Juan - Juan introduces his son to his protege, and the two aren't all that different.
Steven Stone - Ash’s surprise part 2: hand-cut from the mountains of Kalos Steven put the tiny gem into the white band.
Cynthia - Cyn picks Ash up from school and takes him home for a surprise. 
Sir Riley - Aura training becomes a battle between the Ketchums and the Tougans.
Fantina & Byron - The recently reconstituted Togan family has to deal with Byron’s smarmy brother.
Lenora - Ash brings his girlfriend home for dinner, and Lenora talks to her.
Ghetsis/N - N rescues his brother from their evil personification of a father and returns him home to Kanto.
Subway brothers + Drayden - Grandpa Drayden and his sons are tasked with watching Ash and Iris for the week, none are prepared for what’s in store.
Gentryshipping - Sycamore and Ash are invited to Diantha’s next movie premiere, chaos breaks through when Zygarde tries to invite ash on a crusade against team flare. 
Malva - running away from Lysandre and team flare with her son in her arms.
Wulfric - Wulfric takes his son camping at the pokemon village, and both find an unexpected surprise.
Kukui & Burnett -  Ash accidentally calls Burnet “Mom” in the middle of class, and neither hears the end of it. 
Skullshipping - Kukui has to talk to the parents of his new student from Ula’ula, he wasn't expecting one to be his old friend.
Nanu - “I leave for 5 minutes and already there’s a hole in the wall!”
Melony - Ash gets sick and refuses to accept the fact, then it's a good thing Melony is a great (s)mother. 
GardenoasisShipping - The Ketchum family has a Christmas (?) party, and things go south when Rose shows up.
Leon - a lesson on why impulsive adopting an orphan is not always a smart decision.
Tulip & Dendra - Dendra decides to give her class a demonstration of how moves can be used in more than just battles, featuring her wife and son. 
Larry & Katy- “take your kid to work” day doesn’t gel well when your son is rather high energy.
Miriam (& Iono) - my little bro battles me at my gym!? (not clickbait, gone wild!!)
Cyllene - Of the many things Cyllene expected to occur in Hisui, becoming a mother to a kid who fell from the sky was not one of those things. 
Lental & Pasio
Mirror & Bellis - the Pokémon world’s oddest couple and their even odder child.
Jessie & James - TRio finds an orphan, James takes him in, unknowingly creates a found family.
Big thanks to @alolanrain for Peony x Delia's ship name.
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nekoanything · 4 months
Finally neet trio has arrived at Pasio!!! 😭👏👏 White Day event has to come, Bring adaman too, I want to see handsome(olden) people excited about taking photos in the modern era 😂😂😂😂
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ginhaku125 · 1 year
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i dont have bias.
Full images btw (ripped by PokeMasModels on Twitter)
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Emil and Eliza showing up on Pasio with their Gastrodon and Ursaluna, but the ONLY versions of the Nimbasa Trio are the canon ones, so they’re just mystified by these teens who bear such a sharp resemblance to both Ingo and Emmet... especially when they both start calling Ingo dad.
Ingo: are you... my children from the future?
Eliza: well...
Emil: Technically we’re you’re kids from the past.
Ingo: what
Eliza: You time travel!
Emil: and lose your memories.
Eliza: You didn’t have to tell him that part.
Ingo: W HAT
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unovasrose · 1 year
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Rosa has immense respect for legendary (and mythical) pokémon. She’s of the strong belief that they are not meant to be caught unless they so desire and that they should be left to roam free to do as they will ( and, in some cases, must ). Their existences were meant for something greater than just partnering up with a human trainer and they should be allowed to make that decision on their own. While she has personally met many legendaries and is also bonded with the Swords of Justice, she has never caught one.
The first legendary she ever came across, albeit unknowingly, was Cresselia. Following her incident with the Spiritomb in the Plasma Castle catacombs, she was often plagued by nightmares, which led to perpetually restless sleep. Those awful dreams drew the attention of a Cresselia known to roam across Unova, who started visiting her nightly to dispel her nightmares. One time, Rosa woke up in the middle of the night and startled the pokémon, leading it to scatter and leave a single Lunar Wing behind. It wasn’t until later in life that Rosa learned of the feather’s origins or functionality, but she is meant to eventually return it to Cresselia if they ever meet again.
During her journey, Rosa teamed up with her then-“boyfriend” Hale Foster to investigate some unusual volcanic activity taking place in Mount Reversal. It soon came to light that the tremors and eruptions were being caused by a Heatran seeking its missing Magma Stone. While Hale attempted to catch Heatran with a Master Ball ( all with underlying self-interest ), Rosa blocked the capsule and practically told him off for attempting to capture the legendary, much to Hale’s contained anger. Eventually, with the help of her Arcanine’s infallible nose, Rosa was able to find the Magma Stone, which calmed the pokémon and led it to burrow under the mountain to become dormant once more. 
Rosa’s encounters with two out of the three members of the Weather Trio have all been brief and terrifying. She’s been caught in the middle of storms whipped up by both Tornadus and Thundurus and lived to tell the tale, but she’d rather never have to go through either of those experiences again.
Based on complaints from the Floccessy townsfolk, Rosa has been investigating a strong mystical presence around Unova Route 20. She suspects it’s tied to a powerful psychic-type pokémon from Sinnoh, but she’s unsure so she's doing her research. This will culminate in her meeting the members of the Lake Trio across Unova.
Some other notable encounters include Jirachi, whom she met one night while having depressive thoughts while out on her balcony; Raiden the Raikou and Sylvia the Xerneas, whom she's technically met in human form but has no idea that they're actually legendary pokémon ( save for the fact that Raiden gives her the same vibes as Athos.... ); Kapi the Mew, whom has left random gifts for her even though Delta terrorized them in the past; and Shaymin, whom she partnered up with in Pasio ( but I've yet to come up with a good reason for it so stay tuned lol ). Finally, she's a full-time Victini mom but I think everyone is already aware of that.
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erikalentz · 6 months
Half Moon Datas #11
Not at home for the moment, but I can still write some HMD.
* Before having her facility, Althea didn’t have a true place to work or even live. She went from rented apartment to rented apartment around the world to solve cases, and even if she gains enough money to live normally and afford traveling, she wanted a place she could call home. One day, Lear called for her services to solve the disappearance of his father in secret (the International Police was busy dealing with numerous attacks from evil organizations, so he had to call for a private detective), and promised to give her something she wishes as a reward on top of the money for her work. Althea did solve the case and bring back the man - abducted by an Ultra Wormhole - safe and sound, and he went only missing for two days. Relieved to know his father is alright (even if he doesn’t want to show it), Lear thanked the young woman… Then he felt that Althea is a good trainer just like she’s a good detective, so he wanted to fight her in a Pokemon battle - with Pasio’s rules - before keeping his part of the deal, which ended up in a tie between Lunala and Hoopa. Lear gave his word later on and asked her what she wanted, and the detective answered that she wants a place where she can live and work on various subjects. The prince of Pasio thus built a huge modern facility in Sinnoh, with the most advanced technology coming from around the world and with enough space to have both a professional and personal life. Thanks to him, Althea now has a home just for her and her Pokemon, and the two became good friends over time. This event happened one year before she met Hilbert and Hilda.
* During a talk with Akari, Hilda revealed that she used to be a battle-hungry trainer who would challenge any battler she meets whom she felt would give a good fight. She quickly gained experience and became a powerful trainer thanks to it, but it ended up alienating her about more mundane activities her age like hanging out with her friends, going to non-battle events like cinema or festivals, and such. On a trip in Kalos, a man she challenged told her he pitied trainers who would only find fun and passion in Pokemon battling because they don’t see the importance of their relationships with their closed ones until it’s too late because of their blind desire to feel the thrill of battles… She learned this the hard way when Hilbert almost got abducted by an Ultra Wormhole in front of her eyes because he did a secret training to battle her in a friendly fight the next morning. The trauma of this event made her stop battling for a long time even after becoming a Rift Hunter, only fighting when it was necessary until Hilbert and Althea helped her to overcome it. By now, Hilda is one of the strongest trainers of Unova and won’t say no to a fight, but she grew out of her extreme battling tendencies and prefers spending time with her loved ones rather than fighting.
* In a walk for recording Pokemon, Akari saw Dawn’s pearl in Hilda’s bag when the latter was fighting a group of Pokemon blocking a way. She touched it out of curiosity, and thus saw Dawn’s memories courtesy of the Lake Trio’s blessings. After the shock and the wave of emotions she felt in an instant, she not only learned Rei’s true identity but also what his disappearance caused in his time, especially to the girl who appears to be her descendant. Akari isn’t happy in the least to discover that a young man from the future was taken away from his loved ones to solve problems from the past, and she’s even more furious because she could have done Arceus’ task if he actually asked her to do it since she wants to change the old and heavy air of Hisui and live peacefully with Pokemon.
* Lucas has been in Hisui for eight months, and he completed the Pokedex with all the common Pokemon who could be found there (224 Pokemon). All that was left was the Legendary Pokemon. He also helped Akari completed her own Pokedex, and she recorded the same number of Pokemon.
* After his fight with Dawn, Barry stopped doing Pokemon battles. He felt guilty for unwillingly hurting his friend and he refused to continue being a trainer before having a better mental state and apologizing to her.
* Althea was able to create a portal that could lead to the world of an Ultra Beast, another dimension or another time thanks to her Lunala and her research on Ultra Wormholes and space-time rifts. After the portal is used, it needs four hours to fully recharge the energy.
* Hilbert and Hilda discovered they can use a 100% Symbiosis with their Pokemon during a mission in another dimension. A 100% Symbiosis happens when their hairs fully change color than just the tips of them and their eyes are the same than their Pokemon. They and their Pokemon become really strong to the point of matching Mega-evolved Pokemon, but the sheer strength and powers of the Pokemon is hard to maintain for a long time for their bodies, and the phenomenon disappears in ten minutes to not exhaust them. To this day, Hilbert and Hilda only used a 100% Symbiosis once (because it was an emergency).
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echantedtoon · 7 months
A Champion Time For The Heart Ch38 Pasio Adventures
(Sorry for the late update. Irl has been up and down lately. Also real question here, would anyone be interested in a Gordie x reader after this book is done?)
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Leon paused and he slowly looked up to Hop. "It's okaying my transfer to where?"
His response was to turn the paper around with the official seal and the fancy writing and held it up to his blinking face. "It's okaying our temporary transfer to the Pasio Region! We've been chosen to compete in the Masters League!" A bright smile was beaming on his face and his eyes were starry like, "Well...actually only you've been chosen. And Glory and Vic. BUT ISN'T THIS AMAZING!? WE'RE GOING TO PASIO!!"
His big brother didn't answer at first instead taking the letter from Hop and immediately opened it, breaking the seal and opening the folded paper to let golden eyes dance across the words plastered across it. It was thick too. The reason why was because there was already a passport, cruise ticket, and everything else he needed to take a trip overseas along with the very long and very detailed explanation from the Chairwoman in the letter for the Masters League and that he'd be going to Pasio for-....
"A whole year!?"
Hop perked up hearing Leon's voice and found his big brother staring at the paper wide eyed in disbelief. "Wha- No. Just ten months but almost a year! And we're leaving at the end of this month! Isn't it exciting, Lee?"....He blinked as Leon still stared at the letter in his hands. "Lee? Are you alright?"
Leon finally blinked to him before opening his mouth, closing his mouth, and then looking back to the letter. "I-...Y-Yeah..I'm good." He beamed a smile at him again. "This is great news, Hop! C'mon. H-Help me hang up these tinsels then we can set up the Christmas tree."
He distracted himself by setting up the Christmas decorations and having dinner with his family before taking time out to actually look at everything he was sent. The Prince had found his battling exceptional and thus had picked him along with a few other Gym Leaders, Gloria and Victor included, to come compete in the Masters League. He wasn't the only one who received this, as Hop and Sonia had also gotten one. They'd been allowed to come to Pasio to study the region and meet with different professors. Sonia saw this as an opportunity to get different fur samples from other regions pokemon while Hop was excited to be able to have another adventure. He'd be lying if he said that he wasn't excited to go, but for ten long months!? That'd be ten long months he'd spend away from his friends (the ones who weren't going-), his family (minus Hop-), and Galar!! But most importantly...Y/n. She hadn't gotten a letter. She was actually surprised when she showed up to visit for dinner that night and she hadn't gotten one. Of course Y/n wouldn't have one. She wasn't a professor or part of the league in anyway so she couldn't go unless you wanted to spend a whole lot of money on a cruise ticket to Pasio or got an official transfer from the Chairwoman like he did. That..made his heart sink which was a funny feeling to say about someone who you only went on one date with under not the best circumstances and it felt more like a hang out than date, not only that but she hadn't brought up that date again since that day so neither did he to avoid bringing awkward memories up. But...The thought of her bright F/c eyes lighting up or the way she'd smile at him still made his face light up in a very obvious way and now everyone knew because more than once he caught the trio of teens looking at him in a way or his grandpa would always telling him to make a move and settle down with this one. Sigh. Well...it's not like there was anything he could do about it..There wasn't anyway he'd be able to get Y/n to come along since there wasn't a position open fo-
Leon shot up so fast from his sheets that his pillow was knocked from his bed, a beaming smile spread from ear to ear. "THAT'S IT!!"
Which is how you ended up staring blankly at Leon at your job behind the counter, the Champion staring at you covered in new fallen snow from the December weather outside being so close to Christmas. You stared at his heavily breathing, absolutely beaming form, as he had just finished rapid fire talked his plan to you and blinked as a few snowflakes fell off his coat and onto the once clean floor now covered in slush and dirt...And then you blinked.
"Could you repeat that? But like in very, very slow motion?"
"I want you to go to Pasio with me!," he excitedly exclaimed. You opened your mouth and he quickly held up his hands. "Look! I know you said you don't want to travel around for a while but this would be a great experience for everyone and I had this great idea. I w-wanted to respect your boundaries too."
Your face went red for a solid second as well before you smiled, "Aw. Leon that's really sweet of you to say but-"
"I know you didn't get a pass, but I figured that part out!"
"Yes but-"
"You know Allister right? He needs a caretaker while we're in Pasio, and we're all going to be too busy anyways, but you'd be perfect for the job!"
"But Leon-"
"I know..I know you probably wouldn't want the responsibility of an extra person but I promise this would be such a great idea!"
"LEON!!," you practically shouted making him blink at your frown. "I hear everything you're telling me."
He blinked before smiling wider than before. "Wait. REALLY!?"
You nodded. "But I've been trying to tell you something."
"You're wearing you're coat backwards."
Leon blinked before looking down at himself and noticing he could see his coat's hood where the zipper usual would be. "....Oh. Ahehe. M-My bad." You sighed before chuckled as he sheepishly began removing his coat. "Um...Y-Yeah..So-..Is that a yes you're coming?"
That made you pause and the realization of what he was asking hit you. If you did go, you'd have to take a break from your job (again-) and travel more (again-) and he wanted you to keep an eye on someone (again-) which honestly when all put together didn't sound that appealing to you. You already had traveled everywhere across Galar multiple times, had watched over the guys multiple times, and had already taken a break from your job a few times. You had just gotten back and settled back in just a few weeks ago and from what Leon said, it'd be a while until everyone came back. 
"I don't know about that, Lee," you confessed and his smile fell a bit, "It does sound like a good idea but isn't there other people more qualified than I am?"
''You're one of the few people I've seen Allister respond too so positively!," Leon assured you, "And it's not like you wouldn't be paid, because you absolutely would! I'd make sure you'd be paid and have everything you need while we're there! A-And this way I could hang out with you more." You blinked surprised as he hesitantly reached across the counter and when you didn't pull away, gingerly grabbed your hand which made your face turn a bright pink when he beamed brighter than you ever had someone smile at you. "I-I don't want to wait almost an entire year just to get to know you better. I-I want to spend more time with the only person who's made me feel this way." You stood there shocked, jaw dropped and eyes going wide- "Y-You're like-...T-The only person I've met that's hasn't taken the chance to get close to Hop or Gloria o-or a-anyone else just to get close to me o-or to get anything out of me. T-That was one of the biggest thing's I-I was worried about when I first met you to be honest."
Well..You couldn't exactly blame him for that since you two were just strangers then. "Well, of course I wouldn't. Hop's a really nice kid. Who does that anyways!?" You frowned at even the thought of someone trying to take advantage of any of those kids like that. "Besides even if I did, which I didn't, Hop's too smart to let that happen. He would've figured that out from the very beginning. And if we're being honest, you helped me out more even when I didn't ask-"
"That's my point! You never asked for my help. You didn't want to take. You only helped...even when no one asked." Unconsciously he rubbed his thumb gently over the knuckles of the hand he was still holding. "You treat my family like your own. Y-You're really smart a-a-and kind and you're capable of taking care of yourself. And you were honest with me.." Gold eyes looked down. "E-Even when it put you in an awkward position and it would've been easier to just go along with pretending you agreed with what I said and everything else that happened...I can't imagine anyone else having the guts or heart to do that. A-And being honest and trusting is so-something I would really want with someone. I-...I-I want to have that security. N-Not just with me either, but with trusting someone to be around my family and friends and other people I care about the most. I love how understanding and patient you are. With someone with my kind of schedule I could called any time to be gone for days on end but I don't ever think you had a problem with that w-when we were just friends..." he finally looked back to your red face not noticing the three pairs of eyes peeping sneakily through the store window, "I-I know this is a lot to say when we've only really been on one date but I feel like I should make my intentions clearer. Which brings me to the second and third reasons why I'm here. Y/n, would you like to go on another date with me?"
.....You blinked. "W-What?"
"I-I'd l-l-like to go out with you again." he smiled. "There's this river not too fair from here where a whole lot of wild pokemon fish at, Sonia told me about it when she was studying their foraging habits for winter. We could have a nice time and just walk around. Postwick's pretty beautiful in winter. W-What do you say?"
You thought about it for a moment before smiling, "Sure! Why not? I'm free this Saturday."
"Saturday sounds great! I can meet you at the train station! But I still wanted to ask you. Would you like to come over for Christmas? I-I'm sure everyone would love to have you, and your pokemon are more than welcome too."
"I'd love to! But Lee."
"You're still holding my hand."
Leon blinked before looking down at your hands and then quickly snapped his hand back like you were made of fire, face burning an embarrassed red. You chuckled. Meanwhile three pairs of eyes peered out sneakily through a corner in the window. One pair gold and two pairs light brown before the eyes turned to look at one another.
"S-See?! W-W-What d-did I tell ye!?," a boy's voice whispered shivering in the cold. "I-I TOLD ya L-Lee likes 'er!"
"Vic's right!," the second boy spoke, the one with the golden eyes. "AND he went on a date with her back at the prince's party. Remember? They were dancing and chattin' it up all night."
"Gloria!," both boys shushed her. "Keep yer voice down, ya bellowin' chattot! We nah need 'em to know we're here."
Gloria blinked before chuckling nervously. "Hehe. Sorry guys. But do you see that!?" She happily turned back to the window with a beaming smile. "They were holdin' hands! That's gotta be a sign they like each other! Ooh! Maybe he's askin' her out again!"
"Or maybe not. Lee's kinda clueless when it comes to this stuff," Hop commented with a deadpanned look, "I heard him talking to Sonia all about it. What if he messes this up and just confuses her again?"
"....Then we'll step 'n 'n give 'em a hand!," both boys looked to Gloria with a 'Huh' and she rolled her eyes, "C'mon. Think 'bout it! Who knows them better than us? Lee's our big brother and we've traveled with Y/n enough ta know what she's like."
"Yeah but playin' matchmaker? I dunno Glor."
"Think ya dunderhead! We all like Y/n don't we?"
"Yeah." "Of course."
"Then what's keepin' 'er here really?" That question shocked them into silence making their eyes go wide. That thought hadn't really crossed their minds until now as Gloria paced back and forth, snow crunching under her feet. "Sure she bought a house n' she said she nah wants ta travel for a while, but what if 'n the future she leaves!? When we first met 'er she was already travelin' so what if she decides she's goin' ta travel again? There's really nothin' keepin' her here and it's not like we can make 'er! Even if we ask her ta stay she can still decide she wants ta leave! And what if she wants ta go back ta Kalos?!" Her hands cupped her face in worry. "We'd never see her again! Which would be awful! She's the closes thing ta a big sister I eva' had! I don't wanna lose that!"
"Neither do I!," Hop added looking to Victor, "I've never seen Lee so happy! And Y/n's the perfect girl for her!"
Victor hummed. "...I agree she's pretty responsible and level headed. If she can help keep 'n eye on Gloria then she might help Lee become less lost. Which would be a good thing since he can end up n' a bunch o' weird places." 
Gloria shot her twin a look. "Plus she's pretty tough!" She raised a fist. "Ya scene how she took on Mr. Rose n' those hair punks! Lee n' her would be the literally power couple!"
"But wouldn't it be wrong to try and force someone into a relationship?"
"Hop, we won't be forcin' them inta anything. Ye said they've already been on a date before. All they need 's a lil nudge to get the romance ta ye surface! Besides if they get together, then Y/n would stay cuz Lee's here! Think 'bout how awesome it'd be ta have a sister like her in the family!"
Hop gasped starry eyed. "I could get a big sister! *GASP!* What if they get married and have kids!?" His arms were thrown up. "I COULD BE AN UNCLE!!"
"'Fore ye two lose your heads," Both looked over as Victor pointed at them, "May I remind you that they haven't even had a second date? We shouldn't count our torchics 'fore they hatch."
"Vic's right. After all, first comes love then marriage then all the wee babies in the carriages!!"
Victor groaned-...Or he would've if the shop bell hadn't rang out and the three froze as Leon excited the store but stopped seeing the trio of teenagers standing there. They stared at Leon and he stared back door closing behind him as the silence sat there, until he rose a brow. 
"...Hop? What are you three doing here?"
"Uuuhh...We were-....SHOPPING!!," Hop answered quickly with a wide smile, "Yeah! That's right! We were shopping! Nice day for it!"
"I see." His brow rose more. "And is 'window shopping' the type of shopping you're doing?"
Hop looked like he'd been caught for a moment- "THE CLOTHES STORE!!" Gloria shouted making everyone look at her. "W-W-We were on our way ta ye clothes store! T-Toooo...Um. G-Get a gift for Y/n! Yeah! Nothin' like a cute sweater for the holidays! R-Right?!"
"Uh? Oh! Yeah! Totally!" "Yep! They 'ave all kinds of cool stuff!"
Leon still rose a brow looking between the three of their nervous smiles before huffing a chuckle and smiling. "Oh. Ok. How kind of you. Just be sure to get home before it gets too cold."
"We will." "Yeah!" "Don't worry 'bout us! Ye have a good day!"
With a smile Leon turned chuckling leaving the three to look at each other. "Alright. You three have fun. I'll be at Sonia's if you need me." He had to get that river location from Sonia for the date. 
....Hop looked at Victor. "Think he suspects us?"
"I dunno...But ye two now realize that we gotta buy Y/n a sweater or else he will suspect somethin' right?"
They both looked at him before groaning and shaking their heads. But it wouldn't be the worst thing that would happen to anyone. No. That would be the very next day-
"I'm r-r-really sorry about this, Y/n."
"Lee. Don't worry about it-"
"But we're LOST!!"
Now you're probably wondering what you were doing lost in the middle of a couple fields. Well it's simple really. After that day you had finished working and returned home and waited for your day off tomorrow to have your official second date with the Champion. Instead of feeling nerves you were actually excited! There was just something about Leon that made you feel calm and at ease, and excited all the same. You were already ready that morning in your coat all dressed and ready to tackle the cold weather and then you waited for Leon. And you waited...And you waited...And you waited. You were by now pacing back and forth across your living room until FINALLLY around one o'clock there was a knock at your door. When you answered the door it was LEON and...Sonia? Leon looked out of breath heavily breathing and heaving, face pink from the cold and Sonia looked slightly worried and pitiful. Turns out Leon had picked up the map to the location he wanted to show you and made off to your house-...But somehow ended up in front of Magnolia's house, then at the train station, then in front of the Slumbering Wield's gate, and a few other places until he ran into Sonia passing by who was surprised and then understanding and helped him by having him follow her all the way back to your house. Oh well. You weren't mad. There was still plenty of time left. Well after thanking Sonia you let the now Embarrassed Champion come in and warm up inside for about an hour so he wasn't shivering anymore. You all finally set off at around two o' clock following the map Sonia lent Lee to this cool Pokemon sight seeing themed adventure....But you ended up in front of the store you worked at somehow that was beyond you considering the both of you went the opposite way of it. No worries though. You both tried again. And again. Ending up a few places. Leon seemed to only get more and more fidgity and worried constantly looking at the map and turning it this way and that and around at everything, but he let out a groan of frustration when you both somehow came around to stare at the back of your own house....HOW THO!? You all tried one more time but now you had no idea where you were. It looked like you were still in the Postwick fields but there wasn't any houses in sight, the sun had long already set, and it was starting to lightly snow not helping with how hard it was to see. And it was only then that Leon slowly turned the map around fully....and realized it had been upside down for who knows how long- 
You had jumped at the frustrated yell he gave off and the following conversation happened.
"Lee, calm down," you tried to reassure him, "It's alright. We're not that far from Postwick. We can probably walk back."
...Leon's shoulders slumped forward, hands nearly dropping the map. "What's the point?" He mumbled staring at the map. Already snow was starting to build up on his body. "I'd only get us lost again-"
"Are you seriously doing this now?" You asked bluntly raising a brow to him. "Since when did the Champion sound so down on himself?"
"Since the so called unbeatable Champion was beaten by a mere map." he turned to you glumly holding up the paper. "All I wanted was to just spend some time with you today. This was supposed to be special!...But I was a dummy and got us lost all day. Now there's no light and even if we tried following it back I'll probably just get us lost all over again."
"Hey. That's not your fault." You turned back around through the dark. The snowflakes weren't helping so you placed your hands above your eyes squinting into the dark for some kind of light from any house. Your breath was so cold wisps were curling around your face like smoke. "Things happen. I got lost a few times back home running errands for my mom."
Leon stared at you blankly. ".....How are you so calm about this? You should be angry at me."
"Well firstly because neither of us knew the map was upside down. And secondly because you taught me something very important."
"Never doubt yourself!" You smiled back at his astonished look and laughed and- BY ARCEUS!! Your laughter was the cutest thing he's ever heard. It made his face go redder than what the cold made it as you turned to him with a smile half covered by the sobble themed scarf he got you last year. "You taught me that. Besides I'm having a nice time."
A quack sound went off in his head. "....Wha-..H-HOW!? W-What's so nice about-...about-..." His arms were thrown around around you, "This!?"
"Because I got to spend time with you,'' you answered simply with a shrug, "Trust me when I say I'm pretty much used to things not going my way, but you just gotta roll with it most of the time. Our date didn't go as we wanted but I still got to spend time with you and that's all I needed!" Leon still continued to stare at you as you looked around before giving up trying to spot anything and sighed before letting your arms flop to your sides. "Ok. There's no house lights so we won't be able to use that to get back home."
"Well what do we do?"
"I dunno. What do you usually do when you get lost like this?"
"Well usually when I can't get back I just have Charizard fly me back...But I know you hate flying." That's why he hadn't done it a long time ago. He knew you hated flying and didn't want to resort to it.
Like he thought you grimaced even at the mention of the idea. "Really?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean...It doesn't look like we have a lot of options at this point, unless you w-wanna try following the map again but I'm afraid we'd get lost again and it'll get even colder soon."
You again took time to look around the scenery. Even your footprints in the snow were gone and it was dark and snowy. There really wasn't any other options at this point. So with a sigh you turned back to him. "Alright. We have no other choice, but is your Charizard strong enough to carry two people?"
Now Leon smiled brightly again and nodded. "Charizard's strong enough to battle pokemon twice it's size without dynamxing. Carrying two people back home is a piece of cake!"
Well like he said you don't have many other options so with a nod he went ahead and took out his pokeball. Leon had you step back a couple feet and you realized why when he threw the ball up and in a flash of bright white light the pokemon appeared. Oh wow-...Charizard was a whole lot bigger than you remembered. The orange winged pokemon let out a loud cry as soon as it raised it's head, letting it echo throughout the empty fields like a real dragon but it looked surprised quickly. Blinking as it stared straight ahead before looking around with a curious grunt at all the snowflakes falling around it, before it settled it's eyes back on you two. Oh wow. Charizard was MASSIVE!! Leon was taller than you by a foot and this thing even towered over him! It was almost as big as a corviknight with a similarly large pair of wings that caused a small gust of wind to blow over you when he shook the snow from them making you shivered and curl deeper into your scarf. This thing had to be nearly seven or eight feet tall! And he was built like he ate pick up trucks for breakfast after bench pressing them first!! You didn't doubt he could carry two people easily.
"Hey, bud!," Leon greeted his partner, "Sorry for the rude wake up call but we got stuck in a bit of the problem. We're uh-...We're lost and need a hand getting back." It seems the pokemon was used to such requests because it just sighed at him. "Do you think you could give us a lift back to Postwick?" Before Leon had even finished asking, the Chairzard turned slightly and leaned down to where it nearly had all four limbs on the ground, crouching and tilting it's wings at such an angle to allow someone to climb on top of him without harming it. "Hey! Thanks so much!" You watched as Leon effortlessly clambered onto his pokemon's back without hesitating showing he actually did do these plenty of times before and shortly he was securely seated onto the waiting charizard's back. ...But he hummed and looked over at your frozen form staring at them in confusion. "Hey. What are you waiting for? C'mon and hop on!"
"Uh..." You eyed the awaiting Charizard shuffling your feet in the snow. "Leon..I don't know about this. I've never flown bareback before. I kinda like the security of having a metal taxi around me with seatbelt. Definitely the seatbelt bit. What if I fall off?"
"You won't."
"And how can you be so sure about that?"
"Because.." He extended his hand and you felt your eyes widened as he smiled at you. "I'm going to be right here to catch you." You opened your mouth hesitating- "Do you trust me?"
You blinked again looking at him. "What?"
"Do you trust me?"
You stared at him for a while more, a red coating your face as he still smiled at you before you slowly took his hand. "Yes."
With a gentle pull Leon pulled you towards him and helped you slowly climb ontop of the orange pokemon's back. It was...Strange. The charizard's skin felt smooth and soft but at the same time hard and tough like a hard leather surface, it was also pleasantly warm to the touch as you slowly sat yourself down on his back careful to mind his wings as you climbed up onto him. And you sat there for a moment. It was weird sitting on the back of a pokemon not having anything to hold onto. For crying out loud it wasn't a horse with a saddle and reins! How were you supposed to hang on?! You let out a small squeal as, still lowly crouched down, the giant pokemon turned with both of you still on his back, snow crunching under his heavy feet until he was facing the complete opposite direction you two were originally looking in. Oh. Was that the way back to Postwick? Giant bat like wings were raised and he flapped them once to knock off the gathered snowflakes before keeping them raised, ready to take off but not doing so. Probably waiting for Lee to give him the go ahead. 
"Uh..S-So." Your hands patted along the Charizard's back not finding anything to grab onto unless you wanted to grab onto the thing's shoulders, but you didn't know if that was a good idea. "How am I supposed to hang on?"
"Huh? Oh right. Lean forward. Like if you were leaning down to tie your shoe." You rose a brow but did lean forward to get closer to the back of pokemon- !? and you froze when you felt Leon, who was sitting behind you reached forward,and grabbed onto his Charizard, his arms coming around either side of you, his chest to your back essentially holding you to him like a you both were riding a motorcycle. Your face already a red feeling him so close to you- "Now the take off will be really rocky. It'll launch ya forward like a rocket ship, but if you too just hold onto my arms! Charizard will take off once you're comfortable enough and say 'Go'."
...You blinked not catching any of that. "G-Go? AH!!"
You let out a scream as with a mighty flap of the giant wings, the charizard took off. In an instant you were sent lurching forward, hands instinctively latching onto Leon's arms as you gained height in just a second as snow flakes whirled around you and your eyes slammed shut. Head down and shivering as cold wind all but blew down your body, the only warmth coming from Leon leaning over your form helping you to hang on. After about five seconds, the lurching from the initial take off smoothed out and it was just gentle gliding with the occasional sound of wing beats from the Charizard, but you refused to open your eyes and still gripped tightly onto Lee's arms as if any moment you'd be thrown off by the wind. Snowflakes hit your body as they continued to fly by.
"Y/n?" You have a jump hearing him so close, literally just over your left shoulder. Face just going red just at how close you both were to one another. "You can open your eyes if you want. I promise things will be alright." You FIRMLY shook your head no. "Aw. C'mon. You trust me, don't you?" ....Your eyes in response just squeezed shut tighter for a moment- "I PROMISE you, I will never let you fall." Maybe it was the fact the red in your face made you light headed, or it was because you wanted to show you had trust in him, but you slowly opened your eyes, and blinked out. Nothing but pitched black met you, letting you see nothing. Not even how high you were, nothing but white snowflakes and wind hitting your cold face until your head turned feeling eyes on you and you were met with soft golded eyes just over your shoulder, gently looking at you and the Champion smiled at you. "There's that beautiful face.~"
Your face couldn't get any redder and your face whipped back to the pokemon as he chuckled. The rest of the ride back was short, it couldn't have been more than ten minutes tops when you were lurched forward again as the Charizard suddenly dipped and you once again slammed your eyes shut until the pokemon landed right in front of Leon's house. Leon got off first before turning and literally picking you up off the pokemon and placing you back on the ground on wobbly legs making him hold you for a moment...before shyly looking away and offering for you to spend the night since it was so late. To save yourself the awkward moment you agreed. Luckily Mrs. L was more than happy to let you crash on the sofa for the night, but oh boy was Silver worried about you some tomorrow morning. All in all, it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. The days passed by on the regular until it hit one particular holiday. Christmas. You had been invited to spend the holiday with your friends and their family and had gladly accepted, taking the day prior to make some chocolate chip cookies for everyone because who didn't like those kind of cookies? And you didn't know what to get everyone else, especially so many people. And their certainly was a lot. Leon's whole family, the twins' whole family, plus Sonia and her grandmother and you (plus your two tag along pokemon). Luckily it seemed everyone liked your gift. The whole place was lit up beautifully and bright and full of laughter. Yep. Definitely one of the best Christmases you've ever had, you even got a few presents along with everyone else when it was time to open gifts. Not a whole lot. A kitchen utensil or two for your house, and a sweater with Snom prints on it from the guys, but it was still more than you could ever hope for. At one point most everyone was eating or talking to one another leaving you to pet Zen for a moment, the zangoose purred at your touch despite his face still looking grumpy and you chuckled at it-
"Y/n!" You hummed and looked up to the voice seeing none other than Gloria standing there with a sly smile on her face. "Merry Christmas to ye!"
"Merry Christmas-" You smiled.
"Hey," she cut you off making you blink, "Could I get yer help with somethin'?"
Your brow rose. "...Ok. What do you need help with?"
"One o' the outside decorations fell off the house n' I can't reach up to put it back up! Seein' as yer taller can ye help me?"
You smiled and stood up. "Sure! I don't mind."
Her sly smile widened into a smirk. "Gooood. Follow me.~"
Grabbing your coat, you quickly put in on and followed Gloria outside into the cold but were surprised when she motioned for you to follow her more towards the small court instead of the side of the house, which confused you but you followed her nonetheless. Coming to the small tree in their yard you were surprised to see two other people there. Leon and Hop were standing there as Leon looking to be fiddling with something hanging from the lowest branch of the tree he could barely reach on his tiptoes but he stopped and turned towards the two of you as you approached and you noticed what he had been fiddling with was mistletoe, and there was something small and round in his hand when he turned to see you two upon hearing your footsteps crunching in the snow. Leon looked as equally surprised to see the two of you standing there as you were.
"Gloria? What are you girls doing out here?"
"Oh! Nothin' I jus' asked Y/n ta come out and help us with the decorations!,'' Gloria quickly said smirk proud on her face, "But I see Hop had beat me to it askin' ye!"
"Oh gosh. SO SORRY for the misunderstanding, Gloria." Hop said with an equally big smirk and wink towards his friend. "But I already asked Lee to help me set it back up. But HEY! While you two are out here-" Leon blinked as Hop pushed his brother a few steps towards you. "-Lee has a little gift for you so he can give it to you now!"
You looked surprised between him and Leon before opening your mouth- Hop gasped. "Oh! But I forgot! I have some uh-...Important research papers to give Sonia before she leaves." He pointed at Lee taking a few steps back towards the house. "So you go ahead and give Y/n her gift!"
"An' I forgot Mum asked me ta help put away the leftover food!," Gloria added also stepping back and smiling widely. "I have ta go now! Bye!"
And just like that the two skidaddled like a pair of soaked purrloins back towards the house and jumping inside, closing the door behind them. Leaving you and Leon by yourselves in the cold. The Awkward silence gathered for a moment as you two processed what in Arceus's name just happened before you slowly turned back to one another.
".....So. Hop asked you to come outside to fix something, too?"
He slowly nodded. "Uh..Yeah." he pointed up towards the mistletoe. "He said Gramps wanted to put it up for a romantic moment with Gran..." He stared at you, then at the house, then back up to the mistletoe face red and rubbing his neck. "But I'm starting to think he had a different motive."
You hummed deadpanned and looking back at the house. "I think so too." You groaned which ended in a chuckle. "Do you think they-"
"Caught onto us?"..He sighed embarrassed. "Yeah. I think they overheard me asking you out a second time, and ran with the idea to make this."
You chuckled more. "Well.." You eyed the mistletoe. "Can't say they didn't try. It was a sly plan."
"Um..Ye-Yeah." Leon cleared his throat before holding out the pokeball to you making you blink. "B-B-But Hop wasn't lying when he said I had a gift to give you, he just pulled me out here before I can give him to you." 
You rose a brow before looking at the pokeball in his hand. "Him?"
"I-I-It's a rotom." he sheepishly explained making you look at him surprised. "I-I know you won a rotomi phone at the fair last year, but you don't have a rotom to go with in. I-I want you to have this, a-and my number...M-Maybe we can even get together a-and set it up for you?"
You still stared at him for a long time before smiling and he felt red rise to his cheeks once your hand grabbed it from him staring at it lovingly. "....Y'know you're always really thoughtful of others, and this is something I didn't know I needed." You gazed a soft look back at him making him gulp. "And here I am not getting anything for you."
"T-That's not true! You're cookies were delicious!"
"Hehehe.~ You're always so sweet too. Jeez. It's enough to make a girl blush.~"
You smiled again. Red rushed to his face when you did so. Gold eyes could only gaze at you and your perfect face. Your face lightly cupping your face just the right way. The frost that had caught onto your lashes twinkling in the lights like little stars orbiting your beautiful f/c eyes which was as reflective as mirrors and just as shiny. Your cheeks a beautiful shade not unlike a sweet rose. But eventually his eyes gazed towards your lips. Curled up in a smile, and a pink not unlike a pecha berry and maybe just as sweet if he was honest. The Champion nearly fainted when you stepped in front of the house lights, the lights shining on you just the right way to give him the impression you were an angel. A sight he was hesitant to leave. Huh. And you were both closer than he remembered. Just a few inches from one another twinkling under the lights. And you blinked at the sudden closeness too. Face going a dim pink and a few chuckles from the moment escaping you. Barely anyone was outside now, too busy inside mingling, eating the food, and enjoying the party. So it was just you two. Alone out here with nothing but each other for company. His mind felt completely blank and numb but in a good way, compelling him to reach his hands up and cup a cheek of yours something his rational brain wouldn't allow himself to do. Inches away now. You didn't move away. He stared at the woman in front of him, this silly silly woman with the beautifully flowing hair and the cute smile. If he was watching this as an outsider, he would've laughed at how they were literally just strangers less than a while ago, but right now it didn't seem any of that or anything else mattered. Not even the topic they had been discussing just a few seconds ago. The wind blew some more rustling the snowflakes and driving the intoxicating sweet scents from the banquet around them more. And blowing some of that pretty hair into his face, which he immediately reached to pull away and you made no move to stop him from doing that. Or removing the hand that now cupped your cheek. Maybe it really was a mutual madness they both shared or some form of chaos in their lives, but right now....With them being so close...And so vulnerable. It was only natural of course-.. It's what soulmates do-.. Of course they would since-...
They kissed.
...But just for a brief second. For a moment you two were in a loving embrace warmer than the cold until he suddenly pulled away, a small flash behind you going off. You stood there for a moment as the cold wind blew on you in the dim lights as he gave you an apologetic look. 
"W-Wait." Still holding your face he frowned. "Y-You still never answered my question. Will you go to Pasio with me? I-I-..." A thumb gently caressed where his hands held you. "I do-don't want to be apart for so long."
You blinked for a moment but smiled in his hold. "Of course I am. Did you really think I'd let my boyfriend go without me?"
It was barely above a whisper and he doubted if you heard it as quiet as an espurr. Leon's eyes went wider than plates for a moment and the silence once again set in...before he leaned his forehead against yours all of a sudden still holding your face and you gave a small jump as he did so. Leaning above you you suddenly felt something wet on your face and panicked when you noticed the quivering lips and tears falling down his cold face only to hit yours and fall down your own face warming the cold skin.
"L-LEON!?", you shouted startled. "Are you alright?"
A shaking smile graced his features as he held you. "I-I'm fine. Lo-Love's just overwhelming s-s-sometimes."
....You sighed relieved before smiling back. "Just kiss me you dork.~"
Meanwhile three heads poked out from behind the shed before looking to one another totally happy.
"SEE!? I TOLD YOU IT WOULD WORK!," Gloria whisper-yelled at Victor who was holding a polaroid camera and gazing at the photograph he took of Y/n and Leon kissing under the mistletoe.
"Yeah!...But do you think they saw Vic take the picture?," Hop whispered back.
"Nah! They're too busy fallin' n' love ta notice us."
.....Leon did notice and later that night had a VERY stern talk with the three of them and took the photo to be framed on his wall. 
-One Month Later-
The giant cruise ship docked on the piers of the Pasio Region. The sky a beautiful blue and people in a large crowd cheering one word over and over and over again.
Why was he here? Well he had just arrived after taking care of a lot of things before he left having Y/n and his lil sibs go ahead of him. he walked off the ship carrying two heavy traveling bags strapped to himself following after Marnie and Piers. The sight of the Champion making the crowds cheer louder as the unbeatable champion himself arrive. Shooting his own signature pose to the crowd who all cheered louder despite security holding them back. In the distance there was a rather large building with a bright golden star where the entire Masters League would take place, many many cute looking houses and brick roads leading everywhere, and come trees here and there. This was it. His home for the next year. Away from Galar. It took him nearly a month to arrange everything with the Chairwoman. Took them all twenty minutes to even get through the crowd and all the way through to the other side where two people were waiting for them.
"Leon! Marnie! Piers!" Heads turned to a familiar sight of Gloria and a young boy her age that they had never seen before."Over 'ere!"
Of course the Champion was absolutely delighted to see his surrogate little sister and greeted her with a giant hug. "Hey! Gloria!" Pulling away the Champion smiled at her. "I can feel the excitement in the air! This place sure reminds me of Galar!"
Gloria nodded. "Yeah! Everyone's pumped cuz ye all came! This s' my new friend!'' And she gestured to the boy next to her. "Scottie n' his sister live on the island n' he's gonna show ya where ta get your sync stones for the Masters League."
Her friend smile. "'Ello. It's nice ta finally meet 'cha!' He spoke in the same accent Gloria had. "Yeah! I can show ya right now if ye want."
And Leon agreed. Good. They could get away from the crowd for a bit so he can relax and try to settle in and find you. But not before Leon turned to give one last hurrah to the crowd.
"Hello, Hello Pasio! Your Galar Champion Leon is here! I promise I'll keep doing my best to deliver the greatest battles for you all to watch! Thanks for the support! Let's all have a champion time! We'll see you at the arena!"
The crowd cheered and Piers shook his head again. "Tch. Looks like your reputation as the Unbeatable Leon proceeds ya here on Pasio as well."
"Hey! Gloria n' I are gonna have some battles too y'know!"
"Yeah, Marnie! We'll jus' have ta show 'em what we're made of when we have our matches! For now though let's get ya'll settled in! You'll like the rooms the Prince set up for us all! Hop's gonna be so happy ta see ya!"
He sighed in relief as everyone agreed as they could finally go and get settled into their rooms and focus on the important bits. Like find you and seeing how everyone settled in before their 'Welcome to Pasio' exhibition match.
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asavt · 2 years
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Remember that one ask about this... skin?? Hoopa has in Unite and the vacation outfits I drew the Pasio trio in once?
I told myself to do only flat colors....
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