#pat moynihan
luke-hughes43 · 2 months
Maybe to break the typical sibling au mold they aren’t super close. For instance everyone knows the Hughes Brothers will forever be close. They admit to talking to each other at least once a day. For Mel and Pat it could be once every two weeks? They keep tabs on each other and are on good terms. They could call each other up if they needed anything but they don’t necessarily have to be in contact with each other. Or hang out for that matter.
i was thinking of something like that.
like they are close growing up and everything but once pat goes to the program, they kind of drift a little bit and they reconnect when he comes back for college, but once mel goes to michigan for school, they kind of drift again and it’s not like it’s on purpose or there’s like a dislike for each other. it’s just life kind of starts getting in the way.
they always get along and always remember to check in but like you said anon it’s every few weeks. like when pat starts dating, he doesn’t jump to tell mel, he just tells her when they catch up the next time.
the love each other as brother and sister but they respect that they each have their own lives that they need to live and are both ok with not talking everyday.
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homonationalist · 1 year
At present, it is standard among practically all communities to fête the family as a bastion of relative safety from state persecution and market coercion, and as a space for nurturing subordinated cultural practices, languages, and traditions. But this is not enough of a reason to spare the family. Frustratedly, Hazel Carby stressed the fact (for the benefit of her white sisters) that many racially, economically, and patriarchally oppressed people cleave proudly and fervently to the family. She was right; nevertheless, as Kathi Weeks puts it: “the model of the nuclear family that has served subordinated groups as a fence against the state, society and capital is the very same white, settler, bourgeois, heterosexual, and patriarchal institution that was imposed by the state, society, and capital on the formerly enslaved, indigenous peoples, and waves of immigrants, all of whom continue to be at once in need of its meagre protections and marginalized by its legacies and prescriptions” (emphasis mine). The family is a shield that human beings have taken up, quite rightly, to survive a war. If we cannot countenance ever putting down that shield, perhaps we have forgotten that the war does not have to go on forever.
This is why Paul Gilroy remarked in his 1993 essay “It’s A Family Affair,” “even the best of this discourse of the familialization of politics is still a problem.” Gilroy is grappling with the reality that, in the United Kingdom as in the United States, the state’s constant disrespect of the Black home and transgression of Black households’ boundaries, as well as its disproportionate removal of Black children into the foster-care industry, understandably inspires an urgent anti-racist politics of “familialization” in defense of Black families. Both the British and American netherworlds of supposedly “broken” homes (milieus that are then exoticized, and seen as efflorescing creatively against all odds), have posed an obstinate threat to the legitimacy of the family regime simply by existing, Gilroy suggests. The paradox is that the “broken” remnant sustains the bourgeois regime insofar as it supplies the culture, inspiration, and oftentimes the surrogate care labor that allows the white household to imagine itself as whole. As a dialectician, “I want to have it both ways,” writes Gilroy, closing out his essay. “I want to be able to valorize what we can recover, but also to cite the disastrous consequences that follow when the family supplies the only symbols of political agency we can find in the culture and the only object upon which that agency can be seen to operate. Let us remind ourselves that there are other possibilities.
There are other possibilities! Traces of the desire for them can be found in Toni Cade (later Toni Cade Bambara)’s anthology The Black Woman, published in America in 1970, not long after the publication of the US labor secretariat’s “Moynihan report,” The Negro Family: The Case for National Action. The open season on the Black Matriarch was in full swing. And certainly not all of the anthology’s feminists, in their valiant effort to beat back societal anti-maternal sentiment (matrophobia) and the hatred of Black women specifically (more recently known as “misogynoir”), make the additional step of criticizing familism within their Black communities. But one or two contributors do flatly reject the notion that the family could ever be a part of Black (collective human) liberation. Kay Lindsey, in her piece “The Black Woman as a Woman,” lays out her analysis that: “If all white institutions with the exception of the family were destroyed, the state could also rise again, but Black rather than white.” In other words: the only way to ensure the destruction of the patriarchal state is for the institution of the family to be destroyed. “And I mean destroyed,” echoes the feminist women’s health center representative Pat Parker in 1980, in a speech she delivered at ¡Basta! Women’s Conference on Imperialism and Third World War in Oakland, California. Parker speaks in the name of The Black Women’s Revolutionary Council, among other organizations, and her wide- ranging statement (which addresses imperialism, the Klan, and movement- building) purposively ends with the family: “As long as women are bound by the nuclear family structure we cannot effectively move toward revolution. And if women don’t move, it will not happen.” The left, along with women especially of the upper and middle classes, “must give up ... undying loyalty to the nuclear family,” Parker charges. It is “the basic unit of capitalism and in order for us to move to revolution it has to be destroyed.”
Forty years later, the British writer Lola Olufemi is among those reminding us that there are other possibilities: “abolishing the family...” she tweets, “that’s light work. You’re crying over whether or not Engels said it when it’s been focal to black studies/black feminism for decades.” For Olufemi as for Parker and Lindsey, abolishing marriage, private property, white supremacy, and capitalism are projects that cannot be disentangled from one another. She is no lone voice, either. Annie Olaloku-Teriba, a British scholar of “Blackness” in theory and history, is another contemporary exponent of the rich Black family-abolitionist tradition Olufemi names. In 2021, Olaloku-Teriba surprised and unsettled some of her followers by publishing a thread animated by a commitment to the overthrow of “familial relations” as a key goal of her antipatriarchal socialism. These posts point to the striking absence of the child from contemporary theorizations of patriarchal domesticity, and criticize radicals’ reluctance to call mothers who “violently discipline [Black] boys into masculinity” patriarchal. “The adult/child relation is as central to patriarchy as ‘man’/‘woman,’” Olaloku-Teriba affirms: “The domination of the boy by the woman is a very routine and potent expression of patriarchal power.” These observations reopen horizons. What would it mean for Black caregivers (of all genders) not to fear the absence of family in the lives of Black children? What would it mean not to need the Black family?
Sophie Lewis in “Abolish Which Family?” from Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation, 2022.
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
i need beech with a youngest hughes sister that goes to providence and maybe they live together
Youngest Sister Hughes - Johnny Beecher
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I’m assuming providence college? 👀
I’m also changing it slightly to be older then Luke, but younger than Jack.
Can she be friends with Moyni too?
Yeah of course, she can bc I’m writing it
“Do you have to go to class?” Johnny murmured into the back of your neck as his arm tightened around your waist.
“Unfortunately,” you groaned as your head fell back onto your pillow after snoozing your alarm, “I don’t want to go as much as you don’t want me to go.”
You felt him snuggle closer as he pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck. Your alarm went off once again, you letting out a huff as you flung the blanket off of you, Johnny grumbling at your actions.
“You uncovered me too, ya know?” He rolled his eyes as he leaned up against the headboard, his hands tucked behind his head as he watched you dig through your shared closet.
You and Johnny had been together for almost two years, you two meeting when Jack played with him on the development team. You had decided to move out of Michigan to go to school in Providence.
Once Johnny had signed and went pro, he had asked you if you wanted to finally move in, considering he would be closer to you; to which you obviously agreed to. You two had decided to find a place about half way so it would be fair for both of you; him for work and you for school.
Patrick Moynihan lived in the same building as you two, him telling you above the vacant apartment above his when you had told him you and Johnny were going to be living together.
“Are you and Patty carpooling today?” He asked as he watched you slip on one of his old US sweatshirts, “Ya know, that looks good on you.” He said as he eyed the number ‘17’ on your right shoulder.
“I think so,” you replied as you tugged on a pair of leggings, him still watching you as you pulled your hair back with a claw clip, “I wouldn’t see why not. We do every Friday and I haven’t heard any different.”
Fridays around the Providence area made you nervous, especially driving. You were okay in regular traffic, but heavy traffic caused your anxiety to sky rocket.
“Okay good.” He said as he finally crawled out of bed, “I just didn’t want you to be driving by yourself.” He continued, “It’s supposed to be bad today with the weather and the traffic.”
“So you really do care?” You grinned as he made his way over to you, placing your hands on his bare chest.
“Of course I do.” He said, wrapping his arms around you, “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
“A shitty one.”
“Way to ruin the moment.”
You had finished getting ready in the bathroom as Johnny jumped in the shower.
You two were currently brushing your teeth, you getting ready to head out the door as you brushed with one hand and packed your backpack with the other.
You quickly walked back to the bathroom, spitting in the sink before rinsing your mouth, him doing the same.
“You’re coming to the game, right?” Johnny asked as he followed you down the stairs in search for his keys.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You said as you tossed your backpack on your shoulders before patting yourself down, “Phone. ID card.. wallet… wallet!” You shrugged your backpack off in search of your wallet, “Shit where is it?”
“Missing this?” Johnny asked as he leaned over the counter in the middle of the kitchen, holding your wallet towards you.
“You’re the best.” You snatched the wallet from him before rounding the counter to press a kiss to his cheek.
You quickly tossed it into your bag before slinging it onto your shoulder. You grabbed your water bottle, unscrewing it as you walked towards the fridge, filling it up.
“You need to hurry before you make you and Moyni late.”
“Shit- yeah.” You grumbled under your breath as you screwed the lid back on as you heard a knock on the door, “Love you!” You hollered behind you as you made your way to the door.
“Love you more!” He replied, “Don’t forget! 7:30 tonight!” Johnny called after you as shut the door behind you.
“What is he talking about?” Patrick asked as you two walked towards the elevator, him quickly pressing the button.
“Jack is in town. They’re playing tonight.” You sighed, “Another thing to add to my list.”
“At least today is the last day of classes before break.” He said, “Let’s make today a good day.”
“Easier said than done.”
“Well that was absolutely terrible.” You groaned as you got into Patty’s car.
“It could be worse.”
“Oh no, that was pretty bad.” You sarcastically chuckled, “I really don’t think today could get any worse.”
“Oh boy.” Patrick said as he was looking at his phone before showing you the screen, “There’s a back up on the highway. We’re gonna be pushing it to make it to Boston.” He said.
Patty was going with you to the game tonight, mainly because of where it was Jersey playing and the fact two of his best friends would be playing against each other.
“Hey, where is your charger?” 
“Shit.” Patty said as he looked towards you, letting out a groan, “I took it out when I cleaned my car and forgot to put it back in.”
“Nice going Moynihan.” You sighed as you watched him wince. 
“Great,” he shook his head as he clicked the power button on his phone multiple times, “Mine just died too.” 
“Man what good luck we have.” You rolled your eyes at him, “Johnny is going to lose it.”
“Oh yeah he is.” Patty agreed as he tossed the car into reverse, “Get comfy; this is going to be along drive.”
“Great.” You grumbled under your breath as you finally approached the traffic that Patrick’s phone had predicted, “As long as it took to get here, you’d think it would have been cleaned up by now.”
“I know.” He sighed as he leaned back in the seat, getting comfortable as you two came to a halt, “You realize you’re not going to be able to get ready, right?” He asked as he looked over at you. 
“I figured,” You nodded as you slumped down in your seat as well, your eyes meeting his, “I’m just glad I’m not driving.”
“Lord me too.” He let out a low chuckle, “So what do you want to talk about for the next hour?” He asked. 
“Fuck off.”
“I like that topic too.”
“Where were you?” Johnny all but shouted as soon as he saw you after the game. You and Patty had missed the entire game by the time the traffic had started moving. You knew Johnny would have been home by the time you made it back to your apartment complex so you didn't even attempt to drive to Boston. 
The NHL app had told you the game was over; Boston being beaten by New Jersey 5-3. 
You watched as Johnny paced the living room, seeing Jack come out of the bathroom; his eyes finding you almost immediately. 
“You’re okay.” He said as he crossed over to you, “You had us so worried.”
“Why weren’t you answering the phone Y/N?” Johnny asked as he watched you melt into Jacks embrace.
“My phone died and Pat didn’t have his charger in the car. Dumbass took it out.” You said as you wrapped your arms around Jack, thankful that he was being calm out of the two, “and then his phone died so we had no way to contact anyone and we got caught in the traffic from that pileup. It was terrible.” 
Jack swayed you two back and forth, your head buried in his chest, but your eyes still caught a glimpse of Johnny, who was still pacing, worry still on his face. 
“Well, I’m just glad you’re okay.” Jack said, “You had us all worried when no one heard from you. I stayed behind just in case something had happened.” he continued, “but you need to call Quinn. I called him to see if he had heard from you and now he’s stressed out too, especially with him being so far away.”
“I will.” You softly chuckled at the thought of your oldest brother basically pulling his hair out over you; which wasn't anything new. 
“You-you’re laughing right now.” Johnny shook his head as his jaw slacked, “I can’t believe you had us this worried, me on the verge of calling the cops and everyone we know, and you’re here standing in front of me, laughing? Unbelievable.” 
“I’m gonna head out.” Jack murmured from above you as he gave you tight squeeze before letting you go, “I was supposed to be at the hotel a couple of hours ago.”
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. 
“It’s okay.” He said, “You’re safe and that’s all that matters.”
Jack gathered his stuff before he gave you another hug, giving a ‘bro hug’ to Johnny, “Don’t do anything stupid Beecher.” 
Jack left quietly after that as you stood staring at the ground.
“I’m sorry you know..” You muttered as you watched Johnny’s eyes shoot towards you.
“You’re.. sorry?” He chuckled, “You don’t realize how worried I was about you! Hell, you had half of the team worried too! And your brother!” He shouted, you slightly flinching back at his tone.
“My phone fucking died!” You matched his tone as you didn’t back down, “What the fuck did you expect me to do?! Send a fucking pigeon or a smoke signal?!” 
Johnny didn’t respond as he turned around on the balls of his feet, making his way up the stairs. 
“Well fuck.” You muttered to yourself as you pulled your hair out of the clip. 
You shook your hair out as you walked up the stairs and into your bedroom, seeing Johnny already in bed, on his back with the blanket pulled up to his chest as he scrolled through his phone. His eyes glanced towards you, but they were back to whatever peaked his interest on his phone just as quick. 
You rolled your eyes as you walked towards the en suite, changing into your pajamas, brushing your teeth, and taking off any makeup that was left over from the long day you had experienced. 
You made your way towards the bed, seeing Johnny now on his left side, facing away from you as you snuggled under the blankets, turning on your right side, your back to him.
‘Two can play this game.’ You thought to yourself as you grabbed your phone, scrolling through Instagram. 
The room was insanely quiet and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. You locked your phone before plugging it into the charger, lying it on the nightstand on your side of the bed. You quickly turned off the lamp before getting comfortable under the blanket. 
You heard a sigh coming from Johnny as you felt the bed move, an arm sneaking under the blanket before curling itself around your waist, pulling your back into Johnny’s chest.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered as he pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck, “I don’t want to go to bed angry at you. I just- I was just worried. I didn’t know if you were dead or what happened.” he continued, “I didn’t know what to do and I just snapped.”
“We’ll talk about it all tomorrow.” You whispered as your hand ran up and down his forearm, “Get some rest J.”
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Keato, Grano, Ciccolini are all in the transfer portal per @SchlossmanGF on twitter. I know Moyle was in the portal last year and came out to come back and be captain so I'd love if Keato did the same. But I can't remember the timeline last year if Moyle went to the portal because of the Mel Pearson stuff or not
going into the portal seems like it’s the standard thing to do for graduating seniors with a COVID year left. it keeps their options open until they sign a pro contract, find out if their alma mater has space for them, or find a home elsewhere. (see also: pat moynihan.) idk if next year’s freshman class is sized to leave enough room for a grad student or two, but i assume we won’t find out who might be staying until after nhl development camps happen this summer (eric and keato both got dev camp invites last summer, as did moyle, and we didn’t learn until afterwards that moyle was coming back.) and no matter who stays i hope truss gets the C.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Birthdays 3.16
Beer Birthdays
William Peter Sr. (1832)
Axel Heiberg (1848)
John Land (1853)
Pat Quinlan, Miss Rheingold 1948 (1928)
Steve Hindy (1949)
Warren Billups (1986)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Walter Cunningham; astronaut (1932)
James Madison; 4th U.S. President (1751)
Todd McFarlane; comic book artist, writer (1961)
Richard Stallman; computer programmer, activist (1953)
Alan Tudyk; actor (1971)
Famous Birthdays
Bernado Bertolucci; film director (1940)
Ruby Braff; jazz trumpeter (1927)
George Clymer; signer of the Declaration of Independence (1739)
Erik Estrada; actor (1949)
Flavor Flav; rapper (1959)
Michael Franck; composer (1609)
Judah Friedlander; actor (1969)
Maxim Gorki; playwright (1868)
Lauren Graham; actor (1967)
Alice Hoffman; writer (1952)
Isabelle Huppert; actor (1953)
MacArthur Lane; Green Bay Packers RB (1942)
Jerry Lewis; actor, comedian (1926)
Mercedes McCambridge; actor (1916)
Leo McKern; actor (1920)
Daniel Moynihan; politician (1927)
Kate Nelligan; actor (1950)
Georg S. Ohm; physicist (1787)
Jacob Schweppe; mineral water developer (1740)
Studs Terkel; writer (1912)
Gore Verbinski; film director (1964)
Jerry Jeff Walker; country singer (1942)
Nancy Wilson; rock musician (1954)
Chuck Woolery; television game show host (1941)
Kate Worley; cartoonist (1958)
Henny Youngman; comedian (1906)
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lennysfridge · 1 year
Okay, but Jack legitimately told the devils to draft patrick moynihan and they did. So, it's possible
i’m so excited for pat to come to NJ after his senior year.. WAIT THATS THIS YEAR, but he may head down to the farm team but still exciting
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
for neglected players pat moynihan and johnny beecher
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msmargaretmurry · 2 years
⛔ (for the meme!)
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
OH MADELINE YOU KNOW I DO. for one, that whole mcstrome soulmarks au where they're rivals instead of teammates that exists only in your and kasper's inboxes 😂 i think the gabe/nuge one where nuge gets traded to the avs counts here too, if only because if i do ever pick it up again i'll have to completely rework it. the "if we're single when we're 40 we'll get married" seth/jacob fic i was writing for hbb 2016 but then couldn't finish because 2016 happened. there's a john/thatch soulmates one where they can literally see through each other's eyes. a little jack hughes/pat moynihan thing that i just didn't have enough ideas to make into a full story. about 15k of a harry/niall "woke up in a different timeline" thing. according to the brief dive into my gdrive writing folder, just over 4k of a mceichel thing from 2015 that i fully forgot about to the extent that reading it just now it took a minute for me to realize it was my own fic. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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huggybug · 2 years
wait, i’m gonna cry. i thought, this entire time (i’ve been skimming) , we were talking about pat moynihan 💀
babe WHAT😭😭 why would moyni be mad at her for partying
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luke-hughes43 · 2 months
pat finds out like 2 months into luke and mel dating that they are together when she goes to she him at college and mentions it.
he has a big smile on his face because he can tell that his sister is so much happier lately.
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ramrodd · 10 months
The Pepperoni Pizza Of Politics: With Jen Psaki, Don Calloway, and Tim M...
Jen Psaki can describe the practicum I have been conducting on Earnie Pyle  Journalism and Z-Pulse Theory,
What the Bulwark editorial staff needs to do is to publically repent of their complicity in Bill Kristol's Project for the New American Century. This is a manifesto for the hegemony that John Bolton has committed his career to achieving as part of the white supremacist agenda of the class warfare of the Ivy League Socialism of the John Birch Society. This is essential to the restoration of the Party of Lincoln as the dominant wing of the GOP.  Speaking as an Eisenhower Republican who was declared RINO by the Hollywood John Birch Society that Reagan brought with him, in January 1981, Michael Steele and Mitt Romney are virtually the only card-carrying Republicans from the adult leadership side of the Nixon White House, as defined by Ray Price, and the rest of the January 6 majority are the legacy of Pat Buchanan and the Plumbers, the leading edge of William F. Buckley's manifesto for the Nazification of America and the overthrow of the US Constitution like in Atlas Shrugged
And Michael Steel is the Putney Swope of the GOP, The defining vision of Nixon and Daniel Patrick Moynihan in the design of the Affirmative Action process to transform the Military Industrial Complex to the economic performance made possible my Apollo 11.
This is where Hegel comes in handy. Eisenhower doubled down on the New Deal with his 1956 Presidential Platform and created a capital budget that would enable the repurposing of the social infrastructure for the Manhattan Project to the Space Race. Infesting the universe with humanity like the blessing of the fleas in the Womans Barracks of Corrie ten Boon's sister in Ravensbruck is God's purpose with the Bible. Von Braun and other members of Eisenhower's think tank at Columbia had projected the investment in the Space Race would put a permanent lunar base by 2001. Stage 1 required creating the physical infrastructure required to support a lunar colony for 100 years, which is where the interstate system came in. Stage 1 produced Apollo 11 and Apollo 11, in conjunction with the Woodstock Festival, revealed to both Nixon and Daniel Patrick Moynihan exactly how to incubate the Democratic Socialism from that benefit from the anti-war/civil rights Boomer generation.
And the two movies that Nixon and Moynihan shared as the synthesis of all the shite America was trying to do with MLK's 1963 March on Washington, LBJ's 1964 Civil Rights Triumph and the reason  I went to Vietnam in 1950, after Kent State: 2001:A Space Odyssey and Putney Swope.
Affirmative Action is Stage 2 of Eisenhower's Stage 1. As I say, Affirmative Action was designed to create the critical mass in the whole of the American social infrastructure that will transform the quantity of the Military Industrial Complex to the Aerospace Entrepreneurial Matrix of the Starship Capitalism of 2001:A Space Odyssey. On January 19, 1981, we were a cunt hair away from achieving that critical mass and, if Carter had been re=elected, we' would have had a lunar colony for 22 years at this moment and probably been to Mars. However, Reagan was elected. If his New Federalism had been implemented, that would have become the cunt hair for the paradigm shift to Starship Capitalism.
But the white supremacist agenda of the class warfare of the Ivy League Socialism of William F. Buckley and the John Birch Society began to be installed while ripping out the New Deal and Affirmative Action.
The thing is, nobody except, maybe, H. Ross Perot, anticipated what the internet was going to do. I'm in the Peddling Prosperity business and I didn't understand the power of the internet to generate wealth until I retired in 203 and got a lap top.
Here's the thing: if Carter had been re-elected,  the agenda of Stuart Eizenstadt"s domestic would have provided that cunt hair without the internet with a 30% GDP before he left office. With the internet is beyond my capacity to project.
In contrast, the opportunity costs of Reaganomics since 1981 has exceeded 30% compounded. Reaganomics is based on the same business model of the Studio Executives in the Hollywood Writer's Strike. The Quality Assurance business model of Fran Drescher and SAG is the core technology of Starship Capitalism of Stage 3 of Eisenhower's Star Wars capital investment in 1956.
Michael Steele and Mitt Romney are the last of the Jack Kemp Republicans of the Party of Lincoln. Jack Kemp was the Daniel Patrick Moynihan of the GOP and all the stuff Jack Kemp did at HUD is operating at the leading edge of Muriel Bowser's DC Come Back launch of Phase 3 of Home Rule.
I've proposed a method to Sgt Tashina Wilhelm, 3rd District, DCMPD, for a partnership with the Benning Road Beauty Shop in an Affirmative Action project of community resilience,, community policing, and the community as a capitalist tool, based on Paul Krugman's dynamical economies of scale in Peddling Prosperty. This will fit in with the seminar on Ernie Pyle Journalism and Z-Pulse Theory.
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I just had a mini panic over forgetting Bucky's birthday (March 10) because today is Feb 11
And my brain just blocked out the month and screamed 11 IS AFTER 10
But we're in the clear for another month 😭
John Tartaglia's birthday is in 5 days
My dad's is in 8 days
Mine, Bernadette Peters', Jake Bugg's, Brian Jones', Benny Siegal's, and Pat Moynihan's is in 17 days
Fucking LIT
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dolphintonki · 2 years
Lord of rigel synth
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Lord of rigel synth skin#
Lord of rigel synth full#
Pat Moynihan/Frank Church, Jesse Helms/Larry MacDonald, Mike Gravel/Eldridge Cleaverġ980: Def. William Fulbright, John Rarick/Lester Maddox, George McGovern/Mark Hatfieldġ976: Def. Charles Percy/William Scranton, James Eastland/John Rarick, Eugene McCarthy/George McGovern Harold Stassen/Richard Nixon, Orval Faubus/John StennisĮverett Dirksen/Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. Truman/Alben Barkley, Strom Thurmond/Fielding L. Bobby Rush (Democrat/ Progressive)ġ948: Def. Jesse Jackson (Democrat/Progressive)ġ989- : Rev. Ron Dellums/Lawyer Ralph Nader (Progressive)ġ985-89: Pres. Called the heir to Roosevelt, Javits is pushing for stronger American-Israeli ties, countering the ever-growing threat of Soviet expansionism, and pushed for a greater Civil Rights Act than what Roosevelt and Revercomb had managedġ969-73: Fmr. America's first Jewish president, won in a landslide over Stevenson/Kefauver.
Lord of rigel synth skin#
Stevenson wins by the skin of his teeth and, despite the well-to-do economy, is soundly defeatedģ6. A moderate-to-conservative Democrat, Eisenhower towers over the political establishment though does nothing more for civil rightsģ5. Despite the wave of sympathy over Roosevelt's death, and the end of the war, Revercomb loses the 1948 election in a landslide to.ģ4. Revercomb, a pro-civil rights activist, is thrust into the presidency. Many blamed the stress of the war effort on his passing.ģ3. When war broke out, Roosevelt led America into war - and unfortunately died of a heart attack. Anti-lynching bills were enacted, and the push for African-American civil rights was begun. And who better to right the ship than Teddy Roosevelt, Jr. To many, the Roosevelt name is synonymous with Republican.
Lord of rigel synth full#
Facing anti-Catholics, a slowly declining economy (then full on economic depression), and a growing liberal-conservative Republican Party, Smith would be decimated by the 1929 economic collapse.ģ2. Smith, the first Catholic president, faced an uphill battle. He is also remembered for being the man to push through Prohibition.ģ1. McAdoo is remembered more as an economic president, turning the US into the main economic superpower. Though President Wilson's son-in-law, William Gibbs McAdoo, avenged the Democratic loss four years later. The 1916 election remains a textbook example of a narrow election, with Hughes winning by a hair the states of California and New Hampshire.ģ0. 1961-incumbent: Jacob Javits (Republican)ġ960: Adlai Stevenson / Estes Kefauver (Democratic)Ģ9. Eisenhower (Democratic)ġ948: Chapman Revercomb / Earl Warren (Republican)ġ952: Earl Warren / Everett Dirksen (Republican)ģ5. Smith / Albert Ritchie (Democratic)ġ936: John Nance Garner / Pat McCarran (Democratic)ġ940: Paul V. 1921-1929: William Gibbs McAdoo (Democratic)ġ920: Charles Evans Hughes / Frank Orren Lowden (Republican)ġ924: Gifford Pinchot / John W. 1917-1921: Charles Evans Hughes (Republican)ġ916: Woodrow Wilson / Thomas R. 1913-1917: Woodrow Wilson (Democratic)ġ912: Theodore Roosevelt / Hiram Johnson (Progressive), William Howard Taft / Nicholas M. So this is a remake of the list I made a while back ( here), with a more liberal-conservative Republican PartyĢ8.
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Keato to UND, hopefully Captain Truscott is a lock now. I assume Mich tried to get him back and failed (we don't have many seniors).
My question is who do you think will replace Keato as the yeller in the pre game huddles in 2023-24?
Also would love to hear your thoughts for Mich on the transfer portal and the team next year!
my colleague @padjune pointed out that UND probably offered him a scholarship that umich couldn’t/wouldn’t. i would have preferred to get other jack hughes or pat moynihan from the portal, but i’m super excited for our new ntdp class of 2019 boy!
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Birthdays 3.16
Beer Birthdays
William Peter Sr. (1832)
Axel Heiberg (1848)
John Land (1853)
Pat Quinlan, Miss Rheingold 1948 (1928)
Steve Hindy (1949)
Warren Billups (1986)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Walter Cunningham; astronaut (1932)
James Madison; 4th U.S. President (1751)
Todd McFarlane; comic book artist, writer (1961)
Richard Stallman; computer programmer, activist (1953)
Alan Tudyk; actor (1971)
Famous Birthdays
Bernado Bertolucci; film director (1940)
Ruby Braff; jazz trumpeter (1927)
George Clymer; signer of the Declaration of Independence (1739)
Erik Estrada; actor (1949)
Flavor Flav; rapper (1959)
Michael Franck; composer (1609)
Judah Friedlander; actor (1969)
Maxim Gorki; playwright (1868)
Lauren Graham; actor (1967)
Alice Hoffman; writer (1952)
Isabelle Huppert; actor (1953)
MacArthur Lane; Green Bay Packers RB (1942)
Jerry Lewis; actor, comedian (1926)
Mercedes McCambridge; actor (1916)
Leo McKern; actor (1920)
Daniel Moynihan; politician (1927)
Kate Nelligan; actor (1950)
Georg S. Ohm; physicist (1787)
Jacob Schweppe; mineral water developer (1740)
Studs Terkel; writer (1912)
Gore Verbinski; film director (1964)
Jerry Jeff Walker; country singer (1942)
Nancy Wilson; rock musician (1954)
Chuck Woolery; television game show host (1941)
Kate Worley; cartoonist (1958)
Henny Youngman; comedian (1906)
0 notes
puckyess · 3 years
You won’t regret it | Pat Moynihan
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Words: 8k
“Ten” your friend, Kat says with a smirk on her face.
You vaguely register that her remark is directed at you. “What?”
“That’s the tenth time you’ve locked eyes with Moyni” she says, now nodding over to where he was still watching your group, more specifically, you.
There was a smile on his face and he was still talking to the couple of guys around him, but his eyes never left you. Every time you glanced in his direction that night they had always been on you. But neither of you made a move toward each other. You just continued to share curious looks from opposite ends of the room.
“That is so not true”, you say lamely, turning your attention back to your friend.
Of course she calls you out, claiming that the first time was when you guys had first walked in the door, the second when you were in the kitchen with Mike, then out on the balcony, when Tyce came up and hugged you. She trailed off but she had made her point clear.
You roll your eyes, “Fine, I'll go say hi, but that's it” you tell her. The grin on her face was enough to say she was appeased by your answer, even if it was reluctant.
Taking in a steadying breath and an equally big gulp of your drink, you turn around only to find the boy you were looking for no longer there. A frown settled in your features, a tap on the shoulder has you spinning the other way.
“Hi, I’m Pat” he says, holding his hand out to you.
You look down at his hand with an eyebrow quarked and a hint of a smirk plays at the corner of your mouth. But you extend your own hand nonetheless and it earns a bright smile from him. His hand is warm and as cliche as it sounds, your hand fits perfectly in his. He shakes it up and down and the whole scene makes you giggle.
“You’re laughing at me, what’s so funny” he asks, still not letting go of your hand.
His smile lets you know he’s just teasing and you already feel so comfortable with him. “I’ve just never shaken someone’s hand in the middle of a party” you say motioning to where your hands are still connected.
It’s hard to tell with the glow of the multicolored lights but you swear you see him blush as he releases your hand with a little squeeze. He plays it well, “Well now you have, I’m honored to be your first” he says. and now it’s your turn to blush.
Normally this is where you’d go to look away but something about the way he says it, with a hint of insinuation, a challenge to see if you’ll comment that has you maintaining eye contact as you take a sip of your drink. Who was this guy and how did he manage to have your stomach in knots and make you feel at ease all at the same time?
He asks for your name then and it takes you a second to realize that you haven’t known this man for more than 10 minutes because it feels like you’re already good friends.
“Y/N” you tell him, extending your hand to him with a smirk. He picks up on you mirroring his action from moments ago and tips his head back in an easy laugh that you join him in. You wouldn’t mind hearing that sound more often.
Just as your hands connect once again, one of his teammates barrels over and throws an arm around his shoulders. “Moyni! There you are! We’ve been looking for you” he calls over the noise of the room and based on the eye roll from Pat and the shit eating grin on his buddy’s face, you would guess that his friends knew exactly where he was.
“I’ve been gone for what, all of 5 minutes? Can you guys not handle being alone that long?”
The boy holds his arms up in defense, “Hey don't shoot the messenger, Tyce sent me. You guys are up next”. Pat glances back to where his teammate is waiting at the pong table with a smirk and gives you an apologetic smile.
“It was nice meeting you, Y/N. I’ll see you around” he calls as he’s pulled away. The wink he shoots you over his shoulder replays in your mind as you lay in bed that night.
The next few days pass by pretty uneventful, until Wednesday that is. You’re eating dinner with your roommate, Kat when your phone lights up on the table. You have this thing with your friends where if you’re out to dinner, phone’s stay in the middle of the table so that you can all enjoy the present with each other.
You ignore it, listening to Kat tell you about the plans for that weekend. When it lights up again, you give it a look but your will power holds steady and you continue to listen to your friend. When it lights up a third time though Kat pauses and gives you a look. “Who is that?”
Her guess is as good as yours though. The person who normally would be blowing up your phone is sitting across from you. “I don't know” you say honestly.
She rolls her eyes, making a move for your phone and her face lights up when she reads through the notifications. She hums, “It seems a certain Mr. Moynihan has taken an interest in you”
At the sound of his name your hand shoots out to snatch the phone from her, quickly scanning the screen.
3m ago Twitter: @pmoynihan19 has followed you
2m ago Instagram: @patrickmoynihan_ has requested to follow you
2m ago Instagram: @patrickmoynihan_ wants to send you a message
“The boy works fast” your friend chirps, a smug smile on her face.
You somehow manage to hear her over the sound of your heart beating in your ears. “It’s been four days, I'd hardly call that fast” you say as you swipe up to unlock your phone.
“What’re you doing?” Kat asks, narrowing her eyes.
The alarm in her voice makes your thumb hover over the twitter app. “I’m following him back?”
She grabs your phone again and you know it’s no use to try and get it back so you sit back in your seat with your arms crossed, waiting for her explanation.
“You can't follow him back right away, are you crazy?”
You raise an eyebrow at her, “and why not? You said it yourself, he’s clearly interested. And if I remember correctly, you were the one who was excited for me 30 seconds ago”.
“Well that was before I knew this was the first time he was making contact with you since the party! You said it yourself, four days is hardly fast. Make him wait a day or two before you follow him back” she says, throwing your words back at you.
You think about what she said and while you hated to play games, you did have to say she had a pretty good track record with these kinds of things. Or at least more experience in this area than you did.
“You know I'm right,” she quips, knowing you’re mulling over her words.
“Fine,” you say finally, “I'll wait one day. But that’s it”.
“You’ll thank me later” she smirks over her wine glass.
“You don't even like Chipotle” you muttered to yourself as you pulled into their parking lot. You were one of the few people who was not a Chipotle fiend but for some reason you had been craving it all day long. And after the day you had been having you made the logical decision to not cook tonight.
Unfortunately, your boss had kept you a little longer after work and you hadn’t been able to beat the dinner rush like you had hoped you would. You let out a sigh, taking your place in line alongside the slew of college kids looking for their fix. With the line moving unbelievably slow, you pull out your phone and answer a few texts and then aimlessly catch up on social media.
“Burrito or Bowl?” the worker asks you and you tuck your phone away, reciting your order.
When it comes time to pay you go to hand him your card but he shakes his head, “You’re all set” he says, sliding your bowl across the counter. “Moyni already paid for you”.
You look down at the shiny silver lid and there’s a simple message scrawled on the lid “hi Y/N  :) - Pat”.
Your card is still in the air and your jaw is practically on the floor. “How…”
“He’s over there,” he says motioning over to a table. Your eyes follow and soon you’re walking over toward a table full of hockey players.
When he spots you his face lights up and he removes himself from the group. “I shouldn’t have bought your Chipotle” he tells you and your smile falls. Was this some kind of joke?
“I'm mad at you ya know” he continues, but he wears a smile that says otherwise.
He gives you a little nudge with his arm, hands in his pockets. “I followed your socials, why didn’t you follow me back? Did you see my message too?” he asks, completely calling you out.
You can hear some of the guys snickering and you can't tell if it’s for your benefit or his, but it makes you extremely aware of your current situation. Curse your friend for getting you into this, if you had just followed him back last night this wouldn't be happening.
Lie and deny chants the little devil sitting on your shoulder. “I haven't been on social media lately” you offer lamely.
“That’s a lie, you were just on instagram” he states, his smile growing wider. He was clearly enjoying watching you squirm.
Your face starts to flush, getting caught in your own lie. “How do you know?”
He reaches up and taps the side of his glasses with his finger, which you have to say make him look even more attractive if that was possible.
You tip your head back and groan. You were still wearing your bluelight glasses from work. You wore them so often these days that you forgot you were wearing them at all. “You can see the reflection huh?”
His smile is softer now as he nods. “I could see you scrolling from a mile away and still not following me back” he tsks.
“I was advised not to,” you tell him honestly, throwing your friend under the bus.
“By who? It was Kat wasn't it? I'm going to have to have a word with her'' he teases.
“You and me both” you mumble.
He laughs and you’re relieved that he’s not mad or annoyed at your foolishness.
“I was hoping the Chipotle might persuade you,” he jokes.
“Thank you for this” you say, motioning to the bowl in your hand, “I really needed this today”.
A hint of color dusts his cheeks and then they lift into yet another warm smile as he says, “of course. I’ll let you go eat it while it’s still warm”.
You send one last thank you his way and then reluctantly walk away.
“Remember to follow me back, Y/N! You won't regret it!” he calls after you as you walk out the door.
Your friend was going to hear it for this one.
Pat’s words echo in your ears as you get ready for bed that night. “You wont’ regret it”. A cute, friendly, easy going hockey player; he had “regret” written all over him. But there was also something else there, something that made you feel excited and comfortable to be yourself. And that’s what had you throwing caution to the wind when you hit the follow button on twitter and then again on instagram.
You chewed on your lip as you opened his DM and chuckled at his message. It was simple, yet effective.
Hi, I’m Pat
You type out an equally short response.
The bubbles pop up immediately.
It took you long enough
You shook your head as you read it, the boy was honest you had to give him that. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t throw a little sarcasm in there, chirping his incredibly fast response was a good start.
I could say the same to you
The bubbles pop up again and then disappear and you hope that he catches your sarcasm and doesn't just think you’re being rude.
I could reply slower if that’s really what you want…
You hate that you can hear him saying it, were you really falling this fast?
Not at all.
Yes, yes you were.
You lean against the counter with your mug, letting the warm steam fan your face. “Alright, why are you looking at me like that?” you ask Kat finally.
“Well I was going to say someone’s in an awfully good mood today, but I take it back. You do realize today is Friday right?”
You ignore her comment, but answer her question. “I do, I called off today”.
“And why is that?” she asks. She gets a weird smile on her face like she knows something you don’t and you don’t like it.
You narrow your eyes on her suspiciously. “What’s going on? Do you have something you need to tell me?”
She jumps off the couch, excited all of a sudden. “Do YOU have something you need to tell ME?”
“What? No! Seriously what’s up?”
She practically explodes then. “Were you with Moyni last night?”
You flush at the mere thought of that. No you weren’t with him in the sense that she meant, but had you spent the wee hours of the night talking to him? Maybe.
She catches it and screeches. “I knew it! I told Tyce this morning and he didn’t believe me-”
You cut her off in the middle of her excited rant, “Wait, you what?”
She takes a breath then and backtracks, still pacing around the apartment. “I was facetiming Tyce this morning and Moyni walked in all smiley asking for something and T chirped him asking how he was in such a good mood when he was up so late last night and asked who he was talking to. And boy did he blush like you just did”, she was down right gleeful telling the story.
“Anyway, Moyni tried to deny it, but Tyce was like ‘no dude I could hear you talking through the wall so who was it’. And he wouldn't say. And that’s when I was like wait, I didn’t hear you leave for work today and you never miss so you had to have had a long night and so I told Tyce I bet she was over there last night and now you’re all bright eyed and bushy tailed, like glowing actually and that only comes from one thing…”
By the time she finished her storytelling you were feeding off her energy. “Ok that is so NOT what happened” you laugh at the disappointed look on her face, “But. He DID ask me to come to his game tonight”. You try to act casual but the minute she lets out a squeal, you do too. You can’t believe you had become one of those girls, but you were just so damn happy.
“What?! When?! How?! Ok, rewind, spill!” She finally settles herself on the couch, somewhat patiently waiting for you to dish out the details of last night.
Between the lack of sleep and the adrenaline coursing through your veins all night, your nerves were shot. Pat and Tyce had managed to get yours and Kat’s seats not only next to each other, but with the best of views of both the ice and them. Watching warmups was fun, seeing the guys interact and show off a bit for your own personal entertainment.
The game delivered too. The goofiness, relaxed form the guys had taken during warmups was gone as their competitive sides came out and they battled for the win. Having someone to cheer for on the ice and your best friend by your side made it that much better. You even caught Pat glance up into your section once or twice and you could see that smile even through his cage.
In all it was the perfect night but this side, well you’ve never done this side of it before. You’ve never been on the side that waits for a player after the game. You’ve never been part of that group.
You stood next to Kat as she easily mingled with some of the girls and players that had formed a group near you. You only really knew Tyce and Parker and neither of them were part of the circle.
Groups had never really been your thing, you were more of a listener than someone who could handle the spotlight. You were often talked over or couldn’t really get your words out the way you wanted to so you kept quiet. In your usual friend group it was fine, you still felt part of the group, but tonight not so much.
Everyone around you seemed to know each other and had no problem interacting. You watch as the conversation bounces from person to person until you almost zone out.
That all changes when Pat makes his way into the group. He seems to be looking for someone, maybe even you but your small frame is hidden behind the wall of guys. You catch the warm smile he throws at you across the group of people engaged in conversation and asks if you saw his goal, a moment that you did in fact see and you respond without hesitation.
It’s like he flips a switch in you. You’re no longer uncomfortable on the outskirts with his attention on you. It’s as if there’s not a whole conversation going on around you with the way he talks to you, singling you out in the best way.
He nods his head to the side, motioning for you to follow him. “This is better, it’s quieter and you looked like you could use a break” he jokes once you’ve moved away from the noise of the group.
You grimace at whatever must’ve given you away. “I looked that bad huh?” you tease him.
He doesn't comment, just shrugs. “Don’t get me wrong, I love being around everyone and the energy is great but I also know that sometimes after a whole night of being wound up it can be nice to step away for a bit”
His response surprises you, you weren’t expecting something so honest and sentimental. “Thank you for that. It was a pretty crazy night. Fun, but crazy!”
At that he grins. “The boys were pretty chippy tonight yeah? There’s a little extra bite there when we play BC”.
“I could tell, you were really running your mouth out there”
He laughs, “I was doing no such thing”
“So all that pushing and shoving happened for no reason? You were such an instigator, not saying it’s a bad thing but you should own up”
“Yeah Moyni, own up” Tyce says siddling up next to him.
Pat just shakes his head. “Butt out Tycer you don't even know what we’re talking about”.
“Well of course I don't, how could I when you two wandered off to have your own little conversation” he points out with a smirk.
Pat catches you rolling your eyes at him and starts to laugh. “Relax, Y/N here was just telling me what a loud mouth I have and now she knows I get it from my roommate” he says, throwing an arm around you and pulling you into him, “Isn’t that right Y/N?”
You were very aware of the weight of his arm on your shoulders as well as the heat of his still warm body with yours turned into him. It didn't help the warmth that was spreading across your face nor did the sly smiles from both of your roommates.
“Those weren't my exact words, Pat” you said poking his side.
The movement of him reacting to your little jab has him pulling you further into him to where you have to put a hand on his chest to keep from completely falling into him. You can feel his heart beating surprisingly fast and you look up at him.
He gives you a soft smile and the whole moment is ruined by Tyce making gagging sounds and Kat hitting him. “Ow! What was that for?” he asks obliviously.
She rolls her eyes. “You are such an ass sometimes, Tyce. Let the kids have their moment, come on”. She turns to you and Pat, “You’ll have to excuse my child of a boyfriend” she says glaring at Tyce and pulling him away from you two.
Pat laughs it off, “Well then… What do you say to doing this all over tomorrow for game 2?”
“Hmmm. I think I can swing that”
“You won’t regret it,” he says, giving you a squeeze.
Somehow Pat managed to weasel his way into different parts of your life. What started as showing up to his games turned into hanging out after, going out to party on Saturday turned into nights in, homework sessions turned into brunch dates. You hung out whenever your schedules allowed but less that, there was no contact in between. It left you feeling confused until you were with him again and then you forgot all about it.
“Are you home yet?”
“No, Pat, for the tenth time; I’m on my way home from the gym. You’re a country away from me right now, why do you care when I’m home? Aren’t you supposed to be playing hockey or something?” you tease him, wedging the phone between your shoulder and the side of your face.
“I thought you went to the gym right after work on Wednesdays? It’s like 7 o'clock there now isn't it?” he asks confused.
You chuckle into the phone as you get out of the car and grab your bag. “Should I be worried you know my schedule?”
“You always make me wait after practice to get food with you after your workout on Wednesdays, thank you very much. That’s how I know your schedule. You’re also just a very predictable human” he chirps you right back.
“Stop rolling your eyes at me” he says almost as if on cue.
“Like I said, a country away and you’re still a pain in my ass, Pat” and just like he could see you rolling your eyes at him, he can see your smile too.
“I actually do have to go to practice, there’s something waiting for you when you get home!” he rushes and then hangs up without even giving you the chance to say goodbye.
You sigh as you unlock your door. You really did miss him and you really needed to get a grip. He had been gone less than a week and you were already moping...moping over someone who wasn’t even yours to mope over.
“You want to tell me how you manage to have someone so wrapped around your finger from thousands of miles away?” Kat’s voice makes you jump as she walks into the kitchen with you.
“What?” you ask her confused.
There’s a grin on her face as she nods to the island where there’s a Chick-fil-a bag and a card waiting for you.
“Ohmygod, he didn’t”
“Ohhh, but he did! Now open it, you’re lucky I haven’t read it already”. She’s almost more excited than you are.
You were trying to not get worked up over what the little note could possibly say, but it was hard not to when he had clearly been excited about it all day- and made a point to ask you about it multiple times that day.
“Hi, Y/N, you’re halfway there! Have some nugs for me and remember...treat yo self! I’ll see you soon. - Yours, Pat”
You’re smiling like an idiot as you read the words, his words over and over.
“What does it say? You know what, just give it to me” she says, snatching the small piece of paper from you.
“Awhhhh what does it mean? Halfway to what?”
You couldn’t get rid of the grin on your face if you tried. “Halfway through the week. Pat and I always get dinner after his practice and my workout on Wednesdays to celebrate.”
“Well shit, where’s my Moyni? I’m going to have to train Tyce better. What about the ‘treat yo self’? Is that an inside joke too?”
You shake your head remembering the first time it came up. “He asked me where I wanted to go and for once I was actually able to make a decision and I chose Chic-fil-a because I was craving it. He gave me a hard time about choosing fried chicken right after I had worked out and I waved a nugget in his face before popping it in my mouth and saying I earned it and was going to treat myself. It’s dumb…” you trail off.
“It’s not dumb if it makes you smile like that. I’m just mad he didn’t send any for me”.
“How did he get it here if you didn’t pick it up?”
“He sent Tyce over with the bag and card before you got here” she answers.
“It sounds like it’s Tyce you should be mad at” you point out.
She agrees and runs off to her room to reprimand him.
You sit down with your bag and note and take a selfie to send him.  I’m one happy girl. The only thing missing is you.
After you send it, you wonder if maybe it’s too much and then you remember that he arranged for his teammate to deliver you chicken nuggets and a handwritten note simply because it was your Wednesday tradition and you feel like it was just right.
Pat’s giddy mood carries into practice and overflows once he gets back to the locker room and checks his phone for any indication that you had gotten his surprise. He had told Tyce to drop it off and was going to kill him if he didn’t follow through.
When your smiling face holding up both the red and white bag and the little note fills his screen, he can’t help but match your grin.
I’m one happy girl. The only thing missing is you.
- The nuggets are my replacement! At least they can’t chirp you for ruining your workout (;
Haha I would take a few chirps to have you sitting across from me.
- We both know you wouldn’t be able to handle that 😅
Ummm false. But thank you! Tyce is a good messenger
- You didn’t think just because I was in a different country I’d forget about our Wednesday tradition, now did you?
“What’s got you smiling at your phone like that, Moyni? Could it be your….girlfriend?” Trevor shouts extra loud, making sure the locker room hears him, earning some chuckles and shouts from the guys.
Pat doesn’t embarrass easily, he just rolls his eyes at his teammate. “Don’t have a girlfriend, Z”
The couple guys around him laugh at his denial and Trevor steps in front of him, stomping his foot with his hands on his hips. “Give me the phone, Moyni”
Pat stops untying his skates and looks up to see a very sassy Trevor Zegras waiting on his demand. “Hand it over, Mister Moynihan”.
Pat shakes his head, but hands over his phone. He knew Trevor was immature enough to not let up and honestly he wasn’t ashamed of anything that was said.
Surprisingly he doesn’t broadcast the messages to the locker room like Pat was sure he would. Instead, it was a lot of mumbling as he read through what had his buddy all keyed up.
“I see”
Finally he handed the phone back to Pat and clapped him on the shoulder. “Well, buddy. I’m afraid you are one sick puppy”.
Trevor was known for saying things that just didn’t make sense and this definitely made the list. “Dude what? That’s what you got from my messages? Were you looking at the right thing?”
“Yup. One love sick puppy” is all he quips before walking away
You had been on pins and needles all day and you knew exactly why- the World Juniors final roster was supposed to be announced anytime now.
You knew in your heart that Pat would make the team but it would make you both feel a helluva lot better if you could see it in writing, this year especially. Not only had he not made it last year but you swore every other day you saw someone was getting sent home because of the virus. It didn’t make dealing with the waiting process any easier.
In the few texts and facetimes Pat had been able to squeeze in since camp started, you both carried positive energy but you could tell he was holding back. He would light up when he talked about the guys and odd little activities they were required to participate in like superlative voting and bob ross painting nights. You knew he was having a blast being back with his old buddies, especially after all of the quarantine and protocols they had to go through.
There was something else there though whenever you brought up how he was doing personally. Pat was a positive guy, the glue guy of the locker room. He liked to keep things lighthearted and loved to make everyone around him smile. So when his own smile doesn't quite reach his eyes you know something is up.
“You’re holding out on me, Pat. What’s up?”
“Nothing’s up, I just missed you”.
“I know what you’re trying to do here, but telling me you miss me is not going to distract me from the fact that you keep dancing around my question,” you try to give him a little grin but the way he’s acting makes you worry.
“Do you know when the roster comes out?”
He lets out a sigh and rolls over from his back to his stomach, hugging the pillow and propping the camera up again. His hair is adorably messed up and his glasses make him look incredibly soft and boyfriend like. You almost forget you even asked him anything as you memorize him through the screen until his voice cracks through the silence.
“I don’t know if I want to know when it comes out” he admits.
His answer confuses you. “Why would you not want to know?”
“Because then this all could come to an end and I don't want it to end”.
Your eyebrows furrow and you frown at him. “What do you mean, Pat? All of what and why is it ending?”
“This”, he says motioning with his arm, as if that’s supposed to help you. “Camp, the guys, this team. I don’t want it to be over”.
Your expression softens when you finally realize what he was talking about and it breaks your heart.
“What if I don’t make it again this year, Y/N?” he asks quietly, almost as if he’s afraid if he says it too loud it might come true.
“Come on, Pat, you know that’s not going to happen. You’re going to make the team.” You don’t know how you can convince him to not doubt himself because if you were being honest, you had thought he was a lock to make it last year, before you even knew him, and he had been cut.
As if hearing your thoughts he says, “yeah, but I thought I would make it last year too and that backfired and there’s even better players here this year”
“Where is the confident guy that stuck his hand out in the middle of a party to introduce himself? The guy that has a smile or a smirk on his face 100% of the time? I miss him. You’re allowed to have doubts and worries, but not on this. I won’t have it. You are going to make this team Patrick Moynihan, I believe in you bub”.
He’s silent for a moment too long and you think maybe you stepped over a line somewhere, but then that smile that you love so much makes an appearance.
“Wow, you’re going soft on me, Y/N”
You roll your eyes, but your grin matches his, “As much as I said I wanted to see that smirk of yours…”
At that he lets out a chuckle and your Pat is back. “Really though, thank you. You make a pretty good glue guy with that pep talk.”
“That’s what I’m here for. Now get to bed, Mister. You’ve got a big day tomorrow”.
Apparently your speech had worked because he says, “Call me tomorrow, you wont regret it”
Exactly 12 hours later you’re impatiently doing just that. “Come on, Pat, answer your damn phone”.
“Did you need something?” and even almost 3,000 miles away you can see the way the right side of his pulls up into a smirk that drives you crazy.
“Do you have something to tell me?” you drawl out, despite the burst of energy you had.
He hums in response. “Nope. Can’t think of anything”.
“Pat you made the team!” you practically scream into the phone, too excited to play his games. You chant it as you jump around your room, probably pissing off your downstairs neighbors to no end but you didn’t even care.
He laughs at how excited you are and you can hear how much lighter it sounds from last night.
It’s like he reads your mind because he says, “you’re going to royally piss off your neighbors if you keep jumping around like that”
“I don’t care, you made the damn team, Pat! I’m so happy for you, so proud of you. I hate that I can’t actually be there with you”. And it was true. You hadn’t noticed how strong your...whatever it was with Pat had grown, how close you two had become until he was gone. You hadn't even been apart from him for 2 weeks yet and yet you’re pretty sure you missed him the second you sent him off on his way to Michigan. And now that he made the team, you wouldn't see him for at least another month.
“I know, I wish you were here with me too. You’d love it here.”
You’re surprised at his admission, you had expected him to chirp you for being soft again but his comment was anything but and you have to pull yourself together because you absolutely cannot let him see you tear up or he would definitely deliver on that chirp.
“Well as much as I want to see you, I better not see you until next year”
He scrunches up his nose at that. “It sounds so long when you say it like that”. It almost sounds like he’s whining and for once you actually love the sound of it.
“You better bring me a souvenir too. I like gold in case you were wondering”.
“I’m sure you do”
“I can always ask Zegras” you tease.
“You’re lucky you’re a country away from me, Y/N” he threatens and you swear his voice is three levels deeper but you try to not let him see the way it’s affecting you.
“And what is it exactly that you’d do, Pat”
“You’ll see. You might want to take it back though, you’ll regret it if you don’t”. His words are a contrast to the ones he left you with last night, a promise and a threat all rolled into one.
Missing Pat made the anticipation for World Juniors that much better. The content that USA was pushing was something you looked forward to seeing everyday. You loved getting a glimpse into the guys Pat had history with and could see why he had formed such a bond with them.
The newest little piece of the team media was an interview from Landon Slaggert. With him being Pat’s roommate for the duration of their tournament, you had gotten to know him pretty well. He would usually pop into Pat’s facetimes and give him a hard time for a few minutes before giving him the room.
The interview was pretty standard, asking a little bit about his draft experience, the hurdles of the college season, college in general, but then it turned interesting.
“So what’s one thing you learned about your roommate, Patrick Moynihan, that you didn't know before having spent so much time with him in this setting?”
Slaggert gets a big grin on his face and now your interest is piqued.
“Well I knew him pretty well before since we were teammates in the NTDP program, uh but I probably figured out that he’s more of a girlfriend guy than he is a single guy. He likes having a girlfriend, so that’s one thing I learned about him”.
To say you were not expecting to hear that response was an understatement. Your jaw fell on the floor and your heart followed. Girlfriend guy? Who the hell was his girlfriend. You didn’t know whether to feel pissed or sad, but settled on hurt.
You shook your head at yourself and willed the tears welling in your eyes to go away. You should’ve known that after months of being with him and never actually being with him that he was never yours. This information shouldn’t even affect you, much less hurt you and yet it did.
The worst part was he hadn’t even told you about her. You thought you would at least give yourself credit as being an important person in his life, someone that you at least had shared almost everything with. And he hadn’t bothered to share this huge part of him with you. The more you thought about it, the more worked up you got.
It’s like he could sense he was in trouble because your phone lights up with his face. You’re in no state to talk to him, so you hit ignore. He was persistent you had to give him that as he gave it five more tries followed by a slew of text messages that ranged from “why are you ignoring me” to ok “im getting pissed”.
Hah. He was getting pissed, what did he have to be upset about. He finally gives it a rest even though part of you wishes he hadn't.
The words “you won't regret it” taunted you. You knew better and played with fire anyway.
“Damnit Pat'' you curse him as he stumbles and loses the puck. It seemed that every time the puck was anywhere near his stick tonight he’d turn it over. He wasn’t himself out there. He was trying to overcompensate in all the wrong places and it was noticeable.
With no fans in the stands you could hear him getting an earful when he hopped back over the boards. “Next shift Pat, next shift” you mumbled like he could hear you.
The period couldn’t end soon enough after back to back unanswered goals from Germany. You watched as the boys made a beeline for the locker room, one in particular making your heart squeeze as he hung his head.
As mixed up as you were about your emotions for him, he was still one of your closest friends and you knew he was blaming himself for the mistakes that had led to chances and goals. He was normally the guy to lift everyone up and keep them focused on the prize. You knew better than anyone how his energy affected a room. It was hard to see him like this, you only hoped he would find it in himself to get through the last period.
With your heart in your throat, you willed the third period to be better for him. It could have been worse but it still wasn't pretty. He was only in the box once but he didn't see the ice too much after that. You didn’t really blame the coach on that one with Pat playing more as a liability tonight than someone who could help them win the game. Regardless, you saw the way his shoulders slumped on the bench despite doing his best to congratulate his teammates.
Luckily USA ended up pulling out the win. As selfish as it was, you felt like you had something to do with the way Pat played tonight and you knew you needed to fix things with him. It was unfair for you to ignore someone who had no idea there were unsaid expectations.
When the phone rings more than the usual three it takes him to answer, you begin to worry.
“So now you want to talk to me? Save yourself the lecture, Y/N I'm not in the mood.”
You knew you deserved it, but it was the first time he was anything but nice to you and it made you flinch.
He sighs. “M’sorry, I’m just not having the best time lately” he apologies.
You can hear how tired he is and you would bet that he's running his hand through his hair and over his face.
“Does it have anything to do with the game?”  
His end of the phone is silent. You knew he didn’t necessarily prefer to talk about losses even though they claimed his brain.
“I didn't think you’d watch the game”
“Well you must not know me then. I’d never miss one of your games”
“Even when you’re mad at me?”
“I’m not mad, Pat. Not at you anyway.”
“Well you could’ve fooled me. Who are you mad at then if it’s not me? Because you’ve been completely ignoring me and I don’t even know why. I don’t know how I’ve managed to piss you off 3000 miles away”
“I’m not mad at you, Pat! You’ve done nothing wrong. I’m mad at myself.”
His mood instantly shifts when he hears that. He’s always been such a good listener and shoulder for you to lean on.
“Why is that? What’s going on honey? Hang up the phone and Facetime me. I need to see you.”
Hearing the pet name makes your heart ache even more than it already does and makes you equally as confused. You have to pull the phone away from your ear just so that he doesn't hear your sharp intake of breath as you grasp for any kind of solid ground, your head spinning. Your phone begins to vibrate against your chest like it’s trying to soothe your heart.
“Hey, Y/N, look at me. Are you okay?”
For the first time since meeting him at that party months ago, you can't bring yourself to look at him.
Even without seeing his face you know his lips are turned down into a frown and his eyes are full of concern. The loaded question hangs in the air, waiting to tip the balance of your life and this relationship. How could you be okay when the person you felt the most for had someone else, someone he hadn't even bothered to tell you about.
“When were you going to tell me you had a girlfriend?” you ask him, trying to muster a smile for his benefit but there’s so much hurt in your voice and sadness in your eyes that there’s no use.
You expect him to play it off, act like he was going to tell you all along. What you don’t expect is for him to turn red and start scratching the back of his neck. And suddenly you have a very bad feeling. If he was acting like this, it must be more serious than you thought.
“What? What girlfriend would you be referring to now?”
He’s acting goofy and it’s not adding up. Your eyes narrow in on him through the screen. What was he up to?
“The girlfriend that was mentioned by your roommate in an interview? Are you seriously going to keep lying? It’s bad enough that you didn’t tell me about her in the first place”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, come again?” He still had that stupid look on his face like he was in on some big secret and it was really starting to aggravate you.
“The interview of Landon that USA posted. They asked him if he learned anything new about his roommate and the first thing he came up with was how you’re some big girlfriend guy, Pat. So cut the crap, who is she?” you deadpan.
He scoots closer to the camera, still with that smug look and says “He did what now?”
Apparently you had to spell it out for him. “Do you have a girlfriend or not, Pat? Why are you dancing around the question?”
“No, I don’t have a girlfriend. Yet.” he tells you, rocking back in his chair.
Now you were more confused than ever. “What?”
“Unless you want to change that?” he pauses, waiting for you to connect the dots. “You see, I’ve been waiting and waiting on this girl to finally give me a chance but I couldn’t tell if she was interested in me. Until now, when she’s 3000 miles away from me and is pissed over a comment Slaggs made in an interview about a girlfriend that I don’t even have.”
You knew he was saying words and all the right ones too, but you just couldn’t comprehend what he was actually saying. So you echo the only word your brain seemed to know, “What?”
“It’s you, Y/N! You’re the girl.” he laughs.
“But….since when? When did you know?”
“Since the night I shook your hand at that party. All the guys knew I had the biggest thing for you, they’ve been giving me a hard time for not making a move.”
“That was the first night we officially met” You said finally putting it all together, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t know how you felt and we were good friends, I didn’t want to mess that up” he shrugs like it’s no big deal.
You sit back in your own seat now and take in all that he’s revealed in the last few minutes. This much you could understand because it’s exactly why you hadn’t said anything yourself.
“So Slaggs outed your secret huh” you tease him and he’s relieved to see a smile finally grace your face.
“I really didn't know about the interview, but I guess I’m going to have to thank him for that later”
You raise your eyebrow at him and even in another country he can see the troublemaker gleam to your eyes. “Thank him? You think this ends well for you, bud?”
He looks way too smug for your liking, “Of course it does, I’ve finally got the girl of my dreams and I’m on my way to a gold medal”
“And what makes you so sure that I’m yours”
“Just say yes, Y/N. You won’t regret it”.
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