#patched him up and nursed him back to health like a baby bird
sailorharringrove · 2 years
I know this is a Harringrove blog but-
Eddie’s death was the saddest fucking thing. So heartbreakingly unnecessary.
You know when it’s okay to run? When you’re being chased by a million monster bats.
And this darling, adorable piece of floof went full on Last Stand in the middle of the street.
I just... no.
On this blog, Eddie is alive. 🖤
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 4 months
Sorry for asking but,do you have any headcanons for Souya himself?;)
Yeah! These are my Angry hc's :)
Angry has bandaged up rival gang members after toman beat them before
He's very good at hide and seek, wins everytime.
One of the things that annoys him about Smiley is how long he takes in the bathroom (Smiley always takes extra long perfecting his hair)
Angry doesn't actually know how many plushies he has (he can remember all their names though)
Once, Angry got so sick and tired of always having to take care of their injuries that he "quit". He lasted five minutes before he felt too bad and came back.
Angry has to put extra effort into hiding Smiley's birthday presents each year (Smiley always goes looking for them). Because of this Angry has become an expert in hiding things.
Angry will take care of hurt animals as well as people, for example if he finds an injured bird he will nurse it back to health before letting it go.
Actually didn't realise he smiles so much when eating something tasty, not until someone told him.
Loves plants and gardening, has a little vegetable patch he keeps.
Angry and Sanzu became friends just because of how much Smiley and Mucho hang out.
Enjoys going to the aquarium often
In the bad toman timeline, he was still in toman but was a lesser member instead of an executive. (Smiley wouldn't let him get him promoted or too close to the danger)
He likes to go on peaceful rides by himself sometimes but his favourite ones are the ones with Smiley.
The band was completely his idea, he actually asked a whole group of people but Kazutora, Mitsuya and Akkun were the only ones who wanted to do it.
Is better at talking to girls then Smiley
Sometimes gets nagged at my Smiley for leaving mess around their shared areas.
He occasionally purposes loses games so Smiley doesn't sulk
Sleeps through his alarm often (smiley will throw a pillow at his head if he's too late)
He was the "easy one" when the twins were babies, being the quieter, more behaved baby.
Usually gives a plushie as a white day gift to his partner
And finally he really likes giving his partner quick kisses. On the cheek to say goodbye, on the forehead after a long day, quick peck on the lips to say thank you, it's his favourite form of affection. 
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Cabin Life - First Date
A/N: I seriously fell in love with this AU so hard. If anyone needs me, I’ll be in a cabin with Sonny. Once again, thanks to @berniesilvas for fueling this AU and letting me scream at her about woodsman!Sonny.
Tags: injured birds, otherwise none
Words: 1529
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart  @beccabarba  @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy  @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl  @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @berniesilvas​  @reading--mermaid  @averyhotchner  @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31
After that meeting, Sonny called you, asking you on a date. You weren’t quite sure what to expect; you were still new in coming back to the woods, and you weren’t sure what a date really entailed. But, your parents were quick to mention, if it was a date with Sonny Carisi, then it would be fine.
“Everyone loves Sonny; he’s the nicest guy around, and a breath of fresh air in the community,” your mom said.
He showed up at your place that afternoon; he lived in a cabin about a mile away. Within walking distance, but not something you would particularly do on your own. He didn’t seem to mind, though; he wasn’t even out of breath.
“Hey doll. I was thinking we could go for a stroll in the woods? There’s a meadow in between our cabins that’s just breathtakin’ in the setting sunlight,” he said, smiling.
You agreed, grabbing your coat; the autumn air was starting to get a little chilly. Your parents greeted him, and he waved back, telling them he’d bring you home at a decent hour. You stifled a chuckle; you were both in your late 20s.
Your shoes crunched over the leaves covering the ground, Sonny crunching along right beside you. He was telling you about his family, about how they wanted him to visit for Thanksgiving, so he’d have to go back to Staten. As he talked, your hands brushed, and you gently took his hand in yours. He tripped over his words for a moment, then smiled and interlaced his fingers with yours before continuing on.
It had barely seemed like you had been with him before you were coming out of a copse of trees into a meadow. Soft grass to your knees swayed in the gentle breeze, and bees buzzed from flower to flower. The sunlight was dimming as the sun sunk beneath the trees.
“Wow,” you breathed, and Sonny squeezed your hand.
He took a step into the meadow, then stopped and turned to look at you. “Just wait; it gets better,” he promised. Eyes wide with awe, you let him guide you forward into the meadow, your eyes trying to take it all in. It was simply beautiful.
Rabbits hopped through the grass on the other side of the meadow, and you caught a family of deer standing just beyond the trees, watching you.
“Ohh! Lavender!” you announced, your eyes finding the purple flower swaying just to the right of you.
Sonny turned and found it. “I love lavender; it smells so good.”
“It’s a natural stress reliever! I infuse it with my oils and lotions,” you replied, smiling at him.
His eyes widened slightly. “Ya do? Do ya make lots of oils and lotions?”
“I’m trying to make more, actually, as well as soap; I only just started researching natural, herbal remedies. Now, if only I could keep my lavender alive,” you said sheepishly.
He gave you a grin. “Ya know, I grow lavender, too, fer the bees. Maybe I could take a look at yours? See if I can help?”
“Oh, would you please? I’d be so grateful!”
“Absolutely, doll. And maybe once ya have some oils, I can buy some off ya.”
You gave him a look. “You’re not giving me a cent; you didn’t charge me for that slice of apple pie, and I’m not charging you for oils. Besides, here.” You took a lavender flower between your thumb and forefinger, crushing it, then held your fingers to his nose. “Smell.”
He did as you asked, the intake of air tickling your skin. “That smells amazing,” he sighed.
“You can do that for a quick rush of stress relief; it’s for a quick fix, not long term. But it helps,” you explained.
He grinned widely at you. “Well, I’m certainly not stressed right now.”
You opened your mouth to slip out a retort when you heard a little chirping by your feet. You glanced down and Sonny must’ve heard it, too, because he also looked. He gently parted a patch of grass and uncovered a baby bird there. It looked barely old enough to leave its nest, so why was it there?
Sonny quickly ripped his plaid jacket off his shoulders—exposing the tight, white shirt and his strong arms—then swooped down. Carefully, he picked up the bird, who was chirping incessantly now.
“Poor little thing; probably didn’t succeed in his first flight,” he cooed, his expression soft as he looked at the creature. Then, he glanced up at you. “I’m sorry, doll. Do ya mind terribly if we cut our date a little short? I wanna take this little birdy home, make sure it’s okay before releasin’ him.”
You felt your respect for him grow. “Not at all. Mind if I tag along?”
“I’d love that,” he replied, smiling. 
You followed Sonny to his cabin, the bird chirping constantly. He brought it inside, placing it on his kitchen table and taking a seat in front of it. You sat down next to him and watched the bird while he scrolled through article after article on his phone pertaining to nursing birds back to health.
“Okay, so, this here says that the bird may just be in shock, and to put it in a cardboard box with a slightly ajar lid or towel. Then wait ta see if it flies away,” Sonny explained.
You nodded. “Should we take it back to the meadow, then?”
“Yeah; it’s a lil’ far, and I don’t think he’ll know how ta get back….”
You stood, smiling, “then let’s take it back.”
Sonny found a small box, and he put the bird—still nestled in his jacket—inside. Then he gingerly picked up the box, and you both headed back the way you came.
“I’m sorry, doll,” he said after a few steps. “I’m just draggin’ ya all over the place, and fer no real reason, and we missed the sun settin’ in the meadow.” He looked to the darkening sky, and picked up the pace of his steps.
You placed your hand on his shoulder. “Sonny, you have nothing to be sorry for; you were trying to help an animal in need. If anything, that makes you more attractive.”
A pink tint appeared on his ears and the spots on his cheek that his beard didn’t cover. “You really think I’m attractive?”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “One of the most attractive people I’ve met.” That dopey smile of his grew twice as wide.
You both waited in the meadow until the baby bird finally regained its senses and flew from the box. Then Sonny figured it was time to take you home. You linked your arm with his as you walked, and he walked closer to you, your body heat colliding.Once at your cabin, you searched for something to say, to keep him there; you weren’t ready to say goodnight yet.
“Oh! The lavender!” you announced, and Sonny smiled, as if he knew you were delaying. You tugged him back to your herb garden, and he took a close look at your slowly dying lavender with the light of his phone’s flashlight. He touched the crumbling leaves, then the soil, his brow furrowed.
“What kinda soil are ya usin’?” he asked, his voice serious.
You rose an eyebrow. “Just…regular, I guess?”
He nodded before looking up at the black sky covered in stars, judging what, you didn’t know. “Ya may need ta replant it elsewhere,” he finally said. “Ya need soil with good drainage; this soil is a little compacted. If ya separated it from the others, put it in soil mixed with grit, it should do wonders here.”
“Ugh, you’re a godsend, Sonny. I’ll dig it up and replant it tomorrow. Thank you so much,” you replied, giving him a hug.
He chuckled into your ear. “Don’t thank me yet; wait ta see if that fixes the problem first.”
You leaned back, nodding and smiling at him. He grinned back, and then you were kissing, his beard tickling your chin. You both still had your arms around the other, holding each other close as your lips moved against one another. He licked your lips, and you sighed, letting his tongue explore your mouth, rubbing and dancing with your own.
Slowly, he pulled his lips from yours, then snuck another small kiss, then another, and another. Finally, he rested his forehead against yours, both of you breathing in the other’s air.
“Best. First date. Ever,” you murmured, and he huffed out a laugh against your lips.
“Even with the bird?” he asked, making you laugh this time.
“Especially with the bird,” you replied, and he smirked before kissing you again. You could never tire of his lips against yours, his beard tickling your chin, leaving a slight rash. Your hands when to his soft hair, and you grabbed a handful, giving him a soft tug. Everywhere he touched sent fire through you, and with his body pressed up against yours, it felt like you were an inferno. And you knew that from this moment on, you didn’t want to be put out.
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agron-rps · 7 years
troian + dianna, ian + dianna have fun
♛ fill in the blanks | fluff otp edition: t r o i a n n a
WHO’S MORE LIKELY TO FIND WHO WEARING THEIR CLOTHES?: They’d both not so secretly sneak into the other’s closet.WHO ENUNCIATES HAND HOLDING?: They both would.WHO LIKES HAVING THEIR HAIR WASHED BY WHO?: Dianna by Troian.WHO LIKES TO SLOW DANCE?: Dianna and she’d get Troian to love it too if she didn’t at first.MUSE THAT’S MORE LIKELY TO FALL ASLEEP WITH THEIR HEAD IN THE OTHERS LAP?: Troian.MUSE THAT DOES ALL THE CUDDLING IN A BLANKET FORT?: Dianna.WHO HOGS MOST OF THE COVERS AT NIGHT?: The hogging would go back and forth.MUSE WHO NUZZLES THE OTHERS SHOULDER TO GET THEM TO GIVE THEM A HEAD RUB?: Troian.HOW DO THEY SHARE A DESERT? TWO FORKS OR ONE?: One.WHO GETS JEALOUS MORE EASILY?: Dianna.WHO GETS ANGERED MORE EASILY?: Troian would show it more, but calmly.HOW DO THEY GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT?: All the cuddles.WHO GETS THE MOST SHOULDER RUBS?: Troian. Dianna thinks the brunette is too tense.WHAT ARE THERE ARGUMENTS/FIGHTS LIKE? HOW OFTEN DO THEY FIGHT?: They’d probably argue over the smallest of the small things, but that would be the full extent.WHO IS MORE LIKELY TO THROW THINGS IN FIGHTS?: Neither.HOW DO THEY MAKE IT UP TO EACH OTHER/APOLOGIZE AFTER AN ARGUMENT?: Troian would do something romantic and Dianna wouldn’t be able to not accept the apology.DO THEY HAVE NICKNAMES FOR EACH OTHER?: Dianna’s nickname will always be Angelface and Troian would always be her baby girl.CARING FOR EACH OTHER WHILE ILL, HOW DOES THE OTHER MUSE GO ABOUT IT?: They’re both extremely caring and compassionate people, so they’d nurse the other back to health.WHO’S MORE LIKELY TO BE PATCHING THE OTHERS WOUND?: They both would.MUSE THAT SAYS ‘I TOLD YOU SO’, AFTER THEY COME HOME FROM THE BEACH AND OTHER MUSE IS BURNT TO A CRISP WHILE WHINING HOW BAD IT HURTS FOR NOT LISTENING AND PUTTING ON SUNBLOCK AFTER THE OTHER MUSE REPEATEDLY TOLD THEM THEY’D GET BURNT?: Troian.YOUR OTP HAS A NEWBORN BABY, WHO GETS UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WHEN HE/SHE CRIES?: They’d take turns.YOUR MUSE’S OF THE OTP REACTION TO FINDING THE OTHERS CRYING ABOUT SOMETHING? AND HOW DO THEY MAKE THEM FEEL BETTER?: Dianna would kill whoever hurt her girl. That’s a big no no.WHAT WOULD THEY BE LIKE AS PARENTS?: The most loving, accepting moms.WHAT WOULD THEY HAVE BEEN LIKE AS CHILDHOOD SWEETHEARTS?: They probably would have run in different social circles in middle/high school but met through class or drama. They would have gotten along immediately, and one thing would have led to another and feelings would develop. They’d keep their relationship on the down low and first, but go public and their prom and graduation.WHO ENUNCIATES TAKING A BATH TOGETHER?: Troian.WHO LIKES WHO PLAYING WITH THEIR HAIR?: Dianna likes to play with Troian’s and she’d do it all the time.THE PLACE THEY MOSTLY LIKELY ACCIDENTALLY FALL ASLEEP TOGETHER?: A blanket fort that they made for the kids 
♛ fill in the blanks | fluff otp edition: h a r d g r o n
WHO’S MORE LIKELY TO FIND WHO WEARING THEIR CLOTHES?: Dianna would wear Ian’s shirts to bed.WHO ENUNCIATES HAND HOLDING?: Ian.WHO LIKES HAVING THEIR HAIR WASHED BY WHO?: Dianna by Ian, but Ian would lowkey like Dianna washing his too.WHO LIKES TO SLOW DANCE?: Dianna, but Ian would love slow dancing with her.MUSE THAT’S MORE LIKELY TO FALL ASLEEP WITH THEIR HEAD IN THE OTHERS LAP?: Dianna.MUSE THAT DOES ALL THE CUDDLING IN A BLANKET FORT?: Ian because he’s cute like that.WHO HOGS MOST OF THE COVERS AT NIGHT?: Dianna, and it’d annoy Ian to no end because he’d always be cold but he wouldn’t have the heart to steal the covers back.MUSE WHO NUZZLES THE OTHERS SHOULDER TO GET THEM TO GIVE THEM A HEAD RUB?: Ian.HOW DO THEY SHARE A DESERT? TWO FORKS OR ONE?: Two because Ian would never give up the one fork.WHO GETS JEALOUS MORE EASILY?: Dianna.WHO GETS ANGERED MORE EASILY?: Ian, but him getting angry would be rare.HOW DO THEY GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT?: After they talk about their day and spend some nice quality time together.WHO GETS THE MOST SHOULDER RUBS?: Dianna.WHAT ARE THERE ARGUMENTS/FIGHTS LIKE? HOW OFTEN DO THEY FIGHT?: They would hardly fight. It’d have to be about something big.WHO IS MORE LIKELY TO THROW THINGS IN FIGHTS?: Neither.HOW DO THEY MAKE IT UP TO EACH OTHER/APOLOGIZE AFTER AN ARGUMENT?: They made an agreement to never go to bed angry with one another, so they’d talk about whatever the argument was about for however long it took to solve the problem.DO THEY HAVE NICKNAMES FOR EACH OTHER?: Just your average run of the mill pet names.CARING FOR EACH OTHER WHILE ILL, HOW DOES THE OTHER MUSE GO ABOUT IT?: Ian would wait on her hand and foot.WHO’S MORE LIKELY TO BE PATCHING THE OTHERS WOUND?: Dianna.MUSE THAT SAYS ‘I TOLD YOU SO’, AFTER THEY COME HOME FROM THE BEACH AND OTHER MUSE IS BURNT TO A CRISP WHILE WHINING HOW BAD IT HURTS FOR NOT LISTENING AND PUTTING ON SUNBLOCK AFTER THE OTHER MUSE REPEATEDLY TOLD THEM THEY’D GET BURNT?: Dianna, because that would happen to Ian way too many times.YOUR OTP HAS A NEWBORN BABY, WHO GETS UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WHEN HE/SHE CRIES?: They’d both get up, but Ian would convince Dianna to stay in bed and he’d go take care of the baby.YOUR MUSE’S OF THE OTP REACTION TO FINDING THE OTHERS CRYING ABOUT SOMETHING? AND HOW DO THEY MAKE THEM FEEL BETTER?: Dianna would let Ian talk about whatever it was that was bothering him and they’d come up with some kind of solution together.WHAT WOULD THEY BE LIKE AS PARENTS?: They’d make the worst jokes ever. His dad jokes would rub off on her.WHAT WOULD THEY HAVE BEEN LIKE AS CHILDHOOD SWEETHEARTS?: He would have been crushing on her so hard but was so deep in the friendzone that it looked like he had no chance in hell of ever getting out. But then one day, Dianna would have seen him with another girl and felt weirdly jealous. Then after having to watch them together, and convinced she wasn’t treating Ian like she should have, Dianna would have approached him and told him how she felt.WHO ENUNCIATES TAKING A BATH TOGETHER?: Ian.WHO LIKES WHO PLAYING WITH THEIR HAIR?: Dianna would make Ian play with hers.THE PLACE THEY MOSTLY LIKELY ACCIDENTALLY FALL ASLEEP TOGETHER?: Out in their hammock in the backyard while stargazing... or trying to look at birds.
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