#patd fan art
nearlycassidy · 1 year
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in December of 2020 I drew a series of Ryan Ross pieces to feel something again.
today I start posting them.
Pretty. Odd. Ryan.
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meowmeowcat759506 · 5 months
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Ryan Ross for the soul
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mystic-sn0w · 5 months
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plankos · 1 year
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i was put on this earth to bully sanji
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ghostwanderer · 7 months
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PaTD! - Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - 2005
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3nigm4art · 2 years
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Day 4 inktober, CRAZY=GENIUS mad scientist Q
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rosieurie · 8 months
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ryan ross sketch..! gonna do jon walker later and then possibly finish it off
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octoooo · 8 months
Can we ban small spherical foods
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lola-babylon · 6 months
If Ryan had loved Led Zep and not The Beatles, maybe we'd have the Cabin Album
Two years after the release of AFYCSO, PATD fans were crying out for new music from the boys, and curious as to what they'd been working on during their stay in a cabin in the mountains of Nevada (which actually wasn't that isolated ... Mount Charleston is less than an hour's drive from Summerlin; Brendon would pop home to have dinner with his family during this time).
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The band debuted material they'd been working on at Summerfest in Milwaukee on July 7 2007, playing a then untitled song later dubbed "True Love" amongst the bandom.
And the reception was not enthusiastic. To quote Pretty Odd Fever:
"I genuinely loved the song, so its reception still makes me a little sad. It felt like the majority of fans completely hated it and were absolutely brutal. There were seriously thousands of comments online tearing the band apart. Even fans who were at Summerfest said the crowd didn’t seem too impressed with the new song.
Yes, the song was a repetitive fairy tale cliche… but who knows where it fit into the album’s storyline or what the tone actually was! Brendon said that a lot of the cabin album was satirical.
Basically, a huge amount of people were hating on the lyrics (but some people still seemed to love the melody, Brendon’s vocals, or other small parts). The band absolutely saw what so many people were saying online. There’s no way they could’ve missed that even if they didn’t lurk (which Jon did). Right after Summerfest they decided to scrap the cabin album and completely start over. The album’s release date had been pushed back before Summerfest, though, so it sounded like the band was maybe already uncertain about their new material before the overly negative response."
Had PATD already decided to scrap the songs they'd been working on at the cabin before Summerfest? Or was it the audience reaction to the debut of "True Love" that caused them to rethink their musical direction and start over? Some fans still want to know what happened in Seattle (nothing) or what happened in Cape Town (nothing to do with any relationship between Brendon and Ryan) but goddamn it, I want to know what happened in the cabin.
We do know, though, that Ryan was getting massively into the Beatles about this time. Which is fine, but the course of PATD history might have been different if he'd had a Led Zeppelin phase instead. Because Led Zeppelin know something about a band's art being disdained on first hearing, and if Ryan had known his Zep history he'd have known that Stairway to Heaven was also hated by the fans on first performance.
Stairway to Heaven starts with the sounds of recorders - recorders! - before taking the listener on an almost 8 minute long aural journey across mythology, folk rock, hard rock, and a lengthy Jimmy Page guitar solo. And for all that it was hailed as a masterpiece in subsequent years, early audiences hated it. Unsure of what exactly they were hearing, they'd whistle and boo with derision, stamping their feet until the song was done and they could get back to rocking out to Whole Lotta Love. As Led Zep bass player John Paul Jones said of the the audience response to Stairway's live debut in March 1971, "They were all bored to tears waiting to hear something they knew." It wasn't until Stairway to Heaven began to receive radio play later in 1971 that the appreciation, which would later grow into adoration and obsession over the song, began.
So maybe if Ryan had been into Led Zeppelin in 2007, he'd have noted the audience reaction to True Love and said "who cares if they don't like it now? People didn't like Stairway to Heaven when they first heard it, and look at how that went." Of course for Led Zep, audience reaction was limited to what the audience saw on the night and fan chatter after shows; there were no forums or Live Journal or YouTube videos allowing fans to be on the lnternet within minutes registering their disgust throughout the world.
Maybe PATD had already decided to scrap the cabin album anyway, and just decided to give a small slice of it a public airing when they had the chance. But it's fun to imagine the alternative timeline where Panic got into Led Zeppelin instead of the Beatles; Brendon being the one with the tambourine, shirt unbuttoned to his navel, dancing around as Ryan cranked out excruciatingly lengthy solos on a double necked Gibson, having decided to hell with what the audience thought. And John's symbol for their album cover would be a cat.
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maloudraws · 5 years
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Holy shit I forgot about this account but anyways have a bit of PRIDE
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nearlycassidy · 1 year
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im-creature · 6 years
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heres some ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh                      B r e n d o n
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reyskitchensink · 5 years
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The fear of falling apart...
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kitten-island · 5 years
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just brendon urie :)
art by me :)
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ghostwanderer · 7 months
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PatD! - The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage - 2005
To be honest, I’d prefer their earlier works
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chaetacharlie-blog · 6 years
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One of my little drawings~Ryden
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