#patient monitor accessories
Enhancing Precision and Excellence: Dental Microscope Applications in Yatala
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Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the world of dental innovations that are transforming smiles and elevating the standards of care. Today, we're shining a spotlight on an incredible advancement in dentistry - Dental Microscope Applications in Yatala. This cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the way dental procedures are performed, ensuring precision, accuracy, and improved patient outcomes.
A Closer Look at Dental Microscope Applications
Seeing the Unseen
In the field of dentistry, precision is paramount. Dental issues can often hide in the smallest, most intricate corners of your mouth, making them challenging to diagnose and treat effectively. Enter the dental microscope, a powerful tool that magnifies and illuminates the oral cavity like never before. This microscopic view allows dentists to see details that would be impossible to discern with the naked eye.
Transforming Diagnostics
One of the most significant advantages of dental microscopes is their role in early diagnosis. By visualizing dental problems at their inception, dentists can intervene proactively, preventing more extensive and costly treatments down the road. Whether it's a tiny cavity, a hairline crack, or the early stages of gum disease, the dental microscope reveals the story behind your oral health.
A Multitude of Applications
Dental microscopes find applications across various dental specialties, including:
1.      Endodontics
Dental microscopes are a game-changer in root canal treatments. They allow endodontists to navigate the complex root canal system with precision, ensuring that no infected tissue is left behind.
2.      Restorative Dentistry
For restorative procedures like fillings, crowns, and veneers, the microscope ensures that dental work seamlessly blends with your natural teeth, both in function and aesthetics.
3.      Periodontics
In periodontal treatments, dental microscopes aid in thorough cleaning, precise root planing, and the precise removal of infected tissue, promoting optimal gum health.
4.      Oral Surgery
From wisdom teeth extractions to dental implant placements, oral surgeons use dental microscopes to enhance surgical precision, minimize invasiveness, and reduce recovery times.
The Patient's Perspective
Dental microscopes aren't just a boon for dentists; they also improve the patient experience. By catching dental issues early and ensuring precise treatments, patients can enjoy:
1.      Minimally Invasive Procedures
Smaller incisions, less discomfort, and shorter recovery times are just some of the benefits of microscope-assisted treatments.
2.      Visual Understanding
Patients can actively participate in their treatment decisions as dentists can display the images captured by the microscope, explaining the issues and the proposed solutions.
3.      Improved Outcomes
Microscope-guided treatments often result in more predictable and successful outcomes, providing patients with lasting dental health.
The Future of Dentistry in Yatala
Dental Microscope Applications in Yatala are transforming dental care from an art into a science. By enhancing precision, early diagnosis, and patient understanding, this technology is setting new standards in the dental industry.
If you're looking for a dental practice in Yatala that harnesses the power of dental microscope applications, look no further. Our commitment to innovation and patient-centric care ensures that you receive the highest level of dental treatment available.
To experience the benefits of dental microscopy firsthand, schedule an appointment with us today. Your smile deserves nothing less than the very best.
Precision. Clarity. Excellence. Welcome to the Future of Dentistry in Yatala.
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starrysharks · 1 year
why is velvet's monitor fairy named ribbon
It's a little confusing to me because they don't look very ribbony
the name doesn't have that much meaning to it when it comes to ribbon's themes/appearance, but it's one that velvet chose subconsciously, so it does relate to what velvet likes (fashion and ribbons and cute things)!!
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kamalkulkarni · 1 year
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swabsandcream · 1 year
No Ordinary Fan [Part 1]
Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N finally gets to meet her favorite actor of all time, but something about her manages to grasp the successful actor’s attention.
AN: Jeffrey is portrayed as a single man in this fic.
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“Okay. You got this. You’re going to go in there and look him dead in the eye as if he’s not the man of your dreams. I can’t fucking believe this is happening.” Y/N stood in front of her bathroom mirror, undressed with only a towel to cover her as she gave herself a pep-talk. After being a fan of JDM for many years, she had finally been given the opportunity to interact with the actor at a meet and greet taking place in her city. This is something she had been looking forward to for weeks, but once the day finally came, she was overcome with anxiousness. 
Once Y/N had finished her little speech, she stepped out of her bathroom and back into her room to get dressed. She already had the clothes she intended to wear laid out on her bed along with her accessories. It was a casual outfit, because she wasn’t the type to ‘dress up’ even if it was to meet her longtime crush. She figured that this was the perfect time to show off her t-shirt she had purchased from The Walking Dead merchandise store and her pants were regular blue jeans. Her accessories were also merch pieces dedicated to the popular tv show, but her most favorite were the hook earrings that resembled Negan’s bat she managed to find on Etsy. It only took a couple of minutes for her to be fully dressed, and now monitoring the time as she decided to put on a little makeup right before she heads out. In an effort to make it to the event on time, she quickly finished up and grabbed her things to leave, including the two Negan posters she wanted him to sign for her. 
After rushing out of the house and spending a little over a half hour in aggravating traffic, she had finally made it to the building where the meet and greet was taking place. Her heart was racing as she made her way inside, still partly in disbelief about what was going to happen in a matter of minutes. Once she got inside, she went through the motions of gaining entry and was sent to stand in line with the rest of the fans. She made it relatively early, so the line was short enough to where she could see him sitting behind a table and interacting with a fan. Her composure began to unravel as she watched him speak from afar and tuning everything else around her completely out in the process.
Oh my God he looks so much better in person. His slicked back brown hair, salt and pepper beard, and don’t get me started about that smile. Y/N fangirled away in her head as the line grew shorter, and her excitement became more prevalent. Before she knew it, she was next in line behind the person that was standing in front of her. The man she had only fantasized about in her spare time, the one she referred to as her husband on social media, the Jeffrey Dean Morgan was sitting right there. She kept her eyes on him as she patiently waited her turn, and for a second, she could’ve sworn that he had glanced over at her a few times as he was speaking to the other fan. A few minutes later, the fan’s time was up, and it was now Y/N’s turn to introduce herself for the very first time. She took a deep breath and put a smile on her face as she stepped forward, stopping in front of the table directly in front of him. Her ability to speak had been halted for unknown reasons, but still wore a big smile on her face.
“Well, hello there. What’s your name sweetheart?” His voice was deep and husky, on top of the nickname he called her, was gratifying all on its own. She realized she had been quiet for a little bit too long and snapped herself back into reality.
“I’m sorry, I’m- uh...my name is Y/N. Sorry.” 
“No need to apologize Y/N. That is such a lovely name for a beautiful young lady such as yourself.” He spoke to her softly, giving her that killer smile of his. It was almost like he knew that he had a strong effect on her and used it to his advantage. 
“Thank you. I’m such a huge fan and I love all your work.” She tried not to sound too cheerful, keeping her tone as neutral as possible. 
“Is that right?” He let his eyes wander up and down her body. “I see you got a TWD shirt, very nice. But is that what I think it is?” He brought his hands up to his ears and pinched his earlobes, indicating to Y/N that he is inquiring about her earrings. 
“Oh! They’re Lucille earrings, I found them online.” She moved her hand behind her ear to push the jewelry forward, giving Jeffrey a better look. 
“That’s fucking awesome. I can’t really see them from down here though, come closer so I can see them better.” He leaned forward onto the table, using his arms to support him as Y/N bent down to get closer to him. She was now at the same level he was as he remained in his chair, allowing him to touch the hooked earring in her left ear. He then let go of the earring and moved his face much closer to hers, putting his lips up to her ear.
“I’ve had my eye on you ever since you came in here.” Y/N audibly gasped, remaining still as he continued to whisper in her ear. “I’d like to get to know you better, if that’s ok with you.” He promptly moved back from Y/N, awaiting a response as she slowly brought herself up from the table. 
She had a hard time grasping what she had just heard. He very clearly just told her that she caught his interest, and she still felt as if all this was some kind of fever dream. She turned around to see a line of people behind her, all of them being completely clueless about what was going on at that moment. The sound of the actor clearing his throat made her turn back around, seeing him tap his wrist as an indication that they were running out of time. 
“Ok, yes. But how exactly are we supposed to do this?” She was whispering to prevent the people around them from hearing. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, unlocked it, and slid the phone over to her on the table. He wanted her phone number, so she quickly put it in his phone and saved it under her name. She slid the phone back to him and he put it back into his pocket. Seeing that it was time to say farewell, he reached out and grabbed one of Y/N’s soft hands, giving her one last look with his lustrous, hazel eyes. 
“It’s been really nice meeting you Y/N, and I hope to see you again very soon.” He brought his voice down to a whisper, “and I’ll call you as soon as I’m done here, okay?”
Y/N nodded her head in compliance, hanging on by a thread at the sight of him holding then releasing her hands from his grip. She waved goodbye to her idol as the event coordinator escorted her away. She wanted to make sure that she wasn’t certifiable, and that his entire experience wasn’t all in her head. She pinched herself, gave herself a light smack on the face, and even asked the coordinator if she was dreaming. It all appeared to be happening in real time, and she was going to have a chance to get close to someone she once referred to as her baby daddy. 
Tag: @artistinyou2
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darlingdarkly · 18 days
Fates Worse Than Death Part 11
Deimos x f!reader noncon! Enemies to Lovers
4.2k words
CW: noncon!elements, dubcon!elements
Parts: 1, 10
The next day is hectic. With only one day between Rook’s offer and the showcase, he’d harped you until you gave in and then the real work started. Shipments arrived in droves, crates of both female and male variants of striker and sentry uniforms, all arriving within the same time window, all requiring signatures and last minute adjustments and returns.
Between distribution and order corrections and setting up the auditorium for the unveiling and presentation Rook was busy as a bee and when you’d come in that morning and told him you’d agreed to help you were taken by surprise as he suddenly lifted you up in his arms and spun you around, prattling off praise in French that was spoken way too quickly to discern.
“Rook! Rook! Put me down!”
You did catch the gist of it with the kiss he pressed to your cheek when he finally relented and stopped spinning you.
“Sorry, Cherie. You just have no idea how grateful I am that you showed up when you did!” He let you down and you had to quiet the butterflies in your stomach, you hadn’t been picked up and twirled since you were like five. “What do you need me to do?” You asked, glossing over his apology to hide your flustered state.
He quickly went over what he needed you to do, which amounted to waiting around for the deliveries to arrive, signing for them and then sorting the boxes into one of four piles, easy enough work.
When he’d finished explaining everything he pulled a walkie-talkie from a charging station on one of the far desks in the room. “If you run into any trouble or you need anything just use this.” He turned it on to make sure it had a charge before reaching around to the back of his belt to show you his. “I’m set to channel 5.” You nodded and took it from him, securing it around the back of your belt like you’d seen him do.
Duty called and he didn’t stay long, just one last moment to thank you from the bottom of his heart, the sincerity in his eyes and gratitude in his voice grating against the ulterior motives hidden like a Trojan horse in your sudden bout of generosity, making it almost impossible to hide the reflective wince it brought on.
If there’s anything for you to feel bad about in the aftermath of this whole debacle, any regrets you could put a finger on it’d be treating Rook like this, he certainly doesn’t deserve it. He’d been nothing but gracious and patient and attentive to you since you’d come home, probably drawn from some sort of residual guilt for sending you out there in the first place. But it doesn’t change the fact that what’s done is done.
There’s no coming back from this. Maybe in another lifetime, under very different circumstances, something might have blossomed between you and the kindhearted Frenchman with a penchant for wounded pigeons but you’re on different paths now.
You watch him go and don’t even throw a secondary glance over your shoulder before you’re already snooping around in the boxes, looking for a size large pair of combat pants, an XL in compression top and vest, not to mention the rest of the accessories that completed the look. If you were doing this it absolutely had to be correct, right down to the gloves and goggles. It didn’t help that you had to keep bringing out the sketch, comparing the prototypes to the examples on the boxes to even separate the sentry sets from the striker sets. It had to be perfect and it had to be smooth.
Gathering what you needed as the shipments came in, you hid them in an extra empty box, stashed away separately from everything else so you could tote it away inconspicuously later.
The buzzer in the garage sounded and from the monitors you could see another delivery guy waiting around outside with yet another set of boxes resting on his hip. You called down over the intercom to let him know you were on your way before jumping up and heading out to retrieve it.
All in all, it was coming together rather nicely. It may have been a bit of a boring way to spend your afternoon, but you didn’t mind. You’d gotten lucky that an opportunity as simple and convenient as this had surfaced and you weren’t one to look too closely at miracles when they occurred. You’re beginning to believe you can actually pull this off, just smuggle him right out from under their noses.
You get to the garage to deal with what had to be the eighth delivery man of the day. Wondering how the hell they couldn’t have coordinated this better as you scribble your name on the little tablet he’d handed over. You thank the man and send him on his way, setting the trio of boxes off to the side as you watch him retreat back to his truck. These were heavy, plates and plate carriers you were guessing by the markings on the sides, it’d take you two trips at least.
You were about to begin your first trek when a shadow fell over you. You’d assumed it to be someone sent by Rook or perhaps one of the two guys you’d passed a couple times who had been leaning in the hallway who had come to help. But as you turned, the polite smile on your face fell and your heart dropped.
“Hey there, you.” Fisher.
“Those look heavy. Need a hand?” You took an instinctive step back and bumped into the boxes stacked behind you. “Fisher. Uh.. umm.. No.” You shut your eyes to try and regain your composure as your pulse rises in your throat and you feel your hands growing clammier by the second. When you open them you’re no better off than before you’d closed them.
You double down, try to hold your ground against him but his gaze is piercing. Like an entomologist will pin back a butterfly’s wings, he’s pulling you apart piece by piece and nailing you to the wall, exposing you like your lies are painted on your skin, examining you with a laser-focused scrutiny to decipher them. “No, i-it’s fine, I got it.”
He closes the small bit of distance you’d put between the two of you, towering as his shadow lengthens, threatening to swallow you whole. “I never did get a chance to welcome you to the team. What under the miraculous circumstances of your promotion you’ve been as toured around as sanctimonious as a saint.”
You swallow but nothing goes down, tongue dried to papyrus in his presence, not that the ball of lead that’s become your belly would accept anything even if you could. “I’ve been waiting for just the moment when I could finally get you all to myself. You’re a hard woman to pin down, you know that?”
“They’ve really been keeping me busy, ya know?” You laugh, a breathy, humorless, nervous sound; no more than air chuffed up from the shallows of your drawn up lungs. “It helps.” You tack on, uselessly.
“I’ve gotta know, how did you manage to not only be the last person on your squad to still be breathing after crossing paths with one of Rainbow’s most elite.. most notorious.. hell, most infamously dangerous enemies of all time; but also somehow make it out of his compound alive after over a month of what I’m assuming to be the worst, most excruciating torture regiments the human mind is capable of conjuring. I mean the stuff he talked about doing to you..” He whistles, and in the vast, open expanses of the concrete garage it echoes far and wide, stinging to your ears.
As spacious as the garage may be, you suddenly feel suffocated, like the walls are closing in, drawing tight around you as you find there is no more room to back away, your back literally to the wall as your hands drop back behind you to confirm the legitimacy of its finite restrictions. And he just keeps coming, his individual boot falls deafening in the open space.
“I’ve seen seasoned soldiers come back from POW camps broken beyond repair.. just absolutely fucked in the head after being subjected to things that make what he claims you went through look like a cake walk. So please, tell me dear, how did you manage to keep your head? What on earth did you cling to keep you going? Please, I’ve gotta know.”
Panic dogs the greater logistic power of your brain, shooting bright red flares up from the depths of your knotting stomach into the clouded skies of your mind and scrambling your thoughts. It’s only by chance that your hand grazes the walkie-talkie mounted to your hip and it’s by sheer instinctive reaction alone that you decide to start depressing the talk button on the side with what you can only hope is the correct combination of dots and dashes.
Rook had been hunched over a soundboard, tampering with the treble and bass sliders trying to perfect the echo and reverberation of the looping sample track when the walkie started to go off on his hip. He ignored it at first, uncontent with the tinny feedback that was sharp and piercing to his ears on every percussive syllable. It made the p’s and t’s coming from the sample audio resound from the speakers and off the walls like tiny sonic booms.
He was really out of his element in this aspect anyways, anything tech related that wasn’t weaponry just wasn’t his forte. This was more of Timothy’s expertise and he knew it but he couldn’t seem to find the young technician anywhere. In truth, he was over this task ten minutes ago, he’d heard the phrase “Preparing and Initiating Base Test.” so often in the past twenty minutes he’s sure he will hear it in his dreams later, if he’s able to catch any sleep at all.
So when a minute had passed and the strange static and beeps kept on coming through the walkie talkie he took it from its place on his hip and pressed down on the receiver. “Yes, Cherie?” He waited but no reply came, just the same series of beeps and static. There was a strange quality to the noise, something troubling and nagging at him from the back of his brain. The statics and beeps seemed to be repeating, like a pattern. He rushed from the auditorium as his conscious mind seized upon what his subconscious was trying to tell him this whole time. You were trying to send him out an S.O.S.
“Look Fisher, I’ve really gotta get these upstairs. Rook’s really got his hands full and he needs my-“
He cuts you off. “What you need.. is to tell the truth.” Your blood runs cold. Exactly how much did Fisher know? You thought you’d been careful, watching your back, covering your tracks, wiping the cams. But you can’t help but feel like somewhere along the way, at some crucial point in time you’d made a fatal error and here it was in the flesh to bite back at you.
When Rook entered the garage he’d taken one quick sweep and almost turned away to look for you elsewhere but something in his gut made him take a last look around and when he spied you and a large figure tucked away in a corner by the visitors gate he surged forward. But as he drew closer he realized he recognized the shape of the man towering over you and it was suddenly clear to him that he’d interrupted something he was never meant to see.
“Sam?” Fisher turns, annoyance surfacing and then receding from his features in a passing flit which only deepened the confusion written across his own. “What’s going on?”
Sam turns back to you, his expression stoic but his eyes stern. “I was just helping your little delivery girl with these heavy boxes, warning her of the danger of lifting with her back instead of her knees, isn’t that right?”
To Rook, your silence was deafening and painted a whole different picture of events, though he said nothing, following your cue. Fisher, aware that his foothold on the situation was now lost, began his retreat, but not without one more thinly veiled threat. His message was clear, he’s onto you.
“Be wary of the burdens of heavy weight, sweetheart. I’d hate to see you get hurt.” He leaves the two of you with that, walking out of the garage and disappearing out of sight around the corner. You both watched him go and when he was gone Rook went into assessment mode. “Cherie, are you alright? I got your message. What was that about?”
You hoped he wouldn’t look too closely at the situation, just sweep it under the rug if you attempted to brush him off. “Nothing.” You had no such luck, his head cocked to the side a bit and he gave you a knowing look.
Too many questions with way too many variations of possible answers. All of them tricky, some of them concealing landmines underneath that could have the whole thing blowing up in your face. You default to partial honesty, the truth but not the whole truth, lies slide off the tongue easier when they're grounded in reality.
“Not everyone is as welcoming as you’ve been.” He gives you a sympathetic look and it seems like this isn't the first time he’s heard this opinion.
“You have nothing to prove and no one to answer to. They should all be ashamed for treating you like an outsider when there’s no one more responsible for what happened to you than we are.” His head dips a bit in shame. “Than I am.”
You reach out and settle a hand on his arm. “Rook.”
He pulls away. “No. It’s true. You never should have been out there in the first place, and I signed off on it even against my better judgment, but it does not matter.” His voice is heavy with regret and that nagging guilt is building up around the seams of your mind again.
You center yourself in front of him. “You’ve been nothing but kind to me since I stepped off the truck. Please, stop feeling guilty for what happened, it’s in the past.” His eyes search yours and find nothing but sincerity and it relieves the ache in his chest in one way but intensifies it in another.
“Please, call me Julian.” It’s all he can think to say without breaking down entirely in front of you and spilling his guts.
“Thank you Julian.” Falling from your lips, his name has never sounded so divine. He almost regrets giving it to you because he knows now he’ll only ever spend his time chasing to hear you say it again. He has to shift his eyes from you to clear his head and his misty heart. It’s long enough for you to begin to stoop down and start to gather up the boxes and he drops down to stop you.
“No, Cherie please. Let me. You’ve done enough for today. These are the last of the shipments anyway, you deserve a break.” He goes to take the box from your arms but you stop him.
“No, let me at least take this box upstairs and finish.” He looks ready to refuse you again so you add on. “It’s a pride thing. Please, Julian.” At that his eyes soften and he lets go, allowing you to stand with one of the heavy boxes piled onto your arms.
“Ok, at least let me accompany you then.” You smile and see him just about melt, you can see the puppy love swirling in his irises and feel a pang of guilt stab through you. If you were going to hell for any reason, it was for leading on the kindest, most gentle hearted man you’d ever met and if there were any other way you’d let him down easy, but you need the security and opportunity his favor provides and you so you play along.
The trip back upstairs is a quiet one, both of you lost in the throes of your own thoughts, though with both vastly different and all too similar worries. When you do make it up to the supply room and get the boxes set into their appropriate places Rook seems to linger a bit. He turns to you and sways a bit in a way that’s not like him, always moving precisely with a purpose but now shifting back and forth in what you decipher as indecision.
“I just wanted to say thank you for everything you’ve done today. It really means a lot to me and I’m sorry again for Fisher and well.. for everything. This shouldn’t be how you’re welcomed back. You deserve better.” God if he keeps this up you’re going to crack. You can’t even look him in the eye right now.
“I’m glad to help, and don’t worry about it. I can handle it, really.” Just then a guy you’d never met before pops his head into the room and breaks the tension to your relief.
“Rook. I need you back at the stage, some of the wiring is missing and I need it to complete the sound system setup. Oh, and Mira’s looking for you. Again.” Rook looks anything but pleased, but he answers back agreeably and without letting his disappointment leak into his tone. “I’ll be right there, Timothy.”
When the guy disappears Rook catches your gaze again. “Go get some rest, and pray for me.” You laugh to appease him and watch him go before pulling out the walkie from your back hip, your saving grace, and placing it back onto the dock to charge. You think back to being cornered by Fisher in the garage. You wonder what would have happened if Rook hadn't given you that walkie talkie, or maybe if he hadn’t heard it or understood. You shiver to think about just what Fisher is capable of if he catches onto what you're up to. If he only knew.
With the coast clear, you grab the box of goodies you’d pilfered and after adding what you needed from the last two shipments, carry them hastily and with purpose back to your dorm. You’d take them down to him only right before your escape attempt, you don’t need them getting swept away somehow.
Once in the safety of your private quarters, you let the box drop from your arms and let yourself fully decompress, throwing yourself down onto your bed and letting out a long, heavy sigh into the pillow. You thrust your arms underneath it in preparation for a therapeutic muffled scream when you felt something that did not belong.
Grabbing hold of it and pulling it out into the open to examine better, you saw it was a single sugar packet. Written in small neat print on the face were the words ‘Derived from 100% Pure Sugar Cane’. There was no confusion to how it got there, no question in your mind of where it came from and you knew immediately what it meant. He needed to see you. How he’d managed to get this into your room was a mystery you'd only be able to solve by talking to him so why waste the time?
You immediately got up and went to him, without a second thought for if it was the right thing to do or even if it was safe.
You got lucky, there was no one watching him at the moment, Rook probably had absolutely every single idle hand available working at something that needed to be done before tomorrow. You fucked with the cameras and audio feed just like you’d done before before descending the stairs to his cell.
The room echoed with the slam of the heavy metal door as it shut behind you. You had rushed down to the holding cells as fast as you could without drawing attention to yourself, but closed the distance between the head of the room and the bars of his cell at a slow, hesitant crawl.
When you were still about fifteen feet away, you stopped short and broke the silence. “You told me not to come back.” You spat it, unable to keep the hurt edge from your voice.
“And yet, here you are.” You haven’t looked at him yet, don’t want to but he calls out to you and your eyes snap to his as if on command, he looks worse.
“What do you want?” You jump straight to the point, unwilling to idle in conversation for fear of what emotions it may stir, you can’t afford to delve into them right now. If you truly mean to get out of this compound with him in one piece tomorrow you’d need nothing but pure focus, and a good bit of luck with that.
“I know you’re planning an escape. We need to come together if it’s going to work.”
You blurt out the next question that comes to mind, it’s an impulse, but one you can’t help but indulge. “And how is that? You been watching me? I was under the impression you didn’t give a shit.” His head cocks a bit, probably a reflex from spending all those years communicating partially with body language to get his point across, you hate how it makes your heart quicken.
“I told you I’ve got friends in low places, sweetheart. I meant it. And if you think for a second I ever stopped caring you’re-“ You silently lift a hand to stop him and he quiets but his eyes still hold yours, telling everything.
“Then you know about our little problem?” Based on the way his brow furrows and his unbroken silence it suggests he doesn’t. You fill him in.
“Fisher knows.” His gaze hardens and you can tell somehow, somewhere along the line, him and Fisher have a much deeper history than meets the eye.
“How much?” You shake your head.
“I don’t know. He cornered me in the garage today, about thirty minutes ago actually. Gave me a warning, something about bearing the burden of heavy weight. Rook showed up in time to intervene but he wasn’t exactly subtle. Still though, I don’t think Rook is in the loop or caught what was really going on.” He seemed to contemplate this for a moment before speaking.
“It doesn’t matter, we still move forward. Tomorrow is an opportunity we can’t afford to lose. I’ll deal with Fisher personally should he get in the way.” You silently nod in agreement. You’re not confident if you were to go hand to hand with Fisher that you’d come out on top or even at all for that matter.
There’s a break in conversation and you can tell he’s trying to get you to look at him, you don’t cave, can’t cave. Not now, not with so much at stake.
“Sugar cane-“ He’s coaxing and you want nothing more but to go to him. “I can’t Deimos. If we’re gonna do this, I need to focus. You can tell me whatever you have to say after we’re on the other side of those walls.” You chance a glance up to catch him nod in understanding.
“What’s the plan, then?” You explain every inch of it in fine detail. Starting with the disguise you’ll be using to get him up to the ground level and ending with the old tunnel system you’d be utilizing to get beyond the walls unseen.
“I thought the entrance to those tunnels were blown out a long time ago.” You answer, jumping at the chance to impress him, even if you’re still hurt.
“They were, but they were reopened again as a result of the renovations made to what is now stadium alpha, there’s a new access just under the stands, and I’ve got a map once we get through.” He puts a hand up.
“No need.” It’s your turn to cock your head in confusion.
“It’s been years, Deimos. You really think you can navigate off memory alone after all this time?” He smiles and it makes your stomach feel full of butterflies.
“These were my stomping grounds far before they were yours, sugar cane. You get us down into those tunnels and I’ll get us the rest of the way.” You smile back at him, it’s hard not to.
“What time does it start?” He inquires.
“Show starts at 12, but they’ll be in gear long before then. We shouldn’t wait until the last possible moment, I’d like to go as soon as we can. What’s the guard rotation look like?”
He answers promptly. “They bring me breakfast at 6:30, then there’s no one down here until usually around 10 and only then for long enough to take the garbage away, though I gather they probably have someone monitoring me far more from the cameras than I’m aware.”
“Not tomorrow they won’t, it’s a shit show up there right now, all hands on deck. I’ll bring your outfit down about 7:30 then, we’ll get you changed and worry about getting out from there.
“You better get some sleep then, soldier.” You agree and turn away, heading out the door and up the stairs, wanting to leave on that encouraging note in lieu of dredging up sour emotions. You have a lot of work ahead of you. Tomorrow you break him out.
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galaxywhump · 1 year
A Lesson in Cooperation
[An Immortal Among Stars Masterlist]
contents: lady whump, immortal whumpee, captivity, a lot of dying, torture, asphyxiation, cutting, implied surgery, briefly mentioned eye gore.
Every time someone called Karita the immortal, it was terrible news.
She tried to be secretive, and usually she succeeded, but every once in a while someone would find out. There were people strongly attuned to magic of all sorts who could sense something strange about her and piece it together; there were those who simply saw her come back to life; and there were the most mundane ways, finding her old photographs, mentions of her in documents, because no matter how hard she tried, she could never fully erase her existence from the records.
Which meant, of course, that those in power were the most likely to find out about her secret.
"So, you're the immortal I've read so much about," Princex Yari drawled with a sly smile, looking down at Karita, who answered with her best look of confusion.
"Excuse me?" She frowned. "I-I think you got the wrong person. Your Highness," she rushed to add, her eyes widening as she put her entire heart into playing the part of a confused, intimidated mortal.
It rarely worked, and judging by the princex's laughter, this time it did not.
"Don't lie to me," they said, giving one of the guards standing by their side a nod. "I can easily test it."
Karita let out a terrified gasp when the guard handed the princex a dagger, shiny and bejeweled, more of a beautiful accessory than a weapon.
"No, please!" she choked out, struggling in the guards' grip. "Please, I swear I don't know what Your Highness is talking about, I'm not immortal!"
"That's just too bad." Yari shrugged, approaching her. "If you're telling the truth… Well, I'm terribly sorry, and I hope you had a good life."
The freezing blade was pressed to her throat, making her shudder, and with a quick precise cut her fate was sealed.
"Have you ever considered becoming an actress?" Yari asked, giddy with excitement, as soon as she came back to life. "I'm sure you'd shine in death scenes."
She glared at them, abandoning her wholehearted impression of normality.
"What do you want from me, Your Highness?" Her voice was dripping with venom.
"Information," they replied, leaning down to be closer to eye level with her. "A lot of information."
"I'm not telling you shit," Karita sneered. She saw stars when her reply earned her a hard slap to the face. It was annoying more than anything, but it drove a different point home: once again, she was a captive, after a mere few years of peace.
"Maybe you won't have to. All I need is your full cooperation."
"That's not gonna happen either."
"Really?" Yari raised one eyebrow, still smiling. "I think my offer is quite sensible, especially considering what will happen if you refuse."
"Oh? Then why don't you tell me about it?"
She had been presented with many offers she couldn't refuse throughout her life. It always turned out that she could, in fact, refuse, and the consequences were bearable. There wasn't much that could scare her into submission.
"Like I said, I need information. Information about the Serpent Cluster.”
Karita frowned. Serpent was a lost cluster, taken over long ago by loosely organized groups of the underworld, now a death sentence to any ship that passed too close. The cluster was being monitored as much as it could be, which wasn’t a lot, and for decades there had been plans and promises to deal with it once and for all, but it wasn’t going to be an easy operation, and as years passed, the groups ruling over the cluster only continued to grow stronger. No-one had been stupidly brave enough to venture there, including Karita - she wouldn’t lose her life in the cluster, sure, but she knew better than anyone that there were fates worse than death.
“I don’t have any.”
“I know,” Yari said with a patient smile. “But you’re going to get it for me.”
“What, you expect me to just waltz in there and ask around?”
“No, of course not. We’ll go with a more stealthy approach.”
“We?” Karita snorted, even as fear started to set in. “I’m not going to cooperate and you know it.”
“Yes, you are. Anyway, the plan is as follows: We’re going to put implants right here.” Before Karita could react, Yari grabbed the sides of her head and ran their thumbs behind her ears, pressing down to the point of pain. “They’re going to record everything you hear while you’re there, and send it directly to us. It’s only sound, but it will have to do for the most part.”
“No?” Karita stared at them in disbelief. “You’re not putting that crap in me.”
Yari sighed.
“Aren’t you forgetting something, immortal? I’m a princex. I’m in charge here, and right now I control you. You can act tough all you want. In the end, you’ll do exactly what I want you to do.”
“No,” Karita repeated and shook her head. “You can’t force me. What are you going to threaten me with? Death?”
“Actually, yes. In a way,” Yari laughed, and gestured at the guards, who grabbed Karita by the arms and started leading her - or more like dragging her - out of the room. Her thoughts were racing, her heartbeat frantic, as she tried to guess what the princex had in store for her. She had died more times and in more ways than she could count; mundane, horrific, suicide, murder, freak accidents, magic. She had suffered, she had been mutilated, there was nothing that could sway her and convince her that going to the Serpent Cluster to act as a spy was the better alternative.
She was pretty confident, until she started to realize where she was being taken.
She pulled. She tried to dig her heels in, to stop the guards, to free herself, to do something, and maybe she was wrong, but there it was, the airlock, and two people in spacesuits, and the vast universe outside.
She was paralyzed with terror at this point, which didn’t happen often - she had learned long ago to act no matter what, to fight through the fear, not let it overpower her, but this-
The star exploded.
She could’ve been there, on one of the destroyed planets, fire, burning, melting, ice, freezing, floating in nothingness, no hope of ever being found.
Sturdy manacles were closed on her wrists and ankles. Yari appeared in front of her, holding a helmet.
“So,” they said, taking in her terrified expression, “it’s just death, isn’t it? You’ll be fine, no matter how long you’re there. I still haven’t decided, to be honest. Let’s say… six hours, and then I’ll ask for your cooperation again. Then… we’ll see.”
"No." The word left her before she could stop herself, and that was it for acting tough. They knew how scared she really was. 
She wasn't going to be there forever, though, or even for several days, months, years. Six hours to start with, after which…
She couldn’t agree. She just couldn’t.
The princex put the helmet on her, but she already suspected it was only temporary - she didn't have a spacesuit or any protective magic, and a helmet offered a sliver of protection that her newest captor obviously didn't want her to have. The two guards in spacesuits grabbed her and pulled her towards the airlock, and she struggled, she did, but there was absolutely nothing she could do.
Immortality couldn't save her from this.
The hatch behind them closed, the one in front of them opened, and she was pushed into a nightmare.
Freezing pressure immediately surrounded her body and her breath caught in her throat. The guards wasted no time attaching a tether to the manacles on her ankles. There was no sympathy, no hesitation in their actions as they followed their orders, testing the tether, then taking the helmet off Karita, leaving her head unprotected from the ruthless vacuum.
They pushed her further away from the spaceship - the tether was long enough for that - and left her to die.
The first time she did, she wasn’t sure what was happening. She was freezing, but at the same time her blood and saliva were boiling and- She passed out.
When she came back to life, there was a layer of ice on her face, and she screamed soundlessly when she felt her eyes boiling too, an agony she had never experienced before. The vacuum was pushing, squeezing her body, compressing her lungs, she ran out of the meager amount of air she came back to life with, and passed out again.
She had read about this, just like she had read about every potential deadly situation she’d heard of, imagining what it would feel like, learning how to survive it, if there even was a way. The source of that particular report was a gnarly one, shady experiments on unwilling human subjects in a magically recreated contained vacuum; it wasn’t a publicly available document, but she had to find it, and she succeeded, only to be plagued by nightmares for days.
The subjects lost consciousness after ten to fifteen seconds.
She plummeted into darkness more merciful than that surrounding her, speckled with stars.
Death occurred around the ninety second mark.
She gasped when she came back to life, only for the vacuum to take all of her air, as if pulling it out of her, leaving her struggling weakly until her brain shut down again.
Deceased subjects recovered after 24 hours were frozen solid.
How long had it been? Karita was in no state to try and count the moments of consciousness, short, and yet feeling like an eternity. Freezing, boiling alive, suffocating, struggling, suffering, with no end in sight, unless it had been three, four, five hours already and she was going to be taken back soon, but it might as well have only been half an hour.
There was also the possibility that Yari was going to leave her like this for much, much longer. Maybe they were watching this, enjoying her pain and panic, or maybe they couldn’t handle it. Based on what was happening to her body, she could only imagine what she looked like.
This could be her eternity. The tether was the only promise that she was going to be brought back eventually, but if it failed, or if someone undid it, she would have no anchor. Restrained, and dying too often to be able to do much anyway, she’d be left at the mercy of space until she could no longer remember what it was like to be anywhere else.
It never got more bearable. If anything, it was even worse than she had imagined and feared for so long. She couldn’t handle it. She wasn’t strong enough.
Resigned, she died. She died. She died. She woke up in the grip of two guards.
She was inside the spaceship again. Every breath was agony. She managed to look up and saw the princex, who smiled at her and said something, but she couldn’t make out their words. The bejeweled dagger shined in their hand, was pressed to her throat, and sent her back into darkness.
“So? Do I have your full cooperation?” Yari asked when Karita opened her eyes.
It was always strange to come back to life free from pain. She had just spent hours in agony, and now it was only a memory. Her clothes and face were damp, but at least not frozen anymore - the temperature must have been cranked up to make her thaw out faster. 
She should refuse, but the thought of being out there again filled her with panic that made it hard to breathe. The Serpent Cluster really did seem like the better option.
“Yes.” She wanted to simply nod at first, but she had to make sure she could still talk.
“Good. I’ll give you a moment to compose yourself and… clean yourself up.” The princex grimaced and scrunched their nose. “Then we can proceed.”
She was dragged to a bathroom, and she was glad it had no mirrors. She sat in the shower with her eyes closed to avoid looking at what the water was washing off of her until she was forced to leave when one of the guards knocked on the door insistently.
The walk to the medbay felt like walking to the gallows, and she was barely aware of what was happening; her body was walking down the corridor, but her mind was somewhere else. They made her lie down on her stomach on the operating table, tied her hair into a tight bun so it wouldn’t get in the way, and hooked her up to machinery she didn’t even bother to try and recognize.
They were merciful enough to sedate her before the procedure, and someone even reassured her that there was no chance of complications, as if it mattered much in her case, as if what they were doing was supposed to help her. That was never the case - as soon as she lost consciousness, they got to work turning her into an unwilling spy, nothing more than a tool.
taglist: @stab-the-son-of-a
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medfetabdl · 7 months
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I bought a companion for my Intellivue MP5
This is an Intellivue MP2, this is just the pic from the eBay listing. It’s in pretty rough cosmetic shape but apparently works just fine.
What’s the difference between this and the MP5? Honestly not much, it uses an external power supply, the battery is much smaller, it doesn’t have the built in printer, and it can’t display as many waves, but that’s about it for differences. The thing that sets the Philips monitors apart from all other brands and makes them so desirable for hospitals is the same reason people buy the expensive Apple products: The ecosystem. The Philips monitors are the only monitors on the market that are based off of monitors made over 40 years ago and everything on those monitors from 40 years ago exists on these along with a bunch of other stuff that’s been added. The other thing is their network capabilities. They are the only system on the market where when paired with the proper servers you can upload vitals data to a server and save it for later, you can transfer a patient from one unit to another just a with a few button pushes and then their information moves to the monitor in the unit they are being transferred to without having to bring the monitor from one unit to another. They continue to receive software updates no matter how old they are (provided the hospital has Philips certified IT personnel) they can communicate with tons of accessories. They can track over 200 different vital signs (this does require special equipment) they can communicate with ventilators and infusion pumps. And there’s tons of other things they can do.
I do want to say that I bought these with some extra money I made during the holidays putting up and taking down Christmas lights. I don’t just have money for these things lying around.
I’d like to give anyone who wants to buy one of these monitors some buying advice
1. Stay away from the MP2 and X2 their external power supplies almost never come with them for a good price, if you want one with the battery and power supply it will cost $500 at the minimum
2. To save some money on cables it’s good to know that HP and Agilent Viridia line of patient monitors use the same pulse oximeter and ECG cables which can save you some significant money on cablee
3. Unfortunately they are significantly harder to get your hands on outside the US. Most of the EBay listing for them are in the US and the sellers will only sell to people within the US. That’s not their fault the US government prohibits the export of a lot of technology. High end medical equipment, high end computer components, IR (thermal) cameras that shoot at over 5 FPS, and lots of other things are all extremely locked down in terms of exporting outside the US because they don’t want it to fall into the hands of China. In fact the FDA supposedly controls the sale of medical equipment in the US but I don’t really think they care about used medical equipment because I have absolutely no medical connections. I do live in the technology capital of the world so that might have something to do with it. On a side note when I say Silicon Valley is the technology capital of the world I’m not joking. Google, Apple, Facebook, Nvidia, Intel, Tesla, Ebay, Zoom, Hewlett-Packard, and many more of the world’s largest tech companies are headquartered here. It does make it a bit easier for me to get my hands on bleeding edge tech or tech that’s harder for most people to get. I have friends who work for Tesla who’ve met Elon, I’ve seen Steve Wozniak in a restaurant, and I know tons of engineers who’ve worked for these companies.
Another thing worthy of note on who I am: At 19 I’m an extremely bright engineer and have an extremely vast amount of knowledge in tons of areas of technology and study. But I’m also mentally unstable I have autism, ADHD, severe anxiety, and Bipolar disorder. I get sprits of depression and can’t seem to stick with anything. I went to university for a year for electrical engineering and dropped out. I dropped out for 2 reasons. I hated all the extra classes that I have no interest in. And I noticed I was a freshman yet I had similar knowledge to that of seniors graduating that year.
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republicsecurity · 1 year
Paramedic Corps Accessories
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The Paramedic Corps is equipped with a range of specialized accessories designed to enhance their operational capabilities and facilitate effective emergency medical response. These accessories, all prominently colored in the distinctive red associated with the Corps, play a crucial role in supporting paramedics' efforts to provide rapid and expert medical aid in various challenging environments.
Chastity Cage: The inclusion of chastity cages as standard accessories is a unique feature of the Paramedic Corps uniform. Worn during duty hours, these devices symbolize the commitment of paramedics to their mission and serve as a reminder of their professional responsibilities. While on duty, paramedics prioritize their duty to provide medical care, ensuring their focus remains solely on the task at hand.
Tetra Handset: The Tetra Handset is a vital communication device that enables paramedics to stay connected and coordinate seamlessly with their teams, other emergency services, and command centers. Designed with ruggedness and reliability in mind, this accessory ensures constant communication even in challenging environments or remote locations.
Tactical Tablet: The Tactical Tablet is an essential tool that assists paramedics in accessing critical medical information, patient histories, treatment protocols, and real-time data. Its user-friendly interface and integration with the Paramedic Corps network enable paramedics to make informed decisions swiftly and accurately while on the field.
Diagnostic Glove Set: The diagnostic glove set is a specialized accessory that enables paramedics to conduct preliminary medical assessments swiftly and hygienically. Fitted with sensors, these gloves provide real-time feedback on vital signs, allowing paramedics to gather crucial patient information on the scene.
Paramedic Corps Smartwatch: The smartwatch utilizes advanced GPS technology to track the real-time location of paramedics in the field. The smartwatch continuously monitors vital signs and biometric data of paramedics, including heart rate, body temperature, and stress levels. Equipped with audio and visual recording capabilities, the smartwatch captures interactions between paramedics and patients. This data is valuable for quality assurance, training, and legal purposes, ensuring accurate documentation of medical procedures and patient interactions.
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caitas-cooing · 1 year
Idk if this is weird to ask out of the blue, but you’ve made me all nostalgic.
I played Shining Nikki back when it was Love Nikki, before the move to 3D. But that account was linked to a Facebook which I’ve since deleted, so I’ll be coming in completely fresh. Would you recommend starting playing again? I quit because the events had become completely unplayable without spending irl money. But seeing all your posts has made me miss it. And the newer clothes look amazing. The lighting/shading on the 3D models can look a little wonky to me sometimes. But the different poses! The amazing makeup! It makes me remember all the things I loved about the game 🥲
Okay, this is going to be a long answer probably but bear with me. First of all Shining Nikki is a separate game from Love Nikki so you would have to start over even if you hadn't deleted your Facebook account. The Love Nikki server is still up and running about the same as ever from what I can tell from other people who still play Love Nikki, but don't quote me on that because I deleted it when Shining Nikki came out I didn't have space for both on my phone.
As for spending money it depends on what you want out of the game. If you just want to complete the story and have a couple of cool outfits and accessories to need around with you can get that for free if you're patient and know how to manage your resources well. Diamonds can be saved up for hell events if you have more impulse control than I do and even then I am usually able to get some cool stuff with the pulls I can get even if I can't complete the set. The hell events do come at a pretty fast pace though. There's also benefits events happen fairly often where you can free outfits just for dying your dailies and you get free stuff on special occasions like server anniversaries and Nikki's birthday. Basically if you log in everyday wait you'll get something cool eventually. Some of the motion poses do cost money, but there are few one as well. The jump pose is free and they're going to give out a free dance move one in the inspiration space soon which is nice (or at least they did in the Chinese server so I assume that what the dance practice goal in the diary is for)
So basically it's not the easiest mobile game to play without spending money, but definitely not the worst out there either and I think the story and outfits are cool enough to be worth it. That said gacha games in general can be addictive and if that's something you are more vulnerable too you should steer clear of it or have someone else monitor the amount you're spending if you do decide to join.
It's takes up a lot of storage space and it doesn't always run very well on older or cheaper phones. If you have a tablet or something it might run better on that. I also know some people use an android emulator and play on the computer so that's also an option if it doesn't run well on your phone.
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worldcatlas · 1 year
VOY: Caretaker (Part 1)
Just like its predecessor, Deep Space Nine, Voyager opens with an expository text crawl explaining the current galactic situation. We learn about the Maquis – a plucky, non-Federation rebel group fighting the Cardassian occupation – then jump right into a heated space battle!
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Fire! Raise shields! And somebody turn off that damned smoke machine!
As one would expect from a ragtag group of resourceful underdogs, the Maquis wear mismatched outfits made for trouble; we’re introduced to Chakotay and B’Elanna, both sporting rolled-up sleeves and tough leather vests.
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Forearms mean business.
Tuvok is here too, although we don’t get a good look at his outfit from any of the angles in this scene. Chakotay makes up for it, however, by giving us a bit of a catwalk look at his duds: the patterned shirt is lovely, and probably meant to evoke his Native American heritage.
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Actually, this may be the least problematic reference to his “heritage.”
Next, we’re taken to a sunny, verdant New Zealand penal colony, where Captain Janeway is busy picking out a boy toy. Unsurprisingly, we’re working with the same Starfleet uniforms currently in use on DS9, with a coloured section on the shoulders indicating department, and a grey turtleneck with rank pips underneath.
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Get used to it – Voyager won’t be receiving wardrobe updates for about the next seven years.
Janeway finds the man she’s looking for – the boyishly handsome Nick Locarno Tom Paris – and hands him a “get out of jail free” card in the form of an invitation to join her crew. Tom considers her offer, weighing the excitement of adventure against having to give up his stylish prison coverall; the garment is concrete grey, with subtle shade differences across the chest and shoulders, not unlike a Starfleet uniform. I appreciate the asymmetry of the dark grey extending down the left sleeve, but not the right. The flap closure at the front is a little bit sexy, too, and along with the rolled-up sleeves, gives a “greasemonkey” vibe we’ll come to see a lot of from Tom.
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The ankle monitor makes a nice accessory, too.
Meanwhile, Voyager is docked at Deep Space Nine, and we cut to a character we all know and love: Quark! …In the process of ripping off young Harry Kim. Although Quark’s ensemble technically belongs to another show, I still have to award it “best outfit” for the episode. The matching teal hues in the pants, shirt, and jacket is a beautiful bit of coordination, and it’s obvious the costume department has had a few seasons to perfect the character design. It’s not unusual for a Ferengi to dress so lavishly, but Harry should probably take it as a warning sign that he’s about to be ripped off. 
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I’m sure he’ll be fine.
Up on the ship, Janeway has a chat with her fiancé Mark, who’s sporting a handsome wool-looking jacket in a dark mustard colour. Mark only gets about six lines and thirty seconds of screen time, so his outfit has to really pull its weight here building a character: handsome but approachable, smart but unpretentious, still shops at GAP in his 50s.
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Sensible. I meant sensible.
There are no new costumes for a while as we meet the ship and crew, but we do get a few nice close-ups of Janeway’s lovely, elaborate updo – a more complicated style than the “bun of steel” she’ll wear in coming episodes.
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Ignore the wig glue. It’s just… space sweat.
I suspect the stylist wanted all those extra swirlies in there because, once the action begins and our crew gets roughed up a bit, Action-Tousled Janeway looks amazing.
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Slay, girl.
Harry and Tom go to sickbay, which is going to be full of patients very soon, and is also on fire. It’s hard to get a good look, but Harry puts on a cool Starfleet-issue oven mitt with metallic fabric to extinguish the fire.
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Was that hole always there?
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The least visible costume prop of all time.
In all the commotion, the crew realizes they’ve been zooped across the galaxy – 75,000 lightyears from home. But just when you thought we’d be stuck on a spaceship with one set of clothes for the next seventy years, we’re zooped again… to a southern country farm?! It looks exactly like Earth, and what looks like a perfectly human grandma comes out with cookies and lemonade to greet Janeway and co.
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Floral fabric, ivory cameo, plate of cookies… yep, that’s a grandma.
She’s not alone, and soon the farm is full of completely “normal” “humans” having a good time, dancing and playing music. It’s literally the friendliest alien welcome party in history, but the Voyager crew are spooked. Moreover, they seem confused by the folksy straw hats and denim overalls.
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Highly suspicious flannel.
With one exception: Tom Paris has quickly made friends with one of the illusory farm girls, a young woman in a cute printed dress with a belt, mary janes, and bright white ankle socks.
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First contact: cottagecore edition.
However, Paris’ new friend gets a bit upset when they turn down her extremely tempting offers of a “real private” root cellar, a duck pond, and deviled eggs, and suddenly the farm folk aren’t so welcoming. The crew is zooped back to the ship – mostly. Harry Kim is missing.
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Get outta here! And take your synthetic fabrics with you!
Discovering a similar absence on the Maquis ship – B’Elanna is also missing – the two crews decide to work together to track down their people.
As they discuss plans, we finally get a good look at Tuvok’s Maquis disguise: he wears a cropped, open jacket made from a textured brown-green fabric, with sleeves in a lovely deep blue. The trim between the different fabrics is subtly shiny, giving the impression of leather straps. More importantly though, he wears an orange shirt underneath that appears to be stained at the collar – is that greenish hue Vulcan blood??
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What happened to you in the Maquis, Tuvok?!
The episode isn’t out of costumes for us yet, though, and it’s a hard pivot from the dirty, worn-in clothes of the Maquis – as the viewpoint switches to that of our missing crewmembers, we find them in white clothing that resembles hospital gowns, albeit with an awkward strap closure that goes all the way around the back.
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You know that strap has come undone and dipped in the toilet at LEAST once.
We also get our first look at the Ocampa, who at the moment are also clad in white, gauzy outfits. Unlike the “patients,” they wear strange fruit-netting-ish infinity scarves around their neck and head.
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Keeps their melon safe.
The mesh fabric looks like it might be some kind of protective gear, but no, as we explore more of the compound, we see the truth: Ocampans just don’t know how to wear a scarf.
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So close…
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semiconductor-hub · 6 days
Electric Toothbrush Market Revenue, Segments, Analysis and Forecasts 2032
The electric toothbrush is a significant innovation in oral hygiene, designed to enhance the effectiveness of brushing and improve overall dental health. Equipped with rotating or vibrating brush heads, electric toothbrushes provide a more thorough cleaning compared to manual brushing. They offer features such as built-in timers, pressure sensors, and multiple brushing modes to address various oral care needs. By automating the brushing process and delivering consistent brushing performance, electric toothbrushes help users achieve better plaque removal and maintain optimal oral hygiene.
The Electric Toothbrush Market was valued at USD 4.38 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 8.68 billion by 2032, growing at a robust CAGR of 7.90% during the forecast period of 2024-2032.
Future Scope: 
The future of electric toothbrushes is poised for advancements that focus on enhancing functionality and integrating smart technologies. The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is expected to provide personalized brushing recommendations and track oral health progress. Innovations in sensor technology and connectivity will enable real-time monitoring and feedback through smartphone apps. Additionally, developments in battery technology and brush head materials will contribute to longer-lasting and more effective oral care solutions.
Current trends in electric toothbrushes include the integration of smart technology, such as Bluetooth connectivity and app-based tracking, to offer personalized oral care insights and recommendations. There is also a growing emphasis on advanced features like pressure sensors that alert users to brushing too hard and multiple brushing modes tailored to different needs. The focus on sustainability is driving the development of eco-friendly brush heads and rechargeable batteries. Moreover, the market is seeing increased interest in connected devices that sync with other health monitoring systems for comprehensive wellness tracking.
Electric toothbrushes are widely used in both home and clinical settings to improve oral hygiene. They are particularly beneficial for individuals with specific dental needs, such as braces or sensitive gums, as they offer customized brushing options. In dental practices, electric toothbrushes are recommended for patients to maintain oral health between visits. The technology is also useful for elderly individuals or those with limited dexterity, providing an easier and more effective brushing experience.
Solutions and Services: 
Solutions related to electric toothbrushes include the design and development of advanced brushing systems, integration with smart health technologies, and customization for specific oral care needs. Manufacturers offer services such as product maintenance, customer support, and educational resources to help users maximize the benefits of their electric toothbrushes. Additionally, companies provide replacement brush heads and accessories to ensure continued optimal performance.
Key Points:
Enhances oral hygiene with rotating or vibrating brush heads for more effective cleaning.
Features include timers, pressure sensors, and multiple brushing modes.
Future advancements focus on AI integration, real-time monitoring, and improved materials.
Trends include smart technology, sustainability, and connected health systems.
Applications span home use, dental practices, and for individuals with specific needs.
Solutions include advanced design, smart integration, maintenance, and customer support.
Read More Details: https://www.snsinsider.com/reports/electric-toothbrush-market-2182 
Contact Us:
Akash Anand — Head of Business Development & Strategy
Phone: +1–415–230–0044 (US) | +91–7798602273 (IND) 
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delveinsight12 · 13 days
Bronchiolitis Market: Overview, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Bronchiolitis is a common respiratory condition primarily affecting infants and young children, characterized by inflammation of the small airways in the lungs (bronchioles). This condition often leads to significant respiratory distress and is a major cause of hospitalization in infants during the winter months. This article provides a comprehensive overview of bronchiolitis, including its causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, and treatment options.
Bronchiolitis is an acute viral infection that causes inflammation and swelling of the bronchioles, the smallest air passages in the lungs. The condition is most prevalent in children under two years of age and typically occurs in the winter and early spring. Bronchiolitis is usually caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), but other viruses can also be involved. The severity of bronchiolitis can range from mild to severe, with some cases requiring hospitalization.
Causes of Bronchiolitis
The primary cause of bronchiolitis is viral infection, with several key viruses implicated:
1. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis, accounting for the majority of cases. It is highly contagious and spreads through respiratory droplets.
2. Rhinoviruses: These viruses, commonly associated with the common cold, can also cause bronchiolitis, especially in combination with other pathogens.
3. Parainfluenza Viruses: These viruses can contribute to respiratory infections in children, including bronchiolitis.
4. Adenoviruses: Adenoviruses can also cause bronchiolitis, although they are less common than RSV.
5. Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV): This virus can cause respiratory infections similar to those caused by RSV and is increasingly recognized as a cause of bronchiolitis.
Signs and Symptoms
The symptoms of bronchiolitis typically develop within a few days after exposure to a virus and may include:
1. Cough: A persistent cough is a common symptom of bronchiolitis, often accompanied by wheezing and a rattling sound in the chest.
2. Wheezing: The inflammation of the bronchioles causes narrowing of the airways, leading to a wheezing sound during breathing.
3. Respiratory Distress: Infants may show signs of difficulty breathing, including rapid or shallow breathing, nasal flaring, and use of accessory muscles to breathe.
4. Fever: Mild to moderate fever may accompany bronchiolitis, although high fever is less common.
5. Runny or Stuffy Nose: Initial symptoms often include a runny or congested nose, which may progress to more severe respiratory symptoms.
6. Decreased Appetite: Infants with bronchiolitis may have a reduced appetite and difficulty feeding due to respiratory distress.
7. Cyanosis: In severe cases, the skin or lips may turn bluish, indicating inadequate oxygenation and requiring urgent medical attention.
Diagnosis of Bronchiolitis
Diagnosing bronchiolitis involves a combination of clinical evaluation and diagnostic tests:
1. Medical History and Physical Examination: A healthcare provider will assess the patient's medical history and perform a physical examination. Key signs include respiratory distress, wheezing, and abnormal lung sounds.
2. Chest X-Ray: While not always necessary, a chest X-ray can help rule out other conditions such as pneumonia or congenital heart defects. It may show hyperinflation of the lungs or other signs consistent with bronchiolitis.
3. Viral Testing: Diagnostic tests, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or immunofluorescence assays, can identify the specific virus causing the infection. RSV is often confirmed using these methods.
4. Blood Tests: Blood tests may be performed to assess the severity of the infection, check for signs of dehydration, or rule out other conditions.
5. Oxygen Saturation Monitoring: Pulse oximetry is used to measure blood oxygen levels, helping to assess the severity of respiratory distress.
Treatment of Bronchiolitis
Treatment for bronchiolitis focuses on supportive care and alleviating symptoms, as there is no specific antiviral treatment for the condition. Management strategies include:
1. Supportive Care: 
   - Hydration: Ensuring adequate fluid intake is crucial to prevent dehydration, especially if the child is experiencing reduced appetite or difficulty feeding.
   - Nasal Saline Drops: Saline nasal drops or sprays can help relieve nasal congestion and improve breathing.
   - Humidified Air: Using a cool-mist humidifier can help ease respiratory symptoms by keeping the airways moist.
2. Medications:
   - Bronchodilators: Medications such as albuterol may be used to relax the airways and ease wheezing, although their effectiveness in bronchiolitis is debated.
   - Corticosteroids: These are generally not recommended for routine use in bronchiolitis, but they may be prescribed in severe cases or when there is evidence of underlying asthma.
3. Oxygen Therapy: For infants with low oxygen levels, supplemental oxygen may be administered to ensure adequate oxygenation.
4. Hospitalization: In severe cases, hospitalization may be required to provide intensive monitoring and supportive care, including intravenous fluids, respiratory support, and close observation.
5. Preventive Measures:
   - RSV Prophylaxis: In high-risk infants, such as those with congenital heart disease or premature birth, a medication called palivizumab may be given as a preventive measure during RSV season.
Bronchiolitis Market Insights
The market for bronchiolitis treatments reflects the ongoing need for effective management strategies and innovations in respiratory care:
- Market Size and Growth: The global market for bronchiolitis treatments is expanding, driven by the prevalence of respiratory infections in children and the development of new therapeutic and diagnostic solutions. Key segments include pharmaceuticals, diagnostic tools, and supportive care products.
- Key Players: Leading companies involved in the bronchiolitis market include:
   - GlaxoSmithKline: Known for its respiratory therapies and involvement in the development of treatments for respiratory conditions in children.
   - Roche Holdings: Engaged in diagnostics and research related to respiratory infections, including bronchiolitis.
   - AstraZeneca: Focuses on respiratory medicines and has a presence in the market for managing respiratory infections.
   - Novartis Pharmaceuticals: Contributes to research and development in respiratory and infectious disease therapies.
- Research and Development: Ongoing research aims to improve understanding of bronchiolitis, develop new antiviral agents, and enhance supportive care strategies. Innovations in diagnostics and treatments are expected to contribute to better management and outcomes for affected children.
Bronchiolitis is a common and often challenging respiratory condition that affects infants and young children. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for effective management and improved outcomes. With ongoing research and advancements in the field, there is hope for more effective therapies and better preventive measures. The growing market for bronchiolitis treatments highlights the importance of continued innovation and support for managing this prevalent and impactful condition.
Download sample report @ https://www.delveinsight.com/sample-request/bronchiolitis-market
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5 Strategies to Maximize the Return on Your Radiology Equipment - A Blog By Prognosys Medical System
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Introduction Investing in radiology equipment is a significant financial commitment for healthcare facilities and ensuring that these devices deliver maximum value is essential. Here are five strategies to help you optimize the return on investment (ROI) from your radiology equipment:
1. Regular Preventive Maintenance Preventive maintenance ensures that your radiology equipment stays in optimal working condition and reduces downtime caused by unexpected repairs. Scheduling routine maintenance not only extends the life of the machine but also maintains image quality, which is critical for accurate diagnoses.
Tip: Establish a service contract with the manufacturer or a trusted third-party service provider to avoid costly repairs.
2. Upgrade Software and Hardware Upgrading the software and components of your radiology equipment can enhance its performance and extend its usability. Rather than replacing the entire system, periodic upgrades allow you to benefit from the latest features without the need for significant capital expenditure.
Tip: Explore software packages that improve imaging resolution, reduce radiation exposure, or speed up processing times.
3. Train and Certify Operators Maximizing the efficiency and lifespan of your radiology equipment depends on having skilled operators. Continuous education and certification ensure that staff members are knowledgeable about operating protocols and know how to handle the equipment safely and effectively.
Tip: Invest in regular training for technicians and radiologists to improve operational efficiency and reduce wear and tear caused by improper use.
4. Optimize Workflow and Utilization Efficient scheduling and workflow management ensure that your radiology equipment is fully utilized. Avoiding bottlenecks and ensuring optimal uptime can significantly increase ROI. Analyze patient volume and adjust scheduling processes to minimize idle time.
Tip: Implement scheduling software to balance patient load and reduce wait times, ensuring that the equipment operates at full capacity.
5. Leverage Data Analytics Utilizing data analytics can help monitor equipment performance, identify areas for improvement, and predict when maintenance is needed. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), such as usage rates and downtime, you can make informed decisions to improve operational efficiency.
Tip: Use analytics tools to evaluate trends and develop actionable insights that enhance performance and utilization.
Conclusion: By implementing these strategies, healthcare facilities can optimize the performance, longevity, and cost-effectiveness of their radiology equipment, leading to better patient outcomes and financial sustainability.
About Prognosys Medical Systems: Prognosys Medical Systems is a Medical Imaging and Telehealth Products and Solutions Company. We design every x-ray product to be the safest product with lowest or negligible radiation (Radiation Conscious) and is proudly Made in India.
Our ISO 13485-certified manufacturing facility, combined with our products holding international certifications from the US FDA and CE, affirms our expertise as a leading manufacturer specializing in high-end medical devices for radiology and imaging solutions. Its business operations range from High-frequency X-ray, Digital Radiography System, C-Arm, Tele-Radiology, Telemedicine, Home Health, and M-health Solutions and Accessories.
Click the links to Know More about Prognosys Medical Systems Product Range.
Contact us for more information:
– Content Team Prognosys Medical Systems [email protected]
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pulsenewswire · 20 days
The Rise of AI-Powered Wearables: How They Are Changing the Way We Live and Work
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The Rise of AI-Powered Wearables: How They Are Changing the Way We Live and Work
In the past decade, wearable technology has rapidly evolved from simple fitness trackers to sophisticated devices that monitor health, manage stress, and even predict illnesses. Today, with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), wearables are not just accessories; they are powerful tools that can enhance our daily lives, improve our health, and increase productivity. This article explores how AI-powered wearables are revolutionizing the way we live and work, the latest innovations in the field, and what the future holds for this exciting technology.
The Evolution of Wearable Technology
Wearable technology first gained mainstream attention with the introduction of fitness trackers like the Fitbit. These early devices were primarily focused on tracking physical activity, such as steps taken, distance traveled, and calories burned. However, as technology advanced, so did the capabilities of wearables. The introduction of smartwatches added functionalities such as heart rate monitoring, GPS tracking, and smartphone notifications, further integrating these devices into our daily routines.
The real game-changer, however, has been the integration of AI. AI-powered wearables are not only capable of collecting data but also analyzing it in real-time, providing users with actionable insights. This shift from mere data collection to intelligent analysis has opened up a plethora of possibilities, transforming wearables into essential tools for personal health management, workplace productivity, and even entertainment.
AI-Powered Wearables: A New Era of Personal Health Management
One of the most significant impacts of AI-powered wearables is in the realm of personal health management. These devices can monitor a wide range of physiological parameters, such as heart rate variability, sleep patterns, and blood oxygen levels, and use AI algorithms to analyze this data. For example, wearables like the Apple Watch and Fitbit Sense can detect irregular heart rhythms, which can be a precursor to conditions like atrial fibrillation. By alerting users to potential health issues early, these devices can prompt timely medical intervention, potentially saving lives.
AI-powered wearables are also playing a crucial role in managing chronic conditions. Devices like continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) for diabetes patients use AI to provide real-time feedback on blood sugar levels, helping users make informed decisions about their diet, exercise, and medication. This level of personalized care was previously impossible, demonstrating how AI wearables are bridging the gap between personal health and medical care.
Enhancing Workplace Productivity with AI Wearables
Beyond personal health, AI-powered wearables are increasingly being adopted in the workplace to enhance productivity and employee well-being. In industries like manufacturing, construction, and logistics, wearables equipped with AI can monitor workers' vital signs and environmental conditions to prevent accidents and injuries. For instance, smart helmets and vests can detect signs of fatigue or exposure to harmful gases, alerting workers and supervisors to take preventive measures.
Moreover, AI wearables are being used to optimize workflows and improve efficiency. Devices can track the movements and activities of employees, providing data-driven insights into how time is spent and identifying areas for improvement. For example, in a warehouse setting, wearables can analyze the routes taken by workers and suggest more efficient paths to minimize time and effort.
In corporate environments, wearables are also being used to monitor stress levels and promote mental well-being. AI algorithms can detect signs of stress through physiological indicators like heart rate and skin conductivity. Employers can use this information to offer personalized wellness programs, such as mindfulness sessions or breaks, to help employees manage stress effectively.
Innovations in AI-Powered Wearables
The landscape of AI-powered wearables is constantly evolving, with new innovations pushing the boundaries of what these devices can do. Some of the most exciting developments include:
Smart Clothing: Companies are integrating AI into everyday clothing to create "smart fabrics" that can monitor health metrics. For example, smart shirts embedded with sensors can track heart rate, breathing patterns, and posture. This data can be used by athletes to optimize their performance or by patients recovering from surgery to monitor their progress.
Neurotechnology Wearables: Devices like Muse and Flow Neuroscience are incorporating AI to provide real-time brainwave analysis and neurofeedback. These wearables can be used for meditation, mental health therapy, and even enhancing cognitive function. By analyzing brain activity, these devices can offer personalized insights into the user’s mental state and suggest exercises to improve focus and reduce anxiety.
Augmented Reality (AR) Glasses: AI-powered AR glasses are set to revolutionize both consumer and professional experiences. Companies like Google and Microsoft are developing AR wearables that can overlay digital information onto the real world. For example, in a healthcare setting, AR glasses can provide surgeons with real-time data and visualizations during procedures, enhancing precision and outcomes.
AI Hearing Aids: Modern hearing aids are leveraging AI to provide a more natural listening experience. These devices can automatically adjust to different sound environments, filter out background noise, and even translate languages in real-time. AI-powered hearing aids are not just improving the quality of life for the hearing impaired but are also setting the stage for more advanced auditory experiences.
The Future of AI-Powered Wearables
The future of AI-powered wearables looks incredibly promising, with potential applications extending beyond health and productivity. As AI algorithms become more sophisticated, wearables will be able to provide even more personalized and context-aware experiences. For example, wearables could act as personal assistants, anticipating the user’s needs based on their habits and preferences, and providing proactive recommendations.
Furthermore, as the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, wearables will become integral components of smart ecosystems, interacting seamlessly with other connected devices. Imagine a scenario where your smartwatch communicates with your smart home to adjust the thermostat based on your body temperature or turn on the lights as you approach your home.
However, the widespread adoption of AI-powered wearables also raises important ethical and privacy concerns. The collection and analysis of personal data require stringent security measures to protect users' privacy. Companies developing these technologies must prioritize data protection and be transparent about how data is used.
AI-powered wearables are undoubtedly transforming the way we live and work. From enhancing personal health management and workplace productivity to pioneering new innovations, these devices are pushing the boundaries of what technology can achieve. As AI continues to advance, the capabilities of wearables will only expand, offering even more possibilities for improving our lives. While challenges related to privacy and security need to be addressed, the potential benefits of AI-powered wearables are too significant to ignore. The rise of these intelligent devices marks the beginning of a new era in technology, one where the line between the digital and physical worlds becomes increasingly blurred.
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vertuphone1998 · 21 days
VERTU AI vs Oura: The Stylish Smart Ring with Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring
Oura, a well-known smart ring brand, is famous for its precise sleep and heart rate monitoring features. However, it lacks blood glucose monitoring capabilities, which fails to meet the needs of diabetic patients.
The VERTUAI AI Diamond Ring https://vertu.com/ fills this gap by not only providing Oura's sleep and heart rate monitoring features but also incorporating non-invasive blood glucose monitoring, offering a more comprehensive health management solution for diabetic patients.
VERTUAI vs Traditional Diamond Rings: The Perfect Fusion of Technology and Aesthetics
Traditional diamond rings are merely beautiful ornaments. The VERTUAI AI Diamond Ring merges technology with aesthetics perfectly, featuring not only dazzling brilliance but also powerful health monitoring functions.
The following table will provide a more intuitive comparison between the VERTUAI AI Diamond Ring and Oura:
Blood Glucose Monitoring:
VERTUAI AI Diamond Ring offers non-invasive blood glucose monitoring; Oura currently does not support glucose monitoring.
Sleep and Heart Rate Monitoring:
Both VERTUAI AI Diamond Ring and Oura ring offer sleep and heart rate monitoring features.
In addition, the VERTUAI AI Diamond Ring is more visually appealing compared to the Oura ring and can be worn as a stylish accessory.
The advent of the VERTUAI AI Diamond Ring marks a new era in smart health monitoring. It provides a more convenient and comfortable health management solution for diabetic patients, helping them better control their blood sugar and enjoy a healthy life.
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