#patrick: indeed it will be
mizgnomer · 3 months
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Behind the Scenes of The Giggle - Part Three
From Entertainment Weekly (Dec 2023 by Clark Collis):
Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies tells EW that the American actor was completely unfamiliar with the beloved science fiction series when the executive producer approached Harris about playing a villain called The Toymaker on this Saturday's final 60th anniversary special episode, "The Giggle." "He’d never heard of it in his life, bless him," Davies says with a laugh. "I was lucky enough to work with the great man on a show called It’s a Sin, about the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, and working with him was such a joy. The Toymaker, he's kind of the god of games, so he shuffles cards, he does magic tricks, and all of that fits Neil Patrick Harris. If you go through agents, they often tell you to go away. I was able to send just a text saying, 'Do you fancy reading this?' He read it and literally phoned me up going, 'Let me get this right, so the Doctor’s an alien, right?' I was like, 'Oh my god, you really have never heard of Doctor Who!' But he couldn’t resist it, and he came to Cardiff, and we had the most spectacular time." Davies explains that, "it's very hard to find the villain who can match David Tennant and Catherine Tate. To have a character who can be in danger of defeating those two is very hard to find. Sometimes on Doctor Who, you need armies of a thousand robots who could do that. This is just one person, so casting them was absolutely crucial and this becomes a pivotal event in the Doctor’s life. We needed that man, and, god, we had a glorious time. It’s so lovely working with Neil. When I text him now, [we ask], what’s our third project together? We’ve got to keep going!"
With huge thanks to all who shared set photos (including @TomWrenPhoto on Twitter)
For other posts in this set, please see the #whoBtsGiggle tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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wentzmp3 · 1 year
Patrick World...
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flowersofnaivete · 5 months
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badnewswhatsleft · 4 months
05 dance dance mv - commentary (full band)
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I've finally started the Aubreyad via audiobook, and while I always knew I would like it, I felt underprepared for just how screamingly funny it is
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ormymarius · 4 months
— my eternal night is ending
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fagpatrickstump · 7 months
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the argyle sweater, shorts and knee socks are pivotal in every universe (more from this au)
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fall out boy albums as tour posters (5/8)
save rock and roll tour (2013)
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beyonddarkness · 1 year
Thoughts on Haladriel/Saurondriel
(I might be converted)
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Okay, can I be COMPLETELY honest?
I always understood the shipping of Halbrand/Sauron and Galadriel, but for the sake of analyzing, I never let myself believe that there was any element of attraction from either side. Because they have a "cosmic connection," you know?
But something changed today (even though that "cosmic connection" is still very much a thing). I came to the conclusion that, while my pain for Galadriel has now increased manifold, I am so relieved from everything Morfydd said in her recent interview, particularly that the ambiguity behind their relationship was Charlie's idea (how dare he) because now I know that Charlie is Sauron, irl. Let me explain. (Prepare for a long read—bonus content at the end):
Charlie never told a lie in press.
"Were we in a relationship of seduction or power? It's up to the viewer to decide" (Morfydd).
What Morfydd said didn't give anything away. It truly leaves everything up to interpretation even more than before, and yet any way you slice it, everything makes sense. It fits with everything that everyone has said in press (the 'cosmic connection', 'it's not romantic', etc.).
Think of it this way:
If everything was purely platonic, and Galadriel was not attracted to Halbrand in the least, then Sauron was tempting Galadriel with power. This makes sense, since we know that Galadriel left Valinor in large part because she desired to rule over a realm of her own. Power is very enticing to her.
That also means that Galadriel would never, ever, EVER think of anyone but Celeborn, which is nice. I mean, once Elves marry, that's it. No backsies. In this case, Sauron would be playing it safe, not fooling himself into thinking that Galadriel would fall for a MAN (of all things), after she has already been married.
On the other hand, BOY is Sauron able to seduce.
Now, when we think of seduction, some of us automatically think:
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But Galadriel most likely would not be enticed by an extremely forward approach. She would slap that guy so silly.
So here's why Sauron is terrifying: Halbrand is so nice.
His approach would be: Become friends first, to make it difficult to resist joining him in the end. He made himself attractive in a way that, if successful, would make her attached to him for much longer than if he was strictly flirtatious (a few thousand years should do it). He never said anything forward until their friendship developed to a certain point (1x06).
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And as long as I've been denying that either side was attracted to the other, the one thing I have never been able to get out of my head is the fact that in episode 7, Galadriel called to Halbrand before anyone else. Later, she mentioned Celeborn to Theo (for the first time in presumably centuries, after she assumed Halbrand had died). Then, when she saw Halbrand again, she called him her friend, and he for some reason had to say:
"Nor will you."
Then he made that STUPID SMIRK, and poor Galadriel looked SO TORN. We just barely learned that her husband was in the picture, so he was fresh on her mind. And then we had this thrown on us, to indicate that something about this friendship was not right.
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(Oh, the discomfort and second-hand embarrassment I felt for Halbrand, before I knew that he was Sauron.)
Since Galadriel hasn't seen her husband in centuries (even though she loves him a lot—I mean A LOT), she was very vulnerable to seduction, because... she was alone. Halbrand saved her life, rivaled her intelligence, didn't beg for her attention on account of her beauty, connected with her on a level that probably hasn't happened in a while, became her really good friend, made her feel free fighting at his side, etc. If that doesn't spark someone's interest, I don't know what does. (His looks are a major bonus.)
Now, here is what's really unfortunate, and causes me pain beyond measure: Sauron wouldn't have fallen in love. But Galadriel would have, and he knew that.
No one (JD, Patrick, Charlie, and Morfydd) ever lied in any interview. Have you ever noticed that whenever they spoke of the lack of romance, they were always talking specifically about Sauron's perspective? :')
Here are some examples:
Charlie: "I mean, look. I don't see it as a... strictly—I don't know. I haven't run this past you guys [Patrick: 'Run it by!']—as a King and Queen thing. I love the reflection bit. But it's not like... I think ultimately, if she had said yes, he's very much the King, and she's like his sidekick, in terms of ruling." Patrick: "And it's not like a marriage—[Morfydd: 'How...]—proposal...—[...dare you.'] [...] Charlie: "You guys sent me something really early on. It's WH Auden, talking about good and evil in Tolkien, and the difference when it gets to evil. It's affection—I'm paraphrasing here—but affection goes out the window. And you see this relationship, and you see affection, but in the end, it's only for personal gain. [...] The whole season, you see them working together, and they have this sort of—we like to call it a 'cosmic connection'. Not romantic. [laughs] Although, I got in a lot of trouble for saying it wasn't romantic yesterday, because of the 'shipping'; the people shipping. [Interviewer: 'How dare you.'] [laughs] Yeah, exactly. And I think it's very clear on the raft that he's just using her for his own personal gain, rather than any sort of love and affection to her." (Empire Spoiler Special)
Charlie: "I think they have a 'cosmic connection', but I don't think it's necessarily, in his mind, a King and a Queen... like husband and wife kind of situation. I think it's more, 'I can use you to get what I want, and effect my designs faster.' Because ultimately, I think he would have ended up ruling by himself, whether she joined him or not. And when she says no on the raft, it angers him, but it's not the end of the world for him." (Deadline Inside the Ring)
So, if Sauron was trying to effectively seduce Galadriel into falling in love with him, it was always going to be one-sided. He would have never felt any real love towards her, but his goal would be to get Galadriel to feel something like that towards him. For personal gain.
And if Galadriel did feel something, how much more ashamed and violated would she feel in the end, knowing that he did it on purpose?
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Here is the ultimate question:
Did Sauron tempt Galadriel with power, or seduction (or both)?
Here's the thing -> Charlie
Morfydd said in her interview that "Halbrand's hold on Galadriel was less connoted in the storylines," meaning it was more straight forward, and not much was implied. But she did not say which direction the scripts leaned, meaning Charlie said one of two things:
"Let's make it seem less romantic."
"Let's make it seem more romantic."
Either way, he's actually so mean, I can't put it into words.
Here's why both possibilities work perfectly: Every time Charlie or anyone else has talked about the lack of romance in interviews, they're always speaking from Sauron's perspective; Galadriel's feelings are wide open for interpretation. Whether Sauron tempted her with power or seduction, he never loved her. He knows how to seduce, and he does it well, but it doesn't mean he feels it. That's why I'm terrified of him, and I'm also afraid of Charlie.
Ever since that interview with Morfydd, I've realized that Charlie has a lot more to do with the character than he's letting on. He knows enough about Sauron to propose an idea that fits into the lore. The fact that the scripts were "less connoted," and he managed to convince everyone to make the relationship more ambiguous is just... GAH. How dare he!
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Is it power or seduction?? Both work so well, it could very well be both at the same time! (Charlie and his ambiguities. *sigh*)
But again, it's a matter of what Sauron is tempting Galadriel with; not what he feels, himself.
So, why am I relieved? Because Chapter 6. :)
Bonus: Translation of the Haunting Music
It is time.
With all of this in mind, I would like to take a shot in the dark. Remember that ultra creepy/seductive part of the music in The Broken Line? A couple of months ago, I was driven crazy by the fact that right in the middle of a musical phrase, the vocals transitioned from Black Speech to Quenya, when Sauron's doing this:
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I wanted to know the translation, so I used Paul Strack's lexicon. I managed to pick out most of the words in the music, but since I'm not fluent in Elvish grammar, I don't dare try to translate it. I will just give you the translation for each word, and let you decide what it means for yourself. It'll be fun. :)
Here's the music:
Here are the words (red is confirmed, purple is what I made out, and the [?] is the last word that I cannot figure out, for the life of me. So if someone could enlighten me, I would greatly appreciate it):
ash gul ishi ghash [ash] gul insangarë antani márië i cilmë [?]
Here are the translations:
Black Speech:
ash: "one" gul: "phantom" ishi: "in" ghash: "fire"
insangarë: "temptation" anta-: "to give, present; to add to" ni: "me, I" márië: "well, happily; goodness, good estate, being well, happiness" i: "the" cilmë: "choice, choosing"
In episode 6, Adar said in Quenya, "What I seek. Give it to me." His sentence ended with "antani". So... if "antani" comes after the subject of a sentence... "insangarë antani"? O_O
Someone please help Galadriel. I can hardly stand it. Where's Celeborn?
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I love this whole "converting Rock into a combat robot" montage, its prolly one of my fave parts of the whole comic! From Dr. Light's monologue, testing out Mega Man's features, to the awesome art and spark effects done by Spaziante, It all comes together to make a grand 1st issue!
Didn't think you could fit the whole introduction of Mega Man in one issue, huh? xD Well, the first game's story was just that simple, though the narrative here takes a lot of inspiration from the Mega Man: Powered Up remake, right down to the Wily evil plan announcement. This comic's full of homages to moments from the games and remakes!
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dogwittaablog · 5 months
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So I’m literally an avid Pinterest user and I have this folder of saved drawings/art I like, I was going through it and one of the pieces looked mad familiar… tell me is this not Nolan’s fucking tattoo???? LMFAOOOO.
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I thought you might like to know but bring the bassist back is like about two things it's a reference to "bring the bass back" from the poem Hammond B3 Organ Cistern about finding joy in the days you don't want to kill yourself and it's also about how I think all the time about like the 27 club and how the tortured artist who dies young is such an image but like they don't have to and in our generation of music it seems like more and more of them survived it's like a fob reference: bring the bassist back because he didn't kill himself that's not the only way for it to go anyway ily
I was literally shaking restraining myself from talking about this in the tags like. hum fucking hallelujah, bring the bassist back. and not even just FOB though like. you're the resident MCR girlie. do you ever think about how by all rights they should not be alive? but they ARE. um like... like frickin... I am not afraid to keep on living. sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse. I'm going to cry about this Gracie
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elishamanning · 1 year
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Leon Goretzka and Christoph Kramer before kickoff (18 February 2023)
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lengthofropes · 2 years
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Patrick the Witch from 5.07
commission for @kimmywholocked
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waking-hell · 5 months
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Oops almost forgot to leave it here
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thekenobee · 1 year
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The fact that a reasonable, sensible, long-suffering Stephen turns into a savage within a second when Jack's life is in peril is very important to me
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