The R's and the D's making a lot of noise about this and that and the other thing and Im sure some of ya'll are freaked out, but has nobody realized the most blatantly obvious fact? Since committing treason every single thing they've done is moot. Pointless. Holds zero power.
They are now completely irrelevant. You need not fear the shit show circus they're playing out. They're scared shitless because they know what's coming. They know Trump and the military are coming for them and they'd love to take as many as they can with them.
So like a bully, do not engage and for the love of God do NOT fall into the trap and show up at one of these armed rallies they're trying to get going. Its all going to be paid terrorists anyway and you don't need to get hurt just for the media to have sensationalistic drama to pull on the heartstrings and emotions of the sleepy sheepy.
Trump is still very much in control and shit is going to hit the fan in a HUGE way.
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herbalsurvivalist · 4 years
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misterdjeen · 3 years
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This is what NASA say's: Once in 1000 year disaster looms over America
US To Face 100 Years Of Mega Drought!
Experts grimly warn us of an unprecedented disaster of biblical proportions.
Will you survive?
>> Grab this Life Saving Report - Click Here!
THIS is no joke, you’ll find the REAL answers inside. PLUS: You’ll also receive an extremely useful bonus that will become more valuable than gold in a crisis...
IMPORTANT: 3 little-known secrets any serious patriot must know to survive the upcoming disaster!
>> Go and CHECK IT out here
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societyaroundu · 3 years
It is referred to as help and protection provided by a country to its citizen. Equal and full membership should be given to every citizen of the country.
Is citizenship equally given to every citizen or does it differentiates among individuals on the basis of their skill, race, gender or community?
Let us consider the example of south africa. They were segregated into 2 communities ie whites and blacks. The government of South africa used to discriminate between blacks and whites. Different laws were made to suppress the rights of blacks. Such ill treatment resulted into different protest and revolts.
Nelson Mandela is an epic example who fought against apartheid. He went to jail in 1964 and came out in 1994. Eventually, he became first black president of democratic south africa.
One more eminent personality was Martin Luther king, he gave 4 arguments against racial discrimination. Those 4 arguments are as follow:
1. Every individual in this world is equal on the basis of self-worth and dignity.
2. Segregation is considered as "social leprosy" on the body of politics as it inflicts psychologically victims of such laws.
3. It negatively affects white community as well.
4. Such artificial boundaries are creating a barrier in the growth of country as people lack cooperation among themselves.
Conclusion: Every day is a new day, with a new hope.
After a lot of sacrifices and dedication, there was finally a good morning in the free independent south africa. A dream seen 30 years back has finally become a reality for the blacks.
This all came to an end because of wise leaders like Nelson Mandela who chose negotiation over recrimination.
Finally, I would conclude by saying "where there's a will, there's a way."
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pennproud · 7 years
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The Sears building on Market square in #Harrisburg, Pa., in the 1940s. Photo from The Patriot⠀ #bw #vintage #waybackwednesday #wbw #1940s #oldtimes #wwii #hbg #blackandwhitephotography #sears #searsandroebuck #architecture #patriotnews
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joeyfirst · 4 years
Diese dreckige Diktatorin und Verbrecherin Merkel mit ihrer gesamten Altparteien Bande wird nicht freiwillig gehen eine Diktatur geht nicht freiwillig wenn ihr die Diktatur nicht mehr wollt oder gar nicht Volt dann müsst ihr als Bürger selbst einschalten und zwar alle geschlossen und diese Bande verhaften und inhaftieren und dann bei Gerichtsverhandlungen auf das aller Schärfste verurteilen wegen Hochverrat Betrug Diebstahl Plünderung Freiheitsberaubung und Mord ihr seid Millionen diese Kreaturen nur ein paar tausend es ist ein Leichtes für euch wieder geschlossen vorgeht diese Bande kalt zustellen
Nach Androhung einer Verfassungsklage:
DEHOGA-Chef tot!
Nun ist auch der Präsident des Hamburger Hotel- und Gaststättenverbands Franz J. Klein tot.
Klein bedrohte Angela Merkel mit einer Klage vor dem Verfassungsgericht und kritisierte ihren Eingriff in die Grundrechte.
Der 72-Jährige sei nun laut Pressestelle am Wochenende völlig überraschend verstorben.
Wir erinnern uns:
Mittelstandspräsident Mario Ohoven drohte dem Merkel-Regime ebenfalls mit Verfassungsklage und auch er musste es mit seinem Leben bezahlen. Er wurde vor erst ca. 3 Wochen geverkehrsunfallt.
Klein war seit 2015 Präsident beim DeHoGa. Erst vor rund zwei Wochen ist er in seinem Amt wiedergewählt worden. Für den DeHoGa vertrat Klein als Präsident die Interessen der Hamburger Hoteliers und Gastronomen.Sein Tod reiht sich ein in mittlerweile viele mysteriöse Todesfälle.Eines haben nämlich alle gemeinsam. Sie waren einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten, die es wagten, Angela Merkels Politik wirksam anzugehen.
Robert Hackbarth
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japharii · 7 years
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#PatriotBLM757 issa new ting .. Color is NOT the issue .. #Hate is! 🚨🚨🌍🌎🌏 #CitizensAlert 🌍🌎🌏🚨🚨#BLM757 is Linking with a #Patriot radio station ... 🚨There ARE III% groups that denounced and put in cease and desist order prior to #812 !🚨 #BLM757 @blm757 is working tirelessly to make sure we CHANGE history once and for all! Let's talk it out! 🗣🗣 Tune in at TONIGHT Thursday August 24th 2017 @ 9:30pm EST as @BLM757 President @JaPharii757 defends #Patriots & #Antifa while denouncing politicians , Steelers and the NFL !! 🗣🗣 http://www.blogtalkradio.com/patriotnews/2017/08/25/the-blm-and-3upva-come-together-to-stop-the-violence-and-c-ville-police-response #Unity #Peace #Charlottesville #Heather #iAmTheChangeTODAY #BeTheChange #BeTheVoice #BLM #Patriots - #regrann
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iamjustinlove7 · 7 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/justoslopez
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lloydfournier · 7 years
Abandon Ship: HMS Trudeau Flotsam Adrift
Abandon Ship: HMS Trudeau Flotsam Adrift
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  [Minister Judy Foote Says she Quits] I put this one under the category of good news/bad news.  Public Services Minister Judy Foote is about to “jump ship”. The bad news is that she will cling to her “entitlements” and remain in parliament drawing her regular pay check of $170,000 per year.  The fact that Foote has not bothered to show up in Parliament since early April probably has much more to…
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japharii · 7 years
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#PatriotBLM757 issa new ting .. Color is NOT the issue .. #Hate is! 🚨🚨🌍🌎🌏 #CitizensAlert 🌍🌎🌏🚨🚨#BLM757 is Linking with a #Patriot radio station ... 🚨There ARE III% groups that denounced and put in cease and desist order prior to #812 !🚨 #BLM757 @blm757 is working tirelessly to make sure we CHANGE history once and for all! Let's talk it out! 🗣🗣 Tune in at TONIGHT Thursday August 24th 2017 @ 9:30pm EST as @BLM757 President @JaPharii757 defends #Patriots & #Antifa while denouncing politicians , Steelers and the NFL !! 🗣🗣 http://www.blogtalkradio.com/patriotnews/2017/08/25/the-blm-and-3upva-come-together-to-stop-the-violence-and-c-ville-police-response #Unity #Peace #Charlottesville #Heather #iAmTheChangeTODAY #BeTheChange #BeTheVoice #BLM #Patriots - #regrann
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whitewashdreams-blog · 10 years
Bucknell's Poetry Path is public art meant to be heard: Not far by car - The Patriot-News
Bucknell’s Poetry Path is public art meant to be heard: Not far by car – The Patriot-News
Bucknell's Poetry Path is public art meant to be heard: Not far by car The Patriot-News She selected poems by contemporary living poets, including the current U. S. Poet Laureate Natasha Tretheway and Rita Dove, a former one, and the winner of a Pulitzer Prize in poetry, a National Book Award winner, and several emerging writers. By …
poetry – Google News
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lloydfournier · 7 years
Funding Political Violence
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[The Media won’t Report the Story- why?] The clash in Charlottesville, Virginia (a town of 46,000) was much more than just “tragic”.   One person died and dozens were injured; but perhaps the biggest harm is that truth was again the victim.  For two days, this quiet university town was invaded by violent actors intent on making a point at any cost.  We have all watched this tragic drama play over…
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lloydfournier · 7 years
I Support Kevin J. Johnston’s RIGHT to Free Speech and you should too!
I Support Kevin J. Johnston’s RIGHT to Free Speech and you should too!
    Crazy season arrived in Canada officially on November 4th, 2015 when the newly elected Liberal Prime Minister (Justin Trudeau) was sworn in. Amid all the flowery speeches about the re-arrival of Laurier’s term, “sunny ways” a sinister thing took place at Rideau Hall on November 4th, 2015.  I note that, though Justin made artsy use of Laurier’s term, he had apparently not bothered to…
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lloydfournier · 7 years
Trudeau Stand on Terrorism is Sickening
Trudeau Stand on Terrorism is Sickening
{And very dangerous} The man who is currently Prime Minister of Canada (Justin Pierre James Trudeau) has regularly employed a fast-paced sleight of hand since becoming Prime Minister. In the process, he has demonstrated an uncanny ability to deflect justifiable criticism by simply spinning off onto another tangent. If you don’t like what he says on Monday, just wait until his “back-room” handlers…
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