#patton oswalt is a goddamn comedic thespian
gentleoverdrive · 2 years
[15/300] "Eating a sleeve of saltines in my underwear watching Carlito's Way!"
Man, when it hits you that you really like drinking alcohol but the thing you like drinking is a relatively lightweight cocktail and you get called out for it, it's like "Yeah, I know it's a basic AF cocktail. But it's MY basic AF cocktail of choice, mmmkay?" --- It was kinda funny to gauge my wife's reaction to my friend stealth-calling me out for being a "lightweight", but probably the funniest thing was, like, how I got oddly defensive about the whole thing. --- But screw it, y'know? Just like the concept of comfort food, a comfort drink is also a matter of choice and, again, I just drink one per occasion, if we were talking about drinking on the clock or something, yeah, I could see that being a problem, but I only have one every third or fourth day once I clock out of work, y'know? --- And again, it's a whiskey ginger! It's basically like drinking soda, only slightly funkier, y'know? Let an old fart enjoy his poison of choice. Most local beer doesn't even do a thing for me, so please, let me enjoy my goofy drink. Kisses + hugs, and I'll read you later, alligator!
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