#a twist of lemon
lunasohma · 1 year
a twist of lemon
[ ao3 / ff.net ]
a twist of lemon
French butter cookies
Miss Matoba
loquats, lemons, and the arborist
fever pitch
first and forever
tarte tatin
neighborhood tour gone wrong
Fantastic Mr. Yorishima
a kind of harmony
heat, liqueur, burn
left and stranded (but not for long)
walk in, locked in
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gentleoverdrive · 2 years
[15/300] "Eating a sleeve of saltines in my underwear watching Carlito's Way!"
Man, when it hits you that you really like drinking alcohol but the thing you like drinking is a relatively lightweight cocktail and you get called out for it, it's like "Yeah, I know it's a basic AF cocktail. But it's MY basic AF cocktail of choice, mmmkay?" --- It was kinda funny to gauge my wife's reaction to my friend stealth-calling me out for being a "lightweight", but probably the funniest thing was, like, how I got oddly defensive about the whole thing. --- But screw it, y'know? Just like the concept of comfort food, a comfort drink is also a matter of choice and, again, I just drink one per occasion, if we were talking about drinking on the clock or something, yeah, I could see that being a problem, but I only have one every third or fourth day once I clock out of work, y'know? --- And again, it's a whiskey ginger! It's basically like drinking soda, only slightly funkier, y'know? Let an old fart enjoy his poison of choice. Most local beer doesn't even do a thing for me, so please, let me enjoy my goofy drink. Kisses + hugs, and I'll read you later, alligator!
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leona-peakscholar · 4 months
Malleus's grandmother did not care that Malleus was in love with a human. Though she was reluctant, he knew Malleus can be a stubborn child and it would be easier to just go along with his little game then cause unnecessary conflict
So she decided to play along, tell Malleus to do whatever he wants. Because at the end of the day a human lifespan is like a mere week for a long life species and fertility rate for faes are rather low so there won't be a chance in hell that Malleus would ever successfully mate with a human
That was until she heard news from her Royal Guards that Malleus' human lover/current wife was showing signs of pregnancy a few months after their honeymoon that Malleus' grandmother realizes the grave mistake she had made
──★ ˙🍋. ̟ !! lemon
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vita-divata · 6 months
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So there’s this guy…. *twirls hair*
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luc1ferian · 15 days
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takohebi · 3 months
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some new and old sketches ;w; i was missing them...
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m0liku-mori · 3 months
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More toa shenanigans
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I love these two sm
Im not feeling good
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3cremepie3 · 5 months
#1 manger
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Synopsis - You the number one manger of the NRC basketball team get into a bit of trouble with the star players. How far would you go to get back your beloved position? Ace, Jamil, Floyd x reader
Warnings - Smut 18+ ,cursing, bribery, anal, (mentions) virginity loss, (mentions of) starvation, arguing, toxicity, betrayal
A/n - This was definitely one of the nastiest fics I wrote. And it’s just gonna get worse if I do a part 2 lol!! This is not fully edited bear with the writing for now!!!
“Shoot it, Floyd!” You screamed jumping up out of your seat. There were 3 seconds left on the clock but time felt frozen. Your team had the opportunity to win if they made this one shot. But things don’t always work out. Especially when you have a dopey bipolar teammate that wasn’t paying attention and somehow had the ball slam on his head. It’s safe to say you guys lost with flying colors.
Time unfroze and the roar of Royal Sword Academy’s team almost made you fall over. You sat back in your seat chuckling as Floyd’s mouth stayed open. You the team manager should have been checking on him. But the situation was just so funny.
The sound it made and the way he fell back like a rag doll it was just comical. You began to laugh like a hyena practically sobbing as tears fell on your face. You put your hands over your face in shame as people began to stare at you. And for a while, you sat laughing replaying the situation over and over.
Now that you thought about it the whole game itself was pretty funny. Ace almost fought a player who kept fowling him but was held back by Jamil who looked like the interaction aged him 20 years a minute. God you love managing the team it was like a free movie.
“Something funny Shrimpy”. Floyd whispered into your ear causing your head to shoot up. “God you scared me Floyd.” You said wiping tears out of your eyes. “No it’s nothing,” you smirked. “Then why did I hear you laughing at our failures the whole game?” No, it wasn’t like that I swear!” Your smile twisted awkwardly downwards trying to hide itself. “Lies make me wanna squeeze ya’ even harder you know?”
Floyd had that crazy look in his eyes so you know he meant business but still you couldn’t contain yourself. You looked down from his harsh gaze in gave into the silliness which was probably your worst mistake.“Up now,” he demanded. His large hand met your shoulder gripping it so tightly it knocked the air out of your lungs. “Ahh let go of me,” you protested. You kicked Floyd in the shin to free yourself before running away from him into the locker room.
You knew some time had passed but damn it was unusually quiet. Normally you would walk with your eyes closed to avoid seeing gross dicks and hear a bunch of bustle. But you heard nothing except the stream of a few shower heads.
Once you got out of the locker room you faced the grim reality of why everything was so quiet. Vargas sent everyone Home except for a few star players he had to chew into. You stood behind him which was your duty as the manager.
“You could’ve gotten suspended for the whole season,” Vargas seethed. “What were you thinking Ace!” Hey, he hit me first,” Ace added. “Because you talked about his damn mother.” Oh wow,” you laughed. “Is something funny Y/n,” Vargas asked. “This whole time something’s been just cracking you up huh? What type of manager laughs at her team? Huh, answer me step up and answer me.” You stepped up in front of the player's throat now suddenly dry.
“I apologize,” you spoke quietly. “What was that you were too quiet.” Vargas boomed into your ear. “I’m sorry for laughing at you guys,” you raised your voice annoyed. “That’s what I thought,” Floyd interrupted. “You act like your scrawny ass could do any better.”
“I can assure you that if I had your build I could. I wouldn’t be like you Floyd just dazing off into the sunset when we have championships at stake,” you challenged. “Shrimpy you need to watch your mouth before I watch it for you,” Floyd threatened.
“Floyd that’s enough let’s listen to her she’s our manager, Jamil sighed.” What’s that sigh for,” you huffed. “Well, you’re not exactly the best person to be in the position you’re in. You can’t even contain your composure.”
“Jamil’s right it’s embarrassing,” Ace claimed. “Embarrassing you wanna know what’s embarrassing you dumb asses is constantly defending this team. Everyday I go into class and Ace can testify this I’m always having to stick up for this team.”
“Maybe if you guys took shit seriously then I wouldn’t have to laugh, you snapped.” That’s enough out of all of you,” Vargas stomped. The entire gym went quiet down to his immense anger.
Never in your days at night raven had you seen him so angry. “Since you all can’t take shit seriously your off the team until further notice.” Wait but coach I didn’t do anything,” Jamil objected. “Me either it was all that bitches Y/n’s fault,” Floyd insisted.
“Who the fuck are you calling a bitch,” you questioned? “The only bitch made person in here,” he smirked. “God Floyd you’re so lucky I don’t have a gun!” Ladies let’s calm it down Ace,” joked.
You and Floyd looked at him like he had just slapped you. “Ace please don’t make me break up your fights again you have no self control idiot,” Jamil figured. “Who are you calling an idiot.” The four of you were to busy arguing you didn’t notice your coach leaving.
You stormed away after him while the others followed. “Vargas please I really need this job! Do you want me and Grim to starve to death?” By now tears had began to stream out of your eyes.
Vargas didn’t clear about y’all’s pleas as he drove away on his blastcycle. “Fuck now I gotta eat canned bean’s again. I thought I’d get to forget that taste forever.” By now your mascara was smeared all over your face.
“Stop crying you big baby,” Ace remarked. “I can’t. Holy fuck I’m screwed.” You held your head low not wanting to meet the eyes of the silent boys. Not having any more words to say you chose to walk home.
You didn’t even have the energy to strip out of your uniform once you got to bed. Instead you just cuddled up with Grim who slept peacefully. The next day you woke up late. All you had time to do was wash the crust and mascara off your face.
While you walked to class you told Grim avout your new finical state. Which was only enough to buy you cheap junk food for about a week. Grim was upset and offered to beat up Vargas but you told him to hold back.
You lost your position and even if you didn’t agree with your new circumstances you would figure something out. “We’ll be okay Y/n right,” Grim asked. “I hope so,” you pondered.
Two weeks later
Each day, hour , minute was passing by so slow you thought you were in a shitty velocity edit. The pit at your stomach grew larger and larger by day. Food was scarce and you fed Grim before you fed yourself. Thats what a good housewarden does.
You friends tried their best to help you bringing extra meals by whenever they could. Even though you were starving you were grateful for there help. But there was one person you would except nothing from. That person was Ace.
That asshole got you into this situation in the first place. You would take nothing from him. Which is why you rejected his offer to go to the gym.
“This is obviously some sort of harsh prank. I’m not that stupid Ace. I know for a fact they probably don’t want me to show my face there for another hundred years.” Well it’s just me Floyd and Jamil if that makes you feel any better,” Ace stated.
“No that makes me feel worse,” you winced. “Just come with me Y/n so you can get over this weird grudge you have all of a sudden.” You and him bickered the entire way there mostly about how your feelings were completely valid.
But you stopped as you got to the door. You were scared since you weren’t the only one who lost your position. What if they wanted revenge you wondered but it was too late as Ace pulled you in before him.
The gym was empty and for a minute you wanted to ask Ace what his deal was. But Floyd and Jamil both walked out the locker room. You and Ace walked up to them and your arms immediately crossed. “So what can I help you guys with,” you snarked.
The three of them stood around you in an arc. Floyd was the first to speak. “If you didn’t already know we got out positions back,” he declared. “And what’s that got to do with me,” you inquired.
“A lot so shut it Shrimpy.” Thanks to us you may get another chance. Huh what do you say do you wanna be our manger again,” he questioned. “What do you mean thanks to yall,” you asked.
“Vargas and us had a chat and he asked rather or not he should let you back on the team,” Jamil coaxed. “It’s entirely up to us to decide your fate, Ace affirmed. “Yeah we know how bad you want this job,” Jamil snickered.
“We just felt so bad when you were crying Shrimpy my heart almost broke,” Floyd frowned. “I don’t like the look the three of you have. What do you want from me?” Ace put his hand on your shoulder giving it a squeeze.
You backed away from his grasp. “Hey don’t get all scared we just want you to confirm that you want to be back on our team,” Ace sighed. “Of course I will,” you exclaimed. “I would love that actually you guys are the best.” You grabbed them all into a group hug and they hugged back.
“Okay we’ll go tell Vargas the good news after you fuck us,” Ace mumbled. “What was that?” You were still in the middle of the group hug the boys towering over you. You swore you just heard something crazy come out of his mouth but maybe his mispoke.
“He said you’ll get your position back after you fuck us.” Floyd deadpanned into your air sending shivers up your spine. You pushed them off of you only to be grabbed back in. “Don’t leave us so soon,” Jamil whined. “Yeah we really want you back in the team Shrimpy!”
“Duece told me how bad your situation really is. Don’t you need this job? Come on you don’t want Grim to starve,” he shouted. They were right and you hated to admit it. This job really was your make or break it since all other slots in campus were filled up.
“I-i can’t.” Sure you can come one we’ll make you feel good,” Jamil assured you. “Yeah you’ll be nice and full Shrimpy.” Don’t you want to feel good? Ace’s hand rolled down your back and onto your ass. The others hands went to grope you practically everywhere.
“What other choice do you have? It’s either us or halfway starve to death,” Ace reminded you. “Fuck you,” you spat. “Sweetie you were Sutton spit in his mouth,” Jamil commented. “Shrimpy come on you know better then that especially with a body like this. There’s no way you’re a virgin,” Floyd bubbled.
“She hasn’t even had her first kiss yet,” Ace told them. “What no way,” Jamil cackled. “Yup she told me and Duece during truth or dare.” We can help you with that Shrimpy.” How about losing everything to us you can even get your position back? Come on say something already!”
You were to embarrassed to speak. To humiliated to even move but still you nodded your head. “That’s a good girl,” Ace praised. You were quickly hoisted over Floyd’s shoulder and brought to a recovery room.
As you were sat on the bed you thought of the many times you helped them after injuries. This was a betrayal like no other. “Hey pretty are you here with us.” Jamil’s grabbed your jaw making you face him. Floyd was at the opposite edge of the bed watching you interaction while Ace climbed up over you.
The fact that you had no idea where this was going frightened you. “We thought it would be only fair if we all took your first kiss.” How the fuck,” you wondered. “Just open up that pretty mouth you’ll see.” Before you could get a word out you were smothered by all there tongues flowing inside your mouth.
Every ounce of air was stolen from your body as they licked everywhere their tounges could reach. It didn’t help that Jamil and Floyd’s were long and oddly practically gagging you.
You pulled away from all three of them a mixture of spit soaking your chin. You took some time to catch you breath while the others watched you. “That reaction was so damn cute were we to much for you,” Ace pointed out.
“I hope you enjoyed your first kiss Y/n,” Jamil said. You couldn’t even find the words to tell them off as of right now your mind was replaying all the possible scenarios of what could happen next.
As you dozed out hands explored your clothes unbuttoning the fabric that they recently caressed. Soon you were left in your bra and panties. You squeezed you legs shut trying to find some sort of privacy.
“I call her tits I always wanted a titjob ever I saw one in a hentai, Ace grinned.” Well I’ll take her mouth then since someone needs to shut her up,” Floyd sang. “Lucky me I get first dibs on her pussy then!”
Them talking about you like you were some piece of meat should’ve pissed you off. But instead you felt a wet patch form on your panties. “Lay back so we can do our thing Y/n,” Floyd instructed.
The rest of your clothes were pulled up from you in a frenzy. Jamil forcefully pried your legs apart revealing your twitching heat. “Fuck you’re horny already you slut,” he cooed. The three of them shifted until they were in their desired position Jamil was inbetween your legs kissing everywhere but were you needed him.
As you moaned Floyd slipped himself into your mouth. He stretched you mouth open as he thrusted in. With his size your jaw was sure to go slack. Ace lined his thick cock inbetween your tots before spitting a fat globe down as line inbetween them.
“Jamil don’t forget you have to lube up her asshole as well.” I didn’t forget you anal freak we have to be patient with her wait a minute. ” It’s her first time after all.” He gave your clit an open wet kiss that had you clenching against nothing.
His breath so close to you caused you to scoot closer to him. “Hey Shrimpy don’t forget about me. I forget you don’t know how to suck dick. Come one just do what the pornstars do!”
You tried your best to mock what you saw in porn while licking on Floyd’s thick mushroom tip. His whole cock was so sticky and you used your free hand that wasn’t holding Jamil’s head into place to grab him.
It was hard to focus on sucking him as Ace’s movements shook the entire bed. “This feels better then I thought damn your tits are so warm,” he moaned. “Been thinking of doing this to you ever since I saw you at orientation fuck.”
His cock leaked precum all over you chest further adding to the sinful sounds he made. But he wasn’t the only loud one Jamil lapped at your cunt so harshly you thought you would die. God there was so much stimulation at the same time.
You couldn’t stand it much longer and you soon came. Your body shook as you orgasmed and Ace held you down continuing his thrust. “God Shrimpy you’re so bad at this.” Floyd repositioned himself so that his knees were on either side of your head.
“All you have to do is keep your mouth open I’ll do all the work.” Floyd pushed your mouth open his fat cock now forcing itself down your airways. You gagged around him as he hit the bottom of your throat repeatedly. This along with Jamil entering his slender fingers into your cunt had your eyes rolling to the back of you head.
Floyd finally stopped thrusting in you right as Ace groaned loudly painting your chest with his thick cum. “Fuck that felt good.” He slapped his dick on your boobs drizzling out his last bit of cum onto you.
Your eyes noted that he was still semi hard as he smiled down at his creation. Jamil continued to finger your overstimulated cunt. The room was filled with the nosies. “Hey I can save us some time if I get underneath her,” Ace suggested.
“You better not try anything Ace I spent all
This time stretching her for me to break her not you,” Jamil explained. “Yeah I get that dude I was just gonna eat her other hole.” Ace lifted you up and slid his head underneath you.
Your body tensed up immediately realizing where he was about to lick. “No don’t lick there,” you shrieked. “Why anal is the best you’ll like it once you try it I promise you,” Ace claimed. “But it’s dirty,” you uttered.
“Nothing on you is dirty to me now sit on my face. Don’t be afraid to crush me either.” His hands gripped you thighs until you were sat fully on his face. Your legs remained opened and soon Jamil lined his cock up with your slit.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Floyd with a devious smile on his face. “Better open up nice and wide so you can take us all Shrimpy. Don’t you want your position back? Come on stop shivering your our #1 manger!
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consumeroflemoans · 2 months
I believe Riddle would make a fine cat cake
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Riddle cake for you!
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southpauz · 4 months
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Lemon 🍋 not even once
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sarynnah · 1 year
Che’nya Headcanons
When in heat:
- When in heat, Che’nya (like other male cats) will bite down on your neck to keep you steady as he pounds into you. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but he can’t help but to make sure you stay still while he fucks you.
- His only goal during heat is to mate; so he has a hard time focusing on anything else (like classes and hobbies) because he will be so consumed in the idea of breeding you.
- Due to him not being able to focus on anything else other than you during this time, he will probably stalk you (invisible of course) until you are in a secluded area; and then push you up against the nearest surface and take you right then and there.
- When he’s really getting into it, he’ll put you in a mating press while biting your neck, and drill into you relentlessly- in a trance from how badly his desire to breed you is.
- Unfortunately, during his heat there will be little to no prep before penetration because he has almost no self-control when it comes to his own pleasure and release; but after his heat, he will be very caring and will make sure you’re well taken care of and satisfied to make up for it.
- When he is ready to release, his member will swell up and form a knot- keeping you connected to him until his seed is settled in you. He loves snuggling into the nape of your neck when this happens, enjoying the warmth you give off.
His Body:
- Che’nya for sure has a sleeper build - so his outer appearance won’t look like there’s much muscle mass, but when his clothes are off you can definitely tell that he’s toned.
- His tongue (like other felines) has a sand-paper like texture to it, but it is only slight. Due to this, the sensation of him licking your nipples and sex is amplified - and leaves your skin with a red hue after. He loves to savor your taste, so you’d better be prepared to put up with the sensitivity his tongue is sure to inflict upon you.
- Like most cats, the area around his tail will be sensitive to touch; and he is very conscious of this. When you accidentally graze him there he would blush up and his hair would spike as an involuntary reaction; and he would try to brush it off as if nothing happened. However, if you touched him there on purpose he wouldn’t let you get away with it; pinning you down and showing you what it feels like to be teased like that. It isn’t fair is it?
- Due to his feline features, Che’nya naturally has heightened hearing; meaning he can catch even the smallest noises you make… and he loves it. He likes to hear your little squeaks when he teases you, and especially loves the lewd noises you let out while he’s touches and fucks you.
- When Che’nya feels relaxed with you (and in general) he may purr to express his comfort. Whether it’s when you guys are winding down and tired after sex, or just when cuddling, he will start purring. He knows you love it; and it warms his heart when he notices you falling asleep to the feeling of the vibration on your skin.
- He likes everyone knowing that you are his, so to ward off the other beastmen from making advances towards you, he scent marks you. He does this by nuzzling up to you and rubbing his scent glands (behind his ears, his eyebrows, neck, etc.) on your skin - subtly marking you in the process. You think it’s just him being cute and playful; but in reality it’s him telling other beastmen to fuck off.
This is my first headcanon post so I hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think, or if you have any requests for a character or scenario you want to see next!
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tedearaminta · 7 months
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A little something for White Day 🤍
inspired by Paolo i Virginia by Alessandro Puttinati
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leona-peakscholar · 4 months
Leona Kingscholar, now working as the head commander of the King's Guard is often tasked with aiding the training of new recruits. One of them happens to be his child.
Now Leona doesn't really care if you're his kid or not, he will train you just as hard as the other recruits-- Maybe even harder because of it.
But Leona has a habit of patting his children on the head after a job well done. So when he realized what he had done. He immediately tried to remedy it (as to not mistake this interaction as inherent favoritism or nepotism) by deciding to pat ALL the recruits under his tutelage.
Imagine his surprise the next day when a swarm of cubs began taking of their training helmets and bowing their head to Leona so they could get a headpat for doing a job well done-- So much for Leona's reputation as the menacing King's Guard
──★ ˙🍋. ̟ !! lemon
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blehblehhhhhh · 2 months
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Mallerollo nation where u at
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tigertale · 1 year
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A/N: I needed more Neige smut and it filled me with determination, and then— boom my motivation left and I was stuck with this goofy ahh doc? The ending is so bad, but I'll rewrite it later. Maybe. If I ever find a way to finish it.
•F!Reader; Neige
•〔 ! 〕Smut; Can't write don't read; Grammatical errors; Not proofread
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She giggled as the touch of his lips felt more and more ticklish as the time passed. His cheeks own cheeks red and almost from all the smiling. But he was Neige, it would surely freeze over Sunset Savannah before he even got the chance to feel tired to keep up this adorable smile of his.
She snaked her arms around his neck, reciprocating all his kisses by pressing her lips under his collarbone and along his chest. If she were to accidentally leave marks, might as well be around the perked buds under her tongue than his neck which would most probably create a scandal if they were seen. He let out a choked gasp, trusting in one swift motion back into her, this time more forcefully and making her moan against his skin.
While staying deep inside her, Neige carefully pressed his shaky hands against both of her cheeks and pulled her away to see her face closely —an habit he has taken which was awfully romantic although seeing her flushed face always managed to tip him faster towards his release. And there she was, a toothy grin on her flushed lips and her tongue out, drool making a bridge, linking her his reddish nipple. She broke it quickly after, lips moving as she mouthed something to him, something salacious enough that he felt the heat on his face dropping all the way down to his neck.
She would be the death of him.
He switched position, laying her on the bed under them, following after as he hugged her as close as possible before going back to trusting his dick inside her tight and warm hole. The sudden strength with which he was doing so making her see stars as she tried hard to bring her hands to his back, they were weak and wobbly from the pleasure as he had moved a hand between both their bodies to play with her clit, and she tried hard not to draw line along his pearly white skin.
He loved her so much, he couldn't imagine himself fucking anyone other than the prefect who had successfully snatched his heart during one of NRC's and SRA's joint event. He couldn't believe that him, Neige Leblanche, the one who was so naturally attractive and constantly sought after, would feel anxiety to the point of feeling his heart implosing. He had been so scared of her not finding him unattractive, she was attending an all boy school after all, there were many more who were probably more fit to her taste than him. The first one coming into his mind being Vil Schoenheit, the one actor he considered his friend and could possibly see as an inspiration.
But she had approached him, honey-dripping words that made him fall harder than before, her joyful grin that pulled her cheeks up to the point of hiding her glistening eyes, making him involuntarily grab his chest with a shy look and flushed face. She was the only one he had gotten to bed, the two of them awkwardly kissing each other their very first time before it had led to anything more.
His movements were more erratic, pulling her closer to her release, him ready to do so with her at the feeling of the coil threatening to fall apart at any given moment now.
He pressed the palm of his hands against her face again, catching stray hair damped with sweat, this time pressing his lips against her in an open-mouthed kiss as his tongue went deeper and deeper which each trusts. He couldn't see the way her eyes were rolling to the back of her head, nor the spit dripping along her chin. He wasn't pressing her harder against the bed as felt himself coming, the euphoria from his release making him loudly moan in her mouth as he continued to weakly trust while his fingers abused her clit so she could come with him.
She came soon after, her walls finally relaxing around his cock as her cum ended up on the bed sheets, wetting it and making a darkish spot appear on it. A shallow groan left his lips as he finally pulled away, immediately moving to remove his condom and tying it. He made a quick trip to the trash by the corner before leaning back down above her so he could drown her with all the affection he could muster with his tired body.
She giggled, almost unheard, as she was too tired to even speak, and pecked him back before curling against him in the bed. He brought the blanket above both of them, smiling as he pressed one last kiss on her forehead before falling asleep.
The cover was damp, both of their fluids had wet it, but he didn't mind. He would change it and clean themselves tomorrow. For now it was him and his secret lover enjoying before he would go back to the innocent Neige everyone knew.
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blogofadventures · 3 months
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cookie stickers from the CR:ToA Official Launch Package
src: post version | product link
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