oyeicher · 1 year
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Could you give me a chance to get to know you better?
La Pluie Episode 4
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chaotictissuebox · 11 months
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jjsanguine · 1 year
Saengtai: exists
Lomfon: :)
Patts: exists
Lomfon: :(
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
I’ve never been so glad for a randomly mis-timed misunderstanding as I was watching Patts misunderstand Tai today.
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ctrb92 · 1 year
So far i really enjoyed la pluie. But this episode kind of disappointed a bit. It felt of....
Still not feeling the laofom thing. Its weird and seems forced.
They should have concentrated more on the relationship and the building of it for patts and tai. (Kissing was good though.😁)
Ex coming back and bonding with tai?? Really??
And him seeing them kiss. Like we have seen that so much before and l like la pluie because it seemed to try and do not the cliché thing.
Next episode tai going to the mountain alone and getting hurt....chapert one of the cliché book of tropes.
I just hope they go back to the quality of the first episodes soon!
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patt-off · 2 years
Tumblr: creates a whole ass movie
Also tumblr: the gay will still be subtext
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crystalliumdaisy · 3 months
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Postmen Pearl and her two post cats
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mslaudnatemult · 3 months
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They look like disappointed parents reading their kid’s report card
So basically imodna with Patte
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mari-cherri · 5 months
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Happy Late Holidays @blur0se!
I was your @mlsecretsanta! So sorry for how late this is... I got pretty sick just before Christmas and it left me scrambling to catch up with a lot of things, but I hope you like it now! I wanted to try something sorta angsty and you said you liked ladynoir and ladywalker so I made up a scenario where Catwalker has to fill in again and Marinette is super torn between how much she misses Chat Noir vs how easy it is to like CatWalker.
And here's a little ladywalker doodle as a sorry for this being so late!
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oyeicher · 1 year
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I'm really worried about you. You're so drunk now.
La Pluie Episode 3
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chaotictissuebox · 2 months
I suppose it’s about time I actually make something the pendragon fandom wants
the options are in your hands now
decide and their will be more options later, or suggest some I’m not opposed. Whatever you vote I’ll work rigorously on and complete by summer depending on how ham i go on the drawings
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jjsanguine · 1 year
What manner of towel magic is Patts using for it to remain secure during all that
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trashart00 · 2 months
Less than 12 hours until the release of “The Tortured Poets Department”!
Hence, I present to you, “The Tortured Catboy Department”
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Track List:
SIDE A: Deux Semaines (feat Ladybug) / The Tortured Catboy Department / My Lady Abandons Only Her Favourite Partners / Down Bad
SIDE B: So Long, London / But Daddy I Love Her / Fresh Out the Slammer / Akuma !!! (feat Monarch)
SIDE C: Guilty As Sin? / Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me / Even Ladybug Can’t Fix This / loml
SIDE D: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart / The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived / The Cataclysm / Adrien Agreste
Bonus Tracks: The Black Cat / Solitude / Doppelgänger / Tell-Tail Heart
(Love how so many of the original track names still work)
My takes of what each song is about/inspired by under cut (but, if you feel like it, tell me yours :D)
I’m picturing all of these to be from Adrien’s perspective so they reflect mostly his version of the situations rather than the objective reality (especially the Laybug centered ones)
Deux Semaines (feat Ladybug): This one would focus on the sequence in Multiplication where Monarch doesn’t attack and how LadyNoir’s relationship recovers from the events of Season 4.
TTCD: Kept the “Catboy” singular because while there are multiple Catboy identities, there is only one boy underneath them all. Hence while I think it would be about him just stating his issues with everything, it would also focus on loneliness and how his department is understaffed :(
MLAOHFP: All of the Season 4 LadyNoir separation arc angst, with the “Favourite” being a callback to Risk (and kinda a jab at Rena because he thinks that she’s really her favourite, but y’ know, she didn’t abandon her so Rena can’t be her actual favourite)
Down Bad: Mainly about how Chat’s love for LB makes him excuse her behaviors, but also makes him act out (maybe a reference to Elation).
SL,L: About the whole arc of Gabriel sending Adrien to London and all of the memories he would have surrounding this ordeal - key point, not “So Long, Paris” because he didn’t want to leave, and in the end he comes back to a changed world.
BDILH: This one’s either about the Chat Blanc breakup or Gabriel’s dislike of Marinette in Season 5 (or both, with maybe a line about how he feels like this has happened before)
FOTS: Adrien realizing his father is a Bad Person.
Akuma !!! (feat Monarch): This one would be like a song about his daily life and then the chorus would start with a shout of “Akuma!!!” and it would switch to him as Chat Noir. I feel like it would start out with normal life being boring/hero life being fun but as it goes on he grows exhausted. Monarch has a rap verse.
Guilty As Sin?: Chat Blanc centeric - would ask who is to blame for the destruction of the world, like is it Chat because he lost control or Hawkmoth because he took advantage of his son’s emotion?
WAoLOM: Chat Blanc centric at first (like a villain song) but ends with Adrien reflecting on the events of Evolution-Destruction-Multiplication-PS night
ELCFT: I think it would be about his relaction ship with his father and how he wishes there was something he could do to go back to how they were when Emilie was alive but there’s no easy fix and his father keeps on getting worse and worse after any attempt.
loml: A song for Marinette with a bittersweet air - she’s the love of his life but he can’t tell her everything, and she can’t tell him everything either
ICDIWaBH: CatWalker centric - him going back to Ladybug in Kuroneko.
TSMWEL: I actually have three for this one - 1. About Gabriel and his need to domineer because he feels small and powerless. 2. About Adrien feeling small and insignificant. 3.About Plagg because he’s a smol boi (it would be like a lighthearted, cheeky song, like when you sing to your pet about how adorable they are)
The Cataclysm: Literally about how he cataclysmed Monarch, but also about how the event impacted his perception of self.
Adrien Agreste: Ending the album with a song that’s his own name :o.
Now for the variants:
The Black Cat: This one has Chat on the cover and the song is mostly about his bad luck. ‘I Love You It’s Ruining My Life” works both directed at Ladybug and his father.
Solitude: With Chat Blanc on the cover, this one’s about his mother. I think the “You Don’t Get To Tell Me About Sad” is pretty self-explanatory.
Doppelgänger: CatWalker is on this one, his song would be about how he may literally be the same person but he doesn’t fully feel like himself. He had to repress a lot of himself to be CatWalker hence I thought “Am I Allowed To Cry?” fit him really well (especially with Plagg not giving him the time to fully recover before he had to jump back in). Please note the crossed out name (unlike Chat Blanc) because he’s reinventing himself.
Tell-Tail Heart: This one has Ladybug on the cover - wait she’s not a Catboy?? The song is titled “Tell-Tail Heart” as a reference to Edgar Allan Poe’s “Tell Tale Heart” and would explore Chat’s perspective of Ladybug’s guilt for keeping secrets, how any excuse she makes is ultimately unimportant because she would do it either way. The fact that this is the only song title with a pun references how Chat tries to lighten the mood and avoid serious conversations, and the “Tail” is supposed to refer to Rena Rouge. The flowers she’s holding are meant to be foxgloves which symbolise secrets and insincerity (they’re also poisonous and damage the heart :)). I also really liked the “Old Habits Die Screaming” for her as it could mean both Chat Noir’s love for her being an old habit that he cannot get rid of, but also her habit of keeping things from him (especially with how she does it again at the end of season 5) being something she can’t stop. It is also him being able to see that, despite what she tells him, her “Heart” is tells him otherwise.
(also would like to point out that he wouldn’t mention Rena by name, he’s upset, not evil)
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steampoweredwerehog · 3 months
Matthew got a redesign! Which means I could finally make This:
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Hm… Eldritch-mortal complications have to come up eventually
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patt-off · 2 years
neil gaiman is the only man ever
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patt-is-cool · 1 year
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