#pc: Nym
profmj · 5 months
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We're (hopefully) going to be wrapping up the masquerade at Castle Ravenloft tomorrow night. Let's see if we all make it out alive.
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poisonder · 1 year
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some art of a pc in a campaign im in!
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The Drow twins and Halsin
Notwithstanding Halsin's peculiar predisposition with drow, yet another interesting topic about the man tbh, the foursome is honestly quite sad.
First things first, solo romanced Halsin ends up as a mute bear. There is none of the daring flirt present with Astarion and Shadowheart. Absolutely tragic. While I understand dirty talking to an ever changing PC would have been a logistical nightmare for Larian, the scene feels rather stale. But it's nothing compared with Halsin's behavior before, during and after the "Underdark experience".
Halsin: An intriguing pair. Takes me back to my youth... Sszazar: Interested, Halsin? Halsin: More than interested, if you feel the same. [...] Sszazar: I would like to hire both of you. And I hope my partner will join us as well. Halsin: So long as all are willing, I see no reason why we should deny ourselves...
Whilst I've read comments arguing Halsin is not enthusiastic at all or cocky and happy to show off, I disagree with the lack of nuance.
Clearly, during the initial talk to hire or not the twins, the bear is down to have fun with them and, from my pov, the fact they are drow is the driving force motivating his choice. He craves drow as much as he despises them (Lolth-sworn).
Sorn Orlith: I can't quite believe it - a night of passion with the famous Halsin? I might faint before I can expend myself. Nym Orlith: Legends spread of you throughout the city... We heard tell that you can change into a bear. Halsin: I hadn't realised I was that popular. But we must give the people what they want, mustn't we?
It's interesting to note the first allusion to his traumas happens during said talk. Furthermore, as soon as they're in complete darkness, Sorn immediately admits they know who he is. The twins explain that Menzoberranzan drow (they seem to hint they fled this city) aren't merely spreading rumors about Halsin but legends. In other words, his traumatic years are widely distributed folktales, retold over and over again. We know that legends are altered over time, thus I wonder if details are embellished. Since Nym mentions his wildshape the instant Sorn is quiet, I do believe his traumas are now a bunch of raunchy, bawdy tales Menzoberranzan drow like to share when they're feeling naughty.
Of course, some stories may come from his other visits. Unfortunately, the canon doesn't give sufficient info to differentiate their content, let alone their sources.
So, Halsin is already thinking about his captors, moreover he is physically vulnerable because they're all blind and butt naked, then he is hit with this information.
Halsin: I hadn't realised I was that popular.
This sentence alone is worth analyzing.
Halsin is already aware he is popular amongst drow (and everyone else with good taste in men). This is probably related to one of his statements during his love confession :
Halsin: And I've been to the Underdark. Many times.
He returned to the Underdark despite his traumas (or rather because of them), therefore he has surely been exposed to his fame. Some of it, at least, because the emphasis "[...] that popular" implies he doesn't know how famous he actually is. He is now exposed to the glaring fact that he is (and his traumas as well) fetishized to a certain extent by Menzoberranzan drow.
Halsin: [...] But we must give the people what they want, mustn't we?
English isn't my first language, so my interpretation may be erroneous. Nevertheless, the use of "we" instead of "I" intrigues me. In my opinion, the pronoun is very significant. Why does Halsin switch from "I" to "we" the very next sentence? Because he is diluting the first person with the pronoun "we". He's distancing himself.
"But I must give the people what they want, mustn't I?" sounds harsher. He must do it. It's an obligation. He's compelled to do so. The pronoun "we" helps him feel safer. He's trying to have control in the given situation. People write novels about Astarion dissociating, rightfully so, yet I believe that "I" vs "we" is a form of dissociation too. He sees the twins. He thinks about his captors. He is sexually attracted to the twins. He was and still is trauma-bound to his captors. He learns his traumas are saucy tales in total obscurity, naked.
But it isn't the icing on the cake yet.
If we rewind to the very beginning, who are Sorn and Nym? They're prostitutes. They are paid 1000 gold to service their clients. And yet...
Sorn Orlith: Will tonight at last be the night I die during an act of pleasure? [...] Nym Orlith: Doesn't it...? How does it even fit? [...] *The drow are filled with awe at your and Halsin's habits throughout the night, time and time again.*
In the end, Halsin is servicing them, like he did with his captors. He shifts to a bear because they want it. Their overeager reactions and the narrator line may indicate they are thrilled to get the famed bear and have him at their entire disposal. He is a legend. Do they truly ackowledge him as a common, but thick af, wood elf? Or do they solely see the mysterious hero of some spicy tales? I particularly dislike the scene because it seems Halsin and, in my case, Sszazar are observed rather than pleased by the twins. I suspect that for Sorn and Nym Halsin is an exotic toy and not a normal client.
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Also, he only shifts back to his hunk self when the twins are out of the picture. In the closing shot of them all napping, he's still a bear. I assume he spent the whole night as a bear. Is it merely to become the best pillow available? I bet his wildshape make him feel safer.
Halsin: Indeed. Our time with them was... certainly bracing. Takes me back to some youthful misadventures in the Underdark.
Last but not least, the option to ask Halsin about his "misadventures" in the Underdark is available thanks to this encounter. Technically, Halsin can reveal his traumas without ever leaving the Underdark room at Sharess' Caress. His years of suffering are at the forefront of his thoughts and he opens up about them the moment he's asked by the one person who reciprocates care.
To conclude, I think Halsin did not have a grand time during the foursome, even if he appears eager at first. I don't believe the night was downright traumatizing, however it did reopen old festering wounds. His decisions are heavily influenced by his unhealed, unaddressed traumas.
It does bother me to read countless lame takes about Astarion vs Halsin, as if one deserves more care and attention than the other. They're both terribly traumatized. Because Halsin reacts differently to his traumas, because he is not the perfect, ideal victim, too many fans disregard his pain. The way I see it, the foursome is full of hints about his traumas. He's not dumping everything out of nowhere when morning comes. His pain was here all along. It's a fascinating encounter.
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polyhexian · 4 months
No spoilers timeline:
1618 - Caleb is born
1625 - Philip is born
1645 - caleb dies
1655 - Philip meets Luz
1750 - miles
1754 - miles dies
1945 - terra is born
1946 - dell is born
1960 - Nym is born
1966 - Belos becomes emperor official
- terra is first pc deputy
- oublier is first ec leader
- flora is emperor's assistant
1973 - virtue
1975 - Lilith and Raine are born
1976 - Eda and Darius are born
1977 - Perry is born
1988 - temperance
1988 - oublier retires, Lorem becomes AC
1990 - orion
1990 - lorem dies, replaced with asterith
1990 - tyrian becomes ac leader
1990 - kikimora is born
1991 - Eda is cursed
1993 - Jasper is born
1994 - Lilith meets Jasper for the first time
1995 - nym becomes ac deputy
1998 - Darius meets Jasper
1999 - Jasper gets his scars
1999 - flora leaves EA position to mentor lilith
1999 - Lazulas becomes EA
2002 - nym defects
2003 - Darius become ac deputy
2003 - nym dies
2004 - Jabberwocky
2004 - Darius becomes ac leader at 28
2005 - Jasper dies, Hunter and the twins are born
2006 - Amity, Willow and Luz are born
2008 - Gus is born
2011 - You did, You did (MH timeline)
2012 - Eda finds King
2018 - kikimora becomes EA
2019 - the Basilisks are freed
2020 - Luz arrives in the Boiling Isles
2021 - Belos is defeated
2022 - Agony
EA: Emperor's assistant
EC: Emperor's Coven
PC: plant coven
AC: abominations coven
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historia-gloria · 2 months
Hellou! I just saw in your latest ask game you also play dnd (or write dnd characters? ). If you feel like it, I would love to hear about your characters! As in your favourite tidbits, favourite backstory detail or, if you play, funniest twist of story you didn't see coming... Anyway have a lovely day!
Okay this is maybe one of the sweetest asks I've ever had, I love talking about my DND characters and will do so for forever Thank you So much for asking ❤️❤️
So I've been playing DnD for over 5 years now, started out as a DM (woof that learning curve!) and have since then both played and DMed a lot. I mostly play DnD 5e, but I've also played Pathfinder 2e, Shadow of the Demon Lord and Call of Cthulhu.
Currently, I have three active DnD characters and one Pathfinder character (and one retired who I will never not think about) so here's a bit about them!
Nym Silentshard, Drow Night Cleric: My beloved baby Nym is a cleric who never really meant to be a cleric? When I originally envisioned the character he was a warlock but then the party ended up without any healers or mages, so I switched him to a cleric. He's young, bright and full of anxiety. The DM for that campaign is so good and Nym's god is a voice in his head which is slowly developing into a proper god with his help. Poor Nym is somewhat doomed by the narrative and was sacrificed to bring his god into being, which means he's slowly becoming a Saint (a monstrous creature created when that person wishes a god into being) but he's trying his best and his god Osiris is so kind to him.
Pollux Azari, Kalashtar Oath of Hope Paladin/Shadow Soul Sorcerer/Barbarian: Oh Pollyyy. He's my Curse of Strahd PC and if you know anything about that game, it's that it really fucks up your characters. Pollux was originally a ray of sunshine type character, oath of hope paladin and CoS has just absolutely destroyed him, he's now full of rage! Genuinely a really fun character to play and my DM has been so good at helping him get worse ahaha
Nox Leukos, half elf Artillerist Artificer: Nox is a character I've had the great joy to be able to come back to, with the campaign restarting after a 3 year gap. He was originally an asshole, but ended up in a coma back when the campaign when on hiatus and woke up from that with a lot of realizations about maybe having a moral compass aha. The DM really pulled the rug out from under us and revealed that the fiance of another PC had cured Nox of his coma but also had published her research about that without telling him that he was the subject!!
Infernus Nyrin, Fire Genasi Lycanthrope Blood Hunter/Hearth Cleric: This is my retired PC (he is also my pfp aha), he was my first long term PC and we finished his four year long campaign last year and God that was such a fucking insane and incredible campaign. He was originally a blood hunter and mercenary who had a soft spot for the PCs and then he just never left. He was fiercely loyal but deeply untrusting and had an almost suicidal tendency to step in front of danger. He died twice and would go unconscious like at least once a combat honestly. The DM helped me multiclass into a hearth cleric, so he ended the campaign retiring with his husband to a small village where he was one of the most important clerics in his whole religion, a soft epilogue for a character who had spent his whole life fighting.
Magnus Zyryah, undine bard: Magnus is my pathfinder character! He's in a short campaign that takes a lot of inspiration from fairy tales, so I did too! He is basically the Little Mermaid. Magnus is a trans man with a curse that is slowly and painfully turning his body to seafoam, so he's an ambulatory wheelchair user with chronic pain (I also have chronic pain, so it was good to explore that myself) and he's trying to make the best of his life before it is cut short by the curse. My boyfriend is playing The Prince and his character and Magnus had a relationship before Magnus transitioned and the Prince is looking for Magnus, but doesn't know that he's now a man!! Also to add complications, that campaign is set in a timeloop so we're living the same day over and over.
Special shout out to Milosh Greywing my Shadow of the Demon Lord character who got lucky enough to be part of an insanely perfect party where accidentally every character was hiding something important about themselves from the others but also we needed each other to escape, that party was a special kind of magic with illegal mages and dhampirs and religious inquisitors who all couldn't trust each other but couldn't get out without the others!
This is waaaaay longer than I expected but I just love DnD so much and I love being able to talk about my characters so much
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reflectionsofacreator · 4 months
I went out and bought a new laptop last week to help with writing (the laptop I had was a 12+ year old macbook and extremely slow) and now I'm just. What do I name this one.
My old pc was Mhach (they were black with a red light), my new desktop is Amdapor (she's white with a rainbow light). Do I call my laptop Nym? Dun Scaith? Skalla? [rattles my jar of XIV citystate names]
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bioticgoddess · 2 years
Joining some LF shenanigans. Note: I have only played the freebie intro mission. Haven't bought the expansion and not sure I will.
Okay so....how my PC Guardians would react to Nimbus...
Nymue (Warlock):. ...I thought Shaxx was tall ...huh ... Anyway ...we have work to do yes?
Verity (Hunter):. ...SIR...SHRINK DAMMIT. [Indignant that she's shorter than they are. FYI, Verity calls everyone Sir.] OF COURSE I WANT YOU HELP HELP BUT HOW DARE YOU BE SO DAMN TALL!!! "grumbles about the indignity of it all and storms off to kill Shadow Legion*
Iothane (Titan): *oogles* ...uh....um....Hi.... I'm... I'm Iothane. You can call me Io.... *Blushes* ...you're uh... *Awkward chuckle*... I'm ...uh...single... *Mumbles incoherently until his awkward butt is dragged away by Verity and Nymue*.
Juno (exo Titan): *disappointed mom mode engaged...oh wait that's her default setting*
That's it. My (active) Titan is smitten. Nym and Veri are just like "eh. New friend cool." Juno DGAF
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nelrunari · 5 years
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❖ And the Dream calls: Aias Nym Qidove.
Character Name: Aias Nym Qidove
Pronouns: He/him
Age: In the mid/late 300s
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of violence, death, eye trauma, cults
Aias is short for a draakelf, but still a large 6’5 and very broad by elf terms. He looks about as strong as he is, for sure. He’s covered in little bronze scales, most visibly around the edges of the face and backs of the ears. Some, at this point have turned silvery, and some, black.
The definition of a lawful good paladin, Aias is a gentle soul. He seeks to do whatever good he can, no matter how small the deed in the name of his own personal morals and those more justice-leaning of Bahamut. He believes deeply that there is a spark of good in everyone, and will almost to his and the other’s detriment, try to make them see and bring it out in them. Coming from a culture that was very touchy, he often misinterprets personal space allowances even hundreds of years later, but will respectfully back off if he’s made aware. He happily assumes the role of someone to give guidance or shelter to anyone and everyone. While he’s charming, and carries with him plenty of life experience, naked intelligence has never been his strong suit. He has something of a martyr complex, and will withhold information from a person or many people if he believes it could bring them harm, thinking it is up to him to carry all the burden thrown his way.
Positive: Forgiving, Sincere, Compassionate, Optimistic
Negative: Secretive, Overbearing, Trusting, Fearful
Born Nym Qidove, oldest of three, he lived on a secluded island of other dragon elves, kept secret from the main lands via magic and centuries of painfully careful secrecy. Aias could see that the power that ruled over the land, known to them only as The Order, had maybe just one or two bad apples among them, and since childhood, sought to become part of the guard to change this from the inside to protect his friends and family. But he was a skinny, weak little thing, unsuited even for the farm work of his family, and too clumsy to work with his father in crafting jewelry.
The day he was old enough, he joined the island guard, and consequently had quite the hard time. They sought to bring out a vicious fury from all their soldiers, but Aias had no unbridled anger in him, and one such attempt to wrest it from him very nearly lost him an eye, and scarred him deeply across the left of his face. He was dismissed and given a different job, “tax collecting”, in a sense, a conceptually low combative profession. After an incident that left him to paranoid to remain around his society any longer, he took the first chance he had to escape, and abandon everything to disappear into Faerûn with only a heavy, cruel looking greatsword he stole off one of the Order guards before fleeing.
Life on the mainlands was tough with no understanding of the common tongue, and it took him a few years and many kind holy souls to teach him the basics; sleeping in churches, in the stables of those who would hire him for a day’s labor, or occasionally on the streets. He made his way eventually to Kingscrest along the Sword Coast, and after many attempts and failures, was drawn into the crownsguard, the drive to protect never leaving him despite how deeply fearful he had become. He became the personal guard to the queen for many years, joining an adventuring crew for a time to confront a force of evil in that land before. During that time he learned to depend a little more on the people around him, and bolstered his bravery enough to, with a heavy heart, leave them behind in new pursuit of wrong-righting and getting stronger, planning to one day return Home and hopefully drive the evil force there out.
He was gathered in by another group that wandered around the country of Ælea to fight the good fight and search for possible ways to solve a problem he refused adamantly to talk about for a hundred long years. And the lot of them, who came and went, became known across the land as legends. At some late point in these years, the scars were removed from his face with magic and he felt a little less burdened by his past, growing brighter and more confident. Aias sought ways to as he would say “remove the curse” that had been placed on  his people by weapons like that blackened sword he always kept wrapped up, and eventually brought it to a master smith who knew as much about weapon making as she did about magic. By her hammer and prayer the sword was whittled down and much of the dark magic it was filled with dispersed, leaving only a long blade, “made of the strangest platinum”, he was told. Over this time, he did meet members of the religion that had been practiced around Home, but only at a distance, and  as subtly as he could, herded his friends and anyone who would listen away, avoiding any confrontation he could. Even a century later, even a mention of the Order made his knees shake. It was the two longest standing members of this group, two elves that granted him the adult name ‘Aias’ for his loyalty and devotion and he used it ever since. When finally the venture became too much for the final two in the party, Aias was left alone, and went north in search of other brave souls he found a large city in the heart of Ælea’s mountain range, Exaholde, to settle down in as a townsguard for what he hoped would only be a short while.
Over a decade, he rose through their ranks to become the captain of the western division, under only the general himself and beside 3 others. He took on one wild soul, someone he felt he could guide to a better state and after a few frustrating years of butting heads, slowly, quietly, fell for him. Although the relationship was only ever one sided romantically, they became very close friends. But it wouldn’t have mattered, he would not reveal more than surface level details of himself for fear of being found out by the wrong person and having the horror of Home brought here. This would cost him  that friendship eventually.
Eventually came the news of an encroaching threat, a small but horribly devastating collection of people bearing crimson and black armor, all marked with the same symbol: a crying eye with a slit for a pupil between two scaled wings. The Order was here, and it was coming to Exaholde. For what he could not know, but would not run, not this time. They were many, but he, he was strong. In the ensuing battle in the south fields, he spent more of his time healing the fallen and begging them to run when it was almost immediately clear they were outmatched, including reviving a number of times, the fool he fell for. In a last grand stand, he and a powerful magic user of some ilk destroyed each other, and he was disintegrated. Finally, in death, he felt Bahamut’s touch, warm and gentle.
But it was not a peace meant to last. When his eyes inexplicably opened again, there he was, back Home. Weak.  And he could remember nothing more than that. There was only a drow man and a handful of people that looked distantly familiar, all in crimson and black. He was fed lines about “helping” this place, that this island called Ea Asari needed his help specifically, for his connection to the platinum dragon. They insisted on training Aias, who had been graciously reminded that was his name, in the ways of barbarianism by hoping perilous, terrifying battles would bring out a primal rage, for reasons he did not understand. And slowly, as the months went by without success in finding this fury, this man who he only ever heard called Order Master became impatient. In a snap, quite literally, the memories flooded back and Aias stood dumbstruck. In that moment, he found his rage, and in it, fought through, strangely, no one as he slew the drow, who seemed nothing but pleased. Shortly after, he was descended upon by dozens of guards, and eventually put down. He could not harm these people, his own family in two cases, and could not for the last of the life left in him understand why any god could let all this happen.
Death was cold, this time. And dark. Five women, unseen but sounding all the same, spoke, saying she was glad to finally see him. “Even if,” she said. “it is for but a moment.” And as cold claws wraps around Aias, his eyes opened. And there he was. Alive. Again. But he had not any control over himself, his voice was not his own. Instead, it was someone else. Someone barely familiar.  An attendant to whatever all this was spoke: “Welcome back, Order Master.”
The Bell - A long, bright blade smelted from platinum scales that never chips or scratches, the handle seeming too long for a regular longsword. Struck upon the ground, it makes a sound like the clap of a church bell. The thing is exceptionally heavy to most anyone not connected to a good-aligned higher power. It used to be a very evil weapon, but it was reforged and tempered to be a pretty, if not now notably less powerful blade. He keeps it with him though it slowly siphons his life away every new moon, thinking he may be able to use it as an antidote for its own curse.
Natural Abilities:
Breathweapon: Can breathe a 30ft long line of lightning.
Darkvision: Able to see 60 ft ahead as if in bright light,  in dim light and that far in darkness as dim light and are unable to discern colours.
Draconic Heritage: Resistance to lightning damage
Power History:
Aias is (was?) a level 15 paladin with his oath pledged to the crown, and a level 1 barbarian.
His too many skills and peek at the character sheet are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ywkm9Pvm-yMEk-u00Uy4bQHuiO8Tx-YOh-gNaMId0l4/edit?usp=sharing
Pinboard : https://www.pinterest.ca/Rennigan/nym/ 
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0XdsiGHpeMGeOLghWJGGWK?si=2inbtAKhRl6C0OLZM1E1ig
❖ Nelrunari Section ❖
Ward: Hallowtide
Player Tag: Here
❖ OOC Section ❖
Name/Alias: Rennigan/Ren
Contact: @ChronosAster on twitter
Age: 25
Pronouns: they/them , she/her
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
MC: So, you came up with Nym-Os, huh? Interesting. What does that stand for?
Kaden: No idea I just dropped our cat onto the keyboard and waited until he came up with something. He kept jumping off too quickly without making a cool nickname so I was repeatedly putting him on it again and again until I got a nice Dark forum nickname
Jake: So that's why Diamond was scared of computers, huh? You gave our cat trauma
Kaden: Our cat gave me a nickname and a name for my son
MC: What son
Kaden: *points at MC's pc with Nym-0s opened on it* He is my son
Before that happened, Nymos had left the cat sitting next to the keyboard the whole time. Then he sat in his chair and leaned forward expectantly. For 20 minutes he has done nothing but nodded from the cat to the keyboard and said: "Go, do something! Give me a name! Come on! Please. Do something! Get on the keyboard. Pleeeeeease." For the next 10 minutes, he repeated his words, but meanwhile he had put his head on the table in despair.
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geocait0815 · 2 years
Demons Grasp - Chapter 6
I walk a set of metal stairs down into what must have been the model of every cliche hacker hangout you see in the movies: windowless, brickwalled, with several tables strewn around the room seemingly at random. Most of the tables are occupied by a range of characters hyper focused on the screens of their laptops or PCs. Apart from some music coming from an undefined direction, the only thing that can be heard is the clitter-clatter of the keyboards.
At the foot of the stairs I come to a halt, expecting someone to question my presence. But barely anyone even looks up. So I start to pick my way through the tables looking for Celeste. I have to choose my steps carefully to make sure I am not falling over the myriad of cables snaking across the floor. 
Looking around, I spot a laptop with a large Dungeons & Dragons sticker on its back. I have a hunch that this is my destination. Seconds later, I know that I am correct, when a head with bright ginger hair pops up. “There you are!” Celeste's voice rips through the silence like a gunshot. She jumps up, hurries towards me and pulls me into a hug with such force we almost topple over. This raises a few eyebrows around us. “I am going by Tess here” she whispers into my ear. I nod in understanding.
Once she lets me go, I ask: “What is this place?” “You see, everyone here has a day job in IT, Cybersecurity or something related. In our free time we meet up for some…” she hesitates briefly “...side projects. All purely ethical hacking.” She leads me around her table and pulls up a chair for me. “Since our talk, I have started digging based on the information you gave me so far. There was quite some talk after your little hashtag went through social media.”
She leans back in her chair. “Word on the street was that all this was about someone using the screen name Nym-0s. Correct?” I nod. Tess - I have to get used to that name - leans forward again and starts typing on her laptop. Her expression has become very serious now.
“That one got himself into quite the kerfuffle with the government. This is in line with what you told me earlier. Is there anything else you can tell me? How did you even get involved with him?”
We spend the next half hour with me giving Tess a summary of the chaos that were the past six months of my life. Somewhere along the line we got us some coffee and moved to a more remote corner with a few beat down couches. When I finish, Tess leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees. “We have no idea where to look for him. If I had to guess, I would say that Jake uncovered something about some sort of group or project concerned with less than legal enterprises. But starting to look for them on our own will take too long. And then we still haven’t found him.”
“They have tried hacking into my phone a couple of times” I think out loud. Tess cocks her head. “I doubt that I will be able to trace anything back after all that time.” She looks up and around the room. “Our best change might be to get more people involved and cover as many bases as possible.” She gets up. “Let me talk to some people. In the meantime you should get some rest. You look like you haven’t slept in weeks.”
It certainly feels that way. I swivel around on the couch putting my feet up and my head on an arm rest. But as soon as I close my eyes, I see the attacker right in front of me. His hateful stare from vicious eyes. Then his eyes seem to melt and blood oozes from them. And then there is Jake, lifeless on the floor. And more blood. So much blood…
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changeling-fae · 4 years
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I restarted the game after downloading a mod that ports all the hairstyles to all the races since I wanted Nym to have this hairstyle.

Unlike the first time, I got unlucky and got bad dice rolls when meeting Astarion. I love the image of them on the ground with his blade out, their expressions are killing me.

I’m now 6 hours in (and doing much better now that I know what I’m doing) and Astarion is now greeting her as friend because I’m fairly certain he’s got the highest approval ratings out of all the companions.

I gotta say, this bunch is probably the bitchiest group of companions I’ve played since DA2 toward each other and the pc. I don’t mean that as a bad thing per se but boy are they hard to please.
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bbboart · 3 years
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My dnd group were discussing a beach episode with our PCs and our favourite NPC and my personal spouse
Characters are Sarama (monk)-> Ocherion (druid) -> Nym (NPC) -> Hart (paladin) -> Valira (gunslinger)
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allocerart · 4 years
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I DID IT.  I spent like 2 weeks on these, and they’re finally done! 
Nice bust shots of all my DnD pc’s from past and present campaigns! 
Character Descriptions and details under the cut:
In order from top to bottom, left to right:
Alistair: Yuan-Ti Bard-Barbarian.  He/Him, trans-masc.  Emotional and full of love.  Also super cursed.  He got to become an epic npc and I love him so much.  He ended up dying, resurrecting after 4 years, having two husbands and 3 kids.  Absolute legend.
Pleasure: Tiefling Warlock.  They/She, nonbinary.  Started as a joke character and then I got attached.  Force of chaos.  Basically a hedonist who’s getting way too involved in politics and causing massive world shifts for their patrons amusement.  They’re original goal was to just get back at the noble that killed their best friend, but things kinda got outta hand.
Graves: Tiefling Cleric.  He/Him, intersex male.  A very good boy who works hard and just wants everyone to be okay.  Grew up in the middle of nowhere in a graveyard raised by an old elf gravekeeper.  He thinks dead things should stay dead.  Recently retired his character, though he’s still doin stuff out in the world.  He was given the Rod of Resurrection by the Raven Queen and is now doing his best to do good and help people.
Nym: Half-Elf (drow) Rogue --> Drider Rogue/Ranger, He/Him, cis male.  So many things went wrong here.  Don’t trust spider gods.  He started out as a member of the thieves guild, went underground to try and rob the drow family he was born from, got captured, tortured, and eventually ended up becoming a drider.  Now he’s struggling with some amnesia and a lot of rage.
Aurora: Dragonborn Bladelock.  She/Her, trans-femme.  A very soft, very nice girl who likes trespassing in forbidden areas.  Uncovered some secrets she wasn’t supposed to see, found a cursed bow possessed by a shadow dragon, and now is currently plotting the downfall of Tiamat’s Cult.  She’s my newest girl, but I’m loving her so far.  Hexblade is very fun.
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yan-may-fire · 4 years
Do you play Destiny by chance?
Nym, my guy, I can only dream of a PC equipped well enough to run games... haven’t played anything on my own since 2015, and no, I haven’t played Destiny. It looks real neat though
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hotboiessek · 4 years
Fm is back with another story about my disaster rogue! Once we were fighting an evil wizard and I had grappled him. He was losing the fight so he attempted to plane shift. Our attempt at Counterspell failed and he gets away until I go “wait I’m grappling him, what does that mean for me?” Our dm pauses and then goes “just for the hell of it make a wisdom saving throw” I do and I roll a natural one. Then the dm sighs and goes “the rest of you watch as Nym Varon vanishes, taking mouse with him”
Pt 2. That was the end of the session and I wasn’t there for the next one so my dm and I did a little one on one of what happened and I tried to convince evil guy to not kill me. I kinda succeed but he mind controls me instead. The next session I’m there but I say just to watch until my party encounters my new pc I’m playing until mouse is back in the picture. This makes everyone in the party believe mouse is dead, which is very funny to the dm and me      Pt. 3 I play this new pc for a few session until we go head to head with evil wizard again. The dm texts me to say “you’re here but invisible, who do you attack?” I text back “our sorcerer cause spellcasters are dangerous” so when it comes to my turn he goes “ani you suddenly feel the air around you, mouse make your attack” party goes wild, I roll a natural 20, party goes even crazier! Now I’m high level and did a total of 105 damage to a SORCERER, which brought him to like 5 hit points.                                                            Pt. 4 luckily after evil guy was killed i was no longer being mind controlled but boy howdy was it a journey for everyone
the absolute madness that had to have broken out when you were revealed in the fight omg (also rip the poor sorcerer omg) 
this is amazing lol i love when a player has to turn against the party (cause ya know the drama) also i love that you ended up tagging along because you were grappling him 
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ranawaytothedas · 4 years
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I am still figuring out how to take a decent screenshot in ESO but Nym is the actual cutest and I stand by this... also I really don’t want to make another blog for the eso stuff because it’s not like I am going to end up writing anything for Nym... I just want to share some screenshots and a little of her backstory and such...
So a wee bit more about her backstory... cuz y’all know she has hella backstory... as she has been my main PC...OC...whatever we call it in all Elder Scrolls games...lol
So Nym Darkholme is the grand-daughter of a once well respected Merchant and importer in Mournhold, which is where Nym was born. Though, shortly after her birth her Grandfather was discovered to be a fence for the Thieves Guild. Her family was run out of the city and fled to Balmora where Nym was raised and spent much of her youth. 
While Nym was having a fairly normal childhood, happy and well loved by her mother, father and both grandparents (who all lived in one home), Nym’s Grandfather and mother were rising through the ranks of the Thieves guild cutting out a comfortable life for their family as one of the major fences for the guild in the province. Nym grew up ignorant to much of this, thinking the strange outlanders that would come have tea in her kitchen were just her Grandfather’s friends and nothing more.
When she was in her early 20′s her Grandfather took ill suddenly with a fever and died with in only a few days from the first sign of illness. Her mother followed only days later. Nym, while heartbroken, knew something was not right. This started her on her mission, find out what really happened her Grandfather and Mother. While it starts with investigating the Thieves guild... it eventually leads Nym to cross paths with the Dark Brotherhood... and she begins to question all she knew of her family’s history.... 
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