#pc: Laika
profmj · 5 months
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We're (hopefully) going to be wrapping up the masquerade at Castle Ravenloft tomorrow night. Let's see if we all make it out alive.
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digitalpuppydog · 2 months
stream crashed ☹️☹️ restarting my pc, hopefully i get it back up soon
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al3abok · 11 months
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مطور لعبة Laika: Aged Through Blood يقدم هدية للمعجبين قبل إصدارها على الحاسب الشخصي
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aandriskobold · 1 year
i deliberately created a character who isn't a talky person and is much better at getting outta (or into) dodge or work involving a machete and would come to enjoy the dirty parts of their shitty job (killing stuff).
but despite all that when our gd gm put an AI in front of us i could not reasonably bring myself to kill her
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quartzgh0st · 11 months
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I started playing this awesome demo of Laika: Aged through Blood (game should come out tomorrow on PC) and it gave me inspiration to work on gore some more! Highly recommend this game it’s art is beautiful and the gameplay is unique!
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joyfuladorable · 1 year
From Legendlark's Dames and Dragons campaign: Arc 3 - The Gray Manacle (Part 10)
[Below is from the Video Description]
I planned on trying to make this into an animatic, but the time got away from me as it usually does! Please take this old art while I work on said animatic at a more leisurely pace, lol
So, this Moment. When I first started listening to Dames, I managed to catch up in the middle of this arc. The end surprised me, not just from a PC leaving, but also because I Thought that there'd be More Parts before the arc ended! Honestly, I grieved a little bit. Laika is my favorite character, and I wanted more time to see her character develop.
Her send off was nothing short of Beautifully Bittersweet. From the music, to Kat's monologue, to Sophia's delivery as Laika… It's a scene that will always make me tear up.
And from there, the podcast kept getting better and better. Errol came on as Slake and changed the Guardians' dynamic in a new and wonderful way. The story evolved and deepened and swept me up even further down into its depths. And I… I guess I evolved with it?
Legendlark is a Queer Podcast through and through. And when I first started listening, I Knew I was Queer, but my understanding of myself was still developing. Listening to the Larks really helped me along that journey. It was such a fun coincidence when Juniper came out around the same time I realized I was nonbinary!!
Since then, I've been DMing for my own D&D group, participated in the Roll to Fall in Love Zine, and relistened to the podcast multiple times because the magic of it never seems to fade. Even when this campaign concludes, it will always have a special place in my heart.
You could even say, it'll be… ♥️Dearly Beloved♥️
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thethirdvoerman · 1 year
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gonna post my pcs over here
eileen primrose loveless | aileen loveless | ophelia, ventrue influencer/cult leader (providence by night, finished)
little ventrue princess has everything she wished for at the tender unliving age of five and dying age of nineteen. sure, the tippy-tapping on the phone annoys some people, but it helps, it really does. eventually, though, every shiny-eyed neonate breaks, vomiting blood and dreams and waterproof mascara. not everyone breaks in a way that attracts ancient vampires, though!
moira dewitt | laika, gangrel manic pixie dream girl (tba chronicle)
laika is the "fuzziest, loneliest, unhappiest dog in the world". laika is the byproduct of an embrace that really was for her sister. laika is angry, horny, flippant, arrogant, laika is the promising doctor that never happened, a diablerist waiting to happen. laika is not thinking about that, though. not when her sister is there to solve every problem she creates for their unlikely duo.
aisha hatim | deirdre asghar | deirdre osman, malkavian songbird (new york chronicle, not yet started)
aisha hatim was a girl with a dream, and for that dream, she sold her pretty soul to a night-walker. deirdre asghar was a doll with nothing at all, a pretty face in her puppeteer's embrace. deirdre osman is a woman with a goal: push someone else under a bus (in front of her old, cruel and very much sabbat sire) in return for freedom. then again, fantacising is easy. cruel actions demand a certain sense of distance that deirdre lacks even now.
grace anderson | grace moore, banu haqim wanderer (odessa by night, finished)
grace anderson travels from state to state on her trusty bike, with wind in her hair, music in her walkman, her beloved gun serena and loyal dog solid snake in tow. all these years, she's been searching for her father. the only problem is that she's a vampire... and he's a vampire too. don't you dare say that being raised by a random vampire since the age of six and then embraced by him is "problematic", or "fucked up", though. nathan moore was the best fucking dad in nebraska. and you'd better know where to find him.
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cobbiest · 10 months
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Back at it again with more Tav chaos, this time with my bard son, Laika. >:3 More lad below the cut.
Laika was my first DND PC, a kitsune bard in a Pathfinder oneshot a friend DMed for me in high school. He holds a very special place in my heart. 🥺
In the BG3 universe, he is a bard and courtesan for the upper crust of Baldur's Gate. Originally from the feywild, he is a hedonist and a shameless flirt. In spite of his airheaded persona, he is very insightful and cunning, and can cut as deeply with words as his companions can with blades.
He initially explained his occupation as 'a high-class entertainer' to the party, and given he uses his lute to cast his spells, they understandably assumed he was just a typical bard. That is, until he offered for them all to stay at 'his place' once they reached the city, ie one of the most high-end brothels in the Gate.
Because he spent his life prior to the nautoloid with many wealthy noble clients at his beckon call, he is clueless about money. He often wastes his funds on extravagant gifts for himself and his companions. It is a full-time job to keep him from going on spending sprees at every opportunity.
Though Wyll didn't recognize him in his true form, suffice to say Laika was familiar with him from the years before he was the Blade of Frontiers. He is the first one Laika truly considered a friend in the group. They bond over their mutual enjoyment of the finer things in life (They also have a secret book club with Shadowheart, trading... novels... back and forth).
Laika and Astarion had a very strange relationship in the beginning. When Astarion flirted with him, Laika responded positively without putting much thought into it, used to being the object of superficial attention. They were both performing for the other without trying to form a meaningful connection. It wasn't until he learned of Astarion's past that Laika realized what they were doing, and confronted Astarion. After a brief awkwardness as they actually tried for the first time, they formed a much healthier relationship and grew close. They often spend quiet evenings together, Laika composing or reading out loud while Astarion mends or embroiders, a very laid-back relationship.
At first, he found Lae'zel utterly terrifying, though she was an excellent protector as they escaped the nautoloid together. He kept a careful distance from her for a while, but they sparked up a strange friendship when he learned she had never eaten cake before during a drunken conversation in camp one night. This spiraled into him tricking her into letting him buy various luxury items under the guise of having her try them. She had the unfortunate honor of being the first and last person assigned to a market run alone with him, but even with a second escort in tow, he often convinces her to get at least one treat.
He holds a grudge towards Gale, who had the GALL to lecture him about how he spent his money (the party funds) before turning around and badgering Tavaris for a magic item for him to eat. The audacity. The scandal. Only one purple boy allowed.
Bonus Boi (in his original context, sitting in my pile of DND PCs waiting for a chance to be played...):
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bowsersforeskin · 1 year
other rinnosuke facts:
"By examining any man-made object, Rinnosuke can learn its name and what it's used for. However, he only learns of the object's name and utility, and doesn't know how to actually use said object. The information he receives can sometimes be vague or confusing - for example, from examining a PC, he's able to know that it's a personal computer and that it's a tool for collecting and processing information, but he doesn't know how to operate it.
He lacks an overall understanding about the outside and modern science, so he often ends up drawing strange conclusions about certain items (in one case leading him to mistake a Game Boy for a doomsday device). This even extends to his theories about Gensokyo. ZUN mentions that Rinnosuke doesn't know as much as he thinks he does and his various hypotheses about everything are mostly pulled out of thin air.
Although he won't admit it, like Marisa Kirisame, he has a bit of a hoarding habit with his shop's collection of items. Though he would claim that these items are products to be sold, not many customers buy them. He does not mind destroying or parting with some of the more dangerous or mysterious items he has, however."
he also has a pet robot dog named laika!!!
I FUCKING LOVE THIS GUY!!!! am i allowed to kin him despite not going to touhou because literally everything abt him is so funny. i understand why he's the only male character now. like. you just can't top this when making up guys
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pqrachel · 8 months
4 in February
So a couple years ago my friend challenge me to do 4inFeb a gaming challenge where you beat 4 games in the month of February. I didn't do it last year but he asked me if I was doing it again this year.
And even though a week has already gone by I have completed a full playthrough of Slay the Princess so technically I'm on track for one game a week. There's still some stuff I want to explore in that game though but I think it'd be fine to at least TRY to do 4 in Feb again.
For my other 3 games here's what I'm thinking:
-Pseudoregalia - It looks so fun to speedrun but I've been putting off playing it and it's only $6 so I should probably play it if I'm ever gonna. I'll set a goal of just any% for this month but if I like it I'll probably come back and do some speedruns.
-Laika: Aged in Blood - I played a bit of the demo and then a few more hours back in October but I stopped and it's been so long that it's just been sitting in my backlog. It was good I just stopped playing it once Marvel Snap released on PC and I kind of forgot about it so it'd be good to finish it.
-And for the third game I think I'm gonna do Trackmania Nations Forever. Yeah it's the old one but I've been playing A LOT of the new Trackmania lately and I think it'd be fun to go back and beat all my old times from when I played TMNF back in 2021. If that ends up being too easy I could go for all gold or author medals on the main tracks or something idk we'll see.
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jubaer01 · 8 months
TURKEY Turkish Electronic Visa System Online
Government of Turkey eVisa - Oficiālā Turcijas valdības elektroniskā vīza tiešsaistē, ātrs un ātrs tiešsaistes process
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Address : Mednieku iela 6B, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1010, Latvia
Phone : +371 67 031 512
Website : https://www.turkeyonline-visa.com/lv/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Albert Deniz  Dilara
Description :Tiem apmeklētājiem, kuri ir no kādas no piecdesmit 50 valstīm, tagad ir tiesības pieteikties Turcijas vīzai pilnībā tīmeklī, izmantojot savu tālruni vai datoru. Turcijas vīzas pieteikuma veidlapu var iesniegt no mobilā tālruņa, datora vai citiem elektroniskiem sīkrīkiem. Viss, kas nepieciešams, ir pāris mirkļi, lai pabeigtu tiešsaistes elektronisko Turcijas eVisa. Izmantojot atbalstīto e-vīzu, ārzemnieki var plānot Turkiye Republikas apmeklējumu līdz 30 vai 90 dienām atpūtas braucieniem vai biznesa vizītēm. Laika posms ir atkarīgs no jūsu pilsonības citā pasē, tas var būt 30 dienas vai 90 dienas. Pretendentiem NAV obligāti jebkurā laikā jāapmeklē Turcijas valdības iestāde vai vēstniecība. Tāpat nav nepieciešams nosūtīt dokumentus un pasi ar kurjeru vai pastu. Lietojumprogramma ir 100% pieejama tīmeklī. Jūs saņemsiet elektroniski apstiprinātu vīzu pa e-pastu, kuru varēsiet izdrukāt un paņemt līdzi uz lidostu ceļojuma laikā. Visiem tiesīgajiem pasu turētājiem, tostarp nepilngadīgajiem, ir jāpiesakās e-vīzai, lai ieceļotu Turcijā. Aizbildņi vai vecāki var pabeigt vīzas pieteikumu bērna vārdā. Turkey e-Visa Handling Times, Turcijas e-Visa pieteikuma pabeigšanai būs nepieciešams tikai pāris mirkļi. Kandidāti var pabeigt elektronisko struktūru no mājām vai biroja 2-3 minūtēs. Jūsu pasei jābūt derīgai 6 mēnešus, ieceļojot Turcijas Republikā. Tālāk norādītās valstis ir tiesīgas pieteikties Turcijas vīzai, Bahamu salas, Kanāda, Grenāda, Barbadosa, Bermudu salas, Sentvinsenta, Meksika, Kipra, Dominika, Dominikānas Republika, Antigva un Barbuda, Austrālija, Sentlūsija, Dienvidāfrika, Honkonga-BN (O), Apvienotie Arābu Emirāti, Kuveita, Maldīvija, Amerikas Savienotās Valstis, Fidži, Jamaika, Haiti, Omāna, Bahreina, Surinama, Ķīna, Maurīcija, Austrumtimora, Armēnija un Saūda Arābija. Those visitors who are from one of the fifty 50 countries are now eligible to apply for a Turkish visa totally on the web using their phone or pc. The Turkey visa application form can be submitted from a cell phone, PC, or other electronic gadgets. All that's needed is a couple of moments to finish the online electronic for for Turkish eVisa. With a supported e-Visa, foreigners can plan visit the Repubic of Turkiye for up to 30 or 90 days for the recreational trips or business visit. The time span relies upon your nationality on othe passport, it may be 30 days or 90 days. Applicants are NOT at all required to visit a Turkish government office or embassy anytime. Also, there is no need to courier the documents and passport by courier or mail. The application is 100 percent on the web. You will get an electronic endorsed visa by email, which you can print out and carry with yourself to the airport while travelling. All eligible passport holders need to apply for an eVisa to enter Turkey, including minors. Guardians or parents can finish the visa application on behalf of a kid. Turkey e-Visa Handling Times, The Turkey e-Visa application will just require a couple of moments to finish. Candidates can finish the electronic structure from the home or office in 2-3 minutes. Your passport must be valid for 6 months at the time of entry into the Repubic of Turkey. The following countries are eligible to apply for a Turkish Visa, Bahamas, Canada, Grenada, Barbados, Bermuda, Saint Vincent, Mexico, Cyprus, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Saint Lucia, South Africa, Hong Kong-BN(O), United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Maldives, United States, Fiji, Jamaica, Haiti, Oman, Bahrain, Suriname, China, Mauritius, East Timor, Armenia and Saudi Arabia.
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satoshi-mochida · 10 months
Laika: Aged Through Blood launches December 5 for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, and Xbox One; January 11, 2024 for Switch
Gematsu Source
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Following its PC launch on October 19, Western-inspired “motorvania” game Laika: Aged Through Blood will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on December 5, followed by Switch on January 11, 2024, publisher Headup Games and developer Brainwash Gang announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Laika: Aged Through Blood is a Western-inspired motorvania set in a post-apocalyptic desert. It is the story about a tribe oppressed by occupant forces, and the personal story of a mother coyote warrior who descends on an endless path of vengeance to take back what her people lost. Drive, jump and fight your way through the huge hand-drawn world on your trustworthy motorbike. Race through the sandy desert and perform dangerous jumps, shoot enemies in slowmo and reload your gun by performing a backflip! Use skill-based power-ups and persist challenging battles against big bosses!
Key Features
Vehicular combat on a fast and agile motorbike.
A beautiful, hand-painted and post-apocalyptic world filled with secrets and NPCs.
A deep story about a mother-daughter relationship, vengeance and loss, told through cinematic flashbacks.
Various chapters, epic boss battles and loads of missions.
The very first MOTORVANIA!
Watch a new trailer below.
Consoles Release Date Trailer
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updatecrazy · 1 year
A new SCUM update 0.9 is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official SCUM patch notes, the latest update adds quality-of-life changes and fixes. Previously, a major SCUM update 0.8 added new changes including loot, hunting, cooking rework and more. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s SCUM update 0.9 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below. Read the official patch notes below. SCUM Patch Notes - August 3, 2023 Fixed a bug where the "pull grenade pin" action could not be cancelled. Fixed not being able to add attachments to weapons on the ground. Fixed a bug where firing a weapon through a scope only gave you sniping skill XP instead of sniping and rifles skill XP. Fixed a bug when using a night vision scope, not turning it off, would transfer the night vision to another scope. Fixed a bug where the smoking animations would still play even when your hands are tied. Fixed a bug where the Lucky Stars cigarettes would have the wrong materials applied to them while you were smoking them. Fixed a bug where items would malfunction after being taken in hands while the bow is nocked with an arrow. Fixed an issue with a prisoner floating above the vehicle hood when walking on it. Fixed a bug where the sentry's flamethrower was visible only the first time it fired. Fixed an issue where the double twig door frame recipe showed an incorrect amount of rope for crafting. Fixed an issue where the flamethrower flames were going through the landscape. Fixed an issue where the age slider would not apply after plastic surgery. Fixed a bug where removing a left light door armor from Laika would give you a front right light door armor item. Fixed a bug where after the second respawn, the first body would get deleted with the items equipped on that body. Fixed an issue where sentries sometimes didn't use some weapons. Fixed a bug where the boost of energy buff would stay after you ate activated charcoal and were still digesting any food items. Fixed an exploit where you would get experience points for melee weapons and brawling on dead bodies. Small zapper no longer requires batteries to work. Puppets spawned underground will now have reduced hearing ranges. Added visual representation for prisoner burns. Reduced battery drain from WW and Laika headlights. No experience can be gained if you water a fully watered plant. Disabled sentry's flamethrower when sentry is destroyed. Reduced inventory size of a single antibiotic pill. Removed throwing skill. Removed M82 and related items from the trader. Animal skin quiver can't be crafted with human skin anymore. Disabled fire damage in outposts. Sentry flamethrowers now damage vehicles. Rebalanced XP gain for most skills. You can craft improvised burn gel with empty bottles. You can now use both the electrical repair kit and the electrician tools to craft battery charges. Modified usage of electrical repair kit/electrician tools for battery charger crafting. Lowered the fame point unlock price on all items by 15%. Nerfed the decay rate on weapons and their attachments by 20%. Reduced the amount of water the "depleted uranium" container will absorb (which increased its weight). Removed skill gains for ranged weapons when shooting base elements. Nerfed bayonet attack damage. You will now be able to use watering cans and water buckets in recipes requiring water. Reduced the inventory size of weapon ghillies. Buffed the immune system suppression rate, making dealing with infectious a bit less tedious.
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mmorgwiki · 2 years
Jalopy game torrent
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#Jalopy game torrent upgrade
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#Jalopy game torrent simulator
In Jalopy Download, we can unreservedly navigate a huge procedurally produced world that doesn”t reproduce a specific area of Europe however is obviously enlivened by the bleak picture of postcommunist Eastern Europe. Our undertaking is to cross Eastern European nations and make different “arrangements of our life” that will enable us to develop rich rapidly and turn into a genuine lord of fledging private enterprise. In the diversion, we sit in the driver”s seat of the anecdotal Laika 601 exclusive, demonstrated after a standout amongst the most faction vehicles of the comrade time frame – the well known East German Trabant. The move makes put at the turn of the 90s of the most recent century, when numerous standard nationals from the previous comrade alliance need to exploit the open doors offered by Western European private enterprise.
#Jalopy game torrent simulator
Jalopy was distributed by Excalibur Publishing, known generally for a wide arrangement of different reenactment recreations, headed by the top of the line SCS Software”s preparations (Euro Truck Simulator 2, American Truck Simulator). It was created by Minskworks, a studio set up by Greg Pryjmaczuk, a Belarussian designer who took a shot at the F1 arrangement between years 20.
#Jalopy game torrent Pc
Jalopy Download PC is a reproduction diversion for PC/Windows in which we navigate the world in the driver”s seat of an anecdotal auto, Laika 601 Deluxe, displayed after the faction Trabant.
#Jalopy game torrent full
The game received generally positive review from Rock, Paper, Shotgun, PC Gamer, Evo and GameSpot.Jalopy – Download Full PC Game + 3DM Crack It left early access with the launch of version 1.0 on 28 March 2018. The game was added to Steam Greenlight in February 2016, entered Early Access on Steam on 22 April 2016. The only difference being Uncle is absent for the entirety of the game. The player can reset from the beginning and do it all over again as many times as he wants. After he drops him off in Istanbul, he is never seen again, with him simply leaving a note telling his nephew that he has to go do something alone and to look after himself and to live his life fully. Both of the parents died before the Berlin Wall was torn down, and the mother's last wish was for her husband's ashes to be scattered across the Bosporus when they arrive in Istanbul (which is the reason why Uncle talked his nephew in on going on this seemingly random road trip). The uncle has been keeping in contact with the rest of the family, especially his mother, while he kept everything oblivious to him those 30 years. It turns out the player and the uncle have been separated from the rest of their family residing in West Berlin for almost 30 years because the Uncle was with him as a baby on the East Side the night the Berlin Wall was erected on August 12, 1961. When the uncle falls asleep in the hotel, the player can open his briefcase and collect notes that put together a backstory.
#Jalopy game torrent upgrade
The player may choose to upgrade the Laika if he has enough money. The cities he stops in all contain shops important to maintaining his car, and to sell objects found in discarded boxes strewn across the roads on his trip. The player passes through East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Turkey on his trip with his uncle. The main task of the game is to get to Istanbul to drop the Uncle off all the while maintaining the Laika (heavily based on the Trabant 601) which is prone to frequent breakdowns signified by smoke coming from the sides of the bonnet. The game follows the player character known only as Splat and his Uncle Lütfi, two Germans of Turkish descent from Eastern Berlin who have decided to go on a road trip to Istanbul since the Iron Curtain fell.
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dreamworksmoments · 5 years
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What a great decade for Animation! Looking forward for another 10 amazing years.
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cosmiiic-bbaby · 4 years
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Quería ser coraline y terminé siendo su papá
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