#pea ridge national battlefield
Nature Memo #1
I decided to go on a little adventure over the weekend since I had three days off (I generally work on the weekends and am almost always on-call for crisis situations). I picked up a new journal so that I could collect plant samples and press them. I've been intending to do this for way too long (2011) but have not gotten around to doing it until now.
I find nature to be mesmerizing and way too often taken for granted. Parks are great, and those with unpaved nature trails are even better. But even then, they are taken for granted.
In any event, below are the list of observations that I made. This is incomplete because I did not include the trees and shrubs that were observed. Of the 29 listed items below, 10 were ones that I had not previously recorded, so I'm pretty excited about that. The total number of living species (plants, insects, birds, reptiles, fungi, arachnids, mammals, fish, mollusks, amphibians, and other species) that I have recorded (as in, photographed, dated, and confirmed the species of) is now 276.
Plants observed (all pressed!)
Oxalis triangularis, False Shamrock
Narcissus poeticus, Poet’s Narcissus
Achillea millefolium, Common Yarrow
Muscari neglectum, Grape Hyacinth
Galium aparine, Catchweed Bedstraw
Stellaria media, Common Chickweed
Oxalis violacea, Violet Woodsorrel
Vinca minor, Lesser Periwinkle
Bowlesia incana, Hoary Bowlesia
Narcissus tazetta, Bunch-flowered Daffodil
Veronica persica, Bird’s-eye Speedwell
Valerianella locusta, Common Cornsalad
Allium vineale, Wild Garlic
Cardamine hirsuta, Hairy Bittercress
Ranunculus hispidus, Bristly Buttercup
Ornithogalum umbellatum, Common Star-of-Bethlehem
Houstonia pusilla, Tiny Bluet
Viola bicolor, American Field Pansy
Claytonia virginica, Virginia Spring Beauty
Insects observed
Camponotus pennsylvanicus, Black Carpenter Ant
Papilio rutulus, Western Tiger Swallowtail (Butterfly)
Coleomegilla maculata, Spotted Pink Ladybeetle
Polistes Carolina, Red Wasp
Eurema lisa, Little Yellow (Butterfly)
Celastrina ladon, Spring Azure (Butterfly)
Amphibians observed
Pseudacris crucifer, Spring Pepper (Frog)
Fungi observed
Trametes versicolor, Turkey-tail
Cladonia evansii, Evan’s Deer Moss
Arachnids observed
Oxyopes salticus, Striped Lynx Spider
Next step is to let the pressed plans dry, followed by labeling, dating, notes on GPS coordinates for each sample, as well as information on whether it it is edible, seasonal growth, and if I am feeling particularly brave I will attempt to draw them.
All of these samples were taken in Arkansas between Siloam Springs, Pea Ridge National Battlefield, and Bella Vista.
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jmenvs3000 · 4 years
Historical Integrity
To tell you the truth, I am not someone who has ever enjoyed history or connected with it very well. I appreciate the value and importance that history has on individuals, society and places, but it is not something that I am passionate about. So, digesting this week’s content and tackling the meaning of this quote (written below) has been tough for me. To put a geographical lense on things, it makes sense for me to connect the people to the place and think about how they influence each other, it’s just that adding the temporal component throws me off somehow.
“There is no peculiar merit in ancient things, but there is merit in integrity, and integrity entails the keeping together of the parts of any whole, and if these parts are scattered through time, then the maintenance of integrity entails a knowledge, a memory, of ancient things. … To think, feel or act as though the past is done with, is equivalent to believing that a railway station through which our train has just passed, only existed for as long as our train was in it.”
-Edward Hyams, Chapter 7, The Gifts of Interpretation
What is merit?
A praiseworthy quality (Merriam-Webster dictionary)
What is integrity?
Firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values
Does this mean that it is through morality and art that we are able to place meaning to “ancient things”?
I believe so and interpretation is a way of doing so, it “breathes life and meaning into past events, architecture, and artifacts” (Beck, Cable & Knudson, 2018). What this course has taught us time and time again is that interpretation is for a purpose, it must have meaning or else there is no point. Particularly, in Chapter 15 of our text, Interpreting History, authenticity and accuracy are essential to the integrity of the place and its history. This is reflected in the quote as well, that without a moral and artistic code, there is nothing praiseworthy in any artifact of the past that we may find.  
An example of where we can see this taking place if from the interview with Robert Sutton, the now retired Chief Historian of the National Park Service. In an interview he explains how they need to look back on the designated historical sites and tell all of the stories of history that took place there. Sometimes there is a different story or more stories than what has been thought. Robert Sutton’s example is of the Pea Ridge Civil War Battlefield in Arkansaw. This site was created because it was a battlefield in the civil war era and the site has been used to tell the military story of the site. Recently they learned and began teaching of much more that took place on the land. During the civil war, members of the Cherokee Nation were fighting with the confederacy which is a part of the story that had been left out. A more intriguing story to me is that the site is also along the route of the Trail of Tears, when the Cherokee people were forced from their ancestral lands and let to the Indian Reserves created by government. It is important that this different story is told and shared on the land. This shows the integrity that the National Park Service has taken in telling a larger story of the site.
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image: a photo called “Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas” taken from the website Legends of America (legendsofamerica.com). The image is of an illustration of the battle that took place during the civil war on Pea Ridge. https://www.legendsofamerica.com/ar-pearidge/
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image: a photo called “Pea Ridge Battlefield Overlook” taken from the website Legends of America (legendsofamerica.com). The image is a photo depicting how the battlefield now looks, farmers field and a forest in the background. https://www.legendsofamerica.com/ar-pearidge/ 
To reference the second half of the quote, things do not only exist while we are there. In North America it was this case for a long time. We “discovered” Canada and told the story that no one was here before us. It is a big part of our colonial history to ignore that there were people here before us and that they had their own history and stories. Only recently are we starting to let Indigenous people tell those stories. The example from the National Park Service makes me feel happy that they are putting in a real effort to acknowledge the lense that they have been telling history through, they are thinking about the places that our train has trudged past, before and after we were there.
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History is a tough concept for me, until I hear the stories of the people and have an image of what it might have been like for them.
Beck, L., Cable, T. & Knudson, D. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For a better world. Sagamore-Venture Publishing: Urbana, IL, USA.
C-SPAN, (2012). National Park Service Chief Historian Robert Sutton on Historical Interpretation in Parks. Youtube.com. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ9DM-MoTXA
Merriam-Webster, (2021). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved from:https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/
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waitingforminjae · 8 years
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Into the woods we go again…
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civilwarren · 8 years
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Daniel Newman McIntosh, a political and military leader of the Creek Nation, was born on September 20, 1822, at Indian Springs, Georgia. A son of William McIntosh, the mixed blood chief of the Lower Creeks, Daniel McIntosh immigrated to Indian Territory in 1830 where, as an adult, he established a farm near Fame in present McIntosh County, Oklahoma.
McIntosh was an active politician serving as a member of the Creek Nation's House of Warriors and Supreme Court. On the eve of the Civil War he was a leading Creek proponent of the Southern cause. In 1861 he, along with his older half brother Chilly McIntosh, signed the Creek treaty of alliance with the Confederate States of America.
As a colonel in 1861 McIntosh organized and took command of the First Regiment of Creek Mounted Volunteers. In 1864 his regiment, which included eight members of the McIntosh family, became part of the First Indian Cavalry Brigade under Brig. Gen. Stand Watie. McIntosh led his men in engagements such as Round Mountain, Pea Ridge, Fort Wayne, First Cabin Creek, and Honey Springs. Upon the war's conclusion he represented the Southern Creek faction at peace negotiations in Fort Smith, Arkansas, and Washington, D.C. McIntosh remained active in tribal affairs until his death on April 10, 1895.
Info courtesy: Oklahoma Encyclopedia of History and Culture
Carte-de-Visite by Unknown Photographer
Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 31892
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Perhaps you’ve never heard of a small Arkansas town by the name of Bentonville, but most likely you have heard of a company by the name of Walmart. This company has it’s roots in this small town and it is a great place to visit with kids. There are many attractions that make it a nice place to stop in while visiting Arkansas.
Amazeum: A Bentonville Children’s Museum
Children love places where they can play, have fun, and learn. The Amazeum in Bentonville has some great hands on features that will entertain kids for hours (it is free if you have an ASTC membership). There is a large grocery store where they can shop for food, work the register or make and serve food at the cafe counter. The cash registers really scan the items so it’s a great way for them to learn math skills.
In another corner you will find a log cabin complete with a bed, a baby and crib, plus a broom to sweep up. Outside there is a cow to milk, apple trees with apples to harvest, and chickens laying eggs. My kids really enjoyed collecting eggs and apples, taking them inside and baking pies. There is also a wash basin, washboard, and clothes line, so they can get a real, old time, farm life experience.
Other areas of the Amazeum include, a trucking section with conveyors, circuit building, outdoor play area, stop animation film making, indoor climbing structure, and so much more. It is place kids can have fun and learn, without even realizing they are learning. It is clean and the staff is helpful and friendly.
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Crystal Bridges
This might be one of the best art museums to visit with kids in the country. There are a couple of reasons that I believe this, but mainly because it is totally free. Yes, that’s right, there is no admission charge to get into this place.
With kids, free is a definite bonus because sometimes they don’t want to look at paintings and sculptures for long, so you don’t have to feel cheated when you didn’t get to see them all. That’s not the only reason to go with kids, however, it is also laid out well, has interesting works, and there are some great outdoor areas to take them too.
The mix of paintings and sculptures keeps you wondering what you will see next. Even the building is like a work of art. On the trails outside you will find even more cool sculptures, picnic tables, and plenty of room to run. While there is plenty to see here it is not so big that you can’t see it all if you choose to. These are my reasons that it is the best art museum to visit with kids.
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Pea Ridge National Battlefield
If you are interested in history, the Civil War or both this is an interesting site to visit. The visitors center has some great displays in regards to the battle that took place here. We enjoyed the storytelling map that lights up the areas where the fighting occurred as the events are narrated. It gives an excellent perspective of the way it happened.
Kids can participate in the Junior Ranger Program which will have them answer questions along the driving tour. There are about ten stops along the tour where you can get out and read the signs that explain what significance each one has. One of the stops has the Trail of Tears, so not all of the history is Civil War related. It is a wonderful way to learn more about this tragic piece of American History.
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Walmart Museum
As I mentioned Bentonville is where the Walmart corporation has it’s roots. The headquarters is here and this is where Sam Walton opened his first 5 and 10 store. He grew the company from the ground up and it would be hard to find a person today who hasn’t heard of Walmart.
The museum itself is not big, but it is full of great information about the man who started it all, Sam Walton (plus it’s free). You enter through the gift shop, but just go right into the museum entrance. Start by watching the short film which talks about who Sam was and what he stood for.
Many of the displays have drawers to open or flaps to lift which the kids will enjoy, but there is a great deal of information to read as well. They even have his office and his truck on display just as he left them. It is very interesting to learn about his life and the building of this company that is now a household name.
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Have Fun and Learn Something Too
If having fun while learning is for you then definitely visit Bentonville, Arkansas. Make sure you get an ice cream cone or a root beer float on your way out of the Walmart Museum, they are reasonably priced and delicious. We love to visit museums, especially free ones, but maybe you are into something different. Tell us about some of your favorite places in the comments or feel free to like and share this article.
Bentonville Arkansas: A Family Friendly Destination Perhaps you've never heard of a small Arkansas town by the name of Bentonville, but most likely you have heard of a company by the name of Walmart.
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jlwizardx · 7 years
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4 national parks in 1 day!  fort smith, pea ridge NMP, george washington carver NM, wilson’s creek national battlefield. so glad we made it in time for all of them! started missouri national park challenge today as well! will get reward by going to all 6 national parks in missouri!
live near kansas city at night.
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Beyond Williamsburg
Colonial Williamsburg, with its beautifully restored buildings, period interpreters and manicured gardens, offers a wonderfully immersive slice of 18th-century American life. But there are many other great things to see in this corner of southeastern Virginia. Historic locations abound, from fields where battles were waged to 400-year-old plantations to some of the most famous formerly private homes in the country. Just a two-hour drive northwest, for example, is Charlottesville, with its clutch of presidential estates and award-winning wineries nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Fifty miles east of Colonial Williamsburg is Virginia Beach, with seemingly endless sand and surf and an emerging funky, independent streak. And with roller coasters and other thrills nearby, there are plenty of more-modern draws, too.
Colonial Course
The 1781 Battle of Yorktown was the turning point in the Revolutionary War. Today the Yorktown Battlefield and its earthen siege fortifications are preserved as a national park; rangers lead walking tours of the battlefield and the 18th-century town. Nearby, the just-opened American Revolution Museum at Yorktown guides visitors through the entire war, with exhibits and state-of-the-art interactive experiences, such as the 180-degree-screen 4D Siege Theater, where viewers feel the rumble of cannon fire and the spray of saltwater.
Almost two centuries before independence, colonial history began in Jamestown, which in 1607 became the site of the first permanent English settlement in North America. Now that spit of land is another protected park, Historic Jamestowne (a single ticket covers both the Jamestown site and the Yorktown Battlefield). You'll find active excavation digs and a fascinating archaearium showcasing some of the more than two million artifacts that have been unearthed here, along with an extensive look at the life of one of Jamestown's most famous residents, Pocahontas. A mile away, history comes alive at Jamestown Settlement, a living-history museum complete with a full-scale re-creation of the 1610 James Fort and a Powhatan Indian village, both filled with knowledgeable historic reenactors.
Tours of the stately James River plantations offer a unique glimpse of Virginia's agrarian aristocracy. Sherwood Forest was the home of President John Tyler after he left the White House, in 1845 (he chose the name because he considered himself a political outlaw); it also happens to be the longest wood-frame house in the country. Shirley Plantation, dating back to 1613, is the oldest plantation in Virginia. The 11th-generation descendants of the original family still own the farm-and its brick Georgian Great House, where they live-which makes it the oldest family-owned business in America. Nearby, the area that is now the Berkeley Plantation is positively steeped in historic firsts: It's the site of the first official Thanksgiving Proclamation, nearly two years before the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts; it's the birthplace of President William Henry Harrison; and it's where, during the Civil War, while the plantation served as a Union camp, one of the generals composed the now-famous Taps melody. Costumed guides offer excellent tours of the exquisitely restored 1726 mansion and terraced gardens.
After your historic adventures, stop by Cul's Courthouse Grille, a deli set in an 1870s general store. Edna's Chicken Sandwich, topped with homemade pimento cheese and green-tomato chow chow, is delicious.
Presidents and Pinot
Charlottesville, only a two-hour drive from Williamsburg, is the backdrop of the homes of three early U.S. presidents. The most famous is Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, an architectural standout and one of the finest historic homes in the country. In addition to the neoclassical main house, visitors can explore the old slave quarters, the newly restored stables and the manicured grounds; they can also opt to take the summer garden-tasting tour to sample Indian Blood peaches, Tom Thumb peas and other produce grown in Jefferson's day. President James Monroe's Highland estate is close by and paints a picture of modest 19th-century farm life, although new excavations suggest Monroe's residence may have been much grander than the farmhouse that stands today. Finally, James and Dolley Madison's Montpelier is a Georgian masterpiece that's only recently been restored to its original splendor. The house spent most of the 20th century hidden within an Art Deco manse owned by the DuPont family; a $25 million restoration was completed in 2008.
Charlottesville is also the heart of Virginia's wine country. One of the most outstanding wineries is Barboursville Vineyards, which has been operating for more than 40 years on a former sheep farm. It's extremely well regarded: In 2007, when Queen Elizabeth II was in Virginia to honor the 400th anniversary of the Jamestown settlement, a Barboursville Bordeaux-style blend was served at the celebration dinner. Visitors today can sample pinot grigio and other vintages in the tasting room or enjoy a picnic on the rolling grounds, perhaps in the shadow of the ruins of the original Barbour family mansion, designed by Thomas Jefferson, in 1814. Wineries across Virginia have become well-known for their full-bodied viognier white wines; lawmakers actually made viognier the state wine in 2011. But it was Horton Vineyards, only a couple miles from Barboursville, that first introduced the grape to Virginia soil, back in 1991. Today, Horton produces a diverse mix of wines, including the world's first sparkling viognier, and it's the only port-producing winery in the state.
Fun in the Sun
Once you've had your fill of founding fathers and tricorner hats, hit up Busch Gardens in Williamsburg for white-knuckle roller coasters and other thrills. New this year is the Viking-themed InvadR, the park's first-ever wooden coaster. Another recent addition is Tempesto, a 63-mile-an-hour ride, full of vertical loops and backward dips. Take your pick from half a dozen live shows every day, including the newest, All for One, a swashbuckling presentation of intricate swordplay and eye-popping pyrotechnics. Next door is Water Country USA, Virginia's largest water park, packed with high-adrenaline slides such as Vanish Point, a 75-foot-high tower where the floor drops away, plunging thrill seekers down a pipeline at more than 40 miles an hour. (For those who prefer a slightly tamer day in the water, there's also a lazy river and a wave pool.)
For even more outdoor fun and some terrific offbeat finds, head 50 miles east to Virginia Beach. At New Earth Farm, a sustainable and educational working farm outside of town, adults can shear sheep, practice cheese making or learn how to create kombucha in one of the farm's classes. Younger visitors 10 and over can sign up for field-to-table cooking courses, during which they'll harvest eggs and pick produce to help prepare (and then eat) a farm-fresh meal.
Downtown, the ViBe Creative District is an emerging enclave of galleries, eclectic shops and one-of-a-kind eateries. Browse laid-back looks and beachy-hip styles at French Twist Boutique-expect flowy tops and silky tanks by French designers, along with local artwork and lots of accessories produced by area artisans, including jewelry and leather goods. You can pick up a bag to haul your swag at North End Bag Co., where gorgeous leather and canvas totes are crafted by hand on-site. For a caffeine fix, there's Three Ships Coffee, a local farmers-market favorite that's now got its own brick-and-mortar outpost. Diners can sample the best of the region at Commune, the city's first farmer-owned restaurant, which sources all ingredients from within 100 miles.
Or you could always just grab a blanket, head to the beach and stake your claim somewhere along the miles and miles of Virginia Beach's sandy shores.
American Revolution Museum at Yorktown 200 Water St., Yorktown; 888-593-4682; historyisfun.org; adults, $12; children 612, $7. A Four-Site Value Ticket covers all four Yorktown and Jamestown attractions: adults, $37; children 612, $14
Berkeley Plantation 12602 Harrison Landing Rd., Charles City; 804-829-6018; berkeleyplantation.com; tours, $12 a person
Highland 2050 James Monroe Pkwy., Charlottesville; 434-293-8000; highland.org; adults, $14; children 611, $8
Historic Jamestowne 1368 Colonial Pkwy., Jamestown; 757-856-1250; historicjamestowne.org; adults, $14; children 15 and under, free
Jamestown Settlement 2110 Jamestown Rd., Williamsburg; 888-593-4682; historyisfun.org; adults, $17; children 612, $8 a person
Monticello 931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy., Charlottesville; 434-984-9800; monticello.org; home and grounds tours, $28; garden-tasting tours, additional $15 a person
Montpelier 11350 Constitution Hwy., Orange; 540-672-2728; montpelier.org; adults, $20; children 614, $7
New Earth Farm 1885 Indian River Rd., Virginia Beach; 757-536-6102; newearthfarm.org; Food Lab cooking classes, from $20 a person
Sherwood Forest 14501 John Tyler Hwy., Charles City; 804-829-5377; sherwoodforest.org; self-guided tours of the grounds, $10 a person
Shirley Plantation 501 Shirley Plantation Rd., Charles City; 804-829-5121; shirleyplantation.org; tours, $11 a person
Yorktown Battlefield 1000 Colonial Pkwy., Yorktown; 757-898-2410; nps.gov; adults, $7; children 15 and under, free
Busch Gardens 1 Busch Gardens Blvd., Williamsburg; 757-229-4386; seaworldparks.com; adults, $80; children 10 and under, $70
Water Country USA 176 Water Country Pkwy., Williamsburg; 757-229-4386; watercountryusa.com; admission, $54
Barboursville Vineyards 17655 Winery Rd., Barboursville; 540-832-5834; bbvwine.com
Horton Vineyards 6399 Spotswood Trail, Gordonsville; 540-832-7440; hortonwine.com
Commune 501 Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach; 757-963-8985; communevb.com; lunch for two, $25*
Cul's Courthouse Grille 10801 Courthouse Rd., Charles City; 804-829-2205; culscourthousegrille.com; lunch for two, $20
Three Ships Coffee 607 19th St., Virginia Beach; 757-321-9371;threeshipscoffee.com
French Twist Boutique 513 19th St., Suite 101, Virginia Beach; 757-961-1735;frenchtwistboutiquevb.com
North End Bag Co. 607 19th St., Suite B, Virginia Beach; 757-230-9138;northendbagcompany.com
RCI affiliated resorts in Williamsburg include:
The Historic Powhatan Resort 1046
Set on 250 acres of fields and forest. 3601 Ironbound Rd. Member Review: Close to nearby historical venues.
King's Creek Plantation 5246
Outdoor amenities include jogging trails, heated pools and a playground. 191 Cottage Cove Lane Member Review: Large living space.
Wyndham Patriots' Place 1141
This property, built on a former golf course, affords spacious grounds. 725 Bypass Rd. Member Review: Hospitable staff.
Patrick Henry Square A854
Stay in beautifully furnished units just a half block from Williamsburg attractions. 315 York St. Member Review: Love the pool!
For complete member reviews (as member reviews have been condensed) and additional resort listings, visit RCI.com or call 800-338-7777 (Weeks) or 877-968-7476 (Points). Club Members, please call your specific Club or RCI telephone number.
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Non-RCI affiliated resorts in Williamsburg include:
Fife and Drum Inn
Well-appointed rooms in a handsome brick inn steps from the colonial center of town.411 Prince George St.;888-838-1783;fifeanddruminn.com; doubles from $179 a night
Newport House
Two spacious suites and exquisite service; colonial dances are hosted every Tuesday evening in the upstairs ballroom.710 S. Henry St.;877-565-1775;newporthousebb.com; doubles from $159 a night
Williamsburg Manor
Six sunny rooms and a sumptuous breakfast of Virginia specialties make this B&B a treat.600 Richmond Rd.;800-422-8011;williamsburg-manor.com; doubles from $129 a night
The post Beyond Williamsburg appeared first on Endless Vacation.
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