fools-end-art · 4 years
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Double Edge
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abreuronald10 · 7 years
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Un honor poder traducir para Don Richardson de #PeaceChild o #HijodePaz | Su pasión las misiones inspiran a confiar y obedecer ciegamente - Such an honor to translate for a formerly missionary to Papúa New Guinea 🇬🇳 (at San Cristóbal Province)
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jdwoodyard · 7 years
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Live-E(I/Aye/Eye)n-IDT-Erry/Aires/EvveRay-Day-en/in/and/on-Aires(Mares)Day #Panda #peacechild #MKUltraNaiomiHandlersHandler #CalledToBePeculiarInDominEsOsREX (at Bruno-Werk Lindleinsmühle, Würzburg)
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harrynash · 4 years
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No Coffee No Talkie
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harmongracie · 5 years
Peace Child
“I awoke, sweating, heavy with desire to bring solace to those grimly anxious men and to their women and children. ..I lay desolate with longing before God, pleading with him that the reprieve written in blood so long ago might son be made effective for these lost sheep of the swamps. Just before sunrise he breathed in the assurance I was seeking.”
“Suddenly in the blue glow of the twilight, a Presence stronger than the presence of the multitude enveloped us. The same Presence that had first drawn us to trust in Christ, and then wooed us across continents and oceans to this very jungle clearing. Before that Presence, every superficial thought and feeling fled away, and I felt a deep prone to go through my motives. ‘Missionary,’ He was asking, ‘why are you here?’ ...I reviewed answers I had used in the past, discarding them one by one. Secondary, incidental reasons no longer mattered. Nor could ulterior ambitions endure the four-dimensional reality our task had now assumed... ‘Lord Jesus, it is for You we stand here, immersed not in water but in Sawi humanity. This is our baptism into the work You anticipated for us before creation. Keep us faithful. Empower us with your Spirit. May Your will be done among these people as it is in heaven. And if any good comes to them through us, the honor is Yours!’ And He replied, ‘The Peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall garrison your hearts and minds through Christ.’ It was all right now. Our relationship was renewed. I could feel a fresh spring welling us inside.” “We were not the only ones being baptized in strangeness” -The reminder that we enter cultures that are not just strange to us, but also to those experience our culture. The Sawi had never seen light before, just like the missionaries had never seen cannibalism before. Both are strange. Experiencing a battle and not understanding how to move forward: “Perhaps every genuine act of peacemaking must of necessity entail risk for the peacemaker. Besides, the real battle here is not between Kamur and Haenam- it is between this savagery and my gospel. Everything I do among these people establishes a precedent” On the manhouse: “But to the Sawi eye, a manhouse is no mere dwelling. IT is the Parthenon of Sawi culture...I planned to make it an Areopagus for proclaiming the Son of the Living God. A portal through which the gospel would eventually reach every smokey fireplace in the longhouses of ...”
The Sawi were not only cruel, but honored cruelty. Therefore Judas was a super Sawi and they related to him deeply at first.”Trying to restrain such a culture from violence w=and counter-violence was like trying to force several hundred computers to give responses exactly opposite to those for which they were programmed”
“Tuan you have been urging us to make peace-don’t you know is impossible to have peace without a peacechild?” ...inside me a little bell began ringing. “If a man would actually give his own son to his enemies, that man could be trusted..and everyone who laid his hand on the given son was bound not to work violence against those who gave him, nor to employ the waness bind for their destruction..this was they key we had been praying for!” They also exchange and receive new names that reflect the giver of peace.
“Suddenly the thought flashed through my mind that Mavo from his vantage point on top of the dugout might be able to see down the reflections better than I could...” good analogy for viewing big picture. “When I saw that God’s Tarop could give you peace evn when your two sons almost drowned, I knew everything you said abour him must be true. I decided he could take care of us too.”
“To the Hebrews he was the Lamb of God, to the Greeks, the Logos. But to the Sawi, He was the Tarop Tim Kodon, the Perfect Peace Child - the ideal fulfillment of their own redemptive analogy...from now on, any Sawi who rejected Christ would see himself not as denying an alien concept, but rather as rejecter the fulfiller of the best in his own culture”
“Remon is what happens when a caterpillar escapes death by transforming into a moth, bursting out of its cocoon to live on in a new body. It also describes the way a lizard or a snake escapes death by shedding its old skin”
“But the New Testament has a single, clear answer for prisoners of this nearly universal complex of compulsions- the humiliation and death of Christ on our behalf! His death alone would impose a waness bind upon the laws arrayed against guilty men. His resurrection offers the only hope of remon we can ever know! Thus my strategy for dealing with the morbid almost psychopathic Sawi obsessions with the corpses of the dead was emerging”
“Even as the believers were still speaking, I stood hushed and amazed before God”
“So also if anyone tempts us to do evil, we should ay to him, ‘Look here! God has placed the Spirit of His Peace Child, Jesus, within me. If that Peace Child had died or gone away and left me, I might be free to do the evil you suggest. But He us not dead! Nor has He deserted me! He still lives within me to keep me in the way of goodness, and His hand is strong! I am not free to do the evil you advise!’”
“Christ is the fulfiller of every mans true self”
“Who will go? I remembered how my whole being has responded with a sureness that would tolerate no other option: ‘I will!’ I reached for the gate, and as I touched it, joy swept through me. Joy more tan just my own.”
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newerabohemians · 5 years
When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow -- Old Native American Prophecy . . BELIEVE IT ✨🔥🌈🙌🏼 #earthpeople #peacechild #hippie #wearefamily #hippiespirits #farout #onelove #hippielife #noworries #chillvibes #consciousawareness #positivevibes #rainbowwarrior #rainbowchild #peace #nature #namaste #onehumanfamily https://ift.tt/34BguF9
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fools-end-art · 4 years
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Dancer of the Boreal Valley, gouache
Don't repost!
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lalaeffect-blog · 8 years
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<<A dreamer cannot be tamed>> Cc @soafricane Styling by @brianmsafiri #pursuitofportraits #portrait #model #me #styling #melanin #serve #killeverygram #makeportraitsnotwar #africa #vsco #bebeautifulla #october #rsa_portraits #portraitsworld #makeportraits #chocolate #girlsgeneration #blackgirlsrock #blackisbeautiful #amazing #soafricane #igkenya #afropunk #soulpick #artsyandblack #portraiture #love #peacechild #international #modelface #anjililaura #positivevibes #👑
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drakensberg-blog · 12 years
You should eat waffles on Tinychat like when Chase Ross does he T shot.
i'm on mobile lol but that'd be a good idea
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fools-end-art · 4 years
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An Opaque Window
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fools-end-art · 4 years
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'The Quiet Violence of the Woods'
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fools-end-art · 4 years
CW for family issues and a vague nod to alcoholism
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--On divorce, familial relationships, and growing up
--circa a few years ago
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fools-end-art · 4 years
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Quick sketches, limiting myself to 2 colors per drawing. Don't repost!
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fools-end-art · 4 years
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Happy pride month 2020! Feat. obligatory Gay Art from my instagram. Also the heart shaped lenses are ironic, I promise.
...general idea of what I look like reveal?? Idk
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lalaeffect-blog · 8 years
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<<Murder of the century>> #pursuitofportraits #portrait #model #me #styling #melanin #serve #killeverygram #makeportraitsnotwar #africa #bebeautifulla #rsa_portraits #portraitsworld #makeportraits #girlsgeneration #blackgirlsrock #monday #blackisbeautiful #amazing #soafricane #igkenya #afropunk #soulpick #portraiture #love #peacechild #international #modelface #anjililaura #positivevibes #👑
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