#peach-mun talks
roleplayingwomenoffun · 6 months
{{I'm back~!!}}
{{I am mostly back because of the release of the new Princess Peach game! PPS has just sooo many cute costumes for Peach, that of course I want to see if anyone would be interested in playing with her~ If so, send in anything that strikes your fancy or, if/when I post up a starter, join in the fun~ ;)
Here is the list of the costumes/ideas: Cowgirl Peach Swordfighter Peach Patissiere Peach Kung Fu Peach Detective Peach Ninja Peach Figure Skater Peach Dashing Thief Peach Mermaid Peach Mighty Peach
Let's have some fun!
I'll also be getting to leftover asks in the inbox!}}
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leagueofdccm · 6 months
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THE MUN HERE : Della . 28 . She/her . OTHER BLOGS : @thcrealheroes
#MYDARLINGHEATHENS : MINORS PLEASE DNI !!!! Dark themes along with NSFW will be taking place in this blog ! I will not roleplay with any youngsters on here. As a mother myself i will refuse to roleplay with any minors, nor do I feel comfortable to have any minors following me knowing my themes on this blog will be dark topics, and sexual topics as well. So please, do not follow my blog, do not interact with me.
THIS BLOG IS A MULTI-MUSE BLOG and will feature muses from The Walking Dead, The Boy's, Riverdale,You series, Son's of Anarchy & more if added
Please know I am all about chemistry, but if we've talked to each other ooc and can say we're friends/ --- it's easier for me to ship with people who I can bond with ooc. But if we haven't spoke before and you see a muse you want to ship with, reach out to me, talk to me ! I don't bite :) !! I love interacting with new faces and seeing what magic we can create between our muses -- ALSO, I AM A SUCKER for crossovers. Idc what crossover. Whether it's twd & the boy's ---- or riverdale & twd.... please I'm up for seeing new things--- new au's to be created between our muses.
So choose your character ! Choose a muse or two I don't mind. let's tango !
heavily affiliated with : @nghtmarish . @w1dowed . @twiicetheheart . @innerwar . @homelander-rp-blog
heavily affiliated with : @wiredcapability . @florrentine . @grlsavior . @h-a-unted . @dollhidden
heavily affiliated with : @ofmuse . @ahpuchs
Ask for Discord if you wish to speak more ooc :
MUSE LIST : .Maggie . Rosita . Rick . Alden . Michonne . Jack ( oc twd ) . Jax . Jughead . Betty . Archie . Sweetpea . Joe . Beck . Peach . Ramsay .  
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crudevillain-a · 4 months
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♡ independent. private. highly selective.♡
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♡ Deadman Wonderland canon roleplay blog, based in the BNHA / MHA fandom and DMWL canon
♡ AUs & crossovers available ( upon request ). ♡
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♡ carrd  ♡
♡ affiliated with: TBA ♡
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♡ muse(s): Minatsuki Tamaki, Toto Sakigami, & Yosuga Mitsuzaki 
hello, I'm Wrennly. I'm 25 years old, American, & taken. I go by she/they or she/her pronouns as well. I am pagan, practice witchcraft, & own 2 lizards ( Fiona and Hildagarrd ) & a cat ( Addison ).
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♡ mobile rules below cut ♡
♡ there will be no comparisons to deities, whether that's ic or ooc.
♡ I will wait up to a week or two for a message back whether that's IC or OOC if I've followed you recently. I will unfollow after not hearing anything. if I'm the one who continuously reaches out, with no reciprocation, I will remove you. I understand being busy, but if I reach out and don't get a reply after a while, I will end our relationship.
♡ relationship depreciation does not apply here, & let me explain. "whether I talk to you in a day, or in a year. I'll see you when I see you; until then, take care". this means that if you disappear, and stop replying, I will not be angry. however, I will remove you from discord or tumblr because I like to keep my circle to those who actively enjoys writing with me / speaking to me.
♡ I am neurodivergent; I have PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety, & Depression. I work part-time as well as have a life outside of tumblr. I'm in a committed relationship, & that takes up a lot of my time as well as another blog ( @qvartzdied ).
♡ I frequently engage in cannabis usage, and are pro-cannabis as medicine. as such, sometimes ( usually later in the evening ), I will be intoxicated. if this makes you uncomfortable, do not follow me. I will not curb my personality for the comfort of yours.
♡ I also follow a lot of people, so I may forget your alias/pronouns/muses! I always try to reread everything before contacting people, but sometimes I am a forgetful bean! please offer me grace!
♡ I am closing my circle down to select people and friends. this means that I am private and highly selective. I will not follow if a muse page, rules, and age of mun ( you must be 21+ ) aren't readily available on the blog. 
♡ muses are written at an age-range. meaning, some may be underage in one thread scenario, but of age in another. always look at tags for extra information. most times, consider adult ages as default.
♡ NSFW and other content will appear on the blog, which includes but are not limited to NSFW: smut, mentions of rape, explorations of human psyche, religious mentions, drug usage, sex work, abuse, pregnancy issues, abortion / miscarriage, sexuality, cannibalism, blood, gore and so many more. do not follow if under 21+.
♡ also, please reblog from source. I will post frequent in character musings, aesthetics, fanart, and so on for my muses. it helps me maintain muse
♡ blog is drama-free, will never post roleplay drama or politics drama. life updates will be periodically given based on how often I'm promising to be online, but cannot for any reason.
TOXICITY CLAUSE. I used to be a shitty rp partner & friend! I never committed bigoted acts like racism or sexism, but I'd have the tendency to collect ships or participate in drama etc. my past aliases include Sam, Sammi, Stormi, Peaches, & now Wrennly. all problems have been fixed.
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red-man-of-mustache · 4 months
name. Mario Mario
nickname(s). Mayro, Jumpman, The Great Gonzalez, Red Man Of Mustache, The Merciless Executioner
title. Plumber Extraordinaire and Hero Of the Mushroom Kingdom
P E R S O N A L .
morality. lawful/ neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
religious belief. Much like everyone else in the kingdom Mario will make a wish from time-to-time to the Star Spirits. Big or small in nature he does this to retain hope along his adventures.
sins. lust  / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride /envy/ wrath
virtues. chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
primary goals in life. To shine as bright as he can! He wants to keep the Mushroom Kingdom, his home, safe from the clutches of the Koopa Clan(specifically Bowser) and any other threats that present themselves. Helping people along the way is a good bonus though as it makes him feel good to help those in need.
languages known. - He is fully fluent in English & Italian.
quirks. -When on autopilot(most notably during a leisurely walk not a focused one) he will begin humming. How he knows the Mushroom Kingdom theme is unknown but that's a favorite of his. If bored or inactive he can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Almost anywhere!
savvies. - Jumping, acrobatics, adapting to situations, working out puzzles/riddles, lifting things, construction, plumbing, and much more
P H Y S I C A L .
build. slender/ fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other
height. 5'1"
weight. 126 lbs
scars/birthmarks. Does his mustache count as a birthmark? No scars really to speak of.
abilities/powers. - Jumping is his wheelhouse. He can jump about two stories high unaided after gathering his might for a bit. Of course he also has many spins on his basic jump, like the backwards somersault, triple jump, spin jump, so on and so forth. He obtained the Firehand from an ancient spirit in the BeanBean Kingdom allowing for latent control of fire should he gather himself to do so in the moment. Power-ups endow him with a whole host of abilities though the vast majority of them are only temporary. He's also quite acrobatic for a person of his build, is extremely strong, quite durable, and agile.
F A V O U R I T E S .
favourite food. Pasta is his go-to. Mushrooms are a close second though he kinda had to get used to them.
favourite drink. Fruit Punch!
topping. Meatlovers pizza gang
favourite colour. Red
favourite music genre. Mario likes a bit of everything but if he had to pin down which he listens to the most it's definitely Pop! Songs like How Bizarre if you want a sample of what he's looking for.
favourite book genre. Comics/Graphic novels! Though not technically books he prefers a visual aide while reading plus the action helps to keep his attention.
favourite movie genre. Mario loves a good whodunnit. Though that's not a genre. Mystery would be better
favourite season. Summer! The freedom associated with this time of year is unmatched
favourite curse word. #$@!
favourite scent.  https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Lush/Princess-Peach-83161.html
F U N S T U F F .
bottom or top. Mario's a top but like, y'know
loud burper or soft burper. Loud, Mario does not try to hide it at all. In social settings, depending on the content he may muffle the sound but otherwise he has a habit of not caring who hears it.
sings in the shower. yes /no
likes bad puns. yes / no
their opinion on the mun. "He needs to-a talk to people more. But he believes in himself! That's-a good start."
Tagged by @sanguinesorcery thanks for keeping me off the streets
Tagging: @thehouseofivo | @adara-of-the-flame | @the-expatriate | @koopzilla | @atimelesslullaby | @enigmaincrimson | @desert-flower | @mystalwartheart | @rainbowxfmuses | @nabbing-bad-habits | @jonathancjones | @ anyone I forgot! that means UUUU
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king-and-his-consorts · 11 months
Mun Mini Blurb
Name: Zaira (I go by Alpine on Discord)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 30
___ 4 Mun Facts ___
_ I graduated from college with my BA this year in May. I have severe burnout but damn does it feel good to be free!!
_ Sanji is a very delicate subject for me. He's been my babygirl failwife comfort character since I saw him in the Baratie arc. As such, I suffer extreme rejection sensitivity (we're talking like I get fuckin' nauseous lol) when people are super negative towards him. Which is super hard to avoid, because he's a dumbass bitch. Anyway, I will avoid talking about him to other OP fans unless I feel they're "safe", for lack of a better word.
_ My favorite fruits are peaches, watermelon, and cantaloupe.
_ I fucking hate maid outfits/maid kink. It squicks me out to high heaven. No idea why.
___ 3 RP-Related Facts ___
_ Being a One Piece fan for like over 15 years, I am very particular about Luffy. As such, I don't think I have ever reached out to a single Luffy RPer because certain types of verses can squick me out. So I avoid the possibility of them even coming up. I don't get it, and I can't really explain it. I'm just weird.
_ My favorite kinds of threads are where characters go exploring and find ruins or crazy artifacts. ...Or where they're trapped in a catacomb. Because I'm a dumbass anthropologist.
_ I have worked very hard to cultivate how I write Luffy. Two of my favorite things are making Luffy smother people with snuggles and to exploring when Luffy decides to act serious about situations.
___ RP Fun ___
What song comes up most when replying?: Into Darkness by Thomas Bergersen
Do you snack while replying?: Not usually. If I do, it's sunflower seeds.
Do you like memes or open starters more?: Memes but I'm usually too shy to send them, lol
Which of your verses/aus is your favorite?: Dark Dreams (dark circus au)
Do you have a song(s) you associate with a particular ship?: Into Darkness (Thomas Bergersen) for Zolu and Painkiller (Three Days Grace) for Zosan
Tagging: @ikkaku-of-heart @whiskeysmulti @kaizokugaris @fractiscruentamorte @climatact and whoever wants to steal it
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shraqsmuses · 7 months
looking at doll's tag, she seems really cute and knowledgeable! does she know anything about any of the other muses here?
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"Thank you for the compliments, dear mun. I've never considered myself as a knowledgeable being, considering the majority of my knowledge of the living world was granted to me by various hunters who wished to relate their experiences unto me. However, as I now possess a corporeal body that has guided me to many places in the world and encountered an impressive variety of individuals, I can say I'm indeed knowledgeable about various factoids that pertain to the people I've met here. I'm most particularly fascinated by Princess Peach and yearn to learn more about her each time she regales me. She's an incredibly sweet, compassionate person, fond of confectionaries of any kind to the point her friends had to remind her to halt her consumption of them in many occasions, took joy in partaking in fanciful play with a collection of dolls she has retained since then, an excellent baker with a vast knowledge of many recipes...
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"Ah. She's a truly wonderful, invigorating woman. I deeply recommend talking to her if you wish to meet an extraordinarily adorable woman."
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boysplanetrecaps · 2 years
Boys Planet, Episode 6 Recap Part 2a: Gang and Zoom
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Ok, team! It’s time to recap the first two performances of the second challenge mission: Gang (or Ggang) and Zoom. Let’s do it!
We pick up at 1:07:14 with a brief montage of the boys rehearsing.  I know most of ya’ll can’t read Korean so I’ll help you know who said what, especially since often who we see onscreen isn’t who is talking:
Na Kamden: “It was a bit difficult this time. For real.”
Choi Woo Jin: “Everything was all mixed up in my head.”
Park Hanbin: “I wasn’t sure if I could do a good job.”
Yoon Jong Woo: “It was pretty tough for me.” 
Park Hyun Been: “As though I’m burning the last passion I’ve got without regrets.” 
Na Kamden: “The most impactful performance in the history of these programs ever?” 
Keita: “We’ll create a legendary performance…”
Chen Kuan Jui: “...that people would want to see again.”
Finally, it’s D-day! Crowds are lining up around the block, holding up signs and stuff. The boys are getting ready. The 95% female crowd files in, and they are all Kermit-meme level crazy and shrieking like banshees. That’s fun! I bet they had a great time. 
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The boys come in, in order of rank I assume, led by Sung Hanbin and Seok Matthew, who are holding hands. 
The judges are again sitting on folding chairs in that room with the single small window with the broken blinds, which I assume is on Minhuyn’s space station. I can’t get over how the producers don’t even give them a table, so the judges have to keep their clipboards in their laps. Poor Solji wore a short skirt and has to keep her knees super close together the whole time. My inner thighs are tired just thinking about it.
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The judges pretend not to know who the host will be, but it’s still Huta from BTOB, who informs us that only 28 trainees will survive the next elimination. 
Then he explains the live voting system. It’s a bit different this time. The audience members were each given a thingy dingy with two buttons, A and B; Huta say that they can press the “A” button if they think the team did well, and the “B” button if they think the performance was disappointing, and do the same for each trainee. So instead of voting for a favorite, the audience members basically vote pass/fail for everyone and everything. If I were in the audience, I’d be of no use to anyone in terms of assessment because I’d just wear out the A button.
In any case, it’s Time to Shine!
1:11:41 Gang by H1GHR Music 
This is spelled onscreen as 깡, which is better transliterated as Ggang, as opposed to 강, which would be Gang. The little symbol top left is the K/G symbol, and see how there are two of them in 깡 and only one of them in 강? Just your little Korean lesson of the day. The on screen translation on Viki says that “ggang” sounds like the word for “guts”, which is 끈기, or Ggeungi. I guess it sounds similar, sure. 
As the camera pans around, we keep seeing a trainee in glasses and a light green sweater that says Serenity on it, and I was like, who is that -- and it’s Jung Mingyu, better known as “Red House”! Wow, that’s a different look. 
Anyway, on to Gang! 
I’ll remind you that these are the members of the gang: 
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test / Challenge 1 /age final star level
Kum Jun Hyeon (14) Nunu Nana / Backdoor - K /19 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Lee Seung Hwan 🍑(20) Mirotic / Danger - K /22 ⭐⭐⭐
Mun Jung Hyun 🧁(23) The Real / Very Nice - K /17 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Lee Jeong Hyeon (39) The Real / Love Me Right - K /20 ⭐⭐⭐
Chen Jian Yu (45) Call Me Baby /Back Door - G/ 24 ⭐
And Lee Seung Hwan 🍑 is their leader. I use a peach symbol next to his name partly to help you remember who I’m talking about, and partly because I think he’s just peachy. 
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Left to right, that is Chen Jian Yu, Lee Jeong Hyun, Mun Jung Hyun, Kum Jun Hyeon, and  Lee Seung Hwan.
So, is stylist noona angry at Lee Seung Hwan🍑, or….? Because those sparkly MC Hammer pants are a choice. An incorrect choice. On the other hand, his hair and makeup look amazing. 
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Normally, the host will talk to the leader of a group, but this host talks to my little cousin Kum Jun Hyeon. Then again, I think Kum Jun Hyeon would have answered even if the question had been addressed to someone else. 
Huta says, “I heard that the atmosphere was not good when this team was first formed.”
Kum Jun Hyeon yells, “When we got Ggang, I was perplexed. I thought of the opportunity as a crisis.” He almost certainly means that he tried to think of the crisis as an opportunity, referring to that old chestnut about the same chinese character being used for both words, but he gets the order wrong and it ends up not quite meaning what he meant.
And, at 1:12:52 we head into flashback mode. Woobly woobly woo!!
As we recall from earlier in the episode, their whole deal is that this team is mostly people who got kicked out of the song they wanted. Since no one really knew how to make choreo, my little cousin Kum Jun Hyeon stepped up, yelling, “Although I can’t guarantee the quality, if I didn’t do it, I didn’t think anyone else could do it.” 
Ok, this team has a Jun Hyeon, a Jung Hyun, and a Jeong Hyeon, so I’m going to call them by their family names -- Kum, Lee, and Mun🧁, the latter of whom you may recall is my little muffin. 
So, Kum has in fact stepped up to choreograph! That peach, Seung Hwan 🍑, says of Kum: “Jun Hyeon is always shouting, and he says ‘moe moe kyun,’ that’s who he is. But when he started creating and practicing the choreography, I saw a new side of him.” 
We see what he’s talking about -- Kum is taking it really seriously and seems to be doing a good job, not being satisfied with it until it’s perfect. We also catch snippets of his singing and it’s really good, which is something that’s so easy to forget about my little cousin, that he’s actually a really good singer as well as a good screamer. It’s cute to see Kum completing something and being proud of himself. 
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In fact, late at night in the dorms, Kum is still yelling about the choreo with leader Seung Hwan 🍑. He’s thinking about the choreo, yells that he needs to go to sleep, then lies down and keeps doing the hand/arm part of the choreo. Awww. 
But I had to show this screen shot to point out a few things. 
The matching pajamas are gone. Whence did the pajamas originate, and whither did they disappear? 
Kum has given up on sheets, which is such an 19-year-old guy thing to do. 
Seung Hwan has a stuffy of a yellow duck or chicken, as well as a very dapper set of pjs.  
We cut to the big trainee-self-eval day. 
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Basically the Ggang group does a great job. The rapping and dancing are all great, and people especially compliment the “two-jung-hyuns”. The phrase refers to Mun Jung Hyun 🧁and Lee Jeong Hyeon, who are both WakeOne trainees and who will likely (I hope???) debut in the same group as Kim Tae Rae 💖and formerly-blue-haired Park Hanbin.  I mean, seriously, just debut, you’re already perfect. Anyway. Mun and Lee apparently are good friends, but it’s awkward for them since Lee is super talented but ranked pretty low (39) while Mun is ranked 23. Aww. 
Lee is really great too -- all five members of The Real were near perfect in my opinion (including the already eliminated Park Min Seok, who gained a ton of fans as leader of the Burn it Up team but just couldn’t quite get up to #52). I think the thing about Lee is that he’s just great so there’s no… hook? He’s great on stage, he has all the skills. He seems like a nice guy who everyone likes. And he’s good looking in a way that if you think he’s good looking, you’ll also think that a lot of other trainees are good looking. Meanwhile, Mun🧁 is sort of distinctive looking, so you remember his face later. A face like Mun’s or Tae Rae’s is sort of polarizing, I guess -- but at least it’s memorable. Lee could absolutely be the visual member of a group, and yet, it’s by looking for Tae Rae and Mun that you’ll recognize the group when you see it. At least that’s my take on it.So yeah, Lee Jeong Hyeon, I think you’re great and I am so looking forward to being a fan of your group once it debuts. Fighting!!
Seriously, the WakeOne group is the one I’m looking forward to most out of all of this, which is why I keep talking about it. Imagine, the five trainees I mentioned -- Mun, Lee, Tae Rae, Park Min Seok, and Park Hanbin -- plus possibly Haruto, Anthonny, Min, and Cha Woongki. Right? That’s fucking STACKED. You have a main vocalist, many capable lead and sub vocalists, some excellent rappers, some amazing dancers, and 100% lovable fellas. I want to just end the show now and start stanning that group.  
Ok, anyway. 
It’s show day. The boys are back stage doing some pushups before the set, so that their arms and abs will be tired and sore, I guess. Someone in the audience shouts out, “Thank you for giving birth to [Kum] Jun Hyun!” Somewhere, his mother yells, “I didn’t have much choice in the matter!” We also see a young man in the audience -- I think -- holding a sign for Mun 🧁. 
At 1:16:52, the performance begins. They introduce themselves as “Korean Chipmunks,” which is hanguk daramjwi, which kind of sounds like “hundred dollar bill”, which is a recurring lyric in the song. (You hear it, sorta, when they chant their team name.)
The performance
Original song
Apparently pH-1, the extremely alkaline rap judge on Boys Planet, is one of the rappers on this song, which the show never mentions once. Weird. 
Since the boys wrote their own lyrics, I really did care what they were saying, and since the show didn’t give us translations, I had to look them up. These are the translations I found for the rap parts -- they’re a three way blend of several different sources, along with some of my own translation, but my main source is a Reddit post I found.
It reeks of cowards in here
Even if I’m not invited, today I’m a VIP
I wonder if he’s going to die after I pushed him
No need to go back and forth, I’m dogged Hey!
Lee Jeonghyeon (there’s a lot of word play in this verse): 
Hit it and go to the top, No cap (no lies) woo,
Too fast. too fast, brake, Step on it more like it’s broken
Turn and flip over the falling numbers, Starting from the bottom there’s only up,
Chill, like back when I was a kid, Keep it in your heart, Peace
🧁Mun Junghyun:
Yeah the next unexpected start, It’s our time to receive their will
It’s different from the time when I was ignored
Because I’m ready to carry on the will of those who left
We know how to go higher (Higher)
My heart is burning like fire (Fire)
To go higher you need modesty, passion, and style
Kum Junhyeon: 
Give me a song to sing, I don’t want to rap, I’m scared of how I’ll look in the gang, stage I’m whoo…
Sometimes cute, sometimes sexy, There’s something to get from here
Look at how I can make you scream with my skills, here I am alone
You know I don’t wear no new (shoes)
So you know how hard it is to get what I want, shut up
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My take
This was never going to be my favorite performance of the rap and vocal groups because it just isn’t my favorite song. It’s not anyone’s fault -- it’s totally a matter of taste. But overall, this was good. Yeah, some of the dancing was a little un-synced up, and some of the moves were a little boring, but it ended up looking fine. I wish I could appreciate all the word play and other poetic elements, but I can’t, so  I’m not able to really analyze the quality of the rapping. But in terms of delivery, I think that 🧁Mun stood out a bit. I also think 🍑Sunghwan did great as the center. It helps that he’s the most “manly” looking. And every time I hear Kum sing, I am surprised anew at how nice his voice is. I understand why he wanted a song to sing, and loved that that was his “rap.” 
Semi side note: So, I was watching the performance, and at about :37 in, when Mun is in the center, the team does this sort of fall-sideways-down thing, and I said to myself, “self?” I said, and I answered “yes?” and I asked, “Was Kum on the team Very Nice?” As an extremely unpleasant person in my asks pointed out, he wasn't, and I had just thought he was because hours of staring at my screen making these recaps made my vision blurry. But whether he was on Very Nice or not, that exact fall-sideways-down move in Very Nice, so, that’s where Kum got the idea. Please don’t mistake me, I’m not criticizing. If people could never repeat a dance move ever, we’d have run out of dance moves ages ago. He found a good place to put that move and make it work with the overall routine. I just thought that was kind of interesting, to be able to trace it back like that, given that Very Nice has such a different feel overall. 
(Also, I do welcome feedback if I make a mistake! Just be nice about it, is literally all I ask. If you've never said anything kind to me, please don't start our conversation by being mean. I feel like that's not too much to ask, right?)
I did notice Chen Jian Yu in the back having trouble getting up with the rest of the team after they all fell down. Aww. In fact, he was kind of behind the team a lot. Must be hard to try to keep up with this mostly very well trained team. 
Ok, this bit in the middle, where Kum puts sunglasses on upside down and lifts up his shirt to reveal fake abs, I mean, it’s not my sense of humor, folks. Sorry. 
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I bet a lot of people enjoyed it a lot and I appreciate his enthusiasm. If you really enjoyed this, feel free to message me. I assume some people did, right? I hope some people did. It’s just not for me, and I found it slightly irritating, the way I find a lot of what he does slightly irritating. That’s why I call him my little cousin -- he’s irritating but I kind of love him anyway, the same way I love my irritating little cousins. Like, can you NOT, you little shit? But also, come over here and let me give you a hug and $10 to spend on junk food-- don’t tell your mom. 
I’m tender hearted and want to give everyone a passing vote. If I were forced to press B (disapprove) for one of them, it would have to be Chen Jian Yu, who as I noted, seemed to struggle with some of the choreo. But I’d press A for all of them if I were allowed, and overall, the team earns an A for approve from me. 
The editing
The MNET editing is pretty kind -- it doesn’t focus too much on any mistakes, and mostly seems focused on making the four Korean members look good. 
The judges applaud, and LipJ throws down her clipboard in approval. They call out 🍑Sunghwan the most, but also appreciate Kum’s performance. 
The voting
We cut to backstage, where the boys all hope they come in first. Kum yells that he’s expecting first place, and 🍑Sunghwan says he expects that too, but it’s Sunghwan who comes in first, with 700 points. 
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And poor Kum feels dumb for having thought he might win. Aww. We’ve all been there, sweetie! The audience voted for the sexiest one, not the funniest one. That’s how it be.
The team does a final cheer for itself, and Chen Jian Yu accidentally bumps Kum in the face. 
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This is just not his day, huh?
They don’t tell us who scored the lowest on this team.
We end with 🍑Lee Seunghwan, who says that he expected Kum to win, but he’s thankful for coming in first. “I don’t know what the final result will be, but we made a great performance together. I’ll remember our team as a team that brought out miracles.” Aww, you really are a peach.
1:21:55 Zoom by Jessi
Huta introduces the next team, and they come out, looking real…
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…. “urban”?? Is that what we call this style?
God, the stylist noonas must hate them. I mean, can we all agree that idols shouldn’t wear shorts?
Mini rant: 
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Poor Xiumin. Stylist noonas are like, “We’ll make Xiumin look awful so that the other boys will look better.”
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Obviously, Chen is one of the most beautiful men on the planet, but here from the waist down he looks like he’s made of assorted whole fruit shoved into a pair of opaque beige tights. It’s not his fault. WHAT WAS THIS? STYLIST NOONA, WHY? Why do you hate Chen? Why do you hate all of us? 
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So, here is Keita’s team, dressed like “what if Peter Pan’s Lost Boys got lost in the year 1991” and they’re going to put on an amazing show because they’re a great team. Sorry, I should say, “they’re a great team, yo!” 
I’ll remind you that these are the zoomers:
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test / Challenge 1 /age final star level
Keita (8) Conduct Zero / Kill This Love- G /21 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Haruto (16) Glitch Mode / Love Me Right - G /18 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Ollie (28) Kick It - G / Hot Sauce - G /16 🚫
Wumuti (43) UN Village / Love Me Right - G /23 ⭐⭐
Park Hyunbeen (49) GBTB / Hot Sauce - K /17 ⭐⭐⭐
The judges are confident that Keita will carry the team. 
Haruto tries trash talking, but he’s too cute for it to work. 
Flashback time. 
You may recall that they made Keita the leader, and gave the killing part to Hyunbeen, who wants it so desperately that it made me worried that the judges were going to tell his team to give the killing part to someone else. Let’s see if I was right!   
Park Hyunbeen is working as hard as he can on his dancing, but knows he still might be lacking. At the big group evaluation in front of all the other trainees, everyone is excited to see that Hyunbeen has the killing part, and overall seem to really like the performance, especially Keita’s part. But then Hyunbeen goes blank and forget the lyrics and choreo -- oh no!
Afterward, the feedback is mostly good, but there are some harsh words for Hyunbeen, including this: “I don’t know why Hyunbeen has the killing part -- the other team members are much better.” Ouch! Oh no, is my premonition going to come to pass?
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Hyunbeen talks it over with Wumuti, saying that he is worried he’s dragging the team down. Wumuti is honest and says that he himself wants the killing part too, but asks, wouldn’t you be upset if you lost it? Hyunbeen is also mostly honest and says that it would upset him. I say “mostly honest” because the real truth is, I think, that it would devastate him. Hyunbeen isn’t really fully equipped to deal with this show, emotionally. I think most people aren’t, to be fair.
The next day, the boys talk in their training room about whether or not to replace Hyunbeen. Keita asks the team, “if anyone thinks the killing part should be replaced, raise your hand.” There’s a dumb momentary cutaway to the D-day stage, and we see that Hyunbeen is still the center. We go back to the meeting, and see that the boys trust Hyunbeen and want to let him keep working on it and keep the part. He’s grateful and vows to work harder.
The Performance
The lyrics I found online are:
Haruto (mostly in English)
Ay yo lookin at me? Probably wondering what's it like to be me
Just like all the wannabes, keep on talk talk
I’m your boss boss  Out of your league  Sorry you’re Not even close
Baby I was born with everything Do you know what “Know your place” means?
Don't hold back and call me Wumuti-ti-ti  It’s not that hard, then follow me
Back on the stage ready microphone check, Spit out a word and turn a page right away
Guess who's the best, It’s about time, I’ve been stuck studying since When I was 13
Never, You can’t, An unexpectedly talented guy, Without a break, I hit your ears good
Do or die, I’m abnormal when I hit the stage
Now everybody knows me, get out of the way
Ollie (mostly in English)
Get out of the way I’m from the Outer space, Just arrived, Want me out your face
I have no time to lose, so Listen close, Oops never mind Ollie Wonka gotta go
Park Hyunbeen
We gotta go and Kill this track, My braggadocious just gets bigger and bigger
I’m gonna change my Category, Heads, shoulders, knees, toes Swag check
Ooh geez, Everybody say cheese
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My take
Well, this is great. I watched it a bunch of times and enjoyed it every time. First, I just really enjoy listening to their version of the song. The original song has good bones to work with, the arrangement works, and their vocal performance really enhances the material -- so much so that I added their version to my current playlist. But it’s also fun to look at -- their choreo and stage vibe are energetic and fun and expressive, without being cheesy in a bad way. My one negative is that it really kind of grossed me out that Wumuti was eating a lollipop a lot of the time. Just this gross sticky thing in his mouth while he's singing and dancing, that he then throws on the stage where someone could step on it? No thanks. Yuck.
That aside, I liked listening to the song enough that I figured I might as well watch some of the fancams, and doing so really made a few things more obvious. One obvious deduction is that Ollie did not belong in 0 stars, ever. He must have had a breakdown or something the day of the final Star Level test and performed to an uncharacteristically low standard. (That, or he had serious issues with the Korean lyrics.) Seriously -- he’s such a natural on stage. He’s always having the best time and really executing well, with so much charm. I’m not sure he’s 100% there yet but he’s already a lot of fun to watch. On an unrelated note, I’m fairly confident at this point that Ollie speaks English better than he speaks any other language, unless someone can tell me I’m wrong on that. It really seems like English is the language he defaults to.
Keita’s performance is great, to the point that you might watch the fancam more than once, as long as you’re emotionally prepared to look at him in that fucking hat for almost 3 minutes. Haruto also -- he’s such a great dancer. 
I really enjoyed their rapping too -- it helps that a lot of it is English, to be fair. They each brought a different personality to their rapping, and all of it was fun. I liked Haruto’s flow, I liked Wumuti’s sing-rap style, I liked Keita’s power and precision, I even liked Ollie’s cute talk-rapping for whatever reason. It actually kind of gave me Del Tha Funky Homosapien vibes. Stage presence wise, I think Hyunbeen was a little weaker than his teammates, but not in a way that made him or them look bad. I mean, the only thing that made them look bad was their outfits. Seriously, zoom in, camera guy so I can’t see their legs. Then zoom out so I don’t have to see Wumuti’s hat or offputting shiny thing on his lower lip. 
The editing
When it comes to the performance itself, the MNET editing is extra irritating, but also extra kind -- we gets lots of reaction shots of the audience loving it and all the trainees dancing along, along with tons of unnecessary instant replays. They also don’t show Haruto’s awful ending fairy that’s on the youtube video, and that’s all for the good. The performance edit makes everyone look good, and that's rare on this show.
But I wish we knew more about how the boys actually made this track. The sung vocals are clearly re-recorded -- that's not a ding on Wumuti, who sang live as well and sounded great both live and pre-recorded. But when did they record this? To what extent were they involved in the production of the songs in general? How long were they in the studio, and who directed them? I also really want to know who actually wrote the lyrics. Did they each write their own, or did they help each other? I’m asking this now of this team but I should note that it applies to all 12 performances.
Also, to what extent were they involved in the staging? Did they pick out their outfits? their backgrounds? And whose idea was it to have those flashes of light on stage with the first two drumbeats, so that it looked like Hyunbeen had sort of "bounced" the other trainees up onto their feet? That had such an impact on the performance because they started so well and had some room to coast from there. So, whose idea was that? I can imagine a world where it was Keita’s idea, but it also could have been the producers’.
The pre-performance package -- the flashback of them preparing for the stage, etc -- is so focused on Hyunbeen that almost no time is spent on what the team actually did to prepare for the show. I know that the show hardly ever really tells us how any team actually prepared, but it bugs me.
The voting
You know, from the start of this series, the judges basically have never stopped talking about how good Keita 🔥is, and this is the first time I really, really got to see it. I really get it now. He’s as good as you would want an already debuted idol to be, and that’s saying a lot, especially on a show with a few other debuted idols who aren’t 100% up to his standard. So when they get their score, it’s not really a surprise to find out that Keita 🔥won with 736 points.
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It’s really easy to tell who cherished hopes of winning themselves, and who knew Keita was going to win. 
It’s also not a surprise to find out that Park Hyunbeen is (a) the worst on the team but (b) also pretty high scoring, with 656, only 80 points lower than Keita (and only 44 points lower than Sunghwan from team Ggang). Hyunbeen was just “really great” on a team full of excellence. That’s reflected in the scores. 
Speaking of scores, what’s up with finding out the last place score as well here? For the first group, they only showed the first place score, and here it was first and last places’s scores. I guess they had to show Hyunbeen’s score to finish his storyline. 
I really wish they would tell us all the different scores, and I assume that the reason they don’t tell us all of them is that it doesn’t work with their narrative goals in some way. As an example, imagine that Wumuti got a score of 730. Imagine how it would look if we at home just watched that long segment about Park Hyunbeen and then Wumuti scored only a few points lower than the winner. Wouldn’t it be weird? Like, wait, since when was Wumuti important on this show?   
Well, since Keita 🔥came in first and was the leader and all that, surely we’ll hear from him about how proud he is of his team, and how honored he is to come in first place, that kind of thing, right? Oh no, wait, we don’t. We just hear from Hyunbeen again. He’s proud of his performance and thanks his teammates. 
To be clear, I don’t dislike Hyunbeen. Not at all! I think he’s a good performer and a sweet kid, and I think he has a ton of potential and I’m excited to see where he’ll be in a few years. I just don’t think he’s ready to debut, emotionally as much as anything else. Also, we could have been spending time with Ollie and Haruto and Wumuti and Keita 🔥too, getting to know them better, seeing how they felt about things. And we didn’t get to do that. It’s a bummer. 
So, that’s the end of this part of the recap. Thanks for reading! The next one will be about Home and Love Killa! 
And if you’re enjoying the recaps, please share them with other folks :) Thanks!
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eyes-like-obsidian · 1 year
8. Does your muse get jealous easily? 10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)?14. How many ships is too many?
Mun Related Shipping Questions!
8. Does your muse get jealous easily?
Uta is not the jealous type, knowing very well that Yoriichi would never go do anything to hurt her. She trusts him more than she trusts herself. Though she would give another women the side eye if they are eyeing her s/o.
10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)?
Oh yes! I love love love ships and there are actually plenty ships I love, besides YoriUta! Let me list them for you.
Shinjuro x Ruka; No men turns to the alcohol and grieves like that if he didn't loved his wife. What a pity that we nearly see nothing of them.
Zenitsu x Nezuko: Zenitsu is no pervert, like most people love to say. That was proven in Mugen Train. I mean did you'll saw his dream? How innocent and pure his love towards Nezuko was? Where he takes her where the peaches, flowers and river are? And nothing more? If he was a pervert the dream would different. Zenitsu just wanted to be loved from a kind soul, as he was scammed by his previous dates who even piled her debt on him (they didn't even let him hold her hands). And yet he still believes in love and when he heard from Tanjiro how kind Nezuko actually is or was as a human? I mean the boy was already head to toe in love with her by her looks, but also hearing that she was kind? You know the drill.
Sanemi x Kanae: Okay this may be not entirely canon and nowhere confirmed but if you look closely to the details and what Gyomei has to say about them in the Databook gives me vibes that Sanemi actually had feelings for Kanae, but it was not further developed since she died. But we see that Sanemi and Kanae are talking on a regular basis in Kimetsu Gakuen. Also the combination of brash and badass Sanemi with the sweet Kanae is just too cute!
I actually love all canon ships of KnY like Tanjiro x Kanao, Inosuke x Aoi, Obanai x Mitsuri. But the one I listed above are my faves :3
14. How many ships is too many?
If you ever ask me: Curly how many ships do you want? My answer would be simply "Yes" I am sorry but I love love love shipping so much that I think that I don't even have a limit for that. Of course that doesn't mean I ship with everyone. I ship via chemistry as I do believe that muses can develop an own character after a while in your head, but I am very open to try it! Even i I expierenced it way too much that the chemistry didn't felt right. But you can only find that out after plotting and chatting together.
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anotherhumanpet · 1 year
Get To Know The Mun
-----The Basics!----
Name: Madmud or (more commonly) Mud Pronouns: She/Her. They/Them is cool if you don’t know/are unsure, but I am definitely a She/Her so... use it please. Zodiac: Cancer Single/Taken: Single
-----Three Facts!----
I live on a farm and we use to butcher our own sheep for cheaper meat. Because of this, lamb became one of my favorites to eat and I froth at the price of it in grocery stores.
I also grew up with my dad taking grocery bags full of apples, peaches, and cherries off the trucks he drove for work, and thus became spoiled with free fruit so I also froth at the price of them in grocery stores.
I live and grew up in a desert climate, but would give anything to live in a more rainy one.
Platforms Used: GaiaOnline forums & guilds & DMs (previously), Guild Wars DMs (previously), RuneScape DMs (previously), Tumblr (current), Skype (previously), Discord (current) Plotting/Winging It/Memes: I like plotting but I don’t think I’m good at it most of the time, so it can take me a while to come up with something I feel is presentable. That, or I just start to feel bad because I tend to get too focused on my own characters when I should be offering something for everyone. Winging it is good too. It’s how most of my RPing goes these days because it makes for good in-between plot content and, if the stars align, could very well lead into a plot of its own making! Memes are great starters too. As good as any sentence/lyric starter I see floating around.
------Muse Preference!-----
Gender: I couldn’t give a shit. I write what/who speaks to me. Multi or Single: I generally keep my blogs single muse focused with sprinkles of NPCs to fill in some small roles as I need them. Jaden’s my only case of “broke out of the NPC status and became a full fledged character on their own” but I will not move him onto his own blog because there’s so much of his content here that I’d hate to disconnect him from it. Least Favorite Faceclaim(s): I generally don’t care who/what a person uses because we all see our muses how we see them and that’s that. But I definitely dislike face claims that are EXCEPTIONALLY gorgeous/sexy, or who do the freaking blank-face-expressionless model staring. The former is just a major turn off to me because I always get the sense that I’m supposed to automatically find this face claim (and thus the muse) attractive and I spitefully won’t, and the latter just peeves me because I personally like to use face claims and icons for examples of expression, so the sheer lack of expression defeats the whole purpose of everything to me.
Fluff: I'm down for it but easily bored by it too since it often calls for everything to be feel-good, wholesome, pure, and just perfectly amazing the whole ride, which rapidly exhausts me. I like slice of life a little more. It’s less performative and can lead into whacky situations, which are very entertaining to me. Angst: Love it, but I’m also extremely picky about it. I do not like characters that are plagued by constant (or near constant) hardship/angst and I do not enjoy having anything/everything turned into a matter of angst. And I’ll admit I can be bad about the latter point so I don’t have much room to talk, but my god. Smut: I’m not opposed to it... with my shipping partners. Anyone else, no. Don’t even try it and don’t bother approaching if that’s all you want/write. I’m not into it. BONUS Shipping: I’m open to it but I generally prefer to ship with the partners and-or friends I feel comfortable and close with. I’m also a bit of a freak and can’t do 0-to-60 shipping. You open the gate with “okay so our muses are in love and this is how mine would say ‘I love you’ first to yours” I’m dipping because I need a feel for how our characters interact before I can even begin to speculate on how their relationship will be. BONUS Whump: See the attached image. (Follows a similar vibe to angst though; Too much of it all at once and I’m out.)
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roleplayingwomenoffun · 6 months
{{Submit any pics of Peach you want me to make a starter for~}}
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crudevillain · 3 months
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♡ independent. private. highly selective.♡
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♡ Deadman Wonderland canon roleplay blog, based in the BNHA / MHA fandom and DMWL canon
♡ AUs & crossovers available ( upon request ). ♡
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♡ carrd  ♡
♡ affiliated with: TBA ♡
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♡ muse(s): Minatsuki Tamaki, Toto Sakigami, & Yosuga Mitsuzaki 
hello, I'm Wrennly. I'm 25 years old, American, & taken. I go by she/they or she/her pronouns as well. I am pagan, practice witchcraft, & own 2 lizards ( Fiona and Hildagarrd ) & a cat ( Addison ).
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♡ mobile rules below cut ♡
♡ there will be no comparisons to deities, whether that's ic or ooc.
♡ I will wait up to a week or two for a message back whether that's IC or OOC if I've followed you recently. I will unfollow after not hearing anything. if I'm the one who continuously reaches out, with no reciprocation, I will remove you. I understand being busy, but if I reach out and don't get a reply after a while, I will end our relationship.
♡ relationship depreciation does not apply here, & let me explain. "whether I talk to you in a day, or in a year. I'll see you when I see you; until then, take care". this means that if you disappear, and stop replying, I will not be angry. however, I will remove you from discord or tumblr because I like to keep my circle to those who actively enjoys writing with me / speaking to me.
♡ I am neurodivergent; I have PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety, & Depression. I work part-time as well as have a life outside of tumblr. I'm in a committed relationship, & that takes up a lot of my time as well as another blog ( @qvartzdied ).
♡ I frequently engage in cannabis usage, and are pro-cannabis as medicine. as such, sometimes ( usually later in the evening ), I will be intoxicated. if this makes you uncomfortable, do not follow me. I will not curb my personality for the comfort of yours.
��� I also follow a lot of people, so I may forget your alias/pronouns/muses! I always try to reread everything before contacting people, but sometimes I am a forgetful bean! please offer me grace!
♡ I am closing my circle down to select people and friends. this means that I am private and highly selective. I will not follow if a muse page, rules, and age of mun ( you must be 21+ ) aren't readily available on the blog. 
♡ muses are written at an age-range. meaning, some may be underage in one thread scenario, but of age in another. always look at tags for extra information. most times, consider adult ages as default.
♡ NSFW and other content will appear on the blog, which includes but are not limited to NSFW: smut, mentions of rape, explorations of human psyche, religious mentions, drug usage, sex work, abuse, pregnancy issues, abortion / miscarriage, sexuality, cannibalism, blood, gore and so many more. do not follow if under 21+.
♡ also, please reblog from source. I will post frequent in character musings, aesthetics, fanart, and so on for my muses. it helps me maintain muse
♡ blog is drama-free, will never post roleplay drama or politics drama. life updates will be periodically given based on how often I'm promising to be online, but cannot for any reason.
TOXICITY CLAUSE. I used to be a shitty rp partner & friend! I never committed bigoted acts like racism or sexism, but I'd have the tendency to collect ships or participate in drama etc. my past aliases include Sam, Sammi, Stormi, Peaches, & now Wrennly. all problems have been fixed.
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infernal-feminae · 6 months
💖 💖
send a 💖and the mun will talk about a random mutual they love and appreciate!! - NOT ACCEPTING
I've been a staunch admirer of Toxic from the very beginning of my roleplaying career. I've always been a bit intimidated by them (in a good way!) because they're one of the writers I admire most on this site. Their writing inspires me to keep pushing myself to improve and develop my skills and get out of my comfort zone.
Ann is a peach and while I'm not in a lot of the fandoms she roleplays in I'm still happy to see any of her muses on my dash. Her portrayal of Stella is one of my faves and I adore her Octavia as well.
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awrldalone · 1 year
15th sept 5.27pm
I met a lot of new people, and I went out with a few I already knew. I realize that, for only the second real time in my life, I am in a position of complete anonymity: I know no one, and no one knows me. It should have been the same last year, but I was not alone in the Netherlands. I had my friends. Here too I already know a few people, but it's not the same. They all already have a friend group, they know the lines of the metro by heart, the bars to go to at night, the restaurants to avoid. i am nothing but an old acquaintance to them, not a companion. 
Then, there are the people from my faculty. The first day I saw them I was surprised by how young they were, and even now that I am trying to get to know them better I feel the two years between us. I used to think two years was nothing; I still do, in reality. The people in my classes are like a bag of cheap peaches, with the skin bruised, rough, and all at different stages of maturity. I feel like a completely different fruit, though, and I wonder if I will find my place among them. 
The other night I was petrified at the thought of not being able to. I did not want to blend in, to become a peach too, I just desired to be bought by the same person and thrown in the same bag. We went to a bar, a very dorky place themed around different movies and books and video games, a place in which I would have never stepped foot into alone. I overpaid for a very sweet drink. It was pink, served in a martini glass, and it did not give me the boost I needed. I usually never let myself substitute courage with alcohol, as what's there once you've taken a few sips was already there to begin with, but it usually does help me speak a foreign language. The night was disastrous. We were too many people, and I wished to get to know each and every one – but we just played various boards games. A French version of Cards Against Humanity, Loup-Garou, which is essentially what in Italy we call lupus in fabula, and a game in which everyone but one person had a card with multiple words written on it, each corresponding to a number, and once chosen a number we had to say words linked to the word on the card, and the one without any words in the card had to be smart enough to blend in, to make up words that would make sense. All these games could have been fun, but the awkwardness in the air was so thick you could choke on it if you breathed too deeply. A girl spilled all of her drink on the table, the playing cards were all sticky. 
The place closed early, and we all went home. One of the guys, who lives in front of the bar, asked me if, by chance, I, or somebody else, would like to go up to his apartment. He was awkward too, but he could not mask it well. He has a beard but the face of a child, and I politely declined before heading to the metro. 
I woke up early yesterday. I rolled over in my bed and spent half an hour on twitter, before my phone told me I had ran out of time for the day, and so I got up. At around ten I met up with J. We met last year, it must've already been May or so. I was having lunch with my colleagues from the marketing team, and they were having lunch with their colleagues of the student's newspaper. My first impression of them was terrible, they put up a detestable mean girl façade. M. told me that, to make new friends, it's sometimes easier to just act as if you two have known each other for years and already know everything about your respective pasts. I think that's what they were trying to do, but they just felt rude, bitter for no reason. I ignored them after a bit, I stopped responding and turned to my friends while eating an eggplant sandwich. We bonded in the following days. I was running around the MUN taking pictures, filling in for the odd job here and there, I even took up the role of a delegate for half an hour, with no preparation, and they were interviewing people, reporting on what was being discussed. We talked a lot during the boat party; we shared a few cigarettes and talked, talked, talked as the boat flew on the surface of the Maas.
This time they were lovely; we are even planning to move in together, if we find a good apartment. I think we could become very good friends, perhaps their strategy of treating me like an old friend from the start worked well. I owe them a coffee.
When we left the café we went to the Marais, where they work in some sort of art gallery. It's such a pretty neighborhood, but I still struggle to reconcile all of its contradictions: its queerness with its hatred of poverty, its forwardness with its gentrification. 
I took the metro home, and had lunch quickly. Everything is so far apart here, and although the metro is fast it's not fast enough. Nothing ever is. 
In the afternoon I met up again with some people from my university. We went thrifting, and at first I felt the same uneasiness I had felt the night before. I think I am heavily influenced by the people around me, by their behavior: if they're more introverted, it gets harder for me to talk. Being in a smaller group of people makes it easier, but I always worry that my personality does not shine through when I speak in french.
I ended up buying a Pierre Cardin sweater for fifteen euros, a dirty ashtray I've been trying to make shine all morning, and Jean Cocteau's Les Parents terribles. It was around six something when, in front of a ressourcerie, we said goodbye to each other, with the plan to hang out after dinner at A.'s place. I bought some ginger beer and limes; T. - a very beautiful boy with thin features and a curly head of dark chocolate hair - bought some vodka and violet syrup. 
At home I did the laundry as I cooked. Multi-tasking has become my specialty. I freshened up as the tofu cooked; I put on my leather pants and a psychedelic brown t-shirt, and after eating I left the house with a heavy bag. 
A. lives far away from my place, close to the university, in an apartment smaller than mine but better furnished. Everything in it is new, polished. The space is well used, and I was so surprised by the amount of stocked-up food in her pantry. Mine is always empty, I only buy what I'll eat during the week. I ended up knocking on her door at ten p.m., already thinking about how to manage to get home before the metro closes at one a.m. 
I was not the last to arrive, Li. was still not there, but I saw Le. sitting on the couch, wearing the sweater vest he had bought earlier, and T. on the carpet, his legs crossed and his back to the wall. 
[cont. on the 17th September 2023, 8.37pm]
That night we ended up staying awake till dawn, drinking moscow mules and violet vodka sodas, sitting on the carpet and laughing at nothing and everything. 
We always talked in french, and I was surprised I could understand everything they said. Because we were not a lot of people, I could talk, cautiously. I still have to walk on the eggshells of grammar whenever I make up a phrase in my head, even at a store or at a café. It's terrifying to order a coffee and have the barista not realize what you want. Maybe it's because of the noise, maybe because of the low voice and whispered wish, maybe it's because I just, simply, said it wrong, pronounced it with too thick of an accent.
T. told me that my accent is foreign, but not necessarily Italian, or English like another guy said I sound like at times. 
At 5.30am T. and I decided we would leave. Le. and Li. stayed, asleep in A.'s bed, next to her among the green pillows and the soft comforter.
We took the first metro. The entrance was open despite it being too early for the first train, so we walked down the stairs and sat alone on the green plastic chair of the stop. We had sobered up by then, but we were so tired that it did not feel like it. The metro was full, silent workers commuting to work filling up all of the seats. 
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mercerhollowhq · 1 year
wanted connection +1
LORELAI RHODES ( madelyn cline ) is looking for HER SISTER ( lori has always been super close with her sister, helping one another out with clothes, make up, dating advice, etc. her sister is her cornerstone who she turns to now that hope is gone, since she feels like she can’t confide in their brother or dad, she turns to her sister. can be older or younger ) who looks like FLORENCE PUGH, SYDNEY SWEENEY, CHLOE ROSE ROBERTSON, LILI REINHART, ANY FEMALE FC THAT CAN PASS AS RELATED TO MADELYN. you do not have to talk to the mun before applying. ( peach / 22 / gmt / she/they. ) 
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serotoninhq · 2 years
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the team is thrilled to announce the following mun and muses have been accepted! we’re looking forward to develop this world and its future verses with you.
〔 josh whitehouse, 30, genderfluid, he&them ) jonah torres was seen listening to half-hearted by we three. jonah is a lead singer and known to be ebullient & fanciful ( kass )
〔 giancarlo esposito, 65, cis man, he & him ) arthur winters was seen listening to snow miser vs heat miser by rich chambers. artie is a retired voice actor and known to be curious & disorganized ( kass )
〔 leo suter, 29, cis man, he & him ) rhion abbott was seen listening to toxic by britney spears. rhion is a hockey player and known to be assertive & decadent ( kass )
〔 kennedy mcmann, 27, cis woman, she & her ) teagan prescott was seen listening to stonehenge by ylvis. tiggy is a historian and known to be adroit & loquacious ( kass )
〔 tenoch huerta, 40, demi man, he & them ) cody shaw was seen listening to you should probably leave by chris stapleton. cody is a repairman and known to be vehement & apathetic ( kass )
〔 thomas weatherall, 24, demi man, he/they ) weston murphy was seen listening to strawberries and cigarettes by troye sivan. west is a tech specialist and freelance hacker and known to be sociable & non-confrontational. ( beth )
〔 kit young, 28, genderfluid, any ) alistair cowan was seen listening to i don't dance from high school musical. ali is a professional baseball player and known to be excitable & forgetful. ( beth )
〔 berk cankat, 38, cis man, he/him ) kazim ekici was seen listening to can't pretend by tom odell. kaz is an occupational therapist and known to be generous & impatient. ( beth )
〔 greta lee, 40, nonbinary, they / them) nari an was seen listening to 'you' by keaton henson. nari is a chiropractor and known to be optimistic & restless ( sol )
〔 christian serratos, 32, cis woman, she / her) candelaria soto was seen listening to 'the less i know the better' by tame impala. aria is a makeup artist and known to be imaginative & reckless ( sol )
〔 morena baccarin, 43, nonbinary, they / them) laila namour was seen listening to 'talk shop' by duologue. laila is a dental hygienist and known to be enthusiastic & disorganized ( sol )
〔 maite perroni, 39, cis woman, she / her) isaura venegas was seen listening to 'telephone' by lady gaga. izzy is an actress and known to be hard-working & provocative ( sol )
〔 mishel prada, 33, genderfluid, she / they) valeria de oleo was seen listening to 'arsonist's lullaby' by hozier. val is a geneticist and known to be independent & secretive ( sol )
〔 ke huy quan, 51, cis man, he&him ) longwei zheng was seen listening to simple song by the shins. wei is a cinematic professor and known to be exuberant & scatterbrained ( rosalie )
〔 harris dickinson, 26, genderfluid, he&they ) keegan kennedy was seen listening to boyfriend by big time rush. keys is a male escort and known to be charismatic & avoidant ( rosalie )
〔 FKA twigs, 35, demi woman, she&they) birdie moreau was seen listening to heavy by peach prc. birdie is a freelance creative and known to be enigmatic & unreliable. ( rosalie )
〔 allison brie, 38, demi woman, she/her ) chloe foster was seen listening to i need to wake up by melissa etheridge. chlo is a singing teacher and known to be musical & irrational. ( beth )
〔 jack falahee, 28, demi man, he/they ) colton haase was seen listening to new religion by all time low. colt is a firefighter and known to be affable & rash. ( beth )
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