peachblossomss · 5 years
Hearth- a Naruto Fanfic (CH 2)
Hi, I don’t own Naruto or any of the characters in this story.
“Strip down here.” Sakura ordered. From my place just inside her household door, I could not help but immediately halt. I could feel my jaw drop. Sighing and quickly looking away, she elaborated. “Sasuke. You look like shit. You are a mess. You’re full of mud, stinky, and to top it all off, I just cleaned my house last night. So please. Take off those filthy rags, and I’ll show you to your room.” The tips of her ears were dusted in a light rose, as were her cheeks. Was it because she was upset, or because of the implications that her telling me to strip could provoke, had she not elaborated? “I’m sure all your clothes are dirty, I think I might have something sitting around that’ll fit you…” she trailed off, or I stopped listening. “Hn.” was all I could manage to say. If I opened my mouth further, I could not guarantee that I wouldn't be harsh with her. Who’s clothing would I be wearing what man would she-, no, what man would DARE to stay in her home? Her home is off limits. Sakura is off limits. I would have to have a little chat with whoever decided to stay here. I’ll have to somehow get her to tell me who was here last. Almost as if she was reading my mind, the next words out of her mouth answered my questions.
“...Naruto was here about a week or so ago” she smiled slightly, and my previous rage and determination to beat the man who stayed in her home to a pulp was slightly forgotten. The dobe was in for a beating. Didn’t he have his own place to stay?? More importantly, I was stuck wondering about the fact that her small, wistful smile affected me so much. Gods, what is happening to me? Tuning back in from my inner ramblings, she continued on with her little anecdote. “Hinata had just left for a diplomatic mission to Suna, and he claimed the “house was too empty without her warmth”, and he didn’t want to stay there alone...he was soo mopey. It was kind of cute, actually.” She giggled, and with that, it was back to Serious Sakura. “Leave your pack by the door, I’ll get your laundry started. You know where the bathroom is. There should be towels and washcloths in the cabinet next to the sink. Your room is the first left in the hallway, there’s fresh linens and everything. I’ll leave Naruto’s clothes outside of the door, for when you’re done. After that, we’re having tea. Did you eat already? Well...we don’t have to have tea, I’m sure you’re tired and all, since you’ve been travelling so long…” She trailed off, looking slightly unsure. The entire time she was talking, I was just staring. It was quite amusing, how quick she could go from rambling about Naruto, to bossing me around like a wife would to her husband, to being shy and unsure. I didn’t like that Sakura, the one without confidence. It reminded me of the times in which I had made her think she was anything less than strong and important. I didn’t understand what she could be unsure about, though. Of course I want to spend time with her.
Without a thought, I found myself raising my hand to poke her forehead. “Sakura...thank you”. As I walked away, I wasn’t sure if i could hear a slight gasp, or if it was just my imagination hoping so. On my way down the hall to the bathroom, I stopped in front of the room that was to be mine for the next couple of days/weeks/months. How many men has she helped? Does she boss them around like she did with me? Does she demand that they have tea together, and then become shy after? Does she was their laundry as well?  I hoped these small little things were only for me, but I could not be mad at her if they werent. Sakura is a caring and affectionate person by nature, and she would never turn down a comrade in need of help.
It was hard to believe that Sasuke was here in the flesh, I mean, he had been gone only for 5-ish months, but he never told me when he would be back, or really if he planned on coming back. It crushed me. When he left, he did say he would take me with him next time he came to the village, however, he was extremely vague on when that would be. Knowing him, it could have been years before he returned. Then again, he proved me wrong by returning here. On top of that he returned to me before seeing anyone else. Why did he come to my house rather than seeing Kakashi sensei? Perhaps he needed healing of some form.
 “Sakura.” a deep voice broke my internal musings, making me drop the mug I was grabbing from the cupboard.
“OH! Sasuke, I didn’t realize you were already out of the shower, what kind of tea would you like? I have camomile with lavender, irish breakfast tea, or jasmine. I can run out and get a different kind if none of these are to your liking…” UGH why does this always happen to me around him? I am always a nervous blubbering fool and it drives me crazy. He must think I’m insane.
“Tch, you’re a kunoichi, you should be more aware of your surroundings, Sakura. Camomile is fine.” Sasuke reprimanded as he walked further into my tiny little alcove of a kitchen.
“Are you sure? I know you like matcha the best. I’m fresh out, actually….” Nervously I began rummaging through my fridge. “As for food, I have some rice, some fruits, and I know for a fact that I have some dried cuttlefish somewhere. Are you hungry, Sasuke-kun? I don’t have much- today is my grocery day.”
“...Sakura, how can such a renowned healer only have leftover rice and dried fish in her house? We’ll go shopping. At the very least, I can cook in return for your letting me stay here.”  
I couldn't help but stop dead in my tracks. Not only was he teasingly reprimanding me, but he also was offering to cook for me, too? Run my errands with me? Before I even had time to respond, I felt Sasuke’s presence right behind me. “Annoying girl, do you even eat?” Leaning over my crouched form into my fridge he picked up an old soggy looking stalk of celery and tossed it on the kitchen counter. “Lets go, we’ll go shopping now.”
In a sudden bit of clarity, I could only see two issues with our little outing. “Sasuke-kun, what about letting Kakashi know you’re here? And Naruto? If he finds out from someone that you’re here, he won’t shut up for daaaays. I mean it! When I left for a mission without saying goodbye he cold shouldered me for two weeks after I got back. Of course, he came burling into my house the moment I returned. I suspect he just wanted to know I was okay.” I said with a light giggle. “He then turned up his nose and stormed out of the door he just threw open. Didn’t even say a word!!”
“Hn. The dobe can come to me if he has an issue with my being here. I’m not his boyfriend. I don’t have to come to him right away any time I step foot in this village. As for the old man, I suppose we’ll stop on the way to the market. The guards probably told him I’m back the thirty seconds after I stepped through the gates.”
In the short hour and a half that Sasuke has been back, I’ve noticed a change in him. What happened in those months he was gone? I can almost feel the lighter aura coming from him, when once, in his presence, all I could feel was his self loathing and bitterness towards the world. Maybe he found love on his travels? Oh my god...maybe he has a girlfriend and she’s helping him restore the clan? Or maybe he found out he is terminally ill and decided to live his life to the fullest??? One thing I know for certain, I would not take this new, lighter Sasuke for granted. I mean, for the most part he has always been more open with me, but today, it’s like he has let down all of his walls with me. A slight poke on my arm snapped me out of my ramblings. “Sakura, what’s going on with you today? You’re out of it. You should see Tsunade.”
“I’m fine, Sasuke-kun. I guess I’m still processing the fact that you’re, well, here. I expected you to be away much longer than this...I missed you.” I said, gathering my cardigan, wallet, and my keys. We should get a move on, the market will be getting busier this time of day, and we want the best options. Tally-ho!!” And with that, I grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of my little slice of heaven and into the bright midday sun of a calm Spring day. Instead of taking his hand out of my grasp like I expected him to, he grabbed my own and gave it a light squeeze before dropping it to my side. The blush that adorned my face was out of my control. Why is it that the simplest gestures caused me to spiral into a mess of emotions? We walked lazily to the Hokage tower, soaking in the first real day of sunshine and temperatures above 45° that Konoha has seen in about three months. Sasuke’s shoulder would occasionally brush mine as we avoided the bustling citizens wandering the streets. It might have been because Sasuke was here at my side,walking close enough that our hands were touching, but I felt as though everyone and their mother was out today, and they were all staring at us.
The trip to see Kakashi-sensei wasn’t as momentous as I had thought it would be. As Sasuke said, Kakashi already knew of his return.
“Ah Sakura! My favorite student! To what do I owe this visit?! And Sasuke too?” His eyes crinkled up above his ever present face mask. “Is there some love advice you two are in need of? I can lend you a copy of my Icha Icha books!”
With a glint in my eye I was about ready to throw one of the many stacks of papers on his desk to the ground. “Actually, Sensei,” I said with a sarcastic sneer, “Sasuke just stopped by to let you know he has returned to the village for the time being.”
“Ah yes, I knew the minute he walked past the gates. As you know, we just got new and improved security systems that can help detect chakra signatures from 5 miles away!! Although I am happy to see you two...I was getting a bit bored with all the paperwork here. Heh. Are you sure you don’t need those books? Could you maybe tell Shizune that you need them anyway? If you don’t I can take them off your hands...please? Sakura, my favorite! I need just a tiny tiny break from all of this dreadful Hokage business, and she’s taken that one escape away from me! She trusts you! She’d tell you where she’s hidden them in a heartbeat!”
“Sasuke,” I whispered, “We need to leave. Now. It’ll only get worse from here…”
“Some Hokage you are, old man. Lets go, Sakura.”
“No! Don’t go! Unless...are you going to get my books?!?!”
As we quickly made our way out of the Hokage Tower I made sure to stop by Shizune’s office.
“He’s getting worse, Shizune. He’s up to his neck in paperwork. Maybe offer Icha Icha Paradise as a reward for getting some of his work done?”
“Sakura! Sasuke-san! Was it that bad? When I left him about twenty minutes ago he was doing alright….” The poor girl...she got stuck with two Hokages who hated paperwork. One who had a drinking problem, and the newest one who had an addiction to his porn books. I could see the wrinkles from stress forming on her forehead. I sure dodged a bullet with that one, as Kakashi asked me to be his assistant when he first got elected into office.
“Yeah, Shizune, it was that bad. Anyway, we’re off. Lots of things to do, places to be, horny Hokages to avoid….you know, the usual!” with that I dragged a stunned Sasuke out of the doors and into the crowded streets. Sasuke stopped in his tracks, and stared at me with wide onyx eyes.
“What the fuck just happened?”
“Honestly Sasuke, I’m not too sure myself. He’s usually not this bad. Shizune always takes his books away for a little bit to try to goad him into working. He sets up elaborate schemes to get them from her. It kinda feels like we stepped into an alternate dimension for a bit, right?” I said, tiredly. “Let’s get to the market. I could really use a quick cup of coffee and maybe a light snack while we shop. And to forget about whatever that was.
As we walked through the village together, I couldn’t help but glance at the pink haired girl--no, woman, next to me. The years have been kind to her, and although we are still young, we have all been through so much. The young woman next to me is far different from the girl I knew before I left. Once upon a time, she was a tall, gangly little thing with bright green eyes, and a forehead too big for her face. Now, at almost 20, she’s grown into that forehead, her eyes still that bright, spring green despite all that she has seen.
“Sakura, you’re short.” I stated. She used to be taller than me. Now, she only comes up to my neck.
With widened eyes and a flustered expression, Sakura responded a little too quickly to hide her shock at my observation.  “Wha?! No I’m not! I’m average height, thank you very much! You-you’re too tall!”
“Hn.” I said, looking away. “It’s cute though..” I muttered into the breeze without a thought. I could feel the tips of my ears burning. Why is it that these thoughts come so easily to my brain? With a sigh, I couldn't help but wish that I was able to suppress them more.
“HUH? What was that Sasuke-kun? Do you care to repeat it? I am not short! Hey! Are you listening to me?”
“Sakura. Shut up.” I said, ruffling her hair, a slight smirk forming at the corners of my mouth. With a pout, she stomped off in the direction of the coffee shop closest to the market. “Annoying” I muttered to myself more than anyone. With a headstart to the little cafe ahead of us, I had to jog a bit to catch up. The place must have been newly built after Pein’s invasion. As the old Konoha had hardly any cafes. The only one being an old teahouse that hardly had any visitors. This place, however, had a new, yet homey feel to it, with large glass windows allowing the bright sun in, little tables inside of a delicate white fence surrounding the small patio, and green plants hanging everywhere. I could see Sakura spending her time here when she wasn’t working at the hospital, training, or reining in Naruto’s crazy antics.
I just got to her in time for us to order our drinks. Sakura ordering a chai tea with extra cinnamon, and a raspberry danish was no surprise to me. The girl had an insatiable sweet tooth, which was one thing that never changed throughout our childhood.
“Sasuke-kun, did you want anything? My treat!” Her previous annoyance with me seemed to be forgotten.
“I’ll take an iced coffee, no sugar, and room for cream. I’ll find us somewhere to sit.”
“Hm, okay! Somewhere by a window, please!”
For some reason, I felt light today. The biggest part due to Sakura’s presence. She made me feel calm, despite all of the worries floating in my head. I knew the moment I decided to come back to the village that I would ask her to leave with me, but I didn’t know how she would answer. Perhaps she has decided that she’s needed in the village, working at the hospital. She mentioned, one brisque fall evening before I left, that she wanted to open up a mental health ward for orphaned children. It was one of those nights where I found myself unable to leave her presence, although I couldn’t place why. Now, after months of being away I could finally realize it. Her presence was something I could no longer be without for more than necessary. Her smile was something I wished to see every day. The way she blushed and looked away smiling when she caught me staring, like just now, was something that comforted me on my travels. Sakura Haruno had loved me for a long time. I came to realize I’ve loved her just as long. The avenger in me shoved those feelings so far into the recesses of my soul for most of my life. The darkness shrouded so much love from my precious people, and I was blinded. Sakura deserves better than me, but I made an unspoken promise to her, and to myself that day five months ago. I promised to be a man worthy of the love she has curated for years. To be worthy of her. However, that didn't stop me from wondering, did she still want to travel with me? Did she still love me the way she did, all those years ago? My mind was heavy with the thoughts that she may not want that, or me, any longer. After all, I have left her behind so many times before.
“Sasuke-kun!! What should we make for lunch? I was thinking some sukiyaki? Or we could keep it simple and do miso soup and rice?”
“Sukiyaki sounds nice, lets go check Mr. Yuashi’s stand for the vegetables. He always has the best selection.”
  “Ah, Sasuke, he’s in the hospital currently...nothing to serious! Just a simple case of pneumonia...but I don’t think his wife was able to run the stand alone. Mrs. Uzuko however, has a nice stand as well. She grows all of her vegetables in a little garden outside of the village! That’s where I usually get your tomatoes from. She actually gave me a small cherry tomato plant since I was constantly buying them.”
“Hn, let’s go there then. It seems as though more is changing in the village since i’ve been gone. What else is new, besides the coffee shop?”
“Well, since the war ended, we were able to hire contractors from other villages to help us get back on our feet after the invasion. Beforehand, we didn’t have the manpower to spare anyone for those projects, and we couldn't ask anyone from other smaller villages for help, since they were all trying to stay safe from Madara and all that was happening. There has been an influx of small shops opening up now since we have more space. It’s been really cool, actually. Civilians from other villages have been moving here to try and expand their businesses, and it’s greatly improved our trade with different nations. Just recently, I found a new plant shop that opened up near the old Uchiha district. His name is Sechi and he’s from Suna. Oh my gods, Sasuke! He has some amazing herbs and plants that can only grow in the hot desert environment! I made a really cool salve that can help with sunstroke. The leafs can also be used to cure vomiting and heartburn. He also-sorry, am I rambling? I’m rambling. Anyway, the village always seems to be growing these days. It makes me happy.”
Sakura could talk for hours, and when that used to annoy me, I now found myself being pulled in by every word she said. I realized I hadn’t said anything since she stopped talking 45 seconds ago. She would probably take that as me not wanting to talk, solidifying her thought that I would presumably be annoyed by her ramblings. “The relationships between Hidden Villages and smaller ones alike seem to be strengthening. Change within the shinobi world is changing. That gives me hope. Thank you, Sakura, for telling me.I would like to see that shop sometime, but for now... Let’s get our ingredients and go home, I’m getting hungry.” With that, I grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the small line in front of the produce stand so we could finally get back to the solace of her small apartment.
Never in my life did I expect Sasuke to be such a proficient chef. The minute we arrived back to my house, he was a tornado of efficiency in the kitchen. Somehow, he managed to find everything he needed without any help.
“Is there anything I can help with?”
“Not even cutting the vegetables?”
“No, Sakura, just go do whatever. I’ll call you when the food is ready.”
. . .
“Actually, do you have any sake? I didn’t see any in your cabinets. That would go well with this dish.”
“Hah! You’re really asking me, the Fifth Hokage's apprentice, if I have any sake? Of course I do! You don’t train under Tsunade-shishou and not learn to have sake on deck, just in case. That woman would tear my house apart looking for some if Shizune even took it away from her for more than two days.”
“Off you go, then.”
With that, I was dismissed from the kitchen. Sasuke really seemed different, like there was a burden lifted off his chest. My earlier thought of him having a woman outside of the village floated through my mind, but I decided that he wouldn’t have held my hand earlier if he had someone else. I know with my heart that Sasuke is loyal to those he considers his precious people through and through. Although his past actions may contradict that, he isn’t leading a path of redemption for no reason. While Sasuke was busy cooking our lunch, I got to organizing a box of old pictures that my mother had dropped of the day before. As I was shuffling through them, I came across a picture of Team Seven in the Land of Waves. A picture I completely forgot taking. It was our first big mission, and we didn’t even know it at that point. It’s crazy how time has passed, how each of us has persevered against all odds. Although we don’t always get to see each other at the same time, what with Sasuke traveling, Naruto being with Hinata, and Kakashi being the Hokage, that family tie will forever be there. Those are my boys and they always will be. Lost in my reminiscing, I didn't hear Sasuke come up behind me until he was crouched down behind me, looking at the picture in my hand, his breath warm on my ear.
“We were such spring babies then. We had no clue how big of an opponent we would be facing with Zabuza and Haku. We didn’t know of the trails we would all have to face in the coming years.”
Gasping, I dropped the picture. “Geeze, Sasuke-kun, can’t you make some noise when you’re walking around?? But yeah, we had no clue then...I remember you being so unwilling to take that picture. Actually, this is the first time I’ve seen it. After that mission, I didn’t even bring my camera with me anymore. I completely forgot about it. My mom must have developed the pictures for me...I would have liked to have this when you were gone.”
“Why’s that?
“So I could look back on times that were simpler. Times when you were still here. I now understand why you left, however I still don’t think it was the right choice. Part of me is greatful, still. Without your leaving, I think I would have stayed stuck in my old ways. Relying on you and Naruto to protect me…”
“I’m sorry Sakura. You deserved better than that. But I’m glad you’re stronger because of it.The food is ready. Let’s go eat.” he said as he pulled on a lock of my hair. “It’s grown out a bit, I like it at this length. It suits you well.”
With a slight blush, I made to get up, but not before Sasuke held out his sole hand to help me up from my position on the floor.
“Thank you. For being here, and for making lunch. Sasuke...if you don’t mind me asking...how’d you cut the vegetables and tofu with one hand?”
“Simple, I summoned a hand made from my susanoo.”
“Sasuke-kun, you’re ridiculous. I would have helped, you know.”
“Hn. Too bad.” he said with the slight smile he’s only shown in my presence.
The food was better than I expected. Not only was he confident in the battle field, but he was in the kitchen as well. Was this man skilled in every aspect of life? My imagination got the best of me as I imagined coming home from a long day to a shirtless Sasuke, adorned with the lemon printed apron I keep hanging up in the kitchen, inviting me to the bedroom...in this fantasy, he cooked me a lavish breakfast in bed, and he was the dessert. The blush that covered my face was impossible to hide.
“Sakura, is everything alright? You’re flushed.”
“Ha! Haa..yeah, I’m fine! Must be the sake getting to me. Although I know how to handle my alcohol, it doesn’t stop me from getting blushed really easily!!!!!!” I lied through a sip of said sake. “This is amazing, Sasuke. Is there anything you can’t do?” I let my inner thought slip out, despite my wish to keep those thoughts strictly to myself. Perhaps the alcohol was getting to me more than usual.
“Hn, you’ll just have to find out.” Voiced the smirking Uchiha from behind his own cup of sake, the somehow deeper vibrato of his voice cascading across the table. What exactly that meant, I wasn’t sure of, and I couldn’t help the shiver of a n t i c i p a t i o n that went down my spine.
Helllooo lovely readers! I hope you like the newest installment of Hearth. I’m sorry I’ve been inactive for so long! I am hoping to update more frequently, however I am a super busy person and this is more of a passtime for me. I’m trying to keep this as cannon as possible, so pleeeease let me know if the characters seem too OOC (especially Sasuke). I want to show that through his short time on his travels, he has begun to change. That doesn’t mean his demons are gone and he is no longer the brooding Sasuke we all know. ANYWHO, please review/like etc. Thank you all so much! ***Pls see the authors note on my ff.web page for more in depth info about when this takes place and such.*** 
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peachblossomss · 6 years
Everlasting Inferno
Summary: In a time of peace and love, an angel of the highest order, Sasuke Uchiha, finds out a dark secret of the society he lives in. His actions have consequences, a war begins, and he is cast out of Heaven. His life from then on was one of darkness. Where was his light? Angel AU. Mainly SasuSaku, including NaruHina and NejTen. Rated M.
Link on FF.net!! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12899698/1/Everlasting-Inferno
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto
Chapter Two 
Focus, Sakura, focus!! Damn. The pink haired Virtue huffed as she went through a new taijutsu sequence she was honing in on.
“Ugh, I am never going to get this!! TENTEN WHY’D YOU LEAAVEE” She shouted irritatedly. Wiping the sweat from her pale, freckled brow, she slumped to the glens grassy ground. It was a sunny summery sort of day, and the boys were all on a mission to Earth, (Something about interfering in a battle that was about to break out between two human civilizations. They thought she was a liability to their success). So when she awoke on the day of the mission, Sakura decided to train. She decided she wasn’t going to be a liability any longer. Those fools! Just because I’m not as strong as them doesn’t mean I am such a liability that I had to be left behind. This is the last time. I’m done being worthless in their eyes, she thought to herself with heated determination. With those words, the small, ungraceful angel sat up and took off towards a rocky precipice where her training grounds resides. I. Am. Not. Weak. Focusing her chakra to her feet, the girl of 17 flings herself from the edge, launching far into the buoyant clouds above. Unleashing her slender, ivory wings, she makes an almost graceful aerial flip. Sakura starts plummeting back down to the training ground, tucking her wings in as she goes. I will become great. I am no longer the girl who hides behind the back of a man. With a war cry, the cherry blossom angel speeds herself up by kicking the air with chakra powered through her feet. With quick relocation of her chakra to her fist, the angel pushes toward the ground. In seconds Sakura knows she will land upon the springy grass. “I AM NOT WEAK!!!!!!!!!!” she yells, and with her small, dainty fist, the once picturesque, serene field becomes nothing but a mess of dirt and upturned trees and flowers.
“My,my, my!” A smooth feminine voice sang amusedly. “That was quite the show, Sakura.”
The pinkette spun around quickly in her self-made crater, facing the voice who called her name.
“T-Tsunade-sama! Good afternoon.” she said, with embarrassment.
“Where did you learn such a technique? You have not sought out my aid in becoming a better protector, how did you learn of my chakra manipulation practices?”
“Uhhh…” Sakura stammered, “Well, you see, I have always admired you, and well I have always been amazed on how strong you are, so naturally I watched you whenever you would train with Jiraiya-san, and can I just say, he’s a bigger perv than Kakashi-sensei! Anyway, well, I simply put two and two together. I mean, your medical healing chakra is used by manipulating chakra from your hands to someone else, and I learned the same can be applied while trying to focus chakra for other purposes, like defence and striking…” she trailed off.
“Sakura Haruno!” Tsunade snapped, “I believe you to have talent. Like you expressed, you are not weak, and I believe you have the determination and intelligence of someone who could be great. I am not promising you will become powerful like myself and the other Seraphim, but I can help you become your best you. From this moment on, you will be my apprentice. You’re expected to be here tomorrow, 6am sharp.” With a smirk and a wink, the great Tsunade of The Virtues, one of the top Seraphim, unleashed her deep honey colored wings, that appeared to be dipped in crimson, and flew away into the skies above.
And with that, the ungraceful, frazzled girl slumped down into the now upturned grass once again. She giggled to herself, unabashedly and full of excitement. From a distance, her aristocratic and stoic teammate perched in a tree, he had been watching the events that just transpired. He gasped as Sakura launched herself from the cliffs edge, although he knew she had wings to catch the wind. He stared transfixed as she spun gracefully through the air and plummeted with heart dropping speed towards the grassy plain. He stood in amazement as she created such astounding damage with her feminine hand, and he had to agree, she was not weak. When Tsunade of The Virtues declared that Sakura would become her apprentice, he could not have been more proud and in awe of his annoying little teammate.
(a few days later)
As Sasuke walked home from his meditation, on a calm, blissful evening, he found himself wondering what his team of friends was up to that night. Was Naruto eating ramen again? Was Sakura with Tsunade, learning how to enhance her skills even more? He pictured the pink haired angel flipping so elegantly through the air, as if she had done it a million times. Sakura... when did you change? How could Naruto and I not see that you have become so different from the girl we first met? When did you start caring about your power as a Virtue and as a protector of Heaven? He walked along the edge of the paths, eyes closed and simply using his other senses to guide his way, lost in his confusing thoughts.
“Sasuke-kuuunn! Wait for me!” he heard from behind
“Tch, what do you want, Sakura? I have somewhere to be.” Sasuke asked, whilst pretending the owner of that soft voice wasn’t just the topic of his inner monologue. A slight blush began to dust his cheeks before he could help it.
“I was just wondering how your mission a few days ago went? I haven’t seen you or Naruto since you all left.”
“Hn, It was fine. We were able to interfere before there were any mass casualties, although, there were a few men who decided they could defeat us, and also defeat their enemy.” he snorted. “They didn’t last long, but Kakashi said not to harm them too much. It was actually kind of amazing, we never really get to apply our battle skills while on a mission...” strangely and near frighteningly, he found himself almost unable to stop telling Sakura of their mission.
“Hmph, well, I’m glad you had such a nice time. While you were away, I had a run in with  Tsunade-shishou---”
“Sasuke, little brother, I think it’s time you take your leave from your friend. Father and Mother have an important meeting to attend and they’d like you to be home when they leave.”  a deep, smothering voice interrupted Sakura’s floaty tone.
“Itachi-san!” she gasped, lowering her eyes, “Good evening! I apologize for keeping Sasuke away when he has family duties to attend to, I will take my leave.”
“Sakura, I’m prou--” before Sasuke could finish his sentiment, the Virtue girl bowed, then flashed away in a swirl of deep green mist, much like the color of her eyes, and a cherry blossom sent, one which often follows along with the pinkette.
“Itachi! I was well on my way home. She simply asked how the last team mission went, it would have been rude of me to ignore her. She is my teammate.” Sasuke bit out.
“Now, now, little brother. I know you wanted to spend time with your little girlfriend, but there is important matters Father would like to discuss with you before he and Mother embark on their meeting to Madaras household.”
“First, she is not my girlfriend. Second, do you know what it is about?”
Itachi becons Sasuke over with a slight, sad smile. “You’ll learn soon enough, Sasuke-kun” and with that, the elder Uchiha brother lightly taps Sasuke upon his forehead, and turns to walk home. What is that all about? What will I learn?? Can’t he just tell me for crying out loud?! From then on out, they walked in silence. One, pouting because he was kept in the dark, unknowing of how lucky he was, and the other trying to numb his mind to the tragic truths he knew. When the pair arrived at the Uchiha compound, where all of the Throne angels reside, Sasuke finds his demanding Father in the entryway.
 “Sasuke, what do you know of the humans and their purpose?”
“Father, what do you mean? They are simply living in peace as God’s creations.”
“FUGAKU! In here, NOW!” yelled a voice from the kitchen. “I thought we agreed we were going to discuss this matter once we returned!” Chided Sasuke’s mother, Mikoto. Fugaku promptly left the boys and walked towards his wife’s formidable distaste. 
“Now, dear, Sasuke deserves to know!” Fugaku tried miserably to whisper.
“He is too young! He has not yet met the hundred years required to become a participating member of Heavens ranks! He should not have to carry the burden of…” her voice died out as the doors to their cozy little kitchen slid closed . Sasuke looked to his older brother in confusion, only to find Itachi had disappeared from their home. What in God’s name is going on? The boy fumed quietly to himself, shuffling loudly out of the room. Whatever it is, I don’t want to be kept in the dark any longer.
The meeting which his parents attended came to pass. His father never brought up what he was going to tell his son, and his loving mother pretended the events that day never occured. So he never asked.
Naruto woke with a start. What was that god awful noise?! Can’t a guy get any sleep around here?!!!!”
“NAARUTO! You better be awake!!” yelled a teasing, feminine voice. The boy groned as he rolled out of bed “Sakura-chan, you must be early! We aren’t going to the lake until this afternoon!”, he said disbelievingly, as he opened the door.
“You idiot, it’s already the afternoon! Come on, get dressed! We have our monthly picnic by the lake, and this time I didn’t forget the wine!” Sakura giggled. The two lively members of Team Seven walked slowly to their favorite spot on the lake, taking their time, joking, and smelling the flowers along their way. Heaven was a beautiful place, with lavish lakes, bubbling streams, powerful rivers, hills, dense forests, beautiful plains, and even some deserts. Heavens beauty never seemed to end, the Seven Heavens, as most angels called the group of floating land that made up the paradise in the sky. It was easy to get lost in the serenity of each and every ray of godly light that was cast upon their home.
“It’s so peaceful here, I never want to leave” the pinkette sighed contently.
“Yeah…it’s pretty peaceful here…”
“Nar, you okay? Whatcha thinking about? Hinata-chan?”, she winked. You know, you should ask her out already! She’s entranced by your daftness” Sakura teased, flicking him on the side of his head.
“Sakura,” Naruto stared at her with disquieted, deep blue eyes. “What if I told you that things weren’t as peaceful as they seemed…?”
“What do you mean Naruto?” The teasing tone gone from her voice, her emerald green eyes reflecting the anxiousness in her male companions.
“Well, recently, the tree has been emiting these, these vibes. I am troubled by them, I feel like something bad is going to happen. I don’t know what they mean, but, it’s strange... I feel almost more powerful, if that makes sense? Like... there is a part of me that can’t wait for this dark event to happen.” He whispered.
He looked up as he felt a delicate hand being placed on his shoulder. “Naruto, no matter what, I believe there is a solution to the reason for the Tree of Life to be acting erratically, and I know Sasuke-kun and I will help you understand what these foreboding feelings mean.” With that, the two angels fell into a contemplative silence, watching the light slowly fade from their endless skies. They didn’t know just how true Naruto’s feelings and intuition from the tree would come be. Indeed, something dark was happening.
AN: Hello once again! Peach here! Thank you for the reviews for chapter one! When I checked the story this morning, I was beyond ecstatic to see four reviews in under 24 hours. I feel like that’s pretty dang awesome for my first chapter of my first fic!! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart<3 This story is going to be broken up into parts. We are currently on Part One, chapter two (tbh this ch could have been waaaay longer, but for flow purposes I decided to break it up a bit more). I am not entirely sure how many chapters each part will have, and in all, I am not sure how many parts this story will have (most likely 3 or 4). The first part is going to be a sort of prelude to future parts, where there will be more sasusaku + other ship interactions. The first part isn’t meant to be super duper long, but I want you all to have a good understanding of the basic plot and background information, that will relate to part two. I will try my best to update frequently, but I do work full time, and I am also a part-time student. I currently have no Beta/ anyone in general to read over my writings, so I’m sorry if there are plot holes and grammar errors. It also takes a lot to not only write, but also outline and review each chapter. I really am trying to get some chapters out fast (bc I absolutely love binge reading a fic, and I’m sure you’re all excited and interested to see how this all unfolds ^_^). Please let me know if anything needs clarification! Once again, please leave your comments, questions, and critiques. Much love!!
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peachblossomss · 6 years
Everlasting Inferno
Summary: In a time of peace and love, an angel of the highest order, Sasuke Uchiha, finds out a dark secret of the society he lives in. His actions have consequences, a war begins, and he is cast out of Heaven. His life from then on was one of darkness. Where was his light? Angel AU. Mainly SasuSaku, including NaruHina and NejTen. Rated M.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto
FF.net: peachblossom0225
Link to story: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12899698/1/Everlasting-Inferno
His world from that day on was nothing but a slow burning inferno, and there was no way to escape. His only salvation was her, and she was nowhere to be found.
Part One:
Sasuke Uchiha was a boy of simple things. He enjoyed lounging in the grass, listening to the lull of the babbling stream. He also enjoyed being alone. His family, the only Thrones in all of Heaven,known for their raven locks and stoic nature, revered the quietness of solitude. Those two things the young Uchiha angel enjoyed were extremely difficult to do, when one was discovered in their attempt at hiding away. Most times it was his boisterous companion, Naruto. Naruto seemed to carry light within his smile. It was common of the Cherubim angels to glow, for they protected the Tree of Life, and the light of that tree was sure to affect those closest. Most were witty and sharp, but alas, that was not the case for the Cherubim boy who became one of Sasuke’s closest friends. On other occasions, it was the annoying girl of their ragtag group, Sakura Hurano, who decided to bother him, whether it was to ask if he wanted to take a walk with her, or to poke at him while they waited for their next training session with their always late, liar Sensei, Kakashi Hatake. Sakura came from the Second Sphere of angels, a group called the Virtues. She was the exact opposite of the ideals and poise most Virtues followed. She was not strong, illuminating, or divine. She did not cause miracles, and she did not bring peace and grace with her. She was weak, talkative, clumsy, and most of all, annoyingly focused on her appearance. The Virtues did not produce any distinct and powerful clans, they were angels with moderate power, and in some rare cases, the lead Virtue, Tsunade, who was also a Seraphim, would grant a Virtue with her even more alluring and otherworldly powers of healing, regeneration, and extreme strength and control of power. Sakura would never be one of those exceptional angels. She was kind, for the most part, though, Sasuke thought to himself.
On the occasions when he was bothered, he suffered their intrusions with little to no emotion.
Luckily, though, Kakashi was usually able to make it within a half hour of their meeting time, but that’s only if Sasuke manages to sneak into Kakashi’s home and change all his clocks. On the unlucky days, like today, they had to wait just a few hours longer than normal.
“Oi Sakura, Sasuke-teme, if Kakashi-sensei isn't here in five more minutes, we’re leaving to get ramen, dattebayo!!” exclaimed Naruto.
“Dobe, we’re not leaving, he’ll show.” droned Sasuke.
“Quite honestly, we should go and look for him, perhaps he’s simply forgotten we planned on training togeth-” mused Sakura as Sasuke started talking. She stopped abruptly, noticing that Sasuke was saying they should stay and wait.
“Sasuke-kun is right, Naruto” she quickly intoned, “we should stay put.”
“Hn, all you do is agree.” Sasuke breathed quietly to himself.
As soon as the Uchiha boy stopped talking, said Sensei decided to appear in a puff of smoke, leaning against a tree, reading his god awful porn book. “Yo, sorry I’m late. Well, I’m not really sorry, you see, Guy was attempting to save a cat from a tree and he himself got stuck so naturally, I had to stop and watch his stupid ass fall from the branches. He acts like he doesn't know how to focus chakra... Speaking of focusing chakra, that’s what we’re working on today. In battle, you will not always be able to fly out of a situation, so you’ll need to work on new ways to evade and enhance your fighting skills. You have five minutes to meet me at the Valley of The End, there is a lovely waterfall on which we can work upon.”
With that, the aloof sensei disappeared in a similar manner as he arrived, leaning against a tree, reading his lewd excuse of a book. Two of the three rookies groaned in unison, the third scoffed at his two lazy excuses of teammates. How can they sit here and try to become protectors of Heaven when they don’t even want to learn, for God's sake?! Sasuke fumed.
“Dobe, how are you going to sit here and say you’re stronger than me if you aren’t even willing to do this training. You really are dead last.” Sasuke taunted. “
The team of young angels, along with their Sensei were sent on missions of peace to other worlds, disputing political disagreements amongst other, lesser Gods and assisting their followers. Usually though, they were sent down to Earth to assist in mankind's growth as forming societies, help with their relations to one another, try to perform miracles, and ultimately, protect each other. Although, in Sasuke’s opinion, it was usually him protecting Sakura because Naruto got them into extremely stupid situations. He begrudgingly learned the power of teamwork, and learned how he could become more powerful and successful in his endeavors if he worked with others. During these long trips to the world in which humans resided, Sasuke scarcely found time to himself. He became irritable on some instances, afterall, one can only take so much of two, very loud and annoying teammates, and one, extremely pervy sensei.
Sasuke was sitting quietly next to a dim fire, the team decided to spend the night in a shrine dedicated to his family, the Uchiha, and their greatness. He was lost in thought of the last interaction he had with his older brother, Itachi. What did Itachi mean when he said it wasn't safe to speak on their property? All I asked was if he wanted to train when I got back from this mission. Suddenly, his wondering was interrupted by a small, unsure voice.
“So, Sasuke, I was thinking, when we get back, would you be able to show me that new taijutsu sequence you were lear-”
What an annoying girl!! Sasuke thought bitterly. The one damn time I am able to have some peace and quiet on this trip she has to show up.
“...and then maybe we can go to that really cool pond that Ino found with the rest of our classmates...? Naruto and Hinata already said yes.”
“Sakura, shut up. I do not want to show you. I don’t want to spend time with you unless I have to. You don’t want to learn, you just want to flirt. Talk to me when you’re serious about being a protector of heaven. I don't have time for trips to some pond that serves no purpose other than inane entertainment. Sasuke snapped coldly.
“Oh..okay, Sasuke-kun…” Sakura said shakily, while holding back a sob.
Sakura left quietly, running away and far up a tree with ease, afterall, she ended up having the best chakra control of the threesome. Good riddance, Sasuke thought, I really can’t afford such nuances. Father expects me to become as strong as Itachi, and if everyone around me does nothing but frolic, I’ll never exceed Itachi. I’ll never be important to Father. Itachi will never recognize me as his equal. Sasuke pondered and marinated in his irritation and self-loathing until he heard a bored voice deadpan his way.
“You know, Sasuke, you should maybe, just slightly sugarcoat things for her. You know how emotional she can get...and quite honestly, I think she sounded earnest in her want to learn the sequence from you. Now, now, before you say anything, I know she isn’t the most skilled in anything, really, but that doesn’t mean you should let your teammate stay at their level of current mediocre-ness. She came to you because you are skilled. You are a prodigy.”
“Kakashi, I don’t need a guilt trip from you. It is your job as our “Sensei” to teach, and if she isn’t accelling, not only is it her fault, but it is also yours. Maybe you’re not as great as they say you are…?” Sasuke jokes, albeit very mildly and in a condescending manner.
“Sasuke, I suggest you shut the fuck up, because I can leave you here right now and make you find your own way to the stairway, if thats what you’d like?” Kakashi replied, with a short chuckle and a glint in his singular, steel grey eye.
Sasuke shuts up. Damn, he thinks, maybe I should go see if Sakura is okay…
And so, the rookie protectors grow, Sasuke learns to care more, Sakura learns to care less, to work harder for herself, and Naruto learns when he should keep his mouth shut. The Uchiha’s companionship with Team Seven, as well as his other classmates, grows, even if it’s just a little bit, and slowly but surely, he becomes almost as powerful as his beloved older brother. That is all he’s ever wanted.
AN: Hello! My name is Paige, but I like to go by Peach. I’m new to this whole fanfiction thing, and I was never really fantastic at creative writing. I’m not sure where this is exactly going, but i have a rough draft and I’m just working out the details as I go. There will be flashbacks, there will be more in depth characterization, there will be more inner monologue with more points of view, and there will be more detailed descriptions. I just needed to get a good basis for the background and plot line, which will further be discovered in Part One. There are some things I’d like to clear up right away though. I really am trying to keep characters in canon characterization, but with all the AU elements. Currently, the gang is around 12, which is like, mega babies in angel world. They won’t reach adulthood until they’re at least 100 years old (in human years). When it comes to religion, I am trying to portray a world in which there are multiple religions and gods, and one overseeing God, which the angels are directly affiliated with. The overseeing God, Hashirama, will be explained more as the story goes on. I myself, am not very religious, but I have always thought of angels and their role in religion to be very interesting, and this is my take on this This is mainly a Sasusaku/Team 7 fic with some other character interaction. Please please pleeeease leave your comments, questions, and any criticisms you have for me!! Much love! -Peach
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