#everlasting inferno
padfootagain · 1 month
Love in Verses (II)
Chapter 2 : ‘Through me the way to the City of Woe’
Hi, everyone!!! Here we go for a second chapter! Drama is upon us, the plot is plotting! Let me also introduce you to Samantha, Andrew’s partner… I’m sure you’re going to love her a lot…
I hope you like this series! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader (professor!AU)
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt, hurt/comfort, tooth-rotting fluff in later chapters, some scenes in later chapters will have heavy sexual themes even if it’s not explicit nsfw description, so minors here
Summary: Your life seems perfect. You're engaged, your career is thriving as you become an assistant professor at Trinity College, and this Andrew Hozier-Byrne you're sharing an office with seems to be a nice guy you hope to call a friend soon. Life seems to be smiling at you... until everything goes sour. When your fiancé breaks up with you, your perfect world shatters. And when your colleague also gets his heart broken soon after, your shared office seems to be a curse rather than a blessing. But Andrew seems determined to mend your broken hearts... Will things finally go according to plan?
Word Count: 4510
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s masterlist – Main masterlist
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Through me the way to the City of Woe, Through me the way to everlasting pain, Through me the way among the lost. Justice moved my maker on high. Divine power made me, Wisdom supreme, and primal love. Before me nothing but things eternal, And eternal I endure. Abandon all hope, you who enter here.
Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy : Inferno, Canto III, 1321
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Andrew was tired, but then he was tired all the time.
As he prepared himself a strong coffee that morning, Sam was busy on her phone, probably going through her social media or reading the news. It didn’t really bother him, he was quiet in the morning anyway, liked to start slowly, to emerge into the world in a silent and gentle way. He was naturally a night owl, it was a struggle every morning to get out of bed early. At least, before the new year of classes started, he could go to work later, no classes schedule early these days.
Elwood was sleeping again. After an early walk around the neighbourhood, the dog was back on his comfortable bed, curled in a black and white ball, softly snoring. Andrew looked at his dog with love, refraining from petting his head, choosing to let him rest instead. He was a good boy, he deserved all the sleep he wanted.
He thought of you as he poured some coffee in his favourite mug. The meeting to distribute classes for the upcoming year was today. Of course, there had been one already before summer, so lecturers could begin preparing their classes if they needed. But some new arrivals would change a few things, some negotiations between lecturers too. Andrew himself was going to switch a class with Colm, another professor from the English department, inheriting a class about Yeats’s poetry instead of biblical studies. If he wasn’t against some religious metaphors – and given the weight of religion in Ireland, Andrew reckoned that he could never escape from it anyway – he was happy to avoid teaching about it.
But you were new at Trinity, and he wanted you to enjoy yourself during your first year. Upon his arrival, Andrew had lacked a guide, someone who would explain to him how things worked, especially the more selfish and ruthless side of the institution. If Trinity was wrapped in traditions, it was also filled with professors who cared little about their colleagues thriving in their academic pursuits, especially if that meant compromising with their own wants. Some professors were kinder than others, more willing to compromise. He’d help you navigate through the meetings, and hoped you could get to choose your classes too…
“My mother wants to invite us on Sunday,” Sam broke the silence that covered Andrew’s kitchen. A blank silent, an emotionless one; neither uncomfortable of comfortable, one that was there to settle on the furniture and in the corners of the room and simply lay there, undisturbed.
“I can’t on Sunday, I’m helping Jon with his film project, and then I’ll have lunch at my parents’. You were supposed to come to lunch with me.”
Andrew turned to Samantha then, sipping on his coffee and grabbing an apple as a breakfast. She said nothing, but her frown spoke volume. She was annoyed, maybe even angry.
“It was planned, baby. I’m sorry, we can go next week.”
“I think I’ll go see my parents anyway,” she said, her tone cold and firm, the one Andrew knew meant that he had no chance of changing her mind. He heaved a sigh, rubbed at his tired eyes with the back of his hand.
“As you wish, I’ll warm my mom.”
“You’re really not coming with me?” she asked, and her eyes were throwing daggers at him.
Andrew bit on the inside of his cheek, his stare growing sterner as well.
“I had planned to spend time with my family, and my brother needs my help. I’ll come with you another time.”
We had planned to spend time with my family… but he didn’t say that out loud, unwilling to start an argument.
She mumbled something under her breath, turning to her phone again; something about ‘a useless film’, and Andrew didn’t want to hear her comment, he knew he wouldn’t like it.
“Won’t you be late for work?” she asked, her voice calmer again, but the remark annoyed Andrew anyway.
“I don’t have classes, and the meeting is at 1pm, I can take my time.”
She could have added a comment on his time blindness, but she didn’t, and he was grateful for it. He relaxed a bit thanks to that.
“Busy day for you today?” he asked, and she heaved a sigh in response.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ll come over tonight. Besides, we might go for drinks with the guys from the tech company we’re working with at the moment. Do you remember? I told you about them.”
“Of course, I remember, honey,” he answered with a soft, tender voice.
“I still haven’t finished that bloody logo for them…”
Andrew was brought back to their university days then, when she studied art and he studied literature. When she longed to paint all day long and he fumbled through notebooks and broken guitar strings. When they both had dreams that were too big for them. They had made a choice, had decided to finish their degrees, and not to make the hardest of the sacrifices that would have opened the gates to a life filled with art. Andrew had changed major from music to English during his first year, had passed his exams instead of spending his time in a studio. Samantha had specialized in design and publicity, and had given up her brushes that painted the coasts of Ireland in favour of simpler shapes created on a screen. Andrew couldn’t say that he had regrets about it. He liked his life like this, on the outskirts of Dublin, sharing his love for poetry, writing his own poems, waking up most days by Samantha’s side, even if after all these years she still didn’t want them to move in together, and he couldn’t fathom why. He loved his job beyond measure, always finding a fascinating detail to study, something new to read that would shake his world. He still sang with friends when he felt like it, sometimes wrote music to fit his poetry. He had a full life, a happy one, he couldn’t complain, really.
He thought about the engagement ring he had bought once, when she wasn’t ready to get married. She had said no, it had broken something inside of him. But he loved her, he would be patient, he could wait, and anyway, that was years ago…
“You’ll do an amazing job, you always do,” he encouraged her, but she rolled her eyes.
“You’re too sweet sometimes,” her words were spoken as criticism, not as a compliment. He clenched his jaw.
“Anyway, I’ll be pretty busy too, today,” he said, even though she hadn’t asked about his plans for the day, but then she hardly ever asked. She listened when he spoke about it though, and that ought to be enough. “We have our final meeting to select the classes we’re going to teach. I’m a little worried for Y/N, though.”
“Why? I’m sure she can take care of herself.”
Sam’s tone was a little dry still, he wasn’t sure if she were jealous or simply still annoyed.
“Trinity isn’t always filled with the nicest people. A lot of academics are quite selfish sometimes. I want her to have a nice time teaching. She seems very nice. And I arrived only last year, I know how stressful this situation can be.”
Sam nodded, but didn’t seem convinced.
Andrew threw the core of the fruit in the bin, finished his coffee, washed his mug. He didn’t want to argue, didn’t want to fight. Still, for some reason, he really wanted to talk about you. He had been worried upon learning that someone would share his office now, and he was relieved to find that you were kind, smart, and everything but annoying. He hoped the two of you could become friends.
“Y/N said that she found a poster for the office too! Can’t wait to see what she’s chosen.”
“Nice,” Sam nodded, and Andrew knew she wasn’t paying attention anymore.
He let out a long exhale through his nose, and she didn’t notice. He grabbed his water bottle, crossed the room, stopped to drop a peck on her head as he walked by her.
“Have a nice day, babe. I love you.”
“You too. Love you.”
She didn’t look up from her phone, and it sounded automatic, the way she answered. Andrew remembered when they started dating, about seven years ago. Both in their early twenties, young and naïve and heads full of dreams. She used to stare at him for hours, she used to look him in the eyes every time she said she loved him, to make sure he knew she meant it. He wasn’t so sure she meant it every time she said it anymore…
He pushed the thoughts away; he reckoned that this was his busy, anxious brain talking. Instead, he put on his shoes and his denim jacket, grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He stopped thinking about Sam, and thought about you and the poster you had promised you would bring today, and he walked out of his flat.
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The meeting was over, and you seemed happy. Actually, you seemed ecstatic. And it made Andrew happy as well.
He had managed to get the class about Yeats, as planned. He had helped you through the meeting, discreetly, in whispers, but it was enough for you to secure classes you were interested in teaching. This year, you would teach three classes bound directly to your research, a general introduction to 19th century English literature, another about revolutionary writings in which you planned on including a fair share of pamphlets about women’s rights, and another about 19th century novels. You were buzzing with excitement as you walked back to your office, chatting with Andrew and his good friend Colm.
“I have so many things to prepare, but also… I feel very confident in these subjects,” you grinned at the two men.
“You can’t be happier than Andy finally teaching only classes he wanted,” Colm laughed, bright and loud, throwing his head back like a child despite the fact that he was middle-aged man.
Andrew nodded, heaving a relieved sigh.
“I thought Lydia was about to make a scandal…”
“She didn’t want you to leave one of the difficult classes. You’re too popular a teacher for that.”
Andrew rolled his eyes.
“I definitely am not.”
“You are too! Students love him,” Colm added, turning towards you. “And I will easily admit he’s a good professor, great at explaining things, and always very calm. But let’s be honest, the fact that most of our students are attracted to him helps a lot.”
Andrew looked away, trying to hide that he was blushing, but you laughed anyway.
“Such a pretty mug!” Colm teased, trying to grab Andrew’s chin, but he merely pushed his friend away, laughing.
“Quit your nonsense, would you?” Andrew laughed. “Don’t listen to him, Y/N. He loves talking shite about others.”
“That is not true! Y/N! Please, with your feminine point of view… tell him I’m right.”
You chuckled, shied away, but answered anyway.
“Oh, I’m sure Andrew must be popular, yes. I would have definitely preferred staring at his face when I was a student, compared to the old dinosaurs I had to put up with.”
Andrew was blushing so hard, even his ears were turning a bright shade of red, but he couldn’t refrain his grin nonetheless.
“Please, tell me I don’t fall in that category!” Colm protested, making you laugh.
“No… not quite yet. You still have a couple of years ahead of you,” you joked, and Andrew burst into laughter, while Colm mumbled something under his breath, rolling his eyes.
“Well, children, this is my stop, have a good day,” he mumbled, entering his office while Andrew and you continued a bit further.
“I’m glad you’ll give classes you’re interested in,” Andrew said, giving you a warm smile.
“Thank you so much for helping me throughout the meeting. It was… a lot to take in.”
“Yeah, some people here are proper gobshites.”
You laughed at that, entering your shared office.
“Hmm… I have noticed, yes. You seem particularly fond of Ian,” you chuckled, and Andrew rolled his eyes.
“I’m a very peaceful kind of lad, but that arsehole deserves to get some sense being punched into him.”
You raised a surprised eyebrow at that. If you had been teasing, the fact that Andrew had turned more serious as he answered made you intrigued now, rather than playful.
“Really? What did he do?”
Andrew stared at you for a few seconds, wetting his lips before he would answer.
“Nothing illegal, don’t worry. But he’s an arsehole. He will destroy your career and reputation if it serves his interests. Especially if you’re a woman.”
He saw you clenching your jaw at that last remark, and he heaved a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” he shook his head, and he hoped you could see that he meant it.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s not you who is at fault. Anyone else I should be cautious about?”
“Mahon, O’Reilly, Evans, Hillstone and Patterson.”
You raised a surprised eyebrow.
“You’ve got a whole list ready,” you pointed out.
“I’ve been here for a year. Fool me once, shame on you…”
You slowly nodded, Andrew sighed again.
“Don’t worry, the rest of the bunch are nice though. Most of them are nice.”
“I’m used to it.”
You shook yourself out of the conversation, a smile growing on your features.
“I have something to show you!”
Andrew frowned a little at that, bending to avoid the lamp hanging from the ceiling as he walked over to your desk. He had grabbed his thermos filled with his favourite brand of tea.
You pulled out a rolled poster, and he laughed.
“Oh! So you did settle on some decoration!” he pointed out, while he opened the buttons of his grey tweed waistcoat. He buried his hand in the pocket of his tweed pants while you fumbled with the empty frame.
He put down his thermos on the edge of your desk, then pushed back a strand of hair that was falling across his eyes, readjusted his glasses upon his nose. You were quick to place the poster in the frame, and you grinned up at him once you were done, right before turning the frame around to show him the poster.
“I love this illustration. I had it hanging in my dorm when I was a student, and then in my first apartment. But my fiancé finds it a little… dark. And he’s not particularly interested in literature so… he doesn’t really get it. Anyway!”
You stopped your little rambling, grabbed the frame, and showed it to him.
Andrew raised a surprised eyebrow, immediately recognising Gustave Doré’s illustration of Dante’s Inferno.
The black and white print showed Virgil and Dante standing on the edge of a precipice, staring at a hurricane carrying the souls of sinners, talking to a couple crying in their everlasting punishment. Andrew had not read the book since his own college days, but he remembered that this was the punishment for those guilty of lust.
“Do you like it? Can I hang it?” you asked, an excited smile he found adorable on your lips. “I thought the black and white would fit your poster quite well.”
“Sure, go ahead. Need help?”
But you were already placing the frame against the wall.
“I have to admit, I’m quite surprised by your choice,” Andrew inspected the print, leaning against your desk, his hands still in his pockets. “I didn’t picture you as a fan of Dante… especially given his… conservative thoughts.”
“I love Inferno. I’m not going to pretend that I love the entirety of the Divine Comedy, but I love Dante’s image of hell. The haunting part of it. The way it is structured. Of course, it’s medieval thinking about issues that have radically changed now, but… It was a long time ago. If I don’t appreciate all of his thoughts, I do admire his imagination. Besides, it was a heavily political book. I’m surprised you don’t give him more credit for that.”
He answered your teasing smile with a genuine one.
“I do remember a little bit of that. Last time I read it, though… I was a student and hadn’t chosen to suffer through it. Besides… I think I was a little too young to understand it fully.”
You nodded.
“I’ve read it many times. I don’t know, there’s something… something about it that draws me in. Not the Christian moral lessons, of course. But just… I don’t know… there’s something fascinating about it. And I often wonder what our version of hell would be today. If we kept the structure, if we kept the place Dante created… how would we view those who are imprisoned there? Would we find their pain justified? Would we find it unfair to punish them like this? And who would we place in there? If we replaced the references to people Dante knew by people from our world, who would be stuck in Hell?”
Andrew pondered on these questions while he kept on listening to you. He had a few names in mind, for sure. He smiled at the thought, didn’t interrupt you while you babbled away about the book, about the things you loved and disliked about it.
“And I love Doré’s illustrations so much! They’re haunting, just like the book. And this one in particular, with Francesca and Paolo… like… their story is so sad, but even Dante was touched by them. Even if the moral in his book is outdated now, goes against what I believe… I’d like to think that we’d turn their story around today, that we wouldn’t condemn their love or include such a warning towards fiction through them, you know… with the whole reference to Arthurian myths and everything… don’t know if you remember that… but anyway… what would we think of them today? I’d like to believe we would find their punishment in hell unfair.”
You trailed off after that. You were nervous when you looked at him, pushing some of your hair behind your ear.
“Sorry for the ramble,” you apologised, but Andrew frowned in response.
“No need to apologise. Why would you?”
“I didn’t mean to bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me at all. Your thoughts are very interesting.”
You blinked at him, as if surprised. You gave him a bright smile, growing a little shy.
“Right, thanks. But we should get back to work.”
Andrew nodded, moved away from your desk and bent again to avoid the lamp hanging from the ceiling.
He looked at you as you stared at the poster for a moment. He was happy you were the one sharing his office, you were getting along well, you were so nice, you were so smart and always seemed to have something interesting to say. He just wanted to talk to you more about this book you loved, but you were right, you both had a lot of work to do. He should focus on this article he was reading before the meeting. Instead, he looked at you for a moment longer. And before his brain pushed the thought away, before Samantha was on his mind again, he didn’t fail to notice how beautiful you were.
He looked for his thermos across his desk, furrowing his brow when he didn’t find it there. He rolled his eyes, annoyed at himself when he remembered where it was.
He walked over to your desk again, reached for it while you were still focused on the poster. But his fingers got clumsy as he threw you a glance, and it fell across your desk. Some of the warm beverage was spilled on the wooden surface.
“Shite! God!”
You turned around at the sound, but Andrew didn’t see your eyes growing slightly round. Instead, as a reflex, he had grabbed your phone and papers to secure them, was already looking for some tissues to clean the mess he had made. You reached for some Kleenex tugged inside your backpack.
“Christ, I’m so sorry,” Andrew profusely apologised, hurrying to clean your desk too. “Sorry, I’m so… long, clumsy limbs… I’m so sorry…”
He cursed at himself under his breath, didn’t look at you, fiercely blushed. Always count on him to ridicule himself…
“That’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” you reassured him, and when Andrew looked up again, you had an earnest smile on your lips. “It was just an accident, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m sorry…”
Andrew was so flustered, so embarrassed… He finished cleaning, handed you back your things without making eye-contact, rubbed at his collarbone through his shirt as soon as his hands were empty again.
When he finally looked up once more, you were still smiling.
“It’s nothing, Andrew. It’s merely a little bit of tea. Besides, you’ve saved the most important items on my desk. Nothing to be so upset about.”
The anxious side of him had kicked in, he couldn’t help it. He ran his fingers through his hair several times while he forced out a chuckle.
“I know, sorry…”
Andrew walked back to his desk, looked at his computer screen while he heard you chuckling lightly. He saw in the corner of his eyes that you were fondly shaking your head at him.
Why did he have to always make a fool of himself, huh?
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All you wanted to do was to rush home to share the good news with Frank.
You had managed to get interesting classes, including some linked to your research… you were so excited to get to work and begin teaching in October.
When you came home, Frank was on his computer, working. He kissed you when you leaned closer, but focused on his screen again, and so you decided to wait for dinner to talk to him about your day.
You took a shower, prepared dinner. Frank was still working, he only stopped when you told him dinner was ready.
“Smells nice,” he said with a smile, squeezing your hand, and you took the gesture for a silent thank you.
Frank remained silent as he started to eat, and so you jumped on the opportunity to speak about your day.
“The meeting about classes and lectures was today. And it went so well!” you started babbling away, Frank looking up at you with an emotionless gaze. “I’ve managed to get topics I’m interested in, and I’m going to teach about my research too! I mean… not directly about my research, but problematics bound to it! I’ll have a class about the male gaze and female gaze dynamics, another about feminism and feminist essays…”
“That’s great, babe.”
“Yeah! Andrew helped me navigate through the meeting quite a bit, and he got the classes he wanted too, so…”
“That’s nice.”
“Yeah! And…”
“Could you hand me the salt, please?”
“Sure. I’m also gonna work quite a lot on the 19th century, which is great! I like that period, especially for novels. And that means that I can include lots of female writers, like Austen and the Brontë sisters, obviously… but I can also spend some time on feminist movements, cause that’s really an important century for them.”
“Good, good…”
“Yeah, that’s grand, and…”
He heaved a sigh, and you grew quiet.
“You’re alright?” you asked, trying not to show your disappointment.
You knew that this question meant that the conversation would focus on him for a while, and you might not be able to talk about today again.
“I… Y/N, we need to talk.”
Your heart sank.
That was not the answer you were expecting…
“About us.”
“What? What do you mean? About the wedding, you mean?”
“No, I…”
He hesitated, looked at you for a moment, before putting his fork down.
“I think we should break up.”
And that was it. Words that were shattering your world spoken like they were easy to let out, like they didn’t mean the earthquake they produced. You merely stared for a moment, waiting for Frank to tell you that he was joking, to take his words back. But he didn’t.
“I’m sorry,” he went on. “But I think we should go our separate ways.”
“What the fuck are you talking about? We’re engaged! We’re going to get married!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N… I know it’s pretty sudden…”
“There’s no need to shout…”
“I’m sorry… but it’s best if we don’t stay together.”
“Why? What happened? You… We’re supposed to get married…”
“I’ve met someone else, Y/N.”
Your eyes grew round, and suddenly all air had left your lungs.
“You… you’re cheating on me?!” you asked, your voice lowering again, your emotions bubbling too much, tears rising to your eyes.
“No! No! No!” Frank defended himself, shaking his head vehemently. “Nothing happened. I swear, nothing happened… but… Y/N, if I am able to feel this way for another woman, then we shouldn’t get married.”
“For how long have you known her? Who is it?”
“You don’t know her. We’ve met through work.”
“How long?”
“Not long… a few weeks.”
You raised an unimpressed eyebrow, crossing your arms before your chest.
“A few weeks? You’re trying to make me believe that you want to leave me for a woman you’ve met weeks ago?!”
“You don’t understand, we’re in love…”
You felt your head starting to spin, you had buried it in your hands.
This was a nightmare, just a bad dream, you would wake up and everything would get back to normal, you would tick all the right boxes again…
“What do you mean in love?”
“I love her. I know that it sounds… mental, but I do. And if I can fall in love with someone else like this… then you and I shouldn’t get married. It means that I… that I don’t love you enough to marry you.”
“You’ve got to be joking…”
“I’m not. I’m sorry, but I’m serious.”
“What’s her name?”
“Does it matter?”
“No, no… Do you want to be with her?”
“Yes. But I don’t know if she’ll want to be with me.”
“She’s not single either.”
You laughed then, tears streaming down your face too, unable to cope with the tidal wave of emotions that was drowning you.
Denial, pain, betrayal, anger, sadness…
“I’ll gather my things,” he said, standing up while you started shaking on your chair, struggling to breathe.
You didn’t even notice that he was moving away, that he was packing… you remained frozen on your seat, sobbing, while Frank was gathering fragments of your lives and tearing them away from your space.
He only reappeared about an hour later in the kitchen, the rest of your meal was cold. You hadn’t moved an inch.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
And then he was gone.
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cath-lic · 3 months
Hello, I was wondering if you believe non-Christians can be saved? I know many Catholics believe everyone that doesn't accept Jesus will go to hell. Personally, I find this outlook very sad and I was curious on other points of view so please anyone respond with their own opinions. I mean to ask you this: If God is love and is forgiving of our sins, why would he send everyone to hell simply because they could not find their way to him?
hi!! YES absolutely everyone is saved!! now, everyone and their brother has a conflicting opinion on this, but i’ll throw in my two cents.
my first, more concrete point: john 3:16. the everyman’s verse!!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
okay, but what if someone doesn’t believeth? vatican ii’s lumen gentium, no. 16, also covers this. (italics added by me)
Those also can attain to everlasting salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the gospel of Christ or his Church, yet sincerely seek God and, moved by grace, strive by their deeds to do his will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience. Nor does divine Providence deny the help necessary for salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of God, but who strive to live a good life, thanks to his grace.
however, it’s important to note LG no. 14. bear with me here.
Whosoever knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by God through Jesus Christ would refuse to enter her or to remain in her could not be saved.
i’m not a theologian, i’m just joe off the street—so i may be taking things out of context. forgive me!
however—as much as i am catholic, i believe that this is putting WAY too much importance on the catholic church as we know it today. it is far, far different than the original organization founded upon the rock of st. peter, and i believe that there are many things that god takes issue with in the catholic church (notoriously, jesus criticized large institutions like these). therefore, i don’t know how much i believe that the catholic church today, nor as a whole, was made necessary by god through christ.
my second point: my most fervent belief is that god is love. pretty much all of my friends are atheists, and they are kind and caring and loving people. it is, therefore, impossible for me to believe that they are not saved.
my second-and-a-half point: i take a little bit of issue with your phrasing of “send” to hell.
personally, i believe that hell is not necessarily Dante’s inferno, but a place of complete and total separation from god. i also believe that hell is not a place you are sent to, but rather a place you send yourself.
i mentioned purgatory in my earlier answer to a different anon; this is where that comes in. i generally concur with pope francis when he says that he likes to think of hell as empty (note: he was not issuing doctrine here). i believe that in purgatory, 99.999% (you get it) of people, if not 100%, are able to reconcile with god and see the consequences of their decisions, good and bad, throughout their life.
you know when you tell someone something that is true, but they keep on rejecting it, no matter what evidence you show them? that’s what i imagine is happening to the other .001%.
god is endlessly patient; he doesn’t mind spending eons trying to convince others to have empathy for their fellow man. however, humans are not as patient. they get fed up and walk away—and this is my (limited) understanding of the process of going to hell.
i’ll be honest, i don’t know if hell is permanent, temporary, etc. i’m not sure how helpful it is to debate it, either. but what i do know is very helpfully summarized in this post by the lovely hymnsofheresy.
whenever i have doubts about some aspect of what i believe being incorrect, i remind myself that god is love. he loves us more than anything in the world, and nothing we can do will ever change that. he doesn’t look for reasons for you to go to hell; he wants to be with us all the time.
thank you for sending in this ask, and i hope it helped ❤️❤️❤️
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narenohate · 2 months
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my golden guard! luz au is just kinda funny to me. she's so bad at it that god has to intervene so she stops fucking up.
context blast up there... or down here?
“Through me you go to the grief wracked city; Through me you go to everlasting pain; Through me you go a pass among lost souls. Justice inspired my exalted Creator: I am a creature of the Holiest Power, of Wisdom in the Highest and of Primal Love. Nothing till I was made was made, only eternal beings. And I endure eternally. Surrender as you enter, every hope you have.”
― Dante Alighieri, Inferno
Through the red he'd carried her. She remembers it in those minutes. It had just happened, hadn't it?
Why does it feel so long ago, if the pain of the broken rib and the warmth of her own cape still are felt, a residual ghost touch, as if her armor were an amputated limb?
Almost tender was that embrace even as she shook, each breath ripping the fight further and further away from her tight-fisted grip.
Every hair had stood on its end, the buzzing in the air ever-louder as her vision wavered, pain and fear battling for control over her conscious mind.
Each of her captor's steps feels like a stab to her chest.
There's a bloody exhale, preceding a breathless laugh. She feels the underside of his glove, leathery and worn, along her ribs.
She's disgusted by it now, she will forever be disgusted by it. She feels as if she's still in his grasp - she will never not be.
Luz had exhaled then, as she does now, and both times she coughed a mouthful of blood.
"Hush, now. We will be home soon." he told her and it echoes nw. "You had told me once… Your mother knows of medical practices, doesn't she?"
She rasps out;
"Don't bring her into this-" There's an edge of fear to her voice which she loathes, "Leave my mom alone."
"She would like to know her daughter was a hero, wouldn't she?" he asks, and it borders on genuine; "You've made mistakes-"
"Like you!" she regrets it in retrospect- it wouldn't have hurt so much if he hadn't squeezed her ribcage shut again then, to shut her up and hear nothing but her coughing blood.
He walked so slow. Agonizingly so, as if to stretch those last moments for eternity, cradling her somehow even closer, shifting her, knocking out of her lungs every last trace of a breath.
"The Titan greets us to his realm," he said, and against her cheek she felt the bobbing of his Adam's apple, nudging her in that moment to blink the tears from her eyes.
She feels her gaze pulled to it - this horrid doorway before which they linger taunts her for a brief moment, a sea of black tar streaked in deep blues and yellows.
And with a single step, the silence of it swallowed them whole. In the dark now, at least Luz could hear herself breathe-
Yet just as she did then, she smells it now;
Both times did she wheeze, fruitless, in an attempt to clear her sinuses from it. Titan's blood has a powerful, astringent, sulphuric smell.
It clung to her - maybe it is gone in the present because she simply got used to it.
"Clean up, lamb." he said, nudging her. He wanted her to take the edge of his cape, she understood. He made her bleed before - a tooth. The gap of it still stings.
"I hate you." she whispered.
That which surrounded her then was pure black, a realm where his steps slowed even further, dragged down by the brackish tar.
There was a light to guide them. She could not comprehend its source.
"I will help you get over it." he said, his words fading with no echo, as lost as their souls.
She loathed to know how he'd try. Pondered briefly if she'd clamp down on his neck with her teeth.
And then she questioned, to herself; could she even die here?
That which she doesn't know stings her.
A sound of anguish fought its way out of her.
And, though by that point she knows she had realized they were not all alone, Luz came to understand that nothing that heard her had turned to help.
In the dark, something moved. It was the hair standing on end, it was the light coming from nowhere.
She felt Belos move slower and slower. Did her eyes close? Or was the world simply so dark?
"Luz, quiet." she heard, and so still she became, nothing but the beat of her heart did she hear - for he'd sounded terrified.
Suddenly she understood, and it was clearer and brighter than the sun.
She heard it, paws heavy, wingtips dragging along the muck, and she understood it even before the smell of its rotting corpse reached them.
That sets it off, alright.
The silence dies with that lonely word, whispered with bloody and bated breath.
It tore through the air and filled up her ears with a high-pitched ringing sound; A roar like she'd never heard before spelled their fate, set off the hammering of the chase;
In the dark, the mud rippled. The smell of rotting flesh and mold made her dizzy, pulled from Belos some sort of angry shout, that which was lost in the cacophony of the chase as soon as he let it out.
She only felt it from how close she was to his throat.
For once he'd obeyed, for once he'd heard a plea from her.
It mattered not.
To the ground they fell, and to her skin it clung, sticky and thick, pungent in smell, so terrible that Luz could taste it as she breathed in with an open mouth.
It slowed down its chase, and catch its breath it did not, though all around her in a circle did she feel its footsteps, rippling along the mud.
Along with their fate, it brought the light.
At first her vision's return was the catalyst for nothing but Belos' hand grasping onto hers, his eyes wide and teary as he pulled her close…
And then pushed her in front of him, almost, as their Lord fell upon shared view.
Luz thought, for a moment, that the sun perched between its horns would be a light shining upon a clean skull - for very clearly did she know what a Titan ought to look like;
And that was nothing of it.
Its skull was at first like shifting sand, but as her eyes focused on that white thing, Luz's mouth fell agape;
God's face was almost fully made of maggots. They blended with god's bones, the same color, separated only by the shadows Its Light cast upon its own visage.
It pushed against her head. It is God. It is the Devil. It is, for a second between her tears, her father in a hospital gown, the tubes coming from his nose like over-engorged, misplaced tapeworms.
Its flesh rippled as it got closer to them, something crawling in it. Clumps of oily black fur, strands clinging to greenish, gangrenous wounds.
Bile rose to the back of her throat just then, as her gaze drifted to the cut which sliced its chest open, and found nothing inside.
She knelt.
it was no conscious choice. She was told, and though she obeyed, never did she hear the order.
She opened her mouth, but instead of pleas, blood was all that flowed.
When the light is cast upon it, the red is all too bright, for the brief moment before Limbo swallows it.
The thing she looked up at was not her mother's God.
Padre Nostro rang in her ears nonetheless, Belos' hoarse voice praying under its rushed breath.
It let her look at him, pushed oh-how-pathetic-is-this-really-all-you-settled-for through her mind; Though he knelt, it was not without struggle.
He fought back, thrashing against the invisible binding which Luz found didn't truly hold her down.
God's understanding of her pushed the brain against the sides of the skull. She knew then that the little barriers between the bone and the skin and the brain were all shaky and jittery.
Out the deepest breath, a shaky hand reached out almost gleeful, and between her fingers she gripped his hair.
Not a word was said. Luz refused to let her eyes shut from the pain, even as it grew, for she had for very long wished for this;
With strength she hadn't known she had, she pushed Belos' head onto the mud.
Bow she did not, when she tasted her blood all over her mouth. She let it stain his cape and his hair.
It dripped and dripped. There came a muffled plea. She knew he told her this would not last. She also knew, without rhyme nor reason to explain it, that he'd remember this.
And yet, she kept pushing.
There was darkness creeping in slowly, overcoming the edges of her vision.
And yet, she kept pushing.
And for an eternity, she held him there. In the dim and the quiet, where it was only their breath and the buzzing of the flies and the smell of rotting flesh, she was reminded, bitter and vengeful, of their shared chambers.
She kept his head under the mud until he stopped thrashing.
Almost against her will, her head tilted up, and she met it eye to eye. Such a solution was hardly even temporary, she knew, and it knew as well, as it stared back.
Its eyes were empty sockets, yet she knew it saw her.
A blind thing could not hold such a hateful gaze.
Oh, what she'd done; Such small revenge for such grandiose malice.
The pressure of its words filled her mouth with copper.
It is dying. Its last breaths are being wasted here, with Its killers.
It is pain and desolation, it is hatred, and it is something too quiet to be wrath as she'd call it.
God knelt. It was Helios before, it was Nhanderu before, it was Kronos as Horus and a thousand other voices in name.
Luz heard screaming. Much louder, much more than just her own, though her throat hurt and she knew she was part of that unseen cacophony.
Her eyes could not shift from the maggots. Closer, closer, came a hypnotic dance as Luz dragged her body on its hands and knees.
For a second she did not understand it; And then, as her face rested against the pale bone of a snout, so cold it stung, it came to be that she knew it; the last shred of its power, the last bite of its plate - The last name of this God.
To know it was the same as her own overwhelmed her with a foreign, resentful grief.
An oversized paw tilted up her head with only its claw.
God held the sun between its horns. She stared transfixed, and laid trembling fingers over its talon, fruitlessly trying to keep its tender, cold touch.
Its wings spread open, a membrane full of holes and veins.
Which of them screamed? She wasn't sure. Everything faded, except for the sun, and the paw which was raised up to it, gripping onto the flame; Though its shape changed, its glow never dimmed. It was sharp and jagged. It was God.
And then, God stabbed the soft spot where spine snaps into skull.
Luz Noceda breathes in. That's the first sign that something is terribly, horribly wrong.
The second one? It's not the pain, but instead the fact that she can hear again, see again-
And her god is nowhere to be seen nor found.
She is doubled over. Her skin is opening up. The base of her skull, where God killed itself and killed her too, is on fire.
A whimper slips off with her breath, but with the next inhale, it turns into a cough. Her rib- no. It's further. It's more.
Everything is too much - she is light and defenseless, armor lost somewhere in this battlefield, and she is soft and shaky, hand on her chest, reaching for where it hurts. She knows something clattered to the floor when she awoke.
And then she remembers Belos.
Painfully, she manages to pry her eyes open, and figures that the thing on the floor – clean wood, worn out, its polish long faded – is an Azura figurine.
The cheap plastic meets her grimace with a blank, crooked, off-the-mold smile.
Her ears are buzzing. Did her brain hatch into flies?
"Mija, did you choke?"
At first hardly do those words register. But then, she realizes she had not been sure of whether or not her little stunt killed the emperor.
So she forces her spine to straighten, turns her head to face her mother.
She looks the same as she did a year ago, when she left Luz at the bus station to go to a summer camp- she looks the same as when Luz abandoned her.
The piercing burn of the blade stays, a cloying reminder of the mantle which befell her that day.
Though she is not there, Luz knows, clear as day:
Elsewhere, far away, at this moment, in a throne room occupied by only a grimwalker, sitting at the foot of both his metamorphosis, his death, and the throne of the emperor which he worships, the heart of a Titan with a thousand names stops beating.
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meetinginsamarra · 1 year
My fave Sherlock BBC tropes: Enemies to Friends to Lovers
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Around mid-month I’ll do a fic rec list with my fave AU genres or tropes. Summaries are taken from OP on AO3.
Enemy Number One by lookupkate
When Anderson finally crosses a line and gets fired a new pathologist takes his place. Sherlock isn't happy to find that the new doctor is almost as good at his job as Sherlock is. Said new doctor, John Watson, wants to woo the genius until he finds out what a prick he can be. Then he's just amused. And maybe a bit fond. And kind of smitten. Then he falls in love with the prick. Bloody hell.
Oscillation by lookupkate
John and Mary have been together for two years and John thinks they should probably settle down. John is happy with Mary. It's the only way their situation makes sense, so it must be happiness. Sherlock sees a flaw in that logic. What does John do then, when the strange man brings parts of his life into question and refuses to just bloody go away? Well, fall in love with him, of course.
Roommates are for little people by alexxphoenix42 @alexxphoenix42
John was looking forward to seeing his friends back at uni, but a new year brings new complications, not the least of which is a dorm room with only one bed, and a stroppy roommate with an utterly spectacular arse. God, John doesn't need the headache.
Mistletoe and Misdemeanours by Robottko
When Victor Trevor backs out of the Holmes family Christmas at the last minute, Sherlock panics because he has no way to impress his parents. Thankfully there is a handsome army doctor with nowhere to go in his coffee shop, though it would be more helpful if he were a bit more willing.
An Everlasting Inferno by thatawkwardfriend
Sherlock and John are both men who operate outside the law. John works for Mary and her hitmen in order to keep a roof over his head. Sherlock does anything his drug dealer asks of him in exchange for free drugs and housing.
They meet one night in a darkened garage to negotiate a deal. But they soon find out that neither of their bosses are being entirely honest with them about their goals or motives. With a little poking around, they stumble upon something much bigger than themselves and discover that perhaps, it might be in their best interests to work together.
(Loosely inspired by StartUp and Little Favour)
The Key to Castles in the Air by LadyKailitha
John is a clerk (and writing a book on the side) at a bookshop run by Mrs Hudson. The one downside to this perfect job is Sherlock Darling, Mrs Hudson's friend who loves to rile John up. About everything.
All that changes when they are forced to spend a week together in the country when bad weather hits. Sherlock's got secrets. What will John do once he finds them out?
Pencil Through My Heart by elwinglyre @elwinglyre
What’s worse? Sharing a byline with an arrogant consulting reporter or falling for him? Seasoned section editor John Watson faces this impossible choice. But first John must find him. Of course Holmes is out chasing the story of the century without him! In the process, Watson must reassess who and what he is, and even worse, admit he cares.
Aim for the Head by Breath4Soul
Sometimes you don't really find yourself until everything has ended. A fic about finding love, healing, and purpose after everything has gone to hell.
As if the doctor can read Sherlock's thoughts, he holds out a protein bar in the space between them. Sherlock’s eyes narrow on the man and flick to the bar with an expression of disgust. “You're at least one stone underweight,” the soldier states matter-of-factly, confirming for Sherlock, in yet another way, that he is a doctor. “Eating slows me down,” Sherlock grumbles. “No, fainting does.” The army doctor smiles kindly, patiently. Sherlock looks at him with confusion. “What do you care?” Sherlock snaps. The soldier’s smile deepens and he gives a casual shrug, turning his eyes to the road a moment. “You faint; we crash.” The soldier’s eyes slide back to Sherlock with their placid expression.
A Further Sea by i_ship_an_armada, ShinySherlock @ishipanarmada
(also on pirate and mermaid AU rec list)
Here be a tale of adventure for both body and soul, but beware if ye be not of stout heart, for this be piratelock, ya savvy? Luckless ship's surgeon John Watson takes a chance, and finds himself eye to eye with The Ghost, the scourge of the seven seas and a definite thorn in the side of the blaggard, James Moriarty. But when John finds there's more to this most cunning pirate than be meetin' the eye, he has to choose--is it a pirate's life for him?
Dive by FinAmour @finamour
It’s John’s third year of studying abroad at Harvard, and he’s still struggling to fit in. On a cold night in December, he finds his girlfriend with another man—and meets a tall, gorgeous bartender with horrible manners that he can’t stop thinking about. Just as John falls for him, madly, swiftly, deeply—the bartender disappears, and the bar unexpectedly shuts down. Unexplained occurrences begin to happen to John and his friends, and he slowly discovers the truth about the one he loves. Will he find him in time to tell him how he feels, and more importantly—can he keep him safe?
Synchronicity by Calais_Reno @calaisreno
Excerpt: John is just muttering some nonsense about bit different from my day when they enter the lab. A tall fellow with dark, curly hair is using a pipette to drop some liquid into a Petri dish. Hearing John’s voice, he looks up. Sherlock Holmes. They both freeze for a moment. He stares into those grey eyes that haven’t changed, still seeing every detail. Holmes gives a tiny smirk. “Afghanistan or Iraq?” It’s been years, and he is surprised at how much it still hurts. Realising that he’s staring, he clears his throat, shuffles his feet, and mumbles something about an appointment he’s forgotten.
OR: John and Sherlock meet again, years after they were school boys together. John hasn't forgotten why he still hates Sherlock Holmes.
The Company He Keeps by wibblywobblytimeywimeystuff
At his lowest point, John Watson met Sherlock Holmes. And Sherlock saved him. At Sherlock's lowest point, he met Greg Lestrade. And they saved each other. This is how Greg met Sherlock, how he met Mycroft, and how he became important to them both.
Toe to Toe by standbygo @blogstandbygo
(also on soldier and spy AU rec list)
Sherlock Holmes is an international ballet star. After a favour for his brother goes south, he finds himself trapped in a foreign country, with a man named John Watson who could be an enemy... or an ally. A crossover of sorts with White Nights, the 1985 film with Mikhail Baryshnikov and Gregory Hines.
If Baker Street Could Talk by a_different_equation @adifferentequation​
There is a thin wall between 221b and 221c. As if by fate, it has separated two sitting rooms that now are almost morphing back into one. One of the sitting rooms belongs to Sherlock Holmes (43), a pianist, while the other one belongs to Dr John H. Watson (45), whatever he might be after everything. John is a war hero, an ex-surgeon and a widower; John tells everyone that he is developing a game that might take a lifetime. There might be a wall between them, but Sherlock Holmes and John Watson cannot be separated.
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[{]¤| Hail Satan |¤[}] 💀Shivah "Shiva"
"Nevertheless, taunting eyes nor taunts generalized to being purposely deployed does not supply an man with sympathy; fore the soul has no empathy. Especially if that man isn't in possession of one, thereof an soul that could be possessed or contained; unto flesh. Thence I, becometh thee dark-fire of everlasting light in the gore. Thine death of death, henceforth the black-Inferno eternalized; thusly the pillars of damnation as thyself immersed. Virility I, differing from the lit remnants of existence in thou heavenly comic domain. While vocally envisioned within sight and view; thou creator. In contrast awhile pertaining not to prayer, thy exist in thundering-light of creation's storm without peril. The shadow of the cosmos is now my lingering form. Hence resurrected life reformed; fore I emerged unlike the ashes of thine own cremation. Hell, was forged because of the dermis of mine skin submerged in the blood purgatory invoked. Which transfered the unlit spiritual flame upon the universe. Therefore an non-existent spirit; sought for; thereby existing in the inferred virile-mortal presence of my godliness." The Drayton (I.Unholy)
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mooflettes · 9 months
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Project Venus AU sketch: Eustace!
So uh, I have been listening to Charlie's Inferno x Terrible Things and I think I can give some backstory for Project Venus!Kieran's design.
With that in mind, meet Eustace, or as his japanese name suggests, Josuta !
He's a bit of a coward with a big heart, feeling pity for the traveller and Ogerpon and taking them in, making masks for them. Of course there were no repurcussions at the time when he had made the masks, but upon the Loyal Three and Pecharunt's arrival, he had been punished when Ogerpon defeated the Loyal Three by Pecharunt (Dokutaro).
Punished by Dokutaro, the evil pokémon now harbors his spirit within itself, cauaing him to disappear historically without a trace (save for what is known). His punishment for not making Dokutaro a mask does not stop there, as Dokutaro implants him into Kieran later on, causing the mask maker to have to suffer again and in-turn, Kieran the same (details are being worked out)
Kieran not only feels the anguish of Eustace, but also his fury, alongside Dokutaro's. Of course, he really judt thinks it's himself, and he won't know the truth until wayy later on in the story. Now the mask maker AND Dokutaro are using Kieran to get to Area Zero to meet the Hidden Treasure so that the Mask Maker can be seoerated and sent to the heavens above, and so Dokutaro may have everlasting power.
EXTRA: Eustace takes from both Carmine and Kieran's designs. I also did some research on The Edo and Meiji period of Japan and learned a couple of things. Anyways, enjoy! Hoping to kinda develop this guy's story more^^
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theantonian · 11 months
There is no language upon this accursed Earth that can convey my devotion for thee
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Antony: Oh, Cleopatra, thou art the celestial muse that doth set my soul ablaze, igniting a fervor that transcends mortal constraints. In the tapestry of time, our love is woven with threads of passion, eternal and unyielding, an inferno that scorches the very essence of my being. As all living beings bow to the Sun's radiance, so do I surrender to the intoxicating elixir of our immortal bond.
Cleopatra: My Lord Antony, thou hath conquered the realm of my heart without wielding thy sword. Thou hath become the Pharaoh of my desires. In the tapestry of our shared moments, I find a kingdom of love that eclipses the grandeur of empires. Together, we reign in the realm of passion, where each gaze and touch is a decree written in the scrolls of eternity. As the Nile flows unyielding, so does my love for thee, an uncharted journey, boundless and everlasting.
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thetudorslovers · 2 years
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"While the everlasting pleasure, that did full/ On Beatrice shine, with second view/ From her fair countenance my gladden'd soul/ Contented; vanquishing me with a beam/ Of her soft smile, she spake: "Turn thee, and list. These eyes are not thy only Paradise."
In the Inferno, Beatrice is the object of Dante’s love and the one who, from heaven, graciously arranges for Virgil to escort Dante through Hell. Long before Dante writes the Inferno, he sees Beatrice from afar and, awed by her beauty and virtue, describes the sight of her as a spark of “new life,” a renewal of his Christian faith. Yet Beatrice dies young, and Dante wanders away from his religious commitments into the “dark wilderness” that symbolizes his waning faith. From heaven, Beatrice sees that Dante is lost and sends Virgil to “set him free” by means of the trip through Hell. She then aids Dante throughout his journey: the thought of her gives Dante courage when he is stopped at the city of Dis, and when Dante finally reaches the entryway to heaven, Beatrice personally appears to guide him. Because the Inferno places Beatrice in Heaven, near God, her aid of Dante represents the grace by which human beings grow spiritually. Beatrice is described as very lovely, with “eyes...flashing brighter than the stars” and an “angel’s voice”; her beauty represents the beauties of heaven and inspires Dante to press forward in his spiritual journey. Ultimately, Beatrice is a compelling symbol of the wonder and power of divine grace.
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godddamnbranman · 11 days
How do you subtract from nothingness? How can something already devoid become even less? some like to reject rejection the same way you reject acceptance.. whats the point of anything?
He was a slim figure, cavernous with empty space. hard to notice, he had nothing to offer except for what he craved in return.. oh, what do you care? his shell of a soul feels like a home for anyone cognizant enough for such nuance, a warm and vacuous one with a blazing hearth where feasts are crafted from the same inferno, and the same warmth emanates from the inhabitants of said home; and a shrewd fortress for anyone incapable of such reach, an unforgiving trench. for those with the capacity to withstand the depth, this place is a sanctuary. a refuge for the multifaceted and the forgotten. submerged in him, his confidantes know true, unwavering love. lost in him, his concubines know only yearning— for their search for him, and ultimately themselves, has evolved into an everlasting odyssey. this probably doesn’t interest you, but, in the middle of evening becoming night, he can feel the yearning of souls calling out for him. either that or his soul yearns, audibly, for an authentic connection.
Cathexis forever the nexus of his turmoil.
His sufferings, painful like soil beds with greenery bursting through their surface. It’s almost enjoyable for everyone else. Is it his purpose, he wonders. Is he destined to toil away at discovering the contradictions of his mind, body and soul? He often wonders if his perpetual fragmentation is a result of his own doings, or if this state were something done to him. His apathetic countenance, coupled with self disdain just further burrows him into dismay, for no one, save the few close to him, can tell the warfare that he endures. constantly becoming less and less, dividing further into himself. The spaces between the pieces of himself filling themselves with unfamiliarity. Who was he? He surely wasn’t who he intended to be and not even who he was yesterday. Barely the same as he was the last hour. he shed another skin. Giving birth to something amorphous and mysterious.
A man. Fluid, despite his solid form. He wanted to become nothing more than anything. What was there to stick around for? The world was on fire and he was a fish. The void inside him wanted the void on the outside to engulf them both.
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team-pokefriends · 5 months
[The Togekiss, with Denomi in her clutches, flew out of the base and swooped just off the path next to the four-way path and onto the grass. Standing near the path are three figures: a Blaziken in a fire-themed cape and black mask, a Crustle whose rock shell is painted to look like bricks, and a Zangoose with a symmetrical red fur pattern and a belt with lots of pouches.
As soon as the Togekiss stops near them, she flips and flings Denomi up before catching him on her back.]
[Zangoose] "Well, it's about time."
[Togekiss] "Yep. This is my baby bro, Denomi."
[The Togepi twirls around due to his dizziness. He soon shakes his head and is no longer confused as he now looks at the group of Pokémon in front of him and his sister.]
[Zangoose, playful] "Hey, little man, or should I say 'little baby'."
[Denomi can feel his cheeks burning.]
[Crustle] "Numera never told you our names, did she?"
[Togekiss, happy] "Nope!"
[Crustle] "Figures. Well, I'm Brick."
[Zangoose] "He's Table."
[Blaziken] "Stool."
[Crustle] "My name is Brick."
[The women laugh lightly.]
[Zangoose] "I'm Scarlet, actual name."
[The Blaziken poses dramatically.]
[Blaziken] "And I'm the combustion that lights the night, the everlasting flame-"
[Scarlet] "Ash."
[The Blaziken snaps to the Zangoose.]
[Blaziken] "No! Ah, you ruined it."
[The Blaziken shakes her head.]
[Blaziken] "I go by Miss Inferno."
[Numera] "You'll always be Ash to us."
[Miss Inferno] "Can you at least use my code name out of town?"
[Numera] "Naaaah- Hah! Just kidding, of course I will."
[Scarlet] "Sure, but the real identity's coming out when I become a supervillain."
[Miss Inferno] "N-Not on my watch!"
[Another round of laughter from the women.]
[Denomi, thoughts] "(Looks like I'm not the only one that gets picked on. Is this just a thing they do?)"
[Numera] "So, I got an idea on what we can do."
[Scarlet] "Oh yeah? What's that?"
[Numera] "We gotta get baby bro here evolvin', that's what!"
[Scarlet] "Getting him out of his little shell? I can dig that."
[Numera] "Ready to go, little bro?"
[Denomi, nervous] "Sure."
[Miss Inferno] "Then let's go! It's time to power up!"
[Scarlet sits down on Brick.]
[Scarlet] "Couldn't agree more."
[Brick sighs.
Afterwards, the group sets foot towards the exit of the town as they head out for the Luminous Falls.]
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erikiara80 · 4 months
"Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l’etterno dolore, per me si va tra la perduta gente.
Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore; fecemi la divina podestate, la somma sapïenza e ’l primo amore.
Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create se non etterne, e io etterno duro. Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate."
(Divina Commedia, Inferno, Canto III - Inscription on the Gate of Hell- Dante Alighieri)
Illustration by Gustave Doré
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(English translation)
“Through me the way to the city of woe, through me the way to everlasting pain. Through me the way among the lost. Justice moved my maker on high. Divine power made me, wisdom supreme, and primal love. Before me nothing but things eternal, and eternal I endure. Abandon all hope, you who enter here.”
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Representation matters!-in YA novels/books
-i am, obviously, not able to type ALL here, but the ones i know and love dearly+the ones I think are most important for the readers♥- I WILL KEEP UPDATING THIS WHEN NEEDED♥) +obvi not in any important-order!!
-White Fragility: Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about Racism by Robin DiAngelo
-Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
-The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X
-The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
-The Source of Self-Regard by Toni Morrison
(thank you for this list Dakota Johnson!)
-The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
-Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama
-Becoming by Michelle Obama
1. BISEXUAL-BI-REPRESENTATION (as a bi person myself I still think this should be represented more in media everywhere)
-bi boys: Isaac Sullivan (The Devouring Gray + The Deck Of Omens (duology), Jesper Fahey (Six of Crows, Grishaverse), Ness Arroyo / Eduardo Iron (Infinity Cycle Series-Infinity Son + Infinity Reaper + Infinity Kings), Rufus Emeterio (They Both Die At The End), Nathan Allan (I Wish You All The Best), Magnus Bane (The Mortal Instruments/The Shadowhunter Chronicles), Nick Nelson (Heartstopper), Alex Claremont-Diaz (Red, White & Royal Blue), Kit Fairfield (The Pairing), Winter Young(Stars and Smoke & Icon and Inferno), Jonah Collins & Dylan Ramirez (They Hate Each Other), Ash Ashton Taylor (The Law of Inertia), Will Tavares (Only Mostly Devastated), Enrique “Quique” Luna (This Is Why They Hate Us), Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle Series), Will Solace (Percy Jackson Series), Andy Fleming (We Could Be So Good), Seth (Coffee Boy), Ridley Everlasting (Verona Comics), Mason Kane (The Dark We Know),
-bi girls: Violet Saunders (The Devouring Gray + The Deck Of Omens (duology), Nina Zenik (Six of Crows, Grishaverse), Maribelle Lucero (Infinity Cycle Series- Infinity Son + Infinity Reaper + Infinity Kings), Vivi Duarte(TheCruelPrince-The Folk Of The Air), Imogen Scott (Imogen, Obviously), Cleo Ferrara (The Girl Next Door), Nora Holleran (Red, White & Royal Blue), Lara (Only Mostly Devastated), Jules Lu (The Charm Offensive), Lea Li Zhang (How to Find a Missing Girl), Sutton Spencer (Those Who Wait), Dayana (London on My Mind), August Landry (One Last Stop), Chloe Green (I Kissed Shara Wheeler), Isa Isadora Chang (The Dark We Know),
-bi nonbinary: Theo Flowerday(The Pairing),
BOOKS TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BISEXUAL HISTORY & ACTIVISM: https://www.tumblr.com/ruimtetijd/686000390089621504/list-of-books-about-bi-history-and-activism-from
Ling Chang (The Diviners Series), Tolya Yul-Bataar (Grishaverse-ShadowAndBone), Tori Spring (Heartstopper),  Isaac Henderson (Heartstopper), Raphael Santiago (The Mortal Instruments/The Shadowhunter Chronicles),
Parisa (The Charm Offensive), Iris Blackthorn (How to Find a Missing Girl), Diana (London on My Mind),
-gay: Wylan Van Eck (Six Of Crows, Grishaverse),  Henry DuBois IV (The Diviners Series),  Griffin Griff Jennings(History Is All You Left Me), Brendan and Winston (Shatter Me Series), Prince Henry- Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor of Wales(Red White&Royal Blue), Amir Azadi(How It All Blew Up), Charlie Spring (Heartstopper), Orion Pagan(The First To Die At The End), Valentino Prince (The First To Die At The End),  Clark Huckleton(If I See You Again Tomorrow), Beau Dupont (If I See You Again Tomorrow),  Baz Pitch-Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch (Simon Snow Trilogy), Reynolds ^ Bartholomew Brimsley (Queen Charlotte), James (The Law of Inertia), Ollie-Oliver (Only Mostly Devastated), Ronan Lynch (The Raven Cycle Series),  Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson Series), Emil Rey (Infinity Cycle Series- Infinity Son+ Infinity Reaper as for now), Nick Russo (We Could Be So Good), Mark Bailey (You Should Be So Lucky), Eddie O’Leary (You Should Be So Lucky), Kaleb (Louder Than Words), Kieran (Coffee Boy), Benjy (I Kissed Shara Wheeler), Rory Heron (I Kissed Shara Wheeler), Wes & Isaiah (One Last Stop), Simon Spier ( Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda),  Alec Lightwood (The Mortal Instruments/The Shadowhunter Chronicles),
-lesbian: Arriane Alter (Fallen Series),  Ling Chang (The Diviners Series), Tamar Kir-Bataar (Grishaverse-ShadowAndBone), Nadia Zhabin (Grishaverse-ShadowAndBone), Darcy Olsson (Heartstopper), Tara Jones (Heartstopper), Charlotte Thompson (Those Who Wait), Jane Su (One Last Stop), Georgia (I Kissed Shara Wheeler), Morgan Matthews (Some Girls Do),
2b. Non-Binary Representation
-Ben Benjamin De Backer (I Wish You All The Best)
-Theo Flowerday (The Pairing)
-Wyatt Fowler (The Feeling Of Falling In Love)
-Gem Echols (Godly Heathens)
-Jude Ricci(Okay, Cupid)
-Ash (I Kissed Shara Wheeler)
+please go read “Gender Euphoria“ by Laura Kate Dale
- Wyatt Croft (The Witch King)
- Felix Love (Felix Ever After)
- Neil Kearney (The Feeling Of Falling In Love)
- Noah Byrd (The Borrow A Boyfriend Club)
-Enzo Truly (Godly Heathens)
-Gem Echols (Godly Heathens)
-Yadriel (Cemetery Boys)
-Huy Trinh(Okay, Cupid)
-Peter Darling/ Peter Pan (Peter Darling)
-Kieran (Coffee Boy)
-Niko (One Last Stop)
-Aaron (Some Girls Do)
-Otto Vandersteen (The Dark We Know)
-Valentina Castillo (Shatter Me Series)
+please go read “Gender Euphoria“ by Laura Kate Dale
- Arthur Penhaligon (The Keys To The Kingdom Series)
Kaz Brekker & Jesper Fahey & Wylan Van Eck (Grishaverse-Six Of Crows), Genya Safin & David Kostyk(Grishaverse-Shadow And Bone), Ling Chang (The Diviners Series), Harper Carlisle (The Devouring Gray,The Deck Of Omens), Griffin (History Is All You Left Me) (OCD),
-! PLEASE READ Chloe Hayden-Different, Not Less-A Neurodivergent’s Guide to Embracing Your True Self and Finding Your Happily Ever After (especially for Autism/ADHD)
also for AUTISM : Jessie (Something More by Jackie Khalilieh), Harriet Manners (Geek Girl),
4b. EPILEPSY in Literature(Thank you for the list The Cameron Boyce Foundation)
-100 Sideways Miles by Andrew Smith
-The Idiot by Dostoevsky
-The Gentlemen’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
-Dings by Lance Fogan
-What the Wind Can Tell You by Sarah Marie A.Jette
-Mustaches for Maddie by Chad Morris and Shelly Brown
-When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
-How Evan Broke His Head and Other Secrets by Garth Stein
-The Thing With Feathers by McCall Hoyle
- The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman
- Cassie Salazar (Purple Hearts)
- Jesper Fahey (Six Of Crows, Grishaverse)
- Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series)
- Alex Claremont-Diaz (Red, White & Royal Blue)
- Theo Flowerday (The Pairing)
- Anne Shirley (Anne Of Green Gables Series)
-! PLEASE READ Chloe Hayden-Different, Not Less-A Neurodivergent’s Guide to Embracing Your True Self and Finding Your Happily Ever After (especially for Autism/ADHD)
+ How to ADHD: An Insider's Guide to Working with Your Brain-Jessica McCabe
- Wylan Van Eck (Six Of Crows, Grishaverse)
- Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series)
- Rory Heron (I Kissed Shara Wheeler),
-The Hate U Give- Angie Thomas
-Pride- Ibi Zoboi
-Beau Dupont (If I See You Again Tomorrow)
-Jesper Fahey(Grishaverse-Six Of Crows)
-Memphis Campbell(The Diviners Series)
-Jordyn Jones (Louder Than Words)
-Smith Parker (I Kissed Shara Wheeler)
Jude & Taryn Duarte (The Folk Of The Air Series starting with The Cruel Prince),
Alex Claremont-Diaz  & June Claremont-Diaz (Red, White & Royal Blue),
Lila Reyes ( A Cuban Girl's Guide to Tea and Tomorrow ),
Infinity Son-Infinity Cycle Series, (many!)
This Is Why They Hate Us, 
The First to Die at the End,
Rufus Emeterio (They Both Die At The End), 
Cemetery Boys
-David Kostyk (Shadow And Bone/Grishaverse)
-Emma Morley (One Day)
-Lewis Barnavelt (Lewis Barnavelt Series)
-Harry Potter (Harry Potter Series)
-Mateo Torrez (They Both Die At The End)
-Elle Argent (Heartstopper)
-Dev Deshpande (The Charm Offensive)
-Mark Bailey (You Should Be  So Lucky)
-August Landry (One Last Stop),
-Alex Claremont-Diaz (Red, White & Royal Blue),
-A Very Large Expanse Of Sea/AVLEOS-Tahereh Mafi
-An Emotion Of Great Delight/AEOGD-Tahereh Mafi
-All My Rage-Sabaa Tahir
-An Ember In The Ashes Series-Sabaa Tahir
-How It All Blew Up-Arvin Ahmadi
-Other Words for Home-Jasmine Warga
-My Heart and Other Black Holes-Jasmine Warga
-Aaron Warner (Shatter Me Series)
-Adam Kent (Shatter Me Series)
-Wylan Van Eck (Six Of Crows, Grishaverse)
-Ness Arroyo / Eduardo Iron (Infinity Cycle Series-Infinity Son + Infinity Reaper + Infinity Kings)
-Evie O’Neill (The Diviners Series)
-Henry DuBois IV (The Diviners Series),
-Maxon Schreave (The Selection Series)
-Cardan Greenbriar (The Folk Of The Air Series)
-Jude Duarte (The Folk Of The Air Series)
-Sydney Sage (VA-Bloodlines)
-Adrian Ivashkov (Va-Bloodlines)
-Prince Kamran of Ardunia (This Woven Kingdom Series)
-James & Lydia Beaufort (Maxton Hall Trilogy, Save Me Series)
-Winter Young(Stars and Smoke & Icon and Inferno),
-Ridley Everlasting (Verona Comics),
+The Thief Lord-Cornelia Funke
+The Dark We Know-Wen-yi Lee
-Luce Lucinda Price (Fallen Series)
-Emil Rey (Infinity Cycle Series- Infinity Son+ Infinity Reaper + Infinity Kings)
-Bea (The Law of Inertia),
-Sam Lloyd/Sergei Lubovitch (The Diviners Series)
-Mabel Rose (The Diviners Series)
-Nora Holleran (Red, White & Royal Blue),
-Just One Day-Year-Night series by Gayle Forman
-Only a Monster by Vanessa Len
-The Diviners Series-Libba Bray
-James (The Law of Inertia),
-Kira-Kira-Cynthia Kadohata
-Memoirs of a Geisha-Arthur Golden
-The Dark We Know-Wen-yi Lee
-The Devouring Gray Duology-Christine Lynn Herman
-History Is All You Left Me + Infinity Cycle Series-Adam Silvera
-An Emotion of Great Delight-Tahereh Mafi
-The Diviners Series-Libba Bray
-Grishaverse-Leigh Bardugo
-Red, White & Royal Blue- Casey McQuiston
-The Pairing- Casey McQuiston
-The Shadow Of The Wind- C R Zafón
-They Both Die At The End + The First To Die At The End-Adam Silvera
-This Woven Kingdom Series- Tahereh Mafi
-One Day-David Nicholls
-Artemis Fowl Series-Eoin Colfer
-Airman-Eoin Colfer
-Fallen Series-Lauren Kate
-Anne Of Green Gables Series- Lucy M Montgomery
-Stars and Smoke & Icon and Inferno-Marie Lu
-London on My Mind-Clara Alves
-You Should Be  So Lucky-Cat Sebastian
-Kira-Kira-Cynthia Kadohata
-As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow-Zoulfa Katouh
-The Dark We Know-Wen-yi Lee
-Shatter Me Series- Tahereh Mafi
-The Diviners Series-Libba Bray
-History Is All You Left Me-Adam Silvera
-They Both Die At The End + The First To Die At The End-Adam Silvera
-Infinity Son (and the rest of the Infinity Cycle Series)- Adam Silvera
-Grishaverse-Leigh Bardugo
-Red, White & Royal Blue- Casey McQuiston
-One Day- David Nicholls
-The Devouring Gray Duology-Christine Lynn Herman
-Vampire Academy & Bloodlines Series-Richelle Mead
-Unforgiven-Lauren Kate(From Fallen Series) WHOLE Fallen Series actually!
-An Emotion of Great Delight-Tahereh Mafi
-My Heart and Other Black Holes-Jasmine Warga
-The Law of Inertia-Sophie Gonzales
-Verona Comics-Jennifer Dugan
-Anne Of Green Gables Series-L M Montgomery
-Anna Karenina-Leo Tolstoy
-The Dark We Know-Wen-yi Lee
-Anne Shirley (Anne Of Green Gables Series)
-Daniel Sempere (The Shadow Of The Wind-The Cemetery Of Forgotten Books Series)
-Julian Carax (The Shadow Of The Wind)
-Emma Morley (One Day)
-David Martin (The Angel’s Game-The Cemetery Of Forgotten Books Series)
-Memphis Campbell (The Diviners Series)
-Orion Pagan (The First To Die At The End)
-Prince Henry- Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor of Wales(Red White&Royal Blue)
-Shatter Me Series- Tahereh Mafi
-The Diviners Series-Libba Bray
-The Folk Of The Air Series-Holly Black
-Infinity Son (and the rest of the Infinity Cycle Series)- Adam Silvera
-GRISHAVERSE-Leigh Bardugo
-Artemis Fowl Series-Eoin Colfer
-Airman-Eoin Colfer
-Red, White & Royal Blue- Casey McQuiston
-The Devouring Gray Duology-Christine Lynn Herman
-Vampire Academy & Bloodlines Series-Richelle Mead
-Fallen Series- Lauren Kate
-The Thief Lord-Cornelia Funke
-The Keys To The Kingdom Series-Garth Nix
-The Supernaturalist-Eoin Colfer
-One Last Stop- Casey McQuiston
-I Kissed Shara Wheeler- Casey McQuiston
-I Wish You All The Best-Mason Deaver
-Anne Of Green Gables Series- Lucy M Montgomery
-The Outsiders- S. E. Hinton
-Just One Day & Year & Night-Gayle Forman
-The Midnight Palace- C. R. Zafón
-The Dark We Know-Wen-yi Lee
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spoopy-moose · 1 year
Nine people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by @herbgroom and @whyareweherereally thank uuuuu 😖
Last played: Ditto by Newjeans, they put some drug into that song seriously
Currently watching: I put it on like in the background now that I’m constantly drawing but the legend of Vox machina it honestly is very good and is convincing me to watch critical role
Currently reading: just started blood meridian by cormac mccarthy(I’m literally obsessed with this man’s books rn) and it’s…going. Also trying to finish Out by natsuo kirino which i unfortunately started at the start of the year
Current obsession: pathologic! I love my blorbos and my meow meows! And also I’m in this weird creative boom right now so I’d also say my current obsession is also drawing and stuff
@m0th-g0th0 @everlasting-evocation @erriga @miuzik-r @keki-desu @mariamegale @niche-hot-takes @tranquil-inferno @florentz
No pressure tho!
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evelyn-onfire · 2 months
(I know ur on break from gan so don’t answer if u don’t want)
what are your inspirations behind each character you play on gan?
🖤 Dw, I’m happy to answer! There are a lot of characters that inspired Fallen! Originally, I just wanted to be a silly antagonistic audience member who occasionally pushes peoples buttons, but I was having fun with it and decided to make a full on character. I consider Fallen a mix Kris from Deltarune and Siffrin from In Stars and Time, with some Jax from TADC sprinkled in. For Cassius, I originally just wanted to be the best friend that led to Fallen’s death. At catalyst. But I eventually developed him more and accidentally started shipping him with Fallen before saying “fuck it, doomed yaoi” essentially. I wanted to make them perfect opposites, because that’s all the more tragic imo. Cassius is the perfect student from a high class family in comparison to Fallen who comes from a lower class family. Their parents didn’t get along so their friendship was somewhat taboo, which is why when Cassius died, Fallen took the blame.
Their names are also deliberately chosen. Fallen’s name when they were alive was Dante. Obviously taken from Dante’s Inferno, a story about a poet going through the 9 circles of hell, but the name also means steadfast and everlasting. Fallen’s a spirit that’s been around and alone for a really really long time, unable to move into the afterlife and they don’t know why. They’re trapped in the mortal realm, invisible. It’s their own personal hell- at least it was.
Cassius I chose mostly because it’s a very pretty name, and he’s a very pretty boy, but I thought it was fitting because of how Cassius was the one who lead the assassination of Julius Caesar. It hasn’t been revealed yet, but Cass and Fallen’s past with each other was rocky, to say the least. Cass did betray them once before, and Fallen at first feels like their death was a betrayal on his part (until they think otherwise). His name also means hollow, which may seem like the opposite of his personality, but it fits his current physical state. His body is a husk of what it used to be. He’s empty. He needs to be saved.
I’m very normal about these two.
There’s also another character I play who I desperately wanna talk about, but it’s not time to reveal who yet. Maybe someday 😉
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lalohefalter · 1 year
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𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝔃𝓮𝓷 𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓭 ✉ ░ @jadesanct ― leaves her a bright red dendrobium and a note inscribed - a reminder that your beauty will remain for all eternity, blessings ~kai. ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻
HOW ROMANTICALLY INSCRIBED; how infuriatingly affront. The flower twirls back & forth between fingers, visible brow furrowing. What was it he wanted? Ignorant pest. Was he trying to flatter her now? Oh, how precious. It vexed her to no end.
Well, he wasn't blind at least; she would remain for all eternity. Within her QUEEN'S EVERLASTING WONDERLAND. Inazuma's eternity was a pitiful farce.
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The flower could burn into scattered ash; yet, she was a being of ice, scarred by inferno, and if he sung of eternity within her beauty, what a fit for his offerings to be encased in ice.
Frozen solid, a simple twitch in her hand forces it to shatter. That hand, free of useless junk, beckons to her subordinates who silently watched, never making a sound; good, they learnt quick.
❝ We're leaving now. ❞ No one dared to question it's contents, never ushered a word about her response. The false placid itched an irked flame within; if he was to flatter a maiden, then he shouldn't so bravery assume she was anything of the sort.
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revenant-coining · 1 year
Hello! The Decay would like to request of you Honorifics and Titles, He Who is Null would like if themes could be related to or themed off of Chronophobia/Time in general, Nyctophobia/The Dark, Nihilophobia/General Nothingness, Scopophobia/General Observing/Watching, Thalassophobia/General Water, Cleithrophobia/Being Trapped, Agoraphobia, Sciophobia/General Shadows, the Void, Nightmares, Dreams, Eyes, Liminal Spaces/Liminality, Red (The Colour), Blue (The Colour), Fog, and Fire. The One Who Wishes understands if you would like to deny this request due to its length but thanks you for your time no matter your answer. /genuine.
here ya go ^^
Chronophobia/Time Honorifics:
Pst. [past]
Prsnt. [present]
Ftr. [future]
Chr./Crno. [chrono]
Ep. [epoch]
Nyctophobia/The Dark Honorifics:
Nght. [night]
Drk. [dark]
Mdnt. [midnight]
Entd. [eventide]
Ntfl. [nightfall]
Drkns. [darkness]
Snls. [sunless]
Nihilophobia/Nothingness Honorifics:
Nthn. [nothing]
Nby./Nbdy. [nobody]
Scopophobia/Observing/Watching Honorifics:
Wtch. [watch]
Str./Stre. [stare]
Obrv./Obsrv. [observe]
Thalassophobia/Water Honorifics:
Dpwr. [deep water]
Wtr./Wr. [water]
Ocn. [ocean]
Cleithrophobia/Trapped Honorifics:
Trp. [trap]
Stck. [stuck]
Crnd. [corned]
Agoraphobia Honorifics:
Pnc. [panic]
Hlpls. [helpness]
Ebsmt. [embarrassment]
Sciophobia/Shadows Honorifics:
Shdw. [shadow]
Glm. [gloom]
Shd. [shade]
The Void Honorifics:
Nightmares/Dreams Honorifics:
Ntmr. [nightmare]
Drm. [dream]
Dydrm. [daydream]
Rvr. [reverie]
Eyes Honorifics:
Ocu. [oculus]
Eybl. [eyeball]
Optc. [optic]
Liminal Spaces/Liminality Honorifics:
Lml. [liminal]
Red Honorifics:
Crdl. [cardinal]
Crm./Crms./Crmsn. [crimson]
Mrn. [marron]
Crmn. [carmine]
Crs. [cerise]
Blue Honorifics:
Blu. [blue]
Azr. [azure]
Crln. [cerulean]
Cblt. [cobalt]
Idg. [indigo]
Nvy. [navy]
Urmrn. [ultramarine]
Fog Honorifics:
Fg. [fog]
Mst. [mist]
Smg. [smog]
Hz./Hze. [haze]
Fire Honorifics:
Fr. [fire]
Blz. [blaze]
Ifn./Ifno. [inferno]
Embr. [ember]
Sprk. [spark]
Flme. [flame]
Chronophobia/Time Titles:
the one afraid of time
the one afraid of the passage of time
the one who fears time
the one who fears the passage of time
the end of an era
the (from) past
the (from) present
the (from) future
the chronological one
the one aging chronologically
Nyctophobia/The Dark Titles:
the one afraid of the night
the one afraid of the dark
the one who fears the night
the one who fears the dark
the one who fears the fall of night
the one caught in the dead of night
the one of night
the one of midnight
the one from nightfall
the one from the dead of night
the one from the dead hours
the one caught in the moonless night
the one caught in the eventide
the one from the sunless
the one from the dark
the one from the darkness
Nihilophobia/Nothingness Titles:
the one afraid of nothingness
the one who fears nothingness
the nobody
the one from nothing
the one from nothingness
the everlasting nothing
the everlasting nothingness
Scopophobia/Observing/Watching Titles:
the one afraid of being watched
the one afraid of being stared at
the one who fears being watched
the one who fears being stared at
the one who watches
the one who stares
the one who observes
the observer
the watcher
Thalassophobia/Water Titles:
the one afraid of deep water
the one who fears deep water
the one afraid of the deep sea
the one who fears the deep sea
the one afraid of the briny deep
the one from the deep
the one from the briny deep
the one from deep down
more (link)
Cleithrophobia/Trapped Titles:
the one afraid of being trapped
the one who fears being trapped
the one who's trapped
Agoraphobia Titles:
the one afraid of what causes panic
the one afraid of what causes helplessness
the one afraid of what causes embarrassment
the one who fears what causes panic
the one who fears what causes helplessness
the one who fears what causes embarrassment
Sciophobia/Shadows Titles:
the one afraid of shadows
the one who fears shadows
the shadows
the one stuck in (the) gloom
the shaded
more (link)
The Void Titles:
the one from the void
the voided (one)
more (link)
Nightmares/Dreams Titles:
the one plagued with nightmares
the one plagues with dreams
the one from nightmares
the one from dreams
the dreaming
the daydreaming
the one with reveries
more (link)
more (link)
Eyes Titles:
the eyes
the eyeful
the one with optics
the oculus
Liminal Spaces/Liminality Titles:
the liminal (one)
the one from liminality
Red Titles:
the red one
the cardinal one
the crimson one
the maroon one
the carmine one
the cerise one
Blue Titles:
the blue one
the azure one
the cerulean one
the cobalt one
the indigo one
the navy one
the ultramarine one
Fog Titles:
the foggy one
the one covered in fog
the fog covered (one)
the fog-filled (one)
the one from the fog
the misted
the hazey
the haze covered (one)
the haze-filled (one)
Fire Titles:
the blazing fire
the blazing inferno
the one who causes sparks
the one who causes embers
the flaming one
the sparking one
the blazing (one)
more (link)
more (link)
more (link)
‘one’ can be replaced with any noun, ‘the one’ can be replaced with any pronoun
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