paru-nt · 8 months
More samples will be posted in the future!
Japanese only means about language.
①All ages
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peachblossomss · 6 years
Everlasting Inferno
Summary: In a time of peace and love, an angel of the highest order, Sasuke Uchiha, finds out a dark secret of the society he lives in. His actions have consequences, a war begins, and he is cast out of Heaven. His life from then on was one of darkness. Where was his light? Angel AU. Mainly SasuSaku, including NaruHina and NejTen. Rated M.
Link on FF.net!! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12899698/1/Everlasting-Inferno
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto
Chapter Two 
Focus, Sakura, focus!! Damn. The pink haired Virtue huffed as she went through a new taijutsu sequence she was honing in on.
“Ugh, I am never going to get this!! TENTEN WHY’D YOU LEAAVEE” She shouted irritatedly. Wiping the sweat from her pale, freckled brow, she slumped to the glens grassy ground. It was a sunny summery sort of day, and the boys were all on a mission to Earth, (Something about interfering in a battle that was about to break out between two human civilizations. They thought she was a liability to their success). So when she awoke on the day of the mission, Sakura decided to train. She decided she wasn’t going to be a liability any longer. Those fools! Just because I’m not as strong as them doesn’t mean I am such a liability that I had to be left behind. This is the last time. I’m done being worthless in their eyes, she thought to herself with heated determination. With those words, the small, ungraceful angel sat up and took off towards a rocky precipice where her training grounds resides. I. Am. Not. Weak. Focusing her chakra to her feet, the girl of 17 flings herself from the edge, launching far into the buoyant clouds above. Unleashing her slender, ivory wings, she makes an almost graceful aerial flip. Sakura starts plummeting back down to the training ground, tucking her wings in as she goes. I will become great. I am no longer the girl who hides behind the back of a man. With a war cry, the cherry blossom angel speeds herself up by kicking the air with chakra powered through her feet. With quick relocation of her chakra to her fist, the angel pushes toward the ground. In seconds Sakura knows she will land upon the springy grass. “I AM NOT WEAK!!!!!!!!!!” she yells, and with her small, dainty fist, the once picturesque, serene field becomes nothing but a mess of dirt and upturned trees and flowers.
“My,my, my!” A smooth feminine voice sang amusedly. “That was quite the show, Sakura.”
The pinkette spun around quickly in her self-made crater, facing the voice who called her name.
“T-Tsunade-sama! Good afternoon.” she said, with embarrassment.
“Where did you learn such a technique? You have not sought out my aid in becoming a better protector, how did you learn of my chakra manipulation practices?”
“Uhhh…” Sakura stammered, “Well, you see, I have always admired you, and well I have always been amazed on how strong you are, so naturally I watched you whenever you would train with Jiraiya-san, and can I just say, he’s a bigger perv than Kakashi-sensei! Anyway, well, I simply put two and two together. I mean, your medical healing chakra is used by manipulating chakra from your hands to someone else, and I learned the same can be applied while trying to focus chakra for other purposes, like defence and striking…” she trailed off.
“Sakura Haruno!” Tsunade snapped, “I believe you to have talent. Like you expressed, you are not weak, and I believe you have the determination and intelligence of someone who could be great. I am not promising you will become powerful like myself and the other Seraphim, but I can help you become your best you. From this moment on, you will be my apprentice. You’re expected to be here tomorrow, 6am sharp.” With a smirk and a wink, the great Tsunade of The Virtues, one of the top Seraphim, unleashed her deep honey colored wings, that appeared to be dipped in crimson, and flew away into the skies above.
And with that, the ungraceful, frazzled girl slumped down into the now upturned grass once again. She giggled to herself, unabashedly and full of excitement. From a distance, her aristocratic and stoic teammate perched in a tree, he had been watching the events that just transpired. He gasped as Sakura launched herself from the cliffs edge, although he knew she had wings to catch the wind. He stared transfixed as she spun gracefully through the air and plummeted with heart dropping speed towards the grassy plain. He stood in amazement as she created such astounding damage with her feminine hand, and he had to agree, she was not weak. When Tsunade of The Virtues declared that Sakura would become her apprentice, he could not have been more proud and in awe of his annoying little teammate.
(a few days later)
As Sasuke walked home from his meditation, on a calm, blissful evening, he found himself wondering what his team of friends was up to that night. Was Naruto eating ramen again? Was Sakura with Tsunade, learning how to enhance her skills even more? He pictured the pink haired angel flipping so elegantly through the air, as if she had done it a million times. Sakura... when did you change? How could Naruto and I not see that you have become so different from the girl we first met? When did you start caring about your power as a Virtue and as a protector of Heaven? He walked along the edge of the paths, eyes closed and simply using his other senses to guide his way, lost in his confusing thoughts.
“Sasuke-kuuunn! Wait for me!” he heard from behind
“Tch, what do you want, Sakura? I have somewhere to be.” Sasuke asked, whilst pretending the owner of that soft voice wasn’t just the topic of his inner monologue. A slight blush began to dust his cheeks before he could help it.
“I was just wondering how your mission a few days ago went? I haven’t seen you or Naruto since you all left.”
“Hn, It was fine. We were able to interfere before there were any mass casualties, although, there were a few men who decided they could defeat us, and also defeat their enemy.” he snorted. “They didn’t last long, but Kakashi said not to harm them too much. It was actually kind of amazing, we never really get to apply our battle skills while on a mission...” strangely and near frighteningly, he found himself almost unable to stop telling Sakura of their mission.
“Hmph, well, I’m glad you had such a nice time. While you were away, I had a run in with  Tsunade-shishou---”
“Sasuke, little brother, I think it’s time you take your leave from your friend. Father and Mother have an important meeting to attend and they’d like you to be home when they leave.”  a deep, smothering voice interrupted Sakura’s floaty tone.
“Itachi-san!” she gasped, lowering her eyes, “Good evening! I apologize for keeping Sasuke away when he has family duties to attend to, I will take my leave.”
“Sakura, I’m prou--” before Sasuke could finish his sentiment, the Virtue girl bowed, then flashed away in a swirl of deep green mist, much like the color of her eyes, and a cherry blossom sent, one which often follows along with the pinkette.
“Itachi! I was well on my way home. She simply asked how the last team mission went, it would have been rude of me to ignore her. She is my teammate.” Sasuke bit out.
“Now, now, little brother. I know you wanted to spend time with your little girlfriend, but there is important matters Father would like to discuss with you before he and Mother embark on their meeting to Madaras household.”
“First, she is not my girlfriend. Second, do you know what it is about?”
Itachi becons Sasuke over with a slight, sad smile. “You’ll learn soon enough, Sasuke-kun” and with that, the elder Uchiha brother lightly taps Sasuke upon his forehead, and turns to walk home. What is that all about? What will I learn?? Can’t he just tell me for crying out loud?! From then on out, they walked in silence. One, pouting because he was kept in the dark, unknowing of how lucky he was, and the other trying to numb his mind to the tragic truths he knew. When the pair arrived at the Uchiha compound, where all of the Throne angels reside, Sasuke finds his demanding Father in the entryway.
 “Sasuke, what do you know of the humans and their purpose?”
“Father, what do you mean? They are simply living in peace as God’s creations.”
“FUGAKU! In here, NOW!” yelled a voice from the kitchen. “I thought we agreed we were going to discuss this matter once we returned!” Chided Sasuke’s mother, Mikoto. Fugaku promptly left the boys and walked towards his wife’s formidable distaste. 
“Now, dear, Sasuke deserves to know!” Fugaku tried miserably to whisper.
“He is too young! He has not yet met the hundred years required to become a participating member of Heavens ranks! He should not have to carry the burden of…” her voice died out as the doors to their cozy little kitchen slid closed . Sasuke looked to his older brother in confusion, only to find Itachi had disappeared from their home. What in God’s name is going on? The boy fumed quietly to himself, shuffling loudly out of the room. Whatever it is, I don’t want to be kept in the dark any longer.
The meeting which his parents attended came to pass. His father never brought up what he was going to tell his son, and his loving mother pretended the events that day never occured. So he never asked.
Naruto woke with a start. What was that god awful noise?! Can’t a guy get any sleep around here?!!!!”
“NAARUTO! You better be awake!!” yelled a teasing, feminine voice. The boy groned as he rolled out of bed “Sakura-chan, you must be early! We aren’t going to the lake until this afternoon!”, he said disbelievingly, as he opened the door.
“You idiot, it’s already the afternoon! Come on, get dressed! We have our monthly picnic by the lake, and this time I didn’t forget the wine!” Sakura giggled. The two lively members of Team Seven walked slowly to their favorite spot on the lake, taking their time, joking, and smelling the flowers along their way. Heaven was a beautiful place, with lavish lakes, bubbling streams, powerful rivers, hills, dense forests, beautiful plains, and even some deserts. Heavens beauty never seemed to end, the Seven Heavens, as most angels called the group of floating land that made up the paradise in the sky. It was easy to get lost in the serenity of each and every ray of godly light that was cast upon their home.
“It’s so peaceful here, I never want to leave” the pinkette sighed contently.
“Yeah…it’s pretty peaceful here…”
“Nar, you okay? Whatcha thinking about? Hinata-chan?”, she winked. You know, you should ask her out already! She’s entranced by your daftness” Sakura teased, flicking him on the side of his head.
“Sakura,” Naruto stared at her with disquieted, deep blue eyes. “What if I told you that things weren’t as peaceful as they seemed…?”
“What do you mean Naruto?” The teasing tone gone from her voice, her emerald green eyes reflecting the anxiousness in her male companions.
“Well, recently, the tree has been emiting these, these vibes. I am troubled by them, I feel like something bad is going to happen. I don’t know what they mean, but, it’s strange... I feel almost more powerful, if that makes sense? Like... there is a part of me that can’t wait for this dark event to happen.” He whispered.
He looked up as he felt a delicate hand being placed on his shoulder. “Naruto, no matter what, I believe there is a solution to the reason for the Tree of Life to be acting erratically, and I know Sasuke-kun and I will help you understand what these foreboding feelings mean.” With that, the two angels fell into a contemplative silence, watching the light slowly fade from their endless skies. They didn’t know just how true Naruto’s feelings and intuition from the tree would come be. Indeed, something dark was happening.
AN: Hello once again! Peach here! Thank you for the reviews for chapter one! When I checked the story this morning, I was beyond ecstatic to see four reviews in under 24 hours. I feel like that’s pretty dang awesome for my first chapter of my first fic!! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart<3 This story is going to be broken up into parts. We are currently on Part One, chapter two (tbh this ch could have been waaaay longer, but for flow purposes I decided to break it up a bit more). I am not entirely sure how many chapters each part will have, and in all, I am not sure how many parts this story will have (most likely 3 or 4). The first part is going to be a sort of prelude to future parts, where there will be more sasusaku + other ship interactions. The first part isn’t meant to be super duper long, but I want you all to have a good understanding of the basic plot and background information, that will relate to part two. I will try my best to update frequently, but I do work full time, and I am also a part-time student. I currently have no Beta/ anyone in general to read over my writings, so I’m sorry if there are plot holes and grammar errors. It also takes a lot to not only write, but also outline and review each chapter. I really am trying to get some chapters out fast (bc I absolutely love binge reading a fic, and I’m sure you’re all excited and interested to see how this all unfolds ^_^). Please let me know if anything needs clarification! Once again, please leave your comments, questions, and critiques. Much love!!
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yahboobeh · 4 years
Tumblr, I know it’s been a while but wtf happened to your algorithm? Why are you sending me ads to meet singles in my actual city (you know my location) and ads to re-elect Lindsay Graham who, politics aside, is not one of my state’s senators.
Also, all I’ve done today is read NejTen fics.
It’s me. I’m back.
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Se jam lodh tu nejten
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starry200156 · 6 years
Future Fanfics
These are some future fanfics I'm going to be doing. Let me know which one you're looking forward to the most. If you guys have any questions just private message me. 
Beautiful Disaster SasuSaku
Innocent hearts fall in love. Love can be the most beautiful thing that come can feel, but it can be the most painful thing someone can feel. Life is a Beautiful Disaster. - Sakura Haruno
How can you love someone without the pain being without them. - Sasuke Uchiha
Uchiha Princess BoruSara
Why do that most beautiful people have to have the worse pain. Behind their eyes there is so much pain. - Boruto Uzumaki 
I won’t leave you SasuSaku
We all make mistakes, that’s what makes us human. This wasn’t a mistake, it was a sign to start over. - Sakura Haruno
You were here along SasuSaku
Always being there for me. You're were here along and I was to blind to see it up until now. - Sasuke Uchiha
I never hated him for what he did. I didn’t have in my own heart to hate Sasuke, because I always knew he would come back. He was never truly evil, there was apart of him who fought it. - Sakura Haruno
No one believes in us SasuSaku
I don’t care about your past, all I care about is the you that I see in front of me. The Sasuke I know could never hurt me. - Sakura Haruno
She thinks I’m the best thing for her, but I’m not. I can’t protect like everyone else can. One day I’m going to end up hurting her, that’s my biggest fear. There is no one like Sakura Haruno. - Sasuke Uchiha
Addition SasuSaku
I don’t want to be the reason you the stay like this. You have your own priorities to the village like I do. - Sakura Uchiha 
She thinks that she the reason why I’m staying in the village, for all the wrong ways. I’m staying for my family, the missions can wait. - Sasuke Uchiha
Don’t marry him BoruSara
He’s hurting her, the Sarada I once knew is gone. She has been locked away in a cage. I miss the Sarada I use to know, all I see is a broken, beautiful woman. Her eyes are crying for help, for someone to save her. - Boruto Uzumaki 
The only one BoruSara
The thought of anything bad happening to her, terrifies me. I’ve never felt like this for anyone before, she has always been the only one...that understands. - Boruto Uzumaki 
I can’t let anything happen to him, he is the future of this village. He made a promise to me once, and I know he plans to keep it. I won’t let me do it at the expense of his own life. He is the one person I can’t lose. - Sarada Uchiha
The only exception ShikaHima
I thought all woman would be troublesome, but Himawari she’s different. She not a drag, she like the clouds. - Shikadai Nara
Shikadai that’s his name. He’s different from all the other boys I’ve been around. There is just something special about it. Maybe he’s too intelligent for his generation, or his lazy attitude. All I know is that he’s different, I like it. - Himawari Uzumaki
That should be me ShikaHimaIno
Sometimes the heart is tore between two things. That’s when the heart starts to rely on the mind to help make this decision, but then the mind isn’t sure. That just makes complete choas inside yourself. - Himawari Uzumaki 
I’m not going to fight with you, over one simple girl. There are other girls out there that would love you for you. Believe you are not fit to be with Himawari. - Inojin Yamanaka 
To Himawari she scared that she’s ruining our friendship. I don’t want to risk ruining our friendship and hurt her. Inojin you have been selfish and you have never consider her feelings. Personally I just want to make her happy. - Shikadai Nara
Is it worth it NejTen
Fear is just an illusion that the mind makes. We tend to believe it’s real. Everyone feared her, she broke destiny she made fear an illusion. - Neji Hyuga 
No one has ever believe in me like he has. For the first time in my life I’ve felt wanted. The truth is that I fell in love with him, but too scared to admit it. - TenTen
All I wanted NejTen
It always has been about his clan. I know his fate, I just don’t think about it. I never want my own emotion to get in the way of us. - TenTen
She needed me and I wasn’t there for her. I failed someone I deeply cared about. My whole clan expect me, to drop her for them. I’m sorry but I can’t do that. She just too important to give up. - Neji Hyuga
Lost Trust ShikaTema
She’s lost and I’m the only one that can bring her back. She doesn’t trust so easily.- Shikamaru Nara
I can’t trust you I don’t know who you are. I need my brothers, you took them away from me. - Temari
Another chance at love NaruHina 
Hinata if someone really hurts you, they truly never loved you in the first place. - Naruto Uzumaki
I know Naruto loves me, but he shouldn't. It's a disaster wanting to happen. I care about him, but I'm ready for something like that yet. - Hinata Hyuga
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paru-nt · 1 year
I have uploaded a few Nejten and team Guy together, etc. 😊
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peachblossomss · 6 years
hello! I’m Paige, but you guys can call me Peach!! I made this account because my main blog was kinda being overrun by anime stuff and I also wanted a place to be able to reblog and save fanfictions/art I enjoyed and could come back to later, that is separate from my main blog which I often have a queue for. I also am working on an Angel!AU for Naruto, and I’m excited to post about that here! It’s Sasusaku oriented with other canon/non canon pairings. I hope you all enjoy my blog ^_^
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sunnyscribbles · 8 years
Title: The Things We’d Lost
Pairing: Nejiten, Neji x Tenten
Rating: Mature
Genre: Romance/Adventure
Fandom: Naruto
Part: 5
Everything had happened so fast, so when Ryu had fallen down with her, Tenten had realized she'd almost made a huge mistake.
She didn't like him, or at least she wasn't sure yet. The overwhelming stress and lonely nights she'd gone through repeatedly had made her mind weary. She'd nearly kissed a stranger.
Shino was there to pick up the pieces and without much to say, he helped Tenten to her feet, and quietly closed their front door. Without saying much he helped Tenten to her feet, and left to head back to bed.
" Shino! "
Tenten's voice was cracked and strained, she looked at him confused and bewildered.
She had nearly made a big mistake, but he'd been here to make sure she made it back on her feet.
" Your shift starts in six hours. "
Shino spoke softly and turned away from Tenten to yawn and head back to his bedroom.
She sighed heavily and nodded to the invisible person in the room with her. She knew she needed to get some sleep before her big day tomorrow, but she had so much going on in her head, Tenten doubted that she’d even get an hour.
The following day went by without any real problems. She worked her shift and left without much incident.
Seven teams had quit and three more had forfeited due to a member becoming terribly ill or being incapacitated. Kids had gotten poisoned or severely dehydrated, nothing too out of the ordinary.
Shino had a few hours before his shift started, and Tenten offered to get him some late lunch. By the next afternoon their section of the exams would be over and soon the next phase would start, following that would be the festival.
Amongst all the unique and diverse foods that had been opened and that were open in local street cars, they chose a BBQ bar. She knew a little piece of home was what they both needed.
Tenten and Shino were both almost done with their meals when Tenten heard a familiar voice.
At first she was unsure, and the questionable look on her face softened as she hesitated looking over her shoulder to find out. She didn't need to turn around or question the voice much longer, the cattiness of the conversation gave the person away.
" That's all he talks about! "
The voice was angry and loud, but a second voice came in a shushed the upset woman.
" What-what Clair? "
" That.. Stupid Bun Girl.. "
She could practically feel the heat from the woman's voice cooking the back of her neck, and Tenten was hesitant to turn around. She wasn't a fan of confrontation.
Shino's eye brows perked up and Tenten watched a small smile wash over his normally stern face. She was quick to shoot him a angry, pouted face, this was no time for jokes.
Tenten had been distracted by Shino, and hand' noticed the woman come up behind her and brashly shove at her shoulder.
Tenet's body bent forwards for a moment, as her hands shot up and caught herself. She turned and shot the woman a perturbed, impatient look.
She was acting like a bratty child.
But upon turning her body around from her seated position, she could see that the woman was distressed and in tears.
" Clair lets go! People are starting to stare! "
The nervous woman with Clair tugged at her shirt, but that only made her temper flare.
Tenten didn't say anything, the pain in the woman's eyes made her expression soften, which then caused the woman the lash out further.
She went to shove Tenten again, but this time Shino quickly stood up and put an arm between the two of them.
" I think it's time for you to be going. "
Between Shino's stern plea, and the woman tugging on her shirt, Clair turned and left, but not before shooting a disgusted look at Tenten.
" You're super popular. "
Shino's snide remark made Tenten smirk. He had been becoming really good at breaking apart stressful situations. Normally she'd get on his case, but he'd earned this one so she'd let him have it.
" See you in ten hours. "
Shino's voice was calm, and Tenten waved him off before turning and preparing to head into rest.
" Uh, Ms. Tenz? "
Tenten was almost a hundred yards from the apartment building when she was stopped by a young man. A young man who either didn't know her name or was pronouncing it incorrectly.
" You're a proctor in the exams, right?"
The man was about her age, and looked extremely nervous.
She only had about nine hours until her shift started and she wanted to get some sleep before she had to go back in. The last hurdle of the first part of the exams was going to be more gory. As scrolls became more limited, the teams were going to become more violent. She knew she needed this sleep if she wanted to not be an angry dragon woman.
Still the man fumbled his words and was beginning to shake nervously.
She began to notice other things about him now as he stood infont of her longer. His cloths were covered in a thin layer of dust, and he had fresh scrape marks on his knees and hands. His face was dirty as well, and smudged with what looked like blood.
Sleeping would have to wait.
" We were just fooling around. "
Tenten was running, nearly at full speed and the man next to her was having trouble keeping up. There had been an accident while two Chunin were training and someone had tried to help them, but it had caused one of the rocky towers on top of the mountains around Kumo to collapse.
" You were the-" His voice was going in and out now as he ran out of breath. "-first person I found! "
It was outside Kumo a little ways, but she could still clearly see the dust hanging in the air where the fall had occurred. She left the panting man behind and rushed forwards.
The closer she got the thicker the bits of rock and debris hung in the air, making the visibility of spotting anyone, really low.
That's when she heard the moaning.
Someone voice was cackling through he thick air, crying and moaning for help. The air was growing thicker, and Tenten could feel her throat begin to feel the effects of breathing in so much congested air. She wasn't going to find them in time.
Pausing abruptly, she turned hastily and grabbed the large scroll from her back and opened it about a quarter way. She took as deep of a breath as she could, and focused her chakra into her hands.
With three hand signals and one quick burst of energy, Tenten unleashed a violent wind storm into the area. One that blew away every bit of rock and dust in the air, and allowed for her to see what the situation was.
Without hesitation she closed the scroll, and placed it back into its holster on her lower back. She bolted forwards and quickly found the survivors.
Her body was in shock for a moment, because she knew the back and torso of one of the bodies, but it wasn't moving. The other body was moving, and was actively groaning as he held his ribs and arm.
She wasn't sure how much time either had, but Tenten knew she had to act fast.
Tenten reached down and gently pulled up the other, unconscious body, which was none other than Neji Hyuga.
" He, tried to help us.." The other injured man next to her whimpered under his breath.
Tenten wasn't a medic ninja, but the hospital wasn't that far away, she'd have to use a quick solution.
She pulled a smaller scroll from her hip pocket and quickly opened it. Much like the movements before, she summoned two large creatures from the scroll, using a few hand signals and good chunk of her chakra.
Two large black birds appeared from the scroll, Both appearing like larger, more robust ravens and each had a small Konohagakure, metal plate tied around one of their feet. Tenten had briefly worked with the animals, and in time was preparing to use them as her summoning creatures.
For now they'd have to work as high flying ambulances.
The birds were obedient, and were highly intelligent, they accessed the situation and immediately began to help Tenten.
Tenten carefully moved Neji, and was thankful to hear a low groan from him as she moved his body from the ground and onto the bird. The other two boys were also taken to the sky, and to the local Kumogakure hospital.
The Chunin caught in the rockslide had two broken ribs and a split fractured arm, while his friend only suffered superficial wounds. Neji's were a little more serious, he'd suffered some head trauma and his left shoulder had been popped from its socket. He has some small blood loss, and some deep cuts on his back, but other than that he'd be fine.
Tenten left the room as two doctors went in to undress Neji and put him into proper hospital cloths. While he was unconscious they popped his shoulder back in and sutured the wounds on his back.
They let her go back in after the procedures were finished.
" He's going to be in some pain, but as long as he continues to get fluids, we can release him tomorrow morning. "
Tenten listened and nodded, periodically the other two boys from the accident would stop over to make sure he was also alright.
It was both uncomfortable and relaxing for her to walk into the hospital room Neji was being held in.
All of those sleepless nights had seem to of fallen behind her. The constant dreams of them kissing, or the lonely nights of her feeling unsure of herself, all of it had been put on the back burner when the exams came up. But in the moments she walked into his room, some of them came bubbling to the surface.
Neji was sill asleep, his back had been propped up slightly and Tenten noticed that his hair wasn't pulled back, but down over his shoulders. His forehead was visible, as was his Hyuga seal mark. It had been so long since she'd seen him look this vulnerable and calm.
She paused before reaching his bed, and even though he was roughed up and recovering, the look of him being so peaceful, made her grin from ear to ear.
' I love you..'
Tenten's mind drifted for a moment, as she appreciated all of his little features. He had the smallest dimple on only one side of one of his cheeks, the way he tended to turn away before he smiled, or even the time he'd let her fix his hair after it had gotten messed up during a mission.
He'd been gone for so long, she'd nearly forgot.
" Oh no."
Tenten spoke aloud, realizing what her heart had known all along. Her face has twisted slightly as her heart beat picked up. She couldn't take her eyes off of him.
This over obsessing, this heart pounding-unexplainable explosive feeling with these sleepless nights and constant need to be around him.
She was in love with him. This was what love was.
She continued to walk over to his bed, and sat in the chair next to the bed, her face heavily flushing as she clumsily sat down and began to zone out into the deepest reaches of her mind.
She couldn't remember when it had happened. It wasn't the kiss, it had happened so much further back than that.. But she couldn't figure out the moment when she'd definitely fallen in love with him.
She'd been in love with him for such a long time then. The uneasiness, the unexplained feeling in the pits of her stomach every time he said her name, or the constant dismissal of anything being remotely close between them in the back of her mind.
It had been there all along.
Her face wasn't just flushing now, it was her bare forearms and hands, her neck and shoulders. Her feelings were literally bubbling to the surface of her skin.
Neji lowly groaned and Tenten's daze lifted, she placed her hands on the bed and leaned in towards him. Without notice his hand grabbed both of hers, as his body tensed and relaxed, his face showing the pain he was in for a few moments before it softened and he fell back asleep.
She didn't move an inch, her overheated hands being cooled down and calmed by his one hand. He grasped her hand again as his body winced, before going back to sleep again.
A small part of her wanted her to pull away, but that part of her was overwhelmed by the part of her that wanted her to stay here with him, in this moment.
In this moment where he was unguarded and calm, where she could watch him without him trying to turn away or distract her. Where she could look at him and begin to remember all those times they had laughed, and their relationship had built up, far past just friends, or just team mates.
She wanted this, more than anything. To sit with him, and hold his hands to comfort him.
She couldn't remember ever wanting something so much.
The room had fallen silent, and the sun that had warmed their room was setting behind her. She knew she had to go to work in a few short hours, but missing sleep over him was worth it.
She'd give up sleeping the rest of her life to stay in here with him, like this. Tenten's eyes grew heavier, and the longer the sun stayed down, and their room darkened, the further off to sleep she grew
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artofabira · 8 years
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training with bae
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shimkoongchrissy · 10 years
I haven't read Naruto in like...3 years? 5? IDK but I used to write Nejten fanfics and they were like...everything to me and I stumble across Tumblr to find out the author FUKKING KILLED OFF MY BABY! Nononononono stop this. It's all so GAHHH Neji wasn't supposed to die gawd! I can't even...my ship is literally dead. What a waste of my life. I invested myself into them. Shoulda killed Sakura or fukk kill Nejten together at least then I don't have to sit here and curl in on my dying shipper heart Goddamn!
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paru-nt · 2 years
I've put together an R18 Nejten on pixiv❤️
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paru-nt · 3 years
Nejten is about 30 years old and married.➕🌻
⚠️Common episodes of young children and an overprotective Uncle Neji. It means nothing more than that.⚠️💦
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paru-nt · 2 years
Your art works are so beautiful! Is there any chance that you take nejiten commissions?
Thanks so much😊😊♪
I don't do Commission ,but I will take any request for Nejten that I can.😊
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