#peaky binders angst
veeisdunn · 11 months
hi, hope youre doing well.
you said you would love to start writing again, and i just have this comforting thought with tommy as reader's brother
(tw: sh, scars, suicide ideation)
just, accomplishing a milestone of being clean, you look back at your scars, and stracing them with your fingertips. hmm, and maybe tommy keeps up with his promise of getting some air with him, at least once a week, and you catch up. i can see him noticing you strace onto them, and he does the same, and his genuine and loving brotherly side comes through. he tells you he loves you and is proud of you, just thankful for you <33
you can see this as a request or a prompt to write about, but you could also just see this as sharing tommy shelby brotherly love to his sibling <3 much love
Tommy Shelby x sister!reader
I'm back!! Genuinely didn't think anyone would give a shit about my extended hiatus but I've been proven wrong. I'm going to be working through my requests so if you've requested, just know it's coming!! Thank you so much for the support and all the kind words, hopefully I haven't lost whatever kind of writing spark I may or may not have had...
To the lovely human who requested this, I really hope you especially enjoy it!!
warning: talks of self harm, description of self harm scars, mentions of suicidal ideation
WC: 2.2K
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
"No, look, as much as I'd love to come and watch you get the shit beaten out of you, I already have plans, Arthur." Tommy argues, hunched over the dining room table with a mess of papers.
"You and your fucking plans, Tommy." Arthur calls out, with an undertone of amusement, as he trudges out of the room.
You pass Arthur, your oldest brother, in the corridor, waltzing down with a skip in your step.
"What's got you so excited, love?" he chuckles
You smile and shake your head "Nothing much, don't get yourself killed tonight Arthur, okay?"
"Full of smart ideas, you are, eh?" He rests his weathered hand on your shoulder for a second and gives it a reassuring squeeze, "It's nice to see you happy again, Y/N." He smiles sincerely. You beam back.
"I'm just going to see Tommy" you explain
"Ah, well don't get disappointed, love, he has plans."
"They're with me." you admit, giddily
Arthur pretends to be deeply offended by this, "Tommy! I went in the fucking trenches with you, and now you're missing my fight to spend time with Y/N?!" he shouts back into the dining room
"Oh I'm sure Y/N could have been in France if she were old enough, she wouldn't have complained nearly as much as you." Tommy yells back.
You giggle and kiss Arthur on the cheek to wish him good luck before bidding him farewell.
When you walk in the dining room, you get the impression that Tommy is knee deep in some kind of bureaucratic nonsense, his papers scattered across the mahogany wood. Part of you expects him to tell you to leave - but he defies your pessimistic expectations.
"Right, let's go." He announces, slapping his knees and turning away from his work. You raise your eyebrows, as if to say "we don't have to go" but he ignores this and leads you from the room. He strides down the cavernous corridors of Arrow House while you nearly have to run just to keep up.
"Tommy…" you whine, trying to get him to slow down. He just laughs and walks faster.
You sigh, "Tommy!" you shout, frustrated. Instead of responding, he starts to run.
"Thomas Shelby!" you shout again, giggling as you kick off your wedge heels and run barefoot after him.
Eventually, you catch up with him at the front door. "Glad you could join me, Y/N!" Your brother teases as he puts on his coat. You roll your eyes and slide your shoes back on, slipping into your own coat.
The pair of you stroll down the sinuous path leading away from the house and into rolling fields. Tommy lights a cigarette and takes a long puff, unintentionally hitting you in the face with a cloud of smoke. He sees this and wordlessly slows down to walk on the other side of you. You admire how your brother can be so careless and thoughtful at the same time. You grin and look down at the path in front of you sheepishly.
This never gets old - you're weekly walks with Tommy. A couple of hours where you could both forget about the world around you and simply enjoy eachothers' company. You'd been reflecting on the past six months a lot recently, and today was finally the day you could proclaim you were six months clean from self-harm.
The routine started by mistake - around when you were found out. You were terrified, and rightly so. How could your family possibly understand this? They'd all done their fair share of bad things, but this? What you couldn't see was the complex cocktail of emotions your family was experiencing. Tommy, in particular, was infuriated with himself. The pair of you had always had a special connection, but then he found out you were suffering silently, hurting yourself, and you refused to confide in anyone. That's where the walks came in. Your brother was sick of watching you wallow inside the four walls of your bedroom, he practically had to drag you out. Knowing you were completely alone with Tommy helped you to open up - as he'd suspected, the house was suffocating you.
"I do this a lot. When I need to clear my head, I come out here and I watch the birds. Sometimes, if I'm really angry, I shoot them. But, you're not the violent type, eh? That's why this is so concerning to me"
"You know, Tommy, I never wanted to hurt anyone." you begin to sob, "I… I just have so many horrible thoughts, but I don't want to tell people, because they aren't nice to hear."
"Can I tell you something, Y/N? I am hurt."
Hearing this, you widen your eyes and your heart sinks. This was your worst fear, the reason you'd been taking things out on yourself in the first place.
"I'm hurt, Y/N. I'm hurt because I haven't been around enough for you. And I'm hurt because you're hurting. I don't want either of us to be in pain anymore, don't you?"
You never really had the words to express to Tommy how much that conversation meant to you. After hearing him, you made a vow to yourself that this would all stop. The only emotion you had which was stronger than your misery was your love for your family. You couldn't bear to stand them suffering.
You never really had to tell Tommy how much the conversation had helped you. You made it apparent through your actions - after a week had dragged by, you found yourself knocking tentatively on Tommy's office door again, feeling like a scared child.
"Tommy, can we please go on another walk? I want to talk."
He felt both relieved but also rather smug after that day - Tommy had cracked the code. He also grew to find this time beneficial for himself as well. When he was out alone with you, he wasn't 'Thomas Shelby, the criminal-soldier turned politician'. He was just Tommy.
" - Y/N? Are you even listening?" Tommy's gruff voice cut through your daydream
"yeah, mhm, of course" you reply, slightly flustered
"right so what's your answer, yes or no?"
Fuck. Yes is good… usually? Right? But this is Tommy, he could be asking anything. Maybe a no would be better - chances are Tommy is scheming something dangerous, and you should probably be the voice of reason.
"No, Tommy." You say with false confidence
"No? You don't want me to take a week off to spend time with you once your classes are over?" He chuckles
"Shit, no, yes! Yes I do! That sounds lovely, Tommy, really." you splutter desperately while he continues to smile.
"You weren't listening, love, weren't you?"
"No…" you whine, "Sorry…"
He lets out a soft laugh. "Well, if I have a ramble about some stuff, do you think you could listen to me?"
" …and then he told me that the cabinet don't see any of this as a priority anyway" Tommy sighed, finishing his rant which explained the mountains of paperwork he was buried in.
You don't have any advice to give, politics isn't one of your expertise, afterall. You rest your head on his shoulder and hum, as if to say "I hear you, [insert meaningful political statement here]" - or something like that.
He hums back, as if you're two birds in a song. You are both huddled under a willow tree, watching the sun set over the sown fields of the estate. Tommy treasures these moments in particular - you both sat in comfortable silence, breathing in the soft country air. He took comfort in the peaceful nature of your breathing, and how your silky hair tickled his neck with each exhale.
Your fingers absentmindedly found their way to your wrist, the memories of pain you held being particularly potent on this anniversary. You gently traced over the bumpy skin, you'd gotten used to this feeling - most people would probably hate having such shredded, scarred skin but you much preferred it to bleeding. Feeling the scars reminded you of how far you'd come, seeing that many of them were no longer red and angry reminded you that you were healing.
As Tommy put out his cigarette, he caught sight of your fingers caressing your wrist. Thinking about it made his heart sink - it had been awhile since you'd both spoken about it, and it had been even longer since he'd actually seen your wrists.
You'd had an awful day at school; you teacher had chastised you in front of the entire class for an essay you'd turned in late. You'd been clean about a month and you were struggling to keep it that way. You weren't expecting any of your close family to be around Small Heath, so you stormed through the front door and up the stairs, throwing your leather satchel of books across the room. You then went under your bed to search for your emergency box - containing a blade and some bandages. You weren't actually sure if you were going to use it, but you wanted the option.
That's how Tommy found you. He'd heard the noise, you'd have to be deaf not to. He let himself in your room and was greeted with the sight of you on the floor in tears, a blade in your hand.
He scrambled down to the floor and snatched the blade from your hand, putting it in his pocket. "Hey, Y/N, Y/N, look at me, okay?" He said frantically. You looked up at him with your glazed eyes and said nothing, paralyzed in fear. He wasted no time in rolling your sleeves up to check your wrists. He sighed a breath of relief to see only pinkish lines and scabs - no fresh cuts.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again, alright?" He wheezed to get his breath back, before engulfing you in a tight hug.
That was five months ago, and those dark, angry scars had lightened to create a cluster of white lines on your wrist. He moves his hand closer to yours, "may I?" he asks, gesturing to your wrist. You nod, not really sure what else to say. His touch on your scars sends shivers through your body. He raises his eyebrows at your reaction.
"Does it hurt?"
"No, it just feels weird."
He sighs and rhythmically runs his fingers across the bumps on your skin.
"They look better" he speaks in a low, tender voice
"it's been six months"
"six months today?"
You nod. Tommy cracks a wide smile, expelling the tension in the air. He takes his hand from your wrist and slings his arm firmly around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
"You never cease to amaze me, Y/N, you know that, right?"
You blush and look down at your lap. He puts his free hand under your chin and gently guides your eyes to meet his.
"I know you get embarrassed hearing it, but I'm so proud of you Y/N, I'm so proud." Tommy speaks with a kind and earnest tone.
You scrunch your eyebrows, not wanting to take his love, "But most people never hurt themselves in the first place, Tom."
"Don't lessen your achievements, you aren't most people, Y/N. I don't care what they've all done or not done, I can bet you've fought harder than all of em" He says lovingly, squeezing your shoulder.
You can't argue with that, you have fought like hell to get to where you are.
"And, Y/N, I don't think I say it enough, but I love you. I love everything about you, even the parts of yourself that you don't like. I love all of you." Tommy's voice is quiet, almost as if he's whispering to you. You lift your hand up to your face and wipe away some stray tears.
"No, no, c'mere Y/N" he protests, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbing your cheeks tenderly. This just makes you cry even more, your head collides with his chest as you try to calm your tears. Tommy wraps his arms around you and rocks you gently, resting his chin on your head.
"It's just - I just love you so much Tommy, but I don't think I show you enough and then… and then I feel so bad because I feel like I look ungrateful for everything you do for me but I'm so grateful Tom, and I just don't know how to show people that I care." You cry, you're angry at yourself, tears still flowing down your cheeks.
"Y/N? just take a breath, okay? Take a deep breath" Tommy reminds you, resting his hands on your shoulders, pressing his forehead against yours, "Just breathe, alright?"
You follow his words and take a shaky breath.
"You know, you're the last person who should be worrying about that kind of thing. You don't have to announce your love for people every day, you're actions speak louder than your words, love. You're a good person, you do everything with good intentions, and it's clear as day how much you care about everyone around you. I don't know many people who care as much as you do, Y/N." Tommy smiles, looking you in the eyes.
You smile, a few tears still falling. You sniffle.
"I love you, Tom."
"I love you… more." he smirks
"We are not having this argument again."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
please drop me a comment or message with any feedback or suggestions! I'd love to hear from you ♡
Vee x
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
The Angel Of Death
Chapter Three: Endure This
<- Previous Chapter / Next Chapter ->
Pairing: (Later on) Thomas Shelby x Red (Female Reader)
Trigger Warning: Mention Of Death, Cursing, Violence
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1921 (First half of the year)
She couldn't believe, the change of employers and the new one, the new one is one of her closest friends. She has enough cash before this to buy a house somewhere. But she wants more than just a house for the moment.
Although she didn't buy a house a Russia, she bought one in Birmingham and it wasn't the best in the world. But to her it definitely is.
"I heard you were in the area, I thought you would prefer to work for me instead."
"Where's Ivan? I thought he'd be with you."
"He's with Masha"
"How is she? I haven't seen her since you had divorced the other guy,"
"She misses you weirdly enough, which is why your first job to babysit while you get trained."
"I don't follow, I was a sharpshooter, what more training do I need?"
"Much, much more to be effective in type of jobs I want you to do"
"As long as I get paid while this happens, I trust you and I know how you are. So I won't fight you on this one,"
"I want you to be both operative and assassin."
"Compact combo? Why?"
"First of all no, second of all it's more like being a special type of agent. The only one I would trust to do the jobs I need you trained for."
"I'm up for it, as long as you agree to my terms and conditions."
To start over again in familiar territory and to start over without having to loose everything. She helped with Masha as the little girl grew up and she got training so much more intense than her friend led her to believe.
"You've been busy," She said after her friend punched her in the face.
"That's enough for today, I do have to say. You've gotten better now, under my care"
"I don't feel that I have, getting punched in face doesn't mean I know how to fight. It just means I know how much it hurts to get punched in the face" Red's eyes watered and she continued to try to blink them away.
"Your reaction timing is great, but the execution still needs work and you have perfected your aim with that rifle of yours. So yeah, you have improved over the three months. Three months left and we'll test out the results."
"I hope it's easier than these punching matches I've been having with you"
"First one will be a breeze I'm sure"
"That'll be a first"
Three months came and went, if Red improved when it came to fighting was about to be seen. Whether or not trained her further was a waste of time would also be seen.
1921 (Second half of the year)
"That first job, it was easier than I thought. You told me sit, listen and follow the guy."
"That's part of what you'll be doing too. The other part is killing people. But we both know you're already good enough for that part."
"So the fist fighting thing is part the operative half or the assassin part?"
"Both because you won't always have a gun on you and sometimes you'll have it taken from you"
"Well I owe Masha the rest of my desserts for the rest of this month."
"She's way too smart, she gets it from her dad and her godmother"
"I'd go more with the husband part, but that's just me"
"I like to think its both, Red you're more than just a babysitter to her. To her you are her guardian angel."
"And I'll what I can to make sure she's safe. While I am still her guardian angel babysitter."
Red took care of Masha, even after she was reassigned as an agent. Even after first dozen or so jobs, Masha and her friend is the people she goes to before anyone else. She spoils her goddaughter the way she thinks she should be.
Both Red and her employer set in their ways, her employer set a meeting with a man who is called Thomas Shelby.
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oddaodd · 3 years
Hi there ! I love your fics ! Can I request something angsty with Tommy Shelby x pregnant reader ?
He’s been missing for 2 days, away with his brothers on business. He didn’t tell her he was going, and she was ill while he was away.
When he struts in with his brothers like nothings happened she loses it and throws his favourite whisky bottle at him.
Thank you 🙏🏻
· Whisky Floors · 
Author’s note: thanks for requesting this! sorry it took me so long to finish but well here we are. I hope you like it and have the loveliest of days. ❤️
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy. 
The moment Y/n heard the front door opening, she got up from bed and made her way downstairs as fast as her pregnant self allowed. It had been two days since she last saw her husband and without knowing where he could possibly be, she became victim to dreadful thoughts. Dreadful thoughts so intense that made her ill. she hadn’t been able to keep food down for a day which in addition to her pregnancy mood swings made her feel like she was going through hell.
When she ran into the foyer she caught sight of her husband and his two brothers all smiling widely as if they hadn’t been missing for two days in a row.
All it took for their smiles to vanish from their faces was one look at y/n’s annoyed and tired  expression. Tommy walked towards her and greeted her warmly but she was having none of it. She had dark circles under her eyes, her hair was messy and her right hand was pressed against her lower back to soothe the back pain that wasn’t quite done with tormenting her just yet.
Not wanting her husband’s brothers to witness her temper, she angrily made her way to Tommy’s office, knowing that he would follow her. As soon as they closed the door she reprimanded him for not telling her where he was. tommy knew she was in every right to be upset but he couldn’t help but feel a bit annoyed at her antics.
“I didn’t know I had to tell you where I am at all times” he said, his voice not giving away his slight annoyance.
“You don’t have to, but if you’re going away for more than a day I would appreciate knowing where you are”
“You worry too much” he dismissed lighting up a cigarette”
“Yes, Thomas. I worry! I worry because I was here at home pregnant with your fucking baby and I…” she heaved a breath of exhaustion” I had no idea if you were coming back or if you were out there dead somewhere!”
“I think You are overreacting a bit, love” he said nonchalantly.
“Like hell I am” she spat “next time you’re going away, let me know”
“And don’t fucking patronize me” she finished before walking heading hastily to the door. A sudden craving for space fueling her actions. She heard Tommy’s footsteps coming behind her and in her fury filled state turned around grabbing whatever was nearest (which turned out to be one of Tommy’s favorite whiskey bottles) and threw it at his feet in an effort to keep him away.
The bottle broke at the contact with the floor and the amber liquid that used to be concealed within it poured out, almost camouflaging itself with the color of the wooden floor.
Tommy stayed where he stood and looked at her with perplexed eyes feeling guilt creeping up his spine for making her explode like that. She felt a wave of regret hit her senses and her eyes watered a bit. She wanted to apologize but she felt too angry to do so, so she just left the room instead. Making her way to the garden.
“We just need to breathe” she told herself as she sat down on one of the chairs they kept outside. Soothingly rubbing her baby bump she stared at the horizon. She  noticed that ever since she found out she was pregnant, whenever she spoke to herself she would say we instead of I, considering her baby in her thoughts. She smiled at the realization and sighed, feeling her mood improving.
Maybe she had overreacted, what if she had cut him with the bottle? She began worrying again.
A hand on her shoulder made her jump, interrupting her thoughts. She turned inter chair to look at the owner of the hand which turned out to be Tommy.
“Love..” He began, but y/n abruptly stood up from her chair and embraced him in a tight hug. As angry as she was she was glad he was home at last. She felt tears prickling her eyes as his arms snaked around her waist. Fucking hormones.
“Im sorry” she said “I shouldn’t have thrown the bottle at you”
“Well, do you have any more bottles laying around to throw at me?” He asked slightly humorous trying to cheer her up.
Y/n chortled a bit “no”
“Then come” he said taking her hand in his
“Where?” She asked unsure.
“Just follow me, eh? “
Tommy led her hand in hand to the stables where a beautiful black horse stood. Y/n admired the animal and went to pet it’s stout.
“Whats her name?”
“Whatever you want it to be” he said “she’s yours”
“Is this why you went away?” She asked surprised.
@lilymurphy03 @peakyxtommy @writeroutoftime @captivatedbycillianmurphy @nyotamalfoy
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oh-theres-a-woman · 4 years
Just seen your request list and I’d love a number 4 - You’ve got my heart, but I can’t let you keep it. - with tommy, maybe where you’re in love but your family wants you to marry someone else? 🌟💕
When A Heart Shatters
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Request by; Anon 🌼
Prompt; Four— "You've got my heart, but I can't let you keep it"
Type; Angst
Pairing; Tommy x Reader
Taglist: @hesagod-notyet @zodiyack @itsfrancisneptun @fandom-fucking-shit @amys-small-world @amirahiddleston @a-dorky-book-keeper @theamuz @hinagiku0 @captivatedbycillianmurphy @rosiemaisworld @queencoraline3 @smallheathgangsters @theshelbyclan @haphazardhufflepuff @nemesis729 @kiaoizz @sweatydragoncloudknight @nobodyscarebutandyou @peakascum @beautycinders @csigeoblue
Word Count: 667
“Tommy, I mean it… I can’t do this anymore.” Tears were rimming [Y/N] waterline. This was the hardest thing she had been made to do.
Tommy Shelby had been her childhood sweetheart. They were the biggest troublemakers in school together, each other’s first in many ways. From the clumsy kiss behind the school in primary, to the moments they had found each other—their perfect fit in body and soul. He was the one to coax her through the pain of their first time together and one to kiss away the tears that fell. Now, they had to part ways. [Y/N]’s parents didn’t approve of their love. Never had. They had been disgusted to learn how far it had gone between the unruly teens. So, much so, that they arranged a marriage within another family for her. It would be the final chance to slow everything down.
“You got my heart, but you can’t keep it.” [Y/N] admitted with the tears finally a waterfall cascading down her cheeks and staining her skin. Heart hammering in her chest. Mind a whirlwind of grief. Before her stood the other half to her soul—the only true love she was sure she would ever feel.
His heartbreak evident on his face, in those beautiful eyes it reached a whole new level as he closed the distance between the pair. Catching her hand within his own, they were shaking for once. Not at all the cool calm and collected Thomas Shelby. But a soul troubled and torn at the seams of heartbreak, just like her.
[Y/N] Felt ashamed looking down at the hands that held her. “I don’t want this… But there is no other way. My—parents they have arranged me to marry someone. Tom—I can’t go against my family.” She whimpered with his hands there warm, moving towards the softness of tear stained cheeks. Chapped lips pressed to her brow once and once alone before drawing back. Warm arms enveloped the smaller of the sweethearts.
“Shhh…” Tommy sighed against the warm locks that soothed his heart on many occasions till now. Eyes holding on for a moment. Before his head dipped down. “I think I’ll always have your heart and you mine—even if they approve or not.” He admitted.
“I want you to have one last thing that would forever be yours too—Tommy.” she whispered softly looking towards him. Before tugging him into a kiss by the collar. Charlie’s Yard had always been the place they came to talk. It helped clear a mind. Now, it had become the place where they would part. But not before the one final goodbye.
Lips found flesh of one another as they backed into the stables. To one of the clean stalls. It was a first that [Y/N] would only ever give Thomas. Laying in the hay beneath him, hands lightly holding onto his shoulders. Shaking breaths left her lips. The moment they were joined at the centre of their beings—she gasped and cried at the startled and momentary pain. “Breath—breath love,” he whispered into her ear, stifling the moan from the feeling of being with her. Fully and completely. Something they had planned to hold off on until they could marry—do things the right way. Fate had not been as kind, but still they took those final moments together as though the first instance was always meant for them.
A bitter as goodbye came in the end of that union. Thomas held [Y/N] close for as long as he could muster afterwards. Then, they both left after dressing. Going their separate ways.
[Y/N] was married within the weeks end and Thomas drank a silent toast to loneliness. Marriage followed with a baby that looked so much like her it made Tommy’s weak. However, he never saw the child close enough to notice the Shelby blue eyes ever present.
The gift of a final goodbye, starting with a more than welcome new beginning.
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Aes = Aesthetic (not every chapter has an aesthetic)
Pol = Polaroid (not every chapter has a polaroid)
^ = Fluff
* = Angst
Harry Potter:
Killer Queen ^*
Summary: Life is easy when things go your way. I know this from experience. I also know that that can disappear in an instant and that you have to be able to rely on your friends. Luckily my name is Arabella Ruth White and I'm the fifth marauder. But I want to show you the girl behind the mask. It takes a lot of work to be this fabulous, darling. (This story is also on Wattpad of the same name. I will always update on there first.)
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Queen
Please read this first | Cast | Playlist | Prologue | Ch. 1 (Aes.) | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 (Aes.) | Ch. 4 (Aes.) | Ch. 5 (Aes.) | Ch. 6 (Aes.) | Ch. 7 (Aes.) | Ch. 8 (Aes.) | Ch. 9 (Aes.) | Ch. 10 (Aes.) | Ch.11 | Ch. 12 |
Killer Queen Social Media AU ^*
Summary: This is just my marauders pic but in social media form. Check the original on my account under the same name (Killer Queen) to see the blurb and shit. Yes it's the same plot lmao. I made this entirely on impulse.
Fandoms: Harry Potter
Cast and Usernames | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 |
Driving Home For Christmas (TWO-PART THING) ^
Summary: Twas the night before Christmas, Roger's on his way home to you for Christmas and takes a detour down Memory Lane.
Fandoms: Queen, romantic!Roger x f!reader
Part 1 |
Pain Is So Close To Pleasure (Platonic!Reader x Modern!Queen) ^*
Summary: As a recently promoted Soloist for the Royal Ballet, you move closer to Covent Garden with your three-year-old daughter, Rose. But your new neighbour turns out to br the last person you'd expect to pop up on your doorstep.
Fandoms: Queen, platonic!reader x modern!queen
Playlist | Ch. 1 (Aes.) | Ch.2 (Aes.) |
Loverboy (Jimercury Oneshot) ^
Summary: Jim goes to Heaven to find the man that's been tormenting his mind for almost a week. (The description is really bad so please just read it it's better than it sounds.)
The Only Part
Peaky Blinders:
Golden Stars (ONE-SHOT) ^*
Summary: You’re the other sibling of the rather infamous Peaky Blinders in every way except for blood. Not that that ever mattered to anyone. But you’re sitting on a huge secret that you’re not exactly prepared to deal with when it comes out.
Fandoms: Peaky Binders, platonic!reader x peaky blinders
Female Reader | Male Reader
Good Omens:
Wait For You (Good Omens One-Shot)*
Summary: An angsty songfic for these ineffable bastards. I’m bad at summaries but it’s much better than it sounds.
Fandoms: Good Omens, Aziraphale x Crowley
The Only Part
My Melancholy Blues (Good Omens One-Shot)*
Summary: 1923. When Aziraphale bumps into a rather drunk Crowley for the first time after their fight at St James's Park, he's hellbent on helping the poor dear. Pun not intended. But maybe it isn't just Crowley who needs help. After all, what is it we say about coincidences?
Fandoms: Good Omens, Aziraphale x Crowley
The Only Part
Le Démon Déchu (Good Omens OC Series)*^
Summary: It's been almost a whole year since the Armageddon-that-didn't-quite-happen, and Crowley and Aziraphale were just starting to settle down after the shitshow that was August 2019. Quite frankly, they were looking forward to a much-needed break from six thousand years of more or less non-stop work. They had been thinking of going to Italy for a couple of weeks. Except all that changed when a whirlwind presence who called herself Eloise crashed into the bookshop one day and flipped everything tits up. They were about to have their eyes forced open to a world they didn't even know existed. A world of secrets, manipulation and survival. A world where safety is a complete illusion, something for fools to believe in and rely on. A world where seemingly locked doors were anything but. It was Eloise's world, and it was as close to the abstract concept of reality as you could get. And it was completely upside down.
Fandoms: Good Omens, Aziraphale x Crowley
Aes. | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 |
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oddaodd · 3 years
Alright then. Would you please write something with Tommy ShelbyxFemReader based on the song Where You Belong by The Weeknd. I discovered this song a few days ago and it's sooooo good! Listen to it with lyrics right in front of you the first time you do and second time just for the music. And if you've already listened to it then you know. It's soooo Tommy somehow **zones out** Thanks so muc!1 <3 <3
· Can You Feel How Fast That’s Going? ·
Author’s note: I decided to mix this request with another one sent by a lovely anon that read “Hello there xxx Love reading your blog ! Can I please get a Tommy Shelby x Reader request ? How he says I love you for the first time?” And yeah, I really loved how it turned out and I hope you do as well. As always, I wish you the loveliest of days. ❤️
Warnings: Smut, cheating, tommy being an ass. 
“Oh God!” She moaned at the feeling of Tommy thrusting in and out of her “please, Tommy! Don’t stop” she pleaded going to bite his earlobe and whispering wantonly  “I’m so close”
“Moan my name again” he commanded going to suck at her neck with the firm intention of leaving a mark there. “I want everyone to know I’m the only one than can make you feel this good” his voice husky and his accent heavy.
“Tommy, please!” She screamed as she felt her climax awfully close “Tommy, I’m gonna…” but her sentence for cut off short when she came at the feeling of  his fingers rubbing circles on her clit.
He came inside her not a second later. The feeling of his cum spurting into her egging her to wrap her legs around his waist not wanting him to pull out until he was empty.
He pulled out moments after, once their breathings and limbs had relaxed some and pulled her close to him as they laid on her bed.
“Feel “ she whispered, gently taking his hand in hers and placing it above her naked breast. Her heart was beating fast and Tommy felt pride at knowing he was the reason why.
He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked there exhausted as she was, heart beating fast and breathing calm, her naked body and the pearl necklace had gifted her some moons ago, glimmering with the moonshine peeping through her curtain less window. But he didn’t, because since Grace he had become numb to the topic of loving. Or so he told himself.
She felt his stare and met it with a tired smile. She could see love dancing stark naked in his eyes, making her feel like he loved her despite him never saying so. Her finger began dancing across his chest, softly tracing some of the scars she had asked about in the past and received no explanation about. Oh how she wished she knew all there was to know about Thomas Shelby. All in due time, she reassured  herself.
When she woke up the next morning Tommy had already left, which wasn’t strange. His absence in addition to her being sober from his touch made her wonder if he was not in love with her, but with the subject of sin and how good she felt around him. Had she been fooling herself all along? She tried to put the thought out of her mind with a sigh and got up from bed to go get dressed for work.
A weak smile graced her features as she noticed Tommy’s mark on her neck. Making the pool of emotions in her stomach stir. Tommy wasn’t good with emotions so she count just ask him about the nature of his intentions with her.
She felt strange throughout the day. Tommy always left in the middle of the night and It had never affected her before, so she couldn’t understand why it was affecting her now. After having spent all morning forcing smiles at the customers who visited the bakery she worked at, her shift ended and she left the store with a tiny basket containing peach danishes, in hand. She loved the pastries and wanted to share them with Tommy. She wanted needed  too see the love she had seen the previous night  in the ocean of his eyes to make her feel less of a fool drowning in unrequited love.
She was welcomed into the betting shop by Polly
“Is Tommy here?” She asked Kindly after having greeted the woman.  
“He’s in his office” Polly answered, regretting her words as soon as they left her lips. Y/n shouldn’t be there.
“He’s with that rich horse trainer of his” chimed in Lizzie bitterly as she passed by.
Y/n didn’t have time to throw more questions at Polly  because the door of Tommy’s office opened and out of it emerged may Carleton, her hair disheveled and her cheeks rosy, Tommy himself walking after her.
Once his eyes fell on Y/n he stopped dead in his tracks. He noticed the confused doleful expression in her face and felt a twinge of pain across his heart. Y/n didn’t even give him time to form an explanation for his incriminatory state. She bitterly placed the basked a top a nearby desk before walking out of the building as calmly as she could to keep the small amount of dignity she had left.
Tommy went after her calling out her name , but she didn’t stop nor turned round too see him. It wasn’t until Tommy caught up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder that he met her eyes.
“It wasn’t what it looked like” he said as as nonchalantly and collected as possible.
“Oh I’m sure you were just braiding each other’s hair” spat Y/N. Unable to contain her rage any further. Lizzie’s bitter tone making its way to her mind. “Do you braid Lizzie’s hair as well?!” She didn’t wait for his answer and moved to try and leave but he held her in place.
No, don’t Y/n me! Am I the only one who didn’t know I was never the only one?”
Tommy’s mouth tightened into a line.
“What a fool I was” she sighed, tears stinging her eyes.
“Your face is all I see when I’m with somebody else” he blurted out in a feeble somewhat emotionless effort to make her understand.  
“Oh yeah because that makes it all better!” She huffed before escaping his grasp “and don’t follow me” Maybe If she had heard the slightest hint of emotion in his voice she would’ve let him explain.
A few days went by and Tommy didn’t get a single glimpse of Y/n and for the first few days of those few days, he thought he was doing Y/n a favor in not looking for her. He knew she deserved and wanted to be loved, he saw it in her eyes and touches every time he made love to her and he felt too incapable and empty to give her what she so very badly longed for. However, after a few more days passed he began missing her. He wanted to confine her, he wanted her to be his and unable to resist his longing any further he headed for Y/n’s home.
Standing at her doorstep, seconds after having knocked on her door he realized he hadn’t planned what he was going to say and he felt like a fool, so when Y/n opened the door his eyes widened slightly.
“What do you want?” She asked bitterly.
“I want you to let me explain” he began calmly.
“There is nothing to explain” she said irked by his tone before attempting to close the door, but Tommy took hold of It before she could succeed in shutting it.
“Cant you see that I want you?”
He saw her eyes glazing with tears “It’s not about want Tommy” she sighed “you make me feel so lost and at first I didn’t care because everything around me was beautiful but now I don’t even know where I belong” her voice breaking at the end.
In an abrupt movement he took hold of her hand and placed it over his heart “Feel” It was beating fast. “This is where you belong”
“Tommy…” she whispered in expectancy. Looking into his eyes and once again seeing love in there, dancing stark naked. A warm feeling slowly spreading through her body at the knowing that she was the reason why his heart was beating at such speed.
He cupped her face. Letting go of her hand, which remained pressed against his chest by her own will.
“I love you, Y/N” he professed.
Her own  heart gave a leap at his words and shortly after her lips met his in a needy, urgent kiss. “I love you too”
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @nyotamalfoy @peakyxtommy @writeroutoftime 
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oddaodd · 3 years
Hello!!! Could I request an Imagine with John Shelby and Reader, where the character is depressed and John is very patient and doting on her. He takes her everywhere and tries to get her to laugh and if he can’t be with her he sends one of his brothers or Polly to look after her. The whole family is highkey worried that she will do something and one day she starts getting better, helping around the shop, etc etc. I realize it is a sensitive topic but it does bring much comfort to see it written. Love your writing btw Xx
· Passing Clouds · 
Author’s note: Hi! Thanks for requesting this, I loved writing it! I feel we could all do with some reassuring content because depression is hell. I know it can be different for each of us so I tried to stick to what you requested along with some personal things. I hope you like it and have the loveliest of days ❤️
Warnings: Depression and overall bittersweetness. 
John came home to a table full of his children all yelling and fighting each other as Y/n poured them bowls of soup.
He noticed the glassy coat of tears that threatened to spill from Y/n’s eyes but didn’t address it. After having known her for a while, he was more than certain that if he did, she would break down crying and she had told him in the past she would hate for his children to see her cry. So he just smiled at her and thanked her lovingly when she placed a plate of soup in front of him.
Y/n didn’t pour herself a plate but she did sit down at the table to keep them company, which confirmed john’s suspicions that a new depressive episode was tormenting her. Hehated seeing her broken and placed his hand over hers reassuringly.
Y/n felt her throat tightening at the kind gesture, a tear escaped her eye and she wiped it away quickly, her eyes closing to stop more tears from falling. John began eating with his hand still on hers, his thumb occasionally rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand.
When the children finished eating Y/n moved to get up to put them to bed but John squeezed her hand earning her attention.
“Ill do it, love” he spoke getting up and collecting the empty plates before putting them in the sink and going to put his children to bed. Which took him a good hour since they were always full of energy. At some point he heard the stairs cracking, telling him that y/n had left the kitchen.
When he made sure they were all asleep he made his way to the room Y/n and him shared and found her curled up in bed. Her shoulders shaking slightly as she cried. He wasted no time in getting in bed next to her and pulling her to him, embracing her tightly. She snuggled into his chest and continued sobbing.  
“I love you so much, you know that right?” He asked tenderly.
Y/n nodded weakly and murmured an “I love you too” to his chest.
The next morning she woke up with a strain of headache she was a bit too familiar with and puffy swollen eyes. She was still in John’s arms who woke up when she stirred ever so slightly.
“Good morning, love” he spoke in a soft tone filled with love.  
“Morning” she answered in a raspy voice.
Her stomach growled after having missed dinner.  “You hungry?
“A little bit, but I don’t feel like eating” she confessed.
“I can ask Katie to run to the bakery for a batch of those orange zest biscuits you like” he began lightheartedly “and I can make you some tea”
“That does sound wonderful” she murmured giving in.
After having breakfast John told her he had to go to the betting shop.
“I can stay if you want” he offered earnestly.
“No” she dismissed with a weak smile “They need you there”
And so, after pressing a soft kiss to her lips he left with the promise that he wouldn’t be gone long. Around an hour later the sound of someone knocking the door echoed through the house, calling Y/n from her bed.
Polly was well aware of Y/n’s depression she and John had talked about it in the past and she worried for her and about what she could do if things ever got too difficult. So when John walked into the betting shop that morning with a lost expression she knew right away she should pay Y/n a visit.
“There’s a new film of that director you like at the picture house” she said with a smile when Y/n opened the door.
“Let me get my coat and the kids”  Y/n smiled weakly.
Going out with Polly made Y/n feel much better, she found herself laughing at the picture and gossiping with Polly about the cast.
After several days of feeling like a dark cloud followed her everywhere, Y/n woke up one morning feeling slightly better. Turning around to John’s side of the bed she found it empty and moments after she noticed a small piece of paper folded neatly on his nightstand.  
Didn’t want to wake you, love. Tommy and Arthur need me, I’ll be home soon.
Ps. You are so fucking beautiful, how did I get so lucky to get to call you mine?
I love you.
Y/n smiled at the note and got dressed. She didn’t know what it was, but she felt like going out and doing something other than being in bed all day. Maybe her cloud was clearing up and maybe John’s note had helped. Whatever it was, the fact was the day ahead didn’t feel as heavy as previous days had. She placed the note on her dress pocket and  decided to go the betting shop to get some work done.
When she got to the shop she was welcomed with warm smiles and a hug from Polly. She could tell they weren’t expecting her, but she was happy to be there. She helped Polly with the bets and even took some phone calls and helped with the count.
At around 6 the doors of the shop opened and in came John behind Tommy and Arthur.
“I have to go home to Y/n” he told Arthur when he suggested going to The Garrison.
“Bring her, Lizzie and Ada will be there”
“She hasn’t been feeling great as of late” John said  and was about to say something else when he saw y/n walking towards them, a smile instantly grazing his features.
She came up to him and kissed him hello. He kissed her back softly and Arthur walked away giving them some space.
“What are you doing here? asked John unable to contain his surprise.
“I just felt like being here” she said with a weak smile.
He matched her smile “you did?”
Y/n hummed “yeah. And going to The Garrison sounds great”
“Are you sure?” John asked, knowing that she sometimes faked being fine when she wasn’t.
“Im sure” she nodded. “I got your note, by the way. I am the lucky one to have you by my side” she said before kissing him again.
When they were sitting in the comfort of the private room at The Garrison, John found himself staring at his love as she laughed loudly at something Ada had said and felt his heart grow warm. He knew she would fall into darkness again like she had done many times before, but he wasn’t worried, because he knew he would be here for her and she would eventually be just like now again. Cheeks red, sore from laughing, eyes glimmering without tears and mouth curved into a tender smile when her eyes met his loving unwavering ones.
@nyotamalfoy @writeroutoftime
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oddaodd · 3 years
· For Ages ·
Summary: Y/n falls for her lifelong friend, Tommy. 
Warnings: SPOILERS for season 2 and all next seasons, mentions of smut, death and alcohol.
Author’s note: Wooooo first fic of 2021! Happy new year everyone, I wish you all the loveliest of years! ✨❤️
Tommy and her had been friends for ages, they had always been each others rock. The moment y/n had laid eyes on him she knew he was her person. When Tommy left for war she spent endless nights crying over his absence and when he came back she spent endless nights in his bedroom because talking to her helped keep the shovels at bay. 
But much to y/n’s dismay they never did more than talking. You see, she had been harboring a secret From Tommy. One she doubted would ever share with him. She had fallen for him. 
Grace’s arrival in Birmingham made y/n burry her secret even deeper into her soul. She cherished Tommy too much to loose him over an unwanted sentimental confession. Y/n saw how happy the Irish barmaid made Tommy and she didn’t want to keep him from that happiness. He needed that happiness. Having that in mind she decided to let things play out, not too worried about the outcome because after all, she expected Grace to leave after a while. 
But then Tommy told her he was marrying Grace. 
What do you think?” He asked. She was the only person whose opinion mattered to him. 
“I-I think it’s great” she lied through a fake smile “I’m happy for you Tommy”  
There was a heavy silence that y/n feared allowed Tommy to tell just how she was feeling. 
“I have news too” she continued “Im going to Hertfordshire” 
“I’ve been needing some country air” 
And so before the wedding Y/n left. The county air did do her good. She knew it would be unbearable to see the love of her life married to another and each time she thought of Tommy she went and took long walks on the many flower fields that surrounded her property. 
She got news of Grace’s passing and was tempted to return to Birmingham, but she didn’t know if she could face Tommy so she just wrote him a letter. Days and months passed and she was convinced she would spend the rest of her life in the old country state, but then she got a black hand and shortly after, a call from Tommy urging her to go back to Birmingham. Apparently the Changrettas  knew she used to be awfully close to the family.  
She arrived in Birmingham and was surprised to see a broken family. She could tell Tommy was hurting and though she tried to comfort him all Tommy did was push her away. 
One night a knock called Y/n to her door. She opened it, seeing who she expected to see behind it and invited him in. That night they talked like they hadn’t in years and Y/n felt a sense of belonging she hadn’t felt in ages. The alcohol started working its magic, Tommy began smiling at things y/n said, which he hadn’t done in ages. He knew it was partly because of the alcohol in his system but also he couldn’t not attribute a great part of his improved mood to y/n’s presence.  Y/n too became giddy and happy And with each sip she took from her glass she felt the chains that prevented her thoughts to traveling at how much she yearned for Tommy loosen. She wanted terribly to feel his lips pressed against her and his body on hers. 
“Y/n?” Tommy’s voice broke her thoughts. Apparently she had been staring at him intently enough for a drunk him to notice.  
“What?” She asked sobering up slightly. 
But Thomas didn’t speak again, his eyes were fixated on her lips and in the blink of an eye he was kissing her. He half expected her to push him away but she matched his need and force to the nail. 
The line y/n had drawn ages ago that she knew she shouldn’t cross in order to not jeopardize their friendship got painted over by Tommy’s touch and caresses. 
Her old bedroom became witness to her old fantasy from ages ago coming true. When their ecstatic breathings came back to normal y/n once again fixated her glance on Tommy who fixated his to her ceiling, a billion of thoughts crossing through his mind. The alcohol effect was wearing off which forced him to overthink what had just happened between them. 
Y/n tenderly placed a cold hand on his cheek prompting him to look at her. Her touch  seemed to startle him. Was he ready for it after Grace’s ? She noticed the doubt on his features and pulled her hand away “Sorry” 
“I have to get going” he mumbled standing up and getting dressed. 
Y/n looked at him in bewilderment . She wanted to ask him to stay but decided against it, curling into her bedsheets after she heard the sound of her door closing shut. 
The next morning she awoke with an aching heart and and anxious mind. Had what happened between them burnt the bond they shared? Knowing that the vendetta was bad enough she decided to not let her feelings show. 
Tommy grew guilty as he Painfully saw her fake smile at him whoever their eyes met for the following days. He wanted to tell her everything, he wanted to make it right, but he found his words lacking. Instead he too concealed his true emotions behind. 
Things went back to “normal” after a week or so. They would talk and sometimes drink together, but they never talked about what had happened in y/n’s old room. 
When the vendetta came to an end y/n found herself walking towards Charlie’s yard, the place had always provided her with an odd sense of comfort, like a warm blanket on a cold winter day. 
She sat on a box by the edge of the cut and let out a sigh. It was finally over. She began thinking of all the times she and Tommy had sat together on that very spot and contemplated life. All times that seemed long gone. 
And then as if by conjuring, the sound of Tommy’s boots walking on the gravel hit y/n’s ears. They grew closer and closer and y/n’s heart Began beating faster and faster. He sat next to her and produced his cigarette case and lighter from his coat. Offering her one and lighting it before his, both of them entering a peaceful silence. Tommy wasn’t a man of words but the fact that he was there with her told her he felt guilty. 
“Remember how we used to hide here when we were kids?” Came Tommy’s voice. 
Y/n glanced at him with a melancholy air and smiled sadly “And John used to get so upset that we never told him where our secret hiding spot was” 
“Yeah” Tommy began as Y/n let her head rest on his shoulder “he spent hours whining to Polly begging her to make me tell him” 
Y/n chuckled and Tommy felt his emotions stir at her movements “I could hear his tantrums from my house” 
It felt strange, talking about John. Raw, recent and intimate. It was the first time Tommy spoke about him since his death. He didn’t like it. Y/n took a look at him and saw conflict in his face. 
“Are you going back to Hertfordshire? He asked, abruptly changing the subject as he felt her eyes on him. 
She took one last long drag of her cigarette before putting it out and fixing her glance to the murky waters of the cut “I’m not sure” 
“Why?” She blurted out. Taunting him like that felt dangerous, even after everything.
“I want you to stay” he confessed very shorty after y/n finished her question. 
Y/n turned back to look at him. Her eyes full of vulnerability and unspoken pleas. Tommy took his hand and caressed her cheek. An action that caused a small, almost unnoticeable gasp escape her lips. He began slowly inching closer to her lips, giving her time to back away if she didn’t want his touch, but she stayed perfectly still until she felt his lips pressing against hers. Her arms flung to his shoulders pulling him closer to her, he could never be too close. 
She felt her heart about to burst as the kiss deepened. Maybe it was the lack of alcohol that enhanced the feeling of Tommy’s tongue against hers, or maybe it was just because it was him, her Tommy from ages ago. 
She parted from his lips briefly and before kissing him again breathed “I’m not going anywhere”. 
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @peakyxtommy @nyotamalfoy
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oddaodd · 3 years
· Slumberless Hours on A Gloomy Saturday ·
Summary: Tommy tries to cheer Y/n up after Charlie tells him she has been feeling down.
Author's note: this is just another self indulging comforting fic I wrote to comfort myself. Haven't been feeling the best lately, but writing this this morning made me feel better so I hope it makes you feel better if you're feeling a little low and as always, I wish you the loveliest of days. 🤍💐
Warnings: lingering sadness, mentions of comfort eating and sleeping pills.
“Dad?” Charlie’s voice interrupted Tommy’s thoughts one night after entering his home office.
“What are you doing still awake, eh?” tommy asked his son softly.
“I waited for you to arrive” the toddler said before walking closer to his father’s desk. “I think Y/n is sad”
“Yeah? Why do you think so?” Tommy asked, not letting his worry show as he pulled Charlie to his lap.
“She is taking medicine to sleep” Charlie rambled in concern
“Sometimes she has troubles sleeping, Charlie. That doesn’t mean she’s sad” Tommy tried to reason.
“Yeah, but sometimes she cries when we are playing or at dinner and I’ve asked her why but she says its nothing”
Tommy couldn’t sleep that night. After putting Charlie to bed, he couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty for not having noticed his wife’s change of behavior. He had been busier than usual for the past couple of weeks and while he knew Y/n would never admit it, not wanting to put a strain on business, she hated busy weeks on business.
When the sun began peeking through the curtains tommy got out of bed before pressing a kiss to Y/n’s forehead and driving to small heath to conduct a family meeting that had been scheduled for that day. He tried to get through everything in the meeting as fast as possible before asking Polly to deal with whatever came up during the day and then driving back home to Y/n.
He walked to the stable after having asked Frances where his wife was and then she saw her there, brushing Dangerous’ mane.
“Hi” she smiled as she heard him approaching, giving him the kind of smile Tommy knew was the kind of smile she put on when she didn’t want to cause him worries. “You are home early”
“There wasn’t much to do today” he lied.
Y/n hummed in understanding before continuing to brush the horse’s mane. Tommy pondered for a moment how to approach her before deciding to just go for it.
“Charlie said you are taking pills”
“You know my insomnia comes and goes” she said softly. Holding back her breath.
“He also told me you’ve been crying” Tommy continued.
“it’s nothing, its…” Y/n said as she stopped brushing the horse and heaved a breath, not wanting to cry.
“Ey, what’s wrong?” Tommy asked knowing she was holding back.
“I just, I feel so overwhelmed, I “she sniffed still holding back “ I … I “
Tommy then pulled her into his embrace, and she broke down crying against his chest.
“Talk to me, love” he implored softly.
“it’s just a bunch of small things” She spoke between sobs “and most times I feel I can deal with them but for a reason now they feel much bigger and menacing”
“What things?”
“Well I’m always worrying for you, wondering if you’ll come home and such” she began wearily “Then there are my thoughts telling me that Charlie doesn’t like me, and and “
“He adores you, Y/n” Tommy spoke trying to console her rubbing circles on her back “Why else would he have gone to me?”
“I don’t know, there’s always that thought at the back of my mind that nobody really likes me and that even you will grow tired of me and leave” she chucked sadly parting a bit from Tommy.
“Then there’s the fact that my mother said she’s coming over to visit and I really really don’t want to deal with her pointing out my every mistake for a whole week” she sobbed “and on top of that my appetite has been a mess. Sometimes I can’t bring myself to eat and sometimes I can’t stop eating because of stress and I worry I may gain weight” she finished, pulling away a little bit to cry into her hands.
“Ey” tommy said taking hold of her wrists and taking her hands away from her face, prompting her to look up at him. “First, and I know I don’t say it enough, I love you Y/n. Know that. Know that I will never leave you and it doesn’t matter if you gain or loose weight, love” He professed looking into her puffy eyes as he wiped away some of her tears “You are beautiful and you are always going to be beautiful to me”
“I love you too, Tommy” She smiled weakly against his lips. Tommy then parted a bit from her and caressed her cheek softly. “As for your mother, just tell her not to come”
Y/n chuckled at his idea “You know how she is, I cannot tell her not to come”
“Tell her that you’ll be away that week” He suggested with a smile.
“And where will I be, according to you?” She asked with a weak smile teasing at the corners of her lips.
“At the beach” Tommy said “I can ask Johnny Dogs for a vardo and we can go on the road” He suggested softly “Sleep under the stars, eat food cooked by fire and then camp by that beach you like so much”
Y/n smiled at her husband’s plan and felt some more tears fall at his disposition to make her feel better. “What about business?”
“Polly can take care of it for a week” He smiled, wiping away her tears “Would you like that?”
“I’d love that”.
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @peakyxtommy @nyotamalfoy @writeroutoftime @babylooneytoonz @slytherinicequeen @lilymurphy03
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