victim9d · 1 year
@pear1ridged , benji: “Let me show you how.”
food has never been something all that accessible to him, most of his life spent fighting for scraps, leftovers, whatever he could get his hands on. cooking wasnt an option, most of the time the kitchen had been a place of nightmares — in his fathers home, the room with knives and tools that can leave burns was far from safe. asking for help was something that he never allowed himself to do, forcing himself to get by in whatever way he could.
but then benji came along.
what was supposed to be a one time hookup had turned into something much bigger, the past few months being filled with things tate never could've expected. his first ever home cooked meal was the biggest shock, the boy sobbing for so long that the food went cold, something that only made him cry more. reassurance and reheating had saved that night from being a total disaster, and somewhere along the line benji had picked up on enough cues to know how badly tate needed this.
he's always nearby, leaning on the counter and watching as benji cooks. theres something so unreal about it all, the house alone feels so far from where he should be. its far too nice, feels warm and cozy and safe. tate doesn't know how to handle that, just follows benji around awkwardly and tries to follow his lead. he shouldn't be surprised by benjis offer, anyone paying attention would know that benjis been working on this a while, trying to help tate get to a better place, adjust to a better life.
theres a few stutters of protest, but then before he knows it hes in benjis arms and being gently guided on how to hold the knife and where to hold the carrot and just how far apart the slices should be. it feels so fancy, so complicated. compared to what he's used to this is a five star dining experience, and the thought that he could be capable of making it himself feels entirely insane. but he lets benji guide him, tries to push back the feelings of inadequacy, tries to push away the desire to get defensive and run away. this isn't a big thing, but its a big deal to tate, and even allowing it to happen proves just how much he trusts benji, just how much this means to him.
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movedto-lichthey · 1 year
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@pear1ridged radioed : “dibs” but like im pretty sure you already knew that <3
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u saw first hand what happens to me mid-mania u can't get riD OF ME NOW
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cashiiered · 1 year
@pear1ridged sent: « I’m just trying to figure out why you’re here. » — graham
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★ — The Cashier SIGHED and leaned on the counter in front of them, slight ANNOYANCE leaking into their tone, « You and me both, BUDDY. » Their day had already been filled with far too many human interactions, and now they were being INTEROGGATED by one.
They genuinely HATED when the store materialized on Earth. The Cashier could normally deal with the human FANATICS and FOOLS who managed to get into the store via ritual, but when dozens come pouring in to buy whatever relic or elixir PIQUES their interest only to come back on the verge of a BREAKDOWN when they find it actually works, they find themselves at their WITS' END.
« Now, I'm going to have to ask you to either actually buy something or LEAVE. »
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
@pear1ridged ( for rich ! ) // short starter call !
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"YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE," Michael's gaze narrows on the flashlight-illuminated stranger— too early for any danger from the animatronics ( though the clock is ticking ), but still after hours, and he doesn't seem to be the average customer. "Don't know what the hell you're here for but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
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terrcrized · 1 year
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@pear1ridged said “ — josh… how many times are we gonna play this game. ” ( river )
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" how long you plan on stickin' around? " it's an honest question-- how on earth can he be expected to answer a question like that without knowing if river was going to stay awhile? river being there for just a night or two vs months at a time will drastically change his answer.
" if you can find 'em, i'll take 'em. " that's the rules-- he doesn't make them! only he definitely does. and he may or may not have flushed the medication in question, so it's a game river can't even win. but he doesn't need to know that! it's not fun if he doesn't think he has a chance.
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specterseen · 1 year
@pear1ridged​ sent:  [ straddle ] sender guides the receiver over and coaxes them fully onto their lap (river) 
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one of the first couple frat parties of the year had been quite the successful one. most people have cleared out already and it seems the rest have retired to other corners of the place to finish their beers and continue alcohol-fueled conversations until they’ve passed out. robin would have already made her way to the front foyer until a familiar hand begins guiding her away into another room. eyes make contact with river and she’s quick to turn her lips upward with a glint in her eye. she knows what’s going to happen next. 
the young lady gladly abides, straddling herself down on his lap atop whatever loveseat she’s been brought to. this is not their first rodeo.   “about time,”   robin jokes and places her hands down on his abdomen, fingers beginning to play with the material of his shirt.   “maybe don’t leave a billion hickeys on me this time?”
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nadinehunt · 1 year
@pear1ridged ... liked this
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"not gonna lie, that was pretty epic." they feel that this might be the only way to break the awkwardness that has fallen over the room now that everything has settled. maybe that just makes it worse? either way, they turn over to look up at him. he looks really pretty like this.
(god fucking dammit. they really do like him, don't they?)
"really hoping you agree with that. would suck if you were like, nah that was shit, or something."
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lichthey · 1 year
😈 💭  river has gotta know
meme ⸝⸝ spencer's dirty thoughts.
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❝     half  my  dirty  thoughts  'bout  river  s'bout  me  shovin'  his  head  between  my  legs  t'  get  him  t'  shut  th'  fuck  up.     ❞
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contradictivs · 1 year
“We should try to make that.” Sprawled out on top of his boyfriend, the words were muffled from where Ryder had his face smushed against Casper’s shoulder. It might not have been the most comfortable position for the long term but that did not seem to cross his mind. All the blonde was focused on was cuddling his boyfriend and lazily watching whatever cooking video he had found for them to watch.
The same one that would probably become background noise once the pair became distracted.
“Do you think Dae-Seong would let us fuck up the kitchen that much?” / @pear1ridged ; sc.
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victim9d · 1 year
@pear1ridged, casper: “You shouldn’t end up with bruises because you disagree with them. You know that, right?”
their parents have never been kind, not really. they feign kindness, but much of their attitude towards their children have been far more hostile than anyone is willing to admit. cassie is convinced that she’s the problem, that if she just did what their mom wanted then everything would be fine. if she would just stop eating so much, if she would just stop fighting back, if she would just be the perfect pageant queen that she’s supposed to be. if only cassie could change everything about herself, then they might finally treat her the way the parents in the movies treat their kids. the comforting hugs, the soft encouragement, the constant reassurance. all cassie ever gets is instructions and scrutiny, never performing the role well enough for them.
she tries to be strong, tries to rise above the stupid emotions that bubble up every time they yell, but when things get physical it’s just all too much. it’s only been a few weeks since she’d gotten back from her latest stint being sent away, and the fact that she was already facing such harsh punishment only made her anxiety levels raise. it had started the same way so many arguments start — over food, over clothes, over her body never quite being good enough for them. it doesn’t matter that she’d lost so much weight while she was away, it doesn’t matter that the weight she’d gained back still had her as smaller than she had been before she left. nothing is ever good enough for their parents, and god forbid either of them try to defend themselves.
she clings to him like her life depends on it, the outburst she’d had at dinner still heavy on her mind (hardly an outburst, all she’d done was cry when their mother criticised her, asked why she could never be good enough for her - something their mother deemed disrespectful). she’s convinced that if she lets go of casper she’ll find herself dragged out of the house and sent to another few months of hell on earth. she hadn’t even healed from the last time, physically or mentally. head shakes, ignoring the numb pain of bruises that form, trying to ignore all the fears running through her head. “i shouldn’t have talked back.” voice quiet, clearly repeating the ideology they’d pushed on her, clearly trying to make up for what she’d done, convincing herself she was in the wrong for getting upset. “they’re our parents, they know what’s best.”
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fangfriendly · 1 year
@pear1ridged​ sent:  ❛ do you want my jacket? ❜ ( silas )
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yes, it was freezing out but theo’s skin can bear far more than the cold of the night. but on the other hand, its a sweet gesture from silas. that's not something he’d say aloud right now. blame his lack of confidence. he glances over to silas, a pleasant smile tossed in his direction as he’s strolling along.   “yeah, sure. i guess wearing something light wasn’t the move, heh.”
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ratkiing-a · 1 year
we havent gotten to talk much yet but i already adore u! every time i see you on my dash i know its abt to be cursed ( affectionate ) and i just am rlly excited to see what kinda nonsense we get into !
What's my reputation? What do you think when you see my URL? / @pear1ridged / accepting !!
i am !! aaa !!! in the best way possible. that cursed but in a good way vibe is exactly what i am going for <3 can i just take a minute to say that i adore your ocs ?? your lore and world building is insanely impressive and it blows me away. i cannot wait to see what nonsense we get into !! <3
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terrcrized · 1 year
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@pear1ridged said "river is going to bite josh"
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" that's how hannah happened. "
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specterseen · 1 year
hehehe KEEDA LOML i really just???? i remember the first time i found your blog i was immediately so fucking invested. you are a legend an icon, and literally one of my favorite people on this app. i love gaming with u, and i love yelling and all that shit. when i think abt u/see ur url i know im abt to have the time of my fuckin life
not me kicking my feet and squealing at my computer (´◡`) THANK YOU sdjyhfshjdbf crying screaming thworing UPOPPPPP
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movedto-lichthey · 1 year
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@pear1ridged radioed : 🎶 ( for noah !!)
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ㅤㅤㅤGOLDEN HOUR - JVKE fallin' for each other, pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish
ㅤㅤㅤLOST - LINKIN PARK but i'm tired, i will always be afraid of the damage i've received
ㅤㅤㅤHAPPY - LILYPICHU constantly walking an endless road to the moon, to the stars and i hope to god you get far
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nadinehunt · 1 year
( sms ) : i love you but if you ever eat my bagel bites again… ( wyatt )
[ text: wywy ] oh you are fighting an uphill battle, dude [ text: wywy ] do you think you can stop me [ text: wywy ] i don't think anyone can
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