#peggy goi
othomas30 · 1 year
Song of the summer?
I think the song of the summer is between these 3 songs...
It Goes Like (Nanana) - Peggy Gou
Smooth Operator - Dan Faro edit
Atmosphere - Fihser
What do you all think is the song of the summer?
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bowiewashington · 3 months
Drabble: Scenes from a Weekend
Title: Scenes from a Weekend Rating: Mature-ish? Word Count: 2400-ish
Characters: Bennett "Bowie" Washington, Olivia Erwin Washington, Benjamin "Benny" Monroe, Ruth “Bubbe” Goldstein Washington, Ezra Cohen, Kenny the Bodyguard, Daniel Radcliffe (yeah, you read that right), Darlene Cohen,  (mentioned), Avery Erwin (mentioned)
Relationships: Bennett "Bowie" Washington/Benjamin "Benny" Monroe (implied), Bennett "Bowie" Washington & Ruth “Bubbe” Goldstein Washington, Bennett "Bowie" Washington & Olivia Erwin Washington, Bennett "Bowie" Washington/Avery Erwin (past)
Triggers: Religion (Judaism), use of a kind of derogatory word for non-Jews, use of Yiddish/Ashkenazi words by reform Jews, references to sex, domestic violence, spousal abuse, emotional abuse, non-consensual free use, victim guilt, child loss, infant loss, over medicating, references to canon underage sex, age difference, #metoo vibes, child marriage/grooming, and a vague reference to a canon suicide attempt.
Notes: So even before the show aired, I told myself that whatever Jonathan Groff won, that’s what Benny would win. Somehow this turned into Merrily We Roll Along being the show Benny was in on Broadway. I have no regrets. Feel free to imagine Benny as Jonathan Groff for now. I have more I want to add, but that’s going to be a next-week project.
Yiddish/Hebrew words: Shabbos - Sabbath, the Jewish day of rest (Friday sundown to Saturday Sundown), also the formal Friday night dinner. Bubbe - grandmother, fondly. Bubeleh - a term of endearment for a grandchild. Goy - a non-Jewish person, can be offensive.
Friday nights in Brooklyn at Bubbe’s house were always chaotic, and every time Bowie forgot just how popular his grandmother was. She’d owned her apartment in Brooklyn, just outside the Jewish Quarter, for longer than Bowie had been alive. Everyone in the building knew who she was, and he swore everyone stopped by her apartment before going up to the roof for Shabbos. It was making Kenny, the bodyguard that Benny hired for Bowie earlier this year, extremely nervous. Of course, not a single person was paying him any mind.
“A Jewish actor nominated for a Tony dining in Brooklyn?” Bubbe’s neighbor, Gilda, rolled her eyes before shoving a casserole dish into Kenny’s arms. “Throw a rock. You’ll hit another one. Take that to the roof, handsome.”
Kenny shot Bowie a helpless look, and all Bowie could do was laugh, before waving him off. As much as Charlotte was home, so was anywhere Bubbe was living. It definitely felt like home tonight, and for the first time in weeks, Bowie actually felt alive and not like the walking corpse he’d been since the twins were stillborn. 
“Bubeleh.” And that was the only warning Bowie got before Bubbe grabbed him by the elbow and guided him over to an older woman and a guy his age who he assumed was her son or grandson. Aw, shit. “There’s someone I want you to meet. This is Peggy, and her grandson, Yoel. This is my Bennett.” She introduced, and fuck. This was definitely a set up. “He’s an actor with his own little show and everything.” Please don’t let her pinch his cheek. “He just got out of a long term relationship, but she was a goy. So she doesn’t count.”
And fucking ouch. “Bubbe, let’s not call Livvie’s mom that. People really don’t use that word any more.” He shot Yoel a small smile. He seemed nice enough, but he also was about Bowie’s age, which meant he could probably chase him off without Benny getting involved. Actually someone must have been distracting Benny because he hadn’t seen him in awhile. “Livvie is my seven year-old.”
Those were the magic words. Almost immediately Yoel and his grandma were moving along to talk to someone else. “Well, I didn’t like him for you anyway.” Bubbe dismissed. “Have you seen your brother? There’s a girl who’s in her last year at Columbia that I want him to meet.” 
Happy to pass off her scheming to someone else, he pointed in the last direction he’d seen Ezra in. Almost as soon as she was gone, arms wrapped around his waist. He tensed, until the familiar scent of Benny’s cologne calmed him. With a sigh he relaxed into his ex-husband (partner again?). “What did you say to her during Passover?” He asked. “She’s bolder than normal tonight.”
Benny buried his face against his neck for a moment, just breathing Bowie in. “You’re telling me. She roped little Washington into making me braid her hair over and over. It took me far too long to realize she was purposely distracting me.” He admitted, sounding sheepish.
Well, that answered a couple of questions. “If they really wanted to, I think they could take over the world.” Before Benny could reply, Bowie was dragged off by Olivia to rescue Ezra.
“Uncle Ez.” Today it was just Bowie, Ezra and Olivia. Well, and Kenny, but he was sitting in the corner while they got manicures and pedicures at the little hole in the wall place Darlene swore by when she lived in Brooklyn. And… okay, Ezra wasn’t getting a manicure. Even though his cuticles were disgusting. “Can I pick the color for your toes?”
A smile worked its way onto Bowie’s face. Much like the night before Bowie was feeling a bit more like himself. He was still in mourning, but he felt like he could breathe. Or maybe it was because he stopped taking the medications his therapist prescribed after the twin’s passing. His head felt clear. 
“Is it going to be pink?” Ezra asked skeptically. 
Olivia rolled her eyes. “Nooooo.” She drew out the ‘oh’ sound for as long as she could. “BoBo’s letting me pick his colors. No pink for him either.” She giggled as her feet were lifted out of the basin by the nail tech. 
“Want to look at colors?” They asked her.
Immediately Olivia looked at him for permission, and wasn’t that something. It made him feel like a dad, which he theoretically knew he was, but it still felt novel every time she did something to remind him. “Go on. I’ll try to talk your uncle into getting his fingers done, too.”
As soon as Olivia was out of earshot, Ezra turned to glare at him. “I thought the whole Ben thing was because of the studio.” He hissed out. “Yeah, I know he’s your longest relationship so there’s that safety and comfort thing, but I didn’t actually think you were back together for real until last night.”
Bowie closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the spa chair. “C’mon, Ez. I thought you were gonna lay off until filming was done.” He whined out. “It’s complicated.”
Ezra glanced around to make sure that Olivia was still out of earshot. “His hand was down your fucking pants. That doesn’t look complicated to me. It looks like you’re screwing your ex again.” And yeah… Ezra was a kid when Bowie and Benny were married, but he saw just how much Benny put him through the first time around. 
“We didn’t do anything. I wasn't gonna let him do anything in Bubbe’s bathroom.” He whispered back.
His brother’s eyes narrowed. “And when you’re staying in midtown tomorrow night?” He countered back. “You’re going to let him bend you over the closest surface and fu- FEED you all sorts of different delicious new foods.”
Wait. What? Bowie frowned, but then he saw Olivia bounding over, cradling nail polish bottles in her hands. “I got all sorts of options!”
Bowie had never actually been to the Tony Awards before. Sure, he’d been to award shows, but he almost felt like he was sitting in tech rehearsals or something. There was a certain vibe in the air. Bowie wasn’t sure if he was excited or if he was going to throw up.
“You okay?” Benny asked him as he gave Bowie’s hand a squeeze as they went down the paparazzi line. And fuck. His brother was right. Sure, he’d announced to the world that he and Benny were back together, but he never actually felt like they were together. Until now. Benny pressed a kiss to Bowie’s knuckles. He’d been obsessed with how soft Bowie's hands were after the manicure. He had no idea what the other man was going to do when he felt his feet.
It was right there, with cameras flashing, that Bowie realized his mistake. He knew Benny was a good shield from people asking probing questions about the loss of his twins, but he didn’t have an exit plan. Now that he wasn’t taking the meds the therapist had prescribed, he realized he’d taken his abuser back. What was that scary statistic Bubbe sent him when someone told her what he’d done? People who went back to their abusers didn’t get out of the relationship alive?
Fuck. He was going to have to actually stay with Benny through filming, and the media shit, too. If he tried to end things with him sooner than that, it was going to cause issues with Death After Life. But if he stayed with him too long… would a repeat of the sex tape happen? How long until Benny started whoring him out again? How long until he tried to convince him to get rid of Olivia? Fuck. He knew he wouldn’t actually hurt Olivia; as long as he could use her to control Bowie. 
“I’m fine, baby.” Bowie cooed out when he realized there were cameras on them. He leaned up and pressed a kiss to the corner of Benny’s mouth. “Just a little overwhelmed.” 
Benny smiled at him before kissing him properly. “Why don’t you go inside? Go grab some water, and take your anxiety meds. I have to do a couple more interviews.” He suggested.
He forced a smile, and gave him another kiss before disappearing into the Lincoln Center. Instead of taking his meds, he slipped up to the bar and grabbed a whiskey sour. He was three drinks deep, and chatting with some producer Bowie was pretty sure he’d slept with when he was still underage when Benny reappeared. 
“You’re not supposed to be drinking on your meds.” He reminded him, stealing his drink.
Bowie rolled his eyes, but nuzzled into him anyway. “I stopped taking them a couple days ago so I could drink tonight.” Sure, he’d been off his meds for a couple of days, but it had been a total accident.
A kiss was pressed to the side of his neck. “That’s my smart boy.”
Seven nominations. Somehow Bowie didn’t realize that Benny’s show had seven nominations. For so long he’d purposely avoided everything Benny related. Now that he was back in his orbit he supposed he should have been paying attention. Seven nominations meant two things: 1) their section was pure chaotic energy and 2) Benny was out of his seat more than he was in it. He couldn’t decide if that was a good thing or not.
As soon as the first award was won by Benny’s co-star, Bowie knew it was going to be a wild night. Even if Benny didn’t win his award, Dan did, which meant they were definitely going to the afterparties. He could feel Benny grip his thigh as Dan thanked him and started crying. Instinctively, Bowie leaned into Benny’s side as his ex-husband sniffled. There was definitely a camera on them, and he knew what it looked like. Darlene was gonna say something when he got back to Charlotte.
Most of the night from there was a blur. Benny had to go backstage for a costume change and to perform. He knew there would likely be a camera on him for his reaction just in case something happened. And sure enough, right there on live television, Benny accidentally sang the not for live TV lyrics to the song they were performing. Bowie felt his hands covering his face, and he knew the slightly time delayed air version would be showing his reaction as the entire line was muted out. And then… he was clapping and cheering as the number finished.
It took awhile before Benny was back in his seat. He pressed a kiss to the side of his head as he slid back into his seat, still slightly sweaty from running around on stage. “You said the wrong liiiine.” He whisper-sang, nudging him. Oh yeah, those drinks had hit him hard.
Benny was laughing into his shoulder, but they didn’t have too much time together before Merrily We Roll Along won Best Revival of a Musical. There was a roar of noise around them, and Benny was kissing him before running up on stage with the rest of the cast. Bowie could feel the fond smile on his face. Fuck. He really was too deep in it now, wasn’t he?
He didn’t have too much time to think about that before Benny was back, and they were reading the nominees for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical. The cameras were definitely on them now. As they said his name and showed a clip from Merrily, Benny was holding onto Bowie’s hand, his lips pressed against his knuckles again. And then… then it was pandemonium. Benny won. Benny fucking won. Somehow he was standing and Benny’s arms were around him, and there was a firm kiss pressed to Bowie’s lips and then Benny was off to the stage.
Disconnected from reality. That was the only way Bowie could think to describe how he was feeling, and he wasn’t even the one who won. He watched as Benny stopped to hug Dan on his way to the stage. People were grabbing Bowie’s hands nearby and congratulating him on Benny’s win as the announcer stated that this was Benny’s third nomination but first win. It was bizarre, but then he was being pushed back to sitting, and Benny was at the podium.
“Wow. Uh, okay. Paper, paper.” He was crying as he patted down his pockets for his speech. “Victory!” He straightened out his speech. “Live theater has always been my first love. My second love is sitting over there.” There was laughter and Bowie knew there was a camera on him again. Bowie couldn’t tear his eyes away from Benny. Fuck. He didn’t think he was actually going to win, and now… now whatever Benny said on live television was going to be true. Just like how Bowie blurting out that they were back together when they weren’t had instantly become the truth.
“There are so many people I need to thank, but I’m in disbelief. I remember being eighteen, and telling my brand new costar that I was going to be an EGOT winner one day. Now I just need a Grammy. It blows my mind. And that’s not on my paper.” He shook his head to get back on track. “But I told that same costar I was going to marry him one day, and look at us now.” There was more laughter and then Benny was reading out his list of people to thank. Bowie zoned out for a minute until Benny got to the end. “And last, but definitely never least, Bee. Happy Father’s Day, baby. I know it looks differently than you imagined, but I’m so proud of you for getting out of the house and coming with me tonight. I love you, Bowie Monroe. Everything I do is for you. You make me want to be a better man, a better person. This award is for you.” He blew an air kiss towards Bowie and then he was being escorted off the stage for interviews.
Tears were streaming down Bowie’s face. He fucked up. What had he been thinking? Benny wasn’t going to let him leave again. Bowie had barely got out alive the first time around. Something told him it wasn’t going to be as easy this time.
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hell0mega · 4 years
i didn't want to shit on the post cuz it was a good one otherwise but it referred to Rashida Jones as just "half black half white" while the rest of the people featured were more specific.
Rashida's mom was actually an Ashkenazi Jew, and they actively practiced Judaism, which Rashida still does today.
you can argue that Ashkenazi are "white" but it made me uncomfortable that the other people were described more specifically while it seemed like they looked up pictures of her parents and just assumed. jewish people are erased too often, and in such a positive and informative post, i just expected better
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celestitedreams · 4 years
I got a photo
I'm gonna cry 😭
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missredherring · 5 years
A Falling Star Fell From Your Heart
Tattoo Artist! Steve Rogers x Reader
A/N: I literally woke up with this on my mind - vestiges of a dream.
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You’ve seen a few of them, but only glimpses. Straddling his hips now, with him naked beneath you and some good lighting, you can really see the scope of them.
Steve Rogers was covered in stars. 
It’s expected for a tattoo artist to have some ink, they have to practice after all, but this was something else. 
You touched a cluster of cookie-cutter stars, each with perfect points, on his chest. You blinked and leaned closer for a better look and sucked in a gasp.
These stars weren’t outlined like you had originally thought. They were all stippled into his skin, with a faint gradient as they went down the area. They covered his heart. 
“These are amazing.” You said. 
He was covered in stars, but they weren’t the same style. There were the stippled ones on his chest, a galaxy on his ribs, and the star encircled on his left forearm. There were others all over his body, landing on pale skin like a falling stars, but those were the ones that stood out. 
“Why stars?” You asked. You looked up at him, expecting to see his usual aroused expression: heavy lidded eyes with a parted mouth. His lips puffy and cherry red from your kisses. They were quirked ever so slightly at the corners.
His big hands rested on your hips, making sure you didn’t fall off in your sudden examination of his ink. His thumbs hadn’t stopped their slow strokes, back and forth. They stopped now.
Shit. Way to kill the mood. You knew just as well as anyone else that ink was personal. Even the stupidest, most cliche piece was private. Even when it was inked onto skin for the world to see. 
Immediately you tried to back away from what looked like a touchy subject. 
“Nevermind. You don’t have to tell me.” You said quickly, trying to move off of him onto the bed. You felt exposed with your nakedness now, even though he was naked too.
“No, no. It’s ok. I’ll tell you,” He said, moving his hands to your back and using his arms to keep you from leaving your current seat. “It’s not a happy story though; fair warning.”
You nodded. 
Steve looked around the room, like he didn’t know where to start and passed a hand over his face. You added the star between his thumb and forefinger to the total count. 
“I’ve told you about Peggy.” He started. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the effort. “She’s the one that got us into tattooing. Of the three of us, Peggy was the one who loved it from the start. Buck and I just followed her into the shop cos we had nothing better to do that day.” 
“Really?” You said. You couldn’t imagine Steve without his passion for tattooing. Bucky was a little easier to see. He was a silent guy with an intense focus on his work. 
“Yea.” Steve said, smiling a little at the memories. “She started learning soon after that. Got an apprenticeship at the shop a block away from where we grew up. Said she wanted to stay in the community, turn it around for the better.”
Steve let out a long breath and you moved with his body, up and down, as his lungs expanded again. 
“Then 9/11 happened and we all enlisted in the Army.” His eyes met yours and there was a fierce look in them. “All three of us made it home in one piece. It was a miracle.”
You nodded. “I’m grateful for that.” You said solemnly. You knew what went unspoken: his and Bucky’s struggle with PTSD that continued today. It was a new James Barnes that came home after serving. He was quiet, reserved, and kept himself at a distance from everyone except Steve. You liked him a lot, now that he’d trusted you enough to let his guard down a little, but Steve had said he was a different man before the Army.
“We made it through the fucking war. And then cancer got her.” His voice caught on the last part. His hand coming away from you to rub at the stars on his chest. You wonder how many times he’d done that.
Steve blinked wetly. “These are all Peggy’s stars. She said they were going to be her signature so she had to do them perfectly;  I let her practice on me a lot. All of them, except these. They’re Bucky’s.” He rubbed his chest again. “I gave him some too. We got them… after- after Peggy was gone.”
You blinked back your own tears and took the hand from his chest. You examined each star placed over his knuckles. They were bold outlines, and instead of covering the scars he’d gotten from fighting they framed them proudly. 
He turned the hand in yours over to show you the pale skin of his wrist that was usually covered by a leather cuff. There was a singular star made by shaky lines. “This was her last one, before she put down her gun for good.”
“Thank you for telling me, Steve.” You said as you bent down to give him a tender kiss. When you straightened up again there was a determined look on your face. “I’m gonna do it.”
Steve looked bemused at your sudden declaration. “Gonna do what, sweetheart?”
“I’m gonna kiss ‘em all.” You moved your hand over his body, searching for a starting point. “And I’ll start… Here!”
Steve jerked under you with a startled laugh. Just above the galaxy curving over his ribs was the perfect tickle spot. 
“No fair!” He cried out. “You said kiss, not tickle.”
“Oh. My bad.” You said, bending down to kiss his hot skin. You moved to the smattering of stars on his neck so tiny they looked like they could be freckles. Some of them disappeared into his beard, you realized, and kissed those too.
You told him how glad you were that he was there with you, safe, happy, and loved. You kissed each one of those beautiful stars, silently giving thanks to a woman who was no longer there to receive them in person.
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lostandbrokenshell · 5 years
Darkest Before Dawn. Part 1
There will be bo pairing with reader and the seed family :) possibly someone else though I haven’t decided yet! Farcry 5 fanfic. Rated M for Mature language and sexual reference. No pairing or plans for smutt.
You took a deep breath in and as you pulled up to your new house. You technically haven’t seen it yet but since the price was so good you didn’t want to wait. The real estate lady was certainly nice, you got the idea she would be fun person to drink with on ladies night. The moving crew dropped everything off yesterday other than the clothes in the jeep with you. Grabbing your bag and putting your long red hair back you step out to get a better look. Its a small cabin with a little garden and shed, the shed had access to a bomb shelter fully stocked already.
“So this is home now.” You mumbled to yourself as she walked up and put your bag just inside the door. You wanted to check out the shelter, it felt weird being excited about it in a way but in another way its a great reason to buy more fun guns. Before you could finish your thought though someone stumbled from the bush he looked at you like a deer in head lights for a second.
“Hope you’re cool and not a narc, you didn’t see me!” He says as he ducks into your cabin moments before a cruiser pulls in.
“Evening, Joanne or Rookie” he said with a small chuckle as he got out “Wasn’t expecting to see you untill tomorrow but you wouldn’t of happen to see a man come through here? Wears a baseball cap and green hoodie?”
“Sounds serious Sheriff what he do?” You asked your curiosity was the worst, you should just tell him but you wanted to know first.
“Arson mostly, he’s known to make his own flamethrower and set things on fire.”
“No shit! He makes his own flamethrowers? Do they ever blow up or anything?” You asked, probably a little more excited than should be as the Sheriffs face shifted. “Sorry Sheriff, no, haven’t seen anyone yet your my first official visit. Sorry I couldn’t help more.”
“No problem, Welcome to Hope County Deputy Knight.” He said with a big smile he gave her a nod as he got back in and drove away.
“You are officially my favourite officer ever! Thanks for not narcing on me. The names Charlemagne Victor Bowshaw, but you can call me Sharky.” He said as he stuck his hand out. Smiling you take it.
“Cant do that all the time for ya, honestly it was the homemade flamethrower that won me into not giving you up. Joanne Hope Knight, you can call me Jojo.”
“Well your pretty fucking cool for the popo Jojo.” Sharky said with a big grin “I tell you what i will drop off a flamethrower for you! I got to get going though Sheriff left in that direction do im going in this one!” He said as he ran off into the bush as quick as he had appeared. You watched him in amusement hopining more of hope county was like this. Smiling you headed back inside and pulled up your bag the letter was poking out of the side pocked a little. Your smile dissapeared. For years you wondered, looked and now that you found them something wasnt right. You pick the letter up and look at it again.
Dearest Joanne,
We hope this finds you in good health. We have been looking for you for some time and we thank God that we have been able to find you. Our family is not complete without you, we hope you find your way into Hope County where we can meet in person as its been so long. We where just children when they split us up but we have been and always will be family. Its not to late Joanne, its never to late to start a new home to be with family.
Love Joseph Seed.
You dont remember your life much before adoption. You remember the farm a bit and the fire. John held you as you watched it burn and Jocob told you ‘They cant hurt you anymore’ and Joseph stood there with you all as it burned. After that you went through a few foster homes before being adopted they moved to Canada where you stayed. Even after your adoptive parents moved back, you even lived in Canada up until your adopted parents died. So you decided to move back and change carrer path try something new. Thats when Joseph started sending you letters, he probably couldn’t find you before because you where in Canada. You forgot about them in a way until that first letter and it felt weird being their because of it. The family you forgot, but never stopped loving. You didn’t tell Joseph you where in town, or that you where a new Deputy. You even took a blind leap of faith and did as little looking into the town as possible so you can experience it fresh and new. Sighing you look out the window it was getting dark and tomorrow was a big day so you decided to go to bed.
Pulling up to the station first day of duty, your stomach is in knotts, the uniform itched and it was hot. Taking a deep breath you rest your head on the steering wheel releasing your breath slowly you get and head to the door. The Sheriff was talking with a man in a Marshel vest and an older gentleman in a sweater vest.
“I want to move on this today, not tomorrow. We have the warrant, we know where he is lets move.”
“The Mayor and i agree, this is something that definitely needs to be delt with but its delicate. You need to...”
“Get your men, get in the chopper and lets move out.” The Marshal demanded angerly as he stormed past you out the door.
“Welcome to Hope County Sheriffs Department.” Whitehorse said with a big sigh and nodd to you. He rubbed his temples and looked you up and down for a second sizing you up. “Awe shit, i cant bring a shiny new rookie on this dammit. Spend the day inventoring learn where everything is, office and papper work is over there. Storage for guns and ammunition there anything else ask one of the other Deputies. Pratt, Hudson, Nancy lets go over the plan.” He said as he turned away and headed to the back room three deputies in tow all looking at each other. You don’t know how long they talked in there before leaving but after a few hours there was the sound of panic so you stopped inventorying the amo.
“Wow, usually this busy and chaotic? You ask as you head over to the radio where everyone was huddled.
“Lost contact with the sheriff, the long range radio is out it looks like Carl busted it before he took off for whatever reason.”
“He might of ran to look for his wife, Nancy you know? One of the Deputys that went with the Sheriff those peggies are scary shit alright?!”
“Well what the fuck can we do? Two, no three deputies but ones a shiny rook. What the fuck do we do?”
“Gentlemen geez.” You interupt annoyed “Give the shiny rookie a map with last know coordinates. You two hold the fort while the expendible checks it out, I’ll grab a short range radio and check in.” They stopped arguing and nodded.
“Sure you up for this?”
“Its part of the job someone needs to.” You reply as you turn to head to the storage to grab some gear. It didn’t take long for them to have map ready or for you to hit the road. It didn’t take long for you to see some smoke in the distance. You put your foot down a little harder something wasn’t sitting right. You where fairly close to the smoke billowing into the sky when you noticed a bunch of people on the side of the road. It wasn’t until you where to close that you noticed the guns, they opened fire and you swerved to try and get away. The Jeep stopped and you jump out on use it for cover and grab your weapon.
“Hope County Deputy Knight, put your weapons down.” You yell and they replied with more bullets just white truck sped off of the side road and and hit the group of people and stopped. You look over the Jeep to see the Marshal in the truck.
“Get in the fucking truck these people are crazy.” He yelled at you, you didn’t need much more motivation you seen two more trucks speeding towards you. You ran to the passenger side and jumped in. “They brought the helicopter down, fucking Nancy was one of them, fuck these people are fucked.” You where sure there was probably more to that but the sounds of bullets hitting the back of the truck. It looked like he was going to yell at you to shoot back but you where already leaning out the window.
“Holly fuck, do they have air support?” You yell as you pull back in as a plan also followed in behind the trucks and opened fire.
“This is fucked up, this is FUCKED UP!” He yelled as he swerved onto a different road and you try to lean out to shoot at the trucks still following. But the where putting distance between you.
“Their pulling back.” You yell.
“Hold on, theres a road block by they bridge, shoot em!” You turn forward and start clearing apath to push through. The second you cleared it you heard the plane come in from behind you and you get back into the cab.
“What the fuck is goi...” you never got to finish the scentace the road before you exploded. There was cheers from the people as the truck fell towards the water. You don’t remember hitting the water or the stuggle to get out, but you heard the marshal as you laid on the shore as the darkness crept up over you. He was yelling at them to let him go and you fell into the pitch black.
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opaque-daydream · 7 years
Broken 23
Warning: Domestic Violence 
Today had been easier that you imagined it would be this morning. Once lunch was finished Peggy and you took a seat in the living room. Peggy must have understood that you needed a distraction and told you about the nursery back at her and Steve’s home, as well as the plans that they had in place for the arrival in the next couple of months. She confided that it was her choice not to find out the gender and that Steve was humoring her, as much as he was dying to know and had tried to bribe the ultrasound tech into telling him. You cried when Peggy mentioned that she would love to have you there for the birth as she had no relatives close and that maybe just maybe you could help keep your brother calm as she did not believe Bucky would be that helpful even if he was a doctor.
Once the kitchen was clean, Steve and Bucky made their way into the living room, Steve and Bucky sitting on either side of Peggy. “How is my favorite Niece” Bucky ask laying his hand on Peggy’s baby bump.
“Your nephew is fine, what is the shape in which you left the kitchen” Peggy ask looking first at Bucky and then at Steve.
“It would pass inspection” Steve told her smiling, “Now Buck, hands off my beautiful wife” Steve told him with a grin. Bucky just smiled but moved his hand as Steve’s immediately took its place and Peggy rolled her eyes. “Pegs, you need anything from the store?” Steve kissed the side of her head.
“I think we are ok” Peggy told him leaning into his side.
“I am going to run back out and get Y/N’s Medicine from the pharmacy” he continued.
“I don’t mind going” You told Steve softly, “Really” you added when they all looked at you.
“Cricket, the doctor said to take it easy” Steve reminded you.
“Riding in a car is not that strenuous.” You exclaimed.
“After looking over your discharge papers peanut, I don’t think you need to be driving” Bucky told you but smiled to soften his words.
You didn’t want to argue so you just nodded but you felt like grumbling, “In that case does anyone mind if I take a nap?”
“Not at all, in fact I think I am going to take one myself” Peggy told you as she went to stand and Steve jumped off the couch to assist her in getting up. Peggy gave him a soft smile and kissed his cheek. “On second thought Rogers, I would love some oreos and peanut butter” Steve laughed as she made her way to the bedroom they were staying in.
“What about you Y/N, anything you want me to pick up from the store for you, anything you need. I know that your stuff is at Brocks” Steve had a tough time keeping the grimace off his face.
“No, I think I will be ok for a day or two” You told him softly, “If I can borrow your phone I can have Nat pick up a couple things”
“Y/N I really don’t mind picking up anything you need” Steve told you as he stood to go and get his car keys.
“I know, and if it is all the same to you I would rather Nat pick up the couple of things I need” you told him. Steve turned back toward you a confused look on his face as Bucky tried to hide a grin once the light bulb clicked. Before Steve could say anything, Bucky took his phone out of his pocket.
“Here Peanut, call Nat tell her what you need her to pick up.” He said handing you the phone.
“Thank-you” you told him softly as you dialed Nat’s number. She picked up immediately, “No it’s not the tin man” you let out a small giggle, “I need you to pick me up a couple of things before you barge over here. Yes, those things Nat. No, I do not think that would be a great idea” you rolled your eyes even though she couldn’t see you. “Thank you Nattie. I don’t know let me ask” you moved the phone from your face, “Steve do you want Nat to pick up my prescription and bring it over” You ask him
“Only if she picks up Peggy’s Oreos and peanut butter” Steve told you, “Otherwise I am going to have to go out anyway”
“Can you pick up Oreos and peanut butter” you ask as you put the phone back to your ear. “OK I will call the pharmacy, and see you soon” You ended the call. Bucky and Steve were both looking at you, “She is going to pick up what I need, my prescription and Peggy’s stuff” you told them as you looked at Bucky, “Do you mind if I use the internet to look up the pharmacy phone number to let them know Natasha is picking up my prescription” you ask softly.
“Course Peanut” Bucky said giving you a smile.
“In that case, if you are ok here Y/N I am going to catch a nap with Pegs” Steve ask moving from foot to foot.
“Stevie of course I’m fine” you told him.
“You sure” he ask again hanging his keys back up.
You nodded as you found the phone number “I am just going to call the pharmacy and then take a nap myself, and it would be creepy if you stared at me the whole time”
Steve laid his hand on your head as he walked by, “Love you Cricket” he told you as he passed by. You gave him a smile as you put the phone back to your ear after dialing. You quickly explained to the lady answering that Natasha has permission to pick up your prescription and handed the phone back to Bucky. “Thank you”
“Anytime, until we get your phone back my phone is your phone” He told you laying it on the coffee table.
You nodded again and bit your lip, as much as you knew you needed a nap you really didn’t want to be alone with your thoughts right now. You grimaced as your teeth sunk into where your lip was split and if Bucky noticed he didn’t mention it. “You know Peanut” He said as he got up from the couch heading over to the entertainment center, “I was going to watch A New Hope, your more than welcome to join me”
“I don’t want to intrude” You told him, “You need to rest you just had surgery”
“Hey, I was planning to watch it, you taking up a seat on the couch isn’t going to inconvenience me in any way” Bucky turned to look at you, “Plus I hid some Y/F Candy from Peggy earlier, we can split it” he winked.
“Oh, bribing me with Candy now Barnes” you couldn’t help but let out a small giggle.
“Only if it is working” he replied.
You nodded and moved to the couch to snuggle into one end pulling a throw over your legs. You smiled as the opening credits started, the smile getting bigger as Bucky placed the candy in your lap and took a seat at the other end of the couch.
Halfway through the movie you found yourself somehow lying with your head in Bucky’s lap his fingers running through your hair both of you engrossed in the movie, you didn’t even remember closing your eyes.
You could hear voices around you, and for a moment you forgot where you were. You almost panicked when your jumbled mind picked out not only your brother’s but Bucky’s voice whispering and fingers carding through your hair. “Your safe” You heard Bucky whisper to you as you had flinched. It rushed back to you watching StarWars with Bucky, you must have fallen asleep on him, you felt your face heat up you hadn’t meant to fall asleep, much less sprawled across Bucky’s lap
“Sorry” You softly told him groaning as you sat up. Bucky went to say something when there was a knock on the door.
“Stay here” Bucky told you as he got up from the couch and made his way to the door followed by Steve. You watched both of them make their way to the door and shook your head, probably Nat you thought to yourself as both men stood in the door way as they opened it.
“Wow what a welcoming party” You heard Nat as Steve and Bucky moved aside.
“Hey Nat” Steve told her, taking a bag from her hands that she was holding out to him.
“Natasha” Bucky nodded as he went to go back to the couch.
“James” she acknowledged, slipping inside Clint behind her. “\ I ran into Wanda at the store” she supplied when Steve had a frown on his face at the two-people standing behind Clint. “This is Wanda, she works with y/n and Sam her other half” she walked into the living room and studied you for a minute before wedging in-between you and Bucky “How are you feeling” she ask you softly.
“I feel ok Nat”
“Uh huh and I am taking over Clints garage” she told you holding out your bag from the pharmacy.
“Here I will take them” Bucky said standing up as he took the bag, “What do you want to drink to take one with” He ask.
“I can do it” You told him rushing to stand up, he gently pushed you back to the couch. “Nat brought you things see what she has, Its ok Y/N” he said as he made his way to the kitchen.
“Listen to Barnes for once he is right” Nat told her and smiled, “Now about what I brought, I also picked you up a couple pairs of yoga pants”
“Thanks Nat” you gave her a hug and she made sure to be extra gentle with you. “Oh and hope you don’t mind but I ran into Wanda. She and Sam followed us over” You took a deep breath, you were unsure. “Hey Wanda, is a friend, and she was worried” Nat assured you giving you a smile, “Plus you know I would never push you into something that I felt would hurt you. I would protect you with everything I have, my sister” She whispered and you felt the tears in your eyes. Natasha wasn’t big on feelings, she would joke it was because she was Russian and here she was being open with you.
“I know Nattie” You told her.
“Don’t cry, I am not good with tears especially if I caused them” She told you hugging you again. You were about to say something when Clint ambled into the room.
“Pretty sure you have almost reach your hug quota for the month, you better have left some for me” He told Natasha seriously.  You couldn’t help but to burst into laughter but quickly put your hand over your ribs.
“Glad to hear you laughing” Clint told you as he took a seat on the other side of Nat.
You gave him another smile as Bucky returned with your medicine in one hand and a bottle of water in the other, “Here”
“Thank you” You smiled at him and he smiled back, “now if you will excuse me I am going to rescue your friends from the Steve inquisition and since everyone is here Steve and I will start up the Grill, I did promise ribs” he winked at you making his way back to the hallway.  “Hey Steve” You heard his call.
“oh no” Clint moaned, “Bucky and Steve are going to burn down the back yard, I am going to go start the grill before they get the chance I wanna eat” and he was off the couch and out the back door. You and Natasha burst out into laughter again.
“That’s why I keep him around” Natasha leaning in close, “He makes me laugh”
“Oh yes my stoic Russian he brings out the emotions in you” you whisper
“Are you trying to ruin my image” she asks.
“Not me” You said innocently as you turned when you heard more footsteps.
“Oh Y/N” Wanda said as she got her first good look at you she moved slowly over to where you were sitting trying to be careful not to startle you, and you noticed that Sam also made sure to come into the living room slowly. You couldn’t help but let tears fall again, they were being so careful not to upset you.
“I’m ok Wanda” You told her.
“I am sorry If we intruded, I just wanted to make sure you were ok” Wanda rushed out, “We can go”
“It’s ok” you assured.
“Plus, you don’t want to miss the ribs, or the firework show that is going to happen when we let Steve, Bucky and Clint around the grill” Natasha smirked. Wanda and Sam both gave the are you serious looks at you two.
“They set the porch on fire once” You supplied, “But to their defense they can both grill separately just fine they tend to forget what they are doing when they are both out there together”
“Clint just likes fire” Natasha shrugged her shoulders.
Sam laughed, “Maybe I should go supervise let you ladies catch up”
“Thanks Sam” Wanda kissed his cheek as she took a seat in the living room, and Sam made his way outside.
It was only a couple of minutes before Peggy made her way back into the living room, “Natasha” She yawned hand on her belly, “And you are” She ask eyes narrowed a bit and Wanda felt herself shrink back a bit under the stare.
“Peggy, this is Wanda she is a friend” You told her quickly and Peggy’s face quickly went from a frown to a smile.
“Pleasure to meet you” She told Wanda, “Sorry, I am just a bit protective of Y/N at the moment.”
“I understand” Wanda smiled, “Y/N has mentioned you quite a bit”
“All good things I hope” Peggy ask as she took a seat in the recliner “Where are the boys” She ask.
“Grilling” you told her.
Peggy made a noise in the back of her throat, “Well we should have plenty of time to talk before I have to fetch the fire extinguisher”
“Can I get you anything Peggy” You ask as you went to get up.
“I am fine” she gave you a soft smile, “But I do want to talk before Steve comes in and smothers you” she told you honestly, “And I thought that it best to do so with Natasha and you Wanda are a perk”
“Oh” You sunk into the couch a thousand thoughts running through your head everything from she wanted witness’ to tell you she really didn’t want you to be there when your niece or nephew was born to they didn’t want you in the family anymore. The frown must have shown on your face.
“I am sure what ever conclusion you have come upon is not what I am going to say” She told you sternly, “I just thought you would only want to go through this once. Dear what I must say is, I know you are trying to be strong. It is ok to be unsure, and to be scared, but I want you to remember that Steve and I both love you dearly. There is nothing you can do that will stop our love for you, your family and I protect my family. I am sorry that you felt like you couldn’t talk to either of us or that you felt we were too busy to be concerned.  I want you to know that I can’t completely understand what you are going through, but I am going to try my best and I will try not to overwhelm you. I can’t promise but if I do, you need to tell me. That it is ok to let me, Steve, Bucky, even Nat and Wanda know if we are upsetting you.” Peggy told you softly as she took a breath, “I also understand that you may still hold feelings for Rumlow” She couldn’t help but spit the name, “may even love him. But dear please know Steve wants what is best for you, and so do I. I know you may not see it right now, but any person who says they love another person and then can do what they did to you, no one else can fix them. It is something that they have to fix for themselves, and it is nothing that you have done to make him the way he is.”
You didn’t even realize you were crying until Natasha wiped the tears from your cheeks, “Peggy is right” Natasha told you softly, “And she said it better than I could have. You can’t imagine how much I want them to run into him on the street, I when I found you I thought you were dead” Natasha took a deep breath, “I don’t like to be vulnerable, but y/n my best friend, my sister in everything but blood. I am not ready to lose you yet especially to something senseless that I could have prevented he needs help” she told you “Or a tire iron” You heard her mutter under her breath and you went to scold her but she also had tears.
“Nattie don’t cry” You pulled her into a hug, “I’m here and I will be ok”
“This time” Wanda broke in softly, “I don’t want to read about you in the paper or hear about you on the news. You were one of the first friends I made when Sam and I moved here. I know that I do not know you as well as these two, but I care about you. We can’t tell you what to do or how to live your life, not matter how much we may want to. You’re a grown adult, you will heal and you will have to make the choice to either move on or to go back. As much as I or anyone in this room would like to make it for you, we can’t. Just remember you are worth so much more than he made you believe. You are intelligent, you have a family that loves you very much, and you are stronger than you believe”
By the time Wanda finished everyone in the room had tears, “We will be here for you, you don’t have to do this alone” She added as you moved from the couch and hugged Wanda, Peggy and Nat joining in.
@unabashedcandymaker @deepnachodelusion @buckyappreciationsociety @marvel-fanfiction @steggy4ever @pinkleopardss @smile-sugar  @bethabear12  @avengersfluff  @jim-im-a-doctor-not-a-physicist  @brooklyhn
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wlwhc · 7 years
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Anon ask: First of all, I love your new theme Oppa! , it looks so professional \(>u3
Warning: swearing - The reader is like Dr. Strange which is freaking awesome
(A/N): This is so bad I’m so sorry guys
Marvel Ladies x sorceress!reader
Wanda Maximoff: Amazed & Excited. She knew you were part of the avenger for a reason, but you were pretty reserved about your missions, so anyone of the avenger ever saw you fight, or even knew your power. You explain to Wanda that you were a sorceress, but still, she had never seen you use magic, until this day. The Avenger had been sent to this suicide mission, HYDRA agents had summoned some kind of demon from another realm, the other Avengers were shocked at seeing the weird looking creature, Wanda included, but when she turns around to see you, you were wearing a weird looking outfit, your hands doing graceful moves, she could hear you whisper in some kind of language, and in a blink of an eye, the demon was gone…She couldn’t stop talking about it for weeks. She was so damn excited that you were such a powerful sorceress
Wanda: “please tell me that you are going to teach me”
Y/N: “hmm I’ll have to think about it, this is not just simple magic, this is a discipline, a new way of liv-”
Wanda: *sad puppy eyes*
Y/N: *sigh* “…fine”
Natasha Romanoff: Shocked & Thrilled. She knew about your powers and all, but never got the chance to see you fight, she got tired of it and told the rest of the Avengers to meet her in the Gym. She took you there were all the Avengers were waiting impatiently. You were going to ask why you were all there, but out of the nowhere, a few robots from Stark came at you, attacking you, only you, the rest of the avenger where just looking. You look at Nat and saw the same stupid smirk that she has every time she was planning something, she screams at you to show them your powers, your magic…and so you obey, just because you wanted to see her happy, and after you destroyed every single one of the robots in a very badass way, you turn around to see her, with a shocked expression.
Tony: “you just destroyed every single one of my robots….but I don’t care because that was awesome!”
Wanda: “Y/N you’ll have to teach me”
Steve: “we could use your magic in the field-”
Y/N: “Nat?…aren’t you going to say anything?…”
Nat: “ …I’m just going to say…that I fucking love you and I promise to not make you angry anymore…”
Tony: “ she ate your snacks!”
Clint: *he points at you with an arrow, using it as a wand* “AVADA KEDAVRA!”
Y/N: “I’M NOT HARRY POTTER YOU IDIOT!” (i don’t know what the heck is this I just thought about it and end up laughing alone I’m so sorry)
Lady Sif: Proud. She saw you kick butts with your magic, doing this weird spells and she just…melt?, she was like “THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND THAT’S HER”. She will be so proud and happy and will fall even more for you, she will watch you with heart eyes emojis.
Loki: Lady Y/L/N is an amazing sorceress!
Sif: *heart eyes emoji* yes she is
Thor: I agree brother! Lady Y/N is an amazing sorceress, she’s very powerful
Loki: perhaps she can teach me a thing or-
Sif: if you end that sentence I’ll cut you in half, and if you haven’t noticed already…she’s mine
Sharon Carter: Awe. You were a few inches from the door when it burst open revealing Sharon fighting with I-don’t-know-who but he was winning, you quickly went to help her using your magic to kick his ass. Sharon was sitting on the floor, grabbing the side of her body, looking at you wide eyes. After you help her sit on the couch you used your magic again to heal her, she watches the patron of bright runes being plastered on her skin and later disappearing, leaving behind a warm sensation on her skin, and zero pain.
Sharon:” h-how did y-you…?”
Y/N: “ Maybe I forgot to tell you that I’m a sorceress…?…sorry”
Sharon: “sorry? don't’ be sorry! that is awesome, you are awesome!”
Maria Hill: Confused. She has checked your file before, and she would have noticed the words Sorceress in it, she would have known this, her job is based on knowing this kind of things!, so how could she not notice that?. She was confused, for a second there were 5 agents corralling the two of you, and in the next second, the floor was changing his form, and you were fighting with what seems to be a weird looking whip. The whole situation was …confusing
Maria:”…what the hell just happen?”
Y/N: “ I’m a sorceress, and I just save your ass, now let’s get goi-”
Maria: “…what? since when you are harry potter?!, I would have noticed that!”
Y/N: “I’m not Harry Potter and you were too immersed in my beauty of course”
Maria: “ Oh shut up you jerk”
Y/N: “I know you love me”
Maria: “yeah yeah I do…potter”
Y/N: *sigh* “you are not going to let that go right?”
Maria: “never~”
Peggy Carter: Astonished. She wasn’t even surprised when Stark showed her the flying cars he invented, and she has seen craziest things, but she can gladly say that you were the one who astonished her the most.  She got face to face with a magician that end up being a crazy man who was obsessed with an ancient book, and claim to be the ruler of the earth. She didn’t believe that crap, and when she told you about it, you feared for her. So you come along the next time she was face to face with the magician, and for her surprise, he could actually use magic, and for her surprise again, you could also use magic, but way better than him, she was astonished.
Peggy: “What in the bloody hell was that!?”
Y/N: “..me?”
Peggy: *she glared at you*
Y/N: “wow okay okay .. I’m a sorceress”
Peggy: “…well that’s…impossible”
Y/N: “…you are not mad?”
Peggy: “mad? no…shocked…yes”
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funkcutter · 5 years
anarchistwood at Griffstock 10th Anniversary from funkcutter on Vimeo.
Montage of shots of prank rock outfit anarchistwood performing at Griffstock 10 Year Anniversary. The 'wood on this occasion consisted of Scarlet "Half-Goy Pussy- Magnet" Carsen, Mitch J Flacko, Kris "T-Red" Star, Candiflipped Blackwood, funkcutter, Peggy Bopping with Randi Sket and Lindsey S on video duties. So good they blew minds - "best lost it dancing I've had in ages x" - Matty Evo
Video By Black Triangle Films live music from anarchistwood "Don't" coming out on Ex Gratia Recordings in the future. For existing anarchistwood albums and released studio albums go to punkvert.tv/music-merch
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bxchanansbarnes · 8 years
Accidents Happen *** Part 4/7
Summary: The reader and Bucky have been very close friends, best friends if you will, since they were young. Even now that they are finally in their last year of college, the two are still tied to the hip. When Bucky stops at her house after partying a little too much a secret is revealed. Will this secret bring them closer to tear their friendship apart?
Pairings: Bucky x Reader, Steve x Peggy (Mentioned)
Warnings: Angst, language (the usual)
Word Count: 1970
A/N: SO… this is definitely not a drabble so we’ll just call it a mini-series! Anyways… Good luck… that’s all I’m going to saw… Have fun!
Series Masterlist - Part 3 - Part 5
Your lip quivered as you lifted a ball fisted into the air. You breathing was fragile, short and quick then deep and slow. You knocked on the door, the feeling of the coarse wood ridges beneath your knuckles leaving behind a slight red mark on your skin.
Thoughts ran through your head like a rampage, creating the worst scenarios and trampling down any positive ones that had stood in their way. Your face contorted into an expression of anxiety. “This was a bad idea. I-I can’t do this.”
As you were about to turn around and pretend as if you had never come in the first place, the door opened. “Hey.” Bucky’s lips curved into a charming smile. He didn’t even have to try. Dammit Bucky! You literally make this so damn hard.
“Hello?” Bucky sang, dragging out the ‘O’ as he waved a hand in front of your face, “Earth to (Y/N).” Your eyes widened as you sucked in a breath, “Yeah... Uhm, sorry. Can I come in?”
Bucky’s eyes lit up as a laugh fell from his lips, “Yeah. Steve went out with Peggy just a while ago.” You flashed a smile as you sat down on the sofa in front of the T.V.
You looked around the apartment. It was a typical men’s apartment. Decked out in sports team merchandise and pizza boxes littering the table that was set in the dining area along with a few empty beer bottles.
Bucky stepped into the kitchen, grabbing himself a beer and a glass of water for you. “I know how much you hate beer. So I saved you from having to force it down.” He winked sarcastically. “Oh! You greedy bastard. What? Scared I’ll drink your whole supply?” You mocked, snatching the beer from his hand as he was about to lift it to his lips.
Bucky dropped his arm as he squinted at you. “That was the last one.” Bucky stuck his bottom lip out, whining as you took a sip from the bottle. You handed it back to him, your face scrunching up as you felt the burning sensation in the back of your throat as you gulped down the alcohol.
Bucky licked his lips as he took the bottle from you. He smirked, his eyes gleaming with pride, “That’s what I thought!” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at your best friend. Your smile fell as you came to the realization of why you were here in the first place.
This obviously didn’t go unnoticed by the man sitting just beside you. Bucky moved to sit closer to you. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Bucky cooed, as he stared into your eyes and searched for an answer. Although, he was sure he already knew.
“It’s me. Isn’t it?” His smile was gone by now. You hated when he wasn’t wearing that stupid smirk or when those perfect teeth weren’t on display for the world to marvel at. Your mouth fell open as you tried to find the words you wanted to say so desperately. Where do I even begin to explain this? You thought as you fiddled with your thumbs.
“(Y/N), I’m begging you. What did I do?” he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he waited for you to say something, anything.
“Bucky, I… I don’t…” you ran a hand through your hair as you let out a sigh. “You don’t what? You don’t trust me?” Bucky gaped as his forehead furrowed, “(Y/N), I’m your best friend. Why are you hiding this from me?”
You flinched as he shouted. Yes, you had seen Bucky angry and the two of you had gotten into arguments in the past but he had never raised his voice. It definitely scared you, but at the same time, it enraged you. “Of course, I trust you! I’m just… I’m trying to figure out how to say this, Bucky!” You stood up as you barked at him.
Bucky did the same, laughing sarcastically as he gritted his teeth together, “That’s not what it seems like. Seriously, (Y/N)? You’ve been avoiding me all day. I know you don’t want me to know what the hell I said last night.”
You scoffed as you crossed your arms over your chest, “I have not been avoiding you! I promised Nat earlier this week that I would study with her. For fucks sake, Bucky! I came here right after. We didn’t even study before Clint came and swept her off her feet!”
“Don’t bullshit me. You were quick to get out of the apartment this morning and race off to class.” Bucky fumed with anger. His jaw clenched as his eyes appeared glossy. He was fighting back tears. Whether they were from anger, hurt or stress, he didn’t know.  All he knew what that he didn’t want to lose you.
“I had class! I’m paying for these classes! I can’t just do whatever I want!” You pinched the bridge of your nose. You paced around the living room of the apartment.
“Why won’t you tell me?” Bucky spoke softly, “Damn it, (Y/N)! I’m freaking out, okay?” Your eyes met his and you struggled to fight back the tears that began to run down your cheeks.
You let out a quiet whimper as you brought your hands up to your face to wipe away the fallen tears.
Bucky’s face fell into a look of fear and worry, “Doll… I’m-“
You shook you head, “No, Bucky. I’m afraid. I’m terrified. I want you to know. I want you to remember so fucking bad!” Bucky took a step towards you, “Then tell me. Please.”
You sank your teeth into your bottom lip to stop the trembles that were falling from your lips. “I don’t know how to!” Bucky pursed his lips together. “Just scream at me whatever it takes.” He pleaded.
You looked anywhere but him, “I’m horrified that if I tell you that you’ll leave me. I can’t lose you Bucky! You’re my best friend. You’ve been my best friend since we were younger. You’ve been a part of my life for so long that if you were gone… Bucky, I don’t know what the hell I would do!”
Bucky put his hands on your shoulder, “I don’t want to lose you either. I can’t lose you.”
“Bucky… you have to promise me something.” You said sternly, sniffling before you looked into his eyes. “Anything.” He nodded, desperate to solve everything.
“If I tell you, I’m going to walk straight out. You can’t come after me.” You forced a smile. Bucky’s eyebrows rose, “W-what? No! That’s stupid. I can’t do that! (Y/N) I’m not go-“
“Promise me.”
Bucky stared at you in disbelief as he slowly nodded, “Okay. I promise.”
“And don’t you dare interrupt me!”, Your breathing was shaky as you closed your eyes, heart racing out of our chest.
The brunette smiled tightly. He knew he would chase after you. He’d follow you anywhere, as cheesy as it was. You were the only stable thing in his life. He wasn’t going to let you go now.
You opened your eyes as you began to speak.
“I-I remember when I had my first heartbreak. I was thirteen years old. You were fourteen. I remember I had run out of the school, tears in my eyes. I sat down on the stair that led into the building. You came right after me. I was a sobbing mess and you took my hand, holding me close as you whispered sweet nothing into my ear. Trying to make me laugh every occasionally. It always worked.” You chuckled at the memory while Bucky smiled.
“You have always been there for me. Every heartbreak, every time I was upset, you were by my side. I don’t know where I would be without you. I’m so scared that I’m going to lose you Bucky. It didn’t take me long to realize it, but… I love you, Bucky. I’m so in love with you. James Buchannan Barnes. You stole my heart.”
Bucky’s smile had faltered by now and you were so sure he was freaked out.
“I have been in love with you for so long. Ever since we were just two kids in Brooklyn, but I just don’t want to lose you. You mean everything to me and a world without you, without my best friend, my first love, isn’t worth living in. I didn’t want to tell you because I was afraid that… if you knew you would freak out and leave me behind. You came in and I don’t think I’ll ever forget what you said.”
Bucky’s heart was racing. I said something stupid, didn’t I?
Bucky eyes were closed as his smile grew, “I can’t get her out of my head, man. It’s like a curse. Why does she have to be so damn perfect?” Your heart dropped as you hoped that he was talking about you. Why would he though? It wasn’t like he was wasted off his ass. He knew you were there with him. Bucky snickered as you took the glass form his hand before he lost his hold around it. “I have to tell you a secret.” Bucky’s eyes were barely open as his gestured for you to come closer, until his lips were pressed to you ear. “What is it, Buck?” You were smiling as he grinned like he was the happiest man on earth. He pointed a finger at you with a stern look, “You have to promise you won’t tell (Y/n).” You rolled your eyes, your heart pounding out of your chest. You shook you head, “Buck… I’m here.” He pressed a finger against your lips, “Don’t tell (Y/n).” You shook you head, “Bucky. Seriously I’m right h-“ Bucky clamped a hand over your mouth, muffling your protests. He wore the biggest grin on his face. If he weren’t drunk, you’d smash you lips to his. “I can never seem to get away from her. Everywhere I am, she’s there. It’s a damn curse.” Your heart sank to the floor as tears welled up in your eyes. “Why does she have to be so perfect to me. I mean I know she’s not flawless but what the fuck? Is she trying to kill me? Steve, I’m so love with her it hurts. She literally all that’s on my mind! It’s insane! I can’t handle it anymore. Ever since the day I met her, I knew I was screwed. She was just so happy and pure… I knew I was gonna fall for her. I don’t know what to do… I’m going to go to sleep. That’s what I’m going do!” Bucky snorted, his eyes giving up on staying open. “I’m going to… I’m going to k- “
Bucky’s jaw fell slack. “You said you loved me… I just I don’t want it be something you had just rambled about. I want you to have meant it but… I understand if you don’t. It’s okay.” You sniffled as you looked away from the man standing a few feet in front of you.
He was staring at you, his mouth hung open. He wanted to say something. He needed to. If he didn’t he knew he would screw this up.
“I-I have to go.” You whimpered as you turned to head out of the door, leaving a dumbfounded Bucky behind.
Bucky blinked a few times, processing the events that had occurred just moments ago. He squeezed his eyes shut before he groaned, “Fuck it.” Bucky ran out of the apartment, the only thing on his mind was you. By the time he had left the building, you were nowhere in sight. “Damn it!” He growled, tugging at his brown hair. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Please pick up. Please.”
Series Taglist ( OPEN ): @bexboo616 @theforensicspeedster @irepeldirt @ballerinafairyprincess
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folhadegoias · 6 years
Jornal Folha de Goiás - Casas de leilão de NY se preparam para uma "temporada extraordinária"
Jornal Folha de Goiás – Casas de leilão de NY se preparam para uma “temporada extraordinária”
Seis meses depois de vender um Leonardo da Vinci por meio bilhão de dólares, a temporada de leilões de arte de Nova York está de volta, preparando-se para bater novos recordes com uma magnífica coleção Rockefeller e um Modigliani.
A coleção foi reunida pelo falecido bilionário banqueiro David Rockefeller, que morreu no ano passado aos 101 anos, e sua esposa Peggy.
Ao todo, a Christie’s está…
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