#pegs luvs tallica
disengaged · 3 years
How many times has james broken his arm(s)? It seems like he was wearing a cast a LOT in the 1980's... And then the pyro accident??? This man is just constantly injuring himself
LMAO, i'm glad you asked!
as James has said (x), "There’s some scars, for sure. And I think at one point we did a body scan and put it in our fan-club magazine, highlighting my broken wrist, broken ribs, the burns, this and that." ... But personally, I haven't found that body scan yet >:-/ so here's my own breakdown of the "this and that":
July 26, 1986 (Puppets/Ultimate Sin): broke his left wrist skateboarding down a hill, they cancelled that night and John Marshall had to step in
March 23(?), 1987: double compound fracture (left arm) while skateboarding in an empty pool with Kirk & Pushead & Fred, they had to cancel an SNL appearance and push the Garage Days release to August because of it :-/ (img) ... *reportedly*, management added a 'no skating while touring' clause lmao
August 8, 1992: the infamous Montréal pyro incident :-/////
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July 4(?), 2000 (Summer Sanitarium): messed up his back (herniated disck) on a jetski and sat out for 3 shows, Jason did a lot of vocals & Kid Rock/Korn/SOAD helped out on rhythm guitar etc
2003 (Summer Sanitarium): broke three ribs dirtbiking with Kid Rock of all people, possibly by crashing into a fence?? haven't found much more info on this one
Bonus feature: excerpt from Metallica's interview in Thrasher Magazine (August 1986, full issue!) ...
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TLDR; he's only broken his arm twice, but yeah, all in all, there's been a pretty significant list of injuries! the pyro's still the worst of it though, that shit easily could have been so much worse than it was. yikes 👀
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disengaged · 3 years
it took me a while to find the link to the point where i was a little scared the account had been deleted or something but ive found the basketball link! https://www.instagram.com/p/CMm4wKtAQVq/?igshid=65j9qg4xyegd
bonus: james accidentally gets hit in the face with the ball while someone tries to pass it. they don’t catch it on camera but they get the immediate aftermath
AHHH VERY INTERESTING !!! this is (somewhat obviously) a 1996 MTV broadcast & that interviewer is matt pinfield, so that does help narrow it down a bit...
i'm gonna go ahead & post this ask so others can watch it & offer their two cents (& hopefully someone else will recognize it), but i'll be sure to continue hunting for it later tonight/tomorrow myself :'-) thank you for sharing !!!!!
(@daddy-ul @the-mighty-het-speaks HELP .....)
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disengaged · 3 years
Do you know of examples of how the band treated Jason? I’ve seen a lot about how bad their behaviour was but now I’m wondering wtf they actually did?
essentially, just a shit ton of hazing & immature bullshit. sort of a trial by fire lmao, he's said before that the first 3 years were the worst of it.
apparently the rest of the guys would routinely trash his hotel room, charge their room service to his tab, snark off about him in interviews, that kind of thing. they also told everyone he was gay for some reason ???
excerpt from the infamous 2001 playboy interview:
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(i don't have a timestamp but i believe he discusses it more recently in this interview too)
there's also the wasabi story, which he talks about here (i don't have a timestamp for this one either, sorry!!!! but basically: he got shitfaced, kirk convinced him to eat a lot of wasabi, & then i guess he passed out in a booth and the band ditched him with the bill LMAOO)
i'm like 99% sure there was a lot of worse stuff too tbh :-/ jason's always been really classy and really careful not to shittalk on metallica, but i'm certain there were worse & more x-rated incidents in addition to the ones we know about. james likened it to "trying to beat the fanboy out of him"
people also still debate whether the lack of bass on ajfa was part of the hazing thing, but ..... imo i don't think so, i don't believe it was a purposeful or vindictive slight against him as a person. still must have hurt like a bitch tho !!
excerpts from Birth School Metallica Death:
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at the end of the day it was probably a real shitty time, but jason's a resilient guy w a great sense of humour & i think that definitely helped him tough it out. like. i think they went too far with the callous pranks, but i also don't think they were straight up abusing him into a mental health crisis or anything
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disengaged · 3 years
That magazine article... Do James and Lars really not know that stuff about eachother? Lol
my Thots on this are
1) ?? it's a jokey segment from a magazine, their answers are clearly pretty insouciant. i wouldn't take it to heart
2) interests & preferences are changeable from moment to moment, most people have more than 1 favourite band/movie/whatever at a time, etc
3) even when we all lived together, i could not reliably name any of my siblings' favourite foods, movies, or bands LMAO . tbh i still couldn't tell u my best friend's favourite TV show cuz it changes every 2 months
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disengaged · 3 years
Pegs! You always come through with receipts so I thought I’d ask you and if you don’t know maybe someone else could chime in? I’m trying to find a video that I watched a while ago but now I can’t figure out what to search for and it’s lost 😔 it’s James, lars, cliff and Kirk going to some radio station where they take phone calls with fans; James makes a dumb joke like “step into the orifice”, and I think Kirk was wearing a leather jacket? Would you by any chance know what I’m talking about lmao
YES, i know exactly the one you mean!! it's from one of MTV's "Heavy Metal Mania" specials, recorded April 28, 1986 in Long Island, NY (idk exactly when it aired?).
Metallica conveniently included it in the MoP remastered box set (thanks lads), so here's the full thing on youtube (44mins)!!
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disengaged · 3 years
Good thing you like getting asks because I like sending them! Could you recommend some Metallica blogs to follow? I especially like ones like yours where people comment and make jokes in the tags, rather than just pictures you know? Also do you know any good short form Metallica fan fiction? Thanks!
absolutely!! 🥺♥️ under the cut for length reasons:
ok obvs i can't name every single met blog i follow (sorry @ my treasured multifandom mutuals) but here are a few in no specific order, a few of which do "running commentary":
& as for the fic recs .... ok i have admittedly read a Lot of really good short metfic (like a LOT lmaoooo), but idk what you're personally into, so i'll just start you off with this and you can take it from here:
here's a link to my personal list of bookmarked metallica fics, most of which are pretty short (a lot of them are rated M/E but whatever, you can pick and choose)
here's a link to an AO3 search for Metallica, <4k, sort by kudos descending (obviously more kudos does not guarantee a Better Story but at least it shows what's popular?? some of these top results are good & some of them are .... not my cup of tea, but again, it depends what you're into!)
there's a shitton of metfic on RockFic too, but the site has been down for a few weeks & idk when it's gonna be back up .... oop 🤧😔✌️
but yeah ?? honestly i'd just spend some time scrolling ao3, there's plenty of good stuff on there !! you're welcome to creep my bookmarks & then creep those authors' profiles, creep their bookmarks ... it's like a big network that way, you're bound to find something you like ! 🤩♥️
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disengaged · 3 years
Do you know of any interviews where Metallica talk about performing for a million people (particularly Kirk but I’ll take what I can get) thank you! P.S does it bother you when people are anonymous? I have a lot of questions but I’m too shy hahaha
sure thing!! i haven't found too many of kirk, but here are some interviews discussing the moscow '91 show in general:
Full band interview with Riki Rachtman (on a boat ??? why are they on a boat)
MTV Moscow report with Kirk & Lars (interviews right after the set - lars talks about cutting his hand, kirk says like 2 sentences total & looks hella frazzled)
Lars on MTV Australia 1991
Lars & Jason, Australia 1991 (timestamp 2:54)
Lars interview from 2019 (mentions it offhandedly at the very end of the clip, still doesn't seem impressed by the number)
James also talked about it in the Joe Rogan podcast but the video has been made private on YouTube (???) & i'm not seeing any links to the full episode anywhere ... smh :-/
i know there are probably a lot more out there, but they tend to say the same things in every one, so i think these ones should be enough to give you that insight !! they all kinda tend to focus on the actual experience of playing in russia than with the actual crowd numbers. like ... when there are that many people, to the point where you can't see the end of the audience ......... i mean the scope is just unfathomable tbh
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disengaged · 3 years
this is super random but im bringing back the kirk teeth thing! i think there’s a possibility he could’ve gotten the braces that go behind the teeth (lingual braces) to hide the fact that he was doing something to fix his teeth? i don’t think he got veneers because it looks like he still has the original shape of his teeth when you look at before and after pics. just a thought :)
ok so once again, i must reiterate that i have zero training in the field of orthodontia lmao! BUT as a person who had braces for 3 years ........ i really don't think it was braces??? the fix was wayyy too quick for that...... there are really no "in-between" photos out there, it's really either right or left 👇 & he's also got those two especially tiny lateral incisors (localized microdontia ?) that just magically vanished 🤔
imo my best bet is currently on dental crowns, or maybe a blend of crowns/composite bonding or something ??
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disengaged · 3 years
Where is “I’m james’ favorite fruit” from?
it was in one of the issues of So What! magazine :-) i'm not sure which one (??? c. 96 or 97?) but here it is, i'm sure you can find the issue number on the web
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disengaged · 3 years
Do you know if/when Kirk has talked about being bisexual?
explicitly, only here (as far as i know)! i answered another ask abt this a little while back, my thoughts on the matter are still pretty much the same :-)
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disengaged · 3 years
What songs would you suggest to a new fan looking to get into Metallica? Thx!
ooh, awesome!! answer below the cut cuz i got excited:
ok so i think it probably depends what kind of music you normally enjoy??? if you're not really into thrashy shit i'd suggest easing into it, maybe starting with some of their later/more melodic stuff (e.g. the Black album, the Load & Reload albums). if you're itching to just jump right in, then i'd suggest Master of Puppets (yes i am biased)
that said, overall: i don't think ive ever met anyone who hates Fade To Black, so that might be a good place to get started. The Unforgiven, The Unforgiven II, The Unforgiven III and Nothing Else Matters are fan favs too, they're all super beautiful, super accessible songs 😩💘💕 also Orion, it's a lengthy instrumental which some people aren't into but like. It fucks. certifiably
Welcome Home (Sanitarium) is another one of my personal favs, it has a lot of angst & vibe to it.... also unpopular opinion but i think – Human (live with the sfso) is some of James' best vocal work of all time 🥴 & jason has rlly good backing vox on it
idk if this answers your Q at all but ?? yeah ??? if you want i can make you a spotify/apple music/youtube playlist or smth too, metallica is one of my all-time favourite bands & i would love for you to love them too !! :'-) 💘💘💘
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disengaged · 3 years
when did kirk become vegetarian ??
1985! he talks about it here :-)
he also talks about the infamous pig's head/ham sandwich incident here, which happened when he was freshly veg ... so i think probably late July or early August 1985 if you really want to narrow it down
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disengaged · 4 years
what are ur thoughts on dave and lars being exes ... they just act a certain way around each other that makes me Consider It
short answer: bro o my god i Do i have thots...... many of them
long answer: everyone and their dog knows dave has had a fuck ton of baggage about all the members of metallica over the years , but like..... especially lars, u right anon.........
massive speculative ramble about interpersonal dynamics below the cut:
(disclaimer: 100% purely hypothetical. i'm not super wildly invested in whether two real people fucked once upon a time, i just think it's fun to theorize on the internet.)
ok so by all accounts.... the two of them met first, one on one, & apparently really hit it off. pretty sure everyone's heard that weird-ass story about porno mags and smoking weed out of a hole in the ground......??? yeah. anyways. dave has generally always spoken about their early meetings in a really fond/favourable light, which.... honestly when u take into account his whole background/circumstances/etc, i think it seems reasonable to guess that meeting lars had a huge impact on him. i think they were probably fast friends & made some kind of connection (friendship or otherwise), which lead to dave getting attached to him, possibly to the degree that dave later broke some dude's arm defending lars' honour at a party ?? which ?? god i love that story. it also seems like a pretty strong testament to the kind of bond between them (friendship or otherwise).
perhaps also worth mentioning that dansk people generally do Not have hangups about sexuality the same way most Americans do, especially considering lars comes from the family circumstances he does (very "liberal arts", only child, agnosticism/atheism, etc). there's a saying that in danmark, if you tell someone you're gay it's fine, but if you say you're a catholic they'll look at you funny LMAO. danes also tend to be a lot more free with physical intimacy between male friends & a lot more forward about their feelings, which tends to be seen as a bit unusual among north americans .... a good example would be that story about lars asking to hold kirk's hand in the back of the van when he was scared (HELLOOOO) or sleeping in the same bed as the other guys/generally just being naked a lot. So. Y'know. Just Saying. Keep that in mind. i do feel like lars adopted some compulsive masculinity in later years but that is another matter entirely.
.....THEN if we take a shift over to the "what, no second chance?" chapter: obviously a massive personal betrayal on all fronts, and obviously very upsetting to hear that lars was likely the main engineer rooting for his dismissal. like... instant curdling of all positive emotions. HOWEVER. lars has said he kept in touch with dave after he left/that they used to phone call (??? bitch let him go), and then the whole Donnington MOR '88 thing happened, etc... salt in the wound, man. cant even imagine how absolutely shite that would feel for ol' mustardstaine especially if we're theorizing about any hypothetical intim*cy between them. by the time we see the two of them delve into it ~12 years later for the SKOM session, it's just fucking tender and sappy and heartfelt as hell and dave is all like "i just have so many regrets, i miss my little weird european friend" and lars is sorta awkward about it & it's like.... sad. it's just a really sad moment in time. many thoughts about what happened there AND OFF CAMERA TOO, THERE'S MORE TO THE STORY but i digress.
bAsically i'm like..... yeah. YEAH. y'know. theoretically i could see it happening, especially in the very early days. the way they acted/spoke about each other in the 80s-90s/into the 2000s had a lot of very strong feelings attached, and dave seemed to latch onto lars in particular ...... maybe because he's the driver of the metallica machine, maybe because dave was closer to him than james or cliff, OR maybe because something else happened between them. many thots to think for sure..... i do wish we had more concrete/verifiable info about the earliest days & the history between them please write a book lars, but alas. Mysteries!!!
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disengaged · 3 years
Would love to hear your thoughts on this!
PETE CAPPADOCIA MY BELOVED !!!! screw the band, i'm starting a fanclub for the hot pyro guy. smh
ok seriously tho, i do have some general thoughts:
hyperlink to the special for reference
i've seen this special an embarrassing amount of times and i think the main thing that i like about it is how refreshing it is to see the crew being interviewed ...... metallica have a long history of being good to their crew & keeping the same people on staff for long periods, which is a lot more than you can say abt most bands (whew), especially considering the sheer amount of work that goes into the setup, takedown, and operation of all of Metallica's stage performances. it's .... absolutely insane to me. techs & crew are the backbone of the music & theatre industry and they're still often very underpaid, very overworked, do backbreaking labour, and receive next to no recognition (or job security) for it :-/ so it's nice to see their faces for once lmao !!
on the surface level ........... kirk & lars both look cute as hell here lmao :'-) 💘 & i think it's interesting how kirk makes a point of saying he's "[never going to distance himself from the public]", which ... well. who could have foreseen the Black album & what those heights of fame would do ..... but it's neat to look back on a comment like that. (also when he talks about playing around with slide guitar and blues licks and classical ..... ?? yeah baby !!! the influences are branching out !!!! suck on that load/reload haters)
i also like hearing abt lars' early drumming days cuz like ....??? zero beef about it because i love lars' playing for what it is and what it does, but he has never once in his life had bonham/peart/jordison/lombardo levels of skill and i think his remark that "[as soon as he could count a 4/4 beat he tried to start a band]" is ..... i mean it's just sooo characteristic of his ambition & his vision, it says a lot about him that he's objectively not a super great drummer & that he's still the founder of fuckin metallica. like. come ON dude.... wild.
those are just a couple general comments from me lmao!! i love this special, i think its such a goldmine for so many different topics.
also, if anyone else if interested in the tech/crew/setup stuff, i'd really recommend this documentary from Milton Keynes 1993 !! it's a great look "behind the scenes" @ the personnel & logistics involved, right down to the merch, security, and profit breakdowns etc :-)
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disengaged · 4 years
(dave & lars anon) why must u remind me of the big 4 bts video ... i admittedly think about it A Lot bc lars was like dave wtf there's a camera (uneasy chuckle) and dave was just like whoops! ran my mouth :) and YEAH I've never really thought about the cultural differences before but since u brought it up I'm really fired up(tm) now! head empty only thoughts about babytallica dave and lars 🙈🙉🙊 also could u elaborate on lars and compulsory masculinity?
me (in the most unconvincing tone): wow i can't believe u guys are making me do this
jdjdjdj YEAH honestly that entire DVD is honestly just like ..... a lot all around. anthrax fucking around like idiots, that guy crying into tom araya's shirt, ellefson's triumphant return from his vacation with peavey, lars and dave being awkward & weirdly fucking touchy.... much to consider. many things to think.
the cultural differences thing is also smth i get hung up on all the time bc like... my family is dansk/canadian & i see a lot of the same cultural differences & mannerisms in baby lars & i just ?? i think abt it a lot! i think abt him describing his first few years in america and how different it would have been from copenhagen/københavn.
that part also ties into my speculations about compulsory masculinity bc like.... shit just works differently in danmark. boys are typically taught to pitch in with household chores, to share child rearing duties, and to generally just be mindful of other people. it's really common for a man to wait for a woman to make the first move and to split the bill on dates, etc. like ..... there's typically a lot more direct communication involved (like Very direct lmao) & a lot less importance on machismo/posturing/dominance. which. would definitely pose a very different dynamic when entering into a bunch of new friendships w people who share almost none of those same values.
cuz like...... if u try to imagine that, and then try to imagine moving to the states as a teenager & having to adjust to a whole new set of gender role expectations ...??? Yeah. Hmm. obviously lars was a well-adjusted kid by that point (cuz torben was flying him around the world, he traveled around europe a lot, etc), but it's still no wonder why he and james didn't quite click at first. lars was, by all accounts, more of an openly emotional, touchy-feely guy, & that kind of male/male tenderness would Not have flown the same way it did back home.
no hate on james ofc, but he obviously had many major issues surrounding that kind of stuff (homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, using lars as a punching bag, u name it), as did dave. so. if that's who lars was hanging out with when he was ~20 years old in the 1980s, in california, jumping headfirst into the music industry, that shit probably all played a part in shaping his perceptions of masculinity. it definitely doesn't surprise me that he basically became like.... The Smarmiest Womanizer In Rock or whatever, with all the conflated groupie stories, etc. (....which are all in good fun tbh, i love reading ‘em. hell yeah)
even with all of the "performative gay behaviour" in the press circuit c.AJFA/TBA/Load/Re-Load (yknow.... the endless crotch grabs, touching tongues, remarks about kirk's sexuality, etc.), that’s essentially all it seemed like to me: ~performance~. & even if there was a kernel of truth in there somewhere (i ain’t the sexuality police bro), it's always looked to me as though he was being very careful to stand right on the brink of audacious and annoying.
like.... it all comes back to the "aw yeah, this is fun cuz we're doing it to goof off and dunk on stupid homophobes, look at me touching kirk's dick, look how much of a homo kirk is, let me tell you about how Jason is gay and how i think James secretly likes men" thing. yknow ??? that was a really strange evolution of many conflicting behaviours. TBPC, i'd say lars is for sure an openminded kind of guy who has zero issues with the queer community etc. it’s just vaguely strange to me how he ended up falling into such a bizarre pattern of Earnest Support Mixed With Gross Straight Behaviour Mixed With Gay Jokes Taken A Little Too Far, and i wonder if he ever stopped to think twice about it.
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disengaged · 3 years
I’ve just been scrolling through your asks, where has Kirk talked about hair/rogaine? Thank you!
the rogaine thing was in an interview with Q Magazine, i believe early 2000s ?? definitely before '03. i can't find the original article rn (poor sourcing practices, i know) but here's the (alleged) full quote:
"I make no bones about it, I've had some help. I'm all about Rogaine. Take it from me, it fucking works. I've been using it since I first heard about it, which was around 1990. Also, when you have stylists around they do wonders. Today they teased it so I look like I have big hair. I love it."
secondary sources (varying degrees of dubiousness): NME / Metallichix / HairlossTalk: 1 , 2 , 3
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