#penapls wanted
flowersforthee · 2 years
In need of new pen pals!
Most of my pen pals have stopped writing me back so I’m looking for some new ones! I’m more than willing to write the first letter, just sand me a message :)
About Me: I’m very spiritual and I love tarot, witchcraft, crystals and all that fun stuff. I’m also A huge nerd. I really like video games and anime. I collect a lot of things (squishmallows, crystals, tarot decks, stickers, washi tape, keychains, can tabs, bones, zines, and more haha). I love to draw and write and I’m working on my childhood dream to become a comic artist. I have a webtoons, but it’s not popular or anything.
Anyways, i hope to hear from you soon, thanks for reading <3 
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I’m looking for a penapl!
I’m from the UK and would love to send handwritten letters to someone!
My interests are art, animals and nature! As well and books, documentaries and crime dramas!
I’m 21, turning 22 next month and have wanted a pen pal for a long time, and finally have the means to do so ☺️
Please send me a message if you are interested 🥺
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dionysus-is-my-dude · 5 years
Life Update: School, Writing, and Pen pals...
I shouldn’t be trusted to make serious decisions before my period starts, but here we go again! So if I hadn’t already told y’all, I plan to pay off all or most of my student loan debt and medical debt this year. I’d planned to go back to school next year to finish my Associate’s in Accounting to work on becoming a bookkeeper. Yeah, I don’t wanna do that. Looking back on it now, I realize that I don’t really remember anything. And it was a LOT to remember. Lots of terms and definitions from all my different courses that I took before. I don’t wanna be a bookkeeper, or an accountant.
As some of you may know, if I’ve said it before, I’m a creator. And a performer. I sing, dance, act, paint, draw, crochet, embroider, and write. If it were a perfect world, I would be a musical actress and an author and painter on the side. I know that future is a possibility if I work for it. I would absolutely love that. But it’s not a possibility for me at the moment. However, I have a pretty decent paying job right now, and I don’t NEED to go to school for the jobs I actually wanna do. I wanna be an author. I write EVERY SINGLE DAY. Have been writing short stories and such since I was in third grade. My English teachers adored me. I won a short story award as a child. I figure that I could go to school to get a Bachelor’s in Writing, and use that to get a job in something easy like communications or creative marketing. Something that would get me a decent job where I can utilize my writing skills while I work on writing stories at home. I’d like to have a couple side hustles as well, such as crocheting, painting, and taking online surveys (they pay pretty well if you do enough and take the long ones). And of course, to be on stage when I can, because acting makes me very, very happy.
I’ll admit I have issues with my writing. Most likely due to my ADHD, I have ease coming up with ideas for stories, and I enjoy starting them, but then I get bored and later send the file to my recycling bin. Sometimes I’ll bring it back out and give it a second chance, but I’ve...rarely finished a story. Also, I insert myself as a main character. It’s a form of therapy for me. I was traumatized at a young age, and even though I lived with family and had friends, I felt extremely lonely and misunderstood. I would escape into daydreams and fantasies, especially in school. If you know about “maladaptive daydreaming”, you’ll know what I’m talking about. When I was old enough, I started writing out those fantasies. I have YEARS of notebooks in the basement from when I would write at school. It got to be a problem because my teachers thought I wasn’t paying attention in class. (I thrived in high school. It wasn’t until college that I lost my marbles. I hear that’s quite common for those of us with ADHD.)
Anyway, another thing I struggle with is original characters. I have trouble making them a complete character with a believable personality and story arc. I also struggle with writing conflict. I just want stories where nothing bad happens. Those are the kinds of stories I wanna read, you know? I think my issue is just coming up with conflict that doesn’t involve, say, death or hatred. There are other forms of conflict!
Now, I realize that I don’t HAVE to go back to school to be an author. I COULD just become a member of SkillShare and take creative writing classes. And I may! If it’s too expensive for me to go to my local university, I’ll go that route. But I think a Bachelor’s of Writing would give me the credentials to get a job in writing while I work on my own stories, y’know? That’s what my thought process is right now.
Whew, besides all that, nothing much is new. I have a penpal now, though! She’s from the UK. I just sent her my first letter, including some stationery stuff like stickers and washi tape. I hope she likes them! If any of y’all wanna be penapls, feel free to message me! I’d love to talk about the gods and goddesses, magic, and whatever else you wanna talk about!
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findteenpenpals · 7 years
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Hello! My name is Willow and I'm 19. A little about me: I've done 2 semesters of college and I am going to get my masters in psychology, I love animals SO much, I like to color, read, and write short stories. My favorite color is Purple, and I also like photography! My 2 pit babies (Angel and Conrad) are my everything. 💜 I'm from the United States, Alabama actually. I want a snail mail pen pal that I can write to and we can send little packages with little cute stuff in it/OR a penapl that I can Snapchat, Skype, talk on the phone, and just socalize with eachother via social media! Enough about me for now though! :) If your interested in being my pen pal please let me know! :) I hope to hear from you soon! -Willow email:[email protected] (Make Pebal the subject line) Instagram:beccamercer97 kik: beccamercer97
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