#penny appeal canada
pennyappealca · 5 months
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Media from the ground of our food aid delivery in Akkar, Lebanon!
Thanks to your support, our team was able to distribute over 180 food packs - which can provide meals for families of up to 5 individuals for 1 entire month! 🧡 Maintain the momentum and continue your giving through https://pennyappeal.ca/program/emergency-response/
Donate #Giving #IslamicCharity #CanadianCharity #PennyAppealCanada #Support #Lebanon #Akkar #Ramadan
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azeezahmed815 · 3 months
Supporting Humanity: A Food Appeal to Feed the Hungry
In a world where plenty exists alongside scarcity, the act of feeding the hungry stands as a beacon of hope and compassion. At Muslim Charity, we recognize the pressing need to address food insecurity, a silent crisis affecting millions globally. Our Food Appeal initiative embodies our commitment to alleviating hunger and nourishing communities in need.
Understanding the Need
Food Insecurity: Defined as the lack of reliable access to sufficient quantities of affordable, nutritious food, food insecurity knows no borders. It plagues both developed and developing nations, affecting individuals and families who struggle to meet their basic nutritional needs. According to recent studies, approximately 811 million people worldwide are undernourished, highlighting the urgency of addressing this humanitarian issue.
Impact of Hunger: Beyond the physical discomfort, hunger undermines health, education, and economic stability. Children are particularly vulnerable, facing developmental setbacks due to malnutrition. Families caught in cycles of poverty often must choose between food and other essential needs, perpetuating a cycle of deprivation.
The Role of Food Appeals
What is a Food Appeal?: A Food Appeal is a targeted campaign aimed at raising awareness and resources to combat hunger. It mobilizes communities, businesses, and individuals to contribute towards providing food aid and sustainable solutions to food insecurity.
Why Feed the Hungry?: Providing nutritious meals is not just about filling empty stomachs; it’s about restoring dignity and fostering resilience. By ensuring access to food, we empower individuals to pursue education, employment, and personal growth.
Muslim Charity’s Commitment
Our Mission: At Muslim Charity, we believe in the power of collective action to create meaningful change. Our Food Appeal is rooted in our Islamic values of compassion (rahma) and charity (sadaqah), guiding us to serve humanity irrespective of race, religion, or nationality.
Impactful Programs: Through strategic partnerships and on-the-ground efforts, we implement sustainable food security programs worldwide. From emergency food distributions in conflict zones to long-term agricultural projects promoting self-sufficiency, each initiative is designed to meet immediate needs while building community resilience.
How You Can Make a Difference
Get Involved: Your support is crucial in transforming lives. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, every action counts. By participating in our Food Appeal, you join a global movement dedicated to ending hunger and promoting social justice.
Donate: Your financial contributions enable us to purchase and distribute nutritious meals to those in need. Even a small donation can make a significant impact on someone’s life.
Volunteer: Join our team of dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to organize events, raise awareness, and support our food distribution efforts.
Spread the Word: Use your voice to amplify our message. Share our Food Appeal campaign on social media, engage your network, and inspire others to take action.
Success Stories
Empowering Communities: Through our initiatives, we’ve witnessed communities flourish when given access to reliable food sources. From improved health outcomes to increased school attendance rates, the ripple effects of food security are profound and far-reaching.
Building Resilience: By investing in sustainable agriculture and livelihood programs, we equip communities with the tools to break the cycle of poverty. Empowered individuals become agents of change within their own communities, fostering a brighter future for generations to come.
In conclusion, the Food Appeal by Muslim Charity stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to humanity. By addressing food insecurity with compassion and determination, we aim to create a world where no one goes to bed hungry. Together, we can feed the hungry, restore hope, and build a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Join us in making a difference today. Visit Muslim Charity’s Food Appeal to learn more about how you can contribute to feeding the hungry and transforming lives.
Let’s embrace the power of generosity and solidarity to create a world where hunger is a thing of the past. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and inspire positive change.
Feed the hungry. Change the world
This blog post not only highlights the urgency of food insecurity but also encourages action and emphasizes the transformative power of collective efforts. It aims to inspire empathy and drive engagement towards supporting those in need through Muslim Charity’s Food Appeal initiative.
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pennyappealcanada · 2 years
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Share Your Donation for the Turkey Emergency Appeal!
Earthquakes have ravaged areas of Turkiye, Syria and Lebanon. Over 5000 people have been confirmed dead with even more missing.
We’re responding directly to the emergency on the ground with hygiene kits, food packs, first aid and shelter. Your help is urgently needed!
Donate now: https://pennyappeal.ca/turkey-earthquake/
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morbidology · 7 months
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On the 27th of January, 2008, Penny Boudreau and her 12-year-old daughter, Karissa, went to a local grocery store in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada. As Karissa sat in the car, Penny called her boyfriend, Vernon Macumber, and told him that Karissa was missing.
Following the call, Penny climbed back into the car and drove Karissa to a quiet roadside and ordered her out of the car. Penny pushed her only child to the ground and wrapped a piece of twine around her hands and neck and began to pull as tightly as possible. “Mommy, don’t,” were Karissa’s last words but Penny ignored her and continued to strangle her.
When Karissa’s heaving gasps stopped, Penny loaded her lifeless body in the trunk of the car. She then drove to Tim Hortons to throw out the incriminating twine before dumping Karissa’s body by the LaHarte River. Penny then reported Karissa reported missing as a snowstorm swept into the region. She claimed Karissa vanished while she was in the grocery store.
On two separate occasions, Penny appealed to the public for help in finding her daughter as search crews scoured the area. “I just want you to come home,” she pleaded. “We all love you, Karissa. I love you.”
On the 9th of February, a passerby stumbled across Karissa’s body. The autopsy showed that Karissa had been murdered and investigators soon announced that the murder was an isolated incident, meaning it wasn't the work of a stranger.
In June of the same year, Penny was finally arrested after confessing to the murder to an undercover officer. “Investigators feel there was only one person responsible for this homicide,” said Chief Brent Cowhurst.
Following her arrest, Penny finally offered up a chilling motive for the murder of her only child. She said that her boyfriend, Vernon Macumber, had given her an ultimatum for their relationship to survive. He said that she had to pick between him or her daughter. Penny told an officer that she “would do anything for Vernon and the thought of losing him was harder than the thought of losing her daughter.”
Penny Bordreau pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of second degree murder and received a life sentence. She must serve 20 years before applying for parole. In 2018, she was granted four escorted leaves to attend church services.
Vernon was found to not be involved in the murder and maintained he hadn’t offered an ultimatum and instead had suggested that something needed to be done about the constant arguing between Penny and Karissa.
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toxinellebug · 6 months
It’s The Supreme’s World: We just live in it…
Some world building and character info for the Re-Verse and how it affects Marinette, Adrien, and Gabriel before we get into the next Kamikotized hero.
Peace was never an option… It was an ultimatum.
While World Peace Day is celebrated everywhere, truly, only Capital Cities are able to host the full splendor of such a magnificent event.
        Paris is famous for never being outdone when it comes to this extravagant and cherished celebration:
Throughout the day, on every corner of the city, you could find a rare sight you would not see any other day of the year- flower carts.
     Usually, flowers were too expensive for just anyone to purchase, so florists only sold the finest, most delicate and exotic flowers to appeal to the high class.
           But on World Peace Day, cheap, less popular flowers were made available so even those of low income could enjoy the rare luxury of owning a real flower;
      Perhaps it is a frivolous purchase, but even the most stingy of penny-pinchers could not resist the urge to loosen their purse strings when offered a single pink carnation for the ridiculously low price of only €20!
Flowers weren’t the only thing worth buying-
     There were street vendors with international fare offering a variety of delights one would expect from a carnival or festival. Each seems so exotic when they come from a culture different than your own; takoyaki from Japan, bratwurst from Germany, frappe from Italy, Cotton Candy from the United States of America.
(Yup, spun sugar is originally a traditional american food invented in 1897 by American citizens William Morrison, and John C. Wharton, and it remained a unique American speciality until it was introduced at the 1904 World Fair. The irony? One of those dudes was a dentist.)
It is a culinary trip around the world without the cost of voyage.
Unless you were a vendor, of course.
While plenty were local, many more would venture from their homes to capital cities for World Peace Day, knowing they could make a larger profit than if they were to sell their goods at smaller towns. 
     Some even traveled from out of country, it was a huge investment for a single day, but one that would immensely pay off if they could convince customers that their goods were more authentic.
There was also a lavish parade with floats decorated in peace lilies, white poppies, hyacinth, cosmos, pincushion flowers, red peonies, and lavender, all carrying red banners with the symbol of The Supreme.
      Marching bands play folk music, and talented performers in costumes from all over the world perform traditional dances.
          It is a feast for the eyes seeing all the different cultures that were united for the sake of Peace.
Of course, the most beautiful sight (that you have to pay an admission fee for) is in the Jardin des Tuileries where all the metal sculptures and plastic foliage are removed to make room for impressive, imported floral displays;
Tudor roses from Britain, Quatre–temps from Canada, Dahlias from Mexico, Cattleya orchids from Brazil, Meihua from China, and naturally French Iris at the center… All countries in the world are represented by a display of their national flower, to symbolize how all nations came together under the guidance of The Supreme. 
Roland Dupain loves World Peace Day more than Christmas!
Poverty had become common place after the Great war- the whole world seemed dull and grey. But the people endured to rebuild what had been lost. Roland Dupain’s grandfather had perished in the war, and his grandmother had to raise 2 sons on her own, one of which would marry Roland’s mother. 
Then, WW2 began. 
     Both his father and his uncle went off to fight, following in their father’s footsteps.
       5 months passed before Mrs. Dupain received word that Roland’s uncle had been killed in action.
A miserable year passed and the world descended into Hell-
     Nazi’s invaded France and took control of Paris.
         Parisians lived in fear and battled with hunger every day. A pregnant Mrs. Dupain cried herself to sleep, having lost all hope of ever seeing her husband alive again, resigning herself to her fate of having to bring a child into the world that would never know their father…
Then, the unthinkable happened;
         The Axis Powers abruptly and unanimously surrendered!
Not to the Allies Forces…. No, something far greater and more powerful.
There was dancing in the streets! Peace at long last! 
     Tanks and weapons were disassembled, materials and rations that had been collected for the war efforts were donated back to the people, armies were permanently disbanded, and Roland’s father came home.
Oh, that euphoric feeling of relief and utter joy when Mrs. Roland leapt into her husband’s arms, weeping tears of joy.
      No more war, no more bloodshed, no more hiding in fear, no more starving!
From now on, theirs was a world of everlasting peace!
2 months later, Roland Dupain was born, and every year until his father’s died from Tuberculosis, Roland was regaled with stories of the suffering caused during the War, and how The Supreme was their savior.
Ever since, Roland Dupain has celebrated Peace Day with fond memories and a sense of pride…
Which is why his greatest shame is his wife, Gina.
The same woman who hard the nerve to lecture him about about family values when he was ready to disown his son for marrying an outrageous woman who wouldn’t even take her husband’s last name and who had nonsense ideas about experimenting with time-trusted recipes, (flour from rice?? Peuh! That’s not how it’s done!).
     Gina, with her big speech about how nothing was more important than family…
     She brought disgrace to their family when she was arrested 2 years ago for civil disobedience and public disturbance!
Well, there was no way he was going to allow his granddaughter to go down a criminal path!
The world was tough but fair; so long as you work hard and follow all the rules, no questions, you won’t have any problems.
So simple!
Marinette needed to learn to how lucky she was to live in a world under The Supreme’s protection. 
What better way to do that then helping her grandfather sell traditional Pain de campagne to tourists on World Peace Day?
It was a tradition started by his father, that he had carried on and tried to continue with his own son (until that wife of his put crazy ideas in his head like how pain au chocolat would be more popular.) but now, he would continue this tradition with Marinette- she would become part of a proud history, develop a sense of service, and most importantly, stay on the straight and narrow!
Children need discipline, after all! 
She would thank him, one day.
-Marinette strongly disagrees.
Up until she was 11 years old, for Marinette Dupain-Cheng, World Peace Day was all about yummy treats, exciting parades, and pretty flowers.
    While her parents sold pastries, her Nonna would take her strolling around the city to enjoy the excitement!
Then, just a few months before she turned 12, Nonna was sentenced to 8 years in a penitentiary labor camp.
Now, World Peace Day was about carrying baskets of rye sourdough bread, lectures on how things were and were not done, and the same old stories Grandpa Roland had already told her hundreds of times before, all while watching everyone get to have fun.
      It was like having detention outside of school! 
The worst part was the elderly tourists who would gush over her and pinch her cheeks for ‘being such a good girl who helps out her grandfather!’
Apparently being a “good girl” didn’t entitle her to personal space.
    Seriously, why did people feel entitled to put their hands on her just because she was a kid?
Mom and Dad were no help; her Mom believed this was important quality time with her grandfather that she’ll appreciate someday when she’s older.
     Dad’s opinion was, as always, that her mother was right.
You know what’d she’d really appreciate?
      Getting to celebrate World Peace day instead of lugging around crusty bread made from overly fermented yeast!  It was like her grandfather had an allergy to delicious food and having fun!
      Grandpa Roland claimed World Peace Day was his favorite holiday, yet he spent the whole day either selling bread or complaining about how other people were selling bread wrong, how people dressed was wrong, or how people looked at their phones while walking around was wrong!
      No one seemed to know how anything was “done,” save for him, and honestly? Marinette was 100% done with all of it.
For Adrien, World Peace Day is now the one time the city doesn’t stink in the literal sense.
The amount of actual flowers should help offset the stench of chemical fumes.
But he didn’t use to think that way…
World Peace Day used to make him happy, because it made his mother happy.
When he was little, his mother would giggle at the spectacle of Adrien-tallest in the world, as he sat atop his father’s shoulders for the best view of the parade in all of Paris.
Her smile was even sweeter than the sticky residue she tried in vain to wipe from his cheeks because Père didn’t hesitate to buy him every sugary treat that caught his eye.
Her voice was like a song as she pointed out and named each and every flower in Jardin des Tuileries to him, and as much as he wanted to pay attention, it was a hypnotic lullaby paired with a sugar crash that left him in a sleepy daze in his father’s warm embrace as he was carried home, his last conscious thoughts his mother’s kiss upon his forehead as his blanket was tucked tight around him.
As he got big enough to walk without being carried, he toured the celebrations with his parents each holding his hands in theirs.
     Father still had his sweet tooth, despite mère playfully scolding him, reminding him of the lecture Adrien would get from the dentiste.
He was old enough to listen to her name all the flowers now, but too excited about the exotic music and the foreign dancers to really pay attention to what she said.
Though he did hear, and make a face, at his father’s mushy declaration that mère was the most beautiful rose in the world.
He never really noticed that mother’s grip on his hand was starting to weaken.
Years passed and he was too busy checking that the path ahead was clear of bumps and dips to notice any candy vendors or dances. His father was also more focused on pushing mother’s wheelchair than enjoying the parade.
Mother’s tone was still cheerful as she admired the flowers, but Adrien was too worried about whether the outdoor air was making her cough worse, her words went in one ear and out the other.
Last year she had been too weak to get out of bed. She had been too exhausted to watch the entirety of the parade on TV- visiting Jardin des Tuileries was out of the question.
     Adrien would have given ANYTHING to listen to her list off the different flowers, he swore he would commit each one to memory.
Was there really any point?
He’d seen all the dances dozens of times, the music was also pretty boring.
There was nothing special about the food vendors, and too much sugar was terrible for your skin anyway.
He honestly didn’t care about flowers.
World Peace Day was just another over-rated holiday that people obsessed over to temporarily forget the mediocrity of their dreary lives.
What a joke.
For a young Gabi Grassette, son of a pommes frites vendor, World peace day meant sweets; Barbe à papa, English toffees, Mexican chocolates, and Polkagris!
Their family didn’t have a lot, but on this most special of days, his Papa would allow him some spending money to enjoy what the world had to offer~
At 8 years old, he was practically grown up, and able to walk up and down the street by himself.
It was the first World Peace Day he had a clear memory of, it was also the first time he saw a real flower up close.
Back then, he hadn’t really understood what his parents meant; things were either “real” or “imaginary”, weren’t they? 
        He was able to touch the plastic flowers his mother decorated their kitchen window with, and last week in L'Ecole Primaire his teacher taught him how to fold fleurs de papier.  Those were plenty real enough!
      Why would adults waste euros on something silly like flowers when they could buy candy instead?
           Gabi couldn’t believe he was already so much smarter than everybody else! That was probably why he was allowed to enjoy the celebration by himself unlike other children who still needed adults to watch them.
  That was until he stumbled across “it”.
A single blossom that had fallen off a parade float, carried off by a gentle breeze, only to land delicately at his feet.
It was so much more fragile than he’d imagined;
    The petals were just as thin as paper, yet surprisingly soft to the touch.
        Its center was fuzzy? A scent not unlike the perfume he was used to, but not the same either- it was both more airy yet more bold, but like a passing whisper- there was no strange undertone to remind him of cleaning sprays.
    The stem was flexible, to a point. It was smooth with a certain give. If he pressed a fingernail to it, it tore a little, but instead of revealing wire inside, it was just more green- a sticky green.
     The leaves had… creases? The lines weren’t painted on, they were embedded in the leaf itself almost like…. like… veins.
        Veins, as if it were….
This tiny thing in his hands wasn’t made in a classroom or a factory… it was ALIVE.
He had been told that flowers and other plants were things that grew from the ground, but he had never fully understood what that truly meant until now.
    Flowers, REAL flowers, were delicate, fragrant, colorful, and ALIVE and it was the most amazing thing Gabi had ever seen!!!
But, why was something so precious only celebrated one day of the year?
   Why were there so few?
         Why didn’t the adults grow them everywhere?  Why did they have to settle for paper or plastic ones when real ones were so much better?
It wasn’t the first time he, or any child for that matter, had questioned why the world was the way that it was, but for Gabi, it was the first time he had questioned why no one was trying to make the world better.
While his childhood had given him the blissful ignorance of believing that a certain holiday was all about delicious treats and beautiful flowers, with adulthood came the wisdom of understanding that World Peace Day was supposed to symbolize the end of the violent history of the world that would never again be repeated.
But only the enlightened were able to realize what World Peace Day was really about;
      Worshipping The Supreme.
Some speculated that The Supreme was a small group of the world’s greatest minds.
Others suggested The Supreme was a single individual, appointed by the Divine Almighty to lead the world to salvation.
A remaining few even dared to imagine The Supreme as God himself; righting the wrongs of humanity and guiding them to the perfect world they could have been before the Tower of Babel. 
Perhaps that last one wasn’t too far fetched-
After all, the way all the World Leaders agreed to surrender their power after WW2 without hesitation was almost as if they were compelled by some supernatural force…
In order to ensure everlasting peace for generations to come,The Supreme reshaped the nations of the world;
    Monarchies were archaic- being able to trace your incestuous genealogy back to the dark ages didn’t qualify you to have any sort of authority.
     Elections were flawed and allowed money, baseless propaganda, and empty promises, to fool voters and keep the greedy and corrupt in power.
   That’s why wars over natural resources, religious superiority, or ethnic cleansing used to be commonplace throughout history- the wrong people were put in charge of governing the masses.
         Only exceptional individuals who will uphold the ideals of a utopian society should be given that kind of power.
              Mayors, Governors, Senators, and Prime Ministers/Presidents were replaced with High Officials, Grand Officials,  Executive Officials, and Executive Administrators… 
      All of which were selected by The Supreme, and who answered only to The Supreme.
Only The Supreme could decide what those “utopian ideals” were, and no one else had any say.
 Once, Gabi had been foolish enough to believe that was what was best.
After reinventing himself, from his name to the people he associated with, becoming a member of high society allowed to walk amongst the rich, the powerful, and the celebrity elite, Gabriel Agreste was finally able to see past all the bureaucratic smoke and mirrors.
No one truly had the best interests for the whole of humanity at heart. 
Those with authority obeyed The Supreme out of fear and a lust for power.
      Connections with the rich and influential were shallow at best; today you were friends and colleagues, but tomorrow they may very well stab you in the back to turn a profit.
In the end, the power to decide what was justifiably right or criminally wrong belonged to The Supreme, and their word was absolute.
If there was anything to take away from that, it was that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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serendertothesquad · 10 months
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There is...there is so much to discuss. How do I even start this post, honestly? Current stays winnin' with their long-ass articles but stays bitchin' in the worst way with their shitty-ass paywalls. Fuck paywalls, all my homies hate paywalls.
Anyway, look below the break.
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casting calls ended on october 17th they just finished filming
Look, for 12 episodes, that's a hell of a crunch. Proud of 'em, really.
Also, I think we all know what it's gonna be marketed as in the States. If you don't then I'll give you the money to go to college so you can attend my Odd Squad class. It's only fair.
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So I guess this explains why Netflix wasn't part of the deal. Either that or those articles I read were wildly incorrect on Netflix being a contributing helper.
...I mean okay, granted they could still be handed off to Netflix, just not in the US because...well, it's Fred Rogers Productions. They'll be damned if they plop their IPs into the hands of any streaming service that isn't named Prime Video.
This also means that maybe FRP will have a lesser hand in this than I thought, which isn't really all that surprising if one looks through their social media pages. Odd Squad was barely promoted on Twitter even before that account went near-radio-silent.
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Okay, this is actually kinda interesting. Makes me feel like I should move to the UK just to see what, exactly, appeals to the British there. I mean outside of the comedy, of course.
Also, I know the pandemic affected a load of things about the franchise, but for it to birth an entire-ass new series is just downright insane. Not that insane, because that's how Lockdown was born, but yeah, pretty fucking insane!
Wait, Season 4 has 12 episodes? Like an anime? When Odd Squad already has anime elements?
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Oh I'm gonna be an insufferable bitch when this comes out. Y'all have been warned.
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Hey, hey, does anyone remember when Fred Rogers Productions got in trouble for not meeting grant requirements when it came to Odd Squad? Along with failing in accounting when it came to other IPs?
Pepperidge Farm remembers. I remember. No one else in the fandom remembers, but oh do I remember.
(Odd Squad cost $18 million for Season 1. Sit on that for a minute. Really think about how much that shit would be worth now, especially with inflation as bad as it is. It was a lot back then and it still is for some but it seems like mere pennies now, huh?)
I point this out because the fact that they had to seek out funding from outside sources that were not part of the hellshow of circus freaks that is the US government is absolutely hilarious to me.
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You guys are married to TVO too, but you apparently don't like to talk about that. Shit's for people in all of those states that border Canada. Everyone else can go fuck themselves, not my quote.
That aside, though, I do like how PBS airing British media has finally implored them to do a "what if" scenario with their cartoons. It's been, what...decades? That's like swinging the bat long after everyone's left the stadium. Except for the audience, they're sticking around for some reason.
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Look, Tim McKeon said the same thing about Season 3 and we all know how that turned out. I pray derivativeness is a virtue that will be buried deep into the ground by the time Odd Squad UK rolls around because we really can't afford to pick 12/24 episodes at random across 100+ of them to pry and copy plots from. And believe you me, I will know the difference between a simple harmless continuity nod and sheer derivativeness.
To put it simply: Sinking Ship and I have very different takes on "the same but also different".
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Damn, RIP to Mark. I'm glad he's still working on the show, though for him to step down as showrunner for Odd Squad UK is...well, it's probably the best move looking at what we ended up with.
...I'm probably misinterpreting that. And/or it's journalism being journalism. C'est la vie.
I guess them sending over wardrobes is why Orli and Ozzie aren't decked to the nines in...uh...well, British versions of the Investigation agent uniform. Whatever those look like.
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Again, you could say the same thing about Season 3 and we all know how that shit turned out.
I still have optimism, but there's a real damn pessimist side of me waiting to break free.
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I'm choosing to believe "socioeconomic diversity" was how they picked about half to 3/4 of the writers for Season 3, because a majority of them either have very small resumes, have never worked on anything with a kid demo, or both.
The difference between them and the kids in this spinoff/new season, however, is that one group sucks and the other one likely doesn't.
(Yeah yeah, I'm making a lot of Season 3 jabs. But it's easy to make comparisons to that versus Season 1 and Season 2. Bite me.)
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To maintain continuity with the original series' Canadian cast
Or "we need to have at least one Canadian thing to qualify for all those Canadian tax breaks and subsidies, and also uhhhhhh we're no lawbreakers".
There you go. I fixed it. Thank me later.
Also, they don't mention it, and it probably won't be mentioned until some article pops up in 2024 about it, but rest assured they're talking about Orli here. While I dig her backstory, I'm not so sure if I'm so keen on another audience surrogate after how badly they flubbed Osmerelda within 13 episodes. Granted, this is a different kind of audience surrogate -- Orli's not a "haha relatable funy thing for kids and the 'rents" surrogate, she's an "I'm a Canadian idiot who has never been to this country, please teach me" surrogate -- but still, I'm not so hopeful about them being able to write her well. Worst case scenario, we end up with a character who drinks maple syrup by the bottle, loves hockey, and drops an "eh?" every other sentence.
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Oh I'm sensing a load of "tube" puns are gonna be made this season, lemme tell ya.
Okay okay, but real talk, this is actually kinda neat. Gonna be a little weird to see, but neat. The hell needs the lil' kiddie cars when you got trains to ride?!
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Hey, hey, you guys remember when Odd Squad first premiered and PBS Kids put out a whole ton of new stuff for it? They had games at the ready and everything? They were so hyped for this shit they poured everything they had into it?
Pepperidge Farm remembers. I remember. No one else in the fandom remembers, but oh do I remember.
Needless to say, they don't really do that anymore for new shows. It's all the same cookie-cutter pre-release formula. When they did it for Odd Squad it was special. When they did it for Alma's Way and Elinor Wonders Why...not so much.
...Oh yeah, and the math stuff, the math stuff is cool, I like that. Here's hoping they can put new concepts into play instead of rehashing old ones.
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"just 10-year-olds" the show is aimed at a 2-5 demographic
Now, see, this is where the funny irony comes in. Everyone laugh at the funny irony here. Now everyone cry because this seems more like a fitting comment for if GO! still existed and the show was on it.
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Ahhh, now, see, this is where things get interesting.
Those of you keeping up with PBS Kids news might be aware of the network shifting to more short-form content as a way to nab viewers while also cutting costs significantly, hence why we're getting new podcasts and other short-form content in addition to full-length shows. PBS Kids has been in the short-form game since the late 2000s with the WordGirl shorts but they never truly dipped their toes into the short-form format until Elinor Wonders Why's That's So Interesting shorts and the Odd Squadcast came out. Those were the true floodgate-openers right there, paving the way for a host of old IPs being refreshed in addition to new IPs.
I remember when they dropped eight new shorts of two different series and thinking it was an April Fools joke because they were published on April 1st with absolutely no forewarning. I found out the news from someone else who had put the images up on the Wiki and I laughed my ass off at just how ridiculous it was. And then I found out they were real, and I sobbed.
...No wait, not the Meeting. Scratch that. I forgot it's changed dramatically since the days of yore. Moving on!
Whether this comment means we'll be getting Season 2 of the Odd Squadcast (which, y'know, is unlikely now), Season 3 of OddTube (ah, now that seems more likely), or more shorts outside of the two series we already have (Gadget Testers and Book of Games) is unknown at this point. But if anything, news is gonna break during upfronts like the TCA Press Tour and the PBS Annual Meeting.
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It'll air in a year and they're already milking it for all it's worth. Byootiful. Clearly they have not learned from the last time they did a dramatic franchise shift and it paid off. AHEM MOBILE UNIT AHEM.
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If they wanted to, they could grow some balls and go for broke. Do 28 more to be on par with Season 1.
No but seriously, I love how the fate of Odd Squad UK is so contingent on ratings. Let's not forget how Ready Jet Go and Let's Go Luna got unfairly sniped with no reason given (and then they brought back RJG with a movie like they still cared...lol get rekt) and let's not forget that they could easily do the same with Odd Squad at any time in spite of its ratings. They revived Super Why back from the dead, they revived Clifford back from the dead...they did it with Odd Squad and it's only been a wee bit over a year.
I'm not really opposed to Odd Squad being set in other regions -- it probably does better internationally than it does in the States, but we have no way to know that for sure -- but they're acting very sus with this portion specifically. I've got my eye on them.
All in all, this article has me pretty excited for the new spinoff/Season 4/how the fuck am I supposed to market this. Shame it's supposed to air in late 2024 (though maybe it'll air on CBBC in the spring because of that casting call...holy fuck I just thought of that as I was typing this post, real shit, lemme get my poker chips and bet on this RN) but I'm hyped for it either way and will happily lap up any and all press coverage on it until it airs. 2024's gonna be a big year.
If you guys reading this find any news on it, send it to me through an ask or a submission! We've got one more month before we launch into 2024 and if my theory about CBBC airing it earlier is true then we'll have to really be on the lookout for it as soon as January.
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blog-gift · 2 months
## Unlock a World of Imagination with EngraveOn.ca’s Personalized Kids Money Banks
In an age where digital entertainment often overshadows traditional play, EngraveOn.ca offers a timeless way to blend creativity and financial literacy with their exquisite collection of kids' money bank gifts. These aren’t just any piggy banks; they are finely crafted metal and pewter chromed masterpieces, each one a cherished keepsake that teaches the value of saving while igniting a child's imagination.
### Why Choose EngraveOn.ca Money Banks?
**1. Unique Designs to Inspire Young Minds:**
Each money bank from EngraveOn.ca tells a story. Whether it's the whimsical **Block ABC**, the adventurous **Noah’s Ark**, the heroic **Fire Truck**, the classic **Train**, the mythical **Dragon**, the enchanting **Castle**, or the dynamic **Helicopter**, these designs are more than just saving tools. They are gateways to imaginative play, encouraging children to weave their own tales and embark on countless adventures.
**2. Premium Craftsmanship:**
Crafted from high-quality metal and pewter, these money banks are built to last. The chrome finish adds a touch of elegance, making them a beautiful addition to any child's room decor. The meticulous attention to detail in each piece ensures that these banks are not just functional but also delightful to look at.
**3. Personalized Touch:**
One of the standout features of EngraveOn.ca’s money banks is the option for personalized engraving. Adding a child’s name, a special date, or a heartfelt message transforms these money banks into treasured keepsakes. This personalization makes them perfect for birthdays, christenings, or any special occasion, providing a lifelong reminder of the gift-giver’s love and thoughtfulness.
### Spotlight on Popular Designs
**Block ABC:**
Perfect for younger children, the Block ABC design features playful letters and a vibrant, educational theme. It's a fun way to introduce toddlers to the alphabet while encouraging them to save their pennies. Learn more about the [Block ABC Money Bank](https://engraveon.ca/product/gift-ideas/for-family/for-kids/banks-gift/large-abc-block-money-bank-with-chrome-finish-engraved/) and how it can become a cherished keepsake for your child.
**Noah’s Ark:**
This design is a timeless favorite, depicting the classic biblical story with charming animal pairs. It's an ideal gift for a christening or a child's first birthday, blending religious significance with the joy of saving. Learn more about the [Noah’s Ark Money Bank](https://engraveon.ca/product/gift-ideas/for-family/for-kids/banks-gift/noahs-ark-bank-engravable/) and how it can become a cherished keepsake for your child.
**Fire Truck:**
For the little hero in your life, the Fire Truck money bank is sure to be a hit. With its detailed chrome finish and realistic design, it inspires bravery and a sense of duty. Check out the [Fire Truck Money Bank](https://engraveon.ca/product/gift-ideas/for-family/for-kids/banks-gift/fire-engine-silver-plated-chrome-money-bank-box/) to see how it can become a lasting treasure for your child.
The Train money bank appeals to young rail enthusiasts. Its classic locomotive design is perfect for children who dream of adventures on the rails, teaching them to save for their future journeys. Discover more about the [Train Money Bank](https://engraveon.ca/product/gift-ideas/for-family/for-kids/banks-gift/train-money-bank-with-chrome-finish/) and inspire your child’s next great adventure.
Ignite a child’s imagination with the Dragon money bank. This mythical creature sparks tales of knights, quests, and treasures, making saving money an exciting adventure.
The Castle money bank is ideal for aspiring princes and princesses. Its intricate design and regal chrome finish make it a standout piece, perfect for sparking dreams of royal adventures.
For the little aviator, the Helicopter money bank is a thrilling choice. With its sleek design and chrome finish, it inspires dreams of high-flying adventures and explorations. Check out the [Helicopter Money Bank](https://engraveon.ca/product/gift-ideas/for-family/for-kids/banks-gift/helicopter-bank-pewter/) to add a touch of airborne excitement to your child's saving habits.
### The Perfect Gift
EngraveOn.ca’s personalized money banks are not just gifts; they are investments in a child’s future. They teach important lessons about saving and financial responsibility, all while providing endless hours of imaginative play. Each money bank is a blend of artistry, durability, and personalization, ensuring it will be cherished for years to come.
### Conclusion
In a world full of fleeting digital gadgets, EngraveOn.ca offers a tangible, lasting way to inspire children. Their beautifully crafted, personalized money banks are more than just savings tools—they are storytellers, teachers, and lifelong companions. Choose EngraveOn.ca for your next gift, and give a child the treasure of a lifetime.
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Eman needs our help urgently! she and her daughters are trapped in Gaza living out of a tent. They are a family of 7 in total. her home was destroyed by the occupation and they have nowhere else to turn.
they need 5k per person to cross the border to Egypt, and Eman has told me she wishes to move to Canada with her family to start her own restaurant.
Every penny counts and shares are appreciated ☺️🍉
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jay28unit2 · 2 years
Victorian culture and art
More access made British cultural products more important. Not only did they reveal much about the society from which they emerged, but during the Victorian period Britain was the cultural capital of the English-speaking world (including United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand). Victorian performance and print culture were rich and varied, a blend of melodrama, spectacle and morality.
Theatre thrived. Melodrama—which featured evil villains, virtuous heroines, and intricate plots were the most popular genre early on; later, sensation drama became popular. Even more popular were music halls, which featured varied programs of singing, dancing, sketches and more; these emerged in the 1850s, and by the 1870s there were hundreds across Britain, some seating thousands of people. Music halls attracted people of all classes.
Print culture was also large and diverse, aided by relatively high literacy rates. There were hundreds of magazines and newspapers available at ever cheaper prices. The 1880s saw the emergence of "the New Journalism," which drew in readers with pieces on violent crimes and scandals in high society. Novels were another key feature of Victorian print culture. By mid-century, Britons of all classes could afford and read novels. Some were aimed at highly educated an well-off people, others at less-educated readers looking for appealing and exciting stories. Penny dreadfuls and sensation novels, seen at their best in the work of Wilkie Collins, thrilled their readers. Victorian novels were often quite long, with complicated plots (often centred on marriages) and many characters. many especially those by Charles Dickens, are still read today.
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jaminies · 2 years
Give a New Life to Your Brand with Our Exclusively Designed Custom Sleeve Boxes
Why Must You Choose Custom Sleeve Boxes for Different Product Packaging?
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You must be very vigilant while selecting a personalized box for your brand’s products. A specific box style plays a massive role in the brand’s recognition. Most brands are appreciated and acknowledged due to their unique box styles. There are many box types, but why should you pick custom sleeve boxes to pack various items? 
There are specific reasons that make it an idealized box packaging style:
Sleeve boxes are multipurpose, and you can pack beauty, food, bakery, and many more products.
A sleeve with an upper lid gives a very convenient opening.
Sleeve packaging boxes are the best way to showcase your brand’s products.
Captivate the Buyers at One Glance with Top-Notch and Intriguing Prints:
It has become very complicated to catch the attention of buyers. Today, clients look for fashionable and innovative packaging for their products. Usually, buyers have their first sight at the presentation of a box. Stunning color prints and attractive artwork can hypnotize the clients instantly. So, you can reach us as we have matchless printing techniques to create a unique sleeve box packaging. Our printing machines are of the best quality and use eco-friendly and cutting-edge printing tools throughout the manufacturing process. Don’t wait; place your order and select suitable prints.
Pick Best Quality and Long-Lasting Material for Box With Sleeve Packaging:
The shelf life of a custom box relies on its material. We have plenty of material options, so it becomes challenging to choose the appropriate one. Box with sleeve has multiple uses, and you can pack various products, from bakery to cosmetic products. Cardboard paper is one of the aptest materials to manufacture sleeve boxes wholesale. It makes your packaging appealing from the outside and keeps inside products safe for longer. Cardboard is a sustainable stock as well as 100% biodegradable. Besides this, it does not cost high and is practicable for unique and intriguing color prints.
Wish to Save Mother Earth? Go Green with Our Kraft Sleeve Box Packaging:
Are you an earth lover and wish to provide natural essence in your packaging? It’s not as difficult as it seems. Our manufacturers have made it simple and easy for you.  We do not use any toxic substance during the manufacturing process and use climate-friendly kraft. Kraft paper is composed of wood chips that make it 100% recyclable. You can prefer this stock if you want to lower the carbon emissions.
Create Secure and Exciting Color Packaging with the Use of Various Coatings:
Breakable and delicate products become vulnerable to damage during shipping and are exposed to shocks and scuffs. Different coatings secure packaging from external damage and give an aesthetically appealing look. Gloss coatings create a shiny and vibrant color box. in contrast, matte gloss is high in budget and produces dark theme color. The use of spot UV makes sleeve packaging soft and velvety and gives a pleasant experience while touching. Aqueous coating is water-based and invulnerable to smudges and fingerprints.
Custom Printed Sleeve Boxes Adorned with Outstanding Finishings:
Plenty of customized solutions are utilized to create separate sleeve boxes Canada. We employ many embellishing options to provide an end to the packaging surface. In finishings, we have:
foil stamping
sliver/ gold foiling
You can choose to emboss and deboss to create vibrant color packaging and promote your brand’s logo and printed text. Moreover, foil stamping in silver and gold color gives a luxurious appearance to packaging.
Experience High-End Packaging Services at iCustomBoxes:
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iCustomBoxes has earned its name in the packaging industry due to the provision of high-end packaging services. Our company offers unlimited finishing options and provides free design support from experts to create boxes in your required shapes and sizes. You also don’t have to pay any penny as a transportation fee. Plates and die cuts are also cost-free, along with 3D design mock-ups.
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pennyappealca · 10 months
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Empowering Hope in Gaza: Join Our Mission of Aid and Support!
Our dedicated team is tirelessly on the ground in Gaza, making a difference in the lives of those affected by recent events. While we've achieved much, the journey continues. Your support is crucial. Donate now at https://pennyappeal.ca/program/gaza-orphankind/ and be a part of our mission to bring relief and hope to Gaza.
For more information, visit us at 55 Village Centre Place, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1V9 or call us at 1-855-880-4141. Together, we can make a meaningful impact.
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pennyappealcanada · 2 years
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Donate For Winter Emergency Appeal in Penny Appeal Canada
This winter, thousands of men, women, and children —including refugees and displaced communities  will struggle to survive.
MacMSA, in partnership with Penny Appeal Canada, is responding to this urgent need for winter essentials amongst vulnerable families in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine.
Help MacMSA reach our fundraising goal of $5000 to aid 50 families in surviving this harsh winter. Donate at tinyurl.com/macmsawinter.
The Prophet ﷺsaid:  None of you [truly] believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself.
Donate Now: https://pennyappeal.ca/project/winter-relief/
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fatehbaz · 4 years
In the neighborhood of Pine Ridge and Wounded Knee, major mining companies and the US federal government are apparently using the pandemic to strong-arm quick approval of uranium mining in the Black Hills, while Lakota organizers confront the project(s). After all of the historic gold mining at the Black Hills, and in spite of the tourism industry at Badlands National Park and Wind Cave and “Mount Rushmore” and nearby “Devil’s Tower” and Deadwood, Pine Ridge remains ignored, containing one of if not the poorest counties in the US. By the end of 2018, the contiguous US had only 5 uranium mines, and, in 2019, a lobbying group of major resource extraction companies interested in uranium asked for help from the US president’s office. In April 2020, the president’s Nuclear Fuel Working Group released a report passionately advising revival of uranium mining, and the US president announced a 2021 budget granting over $150 million to purchasing uranium mined within US borders. In April 2020, during pandemic, the major Keystone XL oil pipeline was beginning construction; carrying Alberta oil, its route crosses directly through the Rosebud Sioux reservation land immediately next to Pine Ridge. At the same time, in April 2020, worldwide stock price of uranium surged as Canadian and US corporations now discuss their targeting of the Black Hills as a coveted sit. A Canadian company plans a 10,600-acre uranium mine, expecting to extract millions of pounds of the ore, as Lakota organizers pursue legal cases under the shadow of the desecrated Six Grandfathers.
Excerpt, from Grist, 10 May 2020:
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Paha Sapa, also known as the Black Hills. [...] The Lakota call Paha Sapa “the heart of everything that is.” [...]
Today, [Regina] Brave and other Lakota elders are staring down yet another encroachment on their historic lands: a 10,600-acre uranium mine proposed to be built in the Black Hills. The Dewey-Burdock mine would suck up as much as 8,500 gallons of groundwater per minute from the Inyan Kara aquifer to extract as much as 10 million pounds of ore in total. Lakota say the project violates both the 1868 U.S.-Lakota treaty and federal environmental laws by failing to take into account the sacred nature of the site. [...] A legal win for the Lakota would represent an unprecedented victory for a tribe over corporations such as Power­tech, the Canadian-owned firm behind Dewey-Burdock, that have plundered the resource-rich hills. And it could set precedents forcing federal regulators to protect indigenous sites and take tribes’ claims more seriously. The fight puts the Lakota on a collision course with the Trump administration, which has close ties to energy companies and is doubling down on nuclear power while fast-tracking new permits and slashing environmental protections — even using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to further roll back regulations. All of this makes Black Hills mineral deposits more attractive than they’ve been in decades. [...]
By 1890, the Great Sioux Reservation, which had once covered about half of South Dakota, was fractured into six parcels constituting less than one-third of the area that many Lakota still consider their rightful “treaty territory.” The United States had seized the Black Hills. [...] When the gold rush petered out, mining companies pivoted to silver, tungsten, iron, and limestone. In 1951, uranium was discovered. Within 20 years, there were more than 150 uranium mines centered on a small boomtown called Edgemont, in Paha Sapa’s southern foothills, where the Oglala once made their winter camp.
The southern foothills are rocky and quiet, but just north, bikers and families in RVs clog the highways to visit abandoned gold mines, old-timey saloons, and the main attraction, Mount Rushmore, which was carved into a sacred mountain known to the Lakota as the Six Grandfathers. “We call it the Shrine of Hypocrisy,” says Tonia Stands, an Oglala Lakota who has been one of Pine Ridge’s most persistent voices against uranium mining. [...]
Adding a layer of oddity to the whole situation, Powertech is so far a mining company only on paper. It has never produced an ounce of ore and can only keep litigating as long as investors remain convinced that footing its bills will eventually pay off. Powertech anticipates the mine will net about $150 million, yet it says it’s already sunk $10 million into the NRC license, not including litigation or staffing costs. Its parent company, Azarga Uranium, trades as an underregulated penny stock; investment firm Haywood Securities rates its risk factor as “very high.”
For years, it seemed like the Lakota could drag out the case long enough to make Powertech’s prospects no longer worth the fight. The price of domestic uranium was on a steady decline: The federal government already had vast stockpiles, and nuclear energy producers could import it more cheaply from places like Australia and Canada. By the end of 2018, all but five U.S. uranium mines had been shut down or suspended. Yet today, Powertech is just one of several companies applying to open new mines, anticipating that an administration bent on deregulation, and the appeal of nuclear power as a climate-friendly energy source, could increase profitability. In July 2019, after lobbying from uranium producers, President Donald Trump convened a Nuclear Fuel Working Group to devise policies that could throw a lifeline to the struggling industry. Released in April, the group’s report won applause from Powertech’s parent company by recommending renewed federal investment in uranium. Though many experts say the U.S. already has more of the mineral than it can use, Trump’s proposed 2021 budget would allocate $150 million to stock a new reserve with domestically mined uranium. The share prices of U.S. mining companies jumped after the report’s release, while factors related to COVID-19 caused the global price of uranium to surge throughout March and April.
In Morgan’s view, settler heritage sites are commonly protected while tribes must fight “tooth and nail every step of the way” to win minor concessions as their sites are destroyed “at an astounding rate.” [...] “We’re talking about living, breathing nations of people,” says Morgan [...]. “Their medicine people still make the trek to these areas every year. The cosmology is intact, the cultural lifeways are intact, and we practice our ceremonies by going to specific locales within that concentric area” where Powertech wants to build a mine.
At the August hearing, the NRC argued that it had gathered as much information as it could without funding an “exorbitant” survey, while Powertech’s counsel decried the many years already spent, adding, “We fully support [the] NRC staff’s position.”Sounding exasperated, Morgan jumped in. “It’s our job to save as many of these sites as possible,” she said, “because they are finite. They are a map, and they tell a story. It’s a very sensitive personal thing to us as Lakota people.”
After the hearing, Brave and Stands met in a nearby park with the other Lakota who’d driven from Pine Ridge. Sharing their huge pot of stew with homeless people there, most of the group concurred that their case looked strong. But the judges were unmoved: In December, they ruled that the NRC had satisfied NEPA’s requirement to take a “hard look” simply by making a “reasonable effort,” resolving the last objection to the license. “The system is set up to fail our people,” Stands says. [...]
In October, Brave spoke at Magpie Buffalo Organizing’s inaugural “No Uranium in Treaty Territory” summit, which offered a crash course on tribal sovereignty. The activists are closely tracking the various Keystone XL permits, which the Rosebud Sioux Tribe is challenging in court as a treaty vio­lation. As the threat of both uranium and gold mining looms, there’s talk of occupying land in the Black Hills [...].
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girlactionfigure · 4 years
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She was alone when she died on February 7, 1965. She was 50 years old.
Before the incident happened, she had been a successful businesswoman. But after the incident, in which she suffered physical injury, humiliation, and injustice, the personal and professional repercussions were just too much. Her marriage ended, she had to close her business and move out of the city, then out of the country. 
And, even after her death, just this past October 2020, a sign at the cemetery giving directions to her head stone was vandalized with  “highly offensive racial slurs”, according to the Halifax Police.
What did she do “wrong”?
Like Rosa Parks, she refused to give up her seat . . . but at a movie theatre.
At a movie theatre in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, a white ticket-seller told her “I’m not permitted to sell downstairs tickets to you people.” Desmond then refused to move to the segregated section of the movie theatre for black patrons.
She was dragged out of the theatre by police, arrested, thrown in jail for 12 hours and fined. 
She is called “Canada’s Rosa Parks,” although the theatre incident occurred nine years before Parks refused to give up her seat on a city bus to a white passenger in the United States.
Her name is Viola Desmond, now a civil rights icon in Canada, who confronted the racism that Black Nova Scotians routinely faced and  brought nationwide attention to the African Nova Scotian community’s struggle for equal rights. 
This is part of an ongoing series on the Peace Page for Black History Month.
“Viola Desmond was born in 1914, the daughter of a middle-class mixed-race family in Halifax,” according to Parcs Canada. “When Desmond graduated from high school she worked as a teacher in Black schools, one of very few employment avenues open to her. Black women in Nova Scotia were restricted from going to beauty salons and studying beauty culture (hair-styling, cosmetics, or wig making), so Desmond attended schools in Montréal and New York. When she obtained her diplomas she opened a salon and eventually a beauty school beside her [husband]’s barbershop in Halifax. As an entrepreneur, she achieved financial independence and became a role model to African-Canadian women through the success of her enterprises, which included skin and hair care products for Black women that had previously been unavailable to Nova Scotians.
“In November of 1946, Viola Desmond was travelling on business from Halifax to Sydney, Nova Scotia, when car trouble obliged her to stop overnight in New Glasgow. She attended a local movie theatre where she encountered segregated seating rules.”
“To be a black entrepreneur was ground-breaking,” Henderson Paris, a  New Glasgow town councillor and founder of the Run Against Racism, said in 2015.
“She was building her business and through this – this incident unfolded. Being the strong woman she was – she wasn’t standing for it. It was not right, and something needed to be done.”
Desmond was no stranger to systemic racism, according to Amanda Coletta of the Washington Post. When she left her teaching job to launch a career as a beautician, Desmond was forced to travel out of the province for training because beauty schools in Nova Scotia barred black people from enrolling.
“Canada had no Jim Crow-like laws, but it did have policies that enforced segregation,” said Constance Backhouse, a law professor at the University of Ottawa who has written extensively on Desmond.
The policies were “just as bad as Jim Crow,” Backhouse said, but they were written in a way that “masked” their racist intent.
Desmond was unaware that the Roseland Theatre was segregated, according to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
“The segregated movie theatre relegated black patrons to the balcony at the time, while floor seating was reserved for whites,” according to Global News Canada. 
“Desmond was shortsighted and needed a better view, and tried to buy a floor seat, but was refused because she was black. She then bought a balcony seat (which was one cent cheaper) but sat in the floor area – until theatre staff called the police and had her dragged out,” according to The Globe and Mail.
She “was charged with tax evasion for failing to pay 1 cent — the price difference between the floor and balcony seats,” wrote the Washington Post. “Despite the theater’s refusal to sell her the more expensive floor seat, she was convicted and fined $26.”
Let us emphasize that again:
“She was charged and convicted of tax evasion – over a single penny,” wrote The Globe and Mail. “She did not have a lawyer at trial – she was never informed she was entitled to one.” 
“Her arrest and conviction on spurious charges . . . concealed racial discrimination behind the arrest,” according to Parcs Canada.
“Protests from Nova Scotia’s black community and an appeal to the provincial Supreme Court proved fruitless,” according to The Globe and Mail.
“Now a symbol of the struggle for equal rights, Viola Desmond’s defiance in the face of injustice became a rallying cry for Black Nova Scotians and Canadians determined to end racial discrimination,” according to Parcs Canada.
Desmond’s defiance spurred a broader fight for racial equality that helped end segregation in the province,” wrote Coletta.
She died in 1965 without any acknowledgment of racial discrimination in her case, according to The Globe and Mail.
“It would take 63 years for Nova Scotia to issue Desmond . . . a posthumous apology and pardon,” according to Global News Canada.
“In 2010, Nova Scotia gave her a free pardon – and the black lieutenant-governor signed it into law. “Here I am, 64 years later – a black woman giving freedom to another black woman,” Mayann Francis recalled in a 2014 profile about the pardon, which called Ms. Desmond’s case a miscarriage of justice and said she should never have been charged. “I believe she has to know that she is now free.”
Desmond’s story went largely untold for a half-century, but in recent years she has been featured on a stamp, and her name graces a Halifax harbour ferry.
“More than 53 years after her death, Desmond [also] became the first black person and the first woman other than a royal to appear on the front of a regularly circulating Canadian bank note, replacing Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first prime minister, as the face of the new vertically oriented $10 bill,” according to the Washington Post.
“She was an everyday person... this tiny little woman, it’s such an example of strength and determination and education and dignity, respect that was this whole little woman,” Desmond’s sister, Wanda Robson told the Cape Breton Post ahead of the first Nova Scotia Heritage Day in 2015, which honoured Desmond. Robson is the author of “Sister to Courage: Stories from the World of Viola Desmond, Canada’s Rosa Parks.”
“She laid the foundation in regards to justice and how black people were being treated in Nova Scotia. Even though it happened in New Glasgow, similar incidents were happening all over the province,” said Crystal States, an educator with the Black Educators Association and the representative for the African Nova Scotian North Central Network told The News in 2015.
“It was a breakthrough in social justice that had predated the civil rights movement in the (United) States,” States said ahead of the first Nova Scotia Heritage Day, which honored Desmond.
"At the end of the day, we're all just human beings," her sister Wanda Robson said. "We're just people. There are people with different colours, different skin shades, different hair, but at the end of the day, as I said, we are just people."
This past week, Novia Scotia issued a check to refund Desmond’s family in a symbolic gesture after 11th grade student Varishini Deochand wrote to Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil asking that the province repay the court costs handed to Viola Desmond.
The court costs of $26 would amount to an estimated $368.29 by today's standards, but the province has since increased the award amount to $1,000, which was given to Desmond's only surviving family member, Wanda Robson, who chose to donate the money to a one-time scholarship at her alma mater, Cape Breton University.
"I strongly hold that one should not pay a fine for a crime they did not commit," Deochand said during a virtual ceremony. 
"While we may not be able to travel back in time to right our wrongs, we can show that we care in the most sincerest of ways."
~ jsr
The Jon S. Randal Peace Page
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Refectocil Mississauga ON
Ladies and men in various pieces of the world frequently go to salons as a feature of their self-care schedule. In when everybody is by all accounts in a consistent condition of surge, setting aside the effort to improve your looks can do ponders for delivering pressure and giving a place of refuge where individuals can unwind.
Salons resemble a much needed refresher in a chaotic city, however past recruiting the right abilities, Refectocil Mississauga ON part of giving a spoiled encounter is to put resources into best in class offices. For beauty parlors, your clients will probably invest some energy sitting with your beauticians to carry some allure to their locks.
In such manner, it's a good idea to put resources into quality salon seats to lift your clients' solace as they loosen up in your foundation. Great looks might give your salon some in addition to focuses, however the variables underneath ought to guarantee your decision will carry both appeal and solace to your business.
Factor #1: Full Lumbar Support
Salons invest wholeheartedly in giving solace to their clients, which implies your seats ought to be loosening up enough to allow them to appreciate sitting in them for quite a long time. You ought to never forfeit solace just to save a couple of bucks since it will straightforwardly affect your client experience, so putting resources into ergonomic seats with lumbar help elements will without a doubt merit each penny.
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In case you're offering pedicure administrations in your boutique, allowing your clients to lay on your knee can frequently leave your clients with a scratch in their back. With ergonomic seats, clients can sit easily and soothe the tension on their backs, shoulder, and neck while your beauticians do something amazing.
Factor #2: Adjustability
Other than allowing your clients to sit in solace, center around the portability of your salon furniture. Your beauticians should work in various points relying upon the work, so have a seat that can flawlessly turn, lean back, and arrive at a specific tallness.
Your client's solace is foremost, yet your beauticians need to openly work without creating cramps all the while. Putting resources into seats with a movable water powered base, lockable stature, and simple leaning back abilities will make it simpler for them to take care of business properly.
The Bottom Line: How the Quality of Your Salon Chairs can Contribute to the Ultimate Beauty Experience
Running your own salon implies making a desert garden for your clients. Past giving quality hair medicines, nail care, and other styling administrations, yet putting resources into the best magnificence outfitting are all essential for what makes your business a heaven accessible for your market.
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scarfanon · 4 years
Why we need Universal Basic Income in the United States.
Let me preface this by saying that the views expressed in this post are my personal views based on info from other posts that I’ve read over the past couple of years, and I welcome any additional input that may correct any misconceptions or misinformation that I should accidentally include in this post.
So, that out of the way, what is Universal Basic Income?  Universal Basic Income is a system by which the government annually grants each of its citizens a year’s worth of funds with which to pay for food, utilities, and basic necessities, and paid for by citizens’ tax dollars.  It has been implemented in several nations, most notably Switzerland and Canada, and every nation that has implemented this system has seen net-positive results.
Now, let’s take a look at the US.  Here, we have the traditional practice of people working for an employer and being paid for their work.  However, the minimum wage has not scaled with inflation and is not enough to pay for the cost of living.  There has been a push to increase the minimum wage to $15/hr, but this would still not be enough to keep up with the basic needs of the average American citizen.  Most individuals are in a state of financial distress and find themselves one missed paycheck away from homelessness, which means that if you don’t have a job, you’re SOL, and if you do manage to find employment, it’s usually under a predatory employer that will milk you for every penny of profit they can get, and pay you as little as they can legally get away with.  Studies have shown that this has a detrimental effect on a worker’s mental health in addition to forcing them into a form of artificial serfdom.
Now, let’s add Universal Basic Income to the equation.  Suddenly, these people who were financially desperate can afford the things they need to survive.  This means that people who were previously homeless can now afford housing.  People who were one missed paycheck away from financial ruin no longer need to worry about losing what they have.  People who for one reason or another cannot find work (E.G. People with disabilities) can now afford what they need.  Removing financial distress also removes a major cause of depression and anxiety, which means that people’s mental health will collectively improve.  Now that they can afford the things that they need, people will no longer need to turn to crime out of desperation, and so crime rates will plummet, which means there won’t be as much need for police funding.  In a similar vein, the rate of drug addiction will also go down, as many individuals that turn to addictive drugs do so out of a desperate need to escape from the stress of financial hardship; take away the stressors, and there’s less of a need for a potentially dangerous coping mechanism, and those who are addicted now have the funds necessary to seek the help that they need.  In addition, there would also be fewer children put into foster care, as now their parents have the money they need to care for them (ostensibly the money could be distributed by household and the amount granted could be determined in part using census information).
Now, here’s where it gets interesting.  With Universal Basic Income, there would no longer be a need to raise the minimum wage, as it would no longer be people’s primary source of income.  In addition, people who were previously wage slaves to predatory employers could now resign with minimal consequence.  Statistically smaller family-owned businesses would not likely be affected too badly by this, but larger corporations with morally unconscionable business practices would quickly find themselves hemorrhaging employees (looking at you, Am*zon), and would have to make a decision; continue on their current path and potentially go out of business, or change their practices to make the work environment less toxic and start treating their employees like human beings if they want to survive.  It will also change the dynamic so that employers have to bend over backwards to make their employees want to stay instead of prospective workers having to bend over backwards to make themselves appealing, as people will no longer rely on their paychecks to make ends meet, and anybody that is dissatisfied with how their employer is treating them can simply quit.
Now, you’re probably thinking “if people don’t have to work, won’t that mean the collapse of our economy?”  It will not, and here’s why.  Humans, by nature, like to be productive.  There are some who will take the opportunity to pursue hobbies, or higher education, or learn some skills that they previously didn’t have time to learn (I for one would love to take a year off work and learn some basic domestic skills like how to cook and do laundry).  Most however will still work for several reasons.  First off, Universal Basic Income covers the basic necessities like food and rent, but does not include disposable income, and so people will look for jobs so that they have some extra spending money.  Others will work simply because they’re bored and need something to do, and still others will do the job simply because they recognize that the job itself has to be done.  However, the majority of working individuals will now be part-time workers, as there is no longer a need to work full-time to pay the bills; this would also pave the way to making benefits available to part-time workers.  Plus, Universal Basic Income will open the door for other nationwide programs that are commonplace in other countries, like Universal Healthcare.
Now, the right wing is probably going into conniptions reading the above paragraphs, but there are some consequences that even they will like.  With Universal Basic Income, a number of other government-subsidized programs would be rendered redundant and could be scaled back or eliminated entirely.  Food Stamps?  People can afford food and necessities now, so that is no longer necessary.  Unemployment Benefits?  People no longer rely on their paycheck as their primary source of income, so that is no longer necessary.  Disability?  Though some aspects of that program would still be necessary, they could easily be folded into Universal Basic Income since, as previously mentioned, people who cannot work will now be given the money they need to survive.  Social Security?  Universal Basic Income would serve largely the same function, albeit for all citizens and not just retirees.
None of the above paragraphs are radical ideas, since as previously mentioned, other nations have successfully implemented Universal Basic Income with net positive results, including boosting their economies.  Now I’m about to list my more radical ideas.
I believe there should be legislation passed in the US putting a strict upper limit on any one person’s net worth; specifically, anyone with a net worth of 9 figures or higher should have the excess redistributed where it is most needed.  Why no more than 8 figures?  Because 8 figures is still tens of millions of dollars; nobody with that kind of money has any right to complain, and if you have that kind of money and still can’t afford something you want, you need to ask yourself why you want the thing in the first place.
Again, these are my personal views on the subject, and if anyone would like to follow up on this post or correct any misconceptions that I may have expressed, I implore you to do so.
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