#pentecost sunday
godbeautyorder · 4 months
Veni, Veni, Rosas - An annual Pentecost tradition at Rome's Pantheon, symbolizing the Holy Spirit raining down as roses
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catholic-quotes · 1 year
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prolifeproliberty · 1 year
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dearrow-arts · 4 months
Happy Birthday to my Catholic Church and today is the pentecost Day ❤️
So Happy Pentecost sunday my friends ❤️🙏
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Happy birthday to Catholic church
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Everything you need to know about Pentecost
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By CNA Staff | 26 May 2023
This weekend, the Church celebrates Pentecost, one of the most important feast days of the year that concludes the Easter season and celebrates the beginning of the Church.
The timing and origins of Pentecost
Pentecost always occurs 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus and 10 days after his ascension into heaven.
Because Easter is a moveable feast without a fixed date, and Pentecost depends on the timing of Easter, Pentecost can fall anywhere between May 10 and June 13.
The timing of these feasts is also where Catholics get the concept of the novena — nine days of prayer — because in Acts 1, Mary and the Apostles prayed together “continuously” for nine days after the Ascension leading up to Pentecost.
Traditionally, the Church prays the novena to the Holy Spirit in the days before Pentecost.
The name of the day itself is derived from the Greek word “pentecoste,” meaning 50th.
There is a parallel Jewish holiday, Shavu’ot, which falls 50 days after Passover.
Shavu’ot is sometimes called the festival of weeks, referring to the seven weeks since Passover.
Originally a harvest feast, Shavu’ot now commemorates the sealing of the Old Covenant on Mount Sinai, when the Lord revealed the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai.
Every year, the Jewish people renew their acceptance of the gift of the Torah on this feast.
What happens at Pentecost?
In the Christian tradition, Pentecost is the celebration of the person of the Holy Spirit coming upon the Apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus, who were gathered together in the Upper Room.
A “strong, driving” wind filled the room where they were gathered and tongues of fire came to rest on their heads, allowing them to speak in different languages so that they could understand each other.
It was such a strange phenomenon that some people thought the Christians were just drunk.
However, Peter pointed out that it was only the morning and said the phenomenon was caused by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit also gave the apostles the other gifts and fruits necessary to fulfill the great commission — to go out and preach the Gospel to all nations.
It fulfills the New Testament promise from Christ (Luke 24:46-49) that the Apostles would be “clothed with power” before they would be sent out to spread the Gospel.
Where’s that in the bible?
The main event of Pentecost (the strong driving wind and tongues of fire) takes place in Acts 2:13, though the events immediately following (Peter’s homily, the baptism of thousands) continue through verse 41.
Happy Birthday, Church!
It was right after Pentecost that Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, preached his first homily to Jews and other non-believers in which he opened the scriptures of the Old Testament, showing how the prophet Joel prophesied events and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
He also told the people that the Jesus they crucified is the Lord and was raised from the dead, which “cut them to the heart.”
When they asked what they should do, Peter exhorted them to repent of their sins and to be baptized.
According to the account in Acts, about 3,000 people were baptized following Peter’s sermon.
For this reason, Pentecost is considered the birthday of the Church — Peter, the first Pope, preaches for the first time and converts thousands of new believers.
The apostles and believers, for the first time, were united by a common language, a common zeal, and a common purpose to go and preach the Gospel.
Pentecost vestments and customs around the world
Typically, priests will wear red vestments on Pentecost, symbolic of the burning fire of God’s love and the tongues of fire that descended on the apostles.
However, in some parts of the world, Pentecost is also referred to as “WhitSunday,” or White Sunday, referring to the white vestments that are typically worn in Britain and Ireland.
The white vestment is symbolic of the dove of the Holy Spirit and typical of the vestments that catechumens desiring baptism wear on that day.
An Italian Pentecost tradition is to scatter rose leaves from the ceiling of the churches to recall the miracle of the fiery tongues.
In some places in Italy, Pentecost is sometimes called Pascha Rosatum (Easter roses).
In France, it is tradition to blow trumpets during Mass to recall the sound of the driving wind of the Holy Spirit.
In Asia, it is typical to have an extra service, called genuflexion, during which long poems and prayers are recited.
In Russia, Mass-goers often carry flowers or green branches during Pentecost services.
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nyny-213 · 1 year
Happy Pentecost Sunday. I pray everyone filled with the Holy Spirit today .
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murderousink23 · 1 year
05/28/2023 is Pentecost Sunday 🕊🌏, National Burger Day 🍔🇦🇺, Mother's Day in France 🇫🇷, Menstrual Hygiene Day 🌏, World Hunger Day 🌏, National Flag Day 🇵🇭, Turkman Carpet Day 🇹🇲, National Brisket Day 🇺🇲, National Burger Day 🍔🇺🇲, Day of the Tree 🇻🇪
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
Pentecost, Jean Restout II
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theexodvs · 1 year
Four people came up to the stand to recite the Lord’s Prayer in their native language before the rest of the congregation recited it in English.
How was your Pentecost Sunday?
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dwuerch-blog · 4 months
The Best Gift
My “bonus” grandson, Parker, pictured here, just graduated high school. On Pentecost Sunday at his church, he was asked to share what the greatest gift was that he had ever received. A crowd of eager young faces had been called to the front of the congregation to hear wise words. We were there to witness it. Parker revealed in his talk — not a flashy gadget but his Bible that is the gem he’s…
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helloparkerrose · 4 months
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templevirgin · 4 months
Veni, Sancte Spiritus
Come, Holy Spirit, come! And from your celestial home Shed a ray of light divine! Come, Father of the poor! Come, source of all our store! Come, within our bosoms shine. You, of comforters the best; You, the soul's most welcome guest; Sweet refreshment here below; In our labor, rest most sweet; Grateful coolness in the heat; Solace in the midst of woe.
O most blessed Light divine, Shine within these hearts of yours, And our inmost being fill! Where you are not, we have naught, Nothing good in deed or thought, Nothing free from taint of ill. Heal our wounds, our strength renew; On our dryness pour your dew; Wash the stains of guilt away: Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Guide the steps that go astray. On the faithful, who adore And confess you, evermore In your sevenfold gift descend; Give them virtue's sure reward; Give them your salvation, Lord; Give them joys that never end.
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catholic-quotes · 4 months
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rivage-seulm · 4 months
U.S. Divide & Rule Strategy vs. China’s Unifying Belt & Road Initiative
Readings for Pentecost Sunday: Genesis 11: 1-9; Psalm 104: 1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Romans 8: 22-27; Acts 2: 1-11. Last week Russia’s Vladimir Putin got the red-carpet treatment when he and virtually his entire government leadership met with Xi Jingping and his governing counterparts for a two-day summit in Beijing. The collective west was apoplectic in response. What were these two villains up to?…
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adoseofgodtoday · 4 months
The Birth of the Church
May 19, 2024 – Pentecost Sunday Click here for the readings (https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/052823-Day.cfm) Have you ever experienced a time when you are so caught up with the wonders of the moment that made you say how great it is in our own native language? And then…, a foreigner caught up with the same experience as you are having, utter words of how great it is, and also in your own…
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"On the feast of Pentecost, we pray that the Holy Spirit, the Love of the Father and the Son, may create harmony in our hearts, families, and societies, and fill the whole world with harmony.
May the Holy Spirit foster communion and fraternity among Christians of different confessions.
May He grant world leaders the courage to engage in dialogue that leads to an end to all wars." 🕊️
— Pope Francis, 19 May 2024
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