#people love making shit outta shells idk
shiftythrifting · 1 year
I wanted to know why seashells glued to jesus warranted its own tag
And now i do know, omfg what in the fresh 7 layers of hell- why so many jesus shell monstrosities
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hiro-gari · 3 years
Do you accept a submission? If you do, can I submit headcanons or AUs to you? 😳✨ I have many AU hcs for Batarou that I wanna share but idk if any of them are good enough, hopefully you wont mind I'm so sorry if it's weird 😅🙏
So I was wondering about Soulmate AU in which there's no soulmarks but instead the couple would experiencing some "soul-bonding" once they have met. Thus, prior the encounter, they wont know who's gonna be their soulmate, sometimes a few unfortunate people don't even meet their own soulmate in their entire life.
The moment Garou and Badd met each other for the first time, their souls were bonded and they could feel the other's emotions: happy, sad, angry, in pain, etc. Not the kind that they could read each other's mind, but more leaning on empathy. Garou and Badd were very baffled to find out they're indeed soulmates in the middle of fight, to suddenly feeling strange emotions that were not their own. Expect them be like, "Wtf are these feelings I have now- OH SHIT HE'S MY SOULMATE?? OH GODDAMMIT--". But in the end they still fighting eachother as they're still enemies, unfortunately.
After Garou went to Monster Association, transformed into a monster, then was defeated by Saitama, Badd could feel Garou's anguish and helplessness feeling. Without any hesitation Badd comes to defend Garou along with Tareo, because even after all that was happened he's still his own soulmate, and Badd also realized that Garou isn't really a bad guy or even a "monster". That inside the broken monster shell and all the self-proclaimed as "Ultimate Evil", there's a "pure-hearted" human who actually wanted to be an ideal hero.
Garou, who could feels Badd's genuine heart contents on wanting to save him and believing on him, was surprised at his attempt on defending him. He had thought Badd already hated him once he knows his soulmate is an enemy or when he saw Garou's Monster form. But Badd proves him wrong as he's standing unyielded to shield Garou from all the other S-Class heroes' accusing eyes. It gives Garou a new hope that one day Badd and him would be reconciliated or have a new fresh start.
Hence Garou ran away from the battlefield, silently thanking Saitama, Tareo, and Badd. Saitama, an extraordinary hero who made him realized his mistakes and giving a new purpose. Tareo, an innocent child who always looking up on him as a hero and consider them as friends, even coming back to defend him so bravely. Badd, his unexpected soulmate who has incredible spirit and softhearted nature, also accepted him as who he is and surprisingly ready to love him (from what Garou feels by their soul-bonding). Garou hoped someday he would ready to met them all.
During the time Garou went fugitive, Badd still can feel Garou's personal feelings despite he doesn't know his whereabouts. On the other side, Garou always feels Badd's worry, longing, curious feeling towards him. And a bit side of secretly pining. Then to make Badd a bit relieved, Garou let Badd knows he's safe and has the same feeling for him through their bond.
One day, they accidently meet again, this time Badd wont let Garou ran away from him for the third times. After lots of civil conversations, Garou has agreed to befriend Badd first before they take the next step of romantic relationship. Badd started to visit Garou's hideout place bringing homemade food or just casually hanging out. Sometimes Badd would asked Garou to visit his house on weekends to have sleepover.
At some point after they're dating, Badd offered Garou to live together with him. Imagine years after Garou and Badd being together, they're finally learned and understanding each other from their soul-bonding, cherishing each other with love to keep their happiness forever. Of course they had moments where they have lover's spat or heavy angst time (either it's about their revealing past or people disapproving their forbidden relationship), but it wont weakened their love as in fact it strengthen them.
Garou and Badd know their relationship isn't perfect, but they're absolutely love all of the imperfectness it feels so true for them. And slowly, people would see them as a perfect match made in heaven 💖
Sorry if this is too long! I ended up rambling too much aaa forgive me 🙇 I hope you wouldn't mind this Soul-bonded Soulmate AU Batarou 😅💦😉👍💝💐
Yes yes you can ABSOLUTELY send me headcanons/AU’s/fics anything (please)!! As long as you don’t mind if I join in 😁
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hhhh got me in my feelings UGH
They’d be trying so hard to fight each other as enemies but cannot possibly ignore the overwhelming emotions that follow each strike 😭 I can just see Badd like
“Keep your damn feelings outta my head you crazy bastard!”
And them both getting so frustrated trying to fight each other but not able to keep from holding back at that point aww
But ACK I can just imagine the whirlwind of emotions Badd would be getting following Garou’s fight with Saitama 😓 he’d come flying like a bat outta hell pun definitely intended to get him out of there 🥺💗
Thank you so much for sharing this with me! I love hearing your ideas sm 🥰
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teetlesandnimjas · 4 years
It’s 4 in the morning. Want a monologue of me watching the TMNT 2014 Bay Movie? Of course you do. I hate this so much
I watch the god awful TMNT 2014 movie- a monologue. If you find this, I’m sorry.
Oh the intro’s wicked. It’s like 2d and shit and the detail
Oh wtf is that the character models??? Wait are we gonna see them or???
Who’s this bitch? Is that supposed to be April?
Oh fuck she’s played by Megan Fox. WHY WOULD YOU HAVE APRIL BE PLAYED BY MEGAN FOX???
Oh oh wow okay so there’s an Asian girl with multicolor hair and she’s evil. I love her, how could I not.
Will say- cinematography is good. I feel sorta immersed and shit. And it’s also like really interesting
Okay so she followed them to a subway... and got taken hostage by the Asian lady. Who’s the Asian lady again??? Who are you??? You’re hot that’s all I know
Okay how tf they gonna ninja this shit it’s completely illuminated?
“All aboard” Oh so these motherfuckers riding the train oh the lights went out oh that makes sense
Oh this is a cool shot. Almost makes up for MeGAN FUCKING FOX WHY???
Oh these motherfuckers are so loud- you can hear them from the street while they’re on a rooftop while also in fucking NEW YORK?? How???
“He’s doing his Batman voice” “I only watched Batman once” heh funny Batman crossover reference because that was a thing
Y’all these motherfuckers terrifying wtf
“She’s looking at us like we’re freaks” bitch IM LOOKING AT YOU LIKE YOUR FREAKS WTF ARE THESE CHARACTER MODELS
Ew I hate it I HATE IT
THEY HAVE T E E T H??? AND N O S E S??? This is CGI you didn’t HAVE TO DO THIS WTF
Is this motion capture? This is motion capture isnt it? Well I guess that explain the... yknow this whole situation
God the adult jokes wtf is this rated
Idk what this is rated but I am uncomfortable wow
Oh so they snuck out
Shit man Splinter is ugly but got skills
“Uh- I forgot to sanitize my retainer” Your WHAT? Okay I wheezed not gonna lie. But only because my brain like immediately went “your WHAT?” Like that one meme of the blonde lady yeah that and it made me laugh idk
The fucks a oh shit okay
Pft okay who’s gonna say fuck first? Someone’s gonna say fuck. My bets on Mikey.
It’s PG-13, right? So they can say fuck at most once. So who’s gonna say it? It’s a Bay movie cmon who’s gonna say fuck.
My life would not be rated PG-13
They were her PETS AS A CHILD??? I’m very close to nope-ing the fuck outta here
Project Renaissance? Fuck off this is too detail I just wanna see people get punched. That’s all Bay movies are good at anyways
Cool boom box wall. Motherfuckers have a boom box wall. Like it’s a wall... entirely made out of boom boxes. It’s cool but W H Y who would have the time to MAKE THIS??? DID THEY STEAL ALL OF THIS??
lol drugs
Oh my god this backstory
OOOOOH finally more fighting
Shredder looks wicked oh my god
Oh they blew shit up nice
God the product placement
Oh my god this is bullshit
This bitch again fuck I don’t even know his name
Impatient bitch
Oh you’re ugly I hope you die you old greedy man
Okay boomer
Classic “Villain gives away their whole scheme” LILE dude I spaced out what??
Fancy mansion oooooooh
dumb bitches
Lol adrenaline drugs
Wow dumb bitches
Heeeeey got Asian girl is back
Again with the cinematography that’s too good to be in this train wreck dumpster fire of a movie wtf why is this
B A Z O O K A ????
More cool shots wow
Ass shot of Megan Fox. Because.
You guys are so fucking stupid but I’ll be damned if this isn’t a cool scene wow
Okay that’s pretty cool he just flipped a car through the air fuck yeah you go my boy
Fuck did I really just say my boy about this shit no stop fucking hell iM NOT GETTING ATTACHED STOP
This bitch just stuck her whole body out a window in the middle of a chase scene WITH AN AVALANCHE WTF MEGAN
I’m not calling her April, this is not April. This is a husk, a shell devoid of personality other than being moderately attractive and plain. Her entire character is based around reacting to shit.
Drop off??? Shit man
I don’t care about the other fuckers
Haahahshshshshwb big hands tiny keyboard
y’all need a nap stfu
Oh fuck they’re gonna poison New York.
Oh fuck y’all about to fall to your death. He’ll yeah. DiE MEGAN F O X
Oh that’s right we have emotions. Wow.
B U L L. S H I T.
Cool van.
And that’s it. Wow. Awful outro. Imma go vomit now. It’s 4 AM OH MY GOD
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wolgrahas · 5 years
tagged by: @falkreathh thank you!!  sorry for doing this so much later u_u’ tagging: whoever wants to!! (◡‿◡✿) 1. favourite game in the series ok... i don’t know if you already figured it out but my total fave is dao. why? maybe is the nostalgic feelings this game gives me or... i played it so many mcfucking times that i just get this hollow feeling inside my chest when i haven’t played it for weeks... idk. the trespasser dlc was spectacular too and gave my lavellan a lot of personality (what i thought the dai base game lacked, bc it made me feel like my inquisitor was an empty shell with no personality, solas’ romance save the dai base game to me tbqh). but... you can create such complex personalities in dao for your warden, and the relationships are so so realistic. i think (dao) is neat lmao. 
2. how did you discover dragon age? before being a dragon age fan i was a dark souls fan; i breath dark souls, i read dark souls, i ate dark souls, i was quite obsessed with dark souls, and before dark souls i was an obsessed skyrim fan (oNLY SKYRIM, not the previous games ashdgjasdgh) and with skyrim that was the first time i made video game oc's, like... they had such complex personalities and i cannot make complex character now... aNYWAY i'm getting carried away: i knew dragon age bc dai was being lunched and ALL the people i followed reblogged stuff about dai, and then i bought dao and loved it!! 
3. how many times have you played the games? hfgsdjfhsjfshd fffUCKKKK SHITT... alright... many mANY TIMES, but how many times i haven't finished my game?? countless times!! i think i finished fINISHED dao maybe... pls don't laugh at me... 10+ times. yes they are so so so many times, shame on me! shame on my cow! blah blah, but i lOVE dao. da2 maybe.... 3-4 times? and dai 6 times?? it's funny bc i played dao and da2 in many different ways but dai... m8, always the same, fuck you solas sdhfjdshjsdf 4. favourite race to play? qUNARIIIII!!! i lOVE tieflings so.. i obviously love the qunari too, but in the dai the first race i chose was qunari but then i talked to solas and i was like... bITCHHHHH i'm gonna create an elf to romance this egg, and then... my canon inky became an elf lol. and last favourite race are humans... ok don't hate me, it's not bc they are """boring""" or shit like that, it's bc they are the upper-class of thedas and i LOVE the "from zero to hero" trope... so... yeah agfshsdfhj 5. favourite class? mages!! bc i love the lore behind this class, it's fantastic, precisely blood magic. but if i didn't care about this, i would choose archer, tho in the first games it sucked but in dai is pretty cool :^) 6. do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? as i've said before i have made many different decisions in dao and da2 but in dai are always the same lol 7. go-to adventuring group? origins: alistair/sten, morrigan, zev/leliana da2: aveline, anders, isabela/varric dai: solas, cassandra, cole/sera 8. which of your characters did you put the most thought into? i think prim/anika??(they're the same but one is a human and the other an elf lmaoo), she was my first da oc, and obviously the one i put most thought into bc i uSED to have a lot of creativity some years ago, what a pity my brain is useless now lmao 9. favourite romance? pfffff... solas, alistair, leli and cass!! i think?? idk i gotta play again dai bc i'm not sure :/ 10. have you read any of the comics/books? i've read aLL the books but not the comics :/, i want to read the comics but idk where i could read them online and free (sorry i'm poor lol), so... mi gozo en un pozo lmao 11. if you read them, which was your favourite book? my fav book was "the masked empire"!! patrick weekes is a good writer and i loved the orlesian politics, and i adored seeing these characters in dai! (tho briala was whitewashed lmao) 12. favourite DLCs? obviously: awakening and trespasser. these two dlc's were mcfUCKING AMAZING. i mean, with dao i expected the same quality of the base game, but trespasser was such an excelent and good experience, it gave a lot of insight to our inquisitors and also: sOOULASSSSS, so yep! i mainly lOVED trespasser and i hope weekes guides the team to make a game at least as good as this dlc! (tho, if ea is a greedy bintch this time [as always lol] it doesn't matter how many times the bioware time tries, ea will force them to do a shitty game :/) 13. things that annoy you how viv, anders and sera are written, i mean, i loved anders the first time i played da2 but his personality is obviously written to annoy the fuck outta you, tho i loved how he expressed his ideals freely (tho sometimes he even seemed too traidtional to me about topics like blood magic :/), but sera and viv were a lil harder to befriend and like, and i still don't like much viv, but i love her as a character, y'kno 14. orlais or ferelden? tbh, if i gotta live in one of those two places i would choose ferelden by fAR. but, now, if we're talking about which is more interesting; orlais. 15. templars or mages? like @/blckwall said: all templars are bastards :). i would love if thedas had independent magic schools, that there were no higher representatives or charges, that every village or city had its own magic school, and the crown would be the responsable of manage its needs. i haven't thought much about this so my thoughts are quite vague :/ 16. if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one? they're from different universes, tho i'd love the idea of all of them being in the same universe, but some worlds states are incompatible with others. 17. what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc) in dao: barkspawn (i'm extremelly predictable, sorry u_u') 18. have you installed any mods? all my dragon age games are modded as fUCK. i mean, i think dao is the most heavy modded game i have?? (mainly bc i cannot install many mods in skyrim lol) but when i have my gaming computer again i will mod the shit out of dai >:) 19. did your warden want to become a grey warden? prim had been working in the circle her entire live to be in the higher ranks, and then she saw how all her work was lost made her really conflicted: she didn't wanted to leave bc she yearned to be more powerful and make the circle a better place for mages (yep, she's deeply anti-circle bc of her traumatic past), and she was going to die if she refused duncan's offer. even so, she was never sorry for supporting jowan. and, she became the king of ferelden's mistress; she loved him obv, but she could also take some advantage of his power to make the mages and marginalize people's situation better, and gain fortune by that; alistair was well aware about her plans by prim's words herself, but he never objected. altho the main cause prim made alistair king is bc she wanted him to have a good life and not waste it as a grey warden, so... anyway, i got acrried away... this is long af ghdjsdgf 20. hawke’s personality? red mostly, tho he used to be purple/red in the first and begining of the second act :/ 21. did you make matching armor for your companions in inquisition? yes i did!! i lOVED to be fashionable in dragon age instyle!! 22. if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change? prim : she would have tried to convince jowan and wait some months until she could convince him. also: sometimes she wishes she didn't make alistair king, mostly bc of her daughter (her daughter is the only heir to the throne of ferelden, and basically she doesn't even know that prim is her real mother, mostly bc anora adopted her bc alistair and she couldn't have children), sometimes, in her alone saddest times, thinks how things would have been if alistair was still a grey warden, they would have a happy family and wouldn't even had to hide inofensive stuff like a cheek kiss. but anyway, her duties as a grey warden are more important and doesn't have time to think about it. garrett hawke: he regrets not defending carver, he would have prefered to sacrifice himself instead of any of his siblings. he also regrets going to the deep roads with bethany, letting the grey wardens make her one of them (obv he doesn't know that if he didn't she would have joined the circle lmao). and obv her mother's death... if he had been there, with her mother, he could have done something... :'/ maia: she regrets not being strong enough when that shem tried to hurt her when she was a litte girl, that made her mother kill him to save her bc she was too defenseless, she should have been stronger, that caused her mother and she part ways, because now maia's mother was a criminal and she had more proabilities of getting caught, so maia should go on her way and find the next village, but she found the lavellan clan. she deeply regrets not going after her mother. she also think she was too stupid to not found out the true identity of solas and try to convince him that this world has meaning :'/ 23. do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon? mmmm... no? :/, i like my decisions to have consequences?? 24. are any of your characters based on someone? sahgdashsd pls don't make fun of me but in the first stage of prim's/anika's 'personality creation' was inspired by mother gothel, then she was inspired by...... mikasa ackerman dsfgdjsdf, i'm still inspired by that character tHO i know that shingeki no kyojin is nazi propaganda and i no longer watch that anime lmao. maia is inspired by... a mix of me and rapunzel (from tangled)?? she's basically a shy rapunzel :') 25. who did you leave in the fade? some of you will hate me bc i had to choose between hawke and stroud but i still chose hawke dsfgsdf. m8, hawke is just a 'figure' who isn't widely recognized in thedas, while the grey warden are 394789x more useful, idk i always put myself in the shoes of my characters even if their decisions hurt me (tho, tbqh, i'm not tHAT attached to hawke so this choice was easy lol) 26. favourite mount? royal sixteen!! she's so pretty!! ♡♡♡ thanks for tagging me!! ♡♡
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b0gvvitch · 7 years
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Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this. whomstsoever has sent me this ask >:(
but i guess now i gotta
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Probably Norway. It’s cold, foresty, oceany, fjordy. I’m a fan of Norse mythos but largely it’s just beautiful up there, especially with the northern lights. I’ve always wanted to see them. I’d love hiking and camping out in them scandinavian woodlands. 
sails: describe your perfect partner.
I don’t really like questions like this it’s silly. There’s no perfect partner, everyone got their own charms. Basically I just like a partner to click in some way u kno, thats why you like each other. whether its shared interests or something else. i cant put a concept of perfection on that, its unfair. Esp when you’re polya i feel.
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear?
not much, usually i only do eyeliner and lipstick if im goin out. sometimes i get a lil extra on my eyes, maybe sum cheek action. idk how foundation and all that works.
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf?
awooooo i’d hate immortality.
mermaid: most embarrassing moment?
god i honestly dunno how i could pick one. like im tryin to recall specifics but its hard
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
there was one time i had a nightmare(????) where i was trapped in a bizarre haunted house and the haunted house itself was my wife’s irl ego extension plush cthulhu, i was trapped inside of them. i don’t have time to explain any of that but bizarre dreams related to this cthulhu plush are actually not uncommon among our close friend group so uhh make of that what you will. 
waves: favourite season and why?
falllll. when it’s actually cold, im in texas, its layers season. love them orange and yellow leafy cronch. such a nice color palette. halloween. some nice foods are in season.
breakers: would you ever consider getting married?
I’m already married!!!
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation.
traveling somewhere that is cooler than 85 degrees or at least some nice chill swimming that isn’t packed with people. 
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?
capybara!!! unless you count ravens as exotic. which i dont, they’re everywhere. but I’ve loved capybara for vry long time and i’ve known people who have had seemingly happy capybara pets.
sunlight: least favourite song?
god idk this is a hard question there’s a lot of music out there i despise
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery?
at this moment in time i say nah 
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature?
uhhh my dimples i guess. people point them out all the time. 
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not?
hell fuckin ya! both. because they’re fuckin cool. 
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple?
cliche goth/tumblr answer here but Morticia and Gomez Addams 
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why?
what a weird question uhhh mashed potatoes, easy going, floofy, versatile, nobody hates me for my personality as far as i can tell, and i love potatoes. 
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor?
a lil bit o both is achievable. 
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
this is hard to say cos i don’t scare easily with movies and really specific concepts do, mostly supernatural creep factor and suspense but again still specific. Like growing up Poltergeist freaked me the hell out. Stuff like Alien and Event Horizon are also some movies that got me the most. 
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage?
arcane trickster
tempest: your favourite Pokemon?
so I have most experience with original 150 and i was rly into the legendary birds. 
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance?
that i got hair growin outta my dang face also my butt chin
aquamarine: describe your dream date.
hmm idk dates are such a dynamic interest. again i can’t pinpoint such a thing. just any nice engaging date with a partner, either goin out 2 eat or a movie or watchin a movie or something together on the internet or somethin. 
brine: gold or silver?
silver. love that argentum.
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality?
something dank and purple
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy?
talkin to or doin stuff with people that i love. any degree of activity therein. just bein around them even.
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years.
for sure probably in the PNW somewhere. 
coastline: what is your favourite flower?
daffodil! Anything under that Narcissus genus
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order?
i couldn’t tell you when the last time I went was
voyage: what are your favourite names?
fuck i dunno. there’s too many names to pick faves
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them.
I mean, I have a dozen different D&D characters I’ve written out and played? idk how to narrow that down for ya. But here’s one from a d&d podcast I play in (GHOSTPUNCHER.NET CHECK IT OUT) her name is Elektra and she’s a  wyrd nerdass synth bard and pretty cybergoth/punk and gay and likes tall gals. 
cerulean: do you believe in true love?
i don’t get this question like what would this even mean. what is true love what is false love? you either feel and know you love someone, of varying degrees and ways, or you don’t and you lie to yourself and them for any number of reasons. i guess if we’re talkin about that hyper romance ~one true love soul mate~ kinda stuff, then no i guess not. But I believe in specific kinds of strong love for people.
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why?
Norwegian has always been an interest, it sounds cool, has lots of close ties with origins of English, more than German maybe and it’s a country I’d actually consider moving to. 
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours.
idk im not awake enough to give a good description but honestly like Demobaza and Rick Owens kinda shit is def my jam aesthetically. 
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this?
I’m capable of like, talking to people and being personable but I’m p introverted, i most often prefer isolation. 
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours.
im def a twiddler and a rocker idk if stimming type stuff counts. its hard to self-identify weird habits i might have i guess. idk. im so tired of this survey please let me go
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benzo-ashv · 7 years
Text || Beckles (9/4)
Ash: is it always this hot in Vancouver?
Jay: Except when it's cold
Ash: It's like a sauna in the house.
Jay: Reminds me of that black out in LA
Ash: It wasn't this hot that night.
Ash: Is it wrong to be naked in front of Brady?
Jay: Yeah it was. Weren't we in my old LA house? There was no power no a.c. or anything. I remember being hot and extra sweaty. Set the mood nicely for the first time we slept together though.
Ash: It was a good night.
Jay: I think about it all the time.
Ash: Do you?
Jay: I do
Ash: I have a hard time believing that.
Jay: Why
Ash: It doesn't matter, I'm trying to let it go.
Jay: Let me know when that happens
Ash: I said I'm trying. I didn't say it was for sure gonna happen.
Jay: If I could take it back I would
Ash: What? The night of the blackout of screwing Katie?
Jay: Katie
Ash: I will never understand why you did it.
Jay: Its complicated
Ash: like I said, I'll never understand
Jay: I could try to explain it but idk if it would make you feel better or worse.
Ash: I don't want to hear you trying to defend your actions.
Jay: It's not a defense...its and explanation...an answer to the question why
Ash: Saying because you love her and missed having sex with her, isn't an explanation
Jay: That's not the reason
Ash: Then what's the reason? Why'd you do it?
Jay: Can I talk to you as my friend and not my wife for this?
Ash: I guess
Jay: Do you remember why I broke up with Katie?
Ash: Because she was distant and cared more about being on a beach somewhere than being with you.
Jay: Yeah and I've been pretty fucking pissed at her since then too. We were friends and then the friendship was gone with the relationship and I didn't get why she agreed to be my girlfriend if she didn't want to be around me. When she came back around recently she told me that she wasn't ready for what I was trying to offer her and she pushed me away. Knowing that started fucking me up a little bit. I took things slow with you to make sure that she wasn't coming back adn that I was over her. I knew I had always had feelings for you so if we were gonna be together I wanted it to be right. I think about that night in LA because that's the night I realized breaking up with Katie was a blessing. When she told me what she did it got me thinking that had she said something or asked to take things slower maybe I wouldn't have broken up with her and who knows what wouldn't happened so when we started hanging out all that what if's popped into my head: what if Katie and I had stayed together, what if we weren't finished, what if the feelings are too strong to throw away, what if Ashly and Katie were both in my bed...I fucked up Ashly I'm not trying to get outta that and its not an excuse just a reason. She fucked me up and for longer than I should've I took advantage of the attention because suddenly she was coming back to me. I handled things the wrong way and I know that.
Ash: Do you wish you had ended up with her? That it was her wearing your ring and being Brady's mom?
Jay: For about ten seconds it was one of the what ifs but no. Katie wasn't mature enough to be in the kind of relationship I want. U are my dream girl and i was stupid for letting lust lead my thinking
Ash: Are you still in love with her?
Jay: Yes
Ash: Then how the hell am I supposed to trust that this won't happen again?
Jay: I can live without her, I can't live without U
Ash: I don't trust you anymore Jensen. You promised you'd never hurt me and you've hurt me more than anyone ever has. The thing that sucks the most is that I feel like I've lost my best friend! Whenever anything bad happens in my life, you're the one I run to and I can't do that right now because you're the one who made it bad this time. I feel lost and alone.
Jay: I know and I'm sorry for ruining what we had. It's not fair to u.
Ash: What am I supposed to do now? Where do we go from here?
Jay: idk
Ash: I don't know either :(
Jay: Do u want to end things? I wouldn't blame u
Ash: Is that what YOU want?
Jay: No
Ash: Me neither. I love you Jensen. If I didn't, this would be a lot easier.
Jay: I feel like a piece of shit. My selfishness hurt 2 people I care about. Idk how to fix anything
Ash: 2 people? I s2g Jensen if you start talking about how that bitch got hurt too, I'm gonna deck you. I don't give a fuck about her feelings right now!
Jay: Yeah, well, I do
Ash: Then go be with her. Clearly you care more about her feelings than mine.
Jay: I care about u both very similar but I don't care about her feelings more
Ash: You're gonna have to make a choice Jensen. Katie or me?
Jay: In what sense? I haven't seen Katie
Ash: But you've talked to her. I'm not stupid. I know you've been texting her.
Ash: So you can either completely cut her out of your life and don't ever mention her or her feelings to me again and fight for US, or you can go be with her in which case we are done and I'll move back to LA and we'll figure out a schedule with Brady.
Jay: I don't do ultimatums
Ash: It's not an ultimatum. It's a choice. Your family or your mistress.
Jay: She's not my mistress
Ash: You're in love with a woman who isn't your wife. You fucked said woman. She's a mistress. Would you rather I call her your home wrecking whore of a girlfriend instead?
Jay: I never realized how nasty u could be
Ash: Getting your heart ripped out by the one person you trusted to never hurt you will turn even mother teresa into a bitch.
Jay: I don't like u like this
Ash: Yeah well...neither do I. But you did this. You turned me into this angry shell of a person. I'm alone on a fucking island and I'm angry. I'm so fucking angry!
Jay: I can put up my punching bag if u wanna get ur frustration out.
Ash: do you really want to trust me with boxing gloves right now?
Jay: If u wanna punch me then just fucking do it
Ash: If I though it would make all this better then I would.
Ash: Look, I know you love me. But the fact that you're in love with her too, is killing me. I feel like I'm all in and you waded in to your knees because you'd really rather be with her. Like I'm an obligation to you because of Brady. You're supposed to be groveling, begging me to forgive you, promising me it will never happen again, and doing everything you can think of to try to fix this, but you aren't doing that! Dinner the other night was wonder, and I appreciate all the thought that went into that, but it's been 3 weeks Jensen, and that's the only thing you've tried to do. You run and hide on set, like you'd rather be there than at home. You're supposed to act like you want this marriage to survive instead of chastising me for being angry. You're supposed to let me project my anger without trying to defend Katie!
Jay: I'm doing the best I can. Sorry it ain't good enough.
Ash: If acting like you're the victim in all this is the best you can do, then maybe I should just go back to LA.
Jay: U keep talking about it so if that's what u want to do then go.
Ash: Fine!
Ash: Brady and I will be on the next flight out. Let me know when you have a few days off and I'll make sure you get Brady for that time.
Jay: [text read]
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trouvvaille · 7 years
[[I want this here for reasons... i love this so much, and it needs to go on this blog]]
vvicissitudo hey meen hey did u see im on for nearly fivve days noww
brackishbarracuda im proud tbh
vvicissitudo yeah? i feel accomplished
brackishbarracuda how long have I wanted u to interact w ppl istf
vvicissitudo i mean i wwouldn't call this accomplished but i feel that wway
brackishbarracuda I do shut up
brackishbarracuda don't actually shut up
vvicissitudo ahaha i lovve you i aint really TALKIN to people offerin idle comments maybe
brackishbarracuda it's a start
vvicissitudo yeah yeah it is am i uh doin good
brackishbarracuda you could stand to loosen up a bit
vvicissitudo yeah true but u kno me prickly af they gotta get thru the hard shell first
brackishbarracuda it helps when you give em half a chance
brackishbarracuda they aint gotta b best buds right off the bat u can b a casual friend
vvicissitudo u really think im bein TOO prickly
brackishbarracuda i just want u to have a chance to get out more clams
vvicissitudo i like wwhere im at
vvicissitudo besides most a these guys they aint gonna be here in six perigees
brackishbarracuda casual friendship enjoy em while it lasts get a decent conversation an if they dont come back oh well
vvicissitudo i guess so hmm but half a them aint replied to me or commented on my followw
brackishbarracuda so let it go and start another one later ppl got lives
brackishbarracuda whats up w u tho
vvicissitudo listenin to music up top lookin at the wavves s gonna rain not storm i think just rain
brackishbarracuda u wanna go for a swim when it starts
vvicissitudo shore its alwwavves nice
brackishbarracuda what uh
brackishbarracuda I mean we ain't talked reely much
vvicissitudo do wwe gotta?
brackishbarracuda and I got quads commin outta my ears
vvicissitudo ahaha that u do wwhat wwould wwe talk aboat me still feelin shitty ovver the other night? cause thats a thing
brackishbarracuda we aint gotta
vvicissitudo there aint much i feel that needs t be talked aboat
besides the wwhole thing ww... that.
i feel guilty
is it my fault?? wwhat can i do for that
but uh
other than that, nah. storms an rain an wwavves are good
talkin about that spill earlier tho got me itchy ZZ3B\
brackishbarracuda ive been takin deep breaths and movin em
vvicissitudo yeah
does that help
brackishbarracuda no
vvicissitudo tried pourin spring wwater dowwn my neck
felt nice but ddn't wwork
brackishbarracuda I just been tryin naut to think aboat it sometimes they ain't wanna open and I half panic for a second also it ain't ur fault also what do you think about the bouys 38/
vvicissitudo thats terrifyin to think aboat
noww i gotta open mine up an check em
wwhat you really think so?
an uh, wwhich bouys
brackishbarracuda yeah u didnt force her hand she fucked up an she shoulda been straight w him and i tried to fuckin tell her that but no an the clowns
vvicissitudo They're good. I aint too much talkin to em yet Tho uh.
Wwhich clowwns
brackishbarracuda clams the two im datin zee and arlequin
vvicissitudo I kno that... Just wwondered
Theres a lotta clowwns U kno i nevver paid much attention to em
brackishbarracuda would u
vvicissitudo Pay attention? Noww, yeah, I'm startin to
brackishbarracuda theyre good people
brackishbarracuda an i want u to be a part a all a my life vvicissitudo
i wwant to be part of it all a it i didn't followw any clowwns before an noww that i do
its hard
vvicissitudo i keep seein the text, the wways they talk an i see you happy an i feel bitter aboat me because you're my happiness u got a full house im glad for u
brackishbarracuda nearly anyway
vvicissitudo i just hate myshellf rn its nothin that
vvicissitudo its nothin to wworry aboat itll pass
brackishbarracuda i alwaves worry aboat you
vvicissitudo i hate wwhat loz did meen i hate it i think i'd rather havve just had one heartbreak to deal wwith i didn't evven get any closure i got to kiss him once i got to hold him as he fuckin died along wwith you an wwhere does that leavve me
vvicissitudo in limbo wwaitin wwonderin wwheres my makara wwheres my red wwheres the one wwhose gonna fill that hole an then i see ur makaras an i feel terrible cause i don't
vvicissitudo want to get to knoww them because i knoww ill just get hurt an i knoww they aint mine evven if i wwant them to be part of this family an its part a wwhat i posted aint no one talked to me last night i mentioned arlequin once in his owwn post
vvicissitudo that other captor  nevver replied to me evven after i said somethin that other ampora, the wwhiny one he liked posts datin back a wwhole swweep an pike a hundred posts besides im trying, i swwear for you but i dont my heart aint in it i dont i don't knoww wwhat to do here anymoray
brackishbarracuda you keep tryin
vvicissitudo been almost a wweek a godamn record that ivve been on doin social things
brackishbarracuda an im proud a u for it
vvicissitudo i got you thats al i got its all i wwant
brackishbarracuda an im tryin my damdest to help u change it
vvicissitudo i aint wwant to be hurt no more meen
vvicissitudo prince or princess charmin is comin to me this tide i wwanna knoww ur makaras but not ovver social media i wwanna knoww em wwhen they're ovver for tea or  sleepovvers or meetin the kids or meetin me
vvicissitudo it feels useless. *i* feel useless
brackishbarracuda you dont want to know where id b without you
vvicissitudo youd be sadder
vvicissitudo probubbly givven up by now
brackishbarracuda id be dead
vvicissitudo wwhat about ur cro
brackishbarracuda what the fuck about him
vvicissitudo wwould he havve found you or wwould you havve been dead beshore then
brackishbarracuda long fuckin before then
vvicissitudo wwhat wwould havve happened i can see u runnin urself into the ground
brackishbarracuda runnin myself into the ground bitin off more than i can chew gettin pissed and sad and naut havin a good enough reason to naut do stupid shit
brackishbarracuda every single tide you patched me up every single tide youve found me when i was low every tide you talked me outta somefin or made sure i was safe i mean fuck clams you saw what i looked like w/o u for a fuckin perigee
brackishbarracuda efin if id never met you you know how closed off i was how angry id have gotten into a fight i couldnt handle burned myself from the inside out
brackishbarracuda itd a been the oil clams
brackishbarracuda efin if naut literally cept thered b nobody to clean me up to carry me home to show me what the fuck home /was/
brackishbarracuda i wouldnt a had the kids oar you oar vis
brackishbarracuda you are fuckin necessary
vvicissitudo u wwouldn't havve evven had loz wwould u i i just realized that it wwas cause a me you met
vvicissitudo wwasn't it the first big thing wwas wwhen tavv tried to "help" me
brackishbarracuda i woulda had rez and fangs and they woulda left me and thats it
vvicissitudo yeah. wwhat about noww
brackishbarracuda i aint efin shore i woulda had sally
vvicissitudo pike are you happy noww
brackishbarracuda all i know is i aint happy w/o u
vvicissitudo awwww
brackishbarracuda youve literally saved my life so many dam tides mine and sallys and the wrigs does that sound useless to you
vvicissitudo you an the wwrigs are the only ones wwho seem to appreciate me yes, you're the only ones wwho count really an truly u remember wwhen u took me to that play
brackishbarracuda yeah
vvicissitudo an they stood in a roww an thanked us personally for comin i wwant that i wwant it all the tide i wwant people appreciatin me i tell people im wworkin on somethin to make helmsmens livves after the helm better i get "its impossible"
brackishbarracuda that aint a good example clams u kno how hard it is to accept good shit when it aint in your hand
vvicissitudo i tell people im a docterror an a chemical engineer an i get "so wwhat else do you do" i tell people im a reader a wwriter
vvicissitudo a pacifist an i get blank stares an topic changes i get fivve note threads on this hellsite an then nothin thats howw it alwavves goes
brackishbarracuda did u think for a minute that maybe ur just ten levels above everybody else an they aint kno how to talk aboat that shit
vvicissitudo i mention my name an people are pike "who" an i gotta say "eridan" before they realize an then they assume wwrongly a me i aint wwanna be smart if it means no one wwants to talk to me
brackishbarracuda ur doin good shit clams bc ur smart
brackishbarracuda bc a whats happened to u and who you are
vvicissitudo am i a good person
brackishbarracuda betta than me by a long shot
vvicissitudo wwhy i dont wwant to be better than u i wwant to be ur equal
brackishbarracuda then get me to where u are and dont u dare lower urself for anybody
vvicissitudo > You're stunned into silence for a bit.
brackishbarracuda i aint the best person in the world i aint that smart
brackishbarracuda im shit at p much anyfin that aint kissin somebody oar fightin em you aint
vvicissitudo or makin someone feel good aboat themselvves u do a damn good job of that
brackishbarracuda shut up for a second that aint the point
vvicissitudo im cryin AND laughin ill havve u knoww
brackishbarracuda good 3B* point is you deserve a crown more than i ever have
vvicissitudo wwhhat
brackishbarracuda you can patch ppl up and help people w real cod dam problems w real applications you kno history and all that shit you read you write you study ur in ur lab u work hard too hard but u aint a useless bump a log
vvicissitudo but you aint wwanna rule
brackishbarracuda do i look like i could manage anyfin close to rullin rn by myself
vvicissitudo that aint the point u don't WWANNA rule
vvicissitudo period do you??
brackishbarracuda why do you think i asked dirk to let me do political shit
vvicissitudo but wwas that because u foresaww this convversation or because you wwant to
brackishbarracuda its pike i told him im tired a runnin
vvicissitudo yeah?
brackishbarracuda yeah
brackishbarracuda idk wtf good is gonna come outta it but
vvicissitudo i can name good
vvicissitudo u bein by my side me being by ur side are you sure u wwanna do this last chance to back out u knoww
brackishbarracuda i aint got nofin to rule clams its kinda far from a last chance but yeah
vvicissitudo alright then
vvicissitudo so uh wwhat rule wwhat the wwhole planet?? this uh provvince, this continent, this bit of planet wwe call home i mean theres things wwe gotta think of
brackishbarracuda hb we just start w the bit were on yeah
vvicissitudo so wwe need to get scoutin parties together to see HOWW big it is an if anyone else livves on it an if anyone else livves on it then we gotta dispute
vvicissitudo buy their land rom em in exchange for goods or services a emperor aint bein servved hes servvin others pike wwe provvide food or electricity an they trade us
brackishbarracuda clams calm down
vvicissitudo ideally rn wwe feed their family/take care a their land in exchange for their servvices in helpin us scout out- wwhat oh
brackishbarracuda do u kno how many tides i had to retype clams calm bc lemme tell u
vvicissitudo uh oops
brackishbarracuda too much at once aight lets just
brackishbarracuda keep our shit to ourselves baby steps yeah
vvicissitudo babysteps yeah ideally this thing wwe livve on is only an island otherwwise wwe got barriers to wworry about pike cae said
brackishbarracuda either plan on defendin what u got or be ready to run right i aint runnin
vvicissitudo i lovve u <>
vvicissitudo u an ur beautiful soul
brackishbarracuda i love you too
brackishbarracuda <> <><><><><><><><><><><> aight im done im good thats outta my system
vvicissitudo thank you for listenin
brackishbarracuda you aint quaded to me for my looks 3B*
vvicissitudo damn right im quadded to u because of u
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