#people on ord mantell are SO busy with. what's happening on ord mantell. that they're totally lacking wider perspectives so like
gothamcityneedsme · 6 months
tavon: dont trust the imperials
petra: aren't you imperial?
tavon: no.
#shitpost#i like want to sit in a corner and just write interactions here because this is just great.#petra has no fucking idea who the commander is. which is like. lmfao#its like. HOW do you explain galaxy-wide political systems and factions to someone like her#who is (completely understandably) focused on the VERY COMPLICATED politics of her own planet.#which like. these political issues are connected to the wider picture but also like.#people on ord mantell are SO busy with. what's happening on ord mantell. that they're totally lacking wider perspectives so like#she just. Doesn't know.#like i assume she knows about the Eternal Empire at least because they took over. everything. but#ord mantell went back to the politics from before that era right after the occupation was over (presumably)#so its like. tavon offhand is like 'yeah im the leader of the organization that stole the Eternal Fleet and beat them'#petra like. you're WHO??#sorry i just love so much that the newest character is like. this girl with an INTENSELY focused perspective#she is LACKING that wider galaxy view which is. honestly refreshing and a great way to bring the story back down to earth#(ignore the fact that this is another superweapon storyline--ignore the fact that this is another superweapon storyline--INGORE THE FACT TH#*is shot*#anyways i really liked petra so far. extremely refreshign#its just like how Rass is refreshing too because while he knows the big picture and is VERY involved#its his brother that is higher in the faction and Rass himself is just like#kinda just a dude. which is refreshing#anyways. i want to know where darth fenris is. aka. darth suspicious.#wait hes not even a darth is he. is he just a lord. i am totally forgetting.#oops
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nahoney22 · 1 year
Hello! I loved your Card Bane soulmate story and was wondering if you could do a soulmate one with Wrecker. I have a feeling he would be so cute with a soulmate!
The Light in the Night (Soulmate AU)
Wrecker x GN!Reader
word count: 2.3k
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AU in which you meet your soulmate in your dreams when the closer they are, the clearer you see.
warnings: slightly insecure reader who has a lot of self doubt, brief crying reader but mainly fluff, gender neutral reader, no use of y/n, somewhat mutual pining, soulmate au.
Thanks for the request , enjoy 😊
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You were exhausted, having just come back from another grueling day at work on the planet of Ord Mantell. Despite the long hours and low pay, the only thing you looked forward to was sleep, even though you never dreamed.
That is, until tonight.
As you drifted off, a faint glimmer of light appeared in your mind, breaking the darkness that usually filled your dreams.
"Hello?" you called out, half-convinced that you were imagining things. But the light didn't fade, an array of mist surrounded you and as your eyes adjusted to the new source of illumination, you realise that there was a figure standing in front of you. Although, not exact. They were blurry, practically a silhouette.
Your heart begins to race, even in your deep slumber. You recall many stories about people seeing things in their sleep, usually people, and it all linked to… no… surely you do not have a soulmate?
You called out again, louder but to no avail. You even find yourself reaching out through the mist but the blaring sound of your alarm roused you from your confusing dream.
You jolted upright in bed, gasping for air as beads of sweat formed on your forehead. Letting out a groan, you slammed your hand over the blaring alarm, finally silencing its incessant noise that roused you from that peculiar dream..
“What was that?” you murmured to yourself, peering through the darkness of your lonely flat and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
For what felt like hours, you sat upright, replaying the minimal dream over and over in your head. It was a fluke, right? These things didn't happen to people like you. You tried to shake off the memory as you made your way to work, passing by a busy food stall that sold an array of different foods.
As the day wore on, your colleague noticed a shift in your mood. Your typically upbeat self was now down in the dumps. “What's wrong?” they asked, pulling up a chair next to you during lunch break.
You knew your friend had experience with this sort of thing; they had already met their soulmate. But you didn't want to admit outright that you may have found yours. Maybe it was just your imagination. Maybe you had eaten something that sent you on a wild dream. Besides, you had always dismissed the notion that soulmates existed.
“It's just...” you trailed off, nervously twirling your spoon in your cup of tea. “Can you tell me how you met your partner again?”
Your friend raised an eyebrow, a small smirk flitting across their lips. “It started when I was sleeping and out of nowhere some mist appeared.”
Your skin prickled with goosebumps, the memory all too familiar. “And then what?”
“Every night, the image of them got clearer and clearer until I saw exactly what they looked like. That means they're close by,” they replied nonchalantly, gauging your reaction. “Why do you ask? Did you have a dream like that?”
You drummed your fingers against your cup, sighing as you nodded. “Just one.”
“Eeeee!” your friend squealed, patting you on the back. “That's exciting, isn't it?”
Your countenance betrayed a mixture of emotions, with excitement far from the forefront. Instead, nervousness and confusion seemed to be the primary emotions flooding your psyche. What if you never meet them? What if, one night, you fall asleep only to be met with the darkness once more because they had gone? You were prone to underselling yourself regardless of the situation, so why would this be any different? You had tried dating in the past to no avail due to a lack of suitors. What made this situation any more promising?
“I don’t feel well, I need to go,” you announced to your colleague, rising abruptly from your seat and shedding your apron before placing it on the crates. You ignored their curious expression as you made your way out, an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach. “You okay to shut up shop?”
Your colleague merely gave you a sad smile and nodded. “Get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Despite your friend's words, sleep eluded you. You occupied yourself with watching old holomovies and other activities that could keep you awake, determined not to give in to the seductive call of slumber. Disappointment had no place in your life, so why start now? But no matter how hard you tried, your eyes grew heavier until you found yourself succumbing to the dream world once more.
You were alone but not lonely. Speaking aloud, as you often did both in reality and in sleep, you caught a glimpse of a silhouette. This time, however, it was clearer. He was tall, very tall, and remarkably muscular, donning dark armor whose design you could not discern. Could he have been a soldier? You could feel the thrill of excitement running through you, but then you began to wonder about his allegiances, if he had any at all. It was very typical of you to see faults in everything.
Then you woke up.
So, you repeated the day ahead. Get up, go to work, and return home. But this time, you went straight to bed, eager to dream of him again. If the dream was clearer last time, what was to say it wouldn't be even better this time around?
Your vision was sharper. You could see him, really see him. And he was a sight to behold.
Tall, muscular, and with an infectious laugh you could not hear but one that made you long to hear it. He was definitely handsome, with tanned skin and some scarring, but he appeared lovely nonetheless. It was almost too good to be true.
You soon realized that if you could see him, he was probably dreaming of you as well. You grew paranoid, wondering if he felt the same way about your appearance. But before you could overthink it any further, you awoke to the sound of your alarm.
From that day on, you went to bed eagerly, content to dream of him. Your colleague noticed a change in your demeanor, teasing you about the object of your dreams and asking what he looked like. But it felt too personal to share. Only you could see him, and you weren't sure if you were ready to share him with anyone else yet.
Because you could see him, you hoped that he was on the same planet as you. So during your lunch breaks, you set out in search of a glimpse of the man of your dreams. But you weren't sure what you would do if you actually found him.
Unsurprisingly, your search for him in waking life proved fruitless, so you resigned yourself to the magic of your dreams to conjure his image. But this particular night held a different outcome. With an eager smile on your lips, you wrapped yourself tightly in your blanket and shut your eyes, hoping to coax sleep into coming sooner. When it finally arrived, your heart seized. He was gone, leaving you alone in a void of darkness.
You woke up in the middle of the night feeling deflated and despondent. Where had he gone?
The next day at work, your colleague noticed the worried expression etched on your face and slid you a cup of caf before asking what was wrong.
“He wasn’t there in my dream last night,” you mumbled, realizing how silly and pathetic it sounded to miss someone you had never met.
“Don’t worry,” your friend reassured, “he may have just gone off-world for a bit.”
But you knew the truth. You only saw him when he was close by. “So, you don’t think it’s because he’s no longer my soulmate?” you asked, hoping for a different answer.
Your friend looked down at their own drink and shrugged a little shyly. “I don’t know. It isn’t exactly unheard of someone losing their soulmate in their sleep.”
Pang. Your heart may have just shattered into a million pieces. “Oh,” you whispered sadly, once-hopeful anticipation replaced with aching sorrow.
Despite your friend's reassuring words, which failed to settle within you, you returned to work and anxiously awaited the end of the day. Maybe, just maybe, he would be there tonight.
But he wasn’t. Nor was he there the next night, or the next, or the one after that.
As weeks passed, the memory of the tall, strong man faded into the distance. Each night, your dreams remained empty and dark, void of his presence. Though you tried to convince yourself that it didn't bother you, the truth was that the thought of never seeing him again weighed heavily on your heart.
You tried to maintain your composure, telling yourself that it was all just a silly fantasy. But when a rude comment from a customer pushed you over the edge, all the emotions you had been suppressing came flooding to the surface.
Tears streamed down your face as you fled the shop, the weight of the past few weeks feeling heavier than ever before. You collapsed against a wall in a secluded sector, feeling completely lost and alone.
With your head buried in your knees, you release deep and trembling breaths in a futile attempt to quell the storm of emotions brewing inside you. Suddenly, the sound of someone clearing their throat draws your attention, and you lift your gaze to find a young girl standing before you, a box of mantel mix clasped under her arm. Her soft voice breaks the silence, “Hey, are you alright?” Her head tilts to the side, her blonde hair falling across her face.
You sniffle and hastily wipe away your tears, before nodding in response. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.” Your gaze wanders, and you can’t help but feel a twinge of protectiveness as you realize she is alone. “You shouldn’t be out here by yourself. It’s not safe.”
“Then neither should you,” she counters playfully, causing you to let out a soft chuckle.
“You got me there,” you reply, still sniffling but feeling the weight of your emotions lift slightly.
“I’m here with my brothers anyway,” she offers, grabbing a handful of mantel mix and then extending the box towards you, which you decline politely.
“Ah, that’s good then,” you murmur, leaning your head back to gaze at the sky above, oblivious to the fact that the girl is studying you intently.
“You seem familiar,” she says slowly, her voice laced with a hint of uncertainty as she struggles to recall where she might have seen you before. You glance back at her and shrug.
“If you’ve ever been to the small market to the left of the district, you may have seen me there,” you suggest, but she shakes her head.
She lifts her arm, tapping into her comm device. “Wrecker, can you come to where I am for a second?”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “One of your brothers?”
She nods. “I feel like he knows you, but I can’t quite remember why.”
You waited anxiously, feeling your heart pounding in your chest, until a deep, resounding voice called out from the distance. “Hey Omega, you alright?”
Your head whipped around to locate the source of the sound, and your eyes locked onto a towering figure striding confidently in your direction. His imposing physique was unforgettable. It was him, the man from your dreams, the one you knew deep down was your soulmate. As he approached, he focused his gaze on the girl, but when his eyes met yours, he had to do a double take.
“It’s you!” he exclaimed in disbelief, his eyes widening in awe, but he couldn't help but smile, a broad and infectious grin spreading across his face.
You gaze up at him, utterly stunned, completely speechless, and nod your head in response, awestruck. He lowers himself to your level, and his smile is replaced by a frown when he notices your tear-stained cheeks. "Hey now, why the tears? Has someone upset or hurt you?" He asks tenderly, his enormous hand coming towards your face as he wipes away a tear with gentleness.
"N-no," you stammer, finally finding your voice. "It's just," you pause, hesitant about revealing that you were crying because you missed seeing him in your dreams, but his next words put your mind at ease.
"You missed me?" He asks, hopeful, a shy expression on his rugged face. "Because I missed you a lot when I left this planet."
So he did leave! Your heart pounds rapidly, a wave of emotions engulfing you. "I missed you too," you say, letting out a short laugh. It feels strange to miss someone you've never met, but thankfully, he feels the same.
"Come with me. I want you to meet my sister and brothers," he invites, extending his hand to you. His hands are massive, and yours seem tiny as he lifts you off the ground as if you weigh nothing.
Omega is beaming, giddy, and already running towards the others, leaving you alone with him.
"So, soulmates, huh?" He asks with a bashful gaze, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I suppose so," you reply sheepishly, quickly introducing yourself. "And you're Wrecker?"
"That's me!" He exclaims, looking down at you with tenderness. "Maker, you're stunning."
You blush, turning away, but his hand under your chin turns you back to face him. "Don't be shy with me," he whispers. For a big man, his whispers are almost silent.
"Okay," you breathe shakily, taking a chance by glancing briefly at his lips. He smirks instantly at the gesture.
"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asks curiously, not hiding the fact that he also wants to kiss the person who has been in his dreams for a long time.
You blush brightly, stammering over your words, and in the midst of it all, he hears you say yes. He silences you with a soft kiss, savoring the moment until you both part. "I'm incredibly lucky to have you as my soulmate," he breathes softly, wrapping his arms around you and holding you closer.
You never want to leave his embrace.
You also wondered why Omega seemed to recognise you but you can’t help but get the feeling that you had been the topic of conversation for however long he had seen you. And clearly, it worked out for the best.
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More Wrecker Works
Tags: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr r @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp p @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @theroguesully @equalityforcats @mustluvecho @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri i @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone2 @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi i @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @crystal076 @agenteliix @rintheemolion @kaminocasey @hotpinkplastoid @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater @swiftiexstarwarssimp @the-good-shittt @s1st3r @taskfork-archive @by-the-primes
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ladykatakuri · 3 years
Pairing: Wrecker x Reader
Word Count: 2221
Warnings: Just fluffy and a kiss! Wrecker is not just the hug-a-bear we all love, he is more !
Song Lyrics: Faith of the Heart performed by : Russel Watson
Summary: People always judge you by your so-called defects, but Wreck…” Carefully you place a finger under his chin and lift it. “You are a man with so many layers to discover. Beside your sweet and gentle nature, your love of explosions and bets with Cross on who can destroy the most clankers and your deep affection for your family, there is so much more.
So a Wrecker one shot i made. I think there is far more to the man then has been shown until now and i hope that we will get to see more in depth about all of our sweet Batch in season 2 ( and yes I mean all of them when i say Batch! Crosshair included! )
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The Havoc Marauder always seemed as a small home to you all. There was enough space to sit and relax, sleep after a mission or work while underway to whatever planet it was the lot of you would go to, to earn some credits. It was a home away from home, even though you also had a new home base on Ord Mantel. The Marauder was that bit more special because it was the last part of home that the guys had left after defecting from the Empire. Today it seemed to be a refuge for one of the guys and you were glad it was parked on Ord Mantel. Now at the very least, you could spend some time with him, without having to worry that one of the others would walk in on the two of you, without having to worry that he would shut you out again.
“Wrecker….” You walk up to the man currently sitting with his back against the wall of the Marauder. It took you a minute to realise he had taken refuge in the hull and you would not let him get away with withdrawing himself from you again.
“Wrecker, you know you can talk to me right? If not me, then you should find someone to talk to. Please Wreck, don't shut me out.” You slide down next to him on the floor and put a hand on his arm.
When he turns his head to you, you see his watery smile. As much as he is always the cheery and positive man around his family, he now seems to have withdrawn from it all to suffer alone. “I… I don't know where to even start Mini.”
Mini, the name he has given you when you first met and it never left. It became his sweet nickname for you, knowing that you never felt secure about yourself. You had always been well aware you were more weighty then most of the women crowding around the troopers at 79s and all the women flocking towards the men of the Bad Batch whenever they showed up in a bar. The clones who were the majority of the visitors to 79s never looked at you as someone different because of looks though and Wrecker and his brothers were very quick to point out how sweet they found you and how special you had become to them when you joined their little family. To Wrecker you were the most beautiful person in the galaxy as well. He named you Mini, because compared to him, almost everyone was small and you were no different in that. Softly patting his arm you tell him to start where he wants to start.
It's been a long road
Getting from there to here
It's been a long time
But my time is finally near
“I guess, I just wonder where it all will end, or when it all will end. Omega is still just a kid ya know? She is growing up fast, but she is supposed to be a kid. She should be playing with other kids and having fun, bringing home stray animals as pets and kiss a special someone…. Well not kiss, that would not be alright with me and the guys, but when she is older…. But she is learning how to fight and kill now and she is a fugitive with us. It ain't right.” He almost shouts out the words, as if it was blocking his every thought and had to be thrown out there. “I know it wouldn't be much of a life on Kamino for her and all, but still… Is this the right thing to do for her? To keep her with us where she is always in danger?”
You know it is a sentiment that all of the men have had at one point, but Wrecker who bonded strongly with the young girl, as the older brother, felt strongly protective of his little sibling and feared greatly for her safety. With what you hoped to be a reassuring smile you look at him. “Wreck, I know you worry. But this is also Omega`s choice. You all wanted to give her a chance at a more normal life with Cut and Suu. She chose to be with you and live her life with you. You are her family and family is all that matters to her and to you.”
For the first time he grins. “Yeah, she is stubborn ey? Guess she has that in common with us.” Reaching to his side, he grabs a bag of his favorite snack, most times shared with the young girl after a mission. “Want some Mantel Mix too? “ He offers you the bag and you grab a handful of the mix. Popping some in his mouth he chews while staring at the wall opposing you. “Remember how we first got to talk? It was in the hull of the Marauder as well.”
And I can feel the change in the wind right now
Nothings in my way
And they're not gonna hold me down no more
No they're not gonna hold me down
No they're not gonna hold me down
You had been travelling with the guys for a while now, getting used to the day to day business and to being somewhat of a sister figure to Omega. You were no warrior, no clone and no mechanic or medic. You were just the person who was easy in making connections with people when you decided to give it a real try and you knew how to prepare meals from whatever was lying around that was edible. And even more important, you befriended the Bad Batch and covered for them when it was first announced they had defected from the Empire. Knowing how close you had grown to the men, you were under investigation and the guys quickly decided to get you away from the Empire's clutches as fast as they could.
Each of the Batch had grown rather attached to you and Omega clung to you, especially when it came to doing the girly stuff. You enjoyed it immensely but it was Wrecker who surprised you the most. The man had always been considered a simple person that loved explosions and fighting and having his sweet snacks. He could party like the best of them and that was all there was to him. Boy, did he surprise you when you walked in on him one night.
You had been on the way to some remote planet in the Outer Rim. The possibility of finding an ally or foe was small and you needed supplies. Tech and Echo were in the cockpit as usual while Crosshair and Hunter were sound asleep. Omega shared her private sleeping space with you and after a long talk and reading a fantasy story she finally fell asleep. Lula was tucked snugly in with her after which you softly stepped down a ladder and moved to grab something to drink. You stumbled in on Wrecker, concentrated on something on a pad and not hearing you enter the hull. “What ya doing Wreck?” Carefully moving around a crate, you stand beside him and look down.
“Y/N ! You surprised me!.” He quickly puts the pad beside him and looks up to where you stand. I was, well… I was reading something.” He scratches his neck and a slight blush creeps up on his cheeks as he looks at you.
Tilting your head you slide down beside him. “What are you reading?”
For a moment he seems to be debating whether or not he should let you know. Then, he grabs the pad and hands it over to you. When you look at the text displayed you look up. “Wreck, I didn`t know you were interested in this.”
He shyly smiles at you as he takes the pad back. “I like to read about things… Do you know about this man? Asimov? He is really smart. I thought maybe… There is something we can use from what he writes when we face clankers and all.” The sincerity in his voice surprises you a bit.
“I won't say I understand everything this man writes, but it is very interesting. Honestly, I prefer reading different kinds of stories. Romantic novels, historic stories or thrillers and all that. Biographies can be very interesting too and sometimes it can still teach us still I guess.”
Wrecker nods at your every word and a smile beams at you. “You love reading too! Why didn't you tell me? We could share favorites and talk about them if you want? I mean, if that's something you'd like?”
From that moment on, the two of you would share time together whenever you could to talk about the latest story you discovered, about the things either of you did not understand and the other could explain or just reading the same book. More than once it happened that the others would walk in on the two of you, you with your head against him, him with his head in your lap or the other way around, just enjoying the stories you were reading or discussing the stories. Those moments were also the start of Wrecker opening up even more to you about the past and sometimes about his deepest feelings and fears.
Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe
I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul
And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star
I've got faith
I've got faith
Faith of the heart
Now right here in the present, you realise that the man you came to love for his love of life and his hidden, deeper layers of personality is severely struggling with everything that has happened up until now. And he needed to work through it, alone and with you. Carefully you lay your head against him. “What else is wrong Wreck? I know it is not only Omega you worry about. You always shut people out when things bother you and you retreat to wherever you can go to vent.”
Wrecker inhales deeply and shifts to wrap his arm around you. “You know Mini, there is so much that happened. Omega is young and a fugitive with us, my chip activated and I almost killed them! Crosshair…. well you know his chip also activated and we lost him for a little while. I`m just happy we got him back again, but he has a lot to work through and he still blames us sometimes. And you….. Mini, you are not safe with us either. They will hurt you if they ever get you. I don't want you to get hurt Mini. I mean, we all have been injured on jobs and stuff, but you and Omega? I would die if something happened to either of you!”
You can hear his heart race as he speaks and feel his body shudder at the thought of you and Omega getting hurt somehow. But, you let him vent every bit of emotion, every bit of anger and fear he has deep inside of himself. He finally decided to open up and let this out. He decided to let you be the one to hear every thought and every struggle he has been fighting with on his own. To so many people he appeared to be a simple man, but you knew better. You knew all too well how many layers there were to this gentle giant.
Pulling away from his body you sit up on your knees in front of him. “Wrecker. You are the most gentle man I have met. You care so deeply for your own and you would sacrifice all that you have and all that you are to ensure their safety. People always judge you by your so-called defects, but Wreck…” Carefully you place a finger under his chin and lift it. “You are a man with so many layers to discover. Beside your sweet and gentle nature, your love of explosions and bets with Cross on who can destroy the most clankers and your deep affection for your family, there is so much more. You are smart, Wrecker. You have an intelligence that defies the understanding of those who always considered you only by your CT number and purpose. And Wreck? You are also the only man I truly, deeply, love.” You place a gentle kiss on his lips as you look him in the eyes.
As you pull back from him, a grin forms around his lips. Without any warning he embraces you and then stands up and slings you over his shoulder. With a high pitched yelp from you, he walks out of the Marauder and into the streets of Ord Mantel. “Time to treat you to some proper dinner, my sweet Mini!”
Before he lowers you back to your feet, he kisses you with a smile.
Out in the back, a man grins and turns around. You only see a glimpse of a red bandana, as Wrecker walks off with his arm wrapped tightly around you. Your Wrecker, a man of deep devotion and many layers to him.
I have tagged people I think might like this, if you want to be tagged in future works or do not want to be tagged anymore, please let me know in a messege <3
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