#people saying that if Sylvie/Loki isn't incest then Thor/Loki isn't too
worstloki · 2 years
How would you feel if somehow Thorki becomes canon in mcu (not the subtexts) personally I'd throw up
listen. listen to me carefully. it would be SO funny
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darklinaforever · 1 year
OK. I need to talk about it (particularly because I rewatched the entire series yesterday) ! Like many, I'm shipping Sylvie & Loki, otherwise known as Sylki, from the Loki series from Disney +.
However, I always manage to come across anti bullshit, each time I go to the tag dedicated to this couple. And it's unbearable. Especially with the bullshit being said there.
So already, people basically don't like Sylki and Sylvie, because Sylvie would treat Loki "horribly" and "use him"…
So… It's forgotten that Loki was probably planning to kill her at the start of Episode 3, but didn't because she was the only one who knew how to recharge the Time Pad. So technically, the two contemplated killing each other, and served each other up in episode 3.
Also, by the end of episode 2 and the beginning of episode 3, Sylvie is completely normal with Loki the rest of the time, and even cares about him. The two actually end up forming a willing partnership. Sylvie even wanted to face Alioth on her own, and for Loki to return to TVA. When he said that if she goes, he goes too, she made it clear that his plan might not work out, so she cares about his life and she always proposes that he go. with Mobvious. Hello for "treat him horribly / only use him".
Then clear me of doubt…
But isn't Sylvie a Loki variant ? So she looks like him in that fact, right ? Doesn't she go through almost the same arc, or rather similar (it's much more correct) to the one that Loki had in the films ? I'm guessing with that logistics, you mustn't like Thor and Loki's brotherly relationship either ? And that it's especially Loki that you should hate in this relationship, considering how he treated Thor at one point (even if Thor is not without fault in this whole complicated family affair) and even tried to kill him in the first movie ? Along the same lines, I guess you don't like the Frigga and Loki relationship, and therefore specifically Loki, since he emotionally hurt his mother in the second film and unwittingly caused her death afterwards…
Seems like these are two very popular relationships within the fandom, and Loki has never been hated for the slips he made in those relationships, not to mention the other bad things he did on the side . There are even a lot of people who ship Thor and Loki together ! So… If you hate Sylvie because she "wasn't nice" to Loki… Why don't you hate Loki himself for a lot of things that happened before the show ?! Because, technically, there is no difference ! And Sylvie did not watch Loki, only what he himself did to his relatives ! He says it himself : He betrayed all the characters he loved and who loved him ! That Sylvie "betrayed" Loki at the end of the series therefore had a certain obviousness, even if compared to what some say, it is not so much a question of betrayal as of being blinded by the need for revenge.
So why is Sylvie getting so much hate for not being "nice / loyal to Loki unfailingly" to Loki ? The only real difference technically is that she's a woman, and… Oh. That's the difference. Obviously !
Then, some hate this relationship for the "incest" aspect…
Sylvie and Loki are not brother and sister. They have nothing to do with family.
Yes, they're technically "the same person", according to the show, but it's a lot more complicated than that actually, and I imagine the rest of the show will expand on that aspect. A variant is not exactly the same person. It's more or less a mutation I think. And if I say no bullshit, even on the DNA level it is different. And Sylvie refuses to truly define herself as a Loki, and rightly so. They are different people, who have had their own lives and experiences on their own. They are not the same, but similar. Two different things.
Then there are other people who don't like it for the "narcissistic aspect", and I refer you for that to this article by the director of Loki which explains what "self-love" really means. through the sylki relationship in the series. Which ultimately has nothing to do with narcissism, you can imagine. There is also talk about the incest aspect that he refutes just as much !
Also, again, there are people who ship Thor and Loki. And they are brother. Yes, not biologically, but for the rest ? They are brothers in every way that matters. However, it doesn't bother anyone to ship them, and I've never seen anyone be scandalized by it like with Sylki, who once again has nothing to do with incest in the end...
And even if it was ! I want to tell you… who cares ? Yes, because, little detail that a lot of people seem to forget… It's gods, isn't it ? Isn't incest common among the gods ? Yes, I know, among the Nordic gods it was not very well seen, unlike among the Greek gods, or we don't care ! But ! However, if you look closely, even if the Nordic gods were not in favor of incest, at least for the Aesir, well it still happened, especially among the Vanir, who were totally in favor of it ! And that I know, like the Greek gods, it had no genetic repercussions ! Because… Well they are gods, again ! And the conventions of mortals and their constraints, who cares for the gods !?
So your moralizing discourse, you can keep it to yourself.
And then… The most pathetic aspect of the returning reviews is about the kiss, which apparently "doesn't make them romantically canon." So, despite the fact that the romance is very assumed throughout the series, it is not canon, and the only thing that could make it seem romantic would be the kiss, but which in fact is nothing romantic ! So it's not canon ! Compiled once again that by the way Sylvie has only used Loki throughout this story…
So, I've already refuted the "Sylvie having used Loki" aspect, so I'm not going to come back to it… But ! I won't refute that Sylvie used the kiss a bit to distract Loki and then send him somewhere else. Except… Well she didn't have to kiss him specifically for that. She could have chosen another method, which implies that she wanted kiss him somewhere. The director also explains that Sylvie actually kissed Loki to say goodbye ! Especially since it's not as if the series had already shown before that Sylvie had feelings for Loki ! People forgot the fucking Nexus in the beginning of episode 4 ?! Because, yes, I remind you that we are not talking about one-sided love in this mess ! It is always insunated that it is reciprocal ! They are referred to as a couple of Loki in the series ! Miss minute offers them a universe where they could be together ! If only the "shared blanket / tablecloth" scene damn it ! Oh yes ! It sure looks like one-sided love... ! Yes, because for some people ; Sylvie is not in love with Loki and has only used her personal feelings to distract him in this moment…
Are you being stupid or blind on purpose ?
Seriously, I keep seeing jerks say "What are Sylki fans celebrating in that kiss! It's not romantic canonization! She's just manipulating it! There's never nothing romantic between them in the whole series!"
It's on the same level as everyone who said Reylo was nothing romantic and the kiss finally shared at the end of all their romantic tension over 3 movies was nothing romantic and was just an impulse to thank him, or even worse a "brotherly kiss" !
The comparison is all the more relevant as some say that "Yes, Sylvie loves Loki, but like a brother ! Or, I prefer that she loves him like a brother!" !
It is pathetic.
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