#people who know her threaten their kids with ‘calling aunt Babs’
I stand by the fact that Jason Todd is incredibly with small children, but can’t stand teenagers. He understands that they are kids and it’s not their fault they are awful, but he just can’t stand them. Dick Grayson, on the other hand, is amazing with older kids and teens but if u hand him a toddler he’ll have a small breakdown. He doesn’t get them, and he does things like allow them to watch horror movies at the age of 2 cus he forgets how little they are.
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karalizzy · 6 years
Safsee Breg
What is your full name?
Safsee Breg
How did your parents decide on your name?
Safrees was Nana's name. She thought it would be a respectful thing to do. My Nan was a killer bitch. I loved her
How tall are you?
What color is your hair?
An auburn-y brown color
What color are your eyes?
One is red and one is bright blue
How much do you weigh?
28 lbs, bebe
What is your birthday (month, date, and year)?
January 23rd
What is your father’s name?
What is your mother’s name?
What are your grandparents’ names?
I don't know much about my Pap's side, but my Mam's parents were Safrees and Berk.
Do you have any siblings? What are their names, birthdates, and birth order?
Got a brother, Oz. He was born a couple years before me, November 13th
Do you have any medical problems, diseases, injuries?
I was a damn healthy bab. Had a spear go through my right lung once so I can't run for long but...
Do you have any distinguishing marks on your body (a mole, a birthmark, a missing finger, a tattoo, etc.)?
Got a couple scars. The lung one which is under a tit, one across my right shoulder, and one on my neck I don't wanna talk about.
What kind of house/apartment do you live in?
I currently live with my partner, she sweet as fuck. She did the decorating, so it's pretty cutesy and shit. I guess you could call it a loft?
Do you have any pets?
We have Hermes. He's my girl's falcon. He's kind of an asshole but I love him.
Are you married? If so, what is your spouse’s name?
We ain't married, but I'm with my girl Bresha. She's my flower.
Where did you go to school?
I learned all my mechanics with my Papa in garage
How many times have you moved in your life?
The fam crossed Arcaylia probably a dozen times
When did you move to where you live now?
Bresha and I moved in together 3 and a half years ago
Who is your best friend now?
An angel. Don’t ask.
Who are all of the people whom you have dated?
Gettin personal... uh, another goblin called Teets (I Know), a human called Aarin, and a half-elf girl called Antalia... some others.... and my sweet flower.
Why did your relationship with each person you dated not work out?
Well fuck, didn't realize this was my fuckin life story. Okay, I guess it didn't work out with Teets because I kept laughing at his name. The human was a one-off, he knew that. Antalia was... woo, that girl was just too much crazy for me.
What is the worst thing that ever happened to you?
Don't wanna talk about it. Let's just say that the cleric was the traitor, not me.
What is the best thing that ever happened to you?
I met my beautiful girl, Bresha.
How did you meet your current significant other?
I was at the pub, having some brews and this beautiful, long-haired, half-orc lady sat down next to me. We started talkin' about the area and smiling and laughing and just.... *sigh* then some jag-offs came in and threatened her. Before I could even say anything she cut one in half. I'd never had such a rock-hard lady chub before.
Who important to you has died in your life and how did you cope with their deaths?
Jesus. *snortles* No, uh, well.... I have-... had a good friend called Remliel. They were one of the most... selfless people I could hope to meet. I don't think I did... COPE really. I just didn't deal with it. Shut up, what's the next question?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite book?
My flower and I read "The Tales of Murph Brittlebrass" to eachother. It's about a swashbuckler badass. If she was alive, my love and I would totally rock her world, you know?
What is your favorite food(s)?
I actually really like rations? Unpopular opinion, but fuck man, prunes with uncured beef sausage? AND homemade bread?? Makes me moist just thinking about it.
What most annoys you about (your mom, dad, brother, sister, wife, son, daughter, best friend, boss, co-worker)?
Mama is always in my business about pollunating the world with my seed, but jokes on her. Papa has never done anything wrong in his life. Oz is a cunt but I love him.
How often do you exercise? What are your exercise goals?
Ex-.... I'm sorry what is that word? Is it Elvish? It's not translating well, sorry.
Which of your buttons does your mother like to push that sets you off?
Just the wee babey one.
Do you believe it’s okay to tell a lie and under what circumstances?
It's okay to tell a lie if someone's safety is at risk and the lie will protect them.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I'd say I'm like... 86.4% extroverted
What things might you be asked to do that you hate doing but do anyway (attend birthday parties, weddings, do chores for your elderly aunt, etc.)?
Oh, watchin my brothers brood. Those kids are little bastards but they're my nephews so I gotta put up with them a little I guess.
Have you ever been arrested and why?
Cleric tried to arrest me once for pissing in public three days after I saw him do it. Fuck that guy.
Who would you lay down your life for?
My flower.
Who would you really like to tell off?
Byron. He's a cunt that I know that needs to get his goddamn, motherfucking priorities straight for his own cunting sake. Or at least he's gotta get laid.
What are your spending habits?
I spend what I gotta. Food, supplies. Bresha buys a little more than she should *snickers.
Do you enjoy hot weather, or do you prefer colder temperatures?
Gimme that sun bby.
If you could describe yourself in one sentence, what would you say?
King Bitch of Fuck Mountain
If your (best friend, wife, daughter, boss, neighbor etc.) were to describe you in one sentence, what do you think he/she would say?
She better say the same thing. It's a running gag. We love eachother.
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