#pepa owns a small buisness
adoptedmadrigal2 · 5 months
School let's out in a week and everyone is excited, especially the oldest girls because they have summer camp.
Modern au
The week before...
Julieta was aware of the end of the school year for her girls. Isabela and Dolores were finishing their 5th grade year at the elementary school. Luisa was coming out of 3rd grade strong heading for 4th grade with her teacher recommending the gifted program; and sweet little Mirabel and Camilo had been with Julieta at home, preparing for kindergarten. Agustin had taught them how to count to 10 and Felix had started teaching them how to read. By the first day of school they'd know the alphabet well.
It was Monday afternoon, nine more days until she had five rambunctious children running around the house for a week before Isa and Lola headed to camp for 8 weeks. Luisa may join them but Julieta would ask what Luisa wanted before she bought supplies.
"Mami, can you sign this?" Isabela asked sitting at the breakfast bar, where she usually ate a snack and did her homework with Dolores every afternoon.
Pepa had been in the kitchen with Julieta and got a similar question from her own hija.
Julieta read the paper
" Dear parent or guardian,
As a part of the curriculum for all 5th grade students, teachers are going to be teaching age appropriate sex education during the last week of the school. We will teach these lessons to your child unless this form is returned opting your child out of these lessons.
We encourage parents to allow your child to take these lessons to ensure they understand the changes that will occur with the onset of puberty.
Please fill out the form below and have your child return to their teacher by Friday May 21"
Julieta looked at Pepa, who was looking at her.
"Let me find a pen," Julieta muttered as she went across the kitchen and grabbed Pepa yanking her into the entrance hall to talk in a hushed whisper.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking," Julieta whispered
"Yep, I mean do you remember our sex ed, we were told we were gonna bleed, and that we needed to wash our hair and use deodorant, and to never have sex," Pepa whispered
"Exactly, I don't want that for the girls, I want them to be properly educated on the matter, in a healthy way that explains all the details in an appropriate manner for their age," Julieta said to Pepa
"I have an idea. We'll let them go and ask what they learned so we can fill in the gaps and debunk myths." Pepa said
"Good idea," Julieta agreed signing the line that said she would allow Isa to attend the class.
Pepa signed Dolores's paper in the same spot and returned them to the children to turn in.
As the girls completed their homework Isabela piped up
"Are our bags ready for field day tomorrow?"
"No I wanted to have you girls here when I put them together," Julieta told.
"Ok," Isabela and Dolores said
"Go get your bags and head to the den. I'll get the rest of everything." Julieta told the girls, "oh and get Luisa down too her bag needs to be packed up,"
Julieta went through each checklist to make sure all three girls had what they needed.
Once she was sure, she looked at the calendar and checked what other events were going on that week. Nothing stood out save for the last day of school where all the 5th graders watched a video of their baby pictures and had a picnic out on the playground. Parents were invited and Julieta and Pepa agreed to go while Gus and Felix kept an eye on Mirabel and Camilo.
"Oh girls, we're going shopping after school tomorrow so you can get some new stuff for camp." Pepa informed watching as the girls excitedly jumped around.
"Go help Tia Pepa pack some orders while I make dinner," Julieta said referring to Pepa's small business selling handmade jewelry and other crafts.
The girls woke up the next day and immediately put on their swimsuits and over clothes to get ready for field day. Isabela chose to wear her navy blue one piece and Dolores wore her matching yellow one. They would likely play with water balloons or in the sprinklers. Their bags were filled with sunscreen, a towel, a extra change of clothes, a water bottle, their caps, sunglasses, extra shoes, and plenty of snacks.
Isabela and Dolores both went for their mesh running shoes great for traction on slippery surfaces and drying quickly if wet.
Once they were dressed the two eldest went to the kitchen to get breakfast and do each other's hair.
Julieta set out granola bars for them while she made everyone else eggs and sausages. She knew they were excited and would probably refuse a large breakfast. Reason for the snacks.
Dolores braided isabelas hair back and tied it into a ponytail. Sleek but durable throughout the day. Isa finished her granola bar and Dolores sat down to eat hers while Isabela did her hair. Isa styled her cousin's hair similar to hers but instead of braiding it into a ponytail she sectioned it off and braided three braids from the front of her hair back and then tied the braids into a ponytail with the other half of her hair that was left loose. It had a viking feel to it, which was something Dolores loved since she was really interested in vikings at the moment.
Luisa came down with her hair already done in two French braids on either side of her hair, Pepa not far behind with the little ones.
"I brought these two down to sleep on the couch and watch cartoons, they caught the stomach bug, both of them are sick." Pepa said
"poor bebés, I'll get some Popsicles from the garage freezer for them, if only my gift could heal viruses." Julieta said. Her gift was wonderful but a major oversight was making it only able to heal physical injury and life threatening diseases. The common cold or stomach bug couldn't be healed but someone who had a broken bone or cancer would be healed. Major oversight to her gift but reasonable in hindsight. The common cold at worst was a mild inconvenience where a broken bone at worse could be a potential fatality depending on how much damage is done to the nearby muscle or blood vessels.
The kids were sent to school and Julieta took care of the two littlest ones through the day.
By two that afternoon Pepa had emerged from her workshop.
"How are they?" Pepa asked seeing the two youngest on the sofa watching a movie.
"they're better, I gave them Popsicles to help soothe their throat and to try to help rehydrate them. I need to go get the kids and take the big girls to get their stuff for camp, they have new requirements now that they've moved up to the 10-12 year old cabins Luisa decided she wanted to go even after I explained she'd be in the 8-10 cabins without the girls." Julieta told
The cabins were based on birthdays so kids who would turn 10 during or after camp were in the 8-10 cabin. Kids who turn 10 before camp are sorted by month age. Kids who are younger than 10 years 6 months are in the 8-10 cabins. Kids older than that are in the 10-12 cabins.
"Go ahead Juli I got these two," Pepa said.
Julieta grabbed the lists for camp and went to pick up the kids.
She went through the car rider line for the girls and after they were picked up Julieta noticed that all three had done as she had asked and changed before dismissal. She smiled to herself then looked at them in the rearview.
"guess what we're doing?" Julieta asked
"camp supplies?" Isa said her memory immaculate.
"right on Isa, here's yours and Lola's list. Luisa here's yours." Julieta said letting the girls look over the list.
The only new additions to this list for Isabella and Dolores were long pants, a helmet, and pads/tampons.
Since Isa and Lola moved up, they get to do more activities, such as horseback riding, kayaking, and free lake time with their cabin group. They require the girls to bring a long pair of pants and a helmet for horseback riding. And since most of the girls in the 10-12 cabins are likely to get their first period at camp, the camp requires all girls to have either pads or tampons from age 10.
Luisa's list was very similar but instead of items like a helmet the camp requires younger campers especially first time campers to have some comforters since parents were not allowed to pick children up from camp until the last day unless it was an emergency. Isa and Dolores had settled well and didn't need the comforters Julieta had packed their first year going. She still packed their special teddy bears though, just in case. Something Julieta and Pepa had done with Isa and Lola before their first time at camp was they went and made bears at build a bear workshop. These bears had a sound box that had julieta and Pepa recorded saying 'I love you'
When they got to the strip mall Julieta explained to the girls. "We're buying camp stuff, nothing else ok. You girls are getting some new clothes. What we don't buy you pack from home, I'll pull your trunks out later tonight so you can start packing them." Julieta said looking at the older girls. "Luisa we'll buy you a trunk today for camp, I brought the cables to tie it down with,"
Luisa smiled and nodded, excited she could finally join her older sister and cousin at camp.
"you're gonna love camp Lu, it's so much fun getting to make new friends and do all the activities. When me and Lola went we met so many new people and they were all so nice, hopefully you get cabin 3. Miss amy was mine and Dolores 's counselor at camp, she will love you so much Lu. Not even lying she helped me and Lola so much our first year at camp." Isabela said
After their small talk, Julieta led the girls into the store.
Starting at the camping supplies and sports gear. Julieta let Isabela and Dolores choose their own helmets for horseback riding, and helped Luisa get some necessities.
"Do you know any activities you want to do?" Julieta asked.
"I want to do softball," Luisa said proudly. She had been a pitcher on her travel team for a year now and she wanted to continue with it.
"Ok, I'll put in the order for your camp uniform tonight. You need a mitt and glove, and you need new running shoes." Julieta said.
"can't I bring my cleats?" Luisa asked
"Only the older players wear cleats honey. If you stick with it you can bring your cleats a few years from now." Julieta explained.
After Isabela and Dolores got their helmets and gloves for horseback riding Julieta got all the girls a new sleeping bag since Isa and Lola had grown out of theirs and Luisa didn't have one.
Isabela chose a Bratz sleeping bag, Dolores decided on a Lisa Frank one, and Luisa proudly chose a Tinkerbell one.
After they had made their way through getting the girls all they needed for camp, Julieta tasked Isabela and Dolores with loading the car while she took Luisa next door for a durable trunk.
When they entered the shops Julieta led Luisa toward the large plastic trunks because they're the most durable and resistent. Plus they come in cool colors.
Luisa picked herself out a purple trunk and rolled it to the checkout with Julieta keeping an eye on her to make sure she wasn't struggling.
After paying for the trunk, Julieta hoisted herself up and strapped it to the top of the car for the 15 minute drive home.
When they arrived home Julieta immediately took the eldest girls' trunks out of the attic to let them pack. While she did that said eldest were taking all of their stuff inside and into the living room to sort out.
After the trunks were put in each room, Julieta came down to help the girls sort their items out.
The biggest things were clothes and toiletries and other necessary items like bug spray and sun screen.
Julieta sat and told the girls, "I bought all of you a new swimsuit, and you all got some new shorts and tank tops. Isa and Lola, you two pack four sets of pajamas. Lu I want you to pack five. I know sometimes you get a little extra picky. Everyone packs water shoes sandals and sneakers. You two will be fitted with boots for riding when you get there. Lu you need to get your softball helmet from the garage. I trust you three to make sure to pack everything you need and double check your list." Julieta said as she sorted the clothes to who they belonged to. Each of the girls got four new outfits for camp and a new bright swimsuit. Julieta only allowed her girls to wear neon swimsuits because they are easiest to see in the water. This year Isabela got a neon pink, Dolores got a neon green one, and Luisa got neon orange.
After everything has been sorted out Julieta instructed the girls to take them to their rooms and get ready for bed. Pepa had taken the littlest kids to bed an hour prior. Felix had just gotten home and Agustin was just pulling into the driveway. Julieta went upstairs and kissed her girls goodnight, all three of them tucked into bed with a content smile.
Their smiles let her smile as she climbed into bed with Agustin who was very cuddly and protective tonight.
All was well and now there was only 7 more days until the girls got out of school.
Super long but hope you enjoy ❤️
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