#Julieta is always taking care of the big girls.
adoptedmadrigal2 · 5 months
School let's out in a week and everyone is excited, especially the oldest girls because they have summer camp.
Modern au
The week before...
Julieta was aware of the end of the school year for her girls. Isabela and Dolores were finishing their 5th grade year at the elementary school. Luisa was coming out of 3rd grade strong heading for 4th grade with her teacher recommending the gifted program; and sweet little Mirabel and Camilo had been with Julieta at home, preparing for kindergarten. Agustin had taught them how to count to 10 and Felix had started teaching them how to read. By the first day of school they'd know the alphabet well.
It was Monday afternoon, nine more days until she had five rambunctious children running around the house for a week before Isa and Lola headed to camp for 8 weeks. Luisa may join them but Julieta would ask what Luisa wanted before she bought supplies.
"Mami, can you sign this?" Isabela asked sitting at the breakfast bar, where she usually ate a snack and did her homework with Dolores every afternoon.
Pepa had been in the kitchen with Julieta and got a similar question from her own hija.
Julieta read the paper
" Dear parent or guardian,
As a part of the curriculum for all 5th grade students, teachers are going to be teaching age appropriate sex education during the last week of the school. We will teach these lessons to your child unless this form is returned opting your child out of these lessons.
We encourage parents to allow your child to take these lessons to ensure they understand the changes that will occur with the onset of puberty.
Please fill out the form below and have your child return to their teacher by Friday May 21"
Julieta looked at Pepa, who was looking at her.
"Let me find a pen," Julieta muttered as she went across the kitchen and grabbed Pepa yanking her into the entrance hall to talk in a hushed whisper.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking," Julieta whispered
"Yep, I mean do you remember our sex ed, we were told we were gonna bleed, and that we needed to wash our hair and use deodorant, and to never have sex," Pepa whispered
"Exactly, I don't want that for the girls, I want them to be properly educated on the matter, in a healthy way that explains all the details in an appropriate manner for their age," Julieta said to Pepa
"I have an idea. We'll let them go and ask what they learned so we can fill in the gaps and debunk myths." Pepa said
"Good idea," Julieta agreed signing the line that said she would allow Isa to attend the class.
Pepa signed Dolores's paper in the same spot and returned them to the children to turn in.
As the girls completed their homework Isabela piped up
"Are our bags ready for field day tomorrow?"
"No I wanted to have you girls here when I put them together," Julieta told.
"Ok," Isabela and Dolores said
"Go get your bags and head to the den. I'll get the rest of everything." Julieta told the girls, "oh and get Luisa down too her bag needs to be packed up,"
Julieta went through each checklist to make sure all three girls had what they needed.
Once she was sure, she looked at the calendar and checked what other events were going on that week. Nothing stood out save for the last day of school where all the 5th graders watched a video of their baby pictures and had a picnic out on the playground. Parents were invited and Julieta and Pepa agreed to go while Gus and Felix kept an eye on Mirabel and Camilo.
"Oh girls, we're going shopping after school tomorrow so you can get some new stuff for camp." Pepa informed watching as the girls excitedly jumped around.
"Go help Tia Pepa pack some orders while I make dinner," Julieta said referring to Pepa's small business selling handmade jewelry and other crafts.
The girls woke up the next day and immediately put on their swimsuits and over clothes to get ready for field day. Isabela chose to wear her navy blue one piece and Dolores wore her matching yellow one. They would likely play with water balloons or in the sprinklers. Their bags were filled with sunscreen, a towel, a extra change of clothes, a water bottle, their caps, sunglasses, extra shoes, and plenty of snacks.
Isabela and Dolores both went for their mesh running shoes great for traction on slippery surfaces and drying quickly if wet.
Once they were dressed the two eldest went to the kitchen to get breakfast and do each other's hair.
Julieta set out granola bars for them while she made everyone else eggs and sausages. She knew they were excited and would probably refuse a large breakfast. Reason for the snacks.
Dolores braided isabelas hair back and tied it into a ponytail. Sleek but durable throughout the day. Isa finished her granola bar and Dolores sat down to eat hers while Isabela did her hair. Isa styled her cousin's hair similar to hers but instead of braiding it into a ponytail she sectioned it off and braided three braids from the front of her hair back and then tied the braids into a ponytail with the other half of her hair that was left loose. It had a viking feel to it, which was something Dolores loved since she was really interested in vikings at the moment.
Luisa came down with her hair already done in two French braids on either side of her hair, Pepa not far behind with the little ones.
"I brought these two down to sleep on the couch and watch cartoons, they caught the stomach bug, both of them are sick." Pepa said
"poor bebés, I'll get some Popsicles from the garage freezer for them, if only my gift could heal viruses." Julieta said. Her gift was wonderful but a major oversight was making it only able to heal physical injury and life threatening diseases. The common cold or stomach bug couldn't be healed but someone who had a broken bone or cancer would be healed. Major oversight to her gift but reasonable in hindsight. The common cold at worst was a mild inconvenience where a broken bone at worse could be a potential fatality depending on how much damage is done to the nearby muscle or blood vessels.
The kids were sent to school and Julieta took care of the two littlest ones through the day.
By two that afternoon Pepa had emerged from her workshop.
"How are they?" Pepa asked seeing the two youngest on the sofa watching a movie.
"they're better, I gave them Popsicles to help soothe their throat and to try to help rehydrate them. I need to go get the kids and take the big girls to get their stuff for camp, they have new requirements now that they've moved up to the 10-12 year old cabins Luisa decided she wanted to go even after I explained she'd be in the 8-10 cabins without the girls." Julieta told
The cabins were based on birthdays so kids who would turn 10 during or after camp were in the 8-10 cabin. Kids who turn 10 before camp are sorted by month age. Kids who are younger than 10 years 6 months are in the 8-10 cabins. Kids older than that are in the 10-12 cabins.
"Go ahead Juli I got these two," Pepa said.
Julieta grabbed the lists for camp and went to pick up the kids.
She went through the car rider line for the girls and after they were picked up Julieta noticed that all three had done as she had asked and changed before dismissal. She smiled to herself then looked at them in the rearview.
"guess what we're doing?" Julieta asked
"camp supplies?" Isa said her memory immaculate.
"right on Isa, here's yours and Lola's list. Luisa here's yours." Julieta said letting the girls look over the list.
The only new additions to this list for Isabella and Dolores were long pants, a helmet, and pads/tampons.
Since Isa and Lola moved up, they get to do more activities, such as horseback riding, kayaking, and free lake time with their cabin group. They require the girls to bring a long pair of pants and a helmet for horseback riding. And since most of the girls in the 10-12 cabins are likely to get their first period at camp, the camp requires all girls to have either pads or tampons from age 10.
Luisa's list was very similar but instead of items like a helmet the camp requires younger campers especially first time campers to have some comforters since parents were not allowed to pick children up from camp until the last day unless it was an emergency. Isa and Dolores had settled well and didn't need the comforters Julieta had packed their first year going. She still packed their special teddy bears though, just in case. Something Julieta and Pepa had done with Isa and Lola before their first time at camp was they went and made bears at build a bear workshop. These bears had a sound box that had julieta and Pepa recorded saying 'I love you'
When they got to the strip mall Julieta explained to the girls. "We're buying camp stuff, nothing else ok. You girls are getting some new clothes. What we don't buy you pack from home, I'll pull your trunks out later tonight so you can start packing them." Julieta said looking at the older girls. "Luisa we'll buy you a trunk today for camp, I brought the cables to tie it down with,"
Luisa smiled and nodded, excited she could finally join her older sister and cousin at camp.
"you're gonna love camp Lu, it's so much fun getting to make new friends and do all the activities. When me and Lola went we met so many new people and they were all so nice, hopefully you get cabin 3. Miss amy was mine and Dolores 's counselor at camp, she will love you so much Lu. Not even lying she helped me and Lola so much our first year at camp." Isabela said
After their small talk, Julieta led the girls into the store.
Starting at the camping supplies and sports gear. Julieta let Isabela and Dolores choose their own helmets for horseback riding, and helped Luisa get some necessities.
"Do you know any activities you want to do?" Julieta asked.
"I want to do softball," Luisa said proudly. She had been a pitcher on her travel team for a year now and she wanted to continue with it.
"Ok, I'll put in the order for your camp uniform tonight. You need a mitt and glove, and you need new running shoes." Julieta said.
"can't I bring my cleats?" Luisa asked
"Only the older players wear cleats honey. If you stick with it you can bring your cleats a few years from now." Julieta explained.
After Isabela and Dolores got their helmets and gloves for horseback riding Julieta got all the girls a new sleeping bag since Isa and Lola had grown out of theirs and Luisa didn't have one.
Isabela chose a Bratz sleeping bag, Dolores decided on a Lisa Frank one, and Luisa proudly chose a Tinkerbell one.
After they had made their way through getting the girls all they needed for camp, Julieta tasked Isabela and Dolores with loading the car while she took Luisa next door for a durable trunk.
When they entered the shops Julieta led Luisa toward the large plastic trunks because they're the most durable and resistent. Plus they come in cool colors.
Luisa picked herself out a purple trunk and rolled it to the checkout with Julieta keeping an eye on her to make sure she wasn't struggling.
After paying for the trunk, Julieta hoisted herself up and strapped it to the top of the car for the 15 minute drive home.
When they arrived home Julieta immediately took the eldest girls' trunks out of the attic to let them pack. While she did that said eldest were taking all of their stuff inside and into the living room to sort out.
After the trunks were put in each room, Julieta came down to help the girls sort their items out.
The biggest things were clothes and toiletries and other necessary items like bug spray and sun screen.
Julieta sat and told the girls, "I bought all of you a new swimsuit, and you all got some new shorts and tank tops. Isa and Lola, you two pack four sets of pajamas. Lu I want you to pack five. I know sometimes you get a little extra picky. Everyone packs water shoes sandals and sneakers. You two will be fitted with boots for riding when you get there. Lu you need to get your softball helmet from the garage. I trust you three to make sure to pack everything you need and double check your list." Julieta said as she sorted the clothes to who they belonged to. Each of the girls got four new outfits for camp and a new bright swimsuit. Julieta only allowed her girls to wear neon swimsuits because they are easiest to see in the water. This year Isabela got a neon pink, Dolores got a neon green one, and Luisa got neon orange.
After everything has been sorted out Julieta instructed the girls to take them to their rooms and get ready for bed. Pepa had taken the littlest kids to bed an hour prior. Felix had just gotten home and Agustin was just pulling into the driveway. Julieta went upstairs and kissed her girls goodnight, all three of them tucked into bed with a content smile.
Their smiles let her smile as she climbed into bed with Agustin who was very cuddly and protective tonight.
All was well and now there was only 7 more days until the girls got out of school.
Super long but hope you enjoy ❤️
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yellowcry · 8 months
"I have a daughter!"
Julieta and Agustin's third daughter had finally been born. Luisa seemed especially excited to have a baby sister
Requested by @miracles-and-butterflies
Promt: Luisa meets baby Mirabel for the first time
Julieta sat on her bed, holding the baby against her chest. Mirabel was so tiny, like a doll. But this this feeling could also be caused by Luisa who was really big as a newborn. 
"Mi Corazon, I got this." Agustin smiled, taking the baby girl into his arms, allowing Julieta to fall onto her bed, completely exhausted.
The door into their room creaked, Julieta leaned slightly to see who it was. Isabela and Luisa looked through the door, curious about the child. The woman chuckled, calling her older girls. "Niñas, you can come in." 
Luisa pushed Isabela out of her way, making the older girl yelp displeasingly before she rushed after her. Agustin sat down as the girls climbed on the bed, looking at the wrapped in a blue blanket baby.
"She's cute!" Luisa gasped in awe and leaned closer, reaching her hand to touch Mirabel's cheek. "I like her!" Baby's blue eyes shifted around, trying to find the source of something on their face. Luisa got closer, almost next to Mirabel's face, examining it closely. "Hi! I'm Luisa, what's your name?" 
Agustin chuckled. "Mija, her name is Mirabel."
"Not talking to you." Luisa brushed him off, making Agustin stunned by this sudden behavior change. Luisa had always been really clingy to her dad, but now she didn't seem to pay even the slightest attention to him right now.
Julieta just smiled and put her hand on Luisa's back. "Mirabel is too small to speak." 
Isabela blinked. "She's a girl? Ha, I was right!" She looked at her younger sisters proudly. Julieta shook her head, smiling. Luisa was so sure that the baby would be a boy, while Isabela was saying that she wouldn't admit a baby boy as her sibling. 
Luisa, however, didn't seem to care at all right now. The baby's gender was the least of her concerns right now. Up until this moment, she didn't realize how much she wanted this baby. No, she was interested in having a niñera since the day Julieta announced her pregnancy, but she didn't think it would feel like this. She wanted to hold her close and never let go. Mirabel was such a miracle, more important than anything that this world could give to her. "I want her!" She announced, almost grabbing the baby out of her father's arms. She couldn't wait to have Mirabel to herself, there was a burning wish to defend her, protect this tiny miracle from any harm. She always wanted to protect everyone, but it was never like this. She wanted to keep her safe so strongly
"Careful, Lu, you have to be gentle," Julieta turned to her now-middle daughter, explaining how to hold a baby. Luisa froze her breathing, trying to understand every single instruction so she wouldn't harm her sister by accident
Isabela crossed her arms. "I am first in line." But she got ignored once again. Who needed a big sister anyway when there's such a sweet hermanita? The older girl looked offended by this lack of attention to her.
Luisa already grabbed her sister, holding her gently as Agustin helped her to support the weight of a newborn in the right way. "I have daughter!" She smiled proudly, looking into Mirabel's eyes. 
Julieta couldn't hold back her laughter. "You really love her."
Luisa just nodded confidently. "Of course, I am mama now." Her clingy side seemed to get off Agustin and glue to Mirabel now.
Isabela put her hands on her sides. "No, you're not." She said firmly.
"But I want her," Luisa replied, still staring into Mirabel's face as if it was the most precious thing she ever saw. "Can she be my hija?" She looked up at their dad beggingly. 
Julieta smiled sitting next to her. She found Luisa's reaction really cute. She was really excited about this baby, wasn't she? "I'm sure Mirabel will love you both as her big sisters."
It took a really big effort to take Mirabel from Luisa. The latter screamed offendedly as the baby was taken away. She tried to push Isabela away to get back to Mirabel, reaching to her baby sister with her arms 
"Luisa, your hermana also wants to hold Mirabel." Julieta sighed, taking Luisa in her arms. The toddler was spinning in her hands, she didn't like being carried since she learned how to walk and now it was even worse with how excited Luisa was.
"Mira is my baby!" Luisa protested, crossing her arms and pouting her lips. She firmly decided that Mirabel was her own child, so she had to be closer to her. "When will she move to the nursery?"
Julieta smiled, ruffling her hair. "If everything will go well, then she will in about six months."
Luisa blinked in shoook and shook her head rapidly. "No, it's too long! Can she stay with me now?" 
The adults seemed to find this behavior really cute. Really, the idea of Luisa, thinking of Mirabel as her own child was funny and really sweet. Some big siblings were protective, Luisa seemed to be especially, to an enormous extent. On the other hand, she wasn't sad or jealous because she wasn't the youngest now. Isabela also was happy, of course, but it wasn't something this big for her.
A few moments later Luisa finally managed to get out of her mother's grip. and take Mirabel back, scooting her like the most important thing in the whole world. Julieta looked at her husband and sighed with a smile. "I think our Mira was stolen from us."
Agustin couldn't agree better.
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Do you have headcanons for Julieta? And if so, what are they?
Indeed I do. Here’s a good few headcanons for Julieta:
Her middle name is “Esperanza”
Julieta decided, at the age of five, if she had a girl she was naming it “Mirabel” - neither Isabela or Luisa fit the name though, which is why it was left for last
As a child, she didn’t like her gift because it felt like a chore doing all the cooking and washing dishes
The only triplet who has no desire to leave Encanto or travel
Julieta didn’t have friends because she spent most of her time in the kitchen and with two siblings didn’t see the point
Alma didn’t let Julieta see her patients at first, not wanting to traumatise her
Julieta met Félix at dance classes
Julieta learnt sewing in school and would be the one to teach Mirabel, but was never great at it. Her old apron was made herself and very patchwork
She is obsessed with tea
Félix is a particular good cook and the pair usually work together for big evens (gift ceremonies, proposals, etc)
Julieta’s intended suitor was Osvaldo Ortiz - however, he’s not a nice guy, and thankfully Agustín moved into town
Osvaldo didn’t take it well
Julieta met Agustín through Pepa at a party in their late teens, he had six broken bones at the time
Agustín proposed to her with a song
They were married in May, 1925 (film takes place in May, 1950, for comparison)
Julieta loves puns and bad jokes (Agustín’s vows were full of them)
They had a private ceremony with only a couple of close friends and their families in attendance.
They always knew they were going to have three children
Isabela was the easiest pregnancy, and arrived perfectly on her due date
“Isabela” was Agustín’s choice, so Julieta picked the middle name, “Cristina”
Baby Isabela was a very difficult sleeper, who enjoyed the sound of thunder, so slept in Pepa’s room. She really liked Pepa, much to Julieta’s annoyance
Luisa was the hardest pregnancy, and was a month late
“Luisa” was Julieta’s choice
Baby Luisa was very clingy and screamed if someone left her alone for even a second, she particularly latched onto Agustín and Julieta frequently worried they were going to get hurt
There was a lot of pressure for her to deliver a son, as she had promised to name it Pedro, and it only got worse after each girl. So by the time the third pregnancy hit, everyone assumed it would be a boy, following Alma
Agustín and Julieta experienced postpartum depression with Mirabel, as it was a disappointment and everyone seemed to distance themselves from her
One townsperson suggest to her they get rid of Mirabel and try again like she never existed
That person has not been healed for anything since
Baby Mirabel wasn’t clingy at all, she didn’t like being hugged and was easily pleased. Julieta thinks it’s because of how they initially didn’t bond with her
Young Isabela and Luisa were very scrappy and clumsy, frequently getting injured. Julieta thinks they’ve grown out of it now, she’s wrong. They’re Agustín’s daughters
When stressed she over-cleans, a habit young Mirabel also picked up
Keeps little treats in her pockets at all times
Won’t allow Isabela in the kitchen
If she or Félix aren’t there, Luisa is in charge of the kitchen - they have taught her well
Sometimes (prior film), Julieta pretends to be tired, to get Luisa to stay at home and cook, to prevent Luisa from overworking herself
She does the family food shopping
She frequently doesn’t buy café con leche because she thinks Isabela and Luisa drink too much of it
Julieta can’t take care of plants for the life of her, she overwaters them and has killed many of Isabela’s
She thinks raising Isabela was what it was like raising Pepa
Julieta thinks it’s funny and cute when Agustín mistakes Mirabel for her, but not when anyone else does it
Julieta is the parent to bring baby photos for the in-laws
Agustín and Julieta get caught kissing, frequently
Really wants to be an Abuela to many grandchildren
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toaverse · 1 year
Mamá Isabela AU 2.0
An AU where Isabela basically raises Mirabel.
Isabela always wanted to be a big sister, and although she was too young to remember Luisa being born, Isa got her wish when Mirabel joined the family.
Isabela couldn’t be happier, and she and Mira quickly grew to be best friends.
But after Isa’s ceremony, Alma and Pepa tried to separate the two sisters, wanting Isa to be perfect and the new matriarch of the family. But the oldest sister refused, and stuck with her hermanas
But things only got worse after Mira’s failed ceremony. The girl didn’t get a gift, and the family started to treat her badly. Alma and Pepa were really mean to her, and Julieta and Agustín were too busy to even notice their three daughters.
11 year old Isabela was the only one who comforted her youngest sister in the nursery that night, and she decided that she’d look after Mira. None of the adults bothered to do that anyways.
And that’s exactly what Isa did. Dolores quickly became the new golden child, but the sisters didn’t care.
Even after all that, Julieta and Agustín were too busy taking care of the town to even notice their three daughters, and Pepa and Félix just straight up only care about the gifts and the family remaining perfect…
But Isa just ignored them, and just focused on taking care of her youngest sister, and Luisa too, of course.
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sesamestreet47 · 2 years
Luisa Madrigal headcanons because it was her birthday recently
Luisa Madrigal, random headcanons
!english isn’t my first language, so there can be some grammar mistakes that I am sorry for in advance!  
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Isabela does her hair and picks out her outfits
often forgets about her strength when hugging someone, there have been cases of broken ribs
Julieta never really got used to that her little girl isn’t so little anymore and still treats Luisa like she’s a kid by giving her the most embarrassing smooches on the cheek and cleaning her face when after dinner
would practice controlling her gift by learning how to play piano as she had to be careful not to ruin the instrument, her dad was a big help here
zones out a lot
sometimes rants to the donkeys, genuinely feels that they can understand her
it takes her a moment to get the joke
gets really, really, really flustered around the person she has a crush on
always the victim of “right, Luisa?” when her sisters fight, never knows which one to back up
one time threw Camilo into the wall, it was an accident, but Camilo keeps his distance from her since then
gives Antonio piggy back rides
doesn’t hesitate to tell someone they have something on their face or between their teeth
obliviously straightforward
took her a lot longer to learn how to read than other kids
managed to pick Isabela up on the older girl’s gift ceremony even though she hasn’t gotten her gift yet, guess it was always in the cards
Mirabel made her a stuffed donkey at some point
knows ballet, she learned it as a kid
skips the last step when walking down the stairs
will play with a ballon like it’s volley ball
always fails for the “did you know if your hand is bigger than your face you have cancer?” trick
happy birthday Luisa! <3
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hourglass-dreams · 2 years
The Madrigal Sisters Headcanons 🌵💪🦋
Isabela and Luisa were always protective of Mirabel, even when they were busy in the village and Isabela grew jealous of her. If either of them saw someone be mean to her. Bless their soul. Isabela was and still is a “no one is allowed to be mean to them except me” kind of person and Luisa can scare them away just by towering over them and simply telling them to back off. 😂  Mirabel has mixed feelings about this. She appreciates that her sisters care about her but she also feels like they act like that because she doesn’t have a gift.
After the rebuild, Mirabel would make sure Luisa was taking as many breaks as she needed. Luisa is stubborn though so she’ll work even when she is clearly stressed out and Mirabel will bug the hell out of her about it. 
The sisters have started having sleepovers again like they did when they were little to rekindle their bond. They also invite Dolores of course ❤️
Mirabel had the idea of a “family day” where nobody does any work in the Encanto unless there is an emergency. It’s become a weekly thing ❤️ On these family days, the family comes together to do different activities or just chill out. Basically whatever anyone wants to do. 
Isabela has made it a point to give every family member a spa treatment on family days. With aromatic plants, face masks, massages, etc… ❤️
Luisa struggled a lot with being a buff woman the first several years of her having her gift, it made her feel like an outcast among the rest of the girls around her age. She felt like no one found her beautiful just because she was a muscular woman and boys wouldn’t like her. This turned out to be FAR from the truth of course. Being everywhere in the Encanto, she figured out that boys weren’t intimidated by her because she was big and strong, they were intimidated because she was a Madrigal. Many people in the village both fear and respect this family (though also many of them took advantage).
When Luisa first got her gift, she could not hug someone without squeezing them nearly to death 😂 Now she’s able to control her own strength but she still does give the best bear hugs.  ❤️
Luisa loves playing the paino and baking, sometimes when she can’t sleep, if Julieta is still up, she will ask to bake something with her. She and her sisters will also write and play songs together  ❤️
Even though Luisa never projected in the somewhat cruel way Isabela did, she was a bit envious of Camilo for some time. She wished that she could express the same freedom and sunshine that he possessed until she understood that he too was acting to keep everyone happy. 
The sisters started doing the same thing the triplets do where they just sit and vent their feelings, and cry if they need to. 
The one thing Mirabel and Alma had in common, were their love for butterflies. Mirabel knows so many things about different butterflies from reading about them and she will just talk to Alma about them. They’ve formed a bond over it really, and it’s adorable. 
Mirabel carries an assortment of things in her mochila, like candies and cards to give out to random people. 
I do headcanon Mirabel as bi (her voice actress is bi, and she literally has a little bi rainbow on her dress which I just found out! This is another reason I relate to her 😂)  Seeing Isabela and Maya’s relationship helped her a lot with coming to terms with her attraction. 
Isabela loves to bury Mirabel in an assortment of plants just to mess with her. One time while she was still asleep, Isa trapped her in vines and tree limbs and Luisa had to free her. 😂
Isabela will sometimes make an absolute mess with her pollen balls and vines, but nobody scolds her for it because she’s finally letting loose. ❤️
One time, Luisa passed out from overexertion and Mirabel practically forced her to take a few days off and let the family take care of her. Alma and her parents actually admitted to being on Mirabel’s side about it, which Luisa wasn’t too happy with. But it helped ❤️
(I’ll probably add to this because these three girls are underrated AF)
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peppermint-joys · 3 years
Being Bruno’s Child Would Include… Pt. I
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Takes place before the movie. The reader’s age ranges from 0-5. I guess let me know if I should make a second part.
Parts: 1 2 3 4
You’re Bruno’s child. Your mother died not long after you were born, as she became ill with something even you tía Julieta couldn’t remedy.
He disappeared the night you’re prima Mirabel didn’t get your gift. You were only a few months old at the time.
He hated having to leave, but considering his reputation and the death of your mother, he figured you’d have a better chance if he left. That’s not mentioning his final vision, the destruction of Casa Madrigal, he desperately hoped for your sake and Mira's leaving would mean his vision would never come to pass.
You were raised by your tía Julieta and tío Augustín. They treated you as one of their own though made sure you understood they were your aunt and uncle and not your actual parents. A distinction Julieta deemed important, in memory of your parents.
The girls; Isabela, Luisa, and Mirabel adored you. Fully accepting and titling you their fourth sister.
When you were an infant and got fussy from bad dreams, Mirabel would climb into your bed to snuggle with you until you settled. When you were first learning to walk and fell bursting into tears, Luisa carried you everywhere for a week refusing to let you down. People would say Isa’s flowers were more vibrant when you were talking, walking at her side.
Isa might have been Encanto’s Senorita Perfecta, but you were Encanto’s darling.
Bruno had to watch you grow from the cracks in the wall. Your first steps, your first words, unbeknownst to you and the family. He watched it all with silent tears.
Before you came of age, he would tiptoe into your nursery at night, careful not to wake you or Mirabel. He’d talk sometimes, but usually he’d tuck a gift beneath your pillow and weep at how big you were getting. The gifts were always small trinkets; bracelets, coins, hair clips, notes of praise. Which you would graciously and excitedly share with your primos.
Despite being young, when you were little, you picked up on the town’s tenderness with you. A tenderness that seemed to stem from a place of pity.
Thanks to Julieta and Augustín, you at least grew up knowing you were Bruno’s child. But anytime you asked about him, most always the answer was “we don’t talk about Bruno.” Tío Félix would sometimes let information slip.
You tried once to peek into your Papa’s room. All you saw was sand falling like a waterfall behind an hourglass arch. Before you could continue sleuthing, Abuela caught you. She had Casita board the door over. You cried yourself to sleep that day and didn’t speak to anyone the rest of the week.
Encanto’s darling, but always on thin ice with Abuela. You weren’t sure why. No matter what you did, she seemed to shun you. When you spoke to her in an attempt to tell her about all the good you did that day, she’d pat your head and dismissively respond, “that’s nice dear.”
Then came your fifth birthday, the day you’d finally receive your gift. While you were nervous, I mean, what if, like Mirabel, you didn’t receive a gift? You were also excited. If you did receive a gift, maybe then you’d be accepted by Abuela.
The whole of Encanto showed up for your ceremony. Eager to see if another Madrigal would go without a gift or even worse, your gift turned out similar to your Pa’s.
When you grasped your door knob and illuminated, glittering like golden, the tension in the room seemed double.
“What’s their gift?” You could hear your primo Camilo loudly whisper from below.
You had the same question.
Then Abuela placed a hand on your shoulder. From your perspective, the world blurs around. You weren’t moving, but everything around you was. It was a blur of movement as everything around you spun backwards.
In an instant, you were in front of a blank wall. You hit it, it felt solid. Looking around as far as you could tell you were still in Casita, it was just smaller. You almost jumped out of your skin when three children appeared from around the corner. They didn’t even seem to notice you, as they walked in a neat line past you down the corridor. Similarly to you, they wore white and gold.
You followed behind the last child, a boy, until he had to break off from the two, rounding a corner up a small flight of stairs. The two girls stood beside a woman, her hair set apart in two neat braids. With a warm smile, she watched the two girls. As she turned, coming into better view, your small eyes grew to the size of saucers. She held the candle. Your familia’s candle.
As the girls reached for their doors, you rushed behind them. Your shock and worry only grew as their doors took shape before your eyes. These were the doors of your tías. You saw the similarities now. These two girls, the same age as you, were your tías. This was the day they got their gift. You’d traveled back in time.
That meant the boy was or would be your papa. This was your chance to see him, albeit a younger version of him. You tried to run back to the steps where he’d disappeared, but an invisible wall prevented you from leaving the hall. You pound your fists against nothing trying to break the invisible barrier, but the world begins to blur once more. Everything around you sped forward.
In an instant you were back, in front of your door, Abuela’s hand on your shoulder, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. It seemed no time had passed at all.
Mirabel was the first to speak. “¿Are you okay, ratoncito?“
You had but one response, “I think I can see the past.”
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
Tía Y/N (madrigal triplets & reader)
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a/n: I have no idea where this came from, but here, take it. Hope you like it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Tía Y/N!"
You sighed and rolled your eyes affectionately as the door to your room opened and your youngest niece entered, quickly pulling you.
"What's wrong Mirabel?" you asked, trying not to sound too worried
"Mom's doing it again"
You sighed. Of course, that woman would never learn the easy way.
"Don't worry, mi amor, I'll take care of it" you smiled at your favorite niece and gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving to look for your sister.
You were Y/N Madrigal, the first daughter of Alma and Pedro, five years older than the triplets. Being old enough to know what happened when you received the miracle, you were the only one who remembered something about your father and the sacrifice he had to make to save you. That night would never be erased from your memory.
Since you were 10 years old when the triplets received their gifts, you didn't get one yourself, but you didn't have to. You were always a great help to your mother and since you were the only one who remembered Pedro, you were usually the one who comforted her.
Also, your lack of gift also made you closer to Mirabel, you were the only one who could understand her and you made sure that she always knew how special she was. You loved all your nephews and nieces, but she was special to you.
But all of them knew that they could always go to you if they needed something or wanted to escape from their parents' scolding because if there was one thing that everyone in Casita knew, it was that you had the greatest power of all: control the triplets.
You were their older sister, you had taken care of them since they were born, you taught them to talk, walk, you had even changed their diapers! (they always hated when you reminded them of that). You knew that to your siblings, you were more of a mother figure than a big sister, and you were okay with that because they were your babies too.
And that meant scolding them from time to time, no matter how many years passed.
Growing up, it was usually Pepa and Bruno who got scolded the most. God knows those two were a force of chaos when they were together and you often had to separate them while they fought and try bite each other.
"But mooooooom-"
They would both run for their lives to get to the nearest corner. Alma would just roll her eyes, not bothered by the fact that her younger children called you mom instead of her. She even knew about the secret parties the triplets threw for you on Mother's Day. It hurt a little to know that she wasn't present enough in her children's lives, but at least they had you.
When Agustín and Félix came, you made sure to let them know that you would break every single bone in their bodies if they hurt your girls, but fortunately, they had both proven themselves worthy of Julieta and Pepa, so together with Bruno, the four of you had become good friends, much to your sisters' relief.
That was, of course, until their husbands betrayed them and started helping you when you punished them, even as adults. It didn't matter that they already had children of their own, you would still scold them like the mother you were to them.
"Y/N, I'm 49, please stop, you can't-"
The redhead would gasp and run to the kitchen corner as soon as possible, knowing perfectly well that Felix, while he loved her, was also afraid of an angry Y/N and would move into the guest room if necessary. Dolores and Camilo, trying to contain their laughter, would have to explain to a confused Antonio why his mother was behaving like a girl around aunt Y/N.
When Bruno left, you were devastated. He was your child, the youngest, and you felt like you had failed him. At first, you locked yourself in your room, someone would bring you food because you didn't even want to go out for that. It wasn't until Pepa cried outside your door that you realized your sisters were still there and needed you. You couldn't take one more sibling from them.
So you went out and tried to get on with your life, even though your smile wasn't as bright as it used to be. Bruno had seen all of that from the walls, he knew how much he had hurt you. And so, when he came back, your reaction was what worried him the most. Would you still even want him? He was pleasantly surprised when you ran to him to catch him in a crushing hug along with Pepa and Julieta.
"Oh my god, my boy is back!" you cried
But after all the warm welcome, the storm came. You looked into his eyes and he could see that maternal warmth fading, replaced by dangerous anger.
"Now run" you muttered somberly
The rest of the family looked at you confused, but your sisters knew what was coming and nodded. It was definitely better for him to start running as fast as possible. And hey! You were pitying him by at least giving him a warning first! They had had to learn to run cross country.
Bruno paled when he saw you reach down and grab your shoe. His legs quickly carried him as far as possible, but there was no escape.
Your nephews and nieces watched in fear and amazement as you threw your shoe and it hit him right in the head. Blessed mom skills. Your sisters and brothers-in-law tried not to laugh while your mother simply rolled her eyes affectionately.
Pepa and Bruno were usually the ones getting scolded, even now as adults. But that didn't mean that Julieta was out of danger. No sir.
The brunette froze in her place from the sink. She knew that tone and it wasn't good. What had she done to awaken the Kraken?! She looked at Pepa and Bruno, who were one on each corner, having already been scolded earlier in the day. They both looked at her with fear and pity.
"Run" Bruno whispered.
"Escape while you can" Pepa agreed
The oldest triplet was usually more mature than that, but there was a switch that flipped in her, one that took her back to her childhood years and told her that anything was better than being scolded by you. So she stopped what she was doing and tried to run, but before she could even make it out of the kitchen, your hand clamped around her forearm, stopping her.
You looked your younger sister in the eye, feeling a twinge of satisfaction when the 50-year-old woman swallowed hard. You still had it.
"How many hours have you sleep, young lady?" you asked quietly, but that only made the environment feel more dangerous.
Julieta didn't know what to answer and she only had to look at Mirabel hiding behind Agustín to know who were the ones who had betrayed her. Pair of traitors.
"I..." she was silent, there was no point in lying to you. You always knew.
She widened her eyes in fear when you let go of her arm and grabbed her ear hard. Oh no, please not that!
"I didn't know that mom's name was María" Mirabel whispered to her father, who shook his head.
"It's not, your aunt only calls her that when she's mad" he explained, moving aside to let you walk up the stairs.
He was sure his wife would be upset with him, but she would thank him later. She had to rest and sometimes the only way to get her to do it was to call in the big guns.
Pepa and Bruno poked their heads fearfully out of the kitchen frame, silently watching as you dragged their triplet up the stairs, still holding her ear tightly.
"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch" Julieta cried "Y/N let go of me! I'll go to sleep, I promise!"
But you had no mercy. And you just finished dragging her by the ear and into her room.
"Tssssk...She used THE name" Pepa muttered "Julieta is dead"
"We just lost a sister" Bruno nodded "never forgetti, rest in spaghetti"
"... I want her dresses"
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biographydivider · 2 years
Pre-Movie Encanto Headcanons
I was inspired by @sketchnwhatevr sharing some HCs last night, and there’s been a few things that I’ve been bouncing around in my Writer Brain but that can’t find a full story. So, here you go!
1. Camilo absolutely knew Isabela wasn't into Mariano. That's why he's taking the piss every time he gets brought up; because he knows Isabela hates the idea of being with this guy and he thinks it's hilarious to remind her that that's her booooyfriend 💕 I like to think they have this big sister/little brother relationship that they can’t have with their own siblings; Isabela is distant from her littlest sister and Camilo feels like he has to be strong for Dolores.
2. (this one came into my head as I was getting ready to sleep last night, haha)
Pepa got married first, and that's why Bruno had no idea how to act. Hey, we always pick on each other and try and get a reaction, right? She'll think it's funny, she'll bite back like she always does. That's why I'll turn up to the wedding in my ratty-ass ruana instead of something formal.
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You KNOW he thought this shit was hilarious. His nice clean clothes were folded up in his bedroom, ready to put on, he wasn't actually going to wear these almost literal rags...but any excuse to pick on Pepa. "What? Whats wrong with what I'm wearing?? I think I look great, Pep!" Pepa starts going off at him, already nervous for her big day, we get the "looks like rain" comment on top and BOOM ⛈
3. Agustín was the one who needed to adjust to being ‘unceptional’ - Félix just turned on the charm and he was fine, everyone loved him. But Agustín, at the beginning, was desperate to help out and ‘prove himself’ - constantly offering to carry things, set the table, repair things around La Casita. As he grew older, he just stopped caring as much, and now he just does nice things for his girls, like chopping wood for Julieta’s oven. He still likes to be useful, but he’s not desperate to be liked anymore. Because Julieta likes him, and that’s all that matters. 😭
4. Every single child in La Familia Madrigal has broken a bone trying to slide down that main staircase’s bannister. At least once. It’s just too wooshy to resist. Camilo has done it multiple times. Isabela broke her arm when no-one else was in the house and had to go to town to tell her Mamá in secret so she could get fixed up before Abuela found out.
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sailorwritesstuff · 3 years
More Madrigal family headcanons (specifically the adults)
because I want to take over the Encanto fandom /hj
no spoilers
Felix enjoys fishing but he can never bring Pepa because she gets annoyed just saying there and her storm stirs up the fish.
Julieta's favorite food is corn. just...corn.
on holidays where Felix and Agustin's family celebrate with them and there are kids and adult tables Isabela always forget she's allowed at the adult table now.
Bruno is a VERY confident drunk. sober Bruno and drunk Bruno would hate each other
Luisa is scared to pet Antonio's animals because she thinks she hurt them and she won't know because she can't communicate with them.
speaking of Luisa's strength she didn't hug anyone for nearly 3 years after She got her gift. (hug her.)
Dolores is exactly 5'8 And she takes great pride in it because her favorite number is 58.
Isabela lets Mirabel take just a sip of alcohol whenever she has it (Which isn't often) She did the same with Luisa when she was underage but they found that her gift made it hard for her to get drunk anyway
Agustin is allergic to citrus So he has to be super careful what kind of candy he consumes.
Alma can dance really well.
Isabela and Pepa did beauty pageants as kids.
Because Felix is older than (besides Alma) everyone he sometimes refer to the family as "you kids"
Bruno can play the guitar really well its one of his favorite things he had to give up while living in the wall. But shhhh it's a secret.
the Triplets used to match outfits everyday. Not because they had to Alma didn't make them match, They actively chose to.
Agustin really likes grilled salmon
Luisa used to be really jealous of Isabela's flowers. she thought it made her look like a princess (Which is why Bruno started calling Luisa, Princesa when she was really young.)
Julieta is very clumsy out of the kitchen
Bruno hates the color green with a burning passion. his favorite color is Brown.
on Isabela's 18th birthday (drinking age in Columbia) Alma sat her down to have a glass of wine with her to "congratulate her on being an adult" so Isabela had to pretend she'd never had alcohol before
Felix has a BIG family. I'm talking 10 siblings almost 20 something nieces and nephews.
Alma almosted married Bruno of to some girl in town on the triplets 28th birthday. now he hates the number.
Agustin has a job in town even tho he doesn't have to work.
Pepa is allergic to strawberries
one time Isabela grew a Venus flytrap and the look of distaste on Alma's face wasn't enough to make her never do it again.
At one point Dolores was convinced that she was adopted.
Felix and Isabela get really cold quickly
Agustin is a really good baker! he made Pepa and Felix's wedding cake.
The Triplets sometimes have trouble sleeping at night and always know where to meet up so they can sit together. its a weird triplet telepathy thing.
Luisa did Ballet 🩰
Bruno has Ocd that stems from his paranoia. (and tics that stem from his ocd. funny how that works 😕)
Julieta has this one nightmare about being alone in a wheat field. She's alone for what feels like hours and then she sees her siblings feet apart. She calls out and they're taken away by faceless people. (I might write a fic about this one)
Bruno is deadly allergic to cats. but he still stops and pets them anyway.
when she doesn't know what to say Pepa says- "so...how 'bout that weather." no matter the situation. (Even when she forgot her vows at her wedding because of all the rain.)
Julieta's Gift has a lot to do with intention. She's making cookies with the intent to heal something broken it won't work on a cold. so she has to pay A lot of attention and invest in a label maker.
Bruno LOVES music. he's always singing under his breath.
they all hangout outside at night sometimes just to talk and enjoy each other's company with out Abuela being upset over chores.
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I’d love to see the reunion between gender-bent Bruno, Alma and Pepa and Julieta. I don’t know how different it would be from the original, but I can imagine being so emotional to have their baby sister/baby girl back again.
Gonna go with the Almer and Bruna reunion! I did not expect this AU to blow up, but I've got absolutely no complaints! 💕
Silly little background fact: when I imagine Bruna in the movie's events (or the equivalent I suppose) I imagine her hair down and wearing a way too big ruana. After Casita's fall, when she realises Mirabilis is missing and Almer's gone after him, she takes the ruana off and ties her hair back in a low ponytail
I've spent way too much time thinking of her various outfits and hairstyles as she grows and the symbolism behind them, whoops
"He didn't do this!" a voice screamed, a voice Almer thought he'd never hear again. The owner of that voice was dead or, if she wasn't dead, she simply wasn't coming back.
But here she was, bursting through the tree line on a horse. Bruna, his daughter, riding forward with a fierce glare. Her hair fell in her eyes, her green ribbon slipping. It looked like her hair would fall loose any second.
His daughter was here.
"He didn't do this, it's not his fault!" she repeated, her voice high and angry. "I gave him a vision!" She tried to jump down, stumbled and landed heavily on the ground with a yelp.
Almer took a jerky step forward with a gasp, immediately imagining his daughter breaking her neck or smashing her head open. She'd always been a skilled horse rider, but when it came to dismounting? God above, she always fell. How many times had he lectured her about being careful? How many times had he tried to stop her from riding at all, only to be disobeyed?
She so rarely disobeyed him, but when it came to animals, be it horses or those dreadful rats, Bruna suddenly developed nerves of steel.
"Tia!" Mirabilis yelped, running forward.
"I'm good," she squeaked, jumping to her feet, uninjured.
Bruna was alive.
Her eyes zeroed in on Almer, who stood just a few paces from her, his hand still outstretched in an aborted attempt to help her up. She brushed her hair back, standing as tall as she could, chest heaving.
"He only wanted to help," she said. "It wasn't him, it was me!"
"Tia, it's-" Mirabilis said.
"Unlike you, he didn't bury his head in the sand! He was helping, he was fixing the cracks and- and-" She stomped forward, her tiny hands clenched into tiny fists. "I don't care what you think of me."
She was alive.
Almer finally pushed away the shock and ran to her.
"But if you're too stubborn and- and bullheaded to-! To..." Her voice lost its momentum, her anger draining into quiet shock as he pulled her into his arms, hugging her as he should have done all those years ago. Almer clung to her tightly, tucking her head under his chin.
"Brunita," he breathed in relief.
"I'm sorry," Almer said, his voice breaking. "I'm so, so sorry, mija."
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
As Alma and Dolores enter her bedroom, she finds that everyone has gathered as instructed. She sees the confused looks on Julieta's other two daughters and Felix's face. Dolores immediately runs to hug her last Tio and buries her face in his ruana.
Isabela looks at her gemela worriedly. "Lolo? Why are you crying? Why are we in your room Abuela? What's going on? Where are Mami and Papi? What are you holding? Why are Tia Pepa and Tio Bruno crying?" Isa asked rapidly.
Alma took a deep breath to push herself to do this. Then she walked to her bed and sat down, motioning Isabela and Luisa to climb on. She gulped first before explaining. "Isa, Luisa, something happened to your parents. Something bad."
She paused to keep herself composed and looked at the two. Their faces showed concern. "You know how Abuelo isn't here anymore?" The two nodded. "Well, there was an accident in town. And your Mami and Papi were unfortunately caught in that accident, and... they are now with your Abuelo."
Isa and Luisa's eyes widened, then they started crying. "N-No more Mami and Papi?" Luisa sobbed. Abuela closed her eyes to keep her tears at bay and shook her head. Isa then cried. "Wait! The baby! Mami had a baby in her belly! Is the baby with Abuelo too?!"
Alma smiled with tears glistening in her eyes. "Ah, about that..." She then lowered the bundle in her arms and moved the cloth away to show... "Isabela, Luisa, meet your hermanita."
Isa and Lulu looked at the baby with shocked looks. "Our, our hermanita?" Isa whispered softly, looking at the baby girl, that somehow was still asleep despite all the noise.
Alma nodded. "Si. This little one survived the crash by some miracle and is now here. She's here, and she's safe." That last sentence, she whispered with her voice wavering.
Everyone took a moment of silence as they all shed silent tears and soft sobs. No one minded the rain from Pepa.
Felix wiped his eyes and swallowed to clear his throat. "So, now that we got through the explanations, what is the little ninita's name?" He asked. Looking at the little god, so little baby.
Alma looked at her two nieta's and asked. "Well, you two? She's your hermana, and since your parents aren't here to name her, it's up to the two of you."
Isabela and Luisa sat looking at the baby with concentration. If the circumstances were different, this would have been an adorable sight. Then Luisa gasped. "I know, I know! Since the baby being here is a miracle, her name should sound like miracle!" She then tilts her head with her hand on her chin. "But what name sounds closest to miracle?"
Isa then gasped. "I know! How about Mirabel? That sounds close to miracle!" Isa said excitingly, with Lulu nodding enthusiastically.
Alma smiled softly as she looked at the baby, who was now awake and looking at everyone curiously. "Mirabel, what a lovely name." She then looks at both Isabela and Luisa. "Isa, Luisa, I will take care of the three of you from now on. I'll try my best, but I am still an old lady." She chuckles. Isa and Lulu nodded. Then Alma looked at everyone else. "Everyone, let me officially introduce you to the newest Madrigal: Mirabel."
Everyone smiled as they each looked at the newest member. Isa asked if she could hold her. Alma smiled and nodded as she slowly handed Mirabel to Isa. Luisa moved to her side so she could see Mirabel too. "Hola Mirabel, I'm Isabela, your big sister. And this is Luisa, your other big sister."
Luisa gave a soft "Hi."
Isabela then looked at Luisa with a serious look on her face. "Luisa, we're her big sisters, and it's our job to always protect her, take care of her, and love her no matter what." Luisa also donned a serious face and nodded firmly.
Alma smiled as she looked at her three grandbabies, then swept them onto her lap so she could hold them in her arms.
And for that moment, all was well for the Madrigals.
I’m gonna cry though because. Oh my gosh. It’s so sad but so sweet 😭😭 like do I smile or cry idk 💀💀
But Isa and Lulu naming Mirabel??? 👊💥👊💥👊 And the Abuela taking care of them, she’s the best <3 AND MIRABEL BE SO SMALL NAURRRRRR ☹️ I know Alma held that baby close at night, she was way too scared for her, especially since she was so small.
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if you have more please let me know, I love drawing these scenes out 💳💥💳💥💳💥😭
I said it before and I’ll say it again, Mamabuela makes me cry <3
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yellowcry · 9 months
Gluing the broken glass
(Tell me what to do to make it all feel better)
Mirabel had never cooked for such a big fiesta before. No, there were celebrations, often including the whole village. But usually, it didn't have such importance, unlike the gift ceremony. And, obviously, Mirabel hadn't cooked for a one ever before. The last gift ceremony was hers, and no one would know about her wonderful healing abilities that she would get. The other ceremonies that Mirabel lived through were Camilo's and Luisa's, but the latter didn't really count, taking into account that Mirabel was about eight months old at the time. So she was somehow excited. Mirabel made sure to create the best table for tonight.
The old stove sizzled as Mirabel placed another portion to bake, then she ran off to place the aborrajados in a decorative way. It wasn't any normal meal, so arrangements must be appropriate for the occasion. Then Mirabel got back to cooking for a bit; there were still a lot of repast she had to make until the evening.
"Mi amor, how are you doing?" Mirabel looked up and saw her mom standing next to the pedestal table. "It seems like a lot of work..." Mirabel just nodded, not looking up from the dough she was kneading at the moment. "It's good; I should make it in time." She rubbed her hands against her apron before getting back to the kitchener and turning the baked goods over. 
"Don't push yourself too hard," Julieta asked, putting her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I know you want to help, but you have to take care of yourself."
The girl just sighed, looking up at her mother for a bit. "I know, mama, I promise I'm doing great." Maybe she was tired a bit, but the thoughts of Antonio finally getting his door were enough to shave her tiredness off. In a way, this ceremony was way calmer than Mirabel's ten years before, as far as she could remember it. After all, she was the younger sister of a giftless Isabela, so there were questions about her getting a gift, even despite the fact that Luisa already had one. Antonio was in a better position. And, after four gifted grandkids, everyone just assumed that Isabela was a strange mishap, for whatever the reason. Abuela herself had always been saying that Isabela was just like she was. In a way, Mirabel felt bitter. Abuela was spending almost all her attention on Isabela, despite the lack of a gift. And, probably just to add herself even more attention, Isabela was always dressing the same way Abuela did in her youth.
Julieta took a place next to her, now helping with the cooking. Mirabel smiled kindly but still spoke out. "You don't have to help; I can do this." Having somebody to share the work with was a nice feeling, but Mirabel wasn't a child.
"She's right, Mija," Agústin interrupted them. Mirabel looked up at her father and let out an exhausted groan, seeing another dose of swollen bee stings on his face.
"Papi...." She sighed, taking one of her fresh-baked pandebonos and passing it to him.
"No, don't worry, I can take the rest of the menu on myself!" Agustin announced this after he finished his healing. Julieta and Mirabel looked at each other, knowing how bad of an idea this would be.
After what seemed to be hours, Julieta managed to convince Mirabel out of the kitchen for ten minutes. She agreed to that, mainly because she wanted to see preparations in her own eyes. The patio was filled with people, decorating it, placing benches for the elderly, and just generally trying to help. Mirabel paced a bit faster, as she saw Isabela with a notebook, she most likely was leading the process again when Abuela got distracted. Honestly, Mirabel didn't want to do this in front of her sister at all. Still, a stinging jealousy pinched her heart. Isabela was most certainly the favorite among the grandkids, despite the lack of a gift. Mirabel never quite understood why. The only thing she actually knew about her big sister is that she was usually with Abuela. And Mirabel had been busy with her cooking, trying to do her best to help.
Her thoughts were drowned in the townspeople's noises, and Mirabel didn't want to get struck with dozens of questions that she couldn't even answer to. So she walked upstairs, where the amount of people was smaller. Casita usually didn't allow outsiders on the second floor. From far away, she could already see Luisa's big figure standing in front of Mirabel's door, covering her carved picture. Noticing Abuela took a bit more time.
"Where's Osvaldo? He promised to deliver the rest of the decor half an hour ago."
Luisa pursed her lips, looking to the side. Her face muscles were strained a little as she filtered out the sound she needed. "He's almost here." She'd finally breathed out, turning her attention back to Abuela.
Their grandmother sighed harshly. "You needed to check on him once he didn't come in time." Mirabel bit her lip awkwardly; she knew that Abuela was strict and always demanded to do their best all the time.  Luisa just nodded wordlessly before turning her attention to her younger sibling, who was standing on the other side of the second floor. "Hermanita, do you need anything?"
Mirabel winced; even she sometimes tended to forget that there was nothing that could hide from Luisa's cat-like hearing. 
Abuela looked at her as well, finally noticing the fact that she had been spied on for a while. "Mirabel, why aren't you in the kitchen? You have to prepare for the night." She demanded, now staring at her across the patio. Mirabel looked down, clutching the railing tightly. She didn't mean to get distracted; Mom just wanted to do some cooking as well. "I'm sorry, Abuela; I decided to go out for some fresh air. Mama is replacing me right now." She knew it didn't excuse her, but at least it was some reason to slack off on her chores.
Luisa tilted her head before nodding in confirmation that it was true and that their mom was, in fact, in the kitchen instead of her youngest daughter right now.
For a moment, Mirabel looked down, not looking at her hermana and Abuela. "Is there anyone who would miss the ceremony?" If anyone didn't come, the amount of food would be slightly less, so Mirabel wanted to be sure of who would be at the party.
Luisa bit her lip for a second before replying. "Not as I know about." Mirabel tilted her head from the echoing voice. Why wouldn't Luisa know who wouldn't come? Mirabel was pretty sure Luisa could hear who had mentioned this. On the other hand, there's a chance nobody said it out loud, and Luisa was most certainly unable to listen to the inner thoughts. Well, it seemed that Mirabel would have to make her full plan.
Abuela lifted her head to look over Luisa. "Check if everything is going on time. Tonight must be perfect."
Luisa nodded, just like she always did at any request. "I'm..." Mirabel knew that her sister would most certainly going to say that she was on it, but she had suddenly trail off, wincing before she had covered her ears, hunching over the handrailing.
A moment later, Tía Pepa rushed upstairs like a crazy wind. The floor almost shook from her footsteps. Or it actually did. It was loud enough even for Mirabel to startle for a moment, not even mentioning Luisa, who didn't say anything but looked at Pepa with a face that said that she would gladly rip off Tia's legs to make her quieter.
Tia Pepa muttered in a yelling tone of voice, visibly trembling. "Tonight must be perfect, but if it's not perfect, then..."
"Mi amor, be careful." Tío Felix ran after her. 
A second later, Dolores had gotten upstairs too, joining this little family meeting. "Oh, mama, don't worry. Antonio will definitely get the best gift ever." The warm couple looked at their daughter, who waved her head slightly, creating another ark of flowers that wrapped around the barrier. Pepa looked down at her child, now running to her. "Ah, how much did you grow up!" She mumbled in awe, squeezing Dolores' cheek slightly. "Mama, please..."
Mirabel looked at the other side and noticed that Luisa was gone already. Alright, it was probably time for her to get back to work as well. There was a whole night ahead.
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c-rose2081 · 3 years
Regarding the tainted AU- and I apologize if you've answered this already, does Luisa have any sort of buried sadness/grief when it comes to Mirabel? Like does she ever wish that they could be real sisters again or feel guilty for Mirabel's state (even if she's not at fault)
Were they close before the incident? If not, of the kids, who WAS Mirabel closest to?
And does Luisa harber any suppressed negativity towards Abeula?
So far she just seems like one of the most potentially redeemable ones in this AU aside from Julieta
(Btw, I absolutely love all your art and posts about your AU's, you're a super talented creator!)
I absolutely love Luisa ✨
She’s a rule follower, and does what her family asks her to, but even in the film we see that see has a lot of unsaid opinions and thoughts which she just…never shares with anyone.
Luisa never agreed with Mirabel being taken out of the Casita. She was 14 years old when it happened, old enough to know the difference between what was right and wrong. But she was a girl who, by that point, was conditioned into doing what the family told her to do, therefore never stood up, or spoke up, about what she felt. Julieta and Luisa remained close afterwards, and Luisa had plenty of times where she was hurting so much and needed to vent, one time where she broke a few of her mamas plates out of frustration and they had a big cry about it.
Luisa as an adult doesn’t really know how to approach Mira, or handle when they happen to cross paths; generally she’s just super conflicted over it. Like…she wants to be there for her, but by now Mirabel wants nothing to do with people other then using them to forward her end goal. Mirabel is so far away that them being sisters feels a lot like a stretch sometimes. They are closer to strangers, if not tense acquaintances. Luisa though will always talk to Mira, even if it’s just a simple ‘hello’. She’ll also report back to Julieta if something seems wrong; like if Mirabel is sick, wounded, or getting thin.
Mirabel was generally close to Luisa as a girl, yes. She loved her big sister to bits, and Luisa loved how small Mira was even if it annoyed Isabela to no end. But the whole family kinda…drifted, after the failed gift ceremony. Abuela showed a lot less fondness for Mira, therefore many others did as well. Luisa wanted to stay close, but she was working so much, and Mira was becoming distanced more and more by the day. Luisa saw the anger in her little sister, as she saw it in herself. She saw the pent up frustration, and despair, and…dangerous curiosity. But she thought one of the adults would help like her mama tried to. She trusted her elders to take care of her sister where she could not.
Luisa has a lot of withheld opinions, similar to Julieta does. A lot of frustration at her family, not just over Mirabel, but over her own workload as well. She hates being defined by her gift, and doing nothing but heavy lifting. But that’s the status quo in the Madrigal family; and therefore Luisa holds her tongue. Abuela frustrates her plenty by showing so much favoritism over Isabela, and no one else. Luisa doesn’t talk to her much anymore, and usually keeps to herself.
What a wonderful ask! Hopefully this answered a few of your questions :3
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sesamestreet47 · 2 years
How about Luisa with a clingy girlfriend?
Luisa with a clingy girlfriend
!english isn’t my first language, so there can be some grammar mistakes that I am sorry for in advance!
thank you for the request <3
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"Do I even weigh anything to you?"
"No," Luisa shrugged. "It's like holding a couple of grapes."
you are stuck to Luisa 24/7
when she’s busy, she just gives you piggy back rides and you basically just stay on her back the whole day
she’s like a teddy bear, it was hard not to wrap your arms around her all the time
at first it was a bit confusing to her, having you somehow attached to her constantly
and being so not used to all this sudden affection, she didn’t know how to return it
she would pat your head, for example, careful not to hit you by accident
“You can hug me, you know?” Y/N once said, when she felt Luisa tense up.
Luisa looked down at her and Y/N’s hands wrapped around her waist. “Um...”
“Something wrong?”
“What if I crush you?” she asked. “I mean... You’re so small.”
Y/N scoffed and hit Luisa playfully, not like it did something to her though. “I’m tougher than I look.” she narrowed her eyes at Luisa.
Instead of hugging back and probably crushing all of Y/N’s ribs, she picked her up bridal style and started walking.
“Oh, um,” Y/N giggled. “This is new.”
Luisa looked ahead. “I got stuff to do. You can stay there though.”
“Sure, don’t mind me,” the smaller girl said and nuzzled her face in Luisa’s chest.
there were times when you two would be resting in a hammock and you’d fall asleep on Luisa
she could lift you without waking you up no problem, but why would she?
it turned out to be a great excuse to get a break from her chores
“Luisa? Could you-” “A little busy, Abuela!”
seeing you around Casita became a norm for the rest of the family
while most of the time you were near Luisa, being attached to her in some way or just simply talking with her, you made sure to get close with other Madrigals
especially Luisa’s sisters
Mirabel was easy to befriend
when Luisa declared you as her girlfriend, Mira was the first to pester you with questions, partially in order to make sure you were good for her sister and partially because she was just a curious person and you seemed like an interesting person
now, she already thinks of you as part of the family, saying “Hi, sis. Hi, Y/N” became a habit and she didn’t even have to look at you two to know you were there
where Luisa was, you were always nearby
it took some time to get Isabela to like you though
was it the “older, protective sister” instinct or just her not taking a liking to you, you’d never know
she would make you trip over vines whenever she caught a sight of you getting too close to Luisa 
she came around eventually
you’re on good terms with her, but there are times when you’re wary around her, she can be intimidating
Julieta and Agustín loved you from the start
they actually knew you before and introduced you to their daughter
it was honestly not planned
“Hola, Señora,” Y/N said. Her hands holding Julieta’s husband’s shoulders as she guided him towards the his wife’s food stand.
“Ay, Agustín,” Julieta sighed, seeing Agustín’s swollen eyes. His glasses were nowhere in sight. Her husband just rubbed his neck awkwardly upon hearing the very familiar two words.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Julieta smiled as she stuffed an empanada in her husband’s mouth. “I should consider you as a candidate for this one’s babysitter if this is to keep happening.”
Y/N laughed. “De nada Señora. Always happy to help,”
“Thank dios you were there,” Agustín exclaimed once his eyes came back to normal and the redness disappeared. He draped his arm over Julieta’s shoulder as he thanked the girl. “Bees were having a bad day apparently. They stung my whole face. Like they didn’t dare to leave an inch untouched. Lost my vision for an hour.”
Julieta rolled her eyes with a fond smile, observing her husband’s wild gestures and big eyes as he was explaining what had happened.
“Took almost twice as much to lead him here without tripping,” Y/N whispered to Julieta who just chuckled. 
“Well, thank you again, mija.” the woman gave Y/N an empanada as well. She accepted it with a toothy grin.
“Mà? Do you have a- oh?”
The trio turned their heads when the fourth voice erupted. 
“Luisa? Mi vida, is something wrong?” Julieta asked when her eyes landed on her middle daughter.
Luisa froze in place. Her mother’s voice didn’t quite reach her ears. Or maybe it did, it just flew through one and fell out the other. Y/N smiled and waved at the girl when she realized she was looking at her.
“Um... What?” Luisa finally snapped back and turned to her mother. Julieta repeated her question. “No, nothing’s wrong! Why would anything be wrong? I/M fine, totally fine... Just wanted to say hi, but now... bye!”
And with that, she walked- no, marched away. Julieta looked at Agustín in worry.
“Maybe she got stung too?” he wondered. “Her face was all red like mine previously.”
“On it,” Y/N declared as she picked up a small plate full of arepas. She waved to the couple and went after Luisa.
Both Julieta and Y/N knew it wasn’t the bees that caused Luisa’s face to get rid.
“Our babies are growing up, mi amor,” Julieta sighed, rubbing her husband’s back.
“They are?”  Agustín replied with a question, genuinely believing his theory about her daughter getting stung.
that was the beginning of you being by Luisa’s side almost all the time
it wasn’t usual for her to initiate the cuddles, so when she did you knew that something was up
there were times when she couldn’t fall asleep without you
whatever was happening, be it a problem in the family, in the village or just a bad day, she just needed to hold you and she knew it’d get better
you never complained, of course, rather the opposite
not only could you rest your head on Luisa’s chest with your hands around her middle, but you also got to be there for her
knowing she trusted you and found some kind of comfort in you amazed you
you were clingy, sure, but Luisa never called you that in a bad way
she liked knowing there would always be someone to hold her hand, hug her or pepper her face with kisses
someone that didn’t make her feel like she needed to be tough all the time
someone that was okay with her vulnerable side, heck, someone who loved when she revealed it to them
It was late when Y/N knocked on Luisa’s glowing door.
“Corazón? Can I come in?” she asked quietly. When she heard a muffled yeah, she opened the door. Stepping in, she looked up at the ceiling covered in stars that glowed in the dark. She smiled. Out of all magical rooms, this one would always be her favorite. And no, she wasn’t saying that just because her favorite Madrigal occupied it.
“Long day?” she asked, catching a glimpse of Luisa’s frown. The other just nodded. “Alright, make room.”
Y/N climbed onto the bed and practically fell on top of Luisa who spared no time in wrapping her arms around her. The smaller girl let out a muffled sound of distress that quickly turned into a soft laugh.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Y/N whispered. 
Luisa turned to the side. Y/N wiggled from her grasp, moved to the pillow and with a kiss to her girlfriend’s forehead, she laid down facing her.
The two fell asleep like that. But the position managed to change after a few hours. Even when in dreamland, Y/N found Luisa’s arms and placed them around herself. One of her legs was hugging Luisa’s leg and her head was buried in her chest.
Luisa smiled in her sleep.
sometimes you got called Luisa’s backpack
you found it funny, but accurate
you loved piggy back rides from her
you loved any kind of affection
what you liked most about your relationship with Luisa was that she didn’t mind your constant need for cuddles and such
you could run to her full speed and jump on her, wrapping your limbs around her like a koala and she’d just say hi and carry on with her chores
Luisa was the best person to cling to afterwards
fully convinced that Mirabel and Luisa’s relationship is like Terry and Jake’s from Brooklyn 9-9
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elleirbagsstuff · 3 years
Requested again!
"We need a break"
Pair: Mirabel x gender neutral!reader
Genre: angst, so much angst (kidding on that part)
Summary: you noticed that Mirabel doesn't give you a lot of time like how you do, you got tired of her excuses so you decided to confront her
(I hope you guys are around 15/16 for this)
You and Mirabel got together when Casita was rebuilt, let's say both of you had a thing for each other but neither of you had the guts to actually confess.
Until you heard that Casita was broken, the miracle was gone along with Mirabel. So the first thing you did was join her family in searching for the lost madrigal.
When she was found you didn't waste any minute and you told her how you feel towards the girl along with the words; "i don't know what to do if i had lost you and never got to say how i adore you, Mirabel."
You nearly fainted when she kissed you right there on the spot after you confessed, you were so red after the kiss because her entire family plus some of the townspeople saw the two of you.
Camilo teased the two of you after that, her two older sisters gave Mirabel a amused/proud look as she did the first move, Agustín had to calm Julieta down when she saw their youngest kissing someone, but don't worry, they loved you! Including abuela, she knows the two of you would take care and love each other.
Over all it was amazing!
But you knew relationships weren't all about happiness. There were times the two of you had fought over simple things that ended up being a big deal to Mirabel.
And whenever the two of you fought, Julieta will give you some advice that it will be solved if the two of you talked calmly, you were thankful for that.
There were also times that the two of you will be annoyed by each others presence, mainly because the two of you are always together whenever you can. Julieta then told the two of you that you needed to have one day where you don't spend time with each other, instead spend time with yourself or your families.
And it worked out.
Here comes the bigger problem. After a few months of dating, it was close to your anniversary and you wanted to spend the entire week with her to plan.
The two of you haven't been spending with each other lately because she was busy with her chores, or so she say. But you understand her anyways. But today was gonna change, because you have a plan for the both of you.
You were so excited about it, so you went to Casita to go look for her and you saw her sewing outside their house.
"Holi, mi novia!" You called. She looks at you for a split second and turns back to what she was doing, you were confused on why she didn't greet you back but you shrugged it off. "You look busy.." you said awkwardly as you sat down beside her.
"Yeah, i'm making this for a kid i met the other day, his birthday is next week." She said, not looking at you, despite that you smiled at her you thought it was cute on how she's preparing a gift for a little boy she just met.
"You know what next week is also?" You asked, hoping her reaction would be all smiley and excited but when she looked at you confused that's when your smile faltered.
"What?" She asked and you narrowed your eyes thinking that she was just joking. Oh dear, but she wasn't, she clearly doesn't know what next week is.
"You're kidding me, aren't you?" You asked disbelief, she was still confused.
"Listen if you're not gonna tell me, stop messing around i-" Oh boy this is where you snapped, you couldn't handle it anymore.
"It 's our freaking anniversary next week, how could you forget?!" You shouted standing up, the realization slowly came to Mirabel as her face wore a reaction like she's seen a ghost.
She stood up as well holding both of your hands. "Y/n.. i didn't mean to i'm sorry i was busy with chores and-" you cut her off, you were so tired of her explanation about chores that you think she's using it as an excuse to not spend time with you.
"What you're meaning to tell me you're doing chores up to morning 'till night? That you can't spend a day with me cause you're busy with chores?!"
"You think i'm lying to you?!" She shouted back at you, her family heard the commotion and was worried so all of them went out but they decided not to interfere as they saw how serious the two of you are.
"Aren't you?" As you said that she scoffed turning away from you not answering your question. "You can't even look me in the eyes and say that you're not lying.." you said in disbelief tears threatening to fall from your eyes. "And you forgot our anniversary, for crying out loud our anniversary Mirabel! How could you forget our anniversary just because of your chores?!"
Not knowing what to do you stormed out of casita but Mirabel was fast enough to grab your hand.
"Y/n! I'm sorry okay? I'll-i'll make a gift for you! I plan something it's still next week!" You took your hands off from her grip while shaking your head looking at her with anger and disbelief as more tears fell.
"The mere fact that your forgot our anniversary, and how you rarely spend time with me is clear, you don't want me anymore." You said, hurt is evidence in your voice. "I don't care if you're busy, i just want an hour with you, is that hard to ask? I'm your lover! But the past month you treated me like some sort of.. wind." You whispered the last word as you sobbed.
"Y/n-" she was walking towards you but you stepped back.
"Stop. Don't even try to explain, i'm tired of your excuses Mirabel.."
The next word you said broke both of your hearts.
"We need a break."
I made it as sad as i could 😓
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