fallenclan · 9 months
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pinefrost :( i will miss you boy
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
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doodling Rainwhisper (she/her) bc I haven’t actually done anything w her :V
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cricketclan · 4 months
Rip heathersong but bugswarm’s little mustache!!! And Colby Jack!!! You should’ve named the kits after cheese that would’ve been so cute, pepperkit (pepper jack cheese), and creamkit (cream cheese)
Or if you wanted to keep kittypet names they could’ve been Pepper Jack and Monterey Jack
rip heathersong he did live pretty long at least 😔. ALSO yeah I'm so obsessed with bugswarm's little mustache its so silly. fun fact the game named her cricketbelly at first but I had to change it bc of cricketclan so she got something similar.
AND AGH I SHOULDVE DONE PEPPERKIT AND CREAMKIT. YOUR MIND!!! that would've been so epic I'm so mad I didn't think of that AJHDJSJ. it's way too late for me to change it now tho considering I'm on moon 100 in game and have 45 moons to catch up on BUT that would've been so epic
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twos-cruel-mind · 11 days
I'll do this in three parts for each season.
Season One under the cut vvv
Buzzingstar — well-fed tan tom with a dark face, ears, paws, and tail
Deputy (self proclaimed)
Redshadow — tall monotonous black tom
Medicine cat
Bluestripes — anxious white tom with blue eyes and blue-gray tabby stripes
Stuttermuzzle — small dark gray tom with a frayed tan tail tip and brown eyes
Swampnose — jet black tom with green eyes
Orangepelt — handsome ginger tom with orange eyes and big ears
(There's no set mentors as Buzzingstar had zero clue what he was doing, but the apprentices were trained anyway)
Brightpaw — stocky golden tabby she-cat with gray stripes and yellow eyes
Paintedpaw — thin golden brown non-binary tabby with fiery orange eyes
Russetpaw — large white tom with russet stripes, big paws, and red eyes
Floatpaw — small orange tom with a stub tail and brown eyes
Sharppaw — tall gray tom with a sharp tail and blue eyes
Silverpaw — small gray tom with blue eyes and a short tail
Blossompaw — a brown and white she-cat
Lemonpaw — an oblivious tan she-cat with big green eyes
Applekit — orange green-eyed she-cat with a frisky nature
Marshkit — small fluffy white she-cat with bent ears and blue eyes
Pepperkit — dark gray she-cat with soft fur, blue eyes, and black spots
Saltkit — very light gray she-cat with silky fur, blue eyes, and white spots
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everybody-loves-purdy · 8 months
Now that we have Cinnamontail and Wafflepaw, I’m gonna need more cats who’re named after food and seasonings.
A Pepperkit and Saltkit duo HAS to happen in the future
Yes please. Imagine if Cinammontail has a second litter and that happens. She just tells Slatefur “ok the first litter were named after forest stuff, now can we name this next litter after twoleg stuff like I am?”
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Dark Forest Resident: Glowingshadow
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Aliases / Nicknames: Cosine, Uncle Cosine/Uncle Glowingshadow, The Wolf, Kit-Caretaker, Guiding Light
Gender: tom
Sexuality: homosexual-ace
Family: Raina (mother), Odin (father), Taiga (sister), Cane (brother),  Wolveshowl, Rhythmpaw, Shutterpaw, Shadedview (nephews + adoptive sons)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Mouse (sister-in-law), Frosty (brother-in-law), Sweetpaw, Vanillapaw, Copperpaw, Crowpaw, Brewpaw, Foxscratch, Miststorm, Parsleykit, Mangokit, Pepperkit, Deerpaw, Lemonfin, Bugpaw, Bushpaw (temporarily in his care)
Clan: Slateclan (at death, Clan changed often)
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: very kind, chatty and friendly to any cat he meets, adores kits and apprentices, oftentimes appears in Clans with loner kits who need homes, only to disappear moons later, takes sadistic joy out of hurting abusive cats, has an immense interest in the unnatural and unknown, somewhat unpredictable in what he wants to do next
Number of Victims: 19
Number of Murders: 19
Murder Method: poisoning with deathberries, drowning, viciously attacking/maiming
Known Victims: Cane, Napoleon, Ceruleanshadow, Iciclecreek, Swiftprowl, Poppycharm, Vixen, Mongrel, Stag, Koisplash, Riverwhirl, Loonfeather, Starling, Hookfox, Stoatswipe, Ivoryspecks, Wisteria, Brushbeak, Citrustrail
Victim Profile: cats abusive to their mates, his brother, his brother’s mate
Cause of Death: killed by a patrol
Cautionary Tale: be wary of the harsh words you speak to your kits, for you may find them taken from your care
Cosine always loved his family. 
He was always a very loving cat! He loved his mom, his dad, his brother, his sister. When he got older, he wanted to have a family of his own! He wanted to adopt some kits and give them all the love the world could offer. So when his brother’s mate was expecting, Cosine was ecstatic. Maybe a bit too ecstatic for Cane’s tastes, because Cane started getting suspicious over how excited Cosine was for the kits to be born. 
When Shade and Wolf were finally born, Cosine rambled on and on to his brother about how his nephews were the cutest things he’d ever seen, and that he’d probably kill someone for them. He was always fascinated by death--he loved weird things, he’d chase centipedes around and observe Twolegs, even stealing some of their little accessories--death had always been an interesting subject to Cosine. 
So maybe that’s why he was so eager to dig his claws into something one day… And that day came moons after Cane and Mouse had their second litter, Rhythm and Shutter. 
His nephew, Wolf, came up to him to complain one day that Cane’s, quote,  “[B]eing mean and yelling at ma, Rhythm, and Shutter for the littlest things,” and how he tried to tell him to stop but Cane only ore at his ear. 
Cosine loved his family, so who was he to see them get hurt?
Cane trusted his brother a lot. That made it really easy to get him to come out alone with him for a walk, where he turned and lunged into Cane. He took him so easily by surprise, it wasn’t at all a fight. Yet Cosine kept digging his claws, watching the blood flow and feeling the heartbeat stop. When the adrenaline faded, he felt bad as the red dissipated from his eyes and he looked at his brother’s betrayed expression. Well, a bit bad.
But he needed to defend his family! So he dug a little grave and cleaned himself up, heading back to the family with the distraught news that his brother had run into the nearby Twoleg’s sheepdog and, oh, how he had tried to help him! But he couldn’t make it in time and had to lure the sheepdog away. 
Mouse was too distraight to properly nurure the kits--Cosine wondered how much she did before. So he took the role of being a parent to his nephews. He taught Wolf how to use herbs, stole things from Twolegs for them as little gifts, and even found some very pretty vines and star-shaped rocks that matched Shutter and Rhythm perfectly once they got older! 
But he knew it wasn’t safe for the three. So as Wolf and Shade reached their twelfth moon, He took the two and the kits to Dustclan. 
The field-inhabiting Clan was the closest nearby, and the safest in his eyes. As he took the four there, he chose to stay with them as well. He took on the name Glowingshadow to fit in with the others. 
It was there he met young Mistpaw, and their parents, Ceruleanshadow and Iciclecreek. They just felt like repeats of Cane, with a much more shy cat-- Mistpaw cowered at the slightest of movement, making Glowingshadow feel awful for her. So he chose to do something about it!
Ceruleanshadow was much harder to kill than Cane. But with Glowingshadow’s raw strength, he was able to hold the tom underwater, letting the river take his body away. It was a bit disappointing not seeing much blood, but feeling the struggling eventually stop felt rather nice too. He hoped maybe Iciclecreek would start to care for Mistpaw after the death of her mate, but instead she just became distant and barely even regarded her daughter. 
So he encouraged Rhythmpaw and Shutterpaw to befriend the shy apprentice as he dealt with Iciclecreek a couple moons later. He needed to be sneakier on how to kill her, so while he ripped her neck open as usual, he did everything he could to make it seem like just some unfortunate accident where she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
Seeing the two abusive parents made him realize, however...there’s probably other parents and mates out there who need to learn a lesson as well.
He left Dustclan after a heartfelt goodbye between his adopted sons, to go help others--and to enjoy the feeling of blood on his paws.
Napoleon, some egotistical kittypet with loner daughters, was his next target. The tom had an ego that his daughters couldn’t even live up to or be worth of his love, so Glowingshadow decided to teach him a little lesson. 
All it took was a bit of deathberries in Napoleon’s outside meal, and the idiot didn’t even realize the difference. He spent a couple of moons visiting Vanilla and Neo, the tom’s daughters, before taking them to a Clan where they could be safe. He chose Cherryclan this time around, and left a bit sooner than usual after the annoying Poppycharm kept talking about her “disappointments” of kit, angering him enough to leave her in front of an abandoned badger den, having mauled her. 
Copperpaw and Crowpaw were absolute delights to talk to, and he was glad to have cared for them before he left. He had found Brew, a young cat who was eager to talk and play, on his travels. They told him how their father, Swiftprowl, left them out there, saying it was a new game of hide and seek. After staying with the kit an entire night and no result, he promised he’d go find Swiftprowl and remind him of the game… And that he did, while forcing Swiftprowl’s bones to snap. He spent a couple more days with Brew, taking them back to their Clan and promising he’ll see them again someday.
Vixen wasn’t too special. Her son was Fox, a hostile and aggressive tom who hated his mother more than anything. He was also happy to listen to Glowingshadow and let him deal with his appearance-obsessed mother. The tom didn’t really seem intent on joining a Clan, but Glowingshadow’s kindness won him over, and Fox went to Dustclan with Glowingshadow, letting him have a touching reunion with his nephews before heading off once again. 
Mongrel was the mate of a new mother. His growling and threats weren’t helping the kits grow at all, so Glowingshadow chose to force some deathberries down Mongrel’s throat when he was alone. 
His mate couldn’t raise her kits on her own, so she pleaded Glowingshadow for help! He chose to help out with parenting, telling her everything he knew as he led her to Cherryclan so that she could have help in raising the kits. 
It was the same for each death. He traveled around, found a cat who treated their mate or kits improperly, and properly dealt with them and helped the kits be happier. 
That is, at least, until he met Lemonpaw. Lemonpaw was a bitter child that just hated anyone that came near him, but seemed desperate to please others. Glowingshadow growled as he learnt of the reasons why. 
Citrustrail, a strong tom and deputy of Slateclan. Glowingshadow knew he couldn’t take on the tom by himself, so he set little traps around the territory, things that could tire Citrustrail out, so he could go in for the kill. As he plotted the demise of the Slateclan deputy, he made efforts to talk to Lemonpaw and get the apprentice to open up. 
Lemonpaw eventually warmed up to him over time, despite the bitter apprentice not wanting to do anything with him at first. And then he was set to kill Citrustrail. Originally, it was to lead the tom aimlessly around the territory, claiming to scent a rogue, but Citrustrail caught onto his plan quickly, so he to just turn and attack.
Glowingshadow and Citrustrail fought a long, hard battle until the cream deputy collapsed of exhaustion, causing Glowingshadow to go in for the kill. As he ripped out Citrustrail’s throat, however, he was too busy in his maiming to notice the patrol that had been going around the borders, ready to dispose of the murderous warrior.
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Additional Information:
--Submission by @umbranoxs​
--Often visits Rhythmpaw and Shutterpaw’s dreams, not appearing to them or anything but just always watching over them. He does it for the other young cats he cared for too, but mainly visits Rhythm and Shutter the most.
--Loves to talk about his interests. He will infodump to you for hours. Unfortunately most of this is about things that are considered “creepy��, “strange” or “unusual”.
--Was excited to enter the Dark Forest, as that meant he could continue his dealings with abusive cats. Has likely caused some of the cats he killed in life to fade in death.
--Often has an eerily wide grin on his face. He’s happy to be here!
--Sometimes when he sees a cat he thinks looks very pretty, he’ll try his best to shoot his shot and then immediately backpedal if their personality isn’t a good one.
--Probably lingers around the daycare area a lot, he wants to be a cool uncle to the kits and apprentices down here too!
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mouselobite · 1 year
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Clangen is so funny like clearly my cat doesnt know how to name his children...... Pepperkit and Pepperkit....
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Rewrite: All Star Names
These are all the Star Names of the cats who died before they became Warriors. In my rewrite, cats who die before receiving their Warrior Names receive Star Names, which they grow into in StarClan. The bolded names on the left of the equal sign are the Star Names, while the names on the right of the equal sign were the cats’ names when they died.
Plumetuft (revoked when he was discovered to be alive) = Plumekit (Featherkit)
Cricketsong = Cricketkit
Sweetheart = Sweetpaw
Pepperflame = Pepperkit (OC)
Ivyvine = Ivypaw (OC)
Puddlesky = Puddlepaw (OC)
Glimmerspark = Glimmerkit (OC)
Cherryshine = Cherrypaw
Chestnutclaw = Chestnutkit
Ravencry (revoked when he was revealed to be alive) = Ravenpaw
Elderberryleaf = Elderberrykit (Elderkit)
Tulipblossom = Tulipkit
Swifthound (by Bluestar), Swiftfire (official, given by Longtail) = Swiftpaw
Larchwing = Larchkit
Hollyhockfoot = Hollyhockkit (FernDust Hollykit)
Molenose = Molepaw
Seedsprout = Seedpaw
Fernwish = Fernkit (Fernsong in canon)
Tinyheart = Tinykit
Badgerfang = Badgerpaw (Badgerfang in canon)
Mosspetal = Mosspaw
Swampstep (revoked when they were found alive in WindClan) = Swamppaw
Blossombright = Blossompaw
Marigoldclaw = Marigoldkit
Mintfang = Mintkit
Logrumble = Logkit (OC)
Foxstep = Foxkit (OC)
Hyacinthshade = Hyacinthkit (OC)
Turtlelight = Turtlekit
Lavenderbreeze = Lavenderkit
Smokefoot = Smokepaw (Smokefoot in canon)
Talonflame = Talonpaw
Marshpool = Marshkit
Bluebellshine = Bluebellkit
Hollowspring = Hollowkit (Hollowspring in canon)
Rowanheart = Rowankit
Finchfeather = Finchkit
Brushlion = Brushpaw
Mallowslip = Mallowkit (OC)
Waspwing = Waspkit (OC)
Storkbeak = Storkkit
Gorseflame = Gorsepaw
Eagletalon = Eaglepaw (Eaglekit)
Hilljump = Hillkit
Downpelt = Downkit
Peonychase = Peonypaw (OC)
Cranberrynose = Cranberrykit (Cranberrypaw)
Thistletalon = Thistlepaw
Pebblegrass = Pebblekit (OC)
Shrikeflight = Shrikekit (one of Breezepelt’s littermate sisters, unnamed in canon)
Cheetahfrost = Cheetahkit (one of Breezepelt’s littermate sisters, unnamed in canon)
Morninglight = Morningkit
Splashfoot = Splashkit
Swansong = Swankit
Brinepool = Brinekit (one of Leopardstar’s littermates, unnamed in canon)
Eveningfall = Eveningkit (one of Leopardstar’s littermates, unnamed in canon)
Spottedpelt = Spottedkit (one of Leopardstar’s littermates, unnamed in canon)
Scalepelt = Scalepaw (Silverpaw 2)
Rainfall = Rainkit (OC)
Pearlfur = Pearlkit (OC)
Minktail = Minkkit (OC)
Fadingpelt = Fadingkit (OC)
Robinpuddle = Robinkit
Woodbranch = Woodkit
Salmonspine = Salmonpaw (Pikepaw)
Perchfang = Perchkit
Brighteyes = Brightkit (OC)
Spotpelt = Spotkit (OC)
Tumblestep = Tumblekit
Splashdive = Splashpaw
Stonestream = Stonepaw (Stonestream in canon)
Pricklethorn = Pricklekit
Uhhh? (idk where these go)
Patchspots = Patchkit
Larchtail = Larchkit
Petalears = Petalkit
Hopeheart = Hopekit
Wishdream = Wishkit
Mossheart = Mosskit
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phloxclan · 22 days
Moon 114
Hubert had 3 kits, supposedly with Flaxwhistle. Hubert hopes desparately that the kits don't look too much like Peatwish. Stagkit - White and brown tom with pale green eyes, daring, constantly climbing. Bleakkit - Gray and white molly with pale green eyes, daydreamer, curious about Starclan. Hollowkit - Gray tabby tom with pale green eyes, impulsive, interested in clan history.
Starlinggleam is expecting kits.
Lichenspeck, Piperpaw, and Roachstripe have recovered. Burrowheart's tail is injured by a falling tree. Darkpond has whitecough.
Murkfreckle and Bouncespeckle become mates.
Mumblepaw is found dead near the Antclan border.
Moon 115
Honeyspider and Teaselsky had 4 kits Almondkit - Ginger rosette molly with hazel eyes, noisy, lover of stories. Greenkit - Black molly with pale green eyes and long fur, attention seeker, quick to help. Gullkit - White and ginger molly with yellow eyes, attention seeker, lover of stories. Pepperkit - Dark gray tabby tom with dark blue eyes, noisy, active imagination.
Brindlebud, Falconfade, Weevilstar, and Wolftrail have recovered. Ghostkit and Bleakkit have kittencough. Quesadilla has whitecough. Crestcrash and Mudfern both hurt their legs.
Sorrelbloom finds an injured cat by the thunderpath. Smalltail - White and brown tom with blue eyes and long fur, 33 moons, compassionate, great mediator, great healer.
Flaxwhistle had a heated argument with Peatwish. - The kits' eyes are open, and they all have Peatwish's eyes. - Hubert felt guilty and confessed the affair to Flaxwhistle.
Moon 116
Bluepaw earns the warrior name Bluelily.
Orchard retires.
Sloemallow joins Starclan.
Springsprout and Shatterhaze are found dead near the Antclan border. Peatwish wails when she sees Springsprout's body. With all the border disputes and cats turning up dead near the border, Weevilstar begins preparing for war with Antclan.
Starlinggleam and Groveglide have 3 kits. Posykit - Black and white molly with dark blue eyes and long fur, bullying, never sits still. Fringekit - Yellow marbled molly with green-yellow eyes and long fur, impulsive, lover of stories. Snipkit - Ginger speckled and white molly with green-yellow eyes and long fur, insecure, oddly observant.
Groveglide, Furledpaw, Honeyspider, Bleakkit, and Darkpond recover. Petuniakit has kittencough. Poddapple sprained a paw. Burrowheart's tail is infected.
Squirreldapple is attacked by a brave young rogue. After the fight, the young cat is invited to join the clan. Badgerpaw - Ginger tom with gray eyes and long fur, 10 moons, arrogant, never sits, still. Apprenticed to Moledapple. Despite appearing to be a rogue, it is soon discovered that Badgerpaw was originally from another clan. However, when he's asked what clan he came from. Badgerpaw becomes uncomfortable and insists he was a rogue.
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fallenclan · 9 months
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ravenshade. ravenshade you are poking the bear ravenshade
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444names · 6 months
Names generated from Warrior Cats character names and common flowers, common herbs, and animals
(Sadly finding any database list of "plants native to England" wasn't possible, so I try next best thing).
Adder Adderheart Addock Aldenfur Algernstar Alkit Amblekit Amblepaw Anderpaw Anglin Annose Antsquinch Aphining Arcissum Aspelt Asterchkit Azale...
Badge Balderkit Ballow Baracker Barkstream Beetfur Beflower Belight Bellfur Benner Betshining Birchestar Birdstar Blackal Blacken Blackenwing Blacker Blizard Blossumacat Bluewhisker Bluewhite Boulderpaw Brambleft Branchface Brane Branefur Branilla Breefrost Breek Brightfoot Brightwish Bristle Broot Brooth Brushwingal Bushtail Butis Butted Buzzlybush Buzzypelt Camen Cardenfur Carleg Catfur Cattle Cedawnclaw Chammall Cheep Chickenwing Chicklenose Chickory Chilis Cinnon Clowfeather Cockinktail Cockster Copper Coppy Coria Corilla Coster Crabbitle Creefrong Creefrost Crick Crook Croutstar Crowankit Crowl Crysan Cucklekit Curledum Curlypelt Currel Currelshine Curry Cyclaw Dapple Dapples Darrook Deagle Deerpelt Dewspot Doverstar Downose Duckly Eaglestar Echfur Egremleap Elkit Emberch Emberry Errelflint Fallow Falon Fenner Fenugreeze Fernclover Fernose Fernson Ferrel Ferry Fidge Fincefish Firchicken Firchkit Flamelepaw Flampkit Fleaf Flightsky Flowflight Flowhenry Flowspotfur Flutted Flytainfur Foxglorang Foxleafpool Frecklefang Freckoo Frist Fristle Galings Garomseed Giantsqueak Gibbonobo Gibbony Glade Goosematien Goosepazote Gopheart Gorseedley Gorset Grassar Grayfern Graying Grout Guana Guanatter Guine Harelfur Harveymoose Hattail Hattletail Hawkfoots Heddarheale Hollowtail Hollus Hollyleap Honeyes Hoodsong Horning Hosong Hover Hoverbillow Hummine Hummint Hundsha Hussestones Hydrage Hyssomkit Hyssus Iceclaw Irise Jaguan Jasmintfur Jayfeath Jonquickens Jumpkit Jumpytail Junip Kenfury Keshine Kestnut Lapple Lappleclaw Lapplenose Leadow Leapigeon Leechosong Leekwhisker Lemminter Lemonksha Leonflorang Light Lilyoftwig Limeflight Limpes Lionkey Littail Litter Lobstep Lonstar Loonlight Loose Lower Lupineart Macacia Macat Mackdawn Malleaf Mantipe Maple Maplefoot Mapletail Maright Marsley Meade Meadeerled Meadepelt Melope Mineaf Mingfish Minnatis Minnowtuft Minteather Minter Mistle Mistlesky Mitestone Mitewater Mitewistfur Moleaf Moleg Molepowdrop Mollow Monmyrtled Moonfoot Mornclaw Morntana Mosspardaw Mossusander Mouseface Muddley Muskkit Mustpaw Namint Narchpaw Narwhale Neclaw Neeze Nettleap Nicooby Nightclaw Nightfoot Nightning Oakster Oatwhist Oneylerfoot Orchpaw Orrel Overstar Paleaf Panca Pandynose Panthyme Papriketail Parrel Patchen Pebblekit Pepperkit Percreek Peret Petail Petvine Picewhisker Pikefur Pikenhear Pinestep Pingbird Pinkfur Pinkit Pipede Poletsy Poppear Popper Porpion Prain Prawberry Prick Pring Pumpestar Quirrel Ragon Rainleaf Rainstar Rainwingo Rairit Rascarlower Rattail Redpaw Redthisker Reindleap Riper Rives Robinkfur Robinsplate Robinswept Roomhear Rowtail Rubblebee Rumperch Runner Safflowclaw Salade Sanderher Sandy Sassparkson Scoutstar Screed Scresurry Seale Seaselwing Sedgehog Sedgeranium Seedstar Shanot Share Sharept Sheept Shopwhisk Shredingo Shrush Shrushwing Shyheathe Silipkit Silkweevil Singstar Sistep Skyhearwing Slashheart Sleeds Slipkit Smalamant Smilanthyme Smint Snailstar Sneeze Snipekit Snook Snowtail Soleg Sorretle Sorring Spardkit Sparksong Sparrooth Speaf Spelt Spick Spide Spiket Spirebalm Splashhear Spotterhear Spotters Sques Squick Squiet Squitorm Stile Stonefoot Stoneyfur Stoneyleap Storty Straway Streather Strika Sunber Sunny Swanbeam Sweed Sweedtoot Sweet Swifteart Swoopinks Sworm Talder Talnose Talongtail Tanacle Tangutana Tanstep Taylily Thearnosa Thisper Thorty Thrimrost Thrus Thunter Tinyclaw Treeze Tuniaalen Tunipede Twolf Vinchid Viole Violetail Volepazote Volewhisker Volewing Vulturtium Waffe Waffrose Wasan Watcher Waterfallo Waterpaw Weaslug Weetail Whaleshade Whalfallia Whiskerkit Whitetain Wildcater Wilder Wildfish Willender Willheart Winderpelt Wingetmeg Wisterfish Woleclaw Woodpelt Yarrot Zacket Zebreek Zinnamon
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Moon 40
Bouncedew bravely threw themselves over Heavykit after they catch a glimpse of a hawk diving towards the entrance of the camp where Heavykit was playing, saving the kit but becoming injured in the process.
Hawkbit's leg has healed with no evidence the injury was ever there.
Thistlepaw has been seen wandering Starlingclans border and sneaking off in the night only to return in the morning smelling of twoleg things. This night, however, they did not return at all. Hopstar and Pigeonfleck lead search patrols the next morning in search of the young cat only to find them dead on the border they often paced.
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Pepperkit can feel the fight leaving their tiny body. Just one more moment until they succumb to the awful ache in their chest. Just one more heartbeat until death. They faintly feel a cold nose press against their cheek and hear an echoing voice tell them to "Live." Pepperkit wakes up and their chest is clear once again.
Duckflow almost lost their life to the merciless ocean but managed to swim back to shore.
Stormflicker tried to stutter out a confession to Freezespots but was swiftly turned down by their fellow medicine cat.
Sleekrun tried to confess their feelings to Darkpatch but was rejected as well. Whisperpeak gently lead the heartbroken cat out of camp for a walk along the beach and some moon gazing. Sleekrun appreciated the company and gesture.
Another injured Snipclan warrior is found at Starlingclan border begging for herbs and a place to stay. Freezespots quickly begins their work and is instantly worried about the condition of this cat's eyes. The new warrior nervously introduces themselves as Flutterbuzz.
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Frostfreckle and Greenflip announce together that they are expecting kits. Freezespots opens their mouth to say something but Frostfreckle beats them to it by playfully agreeing to go on herb gathering patrols for the next moon.
Freezespots glares at one particular point on the camp wall. They can't tell what is making them so unnerved by that particular crack, perhaps starclan, perhaps intuition, but they just don't like it. Their unease is proved warranted when a thin line crawls its way out of the split in the stone. Freezespots hisses loudly and quickly jumps on the snake, killing it with one bite to the base of the head. They know not if this was the same snake that killed Slightkit those short moons ago but they feel as though they may have brought, if not the clan, then their tiny spirit some peace.
Saltpaw has proven themselves time and time again and though it may seem early to most Hopstar thinks that they are ready for their warrior name. Saltpaw is named Saltears at ten moons of age and is celebrated for their valor.
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(picture added after the fact so that we can see grown-up Saltears)
Cragshadow watched proudly as Heavypaw is apprenticed to Bouncedew, knowing that their kit is safe in their paws.
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Frostfreckle and Greenflips kits have been born! Three precious little lives that both can't help but love more than life. Mantiskit, Crookedkit, and Oddkit.
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Duckflow can breathe easily again.
Pepperpaw accidentally rams their nose into Sleekrun's face too hard. Thankfully their new mentor has a good sense of humor and laughs about it with them.
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Frenpaw sits proudly beside Grousefleck, ready to take on any and every challenge their mentor may throw at them. Grousefleck feels ready for an apprentice, just, maybe not one this intense.
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Heavypaw gets injured after being attacked by a large dog that had cornered a Jackdawclan warrior.
Roarpatch was gathering herbs with Freezespots when they smelled someone familiar. Roarpatch's heart hurts but they put on a smile and happily greet the spirit. Oh, how they wish they were still here.
Cragshadow tries to catch a rabbit on Jackdawclans border but was instead caught by a Jackdawclan warrior. The injuries gained certainly weren't worth a single rabbit.
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I would have loved the idea of Cinnamontail having a litter of three kits and naming them after spices she recalled Twolegs using. A dark gray tabby she-kit named Pepperkit, a very light gray, almost white tom named Saltkit, and a reddish-brown she-kit named Nutmegkit.
ShadowClan is happy that one of their queens has given birth to a healthy litter, especially during a time where ShadowClan is still rebuilding itself after what happened with the Kin and Ashfur's takeover. But many of the cats are thinking the same thing: wtf is a pepper, salt, and nutmeg?
Puddleshine awkwardly questions his brother on the unorthodox origin of his kits' names, but Slatefur is too consumed with joy, relief, and pride to consider the fact that his kits had not been named after the legendary cats of old or the beautiful fauna and flora that makes up their territory; no, they were named after things you'd find in a Twoleg spice cabinet.
I mean, no cat can really be surprised, right? The Clan still has no idea what a "cinnamon" is, but with Cinnamontail's acceptance into ShadowClan, one would think she would make some sort of effort to assimilate into Clan culture.
The naming of her kits receives some looks of disapproval from Oakfur and Berryheart, but Slatefur makes sure that each and every cat knows that his and Cinnamontail's kits are best, and most creatively-named, in the Clan.
He brings up a valid point. What warrior in history has had his kits' names? He's still young, but he can definitely name several warriors off the top of his head who have the same prefix. "I mean, come on," he growls in annoyance. "Would you have preferred that she named Pepperkit something like Nightkit? How many "Nights" are floating around in the Clans? Nightcloud? Nightsky? Nightheart? Does it really piss you old geezers off that much that my mate has some originality?"
Every tongue that rises against Slatefur's family will fall as quickly as it was risen, that's a promise he made to himself when he fell in love with Cinnamontail. Needless to say, there weren't any further debates about his kits' names, at least not within earshot of Slatefur, Cinnamontail, OR Puddleshine. (Puddleshine and Slatefur are protective of each other like that; they've always been)
Side note, all of the kits survived to adulthood and were named Peppercloud, Saltwhisker, and Nutmegfur.
I love this, this would have been so good
I really hope that if she has a second litter something like this happens
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@ambitiousauthor is this right?
Family: Ivyspots, Scaleears (adoptive mothers), Lilywater (biological mother), Webstripe (biological father), Petalstripe, Lilyclaw, Silktangle, Webfang (brothers), Saltkit, Tinykit, Cloudkit, Emberkit, Redkit, Blazekit, Poppykit, Morningkit, Fadekit, Pepperkit, Dawnkit, Peachkit, Stormkit, Firekit (maternal half-sisters), Thistlekit, Goosekit, Breezekit, Carnationkit, Fawnkit, Rowankit (paternal half-sisters), Silverkit, Palekit (half-sisters), Stumppaw, Bigstar, Shadowkit, Spiderkit, Whisperkit, Flashkit, Russetkit, Mistkit, Cypresskit, Pinkkit, Mothkit, Birchkit, Goldenkit (maternal half-brothers), Slugkit, Mellowkit, Hawthornkit, Owlkit, Lizardkit, Beechkit, Spiderkit (paternal half-brothers)
(putting all their names in the brothers thing because it’s easier)
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mouselobite · 1 year
He's doing his best I think Pepperkit and Pepperkit are lovely
HE REALLY DID TRY HIS HARDEST!!! I feel like he was like "i dont know man. theyre both pepperkit. I hope they survive."
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ares-acrylics · 4 years
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faith is a fragile thing.
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