long4tumbler · 2 years
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nuvivalent42 · 1 month
Yolda- Yolaçık (Pepule)(2014)
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Thus alle this thyngys turnyng up so down, this creatur whych many yerys had gon wyl and evyr ben unstable was parfythly drawen and steryd to entren the wey of hy perfeccyon, whech parfyth wey Cryst ower Savyowr in hys propyr persoone examplyd. Sadly he trad it and dewly he went it beforn. Than this creatur, of whom thys tretys thorw the mercy of Jhesu schal schewen in party the levyng, towched be the hand of owyr Lord wyth grett bodyly sekenesse, wher thorw sche lost reson and her wyttes a long tym tyl ower Lord be grace restoryd her ageyn, as it schal mor openly be schewed aftyrward.
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Hir wepyng was so plentyuows and so contwnyng that mech pepul wend that sche mygth wepyn and levyn whan sche wold, and therfor many men seyd sche was a fals ypocryte and wept for the world for socowr and for wordly good.
I love her. she would do numbers on here (weepy, calls herself a creature, unapologetically weird and bizarre, disabled)
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demon-werepire · 1 year
@vthekidfromtheforest: my wish to be an inasent child agen @squire-flowers: my fear of humen interactshon with pepule i dont know @askthesuspect: my PURE hatred for my father.
fun times 0v0b
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simplifiedboris · 1 year
whats your opinyan of pepule drawing Logan ?
//I'll be kicking my feet and giggling if someone draws him or somehow involves him in their oc post <333 u guys can't imagine how I'm thankful everytime someone does that hehe
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idv-askchaoticduo · 1 year
2 things.
i thoght it said miners not mirrors for your one character's
and whats your opinyon on pepule drawing your charicters? :3c
((also i hope you are having a good day! ^v^
// Ah yes, Lawrence is terrified of miners. Especially Norton. He hides under the couch like a scared kitten everytime he sees him. :sob: //As for the drawings. I LOVE IT. Seeing my oc's in other people's style is so cool, something i created was drawn by someone else because they liked it! (I think-) //I have all of the drawings of Lawrence and Sam saved in a folder in case you're wondering. :D //My day was good until i decided to start tagging my posts to organize them/j //Hope your day goes well and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
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ask-idv-astronaut · 1 year
to the mod: whats your opinyon on pepule drawing your charicter Alden/The Astronaut?
I enjoy it! If anyone wants to draw him, I am okay with it!
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Approbashin is wen pepul say good job but like, big time. Its wen u do somethin reel gud and evryone be like "wow dats amazin". Sumtimes peeps do claps or give u a shiny sticker or sumthin. Approbation happns wen u r not teribl at somthin, an dey want u 2 no u r not teribl.
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Balas H: Fashioning Dreams by Weaving Heritage and Innovation | Director of Pepule Fashion
Balas H, the visionary Director of Pepule Fashion, graced the cover of World’s Leaders Magazine as one of the Worlds Most Influential Women Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2024
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ashhgetslittle · 26 days
Peepul been sayin mean stuff to me. Like kill yurself. Das not nice, makes me feew ucky. Ucky ucky ew. Don tell pepul that!!!
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long4tumbler · 2 years
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johnchiarello · 1 year
Sunday sermon [text]
SUNDAY SERMON Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill. Links to my sites here and the bottom of every post- Most updated at bottom. LINKS TO MY SITES 12-26-22 Stats   STATS- 16,394,621 views 964,512 friends Recent sites- Pepul- ccoutreach87 https://www.pepul.com/app/invite [India] Parler 2nd https://parler.com/Johnchiarello1  Wink  https://wink.social/  Peoople…
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pepul · 1 year
#Guinnessrecord #Vaishnavi #Yoga #Coimbatore #Pepul
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anandkumarpitchai · 2 years
மனைவியை impress செய்ய hacker-ஆக மாறிய கணவர்🫢 | Pepul News
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mahaveerpatidar · 2 years
*MahaveerPatidar_2660* sent you a Rs.10,000 worth Pepul Golden Ticket. Click the link and create an account to participate in Quiz and get a chance to win upto Rs.10,000. https://pepul.app/U2GQkkf9MaBvWb3E9
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anwarabasi-haras · 2 years
My Sijîn novel translated in English by Tara Korkmaz is now available in print and kindle versions. An original story with socio-political and emotive elements that permeates the deepest layers of the contemporary mind utilizing the latest narrative techniques.
Amazon purchase link ⬇
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