foreverinpanicmode · 2 years
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that i one hundred precent believe in and will forever protect.
let's start off with the fact that as a child he most certainly was one of the smallest. in his first year, he most definitely was four feet and two inches or something like that.
he didn't hit puberty until he was thirteen, he believed it was purely evolution and that he just simply grew overnight. however, if you had asked anyone else? they'd tell you that merlin took pity on him.
percy is afraid of failure. much like little hermione granger, percy fears that if he doesn't do well in anything he does that he'll be thrown out of school or rejected consistently by his peers.
he's a straight 'o' student, which is nothing new... except he's only a straight 'o' student because one time his brother fred told him that he was gonna grow up to be the stupidest person ever to exist ( out of anger of course.. fred was like five at the time and percy had blabbed to mummy ). and percy just had to prove his brother wrong.
percy absolutely loves music, and not classical music like most of the classic typical nerds either, but he enjoys listening to the weird sisters, and the hobgoblins. he's also a huge fan of a muggle band called coldplay.
percy is actually a very good cook and can cook just about anything you ask for, his mother began teach him when he was young and the hobby just kinda stuck around. he frequently cooked when his mother and father would leave for short periods of time and couldn't make it back in time to cook dinners.
percy hates nicknames, he only tolerates them from his family because he generally doesn't have a say in anything at all. he doesn't mind his friends giving him one but generally he just likes going by his name or at least the shortened version of it.
he loves cats. he would absolutely adore having a cat of his own, he's jealous of those around him because they get to be with a cat who loves and adores them on a daily basis while he gets a shitty owl who is on his last legs and can barely keep itself upright while flying.
percy was once a prankster like his younger twin brothers, he would go around playing pranks on his family and the family friends but after fred said those words to him once, he decided to put pranking aside and focus on school.
percy is an amazing writer and attempts to write his own novel about what it's like being a wizard in a family of seven wizards and not having a single space to just be alone in without someone needing something from him.
he never wanted to become a ministry worker, but several people made insults towards him about his career choice, so he chose something more attainable and easier to achieve.
percy is a lover at heart, but because of the way his peers reacted to love, he became the quiet lover who does things behind closed doors and prefers no pda out in public. but he isn't opposed to a kiss on the cheek or a peck on the lips here or there.
percy adores animals. any animal, domestic or non-domestic. he gets it from his brother charlie who spent a good chunk of his own childhood learning all he can about magical creatures and how ti care for them. percy actually had aspirations to become a magizoologist when he was very young but chose a very different path ( as seen above ).
percy and his parents have an odd relationship, while they both love all of their children the same, they tend to overlook him due to him being the middle child and the smartest out of the seven. arthur was the one who got him into the possibility of being a ministry worker as that would definitely pay the bills and help make life a bit easier for the future. while molly attempted to show percy every ounce of love she had for her children.
percy weasley despises his siblings on various different levels. he tolerates william and ron purely because they are the less chaotic of the bunch ( minus the seven years ron attended school). he loves charlie to pieces because charlie is the only one who ever truly cared or even bothered to take his thoughts into consideration. but charlie does get overbearing sometimes and tends to helicopter percy when they were children, which travels well into their teen and young adult years. william is just... too aloof for percy to follow through with, he never knows what he's doing or what he'll be doing. ginny and ron are constantly screaming at each other which makes studying or just relaxing to be very hard and stressful. fred and george are the bane of percy's existence, constantly pranking him every chance they got and never ever considered the consequences of their actions. they always belittled him and told him to calm down when he was simply just explaining how they should be careful. he loves how open-minded and carefree they are, plus they're rather smart and have a knack for charms and stuff.
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