#percy weasley headcannons
ruined-crow-boy · 4 months
The world needs to hear about your Kickboxer Percy Weasley headcanons!
AHHHH!!! Someone thinks my ramblings are interesting!! I have PEAKED!!
Okay here's the thoughts that consume my brain most of the time!
- most of the martial artists I know are aware of their strength and are quite gentle because of it! (Or at least don't actively pick fights) And that reminds me a lot of Percy! (Or at least the version of him in my head!)
- in canon he was mocked/bullied by people a lot so I image that he would've started taking classes to be able to defend himself and it became a hobby of his!
- I think because he's very long and lanky, a sport that didn't require a large mass would be appealing to him as he wouldn't have to compensate for his opponent being able to physically overpower him because of sheer size!
- a lot of 'nerdy' people are well aware of how exercise is important for the body as well as general hauora (all forms of health). Percy would know this and would treat it as a way to counteract some of his bad habits (you cannot tell me this man wouldn't chug caffeinated drinks 24/7 to pull studying all-nighters)
- I think that Percy would get fit for health more than looks but added imitation ability wouldn't stop him!
- in almost all of my headcannons, Percy is trans FtM (bc I project onto him lol) so probably for an added bonus of gender euphoria caused by biases associated with martial arts!
- also I imagine that he'd love to have a separate sport to his siblings so that he wasn't competing against them both in a fight or for attention
- he'd be really good at it though! Not Olympic level good bc in my heart he wanted to keep it as a hobby and not as a source of income! He'd definitely be at winning championships and competitions level though!
If you can think of any other reasons please comment or message me! And also please tell me all your Percy Weasley headcannons!!!!
Ngā mihi nui (Thank you very much) for the ask! I feel so treasured! <3
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foreverinpanicmode · 2 years
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that i one hundred precent believe in and will forever protect.
let's start off with the fact that as a child he most certainly was one of the smallest. in his first year, he most definitely was four feet and two inches or something like that.
he didn't hit puberty until he was thirteen, he believed it was purely evolution and that he just simply grew overnight. however, if you had asked anyone else? they'd tell you that merlin took pity on him.
percy is afraid of failure. much like little hermione granger, percy fears that if he doesn't do well in anything he does that he'll be thrown out of school or rejected consistently by his peers.
he's a straight 'o' student, which is nothing new... except he's only a straight 'o' student because one time his brother fred told him that he was gonna grow up to be the stupidest person ever to exist ( out of anger of course.. fred was like five at the time and percy had blabbed to mummy ). and percy just had to prove his brother wrong.
percy absolutely loves music, and not classical music like most of the classic typical nerds either, but he enjoys listening to the weird sisters, and the hobgoblins. he's also a huge fan of a muggle band called coldplay.
percy is actually a very good cook and can cook just about anything you ask for, his mother began teach him when he was young and the hobby just kinda stuck around. he frequently cooked when his mother and father would leave for short periods of time and couldn't make it back in time to cook dinners.
percy hates nicknames, he only tolerates them from his family because he generally doesn't have a say in anything at all. he doesn't mind his friends giving him one but generally he just likes going by his name or at least the shortened version of it.
he loves cats. he would absolutely adore having a cat of his own, he's jealous of those around him because they get to be with a cat who loves and adores them on a daily basis while he gets a shitty owl who is on his last legs and can barely keep itself upright while flying.
percy was once a prankster like his younger twin brothers, he would go around playing pranks on his family and the family friends but after fred said those words to him once, he decided to put pranking aside and focus on school.
percy is an amazing writer and attempts to write his own novel about what it's like being a wizard in a family of seven wizards and not having a single space to just be alone in without someone needing something from him.
he never wanted to become a ministry worker, but several people made insults towards him about his career choice, so he chose something more attainable and easier to achieve.
percy is a lover at heart, but because of the way his peers reacted to love, he became the quiet lover who does things behind closed doors and prefers no pda out in public. but he isn't opposed to a kiss on the cheek or a peck on the lips here or there.
percy adores animals. any animal, domestic or non-domestic. he gets it from his brother charlie who spent a good chunk of his own childhood learning all he can about magical creatures and how ti care for them. percy actually had aspirations to become a magizoologist when he was very young but chose a very different path ( as seen above ).
percy and his parents have an odd relationship, while they both love all of their children the same, they tend to overlook him due to him being the middle child and the smartest out of the seven. arthur was the one who got him into the possibility of being a ministry worker as that would definitely pay the bills and help make life a bit easier for the future. while molly attempted to show percy every ounce of love she had for her children.
percy weasley despises his siblings on various different levels. he tolerates william and ron purely because they are the less chaotic of the bunch ( minus the seven years ron attended school). he loves charlie to pieces because charlie is the only one who ever truly cared or even bothered to take his thoughts into consideration. but charlie does get overbearing sometimes and tends to helicopter percy when they were children, which travels well into their teen and young adult years. william is just... too aloof for percy to follow through with, he never knows what he's doing or what he'll be doing. ginny and ron are constantly screaming at each other which makes studying or just relaxing to be very hard and stressful. fred and george are the bane of percy's existence, constantly pranking him every chance they got and never ever considered the consequences of their actions. they always belittled him and told him to calm down when he was simply just explaining how they should be careful. he loves how open-minded and carefree they are, plus they're rather smart and have a knack for charms and stuff.
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cammmmmm-isbored · 2 years
Percy Weasley Headcannons
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He has to hide EVERYTHING from George and Fred so they don’t prank it ir anything
George and Fred make fun of him because he has a skincare routine they’re just a little jealous if you ask me
He cuts the crust off his sandwiches and he cuts them into triangles or else he will not eat it
He used to have a really bad army boot addiction or boots in general addiction
He’s addicted to caffeine any kind
He tried putting up posters of bands to seem cooler and talk more to his brothers but Molly asked too many questions and it made him feel bad so he took them down
He uses Crayon bandaids specifically red, orange or green
He likes grape juice
He prefers apple juice over orange but HATES apples
lmk if I should make more headcannons and of who
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winn-wynn · 21 days
How I think the Weasley siblings cross the street when a car waves at them across to go cause why the fuck not
Bill: waves back and walks normally across the street. He takes his time though :(
Charlie: doesn’t even look he just sprints like his life depends upon it. Youre stressed. He deals with dragons he can handle a car hitting him he doesn’t care
Percy: nods at you and walks with a purpose across the street. The best type cause he’s a fast walker. (Not like he’s gay or anything. Gay people walk fast)
Fred: if he’s alone, he’s usually normal. He waves back and does a little half shuffle half walk across. When he’s with George there’s a whole production and bet whether or not they can sprint across without getting hit.
George: once again, if he’s alone, he’s sort of normal but he just half shuffled across. With Fred it’s a dramatic affair. One time they even pretended to get hit just to be annoying with a musical and dance number.
Ron: swaggers across the street with his long legs. I love him but I know he strolls across with not a care in the world. He’s just chilling.
Ginny: iconic, struts across with a purpose. She has places to go places to be. nothing wrong.
Harry, cause why not: he definitely full on runs across the street out of sheer shame bc he doesn’t want to make the car wait. Deadass probably gets hit by car at least once
Hermione cause why the fuck not as well: is legit normal and how we all strive to be when crossing the street. No shame, just a simple wave and nod and crosses just fine.
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p0ssym1lker · 2 years
Ron Weasley head cannons while in Hogwarts
Befriended one Hufflepuff in second year and was adopted by the older ones
Was playing chess alone in the library and a Ravenclaw student joined
It was such hard loss people started studying his moves to try and get a chance at winning
They can't even be mad! He's so happy someone's playing with him goddamnit!
Has played against Slytherins as well, chess is a silent truce
He is great at fixing up things and gives good advice for budgeting
Likes shiny things
Refuses to go to madam pomfrey when he gets sick
Fred and george once dragged him to her when he nearly fell off the stairs because of a fever
He broke out instantly
A charm went wrong and he had Harry's eyes for a few days once
Snape nearly died because he thought lily came back to haunt him
Used to complimenting people (Ginny calmed down easier when you play up her positivity and Molly absolutely was a weak woman to small Ron calling her pretty)
Tells a guy his eyes remind him of a certain constellation, said guy never recovered
It was said way to honestly and out of nowhere for no reason
Aroace Ron Weasley with platonic life partners Harry and hermione
Has a nasty kick
Physical touch is one of his love languages so he often just nudges people, has headbutted people softly
Let's people draw on his skin, often his arms are full of doodles or full blown artworks
Still has anger issues but eventually learns about it and tries to learn ways to get it under control
Ginny used to want to play dress up a lot so he is very comfortable in being seen as 'girly'
Let's his friend practice make up on him
Ron with eyeliner was someone's sexual awakening
Switched uniform with a girl once because she wanted to try the boys uniform
Draco tried to make fun of him for that - Stammered a bit too hard to be taken serious
Blaise Zabini asked him out once but Ron did not in fact understand what he wanted
Will just pick people up for whatever reason
Is great at transfiguration, McGonagall found out in third year and has been trying to get him to be the transfiguration professor since then
Really good at baking
Knows so much gossip
Really used to the twins to the point he can interrupt them and finish their thought before they get to do their back and forth
Understands any rambles, he knows so many people who go on rants all the time
Has the mom-resistance to heat when cooking
One hit K.O.ed a guy who cheated on his friend
In the middle of the great hall
The guy dropped between the twins and they shared a look of "oh god that could have been us"
Learns if he's flexible enough he can kick someone in the face, considering his height as well? Dangerous
The first time he does it, another sexual awakening was had
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headcanonandburn · 1 year
HP headcanons from redit
Percy was undermining the Death Eater controlled Ministry from within. He forged documents to help Muggleborns and other victims of Death Eater persecution, and sometimes stole and destroyed other papers that ordered arrests.
Dobby and Kreacher were the first ever non-humans to be awarded the Order of Merlin. Harry places the medal at Dobby's grave.
Ginny didn't really have friends among the Gryffindor girls in her year, her female friends are from Quidditch as well as Hermione and Luna.
Harry, Ron and Hermione forgive Xenophilius Lovegood for trying to sell them to the Death Eaters. Out of respect to Xeno, they don't tell Luna the truth.
After the battle a prize for the best seventh year Potions student is set up, and it is named the Severus Snape Medal, in honour of Hogwarts' bravest Potions master.
Peeves was active in the Hogwarts resistance during Deathly Hallows, and helped create chaos for the Carrows.
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pweasleyluvclub · 2 years
percy weasley has listened to all of phantom of the opera and thought it was a mid musical
his favourite musical is clearly hadestown
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s9fti3 · 5 months
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‘So this is love?’- Ron Weasley Headcannons!!
• Ron had met you since the very beginning of first year. He actually had met you on the train along with Harry and Hermione. You two were good friends from that moment on.
• He had asked you out in your 3rd year and shocking enough, you guys had somehow made it to your final year together. Now of course there were ups and downs and times you guys almost broke up, but there had always been something or someone to put you two back together.
• Ron was like your oxygen, and you were his. You two were never seen without each other, always attached at the hip. Along with the whole Lavender situation, she got the hint quite quickly that he was taken whenever she saw you with him time and time again.
• Him and the twins enjoy pulling small, stupid little pranks on you. Such as leaving a fake plastic spider in between your folded clothes and scare you once you go to put them on. Another thing they had done was swap you conditioner bottle and shampoo bottle.
• Him and his personality were quite easy to love. Now, sometimes not so much, but he definitely makes up for it when he is not entirely being a pain.
• His family quite likes you and wishes that you and Ron stay together and hopefully get married. His mother has always treated you as her daughter as she only has one and would have liked another after Ginny. Ginny likes you because you are another girl she can finally talk to about things and it isn’t awkward. She told you all about her crush on Harry and you pushed her to tell him about her feelings.
• You had been apart of the Weasley family the second you chose to be friends with Ron so expect the same treatment Ron and his other’s siblings get. George and Fred will prank you to no end, steal some food from your plate just to annoy you. Meanwhile Ginny and Percy treat you kindly. Percy doesn’t acknowledge you very much, but is still kind when he sees you around- giving a smile or a small nod when he walks pasts you. With Ginny however, it’s like your new sister. Makeup, Nails, hair, therapy sleepover sessions and all!
• Once Ron joined the quidditch team, you had shown up to every game he had played and he always wore a proud little smile every time he saw you with his jacket on.
• Smells like cinnamon, pumpkin candies, old spice and peppermint toothpaste.
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1donoow · 1 year
[Fanfics i've read]
♡ - smut
Mostly fluff
The letter room [richard alonzo muñoz]
MPHFPC [Alma peregrine][Enoch O'Connor]
encanto [the madrigals][camilo madrigal]
a series of unfortunate events [klaus baudelaire][violet baudelaire]
harry potter [weasley twins][neville longbottom][luna lovegoods]
narnia [Edmund pevensie]
triple frontier [santiago garcia]
richard alonzo muñoz
@marvel-and-mischief - matching pyjamas
@dapperappleton - imagine being an ymbryne and having your own loop
- imagine taking care of clair and olive
Alma peregrine
@vostokovasmelina - sleeping next to alma lefay perigine would include
@multifandomfix - imagine alma loving it when you paint her and the children
@zafirosreverie - an special case
Enoch O'Connor
@she-writes-with-kisses - quiet
- space jump
@dapperappleton - imagine being able to create death and dating enoch
@clean-bands-dirty-stories - shirtsleeves
@klineinie - blanketed
@imaginefan - story time
@y2fandom - sending him cute things
@frost-queen - no pain
@maeby-bby - you fluster me
@pink-princess-pussy-pop - dating enoch would include
————— ENCANTO ——————
@cloud-9ine - madrigal reacting to being called their full name
@camilosnovia - there's two of them
- Madrigal Adults reacting to child!reader giving them gifts
Camilo madrigal
@sesamestreet47 - camilo w/ a tall s/o
- Camilo with a shy, sweet girlfriend
- friends
@nixthewolf - camilo simping over reader
@radiorenjun - shape-shifting frolics
@madrihoes - camilo nickname
@cloud-9ine - with or without you
@magicalencanto - camilo's s/o having power like pepa
@multificsworld - ___
- Tu Alma Tan Hermosa, Como La Luna
@caramellahoney - future daughter-in-law
- wait no wait-
@luvrcami - camilo headcannon
@bumblesimagines - being friends with camilo
@mihlo - camilo with fem s/o who wears glasses
@dos-oroguitas - angelita
- ay mamacita
klaus Baudelaire
@strangerdangerwrites - incompatible
@a-second-hand-sorrow - goodnight
- Not a problem
@ssadumba55 - not that easy
violet Baudelaire
@trustsalvatorewriting - dating violet Baudelaire would include
@archivesofthevoid - Pulling their hair while making out
- The boys (+ Percy) stealing a kiss on the way to class hc
@lithiumfae - sexy habits they have (marauders)
weasley twins
@therandomficwriter - The Weasley Twins Having A Crush On You
@lilahisntsadanymore - Slytherin sunshine (fred)
@moonlit-imagines - ___
@therandomficwriter - weasley twins with a non ticklish s/o
neville longbottom
@hogwartseighthyear - crush
@very-unsirius - blurb
luna lovegoods
@iamthemain-character - Falling in Love with Luna Lovegood
@fromforeigntofamiliarity - taming cowardly lions
@sublimecatgalaxy - ___
Edmund pevensie
@pink-princess-pussy-pop - dating edmund would include
@wrenwreads - she's enough
- wardrobe malfunctions
@witchthewriter - being king edmund's wife would include
@pariahsparadise - warm pt.2
@violentdelightsandviolentends - tethered ♡
santiago garcia
@stormkobra-5 - ___♡
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dreamy29 · 7 months
In the burrow
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Hi <3 This here them a gear headcannons like you would get for the 1st time in the burrow Pairing: light George x Reader Warnings: None ( implied fluff, a George Wesley in love) Trailer: You are Yn Yln and a good friend from Hermione Greanger and when Hermione was invited to the burrow, she just took you with her. What you didn't know was that George had taken a liking to you. Unfortunately, he's quite… reserved about that sort of thing
in 2 weeks the next school year at Hogwarts would begin
you would arrive in the foxhole with Hermione
of course everyone knew that you would come too (not) that's why you arrived completely unexpectedly with Hermione
but everyone was still happy that you were there too
it was a huge hustle and bustle while you all greeted each other
it was already late so you all ate together, but suddenly you remembered something: "Um… Molly? " you asked hesitantly. "Yes, darling? "she said, looking at you questioningly. Unfortunately, she talks quite loud (because she was sitting at the other end of the table) which made everyone look at you. "Well, I'm very sorry, especially because I came along unannounced, but where am I supposed to sleep? ", you ask. Thoughtful silence until someone says: "She can sleep with us. ". It was George who offered. "Everywhere else is full. Harry sleeps with Ron, Hermione sleeps with Ginny. Bill's sleeping at Percy's and Charly's on the couch. Where else would she sleep?" he said.
Molly had no objections and so the whole thing was settled. After the last cup of cocoa had been drunk, you said, "Good night!" to everyone and ran upstairs to the Weasley twins' room and then got ready for bed in the bathroom and changed your clothes
when you were ready you walked out of the bathroom and nearly bumped into George and Fred who were arguing about who would go into the bathroom next
you slipped between them and made your way into the twins' room
To your surprise, your bed was already made up
it was between George's and Fred's beds and it didn't look like an air mattress either, but just like the twins' bed
the twins' bed, just as long, just as wide and just as high
you could immediately recognise which bed belonged to whom
'well, never mind' you thought and lay down in your own bed
A narrow beam of light shone into the room through the gap between the door and the wall, which increased in size 5 minutes after you lay down.
It was George, apparently he had won the fight against Fred
his hair was wet and stuck to his forehead, indicating that he had been in the shower
He was wearing flaming red pyjamas that went wonderfully with his hair
You two looked at each other for a second or two until he seemed to have found his words again and said:
"Oh, Yn! I'm sorry! Did I wake you up? "
before you could answer, Fred came through the door and nearly ran over his twin brother in the process
He almost tripped over you too, but George was just able to grab him by the corner of his (equally flaming red) pyjamas and prevent such a mishap Fred is only named against your bed XD
when the last person in the house had gone to bed, it gradually became quiet in the house, which didn't mean that everyone was asleep
George and Fred were also still very much awake and talking animatedly about a new joke idea
you were almost asleep when suddenly the word was turned to you: "Well, Yn? How do you like it in the foxhole?" Fred suddenly asked you. "You don't like it, do you? It's…, too small, isn't it?" George added ashamedly. "No! I think it's great here!" you said, giggling.
After a while, Fred and George stopped talking and you were all finally able to sleep
you had a very restless sleep - you kept tossing and turning until you met with resistance
far too tired to think about it, you just lay there as it was so comfortable and you were finally getting warm
(George's view: )
It was already the middle of the night when I suddenly felt something
something had bumped into me and just stayed there
I turned round carefully and…
I had to suppress a squeak
It was Yn! She had snuggled up to me! She had been very restless the whole time and now she had finally fallen asleep. 'Oh God… she looks so beautiful… even when she's asleep' George thought to himself
He wasn't sure what he should do now
should he push you away, do nothing, or put an arm around you?
he decided in favour of the latter after a while
slowly and carefully, so as not to wake you up, he turned round so that he could hug you gently
'Oh, she's so warm and her skin…how can skin be so soft…She fits so perfectly in my arms' he thought
"Oh my God…" he murmured half asleep and melted away
he had imagined countless times what it would be like to hold you in his arms
it was a thousand times better than he had ever dreamed of
with the extremely tantalising thought of falling asleep like this every night, he also drifted off into his first dream
The next morning (your view):
you woke up, awakened by the sun's rays shining on your face
You were exceptionally warm, but not too hot, you felt something behind you and felt a gentle, steady throbbing. It was very cosy and pleasant just lying there. You could have fallen asleep again
It took you 2 minutes to come round properly, and after those 2 minutes came the shock of realisation - you squeaked out something like: "iiikkk!!!! ", you jumped up and had to exert a little more force than usual as you were being held down by 2 rather strong arms. You immediately ran to the bathroom, under the gaze of a confused Fred and a sleepy, yet guilty George
after you had washed your face in the bathroom, you almost stopped blushing and went back to the twins' room
Fred had asked you what had happened and you said you had simply been frightened by a spider
George didn't look at you, he just couldn't look him in the eye, but you looked at them both and shouted happily, "Good morning, Georgie and Freddie!" and scurried out of the room.
Please read: the characters are not mine and neither is the GIF. All credits go to the actual owners! if anything should be removed, please contact me.
Thanks for reading <3 I hope you enjoyed it! -do not read over again - If you want to make requests for other scenarios/headcannons, feel free to post them in the comments! Byee~
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jennapancake · 4 months
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~Requests open~
However, I usually only write x Reader unless requested otherwise and usually Reader is female. Please send in requests. ❤️
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 ↓
|Percy Jackson|
•Luke Castellan
-Love Made me Crazy Part 1
-Love Made me Crazy Part 2
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|Jujutsu Kaisen|
•Satoru Gojo
•Suguru Geto
•Yuji Itadori
•Megumi Fushiguro
•Kento Nanami
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|Mashle Magic and Muscles|
•Rayne Ames
~Series Coming Soon~
•Orter Madl
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|Harry Potter|
•Fred Weasley
•George Weasley
•Harry Potter
•Pansy Parkinson
•Draco Malfoy
•Mattheo Riddle
•Theodore Nott
•Tom Riddle
•Blaise Zabini
•Lorenzo Berkshire
•Cedric Diggory
•Oliver Wood
•Charlie Weasley
•Bill Weasley
|Marauders Era|
•James Potter
•Sirius Black
•Remus Lupin
•Regulus Black
•Barty Crouch Jr
-The Diner (Stalker Headcannon)
•Evan Rosier
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|Maze Runner|
- The Monsters Creator
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|Teen Wolf|
•Stiles Stilinski
•Void Stiles
•Derek Hale
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•Haruka Sakura
•Hajime Umemiya
-The Dreamcatcher
•Hayato Suo
•Jo Togame
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|Stranger Things|
•Steve Harrington
•Eddie Munson
•Billy Hargrove
•Robin Buckley
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|Outer Banks|
•JJ Maybank
•Rafe Cameron
-More to be added-
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myrandomthoughtsblog · 5 months
A very big list of characters from different fandons that I headcannon as being aro or in the aro spectrum with no explanation at all
Some of them are even cannon :)
Dc comics -
Selina kyle
Damian wayne
Cassandra cain
Blue beetle
Harry potter -
Charlie Weasley
Neville longbottom
Marvel -
Yelena belova
Bucky barnes
Nick fury
One piece -
Ordem paranormal-
Thiago fritz
Sherlock Holmes -
Sherlock Holmes
Mycroft Holmes
Teen wolf -
Malia Tate
Cora Hale
Truly devious -
Nate fisher
Stevie bell
Haikyuu -
I wish the world would end tomorrow -
Monster high -
Cleo de Nile
Heath burns
Ever after high -
Briar beauty
Lizzie hearts
Sparrow wood
Ladybug -
Boku no hero -
Addams family -
Stranger things -
Alice in boarderland -
The order -
The umbrella academy -
Hunger games -
Katniss everdeen
Percy jackson -
Disney -
High school musical -
Sharpay evans
Violetta -
The walking dead -
Carl grimes
My babysitter is a vampire -
Gossip girl -
Luna la
The Loud house -
Lynn loud
Your headcannons?
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foreverinpanicmode · 2 years
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these headcannons are things that i wholeheartedly believe in and will forever defend.
this guy hates nicknames, he will forever throw hands with anyone who tries to give him a stupid lil nickname. however, he will let his lover choose one nickname to call him while they're out in public.
as for when they're at home? 😏 he likes to be called all sorts of lil nicknames, especially when they're getting hot and heavy with each other.
percy is the type of guy who isn't silent about his lover or his feelings for his lover, he expresses them greatly in any form possible. he loves telling his friends about them and will show them off at any point in time.
he takes photos of everything that goes on around him when he's with his lover, he loves seeing them react to stuff like animals, babies, old people, plants, historical places, museums, etc. he keeps a little photobook just full of pictures.
pda is a big no no for percy, but he does allow a kiss here or a peck there. he doesn't mind small cuddles like when his lover burrows themselves into his side or arms bc they're overwhelmed or tired. but full on kissing moments are just very stressful for him to deal with.
when he finally finds himself in a good financial position, he will go all out for date nights and night ins. he loves taking his lover out on lil dates to celebrate just about everything and anything: birthdays, promotions, engagements of friends, weddings of friends, family outings, baby showers, baby announcements, etc
percy isn't a pressurer. he will not pressure his lover into doing anything that they aren't comfortable with doing. this also loosely translates to: if you try and force my lover to do anything they're uncomfortable with, i will personally throw hands or kill you with my bare hands.
percy's main love language is words of affirmation which means he loves being told when he's doing a good job and if he's doing things the right way. this heavily ties into sexy times which makes him the sub between him and his lover 😈. his next love language is acts of service, he absolutely adores doing anything that his lover asks of him and almost always does it perfectly. he takes his time perfecting his performance and his abilities to ensure his lover always is happy. his third main love language is quality time, while he does love having time to himself, he likes to enjoy his alone time with his lover as they're presence calms him down and keeps him grounded. he will go anywhere and everywhere with his partner to keep them happy and smiling.
percy really is a gentle lover, and even in the dominant position he will always make sure that his lover gives their consent before he does anything to them. he never wants to hurt or frighten his lover as he knows what anger can do to someone's psyche.
he is family oriented, yet he is huge on not making his lover feel obligated to meet his family or become close/friends with his family either. he also doesn't want his lover to feel obligated or forced to have kids if they don't want any kids.
percy weasley is a lover not a fighter, as stated above in a different saying. but this doesn't mean he isn't willing to throw hands, as also stated above.
this might be a bit controversial but i believe that percy looks for the level of intelligence when looking into a potential lover. while it isn't his main priority, it is definitely a big part in determining whether or not his lover and him would be able to have a life together. his main priority his personality, if they're personalities don't match or if they don't fit in with his family's personality, then he doesn't even dare consider them a possibility in his love life.
percy is the man who will always be the gentleman, and will go on to teach his children the ways of a gentleman ( irregardless of their given gender identity ), as he believes that all people should behave gentlemanly.
he will open doors for his lover, he will open car doors, he will lay down his jacket over a puddle, or lift his lover over a ledge. he will put his hands over the corners of tabletops or countertops to prevent his lover from hitting their heads. he constantly watches his lover's water intake cuz he knows that people frequently forget to drink water. he pays attention to what his lover orders and remembers for next time so that his lover always gets something to eat ( even if his lover tells him they're not hungry ).
he will befriend his lover's friends because be knows they aren't his enemy, but his only source for his lover's secrets and desires. he will always do what it takes to ensure his lover's happiness, and that means making sure that his lover's friends are happy too.
he always invites his lover's friends if his lover and him are going out for dinner or to an event, after becoming financially stable, he wanted to provide for his lover whenever he could.
he goes all out for birthdays and other big celebrations like holidays or announcements.
he's the typical roses, suits, and chocolates type of guy when it comes to celebrating valentines or easter or something like that.
he doesn't get overly jealous, he won't condemn his lover from having male friends or judge his lover for their choice of friends either. he will get involved if he feels like the male friend is getting too handsy or too aggressively flirty; this goes for old friends and newer friends.
percy doesn't judge. his lover can identify in any sort of way and he will always love his lover for who they are as a person, which also leads me to believe that percy is pansexual and demisexual; translating that he only goes for someone if he develops a true and deep emotional connection/attachment to the person he wishes to romance.
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melkpotter · 1 year
Edward Remus Lupin (Teddy) headcannons
•Sarcasm and sassy level 10
•but actually he is really nice, kind and helpful
•Hufflepuff to the last drop of his blood
•The relationship between him and Victoire Weasley is friends to lovers
•Loves Defens Against to Dark Arts
•He smells, hear, sees well because of his father werewolf thing
•Yes he using his hair light blue almost always but there is always a tuft of bubblegum pink hair :’)
•Victorie stole his first kiss when he was seven and she was five (but that doesn’t matte because they are endgame)
•He loves Weasleys
•He listened to Percy carefully and had conversations with him about boring adult things(bills, books etc.)
•His fav Weasley (after Vic ofc) is Ginny
•Yes he calls Victoire “Vic” and she calls him “Teddy” like everyone. But when she gets angry she calls him “Edward”
•Hates his first name (“Don’t call me Edward, Vic. You know I don’t like it”)
•He really cares about his exams
•Loves reading
•He read a lot of books and did researches about werewolves
•Loves listening his parents’ young
•He called to Harry “dad” few times
•Proud of his parents
•He brought an owl to Hogwarts
•Loves holidays but especially Christmas
•Likes quidditch but not a fan
•When he becomes an adult, he wants to work at the ministry in the department of Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures (I don’t remember the exact name of the department) OR wants to become an Auror
•Quiet with the most of the people, talkative with his most close friends and fam.
•Really close with his grandma, Andromeda Tonks
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Birthdays (bc I can)
I put my own fancasts and my headcannon b-day'
Euphemia Braithewaite-Potter - January 4, 1907
Walburga Irma-Black - April 17, 1907
Fleamont Potter - May 15, 1909
Charlus Potter (Monty' brother) - August 19, 1900
Lucretia Black (Orion' sister) - August 3, 1914
Orion Black - September 30, 1920
Druella Rosier (Axel' sister) - December 31, 1928
Axel Rosier (Rosier twins dad) - November 14, 1930
Cygnus Black (Black sisters dad) - July 30, 1938
Adele Jacob-Rosier (Rosier twins mom) - June 7, 1938
Alphard Black - June 26, 1925
Rodolphus Lestrange - October 19, 1952
Rabastan Lestrange- September 21, 1954
Lucius Malfoy - July 1, 1954
Enid Pettigrew (Peter' sister) - January 30, 1962
Mason McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - December 20, 1952
Mitchell McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - June 25, 1955
Matthew McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - November 7, 1958
Maxwell McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - February 29, 1962
Petunia Evans-Dursley - January 10, 1958
Mavan Rosier (Rosier twins brother) - March 14, 1965
Annabella Rosier (Rosier twins sister) - April 16, 1968
Elizabeth Meadows (Dorcas' sister) - May 1, 1965
Fabian Prewett - September 30, 1958
Gideon Prewett - September 30, 1958
Molly Prewett-Weasley - October 30, 1949
Billius Weasley (Arthur' brother) - May 26, 1952
Arthur Weasley - February 6, 1950
James Potter - March 27, 1960
Remus Lupin - March 10, 1960
Sirius Black - November 3, 1960
Peter Pettigrew - August 31, 1960
Lily Evans-Potter - January 30, 1960
Mary Macdonald - September 16, 1959
Marlene McKinnon - August 1, 1960
Dorcas Meadows - April 2, 1960
Bartemius Crouch Jr. - July 9, 1961
Evan Rosier - June 20, 1961
Pandora Rosier - June 20, 1961
Regulus Black - December 31, 1961
Alice Fortescue-Longbottom - August 14, 1960
Frank Longbottom - September 14, 1959
Ted Tonks - March 20, 1953
Emmeline Vance - July 18, 1957
Rita Skeeter - December 19, 1951
Ophelia Zabini - January 15, 1951
Emma Vanity - February 28, 1960
Andromeda Black - October 10, 1953
Narcissa Black - July 19, 1955
Bellatrix Black - May 2, 1991
Tom Riddle Jr. - February 19, 1979
Mattheo Riddle - January 20, 1980
Aliana Riddle - January 20, 1980
Mandy Lestrange - March 13, 1985
Cara Lestrange - May 23, 1986
Delphini Riddle - August 16, 1987
Lorenzo Berkshire - December 17, 1996
Nymphadora Tonks - October 8, 1973
Nina Tonks (Nymphadora' sister) - June 13, 1978
Lucas Rosier (Rosekiller child) - July 21, 1985
Nicholas Rosier (Rosekiller child) - July 1, 1987
Draco Malfoy - June 5, 1980
Lila Malfoy (Draco' sister) - June 5, 1980
Artemis McKinnon (Dorlene child) - September 13, 1981
Aries McKinnon (Dorlene child) - October 17, 1982
Jack McKinnon (Dorlene child) - January 23, 1987
Harry Potter - July 31, 1980
Lillian Potter (Harry' sister) - July 31, 1980
Rose Potter (Harry' sister) - May 24, 1981
Leo Potter (Harry' brother) - February 16, 1983
Pansy Parkinson - August 1, 1980
Blaise Zabini - November 1, 1980
Teddy Lupin - April 11, 1985
Neville Longbottom - July 30, 1980
Juliana Longbottom (Neville' sister) - October 15, 1986
Nicky Longbottom (Neville' brother) - October 15, 1986
Penelope Vance (Emmary child) - November 12, 1988
Hermione Granger - September 19, 1980
Violet Granger (Hermione' sister) - May 14, 1979
Bill Weasley - November 29, 1970
Charlie Weasley - December 12, 1972
Percy Weasley - August 22, 1976
Fred Weasley - April 1, 1978
George Weasley - April 1, 1978
Ron Weasley - March 1, 1980
Ginevra Weasley - August 11, 1981
Luna Lovegood - February 13, 1981
Eclipse Rosier (Pandalily child or Luna' sister) - January 11, 1985
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mallowsweetmiri · 2 months
Taking writing requests for the following:
- Fred Weasley
- Regulus Black
- Remus Lupin
- James Potter
- poly!Marauders
- Percy Jackson
- Daryl Dixon
Gonna spend my weekend writing silly little headcannons 😅
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