#perfect virgoan<3
rewordthis · 1 year
🎉 Happy birthday 🎊 to the purest, kindest, strongest and most beautiful character of Free!💦 🥳💕
🫧🌊Thank you Sousuke for keeping us company since 2014! 💖✨
🇯🇵【山崎宗介♍️ ❾/14】🎂 🫧
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
hiii, i love you! what's your take on my astrology?
sun - virgo rising - libra moon - virgo venus - libra
Omg hello!!!! I love YOU. And I'm so glad you're down for this, cuz I love it.
EDIT: as I wrap up I realized you didn't ask to be sorted specifically LOL. But I did anyway. Even if you weren't looking for that, I still gave you plenty of thoughts about each placement anyway so I hope you find what you were looking for here!! <3
Sun - Virgo - earth - Hufflepuff
Moon - Virgo - earth - Hufflepuff
Rising - Libra (of course, this explains so much) - air - Ravenclaw
Venus - Libra - air - Ravenclaw
So let's start withhh...Libra, you gorgeous thing you. (Always gotta remind you how hot and badass you are!)
Also this is...Weirdly evenly split? I generally think of Virgo as being very Hufflepuff with Ravenclaw leanings, and Libra as Ravenclaw with Hufflepuff leanings.
Virgo is the mutable (changeable, adaptable) earth sign (stability, security.) Virgo is the Maiden, and is ruled by Mercury (information.) Virgo is service-oriented. Very perfectionistic, critical, capable, adaptable, meticulous, analytical, practical, and reliable. Earth is very based in the physical and material world. Very routine and organization. Very checklist. Very tidying, cleaning, straightening, correcting, etc. Earth's need is security, and for Virgo this shows in a need for things to be "right." If things are "right", they will be safe. If things are "right", they are good, and okay. It's this idea of control, in a sense. "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." A sense of being the one to make sure things are up to par. But Virgo is also adaptable. Virgo doesn't necessarily like change, but it is more than capable of handling it. Virgo rolls with the punches. They're smart. They're prepared. Anything you throw Virgo's way, Virgo is going to catch and perfect it.
There is a grounded aura to Virgo that is very Hufflepuff, particularly with it's hardworking nature. Very reliable, doing what it must. But there's also a Ravenclaw sense there. Virgo is smart. Virgo is about knowing for the sake of perfection and correctness. Virgo can't make things right, if Virgo doesn't know what is right.
So we see this Virgoan nature in the core self (sun) and the inner world (moon.) This drive for stability and structure and security. This need to help others (service.) Also quite sensual in nature (earth's connection to the body, senses, physical, material.) And in Virgo it's this sense of doing/making that lends itself to arts, crafts, or otherwise making what they can enjoy. (Even, say, cooking.) (Cooking is useful, because you gotta eat; cooking is pleasurable, because food tastes good; and food is created by the hand, and can even be shared with others.)
So very clear in the core energy, but also in the emotional state. This deep, inner need for security. The moon also represents what nurtures us and in Virgo this might be active (Virgo always on the go!) (re: earth as physical), or physical comfort (warm blankets, cozy pillows) (re: earth as senses, and material), and self-care (massages, spas, haircare, facials) (re: earth as the body.) Perhaps an inner peace found in the outdoors, or animals, or greenery. (Back to the earth.) And with Virgo being ruled by Mercury, this sense of processing and expressing emotions via writing. Talking it out, too, as Mercury also rules communication, but Virgo's reserved nature makes writing (be it creative writing, journaling, letter-writing) more prominent here to me.
Then we have Libra: the cardinal (forward moving) air sign (intellect, sociability.) Libra is the Scales (balance) and is ruled by Venus (harmony.) Libra is...charming. Socially-aware, socially-smart. Probably cares about subjects and issues that affect people. Libra values peace, fairness, and justice. A sense of harmony and balance that can be found in style and aesthetic, but also in their rapport with others, and a desire to have balance in all things. Within and without. Libra is the peacekeeper, the diplomat, the devil's advocate. Often known as indecisive, but only because it cares so much about knowing and understanding all sides.
So with both Virgo and Libra I get their Ravenclaw vibes from a less traditional sense. It's less knowledge for its own sake and own value, and more knowledge for purpose. For Virgo, the purpose of knowledge is for wellbeing, for resourcefulness, to make correct and perfect, to make neat and organized, to make safe. For Libra, knowledge is for the sake of harmony and justice. Libra is knowing for the sake of understanding and accepting others. Knowing for the sake of connecting to others, helping others, making others feel good. To make serene. How to use knowledge to make things better. Not as selfishly pleasurable as Gemini views information, nor as broad and cold as Aquarius sees it, but this balance of enjoyment and purpose. For both Libra and Virgo, at least to me that's how they seem.
So for the ascendant, which is how you react to the world, and how the world perceives you, it is with a Libran vibe. Libra Rising is a sense of grace and beauty, but also balance and fairness and harmony. A sense of justice and/or peace.
We also see this energy in Venus, the planet of love. Love for others (romance, friendships) and love for the self (hobbies, interests.) Venus is domicile in Libra, so we see a boost here. And another boost since Venus is the chart ruler. So it is Libran ideals that attracts you to people (those who are fair, who bring you peace, etc.) and you give a Libran energy to those relationships (connection, fairness, harmony, acceptance.) There is also a strong value of beauty here, but beauty found in the air realm.
Venus also rules Taurus (and I'm a Taurus Sun-Venus!) I've had opportunities to compare other dual rulerships, but this is my first chance to explore Venus, and by golly I'm GONNA.) (I could have elsewhere actually but you're my friend so I feel freer to bore you LOL.) So Taurus, being an earth sign, we see that indulgence of beauty on the physical, material realm. Flowers, trees, crystals, birds, etc. Very material based beauty and comfort. Whereas for Libra it's more of the mind and bearing.
Libra is often thought to be beautiful and stylish, which seems of the material world, when really...it's style and art for the air it gives. For the reflection of the mind and the self's idea of beauty. So stylish for what style does, more so than fashion for the sake of fashion. And this also lends to...beautiful thoughts. Beautiful conversation. Writing, even (and reading, of course.) Beautiful words. Intellect and sociability, remember? And Libra gets the sense of wanting mental stimulation from others, but not necessarily in hard facts, but what is beautiful and brings a sense of harmony and beauty. What feels good.
So both are very Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw in their way. And the points sort of balance out. I will tentataively give the win to...
(like meeee! <3)
but with a strong case for Ravenclaw, both in Virgo's 'claw leanings, but also the fact that Rising is also in the big 3 and we also see that energy in the chart ruler. This does, however, make me curious about where Mercury is. With Virgo as the sun and moon, Mercury would be the dispositor of both luminaries. If it's Virgo, it's domicile in Mercury. Libra Mercury might make more of a case for Ravenclaw. Leo Mercury (while Gryffindor) tends to lean Hufflepuff, so might make a stronger case there. And while it's not as important I can't help but be curious about Mars, too! If you wanna share more I can add more thoughts, but if not that's okay, I hope this resonates at least a little with you!
Also, if no one's told you today, you're stunning, and also I adore you.
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
Transiting Mars enters Virgo
July 29/30 - September 14/15, 2021
I've always thought that, if Mars has to be in a mutable sign, Virgo is the best choice. This can be a very handyman Mars, Mr. Fix-It, good with tools and with problem-solving. Of course, that's a best-case scenario! At its worst, Mars here is scattered, hypochondriac, petty, and nagging. "Juggling too many irons in the fire," as my younger sister once described my mom, that is absolutely a possibility for a transit of Mars through Virgo.
I had been thinking a lot about finding "areas" for Mars - like I do with Mercury and Venus! - and finally came up with the following, to start with:
Energy Levels - Virgo is a mutable sign, so expect energy levels to fluctuate. This is going to be less of a problem if we pay attention to our health, of course! Exercise and diet - get some. Pay attention to the signals your body gives you, and don't fall into the trap of "I'm going to work on this until it's right."
Sexuality - same warning as above, although when we consider the Virgoan meticulous attention to detail...! This is (of course) a more demure kind of sexuality.
How We Go After What We Want - the danger here is in having such a detailed plan that we don't notice any opportunities! Otherwise, well, I do love Mars in this sign for a reason! Mars here works hard, knows how to delegate, and (usually) doesn't waste a lot of time. It's important over the next 6-7 weeks for us to take breaks as needed. We should remember that perfection isn't as important as improvement. We may discover some new tools for our personal tool boxes.
Mars will make many aspects, during this transit, some of which make those worst-case scenarios more likely. You should allow for a day on either side of the dates given, to be safe:
Monday, August 9 - Mars/Virgo square North Node/Gemini and South Node/Sagittarius. Our timing is bad; we aren't as prepared as we think we are.
Thursday, August 12 - Mars/Virgo square Juno/Sagittarius. Nagging comes to mind, and we're probably the ones doing it. Can't they see we're only trying to help? Hold your tongue, and accept it if the proffered help is rejected.
Friday, August 13 - Mars/Virgo inconjunct Saturn Rx/Aquarius. This may be where the necessity of a "Plan B" becomes apparent. Luckily Mars in Virgo is flexible and adaptable!
Saturday, August 14 - Mars/Virgo sesquare Pluto Rx/Capricorn; Mars/Virgo sesquare Eris Rx/Aries. This is a very volatile, dangerous situation, with a high potential for cruelty and violence.
Wednesday, August 18 - Mars/Virgo inconjunct Chiron Rx/Aries; Mercury/Virgo conjunct Mars/Virgo. This is the day poor Ms M is supposed to go back to the day job (public school, not a teacher). There's a very businesslike vibe to the day, and it's going to be important to respect others' feelings.
Sunday, August 22 - Mars/Virgo trine Uranus Rx/Taurus. Excellent, excellent aspect. We can absolutely manifest some of those Uranian ideals of simplicity into practical, real life.
Thursday, August 26 - Mars/Virgo semi-sextile Vesta/Libra. Steven Forrest says that the waning semi-sextile has a feel of "letting go." Commitment-phobia may rear its ugly head, as may "juggling too many irons in the fire."
Tuesday, August 31 - Mars/Virgo opposite Pallas Athene Rx/Pisces. Oppositions work through other people, and with this aspect we could be out-strategised by someone who's a little more open and receptive to their intuition.
Thursday, September 2 - Mars/Virgo opposite Neptune Rx/Pisces. We could be distracted, we could be confused - we could be so attached to "The Ideal" that we destroy whatever it is we're working on, because it isn't perfect enough. We need to balance out our everyday cares with some spirituality.
Friday, September 3 - Mars/Virgo sesquare Saturn Rx/Aquarius. Obstacles in the path of what we want to accomplish. Keep working on it; things will gradually improve.
Monday, September 6 - Mars/Virgo inconjunct Eris Rx/Aries; Mars/Virgo trine Pluto Rx/Capricorn. The trine between Mars and Pluto is a powerhouse, but the inconjunct between Mars and Eris is worrisome. We may not be able to direct that power exactly the way we'd planned. We can use it to "power through" the adjustments demanded by the inconjunct to Eris, or we can use it to make good adjustments.
Tuesday, September 14 - Mars/Virgo sesquare Uranus Rx/Taurus. More snags and snafus in our plans. Mars changes signs (moving into Libra) in about 18 hours, so be prepared for Plan C!
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yourarmynoona · 6 years
Astrology Ship Compatibility
“Can I have a Got7 Ship? My sun moon and mercury are in Capricorn , Venus in Sagittarius, and mars in pisces ! Thank you !”
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I ship you with Bam Bam! You were actually compatible with 3 members but you were the most compatible with Bam Bam. You’re a stellium Capricorn, meaning you have more than one planet in the sign of Capricorn. When it comes to communication, your Mercury is in Capricorn, meaning you communicate quire methodically and need structure and order. Bam Bam has his Taurus in Mercury, making him have a need for evidence before he makes a decision and he’s more of a “feeler” than a thinker than your Mercury in Capricorn. You could definitely work together to make things happen and communicate effectively if you consider the way each of you processes information.
In terms of the way you wish to be seen and the way you are emotionally behind closed doors, you’re again SUPER Cap-y. Your native Capricorn in your Sun is the same match to Bam Bam’s Taurus as seen with communication in Mercury, making you both Earth oriented. You’re both super logical and practical people who get things done. Your Sun in Capricorn is a go-getter who enjoys the finer things in life and his Sun Taurus loves stability and familiarity, making you a perfect duo when it comes to achieving goals. 
However when it comes to Bam Bam’s emotional status, he has his moon in Pisces and this will likely clash with your Moon in Capricorn. While you hide your feelings behind teasing and savage jokes, he is very dreamy and though he may go along with your joking, he would definitely push you in the direction to reveal your feelings to him. You’re quite hard-nosed on some things and a little too judgmental so you would have to be careful with his soft nature. On a bad day though, he would be the one to make you laugh with his silliness until your sides hurt.
Last but not least we have your Venus in Sagittarius and Mars in Pisces. When it comes to love and sex, you’re very sensual. Bam Bam has his Taurus in Venus and his Mars in Virgo and I can DEFINITELY see some sensual chemistry happening between you two. Your Venus in Sagittarius is straight-forwards with love and can get restless if their partner doesn’t get creative or be spontaneous. Luckily Bam Bam is also an Earth sign here and he loves getting physical and changing things up, meaning date night would never get old! Though sometimes you can be moody and need your space, Bam Bam has the capacity to respect that space and also values independence in a relationship. As for the bedroom, your Mars in Pisces are very go-with-the flow and passive, preferring their partner to take the lead. Bam Bam is a Mars in Virgo, making him a shy bean. However don’t be fooled: it’s all part of the Virgoan game. His fantasies may surround things like praising you or body worship, catering to your passive nature. While Mars in Virgo can make Bam Bam a bit picky about some things, he would be all about your passive nature and lead you into his hidden kinks, making your sexy time in the bedroom into an adventure to shape and mold your sexual preferences.
Hope you liked your ship!
***Want a detailed k-pop compatibility ship? Submit the group of your choice and your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars chart or details to me and I’ll do a compatibility match!
****Want a regular k-pop astrology ship? Submit up to 3 groups and  your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars chart or details to me and I’ll do a quick match to see who I ship you with!
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easyhairstylesbest · 4 years
Virgo Monthly Horoscope
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MONTH OF January
Monthly Snapshot
No more drama! Well, a Virgo can dream…but the New Year will soon find you settling into more of a regimented groove, the kind of rhythm that feels natural to your systematic sign. Your 2020 was colorful and creative, despite the pandemic, and with more than just a twist of the theatrical. It’s been exciting but exhausting!
As Jupiter and Saturn settle into their first full month in Aquarius, your sixth house of organization and wellness (the “Virgo zone”) become your focal point for much of 2021. Break out the spreadsheets, checklists and fitness trackers. The hedonism of 2020 will give way to a healthy revolution in 2021.
But you can still stretch out the “misbehaving” until January 19, while the Sun visits Capricorn and your fifth house of pleasure and play. Then, El Sol will move into Aquarius and your health sector, getting you back on track with your planning and perfecting!
A lot of intense inner work was demanded of you in the second half of 2020. And while you’ve certainly transformed into a poignantly self-aware version of yourself, you’re eager for a new routine. Good news: That’s coming your way starting early this month. Get ready for long-distance connections, possible travel (within safety limits) and horizon-expanding experiences. It’s time to engage with the wider world again, Virgo—and you’re primed for it!
Just block out January 30 to February 20, when your ruling planet, Mercury, has its first retrograde backspin. Be sure to back up your data and devices and to implement all your important plans before this wonky, signal-scrambling cycle. We don’t need to tell YOU that an ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure, but during Mercury retrograde, it’s worth about a metric ton of it!
Week 1: January 1-10
Float like a butterfly
At last, the intensity lifts! On Wednesday, January 6, activator Mars ends an extended six-month trek through Aries and your intimate, tunnel-visioned eighth house. Since June 27, 2020, you’ve been taking quite a dive into your own emotional depths, exploring some raw feelings—whether you wanted to or not. It’s been incredibly eye-opening, but also quite vulnerable and even exquisitely painful at times. And now, your metamorphosis is complete.
Mars normally stays in one sign for six weeks, so having a quadruple-length visit from the edgy red planet hasn’t been easy (ouch—those childhood wounds have been poked!). But on the upside, you’ve certainly transformed, Virgo. You may have had some crucial experiences around opening your heart, especially since the pandemic exposed everyone’s quirks and imperfections. You may have merged your energy, finances and resources with other people to a deeper extent than normal, a learning experience for sure.
Through it all, Mars made you face your fears and do “shadow work.” If you felt at times like the darkness would never end, get ready. From January 6 to March 3, Mars will blaze through fellow earth sign Taurus and your visionary, expansive ninth house. The world will start to feel wide-open again, and hope and optimism return. At last!
So, Virgo, what adventure in personal growth and expansion would you like to tackle next? With go-getter Mars in this entrepreneurial and wisdom-seeking zone, a startup venture could take flight. You’ll be feeling independent and excited to spread your autonomous wings. Learning, teaching, travel and publishing are favored.
If you can’t get out of city limits due to restrictions, you can certainly blast past the mental barriers you’ve imposed on yourself. Sign up for a course—or teach one. Start getting your message out to a wider audience and connecting with people who are exploring the same big questions as you are. By the time we can all move about the cosmic cabin freely again, you could have some awesome destinations lined up!
Week 2: January 11-17
Who gets to drive?
This week finds you torn between taking a risk and tightening your grip on the reins. Should you release a bit of control in the name of greater possibilities…or is it better to keep a watchful eye on every detail? With restless Mars and Uranus both in Taurus, your growth-driven ninth house is electrified, and a part of you is eager to throw caution to the wind. But your inner micromanager could make a showing, thanks to Jupiter and cautious Saturn in Aquarius and your organized, analytical sixth house.
It all begins on Wednesday, January 13, when Mclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ars and Saturn get embroiled in a tense square. The effect is like having one foot on the gas, the other on the brake. A project or plan that’s been zooming along could hit a snag, forcing you to pause and recalibrate your budget and timeline. Further investigation may be warranted before you can take that next big step. Yet you’ll feel the urgency to move quickly. Don’t let anxious feelings force any knee-jerk moves—do your best to buy a little time for “research and development.”
Besides, on Thursday, January 14, trailblazer Uranus wakes up from a five-month retrograde in Taurus, bringing exciting growth opportunities out of the blue. With the planet of radical change in this worldly sector, you could connect with a long-distance client or collaborator. An opportunity to teach, publish or broadcast could appear, and you’ll want to make use of every platform.
The ninth house rules travel, but with restrictions on the rise, you’re more likely to book plans out into the future. Don’t let that stop you from exploring dream destinations or concocting plans to see new parts of the world. Just make sure there’s a good cancellation and refund policy before hitting “book now.”
Fun fact: For the next two weeks, there are NO retrograde planets! Take advantage of this rare “all clear” signal and make some decisive moves.
A creative project or a romantic situation is also in the spotlight on Thursday as the bold Sun and potent Pluto make their once-a-year meetup. A brewing attraction could come out into the open, or you may feel the urge to be part of a power couple. Whether it’s an artistic collab or a steamy affair, you’ll feel the dynamic energy between you and the other person.
The Sun-Pluto conjunction could also push you out onto center stage, ready or not. While the Sun is all about visibility, secretive Pluto may make you more reluctant to let it all hang out. Remember: You don’t have to reveal all your deep, dark secrets in order to shine, Virgo. Craft your pitch or choose a few key details of your story, add some compelling headshots and play PR maven for yourself. Your talents deserve to be witnessed!
Ready to break free from limitations? On Sunday, January 17, a once-every-seven-years event occurs as expansive Jupiter and liberated Uranus form a tricky square. Should you dive into a project fully or keep your options open? It will be nearly impossible to decide under these skies. Let yourself explore every option fully before settling on any one direction.
Week 3: January 18-24
Done is NOT better than perfect
Cleanup in aisle six…or should we say house six? This week, your sensible and systematic sixth house will be #lit as the Sun blazes into Aquarius until February 18, joining your ruling planet, Mercury, expansive Jupiter and structured Saturn. Since Virgo is the natural governor of this zodiac zone, you’ll be in your element, ready to plan, perfect and purify.
Get out the rubber gloves and trash bags for a major cleaning and decluttering mission. Break out your favorite spreadsheet app, start a new bullet journal or treat yourself to a gorgeous new day planner—whatever makes your orderly Virgoan nature happiest!
But before you start color-coding data cells and bleaching every countertop, stay nimble, Virgo! Speedy Mars is heating up your expansive ninth house this week, distracting you from your due diligence. But some of those divergences could be mighty tempting…so don’t pack your calendar with so many to-dos that you miss out on adventurous side roads.
On Wednesday, January 20, Mars unites with changemaker Uranus in Taurus and your ninth house of growth, adventure and expansion. A sudden opportunity could appear, but you’ll have to move FAST to seize it. This might involve a startup business, a long-distance connection or a chance to travel (even if it’s after Covid restrictions lift).
This disruptive alliance could also find you feeling claustrophobic and trapped by all your mundane responsibilities. Is it time to make a quick jailbreak? On Saturday, January 23, Mars will square off against freedom-seeking Jupiter. Will you find liberation by escaping your duties—or by setting up an efficient system that allows you to work smarter, not harder?
You’ll be on the horns of this very dilemma all weekend, possibly even obsessing over whether you need to bow out of a big commitment or build a better structure—one that allows you to burgeon without burnout.
Casting a strong vote for creating a strong, stabilizing system is Saturday’s annual Sun-Saturn conjunction, a once-a-year moment that can be sobering yet clarifying. As boundary hound Saturn meets the limitless Sun, you’re forced to recognize that you’re only human and to see the hardships or downside of a situation without even a peek through your rose-colored glasses.
Warning: Everything can seem harder and more defeating than it really is at a Sun-Saturn connection. But as a Virgo, you like to look with an unflinching eye at what any buildout—whether it’s committing to a business venture or repainting your kitchen—will really take to be done right. So spend the weekend mapping your vision to a master plan, and you can move into the last week of January feeling confident and clear about your goals!
Week 4: January 25-31
Ducks in a row—with miracles in tow
Health and organization are the focal points of this week as a posse of planets piles into Aquarius and your service-oriented, wellness-focused sixth house. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are all in this idealistic sign, bringing out your inner project manager. Since Virgo is the natural ruler of the sixth house, you’ll be “in the zone,” ready to belatedly tackle the New Year’s resolutions you haven’t yet gotten around to implementing.
On Tuesday, January 26, the Sun in Aquarius will square off against disruptor Uranus in Taurus, echoing the tension of the January 17 Jupiter-Uranus square. Once again, you’ll be torn between the urge to take a sudden leap of faith and to throw caution to the wind…with a strong tug from your inner micromanager.
You can’t truly fly if you’re always riding the brake—but you also don’t want to throw away everything you’ve built. Try to find that elusive middle ground, knowing that your nervous system is likely to get a bit frayed by the intensity of this Sun-Uranus face-off. Watch for fragile egos and erratic behavior, and stay centered so you don’t get sucked in.
A peak moment arrives on Thursday, January 28—one that could put you in touch with your true inner radiance. The first full moon of the year lands in Leo and your twelfth house of closure, healing and divine epiphanies. Both full moons and the twelfth house specialize in transitions. If you didn’t declare “cosmic closure” on the hardships of 2020 a month ago, this is your moment to do so. An artistic or spiritual project you’ve been working on since the August 18 Leo new moon could come together now.
There’s even more magic in the air today as the Sun conjuncts expansive Jupiter in their once-a-year merging, known as the Day of Miracles. This is considered by astrologers to be one of the luckiest days of the year. With your hardworking sixth house in play, you could have a mental or spiritual breakthrough around finding ways to work smarter and more effectively.
Look for inspiration around delegating important tasks to trusted helpers, acknowledging where you need help and support (and then actually asking for it) and breakthroughs in healthy self-care. Been dreaming of the perfect right-hand helper/cheerleader? Today may be the day they walk through the door (or pop up in your inbox).
Nail down your introductions and get the ball rolling, but don’t sign on the dotted line just yet. That’s because on Sclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” aturday, January 30, communication planet Mercury (your galactic guardian) will go retrograde in sometimes erratic Aquarius and your sixth house of getting things done until February 20. You’ve had your inspired, lucky moment—and now you may suddenly feel a bit befuddled and disorganized. (Where could that file have possibly gone?)
Safeguard your health and watch out for “accidental” breaks in social distancing rules—because it will be easier to catch whatever germs that are in the air, especially since your stress levels may spike. Use this time to get organized, deep-clean your house and tweak your 2021 plans. Keep yourself , and this tricky transit will pass in no time.
Ready for a break from the intensity, Virgo? On January 6, a transformational six-month cycle comes to an end. Lusty Mars has been in Aries and your intimate eighth house since June 27, 2020, staying four times longer than usual. You’ve had a front-row seat to your rawest emotions, and at times, there was no avoiding those vulnerable feelings.
On the upside, the eighth house rules sex and sensuality, and with intensifier Mars here, some Virgos made the most of this cycle behind closed doors. But with the pandemic thwarting your mojo and meet-cute opportunities, you may also have experienced some of the red planet’s frustrating tendencies, especially while Mars was retrograde from September 9 to November 13, 2020.
On January 6, Mars finally moves on to a new sign and won’t return to this part of your chart for a couple years. Until March 3, Mars will blaze through fellow earth sign Taurus and your expansive ninth house. While Taurus moves at a more cautious pace than Aries, this is still a time for growth and movement. New opportunities could come out of left field, and for some Virgos, a long-distance attraction could heat up.
The other love planet, Venus, has been a bit moody too—at least since December 15, when she started a visit to Sagittarius and your emo fourth house. But by January 8, that will become a dim memory as Venus sashays into Capricorn and your passionate, playful fifth house until February 1. The rest of the month will turn up the heat, and while we know pandemic precautions are a must, you can certainly flirt like a champion, even if it’s from afar. Get the Valentine’s Day celebrations started a month early.
A red-hot day arrives on January 9, when Venus and Mars form their annual harmonious trine (120-degree angle) in these expansive and open-hearted zones. You can finally feel adventurous and playful enough to express your desires without being attached to any outcomes. In other words, flirt for flirting’s sake…and let Cupid’s chips fall where they may.
Key Dates:
January 9: Venus-Mars trine
Bring on the lasting love! As affectionate Venus and passionate Mars harmonize in stable earth signs, you could have true romance with all the trimmings—sensuality and stability. Skip the “come here now go away” players and their mixed messages. A partner who makes you feel secure is suddenly the most attractive catch in town. Coupled? Mark a long-term relationship with a thoughtful gift to let your mate know how much you cherish them.
  Dear Reader: To bring you cutting-edge financial and career astrology, we’ve replaced our monthly Money & Career horoscope with class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” an expanded new offering. And we’re bursting with excitement to announce it!
We invite you to join the waitlist for our Astropreneurs community, where we’ll be sharing tools, trainings and cosmic career coaching in 2021 and beyond! Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a dreamer with a side hustle or just looking for deeper satisfaction from your work, we’ll guide you to your path and purpose by the stars.
2021 Vision Board Experience: January 28 with The AstroTwins Ready to designclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” a path that truly fulfills you in 2021? Join us for a star-powered live online event to create success, leadership and impact on January 28, 2021. Tickets available at https://astrostyle.com/visionboard21
Love Days: 11, 16
Money Days: 24, 6
Luck Days: 21, 3
Off Days: 19, 28, 13
See All Signs
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Leo Astrology Galaxy PopSocket
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Virgo Astrology Galaxy PopSocket
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Virgo Illustrated PopSocket
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Libra Astrology Galaxy PopSocket
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Sagittarius Astrology Galaxy PopSocket
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Aquarius Astrology Galaxy PopSocket
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The AstroTwins Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been ELLE.com‘s official astrologers for over a decade.
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Virgo Monthly Horoscope
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hoarmoon · 6 years
After the Love Storm
I don’t know about you, but my venus retrograde was pretty damn eventful. My phone buzzed with messages. Exes were looking to reconnect, old flames ignited once again...but certain events transpired that made me realize that they were better left in the past. They weren’t in my life anymore for a reason. 
Although there was definite drama, I am grateful for the lessons learned (for the 2nd or third time in some cases,) and I had the revelation Friday night that I was ready to look only forward. The spell that had made me dwell on these people and wonder what went wrong there before had been broken. I didn’t need to logically understand, I just needed hitch a ride and let things flow onward. 
Actually, now that I come to think of it, my monetary scope also became in flux during the retrograde. I made the decision to quit my restaurant job and become a freelance writer full time. It all happened very quickly and all of a sudden it was Friday, my last day at work (also the day that Venus turned direct.) 
Love and Money are the two main themes of Venus symbology and the two areas in our lives that the planet’s retrograde can affect. 
And it definitely affected those aspects of my life. So, because I am still processing everything that transpired during the past month, I wanted to do a tarot spread to explore my mental state and help me to figure out where I stand with it all now. 
Here’s a link to the spread I used https://bit.ly/2DtHYBx 
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1. Where’s your heart at? (Center card)
The Lovers
My heart is in making my relationships deep, emotionally intimate, or at least connected experiences for everyone involved. I’m sick of settling for superficial acquaintances of happenstance. I want communication, understanding, a give and take of emotional labor. 
This card corresponds to the astrological sign Gemini. It is a card of partnerships, commerce, communication. It is a card of intellectual union and in this spread about holding all of my relationships up to this standard.
2. What are your subconscious values? (Bottom card)
Three of Swords
My values in love and money are shaped by the loss and heartbreak that had gone before. Although I might convince myself of holding the values that I do for different reasons, my negative experiences in those domains deeply impact how I relate to them going forward. Failures and losses are lessons, afterall– we learn from them, that is their use.
3. What do you no longer value? (Left card)
Ten of Rods
I no longer believe in carrying the burden of having to be the perfect lover or mate or person. Less ego-driven sex, relationships, money-making. More authenticity– owning my individuality: the good and the shadow. 
4. What do you *think* you value? (Top card)
The Hermit
I *think* that I value the pursuit of wisdom and truth, even if it means I must turn away from everything I was good at to start again at something else. I value eventual self-actualization. Also knowing myself the deepest way possible– seeking and leaning into solitude and silence. But that path of the hermit is not an easy one.
This card pertains to the earth sign Virgo. Another mercury ruled sign! Communication thought and the search for truth pertains to both the Hermit and the Lovers. But with one is the experience of self and other while the other is the solitary search for the inner voice, the self. 
The truth is that it is difficult for me to want solitude when I actually get it. I enjoy spending time and living with a companion. However, a compromise can be reached to where I can be part of a couple, but communicate when I’d like to be left alone to meditate, journal, and pull cards. Also going out alone is a great way to get in touch with how I  act, how I interact with people when it's just me. 
5. How can you reconnect with what you love and value most? (Right card)
Seven of Swords
This card invites me to think outside of the box with how I can reconnect to what I love, to get creative and roll with the ever-changing beat of life. It calls me to prioritize my needs by going my own way and listening to my inner voice. By matching my actions to my inner voice, I am aligning myself with my greatest good. I am choosing to love myself enough to really delve deep, trust in what I find and letting it lead me even if it into places unknown. 
Bonus Card! 
I accidentally pulled six cards instead of five, and this was the sixth. But I like to include hitchhikers along with the original spread. I believe it made its way in for a reason to add a little more complexity to the spread. 
Temperance stands for the middle ground– a compromise between the two extremes. It is a reminder to keep a balance through the reading through expansive thought (like a Sagittarius who corresponds to this card.) 
I really like this explanation of Temperance from the Luminous Tarot App 
“To find Temperance in the cards is an indication that you have learned to avoid extreme measures. When emotions are running high, it becomes easy to see things in black and white, but the angel of temperance asks us to bring calmness and tranquility, to give space for our immediate emotional reactions to surface and release. With the combination of both mind and heart, conscious and unconscious, we can learn to walk the middle path with wisdom and elegance.”
Perhaps Temperance is the moral of the story. I imagine the angel speaking to me:
‘Do not let your emotions run away with you. Have patience with yourself to sit with them a while, decide them and try to understand them before you do anything too rash. Reach for the middle ground.’
All in all, I crave true connection from a deep heart space and  I should trust in that deep desire and not settle for anything less. All while trying to be the best version of myself and show up the best I can for my friends, lovers, and family. I don’t have to be perfect, I just have to meet them in the middle and do my best. I also shouldn't stress too much, but trust myself to figure out what’s best for me and go my own way.
 Lastly, my Virgoan (my midheaven) need to search for my inner truth can still be a reality as long as I draw a compromise between my lofty goals and my reality. 
Venus definitely taught me some things this month, how was your Venus retrograde?
 Ready for Mercury retrograde?
 Hopefully, this post doesn’t get lost in transmission. 
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rewordthis · 1 year
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Completely self indulgent sketch of Sousuke as Ray Tango for my BD.
No mater where I see Stallone from his old movies, is as if I’m looking at Sousuke being in his stead like… (// ^ q ^ //)
I don’t usually say this but this time:
🚨⚠️⛔️ Do NOT REPOST!
Do NOT REPRODUCE in any way!
Do NOT ERASE the username! 🚨⚠️⛔️
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rewordthis · 8 days
🎉Happy Birthday, Sousuke-kun! 🎉
We always knew you would make an excellent young man into your adult life, as well! 💫✨ A man of true character and strength 💪, like the crashing waves! 🪨🌊
💕Much love and many blessings for the future!💝✨
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rewordthis · 2 years
Free! Birthday Boy
🎉Happy birthday, Sousuke-kun, our champion! 🥇 Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
✨ You realised your dream and stood on the highest step of the podium🏆, surrounded by friends! Your unwavering character and kind heart ❤️ will guide you on taller heights for sure!🔝 ✨ Free!💦 may have ended but your story is still ongoing! May you always be strong and victorious in all your endeavours!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Let us meet again in the next fic! 🤗💕
🇯🇵【山崎宗介♍️ ❾/14】🏊🏻‍♂️🫧🫧🫧
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rewordthis · 2 years
Omerta~ Birthday Boy
☆ Happy birthday, Ken-sa~n!
The prettiest — and most amusingly ‘switch’ — character I’ve ever laid eyes on!!! 🥰🥰🥰
【 宇賀神剣 ♍️ ❾/20】
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rewordthis · 4 years
Free! Birthday Boy
Happy birthday, Sousuke!💖 💝May the new season be filled with lots of screen time of you, and your shoulder be healed so you can be back in your full strength 💪 and the indisputable winner🏆 again! 🍖【山崎宗介 ♍️ ❾/14】🏊
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rewordthis · 3 years
Omerta~ Birthday Boy
Happy birthday, mr. Beautiful!!! 💖 💖 💖
Ken-Kun, you are adored and you should know it~
【 宇賀神剣 ♍️ ❾/20】
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ms-m-astrologer · 7 years
Transiting Sun enters Virgo
August 22 - September 22, 2017
First off, most of us are aware that, in ancient times, a Virgin wasn’t a sexually inexperienced young girl, right? It meant a young woman who hadn’t yet given birth to a child! A virgin was a young woman who belonged to herself alone - free from and immune to the whims of a dad, bro, or hubby. She was definitely not a piece of property to be passed from one male “protector” to the next. I’ve always seen Jane Eyre as a wonderful Virgo archetype. She could definitely take care of herself. And look at all those sexpot sultry actresses on the celebrity list! Who could ever own Sophia Loren? Finally, the Arch-Virgin, Elizabeth I: “I thank God I am endued with such qualities that if I were turned out of the Realm in my petticoat I were able to live in any place in Christendom.” Woo hoo, preach, sister!
I have to admit - as an experienced mom - it’s a hell of a lot easier to keep it together before you have kids, than afterward. (Even now that both of them are legal adults….) And the need for “keeping it together” is something we feel strongly when the Sun enters Virgo. In the US, school is starting up again, and the lazy summer routines (raises hand sullenly) must give way to the bustle of getting everyone where they’re supposed to be, in a timely manner. Not to mention, keeping track of what homework is due when.
It’s easier to swing all that if we’re healthy, and (once again) lazy summer habits need to give way to nutritious meals, moderate exercise, and adequate rest. We can’t “coast” now; we have to make an effort.
The goal is “to function efficiently” (as Bloch and George put it) - to be able at least to “keep it together.” Higher goals might include being useful to the tribe or smaller community, and working toward sustainability. There is also a hint of proving one’s worth, here. Leo’s mouth makes promises Virgo must keep? The sign of the Virgin can be seen as a reaction to the ego and arrogance of the Lion gone awry. These are the quiet heroes, getting things done.
It’s the usual mixed bag of aspects during the Sun’s jaunt through Virgo. I noticed that it will make “flowing” aspects to three of the four Lady Asteroids, which (in my peculiar astro cosmos-view) rule Virgo. Let’s use that, okay, troops?
Celebrities with Sun in Virgo: Beyonce, Bernie Sanders, Freddie Mercury, Pink, Warren Buffett, Sophia Loren, Stephen King, Louis XIV of France, Tom Hardy, Colin Firth, Greta Garbo, Tim Burton, Jimmy Fallon, Agatha Christie, Elizabeth I of England, Paulo Coelho, Chris Pine, Rupert Grint, Tom Felton, Lauren Bacall, Fiona Apple, Genghis Khan, Goethe, Zendaya, Jack Black, Ingrid Bergman, Florence Welch, Leo Tolstoy
Friday, August 25, Juno Rx/Capricorn trine Sun/Virgo, 2:43
Virgo is, by orientation, an interpersonal sign: its concern is with one-to-one relationships. So it’s fitting that the first (major) aspect the Sun will make is a trine to the “relationship” Lady Asteroid. We’ve all heard the adage, “If you want to make a friend, be one” - this is trying to tell us, “If you want a partner, be worthy of one.” For singles, this would be a great time to volunteer at the closest public school.
Planets/Points affected lie between 1:43 and 3:43 of the yin signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Saturday, August 26, Mercury Rx/Virgo conjunct Sun/Virgo, 3:47
This is the Inferior Conjunction; to be blogged about separately.
Monday, September 4, Neptune Rx/Pisces opposite Sun/Virgo, 12:51; Uranus Rx/Aries (28:05) sesquare Sun/Virgo (13:05)
Here is the Sun, representative of our identity, vitality, and conscious purpose, getting involved for the first time with the Semi-Square of Technology. Considering that this is also Labor Day in the US - perhaps something we need to ponder, over our end-of-summer beers, is whether or not all this technology is good for our spirits and our Immortal Souls. It’s nice that my phone wakes me up, remembers my mom’s phone number, and sends me weather/Amber alerts. But what happens if the power grid fails and I can’t charge the damned thing? And what if I want a hug? Technology is fine as a virtual rooster, secretary, and town crier; it isn’t fine when I use it as a substitute for human contact.
Planets/Points affected lie between 11:51 and 14:05 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*; and between 26:11 and 29:05 of the cardinal signs Aries*, Cancer*, Libra*, and Capricorn*.
Wednesday, September 6, Pallas/Taurus trine Sun/Virgo, 14:10
Pallas is about to turn retrograde (on Monday the 11th). My hope for this trine is that the Sun/Virgo and its quest for efficiency helps Pallas/Taurus realize that we need new, more effective ways of training ourselves and others. Anything that’s “set in stone” (Taurus) ought not to be trusted. Virgo’s innate ability to sort the wheat from the chaff should be enormously helpful with this discernment process.
Planets/Points affected lie between 13:10 and 15:10 of the yin signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Saturday, September 9, Pluto Rx/Capricorn trine Sun/Virgo, 16:56
This (like everything else in life) can go two ways. One is to become the perfect corporate lackey, a cross between Uriah Heep and Peter Pettigrew, adapting the attitude of “you can’t fight city hall.” The other way, in the words of astrologer Isabel Hickey: “The individual’s desire for advancement and evolvement go hand in hand with the ability to eliminate negative associations and attitudes that would otherwise cause him delay.” It’s a pragmatic, moderating kind of influence, under which we get what we can get right now while keeping an eye on what’s possible for the future.
Planets/Points affected fall between 15:56 and 17:56 of the yin signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Wednesday, September 13, Saturn/Sagittarius square Sun/Virgo, 21:29
The comic prophet George Carlin said, “Behind every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.” (And didn’t he perfectly exemplify that.) This is one of those “turning away” type of squares, and the temptation will be strong to turn away from making any kind of effort to improve things (especially on the heels of that Sun-Pluto trine). Keep in mind that as a mutable square, it’s going to be easy to shake off the negative vibes. The Sagittarian vision needs to be backed up by the Virgoan hard work.
Planets/Points affected lie between 20:29 and 22:29 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*; and between 5:29 and 7:29 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius.
Tuesday, September 19, Chiron Rx/Pisces opposite Sun/Virgo, 26:33
“Physician, heal thyself,” is one potential manifestation. How can we presume to clean up and mend the world when we ourselves are in such pathetic shape? Perhaps “Walk it like we talk it” is also appropriate here. At the same time, we mustn’t go too overboard with the self-recrimination. To be enveloped and consumed by self-pity and self-loathing, is to be ineffective.
Planets/Points affected lie between 25:33 and 27:33 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius*, and Pisces*; and between 10:33 and 12:33 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius*.
Thursday, September 21, Ceres/Cancer sextile Sun/Virgo, 29:12
This is truly summative of the Virgo experience when done right, isn’t it? We identify with being supportive and nurturing; we “get off” on creating a supportive and nurturing environment for our tribe; and we can sense (at least in part) how creating and sustaining this kind of security is good for our souls, as well as for the souls of those we care for. It’s a really helpful aspect, and I can’t think of a better vibe to have as we prepare to enter Sun/Libra territory.
Planets/Points affected lie between 28:12 and 29:59 of the yin signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
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