#permaculture diploma
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foraging wildflowers for future soap making
hoping to be able to make soap as well as candles. soap making isn't hard but it's not common that commercial soaps use seasonal local ingredients
as part of my perm diploma i want to see if it's possible to make soaps entirely from local ingredients, meaning foraging wildflowers and eventually growing and pressing my own natural oils for example from pumpkin seeds
i also want to make astrologically aligned soaps and spitlight how different plants are ruled by different planets and can have different effects on our mood. but for now i need to sort theough the flowers here as there are actually some ones i can't identify.
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rewritingtrauma · 4 years
Permaculture Design 1.
“If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favourable.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
I have been working on my first permaculture design A Space for Design for almost a month now but have been making slow progress compared to my scheduled aims and milestones. Yesterday morning I woke up from a dream in which I was on a plane when it went into a screaming nose dive. Instead of heeding the cabin crews’ instruction  “in the event of an emergency...” to  “...secure your own mask first...” I was desperately trying to help the thrashing child beside me who couldn’t reach theirs. I woke up with a jolt either as I lost consciousness from oxygen deprivation or as we hit the ground... I immediately saw and knew the important message that dream was imparting (aside from “flying is bad, don’t do it”): I need to ensure my own needs are met before I can help anyone else with theirs. 
One of the main reasons my first design has been so slow is that (pattern recognition here - branching ) I end up prioritising absolutely everything and everyone else before myself. Even when I set a day aside for permaculture I end up doing everything else (from housework to campaigning, to checking in on friends and neighbours) before I finally throw a dog-eared-half-hour at the end of the day at my permaculture work. What this dream told me is that I need to take the appropriate action to ensure I am cared for first and then, and only then, with that solid foundation in place, can I begin to help others (or else I will run out of oxygen and we both will perish)! 
This lesson about self care in order to support others, was also demonstrated  when I tried to make a mobile last week... 
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One of the first things I noticed from this process (learning from nature) was that beginning with an imbalanced frame (i.e. the white painted sticks) made the whole process of developing a harmonious system extremely challenging. I also found that (as I didn’t go about construction systematically or scientifically) that forms which were added early in the process to the outer limits had a greater tendency to destabilise the whole system (than elements added at any point to the centre). Lastly, I found that the longer the string from which a form was attached, the more dramatic the action/oscillation/ensuing chaos (those on the longest strings were much more prone to get tangled with other forms). In this slightly abstract, extended metaphor, if we see the frame as me and the forms as projects a spatial metaphor emerges in which stability of the whole system depends upon; a strong foundation; an overall strategy; and people and projects to be (at first anyway) closer to home. The mobile acted, in this instance, as a zeitgeber or pathetic fallacy for my own internal/PC system. 
“When we are attentive and responsive to ourselves and build up a balanced picture we are able to fit an integrated design to our lives. Solutions that come from within and are tailor made will be longer lasting.”
 Looby Macnamara, People & Permaculture, p.52
With all of this in mind, and taking the Stoics as inspiration (who were all big advocates of getting up early and having a morning routine), I have decided to do a mini design within, and as support to, my first design: A morning routine. The purpose of this routine is that it should help;
Develop focus;
Instil momentum;
Introduce happiness to the day;
connect me with nature;
use and value edge space;
reflect on goals, aims and milestones;
recognise and celebrate diversity;
cultivate gratitude and therefore;
move from a mindset of scarcity to abundance;
prioritise tasks and design systems for delivering these.
The way I see this design as using the permaculture ethics is;
Earth Care I am a part of nature and to care for myself is to care for nature. If my aim of the PC Diploma (and life/the soul’s journey) is to bring forth my unique gifts into the world then I can’t achieve this if I am stressed, overwhelmed or unwell.
People Care Taking care of me means I am better able to sustain more rigorous, reciprocal relationships and take better care of Josh, my friends, family, neighbours, communities and the human family. If I can develop a working routine which can be turned into a framework then others could use this as a tool of their own.
Fair Shares When I go into the day without a solid grounding I expend all my time and energy on anything but myself (habit). I do not give myself fair share of the energy, time or other resources at my disposal which, ultimately, depletes what I can give to others. When I am unwell I can’t work and, therefore, cannot contribute (economically or practically) to our home so the balance of fair shares in domestic labour and finances becomes unequal.
Future Care “You reap what you sow” As with so many changes this is going to be a slow, repetitive action but one whose cumulative benefits could be substantial to me, to my environment, and to the people I come into contact with both now and in the future. If it helps personal resilience and health it will ultimately cost the health system, and others around me, less as I will need less support but can actually give more in the longer term (remembering AG’s advice “this is a marathon, not a sprint”).  If I am burnt out I can’t participate in the fight against climate change or inequality and I cannot make or maintain sustainable designs for systems and spaces which will ultimately make benefit the wellbeing of the land and people.
“Your first duty is to make yourself happy: it is only when you are happy that you can make others happy too.”
Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach
“… your back door, your doorstep – you get all that right, then everything is right. If all that's wrong, nothing can ever be right.”
Bill Mollison
And so I begin. Time to find a design framework from the tool box... 
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nerbert · 4 years
I'm ACTUALLY doing it! I'm quitting ALL of academia to get a DIPLOMA in PERMACULTURE AND RESILIENT ECOSYSTEMS and going to build a FARM in SCOTLAND where I can have a plant nursery, flower shop, and RAISE ALPACAS FOR THEIR SOFT WOOL
I'm literally quitting academia to be a farmer so I can be out standing in my field!!!!!!!!
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eloramichel · 6 years
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Presentation of my research in design on a methodological transfer between permaculture and design - diploma thesis - ecoconception Cartography on the island of Batz - Format A3 - signage
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meggiemariewebsite · 3 years
Green Warrior Permaculture launches sustainability courses with the promise to solve world problems
Steve Cran, the founder of Green Warrior Permaculture, leads an accredited team, comprised of sustainability specialists. The aid was launched in devotion to impoverished communities that have been affected by disasters such as war, natural processes, or famine. 
Cran uses his 27 years of substantial permaculture experience and background, delivering training opportunities for those interested in developing the necessary skills to solve problems all over the world. 
Visit https://greenwarriorpermaculture.wordpress.com for more information about the program. 
Permaculture is an agricultural system that is tailored towards communities becoming self-sufficient, through creating low-input, self-sustaining ecosystems. 
Without the correct education, many communities would not know how to be prepared pre-disaster. Some communities may never recover post-disaster without the help and guidance needed. By assisting and educating, communities can gain a new-fangled approach by taking advantage of resources and continue repairing and maintaining them on their own. 
With events of climate change taking place in practically every region of the world, it is vital that permaculture aid will need to become integrated into every community soon, as standard. Earth’s ecological dilemmas are at an exponential surge. Throughout all of the world’s regions, over 80 percent of its inhabitants are engorging 1.6 times more resources than nature itself can replenish. Every hour that the planet regenerates more resources, they are expended again within around 37 minutes. 
The Green Warrior Permaculture Team provides: 
Community development, environmental development, permanent food security - alongside nutrition, crime rate education, marine conservation, building infrastructure, empowerment of children, empowerment of women, eco-education, sustainable livelihoods, adaptation to climate change, and disaster mitigation. 
Opportunities for training courses are listed on the site, such as ten-week-long apprenticeships and internships and fourteen-day live-in courses. This is followed by a two-year mentorship program, along with the chance to gain a diploma in permaculture. The CCATS course/Climate Change Adaption Specialist course is the first training created in permaculture that involves mitigating climate events. 
The program’s aim is to train new students in helping communities to change how they manage their environment’s natural resources; thus becoming self-resilient following a disaster, without the need to rely on aids. 
Steve Cran, the founder of Green Warrior Permaculture said: "There is a lot written about so-called community development but in the field, most of it doesn't work or doesn't last.” He continued, "Permaculture Aid gets real results by helping the people restore their community using local resources. They grow their way out of poverty." 
Already, the team has used their expertise in places such as Ethiopia, the Philippines, the USA, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Northern Uganda.
Featured on the site is a blog, which includes stories of the experiences held by Cran and his team. They highlight the amount of work they put in together as a group during their travels. The blog provides information on how to contribute, inclusive of funding. 
The blog can be found here: https://www.greenwarriorpermaculture.com
Through the expansion of his team, made up of 'Green Warriors', travelling the world and encountering real disaster territories hands-on, Steve Cran's unique plan for a durable permaculture aid will continue to save communities worldwide.
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cliveabrandon · 7 years
New Year Plans
Its been awhile since we posted here as we’ve been having a bit of a winter hibernate (although busy with lots of jobs) but now emerging with plans for the year. This is what we have so far:-
2017 High Level Plan
Permaculture design for site completed with implementation plan (to include orchard, meadow and chickens)
Permaculture Diploma started (plan pathway and ten designs linked with above)
Develop as ScotLAND Learner
Eco camping huts project continued and first hut up and running
Woodland management plan in place
House eco renovation continued (heating, energy, off grid plan, interior and exterior decorating, storage and space usage)
Business plan, ‘brand’ and products developed, website launched
Art plan
Continue and expand veg, fruit and salad growing and preserving
Continue and expand fermenting and brewing
Generate some income!
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rachelcarsoncenter · 7 years
Student Research: Permaculture - Alternative Agriculture, part 4
Student Research: Permaculture – Alternative Agriculture, part 4
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Last year, students of the RCC Environmental Studies Certificate Program had the opportunity to attend a three-day workshop with Jochen Koller, Diploma Permaculture-Designer and Director of the Forschungsinstitut für Permakultur und Transition(FIPT). Students gained an insight into the ethics and design principles of permaculture, the diverse spheres of activity, and the practical…
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blog revamp
just a quick note to anyone who may be following this (thank you!)
i started out just wanting to share astro stuff but life has taken me to doing the permaculture diploma
permaculture is a worldwide movement designed to work with, not against, nature in order to live more sustainably
i am still doing tarot and astrology and am actually hoping to use it to tie together my permaculture degree
please do interact if you like permaculture!
however, i will mostly be using this blog to log the things i do as part of the diploma...
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Importance of internationally recognized Permaculture Course
Do you know Permaculture Course?
This is an internationally recognized 95hrs course, offered worldwide as an introduction to humanity in more sustainable ways to build your civilizations and lives seeking greater harmony and joint work with nature, thus creating societies and a world with more peace!
The contents of the Permaculture Course are based on an official curriculum.
Who is it for?
This course is intended for students, teachers, parents, farmers and farmers, gardeners, projects and ecological businesses, architects, economists, societies, land owners and basically anyone who is interested in learning more about how-to live-in harmony with the nature and the world.
What does it mean to have this Permaculture Australia certification?
This certification opens doors for you worldwide as it is internationally recognized. The design certificate course is the first step in PDC Australia, which is recognized. However, permaculture training is based on years of design practice in the field, in real situations.
Upon completion of the Permaculture Queensland course, Participants who have attended a minimum of 80% of the sessions and the group design practice will receive an internationally recognized certificate of Permaculture Design, which will allow them to attend permaculture teacher training courses, access the diploma in applied permaculture and use the word permaculture in your design work for yourself and for others.
Why are these Permaculture Course Australia?
Experts believe that there is a great need to train the future leaders of your communities and cities to move you to the use of more sustainable practices in all aspects of your society user and more resident societies.
This course is a 14-day Intensive with two full days on Regenerative Agriculture.
In which the participants share not only classes, but activities, group dynamics, group design work, presentations, videos, talks, speeches, simulations and also here we share making meals together, creating community ties and mutual collaboration.
During the two days of Agriculture Regenerative you will learn techniques and practices of regeneration and treatment of soils, aquifers, the improvement of soil biology and how to holistically manage your land, animals and the economy of your farm or project, creating ties of benefit between the human, biological and economic components. This knowledge seems to you of great importance due to the current situation of imbalance between natural resources, your land and the economy of those who work the fields.
During this course you will work on many practices and exercises that are used in the design of ecovillages and communities, so that the participants learn to coordinate and take responsibility for leadership tasks and better communication between groups.
Institute wanted to offer a very solid course in content and practices so that the participants can be trained and create real permaculture projects that help ecology and improve the quality of life in general.
As explained all facts above reveals that this course is very useful to save nature. To register your name for the course visit website and fill the form. You will be enrolled.
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Everything you need to know about Permaculture design courses before learning
Permaculture means permanent agriculture. As the name implies, permaculture is a philosophical and practical approach to developing and designing sustainable human settlements. Permaculture connects many different disciplines, such as biology, agriculture, plants, animals, humans, ecology, soil and microclimate, to provide a unique and visionary approach to many of today's global issues. Form. Permaculture was developed by Bill Morrison and is the way to the future, offering many timely responses to those seeking a better way of life.
Permaculture Design Course (PDC): Permaculture design courses are used to explainmany people at a time the principles and principles of permaculture. This is a great way for Permaculture Teacher to offer college courses without having to educate people in an individual environment.
Upon completing the Permaculture Sunshine Coast course, you will be certified by an instructor in the form of a diploma. This ensures that you have acquired the necessary permaculture knowledge to practice the principles. PDC is often taught directly. But now, there are numerous permaculture design courses that make learning about permaculture much more suitable.They allow you to learn from home at your own pace and allow you to attend the course directly without taking breaks or traveling across the country.
Benefits of completing permaculture design course
1) Flexibility: Some Permaculture Education Australia, most courses allow you to tackle the course materials and assignments at your own pace.Course materials can be worked in 1-2 hours in the evening or weekend.Therefore, it's anextremetechnique to study about permaculture, whether you have a full-time job, a caring child, or any other duty that makes face-to-face classes or more official education incredible.
When deciding which pricing option to choose, consider the expected time to complete your course. If you plan to study all course materials in one month, paying $ 50 per week is a bargain. However, if you think it will take more than five months to complete the course, then actually prepayment for the one-time fee may be the best option. You can also consult with specialist of Permaculture Consultant.
2) Community: Just because you're learning about Permaculture Education doesn't mean it's a completely isolated experience.If you get stuck, look for a course that includes personalized assistance from your instructor. In addition to panel discussions or other methods, you can keep in touch with others working on the course.
You can take inspiration with other followers who have more information and experience. It also creates a sense of friendship and motivation to continue when constantly listening to other students' success stories.People in everyday life may not be as passionate about your permaculture as you are.
3) Incentive and duty: If you're trying to learn permaculture self-sufficiently by analysis a book or watching a free video, a lot of disruption can happen. There are 1 million excuses you can find to learn about Permaculture Design Course, rather than doing other things. But if permaculture design is really passionate and something you want to learn, paying PDC online is one way to engage and focus on the areas of interest.
Having a structured course gives you the time you need to truly focus on learning permaculture.It provides a means of focusing on permaculture principles, ideas, and strategies that are important to you, helping to eliminate excuses and distractions.
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nickchased · 5 years
Diploma presentation of Jona Elfdahl during the Nordic Institute of Permaculture meeting. Interesting concept using Joseph Beuys "Social Sculpture". #permaculture #permaculturemeetsart #socialsculpture #permakulttuuri https://t.co/v0DCYqEhw4 pic.twitter.com/60v7GbAXGU
— Dominik Jais (@dominikjais) February 7, 2019
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eloramichel · 6 years
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Presentation of my research in design on a methodological transfer between permaculture and design - diploma thesis - La Souterraine - ecoconception and graphic design Cartography on the island of Batz - Format A3 - signage
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karingudino · 3 years
Grad student navigating water flows and algae woes
Rising up in Gainesville and gliding via Florida’s rivers as a kayak information, Kacy Rodriguez has at all times been drawn to water. Spending the summers exploring the luxurious rainforests of El Yunque Nationwide Forest within the mountains of Puerto Rico and swimming in Mosquito Bay, the brightest bioluminescent bay on the planet, solely strengthened that affinity.
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A direct Taíno descendant, Kacy Rodriguez carries the religious vitality drawn from nature into her analysis as a water warrior. Photograph: Katy Hennig/FGCU
“Ever since I can bear in mind I’ve at all times needed to be outdoors, whether or not that was right here in Florida or in Puerto Rico,” Rodriguez says. “The best possible reminiscences that I’ve are going out to my nice grandfather’s permaculture backyard and working round, hiding underneath the leaves when it rains.”
Obsessed with all elements of water analysis, environmental science graduate pupil Rodriguez discovered her approach to The Water College at Florida Gulf Coast College via algae. A direct Taíno descendant, she carries the religious vitality drawn from nature into her analysis as a water warrior.
“My Taíno ancestors felt that it was a religious connection to be round these bioluminescent bays.” Rodriguez says that the algae, or dinoflagellates, that create the bioluminescence is dissipating partly resulting from air pollution, giant storms and hurricanes and impressed her to concentrate on studying extra to preserve and reinvigorate the paranormal bays. “I really feel it’s nonetheless a sacred place for me. The supreme goddess, Atabey, can be the goddess of contemporary water, which is analogous to the work that I’m doing.”
After finishing her undergraduate research in coastal environmental science at Flagler Faculty in St. Augustine, she set her sights on charting a analysis path that may broaden her scope of research in freshwater algae and the interconnected nature of water well being and the atmosphere.  Whereas exploring choices to pursue a grasp’s diploma, Rodriguez stored Florida within the foreground whereas on the lookout for connections to school advisors.
“I got here throughout Dr. Barry Rosen. I noticed that he had a really broad resume of working with completely different companies, working with several types of algae. I believed that was actually cool as a result of I used to be excited by algae however didn’t know what specific vogue or side that I needed to work with them in.”
Drawn to the college for comparable causes, Rosen arrived at FGCU in 2019 as a professor within the Division of Ecology and Environmental Research, and introduced voluminous expertise working with universities and companies throughout the state and nation.
A number one skilled in figuring out freshwater algae, Rosen emphasizes the advantages of graduate and undergraduate college students working synergistically collectively to conduct analysis. He notes that Rodriguez is concerned in almost all the analysis grants which have come into the lab this final 12 months. “Within the lab, Kacy has taken the lead on working via the strategies for toxin gene detection, coaching a number of undergraduates on this effort,” Rosen says.
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Rosen’s lab works with phytogeography or figuring out algae via photographing microscopic slices of the samples. Photograph: Barry Rosen/FGCU
Along with learning myriad elements of water and environmental analysis via The Water College, together with a scientific scuba diving class, Rodriguez is focusing her thesis work on the seasonality of algae and toxins in Lake Trafford.
The continuing restoration effort to revive the well being of the lake east of Estero consists of measuring nutrient ranges and modifying seagrass progress. Rodriguez is measuring the toxicity ranges of assorted varieties of algae that develop within the lake over time to assemble information to tell about wholesome environments to swim and fish.
With the array of algae analysis being carried out within the lab, the objective is to find out which sort of algae are producing the toxins, establishing toxin profiles and measuring the variants, comparable to seasonality and turbidity, that impact the expansion and manufacturing of several types of algae. This could permit scientists to detect, deter and develop options for future impacts of poisonous algal blooms.
The inspiration for pursuing information in a area that may assist to tell, educate and encourage others is why Rodriguez selected the water path. As a laboratory assistant in Rosen’s lab, Rodriguez has the chance to show others whereas she continues to study. “Kacy is sort of a sponge, absorbing and studying after which sharing the information with fellow researchers,” Rosen says. “I really feel very lucky to have Kacy as a graduate pupil and revel in her enthusiasm and dedication.”
Rodriguez particulars how her dedication for safeguarding the atmosphere was impressed by a movie she noticed in the El Yunque National Forest museum as a toddler – the story of the iguaca, or Puerto Rican parrot, and the efforts that conservationists contributed.
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Rodriguez participated in a scientific scuba diving class as a part of her work at FGCU.
“They’d solely about 40 birds left within the wild,” Rodriguez says. “They had been capable of breed them in captivity and produce the numbers again up so that they wouldn’t be extinct and so they continued to populate out within the wild.”
Rodriguez says this modified her perspective and steered her journey towards conservation. “I believed this was a really inspiring story as a result of many of the issues that I had heard concerning the atmosphere as much as that time had been doom and gloom – that all the rainforests had been being destroyed and I don’t know what to do about it personally.”
That zeal pours into understanding how dangerous algal blooms develop and figuring out triggers that trigger catastrophic injury to pure environments.
Since new lab strategies for discovery are developed fluidly, Rodriguez says that the vary of science experience converges with a objective for bringing sampling strategies into the sector. This could permit researchers to activate the algae progress cycle earlier to find out what toxins could happen, how extreme they could develop into and what potential impacts they could have on human well being.
Scientific diving rounds out the course curriculum, enhancing Rodriguez’ curiosity for exploring and photographing Florida underwater environments and dealing with FGCU researchers to guard them.
Sharing scientific imagery to encourage and assist to coach the neighborhood about conservation attracts curiosity and creates change. “I feel that visuals are actually vital to assist talk completely different data,” Rodriguez says. “A whole lot of instances if folks can’t see one thing they aren’t going to care about it. If there’s a manner that we will carry the knowledge that we have now as scientists out to the world and actually get these impactful adjustments to occur then I feel that we have now hope.”
Video by Katy Hennig/FGCU
Tags: algae, Barry Rosen, fgcu, florida gulf coast university, marine science
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source https://fikiss.net/grad-student-navigating-water-flows-and-algae-woes/ Grad student navigating water flows and algae woes published first on https://fikiss.net/ from Karin Gudino https://karingudino.blogspot.com/2021/04/grad-student-navigating-water-flows-and.html
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Stretching Edges, Choice, and Distraction
A couple of weeks ago, I made some decisions on my Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design.
Having been primarily focused on growing for the last few years, I am aware that I have neglected numerous other areas of this lifestyle.
With this in mind, one of the main things I want to address is upgrading the technological side of off-grid living: switching from our current partial dependency on Calor gas for cooking, or 240v electricity to charge AA and AAA batteries for lighting, to more sustainable alternatives, in all senses of that word.
It turns out that this is a rabbit hole for me, and uncovers a hierarchy of new knowledge to acquire: in order to begin following many of its twists and turns, I need to start somewhere, and many of the projects I’m interested in call for soldering. I’ve never even picked up a soldering iron, but that’s going to have to change. So I either buy a soldering iron, or learn how to build one.
From a Permaculture perspective, this opens up questions of ethics: we never buy new, when we can acquire the same things second-hand, or make it, and ideally no money will ever change hands. Additionally, this is a diploma in applied Permaculture design, and is all about stretching edges; learning new skills. I don’t want to buy a tool if I can make one.
Having this little labyrinth of projects snaking off into the distance, also requires some dedication and momentum which doesn’t necessarily come that naturally to me. I will need to observe and be aware of my own behavioural patterns like this, and back that up with a degree of structure and routine.
So, Sundays are designated as Diploma Days; a scaffold to keep everything from falling apart. Again, this is not something which is particularly in my nature, but pushing myself to keep this structure will help me to stretch the other edges needed to progress in my diploma, and take North Devon Permaculture forward.
by Iain (Originally November 25th 2018)
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Benefits of Course for leaning the Permaculture Australia
Permaculture is a design system based on ethics to establish, coordinate and improve the efforts made by individuals, households, and communities working for a sustainable future.
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It is the conscious design of landscapes that mimic the patterns and relationships of nature while providing abundant food, fibber, and energy to meet local needs towards the vision of a permanent or sustainable culture.
Permaculture Australia is also a network of individuals, and groups that extend permacultural design solutions on all continents. Permaculture activists are contributing to a more sustainable future by reorganizing their lives and creating local changes that are having an active direct and indirect influence in the areas of sustainable development, organic farming, appropriate technologies and the design of intentional communities.
To who is the permaculture, bioculture and organic farming manuals addressed?
These Permaculture course are especially directed to those people who are located in the primary sector, specifically in the agricultural field. However, since no previous experience is necessary, if you are interested in learning new organic production techniques, you are welcome to make use of them.
What will be studied in permaculture, bioculture and organic farming manuals?
Within the manuals of permaculture, cultivation and organic farming, you can study the principles that underlie these new techniques, their history and philosophy, and more importantly, their implementation.
Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design
It is a proposal of continuous training, aimed at people who have completed the Permaculture Design Certificate Course (PDC), wants to deepen the concepts of Permaculture in search of the construction of a fair, egalitarian, solitary and respectful society.  
The study program involves intensive training over two years, in which the student has the theoretical-practical tools and strategic thinking to perform as permaculture in the areas of design, research, education, and social projects, as well as for the development of own projects; always focused on facing the great social and environmental challenges of these times.
During and after finishing your studies you will be able to:
•    Become a professional permaculturist and gain formal recognition for your work, ability, and experience.
•    Actively participate in education, whether in the UIP, the IAP or other permaculture institutes.
•     Collaborate as a researcher in the areas you choose and want to develop.
•     Serve as a professional designer to different projects in a local or global way.
•     Help your community to transition towards a new social, economic and ecological model.
•     Develop productive ventures of their own and/or in collaboration with other people, groups and institutions.
•     Expand your knowledge on how to apply Permaculture Queensland in different areas.
•     Specialize on the topic that interests you the most within permaculture and become an expert.
The Permaculture course gives you the knowledge and tools necessary to accompany you in the development of your abilities and in the concretion of your objectives and projects, by means of classes dictated by experts in the different areas, the support in your projects and the specific tutoring of your designs As well as you will have the collaboration of your colleagues and graduates, who contribute their knowledge to the rest of the student community.
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Hello there! I see that I have a lot of new followers who may not have any idea who the person behind this page is. Let me introduce myself! 😊💜 . . My name is Janelle Zakour and I am a registered dietitian, creator of Purple Carrot Nutrition and I am based in Trinidad and Tobago. I am an entrepreneur, classically trained chef, nutrition educator and permaculturist with a deep passion for rewilding and cultivating personal empowerment. . . I hold a BSc. (Hons) in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (UWI St.A) and a postgraduate diploma in Institutional and Community Dietetics and Nutrition (with Distinction) (UWI St.A). I am currently specializing in Functional Medicine through the Functional Medicine University in South Carolina. . . I am one of the core members of Slow Food TT and an advocate for local farmers, organically grown produce and indigenous cuisine. I am also a yoga instructor for children, a breastfeeding counsellor and a reiki master. . . I come from a very diverse athletic background. I was a competitive swimmer for 10 years as a teen and that led to me pursuing Olympic triathlon, road cycling, marathons, Crossfit and competitive adventure racing. . . I am currently an avid hasher and have recently begun to experiment with parkour 💃(crazy I know!) To reconnect with myself, I practice hatha yoga and meditation. . . It is a pleasure to meet you all and I would love to connect with you further. You can DM me here or send me an email at [email protected]. Purple Carrot is also on Facebook and Pinterest where I post lots of healthy daily inspiration. . . Have a nutritious weekend! 🌻 . . Photo by Kristen Alexis of @thegirlbossempirett #healthyeating #rewilding #rdchat #dietitian #dietitianlife #femaleentrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #foodie #health #healthtalk #wellness #nutrition #foodlover #purplecarrotnutrition #naturallife #healthy #rdsofinstagram #farmtotable #plantbased #plantpower #lovemywork #selflove #transformation #holistichealing #holisticnutrition #integrativenutrition #functionalmedicine #holisticliving #plantbasedchef #permaculture (at Trinidad and Tobago)
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