#permanently a sketch💔
idrank10gofcaff · 5 months
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newbornwhumperfly · 2 months
whumpmas in july day 14: ideal fic wishlist
one of the most frustrating parts of being a writer is dreaming up a delightful fantasy, saying to oneself "damn, wish i could read that..", and then realizing..."fuck. i have to write it, don't i?" 😅💖 but, in lieu of that, i want to describe an ideal fiction i haven't yet written or read!
one my absolute guaranteed sources of whumperflies is some massive, yet plot-relevant, misunderstanding that results in catastrophic distress and pain 😈😢😈
for years, i've had this fantasy about a "villain whumpee" (this is a nebulous definition, typically describing someone outcast, perhaps because they are a magical being or perhaps because of being trapped in a nefarious position in life) being inducted into a team of "heroes" (typically people cast as "good guys" in some socially significant way, usually a combination of people genuinely trying their best to be good in a flawed, shitty system or genuine assholes of some brand). typically, this "villain" character does genuinely buy into their own "badness" to a degree that severely impacts their self-worth. 🥺🥺🥺
anyways, of course, this villain whumpee, who is so desperately trying to prove themselves to their team, to society, and to themselves, is caught in a situation where they must (seem to) ✨ betray their team ✨ and, oh no, my poor whumpee is horribly punished in some...Socially Justified Manner for their perceived betrayal (perhaps by the authorities, perhaps by other "villains") but regardless, this villain whumpee is left permanently and profoundly hurt 😰😢
this villain whumpee now must flee, running away for their own safety, because they cannot bear being further harmed and punished by their team, both because they know the impending punishment would be horrible to experience (and they are already so very hurt, they are in so much pain) and also because they cannot bear the people they've become close to now being their - of course very justified - tormenters 🥺🥺🥺
so the villain whumpee flees, carving out a meager, difficult little life for themself, while nursing their disabilities/injuries and also their heart-wounds at the betrayal they do not want to reckon with as well as the actions they committed against their newfound friends 😭🥺
but eventually, their former friends, the team of "heroes", tracks down the "villain whumpee" and the whumpee believes with all their heart that their former friends are here to enact revenge or justice or both. 🥺💔😭 a particulate feature of this story which i enjoy imagining is the villain whumpee desperately, in terror, trying to escape and get away and still getting caught, cornered, perhaps tearfully pleading for mercy? 😭😭😭
(whether or not the team is there to genuinely reconcile with their former friend because they realize they were in the wrong OR they are there to...apprehend this person for some reason - perhaps plot relevant information reasons, perhaps even begrudgingly, perhaps still believing their old friend was a traitorous piece of shit - is variously intriguing to me....😈😈😈 in other words, it is entirely plausible that this "reunion" has many earmarks of a capture.)
the apprehension of this deeply injured, malnourished, exhausted, terrified, outnumbered person by a cadre of powerful, pissed-off, former friends, all faces this whumpee knows and loved and can personally plead with by name, is...extremely delicious to me and my trope-loving little heart 🥺💖😭
i've had some loose sketches of characters here and there stewing on the back-burner for some time now, some of the inspiration for this character being found in my blog's tag "vasily vibes", in case anybody is curious! but i've never written and fleshed this idea out fully but it is a brand of fantasy i've greatly enjoyed whenever i come across anything remotely fitting the bill. 😍😍😍
gimme desperation, gimme aching angsty sadness at not being believed and thinking oneself abandoned and cast aside but still loving and being devastated by that loss, gimme social exclusion, gimme complex and morally dubious good guys, gimme indulgent levels of sheer "weeping over the memory of those who despise you" hurts, gimme disgustingly tropey disgust and ostracization and a lack of meaningful self-defense. 💔💔💔 i'm an absolute sucker for a well-meaning outcast falling deep into the "oops i care so much" hole and being subsequently fucked over for it 😈🥺😈
if you have a tale that seems similar at all to this - or you just want to share your headcanons! - please hit me up. i love suffering 😍💖
have a very merry @whumpmasinjuly everyone and stay safe! 💖
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once-ler-ask-blog153 · 5 months
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Credit for the original story goes to @simplydannie on tumblr she she writes cool fanfic go check her blog out!
Link to original story ⬇️
Chapter 5
When Ritz got back into the kitchen he sat next to Kaiyo and gently put his arm around him. “I’m not gonna scold you don’t worry” he said in a reassuring tone. “Your not?” Kaiyo asked softly “what would that teach you if I did? Standing up for yourself is a bad thing” the blond haired rageon smiled at Kaiyo.
Back at the Mount Rageous Prison/Jail….
Mark’s office had about 4 more angry security guards that found out about the truth of Velvet and Veneer still being Kaiyo’s legal guardians and at this point they were all ranting to Mark about it as well. “The poor kid must be missing his big siblings! Seriously velvet and veneer really didn’t do anything wrong at all!” John another male security guard as he angrily said to Mark. “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself! You obviously are gonna make Kaiyo distrust security guards and police officers like you!” Another female security guard added before a couple of them just glanced at him angrily.
“Not this again why do you suddenly think 2 criminals shouldn’t be in jail/prison!” Mark asked as he puts his pen down and rubs his temples. “They aren’t criminals!” John replied placing his hands on his hips “you and your desk have one thing in common.. you’re both dense but your head and this desk are both hallow!” Anna a female security knocks her fist against the desk before walking out of Mark’s office as the other 3 security guards followed her out as Sally leaned against the door frame with a smirk.
“It’s like somehow all the security guards here are losing respect for you… I wonder how that happened??” Sally smirks again and walks out of Marks office and back to Veneer and Mike.
“Veneer you and velvet will be out of this place in no time!” Sally smiled while walking closer to them. “Just a couple more days and you two will allowed to end your jail/prison sentence early!” Mike said to Veneer.
\With Velvet/
Velvet was in the court yard with some of the other female prisoners as she was flipping through pages of a small photo album of pictures Kaiyo sketched she laughed softly “I didn’t realize he drew this one” she said to herself as Jane a female security guard walked up to her “Velvet guess what?” She said before sitting next to her “what is it?” The female green haired Rageon asked “you and veneer will be released from jail/prison in just a few more days! I looked at your and veneer’s permanent records and apparently we made a mistake instead of a year of jail/prison time it’s actually 2 weeks of jail/prison time!” Jane smiled.
“Really?” Velvet asked while softly closing the photo album and looked at her “yup!” Jane repeated and smiled again before looking at the photo album in velvet’s hands “what’s that?”
“It’s just sketch’s and drawings my little brother drew” Velvet opened it again “he is a great artist” Jane looks at the pages in the album.
“He drew one when veneer and I were trying on outfits for the rage dome” velvet flips to a page and looks at it “but this one is my favorite” Jane takes off her sunglasses and saw a drawing of a hummingbird garden with big red flowers, a weeping Willow tree and daffodils “this is beautiful!” She exclaims “all the water colors he used is pretty!” Velvet tightens her ponytail a little “he really wanted those watercolor set I decided to use some of my leftover birthday money to buy it for him”
“The look on his face when I gave it to him he was so excited he practiced using them painting the night sky” velvet fidgets with her earrings “he made up some really unique color palettes just for his drawings and paintings one example he used the colors of the trans flag to paint the northern lights” she pointed to the second page in the photo album.
“I can’t wait to spend time with Kaiyo there will be days where him and i have a big sister little brother day where both of us spend the entire day together” velvet smiled and leaned back a little “that’s very sweet!” Jane replied looking at velvet “does veneer get jealous though during that day?” Velvet shakes her head no “not really there have been certain moments but he doesn’t get jealous.” Velvet answers
“I think the only time where veneer got jealous was when i think him and I were 4 and Kaiyo was almost 2… Kaiyo’s first word was actually my name veneer got so jealous he refused to talk for a full week!” Velvet laughed at the memory “that does sound funny” Jane also laughed a little “and what makes it funnier Kaiyo had a phase where he used to call me mama when he was 7 veneer became extremely jealous too” she glanced at Jane. “Meanwhile my parents at the time thought it was just adorable! My nickname for the next year after that was mama velvet by Kaiyo” she added and softly shook her head.
((Sorry if chapter 5 was short I was spending Mother’s Day with my mom yesterday so I’ll post chapter 6 as soon as I can!)
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✨Hey! Remember when the gang saved Eddie from the Upside Down, and he was cleared of all charges, then brought to a hospital, where Uncle Wayne was there to smother him with affection and told him he always believed he was innocent, and he became a permanent fixture in the group, and confessed his love to Steve, and everything was fine? Yeah, me too. Sketch is ass but I had to get the feelies out.💖🥹🥺💔✨
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jiminrings · 2 years
oh i hate u i hate u so much THAT WAS SO GOOD okay let’s go down the line First the call during the kissing scene it was so amazing i loved it so much I WASNT EXPECTING HIM TO CRY i was so sad 😞😞 oc during that scene was so lovely and really throughout this whole installment she was so incredible and jungkook is so right she Is so lovable i Am in love with her she is one of my fav ocs ☹️☹️☹️☹️ when u talked abt how her and jungkook kind of switched as people yeah Rlly opened my eyes and made me love them even more 💔 they r so cute 😭 THE PRESENTATIONNNN the presentation the zoom link the <3 jungkook i love him so bad i can’t believe that anon wanted to brick him WHY WOUKD U WANT THAT … SAVE THAT FOR HBJM ……. Or even liyiak taehyung nobody talks abt how much of an asshole he was (But im still in love with him…) Anyway THE FILM 😭😭😭😭😭 u r so smart UR SO SMART 😭😭 OMG AND THE BABY THE EPILOGUE YOONGI JUNGKOOK BEST FRIENDS 4 LIFERS MY JAW DROPPEDDDDDD ALL IVE EVER WANTED I also loved loved loved oc + jks dynamic this entire series (even the sad parts bc it did show true (Not Bad!!) colors and how they like to feel and handle things that we wouldn’t expect after we read the intro 😵‍💫) because they were just so cute even the parts where they would call or oc came over for the ring i never would’ve expected it even tho i should’ve seen it coming idk y u would just write the break with them completely separate the whole time and crying i didnt think that through 😭 the ongoing miso joke so cute i don’t understand how to train a cat that well all i’ve done is high five and Barely a spin . But anyway this was such an incredible series and i can’t believe it’s over already it went so quick 😞😞 i hope u have fun and relax on ur break i think u said u will be going on one a while back if u r Enjoy it!!!! it is so well deserved 🌟🌟 and thank u so so so much for writing what u write and sharing ur work with us ❤️‍🔥🌟❤️‍🔥 u r so insanely talented THANK UUU - 🌟🌟🌟
MY STAR EMOJI VETERAN I LOVE YEWWWWW .... that call was v difficult to write but oc oh god U Are Right she’s definitely one of my favorite ocs ever <3 they rlly did switch!!! AND THE ZOOM LINKKKK LIKE as a full-time househusband jungkook does Not do emails at all so his permanent signature is <3 jungkook because the only person he sends emails to is his wife 😭😭 AND THE FILM APPRECIATION THANK YEWWW.... that part was one of the very first details i’ve written when i was just drafting out a rough sketch for 478!!! ur so smart the most brickable character ever is lyiaik!taehyung like i am certain he is capable of dragging oc to hell 😟😟 i will honestly admit that this fic’s dynamic is my most favorite ever esp the ending+epilogue and the whole thing!!!! u are still a talented cat owner because my cat is a lil bitch and every attempt i’ve made in teaching her tricks yields Nothing at all </3 thank u so so much!! the next two weeks will be busy for me along with the whole months of june and july so i can’t tell how long and consistent my break will be BUTTT rest assured that i’ll come back <3 THANK YEWWWW
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once-ler-ask-blog153 · 5 months
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Credit for the original story goes to @simplydannie she she writes cool fanfic go check her blog out! 😁ok now onto the story!
Link to the original story⬇️
Chapter 2
Sally paced back and forth until an idea came to her mind she grabbed her green non permanent marker from her pocket and walked towards Mike “just hold still!” She opened her marker and began to color his hair with it before putting it in a low ponytail the way veneer had his hair she grabbed mikes hat and puts it on veneers head making sure all his hair was under it. “Now go to the bathroom and swap clothes… trust me!” She said
Once they did Mike and veneer walked out of the bathroom Mike was now wearing the prison/jail uniform and veneer was wearing mikes security guard uniform “I feel stupid!” Mike groaned “the old Swaparoo! It’s just a temporary solution until I find away to convince the other security guards NOT to do that penalty on veneer…”
/Meanwhile with Kaiyo\
Kaiyo was glad he wasn’t in a foster home nor with his aunt but instead Ritz veneers boyfriend was kind enough to take him in. He sat at the table and picked at his food with his fork then put his fork down.
“Come on Kaiyo at least eat a little something…” Ritz said softly as he sat across from him. “Hey look you didn’t need to go through that… no kid you’re age should ever go through that!” He says in a comforting tone.
“If you aren’t hungry for lunch at least promise me you will eat a little snack ok?” The blonde haired Mount rageon puts a comforting hand on Kaiyo’s shoulder.
/Meanwhile back with Veneer\
After a few minutes Veneer now wearing the security guard uniform, mike and Sally all went back inside when they did Veneer went to the lockers where his personal belongings were in “ven.. ven.. veneer locker 5!” He opened it and grabbed his phone to see so many texts and voicemails from Kaiyo he pocketed his phone then opened the locker that had velvets phone and pocketed it too.
Veneer looks around and ran towards velvets cell then slid her phone on the floor between the bars of the cell door. Velvet picks up her phone and looks at the who she thought was a security guard in front of her. Ven lowered his sunglasses “shhh!” He chuckles and smiles at velvet.
“Veneer! How did you.. “ velvet got cut off by veneer “two very nice security guards helped me” he whispered to her still smiling. “I will also find our permanent records and remove that were criminals so it seems like a huge misunderstanding!” He whispered to her once again.
“Just be careful ok” velvet replied. The green haired boy nods and walked down the hallway again to the room where the permanent records were being held, he looked around then dashed inside the room.
Veneer opens a drawer and lightly pushes each file forward “Veronica.. Victor.. Ve… Ve.. Ah Velvet!” He grabbed velvets file and opened it before sitting down in a chair and grabbed some nearby white out and used it to white out ‘Velvets penalty: a year in jail’ and he blows on it till it dries then he wrote ‘helps out in the community daily by reading books to little kids in the library every other day’ he neatly puts the file back before finding his own file “Vi… Ve.. Veneer!”
Veneer grabs his file and opens it as a piece of paper fell out of it… the paperwork that he and velvet filed out to be Kaiyo’s legal guardians he picked it up and saw it was still valid he folds it in half and slips it under his hat.
Veneer white outs the penalty in the file then quickly and neatly puts it away and shuts the drawer before walking out of the room chuckling quietly to himself.
/Back with Kaiyo\
Kaiyo was in the front yard sketching in his sketchbook until… a black SUV type vehicle pulled up in front of the house. The door was opened and an adult female Rageon stepped out. Her white heels clicked down on the sidewalk. Her suit was maroon, adorned in jewels and gems. She had sepia colored skin and carob hair pulled into a ponytail. Her sunglasses covered her eyes. She stopped In front of Kaiyo she was velvet and veneers boss…
Kaiyo stood up and opened the door “RITZ!” He bolted inside “velvet and veneers boss she’s here….” He panicked. “Kaiyo stay inside!” Ritz walked down the stairs before stepping outside himself. “Well where is he!” She asked angrily “Kaiyo isn’t going anywhere with you!” He said angrily “technically he also signed the contract that velvet and veneer signed so he is!” She argued back.
“Get. Off. My. Property!” The male teen rageon glares at her. She crosses her arms and refuses “I didn’t ask you… GET OFF MY PROPERTY NOW!” Ritz screams and bares his teeth. “Don’t make me call the cops!” He angrily furrowed his eyebrows.
~End of chapter 2~
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