cian1675 · 2 years
Thank you to everyone who watches my videos and subscribed~ :D Here's the 1000 subscribers celebration video that you guys voted for: sharing all my current dolls' characters and their backstories! The video turned out quite long so here's part 1 for now. Part 2 will come out on shortly, so stay tuned!
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modkatisbacc · 2 years
*kicks door open* I have a new oc! He has no name, but he has a personality and more backstory than Katlynn already! *sobs*
Tauren Warrior from Arathi Highlands/Alterac Mountains (they got squished together in alternate Azeroth, i think? That’s all I can describe it as, at least. It may change), very sarcastic, leads a group of bounty hunters (This includes a young Peroth) who have not caught a single bounty. This Tauren has died several times (for instance, slipping from a dangling rope above a ravine, getting set on fire because SOMEONE -17 year old Peroth- didn’t know how to handle casting a fire spell, and many more) but it’s alright, they all have immortal souls. Most of them, anyway.
This is about all I have right now, but I will add more and the rest of the team to this list soon.
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theholyfireman · 11 months
Sor Demsugal, the Brimstone Prophet
The New Salem Crusade had slowed to a standstill, and in the lull the 27th Host had grown untenably fractious. The Dark Apostle Ban Derenoth and the Master of Possession Sadu Peroth had been at one another's throats for centuries, organizing their own secret societies within the cults and sects of the Warhost, each loyal to one warlord or the other. Upon the fallen shrine world of Kalopsia Magna open conflict and civil war- not just between expendable & meaningless mortal cultists but heretic astartes- erupted.
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So it was that the Dark Council of Sicarus dispatched the daemon prince Sor Demsugal, the Brimstone Prophet. The message the Prophet brought to the Warhost was simple- quell your squabbles and fall in line or suffer humiliation & torture. Sor Demsugal brought along a trusted and merciless warband of hand-picked bodyguards and janissaries to ensure his will, and thus, the will of the Council, was enacted by Word Bearers who had not been influenced by the infighting of the 27th Host.
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444names · 9 months
Names generated from Tolkienesque forenames, excluding the letter "A" and including the letter "H"
Belephel Beleth Belethil Berecth Beredh Beredher Bereth Berethor Beronthôr Beropher Berophor Berothorl Berth Berufthir Bervedh Berveneth Berúthôr Bifurth Bifurthir Bifurthor Boldoher Bolfhel Bolloroth Bollothor Borthrór Brecth Bredh Bredhen Bregoth Brendilkh Breth Brielbêth Brodrecth Brohir Broth Brothéod Bóredh Bóreth...
Celbêth Celch Celecth Celecthin Celeglúth Celegoth Celethel Celethôr Celfher Celmoth Celothir Celrothôr Cilkhîm Cothel Cothil Cothor Cothos Cothróg Cothôn Cothôr Curthor Curufthôr Deleth Dohir Drecthir Dredhel Déodherin Déoth Dírilbêth Ecthelen Ectheredh Ecthir Ecthiris Ecthmo Ecthor Ecthoriën Ecthostel Egothrod Elbelfhil Elbêth Elebredh Electho Elegolch Elephil Elephoron Eleth Elethir Elethmo Elethor Elethéod Elfhen Elfhir Elfinedh Elithôr Ellothiel Elmoroth Eloth Elrophorn Elserthôr Elvedhed Endugloth Endurth Eredhel Erestohed Erethôn Estoher Estrethor Eärecth Eäredh Eärenedh Eäreth Eärethine Eärethir Eäretho Eärethróg Eärneneth Felbêth Fimbereth Folch Forth Frecth Fredherin Freth Frethir Fretho Frethor Frethorn Fílionth Fílithil Ghânbreg Ghânbrion Gilkhâd Gilkhîm Gilúth Gimithmo Glimloth Glithmor Glorophen Gloth Glothelm Glothen Glothor Glúth Glúthir Glúthéomë Golch Golfher Gontoher Gornhír Gothin Gothir Gotho Gothor Gothos Gothrór Gothéowyn Grohir Grophedus Grothil Gwingerth Hedhróg Helbel Heldil Heleb Heleg Helegil Helegorl Helen Helend Helendion Helendur Helephir Heleth Helfwin Hellui Helmo Helmoron Helob Helrod Helron Helserund Helug Helumbor Helwë Helyë Hendir Hendor Herendil Herestë Hereth Heriel Herilútho Herin Hering Herken Herkene Hernuin Herohelin Heron Herondur Heros Herostel Hertius Herum Heryonur Herúthor Hiendir Hildo Hilimo Hinel Hinelmo Hinzimen Hirin Hirion Hirish Hiryon Horin Horion Horlin Hornieldë Hornim Horomilg Hundenwë Hundil Hundir Hundirin Hundor Hundorn Hundredh Hundur Hungwin Hungwë Hunínimir Huníriel Hunúmene Huolgerië Huollor Huolori Huorl Huormoth Huorn Huornur Huoro Huoron Huorontho Hámog Hámon Hámor Húrien Húrik Húrimbulë Húring Húrinyë Húrion Húris Idervedh Idufthôr Ilrohir Imith Imlith Imothoron Imrophorn Imrother Ineth Ingothost Inrodreth Ishel Isheregin Isheron Ishnámor Khânbor Khânbren Khânbrion Khânbro Khânbur Kílith Lecth Lepherth Lethiel Lethráin Linethin Lothil Lothor Lugloth Lurthor Léoth Léotheleg Lúthili Lúthôn Lúthôr Melfhedh Melfhir Meredh Mereth Minroth Mithin Mithir Mothelmë Mulkhâl Mulkhîm Mundush Nedhel Nethir Nethéoth Nielbêth Nieleth North Northôr Nákhîm Nákhôn Nínimlith Ohelegil Ohelenwë Oherumbor Ohiel Ohing Ornhel Ornhír Orohel Oroth Orothéod Orthin Peloth Pendoroth Peredher Pereth Perethel Pernhír Perophel Peroth Perothéod Perúth Pherecth Phervegon Philkhîm Phirger Phirion Phirmo Phorn Prineth Rúthil Rúthor Shelmë Shereth Shergong Shern Shnáin Shnámo Shnámog Shnárin Shnárine Shnárinel Silkh Silúth Siongoth Snorth Steleth Telephed Telephel Telephor Teleth Telether Telimroth Tellothir Telmothmo Telroth Theldomir Thello Theredh Theridur Theriel Therthorl Thertin Thiel Thieldur Thilúk Thinelen Thing Thingon Thirin Thirië Thiriën Thirë Thmog Thmon Thmor Thorion Thorl Thorm Thormo Thorn Thort Thorwend Thost Throndir Throth Thráindil Thráindor Thráing Thráingor Thróf Thróg Théod Théodrimë Théomë Théorn Théothôn Théowyn Tingoth Tiush Tuoroth Turth Túrionth Ufthielen Ufthir Ufthôr Ugdush Ugloth Uglothôn Ulfherdis Ulfhil Ulfhing Ulfhir Ulkhâd Ulkhîm Ulkhôn Ulkhôr Uolch Uoroth Urgoroth Viondilkh Vorthel Vorthor Woropher Éodhelyë Éodhros Éodrethôr Éomeleth Éomitho Éorthir Éothil Éothir Éothorli Éothos Éothôr Írilbêth
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resinpunk · 7 years
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And these two didn’t fit the max image allowance, but I didn’t want to make a whole separate post for just 2-3 dolls:
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Daniel - Ocean Moon Shou-Ryu
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Satoru - Migidoll Ryu
And pt 3
.... sooo many.  And I’ve got two pending reshell and a project doll I just don’t want to put a profile up for yet X___x  Not to mention two not pictured because their heads aren’t here.
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atowaka · 4 years
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Name: Atobe Keigo
Sculpt: Esthy Peroth on a Volks SD13 boy body
Faceup: overlordu
Keigo is an AU version of the Prince of Tennis character of the same name that was born out of at this point 2 decade long RP
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bjdinfo · 2 years
Resin Comparison by aernath on Flickr [2014]
Resin comparison
1 - DollsTown/Dollshe Oriental
2 - Esthy Peroth II
3 - ImplDoll Real
4 - IpleHouse Normal
5 - Sadol Normal
6 - SoulDoll Normal
7 - Volks Claude Prince
“The usual caveats: Rainy day, indoor shot, photos never look the same as In Person, yadda yadda...
Sadol has a touch of pink that doesn't show up well here, as well as the SoulDoll normal being more pink in person than it's looking to me on here.”
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resinpunk-bios · 7 years
Shiotani Nagi
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Kanji: 塩谷 凪 Age: – Birthday: – Zodiac: – Gender: Male Orientation: –
Head Mold: Esthy Peroth (NobilityDoll Release) Body Mold: Crobidoll Renewal M-Line
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trimaplenut · 5 years
hey maple! I was wondering, do you have any book/fic/story recommendations? ❤️
Hoo boy, I can certainly offer some! I’m more well-versed in fanfics than actual books but I think I’ve stumbled across my fair share of good fics over the years.
Also I’ll warn you this’ll be long.
Cycle by RoseGarden
Hot. Damn.
If you’re a Fire Emblem Awakening fan there is not a fic I can recommend to you more than this one. Cycle is easily in my top 5, no top 3, heck my absolute favourite story ever. The updates are slow - I started following it in 2016 summer at Ch 44, and the latest chapter was (at posting) 55 in 2018 winter - but this is not a complaint. This delay is understandably so because these chapters fucking deliver. Each chapter averages about 10,000-25,000 words (by my rough estimate - chapters tend to include a lot of reviewer replies from the author). This is honestly my current inspiration, and has been since I found it. I dream of writing like this one day. I cannot express how much I love this goddamn story.
Okay enough fangirling, time to buckle down to the content. From the beginning, it seems like your average but well-written insert - Robin is an FE fan and baker from the real world who wakes up to find Blue-Haired McGee and his motley crew with no idea how she ended up in the field in Ylisse. But you find out pretty quick that things aren’t quite what they seem. Mysterious unfamiliar characters are popping up, some people know more about events than they’re letting on, and Robin’s gotta figure out all this shit while dealing with her own missing memory and the responsibilities that come with playing tactician for a nation going to war.
It’s amazing. It follows along Awakening’s plot, but honestly I’m on edge the entire time, I don’t know what’s going to happen next. The worldbuilding is hefty and incredible and really brings the world to life. The character interactions are gorgeous. The characters themselves are gold. One of my favourite things is that each character has a clear and defined voice - even if there’s no narration to say who’s speaking, you can work it out by their words and tone. The character interactions are charming and even if the ships aren’t your favourite or usual cup of tea, they’re all so genuine and they work. Robin is different from what I think is the general depiction of canon Robin in fics, she’s pretty crass and blunt and the Earth culture she and the readers know shows, but she certainly stands out as her own personality and still fits in well with the Shepards. She’s also got her own issues and problems and she makes mistakes so that’s fun.
Oh, that reminds me, also be prepared for a heck ton of feels. Laughter and heartbreak in equal helpings. Always a good time.
Queen of Hearts by Circuit
One of the first, and one of my favourite, Persona 5 fanfics that I’ve come across so far. Queen of Hearts retells Persona 5 but with Makoto Niijima playing the role of Wild Card. The change in protagonist brings a few new interesting changes, the big one being the Confidants Makoto hangs out with, including people such as Shiho and original characters in the Student Council. It’s cool to see the changes caused by a Makoto-led Phantom Thieves and also the struggles she herself has with being in that position of leader.
This feels small in comparison to the wall of text for Cycle, so I’m just gonna throw in another P5 fanfic, Crimson. This one’s closer to a retelling of P5′s canon than Queen of Hearts but tackles it with a lot more realism of kids messing with the law and the big bads of P5 and includes quite a bit of Questionable And Morally Ambiguous Choices:tm:. It’s one I’m honestly losing a little interest in, hence why it’s only got this small section here, but it’s still a good fic. I remember liking the beginning and certain scenes that are thrown around here and there, but this fic starts off pretty depressing and gets even more morally ambiguous in more recent chapters. Still a good read. Queen of Hearts is just a lot lighter in comparison and that’s why I recommend it a little more.
Worm by Wildbow
Okay this one’s a little different but hear me out. Technically a web serial, Worm is an original story written on Wordpress. I found it when I read a crossover between it and Okami (also a good fanfic in and of itself, has a pretty different tone from Worm but it’s very entertaining. I’d recommend reading Worm first though since I read the crossover first and, it’s fine to read through itself, but I understood some of the details and nods only after reading Worm). Honestly, I’m still not done with Worm. There’s a lot of story to get through. But what I’ve seen so far is pretty interesting.
The story follows Taylor, a teenaged girl with superpowers, called parahumans in this universe. It starts off pretty dark, though, and honestly it stays that way. Taylor’s bullied at school and feels pretty shitty, but she wants to be a hero. So one night she tries her hand at some vigilantism. Result? Nearly gets killed by a superpowered gang leader, gets saved by a small group of supervillains her age, they think she’s actually a supervillain too. They offer Taylor to join them and she figures it’s a way to go undercover, but over time she faces an internal dilemna since she finds herself actually enjoying their company.
There’s more to the story beyond that. Like I said, I’m not actually done reading it. There’s like 30 arcs, with each arc having about 8-10 chapters, each chapter about 5000 words?? and I’ve only read up to Arc 11. It’s an interesting take on a superpowered world, though, where villains aren’t so evil, good guys aren’t so good, and there’s a whole lot of morality and gritty details that come with it.
Through Her Eyes by Peroth
A RWBY fic that actually has a remastered version currently being written. The story’s about a Ruby that actually has a different semblance than the one we’re used to. This Ruby has the power to summon Grimm - and that’s it. She can’t control them whatsoever. This leads to Ruby being stuck at home for most of her childhood and gives us quite a different personality than canon Ruby - she’s a lot more shy and nervous around people and usually speaks with a stammer. Still the badass little scythe-wielding Grimm slayer we love though. Ruby’s also got eyes pretty similar to Salem’s, which also come with a fear factor, inciting primal fear in anyone who looks at her eyes, which means she has to wear big goggles.
So there’s a lot of changes, but it still mostly follows Volume 1. Ruby goes to Beacon because she still wants to help people -  with some focus on the catchup work Ruby has to do as a result of her missing school as a kid - teams up with WBY, makes friends with JNPR, usual kind of stuff. The original fic ends where Volume 1 ends, but I can’t say what changes the remastered version will bring. It seems to mostly be following the original with a few details changed or added, though. 
The Shrouded Throne by Iburtide
Okay yes it’s another FE Awakening fic, sue me I’ve been through a massive FE faze. Chrobin is near and dear to my heart. Iburtide has actually written more Chrobin fics, both male and female, but I admit I’ve only read this one, The Heart of the Moon which is also a good one, and Crown of Shadows which is almost the same as Shrouded Throne but told with Male Robin (and also explicit so u18′s don’t look at it you hear me).
So Shrouded Throne (and Crown of Shadows) tells the story of a Robin who fled from a Plegian civil war to request aid from Ylisse. By the time the story starts, they’re in the employment of the Shepards, and after some words shared during a battle, Chrom offers to get Robin an audience with Emmeryn, which pretty much kicks off the story. Kinda follows Awakening’s plot but Robin knows they’re from Plegia and the civil war is between Gangrel and Validar.
I guess I’ll talk briefly about Heart of the Moon too since I mentioned it already. The Shepards get sent out to a village where a monster is stalking the woods. When they meet the creature, Chrom gets challenged to a hunt, one-on-one, with the beast. In the middle of this, Chrom comes across an old abandoned castle - or not quite so abandoned, as a young woman lives there, one who claims to be prisoner to the beast.
Both fics include fun new things like Henry being Robin’s little brother - not by blood but their relationship is cute and precious and gives me new life - and a normal Grimleal religion practiced by normal people and Validar just takes it to an extreme.
Those are a handful of ones I can recommend. I read a lot of fics though so I have skipped over some of the ones I wouldn’t say are my favourites but are still quite high on my list. These are all also multi-chaptered fics, a few of them being unfinished as well. There are more fics I wanted to talk about but they’re either one-shots or don’t have enough chapters for me to definitively recommend them. I dunno, if people want more recommendations or recs from specific fandoms like DR (which surprisingly I haven’t touched upon at all, wow it’s been a while since I’ve read a dr fic), I could do another post or something. One covering a lot of one-shots or short stories, but not speaking in as much detail as I have here oops somebody gets distracted and goes on tangents
OH AND BOOKS. Quick book recs are Percy Jackson and How to Train Your Dragon. I’ll be honest, I don’t read a lot of books these days. And I think these are popular enough that they don’t really need a big ol’ explanation from me.
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artofmla · 7 years
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“Frantic Fall”
To be clear yes that is a human. Despite popular belief I do draw and paint them occasionally.
I am so glad to be working on art again. I love summer, I only have to worry about work taking up my time.
They are not specific characters from the dragonriders of pern books. The dragon was actually a sketch for something else, I realized it looked kinda pernish and continued the thought. 
Thinking on it, I suppose the dragon would be Peroth and the rider M’son(Mason).
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cian1675 · 2 years
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modkatisbacc · 2 years
Writing down my oc idea story here:
A Blood ElfDeath Knight pretending to be a Paladin is hired to protect a Blue Dragon disguised as a Nightborne. As they find out that they are hiding ther identities from each other, they bond over the reasons why they hide who they truly are. (Peroth and Ellegosa)
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deltathetasigma · 8 years
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[Character Aesthetics] – Peroth Lavellan // Mage Companion
“I’ve worked my way up, I’ve done so much; who cares if I’m late every now and again! Look I swing a glowing sword and I can shoot fire from my hands, it’s probably best you don’t argue with me.” @fatfriartuck
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cian1675 · 2 years
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Joe x Rush Hour
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modkatisbacc · 2 years
Orhemi and Ereith: Didn't you two die?
Larilan and Peroth, coming back from their adventure across Azeroth: That was weeks ago, people change.
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bjd-resinrome · 10 years
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N55 by Zoriginal on Flickr.
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