katsurolle · 3 months
psst check out palimpsest zine!!
HELP i saw both ur asks !!! and yas ive known abt the zine for awhile i love it lots..!! my friend also made cool art for it!!!!!!
like i only. get the everything abt the zine pieces now… not fully coz im only partially into act 3… but im getting there….
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sansculottides · 4 months
reminder i have an art blog...for art only posts... :3 @perpetualstews
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michaelgarfield · 3 years
#DayTwo of #MusicEveryDay: My friend and mentor Richard "M0b1us" Doyle, Penn State English Professor and author of the extraordinary #DarwinsPharmacy, told me last time we spoke to consider treating my woes with a "#PerpetualStew" (or "hunter's stew"), which you just keep on the stove and add new ingredients to it every day until it matures into something you could never have planned, something that bears all of the history and subtlety of all the iterated soups that came before. It's an active (and delicious) meditation on change and repetition. While I haven't yet taken the leap to making my own *actual stew*, I'm treating this decision to hold myself accountable to a daily rehearsal schedule as a kind of *musical* perpetual stew... The #ChapmanStick is a perfect vehicle for taking me into #BeginnersMind, short circuiting my long-ingrained #AcousticGuitar habits and inviting a totally different composer from my inner pantheon to step forward and stretch a little. I would never write this kind of #bluesy #riff on the guitar, but between my wiggly right hand and my noob left hand, I find most of my #improvisation hovers around simple #ChordChanges and #Pentatonic scales, broken up by the occasional out-of-key flatted notes. This one makes me want to snap my fingers and stroll with a private detective side eye... https://www.instagram.com/reel/CN7xlTZJBj3/?igshid=g561l22f5fy4
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perpetualstew-blog · 7 years
“What’s that smell??”
“My stew...”
“It smells like broccoli-farts.”
And this, friends, is why The Internet will advice you against putting broccoli in your Perpetual Stew. It will continue to smell like broccoli long after there are no more identifiable pieces left...
It’s still tasty though.
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sansculottides · 6 months
ok well I finally did it and made an art-only blog, ill still post my art here and just reblog it there he he he.....go follow @perpetualstews plz!
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perpetualstew-blog · 7 years
Why Perpetual Stew?
I’m not sure where exactly I got the idea for perpetual stew. I think it was a combination of something my friend said about having a potluck-style pot of stew in college, and the novel I was reading at the time.
Anyway, my wife, who is in grad school, was away for most of the summer. The last time this happened, I ate terribly, and I didn’t want to repeat that. BUT, I knew I wouldn’t have a ton of time to cook, and I didn’t want to waste a ton of money getting take out or frozen food. 
So, this idea crept into my head. I mean, back in the middle ages and stuff, they just had stew going all the time, right? There had to be some way to eat well without cooking a fresh meal every day. I started googling about perpetual stew.
It doesn’t sound appetizing to most people, apparently. But, given that last time my wife was out of town for a prolonged period of time, I ended up eating plain baked potatoes for days... I thought I’d try it. Worst case, I get some mild food poisoning, and best case, I have easy meals for weeks or months, right? 
I started with a hearty, three bean and beef chili. I doubled the recipe for everything but the beef, and froze a good portion of it (just in case.) That turned out super well, but of course, I was following a recipe. More or less.
Now, the trick to making it “perpetual” is to bring it to a boil, regularly, to kill off any pathogens that also decide your stew looks tasty. Most of what I read on the internet said to boil it twice a day. I’m not super squeamish, and in my experience most food stays good a lot longer than people think it will, so I only boil it once a day, if that. Also, I’m lazy. So there was that, too. (DISCLAIMER: It’s not my fault if you try this and get sick! Use your nose and your taste buds and common sense!)
My stew has really only been going since early August, though, due to burning the first batch pretty badly towards the end of July. I managed to choke down most of it over the course of a few meals and then restarted it fresh. There was no salvaging that mess.
More about my stew to come. Stay tuned!
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perpetualstew-blog · 7 years
Stew Update!
It’s been a few days since I last boiled my stew, because I’m lazy and busy... but it still smells fine, so we’re going to keep rolling with it. 
Here’s what it looks like now: 
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I added a little water too it and stirred it, to make sure it heats evenly. But, it’s pretty watery and it’s getting low. Luckily, Sundays are when I usually do my larger additions, so I chopped up some veggies to add. Celery, carrots, and red pepper:
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I’ll throw that all in there to simmer, along with some spices, flax seeds, and beans, and it will be delicious.
I might add an onion, later, if I find some more motivation somewhere...
Oh, and all the veggie scraps went into a bag in the freezer, to be made into broth later. Then I won’t have to always add water to thin out the stew. :) 
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sansculottides · 3 years
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ive uploaded some of my comics to itch.io! my itch.io username is perpetualstew. my comics are free to download ^u^
Aya’s Romantic Komikera Debut: a short comic about having a crush at a local comic conventions
Strike the Spark: an ongoing series about a group of socialist students supporting their teachers’ efforts to unionize
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perpetualstew-blog · 7 years
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This is my Perpetual Stew, about 5 weeks in.
This blog is to document my perpetual stew. I’ll talk more about how I started my stew, and how I keep it going, in upcoming posts.
Stay tuned!
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