#perrie x supreme
callsignspark · 5 months
change your ticket home
a top gun maverick AU
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pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Sherrie McHone (fem!OC)
summary: After a successful business trip on the West Coast, two Wells Corporation engineers have problems getting back home. Thank god for Bradley Bradshaw, a man who is determined to make their hours waiting in the terminal as enjoyable as possible. And if he and his pretty travel companion (and colleague) get closer along the way? Well that’s just a bonus.
warnings: difficulties of being a woman in a male-dominated field, minor misogyny from coworkers, yearning, pining, Bradley being an absolute sweetheart, it's vaguely alluded to but Sherrie is named after the Steve Perry song, American Airlines bashing bc this fic is based on a real and horrible experience I had a few years ago. and yes, the title is from the one direction song.
word count: 9.8k | masterlist
note: happy saturday! this has been in the works for almost a year and I'm so thrilled to finally be sharing it! this is dedicated to @gretagerwigsmuse, who gave so many wonderful ideas and has continually been a cheerleader for this fic. happy birthday!
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Friday, July 15, 2016 | 06:36 AM PST | San Diego, CA
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“If I fake a heart attack, we can get out of this meeting, right?”
She looks over at Bradley sprawled in the uncomfortable café chair in his navy suit, his arm slung over the back of her chair. He’s down to just his crisp, white button-up, jacket, and tie abandoned within the first ten minutes of the call.
“Suck it up, we’re almost done.” She rolls her eyes. “And Martin knows you’re a supremely healthy thirty-two-year-old, so no, I don’t think that will work.”
“Sherrie…” His whine is cut off by her hand covering his mouth as she unmutes her microphone and mentally praises his decision to sit so close to her. Not having to pull out both laptops was just an additional perk on top of her ability to silence him.
“That’s correct, Sean. We got them to agree to a small batch trail run for the connectors. We’ll be working together on running them through environmental testing before committing to a full contract.”
“And why are they agreeing to that? Because frankly, it makes no sense to me why they would want to do that.”
Bradley straightens up, his eyes narrowing at the Teams box showing the older man’s initials. “Well, Sean, as Sherrie explained before. Harris hasn’t produced connectors like this before, and they’re interested in the test results, specifically the shock data. So they agreed to take on half the burden so they can use the information for their own use. If this works how we think it will, this will be a huge boost for their business, even if the patent is shared.”
She looks at him, half admonishment and half appreciation, always a little bit amazed when he had her back, no matter how many times he had done it. “The contracts team is drawing up the final agreements and negotiating with their team next week, so best case scenario is we have reports with usable data by the end of the summer. Worst case, it’ll drift into the middle of Q1.”
“That’s great work you guys did out there, thank you. Alright, I think that covers everything we had to talk about today. McHone, Bradshaw - have a safe flight back, and everyone have a good weekend!” Martin ends the call before anyone can add anything.
Bradley laughs. “God, he’s just as sick of Sean as I am. I can’t wait until he retires.”
“He’s not that bad; you’re just grumpy because you had to dress up for the staff meeting, and then Martin said cameras off today.”
“I am upset about that! I will be logging yet another suggestion that we should have casual Fridays and casual travel policy. But I’m more upset because he talks down to you all the time! Like you haven’t been carrying this department on your back since we started ten years ago!”
“Carrying is an exaggeration, Bradley.” She looks up from where she’s putting her laptop away. “I think you have time to change into something comfy before we board.”
“American Airlines Flight 2307 from San Diego to Charlotte, Boarding Group A can now board.”
“Or not.” She giggles as he groans, reaching over to pull her other air pod out of his ear. “Come on, it’s a long flight; you can sleep on the plane. Just be thankful you’re not wearing an underwire bra and heels.”
“I don’t know how you do that.” He mutters, shooing her away when she tries to pick up her carry-on, throwing it over his shoulder alongside his own.
“I don’t either. I’m going to get a massage when we get back to Boston.”
“Ohhh, a massage sounds nice.” He subtly sticks his elbow out for her grab, which she gratefully does, letting his tall frame guide her to their gate. “You know you didn’t have to wear heels, right?”
“You should shut up while I’m still thankful you yelled at Sean for me.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Sherrie leans her head on his arm as they wait in the priority boarding line, one of the perks of traveling on the company’s dime. Normally, she would worry about being more professional while carrying her work bag that had the Wells Corporation logo embroidered on it, but she can’t bring herself to care. Yesterday’s meetings ran late, and the following client dinner had kept them out until almost midnight. After packing, going to bed late, and having to get up at 3:30AM to get to the airport, she was exhausted.
She takes her bag before they scan their tickets, not fighting when he grabs it again on their walk down the jet bridge.
“Where are you sitting again?”
“I’m in 16C.” She snorts at Bradley’s pout. “What? You knew we weren’t going to be sitting together.”
“But I’m going to be bored all the way back in 21D by myself.”
“Bud, you’re going to fall asleep in the first 30 minutes like you always do, and then I would be stuck for the next four hours with you leaning and drooling on me.”
Bradley whips his head around, “That is a baseless accusation. I do not drool!”
“You 100% definitely do drool, I’ve seen it.” Her smirk widens when his attempt to fight back is cut off by the flight attendants greeting them.
He ushers Sherrie on first, politely nodding to the flight crew before following her down the aisle, ducking down to whisper. “I do not drool.”
“You absolutely do drool. You also snore.”
She can feel eyes on them as they shuffle down the aisle, making eye contact with an older woman who raises her eyebrows in appreciation at the hunk of a man behind her.
This happens everywhere they go.
Bradley is such a gentleman, always opening doors and carrying her bags, that people never believe the two are just friends and coworkers. She’s had complete strangers fight with her when she says there’s nothing between them. Unable to accept that it’s just platonic.
As much as she wishes it could be more.
After years of learning all the little details of each other, she knows they would be good together. Their decade-long friendship allowing her to thoroughly analyze how well their personalities would mesh. They share the same beliefs and have the same interests; they even have overlapping friend groups. They’re made for each other.
On paper.
In reality, it will never happen.
She won’t let it.
“Is this good here?” Bradley’s question interrupts her weekly internal spiral; his big brown eyes blink at her over his shoulder as he puts her bag into the overhead compartment.
“That’s fine. Can you grab my water bottle out of the side pocket?
“Here ya go, ma’am. I’ll meet you by the water foundation when we land, okay?”
She nods, smiling as he hustles back to his seat to avoid a family almost flattening him in their haste to get to their assigned seats.
Her seat neighbors haven’t arrived yet, so Sherrie sits down without bothering to buckle, tucking her work bag under the row in front of her after pulling out her plane kit. Her pencil case from college that she’s repurposed to hold her headphones, phone charger, gum, hand sanitizer, and a few other small necessities.
Her phone buzzes as she’s storing her water bottle and the little bag away in the pocket of the seat in front of her.
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Bradley is woken up by his seat neighbor hitting his arm as he reaches to grab a drink, nodding at the guy’s apologetic face before trying to get comfortable again. Alan talked way too much at dinner last night, and it was a struggle to stay awake during the project manager’s third round of gushing over how brilliant and profitable Sherrie’s proposal would be for both companies.
“Sir? This is for you, do you want it?” The muffled question is accompanied by someone shaking his shoulder. He peels open his eyes to see the flight attendant holding out two packets of Biscoff cookies.
His face must be confused enough for the short woman to take pity on him. “Your friend up there said these are your favorite and asked me to give hers to you.”
His heart warms up, taking the treats and saying thank you. He enjoys the cookies, washing them down with the ginger ale he also got, thinking about how well Sherrie knows him. He forces himself to wait for them to finish snack service before he gets up to use the restroom.
“Thank you.” Bradley revels in the way Sherrie jumps when he pops her headphone out, purposefully brushing his lips against her ear. “Hmmm, you were right, your seatmate is cute.”
She glares up at him, a smile threatening to break through. “Isn’t he? He fell asleep five minutes after take off, just like you.”
“Yet, another baseless accusation!”
“I heard you snoring.”
“You shouldn’t lie in front of small children.”
“His mom said he’s seven months old; I don’t think we have to be concerned about teaching him to lie while he’s still in a car seat.”
“Probably shouldn’t chance it, though. Say I don’t snore.”
“You just said I shouldn’t lie. Should probably go to the bathroom before you start holding up traffic.” She puts her headphone back in, wiggling her fingers at him before going back to reading on her phone.
It gives him the strangest sense of déjà vu.
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Tuesday, March 25, 2005 | 10:43 AM EST | Charlottesville, VA
“…and he said you had already-” Bradley cuts himself off, realizing she can’t hear him. He chuckles; he should have known better than to just walk up and start talking.
He doesn’t know Sherrie McHone very well. They had taken all the freshman intro to engineering requirements together, and this year their classes had split into their chosen disciplines. His mechanical, hers electrical. But he knows her well enough to know that she can pretty much only be found without her headphones during class.
He remembers the first time they spoke last semester after he accidentally walked right into her. He had told Danny it’s because she’s so much shorter than him, but it’s really because he wasn't paying attention.
Sherrie had only taken one earpiece out to make sure he was okay before continuing onto her class, seamlessly weaving between upperclassmen as she shoved her headphone back in.
“Sherrie?” No response.
He lets out a tiny huff and checks his watch. Normally, he wouldn’t care that she’s clueless to his existence even as he’s right beside her, but he’s got a class soon, and he’s still two buildings away. So he does the only thing he can.
He pops her headphones out and steps back for fear of getting smacked.
Her head whips up, narrowing in on him freakishly fast. “What the fuck, Bradshaw?”
He’s surprised to learn that she knows his name.
“Sorry, Sherrie! I’ve been trying to talk to you for like five minutes, and you somehow haven’t noticed, but I’ve got class in 15 minutes, so I needed to get your attention.”
“Oh…” Her green eyes widen in surprise, the apples of her cheeks turning a light pink. “Sorry about that. What did you need? Wait. How did you find me?”
A fair question.
“Khondker told me where you sit.” He partially fibs.
All semester he had been watching her disappear after EE221, the one class they shared. It had taken him a while, but he was pretty sure he had found her secret study nook in the electrical engineering wing of the building. Their TA had only confirmed Bradley’s theory of where he could find his fellow sophomore.
“I don’t understand this last section we’ve been learning, and Khondker said you had already finished the homework and could help me. So could you?”
“He didn’t help you?” Sherrie raises an eyebrow in disbelief.
“He tried.” Bradley scratches the back of his head, remembering how frustrated the patient man had been after his third attempt at explaining. “I just really don’t understand circuit loops. And he thought having a classmate explain it to me would make it stick. That or he was just so sick of me, he’s pawning me off.”
He watches her think, her pencil rapidly tapping against her notebook, making him nervous.
“I don’t want to be rude, but if you don’t understand current loops, I’m not sure how much help I can be. I understand the material, but I’m not a miracle worker.”
Her bluntness makes him smile. “I’m not expecting miracles, just help with the homework. If you have time.”
“Okay, just as long as you don’t get your hopes up too much.” She grabs a bright pink notebook and opens it up. “So, I’m usually free-”
“I don't want to interrupt, but I do have to get to class, so could we figure out a time later today?”
“Sure, I’ll be here until my class at four. Feel free to sit down if I’m not here; it just means I’m grabbing food.” He nods, backing away. “Wait! Bradley! Go down this hall and out the side door. You’ll be like halfway there already.”
“Awesome, thanks!” He starts to jog down the hallway, looking back to see her putting her headphones back in. Waving back when she smiles and wiggles her fingers at him before going back to her homework.
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Friday, July 15, 2016 | 3:16 PM EST | Charlotte, NC
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“Our flight got delayed, and I’m hungry.”
Sherrie jumps, not expecting Bradley to get that close to her face three seconds after she exited the bathroom.
“Okay, I could eat. Where do you wan-”
“Auntie Anne’s.”
He’s walking away before she can even process what he said. She allows herself one second to appreciate the way he looks, walking through the concourse - navy slacks fitting his legs perfectly and all their bags thrown over his broad shoulders - before she’s clicking along after him.
“Bradshaw!” He freezes and turns, almost taking a lanky teenager out with her backpack. “Oh my god, Bradley! Be careful! You almost took that kid’s head off.”
His smile is sheepish as she shuffles them over to the wall. “I did not do that on purpose.”
She giggles and takes her backpack from his shoulder. “Yeah, I kinda figured. But you should have seen his face. His life flashed before his eyes. All sixteen years.”
“I can carry that Sherrie.”
“That’s okay, I got it. No! Bradley!”
He ignores her, smiling at her frustrated little stomp when he hands over her tan, cross-body purse out of her work bag. “You just carry that and make sure I don’t take out any toddlers or old ladies.”
“How am I supposed to do that if I’m ahead of you?” She snarks as he steers them toward the food stands.
“You’re smart; I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Bradley laughs when she mocks him under her breath. “I can hear you, smartass.”
“You were meant to, Bradley.”
His heart flutters at the teasing wink she sends over her shoulder. It’s been twelve years since they became friends, and he still feels like that 20-year-old kid who was nervous to talk to the pretty red-headed girl he had a crush on.
He can feel eyes on them as her heels catch people’s attention, and he finds himself glaring at men who are shamelessly staring. Her shoes aren’t loud as they click along on the tile floor, but it’s hard to ignore the beautiful woman striding along in business casual.
It happens everywhere they go.
Sherrie has always been beautiful and painfully unaware of her effect on men. It never matters where they are - at work, the rare baseball game he forces her to attend, happy hour with their friends from school - she always catches attention. It doesn’t bother him because she never reciprocates, and he’s always the one to give her a ride back to her apartment.
Even if he wishes it was their apartment they were going to.
He’s watched her change over the last decade, seen her grow as a person. He’s risen through the ranks with her professionally, the two of them matching each other step for step with each promotion and raise. He’s publicly assured her that her hair still looks good as it’s deepened color with age, now less red and more auburn. He’s privately appreciated the way her body has changed, softer and curvier than when they were kids. Her wide hips are a frequent star in his daydreams.
It's the only place where they’ll ever be in a relationship.
He knows they’d be perfect together. Old friends who know each other so well they don’t even have to talk to communicate sometimes. Whose attitudes fit together like puzzle pieces, perfectly in sync with each other. He knows it won’t happen. Can’t happen.
“Grab us a table, and I’ll get the food.”
“Okay.” He doesn’t fight her about paying, knowing this will be covered under their per diem. “Don’t forget my-”
“You’re frozen lemonade, I know!”
Bradley rolls his eyes at the hand that waves over her shoulder, settling their bags at a table and keeping an eye on Sherrie while sending an update to Mav.
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His thumbs hover over the keyboard. He wants to tell his uncle the whole situation - that he’s not afraid to flirt with Sherrie.
“Everything okay?”
Bradley looks up to find her eyebrows furrowed as she sets a tray down.
“All good. Just sending my family an update that we’re delayed.”
She nods, sitting in the chair across from him. “Here’s your mini pretzel dogs, with mustard and a frozen lemonade. This is my pretzel nuggets, cheese sauce, and Diet Coke. Oh! And I got us these cinnamon sugar pretzels to share!”
“Thank you for remembering the mustard.”
“Bradley, when have I ever forgotten the mustard? Here, take some napkins.”
He shoves an entire mini pretzel dog in his mouth in lieu of answering her question, which they both know the answer to. Never. She has never forgotten his love for pretzels with mustard.
They eat in comfortable silence, the way only two friends can, occasionally dunking into each other's sauces as they scroll through their phones.
“Hey, how is your da- oh Bradley! You got mustard on your shirt!” His head snaps down to his shirt, groaning when he sees the yellow blob on his white button-up.
“Fuck! This is new, too!”
Sherrie dives into her bag, muttering about a stain stick, a triumphant noise escaping when she comes up successful. Scooting closer to him, she’s hit with a wave of nostalgia as she helps him clean his shirt.
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Friday, April 6, 2007 | 10:12 PM EST | Charlottesville, VA
“You should’ve been gone, knowing how I made you feel!”
Sherrie’s head pops up from the lab reports she’s grading.
“And I should've been gone, after all your words of steel!”
She knows that voice.
“Oh, I must've been a dreamer! And I must've been someone else!”
She knows that voice very well.
“And we should've been over!”
She rushes for the front door, hoping and praying that the idiot she’s become close friends with this year isn’t actually outside her townhouse.
“Oh! Sherrie, our love holds on! Holds on!”
She whips the door open and, sure enough, drunkenly singing to her neighbor's house is Bradley Bradshaw.
“Bradley!” She hisses at him, ignoring the flutters in her stomach when he points his big, goofy grin towards her and not the tulips the soccer girls next door planted in front of their bay window. “What are you doing? It’s 10 PM!”
“You didn’t come.”
“First man to ever care about that.” She mutters, snorting at her joke.
“What’s funny?”
“Nothing. What are you doing here?”
His puppy dog eyes are vicious, and she has the urge to slap her hand over her eyes so she doesn’t succumb to their power. “You didn’t come to the party!”
Sherrie sighs, she thought he might be disappointed she didn’t come to the annual Sigma Chi Easter Bash, but she never thought he would actually notice her absence. Or that it would result in a drunken serenade.
“Bradley, I told you I had a lot of grading and might not make it tonight.” She gently reminds him, stifling a laugh when he trips over his own feet while standing still. “You okay?”
“I have to pee. Can I come in?”
She’s pretty sure he’s just making excuses but lets him in any way; she doesn’t need to deal with him getting a public indecency charge on top of everything else. “Shoes off, Bradshaw. Bathroom is right here; I’ll be in the dining room.”
“Yes, ma’am!” He sloppily salutes her, losing his balance and thunking against the wall, one shoe still on.
Sherrie just blinks at him before returning to her spot at the dining room table, holding in the laugh threatening to escape. She settles in her chair, focusing on the mediocre reports her students had turned in.
“I washed my hands!” Bradley’s abrupt entrance startles her. “Can we have a snack? I’m hungry?
She watches in amusement as he shuffles to her fridge, riffling through the shelves before opening the freezer and gasping.
“I love pretzels. Can we make these? Please?”
The box of pretzels belongs to her roommate, but she’s not strong enough to deny Bradley’s big brown eyes two times in a row so she makes a mental note to buy Amna a new box the next time she goes to the store. “Yeah, we can. But no touching the oven when you’re drunk. Go sit down.”
“I’m not drunk!” He argues even as he follows her directions, plopping himself at the table and nosily leafing through her done pile. “Wow, lots of red here.”
“Bradley! Don’t look at those!”
“Why not?”
“Would you want some random student looking through your homework?”
His rebuttal gets cut off by the oven beeping, announcing it’s up to temp. After she pops the tray in the oven, she turns and catches him appreciating the pj shorts riding up her shapely legs.
“What?” Her head cocks in confusion.
“Nothin'… cute shorts.”
“Thank you.” He watches in fascination as she snips at him even while her cheeks turn pink. “It’s almost like I was dressed for comfort and not planning on being interrupted.”
“But you’re glad I’m here, right?”
“I’ve had worse company on a Friday night.” She nudges him out of her chair. “While those are baking, go find something to watch, and I’m going to finish grading this report.”
“Such a responsible TA.”
Pride fills his chest as Sherrie snorts at his joke and goes back to work. They’ve officially been friends since last year, but he still tries his hardest to make her laugh. She's always so busy and stressed, and she does the cutest little snort-laugh when he catches her off guard.
He puts on a random movie, just grabbing a VHS case with the Disney logo on the side, before plopping on the couch. “Is there a reason you have so many kids movies?”
“Those are Jayla’s, she collects them.” Sherrie answers, never looking up from the table. “What did you choose?”
“It’s a surprise!”
“You don’t remember, huh?”
“Nope! I’ll be quiet now.”
She hums a thank you in his direction, and Bradley keeps his promise, watching her work and staying quiet until the timer goes off. His chin hooked on the back of the couch; he follows her movement through the kitchen as she pulls the pretzels out and transfers them to a plate.
“Can I have mustard, please?”
“Sure can.” Sherrie smiles at his dopey smile as she makes her way to the couch. “Here, take these, then we can eat.”
He gulps down the painkillers she drops in his hand, chugging the rest of the apple juice after they’re gone, smiling when she absentmindedly praises him for listening. He shoves a bite of pretzel in his mouth and mashes the play button, and is pleasantly surprised to find A Bug’s Life was the mystery choice.
“I love this movie,” he garbles through a pretzel. “I love how Flick wins over the princess just by getting a chance to show off his true self.”
“That was shockingly wise for the drunk man sprawled on my couch.”
Bradley thanks her, already a bit more sober but not enough to pick up on her teasing. “So, why didn’t you come? Grading really couldn’t wait?”
“It probably could have, but I’m not a partier, Bradley. You know that.” She dips a piece of pretzel in the mustard. “Besides, I really didn’t think you would notice I wasn’t there, Mr. Popular.”
“You’re the only person I invited; of course, I noticed when you didn’t show up.”
“Really? No one else? Why?”
“I know it’s almost finals, but I wanted to hang out without any books in front of us; that’s all we do lately. Study. Plus, you’ve been extra stressed about something that you don’t want to talk about, and I just wanted you to relax since you won’t talk to me about whatever is bothering you.”
“That’s sweet of you, Bradley. It’s not that I don’t want to tell you; it’s just that my family has been…” She waves a hand through the air, a deep sigh escaping. “It’s complicated. I’m trying not to think about it too much.”
“Well, I’m here if you do want to talk.”
“Thanks bud. How about you? How’re your parents?” She takes one last chunk before nudging the plate in his direction and settling back into the corner.
“Mom is good; she’s close to being considered cancer-free. I think we’re gonna throw a party when she gets there.”
“That’s awesome, Bradley! I’m glad she’s doing so well. How’s your dad?”
“Mav isn’t my dad.”
A record scratch plays in Sherrie’s head as she freezes. She knows she’s heard Bradley talk about his dad, and she’d seen photos of his parents the one time she had visited his frat house last year. He had specifically pointed the photo out, telling her it was his parents. She had even been next to him when he was on the phone when he said “dad” to the person on the other end.
“My dad died when I was three. Mav is- was his best friend. I call him dad sometimes because he’s the closest thing I’ve got.”
Sherrie feels her heart break as Bradley sniffles and sadly shoves a mustard-covered pretzel in his mouth, unshed tears clumping his eyelashes. She’s never seen her friend like this before; she’s experienced many other emotions - frustration, joy, confusion - but the pain creasing his brow is new.
Comforting crying people has never been her forte, but instinctively - almost like they moved without her permission - Sherrie’s fingers run over his hair. Gently stroking the sun-streaked waves as a few tears escape down his cheeks and she scoots closer, letting her body press into his side and hoping the proximity helps.
“I’m sorry for crying on you.” He quietly apologizes after a few minutes of tears.
“S’okay. Family can be hard sometimes.”
“That too.” She hums, not moving as he swipes at his eyes and leans against her more, his head resting on her shoulder in a slouched position that can’t be comfortable.
“I love Mav; he’s my dad in all the ways it matters. It just sucks that my actual dad won’t be here for graduation. Like, I know he’s missed so much of my life already, but something about him missing college graduation is worse than everything else. It’s just so unfair; I barely remember him, but I just- I just miss him so much, Sherrie.”
Her heart cracks in half at the whispered confession. She can’t even imagine the pain of losing a parent at such a young age. The inability to remember one of the people responsible for giving you life, all memories fuzzy and most built from second-hand recollections of those who can remember. So she says the one thing she would want to hear.
“Tell me about him.”
Sherrie knows she said the right thing when his red-rimmed eyes brighten, and he immediately launches into a beloved story detailing his father’s love of pranks. She listens dutifully — laughing at the right moments and asking questions when Bradley gets carried away, forgetting that she doesn’t know all the people in his story — and feels her heart warm more and more. She’s always liked Bradley, probably more than she should, but it’s hard not to like him. He’s considerate, smart, and funny, not to mention handsome.
Thankfully, before she gets lost in thoughts of broad shoulders and strong jawlines, a big glob of mustard drops on Bradley’s t-shirt, abruptly cutting him off. The two stare in silence at the yellow condiment sitting on the black cotton shirt, somehow surprised at its appearance, before breaking down into giggles.
“C’mon Bradshaw,” Sherrie grabs his hand, pulling him off the couch. “I have a Tide pen we can use on that mess.”
Bradley follows her up the stairs and into the bathroom, teasing Sherrie about the way her tongue pokes out when she focuses. She takes the gentle taunts, grateful he’s focusing on that and not on her pink cheeks or the way her eyes keep darting to his toned stomach. She’s not sure it was completely necessary for him to strip his shirt off, but she won’t be complaining.
“Well,” A few minutes later, she interrupts his rambling story about a slip and slide. Or she thinks that’s what it’s about; she missed the first part. “I think this is as good as I can get it.”
“That’s okay; it’s not like it’s new or anything. Thanks, Sherrie.”
She steadfastly ignores the pounding heart in her chest as miles of golden skin gets covered back up, trying to not feel too disappointed by its disappearance.
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Friday, July 15, 2016 | 3:56 PM EST | Charlotte, NC
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“Oh, this is ridiculous!” Bradley complains a bit too loudly, ears going hot when several pairs of eyes curiously dart toward him, but his focus doesn’t stay on that for very long when he catches the face Sherrie makes. “What’s wrong?”
He squints suspiciously as she avoids eye contact. He usually takes her at her word and doesn’t push, but the frown pulling down the corners of her pink lips sets off bells in his head. “Sherrie, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, Bradley. I’m fine.”
He grumbles at her lack of response but settles again in the spot they had claimed after finishing their snack. The gate was still packed, but they had found a prime location with outlets; the only downside was having to sit on the floor, something that is getting harder the older they get.
Bradley scans the area, trying to scout out some open chairs for them to grab, while Sherrie goes back to the movie they’ve been watching on his phone. His eyes drop away from the chairs in surprise when she scoots closer and leans on his shoulder. It’s not uncommon for them to sit close like this at home in Boston, sides pressed together, but she makes a point to be professional when they’re on travel.
“Hey,” he gently nudges her side, concern rising when she doesn’t lift her head, choosing to tilt her neck back, looking up at him with tired eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Panic grips his chest when tears start forming, clouding her green eyes. “Sherrie?! What’s wrong?”
“We were supposed to be halfway home by now, and I’m so uncomfortable. I’m sorry, Bradley, I’m just so tired.” She whimpers, hiding against his bicep.
It hits him like a glass of cold water. Of course, she’s uncomfortable. She’s been walking around in heels and her pantsuit since 4AM California time after getting maybe three hours of sleep. His suit and shoes are comfortable and easily wearable for twelve-plus hours, not to mention the jacket and tie that were ditched sometime after the mustard incident.
“Oh, Sherrie, it’s okay. Let’s go change, yeah? Then we’ll find a quieter place so you can close your eyes and maybe get some sleep.”
“But the policy…”
Bradley resists the urge to roll his eyes at her insistence on rule-following. “In the nicest way possible, Sher, fuck the policy. You’re uncomfortable, and I care about that way more than I could ever care about a stupid, archaic policy.”
He stands, unplugging their phones and gathering their bags on his shoulder before turning to his best friend, who is still on the floor. “C’mon, we’re putting comfy clothes on.”
“But Bradley-”
“No arguing.” He interrupts, helping her off the ground and directing them back towards the restrooms. “We’re not going to sit in our suits for god knows how much longer.”
“But Bradley, I don’t have anything to change into. We had such a packed schedule I didn’t bother to bring normal clothes.” He ignores the thumping of his heart when her hand grabs his forearm, warm fingers slipping under the edge of the rolled-up sleeve as she tugs to slow his pace. At that information, he slides them out of the flow of traffic and over to the wall, Bradley pressing her against one of the columns lining the concourse atrium.
“You don’t have any regular clothes? What about your pajamas?”
“I have a pair of leggings because I was going to do a training run in the gym last night, but that’s it. I can’t wear my pjs because… well, they’re not appropriate for public.”
“Your leggings are clean, though, right?” He asks, ignoring the thoughts of what non-public appropriate pajamas might look like.
“Well, yeah, dinner went so late I barely had time to sleep before we had to be up. I guess I could buy a shirt at one of the SmartShop- what are you doing?”
Bradley peers up from his knees, where he had started digging in his bag. “I’m grabbing one of my shirts for you. Would you prefer a t-shirt or a sweatshirt? Actually, you’re definitely gonna get cold, sweatshirt for you.”
He pulls the worn, gray crew neck out, shaking it out before handing it over.
“You still have this?” The disbelief in her voice makes him laugh.
“Of course, I still have that! Relay was always my favorite event of the year. And that year was my favorite one.”
As the philanthropy chair of Sigma Chi, part of his job was to sign the brothers up for volunteer events and fundraisers. With his mom’s diagnosis, he ensured their schedule included the campus’ annual Relay for Life event, pouring as many resources as he could into the fundraiser that directly helped advance cancer research.
“Wait, but why was junior year your favorite?” She asks, brushing her fingers over the cracked, screen-printed logo.
“Because that’s the reason we became friends, Sher.”
Surprised green eyes meet sincere brown eyes, a thousand words said in the silence of their stares, both remembering the lead-up to that day in April so many years ago.
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Bradley’s eyes widen in panic as everyone at the gate starts moving as a herd. They had finally found seats to relax in after changing, the group of passengers waiting with them shrinking as time went on. And now, with only ten minutes until boarding, their gate has changed again.
“Sherrie, wake up!” He feels bad shaking the snoozing woman off, but they have to move with the group to make it to the new part of Terminal A in time for their flight. “C’mon, honey, they changed the gate again — we gotta go!”
“What are you- again?! Shit!” She wipes the bleariness from her eyes, slinging her bags over her shoulder and grabbing the hand he holds out.
The two coworkers, along with fifty of their fellow passengers who have stuck this out, speed walk down the first branch of the terminal. The entire group picking up the pace when turning the corner towards the second branch where the new gate lives. By the time they hit the second branch, everyone is practically running — time ticking down to boarding — no one wanting to miss this flight.
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As if the blob of Flight 1121 passengers racing toward the end of the terminal didn’t garner attention from other gates, the entire terminal is staring by the time they reach gate A28, and several people start yelling in frustration.
“This is unbelievable!” An older gentleman’s unhappiness is interrupted by three simultaneous updates pinging everyone’s phones.
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Bradley’s head drops back in disbelief, wrapping his arm around Sherrie when her head thunks against his chest. He doesn’t even get a chance to comfort her before the gate agents are making announcements about getting people on other flights, providing hotel rooms, and the vouchers that will be shared.
“Again, we apologize, but if you have flexible travel plans, we ask that you please go to the end of the line so those with time constraints can be taken care of first. Thank you for your cooperation, folks!”
“Well, that’s us, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess.” Sherrie blows air out of her lips, a mischievous smile taking over her face. “Hey, at least this means extra per diem money.”
Bradley laughs as they move to the back of the squiggly line that’s forming, letting her take the bags so he can step away to call to update their supervisor and then his pet sitter. It only takes a few rings for his boss to pick up. “Bradshaw! What’s up? You okay?”
“Hey Martin, all good. Just wanted to let you know that our flight has gotten supremely delayed. We won’t be home until tomorrow morning sometime.”
“Jesus, do you guys need anything?”
“Nah, we’re good. The airline is putting us up in a hotel for the night and giving vouchers for a bunch of stuff. Just called to let you know and for a heads up on the expense report.”
“Well, that is the most important part!” Martin’s honking laugh makes Bradley chuckle as he glances to check on Sherrie’s progress in line. “How’s Sherrie? She good?”
“Yeah, she’s good. She’s holding our spot in line for getting new tickets and stuff.” And it looks like she’s made friends already, he silently adds, smiling at her interacting with the elderly couple in front of her.
“Good. Alright then, I’ll see you on Monday, but let me know if you guys need anything. And hey! If you two end up in the same hotel room — remember what I said on your first day!”
The line goes dead, and so does Bradley’s smile, his stomach churning like it does every time he remembers his first day at the Wells Corporation.
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007 | 11:15 AM EST | Boston, MA
“Will you calm down?”
“I can’t, Bradley. What if no one likes me? What if I fuck up?!” She hisses, working to appear calm as they wait for their supervisor to show up, but failing.
“First of all, we’re starting together, so you have at least one person that likes you. And you’re great, everyone will like you. Second, there will be mistakes, but we just graduated — they’re not going to let us do anything alone because we don’t know anything yet.”
Sherrie nods, tucking her hands under her legs and trying to breathe. Bradley’s words are encouraging, but he doesn’t know how difficult her internship was last summer. The older engineers she shadowed treated her like a glorified coffee girl and secretary. Even when she had pointed out a mistake they all had missed, there was no change — just the addition of making her type their reports to see if she could catch something the non-engineer tech writers would miss.
This is a brand new company, but misogyny wasn’t unique to Waite Green Construction. Every woman has to work twice as hard to prove her worth and intellect, no matter her age or experience. She’s just hoping her onboarding mentor will be the only other woman in the department; it would be the perfect way to gain a professional mentor once she’s out of the probation period.
“Good morning, kids! How was orientation?” Mr. Teresi walks into the conference room.
Bradley shakes his hand first, “It was good, sir. Nice to see you again.”
“Good to hear! Learn lots of new things.”
“Yes, I think we can be considered experts on trade secrets now.” Sherrie jokes, focusing on making sure her handshake is firm but not too firm.
“Wonderful. So, I’m guessing you two have been introduced, but just in case you haven’t. Bradley, this is Sherrie McHone; she’s an electrical engineer. And Sherrie, this is Bradley Bradshaw, a mechanical engineer.”
“We actually went to school together, sir.”
“We’re friends,” Bradley adds, the two of them exchanging small smiles.
“Oh, great! Well, that makes things easier getting started. Now let’s go over my plan for the two of you, and then we’ll get lunch, my treat for your first day.”
Their supervisor talks for half an hour, going over things they’ll need to be trained in and their first assignments. By the time he’s done, several notebook pages have been filled and highlighted with things that need to be looked up.
“Alright!” The older engineer claps, rubbing his hands together. “I’m sure your brains are overloaded with information, so go drop your things at your desks, and we’ll head to lunch.”
The recent graduates gather their notes and head for the door, quietly talking about a training they’ll be attending next week when he stops them. “One more thing, guys. They never mention it during R&D orientation, but I feel it’s necessary to mention it to new people. Here at Wells, there isn’t a fraternization policy among non-management coworkers or between any employees in different divisions. But we are a fairly small department, so keep in mind who you interact with and what impacts that may have at work.”
Sherrie feels the blood drain from her already pale face as her brand new supervisor stares at her the entire time he speaks, ignoring Bradley completely. She’s going to be sick. Less than four hours into the first professional role of her career, and it’s already happening.
This is the moment it starts, she thinks, her heart pounding in her throat as she robotically nods. It’s never the men that get these warnings. It’s always the women. Always us. Always me.
“I don’t care about that. But there are some people who will, even though they shouldn’t. And I want you guys to have the best experience here you possibly can. You’re both extremely bright, and I’m excited about your futures. I don’t want you to get bogged down by the opinions of others. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.” They answer in unison before filing out of the conference room.
“Sherrie, don’t worry about that. He’s just-”
“Trust me, Bradley. I know exactly what he was saying. I’m going to use the restroom, and then I’ll meet you guys at the elevator.”
But she ignores her friend, shrugging her purse over her shoulder and keeping her face neutral as she heads for the single-stall ladies’ room. Fighting to hold the tears back until she’s inside for fear of being perceived as emotional. A quality no woman can afford to have in a professional setting.
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Friday, July 15, 2016 | 8:05 PM EST | Charlotte, NC
“Hey, everything? Martin says hi.”
“We’re good! This is Mr. and Mrs. Ludden; they’re going to visit their newest granddaughter. How’re Sophie and Louis?” Bradley smiles at the excited way she introduces them, putting a steadying hand on her back when she bounces up on her toes.
“Oh, congrats! They’re good; Marie can watch’em one more day, problem.”
“Good, we’ll have to get her a thank you present for the short notice.”
“You didn’t tell us you guys had kids!”
Bradley and Sherrie freeze in place, eyes widening in surprise at the older woman’s words.
“Oh- uh- we-” Sherrie giggles awkwardly. “Sophie and Louis are our cats; we don’t have kids.”
“I’m so sorry!” Mrs. Ludden gasps, hand covering her mouth in shock while her husband groans her name.
“Louise, how many times do we have to do this before you stop making assumptions?”
“It’s okay, innocent mistake,” Bradley assures them.
“Well, they’re such a cute couple. I just thought they would have adorable children, too!”
“Actually… we’re not…”
“Oh, lord. Let me guess. You’re not dating. You’re just friends.”
“Coworkers too, but we were friends first.” Sherrie suppresses a laugh when the older gentleman rubs a hand over his eyes in exasperation.
“Don’t even start, Clayton!”
“I wasn’t going to, dear.”
Bradley can’t help the laugh that escapes at the comfortable ribbing they give each other; it reminds him of his friendship with Sherrie. The easy way they tease, never going too far.
“Would you two like to join us after we get rebooked?” Bradley asks. “We’re going to use our food vouchers tonight to grab dinner before we head to whatever hotel they put us up in.”
The four adults move through the line, chatting about small things and comparing pictures of grandkids and cats. It’s a nice way to spend the time, especially when they get to share judging looks when a woman throws a tantrum and yells at the gate agent. But soon enough, they’re walking back to the main concourse and deciding what food to get.
“No, stop. You just sit here with the bags, and I’ll grab the food.” Bradley gently pushes Sherrie back into her chair, rolling his eyes as he talks over her protests. “I know. You want mac and cheese, Diet Coke, and whatever pulled pork flavor looks best.”
“He’s sweet,” Louise says, watching the two men make their way over to the BBQ place.
“He’s annoying.” Which makes her companion laugh. “Yes, he’s very sweet. I’m lucky to be such good friends with him.”
“Can I ask why the two of you aren’t together? He even knows what food to bring you.”
“It’s just never been like that between us. We’ve always just been friends. And he’s annoyingly smart, so he always remembers what I order.” Sherrie half smiles, pushing down the pain in her chest at the harmless curiosity, watching Bradley laugh at something Clayton says as she remembers the first time he remembered one of her favorites.
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Saturday, March 4, 2006 | 1:34 PM EST | Charlottesville, VA
“Thanks for meeting me on a Saturday, Bradshaw. It’s just such a busy semester.”
“No problem. You know you can call me Bradley, right?”
“Oh, sorry. Do you not like being called Bradshaw?” Sherrie blinks when a bottle of Diet Coke and a small bag of Skittles is set on the table in front of her. “What’s this?”
“Your favorite snack.”
“Right… but why?”
“Because you have that about 50% of the time when we meet up to work on this project. Now, I finished transcribing the interview with Commander Buck last night. Did you want to- Sherrie?”
She shifts her focus from the food to the boy across from her in the study nook they’ve claimed as theirs for the semester. “Why do you remember my favorite snack?”
“Because we’re friends?” Brown eyes look into hers, equally confused.
“We’re friends?”
“I hope so; otherwise, this is gonna get awkward when you hug me in a minute.”
“Why am I going to hug you?!”
Bradley laughs at her flabbergasted expression, but it doesn’t hurt her feelings like it does when other people laugh at her. Something about the tone of the laugh makes it feel like he’s laughing at her, but rather with her, and she just doesn’t know the joke yet.
“Because as team captain, I am happy to announce to the Relay Chair that Sigma Chi has officially raised $5,000 thanks to your idea.”
“Bradley, that’s incredible!” She doesn’t feel silly when she bounces around the table to hug his neck, rocking them back and forth in excitement.
“Well, if you think that’s good - let me show you what we’re anticipating to raise this month…”
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Friday, July 15, 2016 | 10:12 PM EST | Charlotte, NC
“I just don’t understand how we’re having such bad luck!”
Sherrie rolls her eyes as he unlocks the door. “Bradley, breathe. You’re being very dramatic right now.”
“How is “we’re out of rooms” a legitimate reason for the hotel to give? Not that I mind sharing with you, but like how is that possible? The airline specifically works with them to book rooms for things like this! And the airline! That gate agent who wanted to book us to fly into Hartford and then drive the rest of the way to Boston! That's insane!”
“I don’t know, the Bradley flying into Bradley joke was pretty funny.” She mutters, clicking the lights on as she checks the cleanliness of the room.
“It wasn’t.” Bradley pouts, flopping onto the bed closest to the door. “Do you want to shower first?”
“No, go ahead, but I’m going to wash my face first so I can do a face mask. I’m so dry from the airport air.” He listens to the sounds of water running and the quiet humming as she carefully applies the drenched sheet to her skin. “All yours!”
“Thanks, Sher. I won’t be long.”
He showers quickly but takes extra time cleaning his teeth, his mouth feeling gross after the long travel day. When he comes out, he’s surprised at how cozy the room feels. With only one lamp on, the air conditioning set low to keep the fan running, and an old movie on the TV, it almost feels like they could be at home in his living room. They silently move around each other, Sherrie heading to the bathroom with a pile of things while Bradley organizes his things for the morning, wanting to get as much rest as possible before their early alarm.
He scrolls through emails and texts while he waits for her to shower, turning the television off since he knows there’s a small chance of either of them making it five minutes after they kill the lights. He's updating Mav on tomorrow’s travel plans when Sherrie comes out of the bathroom, her hair wrapped in a towel. Bradley sees her packing things out of the corner of his eye, not fully paying attention until he plugs his phone in.
“That’s what you wear to bed?”
“Bradley!” He laughs at how she jumps, her hands coming down to cover her shorts.
“What? They’re cute! Very pink.”
Her face goes as pink as the pajama set she’s wearing. “Stop making fun of me!”
“I’m not! You know, I love strawberries.” He can’t help the way his eyes roam up and down her body, admiring from the spaghetti straps on her smooth shoulders to the scalloped edge of her shorts. “I see why you didn’t want to change into those at the airport.”
“Oh my god…” She huffs, climbing into her own queen bed and stuffing herself under the sheets. “You set an alarm, right?”
“Yes, ma’am. Want me to turn the light off?”
“Please. God, this day cannot be over soon enough.”
He chuckles and turns the lamp off, listening to her shuffle around in the sheets as she gets comfortable. It’s quiet for a few minutes, and he can hear her breathing leveling out, but he can’t keep quiet; the conversation at the airport running through his mind.
“Sher?” It takes a second, but she quietly hums in response. “We have to talk about it again.”
“No, we don’t.”
“No, Bradley. We talked about this two weeks ago. Nothing has changed since then.”
“Yes, things have changed since then. You interviewed for that principal engineer position. Which if you get-”
“I’m not going to get it. They’re going to pick Trevor.”
“They’re going to pick you. You’re the best person for the job!”
“That’s not how it works, and you know it.”
He’s silent, the crushing weight on his chest feeling heavier when he hears her sniffle.
“Oh, Sherrie…” He slips out of his bed and into hers, wrapping the woman he loves in his arms. He lets her cry, knowing she’s frustrated and exhausted, only speaking up again when she’s calmed down. “I’m sorry, honey.”
“No, I’m sorry, Bradley. It’s not fair that we’ve been dancing around this for so many years, and I keep saying no. You deserve someone who isn’t afraid to be with you. Not a coward like me.”
“You’re not a coward; you’re one of the bravest people I know, Sherrie Anne McHone. I know how critical people are of women, in this field especially. And I love you, so I don’t mind waiting until we’re in a position that you’re confident won’t jeopardize your career. So, we’ll wait to hear about the job, and once you hear that you’ve gotten it, I’m treating you to the nicest dinner in Boston.”
“Bradley, we don’t know-”
“I know we don’t know. But think about how it would be if it does. Wouldn’t that be amazing?”
“But what about-”
“Doesn’t matter, honey.”
“You don’t even know what I was gonna say.” Sherrie mumbles, cuddling further into his side, making it clear that he wasn’t allowed to leave.
“I know, but it doesn’t matter, whatever it is — we’ll figure it out.”
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Saturday, July 16, 2016 | 10:32 AM EST | Somewhere over Virginia
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“She’ll take a ginger ale; thank you so much.” Bradley balances his apple juice, the two packets of Biscoff cookies, and the bubbling soda he got for Sherrie. The smiling flight attendant moves past their row as he turns to his row companion.
They’re finally on their way home after waking up to more delay announcements. The additional time meant there was time to get coffee and some fruit from the hotel before their taxi back to the airport arrived, and the Luddens had even stopped to chat for a second at the gate, excited that they had gotten bumped up to first class since the flight was nearly empty.
All things considered, it had been a good morning even though Sherrie was insisting on working during the flight. Bradley is sure it’s an attempt to ignore their talk from last night, not wanting to dwell on the emotional moment when things are still so up in the air.
He looks over at the woman he’s known since he was eighteen, overwhelmed for a moment by how little things have changed since the first time he ever noticed her. Bradley fondly watches as she furiously types, hunched over her laptop with headphones, playing what he knows is eighties hair bands.
Her nose wrinkles in frustration, and suddenly it’s 2003 again, and he’s trying to get the attention of the red-haired girl whose table has the only empty chair left, something he desperately needs since this book can’t leave the library. He’s unable to get her attention and resorts to knocking on the table, heart skipping a beat when the prettiest green eyes he’s ever seen blink up at him. Bradley gestures at the empty chair, silently asking if he can sit, and is grateful when she nods because her smile is making his knees wobble. For the next hour, he tries to take notes for his paper, but he keeps getting distracted by the beautiful girl across from him. Bradley isn’t sure if he’s upset or happy when she packs up her stuff and leaves, giving him a little wave when she notices him watching her.
That had been thirteen years ago, and her intense focus still distracts him, but he’s not afraid to interrupt her this time. Fingers rub her arm that is covered in his sweatshirt again, but this time, he knows it smells like her shampoo instead of his cologne. Her smile still sends his heart skipping when she looks up at him, her pretty eyes widening in joy when she catches sight of the red snack packaging and the plastic cup holding her second favorite soda.
“Thank you!” She whispers, leaning across the empty middle seat in their row to kiss his cheek. “Oh, and we should go out to lunch when we get back! I want to try that new noodle place that opened in Southie.”
He just smiles when she immediately gets back to work; cheek puffed out from the cookie she stuffed in her mouth.
Maybe she’s not avoiding our talk from last night.
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Thursday, August 11, 2017 | 2:15 PM EST | Boston, MA
“You got a minute?” Bradley knocks on the edge of her cubicle. It may be a different floor of their building, but all of the office space is the same dated stuff from decades ago.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“First of all…” He ducks down and presses a swift kiss to her plush mouth, still trying to make up for all those years he couldn’t. “And don’t say anything because I already checked before I did because I wanted to kiss my girl.”
He chuckles at the pink spots that shine on her cheeks. It’s been a year since Sherrie snagged the promotion, and they officially became an item, but she still turns a little red whenever he says something sweet.
“Second, you are all packed, right?”
“Yes, why?”
“I was gonna swing by the apartment and get our bags so we can head straight to the airport after work.”
“You took the afternoon off? Why?”
Bradley was expecting this question and smoothly fibs. “I worked the hours out with Martin for this week so I could run a few last-minute errands. Do you want me to grab snacks?”
“Okay, Mr. Secrets. When you’re at home, could you water the ivy? I forgot this morning, and I don’t want it to die while we’re gone.”
“Of course! Need me to do anything else?”
Sherrie hums, staring at the ceiling as she thinks. “One more kiss?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Bradley happily complies with her request.
“Okay, now you have to go. I have to finish prepping for this meeting where I get to yell at Sean.”
“That’s my girl. I’ll pick you up later. I love you.”
“I love you, too. Have fun with your mysterious errands.” Sherrie teases, and Bradley smirks back, knowing how much she would be freaking out if he knew what he would be doing while she professionally reamed out their least favorite colleague.
“Thanks, honey. Text me if you think of something.” Sherrie waves over her shoulder, already zoned back into her work.
Bradley doesn’t dare look at his buzzing phone until he’s safely on the elevator, pleased to see confirmation texts from their hotel and the airline. Would it be cheesy to quietly propose in the airport that was a catalyst in their relationship? Maybe, but he knew Sherrie would love it. He’s just hoping the TSA didn’t call out the ring that would be hiding in his carry-on.
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#deltasupremacy I also want to give a special thanks to @sometimesanalice, who gave so much encouragement through the texts despite having no idea what I was writing - you're the best! tagged some friends and most those who interacted with the original announcement post for this fic all those months ago!
tagging: @gretagerwigsmuse @sometimesanalice @laracrofted @theharddeck @hangmanbrainrot @hangmanssunnies @thesewordsareallihavetogive @princessphilly @katieshook02 @atarmychick007 @kmc1989 @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby @misfitpeach @luckyladycreator2 @scarlettwidow19 @mini-bee-bee @midnightstarqueen @shamelessghostwagonwobbler
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dewdropdinosaur · 4 months
Baby Don't Hurt Me
LUCIFER X M READER Summary: You and Lucifer were never really a labeled thing until when your very life is at stake, does the King of Hell truly take into account his feelings. Warnings: PG-13 for implied sex, sexual language, vulgar language. For the lovely @pixie-skull REQUESTS OPEN!
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In the dark and tumultuous realm of Hell, a sinister yet charismatic figure ruled supreme. Lucifer Morningstar, the embodiment of rebellion, carried himself with a confidence that belied the chaos of his kingdom. At least that is what it looked like to his subjects. Among the twisted landscapes and restless souls, there was one being who managed to capture Lucifer’s true self like no other—Y/N.
Their relationship was an enigma, even to them. Late nights were spent in shadowed alcoves, hidden from the prying eyes of Hell’s denizens. Whispers and stolen glances became their secret language. The thrill of sneaking around, of keeping their connection hidden, added a dangerous allure to their meetings. In the privacy of Lucifer's opulent chambers, they would share moments of passion, both knowing but never saying that there was something more between them.
Neither of them dared to label what they had. It was easier that way. For Lucifer, admitting to love was a vulnerability he couldn’t afford, especially not after Lillith and just getting Charlie back in his life. Y/N, strong and independent, valued their freedom and feared the chains that love might bring in a place like Hell. They reveled in the attention from Lucifer but to admit true feelings might do more harm than good in Hell, especially with all the people who love to take advantage of others. Both men and women alike had only used them so why wouldn't the King of Hell himself, Y/N was convinced, only use them too?
Ye even as the war of love raged on, the forces of Heaven prepared their assault, and Hell and the Hazbin Hotel braced for the inevitable clash. The day of the battle arrived with a ferocity that shook Hell to its core. Angels descended with blinding light and righteous fury, led by the vengeful Adam, Heaven’s warrior. The air was thick with the sounds of clashing weapons and the cries of the damned and divine.
In the midst of the chaos, Lucifer fought, albeit a little late to the party, with a fury born of centuries of defiance. His eyes constantly darted around the battlefield, always finding their way back to Y/N. 
Standing utop the roof, sword glinting in the light of the battlefield, Y/N stood guarding a fallen Charlie. 
“I would suggest you back the fuck up, Adam.”
“Awww, isn’t this cute, the little lover wants to save Luci's little girl.”
“The closest you get to brainstorming insults Adam is a light drizzle.”
Slicing his guitar towards Y/N, they met it with a block. Both parties slashed through the air, perry and block one after the other. Sweat poured down Y/N’s face, their short hair sticking to their face. he moonlight cast a silver sheen over their blades, creating an almost ethereal glow as the two adversaries faced off.
Adam's eyes narrowed, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "You really think you can stop me, Y/N?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.
Y/N tightened their grip on their sword, the weight of the steel comforting in their hand. "I won't let you hurt them," they replied, their voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through their veins.
Without another word, Adam lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. Y/N parried the blow, the clash of metal ringing out like a thunderclap. Sparks flew as their swords met, the force of the impact sending vibrations up Y/N's arm.
Adam was relentless, his attacks coming fast and furious. Y/N matched him blow for blow, their movements fluid and precise. The two danced a deadly ballet, their swords weaving intricate patterns in the air.
"Impressive," Adam sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "But you're only delaying the inevitable."
Y/N didn't respond, their focus razor-sharp. They could feel the strain in their muscles, the burn of exertion, but they pushed it aside. They couldn't afford to lose focus, not now.
With a sudden burst of speed, Adam feinted to the left and then swung his blade towards Y/N's side. Y/N barely had time to react, twisting their body just in time to avoid a fatal blow. Pain lanced through their side as the tip of Adam's sword grazed their skin, but they gritted their teeth and pressed on.
Using the momentum, Y/N counterattacked, their sword arcing towards Adam's chest. Adam deflected the strike, but Y/N was relentless. They pressed forward, their attacks becoming more aggressive, each swing fueled by their determination to protect Lucifer and Charlie.
For a moment, it seemed like Y/N had the upper hand. Their blade cut through the air with precision, forcing Adam to stay on the defensive. But Adam was cunning, his eyes never leaving Y/N's. He saw an opening, a split-second lapse in Y/N's defense, and he took it.
With a swift, brutal strike, Adam knocked Y/N's sword from their hand. The weapon clattered to the ground, and Y/N stumbled back, breathless. Adam advanced, his sword raised for the final blow.
“Go ahead and cry to your boyfriend, he isn’t here. I will enjoy destroying you, sinner.”
Watching this all unfold, Lucifer's heart clenched—a sensation he hadn’t felt in eons. With a roar that echoed across the battlefield, he unleashed his full power, tearing through the ranks of angels to reach Y/N. He arrived just as Adam’s sword plunged into Y/N’s side, a scream of agony ripping from their lips.
Lucifer’s vision turned red. In a blur of motion, he struck Adam with a force that sent the angel sprawling. Adam, now unconscious under a pile of rubble, laid motionless. 
Rushing back to the roof, Lucifer knelt beside Y/N, cradling them in his arms, the world around him forgotten. Blood seeped from the wound, and Y/N’s breaths came in ragged gasps.
“Stay with me,” Lucifer commanded, his voice breaking in a way it never had before. “You can’t leave me, not now.”
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open, a weak smile playing on their lips. “I’m not going anywhere, you stubborn devil.”
Lucifer felt the sting of tears. He pressed his forehead against Y/N’s, a silent plea for them to hold on. As the battle raged around them, he realized the depth of his feelings. This was more than a fleeting connection, more than a casual fling. This was love, raw and undeniable. This man had given him love, passion, kindness, heck even tried to save his own daughter.
“I…I think I love you,” he whispered, the words heavy with the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions.
Y/N reached up, cupping his cheek. “I know. I love you too.”
“Lucifer, for Heaven’s sake, it will heal on its own!”
“I know ducky, but please….just let me look at it!”
“No you worried devil, I will be okay!”
Letting out a light chuckle, Y/N laid in Lucifer’s plush bed, surrounded by bandages and pillows. While Lucifer’s concern over his new found love was touching, the constant mothering was a tad annoying but mostly endearing. 
“Promise, me ducky?”
“I promise, Puggle, now come cuddle with me!” 
With a grin, Lucifer plopped into the bed with Y/N, burying his head into their shoulder. After a moment of silence, Lucifer shifted…and then shifted again.
“Yes, platypus?”
“You wanna make out yes?”
“....only if you are okay with that?”
“Darling, if I ever say no to that question there is a gun in my top dresser drawer. Shoot me with it.” 
Stealing his lips into a searing kiss, Y/N tangled their hands into Lucifer’s hair. Rolling ontop of Lucifer, Y/N kept kissing him with fevor. A thousand past kisses didn’t compare to the fiery nature of this single one, it felt like even their fingertips deliciously burned at each other’s touch. Popping the buttons off one by one of Lucifer silk shirt and then removing his own, the dance of tongue and teeth continued. Nips, soft bites, and moans eoched around the spacesou bed room. Tilting his knee up, Lucifer ground his leg into Y/N’s crotch. Lewdness sprung forth from their mouth as they clamped down onto Lucifer��s shoulder. 
Outside the doorway, however, was a very concerned Charlie who had been hearing the commotion and was worried about the injured state of Y/N. Softly pushing the door open and immediately regretting her decision, Charlie stood dumbstruck. 
“Fuck, just like that Luci, mhmmm….so close.”
“Ducky, come on, come for me!”
The scene came to a halt! Caught in a rather…precarious position, Lucifer and Y/N stopped their movements. Throwing the covers swiftlyt over them as Charlie shielded her eyes, all parties stared at each other. 
“I’ll knock next time I am so sorry, I was just so worried about Y/N and you and the fight and—”
“Charlie! Its okay. Luci…I guess this is a good a time as any….Charlie dear your father and I are dating—”
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lewmagoo · 11 months
the killing moon | rhett abbott
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part four of the wolf series ; must read previous parts before reading this one
listen to the playlist here
description: in which a wolf receives the greatest honor, but pays the ultimate price
characters: werewolf rhett abbott x werewolf f!reader, reader and rhett's children, my own ocs as members of the abbott pack
warnings: 18+ ONLY, smut, breeding kink, outdoor sex, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of death and murder, civil unrest, angst, violence, blood, bodily injury
It had been seven years. 
Seven years since that fateful day when your very life was put in grave danger, all because of the actions of one man. Seven years since you were stolen from your mate and brought to harm at the hands of ruthless werewolf hunters. 
It was all behind you now. The trauma still remained, but it had been soothed over the years, its pain lessening to a dull ache in your heart whenever you thought about it. Smoothed over by the loving hands of your husband. And by four tiny sets of hands that were a product of your love for each other. 
Things had changed in those seven years. Since that incident, the Supreme Court had cracked down on werewolf protection laws, at the prompting of the National Werewolf League. The penalty for werewolf hunting grew heavier. Zero-tolerance policies for the ‘sport’ were passed in every state. 
The Tillerson family was put entirely out of business. Following the death of Patricia during the harrowing moment of your rescue, Luke and Billy, the only remaining members of the family, were sentenced hefty to life in prison for their participation in your abduction. 
The NWL made a public example of them, using it as a way to send a message that told the nation that hunting was punishable to the highest degree of the law. No exceptions 
It started a revolution of sorts. Others came forward, with stories of how they had also been targeted by hunters. Gone were the days of being afraid to speak out. Wolves everywhere were empowered to stand up to those who’d inflicted harm upon them. 
And slowly but surely, hunting was eradicated. 
You and your pack never had to worry about hunters encroaching on your land again. The past agreement that Royal Abbott and Wayne Tillerson had come to over which plot of land wolves were allowed to live on was now null and void. You were free to take up residence wherever you pleased. 
Your pack, a mix of your own family, and the remaining members of Rhett’s, had banded together on the day you and Rhett had gotten married. The joining of two mates during a sacred ceremony, where you became one blood and one soul. 
Since then, you had lost a few members of the pack. Namely, you’d lost Rhett’s father, and his brother. Their involvement in the murder of Trevor Tillerson, with Perry committing the crime and Royal aiding him in covering it up, had brought the law down on them. 
Perry was sentenced to life in prison. Royal received a lesser sentence, but still had several more years to fulfill before he was reintegrated into society again. 
As for Perry’s daughter, Amy, she was already eighteen years old. After her father’s sentencing, you and Rhett had made the decision to take her in. His mother, Cecelia, took the aftermath hard. Losing her son and husband all at once was a lot for her. She fully admitted that she was not equipped to care for her granddaughter, so she turned her over to your and Rhett’s custody. 
You welcomed that little girl into your life, treating her as if she were your own. The two of you were closely bonded, even more so after what you had been through. Amy was more than happy to come live in your and Rhett’s home. Especially because that meant she would be there when you welcomed your first little pup into the world. 
A few months after your traumatic experience with the hunters, you gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She was the perfect mix of you and Rhett. She had his button nose. She had your eyes. She was beautiful. You named her Arya. 
Amy was overjoyed to have a tiny cousin to look after. She would hold and entertain the little one while you were occupied with other things. She never wanted to be away from the baby. You tried to encourage her to play with other children in the pack that were her age, but she didn’t seem to want to. She hadn’t bonded with them in the way that she’d bonded with you and Rhett. 
After spending a good portion of her young life with a physically absent mother and an emotionally absent father, she was holding on to the last two stable adult relationships she had left. The two of you gave her a sense of security that she’d never had before. She felt safe and cared for, for the first time in a long time. If she needed you to be surrogate parents to help her overcome the past trauma she had experienced, you were more than happy to be that for her. 
Along with Amy and Arya, your family began to grow in the next few years. Soon, you had a son, who you named Maximillian. Max for short. Following her, you had another daughter named Leia. And finally, you had your youngest, Zoella. All good, strong names that had once belonged to ancestors of your pack. 
There was something so special about raising your children in a pack. It wasn’t just family. You were all connected by blood and by spirit. A bond that withstood the test of time. You wanted your pups to grow up knowing their elders. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, those who had lived through times in history when wolves did not have the liberty to live freely within society. Times when they were mistreated and abused, simply for being who they were. 
Things had changed since then. Your community now had freedoms and protections that it had once been deprived of. Your children were growing up in a world where they were free to live where they wanted, be who they wanted, without hiding their true selves. 
But you never wanted them to forget all their ancestors and elders had endured to get to this point. 
It was important to you and Rhett that you gave them a strong foundation. Growing up, he didn’t have the kind of pack that you did. His family was dysfunctional at best. 
In the werewolf world, there was strength in numbers. His pack, if one could even call it that, had been small. Royal was the alpha. There was Cecilia, his mate. And Perry and Rhett, his boys. The only person to join the pack had been Rebecca, Perry’s wife. He had convinced himself and everyone around him that they were mates, when they were in fact, not. 
Even so, the product of their marriage was Amy. These six members made up the Abbott pack. Their small size made them vulnerable. That was why, when your pack came passing through, looking for sanctuary, they allowed you to have it. 
It was through that, that you met Rhett. From the very moment you came into one another’s presence, you knew you were mates. This led to your packs joining together as one. And Royal willingly surrendered his alpha status to Malakai, your uncle, and the alpha of your own pack. 
And for the first time in his life, Rhett felt like he was part of something. There was so much love within your pack. Everyone respected each other. Wolf customs were observed and held especially sacred. He’d never had that with his own family. Yes, he knew of his heritage, and he knew that being a werewolf was special. But that was as far as it went. 
He found a sense of belonging within your pack. And he knew in his heart that he never wanted his children to grow up the way he did, in a dysfunctional, broken pack. No, they would only ever know love, security, and safety. They would know where they came from and what their purpose was in the world. 
He made good on those promises. 
In your eyes, he was made to be a father. He embraced the role with ease, determined to do better than his own father had done with him. Where he had been told to “suck it up and be a man,” he told young Max, “it’s okay to cry. Sometimes ya just need to let it out.” Where he had been yelled at, he never raised his voice at his children. And if there were times when he lost his cool in front of them, he always made it a point to apologize in the end and make it right. 
He wasn’t perfect, but he worked hard every day of his life to be the father his pups needed him to be. And for that, you admired and respected him. 
Your love for him already burned like an unkempt flame, but seeing him raise your children? It grew tenfold. And as the years past, that love that you shared never wavered. It was undying. Eternal. 
You had watched him flourish over the last seven years. Without his family to hold him back, he had come into his own. He was an integral part of your pack, and did all he could to protect its sanctity. 
His deep loyalty had caught the attention of the pack elders. Especially your Uncle Malakai. He was getting up in years, and knew that he needed to hand off his responsibilities as alpha to someone who was younger and full of life. He had his sights set on Rhett, unbeknownst to you. 
Malakai consulted the pack elders, presenting who he wanted to choose to replace him. They were all in agreement that Rhett was the best choice for the job. 
And so, one evening in late October, you received a knock at your door. You had just finished dinner, and the kids were beginning their bedtime routine. 
Their favorite part of the evening was getting to curl up on the couch in the living room while their daddy read them a story. That time together as a family was sacred to you and Rhett. To bond with your little ones, to have a moment of peace as he read to them from a book of their choosing. You cherished every moment. 
But that night, that moment was interrupted by a guest. 
“I’ll get it,” Amy announced, already heading for the door. 
Rhett was just getting the kids settled on the couch, with you coming to join them all. You paused, however, when you heard your uncle’s voice. 
“Uncle Malakai’s here,” Amy called over her shoulder, moving aside to let the man in. 
“Evenin’, Abbotts,” he greeted you all, smiling warmly. 
Your oldest three children jumped up in excitement, immediately rushing over to hug their uncle. You smiled at their enthusiasm. They loved him so much. 
“Hey, we just finished dinner. Want a plate to take home with you?” You asked him. 
He shook his head as he lifted your youngest, Zoella, onto his hip, cooing at her. “No thanks sweetheart. I actually came to speak with you and Rhett.”
Behind you, Rhett rose to his feet. “Everythin’ alright?” He asked. 
Malakai held his gaze. “Yeah, everything’s fine. But it is important.”
“Okay, gimme one minute.” Rhett turned to address the kids. “Alright pups, Mama and Daddy have to go talk to Uncle Malakai for a few minutes. You be good for Amy, alright?”
“Okay Daddy!” They all echoed, and Amy took over tending to them, grabbing Zoella from Malakai to free his hands up before he turned to lead you both outside. 
Once on the porch, blanketed by cool night air, shoes thudding against solid wood, Rhett pulled the door shut behind the three of you. 
“What’s goin’ on?” Rhett questioned. You moved to stand beside him, your shoulder brushing against his. 
“I’ve got news. Bittersweet news. But I wanted to personally deliver it to you myself.” Malakai leaned against the porch railing, folding his arms over his chest. “If ya couldn’t tell, I’m gettin’ old. I’m not the wolf I used to be. My senses are dull, and I don’t think I can lead this pack effectively anymore. So I’m lookin’ for someone to replace me.”
His eyes never left Rhett’s. There was an intensity behind them, a conviction. Beside your husband, your breath caught in your throat. You knew what was coming next. So did Rhett. 
“Rhett, I’ve thought long and hard about it, and I want you to take my place.” He went quiet for a moment, allowing the news to sink in. 
Rhett let out an incredulous breath, shaking his head as he brought his hand up to run his fingers absently over his jaw. He knew what an honor this was, and he was floored. 
“Wh…why? There are plenty’a other pack members who are probably a lot more qualified than I am.” His disbelief was palpable. 
Malakai shook his head. “I took it to the elders. We’re all in agreement. We firmly believe you are the best wolf to lead this pack. Will you accept this honor?”
How could he deny it? Rhett had great respect and admiration for Malakai. He felt that declining this offer would be a slap to the face. And even more so, he had a duty to fulfill. To his pack. To his mate. To his children. 
“Yes. I’ll accept it,” Rhett finally replied. 
Malakai’s face broke into a grin. He stepped forward, reaching out to shake Rhett’s hand. “My boy. I’m so glad you said that.”
Rhett smiled back, though there was trepidation in his eyes. “So what happens next? I’ve never been part of an alpha ceremony.”
Malakai nodded. “Don’t worry, you’ll meet with the elders soon and they’ll discuss everything. The ceremony will happen on the next full moon. Which, coincidentally, is next Friday.”
Rhett’s eyes widened. He only had a week to prepare for this? It seemed like it was happening so fast. His chest tightened with anxiety. Had he really just agreed to this? The highest, most sacred honor in the wolf community? 
“A-alright,” was all he could say. 
You could sense his uncertainty. You placed a steady hand between his shoulder blades, and he relaxed a little under your touch. 
“I’ll get the elders together, and we’ll meet tomorrow morning at sun up, at my place. How does that sound?”
“Yeah…yeah, I’ll be there.”
Malakai bid you farewell before he walked off into the night, leaving you and Rhett alone on your porch. You stood there in silence for a beat, both of you processing what you had just been told. 
Slowly, you turned toward your husband, and as realization set in, your eyes filled with tears. “Rhett…” you whispered, your voice breaking. 
His eyes, blue and impossibly deep, met yours. “I know,” he whispered back. 
Without warning, you lurched forward, throwing your arms around his neck. His own arms instinctively came up to wind around your waist. You held each other, standing on your porch in the cool night air. 
“I can’t believe it,” he whispered when you parted, his voice thick with emotion. 
You smiled, lifting your hand to brush a lock of hair away from his forehead. “I can. You deserve this, my love. I can’t think of a better man to take on this responsibility.”
He let out a breath, a plume of condensation puffing out into the air, his head shaking as he did so. “I don’t know about that.”
You touched his face, bringing his chin up so he’d look at you. “Don’t you dare sell yourself short, Rhett. You’ve earned this. And you’ll be the alpha this pack needs, I just know it.” You leaned in to tenderly kiss him, and he reciprocated, mouth moving against yours with ease, familiar and soft.
“I love you, little wolf,” he murmured against your mouth when you parted. 
“I love you too. And I’m so proud of you.” You nuzzled your nose against his before you reluctantly pulled away. “Guess we should go back inside and wrangle the pups.”
“Guess we should.” He slipped his arm around you, and you sauntered back into the comforting warmth of your home.
That night, after the littles were all tucked in their beds, safe and warm, Rhett lay awake, staring at the ceiling, replaying the conversation with Malakai. This was a life-altering moment. Things would never be the same again after this. It was the most important role he would ever fulfill, aside from his role as your mate and as a father to his children.
Was he cut out for this? Could he lead an entire pack of werewolves? This was no longer limited to just his family depending on him. This was an entire community. He would be the figurehead of the Northeast Wyoming Pack, representing a growing population of wolves, the largest in the entire state, in fact. The thought of being their leader scared the hell out of him.
But he would be a fool to turn down an opportunity like this. Not to mention, it would be seen as disrespectful to Malakai to decline this honor. So, the very next morning, he rose before the sun, ready to face the elders and formally tell them that he accepted this position.
You stirred when you heard him moving about the room, and you turned onto your side, squinting in the light that streamed in from the bathroom. When he saw that you were awake, he stopped at your side of the bed, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“Gonna go meet the elders now,” he whispered.
“Mm,” you hummed, reaching out to squeeze his hand. “Good luck.”
“Thank y’ darlin’,” came his reply. He returned your hand squeeze before he finally slipped away, pausing to shut off the bathroom light before he made his way down the steps. He was quiet on his feet so as not to wake the rest of the house, stopping at the door to grab his boots before he stepped out onto the porch, taking a seat on the bench near the door to put them on. 
He let out a soft sigh, steeling himself before he stood and began the trek across the property toward Malakai’s place, where the elders regularly met. The entire walk, his mind was spinning, trying to process the fact that he was going to stand before these revered wolves and begin the journey of receiving alpha status. Never in a million years would he have dreamed this would be happening.
But it was, and soon, he was on Malakai’s doorstep, lifting a hand to knock on the door, and taking a deep breath to steady himself. Moments later, the door came open, and there was Malakai’s wife, Larissa, standing in the doorway.
She smiled warmly at Rhett. “Good mornin’, honey!” She greeted. “Come on in, I just put on a fresh pot of coffee. Everyone else is on the back deck.”
He thanked her, leaning in to give her a quick hug before he headed into the house, right to the sliding doors that led out onto the deck. There, the five pack elders awaited him, each of them seated at the large rectangle table in the middle of the deck.
When Malakai saw him, he stood. “There’s the man of the hour,” he said with a smile, as Rhett stepped outside to join the group.
“Mornin’,” Rhett replied, reaching out to shake Malakai’s hand. He looked around the table, bidding good morning to each elder.
Gwenevere, Leo, Nora, Matthias, and Sebastian. All the oldest members of the pack. The purpose of their counsel was to ensure everything was done decently and in order. They were advisors to the alpha. 
“Have a seat,” Malakai urged Rhett, and he did so, thanking him for his graciousness. Rhett tried to hide his nerves, clearing his throat and squaring his shoulders as he took a seat across them at the table. His heart quickened in his chest. He knew that all of them could hear it. They could already sense his unease.
Gwenevere leaned forward, her hands folded on the tabletop. Her eyes, stormy gray, remained fixed on Rhett’s face, regarding him with an unreadable expression. “Malakai tells us you are willing to accept his position as alpha of this pack.”
“Yes ma’am,” came Rhett’s response. 
“This is the highest honor you will ever be given. Are you prepared to put the needs of this pack for your own?” Sebastian spoke up.
“I am.”
“And are you willing to protect them, no matter the cost?”
Rhett looked directly into Sebastian’s eyes. “Yes. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect this family.”
“Young wolf,” Nora interjected, pointing her finger at him. “Do you understand how sacred this job is? Do you realize what is at stake here?”
He did not waver beneath her hard gaze. His mind went to you and his children. There was nothing he would not to do keep you safe. And he knew that he would be just as diligent in safeguarding all the other wolves that would soon be under his care. 
“I do. And I have t’ say…before you all showed up here all those years ago, I never knew what it was like to be part of a pack. Not really. My family was all I had, and when my brother did what he did…after what happened to m’ wife…you didn’t turn your backs on me. You showed me what it means to be part of somethin’. And I’m honored that you’d let me take charge of this. I promise to do everythin’ I can to be the alpha these wolves need me to be.”
His words hung in the air, and he awaited a response with bated breath. 
Matthias was the one who spoke next. “Rhett, when Malakai brought your name up as a potential candidate to replace him, all of us were in agreement that you were the best fit for the job. I know that you won’t disappoint us.”
Rhett shook his head. “I won’t let you down. I swear to you.”
The alpha and the five elders regarded him silently, before Gwenevere finally broke that quiet moment. 
“Then it’s settled. By the light of the next full moon, you will be named alpha over this pack.”
And just like that, the meeting was adjourned. 
Rhett went home that morning, his mind still spinning just as it had been when he woke up. Reality was beginning to set in. This wasn’t a fantasy, this wasn’t a dream. This was real, he was going to become an alpha in just a few short days. 
He knew that there was someone who deserved to know the news. So, he detoured on his walk home, and instead headed for the house that he had grown up in. 
His boots crunched against the gravel as he sauntered up the drive. He knew Cecilia would be awake. She’d always been an early riser. And sure enough, when he made it up to the porch, he could hear her singing softly to herself as she worked in the kitchen, making breakfast. 
Rhett knocked on the door before he called out, “It’s Rhett, Ma!”
Moments later, she was at the door, pleasantly surprised to see him. “What a nice surprise!” She exclaimed as she reached out to hug him. He reciprocated, hugging her extra tight. 
“Just thought I’d stop by for a few minutes. Been a while since we talked,” he mused. 
Cece smiled warmly. “Well come on in!” She motioned for him to step inside, and he did so, following her as she strolled back into the kitchen. “I was just startin’ on breakfast. I can fix ya somethin’, if you want. Could pan scramble you an egg, just like you used to eat.”
Rhett gently declined. “No, I better not. Gonna head back and eat breakfast with the babies in a few,” he explained. 
Cece’s face fell slightly. “Oh, yes. I guess you wouldn’t want to miss breakfast with them. Lord knows your father regretted not spending more time with you and your brother.”
Rhett didn’t acknowledge the comment. He didn’t want to get into a discussion about Royal and Perry. Instead, he kept the mood lighthearted. “I came because I have somethin’ to tell ya’, Ma.”
Her curiosity was piqued. “What is it?” And then, “it’s not a new pup, is it?! That would be wonderful!”
But he shook his head. “No, it’s not a pup. But…well, I’ve been asked to be the alpha of our pack.”
A beat passed. Then another. Her eyes filled with tears. “Rhett, that’s…that’s wonderful,” she whispered in disbelief. She pulled him in for another hug. “Oh, my boy, my boy. I’m so proud of you!”
When they parted, they were both smiling from ear to ear. “I wanted you to know before they announced it to everyone.”
She lovingly touched his cheek. “Thank you. I really appreciate you tellin’ me.” Her eyes still glimmered with unshed tears. “I really am so proud. Your daddy is going to be too. I’ll have to call him up and let him know. Unless…you want to do it?” She looked up at him hopefully. 
Rhett hesitated. His relationship with Royal was complicated. He had not spoken to him in a long time. Although seven years had passed since your abduction, and finding out that Royal had been involved in covering up Perry’s crime, it had still left a mark. 
Rhett had been able to move on for the most part, but there was still a disconnect there between him and his father. It was the fact that he had chosen to protect his oldest son, over his youngest. He had betrayed the trust Rhett had in him, and it severed any bond they might have had. 
“You can just let ‘im know,” Rhett answered his mother. 
She tried to hide her disappointment. “Alright, I will.”
He sighed softly before he finally decided to bid her goodbye. “Well, that’s all I wanted to tell ya. Ceremony will be on the full moon.”
“I’ll be there,” she assured him. Then she hugged him again. “Look at you. One of my sons, an alpha.”
He mustered a smile. “Who woulda thought, huh?”
She patted his cheek. “I would have. You’re a good man, Rhett. And it ain’t because of anythin’ me or your father did. You chose to do the right thing because that’s just who you are. And because of that, I know you’ll be the best alpha this pack ever had.”
He felt tears well in his eyes. Praise was hard to come by from his parents. Royal especially. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d heard his father tell him he was proud of him. And even now, he doubted the man would say those words, despite the high honor that had just been bestowed upon him. 
“Thanks, Ma,” he whispered. 
“I meant every word.” She parted from him, stepping back and motioning to the door. “Now go on, get. Enjoy your breakfast with your family.”
After sparing her a final glance, he stepped back outside into the brisk October air, pausing to take a deep breath. He hadn’t expected speaking to his mother to bring up so many memories and emotions. He tried to keep in touch with her regularly, especially because she lived right down the way from him, and he had no excuse not to speak to her. 
But sometimes, it was hard. Going back to that house was a reminder of a childhood filled with unrest. Back then, he hadn’t noticed how unhealthy it was. It wasn’t until after you walked into his life, and you started a family of your own, that he realized what a stable, wholesome family unit was like. 
He mourned for that little boy who had not experienced gentleness from his father. The way Rhett was with his own children was not the way Royal had been with him. His father had been dismissive of his emotions. Men don’t cry. And certainly not men who are part wolf. 
It was something that Rhett still struggled with to this day. You had helped him considerably in learning to express his emotions, but he supposed he would always have that small voice within him, telling him he was weak for allowing emotion to bubble to the surface. 
But he tried his best to put those days of his childhood behind him. He had four little ones that he had the opportunity to show love and patience to. He could give them things he hadn’t had when he was a child. He could be a good father. 
Just like he would be a good alpha. 
Your words from the night before rang in his head as he walked back to your house. Don’t you dare sell yourself short, Rhett. You’ve earned this.
It was time he trusted in his own abilities. 
In the following days leading up to the ceremony, Rhett was thrumming with nerves. The children noticed something was off. 
You had explained to them that their father was going to be taking leadership of the pack, but you weren’t sure how well their little minds could fully process the magnitude of the situation. 
But they would soon witness it for themselves. As small as they were, with your oldest being seven, and your youngest being only one, you still wanted them to witness this monumental moment in their father’s life. 
Your heart was warmed when, the night before the ceremony, you heard your son Max talking to Rhett as he got the boy ready for bed. 
“I want to be an alpha just like you when I grow up, Daddy,” he said. 
Rhett hummed, ruffling his son’s hair. “And I bet you will, buddy. Couldn’t think of a better wolf to take my place.”
The five-year-old looked up at his dad. “Are you scared to be an alpha?” He could not enunciate his L’s yet, so the word came out as “owpha.”
You watched from the doorway, eyeing Rhett as he knelt down so that he was eye level with Max. He hesitated for only a moment. His instinct was to deny fear, but what good would that do to his son? He needed to own up to his feelings. He needed to be transparent, because he owed that much to his children. “Yeah, I am. And y’know what? It’s okay to be scared.”
Max nodded, his little face serious. “Mama says that all the time.”
“And she’s right. Sometimes we gotta do things that scare us, because in the end, somethin’ good will happen.”
You could see Max’s mind working behind his eyes. “Daddy?”
“I think you’re really brave.”
Rhett didn’t bother to hide his tears. He hugged his boy to his chest, his large hand coming up to rest at the back of his head, cradling him there. “Thank you, bud.”
You were touched, and tears reached your own eyes. Max had such a tender heart. Even at such a young age, he was sensitive to the feelings of those around him. You hoped he would never lose that sweet spirit.
After their conversation, Rhett gently coaxed him into bed, making sure the blankets were tucked in around him, before you finally made your presence known. You reached out, placing a steady hand against Rhett’s back as you leaned down to kiss your son on the forehead.
“Goodnight, sweet boy,” you whispered.
“‘Night, Mama.”
After he was settled, the two of you quietly left the room, and Rhett shut the door behind him. And just like that, all four of your children were tucked safely in their beds, leaving you with a moment of peace.
“He loves you so much, Rhett,” you whispered to your husband as you walked toward the steps that led up to your bedroom. 
He nodded, slipping his arm around your waist. “He’s a good boy. Reminds me a lot of me when I was a kid…just, different.”
You paused, turning to cup his cheek. “Different because he has a daddy who’s patient and loving.”
Rhett let out an unsteady breath. “I really try, y’know?”
“I know you do, and it shows. There’s no doubt in that boy’s mind that you love him. There’s no doubt in any of our pups’ minds about that.” You leaned in to kiss him tenderly, and he hummed against your mouth, his large hands coming up to rest at your hips. 
“I love you,” he confessed.
“I love you too,” came your reply as your fingers stroked at the scruffy edge of his jaw. Another kiss, and you spoke again, “Now c’mon, let’s get to bed. Got a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Need all the rest you can get.”
You kissed him again, your body lingering against his for a moment, relishing in the closeness. These past few days had been all out of sorts for you both. Rhett was so wrapped up in preparing for the alpha ceremony that he hadn’t taken a moment to just be with you. To hold you in his arms, to sit in the stillness. 
He realized that this was what he needed. You were what he needed, you were the healing balm. So, that night, he let you be that for him. Let you snuggle against his chest, and whisper reassuring words as you rested your head on his chest. And for the first night that entire week, he found rest. 
The next morning, he woke to the first rays of morning sun peeking in through the window. He was safe and warm in his bed, with his mate in his arms, and for those first few moments of consciousness, nothing else mattered. 
When you stirred, you found him gazing down at you. You smiled sleepily, cuddling up against him. “Mornin’, my love.” And then, your eyes met his. “It’s ceremony day.”
He let out a hum. “Mm. I’m so fuckin’ nervous.”
“I’ll be right there with you, baby. I promise.”
And he knew you would be. 
When you finally forced yourselves out of bed, you took the time to prepare him his favorite breakfast. You wanted to make him feel special, and you succeeded. He sat at the table with his two littles, Leia and Zoella, in his lap, while Arya and Max had pulled their chairs on either side of him to huddle in close. It was as if they could sense his trepidation and wanted to comfort him. Surrounded by his wife and babies, Rhett felt all the love and support in the world. He had everything he could ever ask for. 
In fact, throughout that entire day, all four children stayed glued to their father, and he let them. Their presence brought him comfort. In anticipation of this very day, you had kept Arya and Max home from school, because you knew they would be out of sorts with the upcoming ceremony. They needed to be here, with their pack. 
Not to mention, Rhett needed them. 
As each hour passed, bringing sunset closer and closer, Rhett grew more restless. The anticipation of the full moon always made wolves antsy, but that, paired with the knowledge that in a few short hours, he would become an alpha, increased that restlessness tenfold. 
While the children were occupied with an art project at the kitchen table, thanks to Amy, who had offered to set it up for them, Rhett kissed you and informed you that he was going on a run to clear his head. 
“Want me to come with you?” You offered, snuggling into his side. The two of you loved going on runs together. It was where you’d slip into wolf form and dash through the woods, running just to run. It was such a freeing sensation. 
Rhett smiled softly, shaking his head. “Nah, I think…I think I need to do this alone. Gotta get out of my head go back to my roots.” Roots, meaning his wolf nature. 
You nodded in understanding. “Okay.” You stole another kiss before you stepped back. “I love you. Go.”
He stepped outside, and you watched through the window as he quickly rid himself of his clothing, sprinting right off the porch and shifting midair, landing on four paws before he took off toward the tree line. You couldn’t help but smile fondly. Oh, how you loved him. 
He was so anxious about what was to come, but you weren’t, because had no doubt that he was made for this. 
While Rhett was on his run, and Amy had the kids occupied, you set to work preparing for that night. You set out an outfit for your husband. A royal blue shirt that brought out his eyes, and a pair of his nicest jeans. You would be given special ceremonial robes to wear during the event itself, so you weren’t too concerned with what would be worn beneath them, but you still wanted the both of you to look your best. 
As the sun began to sink lower in the sky, you could feel an electricity in the air. Of course, this was brought on by the approaching full moon, but it was something more than that. Rhett felt it too, and when he returned from his run, he was wired and filled with new energy. 
By that time, you and Amy had set about getting the kids ready for that night. Arya had gotten ready all by herself, which she proudly announced to Rhett when he walked in the door. 
“You look beautiful, little gal,” he said with a smile, lovingly running his knuckle against her soft cheek. 
“I wanted to dress up like Mama,” she told him, smoothing her hands over her dress, one that closely matched the one you were wearing. 
“You look just like her, too,” he mused. His sweet, beautiful little girl. The girl who made him a father. 
“She does, doesn’t she? Resemblance is uncanny,” Amy spoke up. 
She, too, had dressed up for the occasion, and had threaded her long blonde waves into a thick plait that ran down her back. She was teeming with excitement for the opportunity her uncle had been given. He had been with her through her most transformative years of life, stepping in when her father couldn’t, and she’d developed a deep bond with him. Now that she was grown, she still appreciated all that you and Rhett had done to give her a good life. She believed he deserved this honor and then some. 
And she told him as such. As Arya ran to see if her three younger siblings were ready, Amy caught Rhett at the foot of the steps leading up to your bedroom. 
“I’m proud of you, Uncle Rhett.”
Rhett smiled softly. “Thanks, Amygirl. Means a lot to me.”
She returned his smile and gave him a hug, which he gratefully received. When they parted, she said, “Thanks for everything you’ve done for me.”
“And I’d do it all over again if I had to.”
She nodded, her gaze soft. “I know you would.”
They shared a silent understand before Rhett finally headed upstairs, his heart warm from the interaction. He found you on the bed, getting your youngest into her little outfit. 
“Hey, ZoZo,” he greeted the tiny one, and she giggled in delight at the sight of her father, immediately reaching her little arms up. 
“Dada!” She exclaimed. Her vocabulary had just started to broaden, but she hadn’t yet graduated from calling him dada. And Rhett loved it. When his children called for him, whether it was ‘daddy’ or ‘dada’, it invoked deep emotion within him. Becoming a father was the best thing that had ever happened to him. 
“Mama’s got you lookin’ so pretty!” He hummed as he leaned down to take her into his arms. 
“Pretty!” She echoed in delight, clapping her chubby hands.  
As he snuggled his youngest against his chest, his gaze shifted to you. His mouth curled into a reverent smile, his deep blue eyes taking in your form. “Y’ look beautiful, Mama.”
Even after all these years, you still grew bashful when he complimented you. You rode from the bed, offering a loving peck to his lips. “Thank you, m’love.” And then, “I set out your clothes for you. Thought you’d look handsome in blue.”
He caught you, deepening what had been a light kiss. “Thank you.”
“Mhm,” you articulated. Then, you eased Zoella from his arms. “Better take this little one down to give her a little snack and let you get ready.”
“Okay. Be ready in a few,” he echoed as he handed off your daughter to you. He left a kiss on her head before he let you head back downstairs. 
It was time to finally ready himself for the ceremony. 
He hopped in the shower and scrubbed his skin clean, making sure to wash behind his ears like his mother had drilled into his head when he was a young boy. 
After a quick scrub down, he was hasty to dry off, and throw on his clothes. After his hair was combed down, cologne spritzed on his skin, and socks on his feet, he finally made his way back downstairs, where you and Amy were rounding the littles up to head out the door. 
“Okay! I need a picture of Daddy and the babies!” You exclaimed. “C’mon, gather round!” 
As Amy herded the children around him, you ran to grab your camera, and moments later, you’d snapped several pictures of this monumental moment, with intentions of placing it in a frame and displaying it in your home for years to come. 
“Can we go now?!” Arya asked impatiently. 
“We’re goin’!” Rhett replied. “C’mon tiny wolves, let’s get a move on.” He gathered Zoella in his arms, and then led all of you outside. 
Max and Leia held your hands, while Arya walked up ahead alongside Amy and her father. The place where the ceremony would be held was not a far walk. It was at a clearing in the woods, where the moonlight shined just so. 
Everything had been set up, and as you neared the clearing, you could see how whimsical it looked, and yet, it had an almost pagan feel to it. Fairy lights had been strung from the trees. Deer antlers, masks, and various items that had been passed down from ancestors. 
There was a bonfire going in the middle of the clearing. Adjacent, beneath an ancient weeping willow tree, was a pedestal with a pair of velvet robes placed upon it, and a wooden bowl filled with something you could not see, but would later find out was red paint, made from crushed rose petals and beetroot. 
Members of your pack had already begun to gather. The elders, along with Malakai were taking their places beneath the willow tree. 
As you neared the site, you shared a look with Rhett. 
“You ready?” You asked. 
He let out an unsteady sigh. “As I’ll ever be,” he murmured. 
You squeezed his hand. It was time. 
Amy retrieved Zoella from Rhett’s arms, and she guided the rest of your children over to a little area where other pups were already congregating. Knowing they were in good hands, you were able to move your focus to your husband, who was trying to steady his breathing. He looked like he was seconds away from spiraling. 
“Hey,” you said. You reached up, cupping his cheek, turning his face to you. Your fingers stroked his jaw. You placed your other hand on his chest, over his heart. “Breathe.”
He breathed in deep, his chest rising beneath your touch. Then he exhaled. Upon his second inhale, he focused in on the one and only scent that could ground him - you. That sweet, intoxicating scent that he loved. So familiar and comforting. 
The world seemed to fade out around him. It was just the two of you, sharing an intimate moment. 
“You’re okay.”
He was, wasn’t he? He’d be just fine. 
“I’m okay,” he repeated. 
You kissed him tenderly. It gave him clarity, and he parted from you feeling considerably calmer. He felt ready to take on the responsibility that lay ahead of him. 
He squared his shoulders and glanced around, taking in the sight of his pack members gathering ‘round in support of him. He saw his mother, standing proud, and he nodded at her, silently thanking her for being there for him. She placed her hand over her heart and mouthed I love you. 
And then, it was time. 
Malakai raised his hand. “Gather round, wolves!” He called out. 
Immediately, the group went silent, and everyone began to move toward the tree, but they left a center walkway clear for you and Rhett to walk down. 
A hush fell over the crowd. You grasped Rhett’s hand. 
“Tonight is a very special night. As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, I am surrendering my alpha status. This hasn’t been a decision I’ve taken lightly. I especially wanted to choose someone who was worthy of this position. Someone who will lead you valiantly. Someone who will love you. For me, it simply made sense to choose Rhett Abbott.”
A round of applause rippled through the group. Rhett felt his throat tighten as emotion washed over him. This amount of support was overwhelming for him. 
Malakai met his gaze. “Come forward.”
Hand in hand, the two of you walked toward the weeping willow, your heads held high. When you reached Malakai, he leaned in to kiss your cheeks, and then Rhett’s. 
Of the elders, Gwenevere and Matthias stepped forward, holding the ruby-red robes in their hands. Gwenevere placed yours upon your shoulders, while Matthias placed Rhett’s on his. That was the moment that it really began to set in for you. This was real. This was happening. 
Rhett couldn’t suppress the shiver that trailed down his spine as the velvet robe cascaded down his body. His heart quickened in his chest. His skin felt like it was alive with electricity, crackling and sparkling in a brilliant display.
The feeling was akin to the way he’d felt when he met you for the first time and realized you were his mate. Overwhelming, all-consuming, intense enough to drive him to his knees. But he remained standing tall, despite himself. 
“Rhett Abbott,” Malakai addressed him.
“Yes sir?”
“Do you pledge your undying loyalty to The Northeastern Wyoming Wolf Pack?”
Without hesitation, he answered. “I do.”
“Do you pledge to lead them benevolently?”
“I do.”
“And do you pledge to honor, protect, and defend them?”
“I do.”
Malakai nodded, satisfied with the answers he’d been given. He stepped toward the pedestal that stood nearby, his boots crunching against earth and dry leaves as he moved. Reaching out, he took the wooden bowl that had been placed there before the ceremony. 
“Kneel,” he commanded.
Rhett sank to his knees, humble before his pack. 
Malakai dipped his fingers into the bowl, gathering the homemade paint before he lifted his hand. With his pointer and middle fingers, he left deliberate trails of paint down Rhett’s cheeks. The red pigment symbolized the color of an alpha’s eyes. 
After the paint applied to Rhett’s ruddy cheeks, Malakai handed the bowl off to Nora, another elder. Then, he gazed upon Rhett, moving to lift his chin so he was looking up at him.
“You are the only wolf I trust to lead this pack in my stead. I am confident that you won’t let me down.”
“I won’t, sir,” Rhett assured him, his voice hoarse, emotion evident within its octaves.
Malakai then glanced at each elder. Gwenevere, Matthias, Leo, Nora, Sebastian. “It’s time,” he spoke to them.
They all gave him a nod of approval. 
Above the pack, the sun had finally sunk beneath the horizon, and the full moon was rising in the sky, its silvery light seeming to surround Rhett on purpose. You stared at him in awe, your eyes widening as you saw its pale beams glimmer against his hair, acting as a sort of halo. 
It was breathtaking. 
But the time to marvel was done, because Malakai stepped into the light, his shadow cast over Rhett’s kneeling form. The older wolf’s hands twitched at his sides, and his claws elongated from his fingertips.
Slowly, he raised his right hand. You watched as he placed that same hand against Rhett’s neck. He aligned his claws at the base, pressing them only slightly against his skin, preparing the younger wolf for what was about to happen.
Rhett locked eyes with Malakai. “I’m ready.”
All at once, the alpha sank his claws into the nape of Rhett’s neck. You flinched as he let out an agonized growl, his body going as tense as a taut rope while the pain blossomed within.
“Don’t fight it, young wolf,” Malakai commanded.
Rhett resisted the urge to pull away, but the pain was great and all-consuming, a burn that radiated throughout his neck and upper back. He groaned, huffing in labored breaths, as he realized his body was trying to shift. His jaw twitched as he tried to keep his fangs from lengthening from his gums. But it was no use. 
And then, seconds later, the pain he felt began to melt away. He never tore his gaze from Malakai’s. He watched as the alpha’s eyes glowed red as fiery embers, but then, he realized that red was fading away, slowly draining from his irises, replaced by a brilliant yellow.
You watched in amazement as the same ruby-red began to come to life in your mate’s eyes, dull at first, but growing ever brighter by the second. Your heart pounded in your chest, because you could feel it. That was the thing with mates, they could feel the other’s pain or distress. And you could feel it, but this was different.
This was…thrilling. It felt like you had just been struck by a bolt of lightning and splashed with a shock of cold water all at the same time. You gasped sharply, as did Rhett, and suddenly you felt more alive than you ever had in your life. So did he.
“It is done!” Gwenevere called out.
Seconds later, Malakai released Rhett, withdrawing his claws from the base of his neck. Rhett suddenly fell forward, catching himself as he put his hands out in front of him. The entire pack waited in dead silence, anticipation thrumming in the air like a magic spell.
And then, the alpha rose.
Slowly, Rhett moved, pushing himself up from the earth, and standing to his full height. Then he turned to face his pack, his eyes still gleaming red. A soft gasp went through the small crowd, followed by hushed murmurs.
And then, “Rhett Thomas Abbott, you are now the alpha of the Northeastern Wyoming Wolf Pack.”
Rhett let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, and all at once, everything felt right. He felt whole, as if he had just fulfilled his very purpose in life. This was it. This was what he was meant for. 
And then, a display of reverence followed. 
Starting with Malakai, each and every member of the pack lowered themselves to their knees. Overwhelmed, you moved closer to Rhett, reaching for his hand, interlacing your fingers. The two of you stood there as your wolves knelt out of respect for their new alpha. The sight brought tears to your eyes. 
Your gaze shifted to Rhett, and you realized his eyes were glimmering with emotion, too. 
But the time for tears was over. So he threw his head back and let out a clear howl into the air. Everyone else followed, a chorus of wolf howls filling the woods, reverberating around you. It was an indescribable moment that you knew you would not soon forget. 
After that very special moment, a time of music and dancing followed. Old mountain melodies were sung, and you were inundated with pack members coming up to congratulate Rhett on his status, and pledge their loyalty to him as their alpha. 
And most important of all, your children came bounding up to their father, with little Leia launching herself into his arms, and Arya and Max laughing in delight as they secured themselves at his waist. 
Amy held a bouncing Zoella on her hip, who Rhett promptly reached for. Even as the littlest of the family, she seemed to know this was a time of celebration and joy, and she squealed when her daddy took her into his arms. 
And there he stood, an alpha, his wife and children surrounding him, and he felt as if he was on top of the world. He’d never dreamed that this would be his life, yet here he was, and he could hardly contain his wonder. 
“I did it,” he whispered to you, as you nuzzled close to him, joining him and the huddle of babies surrounding him. 
“You did it,” you echoed, unable to hide the joyous smile spread across your face. 
You were so proud, you could hardly contain yourself. 
That night, the celebration went on. You feasted and you danced and you sang and you laughed. You watched Rhett throughout the evening, and the only way you could describe him was radiant. He appeared to be glowing, just as he had when the moon touched its silvery fingers to his head when he stood beneath the weeping willow. Alpha status looked good on him. 
And then, came the best part of the night. For you and Rhett, at least. 
As the hours grew later, the pups needed to be rounded up and put to bed. Graciously, Amy assured you she would take care of them. 
“Keep on havin’ a good time,” she said. “I’ll get these kids settled at the house.”
“You sure?” You asked, fully prepared to do it yourself. 
“Course I’m sure! It’s nothing I can’t handle. Besides, you and Uncle Rhett deserve to celebrate some more. Wouldn’t want to take that away from you.”
“Alrighty then. Let me just kiss them all goodnight.”
Together, you and Rhett bid each of your children goodnight and sent them off with Amy. Other pups were being taken home as well, leaving just the adults left over. It was time for a full moon run, and because pups under ten years of age did not yet possess the ability to turn, they did not participate. 
As for the rest of you, you would shift into your wolves and run beneath the light of the moon, the night air rippling through your fur, free as a bird. It was exhilarating. 
And so, when the moon rose to its highest peak, another set of howls rippled through the group, and one by one, the transformation from human to wolf began. 
Rhett turned to you, his eyes bright with anticipation. “Ready?” He asked. 
You nodded. “Let’s go.”
You rid yourselves of your robes, followed by your clothing, and moments later, you were shifting. You into your wolf with its snow-white pelt, and Rhett into his wolf with its midnight black one. 
A rush of pure excitement rippled through you as you nuzzled your face against your mate’s fur. At Rhett’s signal, you took off into the woods, side by side. 
You ran like the wind, following your lover. You had mastered the art of communicating silently and through your senses. Every whine, every yip, every shift of the ears. You knew what the other was saying in an instant. 
And now, you knew that Rhett was leading you far away from the pack. In your heart, you knew why. You could feel it. It buzzed through your bloodstream like a crackling, surging current. A deep desire, an animalistic need. Your alpha was the only one that could fulfill it. 
And then, he stopped. And you did too. 
He turned to you, staring into your face for a moment before his eyes flashed red again. It struck you into a moment of submission, and you whined, lowering yourself to the ground and bowing your head. 
Then, Rhett shifted back into human, and you watched, still bowing at his feet, as he stood tall above you, naked as the day he was born. 
“Shift,” he simply said.
Seconds later, you had returned to your human form, remaining on your knees as he looked down at you. Your breathing was labored from your run, and it swirled in puffs of condensation around your head. Your heart was pounding in your chest. 
Rhett stepped forward, bare feet against cold earth. His expression was unreadable, yet he exuded power. Then, he reached his hand out, lovingly stroking your cold cheek before he brought his thumb up to trace the outline of your lips. You parted them and allowed the digit to press against your tongue. 
Something primal was ignited between you both that night. You could see it in Rhett’s eyes and feel it deep within your core. 
“What an obedient little wolf,” he murmured as you suckled on his thumb, moaning softly around it. “Been thinkin’ about you ever since the ceremony. Wonderin’ what it’d be like to fuck you as your alpha.”
Your moan turned into a whimper, and you pulled away from his finger to speak. “Want it,” you sighed. “Want you to fuck me.”
“Yeah?” His large hand closed around your jaw, holding your face in place. “I ain’t gon’ be gentle. Wanna mount you and take you hard.”
His words sent a thrum of arousal through you, to the point where it was almost painful. “Please.” 
Your eyes flickered down. God, his cock was already growing hard. It elicited a needy sound from you, a cross between a growl and a whine, wolfish and unbridled. 
Then he knelt in front of you, both hands holding your face. His eyes searched your own, just before he leaned in, lips crashing against yours. The kiss was deep, as if you were trying to commit the other to memory. Your hands came up to grasp at his shoulders, fingers digging into the skin. 
When you parted, you were breathless. Against your parted lips, Rhett’s tongue laved, delving into your mouth, letting you taste him. He was intoxicating. Not only did his scent overwhelm you, it consumed the air around you. During a rutting session, the scent of each mate would grow that much stronger to the other, creating a dizzying concoction that would send their hormones into overdrive. 
And that was what was happening at that very moment. You were growing high off of each other, as if you were one another’s own personal drug. 
Rhett moved to trail his nose down your jaw, nuzzling against your pulse point before he breathed in deep, inhaling your scent. Then, you felt his fangs, sharp against your soft skin. He growled low in his chest, and when he lifted his head, his eyes were glowing red again. 
“I’m goin’ to devour you, little wolf.”
You pressed your bare chest against his. “Do it.”
With a snarl, he threw his weight against yours, sending you tumbling to the forest floor as he pounced on top of you. However, his hand reflexively came up to the back of your head, so you wouldn’t hit it when you went down. 
You had squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation of the impact, and when you opened them, you found him hovering over you, gaze intense. He was looking at you like you were a little rabbit that he’d just caught in his greedy paws. 
He grabbed your wrists and pinned your hands above your head. “Stay,” he said. Obediently, you kept your arms where they were when he moved his hand. Then he leaned back to rest on his haunches, and you watched him, taking in the sight. 
He bit his lip, his eyes narrowing as he drank in your gorgeous form, spread out just for him. “S’pretty,” he hummed. “All for me.”
His hand flattened against your sternum before traveling downward. Down, down, down, until his palm was pressed over your mound, just above your cunt. But he didn’t dip his fingers inside. No, he instead shoved your legs apart and got down between them. You lifted your head to gaze down at him, only to find him nuzzling his face against your wetness, inhaling you. 
He nipped at your inner thigh, soothing the welt that was sure to follow with his tongue. “Smell good enough to eat.” His nose nudged at your clit, and you whimpered as he left a kiss there. “So good. So sweet.”
He trailed his tongue through your folds to tease you, but he found that you were already soaking wet. You had been from the moment you saw him assume alpha status in front of the pack. 
You didn’t want him to tease you. You wanted him to breed you. 
“Rhett,” you sighed. 
“I know,” he murmured. He left one more kiss to your needy pussy before he finally moved so that his face was hovering over yours again. He kissed you languidly, allowing you to taste yourself. 
When you parted, you reached down, with intentions of wrapping your hand around his cock, which was now fully hard and heavy with arousal. But he caught you. 
“Uh-uh, what’d I say?”
“To stay,” you whispered. 
“Be patient, I’ll give it all to ya,” he assured you, lifting your hand to place it back over your head. He kept his own hand enclosed around your wrists as he brought his left hand down to align himself with you. 
He slid his cock through your slick, pulling a breathless moan. You could feel your cunt pulse with need, so desperate to have him inside you. Your hips lifted of their own volition, trying to get him to slip past your entrance. 
Without warning, he gave a light cautionary slap to your pussy, and you yelped, jolting beneath him. “Fuckin’ impatient, girl,” he snapped. “I have half a mind to turn you over and fuck your ass instead, since your cunt’s so fuckin’ greedy.”
At that, you let out a frustrated mewl. “No! Stop teasin’ me.” Then, you gave him your best doe eyes. “I just want my alpha to fuck me.”
You saw it then. The shift in his eyes. There was a feral rumble that came from deep within his chest, and all at once, he let out a cross between a bark and a howl, his grip releasing from your wrists as he placed his hands at either side of your head. 
Without warning, and in one fluid motion, he thrust his hips forward, and all at once, your body was stretching to accommodate him, and you were crying out into the night air. 
He grabbed your face. “That what you wanted?” 
“What was that?” He punctuated his words with a sharp snap of his hips into yours. 
“YES!” You wailed. 
Again, he grabbed your face, mouth against yours, and he snarled. There was no warmup. He started off rough, and continued as such, driving into you with such force your body began to move away from his. 
“Fuckin’ stay.” Large hands grasped your hips, holding you in place. 
The pleasure was blinding, as if you’d been struck by a white-hot bolt of lightning. His command to keep your hands where they were be damned, you couldn’t help but let your arms come down to your sides, where you clawed at the earth, back arching off the ground. 
He didn’t chastise you. He was far too occupied with the feeling of your cunt tightening around him like a vice, inviting him deeper inside, where he was meant to be. 
He was quick to remove his hands from your hips, moving only to rest his forearms against the earth at either side of your head, bracing himself above you. You were surrounded by him. His warmth, his scent. It was all-encompassing. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him even closer, needing more. He kissed you, open-mouthed and breathless, swallowing your moans and sighs as he began rutting into you. 
He was so deep inside you already. You could feel every inch of him, thick and pulsing, balls heavy and aching and full against you. You couldn’t wait for him to fill you to the brim with his seed. 
He quickened his pace. Hard, heavy, deep thrusts that punched the very breath from your lungs. At some point your hands flew up to grasp at his shoulders, trailing down his back. As your body began to tremble with pleasure, you found it harder to control the animal within you, and your claws lengthened from your fingers, scratching at his flesh. 
His body jerked, and he grunted, snapping his fangs at you. But it wasn’t out of anger. The sharp sting of pain sent a delicious shiver down his spine. 
“Gon’ be the death of me, little wolf,” he groaned. 
But you couldn’t reply. You were already practically nonverbal, save for the uncontrolled squeaks and whimpers leaving your mouth. How was it possible to feel this good? There were tears welling in your eyes, sliding down the sides of your face as he repeatedly drove that thick cock into you. 
But Rhett wanted more. He wanted a position that fulfilled his primal needs. So he pulled out of you for a moment, shushing your cry of protest. 
“I’m givin’ it to ya’, puppy. Hold on.” He shoved your knees toward your chest, arranging you as if you were merely a doll he was posing. 
Then he straddled you, and you realized what he was doing. He’d put you into a mating press position, keen on finding a different angle to make both of you feel the most pleasure possible. 
You yelped as he slipped inside you again, bottoming out. At this angle he filled you all the more, if that was possible. It rendered you breathless as the tip of his cock kissed at the deepest part of you. 
He didn’t waste time with the buildup. No, you were already drenched, so much so that there was an audible wet sound when he entered you. With your legs pressed up high, all you could do was lay there and take it. 
“So good f’me. Made to take my cock,” he grunted, bringing his hips down hard. He built a steady rhythm, faster and faster until he was all but pounding into you and you were nearly sobbing against the forest floor, consumed by him. 
It was rough and venereal and intense. You swore you were outside of your own body, experiencing this moment through your every sense. He was all you knew. Nothing else mattered. Not the cool earth beneath you. Not the full moon above you. No, he was the only thing that existed. Your mate. The keeper of your heart and soul. 
You didn’t bother to hide your ecstasy as he rutted into you. How could you? The sounds were escaping your throat involuntarily, pulled from its depths with each calculated movement. 
“S-so f—ah!—full!” You wailed. You swore you could feel him deeper than before, and that’s when you realized what was happening. 
Your eyes went wide as you felt the stretch. The expansion of his cock inside your walls. He was growing even bigger, and your body was taking it with ease, because that was what it was made to do.
As mates, your anatomy was naturally created to fit together. It was never a struggle to take every last inch of him, even when his cock grew within you. But oh, how overwhelming it was. 
You threw your head back, crying out, grasping for purchase at anything you could, which ended up being his strong forearms. Above you, his face was set in determination. Brow furrowed, jaw tense, brunette locks falling against his forehead. 
He was so big and strong and virile above you. With each growl and snarl he let out, the more your body trembled. The effect he had on you was unmatched. Dizzying, electrifying. 
The heat of molten desire began to crackle to life at the base of your spine. When he pressed his hips against you and nestled them deep, his pubic bone left just the right amount of pressure against your swollen button of thrumming nerves. 
And with each push and pull, your body became more responsive. Your cunt grew more slick around him, and you could feel the way your desire quite literally spurted around his cock. 
“Makin’ such a mess,” he breathlessly spoke. “Sweet lil pussy’s just squirtin’ all over me, honey, and I ain’t even made you come yet.” 
“C-can’t help it!” You cried out. 
He leaned in closer, hot and open mouth resting against yours, tongue smoothing against your kiss-swollen lower lip. “No, you can’t, can ya? The thought of your alpha fuckin’ you gets you so drippy, don’t it?”
Something white-hot flashed within you. An explosion of pleasure that turned you speechless. Your eyes filled with tears and your mouth fell open as you nodded dumbly up at him. 
He grinned, wolffish and wicked. “S’what I thought. Can’t even speak, it feels too good.” Another rough thrust of his hips sent you sobbing into the night air. 
He didn’t stop. He kept a hard, fast, steady rhythm, grunting and growling and snarling as he did. He mouthed at your throat, his fangs sharp, but never sinking into the skin, because even in moments like this, he still had incredible restraint with you. He’d be damned if he ever let himself lose control and hurt you. 
Just as he was going into a partial shift, with his eyes glowing and his fangs and claws elongated, so were you. You couldn’t contain it if you tried. You were wolves, mating in the most primal way, just as nature intended. 
Then he wrapped his hand around your throat. Squeezing just enough to make you lightheaded as he repeatedly drove his cock inside you. 
That’s when it hit you. 
You didn’t even realize how close you were. You were so preoccupied with the intensity of it all that it sneaked up on you. But when it did, it swallowed you whole. 
It felt as if you were free falling, suspended in air made of raw energy. Or maybe magic was the best word to describe it. It sparkled and crackled and washed over you from head to toe. 
You didn’t realize you were sobbing. You couldn’t hear yourself over the rush of blood in your ears. But hot tears had begun to flow down your face again, all while your body trembled fiercely beneath him. 
He hissed in surprise as your cunt began to clench around him, pulsing wildly as your orgasm tore through you. His forearms shook as he fought to hold himself upright, his breath growing labored. 
The sensation was so strong that you blacked out for a moment, and when you came to, you were staring into a hungry, ruby-red gaze. 
He’d stopped moving at some point, hips flush against yours, cock still nestled deep inside. He was exercising great restraint, allowing you a moment to come back to yourself. But you were still fluttering around him and he was moments away from losing his sanity, it felt like. 
In your hazy state, he suddenly seemed so much bigger above you. Imposing, in a way. But you weren’t frightened. Far from it. You’d never felt more protected. 
“I-I—” you tried to speak, but the words died in your throat, replaced by an involuntary sob. 
He softened. That furrowed brow relaxed. His eyes shifted back to a very human blue. “Shh,” he soothed. “I’ve got ya, little wolf.”
“N-no, I…” Why couldn’t you form sentences? Your brain felt like it had gone blank, filled with television static. 
His face contorted in concern. “Are y’ alright?” He nuzzled his nose against yours. 
“Yes,” you managed to say. 
“Then what, hm?” He was patient. He wouldn’t rush you into speaking if you weren’t ready. 
But you only had three words to say. “I lo…love you.”
“Oh, baby.” He kissed you again, so tender in contrast to how he’d been fucking you moments before. “I love you too. So much.”
Something shifted then. What had once been carnal and hedonic now melted into a moment of tenderness. Ever so carefully, he leaned back, and when you realized he was switching positions, you whimpered in pitiful protest. 
He soothed you by slipping his pointer and middle finger into your mouth, providing something to occupy your mouth so you wouldn’t spiral. “Hey, I’ve got’ya.”
Gently, he parted your thighs again, slotting himself between them. His arms encircled your upper body, and in one fluid movement, he lifted you, pressing you to his chest as he moved to rest on his haunches. You were straddling his lap then, chest pressed flush against his. His mouth hovering over your own, swallowing the yip you let out as he eased himself back inside you.
“I’m here.” One steady thrust upward. Then another. And another. 
A dreamy haze settled over you as your bodies began to move of one accord. You keened high in your throat, your arms coming up to wrap around Rhett’s broad shoulders, clutching him tightly, needing him close, needing every inch of his body against yours.
He held you lovingly as he eased in and out of your dripping core, bringing you quickly toward yet another release. All you could do was let him take you, his strong arms moving you up and down to meet each push of his hips. 
Your head lolled back, your body undulating against his. You were floating, drifting through time and space, on an entirely different plane of existence. There it was again, building, building, building. It wasn’t fiery or explosive. No, it felt like bubbles. Like your bloodstream had suddenly turned to fizzy champagne. 
It surged through you, flowing like the building tide, and this time, you knew it was coming. “I-I’m…!” You gasped into his open mouth, but you couldn’t speak.
“I know,” his voice was strained. “Me too. Let go.”
With a soft cry, you came apart again, head thrown back as your body was overcome. You didn’t remember crying out his name, but it echoed through the trees nonetheless. He kept moving even as you fell to pieces in his arms. He would put you back together again soon enough.
You went boneless in his grasp. With your face buried against his neck, you whimpered and sobbed quietly as he quickened his pace, chasing his own end. He murmured words of reassurance to you, but you couldn’t hear them over the white noise in your ears. 
His grip tightened on you, and his cock swelled within you again, all while he growled, squeezing his eyes shut as he neared that peak. 
“Gonna—ah!—gonna breed you again. Fill you up with another one of m’ pups.”
Please, you tried to utter, but you couldn’t form the word. You wanted it. Oh, how badly you wanted it. But he already knew. 
And then, it finally began to wash over him. Divine ecstasy that sizzled at the base of his spine. You felt it. The heat. The pulsing, the thrumming, filling you with spurt after spurt of his seed. And you took it all like his good little wolf. 
As he came down, you remained still in his arms, your chest heaving against his, your body exhausted but oh so satiated. You felt his hand at the back of your head, lovingly cradling you against his chest. The sound of his heart beginning to slow back down to its normal best calmed you. 
“Y’ still with me?” Came his gravelly question. 
“Mhm,” you sighed. 
He tipped your face up so you were looking at him, and he kissed you tenderly. “Did so good for me. Always take me so well.” Another kiss. 
“Love you,” you murmured. 
He nuzzled his nose against yours. “Love you too, little wolf.”
“C’n we stay here for a few more minutes?”
He smiled. “Yes we can.”
And you did. He remained there on the forest floor with you cuddled in his arms, just enjoying the closeness and the quiet intimacy. The afterglow was a time of bonding for the two of you, and you didn’t sacrifice one minute of that time. 
He lovingly caressed your skin, soothing you, anchoring you. It brought you back to yourself and replenished the energy you had expended during your tryst. 
Eventually, the spell was broken. “Think we should head back?” He asked. 
You sighed. “I suppose so.”
He kissed you again. “C’mon, I’ll carry ya.” The perks of having supernatural strength. 
You let him lift you into his arms, with your head tucked into the side of his neck. He carried you all the way home, and you felt so safe and at ease that you fell asleep in his arms along the way. 
When you woke, you were safe and warm in your bed, with your mate curled protectively around you, and you smiled to yourself. The events of the night before felt like a dream, but they were very much real. Your husband was an alpha now. And you had spent the night mating with him beneath the light of the full moon. How was your life even real?
Beside you, he stirred, a low, sleepy hum sounding from his chest. A faint smile tugged at his mouth as he pulled you to him. “G’mornin’.”
You hummed, snuggling in close. “Morning.”
He buried his face against your neck, inhaling your sweet scent. But he noticed something as he breathed in.
A large hand came down to rest over your belly. 
“It took,” he whispered. 
Your eyes widened. “What?”
His gaze locked with yours. “I told you I’d give you another pup, didn’t I? I can tell it took. Smell the same way you did after I put each of our babies inside ya.”
Your face broke into a grin, and you couldn’t help but laugh, placing your own hand over his. “Guess you really were serious about breeding me.”
His eyes narrowed. “Serious as a heart attack, honey. It’s my job to keep you full of pups, after all.”
“And you’ve done your job exceptionally well,” you teased as you kissed him. 
“Don’t I know it,” he replied goodnaturedly, bumping his nose against yours. 
You cherished that fleeting moment of bliss, basking in the joy that came from learning you would soon be inviting a new addition to your family. 
This same blissful, dreamlike feeling carried on into the days following Rhett’s achievement of alpha status. They were wonderful days. They were happy days. He assumed his role dutifully and made sure that his pack members knew that he was going to take care of them. 
They had no doubt he would, because Rhett Abbott always made good on his word. 
Four Months Later
Life had been good for you. Rhett was beginning to really settle into his position as leader of the Northeast Wyoming Pack, establishing his authority and benevolence. The wolves revered him. 
Your family was thriving. You had been slightly worried that Rhett taking on this responsibility would send things into upheaval for your children and their routine, but they had adapted beautifully. 
You had no doubt in your mind that this was always what Rhett had been meant to do. It was rooted in who he was as a wolf, an intrinsic ability to lead. 
And for those first four months, everything progressed as it should. 
But it wasn’t long before the sanctity of your pack, and everything Rhett had worked so hard for, was threatened. 
A story that had made national news. A group of rogue wolves had targeted The Montana Wolf Pack, killing several innocent members. According to local authorities, this group of wolves had tried to take control of the pack, and when their target had put up a fight, they killed several of its members in cold blood. 
The news of these killings hit close to home. This wasn’t an attack staged by hunters. This atrocity had been committed by wolves, members of your own kind. The ultimate betrayal. The National Werewolf League called for a day of mourning out of respect for the families affected by the unspeakable tragedy. 
Many wondered if this incident was an isolated one, or if other wolves would soon be targeted. Were more lives in danger? Would there be other uprisings across the states? Rogue groups bent on killing their own kind?
That remained to be seen. But it certainly put fear into the hearts of wolfpacks across the US. Yours especially, because Montana was just north of you. However, in the weeks following the attack on the Montana Pack, things remained quiet and uneventful. Life went on as normal.
Until one day, a visitor showed up on your property. 
It was a cold February day, and it had just snowed considerably the night before. School was canceled, so your children were outside playing in the snow with their cousins, having the time of their lives. Inside your cozy home, you were baking cookies while Amy had busied herself with making hot chocolate for the children to drink when they came inside. 
Zoella and Leia, who were still too little to play outside with their older siblings and cousins, were playing contentedly on the floor with little cloth dolls that Cecilia had made for them. The scent of baked goods, the crackling of the fire in the fireplace, and the sound of your little ones giggling on the floor, sent a comforting warmth through your chest. 
Rhett was upstairs, showering after he had spent the better half of the morning shoveling snow. It all felt so domestic. So human. Your happy, growing family, enjoying a snow day. But that joyous warmth would soon give way to sickly cold dread.
As you were lifting a tray of cookies out of the oven to cool, Amy noticed something. Her attention shifted to the window that overlooked your property, where the children were playing. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of a man approaching the children.
“Hey, come here,” she spoke up, waving you over. 
You left the tray of cookies on the counter and quickly stepped over toward where she was pointing. Sure enough, a tall man dressed in tattered clothes, had halted the children’s play to speak with them. Alarm bells went off in your head, and you immediately rushed to the door, prepared to run outside.
At that very moment, Rhett was coming down the stairs, and the first thing he picked up on was your scent. Not the sweet, nutty scent of cookies in the air. Not even your naturally occurring scent. He smelled the sharp sting of anxiety.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, already making his way toward you.
“There’s a man talking to the kids,” you explained.
His eyes widened, and in seconds, he was stooping to grab his boots and shove his feet into them before he threw open the front door. He jumped off the front porch, his gaze zeroed in on this stranger as Rhett quickly approached the children.
“Hey!” He called out, and the other man’s head snapped up. He was a wolf too, Rhett could tell by his scent. “Can I help you?” His tone wasn’t friendly. There was a warning edge to it. 
“Daddy, he was asking if we had any food to eat!” Arya informed him, her innocence palpable. She still had that childish gullibility.
But Rhett wasn’t gullible. His hackles were immediately raised because he could tell that something just wasn’t quite right. “Young’ns, go play,” he commanded in a tone that left no room for arguing. The children scattered, and then he turned to the man. “Any particular reason you’re botherin’ my kids?”
The stranger’s hands lifted in surrender. “Hey now, I wasn’t trying to cause any trouble. My name’s Kane Masters I’m just passin’ through. My truck broke down out on the main road. I can’t get it started, and I’ve got a mate and a baby to take care of. Could you help us, please?”
Rhett stared at him, his eyes narrowed. There was an unsettled feeling in his gut. This fucker was lying. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help you.”
“You heard me. I don’t know what you’re tryin’ to pull, but it ain’t gonna work with me.”
Kane’s jaw tensed, and his eyes darkened. “Did you not hear what I said? I have a wife and baby! You can’t at least offer them shelter while I figure out how to get the truck fixed? They’re gonna freeze!”
Rhett’s eyes flashed red, asserting his dominance. “And I have a pack to protect. I ain’t lettin’ perfect strangers into my home. You’ll have to find someone else to help you.”
Kane growled, low in his throat. “You’ll regret this, wolf,” he snarled.
Rhett stepped forward, standing eye level with Kane. His sudden outburst of hostility raised a warning flag for Rhett. “Are you threatenin’ me?” 
“Maybe I am. Are you condemning my wife and child to freeze to death?”
The alpha rolled his eyes at the dramatics. “Get the fuck off my property before I drag you off it.”
Kane stared Rhett down, his chest heaving. But Rhett didn’t budge. He had a gut feeling that something was amiss, and he felt that he was putting his pack at risk if he allowed this wolf refuge in his home.
After one last threatening gnarl, Kane finally turned and stalked off, snow crunching beneath his feet. Rhett stood there and watched him go, remaining there until he was out of sight. 
Once he was sure that the other wolf had gone, he finally turned back toward the house, where he found you standing in the doorway, looking on in concern. 
“What did he want?” You asked as Rhett climbed the porch steps. 
“He said his truck stalled on the main road, and he was lookin’ for a place his mate and baby could stay while he got it fixed.” There was a hard look in his eyes. One you couldn’t read. 
“What is it, Rhett? Why did you turn him away?” You questioned.
His gaze shifted to yours. “Somethin’ just wasn’t right. Can’t put my finger on it. But if you see him comin’ around here again, you come get me. Okay?”
You nodded, not keen to argue with him. If he sensed danger, then you would trust his instinct. “Okay.”
He leaned in then, large hand resting over your belly, where your unborn pup rested safe and warm, protected from the dangers of the outside world.
Rhett’s lips lingered against your temple before he pulled back. “I’m gon’ round the pups up and bring ‘em inside. Guy kinda gave me the spooks.” It wasn’t that Rhett was scared of him. He was simply wary. 
He brought the kids inside, where they all gathered in the kitchen for hot chocolate and cookies, completely oblivious. 
Rhett kept an eye out the rest of the day, and warned a few pack members to be on the lookout for Kane, should he return. He knew better than to ignore his gut feeling. 
But after that specific incident, things were quiet. For the next week, at least. In that time, the weather had improved, and the roads were clear, which gave you the opportunity to take your family into town. The kids were excited to stop by Ruby’s Diner, a favorite local spot in Wabang. 
All was well. You enjoyed a wholesome day with your mate and your children, seemingly without a care in the world. Until, suddenly, a dark cloud began to loom over you. 
No, it wasn’t a cloud. It was a shadow. A wolf. 
Rhett had slipped away for a few minutes, with intentions of taking Arya, Max, and Leia into the local toy shop to get them a little something. 
Zoella had fallen asleep in her stroller, and after Rhett assured you he would choose a little trinket for her, too, while he was with the older children in the shop, you had opted to walk to the truck and get her situated for the ride home. 
Just as you’d gotten her buckled in, you felt a presence behind you. “Excuse me, miss?” A voice filled the air.
You tensed, slowly turning around to face the stranger. Sandy blonde hair and unsettling, stormy eyes. They appeared to be both blue and gray at the same time. Something about his stare made you shiver. “Yes?” You cautiously answered, making sure that Zoella was hidden safely behind you as you squared your shoulders.
“I’m looking for a place to stay. I couldn’t help but pick up on the fact that you’re a werewolf like I am. I’ve been a lone wolf for some time now and I need to find a pack. Would you be willing to welcome me into yours?” 
You stared at him in confusion. Demanding to join an established pack was simply not done. The only way another wolf would join a pack that was not his own was if the alpha invited him into the fold. 
Something wasn’t right. 
“I-I’m sorry, we aren’t looking to bring in any new pack members,” you told the stranger. 
His gaze darkened, and anxiety crept into your bones. 
Rhett sensed it, too. You were his mate, after all. Mates had the unique ability to sense when the other was in danger, with an intense emotional connection that ran deeper than any human connection ever could. 
In the middle of that toy store, he froze. A nauseating shock of dread washed over him. Something was dead wrong. Without hesitation, he swooped in and grabbed Max and Leia, lifting them into his arms. They giggled, because they thought it was a game. But it was not. 
Then, “Arya, we need to go.”
The seven-year-old turned, her brow furrowed in confusion. “But Daddy—”
“Now, baby.” His tone left no room for argument, and she closed her mouth, a sad look washing over her face. But she followed her father nonetheless, because she could sense his urgency, and thought it best to obey him in that moment. 
Quickly, he made a beeline out of that store, into the balmy February afternoon. Just ahead, he could see you standing beside the truck, nervously speaking to someone. Alarm bells went off in his head as he moved quickly, still holding his children, with Arya clutching at the fabric of his shirt to keep up with him. 
“Excuse me!” Rhett called out, trying to keep his tone steady, so as not to frighten his little ones. The stranger’s head snapped up, and his eyes narrowed at Rhett’s presence. 
At your husband’s arrival, you began to visibly relax, though you still remained on edge. When Rhett got to you, he was quick to hand Leia to your waiting arms, while he set Max down at your side. 
“Do you need somethin’?” He asked as he stepped in front of you, effectively shielding you and his children from the other wolf. 
“It’s all the same with you wolfpacks, isn’t it? Selfish fuckin’ pricks, turning away people in need.”
Rhett spoke over his shoulder at you. “Get in the truck,” came his command, and you immediately moved to coax the kids into the vehicle, soothing Arya when she expressed concern over what was about to happen. She was very observant, and she could sense that her father was preparing for a potential altercation. 
As he turned back toward the stranger, Rhett’s eyes narrowed. “You’re with Kane, aren’t you?”
“And what if I am?”
That’s when Rhett growled low in his throat, eyes flashing crimson. “I don’t know what you’re tryin’ to pull, but you need to stay the fuck away from my family, and from my pack. I catch you botherin’ my wife and pups again? I’ll fuckin’ kill you.”
Rhett Abbott did not make empty threats. And he did not resort to killing without cause. But if someone threatened the sanctity of his family, he would not hesitate to put them down. It was his duty to protect you and his pack. He did not take that duty lightly. 
His threat seemed to be enough to scare this stranger off, and he stalked away. Rhett stood there, watching until he disappeared. He was on edge. An odd feeling in his gut told him that this wouldn’t be the last time he saw Kane, and those associated with him. 
The ambush against The Montana Pack had happened only a few short weeks prior. Authorities still hadn’t caught those responsible for it. Rhett had a sinking feeling that his own pack was going to be the target of the next attack.
As soon as he was sure the danger had passed for the time being, he spun around on his heel and rushed to climb into the diver’s side, where he promptly turned the ignition over. You eyed him, reading his features. His jaw was hard-set, and his eyes had narrowed in that cat-like way they always did. 
“Rhett?” You spoke his name cautiously.
“Daddy, who was that man?” Max asked from the backseat. 
Rhett caught your eye for a moment before he focused on the road before him again. He was quiet for a moment, considering his response. “He’s someone who wants to hurt our pack,” he replied. “But I’m not gonna let him. Daddy’ll keep you safe, I promise.”
At his words, your heart sank. Rhett reached over the center console and placed his hand over your belly. You shook your head, because you knew what he was insinuating. “It’s them, isn’t it?” You whispered.
“We’ll talk about it at home,” he simply said. He didn’t want to upset the children.
The ride home was quiet. Rhett’s mind was going a mile a minute, the cogs turning as he came up with a plan of action. If an attack was going to be staged, the pack needed to be prepared. He would call a meeting to warn everyone.
And that was just what he did.
As soon as your children were deposited safely at home, with Amy keeping a watchful eye on them, Rhett arranged the meeting in the small conference building that had been built on the property a few months prior. It was nothing special, but it served its purpose as a designated meeting spot.
One member representing each family showed up for the meeting, all curious as to what their alpha had summoned them there for. The elders were also present, as they were required to be for such meetings. 
You stood by Rhett’s side, your hand intertwined with his, trying to mask the fear you felt. But it was written all over your face.
“I brought all of you here because there’s somethin’ you need to know. ‘Course, we all remember the massacre that happened to The Montana Pack last month.”
A few murmurs passed through the crowd. Hums of sadness in remembrance of what had happened. 
“They still haven’t found the wolves responsible for it, which means they’re still out there. I wish I could tell you that we’re all safe, but the truth is, we aren’t. I believe they’re gonna target us next.”
“How do you know this, Rhett?” Gwenevere spoke up.
He took a breath. You squeezed his hand. “Because I met them.”
This time, the murmur that went through the group was one of confusion and fear. The next to speak up was Malakai. “You spoke to them? And they told you they were coming after us?”
Rhett shook his head. “Last week, one of ‘em showed up in my yard, botherin’ my kids. Said his name was Kane. Some of you already know because I warned you that he was around your young’ns, too, because they were at my house that day. As soon as I talked to him I knew somethin’ was off. He gave me some bullshit story about his truck breakin’ down, and he wanted me to let his wife and pup stay at our house while he fixed it. I got the sense that he was lyin’ right through his teeth. I told him no. That pissed him off.”
He paused for a moment before he continued. 
“Then, today, we were in town, and a different guy showed up, claimin’ he was a lone wolf, lookin’ for a pack to be part of. And we all know no self-respectin’ wolf is just gonna come in demanding to be accepted into a pack. That ain’t how it works. Come to find out, he’s with Kane. I believe that they’ve been staking us out and they’re planning to come after us. I don’t know how many of them there are, but we need to be ready.”
“If they attack…this could mean war,” Matthias remarked. 
“I know,” Rhett grimly replied. “I don’t want to call it that, but for them to attack two packs in just a few short weeks…it means they won’t stop there. They’re just gon’ keep killing.”
“Alright, what’s the strategy we’re going to follow if they do attack us?” Malakai inquired. 
Rhett’s face was serious, his mouth etched into a frown. “First, we get all the pups to safety. If you can get ‘em here to this building without putting them at risk, do that. If you can’t, hide them in your basements, or whatever spot in your house is safest. Those of us strong enough to fight will be ready to intercept these wolves. I want a handful of you stationed in the woods, keeping an eye out. I’m not lettin’ them destroy our way of life. We won’t go down without a fight.”
Everyone was in agreement that they were not going to let these wolves take what was rightfully theirs. They would band together and defend their home and their loved ones. 
After that meeting was adjourned, everyone was on high alert, prepared for the worst. Ready to fight for their lives if need be. 
You were frightened. Not for yourself, but for your children. This was a real threat, and the mama wolf in you was prepared to do anything to protect your pups. But the thing was, Rhett didn’t want you involved in the battle. 
“If they come, I want you to stay with the pups,” he said, as you walked home that afternoon after the meeting. “Don’t want you out there fightin’.”
“But I have just as much a right to be out there defending our pack as anyone else,” you replied. “I don’t want to stand on the sidelines.”
Rhett stopped, turning to face you. “Listen to me. I know you’re capable of holdin’ your own in a fight. I don’t doubt it. But I can’t lose you.” His hand came to rest protectively over your abdomen. “I can’t lose either of you. I almost lost you and Arya seven years ago. I’m not goin’ through again, you hear me?”
You went quiet, nodding at his words. Those memories were vivid. The day the Tillersons had abducted you. You’d pleaded with them to let you go. You’d tried to reason with them by informing them you were pregnant, hoping Patricia would ease up on her cruelty. But she’d accused you of lying, claiming you were just trying to make her feel sorry for you. 
Reminders of that moment in time we’re difficult to process. But now, it helped you better understand why Rhett didn’t want you involved in the conflict. 
“Okay,” you whispered. “I’ll stay with the pups. But Rhett…you watch yourself out there, alright? As much as you can’t lose me, I can’t lose you, either.”
He reached a big gentle hand up to cup your cheek. “You won’t lose me.”
Don’t make promises you can’t keep. 
His lips found yours in a gentle but impassioned kiss, and then he led you back to the house, where Amy was occupied with entertaining the children. You were so thankful for her and her willingness to help with the littles. She was your saving grace in time of crisis. 
You were much too exhausted to prepare a balanced dinner that night, and you didn’t want to put any more responsibility on Amy, so chicken nuggets and stovetop mac and cheese were the meal. 
Wanting to keep some semblance of normal, so as not to alarm the children, you ate together as a family. Rhett held your hand beneath the table, his thumb rubbing comforting circles on your wrist. It did little to quell the anxiety bubbling within you. 
That night, you put the kids to bed early. Rhett kissed them all goodnight, and once they were tucked in, he left you with a lingering kiss and informed you he was going out to check on the wolves stationed on watch that night. 
You curled up on the couch beneath a blanket because you didn’t want to sleep in your big, empty bed without your mate, and because you wanted to be ready if things should go haywire. 
But that night was quiet. Nothing out of the ordinary took place, and early in the morning, just before sunrise, Rhett returned home. 
His presence jolted you awake, and as you sat up, you noticed that there was snow in his hair, and on his coat. When you sleepily glanced out the window, you realized it was snowing heavily again. It looked like another storm was rolling in. 
“What happened?” You quietly asked as he shrugged out of his coat. 
He shook his head. “Nothin’. It was quiet out there all night. No sign of anyone.”
“Do you think maybe they’ll just leave us alone?” You continued, as you sauntered toward him, where he was unlacing his boots. 
He sighed, and when he looked at you, his brow was furrowed in a frown. “I don’t think so. I just have a gut feelin’ that they’re gonna come for us.”
It was your turn to sigh, and you stepped forward, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. “Well, let’s get you warmed up in the meantime. And put some food in ya. You aren’t going to be any good in a fight if you’re starving and half-frozen.”
You then took his hand and led him to the kitchen, where you had him sit at the table while you set about preparing a pot of coffee, and making him some oatmeal, something that would stick to his ribs and warm him up. 
Ten minutes later he was tucking into his breakfast and sipping on a cup of black coffee, while you sat beside him at the table. You moved so that your legs were resting in his lap. He placed his free hand lovingly over your knee. 
“Want you to know I’ll do everythin’ I can to protect you and the pups. I pledged myself to this pack, but you come first. Always.”
“I know,” you whispered as you leaned in to kiss his cheek, which was flushed from the cold. He turned his head to catch your lips with his own. 
“I love you, little wolf.”
“I love you too.”
Little did either of you know that that morning would be your last morning of peace for a long time.
As your children woke up one by one, they happily clambered into the kitchen to greet the two of you. Leia climbed into Rhett’s lap, her favorite blanket clutched in her little hand as she snuggled into his chest. Arya took her opportunity to occupy his knee, crowding his lap and giggling as he teased her that she was going to squish her little sister. 
You went to wake little Zoella from her slumber, and soon, the kitchen was filled with the chatters of children and the smell of breakfast cooking and extra coffee brewing. And for a short time, everything felt normal.
Until a frantic knocking on the front door sucked the joyful spirit out of the air. Immediately, Rhett’s eyes locked with yours, and you were struck with fear. Quickly, he stood from his seat, carefully depositing Leia into the chair before he made his way to the door.
He hurriedly shoved his feet into his boots before he wrenched the door open, revealing a frantic Gideon standing on the doorstep. He was another member of your pack, one of the younger ones. 
“They caught someone trespassing in the woods!”
Rhett tensed, and glanced over Gideon’s shoulder, where he could see Malakai, and a few others, dragging none other than Kane Masters through the snow. In an instant, Rhett turned to you. “Take the pups up to our room and hide them in the bathroom,” he simply said. Then he kissed you, and left you standing there in the entryway as he dashed outside to meet the group. 
You stood there, frozen, watching him go. And then, as if something had struck you into action, you whirled around to hurry back to the kitchen. “What’s going on?” Amy asked, where she stood in the middle of the kitchen, a stack of breakfast plates in hand, ready to be washed. 
“We need to get the kids upstairs. Now. We’re in danger.”
Her large blue eyes widened all the more, and she set the plates down on the counter without a moment of hesitation, already moving to grab Zoella from her highchair. “Come on, we’re going up to Mama and Daddy’s room!” You announced, trying your best to keep your voice calm.
“What’s wrong, Mama?” Arya asked. 
“We just need to get upstairs, I’ll explain up there.” You guided her, Max, and Leia toward the steps, urging them to go quickie. Leia began to cry. So did Zoella. They knew something was wrong. Especially when you herded them into the bathroom. 
“Mama! Mama! Why are we hiding?!” Max cried, his little face full of fear.
“Listen to me, babies,” you spoke in your best calm voice. “Daddy wants us to stay in here for a little bit, alright? We can pretend it’s a game of hide and seek. But this time, we’re hiding from some other wolves who want to hurt us. But I won’t let that happen, alright? You’re safe in here, with me and Amy.”
As you got the children settled, you finally looked at your aforementioned niece. “Stay in here with them, and lock the door. I’m going to go get some blankets and things to keep them occupied.”
“Okay,” she replied, her face etched with fright. She was nearly nineteen years old, but in that moment, she looked as if she was nine again, nothing more than a scared little girl.
You reached out, wrapping her up in a hug. “We’re gonna be okay, Ames.”
Then, you slipped out of the room to gather the supplies you would need. Blankets, coloring books, snacks, your laptop so that you could put on a movie for them to act as a distraction. 
But out of the corner of your eye, you could see movement out the front window of the house. Your attention shifted to what was taking place outside, as the snow drifted about and the wind began to howl. 
You could see Rhett standing not far from the front of the house, speaking to the same man who’d shown up on your property days before. It gave you pause, and you inched closer to the window, tuning in to your supernatural hearing abilities to figure out what they were saying. 
Out in the cold, Rhett was unwavering. He’d instructed the wolves holding Kane to release him, so that they could talk face to face. Everyone around them remained on edge. But Rhett didn’t not go on the defensive quite yet. 
“What are you tryin’ to do here, Kane? Tryin’ to take my pack from me? Because that ain’t gonna happen.”
Kane scoffed. “You really think you’re so untouchable? Alphas are always so fuckin’ sure of themselves. We’re here to prove that they’re no better than the rest of us. That they’re not as indestructible as they think they are.”
“Who’s ‘we’?” Rhett asked, his glance shifting to the tree line. He could sense something in the air, even as snow and wind swirled around him. 
“You know that pack in Montana?”
He knew where this was going. “I do. That was you, wasn’t it?”
Kane had the audacity to smile. “I wish I could take all the credit. I had help. Lots of help. And they’re gonna help me take down your pack one by one.”
“Like hell y’ are!” Rhett snarled, eyes flashing red. 
“You don’t scare me, alpha!” Kane’s own eyes flashed, but in a surprising revelation, they were not yellow, or even red. They were ice blue. 
Blue eyes in a wolf meant they had taken an innocent life. 
At the sight of them, the group surrounding Kane was immediately on high alert. “You think you’re starting a fuckin’ revolution? You’re dead wrong. You can’t build it on the innocent lives you took!” Rhett exclaimed, his chest heaving. 
“Oh yeah? Watch me. My revolution’s already started. So what if there are a few casualties along the way? As long as we eradicate the alpha order, that’s all that matters.”
“How the fuck do you plan to do that?”
“Like this.”
Kane lifted his head and howled. Seconds later, a line of wolves appeared along the tree line. This diversion distracted the pack members surrounding Rhett and Kane.
“Go,” Rhett commanded his wolves, and they took off toward the tree line. But the second they ran toward the danger, Kane was lunging. 
It happened so fast. Quick as lightning. A dagger was unsheathed from its hiding place beneath his coat. Rhett saw it, enhanced reflexes kicking in as he dodged the blade. But it sliced into his flannel and grazed his ribs. Nothing serious. It would heal within a moment. 
Meanwhile, as you stood watching from the window, you gasped, and out of instinct you lurched forward, yanking open the door and launching yourself down the porch steps. As soon as your slippered feet hit the snowy ground, you broke into a run, legs moving of their own volition. Somehow, you knew what was coming. It was a gut feeling, so strong it nearly brought you to your knees. 
Time slowed. You couldn’t reach him fast enough. 
Rhett was fine. Until, suddenly, an odd feeling began to wash over him. A sensation that sent a wave of sizzling warmth through his body. He tried to sidestep Kane’s next swing, but he grew unsteady on his feet, his senses suddenly dulled. 
lt was too late. Kane drove that dagger forward and plunged it straight into Rhett’s abdomen. 
Werewolves had the ability to heal from wounds. Depending on the severity of the injury, healing time could range from five minutes, to a few hours. It was common for werewolves to bounce back quickly from knife or even bullet wounds. 
By all accounts, Rhett should have been fine. The dagger plunged into him should have had little effect on him. 
But something was wrong. 
In the diversion caused by Kane’s wolves surrounding the compound, he had been able to move swiftly. No one expected him to brandish a dagger, because wolves didn’t fight with weapons. Combat was fought in wolf form. Using weapons was simply playing dirty. 
Malakai was the only one who remained close enough to hear Rhett’s pained growl. Immediately, he turned, acting on instinct as he broke into a run toward his alpha, ready to fulfill his duty to protect him, but it was too late. 
In the split second that Kane was close to him, Rhett locked eyes with him, gasping sharply as his assailant drove the dagger even further into his body. “Let this be known as the fall of The Pack of Abbott.”
Rhett weakly reached up, trying to wrench Kane’s hand off of the dagger so that he could remove the weapon from his body, but he was shocked to find that his physical strength was beginning to fade. He looked down at his hand and saw that it was trembling. He couldn’t grasp anything.
As Rhett came to this terrible realization, Malakai snarled, and within seconds, he was lunging. Shifting into his wolf form, he leapt into the air, one-hundred-forty-five pounds of muscle and sinew and fur, and tackled Kane to the ground. It was as if Kane had been expecting this. He made no move to shift into his own wolf. No move to defend himself. It was like he wanted Malakai to kill him. Like he wanted to die for his cause, as his wolves wreaked havoc around him.
And then, a scream sliced through the air. 
It came from you. Guttural and raw. A cry of your mate’s name. “Rhett!”
Something is wrong. Something is wrong. Something is wrong. 
Gasping sharply, Rhett managed to wrap his weakened fingers around the handle of the dagger and ease the blade out of his abdomen, dropping the weapon to the frozen earth. It left a crimson stain in the pure white snow. Slowly, he turned to you. He was already beginning to sink to the ground. 
“I-I told you to st-stay with the pups,” he gritted out, but you couldn’t hear him over the howl of the wind and the snarling of wolves all around you. 
You reached him, holding your arms out to catch him before he fell. His hand was placed over his abdomen, where blood was beginning to seep through his fingers.
“Rhett! Hey, we need to get you inside!”
“I can’t…I can’t.”
“What are you talking about?! Yes you can, come on!” 
But he was dead weight, and his knees hit the ground. “No!” You cried. Struggling, you managed to pull him upright. Your strength was enhanced because of your wolf abilities, but even so, he was heavy, and dragging him up to the house proved difficult. 
And then, Malakai was by your side, back in his human form. He was drenched in blood. You were too preoccupied to glance just beyond him, where Kane lay dead in a pool of blood. In fact, you barely noticed the wolves fighting around you, barking and snarling, clawing and tearing.
All that mattered was Rhett.
“I’ve got him, let’s get him the house.” Malakai carried Rhett up to the house, with you trailing after him, hot on his heels. As soon as you were enclosed in the safety of your home, you pushed the door shut, locking it behind you. 
“Where do you want me to take him?!” Malakai called over his shoulder.
“Up to our bedroom!” You replied. 
You raced up the steps after him, and watched as he carefully laid Rhett on the bed. In just those few minutes it took to get him inside, he had gone white as a ghost. Your heart sank in your chest. 
Something is wrong. Something is wrong. Something is wrong. 
“I’m going to get Doctor Tenpenny,” Malakai spoke. “That blade must’ve been laced with something.”
“Be careful!” You called after him. You knew that a battle had begun. 
Then, you rushed to Rhett’s side. “I’m here,” you assured him, lovingly squeezing his shoulder. “I’m right here, baby.” 
His teeth were chattering, and his eyes were squeezed shut, a reaction from the pain he was in. 
Your shaking hands moved to unbutton his torn flannel, carefully pulling the fabric aside so you could take a look at the damage. You gasped softly at the sight of the wound. It bled crimson, but there was a discoloration around it. That blade had definitely been laced. 
His skin was cool to the touch, and it sent a pang of terror through you. Tuning your ears in to his heartbeat, you could hear that it had begun to slow. 
“Oh, God,” you whimpered. “Don’t you dare die on me, Rhett! Hold on a little longer for the doctor to get here!”
At that moment, the bathroom door came open. Amy had heard the commotion, and she made sure the kids were settled before she moved to see what was happening. 
“What’s going on?” She asked, as she closed the door behind her. She saw Rhett on the bed, and she gasped softly as she rushed to you. “What did they do to him?”
“Oh, Ames,” you cried, turning and immediately wrapping your arms around her as tears began to stream down your cheeks. “He stabbed him with a poisoned blade!”
Amy’s face paled. “Did you call for the doctor?”
“Malakai is getting her. But I…I don’t know if he can hold on that long.” You released her, moving to Rhett’s beside again. You reached for his hand, squeezing it tight. 
He was so cold. 
With your free hand, you reached up to brush his hair away from his forehead. His eyes fluttered open, only to fall shut again as he moaned softly in pain. 
“Hurts,” he whispered, as if speaking any louder would cause him more physical pain. 
“I know. I’m so sorry. Just hold on for me, okay?”
“What should I do with the kids?” Amy asked, uncertain. 
“I don’t…I don’t know,” you replied. You didn’t want them to see him like this. But there was an ache in your chest, and an intense feeling of dread. He was slipping away, you could tell. Whatever poison had been on that dagger was going to kill him.
What if he was gone before the pack doctor arrived? What if the children didn’t get a chance to say goodbye? Your hand came up to cover your mouth as you muffled a broken sob. How quickly things had changed. One moment, your family was talking and laughing around the breakfast table, and the next, the love of your life was fighting to stay alive, as your children watched a movie in the bathroom, unaware that their father was in such dire straits. 
“Just tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it,” Amy continued, reaching out to place her hand on your shoulder. 
But you couldn’t. You bent forward, your face buried in your hands as you let out a wail of agony, fingers tugging at the roots of your hair. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be. Yet here you stood, in the middle of a cold, hard reality.
So you took a deep breath and squared your shoulders, hastily wiping your tears away. Your brief moment of emotional turmoil had passed, because you had no choice but to let it. You had little ones to be strong for. They needed you. 
It was almost as if you shut off that scared, stricken part of yourself for that moment. Moving without hesitation, you grabbed the blaket that you kept at the end of the bed, pulling it over him, up to his shoulders, so that his wound wasn’t visible. Then, you turned on your heel, making a beeline for the bathroom, where you quietly opened the door and stepped inside.
There, you found your children huddled beneath a blanket, engrossed in the movie that was playing on your laptop. “Pups, I need you to listen to Mama for a minute,” you quietly spoke, reaching out to pause the movie. 
Zoella, who’d been snuggled in Arya’s lap, immediately reached for you, whining softly. You soothed her, lifting the one-year-old into your arms before you knelt down in front of the remaining three, trying to choose your next words carefully. “Your daddy got hurt just now, and it’s made him very sick. I want all of you to see him, but you have to be very gentle, alright? We can’t jump on top of him on the bed, we can’t even climb into his lap. But I want you to come and see him for a minute.”
“Is it a big boo-boo or a little one?” Young Leia asked, her eyes wide with concern.
“It’s a big boo-boo,” you softly replied. 
“Is the doctor gonna come and feel him better?” She continued to question. 
Despite yourself, you managed to smile softly at her mixup of words, though your heart was breaking in two. “She’s going to try, baby,” you whispered. Then you rose to stand. “Now come on, I want you to follow me.”
You took a deep breath to steady yourself before you cautiously led your children out into the bedroom, where Amy had taken a seat on the edge of the bed. She was clutching Rhett’s hand. 
You had the littles gather beside him. It was Arya who spoke first. “Daddy?” She whispered, her voice shaking. 
Rhett’s head moved slightly toward her, and he managed to open his eyes. He tried to plaster a weak smile across his face, but he couldn’t. “Hey, little pup,” he murmured, though it took great labor to do so. 
Arya began to cry, and she turned, burying her face against your belly. “Shh,” you soothed her. 
Your eyes drifted to Rhett’s face, and you saw an anguish you’d never seen before. Seeing his family in pain, and inadvertently being the cause of that pain, was more than he could bear. 
“Hey, let’s give Daddy a hug, alright?” You suggested, gently guiding Arya away from you and toward the bed. 
She wrapped her arms around her father’s neck, resting her forehead against his. Her tears dripped down onto his face, but you could see that they weren’t all hers. They were mingling with his own tears.
“Are you going to be okay, Daddy?” Arya asked. 
“I…I don’t know,” he honestly replied. 
Immediately, she turned back to you, weeping all over again. Rhett squeezed his eyes shut, his bottom lip quivering. You noticed sweat on his brow. His skin had somehow grown paler. 
But you wanted each child to get a chance to hug him, so you pushed your fear aside and encouraged Max to give him a hug, and then little Leia. Finally, you leaned down with Zoella in your arms and said “give Daddy a kiss, Zozo,” and she happily kissed him on the cheek, because she’d always loved giving kisses, even when she was a small baby. 
There, in those fleeting moments, Rhett was surrounded by those he cherished most. And he knew, that if he was going to succumb to his injury, he would go peacefully, knowing that he was loved. 
But that peace was soon interrupted by the sound of Malakai returning with Doctor Tenpenny. The tender moment was forgotten as the pair came rushing up the stairs in a hurry. The abruptness of it all sent the children into a bit of a frenzy. Zoella and Leia began to cry. Max and Arya huddled close to you, frightened. 
In a split second, you had to decide what to do. Their panic was only going to worsen the situation, and possibly put Rhett into distress. Thinking fast, you quickly guided them to the stairs, waving Amy over as you did. 
“Look at me,” you spoke to the young woman, and she lifted her fearful blue eyes to yours. 
“Let’s get them downstairs, it’s better if they’re safely out of the way. Are you okay to stay with them in Arya’s room? Or do you think you want me to stay with you?” You could see how upset she was. You didn’t want to overwhelm her. 
“No, I-I can handle it. I’ll keep them safe inside and I’ll put the dresser in front of the door, just in case anyone tries to come in.”
You reached out to squeeze her hand. “Okay. Let’s go.”
Together, you guided the children downstairs, where you led them safely to Arya’s room. As soon as you had them all settled on the bed, you knelt to speak to them. “I need you to be brave for me, okay? I know you’re scared. It’s okay to be scared. But right now, I need to go upstairs and be with Daddy. Stay with Amy, she’ll keep you safe. Alright?”
“Mama, don’t leave,” Arya whimpered. 
You took her sweet face in your hands. “I’m not leaving. I’ll just be right upstairs. Be my brave girl, okay?”
“O-okay,” she whispered in reply. 
You kissed the top of each of their heads before you finally slipped away, rushing to pull the door shut behind you before you dashed back upstairs. 
There, you found Rose Tenpenny hovering over Rhett, carefully examining his wound. Malakai had left as quickly as he’d come, because he had to get back outside to defend the pack. That left just you and the doctor in the room. 
Quietly, you moved to stand at Rose’s side, and she paused to glance up at you. Her expression was grim, and it made your heart sink like a stone in your chest. “He’s in a bad way,” she told you. “Just from the way the wound looks, I can tell that dagger was laced with wolfsbane.”
A gasp tore from your throat, and your hand came up to cover your mouth in shock. “Oh my god,” you whispered. 
Wolfsbane was poison to wolves. Poison of the deadliest kind. Surviving its effects was unheard of. 
“It’s already in his bloodstream. It doesn’t take long for it to set in,” she explained. 
You held back a sob, the hand over your mouth lowering to rest against your belly, where your unborn pup lay. You had only one thought. “He’s going to die, isn’t he?”
The doctor’s mouth pressed into a thin line. Her eyes, deep brown and ever sympathetic, filled with tears. She could not sugarcoat her diagnosis. 
“I can give him some ancient herbal medicines that will help slow its effects, and ease his pain. But I’m afraid that all I can do right now is make him comfortable. I’m sorry.”
Your tearful eyes flickered to Rhett’s sickly form. His eyes were closed. His breathing was shallow. He was getting worse by the minute, and your world was falling apart. Your shoulders shook as another set of sobs wracked your body, painful and deep. 
You were losing him. And there was nothing you could do to stop it. 
To be continued…
@bradshawsbitch @laracrofted @sebsxphia @milesmillergf @rhettabbotts @hangmanapologist @withahappyrefrain @damrlova @just-in-case-iloveyou @theliterarybeldam @nobody7102 @agentorange9595 @powerlvr25 @mygyn @yanna-banana @whisperofsong @kmc1989 @peachystenbrough @callsign-magnolia @briseisgone @up-thereinthesky
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
hiiiiii I hope you have a amazing day,
I was wondering how the Aew boys react if someone try to use you against them like during the matches with them or in backstage with them busy with a other match ( like the attacker interrupt the match to show you being attacked) , I hope this makes sense 😭
i gotchuuuuu sweetheartttt
AEW Stars React To: You Being Attacked by Their Opponents
Pairings: Kenny Omega X Reader, Ricky Starks X Reader, Hook X Reader, Darius Martin X Reader, Nick Wayne X Reader, Daniel Garcia X Reader, Eddie Kingston X Reader
Word Count: 1.2K
Supreme Speaks: Thanks to anon for this request (YALL KEEP EM COMING), this was really fun and a little bit different than how I typically post these. please know that you are loved and appreciated
Warnings: ANGST and fluff but ANGST, GIFS are NOT mine, not proofread
Taglist: @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @wwenhlimagines @eddie-kingstons-wifey @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @sheinthatfandom
**Every person has their own backstory (in a wrestling world where I am a fantastic booker/producer) and the person who attacked them are in ()**
Eddie Kingston (BCC)
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This happened during Eddie’s match against Christian Cage
Eddie didn’t want you out there in fear that Christian might rizz you up (or even Luchasurus no judgment)
So as he’s about to finish the match; the titantron shows up with you on the floor as Wheeler Yuta and Claudio tower over you
Eddie goes berserk; he no longer cares about the match; fuck the match
He leaves the match to rush to your aid with a kendo stick; whacking and cursing anyone who dares get in the way
He gets to you and hits Claudio and Wheeler as they run away; he holds you with so much care and curses himself out too
“Fuck Claudio and his Yorkie bitch! Fuck, I should have kept an eye on you doll. I’m sorry, it’s my fault”
Legit feels bad about the situation (it almost reduces him to tears) as you are put in an ambulance
Looks at Mox and says “You betta pray that she’s okay or Renee won’t be able to recognize her husband”
Darius Martin (Kingdom)
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Okay hear me out; the Kingdom attacks you and then throws you on stage during Darius’ match to distract him
He looks at Action Andretti and Matt Sydal as they tell him to check on you; Darius goes with you backstage as doctors check on you
He��s silent….which is unusual and almost unsettling for you; he’s really taking everything to heart and is angrily simmering
“I’m so sorry that they dragged you into my mess, but I promise I will fix this”
He really feels remorseful about everything and certainly disappointed with himself that he allowed this to happen
Next week; he comes out with a chair and whoops ass
But I think he would go so far to the point where Andretti and Matt have to come out and say stop
He calms down and sits with you backstage for the rest of the show (he prolly will never take his eyes off you again)
Hook (Jack Perry)
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Mans is fucking up everyone in sight
Bad enough that Jack took his title and refused to give him a rematch; so Hook is wrestling a jobber
As Hook has his opponent in the Redrum; Jack pops up on the screen with Anna Jay who is just choking you out (wish it was me)
Hook keeps the submission on long enough for the bell to ring before zooming backstage; just as Anna and Jack getaway
He is livid and starts throwing people left and right until he realizes that you are still on the ground
I think he feels exposed at the fact you were attacked cause he really does care about you
He helps you up and is visibly upset; vows to get revenge but then has a better idea
Two weeks later; he returns with you in tow and you two start WHOOPING THOSE TRICKS (to the point where the FTW championship is on the line in a tag team match; ex Edge and Kelly Kelly vs Dolph Ziggler and Laycool)
Nick Wayne (Swerve)
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He honestly doesn’t know what to think (and what he did to deserve Swerve hating him so much)
I feel like as soon as he sees your unconscious self on the screen, he would immediately dash backstage (like Eddie)
He would run up to your body “Y/N! Are you okay?” Before getting attacked by Swerve and AR Fox; who would then be run off by Best Friends
As he falls to the ground and when he wakes up, Nick would think that he’s a failure (DESPITE NOTHING IS HIS FAULT)
It would really take you constantly reassuring him that he was fine and nothing is his fault
“Yeah sure, but if I can’t protect you from attacks; then what kind of a man and wrestler am I?”
Like Darius, Nick would never allow you to leave his sight
Not until he ended this feud with Swerve
Kenny Omega (Will Ospreay)
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Kenny would be that person who would just fill his mind continuously
During his match against Jon Moxley (sorry), The United Empire shows up with you about to go through a table
He turns his attention as Jon rolls him up and wins; Kenny immediately runs to the back
The Bucks attack the group and you are dropped on the floor (not through the table); you have no injuries
As he approaches backstage, mans is worried and anxiety has filled his body
Subconsciously declares war with Opsreay and will allow guilt to take over his mind
“I swear to you that Ospreay, that son of a bitch, will pay for this shit. And he will literally pay for your therapy (bitch take the free therapy plz)”
So much to the point where he’s not smiling anymore and treats every match like a deathmatch
Tbh, as long as Will shows up, Kenny will attack him without fail
Ricky Starks (CM Punk/The Factory)
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OKAY LISTEN TO ME I believe that CM Punk would do some fucked up shit (as a true heel)
So during after Ricky’s match on Collision (who hasn’t seen you all night), Punk would show the footage of you being attacked by The Factory
But then he would say; “but that was earlier tonight”
And then BAM Punk attacks Ricky from behind and leaves him the ring
Ricky is upset at himself for not recognizing that you were missing all night and mad that he allowed Punk to attack him and you
Immediately checks on you and apologizes profusely
“I’m so sorry; I should have noticed, I should have made sure you were beside me-” “Ricky, you have been saying I’m sorry for the past hour” “Because I am!”
Would cut a vicious promo on Punk that embarrassed and angered him at the same time
Vows to get his revenge and starts it by attacking Punk
Daniel Garcia (Chris Jericho)
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Danny is on the verge of leaving the JAS due to differences and Chris’ power trips, and you are his escape from it all
Chris knows this and tries to use it to his advantage; he tries to talk to you about Danny and keeping him in the JAS
To which you disagree and say it’s his decision; to which he got angry….and to which he may or may not have hit you with the baseball bat (CAUSE HE’S A JACKASS)
All of this was shown during Daniel and Sammy’s tag team match; Danny immediately jumped down from the apron (essentially leaving Sammy hanging) and ran to the back
He would be so angry that he would quit the JAS right then and there
Time skip, you were okay; when Danny told you the news, you were happy but you wouldn’t show it to him, asking him if he was sure
“Y/N, your safety, and well-being is more important to me than Jericho’s trash ass club. And it always will be.”
The following weeks are filled with confrontations until Daniel joins the BCC (who are not complete assholes in this universe)
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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daddyhausen · 1 year
Can you maybe do 21, 58 and 66 from the dialogue prompts (not the NSFW) for jack Perry and hook again, I really like the one you did for them before :)
Thank you :)
• merely a scratch — jungle boy + hook •
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{ masterlist } | { aew masterlist } | { hook masterlist } | { jungle boy masterlist }
{ summary } — after a gruelling match against former friend ruby soho, jack and tyler go check up on you, the boys both worried for your safety after catching the sight of blood
{ warnings } — injury, blood
{ word count } — 354
{ pairing } — fem!reader x hook x jungle boy
{ genre } — fluff
{ taglist } — @stxrrlightwrites13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @baybay-boom @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @eddie-kingstons-wifey @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
{ 21 } — "you're bleeding!"
{ 58 } —"you're insane!, "you love me though”
{ 66 } — "it's just a scratch, you worry too much"
your head was spinning
mind in as a daze as the once fresh blood now congealed to your flesh
staining your forehead and cheeks in crimson streams
this new side of ruby was unlike no other
she was vicious, violent, not a shread of empathy left in your once former friend
as evident by the nasty gash just above your right eyebrow
consider your friendship no more after she slammed your head into the ring poll
the wound still oozing fresh blood
albeit not as much as before
just as you were unceremoniously dumped into the medical office
tyler and jack made their presence known
jack practically kicking the door off the hinges
“you’re bleeding!” his voice frantic, rushing over to you despite the doctor trying to stitch you back up
tyler followed soon after with his usual casual demeanour
eyes widening with worry as his gazed upon your bloody face
as soon as the doctor had finished the final stitch, jack cupped your face gingerly between his palm
treating you as if you were a porcelain doll he was afraid to break
tyler still remained silent
offering a small hand on your thigh for comfort
“it’s just a scratch, you worry too much”
“just a scratch?” tyler interjected.
“you got five stitches in your head, princess”
jack tightened his lips together at the sight, still a slight furrow of worry knitted in his brows
“eh, i’ve had worse”
tyler gave a small chuckle at your remark
placing a sweet kiss to your cheek, sitting beside you stop the makeshift examination table
an arm wrapped around your shoulder
all the while jack continued to stroke your cheeks gently
“you’re insane” jack mumbled under his breath
“you love me though” you eyed both of the boys momentarily
leaning into tyler’s shoulder with a soft sigh
“doc said i can’t wrestle for a couple of days. guess my boys are gonna have to take care of me”
jack rolled his eyes playfully, the soft honey-brown of his irises glimmering under the harsh light of the medical lamp
“you know we wouldn’t have it any other way, sweetheart”
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louisupdates · 10 months
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29 Aug - Barclays Arena, HAMBURG: [CDLP tank] [Saul Nash pants]
31 Aug - Royal Arena, COPENHAGEN: [Casablanca Casa t-shirt]
1 Sep - Spektrum, OSLO: [Nike shoes] [Commes des Garçons x Lacoste polo] [Adidas jacket]
2 Sep - Hovet, STOCKHOLM: [Stone Island t-shirt], [Stone Island pants], [Salomon shoes]
4 Sep - Ice Hall, HELSINKI: [Pleasures x Sonic Youth jersey]
5 Sep - Saku Arena, TAILLINN: [1017 ALYX 9SM t-shirt] [Nike Air Max shoes] [Nike Windrunner fleece hoodie] [Nike joggers] [Nike trainers]
7 Sep - Arena Riga, RIGA: [Champion t-shirt] [Supreme x Lacoste track suit]
8 Sep - Zalgiris Arena, KAUNAS: [Neill Barrett t-shirt] [Neil Barrett IG post and IG story] [Sergio Tacchini tracksuit]
10 Sep - Tauron Arena, KRAKOW: [VTMNTS t-shirt] [Stone Island hoodie]
11 Sep - Atlas Arena, ŁÓDŹ: [Leones The Band tank top] [Converse high tops] [CP Company pants] [424 Logo hat] [Salomon shoes] [Mastermind hoodie]
13 Sep - Wiener Stadhalle D, VIENNA: [CP Company pants] [Palace hat]
14 Sep - Stozice Arena, LJUBLJANA: [Wales Bonner tank top]
15 Sep - Budapest Arena, BUDAPEST: [Stone Island cap] [Stone Island pants]
17 Sep - Arenele Romane, BUCHAREST: [Burberry t-shirt] [Burberry cap]
18 Sep - Arena Armeets, SOFIA: [black tank top] [Nike pants]
20 Sep - Petras Theater, ATHENS: [VTMNTS t-shirt] [Sunflower Mike shorts]
1 Oct - Bilbao Arena Miribilla, BILBAO (VIZCAYA): [Calvin Klein white tank top] [North Face pants] [Nike shoes] [Adidas Y 3 track pants] [Han Kjøbenhavn hoodie]
3 Oct - Altice Arena, LISBON: [CP Company graphic t-shirt] [CP Company pants] [Asics shoes] [Palace hoodie]
5 Oct - Wizink Center, MADRID: [Fred Perry x Pleasures t-shirt]
6 Oct - Palau Sant Jordi, BARCELONA: [Moncler t-shirt] [Customized face all over Hawaiian shirt]
8 Oct - Pala Alpitur, TURIN: [Sunspel beige tank top] [Stone Island pants] [Y/Project hat] [Adidas x Wales Bonner sweater and pants]
9 Oct - Unipol Arena, BOLOGNA: [Nanushka tank top] [Stone Island pants]
11 Oct - Rockhal, ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE: [Stone Island t-shirt]
12 Oct - Sportspaleis, ANTWERP: [Wales Bonner jacket] [1017 Alyx 9SM Studio bomber jacket]
14 Oct - Accor Arena, PARIS: [Balmain polo shirt]
15 Oct - Ziggo Dome, AMSTERDAM: [Givenchy tank top] [CP Company pants]
17 Oct - Lanxess Arena, COLOGNE: [Ralph Lauren polo shirt]
19 Oct - O2 Arena, PRAGUE: [Junya Watanabe t-shirt] [Nike pants]
20 Oct - Mercedes Benz Arena, BERLIN: [Kith black tank top] [Stone Island track pants] [Axel Arigato shoes] [Fred Perry t-shirt] [Alyx Studio hoodie]
22 Oct - Olympiahalle, MUNICH: [Burberry polo shirt]
23 Oct - Hallenstadion, ZURICH: [Stone Island t-shirt] [Stone Island trousers] [Axel Arigato shoes]
8 Nov - 3Arena, DUBLIN: [CDLP tank] [Reebok sweatshirt] [Saul Nash pants] [Nike mock neck top] [1017 Alyx 9SM jacket] [Vetements cap] [Thames MMXX top]
10 Nov - Utilita Arena, SHEFFIELD: [Givenchy logo tank top] [CP company pants] [Aimé Leon Doré hoodie] [Palace trousers]
11 Nov - AO Arena, MANCHESTER: [Aimé Leon Dore jacket] [Nike shoes]
12 Nov - Ovo Hydro, GLASGOW: [Palace Skateboards shirt] [Stone Island pants]
14 Nov - Brighton Center, BRIGHTON: [Farragamo polo]
15 Nov - International Arena, CARDIFF: [Casablanca Paris top]
17 Nov - The O2, LONDON: [Saul Nash vest] [Saul Nash track pants] [Comme Des Garçons shirt]
18 Nov - Resorts World Arena, BIRMINGHAM: [Burberry t-shirt] [Lacoste top]
23 Nov - Camden Roundhouse, Rolling Stone UK Awards, LONDON: [Neil Barrett mesh jacket] [black vest] [Hugo pants] [Grenson leather shoes]
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Photo via lbfcult
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deathcar · 2 years
2/21(金) Bill Pritchard @ 七針 2/22(土) Bill Pritchard @ 七針 2/23(日) Cicada @ TOT 2/24(月/祝) Pixies @ BAY HALL 2/25(火) Pixies @ EX THEATER 2/25(火) Angel baby @ 月見ル 2/26(水) Kevin Morby @ duo 2/28(金) Ezra Collective @ Billboard 2/28(金) Goldie @ Contact 2/29(土) Neon Bunny @ TRUNK 2/29(土) Rejoicer @ CIRCUS
3/2(月) MIKA @ COAST 3/3(火) Ari Lennox @ WWW X 3/3(火) New Order @ COAST 3⁄4(水) New Order @ COAST 3⁄5(木) Foals @ COAST 3⁄5(木) Raveena @ WWW X 3⁄5(木) Sandro Perri @ WWW 3⁄6(金) Brooke Candy @ UNIT 3⁄6(金) Kim Sawol @ Roji 3⁄7(土) Kim Sawol @ Time Out Cafe & Diner 3⁄7(土) FaltyDL @ VENT 3/8(日) Henning Schmiedt @ 明日館 3/9(月) Becca Stevens @ Blue Note 3/10(火) Becca Stevens @ Blue Note 3/10(火) Jonas Blue @ COAST 3/11(水) Jonas Blue @ Zepp DiverCity 3/12(木) Bruno Major / Georgie Clifford @ WWW 3/12(木) Fat White Family @ MARZ 3/12(木) Lightfoils @ Zher the ZOO 3/13(金) Lightfoils / Fauvely @ HIGH 3/13(金) Homeshake @ duo 3/14(土) Emily A. Sprague @ 七針 3/16(月) Ruel @ duo 3/16(月) Stereolab @ LIQUIDROOM 3/17(火) The National / Phoebe Bridgers @ Zepp DiverCity 3/18(水) The National / Phoebe Bridgers @ Zepp DiverCity 3/18(水) LAKE @ 7th floor 3/20(金/祝) Slipknot @ メッセ 3/20(金/祝) Merope @ OTOOTO 3/21(土) Slipknot @ メッセ 3/21(土) Jad Fair with Lumberob / CUSHIONS @ 7th floor 3/21(土) Emily A. Sprague @ soup 3/23(月) Bright Eyes @ LIQUIDROOM 3/24(火) Stormzy @ BLITZ 3/24(火) Jad Fair with Lumberob / CUSHIONS @ FEVER 3/25(水) LAKE @ 7th floor 3/25(水) イ・ラン @ 試聴室 3/26(木) Merope @ エアジン 3/27(金) イ・ラン @ BUSHBASH 3/27(金) Leonardo Marques @ 晴れ豆 3/27(金) Knxwledge / Mndsgn @ WOMB 3/27(金) Zed Bias @ Asia 3/27(金) Green Day @ メッセ 3/28(土) Green Day @ メッセ 3/28(土) イ・ラン @ 試聴室 3/29(日) イ・ラン @ 山谷 3/29(日) Eleventyseven @ HOME 3/29(日) Warm Bodies @ THREE 3/30(月) Julia Jacklin @ Billboard
4/1(水) Sheer Mag / Warm Bodies @ BUSHBASH 4/2(木) Glows / PVA @ o-nest 4/2(木) Tom Walker @ WWW X 4/3(金) Squarepusher @ COAST 4/3(金) Whitney @ Veats 4/3(金) Knxwledge / Mndsgn @ VISION 4/4(土) Helms Alee @ BUSHBASH 4/5(日) Helms Alee @ FEVER 4/7(火) Khalid @ PIT 4/8(水) Temples @ LIQUIDROOM 4/11(土) Sheer Mag @ HEAVY SICK 4/13(月) Sheer Mag @ FEVER 4/14(火) Ludovico Einaudi @ 国際フォーラム 4/14(火) DIIV @ LIQUIDROOM 4/15(水) TOY @ MARZ 4/16(木) TOY @ MARZ 4/16(木) Kindness @ WWW X 4/17(金)-19(日) [Rainbow Disco Club] * Antal x Huntee / Anthony Naples / Chaos In The CBD / Daniel Avery / ESA / GE-OLOGY & Red Greg / Moodymann / Motor City Drum Ensemble / Moxie / rRoxymore / Special Request 4/17(金) Mac DeMarco @ O-EAST 4/17(金) Daniel Avery @ VENT 4/18(土)-19(日) [CRAFTROCK CIRCUIT] * Pet Symmetry / UMT 4/18(土) Mac DeMarco @ O-EAST 4/18(土) Bonobo (DJ set) / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) @ O-EAST 4/19(日) [LifeSign] * Godspeed You! Black Emperor / Itasca 4/21(火) Larkin Poe @ duo 4/21(火) G. Love and Special Sauce @ QUATTRO 4/23(木) Pet Symmetry @ FEVER 4/23(木) Thundercat @ ガーデンホール 4/23(木) Pohjonen Alanko @ WWW 4/27(月) Crack Cloud @ FEVER
5/1(金) Samm Henshaw @ LIQUIDROOM 5/3(日) The TOYS @ EX-THEATER 5/4(月) Alcest @ UNIT 5/7(木) Big Thief @ WWW X 5/7(木) Halsey @ ガーデンシアター 5/9(土)-10(日) [LOVE SUPREME JAZZ FESTIVAL] * Musiq Soulchild / Robert Glasper / Sergio Mendes 5/10(日) Saves The Day @ LOFT 5/11(月) Saves The Day @ FEVER 5/12(火) Lauryn Hill @ ガーデンシアター 5/14(木) The Bluetones @ ODD 5/16(土)-17(日) [STAR FESTIVAL] * Gloo (Iglooghost/Kai Whiston/BABii) / Jayda G / Metrik + Dynamite MC / Mount Kimbie (DJ set) / Nite Fleit / SHERELLE / Zip 5/18(月) Rex Orange County @ BLITZ 5/18(月) Ásgeir @ Zepp DiverCity 5/18(月) Aiming For Enrike @ FEVER 5/19(火) Aiming For Enrike @ FEVER 5/20(水) New Hope Club @ ガーデンホール 5/21(木) MGMT @ PIT 5/21(木) ANOHNI @ 草月ホール 5/22(金) ANOHNI @ 草月ホール 5/22(金)-24(日) [TOKYO JAZZ FESTIVAL] * Herbie Hancock / Joshua Redman 5/23(土)-24(日) [GREENROOM FESTIVAL] * !!! / MGMT / Oscar Jerome / Sigrid / Tash Sultana 5/23(土)-24(日) [PARAMOUNT] * Alessandro Adriani / Giorgio Gigli / Mor Elian / Phuong-Dan / Planetary Assault Systems 5/25(月) Aiming For Enrike @ FEVER 5/26(火) Sigrid @ LIQUIDROOM 5/26(火) Moonchild @ QUATTRO 5/26(火) Tash Sultana @ BLITZ 5/27(水) The House of Love @ MARZ 5/28(木) The House of Love @ MARZ 5/28(木) Grégory Privat Trio @ COTTON CLUB 5/28(木) Further Seems Forever @ WOMB 5/29(金) Further Seems Forever @ WOMB 5/29(金) Ben Williams Band @ COTTON CLUB 5/30(土)-31(日) [FFKT] * Andy Stott / Caribou / Demdike Stare / DJ Python / Donna Leake / Gigi Masin / Hibiya Line / Luxixi / Maayan Nidam / MOCKY / Parris / Telefon Tel Aviv / Theo Parrish / Total Freedom / Zakia 5/30(土) Ben Williams Band @ COTTON CLUB 5/31(日) Ben Williams Band @ COTTON CLUB 5/31(日) MOCKY @ LIVE HAUS
6/1(月) epic45 @ FEVER 6/1(月) MOCKY @ LIVE HAUS 6/2(火) MOCKY @ LIVE HAUS 6/2(火) (Sandy) Alex G @ LIQUIDROOM 6/3(水) J.I.D @ WWW X 6/10(水) American Football @ COAST 6/11(木) Mew @ BLITZ 6/17(水) Slingshot Dakota @ Nine Spices 6/18(木) Parsnip @ LIVE HAUS 6/21(日) Slingshot Dakota @ RIPS 6/22(月) Slingshot Dakota @ FEVER 6/27(土) Parsnip @ Green Apple 6/27(土) Tangerine Dream @ CITTA' 6/28(日) Tangerine Dream @ CITTA'
7/22(水) Origami Angel / Short Fictions @ o-nest 7/23(木/祝) Origami Angel / Short Fictions @ OPPA-LA 7/26(日) Origami Angel / Short Fictions @ FEVER
8/21(金)-23(日) [FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL] * [8/21] Black Pumas / Clairo / Cory Wong / Derrick May / Disclosure / Donavon Frankenreiter / Elephant Gym / Future Islands / Georgia / Hinds / Jackson Browne / Lindstrøm / Men I Trust / Metronomy / Mura Masa / Neal Francis / Romy / Tame Impala / Tom Misch * [8/22] Celeste / Fantastic Negrito / Fontaines D.C. / Four Tet / Frente Cumbiero / Gryffin / Major Lazer / The Strokes / Yumi Zouma * [8/23] Altin Gun / Blackbear / Bruno Major / Colin Benders / Emotional Oranges / FKA twigs / Floating Points / GoGo Penguin / Muscle Shoals Soul Revue featuring Willie Hightower, Charles Hodges & Scott Sharrard / Rufus Wainwright / Voodoo Dead
9/2(水) Billie Eilish @ 横浜アリーナ 9/5(土)-6(日) [GREENROOM FESTIVAL] * !!! / José James / Oscar Jerome 9/8(火) Oh Wonder @ ??? 9/19(土)-21(月/祝) [SUPERSONIC] * [9/19] The 1975 / AURORA / beabadoobee / Blossoms / Fatboy Slim / Ian Brown / Liam Gallagher / Squid / Tones and I / Waterparks * [9/20] Conan Gray / DIGITALISM / Don Diablo / Jax Jones / Kygo / Skrillex / Steve Aoki / WarNymph (Grimes DJ Set) * [9/21] Alec Benjamin / Black Eyed Peas / Dominic Fike / Easy Life / Ghostemane / iDKHOW / Post Malone / Wu-Tang Clan
10/8(木) Massive Attack @ 国際フォーラム 10/9(金) Massive Attack @ 国際フォーラム 10/9(金) Red Hot Chilli Pipers @ LIQUIDROOM 10/20(火) The Chemical Brothers @ ガーデンシアター 10/21(水) The Chemical Brothers @ ガーデンシアター 10/21(水) Low Roar @ WWW X 10/31(土)-11/1(日) [FESTIVAL de FRUE] * The Master Musicians of Joujouka & The Orb / Fabiano do Nascimento
11/3(火/祝) The Master Musicians of Joujouka & The Orb @ WWW X 11/5(木) Stormzy @ COAST
12/3(木) Homeshake @ duo 12/7(月) Lauryn Hill @ ガーデンシアター 12/7(月) TOY @ MARZ 12/8(火) TOY @ MARZ 12/18(金) 박혜진 Park Hye Jin @ Contact
1/10(日) Slipknot @ メッセ 1/11(月/祝) Slipknot @ メッセ 1/16(土) Mew @ ガーデンホール 1/22(金) Samm Henshaw @ LIQUIDROOM 1/27(水) Thundercat @ ガーデンホール
2/18(木) Squarepusher @ COAST
3/22(月) New Hope Club @ ガーデンホール 3/24(水) Big Thief @ WWW X 3/26(金) Green Day @ メッセ 3/27(土) Green Day @ メッセ
4/9(金) G. Love & Special Sauce @ QUATTRO 4/22(木) Jonas Blue @ Zepp Yokohama 4/28(水) Jonas Blue @ COAST 4/30(金) Jonas Blue @ Zepp DiverCity
5/28(金) American Football @ COAST
6/30(水) Thundercat @ ガーデンホール
9/9(木) Stereolab @ O-EAST 9/9(木) Lauryn Hill @ ガーデンシアター 9/10(金) Samm Henshaw @ LIQUIDROOM 9/17(金) black midi @ O-EAST 9/18(土)-19(日) [SUPERSONIC] * Frank Walker / Kygo / Nicky Romero
11/6(土)-7(日) [FESTIVAL de FRUE] * Fabiano do Nascimento / Sam Gendel Concert Group
12/3(金) 박혜진 Park Hye Jin @ Contact 12/25(土) Solar / Black Merlin @ Contact 12/29(水) Agnes Aves / Black Merlin @ CIRCUS
1/26(水) New Order @ Zepp Haneda 1/28(金) New Order @ Zepp Haneda
2/22(火) Jonas Blue @ PIT 2/24(木) Jonas Blue @ KT ZEPP YOKOHAMA 2/25(金) Jonas Blue @ ZEPP DiverCity
3/3(木) Samm Henshaw @ LIQUIDROOM
4/9(土) Slipknot @ メッセ 4/10(日) Slipknot @ メッセ 4/10(日) G. Love & Special Sauce @ QUATTRO 4/23(土) DJ Harvey @ Contact 4/25(月) DJ Harvey @ OPPA-LA 4/26(火) Lauryn Hill @ ガーデンシアター
5/26(木) Telefon Tel Aviv @ Contact
7/29(金)-31(日) [FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL] * Black Pumas / Say Sue Me / Fontaines D.C.
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hayesfinalproject · 1 year
Work Cited
Bridges, Khiara M. “Implicit Bias and Racial Disparities in Health Care.” Americanbar.Org, www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/the-state-of-healthcare-in-the-united-states/racial-disparities-in-health-care/. Accessed 28 June 2023. 
Churchwell, K., et al. “Call to Action: Structural Racism as a Fundamental Driver of Health Disparities: A Presidential Advisory from the American Heart Association.” Circulation, vol. 142, no. 24, Dec. 2020, pp. E454-E468–E468. EBSCOhost, https://doi-org.avoserv2.library.fordham.edu/10.1161/CIR.0000000000000936.
Cineas, Fabiola. “Black Women Will Suffer the Most without Roe.” Vox, 29 June 2022, www.vox.com/2022/6/29/23187002/black-women-abortion-access-roe. 
Clark, Langston D., et al. “The Contradiction of the Black Body: A Progressive Solution to Health Disparities in the Black Community.” Race, Gender & Class, vol. 21, no. 1/2, Jan. 2014, pp. 82–98. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsjsr&AN=edsjsr.43496961&site=eds-live.
Gupusk. “Healthcare Black Icon Concept Vector Image on Vectorstock.” VectorStock, 1 Mar. 2020, www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/healthcare-black-icon-concept-vector-29915779. 
Harold Brubaker, The Philadelphia Inquirer. “The Loss of Hahnemann Resonates a Year Later as Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter Protests Roil Philadelphia.” WHYY, 25 June 2020, whyy.org/articles/the-loss-of-hahnemann-resonates-a-year-later-as-covid-19-and-black-lives-matter-protests-roil-philadelphia/. 
Perry, Imani. “Racism Is Terrible. Blackness Is Not.” The Atlantic, 15 June 2020, www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/racism-terrible-blackness-not/613039/. 
Kendi, Ibram X. “Stop Blaming Black People for Dying of the Coronavirus.” The Atlantic, 16 June 2020, www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/04/race-and-blame/609946/. 
Keshavan, Meghana. “‘The Direct Result of Racism’: Covid-19 Lays Bare How Discrimination Drives Health Disparities among Black People.” STAT, 9 June 2020, www.statnews.com/2020/06/09/systemic-racism-black-health-disparities/. 
Lebrun, L. A., and T. A. LaVeist. Black/White Racial Disparities in Health: A Cross-Country Comparison of Canada and the United States. Sept. 2011. EBSCOhost, https://doi-org.avoserv2.library.fordham.edu/10.1001/archinternmed.
Widyatmadja, Grace, et al. “Photos: See Reactions to the Roe v. Wade Decision across the U.S.” WBUR, 24 June 2022, www.wbur.org/npr/1107328844/protests-and-celebrations-after-supreme-court-overturns-roe-v-wade.
0 notes
Maverick’s Awesome, Stupendous, Supremely Extraordinary Show
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vnrzAKg
by MaverickNerd
The one and only Maverick, the infamous manipulator of the Character Elimination Cinematic Universe, has finally, after much procrastinating, release his very own character elimination show, just like the ones he used to manipulate. With the help of his trusted Minions, and his former partner in crime from CDCAT, Volo, Maverick hosts a show where 24 contestants plucked from many other universes compete to have the clout of winning a CECU show. Meanwhile, mysteries arise… Who is the Wolf of Death that Maverick hypes up so much? And is Volo actually someone that can be trusted? Find out on the show that’s essentially a wannabe version of other character elimination shows such as ECER and CDCAT, which themselves are different takes on the Survivor/Total Drama format! This. Is. MASSES! (You can add an X right after the E if you want.)
Words: 6835, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Owl House (Cartoon), RWBY, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series - Jeff Kinney, Total Drama (Cartoon), The LEGO Movie (2014), Encanto (2021), Despicable Me (Movies), Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Phineas and Ferb, Dangan Ronpa Series, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Amphibia (Cartoon), Peanuts - Charles M. Schulz (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America - All Media Types, Captain America (Movies), Rick and Morty, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pokemon Legends: Arceus (Video Game), Undertale (Video Game), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), The Bad Guys (Movie 2022), Miraculous Ladybug, Gravity Falls, The Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Super Mario Bros. (Video Games), DC Extended Universe, Peacemaker (TV 2022), Puss in Boots (DreamWorks Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Luz Noceda, Jacques Schnee, Rowley Jefferson, Chris McLean, Wyldstyle | Lucy, Osma Pezmuerto (Encanto), Victor "Vector" Perkins, Sonic the Hedgehog, Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb), Enoshima Junko, Anne Boonchuy, Lucy van Pelt, Steve Rogers, Morty Smith, Eievui | Eevee, Undyne (Undertale), Snow White (Disney), Mr. Snake (The Bad Guys), Chloé Bourgeois, Pacifica Northwest, Cat in the Hat, Goombas (Nintendo), Christopher Smith | Peacemaker, The Minions (Despicable Me), Volo (Pokemon), Death | The Wolf (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish)
Additional Tags: Ramune is an OC from fellow CECU show Characters Do Challenges And Things, Part of the Character Elimination Cinematic Universe, Osma is that fish lady from Encanto by the way.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vnrzAKg
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lockscreenxd · 4 years
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Lockscreen 5067-68
Reblog/Like if you use / save them
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
Season 1 Songs in Chronological order of release
A couple of things
Duplicates were eliminated
Broadway songs were done by when the show premiered
A few of the songs are the release dates of the versions popularized by other artists - such as Over the Rainbow - to reflect the artists they chose to emulate 
Mash ups were broken up, and songs are treated individually here
If you guys enjoy this - I’ll make ones for the rest of the show, including an comprehensive list. ;) 
1936 -"Sing, Sing, Sing (With a Swing)" - Louis Prima 1936 - "Smile" -Nat King Cole 1937 - "The Lady Is a Tramp" - Sammy Davis, Jr. 1950 - "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat" - Guys and Dolls 1956 - "I Could Have Danced All Night" - My Fair Lady 1957 - "Tonight"- West Side Story 1959 - "Rose's Turn" - Gypsy: A Musical Fable 1960 - "Where Is Love? -"Oliver! 1963 - "It's a Man's Man's Man's World"- James Brown 1964 - "Don't Rain on My Parade" - Funny Girl 1964 - "A House Is Not a Home" - Dionne Warwick 1964 - "Funny Girl" - Barbra Streisand 1966 - I Say a Little Prayer" - Dionne Warwick 1966 - Maybe This Time” - Cabaret 1966 - "Cabaret" - Cabaret 1966 - "You Keep Me Hangin' On" - The Supremes 1967 - "Respect" - Aretha Franklin 1967 - "Hello, Goodbye" - The Beatles 1967 - "To Sir, with Love" - Lulu 1968 - Young Girl - Gary Puckett & The Union Gap 1968 - "Hello, I Love You" - The Doors 1968 - "Dream a Little Dream of Me" - The Mamas and the Papas 1969 - "Leaving on a Jet Plane" - John Denver 1969 - "Sweet Caroline" - Neil Diamond 1969 - "Proud Mary" - Ike and Tina Turner 1969 - "You Can't Always Get What You Want" - The Rolling Stones 1970 - "One Less Bell to Answer - The 5th Dimension 1971 - "You're the One That I Want" - Grease 1971 - "Imagine" - John Lennon 1972 - "Lean on Me" - Bill Withers 1973 - "Piano Man" - Billy Joel 1973 - “Dream On" - Aerosmith 1974 - "(You're) Having My Baby" - Paul Anka and Odia Coates 1974 - "Tell Me Something Good" - Rufus and Chaka Khan 1975 - "Mister Cellophane" - Chicago 1975 - "All by Myself" - Eric Carmen 1975 - "Home" - The Wiz 1975 - "Run Joey Run" - David Geddes 1975 - "Give Up the Funk - "Parliament 1975 - "Bohemian Rhapsody" - Queen 1976 - "Somebody to Love" - Queen 1976 - "Shout It Out Loud" - Kiss 1976 - "Beth" - Kiss 1978 - "Le Freak" - Chic 1978 - "Fire" - The Pointer Sisters 1979 - "Highway to Hell" - AC/DC 1979 - "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" - Journey 1980 - "Another One Bites the Dust" - Queen 1980 - Any Way You Want It - Journey 1981 - "Don't Stop Believin'" - Journey 1981 - "Endless Love" - Lionel Richie and Diana Ross 1981 - "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" - Dreamgirls 1981 - "Hello Again" - Neil Diamond 1981 - "Physical" - Olivia Newton-John 1981 - "Jessie's Girl" - Rick Springfield 1982 - "Dancing with Myself" - Generation X 1982 - "The Safety Dance" - Men Without Hats 1983 - "Alone" - Heart 1983 - "Jump" - Van Halen 1983 - "Total Eclipse of the Heart" - Bonnie Tyler 1983 - "Pink Houses" - John Mellencamp 1983 - "Faithfully" - Journey 1984 - "Can't Fight This Feeling" - REO Speedwagon 1984 - "Hello" - Lionel Richie 1984 - “Borderline" - Madonna 1984 - "Like a Virgin" - Madonna 1985 - "On My Own" - Les Misérables 1985 - Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves 1985 - "I Dreamed a Dream" - Les Misérables 1986 - Don't Stand so Close to Me  - The Police 1986 - "Papa Don't Preach" - Madonna 1986 - "Hair" - Hair 1986 - "True Colors" - Cyndi Lauper 1986 - Open Your Heart - Madonna 1987 - "Push It" - Salt-n-Pepa 1989 - "Bust a Move" - Young MC 1989 - "Express Yourself" - Madonna 1989 - "Like a Prayer" - Madonna 1990 - "Poison" - Bell Biv DeVoe 1990 - "Vogue" - Madonna 1990 - "Ice Ice Baby" - Vanilla Ice 1990 - "U Can't Touch This" - MC Hammer 1990 - "Over the Rainbow" - Israel Kamakawiwoʻole 1991 - "I Wanna Sex You Up" - Color Me Badd 1991 - "Good Vibrations" - Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch 1992 - "One" - U2 1993 - "Loser" - Beck 1994 - "I'll Stand by You" - The Pretenders 1995 - "This Is How We Do It" - Montell Jordan 1998 - "The Boy Is Mine" - Brandy and Monica 2000 - It's My Life - Bon Jovi 2000 - "Thong Song" - Sisqó 2001 - "Ride wit Me" - Nelly feat. City Spud 2001 - "Bootylicious" - Destiny's Child 2001 - "What It Feels Like for a Girl" - Madonna 2002 - "Beautiful" - Christina Aguilera 2003 - "Defying Gravity" - Wicked 2003 - Crazy in Love - Beyonce 2004 - Confessions Part II - Usher 2005 - "Gold Digger" - Kanye West feat. Jamie Foxx 2006 - "Rehab" - Amy Winehouse 2006 - "Keep Holding On" - Avril Lavigne 2006 - "Smile" - Lily Allen 2007 - "Taking Chances" - Céline Dion 2007 - "Hate on Me" - Jill Scott 2008 - "I Kissed a Girl" - Katy Perry 2008 - "Take a Bow" - Rihanna 2008 - "Mercy" - Duffy 2008 - "Bust Your Windows" - Jazmine Sullivan 2008 - "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" - Beyoncé 2008 - "Last Name"Carrie - Underwood 2008 - Halo - Beyonce 2008 - "No Air" - Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown 2008 - "Gives You Hell" - The All-American Rejects 2008 - "4 Minutes" - Madonna feat.Justin Timberlake  2008 - "Poker Face" - Lady Gaga 2009 - "My Life Would Suck Without You" - Kelly Clarkson 2009 - "Bad Romance" - Lady Gaga
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theweirdkidinside03 · 3 years
BTS remained supreme on this week’s Countdown Top 40 with Butter
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1. Butter - BTS
2. good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo
3. Our Song - Anne-Marie & Niall Horan
4. You All Over Me (feat. Maren Morris) (From The Vault) (Official Lyric Video) - Taylor Swift
5. Your Power - Billie Eilish
6. Kiss Me More (feat. SZA) - Doja Cat
7. Confetti (feat. Saweetie) - Little Mix
8. LET IT GO (feat. Justin Bieber & 21 Savage) - DJ Khaled
9. Electric - Katy Perry
10. Would You - The Vamps
11. Save Your Tears (feat. Ariana Grande) (Remix) - The Weeknd
12. Build A B*tch - Bella Poarch
13. Leave The Door Open - Bruno Mars, Anderson.Paak & Silk Sonic
14. Heartbreak Anniversary - Giveon
15. What? - SB19
16. All Your Exes - Julia Michaels
17. Higher Power - Coldplay
18. Montero (Call Me By Your Name) - Lil Nas X
19. Solar Power - Lorde
20. Run - OneRepublic
21. Come Through (feat. Chris Brown) - H.E.R.
22. Leave Before You Love Me - Marshmello & Jonas Brothers
23. Lost Cause - Billie Eilish
24. Lost - Maroon 5
25. Love Again - Dua Lipa
26. Peaches (feat. Daniel Caesar & Giveon) - Justin Bieber
27. Beautiful Mistakes (feat. Megan Thee Stallion) - Maroon 5
28. Heartbreak Anthem - David Guetta, Galantis & Little Mix
29. Sabotage - Bebe Rexha
30. Happy For You - Lukas Graham
31. Last Train Home - John Mayer
32. deja vu - Olivia Rodrigo
33. Cutthroat - Imagine Dragons
34. Shy Away - twenty one pilots
35. Film Out - BTS
36. On The Ground - ROSE’
37. Cover Me In Sunshine - P!nk & Willow Sage Hart
38. What’s Next - Drake
39. Spaceman - Nick Jonas
40. Soda - James Reid
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
(Reader has had a major injury) and she comes back to AEW surprising everybody including her man, unleashing her fury on Jack and HOOK is left speechless since she left Jack bloody, battered, and bruised to the point where HOOK has to pull her off of him, and is slightly concerned about how much she cares for him but is also like 'damn' so this is what it's like to watch me fight...
Unconditional (Hook X Fem!Reader):
Word Count: 1.1K
Supreme Speaks: hey yall, thanks to this anon for requesting this! i hope you enjoy it! i was trying to make this a short drabble but yall know i talk/write too much. this was fun and honestly, i might make a part two if yall want it. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: none, not proofread, violence with a chair (teehee)
Taglist: @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @cassie0sstuff @triscillal @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom
Hook was pissed.
And he had every right to be.
He lost his championship.
He was backstabbed
And his true best friend was injured.
All because of someone he used to consider one of his closest friends.
And right now….he just needed to let off some steam.
Which is why he walked down to the ramp (without his entrance music) and got face-to-face with Jack Perry, who was gloating about his new FTW championship. He smirked as Hook stepped into the ring, even though Hook had steam coming off of his head and a scowl covering his face, Jack still decided to gloat in his face.
“Hook! I’m surprised that you’re still here, especially after I embarrassed you.” Jack started as he laughed at the man standing across from him. “Like I told you, this is all business nothing personal, but you needed to bring down a couple of notches. Hook, you should be happy that I took the pressure off of your shoulders. You were not going to be able to handle everything you had for much longer.”
Hook’s jaw clenched as Jack continued, “Think about it! You had it all: the championship, the popularity, the girl… it was only a matter of time until everything was taken from you or got sick of you. And now you’re out of a championship and following but, hey, you still got your girl….barely.” He said making the audience 'oohed' and Hook’s head snap to Jack Perry. Jack always thought that you and Hook were something more than best friends. At least, he knew more as he knew Hook’s true feelings towards you, so it made sense to bring you into the conversation.
“I mean she’s on the shelf for right now, but at least she’s still cheering you on. That is until she wakes up and finally realizes that the New York thing isn’t working for her and goes Hollywood. Then, everything will be what it should be: you’ll truly be alone and I’ll be chilling with your girl-“
Jack didn’t have enough time to finish his statement as Hook tackled him to the ground. There are many things that Hook can take, but disrespecting you was not on the table. The crowd erupted with cheers as the cold-hearted handsome devil punched the arrogant heel over and over again. Jack turned over and started punching and kicking Hook, making the crowd boo.
After a couple of moments, Jack slid out of the ring and grabbed two chairs. The crowd, already knowing where this was going, started to boo Jack even heavier. He put one chair on the ground and put Hook’s head on top of it. Jack smiled as he held the other chair high above his head, but he didn’t have the chance to swing it as your theme song blasted through the arena, making the audience erupt with cheers.
The crowd stood on their feet as you appeared from the tunnels, fury in your eyes. Jack looked up with shock and almost fear in his eyes as you sprinted down the ramp and rolled into the ring.
He was trying to make excuses about his actions as Hook rolled to a far corner in the ring. “Y/N! It was just a joke-“
You cut him off as you speared him to the ground, with the audience getting even louder in the background. The chair he had dropped to the floor as you started stomping his ribs. You started to go to town as you allowed your anger, sadness, and bitterness to take over your body. It was almost like you were on autopilot; you then grabbed the chair and, without hesitation, started to hit Jack with it.
Hook, still in the corner, watched in awe. It surprised him how violent and angry you were, making a mental note to never make you angry. Even though he was enjoying the show of his girlfriend beating up his former partner, he realized he had to stop you before the worse happens. Just as you were about to hit Jack’s bruised body for the 7th time, Hook pulls you away from him and throws the chair out of the ring.
“What are you doing here?!” Hook asked
“I was cleared by the doctors and I got sick of his disrespectful mouth. So, do me a favor and step aside!” You said as you lunged towards Jack’s bloody and beaten body (which was still in the same place), but Hook caught you and placed you back in front of him.
“You didn’t need to do that! I can’t have you risking yourself for me. You could have been-“
“You are more than worth it. I don’t care who’s ass I have to beat, I don’t care how far I have to travel, I will do anything to make sure that you are okay.” You said as his eyes softened. Up til this moment, Hook has never really understood how much you care for him as he never thought someone could love him unconditionally, especially from a platonic standpoint. He just never thought he was capable of being loved this much. That all changed the moment you got in the ring and attacked Jack for him.

As he was soaking in the moment, he didn’t realize that someone else entered the ring. You looked behind your boyfriend to see Anna Jay checking on Jack before running up to you two. You shoved Hook out of the way and gave Anna a vicious bicycle kick, knocking her to the ground, next to her boyfriend.
After a couple of moments, you and Hook left the ring, going backstage (while also leaving the broken and beaten couple in the ring). You sat on a crate as Hook handed you a bag of ice for your hand, that started bruising after you were punching Jack.
“Well, that was epic. Wild, yet epic.” He said looking at you with big eyes. He was about to add on until he saw Jack being carried out on a stretcher to the ambulance.
You chuckled as your eyes followed the small crowd, “As I told you, anything for you baby boy. And if the roles were reversed, I know that you wouldn’t hesitate to do the same.”
Hook agreed, nodding his head. Then his eyes widened as he took in that statement a bit deeper, “Wait! Is that it’s like watching me fight?”
Laughing, you jumped down from the crate. “There were times I thought your opponent wasn’t going to make it.” Hook took that statement in and related it to what just happened. Cause if he didn’t grab that chair from your hands, then Jack really wasn’t gonna make it.
So technically he just saved Jack’s life…and in retrospect, you also saved Hook’s life.
“Okay, enough talk. Let’s go to catering, I’m starving.” You said.
From that day forward, Hook vowed to show you the same unconditional love that you show him.
Hell, he might confess his unconditional love for you.
After all, you deserve the best and nothing less.
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daddyhausen · 2 years
T...if requests are open...it might be time to request some good old Jack perry FLUFF
• fluffy headcannons — jungle boy •
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{ masterlist } | { aew masterlist } | { jungle boy masterlist }
{ warnings } — none
{ word count } — 223
{ pairing } — fem!reader x jungle boy
{ genre } — fluff
{ taglist } — @stxrrlightwrites13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @damnnhausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @baybay-boom @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @blaquekittycat @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @eddie-kingstons-wifey @thenerdybaker523
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
jack is absolutely head over heels in love with you 
so much so that other people find it embarrassing 
your name would could be mentioned for a second and his ears would perk up already in the process of searching for you 
his eyes would light up every time he’d see you 
literal heart eyes i swear to god. 
he would be clingy, especially after not seeing you for a while 
he’d have an arm around your shoulder or waist
hug you from behind with his head on your shoulder
peppering sweet kisses to the side of your neck and behind your ear
he gets teased by some of the younger guys on the roster but he does not let it get to him 
days at home would be simple 
half the time he just wants to sit on the couch and cuddle 
put on a movie or binge a tv show all the while your relax into his chest 
sometimes he’ll let your braid his hair
the curls becoming more defined than they already are 
call him a night owl of the sort, he can’t seem to find sleep sometimes
much to enamoured with the way you would snuggle up against his chest
not in a creepy sort of way 
he was just too taken aback by your beauty to fall asleep
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dtrhwithalex · 3 years
TV | The Good Fight (501)
D: BROOKE KENNEDY. W: ROBERT KING & MICHELLE KING. Original Air Date: 24 June 2021.
Non-spoiler-free recap and review of episode one of CBS' THE GOOD FIGHT (2017-) season five.
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You know, I came to this show when my rabbit hole consisted of MICHAEL SHEEN's entire filmography, and I decided to watch the entire thing instead of only S3 which he appeared in. I've stuck with the show, because I find it incredibly fascinating.
Last season got cut short due to the pandemic, and this episode serves to remind the viewer where we left off a year ago, and fills in the gaps of this past year.
This show has always had a great talent at incorporating current events and news into the goings-on of the episodes, and so does this season premiere. Being a legal drama that came out of THE GOOD WIFE and started its run early in Trump's first term as president, the tie to the real world events are strong and important, and I've felt this show does a fantastic job at creating a story around and including them.
This first episode really serves to make up the missing year in short time. ADRIAN (DELROY LINDO) announces he will be leaving the firm because of the Democratic Party's offer he got at the end of last season, to be a presidential candidate in 2024. The death of George Floyd and the following protests stand as a conflict between who the Party wants Adrian to be (the token Black candidate), and who he actually is as a Black man. At the end of the episode following Biden's win and the insurrection of January 6th, Adrian tells LIZ (AUDRA MCDONALD) and DIANE (CHRISTINE BARANSKI) that he will be moving to Atlanta and try to help facilitate change there.
Diane, meanwhile, is still engaged in her fight against Memo 618 and serves as JULIUS' (MICHAEL BOATMAN) lawyer against the bribery charge. Using intel from Adrian against JUDGE HAZLEWOOD (TAMBERLA PERRY), Diane gets a new judge assigned to the case -- who turns out, is a worse choice, and eventually sentences Julius to seven years in prison. Trump's last ditch pardoning effort before his term is over also extended to Julius, as Liz informs the others at the end of the episode. Diane is also engaged in a Supreme Court gun law reform case.
With the pandemic, the show also deals with the firm having to shift into online mode and what that means for job security of its employees. Liz and Diane see this as the moment they had been waiting for to finally comply with the order to lay off 20% of their employees. While MARISSA (SARAH STEELE) is one of the first to go -- she is now attending law school to become a lawyer --, Liz is concerned that many of those 20% are Black associates, meaning the firm may soon not be a Black firm anymore. In order to fix this problem without having to demote Diane, they offer LUCCA (CUSH JUMBO) a position as equity partner on the firm. Being in London on behalf of BIANCA (CHASTEN HARMON) who offers her the post of CFO and much more money than her old firm can afford, Lucca eventually decides to leave the firm as well.
While Marissa is let go, the other investigator JAY (NYAMBI NYAMBI) is hospitalised with Covid. At the hospital he begins hallucinating Frederick Douglass, Karl Marx, Jesus Christ, and Malcolm X, who advise him on how to deal with the rise in police brutality on Black people and the question of resistance vs retaliation. Even after he is healthy enough to leave the hospital, he still sees these hallucinations around him.
This episode, while structured around the individual character beats, makes sure to stop a moment at important key dates of the past year. We have the beginning of Covid and the first lockdowns in March, followed by the death of George Floyd and the demonstrations against police brutality which are strongly tied to Jay and Adrian's character beats. We have the announcement of Kamala Harris as Biden's vice-president, and also the death of Supreme Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which are found in the beats of our female main characters. We have election night and the following days -- and may I just say, Diane watching the election is a damn mood -- and finally, at the end, the Capital riots on January 6th.
I quite liked this episode as a season-opener. I think the creators did a great job book-ending the last season and working in certain moments that had been meant for the end of season four. We get a proper goodbye for Adrian and Lucca who are leaving the show, goodbyes that were cut short due to the pandemic. The episode tied in all the important points we have had throughout the last season, and reminds the viewer nicely where we left off, where we still have unfinished business, and where these characters are currently situated in their lives. It's very nicely done. Looking forward to what this season brings.
[still image taken from the j99news article breaking down the episode with the showrunners]
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bandhyukoh · 4 years
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HYUKOH’s Fashion - 190922 Joy Olpark Festival
‘Balaclava Face’ T-Shirt by 99%IS- 
90s Bondage Pants by 99%IS-
Oversized Printed Polo Shirt by Raf Simons x Fred Perry
Gel-Delva 1 Sneakers by Asics x Kiko Kostadinov
'Balaclava Face’ for F1nger Long Sleeve by 99%IS-
Gobchang Pants by 99%IS-
Oh Hyuk
Jacket and Pants with braided pockets from Martine Rose’s AW19 collection
Sub Ek Cap from Ram Das Shop
Nike Air Max 98 x Supreme Snakeskin Sneakers
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