#perry beaton
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April Monthly Recap:
This month, I was participating in Magical Readathon by BookRoast on Youtube, and I smashed it! I read 13 of the 14 class prompts, as well as 4 quest books, plus four that didn’t count for the readathon, bringing me up to a total of 21 books this month! Clearly life is calming down a little bit and I have more time to read than February/March. Unfortunately, despite my reading quantity, my quality wasn’t awesome - my average rating this month was 3.6, compared to my typical average rating of around 4. This was also my first month without a 5-star read this year. However, I did read and really enjoy Babel, Half a Soul, and Unnatural Magic.
Tommy Cabot Was Here by Cat Sebastian: 4.25/5
Tell the Machine Goodnight by Katie Williams: 2/5
A Restless Truth by Freya Marske: 4.5/5
Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater: 4.75/5
Bryony and Roses by T. Kingfisher: 4.5/5
Peter Cabot Gets Lost by Cat Sebastian: 4.5/5
Babel by R. F. Kuang: 4.75/5
The Kraken’s Sacrifice by Katee Robert: 1.75/5
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman: 2/5, dnf
The Bright Ages by David M. Perry & Matthew Gabriele: 3/5, dnf
An Embarrassment of Witches by Jenn Jordan & Sophie Goldstein: 2.5/5
Obsessive, Intrusive, Magical Thinking by Marianne Eloise: 2.5/5, dnf
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier: 4.5/5
Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho: 3/5
You Sexy Thing by Cat Rambo: 4/5
Umbertouched by Livia Blackburne: 4/5
Silver Moon by Catherine Lundoff: 2.5/5
The Councillor by E. J. Beaton: 4.25/5
Winterkeep by Kristin Cashore: 4.25/5
The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. LeGuin: 4/5
Unnatural Magic by C. M. Waggoner: 4.75/5
Goal progress below the cut:
23 in 2023: 10 [+3]
Read 100 books: 63 [+21]
Translated works: 1 [+0]
Physical TBR: 8 [+5]
Top of TBR: 3 [+1]
Books in Spanish: 0
Read 40% AOC: 22.2% [-4.0%] *BOY is this going in the wrong direction
Discworld books: 1 [+0]
Series: 9 started vs. 16 caught up on/finished [+6/+4]
Storygraph recs: 1 | avg. 3/5 [+0]
Indigenous authors: 1 [+0]
47 notes · View notes
rachelkaser · 5 months
Masonry Monday: The Case of the Buried Clock
Dr. Blane calls Perry Mason for help when his gambler son-in-law steals $100,000 from a bank. Perry and Paul Drake attempt to investigate, only to find Dr. Blane with the body of said son-in-law. His philandering daughter, a remote trail camera, and a gun borrowed from the neighbors all play a part in finding the real culprit.
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Who's Who
Perry Mason's client: Dr. Vincente Blane, chairman of a bank board who is stuck when the son-in-law he vouched for goes crooked
The victim: Jack Hardisty, a gambling addict who steals from a bank and blackmails his father-in-law
Suspects: Sue Hardisty, Jack's wife and Blane's daughter, who was stepping out with her neighbor Philip Strague, Sue's clandestine boyfriend and the owner of the murder weapon Jean Strague, Strague's sister, who disapproves of his relationship with Sue Rodney Beaton, a wildlife photographer, whose trail cameras capture more than just animals around the lake
The Setup
Dr. Blane drops into the Sierra City bank to talk with its manager, Reynolds. While he's there, Reynolds asks Jack Hardisty to put some cash into the vault. Blane asks Reynolds how Jack, his son-in-law, is doing at his new job, but Reynolds is reluctant to speak ill as Blane is chairman of the bank's board. Meanwhile, in the vault, Jack shoves a large amount of the cash into a bag. As he departs with the bag, he tells Blane that he and Sue, Blane's daughter, will join the older man at his lakehouse for the weekend.
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At said lakehouse, Sue greets Jack, who's late. Their neighbors, the Stragues, are already there, as is Dr. Blane. Jack enters Dr. Blane's study and rather smugly confesses to stealing $100,000 from the bank. Since the bank examiners are coming on Monday, Jack unsubtly tells Dr. Blane he'll have to help cover it up to protect Sue -- and because Dr. Blane guaranteed his bond.
In Perry Mason's office, he gets a call from Dr. Blane, with whom he's already familiar. Dr. Blane tells Perry about Jack's theft and blackmail. Jack has proposed to return $75,000 if Dr. Blane made up the rest and didn't press charges. Perry offers to get him in touch with Paul to help dig up info on Jack's extracurriculars, and Perry himself will come up to visit Dr. Blane at the lakehouse.
Enter Perry Mason, Attorney at Law
At the Hardisty's home, two of Paul's operatives stand watch. Inside, Jack receives a call from someone and is immediately on the defensive. He agrees to meet the caller alone later that night. He drives off, with the two detectives in hot (albeit silent) pursuit. Later that night, Perry and Della arrive at Dr. Blane's lake house, where they meet Paul -- who says Dr. Blane and Sue aren't there. Paul adds that there's trouble: The operatives lost Jack in Los Angeles, but he's not so far skipped town.
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Paul departs to try and intercept Jack at his home in Sierra City, while Perry and Della stay at the lake house. Paul sneaks up to the Hardisty's house and checks a window: Dr. Blane is inside the house, ransacking the place. Paul confronts him, and Dr. Blane points down to the floor, where Jack Hardisty lays dead. Dr. Blane says he doesn't know what happened and he was looking for the money. Paul, with a stern look, calls the police. Later, Dr. Blane tells the detectives he doesn't own a gun, but admits to not calling them sooner.
Back at the lake house, Sue admits a man named Rodney Beaton and introduces him to Perry and Della. Beaton is a well-known wildlife photographer. He tells them he was resetting some trail cameras, which he rigs with wire so they'll go off and capture night shots when an animal trips it. Phil Strague also enters and is introduced, and he says his sister Jean is a fan of Perry's. Strague admits to Beaton he accidentally tripped one of his trail cameras earlier that evening. Beaton notes that something also tripped a camera only a few minutes before.
Dr. Blane arrives and greets Perry. He tells Sue that Jack is dead, and she bursts into tears. Later, he explains to Perry what happened in his study. He says he's worried, both because Sue won't tell him where she disappeared to … and because he did have a gun. He doesn't own one, but Strague loaned him one for target shooting and it's now missing. Perry chides him for not telling the sheriff sooner, as the police are sure to find out and they should hear it from Dr. Blane.
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As Della is calling, Perry asks if anyone else knew about the stolen money. Dr. Blane says the Stragues and Beaton (and Sue) were in the house the night he fought with Jack, and he spilled the story to them knowing they'd overheard. Della can't connect with the sheriff. Dr. Blane insists he didn't call Jack before going over, saying it was an impulse and he assumed Jack would be there.
The Murder
Sue enters, still in tears, and says Sheriff Elmore is at the house, wanting to speak with Dr. Blane. Dr. Blane confesses the truth about the gun to the Sheriff, who produces a pistol from his pocket. It's the missing gun, found stuffed in the fork of a tree, wiped clean of prints. He asks the doctor why it took him over two hours to make a trip that took them 90 minutes. Dr. Blane admits he and Jack had been at odds over the theft from the bank and he considered threatening Jack but changed his mind.
Later, after the Sheriff interrogates the doctor, Perry steps outside with Sue. She insists her father couldn't have killed anyone. Perry asks Sue where she was the night before, and she admits in confidence that she and Jack were having marital problems, and she'd been seeing her neighbor, Phil Strague. She and Strague would meet up at her father's house in Sierra City, nowhere near the lake. She went there the previous night, but Phil never showed. So she doesn't have an alibi.
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Back where Perry's staying, he asks Paul to check on the suspects who knew about the money ahead of the preliminary hearing in a week. Paul points out Dr. Blane has no motive to kill over money he'll have to return to the bank, but Perry says DA Hale believes Dr. Blane was in league with Jack on the theft. Paul notes that there were three sets of prints in the Hardisty house: Sue's, Jack's, and Dr. Blane's. There were three washed glasses in the dish drainer. Perry says the money is a motive -- now they just need to find out who, other than Dr. Blane and Sue, had the means and opportunity.
The Trial
As the trial commences, DA Hale greets Mason again. He begins with the testimony of the coroner, who determines the time of death to be between 7:35pm and 7:45pm, which Mason stipulates is correct. The coroner also says the cause of death is a gunshot wound, and he removed the fatal bullet for ballistics testing. Hale asks if anything else was unusual, and the coroner notes Jack had been orally drugged with scopolamine, which would have lowered his inhibitions and acted as a semi-effective truth serum. Mason has no questions.
Next, Hale calls Sheriff Elmore. The Sheriff confirms the average drive time from the lake house to the Hardisty's home is one hour, thirty-one minutes. Dr. Blane's housekeeper says he left his home at 5:45pm, so he would have arrived at 7:16pm if he went straight there. Sheriff Elmore testifies Dr. Blane claims to have arrived at 7:50pm instead. The police also found scopolamine in the doctor's home. On cross, Mason asks the sheriff if the washed glasses had any trace of scopolamine. They didn't.
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Philip Strague testifies next, admitting the murder weapon is his, and that he'd loaned it to Dr. Blane. On cross, Mason gets Strague to admit he'd technically loaned the gun to the Hardistys as well. They all knew where it was kept, as did Strague and possibly Beaton. Next, Hale questions Jean Strague, who says she knew about scopolamine because the party at the lake house had discussed a magazine article about it the same night Jack fought with Dr. Blane.
Hale tells Jean that they're trying to establish the whereabouts of everyone who knew about Jack's theft, and asks where she was at the time of the murder. She says she was at her cabin with Strague all night, except for a few minutes when her brother visited the Hardisty cabin looking for a bridge game. On cross, Mason asks if anyone else can alibi Jean, and she admits no one can. Hale decides to recall Strague to clear up the question of alibis.
Strague returns to the stand and testifies that he went over to Dr. Blane's around 7:30pm, but left when he saw a strange car (Perry's). That's when he accidentally set off Beaton's flash camera on the trail, which he told everyone at the lake house about. Hale shows him a picture of himself: It's the photo the trail cam snapped when he tripped the flash. Hale submits the photo as evidence with further evidence as to its provenance incoming. Mason doesn't object.
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Paul Drake takes the witness stand to testify that Dr. Blane was searching the Hardisty house, and that he (the doctor) said he'd not called the police. On cross, Mason asks Drake if he'd attempted to verify Dr. Blane's claim that he'd arrived only five minutes before Drake himself. Drake says he inspected Dr. Blane's car and found it still warm -- it was likely only idle for a few moments. On redirect, Hale asks Drake if this is an estimate or a measurement; Drake says it's an estimate.
The Investigation
Out on the trail, Perry is recreating one of Beaton's trail cams, complete with tripwire. Paul arrives with lunch and the dirt on the Stragues. Strague was discharged from the Navy eight years previously, and they lived in the Bay Area before Sierra City. Strague was "friendly" with a rich, married woman there. Perry asks Paul to find out if Jack rented a post office box next to Union Station between 5:05pm and 5:20pm the day of his murder and if there's any mail in the box.
Della notes that, if Jack was killed at 7:30pm, for the scopolamine to take effect, he'd have to have been home by 7pm. Paul adds that a P.O. box would not have been big enough to stash $100k in cash, but Perry says Jack could have used it to mail himself a key or a claim ticket. Della also says that Jack could have bluffed under the influence of scopolamine, telling the killer his original hiding place inside the house while concealing the P.O. Box location.
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Back in court, Hale questions Beaton about the flash he saw on the trail from his cabin porch. Beaton says he saw the first flash at 7:30pm. He confirms the picture is the one taken when that flash was tripped. On cross, Mason asks Beaton how long he was on his porch -- Beaton says from 6pm to 10pm, but no one can confirm that. Mason asks if Strague's mention of the flash was the first time Beaton knew it was Strague who tripped the flash.
Beaton says no: He saw Strague's tracks when he reset the camera, and there was nothing unusual about them. Paul enters the court and confirms sotto voce to Mason that Jack did rent a box, and there's one piece of mail in it. Mason writes him a note and sends him off again. He asks Beaton to demonstrate the resetting of the camera, and as he does so, Mason notes a flaw in one character's alibi -- someone wasn't where they said they were . . .
In Summation
Once again, Perry, Paul, and Della have an "away" case, set outside their usual territory of Los Angeles. These episodes usually happen either because Perry is going to help a friend, or because someone managed to catch him while he was on vacation. This time, it's the former, as Perry and Della are apparently already familiar with Dr. Blane -- the good doctor explicitly says Perry is his friend, not his lawyer when Sheriff Elmore asks.
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That said, I'm sure Perry wishes Dr. Blane had been his client before all this happened, so he could have advised him not to make the very stupid mistake of lying to the cops, to say nothing of failing to report the death when he discovered it. Even Paul sternly reprimands the doctor when he discovers what's happened. I know the average American is not going to understand the severity of that kind of mistake, but anyone who has Perry Mason on speed dial should know better.
Not that I can really blame Dr. Blane -- I'm pretty sure there's not one person in this whole episode who's sad to see Jack Hardisty go. An audacious, smug asshole who steals from the bank where his father-in-law got him the job and then brags about it isn't going to endear himself to anyone. That said, he's apparently got more guts than most victims, as he's able to tell a half-truth even under the effects of scopolamine (which isn't a truth serum, but let's act as if it is) as a final "Fuck you" to his killer.
No one in this case is really an angel, if you think about it. Sue Hardisty and Phil Strague are carrying on an affair, Jean Strague and Rodney Beaton are busybodies who get into Dr. Blane's business, and Dr. Blane himself -- well, not to keep shitting on the good doctor, but who the heck just spills the whole story about their son-in-law stealing $100k from a bank to the neighbors they barely know just because they happen to be in the next room when said son-in-law leaves? Not to spoil, but that little act of indiscretion is what leads to the rest of the nonsense in the episode.
If there's anyone worth cheering for in this episode, it's Paul. This is one of the first times we see him testify in his capacity as a private detective, and he gives exemplary testimony. He's precise with details, and even forces DA Hale to reword his questions to get the exact information he wants on record. He also shows how thorough he is as a detective, in that he took the time to feel the doctor's car engine to see if its warmth would substantiate his story of having just arrived. His operatives are no slouches either, even running a red light to try and keep up with the fleeing Hardisty.
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There's one recurring trope in these episodes that is either a product of its time or pure fantasy (I can't tell which): The trope that everyone keeps their firearms in the glove box of their car. Maybe this is just me -- and I grew up in Texas, so it's not like I've never seen guns -- but I can't possibly think of less-secure place to keep a deadly weapon. Cars are mobile, easy to break into, and glove boxes don't usually come with locks as far as I know. Maybe they did at the time, but even so, it's still a rather uncertain place to keep such a thing.
Sheriff Elmore and Darwin Hale return as the suburban counterparts to Tragg and Burger, respectively. We last saw them in "The Case of the Angry Mourner," where Hale proved to be a formidable opponent to Mason in court. Sheriff Elmore is played by a different actor, but it's still recognizably the same character, which is a rare bit of continuity from this series. Hale is once again professionally friendly to Mason, though Dr. Blane seems to think Hale should cut him (the doctor) some slack based on reputation alone. I've seen Hale twice, and I already knew that wasn't going to happen.
One last note: Dr. Blane's full name is never uttered in the episode, not even at his trial. Even Perry, his longtime friend, simply calls him "Dr. Blane." He doesn't even have a first name in the credits. I've taken the liberty of adding the first name "Vincente," which was the character's first name in the story on which this episode is based. I don't need to, I know, but it bugs the heck out of me when I just see a surname on my character list.
The Verdict
Judgement: ⚖⚖ (two scales of justice out of four) Perry Mason's client in this case does everything he can to make himself look guilty -- and out of all of them, he should really know better. The rest of the suspects are also a bit on the shallow side, but it's fun to watch the final gambit unfold.
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virtualrenfaire2020 · 5 years
Virtual Ren Faire 2020 Calendar
We have activities and themed days, plus we’ve compiled a bunch of livestreams from some fantastic performers to enjoy during our Faire. The calendar is updated daily, so stay tuned for more events!
Saturday, March 28
Opening day!
Join us on Opening Day for a day of faire activities. Share photos, videos, and stories relating to your ren faire experience! 
Submissions will be open starting today for the Costume Contest!
O.W.L. Fest - 7:30 AM PDT
An all-day series of concerts with a wizardly theme. A new artist is live every half hour until 7:00 PM, so tune in anytime! Don’t forget to refresh the page between concerts to listen to the latest stream. The current lineup is: Tonks and the Aurors, Lauren Fairweather, Ashley Hamel, Hawthorn & Holly, Grace Kendall, Kalysta Flame, Pussycat Dolores, The Purebloods, Flitwick and the Charmers, Losing Lara, Muggle Snuggle, Percy and the Prefects, Ludo Bagman and the Trash, Draco and the Malfoys, The Mudbloods, The Lovegoods, Alas Earwax!, The Blibbering Humdingers, Abby Ritter, The Swedish Shortsnouts, Kirstyn Hippe, POTTÖRHEAD, The Arkadian, Karl-Johan, and Toucan Dubh.
Check out the Facebook livestream concerts here.
Ye Banished Privateers Virtual Release Party - 11:00 AM PDT.
“Let’s party like it’s 1720! Borders are closing, people are being forced to shut their doors. Our global world is growing smaller, but Ye Banished Privateers believes in staying connected through the crisis. On march 28th we were planning to throw a big release party for our new album Hostis Humani Generis in our home town Umeå, Sweden, which naturally had to be cancelled due to the corona pandemic. Instead we’ll be hosting a live streamed event, at 19.00 cet 28/3 that will be worthy of an official release concert. We want to try and make this something special and grand . . . let’s stand together in all safe ways possible.”
Check out the Youtube livestream concert here.
Pub Crawl - 1:30 PM PDT. 
We’ll be hosting a BYOB pub crawl. Keep an eye out for the tag vrf2020 pub crawl for more info. Please follow local drinking laws and drink responsibly!
Cyrus Pynn (The Swordsman) - 2:00 PM PDT.
“I am a self taught professional sword swallower who perfected the art at the Coney Island Sideshow School, where I learned to present it in an entertaining and classy manner. Since then I have pushed the limit with this dangerous feat as I have traveled across the United States performing with Carnivals, Festivals and Variety Shows . . . Demonstrating the world's most dangerous stunt in an entertaining, classy manner featuring comedy, audience interaction and, of course, death defiance! ‘Down the Hatch without a Scratch!’“
Check out the Facebook livestream show here.
Andrea Beaton - 4:30 PM PDT.
“Andrea grew up in a musical family in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.  Both the Beaton and MacMaster sides of her family are well known and respected as some of Cape Breton's finest musicians, dancers and composers. She has made 6 solo CDs, a duo album with her father Kinnon, and published 3 books of tunes.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
The CRAIC Show - 5:00 PM PDT.
“The CRAIC Show is an intense & wildly entertaining act, made up of five international travelers who, in 1541AD, were banded together on an ancient battlefield. This unique merging of music from far away lands brings a sound that is unlike any other . . .  Ever-changing and constantly blending styles, The CRAIC Show is always bringing a fresh, high energy blend of World Medieval Music to a modern audience.” 
Check out the Facebook livestream concert here.
Erin Rae - 7:00 PM PDT.
“Gifted with a unique ability to fuse musical genres and influences to craft songs that feel fresh and wholly her own, with her new album Putting On Airs, Erin Rae has thrown down a direct challenge to the stereotype of what a Southern singer should be. Both lyrically and sonically, she strikes a fiercely independent chord, proudly releasing a deeply personal record that reflects her own upbringing in Tennessee, including the prejudices and injustices that she witnessed as a child that continue to impact her life to this day. According to Rae, ‘this album was born out of a need to do some healing work in my personal life, in order to address some fears and patterns of mine to allow my true feelings to come to the surface.’”
Check out the Instagram livestream concert here.
Sunday, March 29
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Alistair McCulloch - 11:30 AM PDT.
“Alistair is one of Scotland's best known fiddle performers and teachers.  His trio features Aaron Jones of Old Blind Dogs, and former Capercaillie whistle wizard Marc Duff. Alistair has taught a generation of rising stars at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Linda McRae - 1:00 PM PDT.
“Linda’s love of Canadian, American and British music early on in her career resulted in multiple band configurations from roots-rock to punk to folk . . . When Linda steps onto a concert stage, into a recording studio, workshop or mentoring session, there is an effortless passion, a love of what she does and a connection with fans and friendships built and treasured. A multi-instrumentalist Linda works tirelessly as a touring singing songwriter, performing at premiere venues across Canada, the US and Europe while turning out new works.”
Check out the Facebook livestream concert here.
The Glow Bubble Show (Meadow Perry) - 4:00 PM PDT.
“Meadow Perry is a Philadelphia based Magician, Bubble Artist and Actress. Known for her beloved children's character, Meadowlark the Faerie, Meadow has been performing in various genres from the stage to private events for over 15 years. The Bubble Magic of Meadow Perry is a show that takes the visual art of bubbles, theatrical storytelling, enchanting magic, thrilling music, & a touch of sophistication to create a unique and entertaining show that has been described as ‘A mesmerizing, spellbounding experience! Charming and interesting, Meadow takes the rules of bubbles outside the box!’”
Check out the Instagram livestream show here.
Monday, March 30
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Merchants’ Monday
Show our wonderful shops some extra love today!
Shannon Lay - 12:00 PM PDT.
“There is an entire sub-genre of poetry devoted to rivers and their persistent, meditative flow . . . For transcendent folk-pop artist Shannon Lay, the river is all of the above: It’s the metaphor driving her latest album, the exquisitely uplifting August (Sub Pop Records, out August, 23rd)—which doubles as an aural baptism renewing her purpose for making music. ‘I always picture music as this river. Everyone’s throwing things into this river, it’s a place you can go to and feed off of that energy,’ she says, ‘and feel nourished by the fact that so many people are feeling what you’re feeling. It’s this beautiful exchange.’”
Check out the Instagram livestream concert here.
Jesse Linder, Bard - 5:00 PM PDT.
“. . .'Singer of Songs, Teller of Tales.’ Jesse performs as a solo artist and as a member of 3 Pints Gone, and has been a member of Separated at Birth, CrossRogues, and Tippler's Way. Jesse sings at Renaisance faires, American reenactments, Irish pubs, and coffeehouses throughout the Midwest. He currently has three solo CDs and five group CDs in print.”
Check out the Facebook livestream concert here.
Steven Greenman - 6:00 PM PDT.
“Steven has worked with some of the world’s leading klezmer ensembles, is a founding member of Cleveland’s East European ensemble Harmonia, and has been a guest soloist with the Cleveland Pops Orchestra, performing his own arrangements of gypsy and klezmer music.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Tuesday, March 31
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Time Travel Tuesday
Share your favorite photos and costumes from any time period, from Ancient Greece to 2265. After all, in quarantine, time all feels a little wibbly wobbly!
Jonathan Cannon - 5:30 PM PDT.
“Jonathan has studied klezmer, Romanian, Celtic, and American fiddling, performs regularly, with award-winning Boston klezmer band Ezekiel’s Wheels, and for contra dances.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Wednesday, April 1
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Anne-Mari Kivimäki & Palomylly - 10:00 AM PDT.
“Anne-Mari Kivimäki & Palomylly is an impressive sound mix with stories, archive recordings, jouhikko, double bass, vocals and accordion. Kivimäki’s music has a hypnotic pulse and it’s made for the love of old stories. Kivimäki has gathered her Palomylly band from the musicians on her successful Lakkautettu Kylä (A Closed-Down Village) album.”
Check out the Facebook livestream concert here.
Troy MacGillivray with Sabra MacGillivray - 4:30 PM PDT.
“Troy is a brilliant fiddler, pianist and stepdancer from Nova Scotia.  He’s been featured at many festivals including Celtic Connections in Scotland, East Coast Music Awards, Celtic Colours Festival in Cape Breton, the Barbados Celtic Festival and the Edinburgh Fiddle Festival.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Thursday, April 2
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Cookie Segelstein with Josh Horowitz - 10:00 AM PDT.
“Founder of Veretski Pass, and fiddler with many other top klezmer bands, Cookie has taught workshops round the world, and has been featured in an ABC documentary and a film starring Robert DeNiro.  Josh founded the band Budowitz and has played with Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Theodore Bikel, and accompanied Itzhak Perlman on PBS.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Oshima Brothers - 3:00 PM PDT.
“Raised in a musical family in rural Maine, the brothers have honed a harmony-rich blend of contemporary folk and acoustic pop. On stage, Sean and Jamie create a surprisingly full sound with dynamic vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, octave bass, loops, and percussion. The brothers live in Maine but are often on the road performing, producing music videos, and dancing.”
Check out the Facebook livestream concert here.
Friday, April 3
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Furry Friends Friday
Ever dressed your pet up for the faire? Show us your photos and costume ideas! Or show us your faire-themed fursuit. You do you.
Let’s Get Traditional (The Minstrel Rav’n) - 4:00 PM PDT.
“The Minstrel Rav'n travels the lands Telling Songs and Singing Stories about Taverns, Pirates and Elven Lasses. Songs of Adventure, Drinking... and things a bit on the Naughty Side!”
Check out the Facebook livestream here.
HST (Ed, Lilly & Neil Pearlman) - 4:30 PM PDT.
“HST (Highland Soles Trio) is 3/5 of a family band, with dancer Laura Scott and Jesse on whistle. HST has toured the US and Scotland with new and old tunes in the Scottish tradition.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Saturday, April 4
Gráinne Brady - 12:30 PM PDT.
“Gráinne is an Irish fiddle player from County Cavan in Ireland and currently based in Glasgow where she leads sessions and plays with Top Floor Taivers, string group The Routes Quartet, and Gaeilge/Gàidhlig supergroup LAS.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Pub Crawl - 1:30 PM PDT.
We’ll be hosting a BYOB pub crawl. Keep an eye out for the tag vrf2020 pub crawl for more info. Please follow local drinking laws and drink responsibly!
Costume Contest Judging - 6:00 PM PDT.
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest until 6:00. Winners will be chosen between 6:00 and 7:00 PDT.
Sunday, April 5
Jenna Reid - 11:30 AM PDT.
“Jenna is a member of the great fiddle bands Blazin' Fiddles, and RANT.  Born & bred in Shetland, she learned fiddle from the late Willie Hunter. Following her music degree, Jenna performed with Dóchas and Deaf Shepherd before joining her current bands.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Closing Day
We’re sad to see you go, but we hope to catch you at an IRL faire next season!
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While working the shelves of Seattle Mystery Bookshop, several series caused me no end of dismay when trying to space them out, so they looked pretty for you all!
Agatha Christie often clogged the classics section with the sheer variety of sizes publishers used to reprint her mysteries. Earle Stanley Gardner also had his moments of causing classic section consternation due to the sheer volume of books he wrote - 82 in the Perry Mason series alone!
M.C. Beaton and Alexander McCall Smith (in the general mysteries) eventually got their own sections due to the ever-expanding series.
However, there's one writer who often lead me to tear my hair out - J.D. Robb.
Due to Robb's overwhelming popularity, we needed to keep the majority of the In Death Series on hand at all times. Meaning? When Robb released a new book or we received a batch of used mysteries...We often needed to move entire rows & sections of books around, so Eve and her cohorts didn't scrunch, encroach, or simply dominate the neighboring authors!
Now that Robb's hit book number 51 in her In Death series, I shudder to think how we'd struggle to fit her prodigious output on the shelves!
Speaking of book 51, Shadows in Death...Robb delivers yet another page-turning, read-late-into-the-night thriller you can devour in a single (long) sitting. One that will leave Eve & Roarke fans with a pleasant taste in their mouths; as we learn more about Roarke's past, watch Eve work with her team and visit Ireland!
Feeney had stars in his eyes.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the mystery's culmination teetered on the edge of sensationalism. But really, it only ever teetered, but Robb never actually jumped the shark, so we're still fine!
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Perry: Who the fuck-
Adelaide: Language!
Perry: Whom the fuck-
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laurendzim · 4 years
Regional books: “Colorado’s Highest,” “Chili Peppers” and more
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Colorado’s Highest: The History of Naming the 14,000-Foot Peaks (John Fielder Publishing)
“Colorado’s Highest: The History of Naming the 14,000-Foot Peaks,” by Jeri L. Norgren, John Fielder and Robert L. Wogrin (John Fielder Publishing)
Ever wonder how Mount Sneffles got its name?  Or Mount Shavano? Or Quandary Peak?
In “Colorado’s Highest,” Jeri L. Norgren not only tells how each of the more than 50 14,000-foot Colorado mountains were named but also gives the history of each peak. The volume is illustrated with John Fielder photographs and Robert L. Wogrin art, and includes maps and sketches from the 1870s Hayden Survey.
Many of Colorado’s fourteeners were named for politicians and military figures, such as Mount Lincoln and Long’s Peak, along with little-known Mount Bross, which honors the lieutenant governor of Illinois. The tallest peak, Mount Elbert, was named for territorial secretary Samuel Hitt Elbert.
There are peaks that honor Indians (Uncompahgre and Tabeguache). Some were given descriptive names: Maroon Bells for the color of its rocks; Capitol Peak for its shape; Mount of the Holy Cross for its cross-shape crevice; and Mount Massive for its size.
Some of Colorado’s mountains were memorialized with little forethought. Charles Christopher Perry, an early explorer, named Grays and Torreys for friends (and half-a-dozen lesser mountains for other acquaintances).
Over the years, some of the fourteeners’ names have been changed. Grays and Torreys were originally known as the Ant Hills. Sneffles was first dubbed Blaine. Names aren’t static, after all, as the current move to change the name of Mount Evans to something more politically correct shows. (Evans was named for the Colorado governor who defended the Sand Creek Massacre.)
Incidentally, Sneffles comes from a Jules Verne novel. Mount Shavano was named after a Ute with the French name of Chaveneaux (blue flowers). Discoverers of a silver vein on Quandary Peak were unsure about its value and called their lode the Quandary, giving the mountain that name.
In itself, Norgren’s history might have made a stand-alone volume. It’s the spectacular photographs of Colorado’s highest mountains by Fielder and paintings by Wogrin that make this a coffee-table book.
“Chili Peppers: A Global History,” by Dave DeWitt (University of New Mexico)
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Chili Peppers: A Global History (University of New Mexico)
Chili peppers were so important in the New World that native priests required Aztecs who fasted to abstain from chili peppers and sex. The peppers were used as currency, and were sold at South American markets that one European soldier said were larger than Rome’s. Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew them.
Although they are used in cuisine all over the world, chili peppers originated in South America, where their cultivation goes back 10,000 years.
Those are just a few of the facts in “Chili Peppers: A Global History.” Author Dave DeWitt takes readers on a personal tour of the chili-growing and chili-eating countries of the world. He interviews farmers, chefs and chili-eaters about how to raise and prepare the peppers, and includes a section on the chili region of southern Colorado.
The Pueblo chili, he writes, originated in Mexico and arrived in Colorado about 1910. It wasn’t perfected until 15 years ago, however. Bonus: Included in the book are 75 recipes using chili peppers.
“Colorado Women in World War II,”  by Gail M. Beaton (University Press of Colorado)
They couldn’t engage in combat, but Colorado women found other ways to fight the enemy in World War II.
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Colorado Women in World War II (University Press of Colorado)
They enlisted in military services, worked in defense plants, operated USO units, organized blood drives, sold war bonds and nursed.  One woman cut off 3 feet of her knee-length hair to be used in meteorological instruments.
They worked in high-level government positions, where they discovered the enemy wasn’t always abroad. One woman who was a high-level liaison between the War Production Board and the House of Representatives sat down in a restaurant in the U.S. Capitol, only to be told by a man, “I didn’t know it was maid’s day.”
They joined the Waves and the WACs, the Coast Guard, the Marine Corps and the Army Air Force. And they became nurses, sharing the same hazardous conditions as the soldiers. One taught herself never to show fear, “because if I had been in (the wounded soldier’s) place, I wouldn’t have wanted a nurse … giving me IVs and whatnot with a shaky hand.”
In the Philippines, nurses were captured by the Japanese and spent the duration of the war in prison camps.
“Colorado Women in World War II” is a factual study of women’s efforts during the war, with personal stories of some 80 Colorado women. Historian Gail M. Beaton combed newspaper articles, documents and interviews to put together this study.
“Never Caught Twice,” by Matthew S. Luckett (University of Nebraska)
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Never Caught Twice (University of Nebraska)
Long before the white man came West, horse-stealing was a way of life on the Nebraska plains.  Indian tribes plundered each other’s herds. Horses were wealth, and their ownership complicated.
When a Cheyenne woman left her husband for another man, the husband demanded a fine horse. Tribal leaders agreed. In hopes of keeping the pony, the lover kicked out the wayward wife, but the tribe insisted a deal was a deal. When the husband tried to claim the horse, the lover killed him.
Col. John Chivington and Gov. John Evans used Indian thefts of white settlers’ horses as an excuse to wage war on Native Americans.
As Nebraska was settled, Indians weren’t the only horse thieves. Everybody, it seems, turned to horse stealing: soldiers, ranchers, settlers, drunks, cowboys, army deserters. The loss of a single horse might be the difference between a homesteader’s success or failure. By 1876, five out of every six property crimes were horse stealing.
In a well-researched and comprehensive work, Matthew S. Luckett tells of Nebraska’s horse stealing, in Indian raids, in small-scale theft and eventually by organized rings of white men.  Among the most prominent of those thieves was Doc Middleton, whose gang stole some 5,000 horses. He was personally responsible for 2,000. Caught and sent to prison, he reformed and turned into a folk hero.
from News And Updates https://www.denverpost.com/2020/11/12/regional-books-colorados-highest-chili-peppers-and-more/
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jimblanceusa · 4 years
Regional books: “Colorado’s Highest,” “Chili Peppers” and more
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Colorado’s Highest: The History of Naming the 14,000-Foot Peaks (John Fielder Publishing)
“Colorado’s Highest: The History of Naming the 14,000-Foot Peaks,” by Jeri L. Norgren, John Fielder and Robert L. Wogrin (John Fielder Publishing)
Ever wonder how Mount Sneffles got its name?  Or Mount Shavano? Or Quandary Peak?
In “Colorado’s Highest,” Jeri L. Norgren not only tells how each of the more than 50 14,000-foot Colorado mountains were named but also gives the history of each peak. The volume is illustrated with John Fielder photographs and Robert L. Wogrin art, and includes maps and sketches from the 1870s Hayden Survey.
Many of Colorado’s fourteeners were named for politicians and military figures, such as Mount Lincoln and Long’s Peak, along with little-known Mount Bross, which honors the lieutenant governor of Illinois. The tallest peak, Mount Elbert, was named for territorial secretary Samuel Hitt Elbert.
There are peaks that honor Indians (Uncompahgre and Tabeguache). Some were given descriptive names: Maroon Bells for the color of its rocks; Capitol Peak for its shape; Mount of the Holy Cross for its cross-shape crevice; and Mount Massive for its size.
Some of Colorado’s mountains were memorialized with little forethought. Charles Christopher Perry, an early explorer, named Grays and Torreys for friends (and half-a-dozen lesser mountains for other acquaintances).
Over the years, some of the fourteeners’ names have been changed. Grays and Torreys were originally known as the Ant Hills. Sneffles was first dubbed Blaine. Names aren’t static, after all, as the current move to change the name of Mount Evans to something more politically correct shows. (Evans was named for the Colorado governor who defended the Sand Creek Massacre.)
Incidentally, Sneffles comes from a Jules Verne novel. Mount Shavano was named after a Ute with the French name of Chaveneaux (blue flowers). Discoverers of a silver vein on Quandary Peak were unsure about its value and called their lode the Quandary, giving the mountain that name.
In itself, Norgren’s history might have made a stand-alone volume. It’s the spectacular photographs of Colorado’s highest mountains by Fielder and paintings by Wogrin that make this a coffee-table book.
“Chili Peppers: A Global History,” by Dave DeWitt (University of New Mexico)
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Chili Peppers: A Global History (University of New Mexico)
Chili peppers were so important in the New World that native priests required Aztecs who fasted to abstain from chili peppers and sex. The peppers were used as currency, and were sold at South American markets that one European soldier said were larger than Rome’s. Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew them.
Although they are used in cuisine all over the world, chili peppers originated in South America, where their cultivation goes back 10,000 years.
Those are just a few of the facts in “Chili Peppers: A Global History.” Author Dave DeWitt takes readers on a personal tour of the chili-growing and chili-eating countries of the world. He interviews farmers, chefs and chili-eaters about how to raise and prepare the peppers, and includes a section on the chili region of southern Colorado.
The Pueblo chili, he writes, originated in Mexico and arrived in Colorado about 1910. It wasn’t perfected until 15 years ago, however. Bonus: Included in the book are 75 recipes using chili peppers.
“Colorado Women in World War II,”  by Gail M. Beaton (University Press of Colorado)
They couldn’t engage in combat, but Colorado women found other ways to fight the enemy in World War II.
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Colorado Women in World War II (University Press of Colorado)
They enlisted in military services, worked in defense plants, operated USO units, organized blood drives, sold war bonds and nursed.  One woman cut off 3 feet of her knee-length hair to be used in meteorological instruments.
They worked in high-level government positions, where they discovered the enemy wasn’t always abroad. One woman who was a high-level liaison between the War Production Board and the House of Representatives sat down in a restaurant in the U.S. Capitol, only to be told by a man, “I didn’t know it was maid’s day.”
They joined the Waves and the WACs, the Coast Guard, the Marine Corps and the Army Air Force. And they became nurses, sharing the same hazardous conditions as the soldiers. One taught herself never to show fear, “because if I had been in (the wounded soldier’s) place, I wouldn’t have wanted a nurse … giving me IVs and whatnot with a shaky hand.”
In the Philippines, nurses were captured by the Japanese and spent the duration of the war in prison camps.
“Colorado Women in World War II” is a factual study of women’s efforts during the war, with personal stories of some 80 Colorado women. Historian Gail M. Beaton combed newspaper articles, documents and interviews to put together this study.
“Never Caught Twice,” by Matthew S. Luckett (University of Nebraska)
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Never Caught Twice (University of Nebraska)
Long before the white man came West, horse-stealing was a way of life on the Nebraska plains.  Indian tribes plundered each other’s herds. Horses were wealth, and their ownership complicated.
When a Cheyenne woman left her husband for another man, the husband demanded a fine horse. Tribal leaders agreed. In hopes of keeping the pony, the lover kicked out the wayward wife, but the tribe insisted a deal was a deal. When the husband tried to claim the horse, the lover killed him.
Col. John Chivington and Gov. John Evans used Indian thefts of white settlers’ horses as an excuse to wage war on Native Americans.
As Nebraska was settled, Indians weren’t the only horse thieves. Everybody, it seems, turned to horse stealing: soldiers, ranchers, settlers, drunks, cowboys, army deserters. The loss of a single horse might be the difference between a homesteader’s success or failure. By 1876, five out of every six property crimes were horse stealing.
In a well-researched and comprehensive work, Matthew S. Luckett tells of Nebraska’s horse stealing, in Indian raids, in small-scale theft and eventually by organized rings of white men.  Among the most prominent of those thieves was Doc Middleton, whose gang stole some 5,000 horses. He was personally responsible for 2,000. Caught and sent to prison, he reformed and turned into a folk hero.
from Latest Information https://www.denverpost.com/2020/11/12/regional-books-colorados-highest-chili-peppers-and-more/
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t-baba · 4 years
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Angular 10, data grids, randomness, and checking some boxes
#494 — June 26, 2020
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JavaScript Weekly
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Lessons Learned Refactoring Optional Chaining Into a Large Codebase — Lea Verou, creator of Mavo, decided to refactor Mavo to use optional chaining (?.) and here’s some of what she discovered along the way. (As an aside, Lea was the subject of a neat 10 minute programming documentary recently – worth a watch!)
Lea Verou
A Little Bit of Plain JavaScript Can Do A Lot — For anyone more than happy to dive in and write JavaScript without dragging in an entire framework and tooling to manage it, there will be no surprises here, but this is a nice reminder otherwise. Do you always need a 'framework'? No.
Julia Evans
Creating a Voting App with Firestore and Wijmo — Learn how to build a realtime voting app quickly and easily with the Firestore database and Wijmo components. The app uses OAuth for authentication and allows users to submit and vote for ideas.
Wijmo by GrapeCity sponsor
Angular 10 Released — A major release for the popular Google-led framework, though smaller in scope than usual as Angular 9 only came out in February ;-) 10 gains a new date range picker, optional stricter settings, and an upgrade to TypeScript 3.9.
Stephen Fluin (Google)
What's Coming in TypeScript 4? — The first beta of TypeScript 4 is due any moment with a final release due in August. New bits and pieces include variadic tuple types, labelled tuples, short-cut assignment operators (e.g. ||=) and more.
Tim Perry
⚡️ Quick bytes:
Chrome 85's DevTools have gained better support for working with styles created by CSSOM APIs (such as by CSS-in-JS frameworks). There's also syntax autocompletion for optional chaining and highlighting for private fields.
There's nothing to see just yet, but NativeScript is coming to Ionic.
The creator of AlpineJS has written about how he's passed $100K/yr in income using GitHub Sponsors.
Did you know there's a Slack theme for VS Code? 😆
▶️ The JS Party podcast crew discusses how their use of JavaScript syntax evolves (or not) over time.
engineeringblogs.xyz is a new aggregator site (by us!) that brings together what 507 (so far) product and software engineering blogs are talking about. Worth a skim.
💻 Jobs
JavaScript Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join X-Team and work on projects for companies like Riot Games, FOX, Coinbase, and more. Work from anywhere.
Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.
📚 Tutorials, Opinions and Stories
ECMAScript Proposal: Private Static Methods and Accessors in Classes — Dr. Axel takes a look at another forthcoming language feature (in this case being at stage 3 and already supported by Babel and elsewhere).
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
npm v7 Series: Why Keep package-lock.json? — If npm v7 is going to support yarn.lock files, then why keep package-lock.json around as well? Isaac goes into some depth as to how yarn.lock works and why it doesn’t quite suit every npm use case.
Isaac Z. Schlueter
How to Dynamically Get All CSS Custom Properties on a Page — Some fun DOM and stylesheet wrangling on display here.
Tyler Gaw
Stream Chat API & JavaScript SDK for Custom Chat Apps — Build real-time chat in less time. Rapidly ship in-app messaging with our highly reliable chat infrastructure.
Stream sponsor
Getting Started with Oak for Building HTTP Services in Deno — A comprehensive Oak with Deno tutorial for beginners (which, I guess, we all are when it comes to Deno). Oak is essentially the most popular option for building HTTP-based apps in Deno right now.
Robin Wieruch
Understanding Generators in JavaScript — Generator functions can be paused and resumed and yield multiple values over time and were introduced in ES6/ES2015.
Tania Rascia
Build a CRUD App with Vue.js, Spring Boot, and Kotlin — It’s a fact of life that not everyone is building apps with JavaScript at every level of the stack. Sometimes.. people use Java too 🤫
Andrew Hughes
▶  Creating a Basic Implemention of 'Subway Surfers' — No modules, webpack or such-like here.. just exploring the joy of throwing a game mechanic together quickly using rough and ready JavaScript. Love it.
Shawn Beaton
Rubber Duck Debugging for JavaScript Developers — When you’re stuck with something, why not talk to a rubber duck?
Valeri Karpov
🔧 Code & Tools
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Tabulator 4.7: An Interactive Table and Data Grid Library — Supports all major browsers and can be used with Angular, Vue, and React if you wish. 4.7 is a substantial release. Among other things is a new layout mode that resizes the table container to fit the data (example).
Oli Folkerd
Tragopan: A Minimal Dependency-Free Pan/Zoom Library — Try it out here. Claims to work faster due to use of native browser scrolling for panning (left/right/up/down) and transform/scale for zooming.
Builds Run Faster on Buildkite 🏃‍♀️ — Build times <5 mins at any scale. Self-hosted agents work with all languages, source control tools & platforms.
Buildkite sponsor
React Query 2: Hooks for Fetching, Caching and Updating Async Data — React Query is well worth checking out and has extensive documentation and even its own devtools. Main repo.
Tanner Linsley
Rando.js: A Helper for Making Randomness Easier — The rando function lets you get random integers in a range, floats in a range, pick between multiple items, return a random element from an array, and more. There’s also randosequence for a more shuffle-like experience.
jinabox.js: A Customizable Omnibox for AI Powered Searching — Designed to be used with a Jina back-end. It’s all open source, but will take some digging around to understand fully.
Jina AI
MongoDB Is Easy. Now Make It Powerful. Free Download for 30 Days.
Studio 3T sponsor
IntersectionObserver Visualizer — If you’re new to using the IntersectionObserver API, this useful interactive demo might help you comprehend it a little better.
michelle barker
Polly.js 5.0: Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions
Vest: Effortless Validations Inspired by Testing Frameworks — If you’re used to unit testing, the syntax used here will be familiar.
👻 Scary Item of the Week
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Checkboxland: Render 'Anything' as HTML Checkboxes — This frivolous experiment is equal parts terrifying and impressive. It’s a JS library that displays animations, text, and arbitrary data using nothing but HTML checkboxes and, to be fair, they’ve presented it really well!
Bryan Braun
by via JavaScript Weekly https://ift.tt/3g53MDU
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Mattie The Movie Mattie: The Discovery is available now at Mattiethemovie.com Stream now and enjoy Cameron Arnett BJ Billi Arnett Brianna Hope Beaton Cynthia D Perry Jarvious Johnson Genesis Thomas Sarah Ermatinger as they portray an unforgettable story!
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sageliz-blog1 · 6 years
goodness gracious
I’ve been tagged by @solveig-gynt (thank you, lovely) but I’ve never done one of these before, so bear with me here
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag twenty people to do the same (I do NOT know twenty people. That won’t be happening)
Name: Sage
Sign: Virgo. Not sure about the rest
Alignment: Chaotic good
Native language: English and Spanish
Favourite book(s): Jane Eyre, The Goose Girl, La Ciudad de las Bestias, The Secret of Platform 13, Island of the Aunts, anything Kate Beaton, anything historical nonfiction, any anthology of folktales.
Favourite film(s): The Grand Budapest Hotel, Roman Holiday, Moonrise Kingdom, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Dead Poets Society, Legally Blonde, the Sound of Music, Mamma Mia, Bright Star, anything Monty Python
Favourite TV show(s): Call the Midwife, Parks and Recreation, the Office, Suits, Mercy Street
Favourite Broadway show(s): Les Miserables, Tuck Everlasting (100% an underrated gem), Book of Mormon, Mamma Mia
Favourite song(s): I love too many to list so here are my very very favorites : don’t worry baby & god only knows & wouldn’t it be nice- The Beach Boys, Amsterdam AND st. Valentine both by Gregory Alan isakov w/ Colorado symphony orchestra, tú sí sabes quererme- Natalia Lafourcade, Olivia- canyon city, banana pancakes- jack Johnson, dream a little dream of me- the mamas & the papas, boy- John Mark Nelson, song to woody- bob Dylan, the blue room- perry como, our house- Crosby stills Nash & young, what’ll I do- Nancy Sinatra, anything by Ella Fitzgerald, Sinatra, Brandi Carlisle, peter Paul & Mary, Paul Simon, Beethoven, Bizet, simon & Garfunkel, & so many more
Favourite artist(s): Mary Cassatt, Bouguereau, Rembrandt, da Vinci, Caravaggio, Morisot, Monet, Sisley, Rousseau, John singer Sargent, turner, Hudson River school artists, there are more I cannot think of
Rural or urban: Urban. Urban urban urban
Do you enjoy politics? Very much
Classical or romantic? romantic
Do you have a type? What/why? yes. Tall, smart and handsome. Must be a good conversationalist. Bonus points for glasses or an accent.
What are your aspirations? Writer, illustrator, anthropologist, explorer extraordinaire
What is your philosophy of life? What is done in love is done well.
Tagging: @mrbalanchine
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naturalbabydol · 5 years
Hey Darlings! On last night I had the honor to be invited by a fellow Entrepreneur, Lakeshia CEO of Two Zero One9 to attend the premiere of “MattieThe Documentary”. The premiere was held on Thursday, December 5th at 6:30PM at the Landmark’s Midtown Art Cinema located here in Atlanta. I was so excited to see the movie because I had previously watched the clip via Youtube and the plethora of mini…
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abyssopacific · 6 years
The real tragedy of Perry Beaton’s life is that she didn’t get to go to school old enough for people to make various insults based off her last name. I don’t need to finish this post. You’re already doing the work for me
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superstartvnews · 4 years
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theoneloneblogger · 5 years
Retrospective Rumours Part Six: The Holy Kingdom
Perry’s Retrospective Rumors: Part Six - The Holy Kingdom
 Note: Some of the following is a fictional and romanticized version of true accounts and should not be held to historical scrutiny.
 It’s a funny thing, devotion. those who draw their belief in the physical world find power in the certainty of this. People such as the Swedenborg and Mesmer developed the system we now know as spiritualism in the mid-17th century. The assertion therefore in the absolute divinity of a single King these days meets with that of ludicrous condemnation and disgust.  Though towards the late 19th century others like Carl Jung and Durkheim, a psychologist and sociologist respectively, laboured long to try to convince people that the world should be viewed from a purely scientific basis. For instance, such scholarship as has been seen recently as luminaries bustle for recognition against each other.
  Thomas Moore, just before his execution on grounds of treason wrote to his daughter of his reservations on the divinity of a single King. “I staunchly refuse to pledge any oath to her authority. Nor indeed to recognize the so called divine right of King Henry himself to hold the throne in such a fashion. His split from Rome is blasphemous at best and devilry at worst. As a consequence of such I must die tomorrow.  Though I consider myself innocent of the crimes of which I have been accused it is the judgment of my King and therefore God that I die upon Tower Hill. Be true to your King despite his insistence on being the supreme head of a new English Church. I love you both with all my heart.” Such were the last words of a man who looked a self-appointed God in the face and told him to go to hell.
  There are a number of the population that still do see the Royal Family as an institution of adoration even in 2018. This despite the assertion that they bring in much needed revenues in tourism having been debunked this outlook is still maintained. Brand Finance seems to recon that the Royal Family's net worth to the economy is approximately £1.155 billion in 2018.
The flow of velvet and gold created a swishing and sweeping air of authoritive tumult Thomas strode across the cell in the turret of the Tower. With a deep sigh at his impending inevitability he drew up his strength and seated himself on the stool by the slight window. Allowed to draw up a final note to his children. It was the 6th of July 1535 and Thomas Moore took up his quill and rested the parchment on the alcove before him; a little unsteadily he began to write the previous note.  
 Of course we don‘t have to worry about being decapitated if we worship the wrong deity today so that’s a bonus. August 2017 and Prince Phillip, Duke of Edenborough bowed out of public duties as he decided to end his official obligations to our crown. At 96 and sporting a bowler hat and raincoat he felt it necessary to mark the occasion by signing out at Buckingham palace to a round of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”. Interesting.
 Further this contribution is scowled upon by the anti-Royalists of the nation as it presents a disparagement between the amount it costs to maintain them. It is estimated that Sovereign Grant, security and maintenance of palaces, are netted off against sources of income including the uplift to the tourism, all generated by the Crown Estate. Basically there not worth the bother in some quarters of our great nation. This might be true. Though what would we become without our national identity? Some might say we’d be phenomenally better off. Financially speaking they’d be right.
  Even the much vaunted theories of inbreeding, treason and paedophilia are not enough to deter many from advocating a system of absolute Monarchic Meritocracy. Faith is the answer I think. Faith and hope. These two underestimated truths, excestencial or not, are the fundamental basis upon which all life is founded. We all have faith and are religious about something whether we like it or not. It is possible to be religious about not being religious for example. Very cold attitude but then the ways in which human relations within grief have evolved are cold. The other side of the equation is just as irrational as the practical. Wouldn’t it be nice to be certain of your place in life?
  Much has been written and theorised on theories of the existence of what we call the afterlife; great scholars and thinkers have scribbled late into the evening and night to illuminate the subject. While both scholars and thinkers are very much of the same mind on some topics they can be drawn into two distinct categories on others. For example, such thinkers tend to be academics of a varied sort who labour to distinguish life as a functional and distinct plain in which matter interacts with its brother and creates bigger and better matter, while doers on the other hand tend to be of a slightly different order.
  Wouldn’t it be sweet to wake up in the morning and know what you believed was right and true beyond all doubt and the variations of opinion in the world, which create so much discrepancy and argument, were a blasphemy to human thought. Your truth was the correct one and there was no variation. It would also allow the boon of always having fodder in your material bank for writing purposes. Of course we do not have to worry about being decapitated if we worship the wrong deity today so that’s a bonus, but there is still a stanch need for identifiable origins to validate our historical perspective on life. As such some are of the opinion that Royalty is needed in England today. Many are in agreement with that fact although they do concede that their income should be scrutinished and capped.  It is to be noted despite this that the man in the street do find themselves on the end of the serpent’s tooth if they are wearing last year’s wardrobe. I personally prefer looking like I stepped out of 2009 than losing my ability to throw up at the sight of today’s equivalent of Sir Moore. A title that Messer’s Trump and May have to contend with, although they seem to do it with alarming alacrity. Perhaps one’s place in life depends on one’s perspective towards it. Remembrance perpetuates through skin and bone, flowing through clan, families and home.
My name will die with the earth.
 ·         Video
 ·         The Tudors, Michael Hurst, Johnathan Rys Myers, Jeremy Northiam, Showtime, April 2007
·         The Tower Of London, UNESLO, May 24 2013
·         The World Within – CG Jung – In His Own Words, Psychology Library, Feb 1 2017
·         Sociology - Emile Durkheim, Gringa Video Audio, May 1 2015
·         The Royal Wedding Ceremony At Westminster Abby, The Royal Family, April 29 2017
·         Royal Family of the Beast, Shocking Look into the Antichrist Bloodline, John 3:16, Vid Ministry, June 3 2018
·         The Tower of London Documentary, Doc Spot, Feb 24 2018
·         Prince Phillip Carries Out Last Formal Engagement, BBC News, August 2 2017
·         End The Monarchy Now! For The Baby! Russel Brand, The Trews, Feb 10 2014
·         Crown Estate Hits Record Profits with Queen Set To Benefit, Bloomberg, 7 July 2011
·         Political Reasons Why Monarchy Is Good, Frith Mister, June 2 2017
·         Engineering Miscode Structures, With Distinct Dynamic Implications, New Journal Of Physics, December 11 2012
·         Service Charge, Beaton Edwards, January 12 2011
·         Trump and May Hold Press Conference, Sky News, July 13 2008
Indo-European Origen, CroPedroForever, August 24 2012
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Elliot: Is that my shirt
Perry, wearing a shirt that goes down to her knees: ... no
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mycomicbookplace · 6 years
About Strange Tales Vol. 2 #1 (of 3):
Marvel’s critically acclaimed indie anthology returns! The best most exciting cartoonists working today re-imagine Marvel’s greatest characters!
Written by: Nick Bertozzi, Rafael Grampa, Gene Yang, Frank Santoro, Kate Beaton, Jillian Tamaki, Shannon Wheeler, Dash Shaw, Kevin Huizenga, Jeff Lemire, Jhonen Vasquez, The Perry Bible Fellowship Illustrated by: Jose Villarrubia Targeted Age Group: Adult
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