#personal love horoscope by date of birth and time
agrotech123 · 2 years
Get 99% Accurate Horoscopes Predictions by Best Astrologer.
Get your accurate horoscope prediction chart based on the Indian Vedic astrological prediction way. that will help you make the right decisions for your growth. Get in touch with us today!
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romanarose · 3 months
Congrats again bb, and no pressure for this one if you’re overwhelmed but I think it’d be cute if we could pls see a scene (LaL) where one of them has like pre wedding jitters or something and how they deal with it
Leather and Lace
Takes place after Take Your Time but before For the Longest Time. Before Laci and Santi go through their rough patch (which don't worry to anyone who read lal but not the others, they are totally okay.) Laci and Santi are engaged.
Warnings: Insecurity, references to Laci'spast sexual trauma, addiction, domestic violence, bad life before Santi. mentions of miscarriage and potential fertility troubles,
Santi could always tell when Laci needed him. Always. Whether in person, away from each other, it didn't matter. Laci liked to say that's why he took the mission that lead him to her in the first place, he knew she needed him. Santi didn't believe in all that, but he did like that he had this intuition. Even when it woke him up.
"Ah!" Santi startles awake, eyes wide to find his pretty fiance staring at him. Lacina was propped up with her head on on her arm, just watching him, he Ghost Face night light illuminating her. "Jesus Lace, you scared me."
"Oh, so my face is scary, is it?" Laci teased with a smile.
"Nope, prettiest thing I've seen in my life" Santi pouted his lips.
Laci got the hint, leaning in to press a kiss to him.
"You aright, munaquita?"
She binked. "You really wanna marry me?"
Santi scoffed for a moment turning away to laugh, then he looked back. She was serious. "Laci, how can you ask that? We got engaged 2 weeks ago!" He pulled her onto his body. Laci was wearing shorts and a tank top with Santi's long sleeve from back in the jungle. Laci rested her head on her arms that she crossed ovr his chest. Santi liked when she laid on him, her body weight was a perfect comfort.
"No one's ever wanted to marry me before."
"That's because everyone stupid."
"What if I get bad again and we can't have sex"
"Lace, we've both made each other cum untouched."
"What if I can't have kids."
Santi's eyes widened at that. Not because having kids mattered more than her, but that she would suggest that. "Baby-"
"I might not! I miss carried when I was in-"
"Because they were starving and hurting you!"
"Well I lost my period for a year! Maybe I lost my chances!"
Santi pecked her cute little nose. "Doesn't matter. I drank so much back in the day, maybe I fucked shit up too."
"I don't think that's how it works."
"Don't matter. if we," Santi was sure to say we. He didn't want to place all the responsibility on her. "can't have kids, I still got you and that's what matters."
Laci's face scrunched up, thinking of all the reasons he may break up with her. "What if my body looks really weird after a baby"
"Then I'll love your weird body just as much as I love your body now." Which is a lot. He squeezed her ass for good measure.
"What if I go vegan"
"I'll eat meat at Frankie's house."
"What if I decide to get like, really into horoscopes. Like, a lot."
"I'll find my birth certificate and get you the exact time and place I was born."
"What if I wanna name our baby something really bad like... McBreighleigh"
Santi laughed, but answered. "Then in a few years you'll hear me yelling "Brin! It's time for pre-school"
"What if Yovanna comes back."
Santi frowned. "Wha- Lace..." He tucked a lock of her fine hair behind her large ears. Where's that coming from?
She shrugged, looking away. "I dunno..."
"Laci..." Santi gently guided her face to him. "C'mon."
Laci sighed, but looked back at him. "Ben told me you talked to her the week you found me... Why didn't you tell me that..."
Ah. "Sweetheart... I didn't mean to keep it a secret... but we don't... we don't talk about our dating past..." They didn't. They each new the basics. Santi knew that every man she dated used her for money or sex or something to take their anger out on. She didn't like talk about her long history of addiction, sexual trauma and abuse with him. She had her therapist, and Santi was there any time she needed. He knew some stories, he knew the worst of things of course. He wanted to know so he could learn how to not trigger her. He didn't know her full history. If he wanted to, she could tell him. It didn't seem like she wanted too.
Likewise with Santi, Laci knew the basics. She knew she was the first serious girlfriend he'd ever had. He'd dated, even lived with women before, but it was all pretty casual. Yovanna was the first time things had gone deeper. Santi admitted yeah, he had loved her, but she wasn't Laci. After Colombia, Santi had visited her and her brother in Austrelia, a solice for a few weeks after the horrors... but Santi needed to be near his friends. Benny's drinking and fighting was becoming unmanageable for Will alone, and Jana had broken up with Frankie, leaving him a coparent, but with a raging coke addiction. Santi had to be there for him and for his daughter. The last time Yovanna and him had talked was a few days before he found Laci. She didn't want much contact, still fearing Lorea's men and all the drug lords whose money they burned.
"She was just checking in, Lace. She doesn't want me. I don't want her."
She was silent for a moment. "I don't get it."
"Get what?"
Laci sat up straddling his chest. She squished his cheeks. "How anyone could not want you." She was smiling now, and Santi was smiling back, squeezing her thighs.
"Miss Lacina, it doesn't matter if she did want me, I got you, mi chica perfecta, ella sol de mi dias, mi todos. I don't want anything else."
"Even a woman who looks like a super model with normal sized ears and doesn't drown in a 5" pool?"
"PPPSSSHHH" Santi scoffs. "Being tall is overrated. I got the prettiest girl in the world right here."
Laci grinned at that, hopping off him and scrambled back into bed. Getting under the covers, Laci nudges him onto his side and wraps and arm around him. becoming Santi's big spoon (or his lil backpack, as Santi called it.)
"You okay now, munequita?"
He felt her nod against his neck, then give him a kiss. "yeah. Can you just like, remind me you still love me and didn't secretly get tired of me every now and then?"
"Yeah, Miss Lacina." Santiago interlaced his fingers with hers. "I'll remind you every day."
Thank you guys!!!!
This is for my 2000 followers celebration, but ima tag a few people fron the original LaL days, some of you have been here with me since before 500 followers, a year and a half ago!
For those who didn't keep up with the other series, Laci and Laci are married now, and Laci is preggo with their son <3
@pimosworld @miraclesabound @poeedameronn @itspdameronthings @bensolosbluesaber @whatthefishh @kirstydreaming @missdictatorme
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discerndiary · 8 months
Introduction to Astrology -
Astro{n} + Logos
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Definition and history
Astrology, derived from the Greek words "astron" (meaning "star") and "logos" (meaning "study"), is a time-honored discipline that explores the influence of celestial bodies on human life.
Its origins date back to ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece, where astrologers observed the cosmic patterns and their correlation with human experiences. Understanding the historical context of astrology allows us to appreciate its enduring significance in various cultures throughout the ages.
Importance of astrology in understanding human potential
Astrology offers a unique lens through which we can comprehend the intricacies of human potential. It goes beyond simple personality traits and delves into the depths of individuality, providing insights into talents, challenges, and life purpose. By studying the cosmic forces and their alignment at the moment of birth, astrology allows us to gain a deeper understanding of our inherent strengths and weaknesses, enabling personal growth and self-empowerment.
Planets: The Actors in the Cosmic Drama
Roles and characteristics of the planets
In astrology, the planets represent the key players in the celestial theater, each embodying distinctive energies and archetypal qualities. From the fiery passion of Mars to the nurturing and intuitive nature of the Moon, each planet contributes to the kaleidoscope of human experience. Understanding the core essence and symbolism of each planet equips us with a comprehensive toolkit for interpreting astrological charts and discerning their impact on personal potential.
How each planet influences different aspects of life
The influence of the planets extends across various domains of life, encompassing love, career, spirituality, and more.
For instance, Venus governs matters of love, beauty, and aesthetics, while Saturn symbolizes discipline, responsibility, and life lessons. By examining the placement and aspects of the planets in an individual's natal chart, we can unravel the tapestry of influences that shape their potential and life trajectory.
Elements, Signs, and Houses: The Building Blocks
Understanding the elements and their significance:
The four elements
... fire, earth, air, and water - form the building blocks of astrology, representing distinct energetic qualities.
Fire embodies passion, inspiration, and creativity.
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Earth signifies stability, practicality, and groundedness.
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Air symbolizes intellect, communication, and adaptability.
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Water represents emotions, intuition, and sensitivity.
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Understanding the elemental composition of a birth chart enables us to discern the fundamental strengths and challenges that shape an individual's potential.
Exploring the zodiac signs and their qualities
The zodiac signs, divided into twelve equal parts, provide further nuance to astrological interpretations. Each sign possesses its own unique qualities and characteristics, reflecting different approaches to life. For instance, Aries embodies initiative, leadership, and assertiveness, while Pisces embodies empathy, compassion, and adaptability. By understanding the qualities and traits associated with each sign, we can unravel the layers of an individual's potential and gain insight into their distinctive path.
Unveiling the astrological houses and their areas of influence
The astrological houses are twelve divisions that highlight different areas of life experience. Each house denotes a specific aspect, such as relationships, career, health, or personal identity. Understanding the houses allows us to pinpoint the specific arenas where an individual's potential is expressed and where challenges may arise. By analyzing the interplay between planets, signs, and houses, we can create a comprehensive picture of an individual's potential and the dynamics at play in their life.
Synthesizing the Cosmic Blueprint: Natal Horoscope Interpretation
Reading and interpreting a natal horoscope chart
The natal horoscope, also known as the birth chart, is a graphical representation of the cosmic energies present at the time of an individual's birth. It provides a blueprint of their potential, highlighting key planetary positions, aspects, and house placements. By analyzing the symbols and patterns within the birth chart, we can unravel the unique story encoded in the heavens and gain a profound understanding of an individual's potential.
Identifying planetary aspects and their impact on personal potential
Planetary aspects refer to the geometrical relationships formed between planets in a birth chart. These aspects reveal the energetic interplay and dynamics between different planetary forces. For example, a harmonious aspect between Venus and Mars may signify a harmonious blend of love and passion, while a challenging aspect between Saturn and Uranus may indicate a tension between stability and change. Understanding the planetary aspects allows us to grasp the intricacies of an individual's potential and the challenges they may encounter on their life journey.
Analyzing the interplay between planets, signs, and houses
The true power of astrology lies in the synthesis of various elements within a birth chart. By examining the interplay between planets, signs, and houses, we can decipher the intricate dance of energies that shape an individual's potential. For example, a person with a strong Mars placement in the sign of Aries in the tenth house may possess great drive and ambition in their career, while someone with a prominent Venus in the sign of Libra in the seventh house may excel in cultivating harmonious and balanced relationships. By analyzing these interconnections, we gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual's potential and the unique tapestry of influences that shape their life path,
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genesiswrld · 5 months
whew, it's been a while, haha! college has been whooping me and it has a heavy ass hand this semester! anyhow, it's mostly a projection/comfort headcanon because i am in the same boat to him, but i always headcanoned that liu kang doesn't know his actual birthday due to being an orphan. it never mattered much to him because he's just content to be aware of his own growth as a person, but it's really difficult to walk around in the world sometimes with no known birthday (especially when you are asked your age, which you also have no way of knowing outside of comparing your physical development checkmarks with the ones of those around you). i like to imagine that kung lao asked him about it once and then (with all of his confidence) decided to just declare a random day was liu kang's birthday so that they could celebrate, but sometimes the date shifts around because both of them are so preoccupied that they forget the day and only remember "it was during this season." also liu kang and kung lao debating who is older and liu kang smugly goes "i hit my growthspurt first so i am your elder!" i think it would be cute and fun to throw a surprise birthday party for him, especially in the new era where he thinks that it no longer matters after how long he's been alive. i am not much of a horoscopes person and i don't know if you are, but if you have any headcanons about what you think his birthday should be, i'd love to hear! i hope you have a nice day! -🎐
Awww anon, this headcanon is cute af, it’s so wholesome and sad at the same time. Poor baby doesn’t know when his birthday is😭 I like it a lot and I think it makes a lot of sense tbh with him being an orphan and all. I feel like since he didn’t know his parents that it’s very likely he never found out (unless he was able to get his hands on his birth certificate lol).
I’m not too big on horoscopes myself, but I am a virgo and he radiates virgo energy. I don’t know what day, but obviously it has to be through August 23-September 22. I wanna say he was born in September (cuz I was and I literally have no other valid reason for him to lol)
In conclusion, Liu Kang is a virgo because I said so.
Thank you for sharing your headcanon with me anon and I hope you have a good night/day as well☺️❤️
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berenicetheiv · 2 years
Of course I named it after ME, I have the rights 😌📝! I deserve to, I came up with it 🗣️. Just like how Bob Marks named the Marks astro chart after him and George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. named the Ferris wheel after himself because THEY came up with those.
Need explanation for the name? Harmonic + Bere (me) = Harbere! It's like Cranberry. I know, it sounds so good.
The initial not really fleshed out post.
The Harbere method is something I randomly thought of for readings and getting questions answered. You know like when you get tarot readings to get your questions answered by shuffling the cards. There is actually a method for readings/questions in astrology and it's called Horary. Basically, you think of a question and write down the exact time you thought of that question and calculate the chart for it. But I thought, what if I had multiple questions I thought of at the same time, same minute, same second, especially if they're all extremely related?
Now I'm not trying to get hated on by anyone so if you think it's obnoxious and unnecessary for a teen to come up with uhh, this, then just go away silently please. No need to comment anything negative lol. It's just an experiment that so happens to work for me personally so of course I use it. And I wanted to share it so others can experiment with it as well. And see if it is really reliable. You know, how experiments and research works. Trying to make sense and prove a theory.
Now, first off. What's a harmonic chart in astrology? It's when a chart is divided by a number you pick. In theory, it can be any number, infinite, but I haven't seen any sites having that option. There's always a digit limit. Anyways, the numbers mostly used in calculating harmonic charts is from 2 to 12. What about number 1? Well, the 1st harmonic chart is literally just THE normal chart. Remember that. Also, probably the most popular harmonic used is the 9th harmonic chart because it's use for love readings and all. It's not a popular method (in Tropical/Wester astrology anyway, it's always used in Vedic). Harmonic astrology's still a bit under researched and being experimented on and studied by others so you can try interpreting them however you want. If you want to learn more about it and how they can be calculated manually (you don't have to, I'm telling you- it's a long tiring process, thank goodness for computers) just look up "astrology harmonic chart" in google or whatever since that's not really the focus of this post.
It's better to learn and at the very least, know what harmonic charts are since it's a huge part of what this method is.
Now, I just thought, why not try using harmonic charts for readings and questions then? And it's like the tarot cards but instead, I'm gonna use harmonic charts! There's literally an infinite amount of them, too. And now, here's the tutorial:
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Go to astro.com. Sign up in there if you still haven't already. Choose whatever date and time you want, there's no rules, it can be a random date, an important day, a special day, whatever. The place of reference can also be whatever. It's up to you.
Register your chosen date in the birth data entry and click continue:
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Go to extended chart selection under free horoscopes and horoscope drawings & data:
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Change "horoscope for" to your chosen date. Then change the chart type to "Harmonic chart (please enter harmonic number in day field). Just scroll down.
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Now go to a number generator site like this. Or just google "number generator" and google's free number generator will appear (image below). Remember to change the min number to 1 and max number to 99999 (or any number below that- but not above 99999).
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Why is 99999 the limit you ask? Well, in astro.com, the harmonic number is typed in the day field, yeah? Thing is, there's a digit/character limit that can be typed in there. And the limit is 5 digit.
But I said harmonic can be infinite, right? Well, there's no free astrology site that does that. Astro.com is the only one with the highest harmonic number option available. In astro-seek.com, their harmonic chart calculator is only up to 360. So if you really want to pass the 99999 limit, you either buy an astrology software (they're really expensive) or you try calculating them by hand. This is what's available and I don't know about you but 99999 is already a lot.
Anyways, you click generate in the number generator and the number that appears- that's the number you type in the day field in astro.com.
For example, I have a question and my question is- What will happen on my next birthday? 🤔. I use the number generator like I said and the number that appears is... 88478! I type it in the day field and click show the chart.
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And voila! Here's the answer to my question, now all I need to do is interpret it duh.
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Extra: If your question is serious and complicated and you want more very specifc details or just if you think that the major planets are not enough for your interpretation, you can always add additional objects (asteroids, comets, fixed stars, etc). Right here:
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For example, your question has something to do with your future spouse like "What will my future spouse be like?".
You can add Lilith, asteroids like Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Juno, Eros, Psyche, etc. There's sooo much more. It's all really up to you. Like have fun with this! Go crazy, go stupid. Yaaay!!!!
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That is all ☺️, thank you so much for reading 💕. Hope you guys like it, have fun with this lil experiment. Try it out please and let me know when you do, call me haha 🤙🤭. My mind goes wherever sometimes, sorry. Be kind!
It's a good delicious name, I better not see anyone judging it 🤨❤️.
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karmaastroapp · 3 months
Astrology App for Career Issues Solution
Astrology has answers to every question that you might have in your mind. From birth to death, every event of our life is influenced by astrology, and a good astrologer has the capability to find causes of our problems and provide solutions of those problems through Kundali analysis. If you also have such complexities in life that you find difficult to overcome, then take a step towards astrology. Now, you can take astrological help right from your home through an astrology app.
Yes, by downloading a good astrology app, you can wrap your life up astrologically and get solutions to every issue your life is entangled around. Questions like can my career be predicted through an astrology app? Or Will I be placed in a government job? Or any other career related prediction can be done through astrology and horoscope apps. All you need to know is which app is good enough to rely on for taking answers to these important questions of your career and life.
In this article, we’ll guide you towards such an astrology app, and will share how it can help you in the best possible way.
Why Are Astrology Apps Gaining Popularity? 
For demonstrating the exceptional ability of sharing insightful information on various aspects of our life like marriage, career, family, relationship, love life etc., people in high numbers are downloading these apps on their devices. Having an astrology app means you have a personal astrologer by your side 24x 7 hours. Just put in the details required and get the answer of any puzzling question which is buzzing in your mind.
How can a career can be predicted through an astrology app? 
As said earlier, astrology can predict every concern related to one’s career. From predicting career prospects to reason for failures in career, it highlights from causes to solutions from a career point of view. When you have an astrology app with you, this career prediction becomes simpler and faster than ever. To do so, you need to put in your birth information like date, time, location in the app and it creates the birth chart on the screen. 
This birth chart would act as a personalised celestial bodies’ position narrating a map featuring insights for one’s career path, strengths and weaknesses with inherent qualities. It emphasises on the position of Moon, Sun along with other ruling planets of the native in different houses of Kundali and based on them, the career prediction happens. The adequate interpretation of these planetary positions in different houses of Kundali, the good astrologer gives accurate predictions around one's career. If you are also not receiving outcomes as expected from your career, then an astrology app might help you.
Which App is Best for Career or Job Predictions?
Whether you are looking for astrological consultation for your career, or job predictions or any other life’s concern, Karma astro App is the best app of the time to trust on. By providing quick astrological help through easy navigation, this app is rapidly gaining popularity among masses. Although this is not an old app, with accurate astrological consultation and outstanding outcomes, people across the world are connecting to this astrology app and taking benefits from day one. For career prediction, the Karma Astro App delves deep into the birth chart of the native and accordingly offers insightful guidance for their professional trajectories. By examining the placement of planets and horoscopic houses which are relevant to the career and profession of the native, the app provides personalised insights which are exclusive to the native’s unique birth chart configurations. Additionally, the app suggests practical astrological remedies that are aimed at enhancing career prospects, such as wearing specific gemstones or performing rituals. Overall, Karma Astro App stands out as a valuable tool for individuals who are seeking career consultation with astrological remedies for their career boost.
Get solutions for all your Career Problems - 
Karma Astro App is the best Career Prediction App that helps individuals to access comprehensive solutions for their career problems with ease. Based on Vedic astrology and core horoscopic analysis, this app has become a leading tool helping people to shape their lives and get rid of their career issues. One of the key features of this Vedic Astrology App is the option to generate an online report for right career selection. Through this report, you can gain valuable insights into your inherent talents, strengths, and potential career paths based on the positioning of celestial bodies in your Kundali. By analysing the placement of the Sun, Moon, and ruling planets in relevant astrological houses, it gives recommendations for careers that align with the native’s natural abilities and inclinations.
Conclusion – 
So, using an astrology app, you can shape up your career by eradicating all possible obstacles in your career and choosing the right path for success. Knowing the exact causes of your failure and the ways to overcome those failures with astrological remedies, you can grow yourself professionally and become successful in your life.
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notesbynataly · 3 months
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Just a friendly reminder to not forget this lunar eclipse, full moon in Libra ♎ while in the season of Aries ♈ ...
Do not forget to do away with what no longer serves you, relationships that no longer serve you, and beliefs or thoughts that are detrimental to your spiritual journey.
Don't forget to be grateful and appreciative of all the gifts the Universe, God, your creator has given you and will continue to give to you. Focus less on manifesting as we are approaching Mercury Retrograde, but rather take the time for self care and self love, reflection and introspection, appreciation, and being mindful of fairness, beauty, your outer and inner relationships, and love.
One tool I find essential in finding out what I need to be additionally focusing on while in a transit is the Astro Seek Transit Calculator.
For this transit, put in your birth chart information, then find in the outermost ring of the circle the moon and Libra ♎ symbols, where do they fall in the Houses? This should be the focus of your (casual, this time at least) efforts.
Remember, it's important to use something like this on Astro Seek ^^ because the sources online tend to focus on a different House than the one that is personally affecting you. Also, on the subject of horoscopes ... your sun sign is your outward expression and personality and it changes on the month, your rising/ascendant is more accurate for a horoscope because it depends on the time of birth in just a few hours time -- the moon sign is also a better indicator of horoscope than the sun sign because it is the most accurate representation of your real, innermost, subconscious self.
⭐ do ritual baths
⭐ do divination
⭐ do self care and self love, be the love you wish to receive from others
⭐ do be introspective and reflective, especially regarding relationships
⭐ do use something like Astro Seek to see what House is influenced right now and needs your focus
⭐ do NOT do heavy manifesting
⭐ do NOT make any contracts literal or metaphoric without extreme clarity of mind and definite assurance of its success or positivity
⭐ do NOT be overly judgemental, negative, desperate, or any kind of emotion or energy you do not wish to bring with you in manifestation later
⭐ this is the time for karmic consequences and karmic reward, what will it be and what will you unintentionally manifest in the coming future? (Remember, do NOT deeply manifest. The goal is effortless actionable efforts, things we can DO toward our goals NOT what we can mentally manifest or will into existence. Doing so now may have dire consequences later.)
Much love from the Abyss !!! 🌝🌛
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astrorakesh1726 · 6 months
What is astrology?
Astrology is a belief system that suggests a relationship between the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, and events on Earth, including human life and personality. It is an ancient practice that has been observed in various forms across different cultures throughout history.
The fundamental concept in astrology is that the positions of celestial bodies at the time of a person's birth can influence their character, behavior, and destiny. The most commonly known form of astrology is horoscopic astrology, which involves creating a horoscope or natal chart based on the exact time, date, and place of a person's birth. This chart is then used to interpret the positions of the sun, moon, planets, and other astrological points in relation to the zodiacal constellations.
The zodiac, a band of the sky divided into twelve equal parts, each named after a specific constellation, is a key component of astrology. The twelve signs of the zodiac are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Astrologers believe that the positions of celestial bodies within these signs can provide insights into various aspects of an individual's life, such as love, career, and health.
It's important to note that astrology is considered a pseudoscience by the scientific community because its principles and predictions lack empirical support. While some people find personal meaning and enjoyment in astrology, its interpretations and predictions are not based on scientific evidence and should be approached with a critical mindset.
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harmonyhealinghub · 10 months
Psychic Readings and How to Conduct One
Shaina Tranquilino
September 7, 2023
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Human curiosity has always been fascinated by the unknown, especially when it comes to exploring the depths of our consciousness and seeking guidance from unseen realms. Psychic readings have emerged as a popular way for individuals to tap into their intuition and gain insights into various aspects of life. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of psychic readings, explore different methods, and provide you with valuable tips on conducting your very own psychic reading.
Understanding Psychic Readings:
Psychic readings are ancient practices that involve connecting with energies beyond the physical realm in order to gather information about individuals or events. These readings can offer guidance, clarity, and introspection into personal matters such as love, career, health, and spirituality. While some psychics claim to possess supernatural abilities, others believe that everyone has inherent intuitive capabilities which can be developed through practice.
Methods of Psychic Reading:
1. Tarot Cards:
Tarot cards are one of the most widely recognized tools used in psychic readings. Each card represents different archetypes and interpretations that can guide readers toward understanding present situations or potential future outcomes. A tarot reading typically involves shuffling the deck while focusing on a question or area of concern before choosing cards for interpretation.
2. Palmistry:
Palmistry is an ancient art that analyzes the lines, shapes, and patterns on an individual's palm to reveal personality traits, talents, and potential life paths. By examining these unique features along with other characteristics like finger length and skin texture, palm readers can offer insights about one's past experiences and possible future scenarios.
3. Astrology:
Astrology studies celestial positions at the time of an individual's birth to predict personality traits, compatibility with others, career prospects, and even major life events. Horoscope charts created using specific date, time, and location details serve as blueprints for astrologers to interpret and provide guidance based on the positions of celestial bodies.
Conducting Your Own Psychic Reading:
1. Set the Stage:
Create a calm and peaceful environment free from distractions. Light candles, play soft music, or burn incense to enhance focus and relaxation. It's essential to be in a receptive state of mind for accurate insights.
2. Meditate:
Begin your session by meditating for a few minutes to clear your mind and center yourself. This will heighten your intuition and allow you to connect with your inner self, preparing you for the reading ahead.
3. Focus on an Intention or Question:
Determine the purpose of your psychic reading by setting a specific intention or asking a question that requires deeper insight. Concentrate on this intention throughout the process as it guides your energies towards relevant information.
4. Trust Your Intuition:
Whether using tarot cards, palmistry, or any other method, trust your instincts when interpreting symbols, patterns, or impressions received during the reading process. Avoid overthinking and let intuitive feelings guide you towards meaningful interpretations.
5. Document Your Experience:
Keep a journal handy to record observations, thoughts, and any significant findings during your psychic reading session. This helps establish patterns over time and allows for reflection on how accurately the readings align with real-life situations.
Psychic readings provide individuals with a unique opportunity to explore their own intuition while seeking answers from unseen forces beyond ordinary perception. By understanding different methods such as tarot cards, palmistry, astrology, among others, you can embark on an enlightening journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Remember to approach psychic readings with an open mind and embrace them as valuable tools for gaining insights into life's mysteries.
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astrobaba1996 · 11 months
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Astrology during pregnancy is a joyful journey filled with hopes for a happy and healthy baby. However, there are some celestial influences in the Pregnancy Astrology community that could be detrimental.
Birth Delay in Chennai Due to Astrology
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answering the entire selfship ask meme for hugo due to sunday blues, please excuse me.
cw: everything. nsft.
forgot the link to the original lol
How well does your F/O know you? How well do you feel you know them?
he knows me better than i know myself! it's his job, after all. of course, out of character, i know a lot about him and i have very strong opinions and headcanons, but in character, he is a very mysterious presence whose primary feature is just... an overwhelming sense of authority and control.
Were there any traits or things about your F/O that you didn’t know about until after you got together?
the fact he keeps captives for his unethical experiments and that i caught his fancy as exactly that? i guess that's the big one :')
Have you influenced each other’s hobbies/interests? Do you feel you’ve “rubbed off” on each other’s personalities?
yes, most definitely.
almost all of my f/os are middle aged men, and i apparently love lots of media enjoyed by old men (especially music), so i do like to imagine that we can learn to appreciate those things together. hugo is generally a very stereotypical Well Read Villain who will reference the classics and go to the opera so i guess i would do that with him! i did study classical music, so i could keep up relatively okay
(i would be nonthreatening to his own inflated ego and belief in his own intellect, because while i can keep up with his conversations okay or at least give off that impression, i'm naive and inexperienced in ways that he can easily take advantage of, the same way most undergrads don't write groundbreaking papers because they just dont have enough context of the world at that point. he may find it tiresome to need to stroke my ego so much to gain my affection, but he'll be very excited to undo that part of my psyche, erase all that knowledge and education from my head until i can't think a word he doesn't tell me.)
i think that hugo would be interested in my fascination with and production of erotic art because it would be very relevant to my 'treatment', and it is after all such a window into the libidinal psyche, albeit perhaps an obvious one.
in some verses, i am his college student and i become very enamoured with his theories and trying to butter him up in my papers. he loves it because he loves the sound of his own voice, and i love it because he gives me headpats for being such an attentive student (metaphorically and perhaps literally too).
Does your F/O believe in astrology? Bonus: what does your astrology compatibility say about you and your F/Os signs?
no he thinks it's bullshit lol
i think like, he doesn't really like to leave anything to fate? he wants to seize his own fate and force everyone else to yield to him.
i am aries and he is a scorpio (not canon, i made it up a while back based on glancing at a horoscope stereotype cheatsheet lol. i do want to settle on a birth date so i can celebrate his birthday :') )
this is, according to google, the road towards a 'passionate and aggressive' relationship. the scorpio is usually the more low-key and introspective one whereas the aries is super emotional and fiery so they kind of balance each other out. i do think astrology is bullshit but i do fit the aries stereotypes so well and i would absolutely fucking LOVE to let him tame me.
How casual is the relationship? Has much changed since you got together?
hugo would never really call it a 'relationship' because it's really more like owning a sex doll. so, of course, he would sleep around if he gets a chance, but it's pretty much guaranteed that i am his one and only because he is a fucking freak lol. no one wants to spend much time around him. i do think, though, that earlier into my conditioning he would assure me of his loyalty in order to gain my trust.
Did you leave a good first impression on each other? What were your initial thoughts on each other?
on our first meeting i would find him beguiling, intimidating, and pompous in a way i wish wasn't so sexy and authoritative. i would get bad vibes immediately but i would ignore them because he is so attractive and because i find his thoughts on the world so interesting.
he would probably approach me at first from a professional relationship standpoint (usually he is my therapist, boss [either as a criminal, or perhaps i could be the personal assistant for his therapy clinic], professor, sug4r daddy... it always starts off professional), just another distraction with symptoms to manage... until he figures out that i am attracted to him (it's not going to be hard for him to tell), and then the cogs would be turning on how to take advantage of that and make me hang off his every word.
Would you ever move in with your F/O? If you already live with them, who suggested the idea of living together? Does one person’s interests dominate another’s in the shared living space, or are they about equally represented?
oh, i don't get a choice in that :)
What would the ideal future with your F/O look like?
my needs are simple. i just wanna live in his basement, mindbroken and dead to the world and barely human, and get taken care of and fucked.
Is there anything you’ve wanted to tell your F/O, but haven’t been able to for some reason?
i have never actually written out a love confession to him because i get sooooo embarrassed thinking about it i just wanna bury my head in my hands. i know he would be so manipulative and incisive about it. we would do that fanfic thing where i would try to avoid his gaze and he would tilt my chin and force me to look at him while i tell him how badly i want him to fix my broken brain so i can obey his every word, but i also just hope he'll kiss me sometimes.
and i want him to call me a poor pathetic thing and embrace me with open arms and promise that he will make that my destiny because i am such a good and compliant patient, and i deserve to be self-actualised.
of course, he could also just inject me with enough sodium pentothal or drop me deep so that i couldn't even hope to be embarrassed about it.
side note: one of my favourite tropes in hugo narratives is when he uses weapons from his 'therapy toolbox' on his enemies. he does use drugs occasionally for guarded patients, to help them become more sleepy and compliant and trusting uninhibited when talking.
What sorts of things do you like doing together? Have either of you picked up any new hobbies because of each other?
hugo is not really a hobbies person. he would probably not need to commit crimes against humanity if he just took up crochet (or even... regular, consensual bdsm). but he wouldn't be hugo if he did that!
so, of course, our shared hobby is to plumb the depths of my psyche and remodel it in his image. it's a mutual activity - it's so mutual that he has to make it more of a challenge for himself, so of course i would be first in line for all the radical therapeutic techniques he's developing, the side projects and the idle fascinations. im not the most useful subject for figuring out the effectiveness of a method, because of course i am so very desperate to please him, even before all of the brainwashing. these aren't useful field notes, these are... extracurricular projects, and i am the most malleable and fun to watch because being his subject is so arousing to me. it's fun to bend my personality and beliefs in all sorts of weird directions through such a dizzying amount of psychological manipulation and torture so he can see just how much he can scramble my brain like an egg.
but, i also think he enjoys wining and dining his fuckdoll, visiting social gatherings, letting me be his arm candy. making me act like a person with my own agency and intelligence while i am of course anything but and everything i do and say is only because he has allowed me to.
What’s an often overlooked or unknown trait about your F/O that you adore? What’s your special trait that they love?
he has an amazing sense of style!!! he's so like... old school in a lot of his fashion choices. a well tailored, subtly patterned three-piece suits him so well and i would be constantly complimentary of his outfits while i still had the right to speak.
he would be so excited to have someone so sexually maladapted in his clutches, someone who takes such great pleasure in psychiatric methods he very much intended to be painful. it disgusts and tempts him all at once, because while he has the impulse to erase the pathology entirely in his pursuit of the psychological norm he knows he can never exemplify himself, it also means he can do anything to me and i will ask him for more.
Would you trust your F/O for a trust fall? Could they trust you to catch them?
in either case, i wouldn't have a choice. i have to trust him, and he has ensured i will never betray him.
How much do you tell each other? Are you the type of couple that doesn’t keep secrets from each other, or do you value your privacy?
if he ever felt i wasn't telling the truth he would drug or hypnotise me until i was. eventually it becomes reflex to automatically answer him with the first answer that comes into my head. no filter, no repression. there's no psychic defences left.
he keeps lots of secrets from me, because there's plenty i don't need to know, but he also likes to confide in me the way you would confide in a rubber duck to fix a bug in your coding. there is no expectation of any response, he just likes to monologue and seethe aloud because he is a very stereotypical supervillain.
Does your F/O show you a side of themselves that nobody else gets to see?
i get to see the raw desire and anger behind the cold facade. he would take everything out on me and it would be so fucking hot knowing that im that disinhibiting for him, it's just that sexy for him to have a perfectly compliant object upon which to exact his will.
What would the ideal dream date be for you? What would be your F/O’s ideal dream date?
i would love to travel with him... occupy liminal spaces with him... go on a red eye flight with him and be programmed through headphones in my sleep while the other passengers surround us having no idea what is happening to my mind. he will stroke my leg occasionally, perhaps even stealthily play with me as i sleep with the tray tables down so no one can see...
hugo doesn't bother himself with dream dates. if he wants it, he will make it happen, one way or another.
Do you have an open or closed relationship?
open by necessity of what i am to him, which is an object. it's not like sex toys get jealous.
i think he would fuck some of the other rogues and perhaps even invite a trusted rogue to take advantage of me alongside him, or as a gift to their ongoing collaboration. when he fucks other rogues, it's kind of a whole different thing. it's like he gets to spar with them, because they're more on an equal level, and then i get to be his punching bag, unresponsive. the drives that each satisfy are different, so it doesn't feel unfaithful for either of us.
Is marriage in the cards for you, or do you prefer not to get married? If you’re already married, who proposed, and what was the wedding like?
it is more convenient for him if i am scrubbed from all government databases so no one will look for me or confirm my existence. why add another paper trail?
Would you and your F/O be interested in starting a family?
family stuff makes me SOOOO uncomfortable. we would never ever ever have kids, whether through procreating or adopting, and thats my final answer for absolutely all of my f/os. it is very uncomfortable to me to even have to acknowledge my f/os who have canonical children LOL, and i would be completely uninvolved in their upbringing because i'm not there for that!
hugo does have a biological son, but i'm not sure if that was only in new 52 canon because afaik he's only ever come up in one comic arc. i dont know if we ever find out who carried him. i personally much prefer hugo as childless, because his real children are his experimental subjects. he doesn't need family in a traditional sense, he has so much better.
i've always thought of frankenstein and the monster as having a deeply homoerotic but also deeply paternal relationship, and it would be like that with me and hugo. and it's like that with him and most of his subjects, really, but im extra special because he fucks me on the daily 🥰
a pretty early call will be to get rid of my uterus so he can [censored things that are most definitely not safe for this site]. luckily, he is a skilled surgeon and will do it himself, right in his own home. he would ONE HUNDRED PERCENT be weird about 'breeding' though, and incorporate it into his dirty talk, even after there's no chance of pregnancy happening.
What is the pet policy in the relationship? Is one of you a cat person while the other is a dog person? Are either of you allergic or disinterested in animals altogether?
as above, i do not like this. i think in both cases of having kids or having pets with my evil fucked up f/os, i do not like involving 'innocents' in my fantasies, even if they are just on the periphery. wayyyyy too close to my own trauma lol
What is your love language? What is your F/O’s love language?
i don't really think 'love languages' are real lol, and hugo is definitely soooo averse to touchy-feely pop psychology (and just regular relationship psychology too). he is an old-school psychoanalyst who prefers to find fault in the individual - it's much easier to convince them he's right that way.
but, i mean. he loves power play. so i guess his is acts of service ;) he wants to be served and worshipped like a god.
and mine is i guess physical touch and words of affirmation. i would be SO easy to operantly condition!!!
Do you celebrate anniversaries? If yes, how so?
i think that he would actually encourage me in the early stages of my captivity to keep a tally on the wall of the days as they pass. it's to give me false hope that i might one day be released - that he is just doing this for my own good, and right now i just need to endure and take my treatment so that i can get better.
both when i begin (because this in itself means i am amenable to his suggestions, even now knowing the truth about him) and when i inevitably become too brainfucked to remember to do this every day, or i just lose track of time too badly, it's a great indicator for him that it's time move to a deeper stage of conditioning.
Who is more likely to borrow the other’s clothing? Can either of you fit into each other’s sizes?
i would borrow his, he would not borrow mine. i like to dress smart, but i think he would still find my wardrobe too casual and cheap. i don't exactly have the budget for a million tailored suits and he would probably love to throw it all out and buy me a whole new wardrobe that he finds me sexy in.
his live action actor and i are around the same height so i have a chance of fitting his suits <3 i would love him to put one of his nice longcoats on me as i fall asleep somewhere unusual.
What does your F/O smell like?
expensive cologne with floral notes, tea, and a faint scent of labs and hospitals - the disinfectant they use, presumably. none of the scents are overwhelming, but they are comforting.
if he is physically, uh, exerting, i think his sweat would smell really good in that pheromonal way. so would other fluids.
How much of a pushover is your F/O for you? Would you say that your F/O could get away with murder with you?
oh he is unyielding. if i beg him for something, he would only give in if that's what he wanted to do in the first place. i don't ever get what i want unless i have been told to want it in the first place (and sometimes not even that... oh he would be soooo cruel) and it is wonderful.
Have you shared a bed before? What is sleeping with them like?
one persistent fantasy is lying in the same bed as him with a sleep mask and headphones to remind me of my role. him lazily playing with me as his voice plays in my ears on a loop reminding me to relax into it and that i am just an empty object awaiting commands. then he can also monitor if i am having any bad reactions or if im resisting too much for his liking, so he can ramp up the positive reinforcement.
How do you tell each other “I love you” without using those three words?
he would say things like "you are such a good subject" and "you are safe with me" and "this is for your own good".
and i would say things like "thank you for curing me, professor" and " "i feel much better like this" and "i obey". (god, im so cringe and tropey :'))
How sentimental is your F/O? Do they keep every little gift you give them? Do they carry your picture around with them?
he's very much like 'oh i am past the NEED for sentimental objects, everything i have is something i need' and then he so fucking isn't. he cannot keep much evidence to tie me to him, of course, so this limits his options in terms of objects he can keep. i am certain he likes to pore over the patient notes he made of me, possibly one-handed, thinking about how thoroughly he has broken me. it's like i died, but i became something better, and that is so hot to him.
How open are you both about your relationship? Is PDA allowed?
the start of our relationship is necessarily clandestine, because we are typically never supposed to be intimate... hugo's therapy office is soundproofed and keeps a strict 'do not arrive early for your appointment' policy, ostensibly to help encourage free flowing talk, but it comes very much in handy for fucking me as part of my appointments. or if i'm his student, he has to be very cold and critical to me during class until i come to his office for a little after-hours tuition. it's fun, it's a little bit of push and pull and rivalry kind of like hill and west from r3-animator, because it only adds to the sexual tension when he gets to fuck my brains out and tell me he likes me better that way.
when we can be open, as stated, he likes to play with me as though i'm there by choice. brief diversions for my caged personality to try occupying the harsher, subdued form he has carved out for me. it's fun to have him lead me with an arm around me and introduce me to his colleagues and friends while, when we have a moment alone, he is tweaking different aspects of my performance or praising me for imitating personhood so well. giving me a kiss on the cheek as a reward, or pushing one of the covert pleasure triggers he installed in me (perhaps intertwining our hands a certain way, stroking my cheekbone or simply whispering a particular trigger phrase in my ear).
Have you met your F/O’s family? Have they met yours? If not, is that something either of you are interested in?
hugo is typically depicted as an orphan, or if his parents are alive they are SHIT, so... nope.
my self insert is usually disconnected or has a found family. i would be way too nervous to explain such an unorthodox relationship to my family! so i just wouldn't, and he'd disappear me and it would make it even easier to turn into an unsolved disappearance because there would be no evidence of his involvement with me. he is very thorough and very well-connected.
Have you met your F/O’s friends? Have they met yours? If not, is that something either of you are interested in?
oh hell yeah i want to meet the other rogues. but i imagine hugo gets into lots of beef, having lorded over and tortured so many of them at 4rkham. so perhaps i can be used as his olive branch, a needy set of holes for the evil and sexually repressed, as well as a thinly veiled threat that he could have permanently mindbroken them the way he did to me if he wanted to, but he didn't, so maybe they should be grateful for the mercies he afforded them in their 'treatment'.
What is a go-to gift that your F/O knows will never fail to make you smile? What are your go-to gifts for them?
i-i don't think i can post the real answer on tumblr.................................
obviously the best gift i can give him is my devotion. i also just would not have any financial freedom to buy him anything, unless we're talking specifically the sugar d4ting au lol. but i'm sure he would appreciate handmade tokens of my affection. i could write him page after page of my own brainwashing mantras just to really nail the neural pathways down.
i'm not much of a cook, especially when it comes to the fanciful foods of the performatively affluent, but i'm sure i could be taught, and i brew very good tea. i could probably make some good blend recommendations, and that may be something he would keep close to his heart by the time he's broken me down completely. a keepsake of something that is no longer a part of me.
What is your F/O’s sexuality?
a thing that will forever make me salty is people who somehow look at this man and decide he is straight. he is SO queercoded it is unreal. (to be clear, this is a personal bugbear, you can headcanon him however you want!!)
so, i do think that hugo is mlm, and primarily attracted to masculine people. in many iterations, he is often closeted and attempting to date women, and i think some versions are definitely on the spectrum of bi or pan. i believe that i would be a nice midpoint for him. he would enjoy my androgyny because of the fact he can play around with societal restrictions and really just use me to play out all his own psychodramas around gender and sexuality. it is very useful to him that i don't have to have all that baggage, that i can just be an 'it', and that objects don't mind how they're presented, they can simply be dressed up like store mannequins.
of course, kink-wise, he is just. completely off the rails, the cruelest most fucked up sadist in the world who gets off to torturing me in every way imaginable, but if you've read this far you already know that
Does your F/O fit your usual “type”, or did your attraction to them come out of no where?
hugo is literally the epitome of my type. there is not a character that speaks to my sexuality as well as he does. i don't know if there will ever be one as strong as him. i guess probably in the sense that i needed different things from my previous character obsessions, i will one day 'outgrow' him. but right now it feels wonderful to spend hours a day imagining what it's like to be his dollthing.
Does your F/O feel safe you be vulnerable around you? Do you feel comfortable doing the same around them?
ohhhh yes. this is kind of the whole crux of our relationship. i know very little about him, he is very guarded, but as he peels back my psyche and strips it of its own free will, he will get more comfortable with revealing parts of himself he doesn't to others. his morbid sense of humour (i'm thinking about him cracking jokes while he is doing open brain surgery on an unresponsive ed), his fury, his lustful impulses, his doubts, the things that really get him off to have me do. it is all very personal and i will not remember a thing, because he cannot possibly be vulnerable to another person. he only knows how to break down their defences, and to craft very formalised kinds of vulnerability, to help his clients know in a comforting sense that they are not alone.
How much faith does your F/O have in your relationship? Is jealousy ever an issue?
i think hugo would be initially concerned about revealing what i am to others. not because he is particularly attached to me specifically, but just because he put a lot of love and work into my creation. my brainwashing is truly a labour of love and it reveals a lot about him, perhaps more than it reveals about me. i am perfectly catered to his every desire. so... i guess then it would add a little friction to those exchanges, to those who know precisely why i am there.
when he uses my body to help appease another sick twisted villain (not even supervillains, but think a high-ranking official he wants on his side, which i think is the more likely thing with hugo - pretending im a professional there of my own will, and he's willing to splurge on all the bells and whistles to grease the wheels of a power deal), he likes to remind me afterwards that i'm his. he has no need to claim me roughly. he would give me some aftercare, and reinforce my conditioning that night to remind me that i only ever service others in order to service him better.
Are you your F/O’s first relationship? Are they yours? How much experience do you both have?
mat always sleeps around, but is inexperienced with committed relationships. luckily, fucking hugo isn't really something you have to consciously commit to; he will make it your sole personality trait and it's so easy, you just have to relax into it.
hugo has definitely had relationships before, but they have always fallen apart for similar reasons. he has gotten lost in his work, they found out about his experiments, or simply taken them for granted and treated them like just... an accessory. i imagine him enjoying fwb type arrangements, and i think probably he will have fucked some of the other rogues by the time he ends up fucking with me.
of course, he often has his manikin, and i like to think of myself as the natural upgrade, a living doll. he gets the best of both worlds - the sexy, illicit nature of his control over me, but he also gets to avoid the secretive shame of fucking a lifeless doll, because i can masquerade as a human when he needs me to. i will never leave him because he has taken away my capacity to do so, and i am incredibly proud to be his accessory, his punching bag, his set of holes.
Are they more verbally affectionate, or do they believe actions speak louder than words?
like i said, he loves the sound of his own voice, and he would immediately notice that i respond well to verbal affection and approval, so of course he would flood me with that to keep me overwhelmed and needy and desperate. i am certain he would find ways to make his words even more powerful, whether by referencing my confessed trauma in all the most painful and earth shattering ways to make me sob with the catharsis of a cult exorcism, implanting trigger phrases to install total control over my emotions and sensations, and of course reinforcing my obedience with praise.
Do you or your F/O believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in soulmates?
honestly this is a tricky one to answer.
i suppose that seeing him truly was love at first sight. i always knew he would get me from the moment i found out he was a mindfucker. even with the latent sexuality of teen me, with a fetish i didnt know what to do with, i knew there was something captivating about him. i had to just wait a decade or so to come back to him and understand him fully.
i do feel to some extent that the hugo in the prey comic arc was basically made for me. there was something that just shifted within me as soon as i saw his fucking doll. something intended to make him a creep who was objectifying women the Wrong Way (as opposed to the rest of the comic, which was objectifying women the Right Way) made him infinitely desirable to me.
How do both of you take care of each other when the other is sick?
answered already! :)
What relationship tropes would you say best describe your relationship with your F/O?
okay that is actually a great question because i was thinking of fanfiction tropes, but many aren't actually relationship tropes. so for generalised fic tropes... whump, hurt/no comfort, hurt/maybe a little comfort, angst, mindbreak.
for more clearly relationship-oriented tropes: obviously stockholm syndrome, d/s (of course, but we aren't talking rack here), i guess technically enemies to lovers because he has only the worst intentions for me and has no interest in keeping me as i am, and i of course have some degree of self-preservation, maybe, and don't necessarily want to live out the rest of my life in his clutches until he convinces me it is actually the perfect and only place for me...
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animabhattacharyya · 2 years
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With the blessing of god and her exponents, she's having tremendous suspicion power for accurate vaticination she feels that vaticination is commodity that's connected to god so without suspicion power only by pertaining to the books accurate vaticination is insolvable. vaticination needs 50 of suspicion and 50 of wisdom.
Suspicion is commodity that comes from god’s deification and devotion to wisdom is commodity that includes books as well as practical experience. DR Anima Bhattacharya Ji is one of the notorious and top astrologers in Delhi. Being the stylish astrologer in Delhi, She believes that the perfect horoscope matching of Bride & Bridegroom is most necessary as it removes disappointment after marriage.
Babies born at the same time across the world would differ a lot from each other as their horoscope would differ due to longitude and authorizations.
Her popularity around India made her a famous astrologer in Delhi.
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astroswati · 7 days
Kundli Matching for Lasting Love and Harmony
In the quest for a lasting and harmonious relationship, compatibility is key. Kundli matching, an ancient practice rooted in Vedic astrology, offers a profound way to assess the compatibility between prospective partners. This blog delves into the significance of kundli matching and how it can guide you towards a fulfilling and balanced marital life.
What is Kundli Matching?
Kundli matching, also known as horoscope matching or gun milan, involves comparing the birth charts (kundlis) of two individuals to evaluate their compatibility. This practice is based on the belief that the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth influence an individual's personality, behavior, and destiny. By analyzing these positions, astrologers can predict the potential success and harmony in a marital relationship.
The Process of Kundli Matching
The process of kundli matching involves several steps to ensure a comprehensive compatibility analysis:
Birth Chart Preparation: Accurate birth details, including date, time, and place of birth, are used to create the birth charts of both individuals.
Ashtakoot Milan: This method evaluates eight key aspects of compatibility, known as koots. Each koot is assigned a specific number of points, and the total score out of 36 points indicates the overall compatibility. The higher the score, the better the compatibility.
Manglik Dosha Check: The presence of Manglik Dosha, a condition that can impact marital harmony, is checked. If found, astrologers suggest remedies to mitigate its effects.
Analysis of Doshas and Yogas: Various doshas (flaws) and yogas (auspicious combinations) in the birth charts are analyzed to understand their influence on the marriage.
Detailed Compatibility Report: A comprehensive report is prepared, highlighting the strengths and potential challenges in the relationship.
Benefits of Kundli Matching
Kundli matching offers numerous benefits that contribute to a successful and happy marriage:
Ensures Multi-Dimensional Compatibility: The analysis covers emotional, physical, and mental compatibility, as well as financial stability and family harmony, ensuring a well-rounded evaluation.
Identifies Potential Challenges: Early identification of potential challenges allows couples to address them proactively, fostering a stronger relationship.
Provides Remedial Solutions: If any doshas or unfavorable combinations are found, astrologers provide effective remedies to minimize their impact.
Guides Important Life Decisions: Insights gained from kundli matching can guide important decisions related to marriage, family planning, and career choices, enhancing the overall quality of life.
Why Kundli Matching Matters
In today’s fast-paced world, relationships are often tested by various external factors. Kundli matching offers a solid foundation for understanding and compatibility, empowering couples with knowledge and insights to navigate their journey together with confidence and harmony. It helps in creating a relationship that is resilient, balanced, and deeply fulfilling.
Kundli Matching at SwatiSurbhiAstro
At SwatiSurbhiAstro, we provide expert kundli matching services to help you find a compatible life partner. Our experienced astrologers use time-tested methods and personalized consultations to ensure the most accurate and insightful analysis. Whether you are planning to get married or wish to strengthen your existing relationship, our kundli matching services can guide you towards a harmonious and fulfilling life together.
Kundli matching is not just about finding a compatible partner; it’s about understanding the intricate dynamics of a relationship and how to navigate them for lasting love and harmony. By aligning your stars, you can pave the way for a fulfilling and joyous marital life.Visit our website at SwatiSurbhiAstro to learn more and book your consultation today. Trust us to help you find the harmony and love you deserve in your marriage.
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devvaani · 10 days
Online Kundali
Dev Vaani is an App designed to provide guidance and advice from spiritual gurus to help people make important life decisions and achieve success. It focuses on education, profession, life partner selection, and understanding one’s circumstances. If you have any specific questions or need more information about yourself please feel free to contact Dev Vaani.
What is Astrology
Astrology is the ancient science dealing with the analysis of the in-born personality traits of the native, strengths and weaknesses, and prediction of what lies in store for him in life based on the placement of various planets in different houses of his birth chart, which is commonly referred to as his Horoscope or janm-kundali. Though the science of astrology was invented in various parts of the world during human civilization, it attained its highest glory in India in the hands of such legends as Maharishi Bhrigu, Maharishi Parashar, Maharishi Jamini, and others. The most widely practiced system of astrology in north India is the Vedic astrology. A slightly modified version of north Indian Vedic astrology is in vogue in the Southern part of the country, whereas the Western system is practiced in Western countries.
Online Kundali, also known as a birth chart or horoscope is a personalized astrological map based on the time, date, and place of an individual’s birth. This chart provides insights into various aspects of one’s life, including personality traits, career paths, and relationships. Online platforms now offer convenient ways to generate and interpret Kundalis, making it accessible for individuals to explore their astrological profiles and seek guidance in different aspects of life. While Kundali readings are rooted in ancient astrological traditions, it’s important to note that they are not scientifically proven and are embraced more as a cultural and spiritual practice for self-reflection and guidance.
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Astrology can aid in our understanding of past occurrences. Astrology not only assists in avoiding conflicts in marriage relationships, and commercial, and professional matters, but it also supports excellent health, wealth, and spiritual growth. Astrology is a useful tool for advising people going through difficult times and predicting when good times will come in all facets of life.
Importance of Astrology
In today’s modern and materialistic world, with so much technical advancement, we human beings feel trapped in a rat race to achieve material success. All of us at one point in time, face the following question: -
How to live life? How to face life? and finally, How to conquer life?
Astrology is a ray of light, for those who are groping in the dark, struggling to find answers to their own questions about life. Very few individuals struggle to achieve higher goals in life like [nirvana] or inner peace. And yet a few mortals still struggle with basic problems like family, unemployment, debt, disease, relationships, etc. For some individuals, to whom God has been kind, their basic needs fulfilled, the question of name, fame, power, and position become more important
Astrology is useful in innumerable ways. Some of them are listed below:-
1) It can be used to predict mundane events.
2) An astrologer can give guidance and to counseling to young students regarding which vocation to choose and also bring harmony in what one loves to do and what one is actually doing.
3) Astrologers guide parents in the upbringing of children in the complexities of the present world.
4) Astrologers can give guidance to professionals, in choosing a correct line of work, pointing out periods of rise and fall, and also pinpoint when an individual will receive his or her first salary.
5) Astrologers can time a marriage correctly for a happy life ahead and also for parents to plan the marriage ahead.
(6) An Astrologer can guide an individual, who is a seeker of spiritual life, when the time is suitable so that one has enough savings, for the times that are unfavorable.
It is true, that an honest astrologer can be of immense value to the changing society of our times. Most of the astrologers who study this great science of Jyotisha have only limited knowledge due to the vastness and great depth of this sacred knowledge. One reason can be that it was revealed by lord “Brahma” himself to the great Seers. And from there descends this divine knowledge to us.
Dev Vaani Astrolgers helps people in solving many problems in life.
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jaiminiastro · 12 days
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Exact Future Predictions Free By Date Of Birth | Jaimini Astro
Jaimini Astro helps you understand your life using stars' ancient wisdom. Actually, it's the opposite of everyday reading of the horoscope. Jaimini Astro gives special, personal pieces of advice to you, considering the time you were born. It takes you through your life and where it's headed in an individual sort of way. It's something like a road map for life. I suppose it allows you to take it more easily or be better prepared for the things that come your way since you know what's going to happen after this.
Jaimini Astro and the Stars: Making Things Clearer In other words, Jaimini Astro taps into the ancient star knowledge, providing you not with just a certain daily astrology reading, but with a clear, personal one. Instead, it tries to give you an online horoscope that might be right and suitable for you. All you need is your date of birth to unlock a world of accurate daily horoscopes meant only for you, predicting and interpreting, changing the way you look at what's ahead.
Going Deeper with Your Star Chart: The free star chart you get starts you off, but there's more. The team of Jaimini Astro can dive deeper into your chart, talking about the stars and planets in a way that tells you of your strengths, things you might find tough to do, and secret talents.
This special chart helps you really understand yourself and what you can do.
Understand Each Other: Understanding the role an individual plays in the life of other people is a major part of life. Jaimini Astro can look at how your star-chart matches up with someone else's.
This can go a long way in enabling you to relate well with people you hold dear or make better judgment of new people in your life and loved ones, colleagues in general.
What the Year Holds : Times are changing, and so do the stars. With JJaimini Astro's year-ahead readings, you actually get something like a preview of the coming films for quite a few issues in the year ahead. This is telling you how you should prepare for tough times or grab ahold of good chances.
Answer Big Questions: Got something big on your mind? Jaimini Astro can help by reading the stars at the exact time that you ask your question. This is supposed to give advice to you on the next course of action, especially when not sure.
Timing makes quite the difference in some cases. Jaimini Astro can find the best time for any big moment, like starting a new job or marriage, or even going on a journey. Going along with the moment can help everything be smooth.
More Than Just Predictions by Date of Birth
Job : Wondering of your work life? Jaimini Astro can guide you to show the jobs in which you may find yourself suitable. Then you are going to be able to find a job that will make you both happy and successful.
Better Relationships: You want to make your relationship even more solid? Jaimini Astro leaves you with advice that makes you stay better connected to people, thus making your friendships and love life even richer.
Taking care of money: The stars also tell when good times will come to save or invest money. This advice can help a person make very good choices in respect of money, keeping a safe future in focus.
Staying Healthy: There may be times when the stars are indicative of what the stars have in store as potential health risks. Knowing these helps you take better care of yourself. Jaimini Astro stands out because of its old star wisdom with today's tech. Right Predictions by Date of Birth: The advice from Jaimini Astro isn't just any advice. It uses ancient knowledge mixed with new tech to present advice tailor-made just for you. This makes the advice a lot more probable to be right.
Expert Help: The Jaimini Astro team does not just go ahead to write reports; they study your star chart very carefully and then give advice that should enable you to get your bearings in a better way as far as the right decisions that need to be made are concerned.
Whole life's view: Be it work or love, be it money or health, readings at Jaimini Astro give you a complete outlook on what lies in front with the motive of good decisions to make a happy future.
Easy and Safe: Jaimini Astro is very easy to use and safeguards your information. Through it, one can easily explore the sky without any fear, just focusing on learning what lies ahead.
Conclusion Jaimini Astro is not just about telling you what will happen but more like having a very wise friend who helps one look at the full picture of their life using the stars as a guide, and it is not about being told his fate with no say in the matter. It's about finding all those ways from here armed with knowledge of what might be up ahead. Think of it as navigating a vast sea. Before, perhaps, it kind of just felt like you were floating along. But with Jaimini Astro, you have a strong ship, a compass, and a clear map. You are all set to sail through the waters, prepared to take the right decisions on the turns that come your way.
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astroforyou1 · 18 days
Enroll on a Basic Course of Astrology and Horoscope Casting
Astrology, the ancient practice of studying celestial bodies' positions to gain insight into human affairs, has fascinated humanity for centuries. At its core lies the belief that the positions of stars and planets at the time of one's birth can influence personality, relationships, and even destiny. For those eager to delve into this mystical world, understanding the basics of astrology and horoscope casting is the first step towards unlocking its secrets.
Understanding astrology:
Astrology revolves around the concept of the Zodiac, a belt of constellations through which the Sun, Moon, and planets appear to move. The Zodiac is divided into twelve equal segments, each representing a specific astrological sign. These signs, such as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and so on, are determined by the position of the Sun at the time of one's birth. AstroForYou offers a basic course of astrology and horoscope casting at affordable costs.
The Natal Chart:
Central to astrology is the natal chart, also known as a birth chart or horoscope. This chart is a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment of a person's birth, depicting the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other celestial bodies in relation to the Zodiac. The natal chart serves as a personalized cosmic map, offering insights into an individual's personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life path.
Key elements of a natal chart:
The Sun Sign: Represents the core essence of an individual's personality and ego. It signifies one's basic nature and the primary focus of their life.
The Moon Sign: Reflects emotions, instincts, and subconscious tendencies. It influences how one responds emotionally to the world around them.
Ascendant (Rising) Sign: Determines the persona one presents to the outside world and how others perceive them. It represents the individual's outward behavior and appearance.
Planetary Positions: The positions of planets in the natal chart indicate specific energies and influences present in various areas of life, such as love, career, and spirituality.
Steps to casting a horoscope:
Gather Birth Information: To cast a horoscope accurately, you'll need the individual's date, time, and place of birth. This information ensures the correct positioning of celestial bodies in the natal chart.
Calculate the Chart: Utilize astrology software or online calculators to generate the natal chart based on the provided birth data. The chart will display the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets within the Zodiac signs and houses.
Interpret the Chart: Analyze the symbolism and relationships between celestial bodies in the natal chart. Consider each planet's sign, house placement, and aspects (angular relationships) to derive insights into the individual's personality and life circumstances.
Offer Guidance: Use the information gleaned from the horoscope to provide guidance and advice tailored to the individual's needs and concerns. Highlight potential strengths to leverage and challenges to overcome on their life journey. To enroll yourself on a basic course of astrology and horoscope casting, reach out to AstroForYou by clicking here https://astroforyou.org/en/learning/9/bazoviy-kurs
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